path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/Pod/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/Pod/')
1 files changed, 878 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/Pod/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/Pod/
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index 00000000000..c68313c3898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/Pod/
@@ -0,0 +1,878 @@
+# Pod::Text -- Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text.
+# Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009
+# Russ Allbery <>
+# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the same terms as Perl itself.
+# This module converts POD to formatted text. It replaces the old Pod::Text
+# module that came with versions of Perl prior to 5.6.0 and attempts to match
+# its output except for some specific circumstances where other decisions
+# seemed to produce better output. It uses Pod::Parser and is designed to be
+# very easy to subclass.
+# Perl core hackers, please note that this module is also separately
+# maintained outside of the Perl core as part of the podlators. Please send
+# me any patches at the address above in addition to sending them to the
+# standard Perl mailing lists.
+# Modules and declarations
+package Pod::Text;
+require 5.004;
+use strict;
+use Carp qw(carp croak);
+use Exporter ();
+use Pod::Simple ();
+@ISA = qw(Pod::Simple Exporter);
+# We have to export pod2text for backward compatibility.
+@EXPORT = qw(pod2text);
+$VERSION = '3.14';
+# Initialization
+# This function handles code blocks. It's registered as a callback to
+# Pod::Simple and therefore doesn't work as a regular method call, but all it
+# does is call output_code with the line.
+sub handle_code {
+ my ($line, $number, $parser) = @_;
+ $parser->output_code ($line . "\n");
+# Initialize the object and set various Pod::Simple options that we need.
+# Here, we also process any additional options passed to the constructor or
+# set up defaults if none were given. Note that all internal object keys are
+# in all-caps, reserving all lower-case object keys for Pod::Simple and user
+# arguments.
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new;
+ # Tell Pod::Simple to handle S<> by automatically inserting &nbsp;.
+ $self->nbsp_for_S (1);
+ # Tell Pod::Simple to keep whitespace whenever possible.
+ if ($self->can ('preserve_whitespace')) {
+ $self->preserve_whitespace (1);
+ } else {
+ $self->fullstop_space_harden (1);
+ }
+ # The =for and =begin targets that we accept.
+ $self->accept_targets (qw/text TEXT/);
+ # Ensure that contiguous blocks of code are merged together. Otherwise,
+ # some of the guesswork heuristics don't work right.
+ $self->merge_text (1);
+ # Pod::Simple doesn't do anything useful with our arguments, but we want
+ # to put them in our object as hash keys and values. This could cause
+ # problems if we ever clash with Pod::Simple's own internal class
+ # variables.
+ my %opts = @_;
+ my @opts = map { ("opt_$_", $opts{$_}) } keys %opts;
+ %$self = (%$self, @opts);
+ # Send errors to stderr if requested.
+ if ($$self{opt_stderr}) {
+ $self->no_errata_section (1);
+ $self->complain_stderr (1);
+ delete $$self{opt_stderr};
+ }
+ # Initialize various things from our parameters.
+ $$self{opt_alt} = 0 unless defined $$self{opt_alt};
+ $$self{opt_indent} = 4 unless defined $$self{opt_indent};
+ $$self{opt_margin} = 0 unless defined $$self{opt_margin};
+ $$self{opt_loose} = 0 unless defined $$self{opt_loose};
+ $$self{opt_sentence} = 0 unless defined $$self{opt_sentence};
+ $$self{opt_width} = 76 unless defined $$self{opt_width};
+ # Figure out what quotes we'll be using for C<> text.
+ $$self{opt_quotes} ||= '"';
+ if ($$self{opt_quotes} eq 'none') {
+ $$self{LQUOTE} = $$self{RQUOTE} = '';
+ } elsif (length ($$self{opt_quotes}) == 1) {
+ $$self{LQUOTE} = $$self{RQUOTE} = $$self{opt_quotes};
+ } elsif ($$self{opt_quotes} =~ /^(.)(.)$/
+ || $$self{opt_quotes} =~ /^(..)(..)$/) {
+ $$self{LQUOTE} = $1;
+ $$self{RQUOTE} = $2;
+ } else {
+ croak qq(Invalid quote specification "$$self{opt_quotes}");
+ }
+ # If requested, do something with the non-POD text.
+ $self->code_handler (\&handle_code) if $$self{opt_code};
+ # Return the created object.
