path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date')
36 files changed, 0 insertions, 2604 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a1ea90ef1f..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Graham Barr. This program is free
-# software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
-# as Perl itself.
-package Date::Format;
-use strict;
-use vars qw(@EXPORT @ISA $VERSION);
-require Exporter;
-$VERSION = "2.24";
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(time2str strftime ctime asctime);
-sub time2str ($;$$)
- Date::Format::Generic->time2str(@_);
-sub strftime ($\@;$)
- Date::Format::Generic->strftime(@_);
-sub ctime ($;$)
- my($t,$tz) = @_;
- Date::Format::Generic->time2str("%a %b %e %T %Y\n", $t, $tz);
-sub asctime (\@;$)
- my($t,$tz) = @_;
- Date::Format::Generic->strftime("%a %b %e %T %Y\n", $t, $tz);
-package Date::Format::Generic;
-use vars qw($epoch $tzname);
-use Time::Zone;
-use Time::Local;
-sub ctime
- my($me,$t,$tz) = @_;
- $me->time2str("%a %b %e %T %Y\n", $t, $tz);
-sub asctime
- my($me,$t,$tz) = @_;
- $me->strftime("%a %b %e %T %Y\n", $t, $tz);
-sub _subs
- my $fn;
- $_[1] =~ s/
- %(O?[%a-zA-Z])
- /
- ($_[0]->can("format_$1") || sub { $1 })->($_[0]);
- /sgeox;
- $_[1];
-sub strftime
- my($pkg,$fmt,$time);
- ($pkg,$fmt,$time,$tzname) = @_;
- my $me = ref($pkg) ? $pkg : bless [];
- if(defined $tzname)
- {
- $tzname = uc $tzname;
- $tzname = sprintf("%+05d",$tzname)
- unless($tzname =~ /\D/);
- $epoch = timegm(@{$time}[0..5]);
- @$me = gmtime($epoch + tz_offset($tzname) - tz_offset());
- }
- else
- {
- @$me = @$time;
- undef $epoch;
- }
- _subs($me,$fmt);
-sub time2str
- my($pkg,$fmt,$time);
- ($pkg,$fmt,$time,$tzname) = @_;
- my $me = ref($pkg) ? $pkg : bless [], $pkg;
- $epoch = $time;
- if(defined $tzname)
- {
- $tzname = uc $tzname;
- $tzname = sprintf("%+05d",$tzname)
- unless($tzname =~ /\D/);
- $time += tz_offset($tzname);
- @$me = gmtime($time);
- }
- else
- {
- @$me = localtime($time);
- }
- $me->[9] = $time;
- _subs($me,$fmt);
-@DoW = qw(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday);
-@MoY = qw(January February March April May June
- July August September October November December);
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = qw(AM PM);
-@Dsuf = (qw(th st nd rd th th th th th th)) x 3;
-@Dsuf[11,12,13] = qw(th th th);
-@Dsuf[30,31] = qw(th st);
-%format = ('x' => "%m/%d/%y",
- 'C' => "%a %b %e %T %Z %Y",
- 'X' => "%H:%M:%S",
- );
-my @locale;
-my $locale = "/usr/share/lib/locale/LC_TIME/default";
-local *LOCALE;
- {
- chop(@locale = <LOCALE>);
- close(LOCALE);
- @MoYs = @locale[0 .. 11];
- @MoY = @locale[12 .. 23];
- @DoWs = @locale[24 .. 30];
- @DoW = @locale[31 .. 37];
- @format{"X","x","C"} = @locale[38 .. 40];
- @AMPM = @locale[41 .. 42];
- }
-sub wkyr {
- my($wstart, $wday, $yday) = @_;
- $wday = ($wday + 7 - $wstart) % 7;
- return int(($yday - $wday + 13) / 7 - 1);
-## these 6 formatting routins need to be *copied* into the language
-## specific packages
-my @roman = ('',qw(I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX));
-sub roman {
- my $n = shift;
- $n =~ s/(\d)$//;
- my $r = $roman[ $1 ];
- if($n =~ s/(\d)$//) {
- (my $t = $roman[$1]) =~ tr/IVX/XLC/;
- $r = $t . $r;
- }
- if($n =~ s/(\d)$//) {
- (my $t = $roman[$1]) =~ tr/IVX/CDM/;
- $r = $t . $r;
- }
- if($n =~ s/(\d)$//) {
- (my $t = $roman[$1]) =~ tr/IVX/M../;
- $r = $t . $r;
- }
- $r;
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
-sub format_P { lc($_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0]) }
-sub format_d { sprintf("%02d",$_[0]->[3]) }
-sub format_e { sprintf("%2d",$_[0]->[3]) }
-sub format_H { sprintf("%02d",$_[0]->[2]) }
-sub format_I { sprintf("%02d",$_[0]->[2] % 12 || 12)}
-sub format_j { sprintf("%03d",$_[0]->[7] + 1) }
-sub format_k { sprintf("%2d",$_[0]->[2]) }
-sub format_l { sprintf("%2d",$_[0]->[2] % 12 || 12)}
-sub format_L { $_[0]->[4] + 1 }
-sub format_m { sprintf("%02d",$_[0]->[4] + 1) }
-sub format_M { sprintf("%02d",$_[0]->[1]) }
-sub format_q { sprintf("%01d",int($_[0]->[4] / 3) + 1) }
-sub format_s {
- $epoch = timelocal(@{$_[0]}[0..5])
- unless defined $epoch;
- sprintf("%d",$epoch)
-sub format_S { sprintf("%02d",$_[0]->[0]) }
-sub format_U { wkyr(0, $_[0]->[6], $_[0]->[7]) }
-sub format_w { $_[0]->[6] }
-sub format_W { wkyr(1, $_[0]->[6], $_[0]->[7]) }
-sub format_y { sprintf("%02d",$_[0]->[5] % 100) }
-sub format_Y { sprintf("%04d",$_[0]->[5] + 1900) }
-sub format_Z {
- my $o = tz_local_offset(timelocal(@{$_[0]}[0..5]));
- defined $tzname ? $tzname : uc tz_name($o, $_[0]->[8]);
-sub format_z {
- my $t = timelocal(@{$_[0]}[0..5]);
- my $o = defined $tzname ? tz_offset($tzname, $t) : tz_offset(undef,$t);
