path: root/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk')
25 files changed, 5792 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..85a0e406ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+package Tk::After;
+use Carp;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '4.007'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
+sub _cancelAll
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $h = delete $w->{_After_};
+ foreach my $obj (values %$h)
+ {
+ # carp "Auto cancel ".$obj->[1]." for ".$obj->[0]->PathName;
+ $obj->cancel;
+ bless $obj,"Tk::After::Cancelled";
+ }
+sub Tk::After::Cancelled::once { }
+sub Tk::After::Cancelled::repeat { }
+sub submit
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my $w = $obj->[0];
+ my $id = $obj->[1];
+ my $t = $obj->[2];
+ my $method = $obj->[3];
+ delete($w->{_After_}{$id}) if (defined $id);
+ $id = $w->Tk::after($t,[$method => $obj]);
+ unless (exists $w->{_After_})
+ {
+ $w->{_After_} = {};
+ $w->OnDestroy([\&_cancelAll, $w]);
+ }
+ $w->{_After_}{$id} = $obj;
+ $obj->[1] = $id;
+ return $obj;
+ my $obj = shift;
+ $obj->cancel;
+ undef $obj->[0];
+ undef $obj->[4];
+sub new
+ my ($class,$w,$t,$method,@cb) = @_;
+ my $cb = (@cb == 1) ? shift(@cb) : [@cb];
+ my $obj = bless [$w,undef,$t,$method,Tk::Callback->new($cb)],$class;
+ return $obj->submit;
+sub cancel
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my $id = $obj->[1];
+ my $w = $obj->[0];
+ if ($id)
+ {
+ $w->Tk::after('cancel'=> $id) if Tk::Exists($w);
+ delete $w->{_After_}{$id} if exists $w->{_After_};
+ $obj->[1] = undef;
+ }
+ return $obj;
+sub repeat
+ my $obj = shift;
+ $obj->submit;
+ local $Tk::widget = $obj->[0];
+ $obj->[4]->Call;
+sub once
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my $w = $obj->[0];
+ my $id = $obj->[1];
+ delete $w->{_After_}{$id};
+ local $Tk::widget = $w;
+ $obj->[4]->Call;
+sub time {
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my $delay = shift;
+ if (defined $delay) {
+ $obj->cancel if $delay == 0;
+ $obj->[2] = $delay;
+ }
+ $obj->[2];
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..efa597dee14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+package Tk::Button;
+# Conversion from Tk4.0 button.tcl competed.
+# Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
+# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '4.008'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, subject
+# to additional disclaimer in license.terms due to partial
+# derivation from Tk4.0 sources.
+use strict;
+require Tk::Widget;
+use base qw(Tk::Widget);
+use vars qw($buttonWindow $relief);
+sub Tk_cmd { \&Tk::button }
+Construct Tk::Widget 'Button';
+sub ClassInit
+ my ($class,$mw) = @_;
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Enter>', 'Enter');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Leave>', 'Leave');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<1>', 'butDown');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<ButtonRelease-1>', 'butUp');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<space>', 'Invoke');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Return>', 'Invoke');
+ return $class;
+# tkButtonEnter --
+# The procedure below is invoked when the mouse pointer enters a
+# button widget. It records the button we're in and changes the
+# state of the button to active unless the button is disabled.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The name of the widget.
+sub Enter
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $E = shift;
+ if ($w->cget('-state') ne 'disabled')
+ {
+ $w->configure('-state' => 'active');
+ $w->configure('-state' => 'active', '-relief' => 'sunken') if (defined($buttonWindow) && $w == $buttonWindow)
+ }
+ $Tk::window = $w;
+# tkButtonLeave --
+# The procedure below is invoked when the mouse pointer leaves a
+# button widget. It changes the state of the button back to
+# inactive. If we're leaving the button window with a mouse button
+# pressed (tkPriv(buttonWindow) == $w), restore the relief of the
+# button too.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The name of the widget.
+sub Leave
+ my $w = shift;
+ $w->configure('-state'=>'normal') if ($w->cget('-state') ne 'disabled');
+ $w->configure('-relief' => $relief) if (defined($buttonWindow) && $w == $buttonWindow);
+ undef $Tk::window;
+# tkButtonDown --
+# The procedure below is invoked when the mouse button is pressed in
+# a button widget. It records the fact that the mouse is in the button,
+# saves the button's relief so it can be restored later, and changes
+# the relief to sunken.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The name of the widget.
+sub butDown
+ my $w = shift;
+ $relief = $w->cget('-relief');
+ if ($w->cget('-state') ne 'disabled')
+ {
+ $buttonWindow = $w;
+ $w->configure('-relief' => 'sunken')
+ }
+# tkButtonUp --
+# The procedure below is invoked when the mouse button is released
+# in a button widget. It restores the button's relief and invokes
+# the command as long as the mouse hasn't left the button.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The name of the widget.
+sub butUp
+ my $w = shift;
+ if (defined($buttonWindow) && $buttonWindow == $w)
+ {
+ undef $buttonWindow;
+ $w->configure('-relief' => $relief);
+ if ($w->IS($Tk::window) && $w->cget('-state') ne 'disabled')
+ {
+ $w->invoke;
+ }
+ }
+# tkButtonInvoke --
+# The procedure below is called when a button is invoked through
+# the keyboard. It simulate a press of the button via the mouse.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The name of the widget.
+sub Invoke
+ my $w = shift;
+ if ($w->cget('-state') ne 'disabled')
+ {
+ my $oldRelief = $w->cget('-relief');
+ my $oldState = $w->cget('-state');
+ $w->configure('-state' => 'active', '-relief' => 'sunken');
+ $w->idletasks;
+ $w->after(100);
+ $w->configure('-state' => $oldState, '-relief' => $oldRelief);
+ $w->invoke;
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..491d8cd2444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+package Tk::Checkbutton;
+# Conversion from Tk4.0 button.tcl competed.
+# Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
+# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '4.006'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, subject
+# to additional disclaimer in license.terms due to partial
+# derivation from Tk4.0 sources.
+require Tk::Widget;
+require Tk::Button;
+use base qw(Tk::Button);
+Construct Tk::Widget 'Checkbutton';
+sub Tk_cmd { \&Tk::checkbutton }
+sub ClassInit
+ my ($class,$mw) = @_;
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Enter>', 'Enter');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Leave>', 'Leave');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<1>', 'Invoke');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<space>', 'Invoke');
+ return $class;
+sub Invoke
+ my $w = shift;
+ $w->invoke() unless($w->cget('-state') eq 'disabled');
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b0eb0ea2b07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+package Tk::Clipboard;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #8 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
+use AutoLoader qw(AUTOLOAD);
+use Tk qw(catch);
+sub clipEvents
+ return qw[Copy Cut Paste];
+sub ClassInit
+ my ($class,$mw) = @_;
+ foreach my $op ($class->clipEvents)
+ {
+ $mw->Tk::bind($class,"<<$op>>","clipboard$op");
+ }
+ return $class;
+sub clipboardSet
+ my $w = shift;
+ $w->clipboardClear;
+ $w->clipboardAppend(@_);
+sub clipboardCopy
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $val = $w->getSelected;
+ if (defined $val)
+ {
+ $w->clipboardSet('--',$val);
+ }
+ return $val;
+sub clipboardCut
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $val = $w->clipboardCopy;
+ if (defined $val)
+ {
+ $w->deleteSelected;
+ }
+ return $val;
+sub clipboardGet
+ my $w = shift;
+ $w->SelectionGet('-selection','CLIPBOARD',@_);
+sub clipboardPaste
+ my $w = shift;
+ local $@;
+ catch
+ {
+## Different from Tcl/Tk version:
+# if ($w->windowingsystem eq 'x11')
+# {
+# catch
+# {
+# $w->deleteSelected;
+# };
+# }
+ $w->insert("insert", $w->clipboardGet);
+ $w->SeeInsert if $w->can('SeeInsert');
+ };
+sub clipboardOperations
+ my @class = ();
+ my $mw = shift;
+ if (ref $mw)
+ {
+ $mw = $mw->DelegateFor('bind');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push(@class,$mw);
+ $mw = shift;
+ }
+ while (@_)
+ {
+ my $op = shift;
+ $mw->Tk::bind(@class,"<<$op>>","clipboard$op");
+ }
+# These methods work for Entry and Text
+# and can be overridden where they don't work
+sub deleteSelected
+ my $w = shift;
+ catch { $w->delete('sel.first','sel.last') };
+sub getSelected
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $val = Tk::catch { $w->get('sel.first','sel.last') };
+ return $val;
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2e821e826ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,954 @@
+package Tk::CmdLine; # -*-Perl-*-
+#/ Module: Tk/
+#/ Purpose:
+#/ Process standard X11 command line options and set initial resources.
+#/ Author: ???? Date: ????
+#/ History: SEE POD
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '4.006'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
+use 5.004;
+use strict;
+use Config;
+my $OBJECT = undef; # define the current object
+#/ Constructor
+#/ Returns the object reference.
+sub new # Tk::CmdLine::new()
+ my $this = shift(@_);
+ my $class = ref($this) || $this;
+ my $name = 'pTk';
+ $name = $1 if (($0 =~ m/(?:^|[\/\\])([\w-]+)(?:\.\w+)?$/) && ($1 ne '-e'));
+ my $self = {
+ name => $name,
+ config => { -name => $name },
+ options => {},
+ methods => {},
+ command => [],
+ synchronous => 0,
+ iconic => 0,
+ motif => ($Tk::strictMotif || 0),
+ resources => {} };
+ return bless($self, $class);
+#/ Process the arguments in a given array or in @ARGV.
+#/ Returns the object reference.
+sub Argument_ # Tk::CmdLine::Argument_($flag) # private method
+ my $self = shift(@_);
+ my $flag = shift(@_);
+ unless ($self->{offset} < @{$self->{argv}})
+ {
+ die 'Usage: ', $self->{name}, ' ... ', $flag, " <argument> ...\n";
+ }
+ return splice(@{$self->{argv}}, $self->{offset}, 1);
+sub Config_ # Tk::CmdLine::Config_($flag, $name) # private method
+ my $self = shift(@_);
+ my ($flag, $name) = @_;
+ my $val = $self->Argument_($flag);
+ push(@{$self->{command}}, $flag, $val);
+ $self->{config}->{"-$name"} = $val;
+sub Flag_ # Tk::CmdLine::Flag_($flag, $name) # private method
+ my $self = shift(@_);
+ my ($flag, $name) = @_;
+ push(@{$self->{command}}, $flag);
+ $self->{$name} = 1;
+sub Option_ # Tk::CmdLine::Option_($flag, $name) # private method
+ my $self = shift(@_);
+ my ($flag, $name) = @_;
+ my $val = $self->Argument_($flag);
+ push(@{$self->{command}}, $flag, $val);
+ $self->{options}->{"*$name"} = $val;
+sub Method_ # Tk::CmdLine::Method_($flag, $name) # private method
+ my $self = shift(@_);
+ my ($flag, $name) = @_;
+ my $val = $self->Argument_($flag);
+ push(@{$self->{command}}, $flag, $val);
+ $self->{methods}->{$name} = $val;
+sub Resource_ # Tk::CmdLine::Resource_($flag, $name) # private method
+ my $self = shift(@_);
+ my ($flag, $name) = @_;
+ my $val = $self->Argument_($flag);
+ if ($val =~ /^([^!:\s]+)*\s*:\s*(.*)$/)
+ {
+ push(@{$self->{command}}, $flag, $val);
+ $self->{options}->{$1} = $2;
+ }
+my %Method = (
+ background => 'Option_',
+ bg => 'background', # alias
+ class => 'Config_',
+ display => 'screen', # alias
+ fg => 'foreground', # alias
+ fn => 'font', # alias
+ font => 'Option_',
+ foreground => 'Option_',
+ geometry => 'Method_',
+ iconic => 'Flag_',
+ iconposition => 'Method_',
+ motif => 'Flag_',
+ name => 'Config_',
+ screen => 'Config_',
+ synchronous => 'Flag_',
+ title => 'Config_',
+ xrm => 'Resource_'
+sub SetArguments # Tk::CmdLine::SetArguments([@argument])
+ my $self = (@_ # define the object as necessary
+ ? ((ref($_[0]) eq __PACKAGE__)
+ ? shift(@_)
+ : (($_[0] eq __PACKAGE__) ? shift(@_) : 1) && ($OBJECT ||= __PACKAGE__->new()))
+ : ($OBJECT ||= __PACKAGE__->new()));
+ $OBJECT = $self; # update the current object
+ $self->{argv} = (@_ ? [ @_ ] : \@ARGV);
+ $self->{offset} = 0; # its existence will denote that this method has been called
+ my @option = ();
+ while ($self->{offset} < @{$self->{argv}})
+ {
+ last if ($self->{argv}->[$self->{offset}] eq '--');
+ unless (
+ (($self->{argv}->[$self->{offset}] =~ /^-{1,2}(\w+)$/) && (@option = $1)) ||
+ (($self->{argv}->[$self->{offset}] =~ /^--(\w+)=(.*)$/) && (@option = ($1, $2))))
+ {
+ ++$self->{offset};
+ next;
+ }
+ next if (!exists($Method{$option[0]}) && ++$self->{offset});
+ $option[0] = $Method{$option[0]} if exists($Method{$Method{$option[0]}});
+ my $method = $Method{$option[0]};
+ if (@option > 1) # replace --<option>=<value> with <value>
+ {
+ $self->{argv}->[$self->{offset}] = $option[1];
+ }
+ else # remove the argument
+ {
+ splice(@{$self->{argv}}, $self->{offset}, 1);
+ }
+ $self->$method(('-' . $option[0]), $option[0]);
+ }
+ $self->{config}->{-class} ||= ucfirst($self->{config}->{-name});
+ delete($self->{argv}); # no longer needed
+ return $self;
+use vars qw(&process); *process = \&SetArguments; # alias to keep old code happy
+#/ Get a list of the arguments that have been processed by SetArguments().
+#/ Returns an array.
+sub GetArguments # Tk::CmdLine::GetArguments()
+ my $self = (@_ # define the object as necessary
+ ? ((ref($_[0]) eq __PACKAGE__)
+ ? shift(@_)
+ : (($_[0] eq __PACKAGE__) ? shift(@_) : 1) && ($OBJECT ||= __PACKAGE__->new()))
+ : ($OBJECT ||= __PACKAGE__->new()));
+ $OBJECT = $self; # update the current object
+ $self->SetArguments() unless exists($self->{offset}); # set arguments if not yet done
+ return @{$self->{command}};
+#/ Get the value of a configuration option (default: -class).
+#/ Returns the option value.
+sub cget # Tk::CmdLine::cget([$option])
+ my $self = (@_ # define the object as necessary
+ ? ((ref($_[0]) eq __PACKAGE__)
+ ? shift(@_)
+ : (($_[0] eq __PACKAGE__) ? shift(@_) : 1) && ($OBJECT ||= __PACKAGE__->new()))
+ : ($OBJECT ||= __PACKAGE__->new()));
+ $OBJECT = $self; # update the current object
+ my $option = shift(@_) || '-class';
+ $self->SetArguments() unless exists($self->{offset}); # set arguments if not yet done
+ return (exists($self->{config}->{$option}) ? $self->{config}->{$option} : undef);
+sub CreateArgs # Tk::CmdLine::CreateArgs()
+ my $self = (@_ # define the object as necessary
+ ? ((ref($_[0]) eq __PACKAGE__)
+ ? shift(@_)
+ : (($_[0] eq __PACKAGE__) ? shift(@_) : 1) && ($OBJECT ||= __PACKAGE__->new()))
+ : ($OBJECT ||= __PACKAGE__->new()));
+ $OBJECT = $self; # update the current object
+ $self->SetArguments() unless exists($self->{offset}); # set arguments if not yet done
+ return $self->{config};
+sub Tk::MainWindow::apply_command_line
+ my $mw = shift(@_);
+ my $self = ($OBJECT ||= __PACKAGE__->new());
+ $self->SetArguments() unless exists($self->{offset}); # set arguments if not yet done
+ foreach my $priority (keys(%{$self->{resources}}))
+ {
+ foreach my $resource (@{$self->{resources}->{$priority}})
+ {
+ $mw->optionAdd(@{$resource}, $priority);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$self->{options}}))
+ {
+ $mw->optionAdd($key => $self->{options}->{$key}, 'interactive');
+ }
+ foreach my $key (keys(%{$self->{methods}}))
+ {
+ $mw->$key($self->{methods}->{$key});
+ }
+ if ($self->{methods}->{geometry})
+ {
+ if ($self->{methods}->{geometry} =~ /[+-]\d+[+-]\d+/)
+ {
+ $mw->positionfrom('user');
+ }
+ if ($self->{methods}->{geometry} =~ /\d+x\d+/)
+ {
+ $mw->sizefrom('user');
+ }
+ delete $self->{methods}->{geometry}; # XXX needed?
+ }
+ $mw->Synchronize() if $self->{synchronous};
+ if ($self->{iconic})
+ {
+ $mw->iconify();
+ $self->{iconic} = 0;
+ }
+ $Tk::strictMotif = ($self->{motif} || 0);
+ # Both these are needed to reliably save state
+ # but 'hostname' is tricky to do portably.
+ # $mw->client(hostname());
+ $mw->protocol('WM_SAVE_YOURSELF' => ['WMSaveYourself',$mw]);
+ $mw->command([ $self->{name}, @{$self->{command}} ]);
+#/ Set the initial resources.
+#/ Returns the object reference.
+sub SetResources # Tk::CmdLine::SetResources((\@resource | $resource) [, $priority])
+ my $self = (@_ # define the object as necessary
+ ? ((ref($_[0]) eq __PACKAGE__)
+ ? shift(@_)
+ : (($_[0] eq __PACKAGE__) ? shift(@_) : 1) && ($OBJECT ||= __PACKAGE__->new()))
+ : ($OBJECT ||= __PACKAGE__->new()));
+ $OBJECT = $self; # update the current object
+ $self->SetArguments() unless exists($self->{offset}); # set arguments if not yet done
+ return $self unless @_;
+ my $data = shift(@_);
+ my $priority = shift(@_) || 'userDefault';
+ $self->{resources}->{$priority} = [] unless exists($self->{resources}->{$priority});
+ foreach my $resource ((ref($data) eq 'ARRAY') ? @{$data} : $data)
+ {
+ if (ref($resource) eq 'ARRAY') # resources in [ <pattern>, <value> ] format
+ {
+ push(@{$self->{resources}->{$priority}}, [ @{$resource} ])
+ if (@{$resource} == 2);
+ }
+ else # resources in resource file format
+ {
+ push(@{$self->{resources}->{$priority}}, [ $1, $2 ])
+ if ($resource =~ /^([^!:\s]+)*\s*:\s*(.*)$/);
+ }
+ }
+ return $self;
+#/ Load initial resources from one or more files (default: $XFILESEARCHPATH with
+#/ priority 'startupFile' and $XUSERFILESEARCHPATH with priority 'userDefault').
