path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/FAQ.pod
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diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/FAQ.pod b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/FAQ.pod
index d3aa100fb9f..179c9d6f30a 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/FAQ.pod
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker/FAQ.pod
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package ExtUtils::MakeMaker::FAQ;
-our $VERSION = '7.10_01';
+our $VERSION = '7.24';
@@ -21,8 +22,12 @@ FAQs, tricks and tips for C<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>.
=item How do I install a module into my home directory?
If you're not the Perl administrator you probably don't have
-permission to install a module to its default location. Then you
-should install it for your own use into your home directory like so:
+permission to install a module to its default location. Ways of handling
+this with a B<lot> less manual effort on your part are L<perlbrew>
+and L<local::lib>.
+Otherwise, you can install it for your own use into your home directory
+like so:
# Non-unix folks, replace ~ with /path/to/your/home/dir
perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=~
@@ -41,7 +46,6 @@ reason, do it the long way.
use lib "/path/to/your/home/dir/lib/perl5";
=item How do I get MakeMaker and Module::Build to install to the same place?
Module::Build, as of 0.28, supports two ways to install to the same
@@ -99,8 +103,10 @@ Two ways. One is to build the module normally...
make test
-...and then set the PERL5LIB environment variable to point at the
-blib/lib and blib/arch directories.
+...and then use L<blib> to point Perl at the built but uninstalled module:
+ perl -Mblib
+ perl -Mblib -e '...'
The other is to install the module in a temporary location.
@@ -112,20 +118,89 @@ The other is to install the module in a temporary location.
And then set PERL5LIB to F<~/tmp/lib/perl5>. This works well when you
have multiple modules to work with. It also ensures that the module
goes through its full installation process which may modify it.
+Again, L<local::lib> may assist you here.
+=item How can I organize tests into subdirectories and have them run?
+Let's take the following test directory structure:
+ t/foo/sometest.t
+ t/bar/othertest.t
+ t/bar/baz/anothertest.t
+Now, inside of the C<WriteMakeFile()> function in your F<Makefile.PL>, specify
+where your tests are located with the C<test> directive:
+ test => {TESTS => 't/*.t t/*/*.t t/*/*/*.t'}
+The first entry in the string will run all tests in the top-level F<t/>
+directory. The second will run all test files located in any subdirectory under
+F<t/>. The third, runs all test files within any subdirectory within any other
+subdirectory located under F<t/>.
+Note that you do not have to use wildcards. You can specify explicitly which
+subdirectories to run tests in:
+ test => {TESTS => 't/*.t t/foo/*.t t/bar/baz/*.t'}
=item PREFIX vs INSTALL_BASE from Module::Build::Cookbook
The behavior of PREFIX is complicated and depends closely on how your
-Perl is configured. The resulting installation locations will vary from
-machine to machine and even different installations of Perl on the same machine.
-Because of this, its difficult to document where prefix will place your modules.
+Perl is configured. The resulting installation locations will vary
+from machine to machine and even different installations of Perl on the
+same machine. Because of this, its difficult to document where prefix
+will place your modules.
+In contrast, INSTALL_BASE has predictable, easy to explain installation
+locations. Now that Module::Build and MakeMaker both have INSTALL_BASE
+there is little reason to use PREFIX other than to preserve your existing
+installation locations. If you are starting a fresh Perl installation we
+encourage you to use INSTALL_BASE. If you have an existing installation
+installed via PREFIX, consider moving it to an installation structure
+matching INSTALL_BASE and using that instead.
+=item Generating *.pm files with substitutions eg of $VERSION
+If you want to configure your module files for local conditions, or to
+automatically insert a version number, you can use EUMM's C<PL_FILES>
+capability, where it will automatically run each F<*.PL> it finds to
+generate its basename. For instance:
+ # Makefile.PL:
+ require '';
+ my $version = get_version();
+ my @pms = qw(;
+ WriteMakefile(
+ NAME => 'Foo',
+ VERSION => $version,
+ PM => { map { ($_ => "\$(INST_LIB)/$_") } @pms },
+ clean => { FILES => join ' ', @pms },
+ );
-In contrast, INSTALL_BASE has predictable, easy to explain installation locations.
