path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/App/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/App/')
1 files changed, 806 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/App/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/App/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..dd9b797e089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/App/
@@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
+package App::Prove;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
+use TAP::Object ();
+use TAP::Harness;
+use TAP::Parser::Utils qw( split_shell );
+use File::Spec;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use App::Prove::State;
+use Carp;
+=head1 NAME
+App::Prove - Implements the C<prove> command.
+=head1 VERSION
+Version 3.20
+$VERSION = '3.20';
+L<Test::Harness> provides a command, C<prove>, which runs a TAP based
+test suite and prints a report. The C<prove> command is a minimal
+wrapper around an instance of this module.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use App::Prove;
+ my $app = App::Prove->new;
+ $app->process_args(@ARGV);
+ $app->run;
+use constant IS_WIN32 => ( $^O =~ /^(MS)?Win32$/ );
+use constant IS_VMS => $^O eq 'VMS';
+use constant IS_UNIXY => !( IS_VMS || IS_WIN32 );
+use constant STATE_FILE => IS_UNIXY ? '.prove' : '_prove';
+use constant RC_FILE => IS_UNIXY ? '.proverc' : '_proverc';
+use constant PLUGINS => 'App::Prove::Plugin';
+my @ATTR;
+ @ISA = qw(TAP::Object);
+ @ATTR = qw(
+ archive argv blib show_count color directives exec failures comments
+ formatter harness includes modules plugins jobs lib merge parse quiet
+ really_quiet recurse backwards shuffle taint_fail taint_warn timer
+ verbose warnings_fail warnings_warn show_help show_man show_version
+ state_class test_args state dry extension ignore_exit rules state_manager
+ normalize sources
+ );
+ __PACKAGE__->mk_methods(@ATTR);
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<new>
+Create a new C<App::Prove>. Optionally a hash ref of attribute
+initializers may be passed.
+# new() implementation supplied by TAP::Object
+sub _initialize {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $args = shift || {};
+ # setup defaults:
+ for my $key (
+ qw( argv rc_opts includes modules state plugins rules sources ))
+ {
+ $self->{$key} = [];
+ }
+ $self->{harness_class} = 'TAP::Harness';
+ for my $attr (@ATTR) {
+ if ( exists $args->{$attr} ) {
+ # TODO: Some validation here
+ $self->{$attr} = $args->{$attr};
+ }
+ }
+ my %env_provides_default = (
+ HARNESS_TIMER => 'timer',
+ );
+ while ( my ( $env, $attr ) = each %env_provides_default ) {
+ $self->{$attr} = 1 if $ENV{$env};
+ }
+ $self->state_class('App::Prove::State');
+ return $self;
+=head3 C<state_class>
+Getter/setter for the name of the class used for maintaining state. This
+class should either subclass from C<App::Prove::State> or provide an identical
+=head3 C<state_manager>
+Getter/setter for the instance of the C<state_class>.
+=head3 C<add_rc_file>
+ $prove->add_rc_file('myproj/.proverc');
+Called before C<process_args> to prepend the contents of an rc file to
+the options.
+sub add_rc_file {
+ my ( $self, $rc_file ) = @_;
+ local *RC;
+ open RC, "<$rc_file" or croak "Can't read $rc_file ($!)";
+ while ( defined( my $line = <RC> ) ) {
+ push @{ $self->{rc_opts} },
+ grep { defined and not /^#/ }
+ $line =~ m{ ' ([^']*) ' | " ([^"]*) " | (\#.*) | (\S+) }xg;
+ }
+ close RC;
+=head3 C<process_args>
+ $prove->process_args(@args);
+Processes the command-line arguments. Attributes will be set
+appropriately. Any filenames may be found in the C<argv> attribute.
+Dies on invalid arguments.
+sub process_args {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @rc = RC_FILE;
+ unshift @rc, glob '~/' . RC_FILE if IS_UNIXY;
+ # Preprocess meta-args.