+#/ Returns the object reference.
+sub LoadResources # Tk::CmdLine::LoadResources([%options])
+ my $self = (@_ # define the object as necessary
+ ? ((ref($_[0]) eq __PACKAGE__)
+ ? shift(@_)
+ : (($_[0] eq __PACKAGE__) ? shift(@_) : 1) && ($OBJECT ||= __PACKAGE__->new()))
+ : ($OBJECT ||= __PACKAGE__->new()));
+ $OBJECT = $self; # update the current object
+ $self->SetArguments() unless exists($self->{offset}); # set arguments if not yet done
+ my %options = @_;
+ my @file = ();
+ my $echo = (exists($options{-echo})
+ ? (defined($options{-echo}) ? $options{-echo} : \*STDOUT) : undef);
+ unless (%options && (exists($options{-file}) || exists($options{-symbol})))
+ {
+ @file = (
+ { -symbol => 'XFILESEARCHPATH', -priority => 'startupFile' },
+ { -symbol => 'XUSERFILESEARCHPATH', -priority => 'userDefault' } );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ @file = { %options };
+ }
+ my $delimiter = (($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? ';' : ':');
+ foreach my $file (@file)
+ {
+ my $fileSpec = $file->{-spec} = undef;
+ if (exists($file->{-symbol}))
+ {
+ my $xpath = undef;
+ if ($file->{-symbol} eq 'XUSERFILESEARCHPATH')
+ {
+ $file->{-priority} ||= 'userDefault';
+ {
+ last if (exists($ENV{$symbol}) && ($xpath = $ENV{$symbol}));
+ }
+ next unless defined($xpath);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $file->{-priority} ||= (($file->{-symbol} eq 'XFILESEARCHPATH')
+ ? 'startupFile' : 'userDefault');
+ next unless (
+ exists($ENV{$file->{-symbol}}) && ($xpath = $ENV{$file->{-symbol}}));
+ }
+ unless (exists($self->{translation}))
+ {
+ $self->{translation} = {
+ '%l' => '', # ignored
+ '%C' => '', # ignored
+ '%S' => '', # ignored
+ '%L' => ($ENV{LANG} || 'C'), # language
+ '%T' => 'app-defaults', # type
+ '%N' => $self->{config}->{-class} # filename
+ };
+ }
+ my @postfix = map({ $_ . '/' . $self->{config}->{-class} }
+ ('/' . $self->{translation}->{'%L'}), '');
+ ITEM: foreach $fileSpec (split($Config{path_sep}, $xpath))
+ {
+ if ($fileSpec =~ s/(%[A-Za-z])/$self->{translation}->{$1}/g) # File Pattern
+ {
+ if (defined($echo) && ($file->{-symbol} ne 'XFILESEARCHPATH'))
+ {
+ print $echo 'Checking ', $fileSpec, "\n";
+ }
+ next unless ((-f $fileSpec) && (-r _) && (-s _));
+ $file->{-spec} = $fileSpec;
+ last;
+ }
+ else # Directory - Check for <Directory>/$LANG/<Class>, <Directory>/<CLASS>
+ {
+ foreach my $postfix (@postfix)
+ {
+ my $fileSpec2 = $fileSpec . $postfix;
+ if (defined($echo) && ($file->{-symbol} ne 'XFILESEARCHPATH'))
+ {
+ print $echo 'Checking ', $fileSpec2, "\n";
+ }
+ next unless ((-f $fileSpec2) && (-r _) && (-s _));
+ $file->{-spec} = $fileSpec2;
+ last ITEM;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (exists($file->{-file}) && ($fileSpec = $file->{-file}))
+ {
+ print $echo 'Checking ', $fileSpec, "\n" if defined($echo);
+ next unless ((-f $fileSpec) && (-r _) && (-s _));
+ $file->{-spec} = $fileSpec;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $file (@file)
+ {
+ next unless defined($file->{-spec});
+ local *SPEC;
+ next unless open(SPEC,$file->{-spec});
+ print $echo ' Loading ', $file->{-spec}, "\n" if defined($echo);
+ my $resource = undef;
+ my @resource = ();
+ my $continuation = 0;
+ while (defined(my $line = <SPEC>))
+ {
+ chomp($line);
+ next if ($line =~ /^\s*$/); # skip blank lines
+ next if ($line =~ /^\s*!/); # skip comments
+ $continuation = ($line =~ s/\s*\\$/ /); # search for trailing backslash
+ unless (defined($resource)) # it is the first line
+ {
+ $resource = $line;
+ }
+ else # it is a continuation line
+ {
+ $line =~ s/^\s*//; # remove leading whitespace
+ $resource .= $line;
+ }
+ next if $continuation;
+ push(@resource, [ $1, $2 ]) if ($resource =~ /^([^:\s]+)*\s*:\s*(.*)$/);
+ $resource = undef;
+ }
+ close(SPEC);
+ if (defined($resource)) # special case - EOF after line with trailing backslash
+ {
+ push(@resource, [ $1, $2 ]) if ($resource =~ /^([^:\s]+)*\s*:\s*(.*)$/);
+ }
+ $self->SetResources(\@resource, $file->{-priority}) if @resource;
+ }
+ return $self;
+=head1 NAME
+Tk::CmdLine - Process standard X11 command line options and set initial resources
+=for pm Tk/
+=for category Creating and Configuring Widgets
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ Tk::CmdLine::SetArguments([@argument]);
+ my $value = Tk::CmdLine::cget([$option]);
+ Tk::CmdLine::SetResources((\@resource | $resource) [, $priority]);
+ Tk::CmdLine::LoadResources(
+ [ -symbol => $symbol ]
+ [ -file => $fileSpec ]
+ [ -priority => $priority ]
+ [ -echo => $fileHandle ] );
+Process standard X11 command line options and set initial resources.
+The X11R5 man page for X11 says: "Most X programs attempt to use the same names
+for command line options and arguments. All applications written with the
+X Toolkit Intrinsics automatically accept the following options: ...".
+This module processes these command line options for perl/Tk applications
+using the C<SetArguments>() function.
+This module can optionally be used to load initial resources explicitly via
+function C<SetResources>(), or from specified files (default: the standard X11
+application-specific resource files) via function C<LoadResources>().
+=head2 Command Line Options
+=over 4
+=item B<-background> I<Color> | B<-bg> I<Color>
+Specifies the color to be used for the window background.
+=item B<-class> I<Class>
+Specifies the class under which resources for the application should be found.
+This option is useful in shell aliases to distinguish between invocations
+of an application, without resorting to creating links to alter the executable
+file name.
+=item B<-display> I<Display> | B<-screen> I<Display>
+Specifies the name of the X server to be used.
+=item B<-font> I<Font> | B<-fn> I<Font>
+Specifies the font to be used for displaying text.
+=item B<-foreground> I<Color> | B<-fg> I<Color>
+Specifies the color to be used for text or graphics.
+=item B<-geometry> I<Geometry>
+Specifies the initial size and location of the I<first>
+=item B<-iconic>
+Indicates that the user would prefer that the application's windows initially
+not be visible as if the windows had been immediately iconified by the user.
+Window managers may choose not to honor the application's request.
+=item B<-motif>
+Specifies that the application should adhere as closely as possible to Motif
+look-and-feel standards. For example, active elements such as buttons and
+scrollbar sliders will not change color when the pointer passes over them.
+=item B<-name> I<Name>
+Specifies the name under which resources for the application should be found.
+This option is useful in shell aliases to distinguish between invocations
+of an application, without resorting to creating links to alter the executable
+file name.
+=item B<-synchronous>
+Indicates that requests to the X server should be sent synchronously, instead of
+asynchronously. Since Xlib normally buffers requests to the server, errors do
+do not necessarily get reported immediately after they occur. This option turns
+off the buffering so that the application can be debugged. It should never
+be used with a working program.
+=item B<-title> I<TitleString>
+This option specifies the title to be used for this window. This information is
+sometimes used by a window manager to provide some sort of header identifying
+the window.
+=item B<-xrm> I<ResourceString>
+Specifies a resource pattern and value to override any defaults. It is also
+very useful for setting resources that do not have explicit command line
+The I<ResourceString> is of the form E<lt>I<pattern>E<gt>:E<lt>I<value>E<gt>,
+that is (the first) ':' is used to determine which part is pattern and which
+part is value. The (E<lt>I<pattern>E<gt>, E<lt>I<value>E<gt>) pair is entered
+into the options database with B<optionAdd> (for each
+L<MainWindow|Tk::MainWindow> configured), with I<interactive> priority.
+=head2 Initial Resources
+There are several mechanism for initializing the resource database to be used
+by an X11 application. Resources may be defined in a $C<HOME>/.Xdefaults file,
+a system application defaults file (e.g.
+or a user application defaults file (e.g. $C<HOME>/E<lt>B<CLASS>E<gt>).
+The Tk::CmdLine functionality for setting initial resources concerns itself
+with the latter two.
+Resource files contain data lines of the form
+They may also contain blank lines and comment lines (denoted
+by a ! character as the first non-blank character). Refer to L<option|Tk::option>
+for a description of E<lt>I<pattern>E<gt>:E<lt>I<value>E<gt>.
+=over 4
+=item System Application Defaults Files
+System application defaults files may be specified via environment variable
+$C<XFILESEARCHPATH> which, if set, contains a list of file patterns
+(joined using the OS-dependent path delimiter, e.g. colon on B<UNIX>).
+=item User Application Defaults Files
+User application defaults files may be specified via environment variables
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item B<SetArguments> - Tk::CmdLine::SetArguments([@argument])
+Extract the X11 options contained in a specified array (@ARGV by default).
+ Tk::CmdLine::SetArguments([@argument])
+The X11 options may be specified using a single dash I<-> as per the X11
+convention, or using two dashes I<--> as per the POSIX standard (e.g.
+B<-geometry> I<100x100>, B<-geometry> I<100x100> or B<-geometry=>I<100x100>).
+The options may be interspersed with other options or arguments.
+A I<--> by itself terminates option processing.
+By default, command line options are extracted from @ARGV the first time
+a MainWindow is created. The Tk::MainWindow constructor indirectly invokes
+C<SetArguments>() to do this.
+=item B<GetArguments> - Tk::CmdLine::GetArguments()
+Get a list of the X11 options that have been processed by C<SetArguments>().
+(C<GetArguments>() first invokes C<SetArguments>() if it has not already been invoked.)
+=item B<cget> - Tk::CmdLine::cget([$option])
+Get the value of a configuration option specified via C<SetArguments>().
+(C<cget>() first invokes C<SetArguments>() if it has not already been invoked.)
+ Tk::CmdLine::cget([$option])
+The valid options are: B<-class>, B<-name>, B<-screen> and B<-title>.
+If no option is specified, B<-class> is implied.
+A typical use of C<cget>() might be to obtain the application class in order
+to define the name of a resource file to be loaded in via C<LoadResources>().
+ my $class = Tk::CmdLine::cget(); # process command line and return class
+=item B<SetResources> - Tk::CmdLine::SetResources((\@resource | $resource) [, $priority])
+Set the initial resources.
+ Tk::CmdLine::SetResources((\@resource | $resource) [, $priority])
+A single resource may be specified using a string of the form
+'E<lt>I<pattern>E<gt>:E<lt>I<value>E<gt>'. Multiple resources may be specified
+by passing an array reference whose elements are either strings of the above
+form, and/or anonymous arrays of the form [ E<lt>I<pattern>E<gt>,
+E<lt>I<value>E<gt> ]. The optional second argument specifies the priority,
+as defined in L<option|Tk::option>, to be associated with the resources
+(default: I<userDefault>).
+Note that C<SetResources>() first invokes C<SetArguments>() if it has not already
+been invoked.
+=item B<LoadResources> - Tk::CmdLine::LoadResources([%options])
+Load initial resources from one or more files.
+ Tk::CmdLine::LoadResources(
+ [ -symbol => $symbol ]
+ [ -file => $fileSpec ]
+ [ -priority => $priority ]
+ [ -echo => $fileHandle ] );
+[ B<-symbol> =E<gt> $symbol ] specifies the name of an environment variable
+that, if set, defines a list of one or more directories and/or file patterns
+(joined using the OS-dependent path delimiter, e.g. colon on B<UNIX>).
+$C<XUSERFILESEARCHPATH> is a special case.
+If $C<XUSERFILESEARCHPATH> is not set, $C<XAPPLRESDIR> is checked instead.
+If $C<XAPPLRESDIR> is not set, $C<HOME> is checked instead.
+An item is identified as a file pattern if it contains one or more /%[A-Za-z]/
+patterns. Only patterns B<%L>, B<%T> and B<%N> are currently recognized. All
+others are replaced with the null string. Pattern B<%L> is translated into
+$C<LANG>. Pattern B<%T> is translated into I<app-defaults>. Pattern B<%N> is
+translated into the application class name.
+Each file pattern, after substitutions are applied, is assumed to define a
+FileSpec to be examined.
+When a directory is specified, FileSpecs
+and E<lt>B<DIRECTORY>E<gt>/E<lt>B<CLASS>E<gt> are defined, in that order.
+[ B<-file> =E<gt> $fileSpec ] specifies a resource file to be loaded in.
+The file is silently skipped if if does not exist, or if it is not readable.
+[ B<-priority> =E<gt> $priority ] specifies the priority, as defined in
+L<option|Tk::option>, to be associated with the resources
+(default: I<userDefault>).
+[ B<-echo> =E<gt> $fileHandle ] may be used to specify that a line should be
+printed to the corresponding FileHandle (default: \*STDOUT) everytime a file
+is examined / loaded.
+If no B<-symbol> or B<-file> options are specified, C<LoadResources>()
+processes symbol $C<XFILESEARCHPATH> with priority I<startupFile> and
+$C<XUSERFILESEARCHPATH> with priority I<userDefault>.
+(Note that $C<XFILESEARCHPATH> and $C<XUSERFILESEARCHPATH> are supposed to
+contain only patterns. $C<XAPPLRESDIR> and $C<HOME> are supposed to be a single
+directory. C<LoadResources>() does not check/care whether this is the case.)
+For each set of FileSpecs, C<LoadResources>() examines each FileSpec to
+determine if the file exists and is readable. The first file that meets this
+criteria is read in and C<SetResources>() is invoked.
+Note that C<LoadResources>() first invokes C<SetArguments>() if it has not already
+been invoked.
+=head1 NOTES
+This module is an object-oriented module whose methods can be invoked as object
+methods, class methods or regular functions. This is accomplished via an
+internally-maintained object reference which is created as necessary, and which
+always points to the last object used. C<SetArguments>(), C<SetResources>() and
+C<LoadResources>() return the object reference.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=item 1
+@ARGV is processed by Tk::CmdLine at MainWindow creation.
+ use Tk;
+ # <Process @ARGV - ignoring all X11-specific options>
+ my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+ MainLoop();
+=item 2
+@ARGV is processed by Tk::CmdLine before MainWindow creation.
+An @ARGV of (--geometry=100x100 -opt1 a b c -bg red)
+is equal to (-opt1 a b c) after C<SetArguments>() is invoked.
+ use Tk;
+ Tk::CmdLine::SetArguments(); # Tk::CmdLine->SetArguments() works too
+ # <Process @ARGV - not worrying about X11-specific options>
+ my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+ MainLoop();
+=item 3
+Just like 2) except that default arguments are loaded first.
+ use Tk;
+ Tk::CmdLine::SetArguments(qw(-name test -iconic));
+ Tk::CmdLine::SetArguments();
+ # <Process @ARGV - not worrying about X11-specific options>
+ my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+ MainLoop();
+=item 4
+@ARGV is processed by Tk::CmdLine before MainWindow creation.
+Standard resource files are loaded in before MainWindow creation.
+ use Tk;
+ Tk::CmdLine::SetArguments();
+ # <Process @ARGV - not worrying about X11-specific options>
+ Tk::CmdLine::LoadResources();
+ my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+ MainLoop();
+=item 5
+@ARGV is processed by Tk::CmdLine before MainWindow creation.
+Standard resource files are loaded in before MainWindow creation
+using non-default priorities.
+ use Tk;
+ Tk::CmdLine::SetArguments();
+ # <Process @ARGV - not worrying about X11-specific options>
+ Tk::CmdLine::LoadResources(-echo => \*STDOUT,
+ -priority => 65, -symbol => 'XFILESEARCHPATH' );
+ Tk::CmdLine::LoadResources(-echo => \*STDOUT,
+ -priority => 75, -symbol => 'XUSERFILESEARCHPATH' );
+ my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+ MainLoop();
+=item 6
+@ARGV is processed by Tk::CmdLine before MainWindow creation.
+Standard resource files are loaded in before MainWindow creation.
+Individual resources are also loaded in before MainWindow creation.
+ use Tk;
+ Tk::CmdLine::SetArguments();
+ # <Process @ARGV - not worrying about X11-specific options>
+ Tk::CmdLine::LoadResources();
+ Tk::CmdLine::SetResources( # set a single resource
+ '*Button*background: red',
+ 'widgetDefault' );
+ Tk::CmdLine::SetResources( # set multiple resources
+ [ '*Button*background: red', '*Button*foreground: blue' ],
+ 'widgetDefault' );
+ my $mw = MainWindow->new();
+ MainLoop();
+=over 4
+=item B<HOME> (optional)
+Home directory which may contain user application defaults files as
+$C<HOME>/$C<LANG>/E<lt>B<CLASS>E<gt> or $C<HOME>/E<lt>B<CLASS>E<gt>.
+=item B<LANG> (optional)
+The current language (default: I<C>).
+=item B<XFILESEARCHPATH> (optional)
+List of FileSpec patterns
+(joined using the OS-dependent path delimiter, e.g. colon on B<UNIX>)
+used in defining system application defaults files.
+=item B<XUSERFILESEARCHPATH> (optional)
+List of FileSpec patterns
+(joined using the OS-dependent path delimiter, e.g. colon on B<UNIX>)
+used in defining user application defaults files.
+=item B<XAPPLRESDIR> (optional)
+Directory containing user application defaults files as
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 HISTORY
+=over 4
+=item *
+1999.03.04 Ben Pavon E<lt>ben.pavon@hsc.hac.comE<gt>
+Rewritten as an object-oriented module.
+Allow one to process command line options in a specified array (@ARGV by default).
+Eliminate restrictions on the format and location of the options within the array
+(previously the X11 options could not be specified in POSIX format and had to be
+at the beginning of the array).
+Added the C<SetResources>() and C<LoadResources>() functions to allow the definition
+of resources prior to MainWindow creation.
+=item *
+2000.08.31 Ben Pavon E<lt>ben.pavon@hsc.hac.comE<gt>
+Added the C<GetArguments>() method which returns the list of arguments that
+have been processed by C<SetArguments>().
