path: root/Master/tlpkg/texworks/texworks-help/TeXworks-manual/en/Installation.html
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index 8268bd0bb1d..7ceb2fbc9ab 100644
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-<p class="indent"></p>
-<div class="chapternumber">
-<h1><a id="x7-40002" name="x7-40002"></a>Installation</h1><a id=
-"dx7-4001" name="dx7-4001"></a> <!--l. 9-->
-<p class="indent">T<sub>E</sub>Xworks is only a text editor; to be
-able to create documents with (L<sup>A</sup>)T<sub>E</sub>X and to
-typeset them to PDF, we also need what is called a
-<em>T<sub>E</sub>X distribution</em><a id="dx7-4002" name=
-"dx7-4002"></a><a id="dx7-4003" name="dx7-4003"></a>. This is a
-collection of programs and other files which will be automatically
-called by T<sub>E</sub>Xworks during its work. Thus, you need to
-install a distribution: we will do that <em>before</em> starting
-T<sub>E</sub>Xworks for the first time, as this way,
-T<sub>E</sub>Xworks will automatically find what it needs.
-<!--l. 11--></p>
-<p class="indent"><b>TeX&nbsp;Live</b><a id="dx7-4004" name=
-"dx7-4004"></a> (<a href="" class=
-"url"></a>), a combination of teTeX,
-MacTeX and XEmTeX, is available for all three operating systems
-(Linux, Mac OS X, Windows). The current version is TeX&nbsp;Live
-2010. Note that you need a reasonably recent version of
-TeX&nbsp;Live (2008 or later at the time of writing) to use all
-features of T<sub>E</sub>Xworks. <!--l. 13--></p>
-<p class="indent"></p>
-<div class="OSspecific">
-<div class="OSspecificLogo OSLinux"></div>For Linux<a id="dx7-4005"
-name="dx7-4005"></a>: most Linux distributions include a
-T<sub>E</sub>X distribution, but it may not be installed by default
-and you will have to use the Linux package management tools to do
-that. As an alternative to TeX&nbsp;Live, one can use <b>teTeX</b>
-(<a href="" class=
-"url"></a>, a predecessor system to
-</div><!--l. 17-->
-<p class="indent"></p>
-<div class="OSspecific">
-<div class="OSspecificLogo OSMac"></div>For the Mac<a id="dx7-4006"
-name="dx7-4006"></a>: <b>MacTeX</b><a id="dx7-4007" name=
-"dx7-4007"></a>, a new distribution based on gwTeX and XeTeX, is
-available; see <a href="" class=
-</div><!--l. 21-->
-<p class="indent"></p>
-<div class="OSspecific">
-<div class="OSspecificLogo OSWindows"></div>For Windows<a id=
-"dx7-4008" name="dx7-4008"></a>: a very popular distribution is
-<b>MiKTeX</b><a id="dx7-4009" name="dx7-4009"></a> (<a href=
-"" class="url"></a>).
-MikTeX has an update programme, which has also been ported to
-Linux. You can also use the XEmTeX distribution (<a href=
-"" class="url"></a>).