- sprintf("%+03d%02d", int($o / 3600), int(abs($o) % 3600) / 60);
-sub format_c { &format_x . " " . &format_X }
-sub format_D { &format_m . "/" . &format_d . "/" . &format_y }
-sub format_r { &format_I . ":" . &format_M . ":" . &format_S . " " . &format_p }
-sub format_R { &format_H . ":" . &format_M }
-sub format_T { &format_H . ":" . &format_M . ":" . &format_S }
-sub format_t { "\t" }
-sub format_n { "\n" }
-sub format_o { sprintf("%2d%s",$_[0]->[3],$Dsuf[$_[0]->[3]]) }
-sub format_x { my $f = $format{'x'}; _subs($_[0],$f); }
-sub format_X { my $f = $format{'X'}; _subs($_[0],$f); }
-sub format_C { my $f = $format{'C'}; _subs($_[0],$f); }
-sub format_Od { roman(format_d(@_)) }
-sub format_Oe { roman(format_e(@_)) }
-sub format_OH { roman(format_H(@_)) }
-sub format_OI { roman(format_I(@_)) }
-sub format_Oj { roman(format_j(@_)) }
-sub format_Ok { roman(format_k(@_)) }
-sub format_Ol { roman(format_l(@_)) }
-sub format_Om { roman(format_m(@_)) }
-sub format_OM { roman(format_M(@_)) }
-sub format_Oq { roman(format_q(@_)) }
-sub format_Oy { roman(format_y(@_)) }
-sub format_OY { roman(format_Y(@_)) }
-sub format_G { int(($_[0]->[9] - 315993600) / 604800) }
-=head1 NAME
-Date::Format - Date formating subroutines
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Date::Format;
- @lt = localtime(time);
- print time2str($template, time);
- print strftime($template, @lt);
- print time2str($template, time, $zone);
- print strftime($template, @lt, $zone);
- print ctime(time);
- print asctime(@lt);
- print ctime(time, $zone);
- print asctime(@lt, $zone);
-This module provides routines to format dates into ASCII strings. They
-correspond to the C library routines C<strftime> and C<ctime>.
-=over 4
-=item time2str(TEMPLATE, TIME [, ZONE])
-C<time2str> converts C<TIME> into an ASCII string using the conversion
-specification given in C<TEMPLATE>. C<ZONE> if given specifies the zone
-which the output is required to be in, C<ZONE> defaults to your current zone.
-=item strftime(TEMPLATE, TIME [, ZONE])
-C<strftime> is similar to C<time2str> with the exception that the time is
-passed as an array, such as the array returned by C<localtime>.
-=item ctime(TIME [, ZONE])
-C<ctime> calls C<time2str> with the given arguments using the
-conversion specification C<"%a %b %e %T %Y\n">
-=item asctime(TIME [, ZONE])
-C<asctime> calls C<time2str> with the given arguments using the
-conversion specification C<"%a %b %e %T %Y\n">
-Date::Format is capable of formating into several languages by creating
-a language specific object and calling methods, see L<Date::Language>
- my $lang = Date::Language->new('German');
- $lang->time2str("%a %b %e %T %Y\n", time);
-I am open to suggestions on this.
-Each conversion specification is replaced by appropriate
-characters as described in the following list. The
-appropriate characters are determined by the LC_TIME
-category of the program's locale.
- %a day of the week abbr
- %A day of the week
- %b month abbr
- %B month
- %C ctime format: Sat Nov 19 21:05:57 1994
- %d numeric day of the month, with leading zeros (eg 01..31)
- %e like %d, but a leading zero is replaced by a space (eg 1..32)
- %G GPS week number (weeks since January 6, 1980)
- %h month abbr
- %H hour, 24 hour clock, leading 0's)
- %I hour, 12 hour clock, leading 0's)
- %j day of the year
- %k hour
- %l hour, 12 hour clock
- %L month number, starting with 1
- %m month number, starting with 01
- %M minute, leading 0's
- %o ornate day of month -- "1st", "2nd", "25th", etc.
- %p AM or PM
- %P am or pm (Yes %p and %P are backwards :)
- %q Quarter number, starting with 1
- %r time format: 09:05:57 PM
- %R time format: 21:05
- %s seconds since the Epoch, UCT
- %S seconds, leading 0's
- %t TAB
- %T time format: 21:05:57
- %U week number, Sunday as first day of week
- %w day of the week, numerically, Sunday == 0
- %W week number, Monday as first day of week
- %x date format: 11/19/94
- %X time format: 21:05:57
- %y year (2 digits)
- %Y year (4 digits)
- %Z timezone in ascii. eg: PST
- %z timezone in format -/+0000
-C<%d>, C<%e>, C<%H>, C<%I>, C<%j>, C<%k>, C<%l>, C<%m>, C<%M>, C<%q>,
-C<%y> and C<%Y> can be output in Roman numerals by prefixing the letter
-with C<O>, e.g. C<%OY> will output the year as roman numerals.
-The functions in this module are limited to the time range that can be
-represented by the time_t data type, i.e. 1901-12-13 20:45:53 GMT to
-2038-01-19 03:14:07 GMT.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Graham Barr <>
-Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Graham Barr. This program is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
-as Perl itself.
