path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/HTML/
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1 files changed, 471 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/HTML/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/HTML/
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index 00000000000..754137fd6fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/HTML/
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+package HTML::Tagset;
+use strict;
+=head1 NAME
+HTML::Tagset - data tables useful in parsing HTML
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+use vars qw( $VERSION );
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use HTML::Tagset;
+ # Then use any of the items in the HTML::Tagset package
+ # as need arises
+This module contains several data tables useful in various kinds of
+HTML parsing operations.
+Note that all tag names used are lowercase.
+In the following documentation, a "hashset" is a hash being used as a
+set -- the hash conveys that its keys are there, and the actual values
+associated with the keys are not significant. (But what values are
+there, are always true.)
+use vars qw(
+ %emptyElement %optionalEndTag %linkElements %boolean_attr
+ %isHeadElement %isBodyElement %isPhraseMarkup
+ %is_Possible_Strict_P_Content
+ %isHeadOrBodyElement
+ %isList %isTableElement %isFormElement
+ %isKnown %canTighten
+ @p_closure_barriers
+ %isCDATA_Parent
+Note that none of these variables are exported.
+=head2 hashset %HTML::Tagset::emptyElement
+This hashset has as values the tag-names (GIs) of elements that cannot
+have content. (For example, "base", "br", "hr".) So
+C<$HTML::Tagset::emptyElement{'hr'}> exists and is true.
+C<$HTML::Tagset::emptyElement{'dl'}> does not exist, and so is not true.
+%emptyElement = map {; $_ => 1 } qw(base link meta isindex
+ img br hr wbr
+ input area param
+ embed bgsound spacer
+ basefont col frame
+ ~comment ~literal
+ ~declaration ~pi
+ );
+# The "~"-initial names are for pseudo-elements used by HTML::Entities
+# and TreeBuilder
+=head2 hashset %HTML::Tagset::optionalEndTag
+This hashset lists tag-names for elements that can have content, but whose
+end-tags are generally, "safely", omissible. Example:
+C<$HTML::Tagset::emptyElement{'li'}> exists and is true.
+%optionalEndTag = map {; $_ => 1 } qw(p li dt dd); # option th tr td);
+=head2 hash %HTML::Tagset::linkElements
+Values in this hash are tagnames for elements that might contain
+links, and the value for each is a reference to an array of the names
+of attributes whose values can be links.
+%linkElements =
+ 'a' => ['href'],
+ 'applet' => ['archive', 'codebase', 'code'],
+ 'area' => ['href'],
+ 'base' => ['href'],
+ 'bgsound' => ['src'],
+ 'blockquote' => ['cite'],
+ 'body' => ['background'],
+ 'del' => ['cite'],
+ 'embed' => ['pluginspage', 'src'],
+ 'form' => ['action'],
+ 'frame' => ['src', 'longdesc'],
+ 'iframe' => ['src', 'longdesc'],
+ 'ilayer' => ['background'],
+ 'img' => ['src', 'lowsrc', 'longdesc', 'usemap'],
+ 'input' => ['src', 'usemap'],
+ 'ins' => ['cite'],
+ 'isindex' => ['action'],
+ 'head' => ['profile'],
+ 'layer' => ['background', 'src'],
+ 'link' => ['href'],
+ 'object' => ['classid', 'codebase', 'data', 'archive', 'usemap'],
+ 'q' => ['cite'],
+ 'script' => ['src', 'for'],
+ 'table' => ['background'],
+ 'td' => ['background'],
+ 'th' => ['background'],
+ 'tr' => ['background'],
+ 'xmp' => ['href'],
+=head2 hash %HTML::Tagset::boolean_attr
+This hash (not hashset) lists what attributes of what elements can be
+printed without showing the value (for example, the "noshade" attribute
+of "hr" elements). For elements with only one such attribute, its value
+is simply that attribute name. For elements with many such attributes,
+the value is a reference to a hashset containing all such attributes.
