path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/CPANPLUS/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/CPANPLUS/')
1 files changed, 688 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/CPANPLUS/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/CPANPLUS/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..00c68c39806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/CPANPLUS/
@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+package CPANPLUS::Dist;
+use strict;
+use CPANPLUS::Error;
+use CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants;
+use Cwd ();
+use Object::Accessor;
+use Parse::CPAN::Meta;
+use IPC::Cmd qw[run];
+use Params::Check qw[check];
+use Module::Load::Conditional qw[can_load check_install];
+use Locale::Maketext::Simple Class => 'CPANPLUS', Style => 'gettext';
+use base 'Object::Accessor';
+local $Params::Check::VERBOSE = 1;
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ my $dist = CPANPLUS::Dist::YOUR_DIST_TYPE_HERE->new(
+ module => $modobj,
+ );
+C<CPANPLUS::Dist> is a base class for C<CPANPLUS::Dist::MM>
+and C<CPANPLUS::Dist::Build>. Developers of other C<CPANPLUS::Dist::*>
+plugins should look at C<CPANPLUS::Dist::Base>.
+=over 4
+=item parent()
+Returns the C<CPANPLUS::Module> object that parented this object.
+=item status()
+Returns the C<Object::Accessor> object that keeps the status for
+this module.
+All accessors can be accessed as follows:
+ $deb->status->ACCESSOR
+=over 4
+=item created()
+Boolean indicating whether the dist was created successfully.
+Explicitly set to C<0> when failed, so a value of C<undef> may be
+interpreted as C<not yet attempted>.
+=item installed()
+Boolean indicating whether the dist was installed successfully.
+Explicitly set to C<0> when failed, so a value of C<undef> may be
+interpreted as C<not yet attempted>.
+=item uninstalled()
+Boolean indicating whether the dist was uninstalled successfully.
+Explicitly set to C<0> when failed, so a value of C<undef> may be
+interpreted as C<not yet attempted>.
+=item dist()
+The location of the final distribution. This may be a file or
+directory, depending on how your distribution plug in of choice
+works. This will be set upon a successful create.
+=head2 $dist = CPANPLUS::Dist::YOUR_DIST_TYPE_HERE->new( module => MODOBJ );
+Create a new C<CPANPLUS::Dist::YOUR_DIST_TYPE_HERE> object based on the
+provided C<MODOBJ>.
+The optional argument C<format> is used to indicate what type of dist
+you would like to create (like C<CPANPLUS::Dist::MM> or
+C<CPANPLUS::Dist::Build> and so on ).
+C<< CPANPLUS::Dist->new >> is exlusively meant as a method to be
+inherited by C<CPANPLUS::Dist::MM|Build>.
+Returns a C<CPANPLUS::Dist::YOUR_DIST_TYPE_HERE> object on success
+and false on failure.
+sub new {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $class = ref $self || $self;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ ### first verify we got a module object ###
+ my( $mod, $format );
+ my $tmpl = {
+ module => { required => 1, allow => IS_MODOBJ, store => \$mod },
+ ### for backwards compatibility
+ format => { default => $class, store => \$format,
+ allow => [ __PACKAGE__->dist_types ],
+ },
+ };
+ check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ unless( can_load( modules => { $format => '0.0' }, verbose => 1 ) ) {
+ error(loc("'%1' not found -- you need '%2' version '%3' or higher ".
