path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Object/
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-package Object::Accessor;
-use if $] > 5.017, 'deprecate';
-use strict;
-use Carp qw[carp croak];
-use Params::Check qw[allow];
-### some objects might have overload enabled, we'll need to
-### disable string overloading for callbacks
-require overload;
-$VERSION = '0.46';
-$FATAL = 0;
-$DEBUG = 0;
-use constant VALUE => 0; # array index in the hash value
-use constant ALLOW => 1; # array index in the hash value
-use constant ALIAS => 2; # array index in the hash value
-=head1 NAME
-Object::Accessor - interface to create per object accessors
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- ### using the object
- $obj = Object::Accessor->new; # create object
- $obj = Object::Accessor->new(@list); # create object with accessors
- $obj = Object::Accessor->new(\%h); # create object with accessors
- # and their allow handlers
- $bool = $obj->mk_accessors('foo'); # create accessors
- $bool = $obj->mk_accessors( # create accessors with input
- {foo => ALLOW_HANDLER} ); # validation
- $bool = $obj->mk_aliases( # create an alias to an existing
- alias_name => 'method'); # method name
- $clone = $obj->mk_clone; # create a clone of original
- # object without data
- $bool = $obj->mk_flush; # clean out all data
- @list = $obj->ls_accessors; # retrieves a list of all
- # accessors for this object
- $bar = $obj->foo('bar'); # set 'foo' to 'bar'
- $bar = $obj->foo(); # retrieve 'bar' again
- $sub = $obj->can('foo'); # retrieve coderef for
- # 'foo' accessor
- $bar = $sub->('bar'); # set 'foo' via coderef
- $bar = $sub->(); # retrieve 'bar' by coderef
- ### using the object as base class
- package My::Class;
- use base 'Object::Accessor';
- $obj = My::Class->new; # create base object
- $bool = $obj->mk_accessors('foo'); # create accessors, etc...
- ### make all attempted access to non-existent accessors fatal
- ### (defaults to false)
- $Object::Accessor::FATAL = 1;
- ### enable debugging
- $Object::Accessor::DEBUG = 1;
- ### advanced usage -- callbacks
- { my $obj = Object::Accessor->new('foo');
- $obj->register_callback( sub { ... } );
- $obj->foo( 1 ); # these calls invoke the callback you registered
- $obj->foo() # which allows you to change the get/set
- # behaviour and what is returned to the caller.
- }
- ### advanced usage -- lvalue attributes
- { my $obj = Object::Accessor::Lvalue->new('foo');
- print $obj->foo = 1; # will print 1
- }
- ### advanced usage -- scoped attribute values
- { my $obj = Object::Accessor->new('foo');
- $obj->foo( 1 );
- print $obj->foo; # will print 1
- ### bind the scope of the value of attribute 'foo'
- ### to the scope of '$x' -- when $x goes out of
- ### scope, 'foo's previous value will be restored
- { $obj->foo( 2 => \my $x );
- print $obj->foo, ' ', $x; # will print '2 2'
- }
- print $obj->foo; # will print 1
- }
-C<Object::Accessor> provides an interface to create per object
-accessors (as opposed to per C<Class> accessors, as, for example,
-C<Class::Accessor> provides).
-You can choose to either subclass this module, and thus using its
-accessors on your own module, or to store an C<Object::Accessor>
-object inside your own object, and access the accessors from there.
-See the C<SYNOPSIS> for examples.
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 $object = Object::Accessor->new( [ARGS] );
-Creates a new (and empty) C<Object::Accessor> object. This method is
-Any arguments given to C<new> are passed straight to C<mk_accessors>.
-If you want to be able to assign to your accessors as if they
-were C<lvalue>s, you should create your object in the
-C<Object::Accessor::Lvalue> namespace instead. See the section
-sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my $obj = bless {}, $class;
- $obj->mk_accessors( @_ ) if @_;
- return $obj;
-=head2 $bool = $object->mk_accessors( @ACCESSORS | \%ACCESSOR_MAP );
-Creates a list of accessors for this object (and C<NOT> for other ones
-in the same class!).
-Will not clobber existing data, so if an accessor already exists,
-requesting to create again is effectively a C<no-op>.
-When providing a C<hashref> as argument, rather than a normal list,
-you can specify a list of key/value pairs of accessors and their
-respective input validators. The validators can be anything that
-C<Params::Check>'s C<allow> function accepts. Please see its manpage
-for details.