+ return $self;
+# Core parsing
+# This is the glue that connects the code below with Pod::Simple itself. The
+# goal is to convert the event stream coming from the POD parser into method
+# calls to handlers once the complete content of a tag has been seen. Each
+# paragraph or POD command will have textual content associated with it, and
+# as soon as all of a paragraph or POD command has been seen, that content
+# will be passed in to the corresponding method for handling that type of
+# object. The exceptions are handlers for lists, which have opening tag
+# handlers and closing tag handlers that will be called right away.
+# The internal hash key PENDING is used to store the contents of a tag until
+# all of it has been seen. It holds a stack of open tags, each one
+# represented by a tuple of the attributes hash for the tag and the contents
+# of the tag.
+# Add a block of text to the contents of the current node, formatting it
+# according to the current formatting instructions as we do.
+sub _handle_text {
+ my ($self, $text) = @_;
+ my $tag = $$self{PENDING}[-1];
+ $$tag[1] .= $text;
+# Given an element name, get the corresponding method name.
+sub method_for_element {
+ my ($self, $element) = @_;
+ $element =~ tr/-/_/;
+ $element =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $element =~ tr/_a-z0-9//cd;
+ return $element;
+# Handle the start of a new element. If cmd_element is defined, assume that
+# we need to collect the entire tree for this element before passing it to the
+# element method, and create a new tree into which we'll collect blocks of
+# text and nested elements. Otherwise, if start_element is defined, call it.
+sub _handle_element_start {
+ my ($self, $element, $attrs) = @_;
+ my $method = $self->method_for_element ($element);
+ # If we have a command handler, we need to accumulate the contents of the
+ # tag before calling it.
+ if ($self->can ("cmd_$method")) {
+ push (@{ $$self{PENDING} }, [ $attrs, '' ]);
+ } elsif ($self->can ("start_$method")) {
+ my $method = 'start_' . $method;
+ $self->$method ($attrs, '');
+ }
+# Handle the end of an element. If we had a cmd_ method for this element,
+# this is where we pass along the text that we've accumulated. Otherwise, if
+# we have an end_ method for the element, call that.
+sub _handle_element_end {
+ my ($self, $element) = @_;
+ my $method = $self->method_for_element ($element);
+ # If we have a command handler, pull off the pending text and pass it to
+ # the handler along with the saved attribute hash.
+ if ($self->can ("cmd_$method")) {
+ my $tag = pop @{ $$self{PENDING} };
+ my $method = 'cmd_' . $method;
+ my $text = $self->$method (@$tag);
+ if (defined $text) {
+ if (@{ $$self{PENDING} } > 1) {
+ $$self{PENDING}[-1][1] .= $text;
+ } else {
+ $self->output ($text);
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($self->can ("end_$method")) {
+ my $method = 'end_' . $method;
+ $self->$method ();
+ }
+# Output formatting
+# Wrap a line, indenting by the current left margin. We can't use Text::Wrap
+# because it plays games with tabs. We can't use formline, even though we'd
+# really like to, because it screws up non-printing characters. So we have to
+# do the wrapping ourselves.
+sub wrap {
+ my $self = shift;
+ local $_ = shift;
+ my $output = '';
+ my $spaces = ' ' x $$self{MARGIN};
+ my $width = $$self{opt_width} - $$self{MARGIN};
+ while (length > $width) {
+ if (s/^([^\n]{0,$width})\s+// || s/^([^\n]{$width})//) {
+ $output .= $spaces . $1 . "\n";
+ } else {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $output .= $spaces . $_;
+ $output =~ s/\s+$/\n\n/;
+ return $output;
+# Reformat a paragraph of text for the current margin. Takes the text to
+# reformat and returns the formatted text.
+sub reformat {
+ my $self = shift;
+ local $_ = shift;
+ # If we're trying to preserve two spaces after sentences, do some munging
+ # to support that. Otherwise, smash all repeated whitespace.
+ if ($$self{opt_sentence}) {
+ s/ +$//mg;
+ s/\.\n/. \n/g;
+ s/\n/ /g;
+ s/ +/ /g;
+ } else {
+ s/\s+/ /g;
+ }
+ return $self->wrap ($_);
+# Output text to the output device. Replace non-breaking spaces with spaces
+# and soft hyphens with nothing, and then try to fix the output encoding if
+# necessary to match the input encoding unless UTF-8 output is forced. This
+# preserves the traditional pass-through behavior of Pod::Text.