+ "to detect plugins", $format, 'Module::Pluggable','2.4'));
+ return;
+ }
+ ### get an empty o::a object for this class
+ my $obj = $format->SUPER::new;
+ $obj->mk_accessors( qw[parent status] );
+ ### set the parent
+ $obj->parent( $mod );
+ ### create a status object ###
+ { my $acc = Object::Accessor->new;
+ $obj->status($acc);
+ ### add minimum supported accessors
+ $acc->mk_accessors( qw[prepared created installed uninstalled
+ distdir dist] );
+ }
+ ### get the conf object ###
+ my $conf = $mod->parent->configure_object();
+ ### check if the format is available in this environment ###
+ if( $conf->_get_build('sanity_check') and not $obj->format_available ) {
+ error( loc( "Format '%1' is not available", $format) );
+ return;
+ }
+ ### now initialize it or admit failure
+ unless( $obj->init ) {
+ error(loc("Dist initialization of '%1' failed for '%2'",
+ $format, $mod->module));
+ return;
+ }
+ ### return the object
+ return $obj;
+=head2 @dists = CPANPLUS::Dist->dist_types;
+Returns a list of the CPANPLUS::Dist::* classes available
+### returns a list of dist_types we support
+### will get overridden by Module::Pluggable if loaded
+### XXX add support for 'plugin' dir in config as well
+{ my $Loaded;
+ my @Dists = (INSTALLER_MM);
+ my @Ignore = ();
+ ### backdoor method to add more dist types
+ sub _add_dist_types { my $self = shift; push @Dists, @_ };
+ ### backdoor method to exclude dist types
+ sub _ignore_dist_types { my $self = shift; push @Ignore, @_ };
+ sub _reset_dist_ignore { @Ignore = () };
+ ### locally add the plugins dir to @INC, so we can find extra plugins
+ #local @INC = @INC, File::Spec->catdir(
+ # $conf->get_conf('base'),
+ # $conf->_get_build('plugins') );
+ ### load any possible plugins
+ sub dist_types {
+ if ( !$Loaded++ and check_install( module => 'Module::Pluggable',
+ version => '2.4')
+ ) {
+ require Module::Pluggable;
+ my $only_re = __PACKAGE__ . '::\w+$';
+ my %except = map { $_ => 1 }
+ Module::Pluggable->import(
+ sub_name => '_dist_types',
+ search_path => __PACKAGE__,
+ only => qr/$only_re/,
+ require => 1,
+ except => [ keys %except ]
+ );
+ my %ignore = map { $_ => $_ } @Ignore;
+ push @Dists, grep { not $ignore{$_} and not $except{$_} }
+ __PACKAGE__->_dist_types;
+ }
+ return @Dists;
+ }
+=head2 $bool = CPANPLUS::Dist->rescan_dist_types;
+Rescans C<@INC> for available dist types. Useful if you've installed new
+C<CPANPLUS::Dist::*> classes and want to make them available to the
+current process.
+ sub rescan_dist_types {
+ my $dist = shift;
+ $Loaded = 0; # reset the flag;
+ return $dist->dist_types;
+ }
+=head2 $bool = CPANPLUS::Dist->has_dist_type( $type )
+Returns true if distribution type C<$type> is loaded/supported.
+sub has_dist_type {
+ my $dist = shift;
+ my $type = shift or return;
+ return scalar grep { $_ eq $type } CPANPLUS::Dist->dist_types;
+=head2 $bool = $dist->prereq_satisfied( modobj => $modobj, version => $version_spec )
+Returns true if this prereq is satisfied. Returns false if it's not.
+Also issues an error if it seems "unsatisfiable," i.e. if it can't be
+found on CPAN or the latest CPAN version doesn't satisfy it.
+sub prereq_satisfied {
+ my $dist = shift;
+ my $cb = $dist->parent->parent;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my($mod,$ver);
+ my $tmpl = {
+ version => { required => 1, store => \$ver },
+ modobj => { required => 1, store => \$mod, allow => IS_MODOBJ },
+ };
+ check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ return 1 if $mod->is_uptodate( version => $ver );
+ if ( $cb->_vcmp( $ver, $mod->version ) > 0 ) {
+ error(loc(
+ "This distribution depends on %1, but the latest version".
+ " of %2 on CPAN (%3) doesn't satisfy the specific version".
+ " dependency (%4). You may have to resolve this dependency ".
+ "manually.",
+ $mod->module, $mod->module, $mod->version, $ver ));
+ }
+ return;
+=head2 $configure_requires = $dist->find_configure_requires( [file => /path/to/META.yml] )
+Reads the configure_requires for this distribution from the META.yml
+file in the root directory and returns a hashref with module names
+and versions required.