+%boolean_attr = (
+# TODO: make these all hashes
+ 'area' => 'nohref',
+ 'dir' => 'compact',
+ 'dl' => 'compact',
+ 'hr' => 'noshade',
+ 'img' => 'ismap',
+ 'input' => { 'checked' => 1, 'readonly' => 1, 'disabled' => 1 },
+ 'menu' => 'compact',
+ 'ol' => 'compact',
+ 'option' => 'selected',
+ 'select' => 'multiple',
+ 'td' => 'nowrap',
+ 'th' => 'nowrap',
+ 'ul' => 'compact',
+# List of all elements from Extensible HTML version 1.0 Transitional DTD:
+# a abbr acronym address applet area b base basefont bdo big
+# blockquote body br button caption center cite code col colgroup
+# dd del dfn dir div dl dt em fieldset font form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6
+# head hr html i iframe img input ins isindex kbd label legend li
+# link map menu meta noframes noscript object ol optgroup option p
+# param pre q s samp script select small span strike strong style
+# sub sup table tbody td textarea tfoot th thead title tr tt u ul
+# var
+# Varia from Mozilla source internal table of tags:
+# Implemented:
+# xmp listing wbr nobr frame frameset noframes ilayer
+# layer nolayer spacer embed multicol
+# But these are unimplemented:
+# sound?? keygen?? server??
+# Also seen here and there:
+# marquee?? app?? (both unimplemented)
+=head2 hashset %HTML::Tagset::isPhraseMarkup
+This hashset contains all phrasal-level elements.
+%isPhraseMarkup = map {; $_ => 1 } qw(
+ span abbr acronym q sub sup
+ cite code em kbd samp strong var dfn strike
+ b i u s tt small big
+ a img br
+ wbr nobr blink
+ font basefont bdo
+ spacer embed noembed
+); # had: center, hr, table
+=head2 hashset %HTML::Tagset::is_Possible_Strict_P_Content
+This hashset contains all phrasal-level elements that be content of a
+P element, for a strict model of HTML.
+%is_Possible_Strict_P_Content = (
+ %isPhraseMarkup,
+ %isFormElement,
+ map {; $_ => 1} qw( object script map )
+ # I've no idea why there's these latter exceptions.
+ # I'm just following the HTML4.01 DTD.
+#from html4 strict:
+#<!ENTITY % fontstyle "TT | I | B | BIG | SMALL">
+#<!ENTITY % phrase "EM | STRONG | DFN | CODE |
+#<!ENTITY % special
+# "A | IMG | OBJECT | BR | SCRIPT | MAP | Q | SUB | SUP | SPAN | BDO">
+#<!-- %inline; covers inline or "text-level" elements -->
+#<!ENTITY % inline "#PCDATA | %fontstyle; | %phrase; | %special; | %formctrl;">
+=head2 hashset %HTML::Tagset::isHeadElement
+This hashset contains all elements that elements that should be
+present only in the 'head' element of an HTML document.
+%isHeadElement = map {; $_ => 1 }
+ qw(title base link meta isindex script style object bgsound);
+=head2 hashset %HTML::Tagset::isList
+This hashset contains all elements that can contain "li" elements.
+%isList = map {; $_ => 1 } qw(ul ol dir menu);
+=head2 hashset %HTML::Tagset::isTableElement
+This hashset contains all elements that are to be found only in/under
+a "table" element.
+%isTableElement = map {; $_ => 1 }
+ qw(tr td th thead tbody tfoot caption col colgroup);
+=head2 hashset %HTML::Tagset::isFormElement
+This hashset contains all elements that are to be found only in/under
+a "form" element.
+%isFormElement = map {; $_ => 1 }
+ qw(input select option optgroup textarea button label);
+=head2 hashset %HTML::Tagset::isBodyMarkup
+This hashset contains all elements that are to be found only in/under
+the "body" element of an HTML document.
+%isBodyElement = map {; $_ => 1 } qw(
+ h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6
+ p div pre plaintext address blockquote
+ xmp listing
+ center
+ multicol
+ iframe ilayer nolayer
+ bgsound
+ hr
+ ol ul dir menu li
+ dl dt dd
+ ins del
+ fieldset legend
+ map area
+ applet param object
+ isindex script noscript
+ table
+ center
+ form
+ ),
+ keys %isFormElement,
+ keys %isPhraseMarkup, # And everything phrasal
+ keys %isTableElement,
+=head2 hashset %HTML::Tagset::isHeadOrBodyElement
+This hashset includes all elements that I notice can fall either in
+the head or in the body.
+%isHeadOrBodyElement = map {; $_ => 1 }
+ qw(script isindex style object map area param noscript bgsound);
+ # i.e., if we find 'script' in the 'body' or the 'head', don't freak out.