-<h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.1</span> <a id=
-"x7-50002.1" name="x7-50002.1"></a>Under Windows</h3><a id=
-"dx7-5001" name="dx7-5001"></a> <!--l. 27-->
-<p class="noindent">Most of the larger T<sub>E</sub>X distributions
-already contain T<sub>E</sub>Xworks as a package. Sometimes, these
-versions even have some distribution-specific enhancements. So, the
-preferred way of installing T<sub>E</sub>Xworks on Windows is to
-use the package manager of your distribution. In this case, you can
-skip the next few paragraphs. Be sure to read the end of this
-section, though, as it provides important information about
-customizing T<sub>E</sub>Xworks to your needs. <!--l. 29--></p>
-<p class="indent">If you want to obtain an “official” version,
-obtain T<sub>E</sub>Xworks by downloading the setup from the
-T<sub>E</sub>Xworks web site <a href="htp://"
-class="url">htp://</a> after the installation of
-the T<sub>E</sub>X distribution. <!--l. 31--></p>
-<p class="indent">Simply install T<sub>E</sub>Xworks by running the
-setup file. During the installation, you will be asked where to
-install the program, if you want to create shortcuts, and if you
-want to always open <span class="path">.tex</span> files with
-T<sub>E</sub>Xworks. There are reasonable default values that
-should work well for most users. <!--l. 33--></p>
-<p class="indent">If you want full control over how and where
-T<sub>E</sub>Xworks is put, you can also download the <span class=
-"path">.zip</span> archive from the website and unpack it wherever
-you like. Note that in this case, shortcuts and file associations
-must be created manually. <!--l. 37--></p>
-<p class="indent">When you start T<sub>E</sub>Xworks for the first
-time, it creates a folder named <span class=
-"path">TeXworks</span><a id="dx7-5002" name="dx7-5002"></a><a id=
-"dx7-5003" name="dx7-5003"></a> in your home folder<span class=
-"footnote-mark"><a href="index8.html#fn1x3"><sup class=
-"textsuperscript">1</sup></a></span><a id="x7-5004f1" name=
-"x7-5004f1"></a>. This folder will contain some sub-folders for
-auto-completion<a id="dx7-5005" name="dx7-5005"></a>,
-configuration<a id="dx7-5006" name="dx7-5006"></a>,
-dictionaries<a id="dx7-5007" name="dx7-5007"></a>, templates<a id=
-"dx7-5008" name="dx7-5008"></a>, and interface
-translation/localisation<a id="dx7-5009" name="dx7-5009"></a>
-files—we will see these in more detail later.<span class=
-"footnote-mark"><a href="index9.html#fn2x3"><sup class=
-"textsuperscript">2</sup></a></span><a id="x7-5010f2" name=
-"x7-5010f2"></a> <!--l. 40--></p>
-<p class="indent">NB. At the time of writing, if <span class=
-"path">&lt;your&nbsp;name&gt;</span> contains any non-ASCII
-characters (for example accented characters), some functions of
-T<sub>E</sub>Xworks may not work correctly. For example, the
-spell-checker and forward/reverse synchronization between the
-source and <span class="path">.pdf</span> will be impaired.</p>
-<h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.2</span> <a id=
-"x7-60002.2" name="x7-60002.2"></a>Under Linux</h3><a id="dx7-6001"
-name="dx7-6001"></a> <!--l. 44-->
-<p class="noindent">Several common Linux distributions already have
-packages for T<sub>E</sub>Xworks. They are adequate for most users
-and facilitate installing T<sub>E</sub>Xworks considerably.
-<!--l. 46--></p>
-<p class="indent">If your Linux distribution does not provide
-recent, adequate packages, you need to build T<sub>E</sub>Xworks
-from source yourself, which is fairly easy on Linux. After the
-installation of the T<sub>E</sub>X distribution, go to <a href=
-"" class=
-"url"></a> and
-follow the instructions suitable for your Linux distributions. Also
-see section <a href="CompilingTw.html#x51-57000C">C
-<!--tex4ht:ref: sec.compiling --></a>. <!--l. 48--></p>
-<p class="indent">Once the program is installed, start
-T<sub>E</sub>Xworks. The folders <span class=
-"path">.TeXworks</span><a id="dx7-6002" name="dx7-6002"></a> and
-<span class="path">.config/TUG</span><a id="dx7-6003" name=
-"dx7-6003"></a> will be created in your home directory.
-<!--l. 50--></p>
-<p class="noindent"></p>
-<h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.3</span> <a id=
-"x7-70002.3" name="x7-70002.3"></a>Under Mac OS X</h3><a id=
-"dx7-7001" name="dx7-7001"></a> <!--l. 52-->
-<p class="noindent">MacTeX 2010 already contains
-T<sub>E</sub>Xworks as a package. So, the preferred way of
-installing T<sub>E</sub>Xworks on the Mac is to use the package
-manager of your distribution. In this case, you can skip the next
-few paragraphs. Be sure to read the end of this section, though, as
-it provides important information about customizing
-T<sub>E</sub>Xworks to your needs. <!--l. 54--></p>
-<p class="indent">If you want to obtain an “official” version,
-obtain T<sub>E</sub>Xworks by downloading the archive from the
-T<sub>E</sub>Xworks web site <a href="htp://"
-class="url">htp://</a> after the installation of
-the T<sub>E</sub>X distribution. <!--l. 56--></p>
-<p class="indent">You need to get <span class=
-"path"></span><span class=
-"footnote-mark"><a href="index10.html#fn3x3"><sup class=
-"textsuperscript">3</sup></a></span><a id="x7-7002f3" name=
-"x7-7002f3"></a> which contains everything you need.
-<!--l. 58--></p>
-<p class="indent">It is a standalone <tt>.app</tt> package that
-does not require any Qt files installed into <span class=
-"path">/Library/Frameworks</span>, or other libraries into
-<span class="path">/usr/local/lib</span>. Just copy the
-<span class="path">.app</span> anywhere you like and run it.
-<!--l. 60--></p>
-<p class="indent">On Mac OS X, the T<sub>E</sub>Xworks
-resource<a id="dx7-7003" name="dx7-7003"></a> folder will be
-created in your <span class="path">Library</span> folder
-(<span class="path">~/Library/TeXworks/</span>), inside your home
-directory. Preferences are stored in <span class=
-"path">~/Library/Preferences/org.tug.TeXworks.plist</span> which
-you can delete if you ever suspect it is causing problems.</p>
-<h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.4</span> <a id=
-"x7-80002.4" name="x7-80002.4"></a>Ready!</h3><!--l. 65-->
-<p class="noindent">Finally, some files may need to be added to the
-“personal” files that T<sub>E</sub>Xworks creates. As the exact
-location of these depends on your platform, this will be referred
-to as <span class="path">&lt;resources&gt;</span><a id="dx7-8001"
-name="dx7-8001"></a> or the <b>T<sub>E</sub>Xworks resource
-folder</b> throughout this manual. On Linux, this is <span class=
-"path">~/.TeXworks</span>, on Windows&nbsp;XP it is <span class=
-on Windows Vista/7 it is <span class=
-"path">C:\Users\&lt;your&nbsp;name&gt;\TeXworks</span>, and on Mac
-OS X it is <span class="path">~/Library/TeXworks/</span> by
-default. The easiest way to locate this folder in recent versions
-of T<sub>E</sub>Xworks is to use the <em class=
-"c11">Help</em><span class="lmsy-10x-x-120">→</span><em class=
-"c11">Settings and Resources…</em> menu item. It opens a dialog
-which shows you where T<sub>E</sub>Xworks saves its settings and
-where it looks for resources. <!--l. 67--></p>
-<p class="indent">After installation and first run, have a look in
-the sub-folders of the T<sub>E</sub>Xworks resource folder and
-delete any <span class="path">qt_temp.xxxx</span> files; they are
-temporary files left behind and could interfere with the normal
-ones, which are installed in the same folder, later on.
-<!--l. 5--></p>
-<div class="crosslinks">
-<p class="noindent">[<a href="Firststeps.html">next</a>] [<a href=
-"Introduction.html">prev</a>] [<a href=
-"Introduction.html#tailIntroduction.html">prev-tail</a>] [<a href=
-"Installation.html">front</a>] [<a href=
-</div><!--l. 5-->
-<p class="indent"><a id="tailInstallation.html" name=
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
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+<!--l. 5--><p class="indent" > <div class="chapternumber">2</div><h1><a
+ id="x7-40002"></a>Installation</h1> <a
+ id="dx7-4001"></a>
+<!--l. 9--><p class="indent" > T<sub>E</sub>Xworks is only a text editor; to be able to create documents with (L<sup>A</sup>)T<sub>E</sub>X and to typeset
+them to PDF, we also need what is called a <em>T<sub>E</sub>X distribution</em><a
+ id="dx7-4002"></a><a
+ id="dx7-4003"></a>. This is a collection of
+programs and other files which will be automatically called by T<sub>E</sub>Xworks during its
+work. Thus, you need to install a distribution: we will do that <em>before</em>
+starting T<sub>E</sub>Xworks for the first time, as this way, T<sub>E</sub>Xworks will automatically find what it
+<!--l. 11--><p class="indent" > <b>TeX&#x00A0;Live</b><a
+ id="dx7-4004"></a> (<a
+href="" class="url" ></a>), a combination of teTeX,
+MacTeX and XEmTeX, is available for all three operating systems (Linux,
+Mac OS X, Windows). Note that you need a reasonably recent version
+of TeX&#x00A0;Live (2012 or later at the time of writing) to use all features of
+<!--l. 13--><p class="indent" > <div class="OSspecific"><div class="OSspecificLogo OSLinux"></div> For Linux<a
+ id="dx7-4005"></a>: most Linux distributions include a T<sub>E</sub>X distribution, but it may not be
+installed by default and you will have to use the Linux package management tools
+to do that. Alternatively, you can also download and install TeX&#x00A0;Live directly
+from <a
+href="" class="url" ></a>. </div>
+<!--l. 17--><p class="indent" > <div class="OSspecific"><div class="OSspecificLogo OSMac"></div> For the Mac<a
+ id="dx7-4006"></a>: <b>MacTeX</b><a
+ id="dx7-4007"></a>, a new distribution based on gwTeX and XeTeX, is
+available; see <a
+href="" class="url" ></a>. </div>
+<!--l. 21--><p class="indent" > <div class="OSspecific"><div class="OSspecificLogo OSWindows"></div> For Windows<a
+ id="dx7-4008"></a>: a very popular distribution is <b>MiKTeX</b><a
+ id="dx7-4009"></a> (<a
+href="" class="url" ></a>).
+MikTeX has an update programme, which has also been ported to Linux.
+You can also use the XEmTeX distribution (<a
+href="" class="url" ></a>). </div>
+ <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.1 </span> <a
+ id="x7-50002.1"></a>Under Windows</h3>
+ id="dx7-5001"></a>
+<!--l. 27--><p class="noindent" >Most of the larger T<sub>E</sub>X distributions already contain T<sub>E</sub>Xworks as a package. Sometimes, these
+versions even have some distribution-specific enhancements. So, the preferred way
+of installing T<sub>E</sub>Xworks on Windows is to use the package manager of your distribution. In
+this case, you can skip the next few paragraphs. Be sure to read the end of this
+section, though, as it provides important information about customizing T<sub>E</sub>Xworks to your
+<!--l. 29--><p class="indent" > If you want to obtain an &#8220;official&#8221; version, obtain T<sub>E</sub>Xworks by downloading the setup
+from the T<sub>E</sub>Xworks web site <a
+href="" class="url" ></a> after the installation of the T<sub>E</sub>X
+<!--l. 31--><p class="indent" > Simply install T<sub>E</sub>Xworks by running the setup file. During the installation, you will be
+asked where to install the program, if you want to create shortcuts, and if you
+want to always open <span class="path">.tex</span> files with T<sub>E</sub>Xworks. There are reasonable default values that
+should work well for most users.
+<!--l. 33--><p class="indent" > If you want full control over how and where T<sub>E</sub>Xworks is put, you can also download the
+<span class="path">.zip</span> archive from the website and unpack it wherever you like. Note that in this
+case, shortcuts and file associations must be created manually.
+<!--l. 37--><p class="indent" > When you start T<sub>E</sub>Xworks for the first time, it creates a folder named <span class="path">TeXworks</span><a
+ id="dx7-5002"></a><a
+ id="dx7-5003"></a> in your home
+folder<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="index8.html#fn1x3"><sup class="textsuperscript">1</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x7-5004f1"></a>. This
+folder will contain some sub-folders for auto-completion<a
+ id="dx7-5005"></a>, configuration<a
+ id="dx7-5006"></a>, dictionaries<a
+ id="dx7-5007"></a>,
+ id="dx7-5008"></a>, and interface translation/localisation<a
+ id="dx7-5009"></a> files&#8212;we will see these in more detail
+later.<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="index9.html#fn2x3"><sup class="textsuperscript">2</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x7-5010f2"></a>
+<!--l. 40--><p class="indent" > NB. At the time of writing, if <span class="path">&#x003C;your&#x00A0;name&#x003E;</span> contains any non-ASCII
+characters (for example accented characters), some functions of T<sub>E</sub>Xworks may not work
+correctly. For example, the spell-checker and forward/reverse synchronization
+between the source and <span class="path">.pdf</span> will be impaired.
+ <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.2 </span> <a
+ id="x7-60002.2"></a>Under Linux</h3>
+ id="dx7-6001"></a>
+<!--l. 44--><p class="noindent" >Several common Linux distributions already have packages for T<sub>E</sub>Xworks. They are
+adequate for most users and facilitate installing T<sub>E</sub>Xworks considerably.
+<!--l. 46--><p class="indent" > If your Linux distribution does not provide recent, adequate packages, you need
+to build T<sub>E</sub>Xworks from source yourself, which is fairly easy on Linux. After the installation
+of the T<sub>E</sub>X distribution, go to <a
+href="" class="url" ></a>
+and follow the instructions suitable for your Linux distributions. Also see section
+href="CompilingTw.html#x50-57000C">C<!--tex4ht:ref: sec.compiling --></a>.
+<!--l. 48--><p class="indent" > Once the program is installed, start T<sub>E</sub>Xworks. The folders <span class="path">.TeXworks</span><a
+ id="dx7-6002"></a> and <span class="path">.config/TUG</span><a
+ id="dx7-6003"></a>
+will be created in your home directory.
+<!--l. 50--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.3 </span> <a
+ id="x7-70002.3"></a>Under Mac OS X</h3>
+ id="dx7-7001"></a>
+<!--l. 52--><p class="noindent" >If you want to obtain an &#8220;official&#8221; version, obtain T<sub>E</sub>Xworks by downloading the archive
+from the T<sub>E</sub>Xworks web site <a
+href="" class="url" ></a> after the installation of the T<sub>E</sub>X
+<!--l. 54--><p class="indent" > It comes as a standalone <tt>.app</tt> package that does not require any Qt files
+installed into <span class="path">/Library/Frameworks</span>, or other libraries into <span class="path">/usr/local/lib</span>. Just
+copy the <span class="path">.app</span> anywhere you like and run it.
+<!--l. 56--><p class="indent" > On Mac OS X, the T<sub>E</sub>Xworks resource<a
+ id="dx7-7002"></a> folder will be created in your <span class="path">Library</span> folder
+(<span class="path">~/Library/TeXworks/</span>), inside your home directory. Preferences are stored in
+<span class="path">~/Library/Preferences/org.tug.TeXworks.plist</span> which you can delete if you ever
+suspect it is causing problems.
+<!--l. 59--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.4 </span> <a
+ id="x7-80002.4"></a>Ready!</h3>
+<!--l. 61--><p class="noindent" >Finally, some files may need to be added to the &#8220;personal&#8221; files that T<sub>E</sub>Xworks
+creates. As the exact location of these depends on your platform, this
+will be referred to as <span class="path">&#x003C;resources&#x003E;</span><a
+ id="dx7-8001"></a> or the <b>T<sub>E</sub>Xworks resource folder</b> throughout
+this manual. On Linux, this is <span class="path">~/.TeXworks</span>, on Windows&#x00A0;XP it is
+<span class="path">C:\Documents&#x00A0;and&#x00A0;Settings\&#x003C;your&#x00A0;name&#x003E;\TeXworks</span>, on Windows
+Vista/7 it is <span class="path">C:\Users\&#x003C;your&#x00A0;name&#x003E;\TeXworks</span>, and on Mac OS X it is
+<span class="path">~/Library/TeXworks/</span> by default. The easiest way to locate this folder in recent
+versions of T<sub>E</sub>Xworks is to use the <em><b>Help</b></em><span
+class="lmsy-10x-x-120">&#x2192;</span><em><b>Settings and Resources&#x2026;</b></em> menu item. It opens a
+dialog which shows you where T<sub>E</sub>Xworks saves its settings and where it looks for
+<!--l. 63--><p class="indent" > After installation and first run, have a look in the sub-folders of the T<sub>E</sub>Xworks resource
+folder and delete any <span class="path">qt_temp.xxxx</span> files; they are temporary files left behind and
+could interfere with the normal ones, which are installed in the same folder, later
+ <!--l. 5--><div class="crosslinks"><p class="noindent">[<a
+href="Firststeps.html" >next</a>] [<a
+href="Introduction.html" >prev</a>] [<a
+href="Introduction.html#tailIntroduction.html" >prev-tail</a>] [<a
+href="Installation.html" >front</a>] [<a
+href="index.html#Installation.html" >up</a>] </p></div>
+<!--l. 5--><p class="indent" > <a
+ id="tailInstallation.html"></a> </div>