path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Net/SMTP/
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1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Net/SMTP/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Net/SMTP/
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index 00000000000..10f9f196e40
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+=head1 NAME
+Net::SMTP::TLS - An SMTP client supporting TLS and AUTH
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 0.12
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Net::SMTP::TLS;
+ my $mailer = new Net::SMTP::TLS(
+ '',
+ Hello => '',
+ Port => 25, #redundant
+ User => 'emailguy',
+ Password=> 's3cr3t');
+ $mailer->mail('');
+ $mailer->to('someonecool@somewhere.else');
+ $mailer->data;
+ $mailer->datasend("Sent thru TLS!");
+ $mailer->dataend;
+ $mailer->quit;
+B<Net::SMTP::TLS> is a TLS and AUTH capable SMTP client which offers an interface that users will find familiar from L<Net::SMTP>. B<Net::SMTP::TLS> implements a subset of the methods provided by that module, but certainly not (yet) a complete mirror image of that API.
+The methods supported by B<Net::SMTP::TLS> are used in the above example. Though self explanatory for the most part, please see the perldoc for L<Net::SMTP> if you are unclear.
+The differences in the methods provided are as follows:
+The I<mail> method does not take the options list taken by L<Net::SMTP>
+The I<to> method also does not take options, and is the only method available to set the recipient (unlike the many synonyms provided by L<Net::SMTP>).
+The constructor takes a limited number of L<Net::SMTP>'s parameters. The constructor for B<Net::SMTP::TLS> takes the following (in addition to the hostname of the mail server, which must be the first parameter and is not explicitly named):
+NoTLS - In the unlikely event that you need to use this class to perform non-TLS SMTP (you ought to be using Net::SMTP itself for that...), this will turn off TLS when supplied with a true value. This will most often cause an error related to authentication when used on a server that requires TLS
+Hello - hostname used in the EHLO command
+Port - port to connect to the SMTP service (defaults to 25)
+Timeout - Timeout for inital socket connection (defaults to 5, passed directly to L<IO::Socket::INET>)
+User - username for SMTP AUTH
+Password - password for SMTP AUTH
+=head1 TLS and AUTHentication
+During construction of an B<Net::SMTP::TLS> instance, the full login process will occur. This involves first sending EHLO to the server, then initiating a TLS session through STARTTLS. Once this is complete, the module will attempt to login using the credentials supplied by the constructor, if such credentials have been supplied.
+The AUTH method will depend on the features returned by the server after the EHLO command. Based on that, CRAM-MD5 will be used if available, followed by LOGIN, followed by PLAIN. Please note that LOGIN is the only method of authentication that has been tested. CRAM-MD5 and PLAIN login functionality was taken directly from the script mentioned in the acknowledgements section, however, I have not tested them personally.
+This module will croak in the event of an SMTP error. Should you wish to handle this gracefully in your application, you may wrap your mail transmission in an eval {} block and check $@ afterward.
+This code was blatantly plagiarized from Michal Ludvig's script. See L<> for his excellent work.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Alexander Christian Westholm, awestholm at verizon dawt net
+Improvements courtesy of Tomek Zielinski
+package Net::SMTP::TLS;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.12';
+use Carp;
+use Net::SSLeay;
+use IO::Socket::INET;
+use IO::Socket::SSL;
+use MIME::Base64 qw[encode_base64 decode_base64];
+use Digest::HMAC_MD5 qw[hmac_md5_hex];
+BEGIN { #set up Net::SSLeay's internals
+ Net::SSLeay::load_error_strings();
+ Net::SSLeay::SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms();
+ Net::SSLeay::randomize();
+sub new {
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $host= shift;
+ my %args= @_;
+ $args{Host} = $host;
+ $args{Hello}= "localhost" if not $args{Hello};
+ # make the non-SSL socket that will later be
+ # transformed
+ $args{sock} = new IO::Socket::INET(
+ PeerAddr => $host,
+ PeerPort => $args{Port} || 25,
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ Timeout => $args{Timeout} || 5)
+ or croak "Connect failed :$@\n";
+ my $me = bless \%args, $pkg;
+ # read the line immediately after connecting
+ my ($rsp,$txt) = $me->_response();
+ if(not $rsp == 220){
+ croak "Could not connect to SMTP server: $host $txt\n";
+ }
+ $me->hello(); # the first hello, 2nd after starttls
+ $me->starttls() if not $args{NoTLS}; # why we're here, after all
+ $me->login() if($me->{User} and $me->{Password});
+ return $me;
+# simply print a command to the server
+sub _command {
+ my $me = shift;
+ my $command = shift;
+ $me->{sock}->printf($command."\015\012");
+# read a line from the server and parse the
+# CODE SEPERATOR TEXT response format
+sub _response {
+ my $me = shift;
+ my $line = $me->{sock}->getline();
+ my @rsp = ($line =~ /(\d+)(.)([^\r]*)/);
+ # reverse things so the seperator is at the end...
