path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/File/Spec/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 780 deletions
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-package File::Spec::Mac;
-use strict;
-use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
-require File::Spec::Unix;
-$VERSION = '1.4';
-@ISA = qw(File::Spec::Unix);
-my $macfiles;
-if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
- $macfiles = eval { require Mac::Files };
-sub case_tolerant { 1 }
-=head1 NAME
-File::Spec::Mac - File::Spec for Mac OS (Classic)
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- require File::Spec::Mac; # Done internally by File::Spec if needed
-Methods for manipulating file specifications.
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 2
-=item canonpath
-On Mac OS, there's nothing to be done. Returns what it's given.
-sub canonpath {
- my ($self,$path) = @_;
- return $path;
-=item catdir()
-Concatenate two or more directory names to form a path separated by colons
-(":") ending with a directory. Resulting paths are B<relative> by default,
-but can be forced to be absolute (but avoid this, see below). Automatically
-puts a trailing ":" on the end of the complete path, because that's what's
-done in MacPerl's environment and helps to distinguish a file path from a
-directory path.
-B<IMPORTANT NOTE:> Beginning with version 1.3 of this module, the resulting
-path is relative by default and I<not> absolute. This decision was made due
-to portability reasons. Since C<File::Spec-E<gt>catdir()> returns relative paths
-on all other operating systems, it will now also follow this convention on Mac
-OS. Note that this may break some existing scripts.
-The intended purpose of this routine is to concatenate I<directory names>.
-But because of the nature of Macintosh paths, some additional possibilities
-are allowed to make using this routine give reasonable results for some
-common situations. In other words, you are also allowed to concatenate
-I<paths> instead of directory names (strictly speaking, a string like ":a"
-is a path, but not a name, since it contains a punctuation character ":").
-So, beside calls like
- catdir("a") = ":a:"
- catdir("a","b") = ":a:b:"
- catdir() = "" (special case)
-calls like the following
- catdir(":a:") = ":a:"
- catdir(":a","b") = ":a:b:"
- catdir(":a:","b") = ":a:b:"
- catdir(":a:",":b:") = ":a:b:"
- catdir(":") = ":"
-are allowed.
-Here are the rules that are used in C<catdir()>; note that we try to be as
-compatible as possible to Unix:
-=over 2
-=item 1.
-The resulting path is relative by default, i.e. the resulting path will have a
-leading colon.
-=item 2.
-A trailing colon is added automatically to the resulting path, to denote a
-=item 3.
-Generally, each argument has one leading ":" and one trailing ":"
-removed (if any). They are then joined together by a ":". Special
-treatment applies for arguments denoting updir paths like "::lib:",
-see (4), or arguments consisting solely of colons ("colon paths"),
-see (5).
-=item 4.
-When an updir path like ":::lib::" is passed as argument, the number
-of directories to climb up is handled correctly, not removing leading
-or trailing colons when necessary. E.g.
- catdir(":::a","::b","c") = ":::a::b:c:"
- catdir(":::a::","::b","c") = ":::a:::b:c:"
-=item 5.
-Adding a colon ":" or empty string "" to a path at I<any> position
-doesn't alter the path, i.e. these arguments are ignored. (When a ""
-is passed as the first argument, it has a special meaning, see
-(6)). This way, a colon ":" is handled like a "." (curdir) on Unix,
-while an empty string "" is generally ignored (see
-C<Unix-E<gt>canonpath()> ). Likewise, a "::" is handled like a ".."
-(updir), and a ":::" is handled like a "../.." etc. E.g.
- catdir("a",":",":","b") = ":a:b:"
- catdir("a",":","::",":b") = ":a::b:"
-=item 6.
-If the first argument is an empty string "" or is a volume name, i.e. matches
-the pattern /^[^:]+:/, the resulting path is B<absolute>.
-=item 7.
-Passing an empty string "" as the first argument to C<catdir()> is
-like passingC<File::Spec-E<gt>rootdir()> as the first argument, i.e.
- catdir("","a","b") is the same as
- catdir(rootdir(),"a","b").
-This is true on Unix, where C<catdir("","a","b")> yields "/a/b" and
-C<rootdir()> is "/". Note that C<rootdir()> on Mac OS is the startup
-volume, which is the closest in concept to Unix' "/". This should help
-to run existing scripts originally written for Unix.
-=item 8.