-Now that Module::Build and MakeMaker both have INSTALL_BASE there is little reason
-to use PREFIX other than to preserve your existing installation locations. If you
-are starting a fresh Perl installation we encourage you to use INSTALL_BASE. If
-you have an existing installation installed via PREFIX, consider moving it to an
-installation structure matching INSTALL_BASE and using that instead.
+ #
+ sub get_version { '0.04' }
+ sub process { my $v = get_version(); s/__VERSION__/$v/g; }
+ 1;
+ #
+ require '';
+ $_ = join '', <DATA>;
+ process();
+ my $file = shift;
+ open my $fh, '>', $file or die "$file: $!";
+ print $fh $_;
+ __DATA__
+ package Foo;
+ our $VERSION = '__VERSION__';
+ 1;
+You may notice that C<PL_FILES> is not specified above, since the default
+of mapping each .PL file to its basename works well.
+If the generated module were architecture-specific, you could replace
+C<$(INST_LIB)> above with C<$(INST_ARCHLIB)>, although if you locate
+modules under F<lib>, that would involve ensuring any C<lib/> in front
+of the module location were removed.
@@ -184,16 +259,16 @@ Its primary advantages are:
-Module::Build was long the official heir apparent to MakeMaker. The rate of
-both its development and adoption has slowed in recent years, though, and it is
-unclear what the future holds for it. That said, Module::Build set the stage
-for I<something> to become the heir to MakeMaker. MakeMaker's maintainers have
-long said that it is a dead end and should be kept functioning, but not
-extended with new features. It's complicated enough as it is!
+Module::Build was long the official heir apparent to MakeMaker. The
+rate of both its development and adoption has slowed in recent years,
+though, and it is unclear what the future holds for it. That said,
+Module::Build set the stage for I<something> to become the heir to
+MakeMaker. MakeMaker's maintainers have long said that it is a dead
+end and should be kept functioning, while being cautious about extending
+with new features.
=head2 Module Writing
=over 4
@@ -207,8 +282,14 @@ modules in your dist, $VERSION is really just bookkeeping and all that's
important is it goes up every time the module is changed. Doing this
by hand is a pain and you often forget.
-Simplest way to do it automatically is to use your version control
-system's revision number (you are using version control, right?).
+Probably the easiest way to do this is using F<perl-reversion> in
+ perl-reversion -bump
+If your version control system supports revision numbers (git doesn't
+easily), the simplest way to do it automatically is to use its revision
+number (you are using version control, right?).
In CVS, RCS and SVN you use $Revision$ (see the documentation of your
version control system for details). Every time the file is checked
@@ -300,7 +381,7 @@ do that. Use at your own risk. Have fun blowing holes in your foot.
We recommend ptar from Archive::Tar not older than 1.66 with '-C' option.
-=item Which zip should I use on Windows for '[nd]make zipdist'?
+=item Which zip should I use on Windows for '[ndg]make zipdist'?
We recommend InfoZIP: L<>
@@ -309,9 +390,7 @@ We recommend InfoZIP: L<>
=head2 XS
-=over 4
-=item How do I prevent "object version X.XX does not match bootstrap parameter Y.YY" errors?
+=head3 How do I prevent "object version X.XX does not match bootstrap parameter Y.YY" errors?
XS code is very sensitive to the module version number and will
complain if the version number in your Perl module doesn't match. If
@@ -326,12 +405,28 @@ WriteMakefile() arguments.
depend => { '$(FIRST_MAKEFILE)' => '$(VERSION_FROM)' }
-=item How do I make two or more XS files coexist in the same directory?
+=head3 How do I make two or more XS files coexist in the same directory?
Sometimes you need to have two and more XS files in the same package.
-One way to go is to put them into separate directories, but sometimes
-this is not the most suitable solution. The following technique allows
-you to put two (and more) XS files in the same directory.
+There are three ways: C<XSMULTI>, separate directories, and bootstrapping
+one XS from another.
