path: root/Master/tlpkg/texworks/texworks-help/TeXworks-manual/en/GoingfurtherOthertools.html
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1 files changed, 103 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/texworks/texworks-help/TeXworks-manual/en/GoingfurtherOthertools.html b/Master/tlpkg/texworks/texworks-help/TeXworks-manual/en/GoingfurtherOthertools.html
index 6dad57acf46..889bb793b70 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/texworks/texworks-help/TeXworks-manual/en/GoingfurtherOthertools.html
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/texworks/texworks-help/TeXworks-manual/en/GoingfurtherOthertools.html
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
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@@ -313,8 +313,8 @@ the package <span class=
"obeylines-h verb ec-lmtt-12">hyperref</span>. <!--l. 92--></p>
<p class="noindent"></p>
<h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">5.5</span> <a id=
-"x30-350005.5" name="x30-350005.5"></a>Organising the windows</h3>
-<!--l. 94-->
+"x30-350005.5" name="x30-350005.5"></a>Organising the
+windows</h3><a id="dx30-35001" name="dx30-35001"></a> <!--l. 94-->
<p class="noindent">By default, the editor/source window opens on
the left and the preview one on the right (when the corresponding
PDF file exists), thus splitting the screen in two.
@@ -330,8 +330,8 @@ options allow to place the windows for your convenience. It is also
always possible to resize and move the windows manually, of course.
<!--l. 98--></p>
<p class="indent">For the preview you can change the way it is
-presented and of course the zoom<a id="dx30-35001" name=
-"dx30-35001"></a> by <em class="c10">View</em><span class=
+presented and of course the zoom<a id="dx30-35002" name=
+"dx30-35002"></a> by <em class="c10">View</em><span class=
"lmsy-10x-x-120">→</span><em class="c10">Actual size</em>,
<span class="lmsy-10x-x-120">→</span><em class="c10">Fit to
width</em> and <span class="lmsy-10x-x-120">→</span><em class=
@@ -353,7 +353,103 @@ file but different extensions: <span class="path">.aux</span>,
(L<sup>A</sup>)T<sub>E</sub>X to be able to create the table of
contents, lists of figures/tables, the bibliography, the cross
references and, also very importantly, to keep track of what it did
-(in the <span class="path">.log</span> file).</p>
+(in the <span class="path">.log</span> file). <!--l. 107--></p>
+<p class="indent">Apart from the external files, images, pictures,
+…, the only files required are the <span class="path">.tex</span>
+files, the sources of the document. One can erase all the others.
+Sometimes, this is even necessary when
+(L<sup>A</sup>)T<sub>E</sub>X gets stuck after an error.
+<!--l. 109--></p>
+<p class="indent">This can be done using a T<sub>E</sub>Xworks
+command from the <em class="c10">File</em> menu with the
+<span class="lmsy-10x-x-120">→</span><em class="c10">Remove Aux
+files…</em><a id="dx30-36002" name="dx30-36002"></a> item.
+<!--l. 111--></p>
+<p class="indent">When you use this command, a dialog box opens in
+which you can check/uncheck the files you want to
+remove.<span class="footnote-mark"><a href=
+"index33.html#fn3x6"><sup class=
+"textsuperscript">3</sup></a></span><a id="x30-36003f3" name=
+"x30-36003f3"></a> The dialog box will only list files that
+actually exist in the folder; if you removed all these auxiliary
+files before, you get a message box saying that there is no file to
+remove at the moment. <!--l. 113--></p>
+<p class="indent">The list of auxiliary files which are taken into
+account is defined in the file <span class=
+"path">texworks-config.txt</span><a id="dx30-36004" name=
+"dx30-36004"></a> in the <span class="path">configuration</span>
+folder of the T<sub>E</sub>Xworks resources folder. You could add
+some if required.</p>
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">5.7</span> <a id=
+"x30-370005.7" name="x30-370005.7"></a>Portable Usage &amp;
+Changing the Configuration</h3><a id="dx30-37001" name=
+"dx30-37001"></a> <a id="dx30-37002" name="dx30-37002"></a> <a id=
+"dx30-37003" name="dx30-37003"></a> <!--l. 118-->
+<p class="noindent">We have seen in section <a href=
+<!--tex4ht:ref: chap.installation --></a> (on page <a href=
+<!--tex4ht:ref: chap.installation --></a>) that the first time you
+use T<sub>E</sub>Xworks, it creates a resource folder and also that
+it saves default preferences. <!--l. 120--></p>
+<p class="indent">It is possible to define a personal place where
+one wants the resource folder and the preferences. This can be
+handy when one wants a portable system (e.g., on an USB stick) or
+when one wants to easily access the templates or completion folders
+for modifications. <!--l. 122--></p>
+<p class="indent">For this, create a file <span class=
+"path">texworks-setup.ini</span><a id="dx30-37004" name=
+"dx30-37004"></a> in the programme folder in which you specify the
+path to the folder containing the completion, configuration,
+dictionaries,…folders and the configuration file (<span class=
+"path">texworks.ini</span><a id="dx30-37005" name=
+"dx30-37005"></a>); there will be two lines:</p>
+<div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb15">
+<a id="x30-37007r1" name="x30-37007r1"></a><span class=
+"ec-lmtt-10x-x-109">inipath=C:/myfolder/TW_conf/</span><br class=
+"fancyvrb" />
+<a id="x30-37009r2" name="x30-37009r2"></a><span class=
+</div><!--l. 128-->
+<p class="indent"><span class=
+"obeylines-h verb ec-lmtt-12">inipath</span><a id="dx30-37010"
+name="dx30-37010"></a> for the configuration file and <span class=
+"obeylines-h verb ec-lmtt-12">libpath</span><a id="dx30-37011"
+name="dx30-37011"></a> for the necessary folders. Here,
+<span class="path">TW_conf</span> would replace the resource folder
+<span class="path">TeXworks</span>. Note that the referenced folder
+(here <span class="path">TW_conf</span>) should exist—it will not
+be created—, and that the <span class=
+"obeylines-h verb ec-lmtt-12">/</span> is used even on Windows
+(instead of the common <span class=
+"obeylines-h verb ec-lmtt-12">\</span>). <!--l. 130--></p>
+<p class="indent">If one wants to put the resource folder in the
+programme folder as a subfolder, one can use an instruction like
+<span class=
+"obeylines-h verb ec-lmtt-12">inipath=./TW_conf/</span>; all
+relative paths are taken to be relative to the T<sub>E</sub>Xworks
+programme folder (on Mac OS X, the folder containing the app
+package is used). <!--l. 132--></p>
+<p class="indent">One can also add a line<a id="dx30-37012" name=
+"dx30-37012"></a> like</p>
+<div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb16">
+<a id="x30-37014r1" name="x30-37014r1"></a><span class=
+"ec-lmtt-10x-x-109">defaultbinpaths=C:/Program</span><span class=
+"ec-lmtt-10x-x-109">&nbsp;Files/MiKTeX</span><span class=
+</div><!--l. 136-->
+<p class="noindent">to specify where the programmes of the TE X
+distribution are located; but this instruction is not yet
+completely operational, especially under Windows. <!--l. 5--></p>
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