path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/HTML/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/HTML/')
1 files changed, 1551 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/HTML/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/HTML/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bbbd7771716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/HTML/
@@ -0,0 +1,1551 @@
+package HTML::Form;
+use strict;
+use URI;
+use Carp ();
+use vars qw($VERSION $Encode_available);
+$VERSION = "5.829";
+eval { require Encode };
+$Encode_available = !$@;
+my %form_tags = map {$_ => 1} qw(input textarea button select option);
+my %type2class = (
+ text => "TextInput",
+ password => "TextInput",
+ hidden => "TextInput",
+ textarea => "TextInput",
+ "reset" => "IgnoreInput",
+ radio => "ListInput",
+ checkbox => "ListInput",
+ option => "ListInput",
+ button => "SubmitInput",
+ submit => "SubmitInput",
+ image => "ImageInput",
+ file => "FileInput",
+ keygen => "KeygenInput",
+=head1 NAME
+HTML::Form - Class that represents an HTML form element
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use HTML::Form;
+ $form = HTML::Form->parse($html, $base_uri);
+ $form->value(query => "Perl");
+ use LWP::UserAgent;
+ $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+ $response = $ua->request($form->click);
+Objects of the C<HTML::Form> class represents a single HTML
+C<E<lt>formE<gt> ... E<lt>/formE<gt>> instance. A form consists of a
+sequence of inputs that usually have names, and which can take on
+various values. The state of a form can be tweaked and it can then be
+asked to provide C<HTTP::Request> objects that can be passed to the
+request() method of C<LWP::UserAgent>.
+The following methods are available:
+=over 4
+=item @forms = HTML::Form->parse( $html_document, $base_uri )
+=item @forms = HTML::Form->parse( $html_document, base => $base_uri, %opt )
+=item @forms = HTML::Form->parse( $response, %opt )
+The parse() class method will parse an HTML document and build up
+C<HTML::Form> objects for each <form> element found. If called in scalar
+context only returns the first <form>. Returns an empty list if there
+are no forms to be found.
+The required arguments is the HTML document to parse ($html_document) and the
+URI used to retrieve the document ($base_uri). The base URI is needed to resolve
+relative action URIs. The provided HTML document should be a Unicode string
+(or US-ASCII).
+By default HTML::Form assumes that the original document was UTF-8 encoded and
+thus encode forms that don't specify an explict I<accept-charset> as UTF-8.
+The charset assumed can be overridden by providing the C<charset> option to
+parse(). It's a good idea to be explict about this parameter as well, thus
+the recommended simplest invocation becomes:
+ my @forms = HTML::Form->parse(
+ Encode::decode($encoding, $html_document_bytes),
+ base => $base_uri,
+ charset => $encoding,
+ );
+If the document was retrieved with LWP then the response object provide methods
+to obtain a proper value for C<base> and C<charset>:
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+ my $response = $ua->get("");
+ my @forms = HTML::Form->parse($response->decoded_content,
+ base => $response->base,
+ charset => $response->content_charset,
+ );
+In fact, the parse() method can parse from an C<HTTP::Response> object
+directly, so the example above can be more conveniently written as:
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+ my $response = $ua->get("");
+ my @forms = HTML::Form->parse($response);
+Note that any object that implements a decoded_content(), base() and
+content_charset() method with similar behaviour as C<HTTP::Response> will do.
+Additional options might be passed in to control how the parse method
+behaves. The following are all the options currently recognized:
+=item C<< base => $uri >>
+This is the URI used to retrive the original document. This option is not optional ;-)
+=item C<< charset => $str >>
+Specify what charset the original document was encoded in. This is used as
+the default for accept_charset. If not provided this defaults to "UTF-8".
+=item C<< verbose => $bool >>
+Warn (print messages to STDERR) about any bad HTML form constructs found.
+You can trap these with $SIG{__WARN__}.
+=item C<< strict => $bool >>
+Initialize any form objects with the given strict attribute.