+ my @args;
+ while ( defined( my $arg = shift ) ) {
+ if ( $arg eq '--norc' ) {
+ @rc = ();
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg eq '--rc' ) {
+ defined( my $rc = shift )
+ or croak "Missing argument to --rc";
+ push @rc, $rc;
+ }
+ elsif ( $arg =~ m{^--rc=(.+)$} ) {
+ push @rc, $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @args, $arg;
+ }
+ }
+ # Everything after the arisdottle '::' gets passed as args to
+ # test programs.
+ if ( defined( my $stop_at = _first_pos( '::', @args ) ) ) {
+ my @test_args = splice @args, $stop_at;
+ shift @test_args;
+ $self->{test_args} = \@test_args;
+ }
+ # Grab options from RC files
+ $self->add_rc_file($_) for grep -f, @rc;
+ unshift @args, @{ $self->{rc_opts} };
+ if ( my @bad = map {"-$_"} grep {/^-(man|help)$/} @args ) {
+ die "Long options should be written with two dashes: ",
+ join( ', ', @bad ), "\n";
+ }
+ # And finally...
+ {
+ local @ARGV = @args;
+ Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(no_ignore_case bundling pass_through));
+ # Don't add coderefs to GetOptions
+ GetOptions(
+ 'v|verbose' => \$self->{verbose},
+ 'f|failures' => \$self->{failures},
+ 'o|comments' => \$self->{comments},
+ 'l|lib' => \$self->{lib},
+ 'b|blib' => \$self->{blib},
+ 's|shuffle' => \$self->{shuffle},
+ 'color!' => \$self->{color},
+ 'colour!' => \$self->{color},
+ 'count!' => \$self->{show_count},
+ 'c' => \$self->{color},
+ 'D|dry' => \$self->{dry},
+ 'ext=s' => \$self->{extension},
+ 'harness=s' => \$self->{harness},
+ 'ignore-exit' => \$self->{ignore_exit},
+ 'source=s@' => $self->{sources},
+ 'formatter=s' => \$self->{formatter},
+ 'r|recurse' => \$self->{recurse},
+ 'reverse' => \$self->{backwards},
+ 'p|parse' => \$self->{parse},
+ 'q|quiet' => \$self->{quiet},
+ 'Q|QUIET' => \$self->{really_quiet},
+ 'e|exec=s' => \$self->{exec},
+ 'm|merge' => \$self->{merge},
+ 'I=s@' => $self->{includes},
+ 'M=s@' => $self->{modules},
+ 'P=s@' => $self->{plugins},
+ 'state=s@' => $self->{state},
+ 'directives' => \$self->{directives},
+ 'h|help|?' => \$self->{show_help},
+ 'H|man' => \$self->{show_man},
+ 'V|version' => \$self->{show_version},
+ 'a|archive=s' => \$self->{archive},
+ 'j|jobs=i' => \$self->{jobs},
+ 'timer' => \$self->{timer},
+ 'T' => \$self->{taint_fail},
+ 't' => \$self->{taint_warn},
+ 'W' => \$self->{warnings_fail},
+ 'w' => \$self->{warnings_warn},
+ 'normalize' => \$self->{normalize},
+ 'rules=s@' => $self->{rules},
+ ) or croak('Unable to continue');
+ # Stash the remainder of argv for later
+ $self->{argv} = [@ARGV];
+ }
+ return;
+sub _first_pos {
+ my $want = shift;
+ for ( 0 .. $#_ ) {
+ return $_ if $_[$_] eq $want;
+ }
+ return;
+sub _help {
+ my ( $self, $verbosity ) = @_;
+ eval('use Pod::Usage 1.12 ()');
+ if ( my $err = $@ ) {
+ die 'Please install Pod::Usage for the --help option '
+ . '(or try `perldoc prove`.)'
