path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/LWP/Protocol/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/LWP/Protocol/')
1 files changed, 543 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/LWP/Protocol/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/LWP/Protocol/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..d12acb32374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/LWP/Protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+package LWP::Protocol::ftp;
+# Implementation of the ftp protocol (RFC 959). We let the Net::FTP
+# package do all the dirty work.
+use Carp ();
+use HTTP::Status ();
+use HTTP::Negotiate ();
+use HTTP::Response ();
+use LWP::MediaTypes ();
+use File::Listing ();
+require LWP::Protocol;
+@ISA = qw(LWP::Protocol);
+use strict;
+eval {
+ package LWP::Protocol::MyFTP;
+ require Net::FTP;
+ Net::FTP->require_version(2.00);
+ use vars qw(@ISA);
+ @ISA=qw(Net::FTP);
+ sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_) || return undef;
+ my $mess = $self->message; # welcome message
+ $mess =~ s|\n.*||s; # only first line left
+ $mess =~ s|\s*ready\.?$||;
+ # Make the version number more HTTP like
+ $mess =~ s|\s*\(Version\s*|/| and $mess =~ s|\)$||;
+ ${*$self}{myftp_server} = $mess;
+ #$response->header("Server", $mess);
+ $self;
+ }
+ sub http_server {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ${*$self}{myftp_server};
+ }
+ sub home {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old = ${*$self}{myftp_home};
+ if (@_) {
+ ${*$self}{myftp_home} = shift;
+ }
+ $old;
+ }
+ sub go_home {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->cwd(${*$self}{myftp_home});
+ }
+ sub request_count {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ++${*$self}{myftp_reqcount};
+ }
+ sub ping {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->go_home;
+ }
+my $init_failed = $@;
+sub _connect {
+ my($self, $host, $port, $user, $account, $password, $timeout) = @_;
+ my $key;
+ my $conn_cache = $self->{ua}{conn_cache};
+ if ($conn_cache) {
+ $key = "$host:$port:$user";
+ $key .= ":$account" if defined($account);
+ if (my $ftp = $conn_cache->withdraw("ftp", $key)) {
+ if ($ftp->ping) {
+ # save it again
+ $conn_cache->deposit("ftp", $key, $ftp);
+ return $ftp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # try to make a connection
+ my $ftp = LWP::Protocol::MyFTP->new($host,
+ Port => $port,
+ Timeout => $timeout,
+ LocalAddr => $self->{ua}{local_address},
+ );
+ # XXX Should be some what to pass on 'Passive' (header??)
+ unless ($ftp) {
+ $@ =~ s/^Net::FTP: //;
+ return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, $@);
+ }
+ unless ($ftp->login($user, $password, $account)) {
+ # Unauthorized. Let's fake a RC_UNAUTHORIZED response
+ my $mess = scalar($ftp->message);
+ $mess =~ s/\n$//;
+ my $res = HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_UNAUTHORIZED, $mess);
+ $res->header("Server", $ftp->http_server);
+ $res->header("WWW-Authenticate", qq(Basic Realm="FTP login"));
+ return $res;
+ }
+ my $home = $ftp->pwd;
+ $ftp->home($home);
+ $conn_cache->deposit("ftp", $key, $ftp) if $conn_cache;
+ return $ftp;
+sub request
+ my($self, $request, $proxy, $arg, $size, $timeout) = @_;
+ $size = 4096 unless $size;
+ # check proxy
+ if (defined $proxy)
+ {
+ return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST,
+ 'You can not proxy through the ftp');
+ }
+ my $url = $request->uri;
+ if ($url->scheme ne 'ftp') {
+ my $scheme = $url->scheme;
+ return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
+ "LWP::Protocol::ftp::request called for '$scheme'");
+ }
+ # check method
+ my $method = $request->method;
+ unless ($method eq 'GET' || $method eq 'HEAD' || $method eq 'PUT') {
+ return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST,
+ 'Library does not allow method ' .
+ "$method for 'ftp:' URLs");
+ }
+ if ($init_failed) {
+ return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
+ $init_failed);
+ }
+ my $host = $url->host;
+ my $port = $url->port;
+ my $user = $url->user;
+ my $password = $url->password;
+ # If a basic autorization header is present than we prefer these over
+ # the username/password specified in the URL.