+=head2 hashset %HTML::Tagset::isKnown
+This hashset lists all known HTML elements.
+%isKnown = (%isHeadElement, %isBodyElement,
+ map{; $_=>1 }
+ qw( head body html
+ frame frameset noframes
+ ~comment ~pi ~directive ~literal
+ # that should be all known tags ever ever
+=head2 hashset %HTML::Tagset::canTighten
+This hashset lists elements that might have ignorable whitespace as
+children or siblings.
+%canTighten = %isKnown;
+delete @canTighten{
+ keys(%isPhraseMarkup), 'input', 'select',
+ 'xmp', 'listing', 'plaintext', 'pre',
+ # xmp, listing, plaintext, and pre are untightenable, and
+ # in a really special way.
+@canTighten{'hr','br'} = (1,1);
+ # exceptional 'phrasal' things that ARE subject to tightening.
+# The one case where I can think of my tightening rules failing is:
+# <p>foo bar<center> <em>baz quux</em> ...
+# ^-- that would get deleted.
+# But that's pretty gruesome code anyhow. You gets what you pays for.
+=head2 array @HTML::Tagset::p_closure_barriers
+This array has a meaning that I have only seen a need for in
+C<HTML::TreeBuilder>, but I include it here on the off chance that someone
+might find it of use:
+When we see a "E<lt>pE<gt>" token, we go lookup up the lineage for a p
+element we might have to minimize. At first sight, we might say that
+if there's a p anywhere in the lineage of this new p, it should be
+closed. But that's wrong. Consider this document:
+ <html>
+ <head>
+ <title>foo</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <p>foo
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ foo
+ <p>bar
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </p>
+ </body>
+ </html>
+The second p is quite legally inside a much higher p.
+My formalization of the reason why this is legal, but this:
+ <p>foo<p>bar</p></p>
+isn't, is that something about the table constitutes a "barrier" to
+the application of the rule about what p must minimize.
+So C<@HTML::Tagset::p_closure_barriers> is the list of all such
+@p_closure_barriers = qw(
+ li blockquote
+ ul ol menu dir
+ dl dt dd
+ td th tr table caption
+ div
+ );
+# In an ideal world (i.e., XHTML) we wouldn't have to bother with any of this
+# monkey business of barriers to minimization!
+=head2 hashset %isCDATA_Parent
+This hashset includes all elements whose content is CDATA.
+%isCDATA_Parent = map {; $_ => 1 }
+ qw(script style xmp listing plaintext);
+# TODO: there's nothing else that takes CDATA children, right?
+# As the HTML3 DTD (Raggett 1995-04-24) noted:
+# The XMP, LISTING and PLAINTEXT tags are incompatible with SGML
+# and derive from very early versions of HTML. They require non-
+# standard parsers and will cause problems for processing
+# documents with standard SGML tools.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+You may find it useful to alter the behavior of modules (like
+C<HTML::Element> or C<HTML::TreeBuilder>) that use C<HTML::Tagset>'s
+data tables by altering the data tables themselves. You are welcome
+to try, but be careful; and be aware that different modules may or may
+react differently to the data tables being changed.
+Note that it may be inappropriate to use these tables for I<producing>
+HTML -- for example, C<%isHeadOrBodyElement> lists the tagnames
+for all elements that can appear either in the head or in the body,
+such as "script". That doesn't mean that I am saying your code that
+produces HTML should feel free to put script elements in either place!
+If you are producing programs that spit out HTML, you should be
+I<intimately> familiar with the DTDs for HTML or XHTML (available at
+C<>), and you should slavishly obey them, not
+the data tables in this document.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<HTML::Element>, L<HTML::TreeBuilder>, L<HTML::LinkExtor>
+Copyright 1995-2000 Gisle Aas.
+Copyright 2000-2005 Sean M. Burke.
+Copyright 2005-2008 Andy Lester.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+Most of the code/data in this module was adapted from code written
+by Gisle Aas for C<HTML::Element>, C<HTML::TreeBuilder>, and
+C<HTML::LinkExtor>. Then it was maintained by Sean M. Burke.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Current maintainer: Andy Lester, C<< <andy at> >>
+=head1 BUGS
+Please report any bugs or feature requests to
+C<bug-html-tagset at>, or through the web interface at
+L<>. I will
+be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
+your bug as I make changes.