-For example:
- $object->mk_accessors( {
- foo => qr/^\d+$/, # digits only
- bar => [0,1], # booleans
- zot => \&my_sub # a custom verification sub
- } );
-Returns true on success, false on failure.
-Accessors that are called on an object, that do not exist return
-C<undef> by default, but you can make this a fatal error by setting the
-global variable C<$FATAL> to true. See the section on C<GLOBAL
-VARIABLES> for details.
-Note that you can bind the values of attributes to a scope. This allows
-you to C<temporarily> change a value of an attribute, and have it's
-original value restored up on the end of it's bound variable's scope;
-For example, in this snippet of code, the attribute C<foo> will
-temporarily be set to C<2>, until the end of the scope of C<$x>, at
-which point the original value of C<1> will be restored.
- my $obj = Object::Accessor->new;
- $obj->mk_accessors('foo');
- $obj->foo( 1 );
- print $obj->foo; # will print 1
- ### bind the scope of the value of attribute 'foo'
- ### to the scope of '$x' -- when $x goes out of
- ### scope, 'foo' previous value will be restored
- { $obj->foo( 2 => \my $x );
- print $obj->foo, ' ', $x; # will print '2 2'
- }
- print $obj->foo; # will print 1
-Note that all accessors are read/write for everyone. See the C<TODO>
-section for details.
-sub mk_accessors {
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $is_hash = UNIVERSAL::isa( $_[1], 'HASH' );
- ### first argument is a hashref, which means key/val pairs
- ### as keys + allow handlers
- for my $acc ( $is_hash ? keys %{$_[1]} : @_[1..$#_] ) {
- ### already created apparently
- if( exists $self->{$acc} ) {
- __PACKAGE__->___debug( "Accessor '$acc' already exists");
- next;
- }
- __PACKAGE__->___debug( "Creating accessor '$acc'");
- ### explicitly vivify it, so that exists works in ls_accessors()
- $self->{$acc}->[VALUE] = undef;
- ### set the allow handler only if one was specified
- $self->{$acc}->[ALLOW] = $_[1]->{$acc} if $is_hash;
- }
- return 1;
-=head2 @list = $self->ls_accessors;
-Returns a list of accessors that are supported by the current object.
-The corresponding coderefs can be retrieved by passing this list one
-by one to the C<can> method.
-sub ls_accessors {
- ### metainformation is stored in the stringified
- ### key of the object, so skip that when listing accessors
- return sort grep { $_ ne "$_[0]" } keys %{$_[0]};
-=head2 $ref = $self->ls_allow(KEY)
-Returns the allow handler for the given key, which can be used with
-C<Params::Check>'s C<allow()> handler. If there was no allow handler
-specified, an allow handler that always returns true will be returned.
-sub ls_allow {
- my $self = shift;
- my $key = shift or return;
- return exists $self->{$key}->[ALLOW]
- ? $self->{$key}->[ALLOW]
- : sub { 1 };
-=head2 $bool = $self->mk_aliases( alias => method, [alias2 => method2, ...] );
-Creates an alias for a given method name. For all intents and purposes,
-these two accessors are now identical for this object. This is akin to
-doing the following on the symbol table level:
- *alias = *method
-This allows you to do the following:
- $self->mk_accessors('foo');
- $self->mk_aliases( bar => 'foo' );
- $self->bar( 42 );
- print $self->foo; # will print 42
-sub mk_aliases {
- my $self = shift;
- my %aliases = @_;
- while( my($alias, $method) = each %aliases ) {
- ### already created apparently
- if( exists $self->{$alias} ) {
- __PACKAGE__->___debug( "Accessor '$alias' already exists");
- next;
- }
- $self->___alias( $alias => $method );
- }
- return 1;
-=head2 $clone = $self->mk_clone;
-Makes a clone of the current object, which will have the exact same
-accessors as the current object, but without the data stored in them.
-### XXX this creates an object WITH allow handlers at all times.
-### even if the original didnt
-sub mk_clone {
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $class = ref $self;
- my $clone = $class->new;
- ### split out accessors with and without allow handlers, so we
- ### don't install dummy allow handers (which makes O::A::lvalue
- ### warn for example)
- my %hash; my @list;
- for my $acc ( $self->ls_accessors ) {
- my $allow = $self->{$acc}->[ALLOW];
- $allow ? $hash{$acc} = $allow : push @list, $acc;
- ### is this an alias?