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index 02a05e7186b..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/
+++ /dev/null
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-package Date::Language;
-use strict;
-use Time::Local;
-use Carp;
-use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
-require Date::Format;
-$VERSION = "1.10";
-@ISA = qw(Date::Format::Generic);
-sub new
- my $self = shift;
- my $type = shift || $self;
- $type =~ s/^(\w+)$/Date::Language::$1/;
- croak "Bad language"
- unless $type =~ /^[\w:]+$/;
- eval "require $type"
- or croak $@;
- bless [], $type;
-# Stop AUTOLOAD being called ;-)
-sub DESTROY {}
- use vars qw($AUTOLOAD);
- if($AUTOLOAD =~ /::strptime\Z/o)
- {
- my $self = $_[0];
- my $type = ref($self) || $self;
- require Date::Parse;
- no strict 'refs';
- *{"${type}::strptime"} = Date::Parse::gen_parser(
- \%{"${type}::DoW"},
- \%{"${type}::MoY"},
- \@{"${type}::Dsuf"},
- 1);
- goto &{"${type}::strptime"};
- }
- croak "Undefined method &$AUTOLOAD called";
-sub str2time
- my $me = shift;
- my @t = $me->strptime(@_);
- return undef
- unless @t;
- my($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year,$zone) = @t;
- my @lt = localtime(time);
- $hh ||= 0;
- $mm ||= 0;
- $ss ||= 0;
- $month = $lt[4]
- unless(defined $month);
- $day = $lt[3]
- unless(defined $day);
- $year = ($month > $lt[4]) ? ($lt[5] - 1) : $lt[5]
- unless(defined $year);
- return defined $zone ? timegm($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year) - $zone
- : timelocal($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year);
-=head1 NAME
-Date::Language - Language specific date formating and parsing
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Date::Language;
- my $lang = Date::Language->new('German');
- $lang->time2str("%a %b %e %T %Y\n", time);
-L<Date::Language> provides objects to parse and format dates for specific languages. Available languages are
- Afar French Russian_cp1251
- Amharic Gedeo Russian_koi8r
- Austrian German Sidama
- Brazilian Greek Somali
- Chinese Hungarian Spanish
- Chinese_GB Icelandic Swedish
- Czech Italian Tigrinya
- Danish Norwegian TigrinyaEritrean
- Dutch Oromo TigrinyaEthiopian
- English Romanian Turkish
- Finnish Russian Bulgarian
-=head1 METHODS
-=item time2str
-See L<Date::Format/time2str>
-=item strftime
-See L<Date::Format/strftime>
-=item ctime
-See L<Date::Format/ctime>
-=item asctime
-See L<Date::Format/asctime>
-=item str2time
-See L<Date::Parse/str2time>
-=item strptime
-See L<Date::Parse/strptime>
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deleted file mode 100644
index f67cf37685c..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-## Afar tables
-package Date::Language::Afar;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "0.99";
-@DoW = qw(Acaada Etleeni Talaata Arbaqa Kamiisi Gumqata Sabti);
-@MoY = (
-"Qunxa Garablu",
-"Ciggilta Kudo",
-"Agda Baxis",
-"Caxah Alsa",
-"Qasa Dirri",
-"Qado Dirri",
-"Kaxxa Garablu"
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = qw(saaku carra);
-@Dsuf = (qw(th st nd rd th th th th th th)) x 3;
-@Dsuf[11,12,13] = qw(th th th);
-@Dsuf[30,31] = qw(th st);
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
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index a79984ecffa..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-## Amharic tables
-package Date::Language::Amharic;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.00";
-if ( $] >= 5.006 ) {
-@DoW = (
-@MoY = (
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = ( "\x{1320}\x{12cb}\x{1275}", "\x{12a8}\x{1230}\x{12d3}\x{1275}" );
-@Dsuf = ("\x{129b}" x 31);
-else {
-@DoW = (
-@MoY = (
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,9) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,9) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = ( "ጠዋት", "ከሰዓት" );
-@Dsuf = ("ኛ" x 31);
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8ff398bd106..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-## Austrian tables
-package Date::Language::Austrian;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-@MoY = qw(Jnner Feber Mrz April Mai Juni
- Juli August September Oktober November Dezember);
-@MoYs = qw(Jn Feb Mr Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dez);
-@DoW = qw(Sonntag Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag);
-@DoWs = qw(Son Mon Die Mit Don Fre Sam);
-use Date::Language::English ();
-@AMPM = @{Date::Language::English::AMPM};
-@Dsuf = @{Date::Language::English::Dsuf};
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
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index fa4d15fff91..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-## Brazilian tables, contributed by Christian Tosta (
-package Date::Language::Brazilian;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-@DoW = qw(Domingo Segunda Tera Quarta Quinta Sexta Sbado);
-@MoY = qw(Janeiro Fevereiro Maro Abril Maio Junho
- Julho Agosto Setembro Outubro Novembro Dezembro);
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = qw(AM PM);
-@Dsuf = (qw(mo ro do ro to to to mo vo no)) x 3;
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
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index cf3d127486e..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-## Bulgarian tables contributed by Krasimir Berov
-package Date::Language::Bulgarian;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use utf8;
-use base qw(Date::Language);
-our (@DoW, @DoWs, @MoY, @MoYs, @AMPM, @Dsuf, %MoY, %DoW, $VERSION);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-@DoW = qw(неделя понеделник вторник сряда четвъртък петък събота);
-@MoY = qw(януари февруари март април май юни
- юли август септември октомври ноември декември);
-@DoWs = qw(нд пн вт ср чт пт сб);
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = qw(AM PM);
-@Dsuf = (qw(ти ви ри ти ти ти ти ми ми ти)) x 3;
-@Dsuf[11,12,13] = qw(ти ти ти);
-@Dsuf[30,31] = qw(ти ви);
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
-sub format_o { ($_[0]->[3]<10?' ':'').$_[0]->[3].$Dsuf[$_[0]->[3]] }
-=encoding utf8
-=head1 NAME
-Date::Language::Bulgarian - localization for Date::Format
-This is Bulgarian localization for Date::Format.
-It is important to note that this module source code is in utf8.
-All strings which it outputs are in utf8, so it is safe to use it
-currently only with English. You are left alone to try and convert
-the output when using different Date::Language::* in the same application.
-This should be addresed in the future.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use Date::Language;
- local $\=$/;
- my $template ='%a %b %e %T %Y (%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)';
- my $time=1290883821; #or just use time();
- my @lt = localtime($time);
- my %languages = qw(English GMT German EEST Bulgarian EET);
- binmode(select,':utf8');
- foreach my $l(keys %languages){
- my $lang = Date::Language->new($l);
- my $zone = $languages{$l};
- print $/. "$l $zone";
- print $lang->time2str($template, $time);
- print $lang->time2str($template, $time, $zone);
- print $lang->strftime($template, \@lt);
- }
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Krasimir Berov (
-Copyright (c) 2010 Krasimir Berov. This program is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
-as Perl itself.