+Modified C<LoadResources>() to split the symbols using the OS-dependent
+path delimiter defined in the B<Config> module.
+Modified C<LoadResources>() to eliminate a warning message when processing
+patterns B<%l>, B<%C>, B<%S>.
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..26252ae4958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+package Tk::Configure;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '4.008'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
+use Carp;
+use Tk::Pretty;
+# Class that handles cget/configure for options that
+# need translating from public form
+# e.g. $cw->configure(-label => 'fred')
+# into $cw->subwiget('label')->configure(-text => 'fred')
+# Should probably do something clever with regexp's here
+sub new
+ my ($class,@args) = @_;
+ unshift(@args,'configure','cget') if (@args < 3);
+ return bless \@args,$class;
+sub cget
+ croak('Wrong number of args to cget') unless (@_ == 2);
+ my ($alias,$key) = @_;
+ my ($set,$get,$widget,@args) = @$alias;
+ $widget->$get(@args);
+sub configure
+ my $alias = shift;
+ shift if (@_);
+ my ($set,$get,$widget,@args) = @$alias;
+ if (wantarray)
+ {
+ my @results;
+ eval { @results = $widget->$set(@args,@_) };
+ croak($@) if $@;
+ return @results;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $results;
+ eval { $results = $widget->$set(@args,@_) };
+ croak($@) if $@;
+ return $results;
+ }
+*TIESCALAR = \&new;
+*TIEHASH = \&new;
+sub FETCH
+ my $alias = shift;
+ my ($set,$get,$widget,@args) = @$alias;
+ return $widget->$get(@args,@_);
+sub STORE
+ my $alias = shift;
+ my ($set,$get,$widget,@args) = @$alias;
+ $widget->$set(@args,@_);
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c31c205d2fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+package Tk::Derived;
+require Tk::Widget;
+require Tk::Configure;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #10 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
+$Tk::Derived::Debug = 0;
+my $ENHANCED_CONFIGSPECS = 0; # disable for now
+use Tk qw(NORMAL_BG BLACK);
+sub Subwidget
+ my $cw = shift;
+ my @result = ();
+ if (exists $cw->{SubWidget})
+ {
+ if (@_)
+ {
+ foreach my $name (@_)
+ {
+ push(@result,$cw->{SubWidget}{$name}) if (exists $cw->{SubWidget}{$name});
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ @result = values %{$cw->{SubWidget}};
+ }
+ }
+ return (wantarray) ? @result : $result[0];
+sub _makelist
+ my $widget = shift;
+ my (@specs) = (ref $widget && ref $widget eq 'ARRAY') ? (@$widget) : ($widget);
+ return @specs;
+sub Subconfigure
+ # This finds the widget or widgets to to which to apply a particular
+ # configure option
+ my ($cw,$opt) = @_;
+ my $config = $cw->ConfigSpecs;
+ my $widget;
+ my @subwidget = ();
+ my @arg = ();
+ if (defined $opt)
+ {
+ $widget = $config->{$opt};
+ unless (defined $widget)
+ {
+ $widget = ($opt =~ /^-(.*)$/) ? $config->{$1} : $config->{-$opt};
+ }
+ # Handle alias entries
+ if (defined($widget) && !ref($widget))
+ {
+ $opt = $widget;
+ $widget = $config->{$widget};
+ }
+ push(@arg,$opt) unless ($opt eq 'DEFAULT');
+ }
+ $widget = $config->{DEFAULT} unless (defined $widget);
+ if (defined $widget)
+ {
+ $cw->BackTrace("Invalid ConfigSpecs $widget") unless (ref($widget) && (ref $widget eq 'ARRAY'));
+ $widget = $widget->[0];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $widget = 'SELF';
+ }
+ foreach $widget (_makelist($widget))
+ {
+ $widget = 'SELF' if (ref($widget) && $widget == $cw);
+ if (ref $widget)
+ {
+ my $ref = ref $widget;
+ if ($ref eq 'ARRAY')
+ {
+ $widget = Tk::Configure->new(@$widget);
+ push(@subwidget,$widget)
+ }
+ elsif ($ref eq 'HASH')
+ {
+ foreach my $key (%$widget)
+ {
+ foreach my $sw (_makelist($widget->{$key}))
+ {
+ push(@subwidget,Tk::Configure->new($sw,$key));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push(@subwidget,$widget)
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($widget eq 'ADVERTISED')
+ {
+ push(@subwidget,$cw->Subwidget)
+ }
+ elsif ($widget eq 'DESCENDANTS')
+ {
+ push(@subwidget,$cw->Descendants)
+ }
+ elsif ($widget eq 'CHILDREN')
+ {
+ push(@subwidget,$cw->children)
+ }
+ elsif ($widget eq 'METHOD')
+ {
+ my ($method) = ($opt =~ /^-?(.*)$/);
+ push(@subwidget,Tk::Configure->new($method,$method,$cw))
+ }
+ elsif ($widget eq 'SETMETHOD')
+ {
+ my ($method) = ($opt =~ /^-?(.*)$/);
+ push(@subwidget,Tk::Configure->new($method,'_cget',$cw,@arg))
+ }
+ elsif ($widget eq 'SELF')
+ {
+ push(@subwidget,Tk::Configure->new('Tk::configure', 'Tk::cget', $cw,@arg))
+ }
+ elsif ($widget eq 'PASSIVE')
+ {
+ push(@subwidget,Tk::Configure->new('_configure','_cget',$cw,@arg))
+ }
+ elsif ($widget eq 'CALLBACK')
+ {
+ push(@subwidget,Tk::Configure->new('_callback','_cget',$cw,@arg))
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push(@subwidget,$cw->Subwidget($widget));
+ }
+ }
+ $cw->BackTrace("No delegate subwidget '$widget' for $opt") unless (@subwidget);
+ return (wantarray) ? @subwidget : $subwidget[0];
+sub _cget
+ my ($cw,$opt) = @_;
+ $cw->BackTrace('Wrong number of args to cget') unless (@_ == 2);
+ return $cw->{Configure}{$opt}
+sub _configure
+ my ($cw,$opt,$val) = @_;
+ $cw->BackTrace('Wrong number of args to configure') unless (@_ == 3);
+ $cw->{Configure}{$opt} = $val;
+sub _callback
+ my ($cw,$opt,$val) = @_;
+ $cw->BackTrace('Wrong number of args to configure') unless (@_ == 3);
+ $val = Tk::Callback->new($val) if defined($val) && ref($val);
+ $cw->{Configure}{$opt} = $val;
+sub cget
+{my ($cw,$opt) = @_;
+ my @result;
+ local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
+ foreach my $sw ($cw->Subconfigure($opt))
+ {
+ if (wantarray)
+ {
+ eval { @result = $sw->cget($opt) };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ eval { $result[0] = $sw->cget($opt) };
+ }
+ last unless $@;
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @result : $result[0];
+sub Configured
+ # Called whenever a derived widget is re-configured
+ my ($cw,$args,$changed) = @_;
+ if (@_ > 1)
+ {
+ $cw->afterIdle(['ConfigChanged',$cw,$changed]) if (%$changed);
+ }
+ return exists $cw->{'Configure'};
+sub configure
+ # The default composite widget configuration method uses hash stored
+ # in the widget's hash to map configuration options
+ # onto subwidgets.
+ #
+ my @results = ();
+ my $cw = shift;
+ if (@_ <= 1)
+ {
+ # Enquiry cases
+ my $spec = $cw->ConfigSpecs;
+ if (@_)
+ {
+ # Return info on the nominated option
+ my $opt = $_[0];
+ my $info = $spec->{$opt};
+ unless (defined $info)
+ {
+ $info = ($opt =~ /^-(.*)$/) ? $spec->{$1} : $spec->{-$opt};
+ }
+ if (defined $info)
+ {
+ if (ref $info)
+ {
+ # If the default slot is undef then ask subwidgets in turn
+ # for their default value until one accepts it.
+ if ($ENHANCED_CONFIGSPECS && !defined($info->[3]))
+ {local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
+ my @def;
+ foreach my $sw ($cw->Subconfigure($opt))
+ {
+ eval { @def = $sw->configure($opt) };
+ last unless $@;
+ }
+ $info->[3] = $def[3];
+ $info->[1] = $def[1] unless defined $info->[1];
+ $info->[2] = $def[2] unless defined $info->[2];
+ }
+ push(@results,$opt,$info->[1],$info->[2],$info->[3],$cw->cget($opt));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Real (core) Tk widgets return db name rather than option name
+ # for aliases so recurse to get that ...
+ my @real = $cw->configure($info);
+ push(@results,$opt,$real[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push(@results,$cw->Subconfigure($opt)->configure($opt));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $opt;
+ my %results;
+ if (exists $spec->{'DEFAULT'})
+ {
+ foreach $opt ($cw->Subconfigure('DEFAULT')->configure)
+ {
+ $results{$opt->[0]} = $opt;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach $opt (keys %$spec)
+ {
+ $results{$opt} = [$cw->configure($opt)] if ($opt ne 'DEFAULT');
+ }
+ foreach $opt (sort keys %results)
+ {
+ push(@results,$results{$opt});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my (%args) = @_;
+ my %changed = ();
+ my ($opt,$val);
+ my $config = $cw->TkHash('Configure');
+ while (($opt,$val) = each %args)
+ {
+ my $var = \$config->{$opt};
+ my $old = $$var;
+ $$var = $val;
+ my $accepted = 0;
+ my $error = "No widget handles $opt";
+ foreach my $subwidget ($cw->Subconfigure($opt))
+ {
+ next unless (defined $subwidget);
+ eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $subwidget->configure($opt => $val) };
+ if ($@)
+ {
+ my $val2 = (defined $val) ? $val : 'undef';
+ $error = "Can't set $opt to `$val2' for $cw: " . $@;
+ undef $@;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $accepted = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $cw->BackTrace($error) unless ($accepted);
+ $val = $$var;
+ $changed{$opt} = $val if (!defined $old || !defined $val || "$old" ne "$val");
+ }
+ $cw->Configured(\%args,\%changed);
+ }
+ return (wantarray) ? @results : \@results;
+sub ConfigDefault
+ my ($cw,$args) = @_;
+ $cw->BackTrace('Bad args') unless (defined $args && ref $args eq 'HASH');
+ my $specs = $cw->ConfigSpecs;
+ # Should we enforce a Delagates(DEFAULT => ) as well ?
+ $specs->{'DEFAULT'} = ['SELF'] unless (exists $specs->{'DEFAULT'});
+ #
+ # This is a pain with Text or Entry as core widget, they don't
+ # inherit SELF's cursor. So comment it out for Tk402.001
+ #
+ # $specs->{'-cursor'} = ['SELF',undef,undef,undef] unless (exists $specs->{'-cursor'});
+ # Now some hacks that cause colours to propogate down a composite widget
+ # tree - really needs more thought, other options adding such as active
+ # colours too and maybe fonts
+ my $child = ($cw->children)[0]; # 1st child window (if any)
+ unless (exists($specs->{'-background'}))
+ {
+ Tk::catch { $cw->Tk::cget('-background') };
+ my (@bg) = $@ ? ('PASSIVE') : ('SELF');
+ push(@bg,'CHILDREN') if $child;
+ $specs->{'-background'} = [\@bg,'background','Background',NORMAL_BG];
+ }
+ unless (exists($specs->{'-foreground'}))
+ {
+ Tk::catch { $cw->Tk::cget('-foreground') };
+ my (@fg) = $@ ? ('PASSIVE') : ('SELF');
+ push(@fg,'CHILDREN') if $child;
+ $specs->{'-foreground'} = [\@fg,'foreground','Foreground',BLACK];
+ }
+ $cw->ConfigAlias(-fg => '-foreground', -bg => '-background');
+ # Pre-scan args for aliases - this avoids defaulting
+ # options specified via alias
+ foreach my $opt (keys %$args)
+ {
+ my $info = $specs->{$opt};
+ if (defined($info) && !ref($info))
+ {
+ $args->{$info} = delete $args->{$opt};
+ }
+ }
+ # Now walk %$specs supplying defaults for all the options
+ # which have a defined default value, potentially looking up .Xdefaults database
+ # options for the name/class of the 'frame'
+ foreach my $opt (keys %$specs)
+ {
+ if ($opt ne 'DEFAULT')
+ {
+ unless (exists $args->{$opt})
+ {
+ my $info = $specs->{$opt};
+ if (ref $info)
+ {
+ # Not an alias
+ if ($ENHANCED_CONFIGSPECS && !defined $info->[3])
+ {
+ # configure inquire to fill in default slot from subwidget
+ $cw->configure($opt);
+ }
+ if (defined $info->[3])
+ {
+ if (defined $info->[1] && defined $info->[2])
+ {
+ # Should we do this on the Subconfigure widget instead?
+ # to match *Entry.Background
+ my $db = $cw->optionGet($info->[1],$info->[2]);
+ $info->[3] = $db if (defined $db);
+ }
+ $args->{$opt} = $info->[3];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub ConfigSpecs
+ my $cw = shift;
+ my $specs = $cw->TkHash('ConfigSpecs');
+ while (@_)
+ {
+ my $key = shift;
+ my $val = shift;
+ $specs->{$key} = $val;
+ }
+ return $specs;
+sub _alias
+ my ($specs,$opt,$main) = @_;
+ if (exists($specs->{$opt}))
+ {
+ unless (exists $specs->{$main})
+ {
+ my $targ = $specs->{$opt};
+ if (ref($targ))
+ {
+ # opt is a real option
+ $specs->{$main} = $opt
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # opt is itself an alias
+ # make main point to same place
+ $specs->{$main} = $targ unless $targ eq $main;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub ConfigAlias
+ my $cw = shift;
+ my $specs = $cw->ConfigSpecs;
+ while (@_ >= 2)
+ {
+ my $opt = shift;
+ my $main = shift;
+ unless (_alias($specs,$opt,$main) || _alias($specs,$main,$opt))
+ {
+ $cw->BackTrace("Neither $opt nor $main exist");
+ }
+ }
+ $cw->BackTrace('Odd number of args to ConfigAlias') if (@_);
+sub Delegate
+ my ($cw,$method,@args) = @_;
+ my $widget = $cw->DelegateFor($method);
+ if ($widget == $cw)
+ {
+ $method = "Tk::Widget::$method"
+ }
+ my @result;
+ if (wantarray)
+ {
+ @result = $widget->$method(@args);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $result[0] = $widget->$method(@args);
+ }
+ return (wantarray) ? @result : $result[0];
+sub InitObject
+ my ($cw,$args) = @_;
+ $cw->Populate($args);
+ $cw->ConfigDefault($args);
+sub ConfigChanged
+ my ($cw,$args) = @_;
+sub Advertise
+ my ($cw,$name,$widget) = @_;
+ confess 'No name' unless (defined $name);
+ croak 'No widget' unless (defined $widget);
+ my $hash = $cw->TkHash('SubWidget');
+ $hash->{$name} = $widget; # advertise it
+ return $widget;
+sub Component
+ my ($cw,$kind,$name,%args) = @_;
+ $args{'Name'} = "\l$name" if (defined $name && !exists $args{'Name'});
+ # my $pack = delete $args{'-pack'};
+ my $delegate = delete $args{'-delegate'};
+ my $w = $cw->$kind(%args); # Create it
+ # $w->pack(@$pack) if (defined $pack);
+ $cw->Advertise($name,$w) if (defined $name);
+ $cw->Delegates(map(($_ => $w),@$delegate)) if (defined $delegate);
+ return $w; # and return it
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8173f4a5acc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+package Tk::Dialog;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '4.004'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
+# Dialog - a translation of `tk_dialog' from Tcl/Tk to TkPerl (based on
+# John Stoffel's idea).
+# Stephen O. Lidie, Lehigh University Computing Center. 94/12/27
+# lusol@Lehigh.EDU
+# Documentation after __END__
+use Carp;
+use strict;
+use base qw(Tk::DialogBox);
+Construct Tk::Widget 'Dialog';
+sub Populate
+ # Dialog object constructor. Uses `new' method from base class
+ # to create object container then creates the dialog toplevel.
+ my($cw, $args) = @_;
+ $cw->SUPER::Populate($args);
+ my ($w_bitmap,$w_but,$pad1,$pad2);
+ # Create the Toplevel window and divide it into top and bottom parts.
+ my (@pl) = (-side => 'top', -fill => 'both');
+ ($pad1, $pad2) =
+ ([-padx => '3m', -pady => '3m'], [-padx => '3m', -pady => '2m']);
+ $cw->iconname('Dialog');
+ my $w_top = $cw->Subwidget('top');
+ # Fill the top part with the bitmap and message.
+ @pl = (-side => 'left');
+ $w_bitmap = $w_top->Label(Name => 'bitmap');
+ $w_bitmap->pack(@pl, @$pad1);
+ my $w_msg = $w_top->Label( -wraplength => '3i', -justify => 'left' );
+ $w_msg->pack(-side => 'right', -expand => 1, -fill => 'both', @$pad1);
+ $cw->Advertise(message => $w_msg);
+ $cw->Advertise(bitmap => $w_bitmap );
+ $cw->ConfigSpecs( -image => ['bitmap',undef,undef,undef],
+ -bitmap => ['bitmap',undef,undef,undef],
+ -font => ['message','font','Font', '-*-Times-Medium-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-*-*-*-*'],
+ DEFAULT => ['message',undef,undef,undef]
+ );
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..13335404e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# DialogBox is similar to Dialog except that it allows any widget
+# in the top frame. Widgets can be added with the add method. Currently
+# there exists no way of deleting a widget once it has been added.
+package Tk::DialogBox;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #13 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
+use base qw(Tk::Toplevel);
+sub Populate {
+ my ($cw, $args) = @_;
+ $cw->SUPER::Populate($args);
+ my $buttons = delete $args->{'-buttons'};
+ $buttons = ['OK'] unless defined $buttons;
+ my $default_button = delete $args->{'-default_button'};
+ $default_button = $buttons->[0] unless defined $default_button;
+ $cw->{'selected_button'} = '';
+ $cw->transient($cw->Parent->toplevel);
+ $cw->withdraw;
+ if (@$buttons == 1) {
+ $cw->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW' => sub { $cw->{'default_button'}->invoke });
+ } else {
+ $cw->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW' => sub {});
+ }
+ # create the two frames
+ my $top = $cw->Component('Frame', 'top');
+ $top->configure(-relief => 'raised', -bd => 1) unless $Tk::platform eq 'MSWin32';
+ my $bot = $cw->Component('Frame', 'bottom');
+ $bot->configure(-relief => 'raised', -bd => 1) unless $Tk::platform eq 'MSWin32';
+ $bot->pack(qw/-side bottom -fill both -ipady 3 -ipadx 3/);
+ $top->pack(qw/-side top -fill both -ipady 3 -ipadx 3 -expand 1/);
+ # create a row of buttons in the bottom.
