path: root/Master/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb b/Master/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
index b4eaa60066e..7a164170862 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ depend container_split_doc_files/1
depend container_split_src_files/1
depend minrelease/2013
depend release/2013
-depend revision/32323
+depend revision/32336
name 00texlive.image
category TLCore
@@ -2864,7 +2864,7 @@ depend opt_path:0
depend opt_adjustrepo:1
depend opt_write18_restricted:1
depend opt_frozen:0
-depend setting_available_architectures:armhf-linux universal-darwin mips-irix i386-cygwin i386-kfreebsd i386-freebsd amd64-netbsd i386-netbsd x86_64-linux i386-linux mipsel-linux armel-linux amd64-freebsd amd64-kfreebsd win32 powerpc-linux alpha-linux x86_64-darwin i386-solaris sparc-solaris x86_64-solaris
+depend setting_available_architectures:x86_64-solaris amd64-netbsd i386-kfreebsd armel-linux i386-freebsd mips-irix universal-darwin i386-solaris powerpc-linux x86_64-linux amd64-freebsd armhf-linux i386-cygwin x86_64-darwin sparc-solaris mipsel-linux i386-netbsd i386-linux amd64-kfreebsd alpha-linux win32
depend opt_autobackup:1
depend opt_backupdir:tlpkg/backups
depend opt_create_formats:1
@@ -63073,27 +63073,26 @@ category Package
revision 22585
shortdesc Package for typesetting exam scripts.
longdesc Provides a class exam, which eases production of exams, even by
-longdesc a LaTeX novice. Simple commands are provided to: - create
+longdesc a LaTeX novice. Simple commands are provided to: create
longdesc questions, parts of questions, subparts of parts, and
-longdesc subsubparts of subparts, all with optional point values; -
-longdesc create a grading table, indexed either by question number
-longdesc (listing each question and the total possible points for that
-longdesc question) or by page number (listing each page with points and
-longdesc the total possible points for that page); - create headers and
-longdesc footers that are each specified in three parts: one part to be
-longdesc left justified, one part to be centered, and one part to be
-longdesc right justified, in the manner of fancyhdr Headers and/or
-longdesc footers can be different on the first page of the exam, can be
-longdesc different on the last page of the exam, and can vary depending
-longdesc on whether the page number is odd or even, or on whether the
-longdesc current page continues a question from a previous page, or on
-longdesc whether the last question on the current page continues onto
-longdesc the following page. Multiple line headers and/or footers are
-longdesc allowed, and it's easy to increase the part of the page devoted
-longdesc to headers and/or footers to allow for this. Note that the
-longdesc bundle exams also provides a file exam.cls; the two bundles
-longdesc therefore clash, and should not be installed on the same
-longdesc system.
+longdesc subsubparts of subparts, all with optional point values; create
+longdesc a grading table, indexed either by question number (listing
+longdesc each question and the total possible points for that question)
+longdesc or by page number (listing each page with points and the total
+longdesc possible points for that page); create headers and footers that
+longdesc are each specified in three parts: one part to be left
+longdesc justified, one part to be centered, and one part to be right
+longdesc justified, in the manner of fancyhdr Headers and/or footers can
+longdesc be different on the first page of the exam, can be different on
+longdesc the last page of the exam, and can vary depending on whether
+longdesc the page number is odd or even, or on whether the current page
+longdesc continues a question from a previous page, or on whether the
+longdesc last question on the current page continues onto the following
+longdesc page. Multiple line headers and/or footers are allowed, and
+longdesc it's easy to increase the part of the page devoted to headers
+longdesc and/or footers to allow for this. Note that the bundle exams
+longdesc also provides a file exam.cls; the two bundles therefore clash,
+longdesc and should not be installed on the same system.
docfiles size=252
texmf-dist/doc/latex/exam/README details="Package Readme"
@@ -63102,7 +63101,7 @@ docfiles size=252
runfiles size=55
catalogue-ctan /macros/latex/contrib/exam
-catalogue-date 2011-09-19 12:18:10 +0200
+catalogue-date 2013-12-06 01:11:02 +0100
catalogue-license lppl1.3
catalogue-version 2.4
@@ -63111,17 +63110,17 @@ category Package
revision 15878
shortdesc LaTeX class for typesetting exams.