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index abfb3c05728..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-## English tables
-package Date::Language::Chinese;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.00";
-@DoW = qw(星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六);
-@MoY = qw(一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月
- 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月);
-@DoWs = map { $_ } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { $_ } @MoY;
-@AMPM = qw(上午 下午);
-@Dsuf = (qw(日 日 日 日 日 日 日 日 日 日)) x 3;
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
-sub format_o { sprintf("%2d%s",$_[0]->[3],"日") }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7be05552266..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-## English tables
-package Date::Language::Chinese_GB;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-@DoW = qw( һ ڶ );
-@MoY = qw(һ
- ʮ ʮһ ʮ);
-@DoWs = map { $_ } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { $_ } @MoY;
-@AMPM = qw( );
-@Dsuf = (qw( )) x 3;
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
-sub format_o { sprintf("%2d%s",$_[0]->[3],"") }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 756f5c552fc..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-## Czech tables
-## Contributed by Honza Pazdziora
-package Date::Language::Czech;
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @MoY2 @AMPM %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language Date::Format::Generic);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-@MoY = qw(leden nor bezen duben kvten erven ervenec srpen z
- jen listopad prosinec);
-@MoYs = qw(led nor be dub kv vn ec srp z j lis pro);
-@MoY2 = @MoY;
-for (@MoY2)
- { s!en$!na! or s!ec$!ce! or s!ad$!adu! or s!or$!ora!; }
-@DoW = qw(nedle pondl ter steda tvrtek ptek sobota);
-@DoWs = qw(Ne Po t St t P So);
-@AMPM = qw(dop. odp.);
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
-sub format_d { $_[0]->[3] }
-sub format_m { $_[0]->[4] + 1 }
-sub format_o { $_[0]->[3] . '.' }
-sub format_Q { $MoY2[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub time2str {
- my $ref = shift;
- my @a = @_;
- $a[0] =~ s/(%[do]\.?\s?)%B/$1%Q/;
- $ref->SUPER::time2str(@a);
- }
-sub strftime {
- my $ref = shift;
- my @a = @_;
- $a[0] =~ s/(%[do]\.?\s?)%B/$1%Q/;
- $ref->SUPER::time2str(@a);
- }
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deleted file mode 100644
index c43d08528ef..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-## Danish tables
-package Date::Language::Danish;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-@MoY = qw(Januar Februar Marts April Maj Juni
- Juli August September Oktober November December);
-@MoYs = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr Maj Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dec);
-@DoW = qw(Sndag Mandag Tirsdag Onsdag Torsdag Fredag Lrdag Sndag);
-@DoWs = qw(Sn Man Tir Ons Tor Fre Lr Sn);
-use Date::Language::English ();
-@AMPM = @{Date::Language::English::AMPM};
-@Dsuf = @{Date::Language::English::Dsuf};
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index 219758b4b29..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-## Dutch tables
-## Contributed by Johannes la Poutre <>
-package Date::Language::Dutch;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.02";
-@MoY = qw(januari februari maart april mei juni juli
- augustus september oktober november december);
-@MoYs = map(substr($_, 0, 3), @MoY);
-$MoYs[2] = 'mrt'; # mrt is more common (Frank Maas)
-@DoW = map($_ . "dag", qw(zon maan dins woens donder vrij zater));
-@DoWs = map(substr($_, 0, 2), @DoW);
-# these aren't normally used...
-@AMPM = qw(VM NM);
-@Dsuf = ('e') x 31;
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
-sub format_o { sprintf("%2de",$_[0]->[3]) }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index 638cb3c2a21..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-## English tables
-package Date::Language::English;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-@DoW = qw(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday);
-@MoY = qw(January February March April May June
- July August September October November December);
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = qw(AM PM);
-@Dsuf = (qw(th st nd rd th th th th th th)) x 3;
-@Dsuf[11,12,13] = qw(th th th);
-@Dsuf[30,31] = qw(th st);
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index 415b50c73df..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-## Finnish tables
-## Contributed by Matthew Musgrove <>
-## Corrected by roke
-package Date::Language::Finnish;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-# In Finnish, the names of the months and days are only capitalized at the beginning of sentences.
-@MoY = map($_ . "kuu", qw(tammi helmi maalis huhti touko kes hein elo syys loka marras joulu));
-@DoW = qw(sunnuntai maanantai tiistai keskiviikko torstai perjantai lauantai);
-# it is not customary to use abbreviated names of months or days
-# per Graham's suggestion:
-@MoYs = @MoY;
-@DoWs = @DoW;
-# the short form of ordinals
-@Dsuf = ('.') x 31;
-# doesn't look like this is normally used...
-@AMPM = qw(ap ip);
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
-sub format_o { sprintf("%2de",$_[0]->[3]) }
-1; \ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 91b414c2eb4..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-## French tables, contributed by Emmanuel Bataille (
-package Date::Language::French;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.04";
-@DoW = qw(dimanche lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi);
-@MoY = qw(janvier fvrier mars avril mai juin
- juillet aot septembre octobre novembre dcembre);
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-$MoYs[6] = 'jul';
-@AMPM = qw(AM PM);
-@Dsuf = ((qw(er e e e e e e e e e)) x 3, 'er');
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index c18ad8cadda..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-## Gedeo tables
-package Date::Language::Gedeo;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "0.99";
-@DoW = qw( Sanbbattaa Sanno Masano Roobe Hamusse Arbe Qiddamme);
-@MoY = (
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-$DoWs[0] = "Snb";
-$DoWs[1] = "Sno";
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = qw(gorsa warreti-udumma);
-@Dsuf = (qw(th st nd rd th th th th th th)) x 3;
-@Dsuf[11,12,13] = qw(th th th);
-@Dsuf[30,31] = qw(th st);
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index 11242c4c46a..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-## German tables
-package Date::Language::German;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.02";
-@MoY = qw(Januar Februar Mrz April Mai Juni
- Juli August September Oktober November Dezember);
-@MoYs = qw(Jan Feb Mr Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez);
-@DoW = qw(Sonntag Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag);
-@DoWs = qw(Son Mon Die Mit Don Fre Sam);
-use Date::Language::English ();
-@AMPM = @{Date::Language::English::AMPM};
-@Dsuf = @{Date::Language::English::Dsuf};
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
-sub format_o { sprintf("%2d.",$_[0]->[3]) }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index 00f917ce474..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-## Greek tables
-## Traditional date format is: DoW DD{eta} MoY Year (%A %o %B %Y)
-## Matthew Musgrove <>
-## Translations gratiously provided by Menelaos Stamatelos <>
-## This module returns unicode (utf8) encoded characters. You will need to
-## take the necessary steps for this to display correctly.