+ my $bl; # foreach my $var: perl > 5.003_08
+ foreach $bl (@$buttons)
+ {
+ my $b = $bot->Button(-text => $bl, -command => sub { $cw->{'selected_button'} = "$bl" } );
+ $b->bind('<Return>' => [ $b, 'Invoke']);
+ $cw->Advertise("B_$bl" => $b);
+ if ($Tk::platform eq 'MSWin32')
+ {
+ $b->configure(-width => 10, -pady => 0);
+ }
+ if ($bl eq $default_button) {
+ if ($Tk::platform eq 'MSWin32') {
+ $b->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 1, -padx => 1, -pady => 1);
+ } else {
+ my $db = $bot->Frame(-relief => 'sunken', -bd => 1);
+ $b->raise($db);
+ $b->pack(-in => $db, -padx => '2', -pady => '2');
+ $db->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 1, -padx => 1, -pady => 1);
+ }
+ $cw->{'default_button'} = $b;
+ $cw->bind('<Return>' => [ $b, 'Invoke']);
+ } else {
+ $b->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 1, -padx => 1, -pady => 1);
+ }
+ }
+ $cw->ConfigSpecs(-command => ['CALLBACK', undef, undef, undef ],
+ -foreground => ['DESCENDANTS', 'foreground','Foreground', 'black'],
+ -background => ['DESCENDANTS', 'background','Background', undef],
+ -focus => ['PASSIVE', undef, undef, undef],
+ -showcommand => ['CALLBACK', undef, undef, undef],
+ );
+ $cw->Delegates('Construct',$top);
+sub add {
+ my ($cw, $wnam, @args) = @_;
+ my $w = $cw->Subwidget('top')->$wnam(@args);
+ $cw->Advertise("\L$wnam" => $w);
+ return $w;
+sub Wait
+ my $cw = shift;
+ $cw->Callback(-showcommand => $cw);
+ $cw->waitVariable(\$cw->{'selected_button'});
+ $cw->grabRelease;
+ $cw->withdraw;
+ $cw->Callback(-command => $cw->{'selected_button'});
+sub Show {
+ croak 'DialogBox: "Show" method requires at least 1 argument'
+ if scalar @_ < 1;
+ my $cw = shift;
+ my ($grab) = @_;
+ my $old_focus = $cw->focusSave;
+ my $old_grab = $cw->grabSave;
+ shift if defined $grab && length $grab && ($grab =~ /global/);
+ $cw->Popup(@_);
+ Tk::catch {
+ if (defined $grab && length $grab && ($grab =~ /global/)) {
+ $cw->grabGlobal;
+ } else {
+ $cw->grab;
+ }
+ };
+ if (my $focusw = $cw->cget(-focus)) {
+ $focusw->focus;
+ } elsif (defined $cw->{'default_button'}) {
+ $cw->{'default_button'}->focus;
+ } else {
+ $cw->focus;
+ }
+ $cw->Wait;
+ &$old_focus;
+ &$old_grab;
+ return $cw->{'selected_button'};
+sub Exit
+ my $cw = shift;
+ #kill the dialogbox, by faking a 'DONE'
+ $cw->{'selected_button'} = $cw->{'default_button'}->cget(-text);
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5ead808405d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+package Tk::DummyEncode;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '4.007'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
+sub getEncoding
+ my ($class,$name) = @_;
+ return undef unless ($name =~ /(iso8859-1|X11ControlChars)/);
+ my $pkg = $name;
+ $pkg =~ s/\W+/_/g;
+ return bless {Name => $name},$class.'::'.$pkg;
+package Tk::DummyEncode::iso8859_1;
+sub encode
+ my ($obj,$uni,$chk) = @_;
+ $_[1] = '' if $chk;
+ return $uni;
+sub decode
+ my ($obj,$byt,$chk) = @_;
+ $_[1]
+= '' if $chk;
+ return $byt;
+package Tk::DummyEncode::X11ControlChars;
+sub encode
+ my ($obj,$uni,$chk) = @_;
+ my $str = '';
+ foreach my $ch (split(//,$uni))
+ {
+ $str .= sprintf("\\x{%x}",ord($ch));
+ }
+ $_[1] = '' if $chk;
+ return $str;
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..51b3f0c6767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+package Tk::Entry;
+# Converted from entry.tcl --
+# This file defines the default bindings for Tk entry widgets.
+# @(#) entry.tcl 1.22 94/12/17 16:05:14
+# Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
+# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+use strict;
+$VERSION = sprintf '4.%03d',q$Revision: #17 $ =~ /#(\d+)/;
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, subject
+# to additional disclaimer in license.terms due to partial
+# derivation from Tk4.0 sources.
+use Tk::Widget ();
+use Tk::Clipboard ();
+use base qw(Tk::Clipboard Tk::Widget);
+import Tk qw(Ev $XS_VERSION);
+Construct Tk::Widget 'Entry';
+bootstrap Tk::Entry;
+sub Tk_cmd { \&Tk::entry }
+ 'selection','validate','xview');
+use Tk::Submethods ( 'selection' => [qw(clear range adjust present to from)],
+ 'xview' => [qw(moveto scroll)],
+ );
+sub wordstart
+{my ($w,$pos) = @_;
+ my $string = $w->get;
+ $pos = $w->index('insert')-1 unless(defined $pos);
+ $string = substr($string,0,$pos);
+ $string =~ s/\S*$//;
+ length $string;
+sub wordend
+{my ($w,$pos) = @_;
+ my $string = $w->get;
+ my $anc = length $string;
+ $pos = $w->index('insert') unless(defined $pos);
+ $string = substr($string,$pos);
+ $string =~ s/^(?:((?=\s)\s*|(?=\S)\S*))//x;
+ $anc - length($string);
+sub deltainsert
+ my ($w,$d) = @_;
+ return $w->index('insert')+$d;
+# Bind --
+# This procedure is invoked the first time the mouse enters an
+# entry widget or an entry widget receives the input focus. It creates
+# all of the class bindings for entries.
+# Arguments:
+# event - Indicates which event caused the procedure to be invoked
+# (Enter or FocusIn). It is used so that we can carry out
+# the functions of that event in addition to setting up
+# bindings.
+sub ClassInit
+ my ($class,$mw) = @_;
+ $class->SUPER::ClassInit($mw);
+ # <<Cut>>, <<Copy>> and <<Paste>> defined in Tk::Clipboard
+ $mw->bind($class,'<<Clear>>' => sub {
+ my $w = shift;
+ $w->delete("sel.first", "sel.last");
+ });
+ $mw->bind($class,'<<PasteSelection>>' => [sub {
+ my($w, $x) = @_;
+ # XXX logic in Tcl/Tk version screwed up?
+ if (!$Tk::strictMotif && !$Tk::mouseMoved) {
+ $w->Paste($x);
+ }
+ }, Ev('x')]);
+ # Standard Motif bindings:
+ # The <Escape> binding is different from the Tcl/Tk version:
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Escape>','selectionClear');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<1>',['Button1',Ev('x'),Ev('y')]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<ButtonRelease-1>',['Button1Release',Ev('x'),Ev('y')]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<B1-Motion>',['Motion',Ev('x'),Ev('y')]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Double-1>',['MouseSelect',Ev('x'),'word','sel.first']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Double-Shift-1>',['MouseSelect',Ev('x'),'word']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Triple-1>',['MouseSelect',Ev('x'),'line',0]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Triple-Shift-1>',['MouseSelect',Ev('x'),'line']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Shift-1>','Shift_1');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<B1-Leave>',['AutoScan',Ev('x')]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<B1-Enter>','CancelRepeat');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-1>','Control_1');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Left>', ['SetCursor',Ev('deltainsert',-1)]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Right>',['SetCursor',Ev('deltainsert',1)]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Shift-Left>',['KeySelect',Ev('deltainsert',-1)]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Shift-Right>',['KeySelect',Ev('deltainsert',1)]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-Left>',['SetCursor',Ev(['wordstart'])]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-Right>',['SetCursor',Ev(['wordend'])]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Shift-Control-Left>',['KeySelect',Ev(['wordstart'])]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Shift-Control-Right>',['KeySelect',Ev(['wordend'])]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Home>',['SetCursor',0]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Shift-Home>',['KeySelect',0]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<End>',['SetCursor','end']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Shift-End>',['KeySelect','end']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Delete>','Delete');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<BackSpace>','Backspace');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-space>',['selectionFrom','insert']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Select>',['selectionFrom','insert']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-Shift-space>',['selectionAdjust','insert']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Shift-Select>',['selectionAdjust','insert']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-slash>',['selectionRange',0,'end']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-backslash>','selectionClear');
+ # $class->clipboardOperations($mw,qw[Copy Cut Paste]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<KeyPress>', ['Insert',Ev('A')]);
+ # Ignore all Alt, Meta, and Control keypresses unless explicitly bound.
+ # Otherwise, if a widget binding for one of these is defined, the
+ # <KeyPress> class binding will also fire and insert the character,
+ # which is wrong. Ditto for Return, and Tab.
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Alt-KeyPress>' ,'NoOp');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Meta-KeyPress>' ,'NoOp');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-KeyPress>' ,'NoOp');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Return>' ,'NoOp');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<KP_Enter>' ,'NoOp');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Tab>' ,'NoOp');
+ if ($mw->windowingsystem =~ /^(?:classic|aqua)$/)
+ {
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Command-KeyPress>', 'NoOp');
+ }
+ # On Windows, paste is done using Shift-Insert. Shift-Insert already
+ # generates the <<Paste>> event, so we don't need to do anything here.
+ if ($Tk::platform ne 'MSWin32')
+ {
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Insert>','InsertSelection');
+ }
+ if (!$Tk::strictMotif)
+ {
+ # Additional emacs-like bindings:
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-a>',['SetCursor',0]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-b>',['SetCursor',Ev('deltainsert',-1)]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-d>',['delete','insert']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-e>',['SetCursor','end']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-f>',['SetCursor',Ev('deltainsert',1)]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-h>','Backspace');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-k>',['delete','insert','end']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-t>','Transpose');
+ # XXX The original Tcl/Tk bindings use NextWord/PreviousWord instead
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Meta-b>',['SetCursor',Ev(['wordstart'])]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Meta-d>',['delete','insert',Ev(['wordend'])]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Meta-f>',['SetCursor',Ev(['wordend'])]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Meta-BackSpace>',['delete',Ev(['wordstart']),'insert']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Meta-Delete>',['delete',Ev(['wordstart']),'insert']);
+ # A few additional bindings from John Ousterhout.
+# XXX conflicts with <<Copy>>: $mw->bind($class,'<Control-w>',['delete',Ev(['wordstart']),'insert']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<2>','Button_2');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<B2-Motion>','B2_Motion');
+# XXX superseded by <<PasteSelection>>: $mw->bind($class,'<ButtonRelease-2>','ButtonRelease_2');
+ }
+ return $class;
+sub Shift_1
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
+ $Tk::selectMode = 'char';
+ $w->selectionAdjust('@' . $Ev->x)
+sub Control_1
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
+ $w->icursor('@' . $Ev->x)
+sub Delete
+ my $w = shift;
+ if ($w->selectionPresent)
+ {
+ $w->deleteSelected
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $w->delete('insert')
+ }
+sub InsertSelection
+ my $w = shift;
+ eval {local $SIG{__DIE__}; $w->Insert($w->GetSelection)}
+# Original is ::tk::EntryScanMark
+sub Button_2
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
+ $w->scan('mark',$Ev->x);
+ $Tk::x = $Ev->x;
+ $Tk::y = $Ev->y;
+ $Tk::mouseMoved = 0
+# Original is ::tk::EntryScanDrag
+sub B2_Motion
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
+ # Make sure these exist, as some weird situations can trigger the
+ # motion binding without the initial press. [Tcl/Tk Bug #220269]
+ if (!defined $Tk::x) { $Tk::x = $Ev->x }
+ if (abs(($Ev->x-$Tk::x)) > 2)
+ {
+ $Tk::mouseMoved = 1
+ }
+ $w->scan('dragto',$Ev->x)
+# XXX Not needed anymore
+sub ButtonRelease_2
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
+ if (!$Tk::mouseMoved)
+ {
+ eval
+ {local $SIG{__DIE__};
+ $w->insert('insert',$w->SelectionGet);
+ $w->SeeInsert;
+ }
+ }
+sub Button1Release
+ shift->CancelRepeat;
+# ::tk::EntryClosestGap --
+# Given x and y coordinates, this procedure finds the closest boundary
+# between characters to the given coordinates and returns the index
+# of the character just after the boundary.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The entry window.
+# x - X-coordinate within the window.
+sub ClosestGap
+ my($w, $x) = @_;
+ my $pos = $w->index('@'.$x);
+ my @bbox = $w->bbox($pos);
+ if ($x - $bbox[0] < $bbox[2] / 2)
+ {
+ return $pos;
+ }
+ $pos + 1;
+# Button1 --
+# This procedure is invoked to handle button-1 presses in entry
+# widgets. It moves the insertion cursor, sets the selection anchor,
+# and claims the input focus.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The entry window in which the button was pressed.
+# x - The x-coordinate of the button press.
+sub Button1
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $x = shift;
+ $Tk::selectMode = 'char';
+ $Tk::mouseMoved = 0;
+ $Tk::pressX = $x;
+ $w->icursor($w->ClosestGap($x));
+ $w->selectionFrom('insert');
+ $w->selectionClear;
+ if ($w->cget('-state') ne 'disabled')
+ {
+ $w->focus()
+ }
+sub Motion
+ my ($w,$x,$y) = @_;
+ $Tk::x = $x; # XXX ?
+ $w->MouseSelect($x);
+# MouseSelect --
+# This procedure is invoked when dragging out a selection with
+# the mouse. Depending on the selection mode (character, word,
+# line) it selects in different-sized units. This procedure
+# ignores mouse motions initially until the mouse has moved from
+# one character to another or until there have been multiple clicks.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The entry window in which the button was pressed.
+# x - The x-coordinate of the mouse.
+sub MouseSelect
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $x = shift;
+ return if UNIVERSAL::isa($w, 'Tk::Spinbox') and $w->{_element} ne 'entry';
+ $Tk::selectMode = shift if (@_);
+ my $cur = $w->index($w->ClosestGap($x));
+ return unless defined $cur;
+ my $anchor = $w->index('anchor');
+ return unless defined $anchor;
+ $Tk::pressX ||= $x; # XXX Better use "if !defined $Tk::pressX"?
+ if (($cur != $anchor) || (abs($Tk::pressX - $x) >= 3))
+ {
+ $Tk::mouseMoved = 1
+ }
+ my $mode = $Tk::selectMode;
+ return unless $mode;
+ if ($mode eq 'char')
+ {
+ # The Tcl version uses selectionRange here XXX
+ if ($Tk::mouseMoved)
+ {
+ if ($cur < $anchor)
+ {
+ $w->selectionTo($cur)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $w->selectionTo($cur+1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($mode eq 'word')
+ {
+ # The Tcl version uses tcl_wordBreakBefore/After here XXX
+ if ($cur < $w->index('anchor'))
+ {
+ $w->selectionRange($w->wordstart($cur),$w->wordend($anchor-1))
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $w->selectionRange($w->wordstart($anchor),$w->wordend($cur))
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($mode eq 'line')
+ {
+ $w->selectionRange(0,'end')
+ }
+ if (@_)
+ {
+ my $ipos = shift;
+ eval {local $SIG{__DIE__}; $w->icursor($ipos) };
+ }
+ $w->idletasks;
+# ::tk::EntryPaste --
+# This procedure sets the insertion cursor to the current mouse position,
+# pastes the selection there, and sets the focus to the window.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The entry window.
+# x - X position of the mouse.
+sub Paste
+ my($w, $x) = @_;
+ $w->icursor($w->ClosestGap($x));
+ eval { local $SIG{__DIE__};
+ $w->insert("insert", $w->GetSelection);
+ $w->SeeInsert; # Perl/Tk extension
+ };
+ if ($w->cget(-state) ne 'disabled')
+ {
+ $w->focus;
+ }
+# AutoScan --
+# This procedure is invoked when the mouse leaves an entry window
+# with button 1 down. It scrolls the window left or right,
+# depending on where the mouse is, and reschedules itself as an
+# 'after' command so that the window continues to scroll until the
+# mouse moves back into the window or the mouse button is released.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The entry window.
+# x - The x-coordinate of the mouse when it left the window.
+sub AutoScan
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $x = shift;
+ return if !Tk::Exists($w);
+ if ($x >= $w->width)
+ {
+ $w->xview('scroll',2,'units')
+ }
+ elsif ($x < 0)
+ {
+ $w->xview('scroll',-2,'units')
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ $w->MouseSelect($x);
+ $w->RepeatId($w->after(50,['AutoScan',$w,$x]))
+# KeySelect
+# This procedure is invoked when stroking out selections using the
+# keyboard. It moves the cursor to a new position, then extends
+# the selection to that position.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The entry window.
+# new - A new position for the insertion cursor (the cursor hasn't
+# actually been moved to this position yet).
+sub KeySelect
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $new = shift;
+ if (!$w->selectionPresent)
+ {
+ $w->selectionFrom('insert');
+ $w->selectionTo($new)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $w->selectionAdjust($new)
+ }
+ $w->icursor($new);
+ $w->SeeInsert;
+# Insert --
+# Insert a string into an entry at the point of the insertion cursor.
+# If there is a selection in the entry, and it covers the point of the
+# insertion cursor, then delete the selection before inserting.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The entry window in which to insert the string
+# s - The string to insert (usually just a single character)
+sub Insert
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $s = shift;
+ return unless (defined $s && $s ne '');
+ eval
+ {local $SIG{__DIE__};
+ my $insert = $w->index('insert');
+ if ($w->index('sel.first') <= $insert && $w->index('sel.last') >= $insert)
+ {
+ $w->deleteSelected
+ }
+ };
+ $w->insert('insert',$s);
+ $w->SeeInsert
+# Backspace --
+# Backspace over the character just before the insertion cursor.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The entry window in which to backspace.
+sub Backspace
+ my $w = shift;
+ if ($w->selectionPresent)
+ {
+ $w->deleteSelected
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $x = $w->index('insert')-1;
+ $w->delete($x) if ($x >= 0);
+ # XXX Missing repositioning part from Tcl/Tk source
+ }
+# SeeInsert
+# Make sure that the insertion cursor is visible in the entry window.
+# If not, adjust the view so that it is.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The entry window.