+ # that way we don't have to get fancy with the return
+ # values for calls that don't require the "more indicator"
+ return ($rsp[0],$rsp[2],$rsp[1]);
+# issue an EHLO command using the hostname provided to the constructor via
+# the Hello paramter, which defaults to localhost. After that, read
+# all the ESMTP capabilities returned by the server
+sub hello {
+ my $me = shift;
+ $me->_command("EHLO ".$me->{Hello});
+ my ($num,$txt,$more) = $me->_response();
+ if(not $num == 250){
+ croak "EHLO command failed: $num $txt\n";
+ }
+ my %features = ();
+ # SMTP uses the dash to seperate the status code from
+ # the response text while there are more lines remaining
+ while($more eq '-'){
+ ($num,$txt,$more) = $me->_response();
+ $txt =~ s/[\n|\r]//g;
+ $txt =~ /(\S+)\s(.*)$/;
+ my ($feat, $parm) = ($txt =~ /^(\w+)[= ]*(.*)$/);
+ $features{$feat} = $parm;
+ }
+ $me->{features} = \%features;
+ return 1;
+# the magic! issue the STARTTLS command and
+# use IO::Socket::SSL to transform that no-good
+# plain old socket into an SSL socket
+sub starttls {
+ my $me = shift;
+ $me->_command("STARTTLS");
+ my ($num,$txt) = $me->_response();
+ if(not $num == 220){
+ croak "Invalid response for STARTTLS: $num $txt\n";
+ }
+ if(not IO::Socket::SSL::socket_to_SSL($me->{sock},
+ SSL_version => "SSLv3 TLSv1")){
+ croak "Couldn't start TLS: ".IO::Socket::SSL::errstr."\n";
+ }
+ $me->hello();
+# based on the AUTH line returned in the features after EHLO,
+# determine which type of authentication to perform
+sub login {
+ my $me = shift;
+ my $type= $me->{features}->{AUTH};
+ if(not $type){
+ croak "Server did not return AUTH in capabilities\n";
+ }
+ if($type =~ /CRAM\-MD5/){
+ $me->auth_MD5();
+ }elsif($type =~ /LOGIN/){
+ $me->auth_LOGIN();
+ }elsif($type =~ /PLAIN/){
+ $me->auth_PLAIN();
+ }else{
+ croak "Unsupported Authentication mechanism\n";
+ }
+# perform a LOGIN authentication...
+# works well on my box.
+sub auth_LOGIN {
+ my $me = shift;
+ $me->_command("AUTH LOGIN");
+ my ($num,$txt) = $me->_response();
+ if(not $num == 334){
+ croak "Cannot authenticate via LOGIN: $num $txt\n";
+ }
+ $me->_command(encode_base64($me->{User},""));
+ ($num,$txt) = $me->_response();
+ if(not $num == 334){
+ croak "Auth failed: $num $txt\n";
+ }
+ $me->_command(encode_base64($me->{Password},""));
+ ($num,$txt) = $me->_response();
+ if(not $num == 235){
+ croak "Auth failed: $num $txt\n";
+ }
+# use MD5 to login... gets the ticket from the text
+# of the line returned after the auth command is issued.
