path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Archive/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Archive/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1690 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Archive/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Archive/
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index ae3af3edf82..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Archive/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1690 +0,0 @@
-package Archive::Extract;
-use if $] > 5.017, 'deprecate';
-use strict;
-use Cwd qw[cwd chdir];
-use Carp qw[carp];
-use IPC::Cmd qw[run can_run];
-use FileHandle;
-use File::Path qw[mkpath];
-use File::Spec;
-use File::Basename qw[dirname basename];
-use Params::Check qw[check];
-use Module::Load::Conditional qw[can_load check_install];
-use Locale::Maketext::Simple Style => 'gettext';
-### solaris has silly /bin/tar output ###
-use constant ON_SOLARIS => $^O eq 'solaris' ? 1 : 0;
-use constant ON_NETBSD => $^O eq 'netbsd' ? 1 : 0;
-use constant ON_OPENBSD => $^O eq 'openbsd' ? 1 : 0;
-use constant ON_FREEBSD => $^O =~ m!^(free|midnight)bsd$! ? 1 : 0;
-use constant ON_LINUX => $^O eq 'linux' ? 1 : 0;
-use constant FILE_EXISTS => sub { -e $_[0] ? 1 : 0 };
-### VMS may require quoting upper case command options
-use constant ON_VMS => $^O eq 'VMS' ? 1 : 0;
-### Windows needs special treatment of Tar options
-use constant ON_WIN32 => $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 1 : 0;
-### we can't use this extraction method, because of missing
-### modules/binaries:
-use constant METHOD_NA => [];
-### If these are changed, update @TYPES and the new() POD
-use constant TGZ => 'tgz';
-use constant TAR => 'tar';
-use constant GZ => 'gz';
-use constant ZIP => 'zip';
-use constant BZ2 => 'bz2';
-use constant TBZ => 'tbz';
-use constant Z => 'Z';
-use constant LZMA => 'lzma';
-use constant XZ => 'xz';
-use constant TXZ => 'txz';
- ];
-$VERSION = '0.68';
-$WARN = 1;
-$DEBUG = 0;
-$_ALLOW_PURE_PERL = 1; # allow pure perl extractors
-$_ALLOW_BIN = 1; # allow binary extractors
-$_ALLOW_TAR_ITER = 1; # try to use Archive::Tar->iter if available
-# same as all constants
-my @Types = ( TGZ, TAR, GZ, ZIP, BZ2, TBZ, Z, LZMA, XZ, TXZ );
-local $Params::Check::VERBOSE = $Params::Check::VERBOSE = 1;
-=head1 NAME
-Archive::Extract - A generic archive extracting mechanism
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Archive::Extract;
- ### build an Archive::Extract object ###
- my $ae = Archive::Extract->new( archive => 'foo.tgz' );
- ### extract to cwd() ###
- my $ok = $ae->extract;
- ### extract to /tmp ###
- my $ok = $ae->extract( to => '/tmp' );
- ### what if something went wrong?
- my $ok = $ae->extract or die $ae->error;
- ### files from the archive ###
- my $files = $ae->files;
- ### dir that was extracted to ###
- my $outdir = $ae->extract_path;
- ### quick check methods ###
- $ae->is_tar # is it a .tar file?
- $ae->is_tgz # is it a .tar.gz or .tgz file?
- $ae->is_gz; # is it a .gz file?
- $ae->is_zip; # is it a .zip file?
- $ae->is_bz2; # is it a .bz2 file?
- $ae->is_tbz; # is it a .tar.bz2 or .tbz file?
- $ae->is_lzma; # is it a .lzma file?
- $ae->is_xz; # is it a .xz file?
- $ae->is_txz; # is it a .tar.xz or .txz file?
- ### absolute path to the archive you provided ###
- $ae->archive;
- ### commandline tools, if found ###
- $ae->bin_tar # path to /bin/tar, if found
- $ae->bin_gzip # path to /bin/gzip, if found
- $ae->bin_unzip # path to /bin/unzip, if found
- $ae->bin_bunzip2 # path to /bin/bunzip2 if found
- $ae->bin_unlzma # path to /bin/unlzma if found
- $ae->bin_unxz # path to /bin/unxz if found
-Archive::Extract is a generic archive extraction mechanism.
-It allows you to extract any archive file of the type .tar, .tar.gz,
-.gz, .Z, tar.bz2, .tbz, .bz2, .zip, .xz,, .txz, .tar.xz or .lzma
-without having to worry how it
-does so, or use different interfaces for each type by using either
-perl modules, or commandline tools on your system.
-See the C<HOW IT WORKS> section further down for details.
-### see what /bin/programs are available ###
-$PROGRAMS = {};
-CMD: for my $pgm (qw[tar unzip gzip bunzip2 uncompress unlzma unxz]) {
- if ( $pgm eq 'unzip' and ( ON_NETBSD or ON_FREEBSD ) ) {
- local $IPC::Cmd::INSTANCES = 1;
- ($PROGRAMS->{$pgm}) = grep { ON_NETBSD ? m!/usr/pkg/! : m!/usr/local! } can_run($pgm);
- next CMD;
- }
- if ( $pgm eq 'unzip' and ON_LINUX ) {
- # Check if 'unzip' is busybox masquerading
- local $IPC::Cmd::INSTANCES = 1;
- my $opt = ON_VMS ? '"-Z"' : '-Z';
- ($PROGRAMS->{$pgm}) = grep { scalar run(command=> [ $_, $opt, '-1' ]) } can_run($pgm);
- next CMD;
- }
- if ( $pgm eq 'tar' and ON_OPENBSD || ON_SOLARIS ) {
- # try gtar first
- next CMD if $PROGRAMS->{$pgm} = can_run('gtar');
- }
- $PROGRAMS->{$pgm} = can_run($pgm);
-### mapping from types to extractor methods ###
-my $Mapping = { # binary program # pure perl module
- is_tgz => { bin => '_untar_bin', pp => '_untar_at' },
- is_tar => { bin => '_untar_bin', pp => '_untar_at' },
- is_gz => { bin => '_gunzip_bin', pp => '_gunzip_cz' },
- is_zip => { bin => '_unzip_bin', pp => '_unzip_az' },
- is_tbz => { bin => '_untar_bin', pp => '_untar_at' },
- is_bz2 => { bin => '_bunzip2_bin', pp => '_bunzip2_bz2'},
- is_Z => { bin => '_uncompress_bin', pp => '_gunzip_cz' },
- is_lzma => { bin => '_unlzma_bin', pp => '_unlzma_cz' },
- is_xz => { bin => '_unxz_bin', pp => '_unxz_cz' },
- is_txz => { bin => '_untar_bin', pp => '_untar_at' },
-{ ### use subs so we re-generate array refs etc for the no-override flags
- ### if we don't, then we reuse the same arrayref, meaning objects store
- ### previous errors
- my $tmpl = {
- archive => sub { { required => 1, allow => FILE_EXISTS } },
- type => sub { { default => '', allow => [ @Types ] } },
- _error_msg => sub { { no_override => 1, default => [] } },
- _error_msg_long => sub { { no_override => 1, default => [] } },
- };
- ### build accessors ###
- for my $method( keys %$tmpl,
- qw[_extractor _gunzip_to files extract_path],
- ) {
- no strict 'refs';
- *$method = sub {
- my $self = shift;
- $self->{$method} = $_[0] if @_;
- return $self->{$method};
- }
- }
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 $ae = Archive::Extract->new(archive => '/path/to/archive',[type => TYPE])
-Creates a new C<Archive::Extract> object based on the archive file you
-passed it. Automatically determines the type of archive based on the
-extension, but you can override that by explicitly providing the
-C<type> argument.