+sub SeeInsert
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $c = $w->index('insert');
+# Probably a bug in your version of tcl/tk (I've not this problem
+# when I test Entry in the widget demo for tcl/tk)
+# index('\@0') give always 0. Consequence :
+# if you make <Control-E> or <Control-F> view is adapted
+# but with <Control-A> or <Control-B> view is not adapted
+ my $left = $w->index('@0');
+ if ($left > $c)
+ {
+ $w->xview($c);
+ return;
+ }
+ my $x = $w->width;
+ while ($w->index('@' . $x) <= $c && $left < $c)
+ {
+ $left += 1;
+ $w->xview($left)
+ }
+# SetCursor
+# Move the insertion cursor to a given position in an entry. Also
+# clears the selection, if there is one in the entry, and makes sure
+# that the insertion cursor is visible.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The entry window.
+# pos - The desired new position for the cursor in the window.
+sub SetCursor
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $pos = shift;
+ $w->icursor($pos);
+ $w->selectionClear;
+ $w->SeeInsert;
+# Transpose
+# This procedure implements the 'transpose' function for entry widgets.
+# It tranposes the characters on either side of the insertion cursor,
+# unless the cursor is at the end of the line. In this case it
+# transposes the two characters to the left of the cursor. In either
+# case, the cursor ends up to the right of the transposed characters.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The entry window.
+sub Transpose
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $i = $w->index('insert');
+ $i++ if ($i < $w->index('end'));
+ my $first = $i-2;
+ return if ($first < 0);
+ my $str = $w->get;
+ my $new = substr($str,$i-1,1) . substr($str,$first,1);
+ $w->delete($first,$i);
+ $w->insert('insert',$new);
+ $w->SeeInsert;
+sub tabFocus
+ my $w = shift;
+ $w->selectionRange(0,'end');
+ $w->icursor('end');
+ $w->SUPER::tabFocus;
+# ::tk::EntryGetSelection --
+# Returns the selected text of the entry with respect to the -show option.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The entry window from which the text to get
+sub getSelected
+ my $w = shift;
+ return undef unless $w->selectionPresent;
+ my $str = $w->get;
+ my $show = $w->cget('-show');
+ $str = $show x length($str) if (defined $show);
+ my $s = $w->index('sel.first');
+ my $e = $w->index('sel.last');
+ return substr($str,$s,$e-$s);
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cecd57c54ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+package Tk::Event;
+END { CleanupGlue() }
+$VERSION = sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #15 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
+$XS_VERSION = '804.027';
+use base qw(Exporter);
+use XSLoader;
+XSLoader::load 'Tk::Event',$XS_VERSION;
+require Tk::Event::IO;
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/Event/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/Event/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..10b47e246ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/Event/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+package Tk::Event::IO;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use vars qw($VERSION @EXPORT_OK);
+$VERSION = sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #8 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
+use base qw(Exporter);
+use Symbol ();
+sub PrintArgs
+ my $func = (caller(1))[3];
+ print "$func(",join(',',@_),")\n";
+sub PRINT
+ my $obj = shift;
+ $obj->wait(WRITABLE);
+ my $h = $obj->handle;
+ return print $h @_;
+ my $obj = shift;
+ $obj->wait(WRITABLE);
+ my $h = $obj->handle;
+ return printf $h @_;
+sub WRITE
+ my $obj = $_[0];
+ $obj->wait(WRITABLE);
+ return syswrite($obj->handle,$_[1],$_[2]);
+my $depth = 0;
+ my $obj = shift;
+ $obj->wait(READABLE);
+ my $h = $obj->handle;
+ my $w = <$h>;
+ return $w;
+sub READ
+ my $obj = $_[0];
+ $obj->wait(READABLE);
+ my $h = $obj->handle;
+ return sysread($h,$_[1],$_[2],defined $_[3] ? $_[3] : 0);
+sub GETC
+ my $obj = $_[0];
+ $obj->wait(READABLE);
+ my $h = $obj->handle;
+ return getc($h);
+sub CLOSE
+ my $obj = shift;
+ $obj->unwatch;
+ my $h = $obj->handle;
+ return close($h);
+sub EOF
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my $h = $obj->handle;
+ return eof($h);
+ my $obj = shift;
+ my $h = $obj->handle;
+ return fileno($h);
+sub imode
+ my $mode = shift;
+ my $imode = ${{'readable' => READABLE(),
+ 'writable' => WRITABLE()}}{$mode};
+ croak("Invalid handler type '$mode'") unless (defined $imode);
+ return $imode;
+sub fileevent
+ my ($widget,$file,$mode,$cb) = @_;
+ my $imode = imode($mode);
+ unless (ref $file)
+ {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ $file = Symbol::qualify($file,(caller)[0]);
+ $file = \*{$file};
+ }
+ my $obj = tied(*$file);
+ unless ($obj && $obj->isa('Tk::Event::IO'))
+ {
+ $obj = tie *$file,'Tk::Event::IO', $file;
+ }
+ if (@_ == 3)
+ {
+ # query return the handler
+ return $obj->handler($imode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # set the handler
+ my $h = $obj->handler($imode,$cb);
+ undef $obj; # Prevent warnings about untie with ref to object
+ unless ($h)
+ {
+ untie *$file;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a5716cdf9bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+package Tk::Frame;
+require Tk::Widget;
+require Tk::Derived;
+use AutoLoader;
+use strict qw(vars);
+use Carp;
+use base qw(Tk::Derived Tk::Widget);
+Construct Tk::Widget 'Frame';
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '4.010'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
+sub Tk_cmd { \&Tk::frame }
+sub CreateOptions
+ return (shift->SUPER::CreateOptions,'-colormap','-visual','-container')
+sub Default
+ my ($cw,$name,$widget) = @_;
+ confess 'No name' unless (defined $name);
+ croak 'No widget' unless (defined $widget);
+ $cw->Delegates(DEFAULT => $widget);
+ $cw->ConfigSpecs(DEFAULT => [$widget]);
+ $widget->pack('-expand' => 1, -fill => 'both') unless ($widget->manager); # Suspect
+ $cw->Advertise($name,$widget);
+sub ConfigDelegate
+ my ($cw,$name,@skip) = @_;
+ my $sw = $cw->Subwidget($name);
+ my $sc;
+ my %skip = ();
+ foreach $sc (@skip)
+ {
+ $skip{$sc} = 1;
+ }
+ foreach $sc ($sw->configure)
+ {
+ my (@info) = @$sc;
+ next if (@info == 2);
+ my $option = $info[0];
+ unless ($skip{$option})
+ {
+ $option =~ s/^-(.*)/-$name\u$1/;
+ $info[0] = Tk::Configure->new($sw,$info[0]);
+ pop(@info);
+ $cw->ConfigSpecs($option => \@info);
+ }
+ }
+sub bind
+{my ($cw,@args) = @_;
+ $cw->Delegate('bind',@args);
+sub menu
+{my ($cw,@args) = @_;
+ $cw->Delegate('menu',@args);
+sub focus
+{my ($cw,@args) = @_;
+ $cw->Delegate('focus',@args);
+#sub bindtags
+#{my ($cw,@args) = @_;
+# $cw->Delegate('bindtags',@args);
+sub selection
+{my ($cw,@args) = @_;
+ $cw->Delegate('selection',@args);
+sub autoLabel { 1 }
+sub Populate
+ my ($cw,$args) = @_;
+ if ($cw->autoLabel)
+ {
+ $cw->ConfigSpecs('-labelPack' => [ 'METHOD', undef, undef, undef]);
+ $cw->ConfigSpecs('-labelVariable' => [ 'METHOD', undef, undef, undef]);
+ $cw->ConfigSpecs('-label' => [ 'METHOD', undef, undef, undef]);
+ $cw->labelPack([]) if grep /^-label\w+/, keys %$args;
+ }
+sub Menubar
+ my $frame = shift;
+ my $menu = $frame->cget('-menu');
+ if (defined $menu)
+ {
+ $menu->configure(@_) if @_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $menu = $frame->Menu(-type => 'menubar',@_);
+ $frame->configure('-menu' => $menu);
+ }
+ $frame->Advertise('menubar' => $menu);
+ return $menu;
+sub labelPack
+ my ($cw,$val) = @_;
+ my $w = $cw->Subwidget('label');
+ my @result = ();
+ if (@_ > 1)
+ {
+ if (defined($w) && !defined($val))
+ {
+ $w->packForget;
+ }
+ elsif (defined($val) && !defined ($w))
+ {
+ require Tk::Label;
+ $w = Tk::Label->new($cw,-textvariable => $cw->labelVariable);
+ $cw->Advertise('label' => $w);
+ $cw->ConfigDelegate('label',qw(-text -textvariable));
+ }
+ if (defined($val) && defined($w))
+ {
+ my %pack = @$val;
+ unless (exists $pack{-side})
+ {
+ $pack{-side} = 'top' unless (exists $pack{-side});
+ }
+ unless (exists $pack{-fill})
+ {
+ $pack{-fill} = 'x' if ($pack{-side} =~ /(top|bottom)/);
+ $pack{-fill} = 'y' if ($pack{-side} =~ /(left|right)/);
+ }
+ unless (exists($pack{'-before'}) || exists($pack{'-after'}))
+ {
+ my $before = ($cw->packSlaves)[0];
+ $pack{'-before'} = $before if (defined $before);
+ }
+ $w->pack(%pack);
+ }
+ }
+ @result = $w->packInfo if (defined $w);
+ return (wantarray) ? @result : \@result;
+sub labelVariable
+ my ($cw,$val) = @_;
+ my $var = \$cw->{Configure}{'-labelVariable'};
+ if (@_ > 1 && defined $val)
+ {
+ $$var = $val;
+ $$val = '' unless (defined $$val);
+ my $w = $cw->Subwidget('label');
+ unless (defined $w)
+ {
+ $cw->labelPack([]);
+ $w = $cw->Subwidget('label');
+ }
+ $w->configure(-textvariable => $val);
+ }
+ return $$var;
+sub label
+ my ($cw,$val) = @_;
+ my $var = $cw->cget('-labelVariable');
+ if (@_ > 1 && defined $val)
+ {
+ if (!defined $var)
+ {
+ $var = \$cw->{Configure}{'-label'};
+ $cw->labelVariable($var);
+ }
+ $$var = $val;
+ }
+ return (defined $var) ? $$var : undef;;
+sub queuePack
+ my ($cw) = @_;
+ unless ($cw->{'pack_pending'})
+ {
+ $cw->{'pack_pending'} = 1;
+ $cw->afterIdle([$cw,'packscrollbars']);
+ }
+sub sbset
+ my ($cw,$sb,$ref,@args) = @_;
+ $sb->set(@args);
+ $cw->queuePack if (@args == 2 && $sb->Needed != $$ref);
+sub freeze_on_map
+ my ($w) = @_;
+ unless ($w->Tk::bind('Freeze','<Map>'))
+ {
+ $w->Tk::bind('Freeze','<Map>',['packPropagate' => 0])
+ }
+ $w->AddBindTag('Freeze');
+sub AddScrollbars
+ require Tk::Scrollbar;
+ my ($cw,$w) = @_;
+ my $def = '';
+ my ($x,$y) = ('','');
+ my $s = 0;
+ my $c;
+ $cw->freeze_on_map;
+ foreach $c ($w->configure)
+ {
+ my $opt = $c->[0];
+ if ($opt eq '-yscrollcommand')
+ {
+ my $slice = Tk::Frame->new($cw,Name => 'ysbslice');
+ my $ysb = Tk::Scrollbar->new($slice,-orient => 'vertical', -command => [ 'yview', $w ]);
+ my $size = $ysb->cget('-width');
+ my $corner = Tk::Frame->new($slice,Name=>'corner','-relief' => 'raised',
+ '-width' => $size, '-height' => $size);
+ $ysb->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => 'y');
+ $cw->Advertise('yscrollbar' => $ysb);
+ $cw->Advertise('corner' => $corner);
+ $cw->Advertise('ysbslice' => $slice);
+ $corner->{'before'} = $ysb->PathName;
+ $slice->{'before'} = $w->PathName;
+ $y = 'w';
+ $s = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($opt eq '-xscrollcommand')
+ {
+ my $xsb = Tk::Scrollbar->new($cw,-orient => 'horizontal', -command => [ 'xview', $w ]);
+ $cw->Advertise('xscrollbar' => $xsb);
+ $xsb->{'before'} = $w->PathName;
+ $x = 's';
+ $s = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($s)
+ {
+ $cw->Advertise('scrolled' => $w);
+ $cw->ConfigSpecs('-scrollbars' => ['METHOD','scrollbars','Scrollbars',$x.$y]);
+ }
+sub packscrollbars
+ my ($cw) = @_;
+ my $opt = $cw->cget('-scrollbars');
+ my $slice = $cw->Subwidget('ysbslice');
+ my $xsb = $cw->Subwidget('xscrollbar');
+ my $corner = $cw->Subwidget('corner');
+ my $w = $cw->Subwidget('scrolled');
+ my $xside = (($opt =~ /n/) ? 'top' : 'bottom');
+ my $havex = 0;
+ my $havey = 0;
+ $opt =~ s/r//;
+ $cw->{'pack_pending'} = 0;
+ if (defined $slice)
+ {
+ my $reqy;
+ my $ysb = $cw->Subwidget('yscrollbar');
+ if ($opt =~ /(o)?[we]/ && (($reqy = !defined($1)) || $ysb->Needed))
+ {
+ my $yside = (($opt =~ /w/) ? 'left' : 'right');
+ $slice->pack(-side => $yside, -fill => 'y',-before => $slice->{'before'});
+ $havey = 1;
+ if ($reqy)
+ {
+ $w->configure(-yscrollcommand => ['set', $ysb]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $w->configure(-yscrollcommand => ['sbset', $cw, $ysb, \$cw->{'packysb'}]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $w->configure(-yscrollcommand => undef) unless $opt =~ s/[we]//;
+ $slice->packForget;
+ }
+ $cw->{'packysb'} = $havey;
+ }
+ if (defined $xsb)
+ {
+ my $reqx;
+ if ($opt =~ /(o)?[ns]/ && (($reqx = !defined($1)) || $xsb->Needed))
+ {
+ $xsb->pack(-side => $xside, -fill => 'x',-before => $xsb->{'before'});
+ $havex = 1;
+ if ($reqx)
+ {
+ $w->configure(-xscrollcommand => ['set', $xsb]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $w->configure(-xscrollcommand => ['sbset', $cw, $xsb, \$cw->{'packxsb'}]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $w->configure(-xscrollcommand => undef) unless $opt =~ s/[ns]//;
+ $xsb->packForget;
+ }
+ $cw->{'packxsb'} = $havex;
+ }
+ if (defined $corner)
+ {
+ if ($havex && $havey && defined $corner->{'before'})
+ {
+ my $anchor = $opt;
+ $anchor =~ s/o//g;
+ $corner->configure(-height => $xsb->ReqHeight);
+ $corner->pack(-before => $corner->{'before'}, -side => $xside,
+ -anchor => $anchor, -fill => 'x');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $corner->packForget;
+ }
+ }
+sub scrollbars
+ my ($cw,$opt) = @_;
+ my $var = \$cw->{'-scrollbars'};
+ if (@_ > 1)
+ {
+ my $old = $$var;
+ if (!defined $old || $old ne $opt)
+ {
+ $$var = $opt;
+ $cw->queuePack;
+ }
+ }
+ return $$var;
+sub FindMenu
+ my ($w,$char) = @_;
+ my $child;
+ my $match;
+ foreach $child ($w->children)
+ {
+ next unless (ref $child);
+ $match = $child->FindMenu($char);
+ return $match if (defined $match);
+ }
+ return undef;
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0f41c387fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+package Tk::Image;
+# This module does for images what Tk::Widget does for widgets:
+# provides a base class for them to inherit from.
+require DynaLoader;
+use base qw(DynaLoader Tk); # but are they ?
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '4.011'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
+sub new
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $widget = shift;
+ $package->InitClass($widget);
+ my $leaf = $package->Tk_image;
+ my $obj = $widget->Tk::image('create',$leaf,@_);
+ $obj = $widget->_object($obj) unless (ref $obj);
+ return bless $obj,$package;
+sub Install
+ # Dynamically loaded image types can install standard images here
+ my ($class,$mw) = @_;
+sub ClassInit
+ # Carry out class bindings (or whatever)
+ my ($package,$mw) = @_;
+ return $package;
+require Tk::Submethods;
+Direct Tk::Submethods ('image' => [qw(delete width height type)]);
+sub Tk::Widget::imageNames
+ my $w = shift;
+ $w->image('names',@_);
+sub Tk::Widget::imageTypes
+ my $w = shift;
+ map("\u$_",$w->image('types',@_));
+sub Construct
+ my ($base,$name) = @_;
+ my $class = (caller(0))[0];
+ # Hack for broken ->isa in perl5.6.0
+ delete ${"$class\::"}{'::ISA::CACHE::'} if $] == 5.006;
+ *{"Tk::Widget::$name"} = sub { $class->new(@_) };
+# This is here to prevent AUTOLOAD trying to find it.
+ my $i = shift;
+ # maybe do image delete ???
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ebea1741c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+package Tk::Label;
+require Tk;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '4.006'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
+use base qw(Tk::Widget);
+Construct Tk::Widget 'Label';
+sub Tk_cmd { \&Tk::label }
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5384ccb560b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+package Tk::MainWindow;
+use base qw(Tk::Toplevel);
+BEGIN { @MainWindow::ISA = 'Tk::MainWindow' }
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #12 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
+use Tk::CmdLine;
+use Tk qw(catch);
+require Tk::Toplevel;
+use Carp;
+$| = 1;
+my $pid = $$;
+my %Windows = ();
+sub CreateArgs
+ my ($class,$args) = @_;
+ my $cmd = Tk::CmdLine->CreateArgs();
+ my $key;
+ foreach $key (keys %$cmd)
+ {
+ $args->{$key} = $cmd->{$key} unless exists $args->{$key};
+ }
+ my %result = $class->SUPER::CreateArgs(undef,$args);
+ my $name = delete($args->{'-name'});
+ unless (Tk::tainting)
+ {
+ $ENV{'DISPLAY'} = ':0' unless (exists $ENV{'DISPLAY'});
+ $result{'-screen'} = $ENV{'DISPLAY'} unless exists $result{'-screen'};
+ }
+ return (-name => "\l$name",%result);
+sub new
+ my $package = shift;
+ if (@_ > 0 && $_[0] =~ /:\d+(\.\d+)?$/)
+ {
+ carp "Usage $package->new(-screen => '$_[0]' ...)" if $^W;
+ unshift(@_,'-screen');
+ }
+ croak('Odd number of args'."$package->new(" . join(',',@_) .')') if @_ % 2;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $top = eval { bless Create($package->CreateArgs(\%args)), $package };
+ croak($@ . "$package->new(" . join(',',@_) .')') if ($@);
+ $top->apply_command_line;
+ $top->InitBindings;
+ $top->SetBindtags;
+ $top->InitObject(\%args);
+ eval { $top->configure(%args) };
+ croak "$@" if ($@);
+ if (($top->positionfrom||'') ne 'user' and ($top->sizefrom||'') ne 'user') {
+ my $geometry = $top->optionGet(qw(geometry Geometry));
+ if ($geometry) {
+ $top->geometry($geometry);
+ }
+ }
+ $Windows{$top} = $top;
+ return $top;
+sub _Destroyed
+ my $top = shift;
+ $top->SUPER::_Destroyed;
+ delete $Windows{$top};
+sub InitBindings
+ my $mw = shift;
+ $mw->bind('all','<Tab>','focusNext');
+ # <<LeftTab>> is named <<PrevWindow>> in Tcl/Tk
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<LeftTab>> <Shift-Tab>]);
+ # This is needed for XFree86 systems
+ catch { $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<LeftTab>> <ISO_Left_Tab>]) };
+ # This seems to be correct on *some* HP systems.