-package Date::Language::Greek;
-use utf8;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.00";
-@DoW = (
-@MoY = (
-@DoWs = (
-@MoYs = (
-@AMPM = ("\x{03c0}\x{03bc}", "\x{03bc}\x{03bc}");
-@Dsuf = ("\x{03b7}" x 31);
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_o { sprintf("%2d%s",$_[0]->[3],"\x{03b7}") }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index d9c838d15b9..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-## Hungarian tables based on English
-# This is a just-because-I-stumbled-across-it
-# -and-my-wife-is-Hungarian release: if Graham or
-# someone adds to docs to Date::Format, I'd be
-# glad to correct bugs and extend as neeed.
-package Date::Language::Hungarian;
-=head1 NAME
-Date::Language::Hungarian - Magyar format for Date::Format
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- my $lang = Date::Language->new('Hungarian');
- print $lang->time2str("%a %b %e %T %Y", time);
- @lt = localtime(time);
- print $lang->time2str($template, time);
- print $lang->strftime($template, @lt);
- print $lang->time2str($template, time, $zone);
- print $lang->strftime($template, @lt, $zone);
- print $lang->ctime(time);
- print $lang->asctime(@lt);
- print $lang->ctime(time, $zone);
- print $lang->asctime(@lt, $zone);
-See L<Date::Format>.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Paula Goddard (paula -at- paulacska -dot- com)
-=head1 LICENCE
-Made available under the same terms as Perl itself.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base "Date::Language";
-use vars qw( @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-@DoW = qw(Vasrnap Htf Kedd Szerda Cstrtk Pntek Szombat);
-@MoY = qw(Janur Februr Mrcius prilis Mjus Jnius
- Jlius Augusztus Szeptember Oktber November December);
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = qw(DE. DU.);
-# There is no 'th or 'nd in Hungarian, just a dot
-@Dsuf = (".") x 31;
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
-sub format_P { lc($_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0]) }
-sub format_o { $_[0]->[3].'.' }
-sub format_D { &format_y . "." . &format_m . "." . &format_d }
-sub format_y { sprintf("%02d",$_[0]->[5] % 100) }
-sub format_d { sprintf("%02d",$_[0]->[3]) }
-sub format_m { sprintf("%02d",$_[0]->[4] + 1) }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ca3ee32099..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-## Icelandic tables
-package Date::Language::Icelandic;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-@MoY = qw(Janar Febrar Mars Aprl Ma Jni
- Jli gst September Oktber Nvember Desember);
-@MoYs = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr Ma Jn Jl g Sep Okt Nv Des);
-@DoW = qw(Sunnudagur Mnudagur rijudagur Mivikudagur Fimmtudagur Fstudagur Laugardagur Sunnudagur);
-@DoWs = qw(Sun Mn ri Mi Fim Fs Lau Sun);
-use Date::Language::English ();
-@AMPM = @{Date::Language::English::AMPM};
-@Dsuf = @{Date::Language::English::Dsuf};
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6db0a8e67c9..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-## Italian tables
-package Date::Language::Italian;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-@MoY = qw(Gennaio Febbraio Marzo Aprile Maggio Giugno
- Luglio Agosto Settembre Ottobre Novembre Dicembre);
-@MoYs = qw(Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu Lug Ago Set Ott Nov Dic);
-@DoW = qw(Domenica Lunedi Martedi Mercoledi Giovedi Venerdi Sabato);
-@DoWs = qw(Dom Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab);
-use Date::Language::English ();
-@AMPM = @{Date::Language::English::AMPM};
-@Dsuf = @{Date::Language::English::Dsuf};
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index bbd997f0b4d..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-## Norwegian tables
-package Date::Language::Norwegian;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-@MoY = qw(Januar Februar Mars April Mai Juni
- Juli August September Oktober November Desember);
-@MoYs = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Des);
-@DoW = qw(Sndag Mandag Tirsdag Onsdag Torsdag Fredag Lrdag Sndag);
-@DoWs = qw(Sn Man Tir Ons Tor Fre Lr Sn);
-use Date::Language::English ();
-@AMPM = @{Date::Language::English::AMPM};
-@Dsuf = @{Date::Language::English::Dsuf};
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index b6a6230c87d..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-## Oromo tables
-package Date::Language::Oromo;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "0.99";
-@DoW = qw(Dilbata Wiixata Qibxata Roobii Kamiisa Jimaata Sanbata);
-@MoY = qw(Amajjii Guraandhala Bitooteessa Elba Caamsa Waxabajjii
- Adooleessa Hagayya Fuulbana Onkololeessa Sadaasa Muddee);
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = qw(WD WB);
-@Dsuf = (qw(th st nd rd th th th th th th)) x 3;
-@Dsuf[11,12,13] = qw(th th th);
-@Dsuf[30,31] = qw(th st);
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index cbd2c8cbc4d..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-## Italian tables
-package Date::Language::Romanian;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-@MoY = qw(ianuarie februarie martie aprilie mai iunie
- iulie august septembrie octombrie noembrie decembrie);
-@DoW = qw(duminica luni marti miercuri joi vineri sambata);
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = qw(AM PM);
-@Dsuf = ('') x 31;
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index ca9f4142327..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-## Russian tables
-## Contributed by Danil Pismenny <>
-package Date::Language::Russian;
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @MoY2 @AMPM %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language Date::Format::Generic);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-@MoY = qw( );
-@MoY2 = qw( );
-@MoYs = qw( );
-@DoW = qw( );
-@DoWs = qw( );
-@DoWs2 = qw( );
-@AMPM = qw( );
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
-sub format_d { $_[0]->[3] }
-sub format_m { $_[0]->[4] + 1 }
-sub format_o { $_[0]->[3] . '.' }
-sub format_Q { $MoY2[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub str2time {
- my ($self,$value) = @_;
- map {$value=~s/(\s|^)$DoWs2[$_](\s)/$DoWs[$_]$2/ig} (0..6);
- $value=~s/(\s+|^)(\s+)/$1$2/;
- return $self->SUPER::str2time($value);
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index cc28e6ed43a..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-## Russian cp1251
-package Date::Language::Russian_cp1251;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-@DoW = qw( );
-@MoY = qw(
- );
-@DoWs = qw( );
-#@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = qw(AM PM);
-@Dsuf = ('e') x 31;
-#@Dsuf[11,12,13] = qw( );
-#@Dsuf[30,31] = qw( );
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
-sub format_o { sprintf("%2de",$_[0]->[3]) }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index 53de8d0567b..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-## Russian koi8r
-package Date::Language::Russian_koi8r;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-@DoW = qw( );
-@MoY = qw(