-Valid values for C<type> are:
-=over 4
-=item tar
-Standard tar files, as produced by, for example, C</bin/tar>.
-Corresponds to a C<.tar> suffix.
-=item tgz
-Gzip compressed tar files, as produced by, for example C</bin/tar -z>.
-Corresponds to a C<.tgz> or C<.tar.gz> suffix.
-=item gz
-Gzip compressed file, as produced by, for example C</bin/gzip>.
-Corresponds to a C<.gz> suffix.
-=item Z
-Lempel-Ziv compressed file, as produced by, for example C</bin/compress>.
-Corresponds to a C<.Z> suffix.
-=item zip
-Zip compressed file, as produced by, for example C</bin/zip>.
-Corresponds to a C<.zip>, C<.jar> or C<.par> suffix.
-=item bz2
-Bzip2 compressed file, as produced by, for example, C</bin/bzip2>.
-Corresponds to a C<.bz2> suffix.
-=item tbz
-Bzip2 compressed tar file, as produced by, for example C</bin/tar -j>.
-Corresponds to a C<.tbz> or C<.tar.bz2> suffix.
-=item lzma
-Lzma compressed file, as produced by C</bin/lzma>.
-Corresponds to a C<.lzma> suffix.
-=item xz
-Xz compressed file, as produced by C</bin/xz>.
-Corresponds to a C<.xz> suffix.
-=item txz
-Xz compressed tar file, as produced by, for example C</bin/tar -J>.
-Corresponds to a C<.txz> or C<.tar.xz> suffix.
-Returns a C<Archive::Extract> object on success, or false on failure.
- ### constructor ###
- sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- my %hash = @_;
- ### see above why we use subs here and generate the template;
- ### it's basically to not re-use arrayrefs
- my %utmpl = map { $_ => $tmpl->{$_}->() } keys %$tmpl;
- my $parsed = check( \%utmpl, \%hash ) or return;
- ### make sure we have an absolute path ###
- my $ar = $parsed->{archive} = File::Spec->rel2abs( $parsed->{archive} );
- ### figure out the type, if it wasn't already specified ###
- unless ( $parsed->{type} ) {
- $parsed->{type} =
- $ar =~ /.+?\.(?:tar\.gz|tgz)$/i ? TGZ :
- $ar =~ /.+?\.gz$/i ? GZ :
- $ar =~ /.+?\.tar$/i ? TAR :
- $ar =~ /.+?\.(zip|jar|ear|war|par)$/i ? ZIP :
- $ar =~ /.+?\.(?:tbz2?|tar\.bz2?)$/i ? TBZ :
- $ar =~ /.+?\.bz2$/i ? BZ2 :
- $ar =~ /.+?\.Z$/ ? Z :
- $ar =~ /.+?\.lzma$/ ? LZMA :
- $ar =~ /.+?\.(?:txz|tar\.xz)$/i ? TXZ :
- $ar =~ /.+?\.xz$/ ? XZ :
- '';
- }
- bless $parsed, $class;
- ### don't know what type of file it is
- ### XXX this *has* to be an object call, not a package call
- return $parsed->_error(loc("Cannot determine file type for '%1'",
- $parsed->{archive} )) unless $parsed->{type};
- return $parsed;
- }
-=head2 $ae->extract( [to => '/output/path'] )
-Extracts the archive represented by the C<Archive::Extract> object to
-the path of your choice as specified by the C<to> argument. Defaults to
-Since C<.gz> files never hold a directory, but only a single file; if
-the C<to> argument is an existing directory, the file is extracted
-there, with its C<.gz> suffix stripped.
-If the C<to> argument is not an existing directory, the C<to> argument
-is understood to be a filename, if the archive type is C<gz>.
-In the case that you did not specify a C<to> argument, the output
-file will be the name of the archive file, stripped from its C<.gz>
-suffix, in the current working directory.
-C<extract> will try a pure perl solution first, and then fall back to
-commandline tools if they are available. See the C<GLOBAL VARIABLES>
-section below on how to alter this behaviour.
-It will return true on success, and false on failure.
-On success, it will also set the follow attributes in the object:
-=over 4
-=item $ae->extract_path
-This is the directory that the files where extracted to.
-=item $ae->files
-This is an array ref with the paths of all the files in the archive,
-relative to the C<to> argument you specified.
-To get the full path to an extracted file, you would use:
- File::Spec->catfile( $to, $ae->files->[0] );
-Note that all files from a tar archive will be in unix format, as per
-the tar specification.
-sub extract {
- my $self = shift;
- my %hash = @_;
- ### reset error messages
- $self->_error_msg( [] );
- $self->_error_msg_long( [] );
- my $to;
- my $tmpl = {
- to => { default => '.', store => \$to }
- };
- check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;
- ### so 'to' could be a file or a dir, depending on whether it's a .gz
- ### file, or basically anything else.
- ### so, check that, then act accordingly.
- ### set an accessor specifically so _gunzip can know what file to extract
- ### to.
- my $dir;
- { ### a foo.gz file
- if( $self->is_gz or $self->is_bz2 or $self->is_Z or $self->is_lzma or $self->is_xz ) {
- my $cp = $self->archive; $cp =~ s/\.(?:gz|bz2?|Z|lzma|xz)$//i;
- ### to is a dir?