+# NOTE: untested
+sub auth_MD5{
+ my $me =shift;
+ $me->_command("AUTH CRAM-MD5");
+ my ($num,$txt) = $me->_response();
+ if(not $num == 334){
+ croak "Cannot authenticate via CRAM-MD5: $num $txt\n";
+ }
+ my $ticket = decode_base64($txt) or
+ croak "Unable to decode ticket";
+ my $md5_pass = hmac_md5_hex($ticket, $me->{Password});
+ $me->_command(encode_base64(
+ $me->{User}." ".$md5_pass, ""));
+ ($num,$txt) = $me->_response();
+ if(not $num == 235){
+ croak "Auth failed: $num $txt\n";
+ }
+# perform plain authentication
+sub auth_PLAIN{
+ my $me = shift;
+ my $user= $me->{User};
+ my $pass= $me->{Password};
+ $me->_command(sprintf("AUTH PLAIN %S",
+ encode_base64("$user\0$user\0$pass","")));
+ my ($num,$txt) = $me->_response();
+ if(not $num == 235){
+ croak "Auth failed: $num $txt\n";
+ }
+sub _addr {
+ my $addr = shift;
+ $addr = "" unless defined $addr;
+ return $1 if $addr =~ /(<[^>]*>)/;
+ $addr =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//sg;
+ "<$addr>";
+# send the MAIL FROM: <addr> command
+sub mail {
+ my $me = shift;
+ my $from= shift;
+ $me->_command("MAIL FROM: "._addr($from));
+ my ($num,$txt) = $me->_response();
+ if(not $num == 250){
+ croak "Could't set FROM: $num $txt\n";
+ }
+# send the RCPT TO: <addr> command
+sub recipient
+ my $me = shift;
+ my $addr;
+ foreach $addr (@_)
+ {
+ $me->_command("RCPT TO: "._addr($addr));
+ my ($num,$txt) = $me->_response();
+ if(not $num == 250){
+ croak "Couldn't send TO <$addr>: $num $txt\n";
+ }
+ }
+ *to = \&recipient;
+ *cc = \&recipient;
+ *bcc = \&recipient;
+# start the body of the message
+# I would probably have designed the public methods of
+# this class differently, but this is to keep with
+# Net::SMTP's API
+sub data {
+ my $me = shift;
+ $me->_command("DATA");
+ my ($num,$txt) = $me->_response();
+ if(not $num == 354){
+ croak "Data failed: $num $txt\n";
+ }
+# send stuff over raw (for use as message body)
+sub datasend {
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ my $arr = @_ == 1 && ref($_[0]) ? $_[0] : \@_;
+ my $line = join("" ,@$arr);
+ return 0 unless defined(fileno($cmd->{sock}));
+ my $last_ch = $cmd->{last_ch};
+ $last_ch = $cmd->{last_ch} = "\012" unless defined $last_ch;
+ return 1 unless length $line;
+ $line =~ tr/\r\n/\015\012/ unless "\r" eq "\015";
+ my $first_ch = '';
+ if ($last_ch eq "\015") {
+ $first_ch = "\012" if $line =~ s/^\012//;
+ }
+ elsif ($last_ch eq "\012") {
+ $first_ch = "." if $line =~ /^\./;
+ }
+ $line =~ s/\015?\012(\.?)/\015\012$1$1/sg;
+ substr($line,0,0) = $first_ch;
+ $cmd->{last_ch} = substr($line,-1,1);
+ my $len = length($line);
+ my $offset = 0;
+ my $win = "";
+ vec($win,fileno($cmd->{sock}),1) = 1;
+ my $timeout = $cmd->{sock}->timeout || undef;
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE' unless $^O eq 'MacOS';
+ while($len)
+ {
+ my $wout;
+ if (select(undef,$wout=$win, undef, $timeout) > 0 or -f $cmd->{sock}) # -f for testing on win32
+ {
+ my $w = syswrite($cmd->{sock}, $line, $len, $offset);
+ unless (defined($w))
+ {
+ carp("Error: $!");
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $len -= $w;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ carp("Error: Timeout");
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+# end the message body submission by a line with nothing
+# but a period on it.
+sub dataend {
+ my $me = shift;
+ $me->_command("\015\012.");
+ my ($num,$txt) = $me->_response();
+ if(not $num == 250){
+ croak "Couldn't send mail: $num $txt\n";
+ }
+# politely disconnect from the SMTP server.
+sub quit {
+ my $me = shift;
+ $me->_command("QUIT");
+ my ($num, $txt) = $me->_response();
+ if(not $num == 221){
+ croak "An error occurred disconnecting from the mail server: $num $txt\n";
+ }