- );
-@DoWs = qw( );
-#@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = qw(AM PM);
-@Dsuf = ('e') x 31;
-#@Dsuf[11,12,13] = qw( );
-#@Dsuf[30,31] = qw( );
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
-sub format_o { sprintf("%2de",$_[0]->[3]) }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc26d7c3f09..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-## Sidama tables
-package Date::Language::Sidama;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "0.99";
-@DoW = qw(Sambata Sanyo Maakisanyo Roowe Hamuse Arbe Qidaame);
-@MoY = qw(January February March April May June
- July August September October November December);
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = qw(soodo hawwaro);
-@Dsuf = (qw(th st nd rd th th th th th th)) x 3;
-@Dsuf[11,12,13] = qw(th th th);
-@Dsuf[30,31] = qw(th st);
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b2496170e9..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-## Somali tables
-package Date::Language::Somali;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "0.99";
-@DoW = qw(Axad Isniin Salaaso Arbaco Khamiis Jimco Sabti);
-@MoY = (
-"Bisha Koobaad",
-"Bisha Labaad",
-"Bisha Saddexaad",
-"Bisha Afraad",
-"Bisha Shanaad",
-"Bisha Lixaad",
-"Bisha Todobaad",
-"Bisha Sideedaad",
-"Bisha Sagaalaad",
-"Bisha Tobnaad",
-"Bisha Kow iyo Tobnaad",
-"Bisha Laba iyo Tobnaad"
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = (
-@AMPM = qw(SN GN);
-@Dsuf = (qw(th st nd rd th th th th th th)) x 3;
-@Dsuf[11,12,13] = qw(th th th);
-@Dsuf[30,31] = qw(th st);
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index d464ae78ad1..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-## Spanish tables
-package Date::Language::Spanish;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.00";
-@DoW = qw(domingo lunes martes mircoles jueves viernes sbado);
-@MoY = qw(enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio
- julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre);
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = qw(AM PM);
-@Dsuf = ((qw(ro do ro to to to mo vo no mo)) x 3, 'ro');
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f16594ba73..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-## Swedish tables
-## Contributed by Matthew Musgrove <>
-## Corrected by dempa
-package Date::Language::Swedish;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.01";
-@MoY = qw(januari februari mars april maj juni juli augusti september oktober november december);
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@DoW = map($_ . "dagen", qw(sn mn tis ons tors fre lr));
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,2) } @DoW;
-# the ordinals are not typically used in modern times
-@Dsuf = ('a' x 2, 'e' x 29);
-use Date::Language::English ();
-@AMPM = @{Date::Language::English::AMPM};
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
-sub format_o { sprintf("%2de",$_[0]->[3]) }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index ce4fcb3a1cb..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-## Tigrinya tables
-package Date::Language::Tigrinya;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.00";
-@DoW = (
-@MoY = (
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = (
-@Dsuf = ("\x{12ed}" x 31);
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ab8d0fdd1e..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-## Tigrinya-Eritrean tables
-package Date::Language::TigrinyaEritrean;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.00";
-if ( $] >= 5.006 ) {
-@DoW = (
-@MoY = (
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = (
-@Dsuf = ("\x{12ed}" x 31);
-else {
-@DoW = (
-@MoY = (
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,9) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,9) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = (
-@Dsuf = ("ይ" x 31);
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index 84fb7237c31..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-## Tigrinya-Ethiopian tables
-package Date::Language::TigrinyaEthiopian;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.00";
-if ( $] >= 5.006 ) {
-@DoW = (
-@MoY = (
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = (
-@Dsuf = ("\x{12ed}" x 31);
-else {
-@DoW = (
-@MoY = (
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,9) } @DoW;
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,9) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = (
-@Dsuf = ("ይ" x 31);
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { $_[0]->[2] >= 12 ? $AMPM[1] : $AMPM[0] }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
deleted file mode 100644
index 593e20925cf..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/Language/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# Turkish tables
-# Burak Grsoy <>
-# Last modified: Sat Nov 15 20:28:32 2003
-# use Date::Language;
-# my $turkish = Date::Language->new('Turkish');
-# print $turkish->time2str("%e %b %Y, %a %T\n", time);
-# print $turkish->str2time("25 Haz 1996 21:09:55 +0100");
-package Date::Language::Turkish;
-use Date::Language ();
-use vars qw(@ISA @DoW @DoWs @MoY @MoYs @AMPM @Dsuf %MoY %DoW $VERSION %DsufMAP);
-@ISA = qw(Date::Language);
-$VERSION = "1.0";
-@DoW = qw(Pazar Pazartesi Sal aramba Perembe Cuma Cumartesi);
-@MoY = qw(Ocak ubat Mart Nisan Mays Haziran Temmuz Austos Eyll Ekim Kasm Aralk);
-@DoWs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @DoW;
-$DoWs[1] = 'Pzt'; # Since we'll get two 'Paz' s
-$DoWs[-1] = 'Cmt'; # Since we'll get two 'Cum' s
-@MoYs = map { substr($_,0,3) } @MoY;
-@AMPM = ('',''); # no am-pm thingy
-# not easy as in english... maybe we can just use a dot "." ? :)
-%DsufMAP = (
-(map {$_ => 'inci', $_+10 => 'inci', $_+20 => 'inci' } 1,2,5,8 ),
-(map {$_ => 'nci', $_+10 => 'nci', $_+20 => 'nci' } 7 ),
-(map {$_ => 'nci', $_+10 => 'nci', $_+20 => 'nci' } 2 ),
-(map {$_ => 'nc', $_+10 => 'nc', $_+20 => 'nc' } 3,4 ),
-(map {$_ => 'uncu', $_+10 => 'uncu', $_+20 => 'uncu' } 9 ),
-(map {$_ => 'nc', $_+10 => 'nc', $_+20 => 'nc' } 6 ),
-(map {$_ => 'uncu', } 10,30 ),
- 20 => 'nci',
- 31 => 'inci',
-@Dsuf = map{ $DsufMAP{$_} } sort {$a <=> $b} keys %DsufMAP;
-@MoY{@MoY} = (0 .. scalar(@MoY));
-@MoY{@MoYs} = (0 .. scalar(@MoYs));
-@DoW{@DoW} = (0 .. scalar(@DoW));
-@DoW{@DoWs} = (0 .. scalar(@DoWs));
-# Formatting routines
-sub format_a { $DoWs[$_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_A { $DoW[ $_[0]->[6]] }
-sub format_b { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_B { $MoY[ $_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_h { $MoYs[$_[0]->[4]] }
-sub format_p { '' } # disable
-sub format_P { '' } # disable
-sub format_o { sprintf("%2d%s",$_[0]->[3],$Dsuf[$_[0]->[3]-1]) }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/
deleted file mode 100644
index 12b04c14ad0..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Date/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Graham Barr. This program is free
-# software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
-# as Perl itself.