+ {
+ my($u,$p) = $request->authorization_basic;
+ if (defined $u) {
+ $user = $u;
+ $password = $p;
+ }
+ }
+ # We allow the account to be specified in the "Account" header
+ my $account = $request->header('Account');
+ my $ftp = $self->_connect($host, $port, $user, $account, $password, $timeout);
+ return $ftp if ref($ftp) eq "HTTP::Response"; # ugh!
+ # Create an initial response object
+ my $response = HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_OK, "OK");
+ $response->header(Server => $ftp->http_server);
+ $response->header('Client-Request-Num' => $ftp->request_count);
+ $response->request($request);
+ # Get & fix the path
+ my @path = grep { length } $url->path_segments;
+ my $remote_file = pop(@path);
+ $remote_file = '' unless defined $remote_file;
+ my $type;
+ if (ref $remote_file) {
+ my @params;
+ ($remote_file, @params) = @$remote_file;
+ for (@params) {
+ $type = $_ if s/^type=//;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($type && $type eq 'a') {
+ $ftp->ascii;
+ }
+ else {
+ $ftp->binary;
+ }
+ for (@path) {
+ unless ($ftp->cwd($_)) {
+ return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_FOUND,
+ "Can't chdir to $_");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($method eq 'GET' || $method eq 'HEAD') {
+ if (my $mod_time = $ftp->mdtm($remote_file)) {
+ $response->last_modified($mod_time);
+ if (my $ims = $request->if_modified_since) {
+ if ($mod_time <= $ims) {
+ $response->code(&HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_MODIFIED);
+ $response->message("Not modified");
+ return $response;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # We'll use this later to abort the transfer if necessary.
+ # if $max_size is defined, we need to abort early. Otherwise, it's
+ # a normal transfer
+ my $max_size = undef;
+ # Set resume location, if the client requested it
+ if ($request->header('Range') && $ftp->supported('REST'))
+ {
+ my $range_info = $request->header('Range');
+ # Change bytes=2772992-6781209 to just 2772992
+ my ($start_byte,$end_byte) = $range_info =~ /.*=\s*(\d+)-(\d+)?/;
+ if ( defined $start_byte && !defined $end_byte ) {
+ # open range -- only the start is specified
+ $ftp->restart( $start_byte );
+ # don't define $max_size, we don't want to abort early
+ }
+ elsif ( defined $start_byte && defined $end_byte &&
+ $start_byte >= 0 && $end_byte >= $start_byte ) {
+ $ftp->restart( $start_byte );
+ $max_size = $end_byte - $start_byte;
+ }
+ else {
+ return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST,
+ 'Incorrect syntax for Range request');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($request->header('Range') && !$ftp->supported('REST'))
+ {
+ return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+ "Server does not support resume.");
+ }
+ my $data; # the data handle
+ if (length($remote_file) and $data = $ftp->retr($remote_file)) {
+ my($type, @enc) = LWP::MediaTypes::guess_media_type($remote_file);
+ $response->header('Content-Type', $type) if $type;
+ for (@enc) {
+ $response->push_header('Content-Encoding', $_);
+ }
+ my $mess = $ftp->message;
+ if ($mess =~ /\((\d+)\s+bytes\)/) {
+ $response->header('Content-Length', "$1");
+ }
+ if ($method ne 'HEAD') {
+ # Read data from server
+ $response = $self->collect($arg, $response, sub {
+ my $content = '';
+ my $result = $data->read($content, $size);
+ # Stop early if we need to.
+ if (defined $max_size)
+ {
+ # We need an interface to Net::FTP::dataconn for getting
+ # the number of bytes already read
+ my $bytes_received = $data->bytes_read();
+ # We were already over the limit. (Should only happen
+ # once at the end.)
+ if ($bytes_received - length($content) > $max_size)
+ {
+ $content = '';
+ }
+ # We just went over the limit
+ elsif ($bytes_received > $max_size)
+ {
+ # Trim content
+ $content = substr($content, 0,
+ $max_size - ($bytes_received - length($content)) );
+ }
+ # We're under the limit
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ return \$content;
+ } );
+ }
+ # abort is needed for HEAD, it's == close if the transfer has
+ # already completed.
