path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/Imager/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/Imager/')
1 files changed, 534 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/Imager/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/Imager/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..4c43abbe1f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/Imager/
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+package Imager::Transform;
+use strict;
+use Imager;
+use Imager::Expr::Assem;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = "1.004";
+my %funcs =
+ (
+ mandel=>
+ {
+ desc=>"Mandelbrot set",
+ type=>'assem',
+ assem=><<EOS,
+# x treated as in range minx..maxx
+# y treated as in range miny..maxy
+ var nx:n ; var ny:n
+ var diffx:n ; var diffy:n
+# conx/y are x/y adjusted to min..max ranges
+ var conx:n ; var cony:n
+ diffx = subtract maxx minx
+ conx = div x w
+ conx = mult conx diffx
+ conx = add conx minx
+ diffy = subtract maxy miny
+ cony = div y h
+ cony = mult cony diffy
+ cony = add cony miny
+ nx = 0
+ ny = 0
+ var count:n
+ count = 0
+# calculate (nx,ny)**2 +(x,y)->
+# (nx*nx-ny*ny+x, 2.nx.ny+y)
+ var wx:n ; var wy:n ; var work:n
+ wx = mult nx nx
+ wy = mult ny ny
+ wx = subtract wx wy
+ ny = mult ny nx
+ ny = mult ny 2
+ nx = wx
+ nx = add nx conx
+ ny = add ny cony
+ work = distance nx ny 0 0
+ work = gt work 2
+ jumpnz work docol
+ count = add count 1
+ work = lt count maxcount
+ jumpnz work loop
+ jumpnz insideangle doinang
+ var workp:p
+ workp = rgb 0 0 0
+ ret workp
+ doinang:
+ var ang:n
+ ang = atan2 ny nx
+ ang = mult ang 360
+ ang = div ang pi
+ workp = hsv ang 255 0.5
+ ret workp
+ docol:
+ var outvalue:n
+ outvalue = mult outsidevaluestep count
+ outvalue = add outvalue outsidevalue
+ outvalue = mod outvalue 1.01
+ jumpnz outsideangle do_outang
+ work = mult count huestep
+ work = add work huebase
+ work = mod work 360
+ workp = hsv work 1 outvalue
+ ret workp
+ do_outang:
+ ang = atan2 ny nx
+ ang = mult ang 360
+ ang = div ang pi
+ ang = add ang outsidebase
+ workp = hsv ang outsidesat outvalue
+ ret workp
+ constants=>
+ {
+ minx=>{ default=>-2, desc=>'Left of rendered area', },
+ miny=>{ default=>-1.5, desc=>'Top of rendered area', },
+ maxx=>{ default=>1, desc=>'Right of rendered area', },
+ maxy=>{ default=>1.5, desc=>'Bottom of rendered area', },
+ maxcount=>{ default=>100, desc=>'Maximum iterations', },
+ huestep=>{ default=>21.1, desc=>'Hue step for number of iterations', },
+ huebase=>{ default=>0, desc=>'Base hue for number of iterations', },
+ insideangle=>
+ {
+ default=>0,
+ desc=>'Non-zero to use angle of final as hue for inside',
+ },
+ insidebase=>
+ {
+ default=>0,
+ desc=>'Base angle for inside colours if insideangle is non-zero',
+ },
+ outsideangle=>
+ {
+ default=>0,
+ desc=>'Non-zero to use angle of final as hue for outside',
+ },
+ outsidebase=>
+ {
+ default=>0,
+ desc=>'Base angle if outsideangle is true',
+ },
+ outsidevalue=>
+ {
+ default=>1,
+ desc=>'Brightness for outside pixels',
+ },
+ outsidevaluestep=>
+ {
+ default=>0,
+ desc=>'Brightness step for each count for outside pixels',
+ },
+ outsidesat=>
+ {
+ default=>1,
+ desc=>'Saturation for outside pixels',
+ },
+ },
+ inputs=>[],
+ },
+ julia=>
+ {
+ desc=>"Julia set",
+ type=>'assem',
+ assem=><<EOS,
+# print x
+# x treated as in range minx..maxx
+# y treated as in range miny..maxy
+ var nx:n ; var ny:n
+ var diffx:n ; var diffy:n
+# conx/y are x/y adjusted to min..max ranges
+ var conx:n ; var cony:n
+ diffx = subtract maxx minx
+ conx = div x w
+ conx = mult conx diffx
+ conx = add conx minx
+ diffy = subtract maxy miny
+ cony = div y h
+ cony = mult cony diffy
+ cony = add cony miny
+ nx = conx
+ ny = cony
+ var count:n
+ count = 0
+# calculate (nx,ny)**2 +(x,y)->
+# (nx*nx-ny*ny+x, 2.nx.ny+y)
+ var wx:n ; var wy:n ; var work:n
+ wx = mult nx nx
+ wy = mult ny ny
+ wx = subtract wx wy
+ ny = mult ny nx
+ ny = mult ny 2
+ nx = wx
+ nx = add nx zx
+ ny = add ny zy
+ work = distance nx ny 0 0
+ work = gt work 2
+ jumpnz work docol
+ count = add count 1