+ catch { $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<LeftTab>> <hpBackTab>]) };
+ $mw->bind('all','<<LeftTab>>','focusPrev');
+ if ($mw->windowingsystem eq 'x11')
+ {
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Cut>> <Control-Key-x> <Key-F20> <Meta-Key-w>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Copy>> <Control-Key-c> <Key-F16> <Control-Key-w>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Paste>> <Control-Key-v> <Key-F18> <Control-Key-y>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<PasteSelection>> <ButtonRelease-2>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Undo>> <Control-Key-z> <Key-Undo> <Key-F14>
+ <Control-Key-underscore>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Redo>> <Control-Key-y> <Shift-Key-Undo> <Key-F12> <Shift-Key-F14>]);
+ }
+ elsif ($mw->windowingsystem eq 'win32')
+ {
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Cut>> <Control-Key-x> <Shift-Key-Delete>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Copy>> <Control-Key-c> <Control-Key-Insert>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Paste>> <Control-Key-v> <Shift-Key-Insert>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Undo>> <Control-Key-z>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Redo>> <Control-Key-y>]);
+ }
+ elsif ($mw->windowingsystem eq 'aqua')
+ {
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Cut>> <Command-Key-x> <Key-F2>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Copy>> <Command-Key-c> <Key-F3>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Paste>> <Command-Key-v> <Key-F4>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<PasteSelection>> <ButtonRelease-2>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Clear>> <Clear>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Undo>> <Command-Key-z>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Redo>> <Command-Key-y>]);
+ }
+ elsif ($mw->windowingsystem eq 'classic')
+ {
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Cut>> <Control-Key-x> <Key-F2>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Copy>> <Control-Key-c> <Key-F3>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Paste>> <Control-Key-v> <Key-F4>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<PasteSelection>> <ButtonRelease-2>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Clear>> <Clear>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Undo>> <Control-Key-z> <Key-F1>]);
+ $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Redo>> <Control-Key-Z>]);
+ }
+ # FIXME - Should these move to Menubutton ?
+ my $c = ($Tk::platform eq 'unix') ? 'all' : 'Tk::Menubutton';
+ $mw->bind($c,'<Alt-KeyPress>',['TraverseToMenu',Tk::Ev('K')]);
+ $mw->bind($c,'<F10>','FirstMenu');
+sub Existing
+ my @Windows;
+ foreach my $name (keys %Windows)
+ {
+ my $obj = $Windows{$name};
+ if (Tk::Exists($obj))
+ {
+ push(@Windows,$obj);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete $Windows{$name};
+ }
+ }
+ return @Windows;
+ if (Tk::IsParentProcess())
+ {
+ foreach my $top (values %Windows)
+ {
+ if ($top->IsWidget)
+ {
+ # Tk data structuctures are still in place
+ # this can occur if non-callback perl code did a 'die'.
+ # It will also handle some cases of non-Tk 'exit' being called
+ # Destroy this mainwindow and hence is descendants ...
+ $top->destroy;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub CmdLine { return shift->command }
+sub WMSaveYourself
+ my $mw = shift;
+ my @args = @{$mw->command};
+# warn 'preWMSaveYourself:'.join(' ',@args)."\n";
+ @args = ($0) unless (@args);
+ my $i = 1;
+ while ($i < @args)
+ {
+ if ($args[$i] eq '-iconic')
+ {
+ splice(@args,$i,1);
+ }
+ elsif ($args[$i] =~ /^-(geometry|iconposition)$/)
+ {
+ splice(@args,$i,2);
+ }
+ }
+ my @ip = $mw->wm('iconposition');
+# print 'ip ',join(',',@ip),"\n";
+ my $icon = $mw->iconwindow;
+ if (defined($icon))
+ {
+ @ip = $icon->geometry =~ /\d+x\d+([+-]\d+)([+-]\d+)/;
+ }
+ splice(@args,1,0,'-iconposition' => join(',',@ip)) if (@ip == 2);
+ splice(@args,1,0,'-iconic') if ($mw->state() eq 'iconic');
+ splice(@args,1,0,'-geometry' => $mw->geometry);
+# warn 'postWMSaveYourself:'.join(' ',@args)."\n";
+ $mw->command([@args]);
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index 00000000000..1ecb4001d17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+package Tk::PNG;
+require DynaLoader;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #3 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
+use Tk 800.005;
+require Tk::Image;
+require Tk::Photo;
+use base qw(DynaLoader);
+bootstrap Tk::PNG $Tk::VERSION;
+=head1 NAME
+Tk::PNG - PNG loader for Tk::Photo
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Tk;
+ use Tk::PNG;
+ my $image = $widget->Photo('-format' => 'png', -file => 'something.png');
+This is an extension for Tk800.* which supplies
+PNG format loader for Photo image type.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Nick Ing-Simmons E<lt>nick@ing-simmons.netE<gt>
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index 00000000000..a596dc4d78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+package Tk::Photo;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = sprintf '4.%03d', 4+q$Revision: #4 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
+use Tk qw($XS_VERSION);
+use base qw(Tk::Image);
+Construct Tk::Image 'Photo';
+sub Tk_image { 'photo' }
+ 'redither','transparency','write');
+use Tk::Submethods (
+ 'transparency' => [qw/get set/],
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7e442a4bcbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+package Tk::Pretty;
+require Exporter;
+use vars qw($VERSION @EXPORT);
+$VERSION = '4.006'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
+use base qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(Pretty PrintArgs);
+sub pretty_list
+ join(',',map(&Pretty($_),@_));
+sub Pretty
+ return pretty_list(@_) if (@_ > 1);
+ my $obj = shift;
+ return 'undef' unless defined($obj);
+ my $type = "$obj";
+ return $type if ($type =~ /=HASH/ && exists($obj->{"_Tcl_CmdInfo_\0"}));
+ my $result = '';
+ if (ref $obj)
+ {
+ my $class;
+ if ($type =~ /^([^=]+)=(.*)$/)
+ {
+ $class = $1;
+ $type = $2;
+ $result .= 'bless(';
+ }
+ if ($type =~ /^ARRAY/)
+ {
+ $result .= '[';
+ $result .= pretty_list(@$obj);
+ $result .= ']';
+ }
+ elsif ($type =~ /^HASH/)
+ {
+ $result .= '{';
+ if (%$obj)
+ {
+ my ($key, $value);
+ while (($key,$value) = each %$obj)
+ {
+ $result .= $key . '=>' . Pretty($value) . ',';
+ }
+ chop($result);
+ }
+ $result .= '}';
+ }
+ elsif ($type =~ /^REF/)
+ {
+ $result .= "\\" . Pretty($$obj);
+ }
+ elsif ($type =~ /^SCALAR/)
+ {
+ $result .= Pretty($$obj);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $result .= $type;
+ }
+ $result .= ",$class)" if (defined $class);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($obj =~ /^-?[0-9]+(.[0-9]*(e[+-][0-9]+)?)?$/ ||
+ $obj =~ /^[A-Z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*$/ ||
+ $obj =~ /^[a-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*[A-Z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*$/
+ )
+ {
+ $result .= $obj;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $result .= "'" . $obj . "'";
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub PrintArgs
+ my $name = (caller(1))[3];
+ print "$name(",Pretty(@_),")\n";
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index 00000000000..d09d41b4208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Conversion from Tk4.0 button.tcl competed.
+# Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
+# Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+package Tk::Radiobutton;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '4.006'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, subject
+# to additional disclaimer in license.terms due to partial
+# derivation from Tk4.0 sources.
+require Tk::Button;
+use base qw(Tk::Button);
+Construct Tk::Widget 'Radiobutton';
+sub Tk_cmd { \&Tk::radiobutton }
+sub CreateOptions
+ return (shift->SUPER::CreateOptions,'-variable');
+sub ClassInit
+ my ($class,$mw) = @_;
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Enter>', 'Enter');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Leave>', 'Leave');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<1>', 'Invoke');
+ $mw->bind($class,'<space>', 'Invoke');
+ return $class;
+sub Invoke
+ my $w = shift;
+ $w->invoke() unless($w->cget('-state') eq 'disabled');
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index 00000000000..a2b8e3bd186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+package Tk::Submethods;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '4.004'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
+sub import
+ my $class = shift;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $package = caller(0);
+ while (@_)
+ {
+ my $fn = shift;
+ my $sm = shift;
+ foreach my $sub (@{$sm})
+ {
+ my ($suffix) = $sub =~ /(\w+)$/;
+ my $pfn = $package.'::'.$fn;
+ *{$pfn."\u$suffix"} = sub { shift->$pfn($sub,@_) };
+ }
+ }
+sub Direct
+ my $class = shift;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $package = caller(0);
+ while (@_)
+ {
+ my $fn = shift;
+ my $sm = shift;
+ my $sub;
+ foreach $sub (@{$sm})
+ {
+ # eval "sub ${package}::${sub} { shift->$fn('$sub',\@_) }";
+ *{$package.'::'.$sub} = sub { shift->$fn($sub,@_) };
+ }
+ }
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index 00000000000..7bcd156d475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+package Tk::Toplevel;
+use AutoLoader;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '4.006'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
+use base qw(Tk::Wm Tk::Frame);
+Construct Tk::Widget 'Toplevel';
+sub Tk_cmd { \&Tk::toplevel }
+sub CreateOptions
+ return (shift->SUPER::CreateOptions,'-screen','-use')
+sub Populate
+ my ($cw,$arg) = @_;
+ $cw->SUPER::Populate($arg);
+ $cw->ConfigSpecs('-title',['METHOD',undef,undef,$cw->class]);
+sub Icon
+ my ($top,%args) = @_;
+ my $icon = $top->iconwindow;
+ my $state = $top->state;
+ if ($state ne 'withdrawn')
+ {
+ $top->withdraw;
+ $top->update; # Let attributes propogate
+ }
+ unless (defined $icon)
+ {
+ $icon = Tk::Toplevel->new($top,'-borderwidth' => 0,'-class'=>'Icon');
+ $icon->withdraw;
+ # Fake Populate
+ my $lab = $icon->Component('Label' => 'icon');
+ $lab->pack('-expand'=>1,'-fill' => 'both');
+ $icon->ConfigSpecs(DEFAULT => ['DESCENDANTS']);
+ # Now do tail of InitObject
+ $icon->ConfigDefault(\%args);
+ # And configure that new would have done
+ $top->iconwindow($icon);
+ $top->update;
+ $lab->DisableButtonEvents;
+ $lab->update;
+ }
+ $top->iconimage($args{'-image'}) if (exists $args{'-image'});
+ $icon->configure(%args);
+ $icon->idletasks; # Let size request propogate
+ $icon->geometry($icon->ReqWidth . 'x' . $icon->ReqHeight);
+ $icon->update; # Let attributes propogate
+ $top->deiconify if ($state eq 'normal');
+ $top->iconify if ($state eq 'iconic');
+sub menu
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $menu;
+ $menu = $w->cget('-menu');
+ unless (defined $menu)
+ {
+ $w->configure(-menu => ($menu = $w->SUPER::menu))
+ }
+ $menu->configure(@_) if @_;
+ return $menu;
+# Focus Group
+# Focus groups are used to handle the user's focusing actions inside a
+# toplevel.
+# One example of using focus groups is: when the user focuses on an
+# entry, the text in the entry is highlighted and the cursor is put to
+# the end of the text. When the user changes focus to another widget,
+# the text in the previously focused entry is validated.
+# tkFocusGroup_Create --
+# Create a focus group. All the widgets in a focus group must be
+# within the same focus toplevel. Each toplevel can have only
+# one focus group, which is identified by the name of the
+# toplevel widget.
+sub FG_Create {
+ my $t = shift;
+ unless (exists $t->{'_fg'}) {
+ $t->{'_fg'} = 1;
+ $t->bind('<FocusIn>', sub {
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
+ $t->FG_In($w, $Ev->d);
+ }
+ );
+ $t->bind('<FocusOut>', sub {
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
+ $t->FG_Out($w, $Ev->d);
+ }
+ );
+ $t->bind('<Destroy>', sub {
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
+ $t->FG_Destroy($w);
+ }
+ );
+ # <Destroy> is not sufficient to break loops if never mapped.
+ $t->OnDestroy([$t,'FG_Destroy']);
+ }
+# tkFocusGroup_BindIn --
+# Add a widget into the "FocusIn" list of the focus group. The $cmd will be
+# called when the widget is focused on by the user.
+sub FG_BindIn {
+ my($t, $w, $cmd) = @_;
+ $t->Error("focus group \"$t\" doesn't exist") unless (exists $t->{'_fg'});
+ $t->{'_FocusIn'}{$w} = Tk::Callback->new($cmd);
+# tkFocusGroup_BindOut --
+# Add a widget into the "FocusOut" list of the focus group. The
+# $cmd will be called when the widget loses the focus (User
+# types Tab or click on another widget).
+sub FG_BindOut {
+ my($t, $w, $cmd) = @_;
+ $t->Error("focus group \"$t\" doesn't exist") unless (exists $t->{'_fg'});
+ $t->{'_FocusOut'}{$w} = Tk::Callback->new($cmd);
+# tkFocusGroup_Destroy --
+# Cleans up when members of the focus group is deleted, or when the
+# toplevel itself gets deleted.
+sub FG_Destroy {
+ my($t, $w) = @_;
+ if (!defined($w) || $t == $w) {
+ delete $t->{'_fg'};
+ delete $t->{'_focus'};
+ delete $t->{'_FocusOut'};
+ delete $t->{'_FocusIn'};
+ } else {
+ if (exists $t->{'_focus'}) {
+ delete $t->{'_focus'} if ($t->{'_focus'} == $w);
+ }
+ delete $t->{'_FocusIn'}{$w};
+ delete $t->{'_FocusOut'}{$w};
+ }
+# tkFocusGroup_In --
+# Handles the <FocusIn> event. Calls the FocusIn command for the newly
+# focused widget in the focus group.
+sub FG_In {
+ my($t, $w, $detail) = @_;
+ if (defined $t->{'_focus'} and $t->{'_focus'} eq $w) {
+ # This is already in focus
+ return;
+ } else {
+ $t->{'_focus'} = $w;
+ $t->{'_FocusIn'}{$w}->Call if exists $t->{'_FocusIn'}{$w};
+ }
+# tkFocusGroup_Out --
+# Handles the <FocusOut> event. Checks if this is really a lose
+# focus event, not one generated by the mouse moving out of the
+# toplevel window. Calls the FocusOut command for the widget
+# who loses its focus.
+sub FG_Out {
+ my($t, $w, $detail) = @_;
+ if ($detail ne 'NotifyNonlinear' and $detail ne 'NotifyNonlinearVirtual') {
+ # This is caused by mouse moving out of the window
+ return;
+ }
+ unless (exists $t->{'_FocusOut'}{$w}) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ $t->{'_FocusOut'}{$w}->Call;
+ delete $t->{'_focus'};
+ }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e94c037e6fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,1510 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+package Tk::Widget;
+use vars qw($VERSION @DefaultMenuLabels);
+$VERSION = sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #30 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
+require Tk;
+use AutoLoader;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use base qw(DynaLoader Tk);
+# stubs for 'autoloaded' widget classes
+sub Button;
+sub Canvas;
+sub Checkbutton;
+sub Entry;
+sub Frame;
+sub Label;
+sub Labelframe;
+sub Listbox;
+sub Menu;
+sub Menubutton;
+sub Message;
+sub Panedwindow;
+sub Radiobutton;
+sub Scale;
+sub Scrollbar;
+sub Spinbox;
+sub Text;
+sub Toplevel;
+sub Pixmap;
+sub Bitmap;
+sub Photo;
+sub ScrlListbox;
+sub Optionmenu;
+sub import
+ my $package = shift;
+ carp 'use Tk::Widget () to pre-load widgets is deprecated' if (@_);
+ my $need;
+ foreach $need (@_)
+ {
+ unless (defined &{$need})
+ {
+ require "Tk/${need}.pm";
+ }
+ croak "Cannot locate $need" unless (defined &{$need});
+ }
+@DefaultMenuLabels = qw[~File ~Help];
+# Some tidy-ness functions for winfo stuff
+sub True { 1 }
+sub False { 0 }
+use Tk::Submethods( 'grab' => [qw(current status release -global)],
+ 'focus' => [qw(-force -lastfor)],
+ 'pack' => [qw(configure forget info propagate slaves)],
+ 'grid' => [qw(bbox columnconfigure configure forget info location propagate rowconfigure size slaves)],
+ 'form' => [qw(check configure forget grid info slaves)],
+ 'event' => [qw(add delete generate info)],
+ 'place' => [qw(configure forget info slaves)],
+ 'wm' => [qw(capture release)],
+ 'font' => [qw(actual configure create delete families measure metrics names subfonts)]
+ );
+ # FIXME - these don't work in the compiler
+ *IsMenu = \&False;
+ *IsMenubutton = \&False;
+ *configure_self = \&Tk::configure;
+ *cget_self = \&Tk::cget;
+Direct Tk::Submethods (
+ 'winfo' => [qw(cells class colormapfull depth exists
+ geometry height id ismapped manager name parent reqheight
+ reqwidth rootx rooty screen screencells screendepth screenheight
+ screenmmheight screenmmwidth screenvisual screenwidth visual
+ visualsavailable vrootheight viewable vrootwidth vrootx vrooty
+ width x y toplevel children pixels pointerx pointery pointerxy
+ server fpixels rgb )],
+ 'tk' => [qw(appname caret scaling useinputmethods windowingsystem)]);
+ my $w = shift;
+ $w->destroy if ($w->IsWidget);
+sub Install
+ # Dynamically loaded widgets add their core commands
+ # to the Tk base class here
+ my ($package,$mw) = @_;
+sub ClassInit
+ # Carry out class bindings (or whatever)
+ my ($package,$mw) = @_;
+ return $package;
+sub CreateOptions
+ return ();
+sub CreateArgs
+ my ($package,$parent,$args) = @_;
+ # Remove from hash %$args any configure-like
+ # options which only apply at create time (e.g. -colormap for Frame),
+ # or which may as well be applied right away
+ # return these as a list of -key => value pairs
+ # Augment same hash with default values for missing mandatory options,
+ # allthough this can be done later in InitObject.