-For absolute paths, some cleanup is done, to ensure that the volume
-name isn't immediately followed by updirs. This is invalid, because
-this would go beyond "root". Generally, these cases are handled like
-their Unix counterparts:
- Unix:
- Unix->catdir("","") = "/"
- Unix->catdir("",".") = "/"
- Unix->catdir("","..") = "/" # can't go beyond root
- Unix->catdir("",".","..","..","a") = "/a"
- Mac:
- Mac->catdir("","") = rootdir() # (e.g. "HD:")
- Mac->catdir("",":") = rootdir()
- Mac->catdir("","::") = rootdir() # can't go beyond root
- Mac->catdir("",":","::","::","a") = rootdir() . "a:" # (e.g. "HD:a:")
-However, this approach is limited to the first arguments following
-"root" (again, see C<Unix-E<gt>canonpath()> ). If there are more
-arguments that move up the directory tree, an invalid path going
-beyond root can be created.
-As you've seen, you can force C<catdir()> to create an absolute path
-by passing either an empty string or a path that begins with a volume
-name as the first argument. However, you are strongly encouraged not
-to do so, since this is done only for backward compatibility. Newer
-versions of File::Spec come with a method called C<catpath()> (see
-below), that is designed to offer a portable solution for the creation
-of absolute paths. It takes volume, directory and file portions and
-returns an entire path. While C<catdir()> is still suitable for the
-concatenation of I<directory names>, you are encouraged to use
-C<catpath()> to concatenate I<volume names> and I<directory
-paths>. E.g.
- $dir = File::Spec->catdir("tmp","sources");
- $abs_path = File::Spec->catpath("MacintoshHD:", $dir,"");
- "MacintoshHD:tmp:sources:" .
-sub catdir {
- my $self = shift;
- return '' unless @_;
- my @args = @_;
- my $first_arg;
- my $relative;
- # take care of the first argument
- if ($args[0] eq '') { # absolute path, rootdir
- shift @args;
- $relative = 0;
- $first_arg = $self->rootdir;
- } elsif ($args[0] =~ /^[^:]+:/) { # absolute path, volume name
- $relative = 0;
- $first_arg = shift @args;
- # add a trailing ':' if need be (may be it's a path like HD:dir)
- $first_arg = "$first_arg:" unless ($first_arg =~ /:\Z(?!\n)/);
- } else { # relative path
- $relative = 1;
- if ( $args[0] =~ /^::+\Z(?!\n)/ ) {
- # updir colon path ('::', ':::' etc.), don't shift
- $first_arg = ':';
- } elsif ($args[0] eq ':') {
- $first_arg = shift @args;
- } else {
- # add a trailing ':' if need be
- $first_arg = shift @args;
- $first_arg = "$first_arg:" unless ($first_arg =~ /:\Z(?!\n)/);
- }
- }
- # For all other arguments,
- # (a) ignore arguments that equal ':' or '',
- # (b) handle updir paths specially:
- # '::' -> concatenate '::'
- # '::' . '::' -> concatenate ':::' etc.
- # (c) add a trailing ':' if need be
- my $result = $first_arg;
- while (@args) {
- my $arg = shift @args;
- unless (($arg eq '') || ($arg eq ':')) {
- if ($arg =~ /^::+\Z(?!\n)/ ) { # updir colon path like ':::'
- my $updir_count = length($arg) - 1;
- while ((@args) && ($args[0] =~ /^::+\Z(?!\n)/) ) { # while updir colon path
- $arg = shift @args;
- $updir_count += (length($arg) - 1);
- }
- $arg = (':' x $updir_count);
- } else {
- $arg =~ s/^://s; # remove a leading ':' if any
- $arg = "$arg:" unless ($arg =~ /:\Z(?!\n)/); # ensure trailing ':'
- }
- $result .= $arg;
- }#unless
- }
- if ( ($relative) && ($result !~ /^:/) ) {
- # add a leading colon if need be
- $result = ":$result";
- }
- unless ($relative) {
- # remove updirs immediately following the volume name
- $result =~ s/([^:]+:)(:*)(.*)\Z(?!\n)/$1$3/;
- }
- return $result;
-=item catfile
-Concatenate one or more directory names and a filename to form a
-complete path ending with a filename. Resulting paths are B<relative>
-by default, but can be forced to be absolute (but avoid this).
-B<IMPORTANT NOTE:> Beginning with version 1.3 of this module, the
-resulting path is relative by default and I<not> absolute. This
-decision was made due to portability reasons. Since
-C<File::Spec-E<gt>catfile()> returns relative paths on all other
-operating systems, it will now also follow this convention on Mac OS.
-Note that this may break some existing scripts.