+sub parse
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $html = shift;
+ unshift(@_, "base") if @_ == 1;
+ my %opt = @_;
+ require HTML::TokeParser;
+ my $p = HTML::TokeParser->new(ref($html) ? $html->decoded_content(ref => 1) : \$html);
+ die "Failed to create HTML::TokeParser object" unless $p;
+ my $base_uri = delete $opt{base};
+ my $charset = delete $opt{charset};
+ my $strict = delete $opt{strict};
+ my $verbose = delete $opt{verbose};
+ if ($^W) {
+ Carp::carp("Unrecognized option $_ in HTML::Form->parse") for sort keys %opt;
+ }
+ unless (defined $base_uri) {
+ if (ref($html)) {
+ $base_uri = $html->base;
+ }
+ else {
+ Carp::croak("HTML::Form::parse: No \$base_uri provided");
+ }
+ }
+ unless (defined $charset) {
+ if (ref($html) and $html->can("content_charset")) {
+ $charset = $html->content_charset;
+ }
+ unless ($charset) {
+ $charset = "UTF-8";
+ }
+ }
+ my @forms;
+ my $f; # current form
+ my %openselect; # index to the open instance of a select
+ while (my $t = $p->get_tag) {
+ my($tag,$attr) = @$t;
+ if ($tag eq "form") {
+ my $action = delete $attr->{'action'};
+ $action = "" unless defined $action;
+ $action = URI->new_abs($action, $base_uri);
+ $f = $class->new($attr->{'method'},
+ $action,
+ $attr->{'enctype'});
+ $f->accept_charset($attr->{'accept-charset'}) if $attr->{'accept-charset'};
+ $f->{default_charset} = $charset;
+ $f->{attr} = $attr;
+ $f->strict(1) if $strict;
+ %openselect = ();
+ push(@forms, $f);
+ my(%labels, $current_label);
+ while (my $t = $p->get_tag) {
+ my($tag, $attr) = @$t;
+ last if $tag eq "/form";
+ # if we are inside a label tag, then keep
+ # appending any text to the current label
+ if(defined $current_label) {
+ $current_label = join " ",
+ grep { defined and length }
+ $current_label,
+ $p->get_phrase;
+ }
+ if ($tag eq "input") {
+ $attr->{value_name} =
+ exists $attr->{id} && exists $labels{$attr->{id}} ? $labels{$attr->{id}} :
+ defined $current_label ? $current_label :
+ $p->get_phrase;
+ }
+ if ($tag eq "label") {
+ $current_label = $p->get_phrase;
+ $labels{ $attr->{for} } = $current_label
+ if exists $attr->{for};
+ }
+ elsif ($tag eq "/label") {
+ $current_label = undef;
+ }
+ elsif ($tag eq "input") {
+ my $type = delete $attr->{type} || "text";
+ $f->push_input($type, $attr, $verbose);
+ }
+ elsif ($tag eq "button") {
+ my $type = delete $attr->{type} || "submit";
+ $f->push_input($type, $attr, $verbose);
+ }
+ elsif ($tag eq "textarea") {
+ $attr->{textarea_value} = $attr->{value}
+ if exists $attr->{value};
+ my $text = $p->get_text("/textarea");
+ $attr->{value} = $text;
+ $f->push_input("textarea", $attr, $verbose);
+ }
+ elsif ($tag eq "select") {
+ # rename attributes reserved to come for the option tag
+ for ("value", "value_name") {
+ $attr->{"select_$_"} = delete $attr->{$_}
+ if exists $attr->{$_};
+ }
+ # count this new select option separately
+ my $name = $attr->{name};
+ $name = "" unless defined $name;
+ $openselect{$name}++;
+ while ($t = $p->get_tag) {
+ my $tag = shift @$t;
+ last if $tag eq "/select";
+ next if $tag =~ m,/?optgroup,;
+ next if $tag eq "/option";
+ if ($tag eq "option") {
+ my %a = %{$t->[0]};
+ # rename keys so they don't clash with %attr
+ for (keys %a) {
+ next if $_ eq "value";
+ $a{"option_$_"} = delete $a{$_};
+ }
+ while (my($k,$v) = each %$attr) {
+ $a{$k} = $v;
+ }
+ $a{value_name} = $p->get_trimmed_text;
+ $a{value} = delete $a{value_name}
+ unless defined $a{value};
+ $a{idx} = $openselect{$name};
+ $f->push_input("option", \%a, $verbose);
+ }
+ else {
+ warn("Bad <select> tag '$tag' in $base_uri\n") if $verbose;
+ if ($tag eq "/form" ||
+ $tag eq "input" ||
+ $tag eq "textarea" ||
+ $tag eq "select" ||
+ $tag eq "keygen")
+ {
+ # MSIE implictly terminate the <select> here, so we
+ # try to do the same. Actually the MSIE behaviour
+ # appears really strange: <input> and <textarea>
+ # do implictly close, but not <select>, <keygen> or
+ # </form>.
