path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/bin/prove
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/bin/prove')
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diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/bin/prove b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/bin/prove
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index bb419ed2db7..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/bin/prove
+++ /dev/null
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-#!C:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe -w
-use strict;
-use App::Prove;
-my $app = App::Prove->new;
-exit( $app->run ? 0 : 1 );
-=head1 NAME
-prove - Run tests through a TAP harness.
-=head1 USAGE
- prove [options] [files or directories]
-=head1 OPTIONS
-Boolean options:
- -v, --verbose Print all test lines.
- -l, --lib Add 'lib' to the path for your tests (-Ilib).
- -b, --blib Add 'blib/lib' and 'blib/arch' to the path for
- your tests
- -s, --shuffle Run the tests in random order.
- -c, --color Colored test output (default).
- --nocolor Do not color test output.
- --count Show the X/Y test count when not verbose
- (default)
- --nocount Disable the X/Y test count.
- -D --dry Dry run. Show test that would have run.
- --ext Set the extension for tests (default '.t')
- -f, --failures Show failed tests.
- -o, --comments Show comments.
- --ignore-exit Ignore exit status from test scripts.
- -m, --merge Merge test scripts' STDERR with their STDOUT.
- -r, --recurse Recursively descend into directories.
- --reverse Run the tests in reverse order.
- -q, --quiet Suppress some test output while running tests.
- -Q, --QUIET Only print summary results.
- -p, --parse Show full list of TAP parse errors, if any.
- --directives Only show results with TODO or SKIP directives.
- --timer Print elapsed time after each test.
- --normalize Normalize TAP output in verbose output
- -T Enable tainting checks.
- -t Enable tainting warnings.
- -W Enable fatal warnings.
- -w Enable warnings.
- -h, --help Display this help
- -?, Display this help
- -H, --man Longer manpage for prove
- --norc Don't process default .proverc
-Options that take arguments:
- -I Library paths to include.
- -P Load plugin (searches App::Prove::Plugin::*.)
- -M Load a module.
- -e, --exec Interpreter to run the tests ('' for compiled
- tests.)
- --harness Define test harness to use. See TAP::Harness.
- --formatter Result formatter to use. See FORMATTERS.
- --source Load and/or configure a SourceHandler. See
- -a, --archive out.tgz Store the resulting TAP in an archive file.
- -j, --jobs N Run N test jobs in parallel (try 9.)
- --state=opts Control prove's persistent state.
- --rc=rcfile Process options from rcfile
-=head1 NOTES
-=head2 .proverc
-If F<~/.proverc> or F<./.proverc> exist they will be read and any
-options they contain processed before the command line options. Options
-in F<.proverc> are specified in the same way as command line options:
- # .proverc
- --state=hot,fast,save
- -j9
-Additional option files may be specified with the C<--rc> option.
-Default option file processing is disabled by the C<--norc> option.
-Under Windows and VMS the option file is named F<_proverc> rather than
-F<.proverc> and is sought only in the current directory.
-=head2 Reading from C<STDIN>
-If you have a list of tests (or URLs, or anything else you want to test) in a
-file, you can add them to your tests by using a '-':
- prove - < my_list_of_things_to_test.txt
-See the C<README> in the C<examples> directory of this distribution.
-=head2 Default Test Directory
-If no files or directories are supplied, C<prove> looks for all files
-matching the pattern C<t/*.t>.
-=head2 Colored Test Output
-Colored test output is the default, but if output is not to a
-terminal, color is disabled. You can override this by adding the
-C<--color> switch.
-Color support requires L<Term::ANSIColor> on Unix-like platforms and
-L<Win32::Console> windows. If the necessary module is not installed
-colored output will not be available.
-=head2 Exit Code
-If the tests fail C<prove> will exit with non-zero status.
-=head2 Arguments to Tests
-It is possible to supply arguments to tests. To do so separate them from
-prove's own arguments with the arisdottle, '::'. For example
- prove -v t/mytest.t :: --url
-would run F<t/mytest.t> with the options '--url'.
-When running multiple tests they will each receive the same arguments.
-=head2 C<--exec>
-Normally you can just pass a list of Perl tests and the harness will know how
-to execute them. However, if your tests are not written in Perl or if you
-want all tests invoked exactly the same way, use the C<-e>, or C<--exec>
- prove --exec '/usr/bin/ruby -w' t/
- prove --exec '/usr/bin/perl -Tw -mstrict -Ilib' t/
- prove --exec '/path/to/my/customer/exec'
-=head2 C<--merge>
-If you need to make sure your diagnostics are displayed in the correct
-order relative to test results you can use the C<--merge> option to
-merge the test scripts' STDERR into their STDOUT.
-This guarantees that STDOUT (where the test results appear) and STDOUT
-(where the diagnostics appear) will stay in sync. The harness will
-display any diagnostics your tests emit on STDERR.