-The last argument is always considered to be the file portion. Since
-C<catfile()> uses C<catdir()> (see above) for the concatenation of the
-directory portions (if any), the following with regard to relative and
-absolute paths is true:
- catfile("") = ""
- catfile("file") = "file"
- catfile("","") = rootdir() # (e.g. "HD:")
- catfile("","file") = rootdir() . file # (e.g. "HD:file")
- catfile("HD:","file") = "HD:file"
-This means that C<catdir()> is called only when there are two or more
-arguments, as one might expect.
-Note that the leading ":" is removed from the filename, so that
- catfile("a","b","file") = ":a:b:file" and
- catfile("a","b",":file") = ":a:b:file"
-give the same answer.
-To concatenate I<volume names>, I<directory paths> and I<filenames>,
-you are encouraged to use C<catpath()> (see below).
-sub catfile {
- my $self = shift;
- return '' unless @_;
- my $file = pop @_;
- return $file unless @_;
- my $dir = $self->catdir(@_);
- $file =~ s/^://s;
- return $dir.$file;
-=item curdir
-Returns a string representing the current directory. On Mac OS, this is ":".
-sub curdir {
- return ":";
-=item devnull
-Returns a string representing the null device. On Mac OS, this is "Dev:Null".
-sub devnull {
- return "Dev:Null";
-=item rootdir
-Returns a string representing the root directory. Under MacPerl,
-returns the name of the startup volume, since that's the closest in
-concept, although other volumes aren't rooted there. The name has a
-trailing ":", because that's the correct specification for a volume
-name on Mac OS.
-If Mac::Files could not be loaded, the empty string is returned.
-sub rootdir {
-# There's no real root directory on Mac OS. The name of the startup
-# volume is returned, since that's the closest in concept.
- return '' unless $macfiles;
- my $system = Mac::Files::FindFolder(&Mac::Files::kOnSystemDisk,
- &Mac::Files::kSystemFolderType);
- $system =~ s/:.*\Z(?!\n)/:/s;
- return $system;
-=item tmpdir
-Returns the contents of $ENV{TMPDIR}, if that directory exits or the
-current working directory otherwise. Under MacPerl, $ENV{TMPDIR} will
-contain a path like "MacintoshHD:Temporary Items:", which is a hidden
-directory on your startup volume.
-my $tmpdir;
-sub tmpdir {
- return $tmpdir if defined $tmpdir;
- $tmpdir = $_[0]->_tmpdir( $ENV{TMPDIR} );
-=item updir
-Returns a string representing the parent directory. On Mac OS, this is "::".
-sub updir {
- return "::";
-=item file_name_is_absolute
-Takes as argument a path and returns true, if it is an absolute path.
-If the path has a leading ":", it's a relative path. Otherwise, it's an
-absolute path, unless the path doesn't contain any colons, i.e. it's a name
-like "a". In this particular case, the path is considered to be relative
-(i.e. it is considered to be a filename). Use ":" in the appropriate place
-in the path if you want to distinguish unambiguously. As a special case,
-the filename '' is always considered to be absolute. Note that with version
-1.2 of File::Spec::Mac, this does no longer consult the local filesystem.
- File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute("a"); # false (relative)
- File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute(":a:b:"); # false (relative)
- File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute("MacintoshHD:"); # true (absolute)
- File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute(""); # true (absolute)
-sub file_name_is_absolute {
- my ($self,$file) = @_;
- if ($file =~ /:/) {
- return (! ($file =~ m/^:/s) );
- } elsif ( $file eq '' ) {
- return 1 ;
- } else {
- return 0; # i.e. a file like "a"
- }
-=item path
-Returns the null list for the MacPerl application, since the concept is
-usually meaningless under Mac OS. But if you're using the MacPerl tool under
-MPW, it gives back $ENV{Commands} suitably split, as is done in
-sub path {
-# The concept is meaningless under the MacPerl application.
-# Under MPW, it has a meaning.
- return unless exists $ENV{Commands};
- return split(/,/, $ENV{Commands});
-=item splitpath
- ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path );
- ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path, $no_file );
-Splits a path into volume, directory, and filename portions.
-On Mac OS, assumes that the last part of the path is a filename unless
-$no_file is true or a trailing separator ":" is present.
-The volume portion is always returned with a trailing ":". The directory portion
-is always returned with a leading (to denote a relative path) and a trailing ":"
-(to denote a directory). The file portion is always returned I<without> a leading ":".
-Empty portions are returned as empty string ''.
-The results can be passed to C<catpath()> to get back a path equivalent to
-(usually identical to) the original path.