+ my $type = ($tag =~ s,^/,,) ? "E" : "S";
+ $p->unget_token([$type, $tag, @$t]);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($tag eq "keygen") {
+ $f->push_input("keygen", $attr, $verbose);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($form_tags{$tag}) {
+ warn("<$tag> outside <form> in $base_uri\n") if $verbose;
+ }
+ }
+ for (@forms) {
+ $_->fixup;
+ }
+ wantarray ? @forms : $forms[0];
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = bless {}, $class;
+ $self->{method} = uc(shift || "GET");
+ $self->{action} = shift || Carp::croak("No action defined");
+ $self->{enctype} = lc(shift || "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+ $self->{accept_charset} = "UNKNOWN";
+ $self->{default_charset} = "UTF-8";
+ $self->{inputs} = [@_];
+ $self;
+sub push_input
+ my($self, $type, $attr, $verbose) = @_;
+ $type = lc $type;
+ my $class = $type2class{$type};
+ unless ($class) {
+ Carp::carp("Unknown input type '$type'") if $verbose;
+ $class = "TextInput";
+ }
+ $class = "HTML::Form::$class";
+ my @extra;
+ push(@extra, readonly => 1) if $type eq "hidden";
+ push(@extra, strict => 1) if $self->{strict};
+ if ($type eq "file" && exists $attr->{value}) {
+ # it's not safe to trust the value set by the server
+ # the user always need to explictly set the names of files to upload
+ $attr->{orig_value} = delete $attr->{value};
+ }
+ delete $attr->{type}; # don't confuse the type argument
+ my $input = $class->new(type => $type, %$attr, @extra);
+ $input->add_to_form($self);
+=item $method = $form->method
+=item $form->method( $new_method )
+This method is gets/sets the I<method> name used for the
+C<HTTP::Request> generated. It is a string like "GET" or "POST".
+=item $action = $form->action
+=item $form->action( $new_action )
+This method gets/sets the URI which we want to apply the request
+I<method> to.
+=item $enctype = $form->enctype
+=item $form->enctype( $new_enctype )
+This method gets/sets the encoding type for the form data. It is a
+string like "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "multipart/form-data".
+=item $accept = $form->accept_charset
+=item $form->accept_charset( $new_accept )
+This method gets/sets the list of charset encodings that the server processing
+the form accepts. Current implementation supports only one-element lists.
+Default value is "UNKNOWN" which we interpret as a request to use document
+charset as specified by the 'charset' parameter of the parse() method. To
+encode character strings you should have modern perl with Encode module. On
+older perls the setting of this attribute has no effect.
+ # Set up some accesor
+ for (qw(method action enctype accept_charset)) {
+ my $m = $_;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{$m} = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old = $self->{$m};
+ $self->{$m} = shift if @_;
+ $old;
+ };
+ }
+ *uri = \&action; # alias
+=item $value = $form->attr( $name )
+=item $form->attr( $name, $new_value )
+This method give access to the original HTML attributes of the <form> tag.
+The $name should always be passed in lower case.
+ @f = HTML::Form->parse( $html, $foo );
+ @f = grep $_->attr("id") eq "foo", @f;
+ die "No form named 'foo' found" unless @f;
+ $foo = shift @f;
+sub attr {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ return undef unless defined $name;
+ my $old = $self->{attr}{$name};
+ $self->{attr}{$name} = shift if @_;
+ return $old;
+=item $bool = $form->strict
+=item $form->strict( $bool )
+Gets/sets the strict attribute of a form. If the strict is turned on
+the methods that change values of the form will croak if you try to
+set illegal values or modify readonly fields. The default is not to be strict.
+sub strict {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old = $self->{strict};
+ if (@_) {
+ $self->{strict} = shift;
+ for my $input (@{$self->{inputs}}) {
+ $input->strict($self->{strict});
+ }
+ }
+ return $old;
+=item @inputs = $form->inputs
+This method returns the list of inputs in the form. If called in
+scalar context it returns the number of inputs contained in the form.
+See L</INPUTS> for what methods are available for the input objects
+sub inputs
+ my $self = shift;
+ @{$self->{'inputs'}};
+=item $input = $form->find_input( $selector )
+=item $input = $form->find_input( $selector, $type )
+=item $input = $form->find_input( $selector, $type, $index )
+This method is used to locate specific inputs within the form. All
+inputs that match the arguments given are returned. In scalar context
+only the first is returned, or C<undef> if none match.
+If $selector is specified, then the input's name, id, class attribute must
+match. A selector prefixed with '#' must match the id attribute of the input.
+A selector prefixed with '.' matches the class attribute. A selector prefixed
+with '^' or with no prefix matches the name attribute.
+If $type is specified, then the input must have the specified type.
+The following type names are used: "text", "password", "hidden",
+"textarea", "file", "image", "submit", "radio", "checkbox" and "option".
+The $index is the sequence number of the input matched where 1 is the
+first. If combined with $name and/or $type then it select the I<n>th
+input with the given name and/or type.