longdesc This bundle provides a class examdesign. The class provides
-longdesc several features useful for designing tests or question sets: -
-longdesc it allows for explicit markup of questions and answers; - the
+longdesc several features useful for designing tests or question sets:
+longdesc it allows for explicit markup of questions and answers; the
longdesc class will, at the user's request, automatically generate
-longdesc answer keys; - multiple versions of the same test can be
+longdesc answer keys; multiple versions of the same test can be
longdesc generated automatically, with the ordering of questions within
-longdesc each section randomly permuted so as to minimize cheating; -
-longdesc the generated answer keys can be constructed either with or
-longdesc without the questions included; - environments are provided to
-longdesc assist in constructing the most common types of test question:
-longdesc matching, true/false, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and
-longdesc short answer/essay questions.
+longdesc each section randomly permuted so as to minimize cheating; the
+longdesc generated answer keys can be constructed either with or without
+longdesc the questions included; environments are provided to assist in
+longdesc constructing the most common types of test question: matching,
+longdesc true/false, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short
+longdesc answer/essay questions.
docfiles size=121
@@ -63141,7 +63140,7 @@ srcfiles size=35
runfiles size=12
catalogue-ctan /macros/latex/contrib/examdesign
-catalogue-date 2011-09-19 12:18:10 +0200
+catalogue-date 2013-12-06 01:11:02 +0100
catalogue-license gpl
catalogue-version 1.02
@@ -73194,9 +73193,9 @@ runfiles size=138
catalogue-ctan /macros/latex/contrib/glossaries
-catalogue-date 2013-11-17 00:00:10 +0100
+catalogue-date 2013-12-05 22:09:43 +0100
catalogue-license lppl
-catalogue-version 4.01
+catalogue-version 4.02
name glossaries.alpha-linux
category Package
@@ -97195,7 +97194,7 @@ docfiles size=98
runfiles size=4
catalogue-ctan /macros/latex/contrib/lexref
-catalogue-date 2013-12-04 11:04:43 +0100
+catalogue-date 2013-12-05 10:50:59 +0100
catalogue-license lppl1.3
catalogue-version 1.0 alpha
@@ -104901,9 +104900,9 @@ binfiles arch=universal-darwin size=4027
name luatex.win32
category TLCore
-revision 30836
+revision 32336
shortdesc win32 files of luatex
-binfiles arch=win32 size=1850
+binfiles arch=win32 size=1865
@@ -119926,14 +119925,14 @@ catalogue-version 9.4
name newpx
category Package
-revision 31949
+revision 32331
shortdesc Alternative uses of the PX fonts, with improved metrics.
-longdesc This package, based on pxfonts, provides many fixes and
-longdesc enhancements to that package, splitting it in two parts -
-longdesc newpxtext and newpxmath - which may be run independently of one
+longdesc The package, based on pxfonts, provides many fixes and
+longdesc enhancements to that package, and splits it in two parts
+longdesc (newpxtext and newpxmath) which may be run independently of one
longdesc another. It provides scaling, improved metrics, and other
longdesc options. For proper operation, the packages require that the
-longdesc packages newtxmath and pxfonts be installed and their map files
+longdesc packages newtxmath and txfonts be installed and their map files
longdesc enabled.
execute addMap
docfiles size=50
@@ -120261,9 +120260,9 @@ runfiles size=578
catalogue-ctan /fonts/newpx
-catalogue-date 2013-10-19 09:52:51 +0200
+catalogue-date 2013-12-05 08:54:16 +0100
catalogue-license lppl
-catalogue-version 1.051
+catalogue-version 1.06
name newsletr
category Package
@@ -121033,7 +121032,7 @@ catalogue-version 0.2
name nlctdoc
category Package
-revision 31933
+revision 32334
shortdesc Package documentation class.
longdesc The class provides support for the documentation of the
longdesc author's packages, using koma-script. This class is provided
@@ -121044,7 +121043,7 @@ docfiles size=1
runfiles size=11
catalogue-ctan /macros/latex/contrib/nlctdoc
-catalogue-date 2013-10-17 16:30:57 +0200
+catalogue-date 2013-12-05 17:22:10 +0100
catalogue-license lppl
catalogue-version 1.03
@@ -126600,7 +126599,7 @@ docfiles size=45
runfiles size=2
catalogue-ctan /macros/latex/contrib/pas-crosswords
-catalogue-date 2013-12-04 12:57:36 +0100
+catalogue-date 2013-12-05 23:32:45 +0100
catalogue-license lppl
catalogue-version 1.03
@@ -129323,10 +129322,10 @@ category Package
revision 24088
shortdesc A set TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets.
longdesc Petri-nets is a set of TeX/LaTeX packages about Petri nets and
-longdesc related models. Three packages are available: - the first
-longdesc allows the user to draw Petri-nets in PostScript documents; -
-longdesc the second defines macros related to PBC, M-nets and B(PN)
-longdesc models; and a combination of the previous two.