- if( my $org = $self->{ $acc }->[ ALIAS ] ) {
- $clone->___alias( $acc => $org );
- }
- }
- ### copy the accessors from $self to $clone
- $clone->mk_accessors( \%hash ) if %hash;
- $clone->mk_accessors( @list ) if @list;
- ### copy callbacks
- #$clone->{"$clone"} = $self->{"$self"} if $self->{"$self"};
- $clone->___callback( $self->___callback );
- return $clone;
-=head2 $bool = $self->mk_flush;
-Flushes all the data from the current object; all accessors will be
-set back to their default state of C<undef>.
-Returns true on success and false on failure.
-sub mk_flush {
- my $self = $_[0];
- # set each accessor's data to undef
- $self->{$_}->[VALUE] = undef for $self->ls_accessors;
- return 1;
-=head2 $bool = $self->mk_verify;
-Checks if all values in the current object are in accordance with their
-own allow handler. Specifically useful to check if an empty initialised
-object has been filled with values satisfying their own allow criteria.
-sub mk_verify {
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $fail;
- for my $name ( $self->ls_accessors ) {
- unless( allow( $self->$name, $self->ls_allow( $name ) ) ) {
- my $val = defined $self->$name ? $self->$name : '<undef>';
- __PACKAGE__->___error("'$name' ($val) is invalid");
- $fail++;
- }
- }
- return if $fail;
- return 1;
-=head2 $bool = $self->register_callback( sub { ... } );
-This method allows you to register a callback, that is invoked
-every time an accessor is called. This allows you to munge input
-data, access external data stores, etc.
-You are free to return whatever you wish. On a C<set> call, the
-data is even stored in the object.
-Below is an example of the use of a callback.
- $object->some_method( "some_value" );
- my $callback = sub {
- my $self = shift; # the object
- my $meth = shift; # "some_method"
- my $val = shift; # ["some_value"]
- # could be undef -- check 'exists';
- # if scalar @$val is empty, it was a 'get'
- # your code here
- return $new_val; # the value you want to be set/returned
- }
-To access the values stored in the object, circumventing the
-callback structure, you should use the C<___get> and C<___set> methods
-documented further down.
-sub register_callback {
- my $self = shift;
- my $sub = shift or return;
- ### use the memory address as key, it's not used EVER as an
- ### accessor --kane
- $self->___callback( $sub );
- return 1;
-=head2 $bool = $self->can( METHOD_NAME )
-This method overrides C<UNIVERAL::can> in order to provide coderefs to
-accessors which are loaded on demand. It will behave just like
-C<UNIVERSAL::can> where it can -- returning a class method if it exists,
-or a closure pointing to a valid accessor of this particular object.
-You can use it as follows:
- $sub = $object->can('some_accessor'); # retrieve the coderef
- $sub->('foo'); # 'some_accessor' now set
- # to 'foo' for $object
- $foo = $sub->(); # retrieve the contents
- # of 'some_accessor'
-See the C<SYNOPSIS> for more examples.
-### custom 'can' as UNIVERSAL::can ignores autoload
-sub can {
- my($self, $method) = @_;
- ### it's one of our regular methods
- my $code = $self->UNIVERSAL::can($method);
- if( $code ) {
- carp( "Can '$method' -- provided by package" ) if $DEBUG;
- return $code;
- }
- ### it's an accessor we provide;
- if( UNIVERSAL::isa( $self, 'HASH' ) and exists $self->{$method} ) {
- carp( "Can '$method' -- provided by object" ) if $DEBUG;
- return sub { $self->$method(@_); }
- }
- ### we don't support it
- carp( "Cannot '$method'" ) if $DEBUG;
- return;
-### don't autoload this
-sub DESTROY { 1 };
-### use autoload so we can have per-object accessors,
-### not per class, as that is incorrect
- my $self = shift;
- my($method) = ($AUTOLOAD =~ /([^:']+$)/);
- my $val = $self->___autoload( $method, @_ ) or return;
- return $val->[0];
-sub ___autoload {
- my $self = shift;
- my $method = shift;
- my $assign = scalar @_; # is this an assignment?