+sub find_input
+ my($self, $name, $type, $no) = @_;
+ if (wantarray) {
+ my @res;
+ my $c;
+ for (@{$self->{'inputs'}}) {
+ next if defined($name) && !$_->selected($name);
+ next if $type && $type ne $_->{type};
+ $c++;
+ next if $no && $no != $c;
+ push(@res, $_);
+ }
+ return @res;
+ }
+ else {
+ $no ||= 1;
+ for (@{$self->{'inputs'}}) {
+ next if defined($name) && !$_->selected($name);
+ next if $type && $type ne $_->{type};
+ next if --$no;
+ return $_;
+ }
+ return undef;
+ }
+sub fixup
+ my $self = shift;
+ for (@{$self->{'inputs'}}) {
+ $_->fixup;
+ }
+=item $value = $form->value( $selector )
+=item $form->value( $selector, $new_value )
+The value() method can be used to get/set the value of some input. If
+strict is enabled and no input has the indicated name, then this method will croak.
+If multiple inputs have the same name, only the first one will be
+The call:
+ $form->value('foo')
+is basically a short-hand for:
+ $form->find_input('foo')->value;
+sub value
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $key = shift;
+ my $input = $self->find_input($key);
+ unless ($input) {
+ Carp::croak("No such field '$key'") if $self->{strict};
+ return undef unless @_;
+ $input = $self->push_input("text", { name => $key, value => "" });
+ }
+ local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1;
+ $input->value(@_);
+=item @names = $form->param
+=item @values = $form->param( $name )
+=item $form->param( $name, $value, ... )
+=item $form->param( $name, \@values )
+Alternative interface to examining and setting the values of the form.
+If called without arguments then it returns the names of all the
+inputs in the form. The names will not repeat even if multiple inputs
+have the same name. In scalar context the number of different names
+is returned.
+If called with a single argument then it returns the value or values
+of inputs with the given name. If called in scalar context only the
+first value is returned. If no input exists with the given name, then
+C<undef> is returned.
+If called with 2 or more arguments then it will set values of the
+named inputs. This form will croak if no inputs have the given name
+or if any of the values provided does not fit. Values can also be
+provided as a reference to an array. This form will allow unsetting
+all values with the given name as well.
+This interface resembles that of the param() function of the CGI
+sub param {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_) {
+ my $name = shift;
+ my @inputs;
+ for ($self->inputs) {
+ my $n = $_->name;
+ next if !defined($n) || $n ne $name;
+ push(@inputs, $_);
+ }
+ if (@_) {
+ # set
+ die "No '$name' parameter exists" unless @inputs;
+ my @v = @_;
+ @v = @{$v[0]} if @v == 1 && ref($v[0]);
+ while (@v) {
+ my $v = shift @v;
+ my $err;
+ for my $i (0 .. @inputs-1) {
+ eval {
+ $inputs[$i]->value($v);
+ };
+ unless ($@) {
+ undef($err);
+ splice(@inputs, $i, 1);
+ last;
+ }
+ $err ||= $@;
+ }
+ die $err if $err;
+ }
+ # the rest of the input should be cleared
+ for (@inputs) {
+ $_->value(undef);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # get
+ my @v;
+ for (@inputs) {
+ if (defined(my $v = $_->value)) {
+ push(@v, $v);
+ }
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @v : $v[0];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # list parameter names
+ my @n;
+ my %seen;
+ for ($self->inputs) {
+ my $n = $_->name;
+ next if !defined($n) || $seen{$n}++;
+ push(@n, $n);
+ }
+ return @n;
+ }
+=item $form->try_others( \&callback )
+This method will iterate over all permutations of unvisited enumerated
+values (<select>, <radio>, <checkbox>) and invoke the callback for
+each. The callback is passed the $form as argument. The return value
+from the callback is ignored and the try_others() method itself does
+not return anything.
+sub try_others
+ my($self, $cb) = @_;
+ my @try;
+ for (@{$self->{'inputs'}}) {
+ my @not_tried_yet = $_->other_possible_values;
+ next unless @not_tried_yet;
+ push(@try, [\@not_tried_yet, $_]);
+ }
+ return unless @try;
+ $self->_try($cb, \@try, 0);
+sub _try
+ my($self, $cb, $try, $i) = @_;
+ for (@{$try->[$i][0]}) {
+ $try->[$i][1]->value($_);
+ &$cb($self);
+ $self->_try($cb, $try, $i+1) if $i+1 < @$try;
+ }
+=item $request = $form->make_request
+Will return an C<HTTP::Request> object that reflects the current setting
+of the form. You might want to use the click() method instead.