+longdesc related models. Three packages are available: the first allows
+longdesc the user to draw Petri-nets in PostScript documents; the second
+longdesc defines macros related to PBC, M-nets and B(PN) models; and a
+longdesc third that combines the other two.
docfiles size=71
@@ -129343,7 +129342,7 @@ runfiles size=12
catalogue-ctan /macros/generic/petri-nets
-catalogue-date 2012-06-13 14:35:03 +0200
+catalogue-date 2013-12-06 01:11:02 +0100
catalogue-license gpl
name pfarrei
@@ -137424,7 +137423,7 @@ catalogue-version 0.01
name pst-plot
category Package
-revision 32222
+revision 32332
shortdesc Plot data using PSTricks.
longdesc The package provides plotting of data (typically from external
longdesc files), using PSTricks. Plots may be configured using a wide
@@ -137452,9 +137451,9 @@ runfiles size=29
catalogue-ctan /graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-plot
-catalogue-date 2013-11-23 01:25:26 +0100
+catalogue-date 2013-12-05 17:17:03 +0100
catalogue-license lppl
-catalogue-version 1.56
+catalogue-version 1.57
name pst-poly
category Package
@@ -143857,7 +143856,7 @@ binfiles arch=x86_64-solaris size=47
name ptex
category Package
-revision 31898
+revision 32335
shortdesc A TeX system for publishing in Japanese.
longdesc PTeX adds features related to vertical writing, and deals with
longdesc other problems in typesetting Japanese. A set of additions to a
@@ -154282,7 +154281,7 @@ docfiles size=12
runfiles size=1
catalogue-ctan /macros/latex/contrib/sslides
-catalogue-date 2013-12-03 20:10:22 +0100
+catalogue-date 2013-12-05 19:56:04 +0100
catalogue-license lppl1.3
name stack
@@ -166614,7 +166613,7 @@ docfiles size=403
name texlive-docindex
category TLCore
-revision 32316
+revision 32325
shortdesc top-level TeX Live doc.html, etc.
longdesc These files are regenerated as needed, which is often, so we
longdesc make them a separate package. See the tl-update-auto script
@@ -189388,9 +189387,9 @@ runfiles size=97
catalogue-ctan /macros/xetex/latex/xecjk
-catalogue-date 2013-11-12 00:41:31 +0100
+catalogue-date 2013-12-05 21:37:13 +0100
catalogue-license lppl
-catalogue-version 3.2.7
+catalogue-version 3.2.8
name xecolor
category Package
@@ -190822,7 +190821,7 @@ binfiles arch=x86_64-linux size=862
name xint
category Package
-revision 32271
+revision 32333
shortdesc Expandable operations on long numbers.
longdesc The bundle provides four packages: - xint, which provides
longdesc expandable TeX macros that implement the basic arithmetic
@@ -190836,12 +190835,13 @@ longdesc xintcfrac, which deals with the computation of continued
longdesc fractions. All of the packages' computations are done in a way
longdesc that they can operate in an expanding environment. The packages
longdesc may be used either with Plain TeX or LaTeX.
-docfiles size=257
+docfiles size=126
texmf-dist/doc/generic/xint/README details="Readme"
texmf-dist/doc/generic/xint/xint.pdf details="Package documentation"
-srcfiles size=203
+srcfiles size=206
+ texmf-dist/source/generic/xint/xint.tex
runfiles size=81
@@ -190852,7 +190852,7 @@ runfiles size=81
catalogue-ctan /macros/generic/xint
-catalogue-date 2013-11-28 18:24:01 +0100
+catalogue-date 2013-12-05 20:09:45 +0100
catalogue-license lppl1.3
catalogue-version 1.09h