+ unless ($data->abort) {
+ # Something did not work too well. Note that we treat
+ # responses to abort() with code 0 in case of HEAD as ok
+ # (at least wu-ftpd 2.6.1(1) does that).
+ if ($method ne 'HEAD' || $ftp->code != 0) {
+ $response->code(&HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
+ $response->message("FTP close response: " . $ftp->code .
+ " " . $ftp->message);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (!length($remote_file) || ( $ftp->code >= 400 && $ftp->code < 600 )) {
+ # not a plain file, try to list instead
+ if (length($remote_file) && !$ftp->cwd($remote_file)) {
+ return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_FOUND,
+ "File '$remote_file' not found");
+ }
+ # It should now be safe to try to list the directory
+ my @lsl = $ftp->dir;
+ # Try to figure out if the user want us to convert the
+ # directory listing to HTML.
+ my @variants =
+ (
+ ['html', 0.60, 'text/html' ],
+ ['dir', 1.00, 'text/ftp-dir-listing' ]
+ );
+ #$HTTP::Negotiate::DEBUG=1;
+ my $prefer = HTTP::Negotiate::choose(\@variants, $request);
+ my $content = '';
+ if (!defined($prefer)) {
+ return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE,
+ "Neither HTML nor directory listing wanted");
+ }
+ elsif ($prefer eq 'html') {
+ $response->header('Content-Type' => 'text/html');
+ $content = "<HEAD><TITLE>File Listing</TITLE>\n";
+ my $base = $request->uri->clone;
+ my $path = $base->path;
+ $base->path("$path/") unless $path =~ m|/$|;
+ $content .= qq(<BASE HREF="$base">\n</HEAD>\n);
+ $content .= "<BODY>\n<UL>\n";
+ for (File::Listing::parse_dir(\@lsl, 'GMT')) {
+ my($name, $type, $size, $mtime, $mode) = @$_;
+ $content .= qq( <LI> <a href="$name">$name</a>);
+ $content .= " $size bytes" if $type eq 'f';
+ $content .= "\n";
+ }
+ $content .= "</UL></body>\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $response->header('Content-Type', 'text/ftp-dir-listing');
+ $content = join("\n", @lsl, '');
+ }
+ $response->header('Content-Length', length($content));
+ if ($method ne 'HEAD') {
+ $response = $self->collect_once($arg, $response, $content);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $res = HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST,
+ "FTP return code " . $ftp->code);
+ $res->content_type("text/plain");
+ $res->content($ftp->message);
+ return $res;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($method eq 'PUT') {
+ # method must be PUT
+ unless (length($remote_file)) {
+ return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST,
+ "Must have a file name to PUT to");
+ }
+ my $data;
+ if ($data = $ftp->stor($remote_file)) {
+ my $content = $request->content;
+ my $bytes = 0;
+ if (defined $content) {
+ if (ref($content) eq 'SCALAR') {
+ $bytes = $data->write($$content, length($$content));
+ }
+ elsif (ref($content) eq 'CODE') {
+ my($buf, $n);
+ while (length($buf = &$content)) {
+ $n = $data->write($buf, length($buf));
+ last unless $n;
+ $bytes += $n;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (!ref($content)) {
+ if (defined $content && length($content)) {
+ $bytes = $data->write($content, length($content));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Bad content";
+ }
+ }
+ $data->close;
+ $response->code(&HTTP::Status::RC_CREATED);
+ $response->header('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
+ $response->content("$bytes bytes stored as $remote_file on $host\n")
+ }
+ else {
+ my $res = HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST,
+ "FTP return code " . $ftp->code);
+ $res->content_type("text/plain");
+ $res->content($ftp->message);
+ return $res;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return HTTP::Response->new(&HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST,
+ "Illegal method $method");
+ }
+ $response;
+# This is what RFC 1738 has to say about FTP access:
+# --------------------------------------------------
+# 3.2. FTP
+# The FTP URL scheme is used to designate files and directories on
+# Internet hosts accessible using the FTP protocol (RFC959).