-package Date::Parse;
-require 5.000;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
-use Time::Local;
-use Carp;
-use Time::Zone;
-use Exporter;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = qw(&strtotime &str2time &strptime);
-$VERSION = "2.30";
-my %month = (
- january => 0,
- february => 1,
- march => 2,
- april => 3,
- may => 4,
- june => 5,
- july => 6,
- august => 7,
- september => 8,
- sept => 8,
- october => 9,
- november => 10,
- december => 11,
- );
-my %day = (
- sunday => 0,
- monday => 1,
- tuesday => 2,
- tues => 2,
- wednesday => 3,
- wednes => 3,
- thursday => 4,
- thur => 4,
- thurs => 4,
- friday => 5,
- saturday => 6,
- );
-my @suf = (qw(th st nd rd th th th th th th)) x 3;
-@suf[11,12,13] = qw(th th th);
-map { $month{substr($_,0,3)} = $month{$_} } keys %month;
-map { $day{substr($_,0,3)} = $day{$_} } keys %day;
-my $strptime = <<'ESQ';
- my %month = map { lc $_ } %$mon_ref;
- my $daypat = join("|", map { lc $_ } reverse sort keys %$day_ref);
- my $monpat = join("|", reverse sort keys %month);
- my $sufpat = join("|", reverse sort map { lc $_ } @$suf_ref);
- my %ampm = (
- 'a' => 0, # AM
- 'p' => 12, # PM
- );
- my($AM, $PM) = (0,12);
-sub {
- my $dtstr = lc shift;
- my $merid = 24;
- my($year,$month,$day,$hh,$mm,$ss,$zone,$dst,$frac);
- $zone = tz_offset(shift) if @_;
- 1 while $dtstr =~ s#\([^\(\)]*\)# #o;
- $dtstr =~ s#(\A|\n|\Z)# #sog;
- # ignore day names
- $dtstr =~ s#([\d\w\s])[\.\,]\s#$1 #sog;
- $dtstr =~ s/,/ /g;
- $dtstr =~ s#($daypat)\s*(den\s)?\b# #o;
- # Time: 12:00 or 12:00:00 with optional am/pm
- return unless $dtstr =~ /\S/;
- if ($dtstr =~ s/\s(\d{4})([-:]?)(\d\d?)\2(\d\d?)(?:[-Tt ](\d\d?)(?:([-:]?)(\d\d?)(?:\6(\d\d?)(?:[.,](\d+))?)?)?)?(?=\D)/ /) {
- ($year,$month,$day,$hh,$mm,$ss,$frac) = ($1,$3-1,$4,$5,$7,$8,$9);
- }
- unless (defined $hh) {
- if ($dtstr =~ s#[:\s](\d\d?):(\d\d?)(:(\d\d?)(?:\.\d+)?)?(z)?\s*(?:([ap])\.?m?\.?)?\s# #o) {
- ($hh,$mm,$ss) = ($1,$2,$4);
- $zone = 0 if $5;
- $merid = $ampm{$6} if $6;
- }
- # Time: 12 am
- elsif ($dtstr =~ s#\s(\d\d?)\s*([ap])\.?m?\.?\s# #o) {
- ($hh,$mm,$ss) = ($1,0,0);
- $merid = $ampm{$2};
- }
- }
- if (defined $hh and $hh <= 12 and $dtstr =~ s# ([ap])\.?m?\.?\s# #o) {
- $merid = $ampm{$1};
- }
- unless (defined $year) {
- # Date: 12-June-96 (using - . or /)
- if ($dtstr =~ s#\s(\d\d?)([\-\./])($monpat)(\2(\d\d+))?\s# #o) {
- ($month,$day) = ($month{$3},$1);
- $year = $5 if $5;
- }
- # Date: 12-12-96 (using '-', '.' or '/' )
- elsif ($dtstr =~ s#\s(\d+)([\-\./])(\d\d?)(\2(\d+))?\s# #o) {
- ($month,$day) = ($1 - 1,$3);
- if ($5) {
- $year = $5;
- # Possible match for 1995-01-24 (short mainframe date format);
- ($year,$month,$day) = ($1, $3 - 1, $5) if $month > 12;
- return if length($year) > 2 and $year < 1901;
- }
- }
- elsif ($dtstr =~ s#\s(\d+)\s*($sufpat)?\s*($monpat)# #o) {
- ($month,$day) = ($month{$3},$1);
- }
- elsif ($dtstr =~ s#($monpat)\s*(\d+)\s*($sufpat)?\s# #o) {
- ($month,$day) = ($month{$1},$2);
- }
- elsif ($dtstr =~ s#($monpat)([\/-])(\d+)[\/-]# #o) {
- ($month,$day) = ($month{$1},$3);
- }
- # Date: 961212
- elsif ($dtstr =~ s#\s(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)\s# #o) {
- ($year,$month,$day) = ($1,$2-1,$3);
- }
- $year = $1 if !defined($year) and $dtstr =~ s#\s(\d{2}(\d{2})?)[\s\.,]# #o;
- }
- # Zone
- $dst = 1 if $dtstr =~ s#\bdst\b##o;
- if ($dtstr =~ s#\s"?([a-z]{3,4})(dst|\d+[a-z]*|_[a-z]+)?"?\s# #o) {
- $dst = 1 if $2 and $2 eq 'dst';
- $zone = tz_offset($1);
- return unless defined $zone;
- }
- elsif ($dtstr =~ s#\s([a-z]{3,4})?([\-\+]?)-?(\d\d?):?(\d\d)?(00)?\s# #o) {
- my $m = defined($4) ? "$2$4" : 0;
- my $h = "$2$3";
- $zone = defined($1) ? tz_offset($1) : 0;
- return unless defined $zone;
- $zone += 60 * ($m + (60 * $h));
- }
- if ($dtstr =~ /\S/) {
- # now for some dumb dates
- if ($dtstr =~ s/^\s*(ut?|z)\s*$//) {
- $zone = 0;
- }
- elsif ($dtstr =~ s#\s([a-z]{3,4})?([\-\+]?)-?(\d\d?)(\d\d)?(00)?\s# #o) {
- my $m = defined($4) ? "$2$4" : 0;
- my $h = "$2$3";
- $zone = defined($1) ? tz_offset($1) : 0;
- return unless defined $zone;
- $zone += 60 * ($m + (60 * $h));
- }
- return if $dtstr =~ /\S/o;
- }
- if (defined $hh) {
- if ($hh == 12) {
- $hh = 0 if $merid == $AM;
- }
- elsif ($merid == $PM) {
- $hh += 12;
- }
- }
- $year -= 1900 if defined $year && $year > 1900;
- $zone += 3600 if defined $zone && $dst;