- if ( -d $to ) {
- $dir = $to;
- $self->_gunzip_to( basename($cp) );
- ### then it's a filename
- } else {
- $dir = dirname($to);
- $self->_gunzip_to( basename($to) );
- }
- ### not a foo.gz file
- } else {
- $dir = $to;
- }
- }
- ### make the dir if it doesn't exist ###
- unless( -d $dir ) {
- eval { mkpath( $dir ) };
- return $self->_error(loc("Could not create path '%1': %2", $dir, $@))
- if $@;
- }
- ### get the current dir, to restore later ###
- my $cwd = cwd();
- my $ok = 1;
- ### chdir to the target dir ###
- unless( chdir $dir ) {
- $self->_error(loc("Could not chdir to '%1': %2", $dir, $!));
- $ok = 0; last EXTRACT;
- }
- ### set files to an empty array ref, so there's always an array
- ### ref IN the accessor, to avoid errors like:
- ### Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at
- ### ../lib/Archive/ line 742. (rt #19815)
- $self->files( [] );
- ### find out the dispatch methods needed for this type of
- ### archive. Do a $self->is_XXX to figure out the type, then
- ### get the hashref with bin + pure perl dispatchers.
- my ($map) = map { $Mapping->{$_} } grep { $self->$_ } keys %$Mapping;
- ### add pure perl extractor if allowed & add bin extractor if allowed
- my @methods;
- push @methods, $map->{'pp'} if $_ALLOW_PURE_PERL;
- push @methods, $map->{'bin'} if $_ALLOW_BIN;
- ### reverse it if we prefer bin extractors
- @methods = reverse @methods if $PREFER_BIN;
- my($na, $fail);
- for my $method (@methods) {
- $self->debug( "# Extracting with ->$method\n" );
- my $rv = $self->$method;
- ### a positive extraction
- if( $rv and $rv ne METHOD_NA ) {
- $self->debug( "# Extraction succeeded\n" );
- $self->_extractor($method);
- last;
- ### method is not available
- } elsif ( $rv and $rv eq METHOD_NA ) {
- $self->debug( "# Extraction method not available\n" );
- $na++;
- } else {
- $self->debug( "# Extraction method failed\n" );
- $fail++;
- }
- }
- ### warn something went wrong if we didn't get an extractor
- unless( $self->_extractor ) {
- my $diag = $fail ? loc("Extract failed due to errors") :
- $na ? loc("Extract failed; no extractors available") :
- '';
- $self->_error($diag);
- $ok = 0;
- }
- }
- ### and chdir back ###
- unless( chdir $cwd ) {
- $self->_error(loc("Could not chdir back to start dir '%1': %2'",
- $cwd, $!));
- }
- return $ok;
-=head2 $ae->error([BOOL])
-Returns the last encountered error as string.
-Pass it a true value to get the C<Carp::longmess()> output instead.
-=head2 $ae->extract_path
-This is the directory the archive got extracted to.
-See C<extract()> for details.
-=head2 $ae->files
-This is an array ref holding all the paths from the archive.
-See C<extract()> for details.
-=head2 $ae->archive
-This is the full path to the archive file represented by this
-C<Archive::Extract> object.
-=head2 $ae->type
-This is the type of archive represented by this C<Archive::Extract>
-object. See accessors below for an easier way to use this.
-See the C<new()> method for details.
-=head2 $ae->types
-Returns a list of all known C<types> for C<Archive::Extract>'s
-C<new> method.
-sub types { return @Types }
-=head2 $ae->is_tgz
-Returns true if the file is of type C<.tar.gz>.
-See the C<new()> method for details.
-=head2 $ae->is_tar
-Returns true if the file is of type C<.tar>.
-See the C<new()> method for details.
-=head2 $ae->is_gz
-Returns true if the file is of type C<.gz>.
-See the C<new()> method for details.
-=head2 $ae->is_Z
-Returns true if the file is of type C<.Z>.
-See the C<new()> method for details.
-=head2 $ae->is_zip
-Returns true if the file is of type C<.zip>.
-See the C<new()> method for details.
-=head2 $ae->is_lzma
-Returns true if the file is of type C<.lzma>.
-See the C<new()> method for details.
-=head2 $ae->is_xz
-Returns true if the file is of type C<.xz>.
-See the C<new()> method for details.
-### quick check methods ###
-sub is_tgz { return $_[0]->type eq TGZ }
-sub is_tar { return $_[0]->type eq TAR }
-sub is_gz { return $_[0]->type eq GZ }
-sub is_zip { return $_[0]->type eq ZIP }
-sub is_tbz { return $_[0]->type eq TBZ }
-sub is_bz2 { return $_[0]->type eq BZ2 }
-sub is_Z { return $_[0]->type eq Z }
-sub is_lzma { return $_[0]->type eq LZMA }
-sub is_xz { return $_[0]->type eq XZ }
-sub is_txz { return $_[0]->type eq TXZ }
-=head2 $ae->bin_tar
-Returns the full path to your tar binary, if found.
-=head2 $ae->bin_gzip
-Returns the full path to your gzip binary, if found
-=head2 $ae->bin_unzip
-Returns the full path to your unzip binary, if found
-=head2 $ae->bin_unlzma
-Returns the full path to your unlzma binary, if found
-=head2 $ae->bin_unxz
-Returns the full path to your unxz binary, if found
-### paths to commandline tools ###
-sub bin_gzip { return $PROGRAMS->{'gzip'} if $PROGRAMS->{'gzip'} }
-sub bin_unzip { return $PROGRAMS->{'unzip'} if $PROGRAMS->{'unzip'} }
-sub bin_tar { return $PROGRAMS->{'tar'} if $PROGRAMS->{'tar'} }
-sub bin_bunzip2 { return $PROGRAMS->{'bunzip2'} if $PROGRAMS->{'bunzip2'} }
-sub bin_uncompress { return $PROGRAMS->{'uncompress'}
- if $PROGRAMS->{'uncompress'} }
-sub bin_unlzma { return $PROGRAMS->{'unlzma'} if $PROGRAMS->{'unlzma'} }
-sub bin_unxz { return $PROGRAMS->{'unxz'} if $PROGRAMS->{'unxz'} }
-=head2 $bool = $ae->have_old_bunzip2
-Older versions of C</bin/bunzip2>, from before the C<bunzip2 1.0> release,
-require all archive names to end in C<.bz2> or it will not extract
-them. This method checks if you have a recent version of C<bunzip2>
-that allows any extension, or an older one that doesn't.
-sub have_old_bunzip2 {
- my $self = shift;
- ### no bunzip2? no old bunzip2 either :)
- return unless $self->bin_bunzip2;
- ### if we can't run this, we can't be sure if it's too old or not
- ### XXX stupid stupid stupid bunzip2 doesn't understand --version
- ### is not a request to extract data:
- ### $ bunzip2 --version
- ### bzip2, a block-sorting file compressor. Version 1.0.2, 30-Dec-2001.