-Caveat: this is a bit of a kludge. In particular note that if anything
-that appears on STDERR looks like a test result the test harness will
-get confused. Use this option only if you understand the consequences
-and can live with the risk.
-=head2 C<--state>
-You can ask C<prove> to remember the state of previous test runs and
-select and/or order the tests to be run based on that saved state.
-The C<--state> switch requires an argument which must be a comma
-separated list of one or more of the following options.
-=item C<last>
-Run the same tests as the last time the state was saved. This makes it
-possible, for example, to recreate the ordering of a shuffled test.
- # Run all tests in random order
- $ prove -b --state=save --shuffle
- # Run them again in the same order
- $ prove -b --state=last
-=item C<failed>
-Run only the tests that failed on the last run.
- # Run all tests
- $ prove -b --state=save
- # Run failures
- $ prove -b --state=failed
-If you also specify the C<save> option newly passing tests will be
-excluded from subsequent runs.
- # Repeat until no more failures
- $ prove -b --state=failed,save
-=item C<passed>
-Run only the passed tests from last time. Useful to make sure that no
-new problems have been introduced.
-=item C<all>
-Run all tests in normal order. Multple options may be specified, so to
-run all tests with the failures from last time first:
- $ prove -b --state=failed,all,save
-=item C<hot>
-Run the tests that most recently failed first. The last failure time of
-each test is stored. The C<hot> option causes tests to be run in most-recent-
-failure order.
- $ prove -b --state=hot,save
-Tests that have never failed will not be selected. To run all tests with
-the most recently failed first use
- $ prove -b --state=hot,all,save
-This combination of options may also be specified thus
- $ prove -b --state=adrian
-=item C<todo>
-Run any tests with todos.
-=item C<slow>
-Run the tests in slowest to fastest order. This is useful in conjunction
-with the C<-j> parallel testing switch to ensure that your slowest tests
-start running first.
- $ prove -b --state=slow -j9
-=item C<fast>
-Run test tests in fastest to slowest order.
-=item C<new>
-Run the tests in newest to oldest order based on the modification times
-of the test scripts.
-=item C<old>
-Run the tests in oldest to newest order.
-=item C<fresh>
-Run those test scripts that have been modified since the last test run.
-=item C<save>
-Save the state on exit. The state is stored in a file called F<.prove>
-(F<_prove> on Windows and VMS) in the current directory.
-The C<--state> switch may be used more than once.
- $ prove -b --state=hot --state=all,save
-=head2 @INC
-prove introduces a separation between "options passed to the perl which
-runs prove" and "options passed to the perl which runs tests"; this
-distinction is by design. Thus the perl which is running a test starts
-with the default C<@INC>. Additional library directories can be added
-via the C<PERL5LIB> environment variable, via -Ifoo in C<PERL5OPT> or
-via the C<-Ilib> option to F<prove>.
-=head2 Taint Mode
-Normally when a Perl program is run in taint mode the contents of the
-C<PERL5LIB> environment variable do not appear in C<@INC>.
-Because C<PERL5LIB> is often used during testing to add build
-directories to C<@INC> prove passes the names of any directories found
-in C<PERL5LIB> as -I switches. The net effect of this is that
-C<PERL5LIB> is honoured even when prove is run in taint mode.
-You can load a custom L<TAP::Parser::Formatter>:
- prove --formatter MyFormatter
-You can load custom L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler>s, to change the way the
-parser interprets particular I<sources> of TAP.
- prove --source MyHandler --source YetAnother t
-If you want to provide config to the source you can use:
- prove --source MyCustom \
- --source Perl --perl-option 'foo=bar baz' --perl-option avg=0.278 \
- --source File --file-option extensions=.txt --file-option extensions=.tmp t
-Each C<--$source-option> option must specify a key/value pair separated by an
-C<=>. If an option can take multiple values, just specify it multiple times,
-as with the C<extensions=> examples above.
-All C<--sources> are combined into a hash, and passed to L<TAP::Harness/new>'s
-C<sources> parameter.
-See L<TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory> for more details on how configuration is
-passed to I<SourceHandlers>.
-=head1 PLUGINS
-Plugins can be loaded using the C<< -PI<plugin> >> syntax, eg:
- prove -PMyPlugin
-This will search for a module named C<App::Prove::Plugin::MyPlugin>, or failing
-that, C<MyPlugin>. If the plugin can't be found, C<prove> will complain & exit.
-You can pass arguments to your plugin by appending C<=arg1,arg2,etc> to the
-plugin name:
- prove -PMyPlugin=fou,du,fafa
-Please check individual plugin documentation for more details.
-=head2 Available Plugins
-For an up-to-date list of plugins available, please check CPAN:
-=head2 Writing Plugins
-Please see L<App::Prove/PLUGINS>.
-# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:sta