+ # Honour -class => if present, we have hacked Tk_ConfigureWidget to
+ # allow -class to be passed to any widget.
+ my @result = ();
+ my $class = delete $args->{'-class'};
+ ($class) = $package =~ /([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*)$/i unless (defined $class);
+ @result = (-class => "\u$class") if (defined $class);
+ foreach my $opt ($package->CreateOptions)
+ {
+ push(@result, $opt => delete $args->{$opt}) if exists $args->{$opt};
+ }
+ return @result;
+sub InitObject
+ my ($obj,$args) = @_;
+ # per object initialization, for example populating
+ # with sub-widgets, adding a few object bindings to augment
+ # inherited class bindings, changing binding tags.
+ # Also another chance to mess with %$args before configure...
+sub SetBindtags
+ my ($obj) = @_;
+ $obj->bindtags([ref($obj),$obj,$obj->toplevel,'all']);
+sub new
+ local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&Carp::croak;
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $parent = shift;
+ $package->InitClass($parent);
+ $parent->BackTrace("Odd number of args to $package->new(...)") unless ((@_ % 2) == 0);
+ my %args = @_;
+ my @args = $package->CreateArgs($parent,\%args);
+ my $cmd = $package->Tk_cmd;
+ my $pname = $parent->PathName;
+ $pname = '' if ($pname eq '.');
+ my $leaf = delete $args{'Name'};
+ if (defined $leaf)
+ {
+ $leaf =~ s/[^a-z0-9_#]+/_/ig;
+ $leaf = lcfirst($leaf);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ($leaf) = "\L$package" =~ /([a-z][a-z0-9_]*)$/;
+ }
+ my $lname = $pname . '.' . $leaf;
+ # create a hash indexed by leaf name to speed up
+ # creation of a lot of sub-widgets of the same type
+ # e.g. entries in Table
+ my $nhash = $parent->TkHash('_names_');
+ $nhash->{$leaf} = 0 unless (exists $nhash->{$leaf});
+ while (defined ($parent->Widget($lname)))
+ {
+ $lname = $pname . '.' . $leaf . ++$nhash->{$leaf};
+ }
+ my $obj = eval { &$cmd($parent, $lname, @args) };
+ confess $@ if $@;
+ unless (ref $obj)
+ {
+ die "No value from $cmd $lname" unless defined $obj;
+ warn "$cmd '$lname' returned '$obj'" unless $obj eq $lname;
+ $obj = $parent->Widget($lname = $obj);
+ die "$obj from $lname" unless ref $obj;
+ }
+ bless $obj,$package;
+ $obj->SetBindtags;
+ my $notice = $parent->can('NoticeChild');
+ $parent->$notice($obj,\%args) if $notice;
+ $obj->InitObject(\%args);
+# ASkludge(\%args,1);
+ $obj->configure(%args) if (%args);
+# ASkludge(\%args,0);
+ return $obj;
+sub DelegateFor
+ my ($w,$method) = @_;
+ while(exists $w->{'Delegates'})
+ {
+ my $delegate = $w->{'Delegates'};
+ my $widget = $delegate->{$method};
+ $widget = $delegate->{DEFAULT} unless (defined $widget);
+ $widget = $w->Subwidget($widget) if (defined $widget && !ref $widget);
+ last unless (defined $widget);
+ last if $widget == $w;
+ $w = $widget;
+ }
+ return $w;
+sub Delegates
+ my $cw = shift;
+ my $specs = $cw->TkHash('Delegates');
+ while (@_)
+ {
+ my $key = shift;
+ my $val = shift;
+ $specs->{$key} = $val;
+ }
+ return $specs;
+sub Construct
+ my ($base,$name) = @_;
+ my $class = (caller(0))[0];
+ no strict 'refs';
+ # Hack for broken ->isa in perl5.6.0
+ delete ${"$class\::"}{'::ISA::CACHE::'} if $] == 5.006;
+ # Pre ->isa scheme
+ *{$base.'::Is'.$name} = \&False;
+ *{$class.'::Is'.$name} = \&True;
+ # DelegateFor trickyness is to allow Frames and other derived things
+ # to force creation in a delegate e.g. a ScrlText with embeded windows
+ # need those windows to be children of the Text to get clipping right
+ # and not of the Frame which contains the Text and the scrollbars.
+ *{$base.'::'."$name"} = sub { $class->new(shift->DelegateFor('Construct'),@_) };
+sub IS
+ return (defined $_[1]) && $_[0] == $_[1];
+sub _AutoloadTkWidget
+ my ($self,$method) = @_;
+ my $what = "Tk::Widget::$method";
+ unless (defined &$what)
+ {
+ require "Tk/$";
+ }
+ return $what;
+# require UNIVERSAL; don't load .pm use XS code from perl core though
+ # Take a copy into a 'my' variable so we can recurse
+ my $what = $Tk::Widget::AUTOLOAD;
+ my $save = $@;
+ my $name;
+ # warn "AUTOLOAD $what ".(ref($_[0]) || $_[0])."\n";
+ # Braces used to preserve $1 et al.
+ {
+ my ($pkg,$func) = $what =~ /(.*)::([^:]+)$/;
+ confess("Attempt to load '$what'") unless defined($pkg) && $func =~ /^[\w:]+$/;
+ $pkg =~ s#::#/#g;
+ if (defined($name=$INC{"$"}))
+ {
+ $name =~ s#^(.*)$pkg\.pm$#$1auto/$pkg/$;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $name = "auto/$";
+ $name =~ s#::#/#g;
+ }
+ }
+ # This may fail, catch error and prevent user's __DIE__ handler
+ # from triggering as well...
+ eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; require $name};
+ if ($@)
+ {
+ croak $@ unless ($@ =~ /Can't locate\s+(?:file\s+)?'?\Q$name\E'?/);
+ my($package,$method) = ($what =~ /^(.*)::([^:]*)$/);
+ if (ref $_[0] && !$_[0]->can($method)
+ && $_[0]->can('Delegate')
+ && $method !~ /^(ConfigSpecs|Delegates)/ )
+ {
+ my $delegate = $_[0]->Delegates;
+ if (%$delegate || tied %$delegate)
+ {
+ my $widget = $delegate->{$method};
+ $widget = $delegate->{DEFAULT} unless (defined $widget);
+ if (defined $widget)
+ {
+ my $subwidget = (ref $widget) ? $widget : $_[0]->Subwidget($widget);
+ if (defined $subwidget)
+ {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ # print "AUTOLOAD: $what\n";
+ *{$what} = sub { shift->Delegate($method,@_) };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ croak "No delegate subwidget '$widget' for $what";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined(&$what) && ref($_[0]) && $method =~ /^[A-Z]\w+$/)
+ {
+ # Use ->can as ->isa is broken in perl5.6.0
+ my $sub = UNIVERSAL::can($_[0],'_AutoloadTkWidget');
+ if ($sub)
+ {
+ carp "Assuming 'require Tk::$method;'" unless $_[0]->can($method);
+ $what = $_[0]->$sub($method)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $@ = $save;
+ $DB::sub = $what; # Tell debugger what is going on...
+ unless (defined &$what)
+ {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{$what} = sub { croak("Failed to AUTOLOAD '$what'") };
+ }
+ goto &$what;
+sub _Destroyed
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $a = delete $w->{'_Destroy_'};
+ if (ref($a))
+ {
+ while (@$a)
+ {
+ my $ent = pop(@$a);
+ if (ref $ent)
+ {
+ eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $ent->Call };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete $w->{$ent};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub _OnDestroy
+ my $w = shift;
+ $w->{'_Destroy_'} = [] unless (exists $w->{'_Destroy_'});
+ push(@{$w->{'_Destroy_'}},@_);
+sub OnDestroy
+ my $w = shift;
+ $w->_OnDestroy(Tk::Callback->new(@_));
+sub TkHash
+ my ($w,$key) = @_;
+ return $w->{$key} if exists $w->{$key};
+ my $hash = $w->{$key} = {};
+ $w->_OnDestroy($key);
+ return $hash;
+sub privateData
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $p = shift || caller;
+ $w->{$p} ||= {};
+my @image_types;
+my %image_method;
+sub ImageMethod
+ shift if (@_ & 1);
+ while (@_)
+ {
+ my ($name,$method) = splice(@_,0,2);
+ push(@image_types,$name);
+ $image_method{$name} = $method;
+ }
+sub Getimage
+ my ($w, $name) = @_;
+ my $mw = $w->MainWindow;
+ croak "Usage \$widget->Getimage('name')" unless defined($name);
+ my $images = ($mw->{'__Images__'} ||= {});
+ return $images->{$name} if $images->{$name};
+ ImageMethod(xpm => 'Pixmap',
+ gif => 'Photo',
+ ppm => 'Photo',
+ xbm => 'Bitmap' ) unless @image_types;
+ foreach my $type (@image_types)
+ {
+ my $method = $image_method{$type};
+ my $file = Tk->findINC( "$name.$type" );
+ next unless( $file && $method );
+ my $sub = $w->can($method);
+ unless (defined &$sub)
+ {
+ require Tk::widgets;
+ Tk::widgets->import($method);
+ }
+ $images->{$name} = $w->$method( -file => $file );
+ return $images->{$name};
+ }
+ # Try built-in bitmaps
+ $images->{$name} = $w->Pixmap( -id => $name );
+ return $images->{$name};
+sub SaveGrabInfo
+ my $w = shift;
+ $Tk::oldGrab = $w->grabCurrent;
+ if (defined $Tk::oldGrab)
+ {
+ $Tk::grabStatus = $Tk::oldGrab->grabStatus;
+ }
+sub grabSave
+ my ($w) = @_;
+ my $grab = $w->grabCurrent;
+ return sub {} if (!defined $grab);
+ my $method = ($grab->grabStatus eq 'global') ? 'grabGlobal' : 'grab';
+ return sub { eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $grab->$method() } };
+sub focusCurrent
+ my ($w) = @_;
+ $w->Tk::focus('-displayof');
+sub focusSave
+ my ($w) = @_;
+ my $focus = $w->focusCurrent;
+ return sub {} if (!defined $focus);
+ return sub { eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $focus->focus } };
+# This is supposed to replicate Tk::after behaviour,
+# but does auto-cancel when widget is deleted.
+require Tk::After;
+sub afterCancel
+ my ($w,$what) = @_;
+ if (defined $what)
+ {
+ return $what->cancel if ref($what);
+ carp "dubious cancel of $what" if 0 && $^W;
+ $w->Tk::after('cancel' => $what);
+ }
+sub afterIdle
+ my $w = shift;
+ return Tk::After->new($w,'idle','once',@_);
+sub afterInfo {
+ my ($w, $id) = @_;
+ if (defined $id) {
+ return ($id->[4], $id->[2], $id->[3]);
+ } else {
+ return sort( keys %{$w->{_After_}} );
+ }
+sub after
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $t = shift;
+ if (@_)
+ {
+ if ($t ne 'cancel')
+ {
+ require Tk::After;
+ return Tk::After->new($w,$t,'once',@_)
+ }
+ while (@_)
+ {
+ my $what = shift;
+ $w->afterCancel($what);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $w->Tk::after($t);
+ }
+sub repeat
+ require Tk::After;
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $t = shift;
+ return Tk::After->new($w,$t,'repeat',@_);
+sub FindMenu
+ # default FindMenu is that there is no menu.
+ return undef;
+sub XEvent { shift->{'_XEvent_'} }
+sub propertyRoot
+ my $w = shift;
+ return $w->property(@_,'root');
+# atom, atomname, containing, interps, pathname
+# don't work this way - there is no window arg
+# So we pretend there was an call the C versions from Tk.xs
+sub atom { shift->InternAtom(@_) }
+sub atomname { shift->GetAtomName(@_) }
+sub containing { shift->Containing(@_) }
+# interps not done yet
+# pathname not done yet
+# walk and descendants adapted from Stephen's composite
+# versions as they only use core features they can go here.
+# hierachy is reversed in that descendants calls walk rather
+# than vice versa as this avoids building a list.
+# Walk should possibly be enhanced so allow early termination
+# like '-prune' of find.
+sub Walk
+ # Traverse a widget hierarchy while executing a subroutine.
+ my($cw, $proc, @args) = @_;
+ my $subwidget;
+ foreach $subwidget ($cw->children)
+ {
+ $subwidget->Walk($proc,@args);
+ &$proc($subwidget, @args);
+ }
+} # end walk
+sub Descendants
+ # Return a list of widgets derived from a parent widget and all its
+ # descendants of a particular class.
+ # If class is not passed returns the entire widget hierarchy.
+ my($widget, $class) = @_;
+ my(@widget_tree) = ();
+ $widget->Walk(
+ sub { my ($widget,$list,$class) = @_;
+ push(@$list, $widget) if (!defined($class) or $class eq $widget->class);
+ },
+ \@widget_tree, $class
+ );
+ return @widget_tree;
+sub Palette
+ my $w = shift->MainWindow;
+ unless (exists $w->{_Palette_})
+ {
+ my %Palette = ();
+ my $c = $w->Checkbutton();
+ my $e = $w->Entry();
+ my $s = $w->Scrollbar();
+ $Palette{'activeBackground'} = ($c->configure('-activebackground'))[3] ;
+ $Palette{'activeForeground'} = ($c->configure('-activeforeground'))[3];
+ $Palette{'background'} = ($c->configure('-background'))[3];
+ $Palette{'disabledForeground'} = ($c->configure('-disabledforeground'))[3];
+ $Palette{'foreground'} = ($c->configure('-foreground'))[3];
+ $Palette{'highlightBackground'} = ($c->configure('-highlightbackground'))[3];
+ $Palette{'highlightColor'} = ($c->configure('-highlightcolor'))[3];
+ $Palette{'insertBackground'} = ($e->configure('-insertbackground'))[3];
+ $Palette{'selectColor'} = ($c->configure('-selectcolor'))[3];
+ $Palette{'selectBackground'} = ($e->configure('-selectbackground'))[3];
+ $Palette{'selectForeground'} = ($e->configure('-selectforeground'))[3];
+ $Palette{'troughColor'} = ($s->configure('-troughcolor'))[3];
+ $c->destroy;
+ $e->destroy;
+ $s->destroy;
+ $w->{_Palette_} = \%Palette;
+ }
+ return $w->{_Palette_};
+# tk_setPalette --
+# Changes the default color scheme for a Tk application by setting
+# default colors in the option database and by modifying all of the
+# color options for existing widgets that have the default value.
+# Arguments:
+# The arguments consist of either a single color name, which
+# will be used as the new background color (all other colors will
+# be computed from this) or an even number of values consisting of
+# option names and values. The name for an option is the one used
+# for the option database, such as activeForeground, not -activeforeground.
+sub setPalette
+ my $w = shift->MainWindow;
+ my %new = (@_ == 1) ? (background => $_[0]) : @_;
+ my $priority = delete($new{'priority'}) || 'widgetDefault';
+ # Create an array that has the complete new palette. If some colors
+ # aren't specified, compute them from other colors that are specified.
+ die 'must specify a background color' if (!exists $new{background});
+ $new{'foreground'} = 'black' unless (exists $new{foreground});
+ my @bg = $w->rgb($new{'background'});
+ my @fg = $w->rgb($new{'foreground'});
+ my $darkerBg = sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x',9*$bg[0]/2560,9*$bg[1]/2560,9*$bg[2]/2560);
+ foreach my $i ('activeForeground','insertBackground','selectForeground','highlightColor')
+ {
+ $new{$i} = $new{'foreground'} unless (exists $new{$i});
+ }
+ unless (exists $new{'disabledForeground'})
+ {
+ $new{'disabledForeground'} = sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x',(3*$bg[0]+$fg[0])/1024,(3*$bg[1]+$fg[1])/1024,(3*$bg[2]+$fg[2])/1024);
+ }
+ $new{'highlightBackground'} = $new{'background'} unless (exists $new{'highlightBackground'});
+ unless (exists $new{'activeBackground'})
+ {
+ my @light;
+ # Pick a default active background that is lighter than the
+ # normal background. To do this, round each color component
+ # up by 15% or 1/3 of the way to full white, whichever is
+ # greater.
+ foreach my $i (0, 1, 2)
+ {
+ $light[$i] = $bg[$i]/256;
+ my $inc1 = $light[$i]*15/100;
+ my $inc2 = (255-$light[$i])/3;
+ if ($inc1 > $inc2)
+ {
+ $light[$i] += $inc1
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $light[$i] += $inc2
+ }
+ $light[$i] = 255 if ($light[$i] > 255);
+ }
+ $new{'activeBackground'} = sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x',@light);
+ }
+ $new{'selectBackground'} = $darkerBg unless (exists $new{'selectBackground'});
+ $new{'troughColor'} = $darkerBg unless (exists $new{'troughColor'});
+ $new{'selectColor'} = '#b03060' unless (exists $new{'selectColor'});
+ # Before doing this, make sure that the Tk::Palette variable holds
+ # the default values of all options, so that tkRecolorTree can
+ # be sure to only change options that have their default values.
+ # If the variable exists, then it is already correct (it was created
+ # the last time this procedure was invoked). If the variable
+ # doesn't exist, fill it in using the defaults from a few widgets.
+ my $Palette = $w->Palette;
+ # Walk the widget hierarchy, recoloring all existing windows.
+ $w->RecolorTree(\%new);
+ # Change the option database so that future windows will get the
+ # same colors.
+ foreach my $option (keys %new)
+ {
+ $w->option('add',"*$option",$new{$option},$priority);
+ # Save the options in the global variable Tk::Palette, for use the
+ # next time we change the options.
+ $Palette->{$option} = $new{$option};
+ }
+# tkRecolorTree --
+# This procedure changes the colors in a window and all of its
+# descendants, according to information provided by the colors
+# argument. It only modifies colors that have their default values
+# as specified by the Tk::Palette variable.
+# Arguments:
+# w - The name of a window. This window and all its
+# descendants are recolored.
+# colors - The name of an array variable in the caller,
+# which contains color information. Each element
+# is named after a widget configuration option, and
+# each value is the value for that option.
+sub RecolorTree
+ my ($w,$colors) = @_;
+ local ($@);
+ my $Palette = $w->Palette;
+ foreach my $dbOption (keys %$colors)
+ {
+ my $option = "-\L$dbOption";
+ my $value;
+ eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $value = $w->cget($option) };
+ if (defined $value)
+ {
+ if ($value eq $Palette->{$dbOption})
+ {
+ $w->configure($option,$colors->{$dbOption});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $child ($w->children)
+ {
+ $child->RecolorTree($colors);
+ }
+# tkDarken --
+# Given a color name, computes a new color value that darkens (or
+# brightens) the given color by a given percent.
+# Arguments:
+# color - Name of starting color.