+sub make_request
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $method = uc $self->{'method'};
+ my $uri = $self->{'action'};
+ my $enctype = $self->{'enctype'};
+ my @form = $self->form;
+ my $charset = $self->accept_charset eq "UNKNOWN" ? $self->{default_charset} : $self->accept_charset;
+ if ($Encode_available) {
+ foreach my $fi (@form) {
+ $fi = Encode::encode($charset, $fi) unless ref($fi);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($method eq "GET") {
+ require HTTP::Request;
+ $uri = URI->new($uri, "http");
+ $uri->query_form(@form);
+ return HTTP::Request->new(GET => $uri);
+ }
+ elsif ($method eq "POST") {
+ require HTTP::Request::Common;
+ return HTTP::Request::Common::POST($uri, \@form,
+ Content_Type => $enctype);
+ }
+ else {
+ Carp::croak("Unknown method '$method'");
+ }
+=item $request = $form->click
+=item $request = $form->click( $selector )
+=item $request = $form->click( $x, $y )
+=item $request = $form->click( $selector, $x, $y )
+Will "click" on the first clickable input (which will be of type
+C<submit> or C<image>). The result of clicking is an C<HTTP::Request>
+object that can then be passed to C<LWP::UserAgent> if you want to
+obtain the server response.
+If a $selector is specified, we will click on the first clickable input
+matching the selector, and the method will croak if no matching clickable
+input is found. If $selector is I<not> specified, then it
+is ok if the form contains no clickable inputs. In this case the
+click() method returns the same request as the make_request() method
+would do. See description of the find_input() method above for how
+the $selector is specified.
+If there are multiple clickable inputs with the same name, then there
+is no way to get the click() method of the C<HTML::Form> to click on
+any but the first. If you need this you would have to locate the
+input with find_input() and invoke the click() method on the given
+input yourself.
+A click coordinate pair can also be provided, but this only makes a
+difference if you clicked on an image. The default coordinate is
+(1,1). The upper-left corner of the image is (0,0), but some badly
+coded CGI scripts are known to not recognize this. Therefore (1,1) was
+selected as a safer default.
+sub click
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name;
+ $name = shift if (@_ % 2) == 1; # odd number of arguments
+ # try to find first submit button to activate
+ for (@{$self->{'inputs'}}) {
+ next unless $_->can("click");
+ next if $name && !$_->selected($name);
+ next if $_->disabled;
+ return $_->click($self, @_);
+ }
+ Carp::croak("No clickable input with name $name") if $name;
+ $self->make_request;
+=item @kw = $form->form
+Returns the current setting as a sequence of key/value pairs. Note
+that keys might be repeated, which means that some values might be
+lost if the return values are assigned to a hash.
+In scalar context this method returns the number of key/value pairs
+sub form
+ my $self = shift;
+ map { $_->form_name_value($self) } @{$self->{'inputs'}};
+=item $form->dump
+Returns a textual representation of current state of the form. Mainly
+useful for debugging. If called in void context, then the dump is
+printed on STDERR.
+sub dump
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $method = $self->{'method'};
+ my $uri = $self->{'action'};
+ my $enctype = $self->{'enctype'};
+ my $dump = "$method $uri";
+ $dump .= " ($enctype)"
+ if $enctype ne "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
+ $dump .= " [$self->{attr}{name}]"
+ if exists $self->{attr}{name};
+ $dump .= "\n";
+ for ($self->inputs) {
+ $dump .= " " . $_->dump . "\n";
+ }
+ print STDERR $dump unless defined wantarray;
+ $dump;
+package HTML::Form::Input;
+=head1 INPUTS
+An C<HTML::Form> objects contains a sequence of I<inputs>. References to
+the inputs can be obtained with the $form->inputs or $form->find_input
+Note that there is I<not> a one-to-one correspondence between input
+I<objects> and E<lt>inputE<gt> I<elements> in the HTML document. An
+input object basically represents a name/value pair, so when multiple
+HTML elements contribute to the same name/value pair in the submitted
+form they are combined.
+The input elements that are mapped one-to-one are "text", "textarea",
+"password", "hidden", "file", "image", "submit" and "checkbox". For
+the "radio" and "option" inputs the story is not as simple: All
+E<lt>input type="radio"E<gt> elements with the same name will
+contribute to the same input radio object. The number of radio input
+objects will be the same as the number of distinct names used for the
+E<lt>input type="radio"E<gt> elements. For a E<lt>selectE<gt> element
+without the C<multiple> attribute there will be one input object of
+type of "option". For a E<lt>select multipleE<gt> element there will
+be one input object for each contained E<lt>optionE<gt> element. Each
+one of these option objects will have the same name.