+sub output {
+ my ($self, $text) = @_;
+ $text =~ tr/\240\255/ /d;
+ unless ($$self{opt_utf8} || $$self{CHECKED_ENCODING}) {
+ my $encoding = $$self{encoding} || '';
+ if ($encoding) {
+ eval { binmode ($$self{output_fh}, ":encoding($encoding)") };
+ }
+ $$self{CHECKED_ENCODING} = 1;
+ }
+ print { $$self{output_fh} } $text;
+# Output a block of code (something that isn't part of the POD text). Called
+# by preprocess_paragraph only if we were given the code option. Exists here
+# only so that it can be overridden by subclasses.
+sub output_code { $_[0]->output ($_[1]) }
+# Document initialization
+# Set up various things that have to be initialized on a per-document basis.
+sub start_document {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $margin = $$self{opt_indent} + $$self{opt_margin};
+ # Initialize a few per-document variables.
+ $$self{INDENTS} = []; # Stack of indentations.
+ $$self{MARGIN} = $margin; # Default left margin.
+ $$self{PENDING} = [[]]; # Pending output.
+ # We have to redo encoding handling for each document.
+ delete $$self{CHECKED_ENCODING};
+ # If we were given the utf8 option, set an output encoding on our file
+ # handle. Wrap in an eval in case we're using a version of Perl too old
+ # to understand this.
+ #
+ # This is evil because it changes the global state of a file handle that
+ # we may not own. However, we can't just blindly encode all output, since
+ # there may be a pre-applied output encoding (such as from PERL_UNICODE)
+ # and then we would double-encode. This seems to be the least bad
+ # approach.
+ if ($$self{opt_utf8}) {
+ eval { binmode ($$self{output_fh}, ':encoding(UTF-8)') };
+ }
+ return '';
+# Text blocks
+# Intended for subclasses to override, this method returns text with any
+# non-printing formatting codes stripped out so that length() correctly
+# returns the length of the text. For basic Pod::Text, it does nothing.
+sub strip_format {
+ my ($self, $string) = @_;
+ return $string;
+# This method is called whenever an =item command is complete (in other words,
+# we've seen its associated paragraph or know for certain that it doesn't have
+# one). It gets the paragraph associated with the item as an argument. If
+# that argument is empty, just output the item tag; if it contains a newline,
+# output the item tag followed by the newline. Otherwise, see if there's
+# enough room for us to output the item tag in the margin of the text or if we
+# have to put it on a separate line.
+sub item {
+ my ($self, $text) = @_;
+ my $tag = $$self{ITEM};
+ unless (defined $tag) {
+ carp "Item called without tag";
+ return;
+ }
+ undef $$self{ITEM};
+ # Calculate the indentation and margin. $fits is set to true if the tag
+ # will fit into the margin of the paragraph given our indentation level.
+ my $indent = $$self{INDENTS}[-1];
+ $indent = $$self{opt_indent} unless defined $indent;
+ my $margin = ' ' x $$self{opt_margin};
+ my $tag_length = length ($self->strip_format ($tag));
+ my $fits = ($$self{MARGIN} - $indent >= $tag_length + 1);
+ # If the tag doesn't fit, or if we have no associated text, print out the
+ # tag separately. Otherwise, put the tag in the margin of the paragraph.
+ if (!$text || $text =~ /^\s+$/ || !$fits) {
+ my $realindent = $$self{MARGIN};
+ $$self{MARGIN} = $indent;
+ my $output = $self->reformat ($tag);
+ $output =~ s/^$margin /$margin:/ if ($$self{opt_alt} && $indent > 0);
+ $output =~ s/\n*$/\n/;
+ # If the text is just whitespace, we have an empty item paragraph;
+ # this can result from =over/=item/=back without any intermixed
+ # paragraphs. Insert some whitespace to keep the =item from merging
+ # into the next paragraph.