-sub splitpath {
- my ($self,$path, $nofile) = @_;
- my ($volume,$directory,$file);
- if ( $nofile ) {
- ( $volume, $directory ) = $path =~ m|^((?:[^:]+:)?)(.*)|s;
- }
- else {
- $path =~
- m|^( (?: [^:]+: )? )
- ( (?: .*: )? )
- ( .* )
- |xs;
- $volume = $1;
- $directory = $2;
- $file = $3;
- }
- $volume = '' unless defined($volume);
- $directory = ":$directory" if ( $volume && $directory ); # take care of "HD::dir"
- if ($directory) {
- # Make sure non-empty directories begin and end in ':'
- $directory .= ':' unless (substr($directory,-1) eq ':');
- $directory = ":$directory" unless (substr($directory,0,1) eq ':');
- } else {
- $directory = '';
- }
- $file = '' unless defined($file);
- return ($volume,$directory,$file);
-=item splitdir
-The opposite of C<catdir()>.
- @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( $directories );
-$directories should be only the directory portion of the path on systems
-that have the concept of a volume or that have path syntax that differentiates
-files from directories. Consider using C<splitpath()> otherwise.
-Unlike just splitting the directories on the separator, empty directory names
-(C<"">) can be returned. Since C<catdir()> on Mac OS always appends a trailing
-colon to distinguish a directory path from a file path, a single trailing colon
-will be ignored, i.e. there's no empty directory name after it.
-Hence, on Mac OS, both
- File::Spec->splitdir( ":a:b::c:" ); and
- File::Spec->splitdir( ":a:b::c" );
- ( "a", "b", "::", "c")
- File::Spec->splitdir( ":a:b::c::" );
- ( "a", "b", "::", "c", "::")
-sub splitdir {
- my ($self, $path) = @_;
- my @result = ();
- my ($head, $sep, $tail, $volume, $directories);
- return ('') if ( (!defined($path)) || ($path eq '') );
- return (':') if ($path eq ':');
- ( $volume, $sep, $directories ) = $path =~ m|^((?:[^:]+:)?)(:*)(.*)|s;
- # deprecated, but handle it correctly
- if ($volume) {
- push (@result, $volume);
- $sep .= ':';
- }
- while ($sep || $directories) {
- if (length($sep) > 1) {
- my $updir_count = length($sep) - 1;
- for (my $i=0; $i<$updir_count; $i++) {
- # push '::' updir_count times;
- # simulate Unix '..' updirs
- push (@result, '::');
- }
- }
- $sep = '';
- if ($directories) {
- ( $head, $sep, $tail ) = $directories =~ m|^((?:[^:]+)?)(:*)(.*)|s;
- push (@result, $head);
- $directories = $tail;
- }
- }
- return @result;
-=item catpath
- $path = File::Spec->catpath($volume,$directory,$file);
-Takes volume, directory and file portions and returns an entire path. On Mac OS,
-$volume, $directory and $file are concatenated. A ':' is inserted if need be. You
-may pass an empty string for each portion. If all portions are empty, the empty
-string is returned. If $volume is empty, the result will be a relative path,
-beginning with a ':'. If $volume and $directory are empty, a leading ":" (if any)
-is removed form $file and the remainder is returned. If $file is empty, the
-resulting path will have a trailing ':'.
-sub catpath {
- my ($self,$volume,$directory,$file) = @_;
- if ( (! $volume) && (! $directory) ) {
- $file =~ s/^:// if $file;
- return $file ;
- }
- # We look for a volume in $volume, then in $directory, but not both
- my ($dir_volume, $dir_dirs) = $self->splitpath($directory, 1);
- $volume = $dir_volume unless length $volume;
- my $path = $volume; # may be ''
- $path .= ':' unless (substr($path, -1) eq ':'); # ensure trailing ':'
- if ($directory) {
- $directory = $dir_dirs if $volume;
- $directory =~ s/^://; # remove leading ':' if any
- $path .= $directory;
- $path .= ':' unless (substr($path, -1) eq ':'); # ensure trailing ':'
- }
- if ($file) {
- $file =~ s/^://; # remove leading ':' if any
- $path .= $file;
- }
- return $path;
-=item abs2rel
-Takes a destination path and an optional base path and returns a relative path
-from the base path to the destination path:
- $rel_path = File::Spec->abs2rel( $path ) ;
- $rel_path = File::Spec->abs2rel( $path, $base ) ;
-Note that both paths are assumed to have a notation that distinguishes a
-directory path (with trailing ':') from a file path (without trailing ':').
-If $base is not present or '', then the current working directory is used.
-If $base is relative, then it is converted to absolute form using C<rel2abs()>.