+The following methods are available for the I<input> objects:
+=over 4
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = bless {@_}, $class;
+ $self;
+sub add_to_form
+ my($self, $form) = @_;
+ push(@{$form->{'inputs'}}, $self);
+ $self;
+sub strict {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old = $self->{strict};
+ if (@_) {
+ $self->{strict} = shift;
+ }
+ $old;
+sub fixup {}
+=item $input->type
+Returns the type of this input. The type is one of the following
+strings: "text", "password", "hidden", "textarea", "file", "image", "submit",
+"radio", "checkbox" or "option".
+sub type
+ shift->{type};
+=item $name = $input->name
+=item $input->name( $new_name )
+This method can be used to get/set the current name of the input.
+=item $input->id
+=item $input->class
+These methods can be used to get/set the current id or class attribute for the input.
+=item $input->selected( $selector )
+Returns TRUE if the given selector matched the input. See the description of
+the find_input() method above for a description of the selector syntax.
+=item $value = $input->value
+=item $input->value( $new_value )
+This method can be used to get/set the current value of an
+If strict is enabled and the input only can take an enumerated list of values,
+then it is an error to try to set it to something else and the method will
+croak if you try.
+You will also be able to set the value of read-only inputs, but a
+warning will be generated if running under C<perl -w>.
+sub name
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old = $self->{name};
+ $self->{name} = shift if @_;
+ $old;
+sub id
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old = $self->{id};
+ $self->{id} = shift if @_;
+ $old;
+sub class
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old = $self->{class};
+ $self->{class} = shift if @_;
+ $old;
+sub selected {
+ my($self, $sel) = @_;
+ return undef unless defined $sel;
+ my $attr =
+ $sel =~ s/^\^// ? "name" :
+ $sel =~ s/^#// ? "id" :
+ $sel =~ s/^\.// ? "class" :
+ "name";
+ return 0 unless defined $self->{$attr};
+ return $self->{$attr} eq $sel;
+sub value
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old = $self->{value};
+ $self->{value} = shift if @_;
+ $old;
+=item $input->possible_values
+Returns a list of all values that an input can take. For inputs that
+do not have discrete values, this returns an empty list.
+sub possible_values
+ return;
+=item $input->other_possible_values
+Returns a list of all values not tried yet.
+sub other_possible_values
+ return;
+=item $input->value_names
+For some inputs the values can have names that are different from the
+values themselves. The number of names returned by this method will
+match the number of values reported by $input->possible_values.
+When setting values using the value() method it is also possible to
+use the value names in place of the value itself.
+sub value_names {
+ return
+=item $bool = $input->readonly
+=item $input->readonly( $bool )
+This method is used to get/set the value of the readonly attribute.
+You are allowed to modify the value of readonly inputs, but setting
+the value will generate some noise when warnings are enabled. Hidden
+fields always start out readonly.
+sub readonly {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old = $self->{readonly};
+ $self->{readonly} = shift if @_;
+ $old;
+=item $bool = $input->disabled
+=item $input->disabled( $bool )
+This method is used to get/set the value of the disabled attribute.
+Disabled inputs do not contribute any key/value pairs for the form
+sub disabled {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old = $self->{disabled};
+ $self->{disabled} = shift if @_;
+ $old;
+=item $input->form_name_value
+Returns a (possible empty) list of key/value pairs that should be
+incorporated in the form value from this input.
+sub form_name_value
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = $self->{'name'};
+ return unless defined $name;
+ return if $self->disabled;
+ my $value = $self->value;
+ return unless defined $value;
+ return ($name => $value);
+sub dump
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = $self->name;
+ $name = "<NONAME>" unless defined $name;
+ my $value = $self->value;
+ $value = "<UNDEF>" unless defined $value;
+ my $dump = "$name=$value";
+ my $type = $self->type;
+ $type .= " disabled" if $self->disabled;
+ $type .= " readonly" if $self->readonly;
+ return sprintf "%-30s %s", $dump, "($type)" unless $self->{menu};
+ my @menu;
+ my $i = 0;
+ for (@{$self->{menu}}) {
+ my $opt = $_->{value};
+ $opt = "<UNDEF>" unless defined $opt;
+ $opt .= "/$_->{name}"
+ if defined $_->{name} && length $_->{name} && $_->{name} ne $opt;
+ substr($opt,0,0) = "-" if $_->{disabled};
+ if (exists $self->{current} && $self->{current} == $i) {
+ substr($opt,0,0) = "!" unless $_->{seen};
+ substr($opt,0,0) = "*";
+ }
+ else {
+ substr($opt,0,0) = ":" if $_->{seen};
+ }
+ push(@menu, $opt);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ return sprintf "%-30s %-10s %s", $dump, "($type)", "[" . join("|", @menu) . "]";
+package HTML::Form::TextInput;
+sub value
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old = $self->{value};
+ $old = "" unless defined $old;
+ if (@_) {
+ Carp::croak("Input '$self->{name}' is readonly")
+ if $self->{strict} && $self->{readonly};
+ my $new = shift;
+ my $n = exists $self->{maxlength} ? $self->{maxlength} : undef;
+ Carp::croak("Input '$self->{name}' has maxlength '$n'")
+ if $self->{strict} && defined($n) && defined($new) && length($new) > $n;
+ $self->{value} = $new;
+ }
+ $old;
+package HTML::Form::IgnoreInput;
+sub value { return }
+package HTML::Form::ListInput;
+#select/option (val1, val2, ....)