- $ss += "0.$frac" if $frac;
- return ($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year,$zone);
-use vars qw($day_ref $mon_ref $suf_ref $obj);
-sub gen_parser
- local($day_ref,$mon_ref,$suf_ref,$obj) = @_;
- if($obj)
- {
- my $obj_strptime = $strptime;
- substr($obj_strptime,index($strptime,"sub")+6,0) = <<'ESQ';
- shift; # package
- my $sub = eval "$obj_strptime" or die $@;
- return $sub;
- }
- eval "$strptime" or die $@;
-*strptime = gen_parser(\%day,\%month,\@suf);
-sub str2time
- my @t = strptime(@_);
- return undef
- unless @t;
- my($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year,$zone) = @t;
- my @lt = localtime(time);
- $hh ||= 0;
- $mm ||= 0;
- $ss ||= 0;
- my $frac = $ss - int($ss);
- $ss = int $ss;
- $month = $lt[4]
- unless(defined $month);
- $day = $lt[3]
- unless(defined $day);
- $year = ($month > $lt[4]) ? ($lt[5] - 1) : $lt[5]
- unless(defined $year);
- return undef
- unless($month <= 11 && $day >= 1 && $day <= 31
- && $hh <= 23 && $mm <= 59 && $ss <= 59);
- my $result;
- if (defined $zone) {
- $result = eval {
- local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {}; # Ick!
- timegm($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year);
- };
- return undef
- if !defined $result
- or $result == -1
- && join("",$ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year)
- ne "595923311169";
- $result -= $zone;
- }
- else {
- $result = eval {
- local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {}; # Ick!
- timelocal($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year);
- };
- return undef
- if !defined $result
- or $result == -1
- && join("",$ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year)
- ne join("",(localtime(-1))[0..5]);
- }
- return $result + $frac;
-=head1 NAME
-Date::Parse - Parse date strings into time values
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Date::Parse;
- $time = str2time($date);
- ($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year,$zone) = strptime($date);
-C<Date::Parse> provides two routines for parsing date strings into time values.
-=over 4
-=item str2time(DATE [, ZONE])
-C<str2time> parses C<DATE> and returns a unix time value, or undef upon failure.
-C<ZONE>, if given, specifies the timezone to assume when parsing if the
-date string does not specify a timezone.
-=item strptime(DATE [, ZONE])
-C<strptime> takes the same arguments as str2time but returns an array of
-values C<($ss,$mm,$hh,$day,$month,$year,$zone)>. Elements are only defined
-if they could be extracted from the date string. The C<$zone> element is
-the timezone offset in seconds from GMT. An empty array is returned upon
-Date::Parse is capable of parsing dates in several languages, these include
-English, French, German and Italian.
- $lang = Date::Language->new('German');
- $lang->str2time("25 Jun 1996 21:09:55 +0100");
-Below is a sample list of dates that are known to be parsable with Date::Parse
- 1995:01:24T09:08:17.1823213 ISO-8601
- 1995-01-24T09:08:17.1823213
- Wed, 16 Jun 94 07:29:35 CST Comma and day name are optional
- Thu, 13 Oct 94 10:13:13 -0700
- Wed, 9 Nov 1994 09:50:32 -0500 (EST) Text in ()'s will be ignored.
- 21 dec 17:05 Will be parsed in the current time zone
- 21-dec 17:05
- 21/dec 17:05
- 21/dec/93 17:05
- 1999 10:02:18 "GMT"
- 16 Nov 94 22:28:20 PST
-Date::Parse uses L<Time::Local> internally, so is limited to only parsing dates
-which result in valid values for Time::Local::timelocal. This generally means dates
-between 1901-12-17 00:00:00 GMT and 2038-01-16 23:59:59 GMT
-=head1 BUGS
-When both the month and the date are specified in the date as numbers
-they are always parsed assuming that the month number comes before the
-date. This is the usual format used in American dates.
-The reason why it is like this and not dynamic is that it must be
-deterministic. Several people have suggested using the current locale,
-but this will not work as the date being parsed may not be in the format
-of the current locale.
-My plans to address this, which will be in a future release, is to allow
-the programmer to state what order they want these values parsed in.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Graham Barr <>
-Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Graham Barr. This program is free
-software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
-as Perl itself.