+ $output .= "\n" if $text && $text =~ /^\s*$/;
+ $self->output ($output);
+ $$self{MARGIN} = $realindent;
+ $self->output ($self->reformat ($text)) if ($text && $text =~ /\S/);
+ } else {
+ my $space = ' ' x $indent;
+ $space =~ s/^$margin /$margin:/ if $$self{opt_alt};
+ $text = $self->reformat ($text);
+ $text =~ s/^$margin /$margin:/ if ($$self{opt_alt} && $indent > 0);
+ my $tagspace = ' ' x $tag_length;
+ $text =~ s/^($space)$tagspace/$1$tag/ or warn "Bizarre space in item";
+ $self->output ($text);
+ }
+# Handle a basic block of text. The only tricky thing here is that if there
+# is a pending item tag, we need to format this as an item paragraph.
+sub cmd_para {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ $text =~ s/\s+$/\n/;
+ if (defined $$self{ITEM}) {
+ $self->item ($text . "\n");
+ } else {
+ $self->output ($self->reformat ($text . "\n"));
+ }
+ return '';
+# Handle a verbatim paragraph. Just print it out, but indent it according to
+# our margin.
+sub cmd_verbatim {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ $self->item if defined $$self{ITEM};
+ return if $text =~ /^\s*$/;
+ $text =~ s/^(\n*)([ \t]*\S+)/$1 . (' ' x $$self{MARGIN}) . $2/gme;
+ $text =~ s/\s*$/\n\n/;
+ $self->output ($text);
+ return '';
+# Handle literal text (produced by =for and similar constructs). Just output
+# it with the minimum of changes.
+sub cmd_data {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ $text =~ s/^\n+//;
+ $text =~ s/\n{0,2}$/\n/;
+ $self->output ($text);
+ return '';
+# Headings
+# The common code for handling all headers. Takes the header text, the
+# indentation, and the surrounding marker for the alt formatting method.
+sub heading {
+ my ($self, $text, $indent, $marker) = @_;
+ $self->item ("\n\n") if defined $$self{ITEM};
+ $text =~ s/\s+$//;
+ if ($$self{opt_alt}) {
+ my $closemark = reverse (split (//, $marker));
+ my $margin = ' ' x $$self{opt_margin};
+ $self->output ("\n" . "$margin$marker $text $closemark" . "\n\n");
+ } else {
+ $text .= "\n" if $$self{opt_loose};
+ my $margin = ' ' x ($$self{opt_margin} + $indent);
+ $self->output ($margin . $text . "\n");
+ }
+ return '';
+# First level heading.
+sub cmd_head1 {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ $self->heading ($text, 0, '====');
+# Second level heading.
+sub cmd_head2 {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ $self->heading ($text, $$self{opt_indent} / 2, '== ');
+# Third level heading.
+sub cmd_head3 {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ $self->heading ($text, $$self{opt_indent} * 2 / 3 + 0.5, '= ');
+# Fourth level heading.
+sub cmd_head4 {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ $self->heading ($text, $$self{opt_indent} * 3 / 4 + 0.5, '- ');
+# List handling
+# Handle the beginning of an =over block. Takes the type of the block as the
+# first argument, and then the attr hash. This is called by the handlers for
+# the four different types of lists (bullet, number, text, and block).
+sub over_common_start {
+ my ($self, $attrs) = @_;
+ $self->item ("\n\n") if defined $$self{ITEM};
+ # Find the indentation level.
+ my $indent = $$attrs{indent};
+ unless (defined ($indent) && $indent =~ /^\s*[-+]?\d{1,4}\s*$/) {
+ $indent = $$self{opt_indent};
+ }
+ # Add this to our stack of indents and increase our current margin.
+ push (@{ $$self{INDENTS} }, $$self{MARGIN});
+ $$self{MARGIN} += ($indent + 0);
+ return '';
+# End an =over block. Takes no options other than the class pointer. Output
+# any pending items and then pop one level of indentation.
+sub over_common_end {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->item ("\n\n") if defined $$self{ITEM};
+ $$self{MARGIN} = pop @{ $$self{INDENTS} };
+ return '';
+# Dispatch the start and end calls as appropriate.