+#input/radio (undef, val1, val2,...)
+#input/checkbox (undef, value)
+#select-multiple/option (undef, value)
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ my $value = delete $self->{value};
+ my $value_name = delete $self->{value_name};
+ my $type = $self->{type};
+ if ($type eq "checkbox") {
+ $value = "on" unless defined $value;
+ $self->{menu} = [
+ { value => undef, name => "off", },
+ { value => $value, name => $value_name, },
+ ];
+ $self->{current} = (delete $self->{checked}) ? 1 : 0;
+ ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{option_disabled}++
+ if $type eq "radio" && delete $self->{disabled};
+ $self->{menu} = [
+ {value => $value, name => $value_name},
+ ];
+ my $checked = $self->{checked} || $self->{option_selected};
+ delete $self->{checked};
+ delete $self->{option_selected};
+ if (exists $self->{multiple}) {
+ unshift(@{$self->{menu}}, { value => undef, name => "off"});
+ $self->{current} = $checked ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{current} = 0 if $checked;
+ }
+ }
+ $self;
+sub add_to_form
+ my($self, $form) = @_;
+ my $type = $self->type;
+ return $self->SUPER::add_to_form($form)
+ if $type eq "checkbox";
+ if ($type eq "option" && exists $self->{multiple}) {
+ $self->{disabled} ||= delete $self->{option_disabled};
+ return $self->SUPER::add_to_form($form);
+ }
+ die "Assert" if @{$self->{menu}} != 1;
+ my $m = $self->{menu}[0];
+ $m->{disabled}++ if delete $self->{option_disabled};
+ my $prev = $form->find_input($self->{name}, $self->{type}, $self->{idx});
+ return $self->SUPER::add_to_form($form) unless $prev;
+ # merge menues
+ $prev->{current} = @{$prev->{menu}} if exists $self->{current};
+ push(@{$prev->{menu}}, $m);
+sub fixup
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ($self->{type} eq "option" && !(exists $self->{current})) {
+ $self->{current} = 0;
+ }
+ $self->{menu}[$self->{current}]{seen}++ if exists $self->{current};
+sub disabled
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $type = $self->type;
+ my $old = $self->{disabled} || _menu_all_disabled(@{$self->{menu}});
+ if (@_) {
+ my $v = shift;
+ $self->{disabled} = $v;
+ for (@{$self->{menu}}) {
+ $_->{disabled} = $v;
+ }
+ }
+ return $old;
+sub _menu_all_disabled {
+ for (@_) {
+ return 0 unless $_->{disabled};
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub value
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old;
+ $old = $self->{menu}[$self->{current}]{value} if exists $self->{current};
+ $old = $self->{value} if exists $self->{value};
+ if (@_) {
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $val = shift;
+ my $cur;
+ my $disabled;
+ for (@{$self->{menu}}) {
+ if ((defined($val) && defined($_->{value}) && $val eq $_->{value}) ||
+ (!defined($val) && !defined($_->{value}))
+ )
+ {
+ $cur = $i;
+ $disabled = $_->{disabled};
+ last unless $disabled;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ if (!(defined $cur) || $disabled) {
+ if (defined $val) {
+ # try to search among the alternative names as well
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $cur_ignorecase;
+ my $lc_val = lc($val);
+ for (@{$self->{menu}}) {
+ if (defined $_->{name}) {
+ if ($val eq $_->{name}) {
+ $disabled = $_->{disabled};
+ $cur = $i;
+ last unless $disabled;
+ }
+ if (!defined($cur_ignorecase) && $lc_val eq lc($_->{name})) {
+ $cur_ignorecase = $i;
+ }
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ unless (defined $cur) {
+ $cur = $cur_ignorecase;
+ if (defined $cur) {
+ $disabled = $self->{menu}[$cur]{disabled};
+ }
+ elsif ($self->{strict}) {
+ my $n = $self->name;
+ Carp::croak("Illegal value '$val' for field '$n'");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($self->{strict}) {
+ my $n = $self->name;
+ Carp::croak("The '$n' field can't be unchecked");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($self->{strict} && $disabled) {
+ my $n = $self->name;
+ Carp::croak("The value '$val' has been disabled for field '$n'");
+ }
+ if (defined $cur) {
+ $self->{current} = $cur;
+ $self->{menu}[$cur]{seen}++;
+ delete $self->{value};
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{value} = $val;
+ delete $self->{current};
+ }
+ }
+ $old;
+=item $input->check
+Some input types represent toggles that can be turned on/off. This
+includes "checkbox" and "option" inputs. Calling this method turns
+this input on without having to know the value name. If the input is
+already on, then nothing happens.