+sub find_configure_requires {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $mod = $self->parent;
+ my $meth = 'configure_requires';
+ ### the prereqs as we have them now
+ my @args = (
+ defaults => $mod->status->$meth || {},
+ keys => [ $meth ],
+ );
+ ### the default file to use, which may be overriden
+ push @args, ( file => META_YML->( $mod->status->extract ) )
+ if defined $mod->status->extract;
+ my $href = $self->_prereqs_from_meta_file( @args, @_ );
+ ### and store it in the module
+ $mod->status->$meth( $href );
+ return { %$href };
+sub find_mymeta_requires {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $mod = $self->parent;
+ my $meth = 'prereqs';
+ ### the prereqs as we have them now
+ my @args = (
+ defaults => $mod->status->$meth || {},
+ keys => [qw|requires build_requires|],
+ );
+ ### the default file to use, which may be overriden
+ push @args, ( file => MYMETA_YML->( $mod->status->extract ) )
+ if defined $mod->status->extract;
+ my $href = $self->_prereqs_from_meta_file( @args, @_ );
+ ### and store it in the module
+ $mod->status->$meth( $href );
+ return { %$href };
+sub _prereqs_from_meta_file {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $mod = $self->parent;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my( $meta, $defaults, $keys );
+ my $tmpl = { ### check if we have an extract path. if not, we
+ ### get 'undef value' warnings from file::spec
+ file => { default => do { defined $mod->status->extract
+ ? META_YML->( $mod->status->extract )
+ : '' },
+ store => \$meta,
+ },
+ defaults => { required => 1, default => {}, strict_type => 1,
+ store => \$defaults },
+ keys => { required => 1, default => [], strict_type => 1,
+ store => \$keys },
+ };
+ check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ ### if there's a meta file, we read it;
+ if( -e $meta ) {
+ ### Parse::CPAN::Meta uses exceptions for errors
+ ### hash returned in list context!!!
+ my ($doc) = eval { Parse::CPAN::Meta::LoadFile( $meta ) };
+ unless( $doc ) {
+ error(loc( "Could not read %1: '%2'", $meta, $@ ));
+ return $defaults;
+ }
+ ### read the keys now, make sure not to throw
+ ### away anything that was already added
+ for my $key ( @$keys ) {
+ $defaults = {
+ %$defaults,
+ %{ $doc->{$key} },
+ } if $doc->{ $key };
+ }
+ }
+ ### and return a copy
+ return \%{ $defaults };
+=head2 $bool = $dist->_resolve_prereqs( ... )
+Makes sure prerequisites are resolved
+ format The dist class to use to make the prereqs
+ (ie. CPANPLUS::Dist::MM)
+ prereqs Hash of the prerequisite modules and their versions
+ target What to do with the prereqs.
+ create => Just build them
+ install => Install them
+ ignore => Ignore them
+ prereq_build If true, always build the prereqs even if already
+ resolved
+ verbose Be verbose
+ force Force the prereq to be built, even if already resolved
+sub _resolve_prereqs {
+ my $dist = shift;
+ my $self = $dist->parent;
+ my $cb = $self->parent;
+ my $conf = $cb->configure_object;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ my ($prereqs, $format, $verbose, $target, $force, $prereq_build);
+ my $tmpl = {
+ ### XXX perhaps this should not be required, since it may not be
+ ### packaged, just installed...
+ ### Let it be empty as well -- that means the $modobj->install
+ ### routine will figure it out, which is fine if we didn't have any
+ ### very specific wishes (it will even detect the favourite
+ ### dist_type).
+ format => { required => 1, store => \$format,
+ allow => ['',__PACKAGE__->dist_types], },
+ prereqs => { required => 1, default => { },
+ strict_type => 1, store => \$prereqs },
+ verbose => { default => $conf->get_conf('verbose'),
+ store => \$verbose },
+ force => { default => $conf->get_conf('force'),
+ store => \$force },
+ ### make sure allow matches with $mod->install's list
+ target => { default => '', store => \$target,
+ allow => ['',qw[create ignore install]] },
+ prereq_build => { default => 0, store => \$prereq_build },
+ };
+ check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
+ ### so there are no prereqs? then don't even bother
+ return 1 unless keys %$prereqs;
+ ### Make sure we wound up where we started.