+sub start_over_bullet { $_[0]->over_common_start ($_[1]) }
+sub start_over_number { $_[0]->over_common_start ($_[1]) }
+sub start_over_text { $_[0]->over_common_start ($_[1]) }
+sub start_over_block { $_[0]->over_common_start ($_[1]) }
+sub end_over_bullet { $_[0]->over_common_end }
+sub end_over_number { $_[0]->over_common_end }
+sub end_over_text { $_[0]->over_common_end }
+sub end_over_block { $_[0]->over_common_end }
+# The common handler for all item commands. Takes the type of the item, the
+# attributes, and then the text of the item.
+sub item_common {
+ my ($self, $type, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ $self->item if defined $$self{ITEM};
+ # Clean up the text. We want to end up with two variables, one ($text)
+ # which contains any body text after taking out the item portion, and
+ # another ($item) which contains the actual item text. Note the use of
+ # the internal Pod::Simple attribute here; that's a potential land mine.
+ $text =~ s/\s+$//;
+ my ($item, $index);
+ if ($type eq 'bullet') {
+ $item = '*';
+ } elsif ($type eq 'number') {
+ $item = $$attrs{'~orig_content'};
+ } else {
+ $item = $text;
+ $item =~ s/\s*\n\s*/ /g;
+ $text = '';
+ }
+ $$self{ITEM} = $item;
+ # If body text for this item was included, go ahead and output that now.
+ if ($text) {
+ $text =~ s/\s*$/\n/;
+ $self->item ($text);
+ }
+ return '';
+# Dispatch the item commands to the appropriate place.
+sub cmd_item_bullet { my $self = shift; $self->item_common ('bullet', @_) }
+sub cmd_item_number { my $self = shift; $self->item_common ('number', @_) }
+sub cmd_item_text { my $self = shift; $self->item_common ('text', @_) }
+sub cmd_item_block { my $self = shift; $self->item_common ('block', @_) }
+# Formatting codes
+# The simple ones.
+sub cmd_b { return $_[0]{alt} ? "``$_[2]''" : $_[2] }
+sub cmd_f { return $_[0]{alt} ? "\"$_[2]\"" : $_[2] }
+sub cmd_i { return '*' . $_[2] . '*' }
+sub cmd_x { return '' }
+# Apply a whole bunch of messy heuristics to not quote things that don't
+# benefit from being quoted. These originally come from Barrie Slaymaker and
+# largely duplicate code in Pod::Man.
+sub cmd_c {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ # A regex that matches the portion of a variable reference that's the
+ # array or hash index, separated out just because we want to use it in
+ # several places in the following regex.
+ my $index = '(?: \[.*\] | \{.*\} )?';
+ # Check for things that we don't want to quote, and if we find any of
+ # them, return the string with just a font change and no quoting.
+ $text =~ m{
+ ^\s*
+ (?:
+ ( [\'\`\"] ) .* \1 # already quoted
+ | \` .* \' # `quoted'
+ | \$+ [\#^]? \S $index # special ($^Foo, $")
+ | [\$\@%&*]+ \#? [:\'\w]+ $index # plain var or func
+ | [\$\@%&*]* [:\'\w]+ (?: -> )? \(\s*[^\s,]\s*\) # 0/1-arg func call
+ | [+-]? ( \d[\d.]* | \.\d+ ) (?: [eE][+-]?\d+ )? # a number
+ | 0x [a-fA-F\d]+ # a hex constant
+ )
+ \s*\z
+ }xo && return $text;
+ # If we didn't return, go ahead and quote the text.
+ return $$self{opt_alt}
+ ? "``$text''"
+ : "$$self{LQUOTE}$text$$self{RQUOTE}";
+# Links reduce to the text that we're given, wrapped in angle brackets if it's
+# a URL.
+sub cmd_l {
+ my ($self, $attrs, $text) = @_;
+ if ($$attrs{type} eq 'url') {
+ if (not defined($$attrs{to}) or $$attrs{to} eq $text) {
+ return "<$text>";
+ } else {
+ return "$text <$$attrs{to}>";
+ }
+ } else {
+ return $text;
+ }
+# Backwards compatibility
+# The old Pod::Text module did everything in a pod2text() function. This
+# tries to provide the same interface for legacy applications.
+sub pod2text {
+ my @args;
+ # This is really ugly; I hate doing option parsing in the middle of a
+ # module. But the old Pod::Text module supported passing flags to its
+ # entry function, so handle -a and -<number>.