- ### [...]
- ### bunzip2: I won't read compressed data from a terminal.
- ### bunzip2: For help, type: `bunzip2 --help'.
- ### $ echo $?
- ### 1
- ### HATEFUL!
- ### double hateful: bunzip2 --version also hangs if input is a pipe
- ### See #32370: Archive::Extract will hang if stdin is a pipe [+PATCH]
- ### So, we have to provide *another* argument which is a fake filename,
- ### just so it wont try to read from stdin to print its version..
- ### *sigh*
- ### Even if the file exists, it won't clobber or change it.
- my $buffer;
- scalar run(
- command => [$self->bin_bunzip2, '--version', 'NoSuchFile'],
- verbose => 0,
- buffer => \$buffer
- );
- ### no output
- return unless $buffer;
- my ($version) = $buffer =~ /version \s+ (\d+)/ix;
- return 1 if $version < 1;
- return;
-# Untar code
-### annoying issue with (gnu) tar on win32, as illustrated by this
-### bug:
-### which shows that (gnu) tar will interpret a file name with a :
-### in it as a remote file name, so C:\tmp\foo.txt is interpreted
-### as a remote shell, and the extract fails.
-{ my @ExtraTarFlags;
- if( ON_WIN32 and my $cmd = __PACKAGE__->bin_tar ) {
- ### if this is gnu tar we are running, we need to use --force-local
- push @ExtraTarFlags, '--force-local' if `$cmd --version` =~ /gnu tar/i;
- }
- ### use /bin/tar to extract ###
- sub _untar_bin {
- my $self = shift;
- ### check for /bin/tar ###
- ### check for /bin/gzip if we need it ###
- ### if any of the binaries are not available, return NA
- { my $diag = !$self->bin_tar ?
- loc("No '%1' program found", '/bin/tar') :
- $self->is_tgz && !$self->bin_gzip ?
- loc("No '%1' program found", '/bin/gzip') :
- $self->is_tbz && !$self->bin_bunzip2 ?
- loc("No '%1' program found", '/bin/bunzip2') :
- $self->is_txz && !$self->bin_unxz ?
- loc("No '%1' program found", '/bin/unxz') :
- '';
- if( $diag ) {
- $self->_error( $diag );
- return METHOD_NA;
- }
- }
- ### XXX figure out how to make IPC::Run do this in one call --
- ### currently i don't know how to get output of a command after a pipe
- ### trapped in a scalar. Mailed barries about this 5th of june 2004.
- ### see what command we should run, based on whether
- ### it's a .tgz or .tar
- ### GNU tar can't handled VMS filespecs, but VMSTAR can handle Unix filespecs.
- my $archive = $self->archive;
- $archive = VMS::Filespec::unixify($archive) if ON_VMS;
- ### XXX solaris tar and bsdtar are having different outputs
- ### depending whether you run with -x or -t
- ### compensate for this insanity by running -t first, then -x
- { my $cmd =
- $self->is_tgz ? [$self->bin_gzip, '-cdf', $archive, '|',
- $self->bin_tar, '-tf', '-'] :
- $self->is_tbz ? [$self->bin_bunzip2, '-cd', $archive, '|',
- $self->bin_tar, '-tf', '-'] :
- $self->is_txz ? [$self->bin_unxz, '-cd', $archive, '|',
- $self->bin_tar, '-tf', '-'] :
- [$self->bin_tar, @ExtraTarFlags, '-tf', $archive];
- ### run the command
- ### newer versions of 'tar' (1.21 and up) now print record size
- ### to STDERR as well if v OR t is given (used to be both). This
- ### is a 'feature' according to the changelog, so we must now only
- ### inspect STDOUT, otherwise, failures like these occur:
- ###
- my $buffer = '';
- my @out = run( command => $cmd,
- buffer => \$buffer,
- verbose => $DEBUG );
- ### command was unsuccessful
- unless( $out[0] ) {
- return $self->_error(loc(
- "Error listing contents of archive '%1': %2",
- $archive, $buffer ));
- }
- ### no buffers available?
- if( !IPC::Cmd->can_capture_buffer and !$buffer ) {
- $self->_error( $self->_no_buffer_files( $archive ) );
- } else {
- ### if we're on solaris we /might/ be using /bin/tar, which has
- ### a weird output format... we might also be using
- ### /usr/local/bin/tar, which is gnu tar, which is perfectly
- ### fine... so we have to do some guessing here =/
- my @files = map { chomp;
- !ON_SOLARIS ? $_
- : (m|^ x \s+ # 'xtract' -- sigh
- (.+?), # the actual file name
- \s+ [\d,.]+ \s bytes,
- \s+ [\d,.]+ \s tape \s blocks
- |x ? $1 : $_);
- ### only STDOUT, see above. Sometimes, extra whitespace
- ### is present, so make sure we only pick lines with
- ### a length
- } grep { length } map { split $/, $_ } join '', @{$out[3]};
- ### store the files that are in the archive ###
- $self->files(\@files);
- }
- }
- ### now actually extract it ###
- { my $cmd =
- $self->is_tgz ? [$self->bin_gzip, '-cdf', $archive, '|',
- $self->bin_tar, '-xf', '-'] :
- $self->is_tbz ? [$self->bin_bunzip2, '-cd', $archive, '|',
- $self->bin_tar, '-xf', '-'] :
- $self->is_txz ? [$self->bin_unxz, '-cd', $archive, '|',
- $self->bin_tar, '-xf', '-'] :
- [$self->bin_tar, @ExtraTarFlags, '-xf', $archive];
- my $buffer = '';
- unless( scalar run( command => $cmd,
- buffer => \$buffer,
- verbose => $DEBUG )
- ) {
- return $self->_error(loc("Error extracting archive '%1': %2",
- $archive, $buffer ));
- }
- ### we might not have them, due to lack of buffers
- if( $self->files ) {
- ### now that we've extracted, figure out where we extracted to
- my $dir = $self->__get_extract_dir( $self->files );
- ### store the extraction dir ###
- $self->extract_path( $dir );
- }
- }
- ### we got here, no error happened
- return 1;
- }
-### use archive::tar to extract ###
-sub _untar_at {
- my $self = shift;
- ### Loading Archive::Tar is going to set it to 1, so make it local
- ### within this block, starting with its initial value. Whatever
- ### Achive::Tar does will be undone when we return.