+ my $original_wd = Cwd::cwd;
+ ### so you didn't provide an explicit target.
+ ### maybe your config can tell us what to do.
+ $target ||= {
+ PREREQ_ASK, TARGET_INSTALL, # we'll bail out if the user says no
+ }->{ $conf->get_conf('prereqs') } || '';
+ ### XXX BIG NASTY HACK XXX FIXME at some point.
+ ### when installing Bundle::CPANPLUS::Dependencies, we want to
+ ### install all packages matching 'cpanplus' to be installed last,
+ ### as all CPANPLUS' prereqs are being installed as well, but are
+ ### being loaded for bootstrapping purposes. This means CPANPLUS
+ ### can find them, but for example cpanplus::dist::build won't,
+ ### which gets messy FAST. So, here we sort our prereqs only IF
+ ### the parent module is Bundle::CPANPLUS::Dependencies.
+ ### Really, we would wnat some sort of sorted prereq mechanism,
+ ### but Bundle:: doesn't support it, and we flatten everything
+ ### to a hash internally. A sorted hash *might* do the trick if
+ ### we got a transparent implementation.. that would mean we would
+ ### just have to remove the 'sort' here, and all will be well
+ my @sorted_prereqs;
+ ### use regex, could either be a module name, or a package name
+ if( $self->module =~ /^Bundle(::|-)CPANPLUS(::|-)Dependencies/ ) {
+ my (@first, @last);
+ for my $mod ( sort keys %$prereqs ) {
+ $mod =~ /CPANPLUS/
+ ? push @last, $mod
+ : push @first, $mod;
+ }
+ @sorted_prereqs = (@first, @last);
+ } else {
+ @sorted_prereqs = sort keys %$prereqs;
+ }
+ ### first, transfer this key/value pairing into a
+ ### list of module objects + desired versions
+ my @install_me;
+ for my $mod ( @sorted_prereqs ) {
+ my $version = $prereqs->{$mod};
+ ### 'perl' is a special case, there's no mod object for it
+ if( $mod eq PERL_CORE ) {
+ ### run a CLI invocation to see if the perl you specified is
+ ### uptodate
+ my $ok = run( command => "$^X -M$version -e1", verbose => 0 );
+ unless( $ok ) {
+ error(loc( "Module '%1' needs perl version '%2', but you ".
+ "only have version '%3' -- can not proceed",
+ $self->module, $version,
+ $cb->_perl_version( perl => $^X ) ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ my $modobj = $cb->module_tree($mod);
+ #### XXX we ignore the version, and just assume that the latest
+ #### version from cpan will meet your requirements... dodgy =/
+ unless( $modobj ) {
+ # Check if it is a core module
+ my $sub = CPANPLUS::Module->can(
+ 'module_is_supplied_with_perl_core' );
+ my $core = $sub->( $mod );
+ unless ( $core ) {
+ error( loc( "No such module '%1' found on CPAN", $mod ) );
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( $cb->_vcmp( $version, $core ) > 0 ) {
+ error(loc( "Version of core module '%1' ('%2') is too low for ".
+ "'%3' (needs '%4') -- carrying on but this may be a problem",
+ $mod, $core,
+ $self->module, $version ));
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ ### it's not uptodate, we need to install it
+ if( !$dist->prereq_satisfied(modobj => $modobj, version => $version)) {
+ msg(loc("Module '%1' requires '%2' version '%3' to be installed ",
+ $self->module, $modobj->module, $version), $verbose );
+ push @install_me, [$modobj, $version];
+ ### it's not an MM or Build format, that means it's a package
+ ### manager... we'll need to install it as well, via the PM
+ } elsif ( INSTALL_VIA_PACKAGE_MANAGER->($format) and
+ !$modobj->package_is_perl_core and
+ ($target ne TARGET_IGNORE)
+ ) {
+ msg(loc("Module '%1' depends on '%2', may need to build a '%3' ".