+ while ($_[0] =~ /^-/) {
+ my $flag = shift;
+ if ($flag eq '-a') { push (@args, alt => 1) }
+ elsif ($flag =~ /^-(\d+)$/) { push (@args, width => $1) }
+ else {
+ unshift (@_, $flag);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # Now that we know what arguments we're using, create the parser.
+ my $parser = Pod::Text->new (@args);
+ # If two arguments were given, the second argument is going to be a file
+ # handle. That means we want to call parse_from_filehandle(), which means
+ # we need to turn the first argument into a file handle. Magic open will
+ # handle the <&STDIN case automagically.
+ if (defined $_[1]) {
+ my @fhs = @_;
+ local *IN;
+ unless (open (IN, $fhs[0])) {
+ croak ("Can't open $fhs[0] for reading: $!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ $fhs[0] = \*IN;
+ $parser->output_fh ($fhs[1]);
+ my $retval = $parser->parse_file ($fhs[0]);
+ my $fh = $parser->output_fh ();
+ close $fh;
+ return $retval;
+ } else {
+ $parser->output_fh (\*STDOUT);
+ return $parser->parse_file (@_);
+ }
+# Reset the underlying Pod::Simple object between calls to parse_from_file so
+# that the same object can be reused to convert multiple pages.
+sub parse_from_file {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->reinit;
+ # Fake the old cutting option to Pod::Parser. This fiddings with internal
+ # Pod::Simple state and is quite ugly; we need a better approach.
+ if (ref ($_[0]) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $opts = shift @_;
+ if (defined ($$opts{-cutting}) && !$$opts{-cutting}) {
+ $$self{in_pod} = 1;
+ $$self{last_was_blank} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # Do the work.
+ my $retval = $self->Pod::Simple::parse_from_file (@_);
+ # Flush output, since Pod::Simple doesn't do this. Ideally we should also
+ # close the file descriptor if we had to open one, but we can't easily
+ # figure this out.
+ my $fh = $self->output_fh ();
+ my $oldfh = select $fh;
+ my $oldflush = $|;
+ $| = 1;
+ print $fh '';
+ $| = $oldflush;
+ select $oldfh;
+ return $retval;
+# Pod::Simple failed to provide this backward compatibility function, so
+# implement it ourselves. File handles are one of the inputs that
+# parse_from_file supports.
+sub parse_from_filehandle {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->parse_from_file (@_);
+# Module return value and documentation
+=head1 NAME
+Pod::Text - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
+=for stopwords
+alt stderr Allbery Sean Burke's Christiansen UTF-8 pre-Unicode utf8
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Pod::Text;
+ my $parser = Pod::Text->new (sentence => 0, width => 78);
+ # Read POD from STDIN and write to STDOUT.
+ $parser->parse_from_filehandle;
+ # Read POD from file.pod and write to file.txt.
+ $parser->parse_from_file ('file.pod', 'file.txt');
+Pod::Text is a module that can convert documentation in the POD format (the
+preferred language for documenting Perl) into formatted ASCII. It uses no
+special formatting controls or codes whatsoever, and its output is therefore
+suitable for nearly any device.
+As a derived class from Pod::Simple, Pod::Text supports the same methods and
+interfaces. See L<Pod::Simple> for all the details; briefly, one creates a
+new parser with C<< Pod::Text->new() >> and then normally calls parse_file().
+new() can take options, in the form of key/value pairs, that control the
+behavior of the parser. The currently recognized options are:
+=over 4
+=item alt
+If set to a true value, selects an alternate output format that, among other
+things, uses a different heading style and marks C<=item> entries with a
+colon in the left margin. Defaults to false.
+=item code
+If set to a true value, the non-POD parts of the input file will be included
+in the output. Useful for viewing code documented with POD blocks with the
+POD rendered and the code left intact.
+=item indent
+The number of spaces to indent regular text, and the default indentation for
+C<=over> blocks. Defaults to 4.
+=item loose
+If set to a true value, a blank line is printed after a C<=head1> heading.
+If set to false (the default), no blank line is printed after C<=head1>,
+although one is still printed after C<=head2>. This is the default because
+it's the expected formatting for manual pages; if you're formatting
+arbitrary text documents, setting this to true may result in more pleasing
+=item margin
+The width of the left margin in spaces. Defaults to 0. This is the margin
+for all text, including headings, not the amount by which regular text is
+indented; for the latter, see the I<indent> option. To set the right
+margin, see the I<width> option.