- ###
- ### Also, later, set $Archive::Tar::WARN to $Archive::Extract::WARN
- ### so users don't have to even think about this variable. If they
- ### do, they still get their set value outside of this call.
- local $Archive::Tar::WARN = $Archive::Tar::WARN;
- ### we definitely need Archive::Tar, so load that first
- { my $use_list = { 'Archive::Tar' => '0.0' };
- unless( can_load( modules => $use_list ) ) {
- $self->_error(loc("You do not have '%1' installed - " .
- "Please install it as soon as possible.",
- 'Archive::Tar'));
- return METHOD_NA;
- }
- }
- ### we might pass it a filehandle if it's a .tbz file..
- my $fh_to_read = $self->archive;
- ### we will need Compress::Zlib too, if it's a tgz... and IO::Zlib
- ### if A::T's version is 0.99 or higher
- if( $self->is_tgz ) {
- my $use_list = { 'Compress::Zlib' => '0.0' };
- $use_list->{ 'IO::Zlib' } = '0.0'
- if $Archive::Tar::VERSION >= '0.99';
- unless( can_load( modules => $use_list ) ) {
- my $which = join '/', sort keys %$use_list;
- $self->_error(loc(
- "You do not have '%1' installed - Please ".
- "install it as soon as possible.", $which)
- );
- return METHOD_NA;
- }
- } elsif ( $self->is_tbz ) {
- my $use_list = { 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2' => '0.0' };
- unless( can_load( modules => $use_list ) ) {
- $self->_error(loc(
- "You do not have '%1' installed - Please " .
- "install it as soon as possible.",
- 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2')
- );
- return METHOD_NA;
- }
- my $bz = IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2->new( $self->archive ) or
- return $self->_error(loc("Unable to open '%1': %2",
- $self->archive,
- $IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2::Bunzip2Error));
- $fh_to_read = $bz;
- } elsif ( $self->is_txz ) {
- my $use_list = { 'IO::Uncompress::UnXz' => '0.0' };
- unless( can_load( modules => $use_list ) ) {
- $self->_error(loc(
- "You do not have '%1' installed - Please " .
- "install it as soon as possible.",
- 'IO::Uncompress::UnXz')
- );
- return METHOD_NA;
- }
- my $xz = IO::Uncompress::UnXz->new( $self->archive ) or
- return $self->_error(loc("Unable to open '%1': %2",
- $self->archive,
- $IO::Uncompress::UnXz::UnXzError));
- $fh_to_read = $xz;
- }
- my @files;
- {
- ### $Archive::Tar::WARN is 1 by default in Archive::Tar, but we've
- ### localized $Archive::Tar::WARN already.
- $Archive::Tar::WARN = $Archive::Extract::WARN;
- ### only tell it it's compressed if it's a .tgz, as we give it a file
- ### handle if it's a .tbz
- my @read = ( $fh_to_read, ( $self->is_tgz ? 1 : 0 ) );
- ### for version of Archive::Tar > 1.04
- local $Archive::Tar::CHOWN = 0;
- ### use the iterator if we can. it's a feature of A::T 1.40 and up
- if ( $_ALLOW_TAR_ITER && Archive::Tar->can( 'iter' ) ) {
- my $next;
- unless ( $next = Archive::Tar->iter( @read ) ) {
- return $self->_error(loc(
- "Unable to read '%1': %2", $self->archive,
- $Archive::Tar::error));
- }
- while ( my $file = $next->() ) {
- push @files, $file->full_path;
- $file->extract or return $self->_error(loc(
- "Unable to read '%1': %2",
- $self->archive,
- $Archive::Tar::error));
- }
- ### older version, read the archive into memory
- } else {
- my $tar = Archive::Tar->new();
- unless( $tar->read( @read ) ) {
- return $self->_error(loc("Unable to read '%1': %2",
- $self->archive, $Archive::Tar::error));
- }
- ### workaround to prevent Archive::Tar from setting uid, which
- ### is a potential security hole. -autrijus
- ### have to do it here, since A::T needs to be /loaded/ first ###
- { no strict 'refs'; local $^W;
- ### older versions of archive::tar <= 0.23
- *Archive::Tar::chown = sub {};
- }
- { local $^W; # quell 'splice() offset past end of array' warnings
- # on older versions of A::T
- ### older archive::tar always returns $self, return value
- ### slightly fux0r3d because of it.
- $tar->extract or return $self->_error(loc(
- "Unable to extract '%1': %2",
- $self->archive, $Archive::Tar::error ));
- }
- @files = $tar->list_files;
- }
- }
- my $dir = $self->__get_extract_dir( \@files );
- ### store the files that are in the archive ###
- $self->files(\@files);
- ### store the extraction dir ###
- $self->extract_path( $dir );
- ### check if the dir actually appeared ###
- return 1 if -d $self->extract_path;
- ### no dir, we failed ###
- return $self->_error(loc("Unable to extract '%1': %2",
- $self->archive, $Archive::Tar::error ));
-# Gunzip code
-sub _gunzip_bin {
- my $self = shift;
- ### check for /bin/gzip -- we need it ###
- unless( $self->bin_gzip ) {
- $self->_error(loc("No '%1' program found", '/bin/gzip'));
- return METHOD_NA;
- }
- my $fh = FileHandle->new('>'. $self->_gunzip_to) or
- return $self->_error(loc("Could not open '%1' for writing: %2",
- $self->_gunzip_to, $! ));
- my $cmd = [ $self->bin_gzip, '-cdf', $self->archive ];
- my $buffer;
- unless( scalar run( command => $cmd,
- verbose => $DEBUG,
- buffer => \$buffer )
- ) {
- return $self->_error(loc("Unable to gunzip '%1': %2",
- $self->archive, $buffer));
- }
- ### no buffers available?
- if( !IPC::Cmd->can_capture_buffer and !$buffer ) {
- $self->_error( $self->_no_buffer_content( $self->archive ) );
- }
- $self->_print($fh, $buffer) if defined $buffer;
- close $fh;
- ### set what files where extract, and where they went ###
- $self->files( [$self->_gunzip_to] );
- $self->extract_path( File::Spec->rel2abs(cwd()) );
- return 1;
-sub _gunzip_cz {
- my $self = shift;
- my $use_list = { 'Compress::Zlib' => '0.0' };
- unless( can_load( modules => $use_list ) ) {
- $self->_error(loc("You do not have '%1' installed - Please " .
- "install it as soon as possible.", 'Compress::Zlib'));
- return METHOD_NA;
- }
- my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen( $self->archive, "rb" ) or
- return $self->_error(loc("Unable to open '%1': %2",
- $self->archive, $Compress::Zlib::gzerrno));
- my $fh = FileHandle->new('>'. $self->_gunzip_to) or
- return $self->_error(loc("Could not open '%1' for writing: %2",
- $self->_gunzip_to, $! ));
- my $buffer;
- $self->_print($fh, $buffer) while $gz->gzread($buffer) > 0;
- $fh->close;
- ### set what files where extract, and where they went ###
- $self->files( [$self->_gunzip_to] );
- $self->extract_path( File::Spec->rel2abs(cwd()) );
- return 1;
-# Uncompress code
-sub _uncompress_bin {
- my $self = shift;
- ### check for /bin/gzip -- we need it ###
- unless( $self->bin_uncompress ) {
- $self->_error(loc("No '%1' program found", '/bin/uncompress'));
- return METHOD_NA;
- }
- my $fh = FileHandle->new('>'. $self->_gunzip_to) or
- return $self->_error(loc("Could not open '%1' for writing: %2",
- $self->_gunzip_to, $! ));
- my $cmd = [ $self->bin_uncompress, '-c', $self->archive ];
- my $buffer;
- unless( scalar run( command => $cmd,
- verbose => $DEBUG,
- buffer => \$buffer )
- ) {
- return $self->_error(loc("Unable to uncompress '%1': %2",
- $self->archive, $buffer));
- }
- ### no buffers available?
- if( !IPC::Cmd->can_capture_buffer and !$buffer ) {
- $self->_error( $self->_no_buffer_content( $self->archive ) );
- }
- $self->_print($fh, $buffer) if defined $buffer;
- close $fh;
- ### set what files where extract, and where they went ###
- $self->files( [$self->_gunzip_to] );
- $self->extract_path( File::Spec->rel2abs(cwd()) );
- return 1;
-# Unzip code
-sub _unzip_bin {
- my $self = shift;
- ### check for /bin/gzip if we need it ###
- unless( $self->bin_unzip ) {
- $self->_error(loc("No '%1' program found", '/bin/unzip'));
- return METHOD_NA;
- }
- ### first, get the files.. it must be 2 different commands with 'unzip' :(
- { ### on VMS, capital letter options have to be quoted. This is
- ### reported by John Malmberg on P5P Tue 21 Aug 2007 05:05:11
- ### Subject: [patch@31735]Archive Extract fix on VMS.
- my $opt = ON_VMS ? '"-Z"' : '-Z';
- my $cmd = [ $self->bin_unzip, $opt, '-1', $self->archive ];
- my $buffer = '';
- unless( scalar run( command => $cmd,
- verbose => $DEBUG,
- buffer => \$buffer )
- ) {
- return $self->_error(loc("Unable to unzip '%1': %2",
- $self->archive, $buffer));
- }
- ### no buffers available?
- if( !IPC::Cmd->can_capture_buffer and !$buffer ) {
- $self->_error( $self->_no_buffer_files( $self->archive ) );
- } else {
- ### Annoyingly, pesky MSWin32 can either have 'native' tools
- ### which have \r\n line endings or Cygwin-based tools which
- ### have \n line endings. Jan Dubois suggested using this fix
- local $/ = ON_WIN32 ? qr/\r?\n/ : "\n";
- $self->files( [split $/, $buffer] );
- }
- }
- ### now, extract the archive ###
- { my $cmd = [ $self->bin_unzip, '-qq', '-o', $self->archive ];
- my $buffer;
- unless( scalar run( command => $cmd,
- verbose => $DEBUG,
- buffer => \$buffer )
- ) {
- return $self->_error(loc("Unable to unzip '%1': %2",
- $self->archive, $buffer));
- }
- if( scalar @{$self->files} ) {
- my $files = $self->files;
- my $dir = $self->__get_extract_dir( $files );
- $self->extract_path( $dir );
- }
- }
- return 1;
-sub _unzip_az {
- my $self = shift;
- my $use_list = { 'Archive::Zip' => '0.0' };
- unless( can_load( modules => $use_list ) ) {
- $self->_error(loc("You do not have '%1' installed - Please " .
- "install it as soon as possible.", 'Archive::Zip'));
- return METHOD_NA;
- }
- my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
- unless( $zip->read( $self->archive ) == &Archive::Zip::AZ_OK ) {
- return $self->_error(loc("Unable to read '%1'", $self->archive));
- }
- my @files;
- ### Address: #43278: Explicitly tell Archive::Zip where to put the files:
- ### "In my BackPAN indexing, Archive::Zip was extracting things
- ### in my script's directory instead of the current working directory.
- ### I traced this back through Archive::Zip::_asLocalName which
- ### eventually calls File::Spec::Win32::rel2abs which on Windows might
- ### call Cwd::getdcwd. getdcwd returns the wrong directory in my
- ### case, even though I think I'm on the same drive.
- ###
- ### To fix this, I pass the optional second argument to
- ### extractMember using the cwd from Archive::Extract." --bdfoy
- ## store cwd() before looping; calls to cwd() can be expensive, and
- ### it won't change during the loop
- my $extract_dir = cwd();
- ### have to extract every member individually ###
- for my $member ($zip->members) {
- push @files, $member->{fileName};
- ### file to extract to, to avoid the above problem
- my $to = File::Spec->catfile( $extract_dir, $member->{fileName} );
- unless( $zip->extractMember($member, $to) == &Archive::Zip::AZ_OK ) {
- return $self->_error(loc("Extraction of '%1' from '%2' failed",
- $member->{fileName}, $self->archive ));
- }
- }
- my $dir = $self->__get_extract_dir( \@files );
- ### set what files where extract, and where they went ###
- $self->files( \@files );
- $self->extract_path( File::Spec->rel2abs($dir) );
- return 1;
-sub __get_extract_dir {
- my $self = shift;
- my $files = shift || [];
- return unless scalar @$files;
- my($dir1, $dir2);
- for my $aref ( [ \$dir1, 0 ], [ \$dir2, -1 ] ) {
- my($dir,$pos) = @$aref;
- ### add a catdir(), so that any trailing slashes get
- ### take care of (removed)
- ### also, a catdir() normalises './dir/foo' to 'dir/foo';
- ### which was the problem in bug #23999
- my $res = -d $files->[$pos]
- ? File::Spec->catdir( $files->[$pos], '' )
- : File::Spec->catdir( dirname( $files->[$pos] ) );
- $$dir = $res;
- }
- ### if the first and last dir don't match, make sure the
- ### dirname is not set wrongly
- my $dir;
- ### dirs are the same, so we know for sure what the extract dir is
- if( $dir1 eq $dir2 ) {
- $dir = $dir1;
- ### dirs are different.. do they share the base dir?