+ "package for it as well", $self->module, $modobj->module,
+ $format));
+ push @install_me, [$modobj, $version];
+ }
+ }
+ ### so you just want to ignore prereqs? ###
+ if( $target eq TARGET_IGNORE ) {
+ ### but you have modules you need to install
+ if( @install_me ) {
+ msg(loc("Ignoring prereqs, this may mean your install will fail"),
+ $verbose);
+ msg(loc("'%1' listed the following dependencies:", $self->module),
+ $verbose);
+ for my $aref (@install_me) {
+ my ($mod,$version) = @$aref;
+ my $str = sprintf "\t%-35s %8s\n", $mod->module, $version;
+ msg($str,$verbose);
+ }
+ return;
+ ### ok, no problem, you have all needed prereqs anyway
+ } else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ my $flag;
+ for my $aref (@install_me) {
+ my($modobj,$version) = @$aref;
+ ### another prereq may have already installed this one...
+ ### so dont ask again if the module turns out to be uptodate
+ ### see bug [#11840]
+ ### if either force or prereq_build are given, the prereq
+ ### should be built anyway
+ next if (!$force and !$prereq_build) &&
+ $dist->prereq_satisfied(modobj => $modobj, version => $version);
+ ### either we're told to ignore the prereq,
+ ### or the user wants us to ask him
+ if( ( $conf->get_conf('prereqs') == PREREQ_ASK and not
+ $cb->_callbacks->install_prerequisite->($self, $modobj)
+ )
+ ) {
+ msg(loc("Will not install prerequisite '%1' -- Note " .
+ "that the overall install may fail due to this",
+ $modobj->module), $verbose);
+ next;
+ }
+ ### value set and false -- means failure ###
+ if( defined $modobj->status->installed
+ && !$modobj->status->installed
+ ) {
+ error( loc( "Prerequisite '%1' failed to install before in " .
+ "this session", $modobj->module ) );
+ $flag++;
+ last;
+ }
+ ### part of core?
+ if( $modobj->package_is_perl_core ) {
+ error(loc("Prerequisite '%1' is perl-core (%2) -- not ".
+ "installing that. Aborting install",
+ $modobj->module, $modobj->package ) );
+ $flag++;
+ last;
+ }
+ ### circular dependency code ###
+ my $pending = $cb->_status->pending_prereqs || {};
+ ### recursive dependency ###
+ if ( $pending->{ $modobj->module } ) {
+ error( loc( "Recursive dependency detected (%1) -- skipping",
+ $modobj->module ) );
+ next;
+ }
+ ### register this dependency as pending ###
+ $pending->{ $modobj->module } = $modobj;
+ $cb->_status->pending_prereqs( $pending );
+ ### call $modobj->install rather than doing
+ ### CPANPLUS::Dist->new and the like ourselves,
+ ### since ->install will take care of fetch &&
+ ### extract as well
+ my $pa = $dist->status->_prepare_args || {};
+ my $ca = $dist->status->_create_args || {};
+ my $ia = $dist->status->_install_args || {};
+ unless( $modobj->install( %$pa, %$ca, %$ia,
+ force => $force,
+ verbose => $verbose,
+ format => $format,
+ target => $target )
+ ) {
+ error(loc("Failed to install '%1' as prerequisite " .
+ "for '%2'", $modobj->module, $self->module ) );
+ $flag++;
+ }
+ ### unregister the pending dependency ###
+ $pending->{ $modobj->module } = 0;
+ $cb->_status->pending_prereqs( $pending );
+ last if $flag;
+ ### don't want us to install? ###
+ if( $target ne TARGET_INSTALL ) {
+ my $dir = $modobj->status->extract
+ or error(loc("No extraction dir for '%1' found ".
+ "-- weird", $modobj->module));
+ $modobj->add_to_includepath();
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ ### reset the $prereqs iterator, in case we bailed out early ###
+ keys %$prereqs;
+ ### chdir back to where we started
+ $cb->_chdir( dir => $original_wd );
+ return 1 unless $flag;
+ return;
+# Local variables:
+# c-indentation-style: bsd
+# c-basic-offset: 4
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: