path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.old/lib/B/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl.old/lib/B/')
1 files changed, 2272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.old/lib/B/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.old/lib/B/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cebf4132ffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.old/lib/B/
@@ -0,0 +1,2272 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998 Malcolm Beattie
+# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
+# License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
+package B::C;
+our $VERSION = '1.04_01';
+package B::C::Section;
+use B ();
+use base B::Section;
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $o = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ push @$o, { values => [] };
+ return $o;
+sub add
+ my $section = shift;
+ push(@{$section->[-1]{values}},@_);
+sub index
+ my $section = shift;
+ return scalar(@{$section->[-1]{values}})-1;
+sub output
+ my ($section, $fh, $format) = @_;
+ my $sym = $section->symtable || {};
+ my $default = $section->default;
+ my $i;
+ foreach (@{$section->[-1]{values}})
+ {
+ s{(s\\_[0-9a-f]+)}{ exists($sym->{$1}) ? $sym->{$1} : $default; }ge;
+ printf $fh $format, $_, $i;
+ ++$i;
+ }
+package B::C::InitSection;
+# avoid use vars
+@B::C::InitSection::ISA = qw(B::C::Section);
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $max_lines = 10000; #pop;
+ my $section = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
+ $section->[-1]{evals} = [];
+ $section->[-1]{chunks} = [];
+ $section->[-1]{nosplit} = 0;
+ $section->[-1]{current} = [];
+ $section->[-1]{count} = 0;
+ $section->[-1]{max_lines} = $max_lines;
+ return $section;
+sub split {
+ my $section = shift;
+ $section->[-1]{nosplit}--
+ if $section->[-1]{nosplit} > 0;
+sub no_split {
+ shift->[-1]{nosplit}++;
+sub inc_count {
+ my $section = shift;
+ $section->[-1]{count} += $_[0];
+ # this is cheating
+ $section->add();
+sub add {
+ my $section = shift->[-1];
+ my $current = $section->{current};
+ my $nosplit = $section->{nosplit};
+ push @$current, @_;
+ $section->{count} += scalar(@_);
+ if( !$nosplit && $section->{count} >= $section->{max_lines} ) {
+ push @{$section->{chunks}}, $current;
+ $section->{current} = [];
+ $section->{count} = 0;
+ }
+sub add_eval {
+ my $section = shift;
+ my @strings = @_;
+ foreach my $i ( @strings ) {
+ $i =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
+ }
+ push @{$section->[-1]{evals}}, @strings;
+sub output {
+ my( $section, $fh, $format, $init_name ) = @_;
+ my $sym = $section->symtable || {};
+ my $default = $section->default;
+ push @{$section->[-1]{chunks}}, $section->[-1]{current};
+ my $name = "aaaa";
+ foreach my $i ( @{$section->[-1]{chunks}} ) {
+ print $fh <<"EOT";
+static int perl_init_${name}()
+ dTARG;
+ dSP;
+ foreach my $j ( @$i ) {
+ $j =~ s{(s\\_[0-9a-f]+)}
+ { exists($sym->{$1}) ? $sym->{$1} : $default; }ge;
+ print $fh "\t$j\n";
+ }
+ print $fh "\treturn 0;\n}\n";
+ $section->SUPER::add( "perl_init_${name}();" );
+ ++$name;
+ }
+ foreach my $i ( @{$section->[-1]{evals}} ) {
+ $section->SUPER::add( sprintf q{eval_pv("%s",1);}, $i );
+ }
+ print $fh <<"EOT";
+static int ${init_name}()
+ dTARG;
+ dSP;
+ $section->SUPER::output( $fh, $format );
+ print $fh "\treturn 0;\n}\n";
+package B::C;
+use Exporter ();
+our %REGEXP;
+{ # block necessary for caller to work
+ my $caller = caller;
+ if( $caller eq 'O' ) {
+ require XSLoader;
+ XSLoader::load( 'B::C' );
+ }
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(output_all output_boilerplate output_main mark_unused
+ init_sections set_callback save_unused_subs objsym save_context);
+use B qw(minus_c sv_undef walkoptree walksymtable main_root main_start peekop
+ class cstring cchar svref_2object compile_stats comppadlist hash
+ threadsv_names main_cv init_av end_av regex_padav opnumber amagic_generation
+use B::Asmdata qw(@specialsv_name);
+use FileHandle;
+use Carp;
+use strict;
+use Config;
+my $hv_index = 0;
+my $gv_index = 0;
+my $re_index = 0;
+my $pv_index = 0;
+my $cv_index = 0;
+my $anonsub_index = 0;
+my $initsub_index = 0;
+my %symtable;
+my %xsub;
+my $warn_undefined_syms;
+my $verbose;
+my %unused_sub_packages;
+my $use_xsloader;
+my $nullop_count;
+my $pv_copy_on_grow = 0;
+my $optimize_ppaddr = 0;
+my $optimize_warn_sv = 0;
+my $use_perl_script_name = 0;
+my $save_data_fh = 0;
+my $save_sig = 0;
+my ($debug_cops, $debug_av, $debug_cv, $debug_mg);
+my $max_string_len;
+my $ithreads = $Config{useithreads} eq 'define';
+my @threadsv_names;
+ @threadsv_names = threadsv_names();
+# Code sections
+my ($init, $decl, $symsect, $binopsect, $condopsect, $copsect,
+ $padopsect, $listopsect, $logopsect, $loopsect, $opsect, $pmopsect,
+ $pvopsect, $svopsect, $unopsect, $svsect, $xpvsect, $xpvavsect,
+ $xpvhvsect, $xpvcvsect, $xpvivsect, $xpvnvsect, $xpvmgsect, $xpvlvsect,
+ $xrvsect, $xpvbmsect, $xpviosect );
+my @op_sections = \( $binopsect, $condopsect, $copsect, $padopsect, $listopsect,
+ $logopsect, $loopsect, $opsect, $pmopsect, $pvopsect, $svopsect,
+ $unopsect );
+sub walk_and_save_optree;
+my $saveoptree_callback = \&walk_and_save_optree;
+sub set_callback { $saveoptree_callback = shift }
+sub saveoptree { &$saveoptree_callback(@_) }
+sub walk_and_save_optree {
+ my ($name, $root, $start) = @_;
+ walkoptree($root, "save");
+ return objsym($start);
+# Look this up here so we can do just a number compare
+# rather than looking up the name of every BASEOP in B::OP
+my $OP_THREADSV = opnumber('threadsv');
+sub savesym {
+ my ($obj, $value) = @_;
+ my $sym = sprintf("s\\_%x", $$obj);
+ $symtable{$sym} = $value;
+sub objsym {
+ my $obj = shift;
+ return $symtable{sprintf("s\\_%x", $$obj)};
+sub getsym {
+ my $sym = shift;
+ my $value;
+ return 0 if $sym eq "sym_0"; # special case
+ $value = $symtable{$sym};
+ if (defined($value)) {
+ return $value;
+ } else {
+ warn "warning: undefined symbol $sym\n" if $warn_undefined_syms;
+ return "UNUSED";
+ }
+sub savere {
+ my $re = shift;
+ my $sym = sprintf("re%d", $re_index++);
+ $decl->add(sprintf("static char *$sym = %s;", cstring($re)));
+ return ($sym,length(pack "a*",$re));
+sub savepv {
+ my $pv = pack "a*", shift;
+ my $pvsym = 0;
+ my $pvmax = 0;
+ if ($pv_copy_on_grow) {
+ $pvsym = sprintf("pv%d", $pv_index++);
+ if( defined $max_string_len && length($pv) > $max_string_len ) {
+ my $chars = join ', ', map { cchar $_ } split //, $pv;
+ $decl->add(sprintf("static char %s[] = { %s };", $pvsym, $chars));
+ }
+ else {
+ my $cstring = cstring($pv);
+ if ($cstring ne "0") { # sic
+ $decl->add(sprintf("static char %s[] = %s;",
+ $pvsym, $cstring));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $pvmax = length(pack "a*",$pv) + 1;
+ }
+ return ($pvsym, $pvmax);
+sub save_rv {
+ my $sv = shift;
+# confess "Can't save RV: not ROK" unless $sv->FLAGS & SVf_ROK;
+ my $rv = $sv->RV->save;
+ $rv =~ s/^\(([AGHS]V|IO)\s*\*\)\s*(\&sv_list.*)$/$2/;
+ return $rv;
+# savesym, pvmax, len, pv
+sub save_pv_or_rv {
+ my $sv = shift;
+ my $rok = $sv->FLAGS & SVf_ROK;
+ my $pok = $sv->FLAGS & SVf_POK;
+ my( $len, $pvmax, $savesym, $pv ) = ( 0, 0 );
+ if( $rok ) {
+ $savesym = '(char*)' . save_rv( $sv );
+ }
+ else {
+ $pv = $pok ? (pack "a*", $sv->PV) : undef;
+ $len = $pok ? length($pv) : 0;
+ ($savesym, $pvmax) = $pok ? savepv($pv) : ( 'NULL', 0 );
+ }
+ return ( $savesym, $pvmax, $len, $pv );
+# see also init_op_ppaddr below; initializes the ppaddt to the
+# OpTYPE; init_op_ppaddr iterates over the ops and sets
+# op_ppaddr to PL_ppaddr[op_ppaddr]; this avoids an explicit assignmente
+# in perl_init ( ~10 bytes/op with GCC/i386 )
+sub B::OP::fake_ppaddr {
+ return $optimize_ppaddr ?
+ sprintf("INT2PTR(void*,OP_%s)", uc( $_[0]->name ) ) :
+ 'NULL';
+# This pair is needed becase B::FAKEOP::save doesn't scalar dereference
+# $op->next and $op->sibling
+ # For 5.9 the hard coded text is the values for op_opt and op_static in each
+ # op. The value of op_opt is irrelevant, and the value of op_static needs to
+ # be 1 to tell op_free that this is a statically defined op and that is
+ # shouldn't be freed.
+ # For 5.8:
+ # Current workaround/fix for op_free() trying to free statically
+ # defined OPs is to set op_seq = -1 and check for that in op_free().
+ # Instead of hardwiring -1 in place of $op->seq, we use $op_seq
+ # so that it can be changed back easily if necessary. In fact, to
+ # stop compilers from moaning about a U16 being initialised with an
+ # uncast -1 (the printf format is %d so we can't tweak it), we have
+ # to "know" that op_seq is a U16 and use 65535. Ugh.
+ my $static = $] > 5.009 ? '0, 1, 0' : sprintf "%u", 65535;
+ sub B::OP::_save_common_middle {
+ my $op = shift;
+ sprintf ("%s, %u, %u, $static, 0x%x, 0x%x",
+ $op->fake_ppaddr, $op->targ, $op->type, $op->flags, $op->private);
+ }
+sub B::OP::_save_common {
+ my $op = shift;
+ return sprintf("s\\_%x, s\\_%x, %s",
+ ${$op->next}, ${$op->sibling}, $op->_save_common_middle);
+sub B::OP::save {
+ my ($op, $level) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($op);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ my $type = $op->type;
+ $nullop_count++ unless $type;
+ if ($type == $OP_THREADSV) {
+ # saves looking up ppaddr but it's a bit naughty to hard code this
+ $init->add(sprintf("(void)find_threadsv(%s);",
+ cstring($threadsv_names[$op->targ])));
+ }
+ $opsect->add($op->_save_common);
+ my $ix = $opsect->index;
+ $init->add(sprintf("op_list[$ix].op_ppaddr = %s;", $op->ppaddr))
+ unless $optimize_ppaddr;
+ savesym($op, "&op_list[$ix]");
+sub B::FAKEOP::new {
+ my ($class, %objdata) = @_;
+ bless \%objdata, $class;
+sub B::FAKEOP::save {
+ my ($op, $level) = @_;
+ $opsect->add(sprintf("%s, %s, %s",
+ $op->next, $op->sibling, $op->_save_common_middle));
+ my $ix = $opsect->index;
+ $init->add(sprintf("op_list[$ix].op_ppaddr = %s;", $op->ppaddr))
+ unless $optimize_ppaddr;
+ return "&op_list[$ix]";
+sub B::FAKEOP::next { $_[0]->{"next"} || 0 }
+sub B::FAKEOP::type { $_[0]->{type} || 0}
+sub B::FAKEOP::sibling { $_[0]->{sibling} || 0 }
+sub B::FAKEOP::ppaddr { $_[0]->{ppaddr} || 0 }
+sub B::FAKEOP::targ { $_[0]->{targ} || 0 }
+sub B::FAKEOP::flags { $_[0]->{flags} || 0 }
+sub B::FAKEOP::private { $_[0]->{private} || 0 }
+sub B::UNOP::save {
+ my ($op, $level) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($op);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ $unopsect->add(sprintf("%s, s\\_%x", $op->_save_common, ${$op->first}));
+ my $ix = $unopsect->index;
+ $init->add(sprintf("unop_list[$ix].op_ppaddr = %s;", $op->ppaddr))
+ unless $optimize_ppaddr;
+ savesym($op, "(OP*)&unop_list[$ix]");
+sub B::BINOP::save {
+ my ($op, $level) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($op);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ $binopsect->add(sprintf("%s, s\\_%x, s\\_%x",
+ $op->_save_common, ${$op->first}, ${$op->last}));
+ my $ix = $binopsect->index;
+ $init->add(sprintf("binop_list[$ix].op_ppaddr = %s;", $op->ppaddr))
+ unless $optimize_ppaddr;
+ savesym($op, "(OP*)&binop_list[$ix]");
+sub B::LISTOP::save {
+ my ($op, $level) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($op);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ $listopsect->add(sprintf("%s, s\\_%x, s\\_%x",
+ $op->_save_common, ${$op->first}, ${$op->last}));
+ my $ix = $listopsect->index;
+ $init->add(sprintf("listop_list[$ix].op_ppaddr = %s;", $op->ppaddr))
+ unless $optimize_ppaddr;
+ savesym($op, "(OP*)&listop_list[$ix]");
+sub B::LOGOP::save {
+ my ($op, $level) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($op);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ $logopsect->add(sprintf("%s, s\\_%x, s\\_%x",
+ $op->_save_common, ${$op->first}, ${$op->other}));
+ my $ix = $logopsect->index;
+ $init->add(sprintf("logop_list[$ix].op_ppaddr = %s;", $op->ppaddr))
+ unless $optimize_ppaddr;
+ savesym($op, "(OP*)&logop_list[$ix]");
+sub B::LOOP::save {
+ my ($op, $level) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($op);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ #warn sprintf("LOOP: redoop %s, nextop %s, lastop %s\n",
+ # peekop($op->redoop), peekop($op->nextop),
+ # peekop($op->lastop)); # debug
+ $loopsect->add(sprintf("%s, s\\_%x, s\\_%x, s\\_%x, s\\_%x, s\\_%x",
+ $op->_save_common, ${$op->first}, ${$op->last},
+ ${$op->redoop}, ${$op->nextop},
+ ${$op->lastop}));
+ my $ix = $loopsect->index;
+ $init->add(sprintf("loop_list[$ix].op_ppaddr = %s;", $op->ppaddr))
+ unless $optimize_ppaddr;
+ savesym($op, "(OP*)&loop_list[$ix]");
+sub B::PVOP::save {
+ my ($op, $level) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($op);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ $pvopsect->add(sprintf("%s, %s", $op->_save_common, cstring($op->pv)));
+ my $ix = $pvopsect->index;
+ $init->add(sprintf("pvop_list[$ix].op_ppaddr = %s;", $op->ppaddr))
+ unless $optimize_ppaddr;
+ savesym($op, "(OP*)&pvop_list[$ix]");
+sub B::SVOP::save {
+ my ($op, $level) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($op);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ my $sv = $op->sv;
+ my $svsym = '(SV*)' . $sv->save;
+ my $is_const_addr = $svsym =~ m/Null|\&/;
+ $svopsect->add(sprintf("%s, %s", $op->_save_common,
+ ( $is_const_addr ? $svsym : 'Nullsv' )));
+ my $ix = $svopsect->index;
+ $init->add(sprintf("svop_list[$ix].op_ppaddr = %s;", $op->ppaddr))
+ unless $optimize_ppaddr;
+ $init->add("svop_list[$ix].op_sv = $svsym;")
+ unless $is_const_addr;
+ savesym($op, "(OP*)&svop_list[$ix]");
+sub B::PADOP::save {
+ my ($op, $level) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($op);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ $padopsect->add(sprintf("%s, %d",
+ $op->_save_common, $op->padix));
+ my $ix = $padopsect->index;
+ $init->add(sprintf("padop_list[$ix].op_ppaddr = %s;", $op->ppaddr))
+ unless $optimize_ppaddr;
+# $init->add(sprintf("padop_list[$ix].op_padix = %ld;", $op->padix));
+ savesym($op, "(OP*)&padop_list[$ix]");
+sub B::COP::save {
+ my ($op, $level) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($op);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ warn sprintf("COP: line %d file %s\n", $op->line, $op->file)
+ if $debug_cops;
+ # shameless cut'n'paste from B::Deparse
+ my $warn_sv;
+ my $warnings = $op->warnings;
+ my $is_special = $warnings->isa("B::SPECIAL");
+ if ($is_special && $$warnings == 4) {
+ # use warnings 'all';
+ $warn_sv = $optimize_warn_sv ?
+ 'INT2PTR(SV*,1)' :
+ 'pWARN_ALL';
+ }
+ elsif ($is_special && $$warnings == 5) {
+ # no warnings 'all';
+ $warn_sv = $optimize_warn_sv ?
+ 'INT2PTR(SV*,2)' :
+ }
+ elsif ($is_special) {
+ # use warnings;
+ $warn_sv = $optimize_warn_sv ?
+ 'INT2PTR(SV*,3)' :
+ 'pWARN_STD';
+ }
+ else {
+ # something else
+ $warn_sv = $warnings->save;
+ }
+ $copsect->add(sprintf("%s, %s, NULL, NULL, %u, %d, %u, %s",
+ $op->_save_common, cstring($op->label), $op->cop_seq,
+ $op->arybase, $op->line,
+ ( $optimize_warn_sv ? $warn_sv : 'NULL' )));
+ my $ix = $copsect->index;
+ $init->add(sprintf("cop_list[$ix].op_ppaddr = %s;", $op->ppaddr))
+ unless $optimize_ppaddr;
+ $init->add(sprintf("cop_list[$ix].cop_warnings = %s;", $warn_sv ))
+ unless $optimize_warn_sv;
+ $init->add(sprintf("CopFILE_set(&cop_list[$ix], %s);", cstring($op->file)),
+ sprintf("CopSTASHPV_set(&cop_list[$ix], %s);", cstring($op->stashpv)));
+ savesym($op, "(OP*)&cop_list[$ix]");
+sub B::PMOP::save {
+ my ($op, $level) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($op);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ my $replroot = $op->pmreplroot;
+ my $replstart = $op->pmreplstart;
+ my $replrootfield;
+ my $replstartfield = sprintf("s\\_%x", $$replstart);
+ my $gvsym;
+ my $ppaddr = $op->ppaddr;
+ # under ithreads, OP_PUSHRE.op_replroot is an integer
+ $replrootfield = sprintf("s\\_%x", $$replroot) if ref $replroot;
+ if($ithreads && $op->name eq "pushre") {
+ $replrootfield = "INT2PTR(OP*,${replroot})";
+ } elsif ($$replroot) {
+ # OP_PUSHRE (a mutated version of OP_MATCH for the regexp
+ # argument to a split) stores a GV in op_pmreplroot instead
+ # of a substitution syntax tree. We don't want to walk that...
+ if ($op->name eq "pushre") {
+ $gvsym = $replroot->save;
+# warn "PMOP::save saving a pp_pushre with GV $gvsym\n"; # debug
+ $replrootfield = 0;
+ } else {
+ $replstartfield = saveoptree("*ignore*", $replroot, $replstart);
+ }
+ }
+ # pmnext handling is broken in perl itself, I think. Bad op_pmnext
+ # fields aren't noticed in perl's runtime (unless you try reset) but we
+ # segfault when trying to dereference it to find op->op_pmnext->op_type
+ $pmopsect->add(sprintf("%s, s\\_%x, s\\_%x, %s, %s, 0, %u, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x",
+ $op->_save_common, ${$op->first}, ${$op->last},
+ $replrootfield, $replstartfield,
+ ( $ithreads ? $op->pmoffset : 0 ),
+ $op->pmflags, $op->pmpermflags, $op->pmdynflags ));
+ my $pm = sprintf("pmop_list[%d]", $pmopsect->index);
+ $init->add(sprintf("$pm.op_ppaddr = %s;", $ppaddr))
+ unless $optimize_ppaddr;
+ my $re = $op->precomp;
+ if (defined($re)) {
+ my( $resym, $relen ) = savere( $re );
+ $init->add(sprintf("PM_SETRE(&$pm,pregcomp($resym, $resym + %u, &$pm));",
+ $relen));
+ }
+ if ($gvsym) {
+ $init->add("$pm.op_pmreplroot = (OP*)$gvsym;");
+ }
+ savesym($op, "(OP*)&$pm");
+sub B::SPECIAL::save {
+ my ($sv) = @_;
+ # special case: $$sv is not the address but an index into specialsv_list
+# warn "SPECIAL::save specialsv $$sv\n"; # debug
+ my $sym = $specialsv_name[$$sv];
+ if (!defined($sym)) {
+ confess "unknown specialsv index $$sv passed to B::SPECIAL::save";
+ }
+ return $sym;
+sub B::OBJECT::save {}
+sub B::NULL::save {
+ my ($sv) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($sv);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+# warn "Saving SVt_NULL SV\n"; # debug
+ # debug
+ if ($$sv == 0) {
+ warn "NULL::save for sv = 0 called from @{[(caller(1))[3]]}\n";
+ return savesym($sv, "(void*)Nullsv /* XXX */");
+ }
+ $svsect->add(sprintf("0, %u, 0x%x", $sv->REFCNT , $sv->FLAGS));
+ return savesym($sv, sprintf("&sv_list[%d]", $svsect->index));
+sub B::IV::save {
+ my ($sv) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($sv);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ $xpvivsect->add(sprintf("0, 0, 0, %d", $sv->IVX));
+ $svsect->add(sprintf("&xpviv_list[%d], %lu, 0x%x",
+ $xpvivsect->index, $sv->REFCNT , $sv->FLAGS));
+ return savesym($sv, sprintf("&sv_list[%d]", $svsect->index));
+sub B::NV::save {
+ my ($sv) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($sv);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ my $val= $sv->NVX;
+ $val .= '.00' if $val =~ /^-?\d+$/;
+ $xpvnvsect->add(sprintf("0, 0, 0, %d, %s", $sv->IVX, $val));
+ $svsect->add(sprintf("&xpvnv_list[%d], %lu, 0x%x",
+ $xpvnvsect->index, $sv->REFCNT , $sv->FLAGS));
+ return savesym($sv, sprintf("&sv_list[%d]", $svsect->index));
+sub savepvn {
+ my ($dest,$pv) = @_;
+ my @res;
+ # work with byte offsets/lengths
+ my $pv = pack "a*", $pv;
+ if (defined $max_string_len && length($pv) > $max_string_len) {
+ push @res, sprintf("Newx(%s,%u,char);", $dest, length($pv)+1);
+ my $offset = 0;
+ while (length $pv) {
+ my $str = substr $pv, 0, $max_string_len, '';
+ push @res, sprintf("Copy(%s,$dest+$offset,%u,char);",
+ cstring($str), length($str));
+ $offset += length $str;
+ }
+ push @res, sprintf("%s[%u] = '\\0';", $dest, $offset);
+ }
+ else {
+ push @res, sprintf("%s = savepvn(%s, %u);", $dest,
+ cstring($pv), length($pv));
+ }
+ return @res;
+sub B::PVLV::save {
+ my ($sv) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($sv);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ my $pv = $sv->PV;
+ my $len = length($pv);
+ my ($pvsym, $pvmax) = savepv($pv);
+ my ($lvtarg, $lvtarg_sym);
+ $xpvlvsect->add(sprintf("%s, %u, %u, %d, %g, 0, 0, %u, %u, 0, %s",
+ $pvsym, $len, $pvmax, $sv->IVX, $sv->NVX,
+ $sv->TARGOFF, $sv->TARGLEN, cchar($sv->TYPE)));
+ $svsect->add(sprintf("&xpvlv_list[%d], %lu, 0x%x",
+ $xpvlvsect->index, $sv->REFCNT , $sv->FLAGS));
+ if (!$pv_copy_on_grow) {
+ $init->add(savepvn(sprintf("xpvlv_list[%d].xpv_pv",
+ $xpvlvsect->index), $pv));
+ }
+ $sv->save_magic;
+ return savesym($sv, sprintf("&sv_list[%d]", $svsect->index));
+sub B::PVIV::save {
+ my ($sv) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($sv);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ my( $savesym, $pvmax, $len, $pv ) = save_pv_or_rv( $sv );
+ $xpvivsect->add(sprintf("%s, %u, %u, %d", $savesym, $len, $pvmax, $sv->IVX));
+ $svsect->add(sprintf("&xpviv_list[%d], %u, 0x%x",
+ $xpvivsect->index, $sv->REFCNT , $sv->FLAGS));
+ if (defined($pv) && !$pv_copy_on_grow) {
+ $init->add(savepvn(sprintf("xpviv_list[%d].xpv_pv",
+ $xpvivsect->index), $pv));
+ }
+ return savesym($sv, sprintf("&sv_list[%d]", $svsect->index));
+sub B::PVNV::save {
+ my ($sv) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($sv);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ my( $savesym, $pvmax, $len, $pv ) = save_pv_or_rv( $sv );
+ my $val= $sv->NVX;
+ $val .= '.00' if $val =~ /^-?\d+$/;
+ $xpvnvsect->add(sprintf("%s, %u, %u, %d, %s",
+ $savesym, $len, $pvmax, $sv->IVX, $val));
+ $svsect->add(sprintf("&xpvnv_list[%d], %lu, 0x%x",
+ $xpvnvsect->index, $sv->REFCNT , $sv->FLAGS));
+ if (defined($pv) && !$pv_copy_on_grow) {
+ $init->add(savepvn(sprintf("xpvnv_list[%d].xpv_pv",
+ $xpvnvsect->index), $pv));
+ }
+ return savesym($sv, sprintf("&sv_list[%d]", $svsect->index));
+sub B::BM::save {
+ my ($sv) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($sv);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ my $pv = pack "a*", ($sv->PV . "\0" . $sv->TABLE);
+ my $len = length($pv);
+ $xpvbmsect->add(sprintf("0, %u, %u, %d, %s, 0, 0, %d, %u, 0x%x",
+ $len, $len + 258, $sv->IVX, $sv->NVX,
+ $sv->USEFUL, $sv->PREVIOUS, $sv->RARE));
+ $svsect->add(sprintf("&xpvbm_list[%d], %lu, 0x%x",
+ $xpvbmsect->index, $sv->REFCNT , $sv->FLAGS));
+ $sv->save_magic;
+ $init->add(savepvn(sprintf("xpvbm_list[%d].xpv_pv",
+ $xpvbmsect->index), $pv),
+ sprintf("xpvbm_list[%d].xpv_cur = %u;",
+ $xpvbmsect->index, $len - 257));
+ return savesym($sv, sprintf("&sv_list[%d]", $svsect->index));
+sub B::PV::save {
+ my ($sv) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($sv);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ my( $savesym, $pvmax, $len, $pv ) = save_pv_or_rv( $sv );
+ $xpvsect->add(sprintf("%s, %u, %u", $savesym, $len, $pvmax));
+ $svsect->add(sprintf("&xpv_list[%d], %lu, 0x%x",
+ $xpvsect->index, $sv->REFCNT , $sv->FLAGS));
+ if (defined($pv) && !$pv_copy_on_grow) {
+ $init->add(savepvn(sprintf("xpv_list[%d].xpv_pv",
+ $xpvsect->index), $pv));
+ }
+ return savesym($sv, sprintf("&sv_list[%d]", $svsect->index));
+sub B::PVMG::save {
+ my ($sv) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($sv);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ my( $savesym, $pvmax, $len, $pv ) = save_pv_or_rv( $sv );
+ $xpvmgsect->add(sprintf("%s, %u, %u, %d, %s, 0, 0",
+ $savesym, $len, $pvmax,
+ $sv->IVX, $sv->NVX));
+ $svsect->add(sprintf("&xpvmg_list[%d], %lu, 0x%x",
+ $xpvmgsect->index, $sv->REFCNT , $sv->FLAGS));
+ if (defined($pv) && !$pv_copy_on_grow) {
+ $init->add(savepvn(sprintf("xpvmg_list[%d].xpv_pv",
+ $xpvmgsect->index), $pv));
+ }
+ $sym = savesym($sv, sprintf("&sv_list[%d]", $svsect->index));
+ $sv->save_magic;
+ return $sym;
+sub B::PVMG::save_magic {
+ my ($sv) = @_;
+ #warn sprintf("saving magic for %s (0x%x)\n", class($sv), $$sv); # debug
+ my $stash = $sv->SvSTASH;
+ $stash->save;
+ if ($$stash) {
+ warn sprintf("xmg_stash = %s (0x%x)\n", $stash->NAME, $$stash)
+ if $debug_mg;
+ # XXX Hope stash is already going to be saved.
+ $init->add(sprintf("SvSTASH(s\\_%x) = s\\_%x;", $$sv, $$stash));
+ }
+ my @mgchain = $sv->MAGIC;
+ my ($mg, $type, $obj, $ptr,$len,$ptrsv);
+ foreach $mg (@mgchain) {
+ $type = $mg->TYPE;
+ $ptr = $mg->PTR;
+ $len=$mg->LENGTH;
+ if ($debug_mg) {
+ warn sprintf("magic %s (0x%x), obj %s (0x%x), type %s, ptr %s\n",
+ class($sv), $$sv, class($obj), $$obj,
+ cchar($type), cstring($ptr));
+ }
+ unless( $type eq 'r' ) {
+ $obj = $mg->OBJ;
+ $obj->save;
+ }
+ if ($len == HEf_SVKEY){
+ #The pointer is an SV*
+ $ptrsv=svref_2object($ptr)->save;
+ $init->add(sprintf("sv_magic((SV*)s\\_%x, (SV*)s\\_%x, %s,(char *) %s, %d);",
+ $$sv, $$obj, cchar($type),$ptrsv,$len));
+ }elsif( $type eq 'r' ){
+ my $rx = $mg->REGEX;
+ my $pmop = $REGEXP{$rx};
+ confess "PMOP not found for REGEXP $rx" unless $pmop;
+ my( $resym, $relen ) = savere( $mg->precomp );
+ my $pmsym = $pmop->save;
+ $init->add( split /\n/, sprintf <<CODE, $$sv, cchar($type), cstring($ptr) );
+ REGEXP* rx = pregcomp($resym, $resym + $relen, (PMOP*)$pmsym);
+ sv_magic((SV*)s\\_%x, (SV*)rx, %s, %s, %d);
+ }else{
+ $init->add(sprintf("sv_magic((SV*)s\\_%x, (SV*)s\\_%x, %s, %s, %d);",
+ $$sv, $$obj, cchar($type),cstring($ptr),$len));
+ }
+ }
+sub B::RV::save {
+ my ($sv) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($sv);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ my $rv = save_rv( $sv );
+ # GVs need to be handled at runtime
+ if( ref( $sv->RV ) eq 'B::GV' ) {
+ $xrvsect->add( "(SV*)Nullgv" );
+ $init->add(sprintf("xrv_list[%d].xrv_rv = (SV*)%s;\n", $xrvsect->index, $rv));
+ }
+ # and stashes, too
+ elsif( $sv->RV->isa( 'B::HV' ) && $sv->RV->NAME ) {
+ $xrvsect->add( "(SV*)Nullhv" );
+ $init->add(sprintf("xrv_list[%d].xrv_rv = (SV*)%s;\n", $xrvsect->index, $rv));
+ }
+ else {
+ $xrvsect->add($rv);
+ }
+ $svsect->add(sprintf("&xrv_list[%d], %lu, 0x%x",
+ $xrvsect->index, $sv->REFCNT , $sv->FLAGS));
+ return savesym($sv, sprintf("&sv_list[%d]", $svsect->index));
+sub try_autoload {
+ my ($cvstashname, $cvname) = @_;
+ warn sprintf("No definition for sub %s::%s\n", $cvstashname, $cvname);
+ # Handle AutoLoader classes explicitly. Any more general AUTOLOAD
+ # use should be handled by the class itself.
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $isa = \@{"$cvstashname\::ISA"};
+ if (grep($_ eq "AutoLoader", @$isa)) {
+ warn "Forcing immediate load of sub derived from AutoLoader\n";
+ # Tweaked version of AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD
+ my $dir = $cvstashname;
+ $dir =~ s(::)(/)g;
+ eval { require "auto/$dir/$" };
+ if ($@) {
+ warn qq(failed require "auto/$dir/$": $@\n);
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+sub Dummy_initxs{};
+sub B::CV::save {
+ my ($cv) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($cv);
+ if (defined($sym)) {
+# warn sprintf("CV 0x%x already saved as $sym\n", $$cv); # debug
+ return $sym;
+ }
+ # Reserve a place in svsect and xpvcvsect and record indices
+ my $gv = $cv->GV;
+ my ($cvname, $cvstashname);
+ if ($$gv){
+ $cvname = $gv->NAME;
+ $cvstashname = $gv->STASH->NAME;
+ }
+ my $root = $cv->ROOT;
+ my $cvxsub = $cv->XSUB;
+ my $isconst = $cv->CvFLAGS & CVf_CONST;
+ if( $isconst ) {
+ my $value = $cv->XSUBANY;
+ my $stash = $gv->STASH;
+ my $vsym = $value->save;
+ my $stsym = $stash->save;
+ my $name = cstring($cvname);
+ $decl->add( "static CV* cv$cv_index;" );
+ $init->add( "cv$cv_index = newCONSTSUB( $stsym, NULL, $vsym );" );
+ my $sym = savesym( $cv, "cv$cv_index" );
+ $cv_index++;
+ return $sym;
+ }
+ #INIT is removed from the symbol table, so this call must come
+ # from PL_initav->save. Re-bootstrapping will push INIT back in
+ # so nullop should be sent.
+ if (!$isconst && $cvxsub && ($cvname ne "INIT")) {
+ my $egv = $gv->EGV;
+ my $stashname = $egv->STASH->NAME;
+ if ($cvname eq "bootstrap")
+ {
+ my $file = $gv->FILE;
+ $decl->add("/* bootstrap $file */");
+ warn "Bootstrap $stashname $file\n";
+ # if it not isa('DynaLoader'), it should hopefully be XSLoaded
+ # ( attributes being an exception, of course )
+ if( $stashname ne 'attributes' &&
+ !UNIVERSAL::isa($stashname,'DynaLoader') ) {
+ $xsub{$stashname}='Dynamic-XSLoaded';
+ $use_xsloader = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $xsub{$stashname}='Dynamic';
+ }
+ # $xsub{$stashname}='Static' unless $xsub{$stashname};
+ return qq/NULL/;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # XSUBs for IO::File, IO::Handle, IO::Socket,
+ # IO::Seekable and IO::Poll
+ # are defined in IO.xs, so let's bootstrap it
+ svref_2object( \&IO::bootstrap )->save
+ if grep { $stashname eq $_ } qw(IO::File IO::Handle IO::Socket
+ IO::Seekable IO::Poll);
+ }
+ warn sprintf("stub for XSUB $cvstashname\:\:$cvname CV 0x%x\n", $$cv) if $debug_cv;
+ return qq/(perl_get_cv("$stashname\:\:$cvname",TRUE))/;
+ }
+ if ($cvxsub && $cvname eq "INIT") {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ return svref_2object(\&Dummy_initxs)->save;
+ }
+ my $sv_ix = $svsect->index + 1;
+ $svsect->add("svix$sv_ix");
+ my $xpvcv_ix = $xpvcvsect->index + 1;
+ $xpvcvsect->add("xpvcvix$xpvcv_ix");
+ # Save symbol now so that GvCV() doesn't recurse back to us via CvGV()
+ $sym = savesym($cv, "&sv_list[$sv_ix]");
+ warn sprintf("saving $cvstashname\:\:$cvname CV 0x%x as $sym\n", $$cv) if $debug_cv;
+ if (!$$root && !$cvxsub) {
+ if (try_autoload($cvstashname, $cvname)) {
+ # Recalculate root and xsub
+ $root = $cv->ROOT;
+ $cvxsub = $cv->XSUB;
+ if ($$root || $cvxsub) {
+ warn "Successful forced autoload\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $startfield = 0;
+ my $padlist = $cv->PADLIST;
+ my $pv = $cv->PV;
+ my $xsub = 0;
+ my $xsubany = "Nullany";
+ if ($$root) {
+ warn sprintf("saving op tree for CV 0x%x, root = 0x%x\n",
+ $$cv, $$root) if $debug_cv;
+ my $ppname = "";
+ if ($$gv) {
+ my $stashname = $gv->STASH->NAME;
+ my $gvname = $gv->NAME;
+ if ($gvname ne "__ANON__") {
+ $ppname = (${$gv->FORM} == $$cv) ? "pp_form_" : "pp_sub_";
+ $ppname .= ($stashname eq "main") ?
+ $gvname : "$stashname\::$gvname";
+ $ppname =~ s/::/__/g;
+ if ($gvname eq "INIT"){
+ $ppname .= "_$initsub_index";
+ $initsub_index++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$ppname) {
+ $ppname = "pp_anonsub_$anonsub_index";
+ $anonsub_index++;
+ }
+ $startfield = saveoptree($ppname, $root, $cv->START, $padlist->ARRAY);
+ warn sprintf("done saving op tree for CV 0x%x, name %s, root 0x%x\n",
+ $$cv, $ppname, $$root) if $debug_cv;
+ if ($$padlist) {
+ warn sprintf("saving PADLIST 0x%x for CV 0x%x\n",
+ $$padlist, $$cv) if $debug_cv;
+ $padlist->save;
+ warn sprintf("done saving PADLIST 0x%x for CV 0x%x\n",
+ $$padlist, $$cv) if $debug_cv;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ warn sprintf("No definition for sub %s::%s (unable to autoload)\n",
+ $cvstashname, $cvname); # debug
+ }
+ $pv = '' unless defined $pv; # Avoid use of undef warnings
+ $symsect->add(sprintf("xpvcvix%d\t%s, %u, 0, %d, %s, 0, Nullhv, Nullhv, %s, s\\_%x, $xsub, $xsubany, Nullgv, \"\", %d, s\\_%x, (CV*)s\\_%x, 0x%x, 0x%x",
+ $xpvcv_ix, cstring($pv), length($pv), $cv->IVX,
+ $cv->NVX, $startfield, ${$cv->ROOT}, $cv->DEPTH,
+ $$padlist, ${$cv->OUTSIDE}, $cv->CvFLAGS,
+ $cv->OUTSIDE_SEQ));
+ if (${$cv->OUTSIDE} == ${main_cv()}){
+ $init->add(sprintf("CvOUTSIDE(s\\_%x)=PL_main_cv;",$$cv));
+ $init->add(sprintf("SvREFCNT_inc(PL_main_cv);"));
+ }
+ if ($$gv) {
+ $gv->save;
+ $init->add(sprintf("CvGV(s\\_%x) = s\\_%x;",$$cv,$$gv));
+ warn sprintf("done saving GV 0x%x for CV 0x%x\n",
+ $$gv, $$cv) if $debug_cv;
+ }
+ if( $ithreads ) {
+ $init->add( savepvn( "CvFILE($sym)", $cv->FILE) );
+ }
+ else {
+ $init->add(sprintf("CvFILE($sym) = %s;", cstring($cv->FILE)));
+ }
+ my $stash = $cv->STASH;
+ if ($$stash) {
+ $stash->save;
+ $init->add(sprintf("CvSTASH(s\\_%x) = s\\_%x;", $$cv, $$stash));
+ warn sprintf("done saving STASH 0x%x for CV 0x%x\n",
+ $$stash, $$cv) if $debug_cv;
+ }
+ $symsect->add(sprintf("svix%d\t(XPVCV*)&xpvcv_list[%u], %lu, 0x%x",
+ $sv_ix, $xpvcv_ix, $cv->REFCNT +1*0 , $cv->FLAGS));
+ return $sym;
+sub B::GV::save {
+ my ($gv) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($gv);
+ if (defined($sym)) {
+ #warn sprintf("GV 0x%x already saved as $sym\n", $$gv); # debug
+ return $sym;
+ } else {
+ my $ix = $gv_index++;
+ $sym = savesym($gv, "gv_list[$ix]");
+ #warn sprintf("Saving GV 0x%x as $sym\n", $$gv); # debug
+ }
+ my $is_empty = $gv->is_empty;
+ my $gvname = $gv->NAME;
+ my $fullname = $gv->STASH->NAME . "::" . $gvname;
+ my $name = cstring($fullname);
+ #warn "GV name is $name\n"; # debug
+ my $egvsym;
+ unless ($is_empty) {
+ my $egv = $gv->EGV;
+ if ($$gv != $$egv) {
+ #warn(sprintf("EGV name is %s, saving it now\n",
+ # $egv->STASH->NAME . "::" . $egv->NAME)); # debug
+ $egvsym = $egv->save;
+ }
+ }
+ $init->add(qq[$sym = gv_fetchpv($name, TRUE, SVt_PV);],
+ sprintf("SvFLAGS($sym) = 0x%x;", $gv->FLAGS ),
+ sprintf("GvFLAGS($sym) = 0x%x;", $gv->GvFLAGS));
+ $init->add(sprintf("GvLINE($sym) = %u;", $gv->LINE)) unless $is_empty;
+ # XXX hack for when Perl accesses PVX of GVs
+ $init->add("SvPVX($sym) = emptystring;\n");
+ # Shouldn't need to do save_magic since gv_fetchpv handles that
+ #$gv->save_magic;
+ # XXX will always be > 1!!!
+ my $refcnt = $gv->REFCNT + 1;
+ $init->add(sprintf("SvREFCNT($sym) += %u;", $refcnt - 1 )) if $refcnt > 1;
+ return $sym if $is_empty;
+ # XXX B::walksymtable creates an extra reference to the GV
+ my $gvrefcnt = $gv->GvREFCNT;
+ if ($gvrefcnt > 1) {
+ $init->add(sprintf("GvREFCNT($sym) += %u;", $gvrefcnt - 1));
+ }
+ # some non-alphavetic globs require some parts to be saved
+ # ( ex. %!, but not $! )
+ sub Save_HV() { 1 }
+ sub Save_AV() { 2 }
+ sub Save_SV() { 4 }
+ sub Save_CV() { 8 }
+ sub Save_FORM() { 16 }
+ sub Save_IO() { 32 }
+ my $savefields = 0;
+ if( $gvname !~ /^([^A-Za-z]|STDIN|STDOUT|STDERR|ARGV|SIG|ENV)$/ ) {
+ $savefields = Save_HV|Save_AV|Save_SV|Save_CV|Save_FORM|Save_IO;
+ }
+ elsif( $gvname eq '!' ) {
+ $savefields = Save_HV;
+ }
+ # attributes::bootstrap is created in perl_parse
+ # saving it would overwrite it, because perl_init() is
+ # called after perl_parse()
+ $savefields&=~Save_CV if $fullname eq 'attributes::bootstrap';
+ # save it
+ # XXX is that correct?
+ if (defined($egvsym) && $egvsym !~ m/Null/ ) {
+ # Shared glob *foo = *bar
+ $init->add("gp_free($sym);",
+ "GvGP($sym) = GvGP($egvsym);");
+ } elsif ($savefields) {
+ # Don't save subfields of special GVs (*_, *1, *# and so on)
+# warn "GV::save saving subfields\n"; # debug
+ my $gvsv = $gv->SV;
+ if ($$gvsv && $savefields&Save_SV) {
+ $gvsv->save;
+ $init->add(sprintf("GvSV($sym) = s\\_%x;", $$gvsv));
+# warn "GV::save \$$name\n"; # debug
+ }
+ my $gvav = $gv->AV;
+ if ($$gvav && $savefields&Save_AV) {
+ $gvav->save;
+ $init->add(sprintf("GvAV($sym) = s\\_%x;", $$gvav));
+# warn "GV::save \@$name\n"; # debug
+ }
+ my $gvhv = $gv->HV;
+ if ($$gvhv && $savefields&Save_HV) {
+ $gvhv->save;
+ $init->add(sprintf("GvHV($sym) = s\\_%x;", $$gvhv));
+# warn "GV::save \%$name\n"; # debug
+ }
+ my $gvcv = $gv->CV;
+ if ($$gvcv && $savefields&Save_CV) {
+ my $origname=cstring($gvcv->GV->EGV->STASH->NAME .
+ "::" . $gvcv->GV->EGV->NAME);
+ if (0 && $gvcv->XSUB && $name ne $origname) { #XSUB alias
+ # must save as a 'stub' so newXS() has a CV to populate
+ $init->add("{ CV *cv;");
+ $init->add("\tcv=perl_get_cv($origname,TRUE);");
+ $init->add("\tGvCV($sym)=cv;");
+ $init->add("\tSvREFCNT_inc((SV *)cv);");
+ $init->add("}");
+ } else {
+ $init->add(sprintf("GvCV($sym) = (CV*)(%s);", $gvcv->save));
+# warn "GV::save &$name\n"; # debug
+ }
+ }
+ $init->add(sprintf("GvFILE($sym) = %s;", cstring($gv->FILE)));
+# warn "GV::save GvFILE(*$name)\n"; # debug
+ my $gvform = $gv->FORM;
+ if ($$gvform && $savefields&Save_FORM) {
+ $gvform->save;
+ $init->add(sprintf("GvFORM($sym) = (CV*)s\\_%x;", $$gvform));
+# warn "GV::save GvFORM(*$name)\n"; # debug
+ }
+ my $gvio = $gv->IO;
+ if ($$gvio && $savefields&Save_IO) {
+ $gvio->save;
+ $init->add(sprintf("GvIOp($sym) = s\\_%x;", $$gvio));
+ if( $fullname =~ m/::DATA$/ && $save_data_fh ) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $fh = *{$fullname}{IO};
+ use strict 'refs';
+ $gvio->save_data( $fullname, <$fh> ) if $fh->opened;
+ }
+# warn "GV::save GvIO(*$name)\n"; # debug
+ }
+ }
+ return $sym;
+sub B::AV::save {
+ my ($av) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($av);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ my $line = "0, -1, -1, 0, 0.0, 0, Nullhv, 0, 0";
+ $line .= sprintf(", 0x%x", $av->AvFLAGS) if $] < 5.009;
+ $xpvavsect->add($line);
+ $svsect->add(sprintf("&xpvav_list[%d], %lu, 0x%x",
+ $xpvavsect->index, $av->REFCNT , $av->FLAGS));
+ my $sv_list_index = $svsect->index;
+ my $fill = $av->FILL;
+ $av->save_magic;
+ if ($debug_av) {
+ $line = sprintf("saving AV 0x%x FILL=$fill", $$av);
+ $line .= sprintf(" AvFLAGS=0x%x", $av->AvFLAGS) if $] < 5.009;
+ warn $line;
+ }
+ # XXX AVf_REAL is wrong test: need to save comppadlist but not stack
+ #if ($fill > -1 && ($avflags & AVf_REAL)) {
+ if ($fill > -1) {
+ my @array = $av->ARRAY;
+ if ($debug_av) {
+ my $el;
+ my $i = 0;
+ foreach $el (@array) {
+ warn sprintf("AV 0x%x[%d] = %s 0x%x\n",
+ $$av, $i++, class($el), $$el);
+ }
+ }
+# my @names = map($_->save, @array);
+ # XXX Better ways to write loop?
+ # Perhaps svp[0] = ...; svp[1] = ...; svp[2] = ...;
+ # Perhaps I32 i = 0; svp[i++] = ...; svp[i++] = ...; svp[i++] = ...;
+ # micro optimization: op/pat.t ( and other code probably )
+ # has very large pads ( 20k/30k elements ) passing them to
+ # ->add is a performance bottleneck: passing them as a
+ # single string cuts runtime from 6min20sec to 40sec
+ # you want to keep this out of the no_split/split
+ # map("\t*svp++ = (SV*)$_;", @names),
+ my $acc = '';
+ foreach my $i ( 0..$#array ) {
+ $acc .= "\t*svp++ = (SV*)" . $array[$i]->save . ";\n\t";
+ }
+ $acc .= "\n";
+ $init->no_split;
+ $init->add("{",
+ "\tSV **svp;",
+ "\tAV *av = (AV*)&sv_list[$sv_list_index];",
+ "\tav_extend(av, $fill);",
+ "\tsvp = AvARRAY(av);" );
+ $init->add($acc);
+ $init->add("\tAvFILLp(av) = $fill;",
+ "}");
+ $init->split;
+ # we really added a lot of lines ( B::C::InitSection->add
+ # should really scan for \n, but that would slow
+ # it down
+ $init->inc_count( $#array );
+ } else {
+ my $max = $av->MAX;
+ $init->add("av_extend((AV*)&sv_list[$sv_list_index], $max);")
+ if $max > -1;
+ }
+ return savesym($av, "(AV*)&sv_list[$sv_list_index]");
+sub B::HV::save {
+ my ($hv) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($hv);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ my $name = $hv->NAME;
+ if ($name) {
+ # It's a stash
+ # A perl bug means HvPMROOT isn't altered when a PMOP is freed. Usually
+ # the only symptom is that sv_reset tries to reset the PMf_USED flag of
+ # a trashed op but we look at the trashed op_type and segfault.
+ #my $adpmroot = ${$hv->PMROOT};
+ my $adpmroot = 0;
+ $decl->add("static HV *hv$hv_index;");
+ # XXX Beware of weird package names containing double-quotes, \n, ...?
+ $init->add(qq[hv$hv_index = gv_stashpv("$name", TRUE);]);
+ if ($adpmroot) {
+ $init->add(sprintf("HvPMROOT(hv$hv_index) = (PMOP*)s\\_%x;",
+ $adpmroot));
+ }
+ $sym = savesym($hv, "hv$hv_index");
+ $hv_index++;
+ return $sym;
+ }
+ # It's just an ordinary HV
+ $xpvhvsect->add(sprintf("0, 0, %d, 0, 0.0, 0, Nullhv, %d, 0, 0, 0",
+ $hv->MAX, $hv->RITER));
+ $svsect->add(sprintf("&xpvhv_list[%d], %lu, 0x%x",
+ $xpvhvsect->index, $hv->REFCNT , $hv->FLAGS));
+ my $sv_list_index = $svsect->index;
+ my @contents = $hv->ARRAY;
+ if (@contents) {
+ my $i;
+ for ($i = 1; $i < @contents; $i += 2) {
+ $contents[$i] = $contents[$i]->save;
+ }
+ $init->no_split;
+ $init->add("{", "\tHV *hv = (HV*)&sv_list[$sv_list_index];");
+ while (@contents) {
+ my ($key, $value) = splice(@contents, 0, 2);
+ $init->add(sprintf("\thv_store(hv, %s, %u, %s, %s);",
+ cstring($key),length(pack "a*",$key),
+ $value, hash($key)));
+# $init->add(sprintf("\thv_store(hv, %s, %u, %s, %s);",
+# cstring($key),length($key),$value, 0));
+ }
+ $init->add("}");
+ $init->split;
+ }
+ $hv->save_magic();
+ return savesym($hv, "(HV*)&sv_list[$sv_list_index]");
+sub B::IO::save_data {
+ my( $io, $globname, @data ) = @_;
+ my $data = join '', @data;
+ # XXX using $DATA might clobber it!
+ my $sym = svref_2object( \\$data )->save;
+ $init->add( split /\n/, <<CODE );
+ {
+ GV* gv = (GV*)gv_fetchpv( "$globname", TRUE, SVt_PV );
+ SV* sv = $sym;
+ GvSV( gv ) = sv;
+ }
+ # for PerlIO::scalar
+ $use_xsloader = 1;
+ $init->add_eval( sprintf 'open(%s, "<", $%s)', $globname, $globname );
+sub B::IO::save {
+ my ($io) = @_;
+ my $sym = objsym($io);
+ return $sym if defined $sym;
+ my $pv = $io->PV;
+ $pv = '' unless defined $pv;
+ my $len = length($pv);
+ $xpviosect->add(sprintf("0, %u, %u, %d, %s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, %d, %d, %d, %d, %s, Nullgv, %s, Nullgv, %s, Nullgv, %d, %s, 0x%x",
+ $len, $len+1, $io->IVX, $io->NVX, $io->LINES,
+ $io->PAGE, $io->PAGE_LEN, $io->LINES_LEFT,
+ cstring($io->TOP_NAME), cstring($io->FMT_NAME),
+ cstring($io->BOTTOM_NAME), $io->SUBPROCESS,
+ cchar($io->IoTYPE), $io->IoFLAGS));
+ $svsect->add(sprintf("&xpvio_list[%d], %lu, 0x%x",
+ $xpviosect->index, $io->REFCNT , $io->FLAGS));
+ $sym = savesym($io, sprintf("(IO*)&sv_list[%d]", $svsect->index));
+ # deal with $x = *STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR{IO}
+ my $perlio_func;
+ foreach ( qw(stdin stdout stderr) ) {
+ $io->IsSTD($_) and $perlio_func = $_;
+ }
+ if( $perlio_func ) {
+ $init->add( "IoIFP(${sym})=PerlIO_${perlio_func}();" );
+ $init->add( "IoOFP(${sym})=PerlIO_${perlio_func}();" );
+ }
+ my ($field, $fsym);
+ foreach $field (qw(TOP_GV FMT_GV BOTTOM_GV)) {
+ $fsym = $io->$field();
+ if ($$fsym) {
+ $init->add(sprintf("Io$field($sym) = (GV*)s\\_%x;", $$fsym));
+ $fsym->save;
+ }
+ }
+ $io->save_magic;
+ return $sym;
+sub B::SV::save {
+ my $sv = shift;
+ # This is where we catch an honest-to-goodness Nullsv (which gets
+ # blessed into B::SV explicitly) and any stray erroneous SVs.
+ return 0 unless $$sv;
+ confess sprintf("cannot save that type of SV: %s (0x%x)\n",
+ class($sv), $$sv);
+sub output_all {
+ my $init_name = shift;
+ my $section;
+ my @sections = ($opsect, $unopsect, $binopsect, $logopsect, $condopsect,
+ $listopsect, $pmopsect, $svopsect, $padopsect, $pvopsect,
+ $loopsect, $copsect, $svsect, $xpvsect,
+ $xpvavsect, $xpvhvsect, $xpvcvsect, $xpvivsect, $xpvnvsect,
+ $xpvmgsect, $xpvlvsect, $xrvsect, $xpvbmsect, $xpviosect);
+ $symsect->output(\*STDOUT, "#define %s\n");
+ print "\n";
+ output_declarations();
+ foreach $section (@sections) {
+ my $lines = $section->index + 1;
+ if ($lines) {
+ my $name = $section->name;
+ my $typename = ($name eq "xpvcv") ? "XPVCV_or_similar" : uc($name);
+ print "Static $typename ${name}_list[$lines];\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # XXX hack for when Perl accesses PVX of GVs
+ print 'Static char emptystring[] = "\0";';
+ $decl->output(\*STDOUT, "%s\n");
+ print "\n";
+ foreach $section (@sections) {
+ my $lines = $section->index + 1;
+ if ($lines) {
+ my $name = $section->name;
+ my $typename = ($name eq "xpvcv") ? "XPVCV_or_similar" : uc($name);
+ printf "static %s %s_list[%u] = {\n", $typename, $name, $lines;
+ $section->output(\*STDOUT, "\t{ %s }, /* %d */\n");
+ print "};\n\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $init->output(\*STDOUT, "\t%s\n", $init_name );
+ if ($verbose) {
+ warn compile_stats();
+ warn "NULLOP count: $nullop_count\n";
+ }
+sub output_declarations {
+ print <<'EOT';
+#define Static extern
+#define Static static
+ * Cribbed from cv.h with ANY (a union) replaced by void*.
+ * Some pre-Standard compilers can't cope with initialising unions. Ho hum.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ char * xpv_pv; /* pointer to malloced string */
+ STRLEN xpv_cur; /* length of xp_pv as a C string */
+ STRLEN xpv_len; /* allocated size */
+ IV xof_off; /* integer value */
+ NV xnv_nv; /* numeric value, if any */
+ MAGIC* xmg_magic; /* magic for scalar array */
+ HV* xmg_stash; /* class package */
+ HV * xcv_stash;
+ OP * xcv_start;
+ OP * xcv_root;
+ void (*xcv_xsub) (pTHX_ CV*);
+ ANY xcv_xsubany;
+ GV * xcv_gv;
+ char * xcv_file;
+ long xcv_depth; /* >= 2 indicates recursive call */
+ AV * xcv_padlist;
+ CV * xcv_outside;
+ print <<'EOT' if $] < 5.009;
+#ifdef USE_5005THREADS
+ perl_mutex *xcv_mutexp;
+ struct perl_thread *xcv_owner; /* current owner thread */
+#endif /* USE_5005THREADS */
+ print <<'EOT';
+ cv_flags_t xcv_flags;
+ U32 xcv_outside_seq; /* the COP sequence (at the point of our
+ * compilation) in the lexically enclosing
+ * sub */
+} XPVCV_or_similar;
+#define ANYINIT(i) i
+#define XPVCV_or_similar XPVCV
+#define ANYINIT(i) {i}
+#endif /* BROKEN_UNION_INIT */
+#define Nullany ANYINIT(0)
+#define UNUSED 0
+#define sym_0 0
+ print "static GV *gv_list[$gv_index];\n" if $gv_index;
+ print "\n";
+sub output_boilerplate {
+ print <<'EOT';
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+/* Workaround for mapstart: the only op which needs a different ppaddr */
+#undef Perl_pp_mapstart
+#define Perl_pp_mapstart Perl_pp_grepstart
+#define XS_DynaLoader_boot_DynaLoader boot_DynaLoader
+EXTERN_C void boot_DynaLoader (pTHX_ CV* cv);
+static void xs_init (pTHX);
+static void dl_init (pTHX);
+static PerlInterpreter *my_perl;
+sub init_op_addr {
+ my( $op_type, $num ) = @_;
+ my $op_list = $op_type."_list";
+ $init->add( split /\n/, <<EOT );
+ {
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < ${num}; ++i )
+ {
+ ${op_list}\[i].op_ppaddr = PL_ppaddr[INT2PTR(int,${op_list}\[i].op_ppaddr)];
+ }
+ }
+sub init_op_warn {
+ my( $op_type, $num ) = @_;
+ my $op_list = $op_type."_list";
+ # for resons beyond imagination, MSVC5 considers pWARN_ALL non-const
+ $init->add( split /\n/, <<EOT );
+ {
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < ${num}; ++i )
+ {
+ switch( (int)(${op_list}\[i].cop_warnings) )
+ {
+ case 1:
+ ${op_list}\[i].cop_warnings = pWARN_ALL;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ ${op_list}\[i].cop_warnings = pWARN_NONE;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ ${op_list}\[i].cop_warnings = pWARN_STD;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub output_main {
+ print <<'EOT';
+/* if USE_IMPLICIT_SYS, we need a 'real' exit */
+#if defined(exit)
+#undef exit
+main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
+ int exitstatus;
+ int i;
+ char **fakeargv;
+ GV* tmpgv;
+ SV* tmpsv;
+ int options_count;
+ PERL_SYS_INIT3(&argc,&argv,&env);
+ if (!PL_do_undump) {
+ my_perl = perl_alloc();
+ if (!my_perl)
+ exit(1);
+ perl_construct( my_perl );
+ PL_perl_destruct_level = 0;
+ }
+ if( $ithreads ) {
+ # XXX init free elems!
+ my $pad_len = regex_padav->FILL + 1 - 1; # first is an avref
+ print <<EOT;
+ for( i = 0; i < $pad_len; ++i ) {
+ av_push( PL_regex_padav, newSViv(0) );
+ }
+ PL_regex_pad = AvARRAY( PL_regex_padav );
+ }
+ print <<'EOT';
+#ifdef CSH
+ if (!PL_cshlen)
+ PL_cshlen = strlen(PL_cshname);
+#define EXTRA_OPTIONS 3
+#define EXTRA_OPTIONS 4
+#endif /* ALLOW_PERL_OPTIONS */
+ Newx(fakeargv, argc + EXTRA_OPTIONS + 1, char *);
+ fakeargv[0] = argv[0];
+ fakeargv[1] = "-e";
+ fakeargv[2] = "";
+ options_count = 3;
+ # honour -T
+ print <<EOT;
+ if( ${^TAINT} ) {
+ fakeargv[options_count] = "-T";
+ ++options_count;
+ }
+ print <<'EOT';
+ fakeargv[options_count] = "--";
+ ++options_count;
+#endif /* ALLOW_PERL_OPTIONS */
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+ fakeargv[i + options_count - 1] = argv[i];
+ fakeargv[argc + options_count - 1] = 0;
+ exitstatus = perl_parse(my_perl, xs_init, argc + options_count - 1,
+ fakeargv, NULL);
+ if (exitstatus)
+ exit( exitstatus );
+ if( $use_perl_script_name ) {
+ my $dollar_0 = $0;
+ $dollar_0 =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $dollar_0 = '"' . $dollar_0 . '"';
+ print <<EOT;
+ if ((tmpgv = gv_fetchpv("0",TRUE, SVt_PV))) {/* $0 */
+ tmpsv = GvSV(tmpgv);
+ sv_setpv(tmpsv, ${dollar_0});
+ SvSETMAGIC(tmpsv);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print <<EOT;
+ if ((tmpgv = gv_fetchpv("0",TRUE, SVt_PV))) {/* $0 */
+ tmpsv = GvSV(tmpgv);
+ sv_setpv(tmpsv, argv[0]);
+ SvSETMAGIC(tmpsv);
+ }
+ }
+ print <<'EOT';
+ if ((tmpgv = gv_fetchpv("\030",TRUE, SVt_PV))) {/* $^X */
+ tmpsv = GvSV(tmpgv);
+#ifdef WIN32
+ sv_setpv(tmpsv,"perl.exe");
+ sv_setpv(tmpsv,"perl");
+ SvSETMAGIC(tmpsv);
+ }
+ /* PL_main_cv = PL_compcv; */
+ PL_compcv = 0;
+ exitstatus = perl_init();
+ if (exitstatus)
+ exit( exitstatus );
+ dl_init(aTHX);
+ exitstatus = perl_run( my_perl );
+ perl_destruct( my_perl );
+ perl_free( my_perl );
+ exit( exitstatus );
+/* yanked from perl.c */
+static void
+ char *file = __FILE__;
+ dTARG;
+ dSP;
+ print "\n#ifdef USE_DYNAMIC_LOADING";
+ print qq/\n\tnewXS("DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader", boot_DynaLoader, file);/;
+ print "\n#endif\n" ;
+ # delete $xsub{'DynaLoader'};
+ delete $xsub{'UNIVERSAL'};
+ print("/* bootstrapping code*/\n\tSAVETMPS;\n");
+ print("\ttarg=sv_newmortal();\n");
+ print "#ifdef USE_DYNAMIC_LOADING\n";
+ print "\tPUSHMARK(sp);\n";
+ print qq/\tXPUSHp("DynaLoader",strlen("DynaLoader"));\n/;
+ print qq/\tPUTBACK;\n/;
+ print "\tboot_DynaLoader(aTHX_ NULL);\n";
+ print qq/\tSPAGAIN;\n/;
+ print "#endif\n";
+ foreach my $stashname (keys %xsub){
+ if ($xsub{$stashname} !~ m/Dynamic/ ) {
+ my $stashxsub=$stashname;
+ $stashxsub =~ s/::/__/g;
+ print "\tPUSHMARK(sp);\n";
+ print qq/\tXPUSHp("$stashname",strlen("$stashname"));\n/;
+ print qq/\tPUTBACK;\n/;
+ print "\tboot_$stashxsub(aTHX_ NULL);\n";
+ print qq/\tSPAGAIN;\n/;
+ }
+ }
+ print("\tFREETMPS;\n/* end bootstrapping code */\n");
+ print "}\n";
+print <<'EOT';
+static void
+ char *file = __FILE__;
+ dTARG;
+ dSP;
+ print("/* Dynamicboot strapping code*/\n\tSAVETMPS;\n");
+ print("\ttarg=sv_newmortal();\n");
+ foreach my $stashname (@DynaLoader::dl_modules) {
+ warn "Loaded $stashname\n";
+ if (exists($xsub{$stashname}) && $xsub{$stashname} =~ m/Dynamic/) {
+ my $stashxsub=$stashname;
+ $stashxsub =~ s/::/__/g;
+ print "\tPUSHMARK(sp);\n";
+ print qq/\tXPUSHp("$stashname",/,length($stashname),qq/);\n/;
+ print qq/\tPUTBACK;\n/;
+ print "#ifdef USE_DYNAMIC_LOADING\n";
+ warn "bootstrapping $stashname added to xs_init\n";
+ if( $xsub{$stashname} eq 'Dynamic' ) {
+ print qq/\tperl_call_method("bootstrap",G_DISCARD);\n/;
+ }
+ else {
+ print qq/\tperl_call_pv("XSLoader::load",G_DISCARD);\n/;
+ }
+ print "#else\n";
+ print "\tboot_$stashxsub(aTHX_ NULL);\n";
+ print "#endif\n";
+ print qq/\tSPAGAIN;\n/;
+ }
+ }
+ print("\tFREETMPS;\n/* end Dynamic bootstrapping code */\n");
+ print "}\n";
+sub dump_symtable {
+ # For debugging
+ my ($sym, $val);
+ warn "----Symbol table:\n";
+ while (($sym, $val) = each %symtable) {
+ warn "$sym => $val\n";
+ }
+ warn "---End of symbol table\n";
+sub save_object {
+ my $sv;
+ foreach $sv (@_) {
+ svref_2object($sv)->save;
+ }
+sub Dummy_BootStrap { }
+sub B::GV::savecv
+ my $gv = shift;
+ my $package=$gv->STASH->NAME;
+ my $name = $gv->NAME;
+ my $cv = $gv->CV;
+ my $sv = $gv->SV;
+ my $av = $gv->AV;
+ my $hv = $gv->HV;
+ my $fullname = $gv->STASH->NAME . "::" . $gv->NAME;
+ # We may be looking at this package just because it is a branch in the
+ # symbol table which is on the path to a package which we need to save
+ # e.g. this is 'Getopt' and we need to save 'Getopt::Long'
+ #
+ return unless ($unused_sub_packages{$package});
+ return unless ($$cv || $$av || $$sv || $$hv);
+ $gv->save;
+sub mark_package
+ my $package = shift;
+ unless ($unused_sub_packages{$package})
+ {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ $unused_sub_packages{$package} = 1;
+ if (defined @{$package.'::ISA'})
+ {
+ foreach my $isa (@{$package.'::ISA'})
+ {
+ if ($isa eq 'DynaLoader')
+ {
+ unless (defined(&{$package.'::bootstrap'}))
+ {
+ warn "Forcing bootstrap of $package\n";
+ eval { $package->bootstrap };
+ }
+ }
+# else
+ {
+ unless ($unused_sub_packages{$isa})
+ {
+ warn "$isa saved (it is in $package\'s \@ISA)\n";
+ mark_package($isa);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub should_save
+ no strict qw(vars refs);
+ my $package = shift;
+ $package =~ s/::$//;
+ return $unused_sub_packages{$package} = 0 if ($package =~ /::::/); # skip ::::ISA::CACHE etc.
+ # warn "Considering $package\n";#debug
+ foreach my $u (grep($unused_sub_packages{$_},keys %unused_sub_packages))
+ {
+ # If this package is a prefix to something we are saving, traverse it
+ # but do not mark it for saving if it is not already
+ # e.g. to get to Getopt::Long we need to traverse Getopt but need
+ # not save Getopt
+ return 1 if ($u =~ /^$package\:\:/);
+ }
+ if (exists $unused_sub_packages{$package})
+ {
+ # warn "Cached $package is ".$unused_sub_packages{$package}."\n";
+ delete_unsaved_hashINC($package) unless $unused_sub_packages{$package} ;
+ return $unused_sub_packages{$package};
+ }
+ # Omit the packages which we use (and which cause grief
+ # because of fancy "goto &$AUTOLOAD" stuff).
+ # XXX Surely there must be a nicer way to do this.
+ if ($package eq "FileHandle" || $package eq "Config" ||
+ $package eq "SelectSaver" || $package =~/^(B|IO)::/)
+ {
+ delete_unsaved_hashINC($package);
+ return $unused_sub_packages{$package} = 0;
+ }
+ # Now see if current package looks like an OO class this is probably too strong.
+ {
+ if (UNIVERSAL::can($package, $m))
+ {
+ warn "$package has method $m: saving package\n";#debug
+ return mark_package($package);
+ }
+ }
+ delete_unsaved_hashINC($package);
+ return $unused_sub_packages{$package} = 0;
+sub delete_unsaved_hashINC{
+ my $packname=shift;
+ $packname =~ s/\:\:/\//g;
+ $packname .= '.pm';
+# warn "deleting $packname" if $INC{$packname} ;# debug
+ delete $INC{$packname};
+sub walkpackages
+ my ($symref, $recurse, $prefix) = @_;
+ my $sym;
+ my $ref;
+ no strict 'vars';
+ $prefix = '' unless defined $prefix;
+ while (($sym, $ref) = each %$symref)
+ {
+ local(*glob);
+ *glob = $ref;
+ if ($sym =~ /::$/)
+ {
+ $sym = $prefix . $sym;
+ if ($sym ne "main::" && $sym ne "<none>::" && &$recurse($sym))
+ {
+ walkpackages(\%glob, $recurse, $sym);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub save_unused_subs
+ no strict qw(refs);
+ &descend_marked_unused;
+ warn "Prescan\n";
+ walkpackages(\%{"main::"}, sub { should_save($_[0]); return 1 });
+ warn "Saving methods\n";
+ walksymtable(\%{"main::"}, "savecv", \&should_save);
+sub save_context
+ my $curpad_nam = (comppadlist->ARRAY)[0]->save;
+ my $curpad_sym = (comppadlist->ARRAY)[1]->save;
+ my $inc_hv = svref_2object(\%INC)->save;
+ my $inc_av = svref_2object(\@INC)->save;
+ my $amagic_generate= amagic_generation;
+ $init->add( "PL_curpad = AvARRAY($curpad_sym);",
+ "GvHV(PL_incgv) = $inc_hv;",
+ "GvAV(PL_incgv) = $inc_av;",
+ "av_store(CvPADLIST(PL_main_cv),0,SvREFCNT_inc($curpad_nam));",
+ "av_store(CvPADLIST(PL_main_cv),1,SvREFCNT_inc($curpad_sym));",
+ "PL_amagic_generation= $amagic_generate;" );
+sub descend_marked_unused {
+ foreach my $pack (keys %unused_sub_packages)
+ {
+ mark_package($pack);
+ }
+sub save_main {
+ # this is mainly for the test suite
+ my $warner = $SIG{__WARN__};
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print STDERR @_ };
+ warn "Starting compile\n";
+ warn "Walking tree\n";
+ seek(STDOUT,0,0); #exclude print statements in BEGIN{} into output
+ walkoptree(main_root, "save");
+ warn "done main optree, walking symtable for extras\n" if $debug_cv;
+ save_unused_subs();
+ # XSLoader was used, force saving of XSLoader::load
+ if( $use_xsloader ) {
+ my $cv = svref_2object( \&XSLoader::load );
+ $cv->save;
+ }
+ # save %SIG ( in case it was set in a BEGIN block )
+ if( $save_sig ) {
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = $warner;
+ $init->no_split;
+ $init->add("{", "\tHV* hv = get_hv(\"main::SIG\",1);" );
+ foreach my $k ( keys %SIG ) {
+ next unless ref $SIG{$k};
+ my $cv = svref_2object( \$SIG{$k} );
+ my $sv = $cv->save;
+ $init->add('{',sprintf 'SV* sv = (SV*)%s;', $sv );
+ $init->add(sprintf("\thv_store(hv, %s, %u, %s, %s);",
+ cstring($k),length(pack "a*",$k),
+ 'sv', hash($k)));
+ $init->add('mg_set(sv);','}');
+ }
+ $init->add('}');
+ $init->split;
+ }
+ # honour -w
+ $init->add( sprintf " PL_dowarn = ( %s ) ? G_WARN_ON : G_WARN_OFF;", $^W );
+ #
+ my $init_av = init_av->save;
+ my $end_av = end_av->save;
+ $init->add(sprintf("PL_main_root = s\\_%x;", ${main_root()}),
+ sprintf("PL_main_start = s\\_%x;", ${main_start()}),
+ "PL_initav = (AV *) $init_av;",
+ "PL_endav = (AV*) $end_av;");
+ save_context();
+ # init op addrs ( must be the last action, otherwise
+ # some ops might not be initialized
+ if( $optimize_ppaddr ) {
+ foreach my $i ( @op_sections ) {
+ my $section = $$i;
+ next unless $section->index >= 0;
+ init_op_addr( $section->name, $section->index + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ init_op_warn( $copsect->name, $copsect->index + 1)
+ if $optimize_warn_sv && $copsect->index >= 0;
+ warn "Writing output\n";
+ output_boilerplate();
+ print "\n";
+ output_all("perl_init");
+ print "\n";
+ output_main();
+sub init_sections {
+ my @sections = (decl => \$decl, sym => \$symsect,
+ binop => \$binopsect, condop => \$condopsect,
+ cop => \$copsect, padop => \$padopsect,
+ listop => \$listopsect, logop => \$logopsect,
+ loop => \$loopsect, op => \$opsect, pmop => \$pmopsect,
+ pvop => \$pvopsect, svop => \$svopsect, unop => \$unopsect,
+ sv => \$svsect, xpv => \$xpvsect, xpvav => \$xpvavsect,
+ xpvhv => \$xpvhvsect, xpvcv => \$xpvcvsect,
+ xpviv => \$xpvivsect, xpvnv => \$xpvnvsect,
+ xpvmg => \$xpvmgsect, xpvlv => \$xpvlvsect,
+ xrv => \$xrvsect, xpvbm => \$xpvbmsect,
+ xpvio => \$xpviosect);
+ my ($name, $sectref);
+ while (($name, $sectref) = splice(@sections, 0, 2)) {
+ $$sectref = new B::C::Section $name, \%symtable, 0;
+ }
+ $init = new B::C::InitSection 'init', \%symtable, 0;
+sub mark_unused
+ my ($arg,$val) = @_;
+ $unused_sub_packages{$arg} = $val;
+sub compile {
+ my @options = @_;
+ my ($option, $opt, $arg);
+ my @eval_at_startup;
+ my %option_map = ( 'cog' => \$pv_copy_on_grow,
+ 'save-data' => \$save_data_fh,
+ 'ppaddr' => \$optimize_ppaddr,
+ 'warn-sv' => \$optimize_warn_sv,
+ 'use-script-name' => \$use_perl_script_name,
+ 'save-sig-hash' => \$save_sig,
+ );
+ my %optimization_map = ( 0 => [ qw() ], # special case
+ 1 => [ qw(-fcog) ],
+ 2 => [ qw(-fwarn-sv -fppaddr) ],
+ );
+ while ($option = shift @options) {
+ if ($option =~ /^-(.)(.*)/) {
+ $opt = $1;
+ $arg = $2;
+ } else {
+ unshift @options, $option;
+ last OPTION;
+ }
+ if ($opt eq "-" && $arg eq "-") {
+ shift @options;
+ last OPTION;
+ }
+ if ($opt eq "w") {
+ $warn_undefined_syms = 1;
+ } elsif ($opt eq "D") {
+ $arg ||= shift @options;
+ foreach $arg (split(//, $arg)) {
+ if ($arg eq "o") {
+ B->debug(1);
+ } elsif ($arg eq "c") {
+ $debug_cops = 1;
+ } elsif ($arg eq "A") {
+ $debug_av = 1;
+ } elsif ($arg eq "C") {
+ $debug_cv = 1;
+ } elsif ($arg eq "M") {
+ $debug_mg = 1;
+ } else {
+ warn "ignoring unknown debug option: $arg\n";
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($opt eq "o") {
+ $arg ||= shift @options;
+ open(STDOUT, ">$arg") or return "$arg: $!\n";
+ } elsif ($opt eq "v") {
+ $verbose = 1;
+ } elsif ($opt eq "u") {
+ $arg ||= shift @options;
+ mark_unused($arg,undef);
+ } elsif ($opt eq "f") {
+ $arg ||= shift @options;
+ $arg =~ m/(no-)?(.*)/;
+ my $no = defined($1) && $1 eq 'no-';
+ $arg = $no ? $2 : $arg;
+ if( exists $option_map{$arg} ) {
+ ${$option_map{$arg}} = !$no;
+ } else {
+ die "Invalid optimization '$arg'";
+ }
+ } elsif ($opt eq "O") {
+ $arg = 1 if $arg eq "";
+ my @opt;
+ foreach my $i ( 1 .. $arg ) {
+ push @opt, @{$optimization_map{$i}}
+ if exists $optimization_map{$i};
+ }
+ unshift @options, @opt;
+ } elsif ($opt eq "e") {
+ push @eval_at_startup, $arg;
+ } elsif ($opt eq "l") {
+ $max_string_len = $arg;
+ }
+ }
+ init_sections();
+ foreach my $i ( @eval_at_startup ) {
+ $init->add_eval( $i );
+ }
+ if (@options) {
+ return sub {
+ my $objname;
+ foreach $objname (@options) {
+ eval "save_object(\\$objname)";
+ }
+ output_all();
+ }
+ } else {
+ return sub { save_main() };
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+B::C - Perl compiler's C backend
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ perl -MO=C[,OPTIONS]
+This compiler backend takes Perl source and generates C source code
+corresponding to the internal structures that perl uses to run
+your program. When the generated C source is compiled and run, it
+cuts out the time which perl would have taken to load and parse
+your program into its internal semi-compiled form. That means that
+compiling with this backend will not help improve the runtime
+execution speed of your program but may improve the start-up time.
+Depending on the environment in which your program runs this may be
+either a help or a hindrance.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+If there are any non-option arguments, they are taken to be
+names of objects to be saved (probably doesn't work properly yet).
+Without extra arguments, it saves the main program.
+=over 4
+=item B<-ofilename>
+Output to filename instead of STDOUT
+=item B<-v>
+Verbose compilation (currently gives a few compilation statistics).
+=item B<-->
+Force end of options
+=item B<-uPackname>
+Force apparently unused subs from package Packname to be compiled.
+This allows programs to use eval "foo()" even when sub foo is never
+seen to be used at compile time. The down side is that any subs which
+really are never used also have code generated. This option is
+necessary, for example, if you have a signal handler foo which you
+initialise with C<$SIG{BAR} = "foo">. A better fix, though, is just
+to change it to C<$SIG{BAR} = \&foo>. You can have multiple B<-u>
+options. The compiler tries to figure out which packages may possibly
+have subs in which need compiling but the current version doesn't do
+it very well. In particular, it is confused by nested packages (i.e.
+of the form C<A::B>) where package C<A> does not contain any subs.
+=item B<-D>
+Debug options (concatenated or separate flags like C<perl -D>).
+=item B<-Do>
+OPs, prints each OP as it's processed
+=item B<-Dc>
+COPs, prints COPs as processed (incl. file & line num)
+=item B<-DA>
+prints AV information on saving
+=item B<-DC>
+prints CV information on saving
+=item B<-DM>
+prints MAGIC information on saving
+=item B<-f>
+Force options/optimisations on or off one at a time. You can explicitly
+disable an option using B<-fno-option>. All options default to
+=over 4
+=item B<-fcog>
+Copy-on-grow: PVs declared and initialised statically.
+=item B<-fsave-data>
+Save package::DATA filehandles ( only available with PerlIO ).
+=item B<-fppaddr>
+Optimize the initialization of op_ppaddr.
+=item B<-fwarn-sv>
+Optimize the initialization of cop_warnings.
+=item B<-fuse-script-name>
+Use the script name instead of the program name as $0.
+=item B<-fsave-sig-hash>
+Save compile-time modifications to the %SIG hash.
+=item B<-On>
+Optimisation level (n = 0, 1, 2, ...). B<-O> means B<-O1>.
+=over 4
+=item B<-O0>
+Disable all optimizations.
+=item B<-O1>
+Enable B<-fcog>.
+=item B<-O2>
+Enable B<-fppaddr>, B<-fwarn-sv>.
+=item B<-llimit>
+Some C compilers impose an arbitrary limit on the length of string
+constants (e.g. 2048 characters for Microsoft Visual C++). The
+B<-llimit> options tells the C backend not to generate string literals
+exceeding that limit.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+ perl -MO=C,-ofoo.c
+ perl cc_harness -o foo foo.c
+Note that C<cc_harness> lives in the C<B> subdirectory of your perl
+library directory. The utility called C<perlcc> may also be used to
+help make use of this compiler.
+ perl -MO=C,-v,-DcA,-l2048 > /dev/null
+=head1 BUGS
+Plenty. Current status: experimental.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Malcolm Beattie, C<>