+ . "\n ($@)";
+ }
+ Pod::Usage::pod2usage( { -verbose => $verbosity } );
+ return;
+sub _color_default {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return -t STDOUT && !$ENV{HARNESS_NOTTY} && !IS_WIN32;
+sub _get_args {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args;
+ if ( defined $self->color ? $self->color : $self->_color_default ) {
+ $args{color} = 1;
+ }
+ if ( !defined $self->show_count ) {
+ $args{show_count} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $args{show_count} = $self->show_count;
+ }
+ if ( $self->archive ) {
+ $self->require_harness( archive => 'TAP::Harness::Archive' );
+ $args{archive} = $self->archive;
+ }
+ if ( my $jobs = $self->jobs ) {
+ $args{jobs} = $jobs;
+ }
+ if ( my $harness_opt = $self->harness ) {
+ $self->require_harness( harness => $harness_opt );
+ }
+ if ( my $formatter = $self->formatter ) {
+ $args{formatter_class} = $formatter;
+ }
+ for my $handler ( @{ $self->sources } ) {
+ my ( $name, $config ) = $self->_parse_source($handler);
+ $args{sources}->{$name} = $config;
+ }
+ if ( $self->ignore_exit ) {
+ $args{ignore_exit} = 1;
+ }
+ if ( $self->taint_fail && $self->taint_warn ) {
+ die '-t and -T are mutually exclusive';
+ }
+ if ( $self->warnings_fail && $self->warnings_warn ) {
+ die '-w and -W are mutually exclusive';
+ }
+ for my $a (qw( lib switches )) {
+ my $method = "_get_$a";
+ my $val = $self->$method();
+ $args{$a} = $val if defined $val;
+ }
+ # Handle verbose, quiet, really_quiet flags
+ my %verb_map = ( verbose => 1, quiet => -1, really_quiet => -2, );
+ my @verb_adj = grep {$_} map { $self->$_() ? $verb_map{$_} : 0 }
+ keys %verb_map;
+ die "Only one of verbose, quiet or really_quiet should be specified\n"
+ if @verb_adj > 1;
+ $args{verbosity} = shift @verb_adj || 0;
+ for my $a (qw( merge failures comments timer directives normalize )) {
+ $args{$a} = 1 if $self->$a();
+ }
+ $args{errors} = 1 if $self->parse;
+ # defined but zero-length exec runs test files as binaries
+ $args{exec} = [ split( /\s+/, $self->exec ) ]
+ if ( defined( $self->exec ) );
+ if ( defined( my $test_args = $self->test_args ) ) {
+ $args{test_args} = $test_args;
+ }
+ if ( @{ $self->rules } ) {
+ my @rules;
+ for ( @{ $self->rules } ) {
+ if (/^par=(.*)/) {
+ push @rules, $1;
+ }
+ elsif (/^seq=(.*)/) {
+ push @rules, { seq => $1 };
+ }
+ }
+ $args{rules} = { par => [@rules] };
+ }
+ return ( \%args, $self->{harness_class} );
+sub _find_module {
+ my ( $self, $class, @search ) = @_;
+ croak "Bad module name $class"
+ unless $class =~ /^ \w+ (?: :: \w+ ) *$/x;
+ for my $pfx (@search) {
+ my $name = join( '::', $pfx, $class );
+ eval "require $name";
+ return $name unless $@;
+ }
+ eval "require $class";
+ return $class unless $@;
+ return;
+sub _load_extension {
+ my ( $self, $name, @search ) = @_;
+ my @args = ();
+ if ( $name =~ /^(.*?)=(.*)/ ) {
+ $name = $1;
+ @args = split( /,/, $2 );
+ }
+ if ( my $class = $self->_find_module( $name, @search ) ) {
+ $class->import(@args);
+ if ( $class->can('load') ) {
+ $class->load( { app_prove => $self, args => [@args] } );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Can't load module $name";
+ }
+sub _load_extensions {
+ my ( $self, $ext, @search ) = @_;
+ $self->_load_extension( $_, @search ) for @$ext;
+sub _parse_source {
+ my ( $self, $handler ) = @_;
+ # Load any options.
+ ( my $opt_name = lc $handler ) =~ s/::/-/g;
+ local @ARGV = @{ $self->{argv} };
+ my %config;
+ Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
+ "$opt_name-option=s%" => sub {
+ my ( undef, $k, $v ) = @_;
+ if ( exists $config{$k} ) {
+ $config{$k} = [ $config{$k} ]
+ unless ref $config{$k} eq 'ARRAY';
+ push @{ $config{$k} } => $v;
+ }
+ else {
+ $config{$k} = $v;
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ $self->{argv} = \@ARGV;
+ return ( $handler, \%config );
+=head3 C<run>
+Perform whatever actions the command line args specified. The C<prove>
+command line tool consists of the following code:
+ use App::Prove;
+ my $app = App::Prove->new;
+ $app->process_args(@ARGV);
+ exit( $app->run ? 0 : 1 ); # if you need the exit code
+sub run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless ( $self->state_manager ) {
+ $self->state_manager(
+ $self->state_class->new( { store => STATE_FILE } ) );
+ }
+ if ( $self->show_help ) {
+ $self->_help(1);
+ }
+ elsif ( $self->show_man ) {
+ $self->_help(2);
+ }
+ elsif ( $self->show_version ) {
+ $self->print_version;
+ }
+ elsif ( $self->dry ) {
+ print "$_\n" for $self->_get_tests;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->_load_extensions( $self->modules );
+ $self->_load_extensions( $self->plugins, PLUGINS );
+ local $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE} = 1 if $self->verbose;
+ return $self->_runtests( $self->_get_args, $self->_get_tests );
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub _get_tests {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $state = $self->state_manager;
+ my $ext = $self->extension;
+ $state->extension($ext) if defined $ext;
+ if ( defined( my $state_switch = $self->state ) ) {
+ $state->apply_switch(@$state_switch);
+ }
+ my @tests = $state->get_tests( $self->recurse, @{ $self->argv } );
+ $self->_shuffle(@tests) if $self->shuffle;
+ @tests = reverse @tests if $self->backwards;
+ return @tests;
+sub _runtests {
+ my ( $self, $args, $harness_class, @tests ) = @_;
+ my $harness = $harness_class->new($args);
+ my $state = $self->state_manager;
+ $harness->callback(
+ after_test => sub {
+ $state->observe_test(@_);
+ }
+ );
+ $harness->callback(
+ after_runtests => sub {
+ $state->commit(@_);
+ }
+ );
+ my $aggregator = $harness->runtests(@tests);
+ return !$aggregator->has_errors;
+sub _get_switches {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @switches;
+ # notes that -T or -t must be at the front of the switches!
+ if ( $self->taint_fail ) {
+ push @switches, '-T';
+ }
+ elsif ( $self->taint_warn ) {
+ push @switches, '-t';
+ }
+ if ( $self->warnings_fail ) {
+ push @switches, '-W';
+ }
+ elsif ( $self->warnings_warn ) {
+ push @switches, '-w';
+ }
+ push @switches, split_shell( $ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES} );
+ return @switches ? \@switches : ();
+sub _get_lib {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @libs;
+ if ( $self->lib ) {
+ push @libs, 'lib';
+ }
+ if ( $self->blib ) {
+ push @libs, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch';
+ }
+ if ( @{ $self->includes } ) {
+ push @libs, @{ $self->includes };
+ }
+ #24926
+ @libs = map { File::Spec->rel2abs($_) } @libs;
+ # Huh?
+ return @libs ? \@libs : ();
+sub _shuffle {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # Fisher-Yates shuffle
+ my $i = @_;
+ while ($i) {
+ my $j = rand $i--;
+ @_[ $i, $j ] = @_[ $j, $i ];
+ }
+ return;
+=head3 C<require_harness>
+Load a harness replacement class.
