path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/ExtUtils/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/ExtUtils/')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/ExtUtils/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/ExtUtils/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..070e186fecd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/ExtUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+package ExtUtils::PL2Bat;
+$ExtUtils::PL2Bat::VERSION = '0.004';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.006;
+use Config;
+use Carp qw/croak/;
+# In core, we can't use any other modules except those that already live in
+# lib/, so Exporter is not available to us.
+sub import {
+ my ($self, @functions) = @_;
+ @functions = 'pl2bat' if not @functions;
+ my $caller = caller;
+ for my $function (@functions) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{"$caller\::$function"} = \&{$function};
+ }
+sub pl2bat {
+ my %opts = @_;
+ # NOTE: %0 is already enclosed in doublequotes by cmd.exe, as appropriate
+ $opts{ntargs} = '-x -S %0 %*' unless exists $opts{ntargs};
+ $opts{otherargs} = '-x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9' unless exists $opts{otherargs};
+ $opts{stripsuffix} = qr/\.plx?/ unless exists $opts{stripsuffix};
+ if (not exists $opts{out}) {
+ $opts{out} = $opts{in};
+ $opts{out} =~ s/$opts{stripsuffix}$//i;
+ $opts{out} .= '.bat' unless $opts{in} =~ /\.bat$/i or $opts{in} eq '-';
+ }
+ my $head = <<"EOT";
+ \@rem = '--*-Perl-*--
+ \@set "ErrorLevel="
+ \@if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" \@goto WinNT
+ \@perl $opts{otherargs}
+ \@set ErrorLevel=%ErrorLevel%
+ \@goto endofperl
+ :WinNT
+ \@perl $opts{ntargs}
+ \@set ErrorLevel=%ErrorLevel%
+ \@if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\\system32\\cmd.exe" \@goto endofperl
+ \@if %ErrorLevel% == 9009 \@echo You do not have Perl in your PATH.
+ \@goto endofperl
+ \@rem ';
+ $head =~ s/^\s+//gm;
+ my $headlines = 2 + ($head =~ tr/\n/\n/);
+ my $tail = <<'EOT';
+ __END__
+ :endofperl
+ @set "ErrorLevel=" & @goto _undefined_label_ 2>NUL || @"%COMSPEC%" /d/c @exit %ErrorLevel%
+ $tail =~ s/^\s+//gm;
+ my $linedone = 0;
+ my $taildone = 0;
+ my $linenum = 0;
+ my $skiplines = 0;
+ my $start = $Config{startperl};
+ $start = '#!perl' unless $start =~ /^#!.*perl/;
+ open my $in, '<', $opts{in} or croak "Can't open $opts{in}: $!";
+ my @file = <$in>;
+ close $in;
+ foreach my $line ( @file ) {
+ $linenum++;
+ if ( $line =~ /^:endofperl\b/ ) {
+ if (!exists $opts{update}) {
+ warn "$opts{in} has already been converted to a batch file!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ $taildone++;
+ }
+ if ( not $linedone and $line =~ /^#!.*perl/ ) {
+ if (exists $opts{update}) {
+ $skiplines = $linenum - 1;
+ $line .= '#line '.(1+$headlines)."\n";
+ } else {
+ $line .= '#line '.($linenum+$headlines)."\n";
+ }
+ $linedone++;
+ }
+ if ( $line =~ /^#\s*line\b/ and $linenum == 2 + $skiplines ) {
+ $line = '';
+ }
+ }
+ open my $out, '>', $opts{out} or croak "Can't open $opts{out}: $!";
+ print $out $head;
+ print $out $start, ( $opts{usewarnings} ? ' -w' : '' ),
+ "\n#line ", ($headlines+1), "\n" unless $linedone;
+ print $out @file[$skiplines..$#file];
+ print $out $tail unless $taildone;
+ close $out;
+ return $opts{out};
+# ABSTRACT: Batch file creation to run perl scripts on Windows
+=encoding UTF-8
+=head1 NAME
+ExtUtils::PL2Bat - Batch file creation to run perl scripts on Windows
+=head1 VERSION
+version 0.004
+=head1 OVERVIEW
+This module converts a perl script into a batch file that can be executed on Windows/DOS-like operating systems. This is intended to allow you to use a Perl script like regular programs and batch files where you just enter the name of the script [probably minus the extension] plus any command-line arguments and the script is found in your B<PATH> and run.
+=head2 pl2bat(%opts)
+This function takes a perl script and write a batch file that contains the script. This is sometimes necessary
+=over 8
+=item * C<in>
+The name of the script that is to be batchified. This argument is mandatory.
+=item * C<out>
+The name of the output batch file. If not given, it will be generated using C<in> and C<stripsuffix>.
+=item * C<ntargs>
+Arguments to invoke perl with in generated batch file when run from
+Windows NT. Defaults to S<'-x -S %0 %*'>.
+=item * C<otherargs>
+Arguments to invoke perl with in generated batch file except when
+run from Windows NT (ie. when run from DOS, Windows 3.1, or Windows 95).
+Defaults to S<'-x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9'>.
+=item * C<stripsuffix>
+Strip a suffix string from file name before appending a ".bat"
+suffix. The suffix is not case-sensitive. It can be a regex or a string and a trailing
+C<$> is always assumed). Defaults to C<qr/\.plx?/>.
+=item * C<usewarnings>
+With the C<usewarnings>
+option, C<" -w"> is added after the value of C<$Config{startperl}>.
+If a line matching C</^#!.*perl/> already exists in the script,
+then it is not changed and the B<-w> option is ignored.
+=item * C<update>
+If the script appears to have already been processed by B<pl2bat>,
+then the script is skipped and not processed unless C<update> was
+specified. If C<update> is specified, the existing preamble is replaced.
+This code was taken from Module::Build and then modified; which had taken it from perl's pl2bat script. This module is an attempt at unifying all three implementations.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Leon Timmermans <>
+This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Leon Timmermans.
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.