- ### a method on our object
- if( UNIVERSAL::isa( $self, 'HASH' ) ) {
- if ( not exists $self->{$method} ) {
- __PACKAGE__->___error("No such accessor '$method'", 1);
- return;
- }
- ### a method on something else, die with a descriptive error;
- } else {
- local $FATAL = 1;
- __PACKAGE__->___error(
- "You called '$AUTOLOAD' on '$self' which was interpreted by ".
- __PACKAGE__ . " as an object call. Did you mean to include ".
- "'$method' from somewhere else?", 1 );
- }
- ### is this is an alias, redispatch to the original method
- if( my $original = $self->{ $method }->[ALIAS] ) {
- return $self->___autoload( $original, @_ );
- }
- ### assign?
- my $val = $assign ? shift(@_) : $self->___get( $method );
- if( $assign ) {
- ### any binding?
- if( $_[0] ) {
- if( ref $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa( $_[0], 'SCALAR' ) ) {
- ### tie the reference, so we get an object and
- ### we can use it's going out of scope to restore
- ### the old value
- my $cur = $self->{$method}->[VALUE];
- tie ${$_[0]}, __PACKAGE__ . '::TIE',
- sub { $self->$method( $cur ) };
- ${$_[0]} = $val;
- } else {
- __PACKAGE__->___error(
- "Can not bind '$method' to anything but a SCALAR", 1
- );
- }
- }
- ### need to check the value?
- if( defined $self->{$method}->[ALLOW] ) {
- ### double assignment due to 'used only once' warnings
- local $Params::Check::VERBOSE = 0;
- local $Params::Check::VERBOSE = 0;
- allow( $val, $self->{$method}->[ALLOW] ) or (
- __PACKAGE__->___error(
- "'$val' is an invalid value for '$method'", 1),
- return
- );
- }
- }
- ### callbacks?
- if( my $sub = $self->___callback ) {
- $val = eval { $sub->( $self, $method, ($assign ? [$val] : []) ) };
- ### register the error
- $self->___error( $@, 1 ), return if $@;
- }
- ### now we can actually assign it
- if( $assign ) {
- $self->___set( $method, $val ) or return;
- }
- return [$val];
-=head2 $val = $self->___get( METHOD_NAME );
-Method to directly access the value of the given accessor in the
-object. It circumvents all calls to allow checks, callbacks, etc.
-Use only if you C<Know What You Are Doing>! General usage for
-this functionality would be in your own custom callbacks.
-### XXX O::A::lvalue is mirroring this behaviour! if this
-### changes, lvalue's autoload must be changed as well
-sub ___get {
- my $self = shift;
- my $method = shift or return;
- return $self->{$method}->[VALUE];
-=head2 $bool = $self->___set( METHOD_NAME => VALUE );
-Method to directly set the value of the given accessor in the
-object. It circumvents all calls to allow checks, callbacks, etc.
-Use only if you C<Know What You Are Doing>! General usage for
-this functionality would be in your own custom callbacks.
-sub ___set {
- my $self = shift;
- my $method = shift or return;
- ### you didn't give us a value to set!
- @_ or return;
- my $val = shift;
- ### if there's more arguments than $self, then
- ### replace the method called by the accessor.
- ### XXX implement rw vs ro accessors!
- $self->{$method}->[VALUE] = $val;
- return 1;
-=head2 $bool = $self->___alias( ALIAS => METHOD );
-Method to directly alias one accessor to another for
-this object. It circumvents all sanity checks, etc.
-Use only if you C<Know What You Are Doing>!
-sub ___alias {
- my $self = shift;
- my $alias = shift or return;
- my $method = shift or return;
- $self->{ $alias }->[ALIAS] = $method;
- return 1;
-sub ___debug {
- return unless $DEBUG;
- my $self = shift;
- my $msg = shift;
- local $Carp::CarpLevel += 1;
- carp($msg);
-sub ___error {
- my $self = shift;
- my $msg = shift;
- my $lvl = shift || 0;
- local $Carp::CarpLevel += ($lvl + 1);
- $FATAL ? croak($msg) : carp($msg);
-### objects might be overloaded.. if so, we can't trust what "$self"
-### will return, which might get *really* painful.. so check for that
-### and get their unoverloaded stringval if needed.