+ $prove->require_harness($for => $class_name);
+sub require_harness {
+ my ( $self, $for, $class ) = @_;
+ my ($class_name) = $class =~ /^(\w+(?:::\w+)*)/;
+ # Emulate Perl's -MModule=arg1,arg2 behaviour
+ $class =~ s!^(\w+(?:::\w+)*)=(.*)$!$1 split(/,/,q{$2})!;
+ eval("use $class;");
+ die "$class_name is required to use the --$for feature: $@" if $@;
+ $self->{harness_class} = $class_name;
+ return;
+=head3 C<print_version>
+Display the version numbers of the loaded L<TAP::Harness> and the
+current Perl.
+sub print_version {
+ my $self = shift;
+ printf(
+ "TAP::Harness v%s and Perl v%vd\n",
+ $TAP::Harness::VERSION, $^V
+ );
+ return;
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:sta
+=head2 Attributes
+After command line parsing the following attributes reflect the values
+of the corresponding command line switches. They may be altered before
+calling C<run>.
+=item C<archive>
+=item C<argv>
+=item C<backwards>
+=item C<blib>
+=item C<color>
+=item C<directives>
+=item C<dry>
+=item C<exec>
+=item C<extension>
+=item C<failures>
+=item C<comments>
+=item C<formatter>
+=item C<harness>
+=item C<ignore_exit>
+=item C<includes>
+=item C<jobs>
+=item C<lib>
+=item C<merge>
+=item C<modules>
+=item C<parse>
+=item C<plugins>
+=item C<quiet>
+=item C<really_quiet>
+=item C<recurse>
+=item C<rules>
+=item C<show_count>
+=item C<show_help>
+=item C<show_man>
+=item C<show_version>
+=item C<shuffle>
+=item C<state>
+=item C<state_class>
+=item C<taint_fail>
+=item C<taint_warn>
+=item C<test_args>
+=item C<timer>
+=item C<verbose>
+=item C<warnings_fail>
+=item C<warnings_warn>
+=head1 PLUGINS
+C<App::Prove> provides support for 3rd-party plugins. These are currently
+loaded at run-time, I<after> arguments have been parsed (so you can not
+change the way arguments are processed, sorry), typically with the
+C<< -PI<plugin> >> switch, eg:
+ prove -PMyPlugin
+This will search for a module named C<App::Prove::Plugin::MyPlugin>, or failing
+that, C<MyPlugin>. If the plugin can't be found, C<prove> will complain & exit.
+You can pass an argument to your plugin by appending an C<=> after the plugin
+name, eg C<-PMyPlugin=foo>. You can pass multiple arguments using commas:
+ prove -PMyPlugin=foo,bar,baz
+These are passed in to your plugin's C<load()> class method (if it has one),
+along with a reference to the C<App::Prove> object that is invoking your plugin:
+ sub load {
+ my ($class, $p) = @_;
+ my @args = @{ $p->{args} };
+ # @args will contain ( 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' )
+ $p->{app_prove}->do_something;
+ ...
+ }
+Note that the user's arguments are also passed to your plugin's C<import()>
+function as a list, eg:
+ sub import {
+ my ($class, @args) = @_;
+ # @args will contain ( 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' )
+ ...
+ }
+This is for backwards compatibility, and may be deprecated in the future.
+=head2 Sample Plugin
+Here's a sample plugin, for your reference:
+ package App::Prove::Plugin::Foo;
+ # Sample plugin, try running with:
+ # prove -PFoo=bar -r -j3
+ # prove -PFoo -Q
+ # prove -PFoo=bar,My::Formatter
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ sub load {
+ my ($class, $p) = @_;
+ my @args = @{ $p->{args} };
+ my $app = $p->{app_prove};
+ print "loading plugin: $class, args: ", join(', ', @args ), "\n";
+ # turn on verbosity
+ $app->verbose( 1 );
+ # set the formatter?
+ $app->formatter( $args[1] ) if @args > 1;
+ # print some of App::Prove's state:
+ for my $attr (qw( jobs quiet really_quiet recurse verbose )) {
+ my $val = $app->$attr;
+ $val = 'undef' unless defined( $val );
+ print "$attr: $val\n";
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ 1;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<prove>, L<TAP::Harness>