- ### if so, use that, if not, fall back to '.'
- } else {
- my $base1 = [ File::Spec->splitdir( $dir1 ) ]->[0];
- my $base2 = [ File::Spec->splitdir( $dir2 ) ]->[0];
- $dir = File::Spec->rel2abs( $base1 eq $base2 ? $base1 : '.' );
- }
- return File::Spec->rel2abs( $dir );
-# Bunzip2 code
-sub _bunzip2_bin {
- my $self = shift;
- ### check for /bin/gzip -- we need it ###
- unless( $self->bin_bunzip2 ) {
- $self->_error(loc("No '%1' program found", '/bin/bunzip2'));
- return METHOD_NA;
- }
- my $fh = FileHandle->new('>'. $self->_gunzip_to) or
- return $self->_error(loc("Could not open '%1' for writing: %2",
- $self->_gunzip_to, $! ));
- ### guard against broken bunzip2. See ->have_old_bunzip2()
- ### for details
- if( $self->have_old_bunzip2 and $self->archive !~ /\.bz2$/i ) {
- return $self->_error(loc("Your bunzip2 version is too old and ".
- "can only extract files ending in '%1'",
- '.bz2'));
- }
- my $cmd = [ $self->bin_bunzip2, '-cd', $self->archive ];
- my $buffer;
- unless( scalar run( command => $cmd,
- verbose => $DEBUG,
- buffer => \$buffer )
- ) {
- return $self->_error(loc("Unable to bunzip2 '%1': %2",
- $self->archive, $buffer));
- }
- ### no buffers available?
- if( !IPC::Cmd->can_capture_buffer and !$buffer ) {
- $self->_error( $self->_no_buffer_content( $self->archive ) );
- }
- $self->_print($fh, $buffer) if defined $buffer;
- close $fh;
- ### set what files where extract, and where they went ###
- $self->files( [$self->_gunzip_to] );
- $self->extract_path( File::Spec->rel2abs(cwd()) );
- return 1;
-### using cz2, the compact versions... this we use mainly in archive::tar
-### extractor..
-# sub _bunzip2_cz1 {
-# my $self = shift;
-# my $use_list = { 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2' => '0.0' };
-# unless( can_load( modules => $use_list ) ) {
-# return $self->_error(loc("You do not have '%1' installed - Please " .
-# "install it as soon as possible.",
-# 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'));
-# }
-# my $bz = IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2->new( $self->archive ) or
-# return $self->_error(loc("Unable to open '%1': %2",
-# $self->archive,
-# $IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2::Bunzip2Error));
-# my $fh = FileHandle->new('>'. $self->_gunzip_to) or
-# return $self->_error(loc("Could not open '%1' for writing: %2",
-# $self->_gunzip_to, $! ));
-# my $buffer;
-# $fh->print($buffer) while $bz->read($buffer) > 0;
-# $fh->close;
-# ### set what files where extract, and where they went ###
-# $self->files( [$self->_gunzip_to] );
-# $self->extract_path( File::Spec->rel2abs(cwd()) );
-# return 1;
-# }
-sub _bunzip2_bz2 {
- my $self = shift;
- my $use_list = { 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2' => '0.0' };
- unless( can_load( modules => $use_list ) ) {
- $self->_error(loc("You do not have '%1' installed - Please " .
- "install it as soon as possible.",
- 'IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2'));
- return METHOD_NA;
- }
- IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2::bunzip2($self->archive => $self->_gunzip_to)
- or return $self->_error(loc("Unable to uncompress '%1': %2",
- $self->archive,
- $IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2::Bunzip2Error));
- ### set what files where extract, and where they went ###
- $self->files( [$self->_gunzip_to] );
- $self->extract_path( File::Spec->rel2abs(cwd()) );
- return 1;
-# UnXz code
-sub _unxz_bin {
- my $self = shift;
- ### check for /bin/unxz -- we need it ###
- unless( $self->bin_unxz ) {
- $self->_error(loc("No '%1' program found", '/bin/unxz'));
- return METHOD_NA;
- }
- my $fh = FileHandle->new('>'. $self->_gunzip_to) or
- return $self->_error(loc("Could not open '%1' for writing: %2",
- $self->_gunzip_to, $! ));
- my $cmd = [ $self->bin_unxz, '-cdf', $self->archive ];
- my $buffer;
- unless( scalar run( command => $cmd,
- verbose => $DEBUG,
- buffer => \$buffer )
- ) {
- return $self->_error(loc("Unable to unxz '%1': %2",
- $self->archive, $buffer));
- }
- ### no buffers available?
- if( !IPC::Cmd->can_capture_buffer and !$buffer ) {
- $self->_error( $self->_no_buffer_content( $self->archive ) );
- }
- $self->_print($fh, $buffer) if defined $buffer;
- close $fh;
- ### set what files where extract, and where they went ###
- $self->files( [$self->_gunzip_to] );
- $self->extract_path( File::Spec->rel2abs(cwd()) );
- return 1;
-sub _unxz_cz {
- my $self = shift;
- my $use_list = { 'IO::Uncompress::UnXz' => '0.0' };
- unless( can_load( modules => $use_list ) ) {
- $self->_error(loc("You do not have '%1' installed - Please " .
- "install it as soon as possible.",
- 'IO::Uncompress::UnXz'));
- return METHOD_NA;
- }
- IO::Uncompress::UnXz::unxz($self->archive => $self->_gunzip_to)
- or return $self->_error(loc("Unable to uncompress '%1': %2",
- $self->archive,
- $IO::Uncompress::UnXz::UnXzError));
- ### set what files where extract, and where they went ###
- $self->files( [$self->_gunzip_to] );
- $self->extract_path( File::Spec->rel2abs(cwd()) );
- return 1;
-# unlzma code
-sub _unlzma_bin {
- my $self = shift;
- ### check for /bin/unlzma -- we need it ###
- unless( $self->bin_unlzma ) {
- $self->_error(loc("No '%1' program found", '/bin/unlzma'));
- return METHOD_NA;
- }
- my $fh = FileHandle->new('>'. $self->_gunzip_to) or
- return $self->_error(loc("Could not open '%1' for writing: %2",
- $self->_gunzip_to, $! ));
- my $cmd = [ $self->bin_unlzma, '-c', $self->archive ];
- my $buffer;
- unless( scalar run( command => $cmd,
- verbose => $DEBUG,
- buffer => \$buffer )
- ) {
- return $self->_error(loc("Unable to unlzma '%1': %2",
- $self->archive, $buffer));
- }
- ### no buffers available?