-sub ___callback {
- my $self = shift;
- my $sub = shift;
- my $mem = overload::Overloaded( $self )
- ? overload::StrVal( $self )
- : "$self";
- $self->{$mem} = $sub if $sub;
- return $self->{$mem};
-C<Object::Accessor> supports C<lvalue> attributes as well. To enable
-these, you should create your objects in the designated namespace,
-C<Object::Accessor::Lvalue>. For example:
- my $obj = Object::Accessor::Lvalue->new('foo');
- $obj->foo += 1;
- print $obj->foo;
-will actually print C<1> and work as expected. Since this is an
-optional feature, that's not desirable in all cases, we require
-you to explicitly use the C<Object::Accessor::Lvalue> class.
-Doing the same on the standard C<Object>>Accessor> class would
-generate the following code & errors:
- my $obj = Object::Accessor->new('foo');
- $obj->foo += 1;
- Can't modify non-lvalue subroutine call
-Note that C<lvalue> support on C<AUTOLOAD> routines is a
-C<perl 5.8.x> feature. See perldoc L<perl58delta> for details.
-=head2 CAVEATS
-=over 4
-=item * Allow handlers
-Due to the nature of C<lvalue subs>, we never get access to the
-value you are assigning, so we can not check it against your allow
-handler. Allow handlers are therefor unsupported under C<lvalue>
-See C<perldoc perlsub> for details.
-=item * Callbacks
-Due to the nature of C<lvalue subs>, we never get access to the
-value you are assigning, so we can not check provide this value
-to your callback. Furthermore, we can not distinguish between
-a C<get> and a C<set> call. Callbacks are therefor unsupported
-under C<lvalue> conditions.
-See C<perldoc perlsub> for details.
-{ package Object::Accessor::Lvalue;
- use base 'Object::Accessor';
- use strict;
- use vars qw[$AUTOLOAD];
- ### constants needed to access values from the objects
- *VALUE = *Object::Accessor::VALUE;
- *ALLOW = *Object::Accessor::ALLOW;
- ### largely copied from O::A::Autoload
- sub AUTOLOAD : lvalue {
- my $self = shift;
- my($method) = ($AUTOLOAD =~ /([^:']+$)/);
- $self->___autoload( $method, @_ ) or return;
- ### *dont* add return to it, or it won't be stored
- ### see perldoc perlsub on lvalue subs
- ### XXX can't use $self->___get( ... ), as we MUST have
- ### the container that's used for the lvalue assign as
- ### the last statement... :(
- $self->{$method}->[ VALUE() ];
- }
- sub mk_accessors {
- my $self = shift;
- my $is_hash = UNIVERSAL::isa( $_[0], 'HASH' );
- $self->___error(
- "Allow handlers are not supported for '". __PACKAGE__ ."' objects"
- ) if $is_hash;
- return $self->SUPER::mk_accessors( @_ );
- }
- sub register_callback {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->___error(
- "Callbacks are not supported for '". __PACKAGE__ ."' objects"
- );
- return;
- }
-### standard tie class for bound attributes
-{ package Object::Accessor::TIE;
- use Tie::Scalar;
- use base 'Tie::StdScalar';
- my %local = ();
- my $class = shift;
- my $sub = shift;
- my $ref = undef;
- my $obj = bless \$ref, $class;
- ### store the restore sub
- $local{ $obj } = $sub;
- return $obj;
- }
- sub DESTROY {
- my $tied = shift;
- my $sub = delete $local{ $tied };
- ### run the restore sub to set the old value back
- return $sub->();
- }
-=head2 $Object::Accessor::FATAL
-Set this variable to true to make all attempted access to non-existent
-accessors be fatal.
-This defaults to C<false>.
-=head2 $Object::Accessor::DEBUG
-Set this variable to enable debugging output.
-This defaults to C<false>.
-=head1 TODO
-=head2 Create read-only accessors
-Currently all accessors are read/write for everyone. Perhaps a future
-release should make it possible to have read-only accessors as well.
-=head1 CAVEATS
-If you use codereferences for your allow handlers, you will not be able
-to freeze the data structures using C<Storable>.
-Due to a bug in storable (until at least version 2.15), C<qr//> compiled
-regexes also don't de-serialize properly. Although this bug has been
-reported, you should be aware of this issue when serializing your objects.
-You can track the bug here:
-Please report bugs or other issues to E<lt>bug-object-accessor@rt.cpan.orgE<gt>.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-This module by Jos Boumans E<lt>kane@cpan.orgE<gt>.
-This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.