+This has the same effect as:
+ $input->value($input->possible_values[1]);
+The input can be turned off with:
+ $input->value(undef);
+sub check
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{current} = 1;
+ $self->{menu}[1]{seen}++;
+sub possible_values
+ my $self = shift;
+ map $_->{value}, grep !$_->{disabled}, @{$self->{menu}};
+sub other_possible_values
+ my $self = shift;
+ map $_->{value}, grep !$_->{seen} && !$_->{disabled}, @{$self->{menu}};
+sub value_names {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @names;
+ for (@{$self->{menu}}) {
+ my $n = $_->{name};
+ $n = $_->{value} unless defined $n;
+ push(@names, $n);
+ }
+ @names;
+package HTML::Form::SubmitInput;
+=item $input->click($form, $x, $y)
+Some input types (currently "submit" buttons and "images") can be
+clicked to submit the form. The click() method returns the
+corresponding C<HTTP::Request> object.
+sub click
+ my($self,$form,$x,$y) = @_;
+ for ($x, $y) { $_ = 1 unless defined; }
+ local($self->{clicked}) = [$x,$y];
+ return $form->make_request;
+sub form_name_value
+ my $self = shift;
+ return unless $self->{clicked};
+ return $self->SUPER::form_name_value(@_);
+package HTML::Form::ImageInput;
+sub form_name_value
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $clicked = $self->{clicked};
+ return unless $clicked;
+ return if $self->{disabled};
+ my $name = $self->{name};
+ $name = (defined($name) && length($name)) ? "$name." : "";
+ return ("${name}x" => $clicked->[0],
+ "${name}y" => $clicked->[1]
+ );
+package HTML::Form::FileInput;
+If the input is of type C<file>, then it has these additional methods:
+=over 4
+=item $input->file
+This is just an alias for the value() method. It sets the filename to
+read data from.
+For security reasons this field will never be initialized from the parsing
+of a form. This prevents the server from triggering stealth uploads of
+arbitrary files from the client machine.
+sub file {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->value(@_);
+=item $filename = $input->filename
+=item $input->filename( $new_filename )
+This get/sets the filename reported to the server during file upload.
+This attribute defaults to the value reported by the file() method.
+sub filename {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old = $self->{filename};
+ $self->{filename} = shift if @_;
+ $old = $self->file unless defined $old;
+ $old;
+=item $content = $input->content
+=item $input->content( $new_content )
+This get/sets the file content provided to the server during file
+upload. This method can be used if you do not want the content to be
+read from an actual file.
+sub content {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old = $self->{content};
+ $self->{content} = shift if @_;
+ $old;
+=item @headers = $input->headers
+=item input->headers($key => $value, .... )
+This get/set additional header fields describing the file uploaded.
+This can for instance be used to set the C<Content-Type> reported for
+the file.
+sub headers {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old = $self->{headers} || [];
+ $self->{headers} = [@_] if @_;
+ @$old;
+sub form_name_value {
+ my($self, $form) = @_;
+ return $self->SUPER::form_name_value($form)
+ if $form->method ne "POST" ||
+ $form->enctype ne "multipart/form-data";
+ my $name = $self->name;
+ return unless defined $name;
+ return if $self->{disabled};
+ my $file = $self->file;
+ my $filename = $self->filename;
+ my @headers = $self->headers;
+ my $content = $self->content;
+ if (defined $content) {
+ $filename = $file unless defined $filename;
+ $file = undef;
+ unshift(@headers, "Content" => $content);
+ }
+ elsif (!defined($file) || length($file) == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ # legacy (this used to be the way to do it)
+ if (ref($file) eq "ARRAY") {
+ my $f = shift @$file;
+ my $fn = shift @$file;
+ push(@headers, @$file);
+ $file = $f;
+ $filename = $fn unless defined $filename;
+ }
+ return ($name => [$file, $filename, @headers]);
+package HTML::Form::KeygenInput;
+sub challenge {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{challenge};
+sub keytype {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return lc($self->{keytype} || 'rsa');
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<LWP>, L<LWP::UserAgent>, L<HTML::Parser>
+Copyright 1998-2008 Gisle Aas.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.