+# A FTP URL follow the syntax described in Section 3.1. If :<port> is
+# omitted, the port defaults to 21.
+# 3.2.1. FTP Name and Password
+# A user name and password may be supplied; they are used in the ftp
+# "USER" and "PASS" commands after first making the connection to the
+# FTP server. If no user name or password is supplied and one is
+# requested by the FTP server, the conventions for "anonymous" FTP are
+# to be used, as follows:
+# The user name "anonymous" is supplied.
+# The password is supplied as the Internet e-mail address
+# of the end user accessing the resource.
+# If the URL supplies a user name but no password, and the remote
+# server requests a password, the program interpreting the FTP URL
+# should request one from the user.
+# 3.2.2. FTP url-path
+# The url-path of a FTP URL has the following syntax:
+# <cwd1>/<cwd2>/.../<cwdN>/<name>;type=<typecode>
+# Where <cwd1> through <cwdN> and <name> are (possibly encoded) strings
+# and <typecode> is one of the characters "a", "i", or "d". The part
+# ";type=<typecode>" may be omitted. The <cwdx> and <name> parts may be
+# empty. The whole url-path may be omitted, including the "/"
+# delimiting it from the prefix containing user, password, host, and
+# port.
+# The url-path is interpreted as a series of FTP commands as follows:
+# Each of the <cwd> elements is to be supplied, sequentially, as the
+# argument to a CWD (change working directory) command.
+# If the typecode is "d", perform a NLST (name list) command with
+# <name> as the argument, and interpret the results as a file
+# directory listing.
+# Otherwise, perform a TYPE command with <typecode> as the argument,
+# and then access the file whose name is <name> (for example, using
+# the RETR command.)
+# Within a name or CWD component, the characters "/" and ";" are
+# reserved and must be encoded. The components are decoded prior to
+# their use in the FTP protocol. In particular, if the appropriate FTP
+# sequence to access a particular file requires supplying a string
+# containing a "/" as an argument to a CWD or RETR command, it is
+# necessary to encode each "/".
+# For example, the URL <URL:ftp://myname@host.dom/%2Fetc/motd> is
+# interpreted by FTP-ing to "host.dom", logging in as "myname"
+# (prompting for a password if it is asked for), and then executing
+# "CWD /etc" and then "RETR motd". This has a different meaning from
+# <URL:ftp://myname@host.dom/etc/motd> which would "CWD etc" and then
+# "RETR motd"; the initial "CWD" might be executed relative to the
+# default directory for "myname". On the other hand,
+# <URL:ftp://myname@host.dom//etc/motd>, would "CWD " with a null
+# argument, then "CWD etc", and then "RETR motd".
+# FTP URLs may also be used for other operations; for example, it is
+# possible to update a file on a remote file server, or infer
+# information about it from the directory listings. The mechanism for
+# doing so is not spelled out here.
+# 3.2.3. FTP Typecode is Optional
+# The entire ;type=<typecode> part of a FTP URL is optional. If it is
+# omitted, the client program interpreting the URL must guess the
+# appropriate mode to use. In general, the data content type of a file
+# can only be guessed from the name, e.g., from the suffix of the name;
+# the appropriate type code to be used for transfer of the file can
+# then be deduced from the data content of the file.
+# 3.2.4 Hierarchy
+# For some file systems, the "/" used to denote the hierarchical
+# structure of the URL corresponds to the delimiter used to construct a
+# file name hierarchy, and thus, the filename will look similar to the
+# URL path. This does NOT mean that the URL is a Unix filename.
+# 3.2.5. Optimization
+# Clients accessing resources via FTP may employ additional heuristics
+# to optimize the interaction. For some FTP servers, for example, it
+# may be reasonable to keep the control connection open while accessing
+# multiple URLs from the same server. However, there is no common
+# hierarchical model to the FTP protocol, so if a directory change
+# command has been given, it is impossible in general to deduce what
+# sequence should be given to navigate to another directory for a
+# second retrieval, if the paths are different. The only reliable
+# algorithm is to disconnect and reestablish the control connection.