+=head4 XSMULTI
+Structure your modules so they are all located under F<lib>, such that
+C<Foo::Bar> is in F<lib/Foo/> and F<lib/Foo/Bar.xs>, etc. Have your
+top-level C<WriteMakefile> set the variable C<XSMULTI> to a true value.
+Er, that's it.
+=head4 Separate directories
+Put each XS files into separate directories, each with their own
+F<Makefile.PL>. Make sure each of those F<Makefile.PL>s has the correct
+C<CFLAGS>, C<INC>, C<LIBS> etc. You will need to make sure the top-level
+F<Makefile.PL> refers to each of these using C<DIR>.
+=head4 Bootstrapping
Let's assume that we have a package C<Cool::Foo>, which includes
C<Cool::Foo> and C<Cool::Bar> modules each having a separate XS
@@ -446,12 +541,113 @@ And of course a very basic test:
This tip has been brought to you by Nick Ing-Simmons and Stas Bekman.
+An alternative way to achieve this can be seen in L<Gtk2::CodeGen>
+and L<Glib::CodeGen>.
+=head1 DESIGN
+=head2 MakeMaker object hierarchy (simplified)
+What most people need to know (superclasses on top.)
+ ExtUtils::MM_Any
+ |
+ ExtUtils::MM_Unix
+ |
+ ExtUtils::MM_{Current OS}
+ |
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker
+ |
+ MY
+The object actually used is of the class MY which allows you to
+override bits of MakeMaker inside your Makefile.PL by declaring
+MY::foo() methods.
+=head2 MakeMaker object hierarchy (real)
+Here's how it really works:
+ ExtUtils::MM_Any
+ |
+ ExtUtils::MM_Unix
+ |
+ ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid ExtUtils::MM_{Current OS} (if necessary)
+ | |
+ ExtUtils::Liblist ExtUtils::MakeMaker |
+ | | |
+ | | |-----------------------
+ ExtUtils::MM
+ | |
+ ExtUtils::MY MM (created by ExtUtils::MM)
+ | |
+ MY (created by ExtUtils::MY) |
+ . |
+ (mixin) |
+ . |
+ PACK### (created each call to ExtUtils::MakeMaker->new)
+NOTE: Yes, this is a mess. See
+for some history.
+NOTE: When ExtUtils::MM is loaded it chooses a superclass for MM from
+amongst the ExtUtils::MM_* modules based on the current operating
+NOTE: ExtUtils::MM_{Current OS} represents one of the ExtUtils::MM_*
+modules except ExtUtils::MM_Any chosen based on your operating system.
+NOTE: The main object used by MakeMaker is a PACK### object, *not*
+ExtUtils::MakeMaker. It is, effectively, a subclass of MY,
+ExtUtils::Makemaker, ExtUtils::Liblist and ExtUtils::MM_{Current OS}
+NOTE: The methods in MY are simply copied into PACK### rather than
+MY being a superclass of PACK###. I don't remember the rationale.
+NOTE: ExtUtils::Liblist should be removed from the inheritence hiearchy
+and simply be called as functions.
+NOTE: Modules like File::Spec and Exporter have been omitted for clarity.
+=head2 The MM_* hierarchy
+ MM_Win95 MM_NW5
+ \ /
+ \ | | | / / /
+ ------------------------------------------------
+ | |
+ MM_Unix |
+ | |
+ MM_Any
+NOTE: Each direct MM_Unix subclass is also an MM_Any subclass. This
+is a temporary hack because MM_Unix overrides some MM_Any methods with
+Unix specific code. It allows the non-Unix modules to see the
+original MM_Any implementations.
+NOTE: Modules like File::Spec and Exporter have been omitted for clarity.
If you have a question you'd like to see added to the FAQ (whether or
-not you have the answer) please send it to
+not you have the answer) please either:
+=over 2
+=item * make a pull request on the MakeMaker github repository
+=item * raise a issue on the MakeMaker github repository
+=item * file an RT ticket
+=item * email
=head1 AUTHOR