+=item quotes
+Sets the quote marks used to surround CE<lt>> text. If the value is a
+single character, it is used as both the left and right quote; if it is two
+characters, the first character is used as the left quote and the second as
+the right quoted; and if it is four characters, the first two are used as
+the left quote and the second two as the right quote.
+This may also be set to the special value C<none>, in which case no quote
+marks are added around CE<lt>> text.
+=item sentence
+If set to a true value, Pod::Text will assume that each sentence ends in two
+spaces, and will try to preserve that spacing. If set to false, all
+consecutive whitespace in non-verbatim paragraphs is compressed into a
+single space. Defaults to true.
+=item stderr
+Send error messages about invalid POD to standard error instead of
+appending a POD ERRORS section to the generated output.
+=item utf8
+By default, Pod::Text uses the same output encoding as the input encoding
+of the POD source (provided that Perl was built with PerlIO; otherwise, it
+doesn't encode its output). If this option is given, the output encoding
+is forced to UTF-8.
+Be aware that, when using this option, the input encoding of your POD
+source must be properly declared unless it is US-ASCII or Latin-1. POD
+input without an C<=encoding> command will be assumed to be in Latin-1,
+and if it's actually in UTF-8, the output will be double-encoded. See
+L<perlpod(1)> for more information on the C<=encoding> command.
+=item width
+The column at which to wrap text on the right-hand side. Defaults to 76.
+The standard Pod::Simple method parse_file() takes one argument, the file or
+file handle to read from, and writes output to standard output unless that
+has been changed with the output_fh() method. See L<Pod::Simple> for the
+specific details and for other alternative interfaces.
+=over 4
+=item Bizarre space in item
+=item Item called without tag
+(W) Something has gone wrong in internal C<=item> processing. These
+messages indicate a bug in Pod::Text; you should never see them.
+=item Can't open %s for reading: %s
+(F) Pod::Text was invoked via the compatibility mode pod2text() interface
+and the input file it was given could not be opened.
+=item Invalid quote specification "%s"
+(F) The quote specification given (the quotes option to the constructor) was
+invalid. A quote specification must be one, two, or four characters long.
+=head1 BUGS
+Encoding handling assumes that PerlIO is available and does not work
+properly if it isn't. The C<utf8> option is therefore not supported
+unless Perl is built with PerlIO support.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+If Pod::Text is given the C<utf8> option, the encoding of its output file
+handle will be forced to UTF-8 if possible, overriding any existing
+encoding. This will be done even if the file handle is not created by
+Pod::Text and was passed in from outside. This maintains consistency
+regardless of PERL_UNICODE and other settings.
+If the C<utf8> option is not given, the encoding of its output file handle
+will be forced to the detected encoding of the input POD, which preserves
+whatever the input text is. This ensures backward compatibility with
+earlier, pre-Unicode versions of this module, without large numbers of
+Perl warnings.
+This is not ideal, but it seems to be the best compromise. If it doesn't
+work for you, please let me know the details of how it broke.
+=head1 NOTES
+This is a replacement for an earlier Pod::Text module written by Tom
+Christiansen. It has a revamped interface, since it now uses Pod::Simple,
+but an interface roughly compatible with the old Pod::Text::pod2text()
+function is still available. Please change to the new calling convention,
+The original Pod::Text contained code to do formatting via termcap
+sequences, although it wasn't turned on by default and it was problematic to
+get it to work at all. This rewrite doesn't even try to do that, but a
+subclass of it does. Look for L<Pod::Text::Termcap>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<Pod::Simple>, L<Pod::Text::Termcap>, L<perlpod(1)>, L<pod2text(1)>
+The current version of this module is always available from its web site at
+L<>. It is also part of the
+Perl core distribution as of 5.6.0.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Russ Allbery <>, based I<very> heavily on the original
+Pod::Text by Tom Christiansen <> and its conversion to
+Pod::Parser by Brad Appleton <>. Sean Burke's initial
+conversion of Pod::Man to use Pod::Simple provided much-needed guidance on
+how to use Pod::Simple.
+Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009 Russ Allbery
+This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.