+ work = lt count maxcount
+ jumpnz work loop
+ jumpnz insideangle doinang
+ var workp:p
+ workp = rgb 0 0 0
+ ret workp
+ doinang:
+ var ang:n
+ ang = atan2 ny nx
+ ang = mult ang 360
+ ang = div ang pi
+ workp = hsv ang 255 0.5
+ ret workp
+ docol:
+ var outvalue:n
+ outvalue = mult outsidevaluestep count
+ outvalue = add outvalue outsidevalue
+ outvalue = mod outvalue 1.01
+ jumpnz outsideangle do_outang
+ work = mult count huestep
+ work = add work huebase
+ work = mod work 360
+ workp = hsv work 1 outvalue
+ ret workp
+ do_outang:
+ ang = atan2 ny nx
+ ang = mult ang 360
+ ang = div ang pi
+ ang = add ang outsidebase
+ workp = hsv ang outsidesat outvalue
+ ret workp
+ constants=>
+ {
+ zx=>{default=>0.7, desc=>'Real part of initial Z', },
+ zy=>{default=>0.2, desc=>'Imaginary part of initial Z', },
+ minx=>{ default=>-1.5, desc=>'Left of rendered area', },
+ miny=>{ default=>-1.5, desc=>'Top of rendered area', },
+ maxx=>{ default=>1.5, desc=>'Right of rendered area', },
+ maxy=>{ default=>1.5, desc=>'Bottom of rendered area', },
+ maxcount=>{ default=>100, desc=>'Maximum iterations', },
+ huestep=>{ default=>21.1, desc=>'Hue step for number of iterations', },
+ huebase=>{ default=>0, desc=>'Base hue for number of iterations', },
+ insideangle=>
+ {
+ default=>0,
+ desc=>'Non-zero to use angle of final as hue for inside',
+ },
+ insidebase=>
+ {
+ default=>0,
+ desc=>'Base angle for inside colours if insideangle is non-zero',
+ },
+ outsideangle=>
+ {
+ default=>0,
+ desc=>'Non-zero to use angle of final as hue for outside',
+ },
+ outsidebase=>
+ {
+ default=>0,
+ desc=>'Base angle if outsideangle is true',
+ },
+ outsidevalue=>
+ {
+ default=>1,
+ desc=>'Brightness for outside pixels',
+ },
+ outsidevaluestep=>
+ {
+ default=>0,
+ desc=>'Brightness step for each count for outside pixels',
+ },
+ outsidesat=>
+ {
+ default=>1,
+ desc=>'Saturation for outside pixels',
+ },
+ },
+ inputs=>[],
+ },
+ circleripple=>
+ {
+ type=>'rpnexpr',
+ desc=>'Adds a circular ripple effect',
+ rpnexpr=><<'EOS',
+x y cx cy distance !dist
+@dist freq / sin !scale
+@scale depth * @dist + !adj
+y cy - x cx - atan2 !ang
+cx @ang cos @adj * + cy @ang sin @adj * + getp1 @scale shadow + shadow 1 + / *
+ constants=>
+ {
+ freq=> { desc=>'Frequency of ripples', default=>5 },
+ depth=> { desc=>'Depth of ripples', default=>10 },
+ shadow=> { desc=>'Fraction of shadow', default=>20 },
+ },
+ inputs=>
+ [
+ { desc=>'Image to ripple' }
+ ],
+ },
+ spiral=>
+ {
+ type=>'rpnexpr',
+ desc=>'Render a colorful spiral',
+ rpnexpr=><<'EOS',
+x y cx cy distance !d y cy - x cx - atan2 !a
+@d spacing / @a + pi 2 * % !a2
+@a 180 * pi / 1 @a2 sin 1 + 2 / hsv
+ constants=>
+ {
+ spacing=>{ desc=>'Spacing between arms', default=>10 },
+ },
+ inputs=>[],
+ },
+ diagripple=>
+ {
+ type=>'rpnexpr',
+ desc=>'Adds diagonal ripples to an image',
+ rpnexpr=><<'EOS',
+x y + !dist @dist freq / sin !scale
+@scale depth * !adj
+ x @adj + y @adj + getp1 @scale shadow + shadow 1 + / *
+ constants=>
+ {
+ freq=>{ desc=>'Frequency of ripples', default=>5, },
+ depth=>{desc=>'Depth of ripples', default=>3,},
+ shadow=>
+ {
+ desc=>'Fraction of brightness to remove for shadows',
+ default=>20,
+ },
+ },
+ inputs=>
+ [
+ { desc=>'Image to add ripples to' }
+ ],
+ },
+ twist=>
+ {
+ type=>'rpnexpr',
+ desc=>'Twist an image',
+ rpnexpr=><<'EOS',
+x y cx cy distance !dist
+ y cy - x cx - atan2 @dist twist / + !ang
+cx @ang cos @dist * + cy @ang sin @dist * + getp1
+ constants=>
+ {
+ twist=>{ desc=>'Amount of twist', default=>2.5, },
+ },
+ inputs=>
+ [
+ { desc=>'Image to twist' },
+ ],
+ },
+ # any other functions can wait until Imager::Expr::Infix supports
+ # jumps
+ );
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $name) = @_;
+ exists $funcs{$name} or return;
+ bless { func=>$funcs{$name}, name=>$name }, $class;
+sub inputs {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return @{$self->{func}{inputs}}
+sub constants {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (@_) {
+ return @{$self->{func}{constants}}{@_};
+ }
+ else {
+ return keys %{$self->{func}{constants}};