- if( !IPC::Cmd->can_capture_buffer and !$buffer ) {
- $self->_error( $self->_no_buffer_content( $self->archive ) );
- }
- $self->_print($fh, $buffer) if defined $buffer;
- close $fh;
- ### set what files where extract, and where they went ###
- $self->files( [$self->_gunzip_to] );
- $self->extract_path( File::Spec->rel2abs(cwd()) );
- return 1;
-sub _unlzma_cz {
- my $self = shift;
- my $use_list1 = { 'IO::Uncompress::UnLzma' => '0.0' };
- my $use_list2 = { 'Compress::unLZMA' => '0.0' };
- if (can_load( modules => $use_list1 ) ) {
- IO::Uncompress::UnLzma::unlzma($self->archive => $self->_gunzip_to)
- or return $self->_error(loc("Unable to uncompress '%1': %2",
- $self->archive,
- $IO::Uncompress::UnLzma::UnLzmaError));
- }
- elsif (can_load( modules => $use_list2 ) ) {
- my $fh = FileHandle->new('>'. $self->_gunzip_to) or
- return $self->_error(loc("Could not open '%1' for writing: %2",
- $self->_gunzip_to, $! ));
- my $buffer;
- $buffer = Compress::unLZMA::uncompressfile( $self->archive );
- unless ( defined $buffer ) {
- return $self->_error(loc("Could not unlzma '%1': %2",
- $self->archive, $@));
- }
- $self->_print($fh, $buffer) if defined $buffer;
- close $fh;
- }
- else {
- $self->_error(loc("You do not have '%1' or '%2' installed - Please " .
- "install it as soon as possible.", 'Compress::unLZMA', 'IO::Uncompress::UnLzma'));
- return METHOD_NA;
- }
- ### set what files where extract, and where they went ###
- $self->files( [$self->_gunzip_to] );
- $self->extract_path( File::Spec->rel2abs(cwd()) );
- return 1;
-# Error code
-# For printing binaries that avoids interfering globals
-sub _print {
- my $self = shift;
- my $fh = shift;
- local( $\, $", $, ) = ( undef, ' ', '' );
- return print $fh @_;
-sub _error {
- my $self = shift;
- my $error = shift;
- my $lerror = Carp::longmess($error);
- push @{$self->_error_msg}, $error;
- push @{$self->_error_msg_long}, $lerror;
- ### set $Archive::Extract::WARN to 0 to disable printing
- ### of errors
- if( $WARN ) {
- carp $DEBUG ? $lerror : $error;
- }
- return;
-sub error {
- my $self = shift;
- ### make sure we have a fallback aref
- my $aref = do {
- shift()
- ? $self->_error_msg_long
- : $self->_error_msg
- } || [];
- return join $/, @$aref;
-=head2 debug( MESSAGE )
-This method outputs MESSAGE to the default filehandle if C<$DEBUG> is
-true. It's a small method, but it's here if you'd like to subclass it
-so you can so something else with any debugging output.
-### this is really a stub for subclassing
-sub debug {
- return unless $DEBUG;
- print $_[1];
-sub _no_buffer_files {
- my $self = shift;
- my $file = shift or return;
- return loc("No buffer captured, unable to tell ".
- "extracted files or extraction dir for '%1'", $file);
-sub _no_buffer_content {
- my $self = shift;
- my $file = shift or return;
- return loc("No buffer captured, unable to get content for '%1'", $file);
-=head1 HOW IT WORKS
-C<Archive::Extract> tries first to determine what type of archive you
-are passing it, by inspecting its suffix. It does not do this by using
-Mime magic, or something related. See C<CAVEATS> below.
-Once it has determined the file type, it knows which extraction methods
-it can use on the archive. It will try a perl solution first, then fall
-back to a commandline tool if that fails. If that also fails, it will
-return false, indicating it was unable to extract the archive.
-See the section on C<GLOBAL VARIABLES> to see how to alter this order.
-=head1 CAVEATS
-=head2 File Extensions
-C<Archive::Extract> trusts on the extension of the archive to determine
-what type it is, and what extractor methods therefore can be used. If
-your archives do not have any of the extensions as described in the
-C<new()> method, you will have to specify the type explicitly, or
-C<Archive::Extract> will not be able to extract the archive for you.
-=head2 Supporting Very Large Files
-C<Archive::Extract> can use either pure perl modules or command line
-programs under the hood. Some of the pure perl modules (like
-C<Archive::Tar> and Compress::unLZMA) take the entire contents of the archive into memory,
-which may not be feasible on your system. Consider setting the global
-variable C<$Archive::Extract::PREFER_BIN> to C<1>, which will prefer
-the use of command line programs and won't consume so much memory.
-See the C<GLOBAL VARIABLES> section below for details.
-=head2 Bunzip2 support of arbitrary extensions.
-Older versions of C</bin/bunzip2> do not support arbitrary file
-extensions and insist on a C<.bz2> suffix. Although we do our best
-to guard against this, if you experience a bunzip2 error, it may
-be related to this. For details, please see the C<have_old_bunzip2>
-=head2 $Archive::Extract::DEBUG
-Set this variable to C<true> to have all calls to command line tools
-be printed out, including all their output.
-This also enables C<Carp::longmess> errors, instead of the regular
-C<carp> errors.
-Good for tracking down why things don't work with your particular
-Defaults to C<false>.
-=head2 $Archive::Extract::WARN
-This variable controls whether errors encountered internally by
-C<Archive::Extract> should be C<carp>'d or not.
-Set to false to silence warnings. Inspect the output of the C<error()>
-method manually to see what went wrong.
-Defaults to C<true>.
-=head2 $Archive::Extract::PREFER_BIN
-This variables controls whether C<Archive::Extract> should prefer the
-use of perl modules, or commandline tools to extract archives.
-Set to C<true> to have C<Archive::Extract> prefer commandline tools.
-Defaults to C<false>.
-=head1 TODO / CAVEATS
-=over 4
-=item Mime magic support
-Maybe this module should use something like C<File::Type> to determine
-the type, rather than blindly trust the suffix.
-=item Thread safety
-Currently, C<Archive::Extract> does a C<chdir> to the extraction dir before
-extraction, and a C<chdir> back again after. This is not necessarily
-thread safe. See C<> bug C<#45671> for details.
-Please report bugs or other issues to E<lt>bug-archive-extract@rt.cpan.orgE<gt>.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-This module by Jos Boumans E<lt>kane@cpan.orgE<gt>.
-This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# Local variables:
-# c-indentation-style: bsd
-# c-basic-offset: 4
-# indent-tabs-mode: nil
-# End:
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