-This means that it is taken to be relative to the current working directory.
-If $path and $base appear to be on two different volumes, we will not
-attempt to resolve the two paths, and we will instead simply return
-$path. Note that previous versions of this module ignored the volume
-of $base, which resulted in garbage results part of the time.
-If $base doesn't have a trailing colon, the last element of $base is
-assumed to be a filename. This filename is ignored. Otherwise all path
-components are assumed to be directories.
-If $path is relative, it is converted to absolute form using C<rel2abs()>.
-This means that it is taken to be relative to the current working directory.
-Based on code written by Shigio Yamaguchi.
-# maybe this should be done in canonpath() ?
-sub _resolve_updirs {
- my $path = shift @_;
- my $proceed;
- # resolve any updirs, e.g. "HD:tmp::file" -> "HD:file"
- do {
- $proceed = ($path =~ s/^(.*):[^:]+::(.*?)\z/$1:$2/);
- } while ($proceed);
- return $path;
-sub abs2rel {
- my($self,$path,$base) = @_;
- # Clean up $path
- if ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute( $path ) ) {
- $path = $self->rel2abs( $path ) ;
- }
- # Figure out the effective $base and clean it up.
- if ( !defined( $base ) || $base eq '' ) {
- $base = $self->_cwd();
- }
- elsif ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute( $base ) ) {
- $base = $self->rel2abs( $base ) ;
- $base = _resolve_updirs( $base ); # resolve updirs in $base
- }
- else {
- $base = _resolve_updirs( $base );
- }
- # Split up paths - ignore $base's file
- my ( $path_vol, $path_dirs, $path_file ) = $self->splitpath( $path );
- my ( $base_vol, $base_dirs ) = $self->splitpath( $base );
- return $path unless lc( $path_vol ) eq lc( $base_vol );
- # Now, remove all leading components that are the same
- my @pathchunks = $self->splitdir( $path_dirs );
- my @basechunks = $self->splitdir( $base_dirs );
- while ( @pathchunks &&
- @basechunks &&
- lc( $pathchunks[0] ) eq lc( $basechunks[0] ) ) {
- shift @pathchunks ;
- shift @basechunks ;
- }
- # @pathchunks now has the directories to descend in to.
- # ensure relative path, even if @pathchunks is empty
- $path_dirs = $self->catdir( ':', @pathchunks );
- # @basechunks now contains the number of directories to climb out of.
- $base_dirs = (':' x @basechunks) . ':' ;
- return $self->catpath( '', $self->catdir( $base_dirs, $path_dirs ), $path_file ) ;
-=item rel2abs
-Converts a relative path to an absolute path:
- $abs_path = File::Spec->rel2abs( $path ) ;
- $abs_path = File::Spec->rel2abs( $path, $base ) ;
-Note that both paths are assumed to have a notation that distinguishes a
-directory path (with trailing ':') from a file path (without trailing ':').
-If $base is not present or '', then $base is set to the current working
-directory. If $base is relative, then it is converted to absolute form
-using C<rel2abs()>. This means that it is taken to be relative to the
-current working directory.
-If $base doesn't have a trailing colon, the last element of $base is
-assumed to be a filename. This filename is ignored. Otherwise all path
-components are assumed to be directories.
-If $path is already absolute, it is returned and $base is ignored.
-Based on code written by Shigio Yamaguchi.
-sub rel2abs {
- my ($self,$path,$base) = @_;
- if ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute($path) ) {
- # Figure out the effective $base and clean it up.
- if ( !defined( $base ) || $base eq '' ) {
- $base = $self->_cwd();
- }
- elsif ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute($base) ) {
- $base = $self->rel2abs($base) ;
- }
- # Split up paths
- # igonore $path's volume
- my ( $path_dirs, $path_file ) = ($self->splitpath($path))[1,2] ;
- # ignore $base's file part
- my ( $base_vol, $base_dirs ) = $self->splitpath($base) ;
- # Glom them together
- $path_dirs = ':' if ($path_dirs eq '');
- $base_dirs =~ s/:$//; # remove trailing ':', if any
- $base_dirs = $base_dirs . $path_dirs;
- $path = $self->catpath( $base_vol, $base_dirs, $path_file );
- }
- return $path;
-=head1 AUTHORS
-See the authors list in I<File::Spec>. Mac OS support by Paul Schinder
-<> and Thomas Wegner <>.
-Copyright (c) 2004 by the Perl 5 Porters. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See L<File::Spec> and L<File::Spec::Unix>. This package overrides the
-implementation of these methods, not the semantics.