+ }
+sub transform {
+ my ($self, $opts, $constants, @in) = @_;
+ my $func = $self->{func};
+ my %opts = %$opts;
+ $opts{$func->{type}} = $func->{$func->{type}};
+ my %con = %$constants;
+ for my $name (keys %{$func->{'constants'}}) {
+ unless (exists $con{$name}) {
+ if (exists $func->{'constants'}{$name}{default}) {
+ $con{$name} = $func->{'constants'}{$name}{default};
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{error} = "No value or default for constant $name";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $opts{'constants'} = \%con;
+ unless (@in == @{$func->{'inputs'}}) {
+ $self->{error} = @in." input images given, ".
+ @{$func->{'inputs'}}." supplied";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $out = Imager::transform2(\%opts, @in);
+ unless ($out) {
+ $self->{error} = $Imager::ERRSTR;
+ return;
+ }
+ return $out;
+sub errstr {
+ return $_[0]{error};
+sub list {
+ return keys %funcs;
+sub describe {
+ my ($class, $name) = @_;
+ my $func;
+ if (ref $class && !$name) {
+ $func = $class->{func};
+ $name = $class->{name}
+ }
+ else {
+ $func = $funcs{$name}
+ or return undef;
+ }
+ my $desc = <<EOS;
+Function : $name
+Description: $func->{desc}
+ if ($func->{'inputs'} && @{$func->{'inputs'}}) {
+ $desc .= "Input images:\n";
+ my $i = 1;
+ for my $in (@{$func->{'inputs'}}) {
+ $desc .= " $i: $in->{desc}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $desc .= "There are no input images\n";
+ }
+ if ($func->{'constants'} && keys %{$func->{'constants'}}) {
+ $desc .= "Input constants:\n";
+ for my $key (keys %{$func->{'constants'}}) {
+ $desc .= " $key: $func->{'constants'}{$key}{desc}\n";
+ $desc .= " Default: $func->{'constants'}{$key}{default}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $desc .= "There are no constants\n";
+ }
+ return $desc;
+=head1 NAME
+ Imager::Transform - a library of register machine image transformations
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # get a list of transformations
+ my @funcs = Imager::Transform->list;
+ # create a transformation object
+ my $tran = Imager::Transform->new($name);
+ # describe it
+ print $tran->describe;
+ # a list of constant names
+ my @constants = $tran->constants;
+ # information about some of the constants
+ my @info = $tran->constants(@constants);
+This module provides a library of transformations that use the Imager
+transform2() function.
+The aim is to provide a place to collect these transformations.
+At some point there might be an interface to add new functions, but
+there's not a whole lot of point to that.
+The interface is a little sparse as yet.
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item my @names = Imager::Transform->list
+Returns a list of the transformations.
+=item my $desc = Imager::Transform->describe($name);
+=item my $desc = $tran->describe()
+Describes a transformation specified either by name (as a class
+method) or by reference (as an instance method).
+The class method returns undef if there is no such transformation.
+=item my $tran = Imager::Transform->new($name)
+Create a new transformation object. Returns undef if there is no such
+=item my @inputs = $tran->inputs;
+=item my $inputs = $tran->inputs;
+Returns a list of input image descriptions, or the number of them,
+depending on content.
+The list contains hashrefs, which current contain only one member,
+desc, a description of the use of the input image.
+=item $tran->constants
+Return's a list of names of constants that can be set for the
+=item $tran->constants($name, $name, ...)
+Returns a hashref for each named constant, which contains the default
+in key C<default> and a description in key C<desc>.
+=item my $out = $tran->transform(\%opts, \%constants, @imgs)
+Perform the image transformation.
+Returns the new image on success, or undef on failure, in which case
+you can use $tran->errstr to get an error message.
+=item $tran->errstr
+The error message, if any from the last image transformation.
+=head1 BUGS
+Needs more transformations.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Imager(3), transform.perl