+# perecent - Integer telling how much to brighten or darken as a
+# percent: 50 means darken by 50%, 110 means brighten
+# by 10%.
+sub Darken
+ my ($w,$color,$percent) = @_;
+ my @l = $w->rgb($color);
+ my $red = $l[0]/256;
+ my $green = $l[1]/256;
+ my $blue = $l[2]/256;
+ $red = int($red*$percent/100);
+ $red = 255 if ($red > 255);
+ $green = int($green*$percent/100);
+ $green = 255 if ($green > 255);
+ $blue = int($blue*$percent/100);
+ $blue = 255 if ($blue > 255);
+ sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x',$red,$green,$blue)
+# tk_bisque --
+# Reset the Tk color palette to the old "bisque" colors.
+# Arguments:
+# None.
+sub bisque
+ shift->setPalette('activeBackground' => '#e6ceb1',
+ 'activeForeground' => 'black',
+ 'background' => '#ffe4c4',
+ 'disabledForeground' => '#b0b0b0',
+ 'foreground' => 'black',
+ 'highlightBackground' => '#ffe4c4',
+ 'highlightColor' => 'black',
+ 'insertBackground' => 'black',
+ 'selectColor' => '#b03060',
+ 'selectBackground' => '#e6ceb1',
+ 'selectForeground' => 'black',
+ 'troughColor' => '#cdb79e'
+ );
+sub PrintConfig
+ require Tk::Pretty;
+ my ($w) = (@_);
+ my $c;
+ foreach $c ($w->configure)
+ {
+ print Tk::Pretty::Pretty(@$c),"\n";
+ }
+sub BusyRecurse
+ my ($restore,$w,$cursor,$recurse,$top) = @_;
+ my $c = $w->cget('-cursor');
+ my @tags = $w->bindtags;
+ if ($top || defined($c))
+ {
+ push(@$restore, sub { return unless Tk::Exists($w); $w->configure(-cursor => $c); $w->bindtags(\@tags) });
+ $w->configure(-cursor => $cursor);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push(@$restore, sub { return unless Tk::Exists($w); $w->bindtags(\@tags) });
+ }
+ $w->bindtags(['Busy',@tags]);
+ if ($recurse)
+ {
+ foreach my $child ($w->children)
+ {
+ BusyRecurse($restore,$child,$cursor,1,0);
+ }
+ }
+ return $restore;
+sub Busy
+ my ($w,@args) = @_;
+ return unless $w->viewable;
+ my($sub, %args);
+ for(my $i=0; $i<=$#args; $i++)
+ {
+ if (ref $args[$i] eq 'CODE')
+ {
+ if (defined $sub)
+ {
+ croak "Multiple code definitions not allowed in Tk::Widget::Busy";
+ }
+ $sub = $args[$i];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $args{$args[$i]} = $args[$i+1]; $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ my $cursor = delete $args{'-cursor'};
+ my $recurse = delete $args{'-recurse'};
+ $cursor = 'watch' unless defined $cursor;
+ unless (exists $w->{'Busy'})
+ {
+ my @old = ($w->grabSave);
+ my $key;
+ my @config;
+ foreach $key (keys %args)
+ {
+ push(@config,$key => $w->Tk::cget($key));
+ }
+ if (@config)
+ {
+ push(@old, sub { $w->Tk::configure(@config) });
+ $w->Tk::configure(%args);
+ }
+ unless ($w->Tk::bind('Busy'))
+ {
+ $w->Tk::bind('Busy','<Any-KeyPress>',[_busy => 1]);
+ $w->Tk::bind('Busy','<Any-KeyRelease>',[_busy => 0]);
+ $w->Tk::bind('Busy','<Any-ButtonPress>',[_busy => 1]);
+ $w->Tk::bind('Busy','<Any-ButtonRelease>',[_busy => 0]);
+ $w->Tk::bind('Busy','<Any-Motion>',[_busy => 0]);
+ }
+ $w->{'Busy'} = BusyRecurse(\@old,$w,$cursor,$recurse,1);
+ }
+ my $g = $w->grabCurrent;
+ if (defined $g)
+ {
+ # warn "$g has the grab";
+ $g->grabRelease;
+ }
+ $w->update;
+ eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $w->grab };
+ $w->update;
+ if ($sub)
+ {
+ eval { $sub->() };
+ my $err = $@;
+ $w->Unbusy(-recurse => $recurse);
+ die $err if $err;
+ }
+sub _busy
+ my ($w,$f) = @_;
+ $w->bell if $f;
+ $w->break;
+sub Unbusy
+ my ($w) = @_;
+ $w->update;
+ $w->grabRelease if Tk::Exists($w);
+ my $old = delete $w->{'Busy'};
+ if (defined $old)
+ {
+ local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
+ eval { &{pop(@$old)} } while (@$old);
+ }
+ $w->update if Tk::Exists($w);
+sub waitVisibility
+ my ($w) = shift;
+ $w->tkwait('visibility',$w);
+sub waitVariable
+ my ($w) = shift;
+ $w->tkwait('variable',@_);
+sub waitWindow
+ my ($w) = shift;
+ $w->tkwait('window',$w);
+sub EventWidget
+ my ($w) = @_;
+ return $w->{'_EventWidget_'};
+sub Popwidget
+ my ($ew,$method,$w,@args) = @_;
+ $w->{'_EventWidget_'} = $ew;
+ $w->$method(@args);
+sub ColorOptions
+ my ($w,$args) = @_;
+ my $opt;
+ $args = {} unless (defined $args);
+ foreach $opt (qw(-foreground -background -disabledforeground
+ -activebackground -activeforeground
+ ))
+ {
+ $args->{$opt} = $w->cget($opt) unless (exists $args->{$opt})
+ }
+ return (wantarray) ? %$args : $args;
+sub XscrollBind
+ my ($mw,$class) = @_;
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Left>', ['xview','scroll',-1,'units']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-Left>', ['xview','scroll',-1,'pages']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-Prior>',['xview','scroll',-1,'pages']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Right>', ['xview','scroll',1,'units']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-Right>',['xview','scroll',1,'pages']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Control-Next>', ['xview','scroll',1,'pages']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Home>', ['xview','moveto',0]);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<End>', ['xview','moveto',1]);
+ $mw->XMouseWheelBind($class);
+sub PriorNextBind
+ my ($mw,$class) = @_;
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Next>', ['yview','scroll',1,'pages']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Prior>', ['yview','scroll',-1,'pages']);
+sub XMouseWheelBind
+ my ($mw,$class) = @_;
+ # <4> and <5> are how mousewheel looks on X
+ # <4> and <5> are how mousewheel looks on X
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Shift-4>', ['xview','scroll',-1,'units']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Shift-5>', ['xview','scroll',1,'units']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Button-6>', ['xview','scroll',-1,'units']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Button-7>', ['xview','scroll',1,'units']);
+sub YMouseWheelBind
+ my ($mw,$class) = @_;
+ # <4> and <5> are how mousewheel looks on X
+ $mw->bind($class,'<4>', ['yview','scroll',-1,'units']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<5>', ['yview','scroll',1,'units']);
+sub YscrollBind
+ my ($mw,$class) = @_;
+ $mw->PriorNextBind($class);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Up>', ['yview','scroll',-1,'units']);
+ $mw->bind($class,'<Down>', ['yview','scroll',1,'units']);
+ $mw->YMouseWheelBind($class);
+sub XYscrollBind
+ my ($mw,$class) = @_;
+ $mw->YscrollBind($class);
+ $mw->XscrollBind($class);
+ # <4> and <5> are how mousewheel looks on X
+sub MouseWheelBind
+ my($mw,$class) = @_;
+ # The MouseWheel will typically only fire on Windows. However, one
+ # could use the "event generate" command to produce MouseWheel
+ # events on other platforms.
+ $mw->Tk::bind($class, '<MouseWheel>',
+ [ sub { $_[0]->yview('scroll',-($_[1]/120)*3,'units') }, Tk::Ev("D")]);
+ if ($Tk::platform eq 'unix')
+ {
+ # Support for mousewheels on Linux/Unix commonly comes through mapping
+ # the wheel to the extended buttons. If you have a mousewheel, find
+ # Linux configuration info at:
+ #
+ $mw->Tk::bind($class, '<4>',
+ sub { $_[0]->yview('scroll', -3, 'units')
+ unless $Tk::strictMotif;
+ });
+ $mw->Tk::bind($class, '<5>',
+ sub { $_[0]->yview('scroll', 3, 'units')
+ unless $Tk::strictMotif;
+ });
+ }
+sub ScrlListbox
+ my $parent = shift;
+ return $parent->Scrolled('Listbox',-scrollbars => 'w', @_);
+sub AddBindTag
+ my ($w,$tag) = @_;
+ my $t;
+ my @tags = $w->bindtags;
+ foreach $t (@tags)
+ {
+ return if $t eq $tag;
+ }
+ $w->bindtags([@tags,$tag]);
+sub Callback
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $cb = $w->cget($name);
+ if (defined $cb)
+ {
+ return $cb->Call(@_) if (ref $cb);
+ return $w->$cb(@_);
+ }
+ return (wantarray) ? () : undef;
+sub packAdjust
+# print 'packAdjust(',join(',',@_),")\n";
+ require Tk::Adjuster;
+ my ($w,%args) = @_;
+ my $delay = delete($args{'-delay'});
+ $delay = 1 unless (defined $delay);
+ $w->pack(%args);
+ %args = $w->packInfo;
+ my $adj = Tk::Adjuster->new($args{'-in'},
+ -widget => $w, -delay => $delay, -side => $args{'-side'});
+ $adj->packed($w,%args);
+ return $w;
+sub gridAdjust
+ require Tk::Adjuster;
+ my ($w,%args) = @_;
+ my $delay = delete($args{'-delay'});
+ $delay = 1 unless (defined $delay);
+ $w->grid(%args);
+ %args = $w->gridInfo;
+ my $adj = Tk::Adjuster->new($args{'-in'},-widget => $w, -delay => $delay);
+ $adj->gridded($w,%args);
+ return $w;
+sub place
+ local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&Carp::croak;
+ my $w = shift;
+ if (@_ && $_[0] =~ /^(?:configure|forget|info|slaves)$/x)
+ {
+ $w->Tk::place(@_);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Two things going on here:
+ # 1. Add configure on the front so that we can drop leading '-'
+ $w->Tk::place('configure',@_);
+ # 2. Return the widget rather than nothing
+ return $w;
+ }
+sub pack
+ local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&Carp::croak;
+ my $w = shift;
+ if (@_ && $_[0] =~ /^(?:configure|forget|info|propagate|slaves)$/x)
+ {
+ # maybe array/scalar context issue with slaves
+ $w->Tk::pack(@_);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Two things going on here:
+ # 1. Add configure on the front so that we can drop leading '-'
+ $w->Tk::pack('configure',@_);
+ # 2. Return the widget rather than nothing
+ return $w;
+ }
+sub grid
+ local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&Carp::croak;
+ my $w = shift;
+ if (@_ && $_[0] =~ /^(?:bbox|columnconfigure|configure|forget|info|location|propagate|rowconfigure|size|slaves)$/x)
+ {
+ my $opt = shift;
+ Tk::grid($opt,$w,@_);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Two things going on here:
+ # 1. Add configure on the front so that we can drop leading '-'
+ Tk::grid('configure',$w,@_);
+ # 2. Return the widget rather than nothing
+ return $w;
+ }
+sub form
+ local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&Carp::croak;
+ my $w = shift;
+ if (@_ && $_[0] =~ /^(?:configure|check|forget|grid|info|slaves)$/x)
+ {
+ $w->Tk::form(@_);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # Two things going on here:
+ # 1. Add configure on the front so that we can drop leading '-'
+ $w->Tk::form('configure',@_);
+ # 2. Return the widget rather than nothing
+ return $w;
+ }
+sub Scrolled
+ my ($parent,$kind,%args) = @_;
+ $kind = 'Pane' if $kind eq 'Frame';
+ # Find args that are Frame create time args
+ my @args = Tk::Frame->CreateArgs($parent,\%args);
+ my $name = delete $args{'Name'};
+ push(@args,'Name' => $name) if (defined $name);
+ my $cw = $parent->Frame(@args);
+ @args = ();
+ # Now remove any args that Frame can handle
+ foreach my $k ('-scrollbars',map($_->[0],$cw->configure))
+ {
+ push(@args,$k,delete($args{$k})) if (exists $args{$k})
+ }
+ # Anything else must be for target widget - pass at widget create time
+ my $w = $cw->$kind(%args);
+ # Now re-set %args to be ones Frame can handle
+ %args = @args;
+ $cw->ConfigSpecs('-scrollbars' => ['METHOD','scrollbars','Scrollbars','se'],
+ '-background' => [$w,'background','Background'],
+ '-foreground' => [$w,'foreground','Foreground'],
+ );
+ $cw->AddScrollbars($w);
+ $cw->Default("\L$kind" => $w);
+ $cw->Delegates('bind' => $w, 'bindtags' => $w, 'menu' => $w);
+ $cw->ConfigDefault(\%args);
+ $cw->configure(%args);
+ return $cw;
+sub Populate
+ my ($cw,$args) = @_;
+sub ForwardEvent
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $to = shift;
+ $to->PassEvent($self->XEvent);
+# Save / Return abstract event type as in Tix.
+sub EventType
+ my $w = shift;
+ $w->{'_EventType_'} = $_[0] if @_;
+ return $w->{'_EventType_'};
+sub PostPopupMenu
+ my ($w, $X, $Y) = @_;
+ if (@_ < 3)
+ {
+ my $e = $w->XEvent;
+ $X = $e->X;
+ $Y = $e->Y;
+ }
+ my $menu = $w->menu;
+ $menu->Post($X,$Y) if defined $menu;
+sub FillMenu
+ my ($w,$menu,@labels) = @_;
+ foreach my $lab (@labels)
+ {
+ my $method = $lab.'MenuItems';
+ $method =~ s/~//g;
+ $method =~ s/[\s-]+/_/g;
+ if ($w->can($method))
+ {
+ $menu->Menubutton(-label => $lab, -tearoff => 0, -menuitems => $w->$method());
+ }
+ }
+ return $menu;
+sub menu
+ my ($w,$menu) = @_;
+ if (@_ > 1)
+ {
+ $w->_OnDestroy('_MENU_') unless exists $w->{'_MENU_'};
+ $w->{'_MENU_'} = $menu;
+ }
+ return unless defined wantarray;
+ unless (exists $w->{'_MENU_'})
+ {
+ $w->_OnDestroy('_MENU_');
+ $w->{'_MENU_'} = $menu = $w->Menu(-tearoff => 0);
+ $w->FillMenu($menu,$w->MenuLabels);
+ }
+ return $w->{'_MENU_'};
+sub MenuLabels
+ return @DefaultMenuLabels;
+sub FileMenuItems
+ my ($w) = @_;
+ return [ ["command"=>'E~xit', -command => [ $w, 'WmDeleteWindow']]];
+sub WmDeleteWindow
+ shift->toplevel->WmDeleteWindow
+sub BalloonInfo
+ my ($widget,$balloon,$X,$Y,@opt) = @_;
+ foreach my $opt (@opt)
+ {
+ my $info = $balloon->GetOption($opt,$widget);
+ return $info if defined $info;
+ }
+sub ConfigSpecs {
+ my $w = shift;
+ return map { ( $_->[0], [ $w, @$_[ 1 .. 4 ] ] ) } $w->configure;
+*GetSelection =
+ ($Tk::platform eq 'unix'
+ ? sub
+ {
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $sel = @_ ? shift : "PRIMARY";
+ my $txt = eval { local $SIG{__DIE__};
+ $w->SelectionGet(-selection => $sel, -type => "UTF8_STRING")
+ };
+ if ($@)
+ {
+ $txt = eval { local $SIG{__DIE__};
+ $w->SelectionGet(-selection => $sel)
+ };
+ if ($@)
+ {
+ die "could not find default selection";
+ }
+ }
+ $txt;
+ }
+ : sub
+ {
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $sel = @_ ? shift : "PRIMARY";
+ my $txt = eval { local $SIG{__DIE__};
+ $w->SelectionGet(-selection => $sel)
+ };
+ if ($@)
+ {
+ die "could not find default selection";
+ }
+ $txt;
+ }
+ );
+sub bindDump {
+ # Dump lots of good binding information. This pretty-print subroutine
+ # is, essentially, the following code in disguise:
+ #
+ # print "Binding information for $w\n";
+ # foreach my $tag ($w->bindtags) {
+ # printf "\n Binding tag '$tag' has these bindings:\n";
+ # foreach my $binding ($w->bind($tag)) {
+ # printf " $binding\n";
+ # }
+ # }
+ my ($w) = @_;
+ my (@bindtags) = $w->bindtags;
+ my $digits = length( scalar @bindtags );
+ my ($spc1, $spc2) = ($digits + 33, $digits + 35);
+ my $format1 = "%${digits}d.";
+ my $format2 = ' ' x ($digits + 2);
+ my $n = 0;
+ my @out;
+ push @out, sprintf( "\n## Binding information for '%s', %s ##", $w->PathName, $w );
+ foreach my $tag (@bindtags) {
+ my (@bindings) = $w->bind($tag);
+ $n++; # count this bindtag
+ if ($#bindings == -1) {
+ push @out, sprintf( "\n$format1 Binding tag '$tag' has no bindings.\n", $n );
+ } else {
+ push @out, sprintf( "\n$format1 Binding tag '$tag' has these bindings:\n", $n );
+ foreach my $binding ( @bindings ) {
+ my $callback = $w->bind($tag, $binding);
+ push @out, sprintf( "$format2%27s : %-40s\n", $binding, $callback );
+ if ($callback =~ /SCALAR/) {
+ if (ref $$callback) {
+ push @out, sprintf( "%s %s\n", ' ' x $spc1, $$callback );
+ } else {
+ push @out, sprintf( "%s '%s'\n", ' ' x $spc1, $$callback );
+ }
+ } elsif ($callback =~ /ARRAY/) {
+ if (ref $callback->[0]) {
+ push @out, sprintf( "%s %s\n", ' ' x $spc1, $callback->[0], "\n" );
+ } else {
+ push @out, sprintf( "%s '%s'\n", ' ' x $spc1, $callback->[0], "\n" );
+ }
+ foreach my $arg (@$callback[1 .. $#{@$callback}]) {
+ if (ref $arg) {
+ push @out, sprintf( "%s %-40s", ' ' x $spc2, $arg );
+ } else {
+ push @out, sprintf( "%s '%s'", ' ' x $spc2, $arg );
+ }
+ if (ref $arg eq 'Tk::Ev') {
+ if ($arg =~ /SCALAR/) {
+ push @out, sprintf( ": '$$arg'" );
+ } else {
+ push @out, sprintf( ": '%s'", join("' '", @$arg) );
+ }
+ }
+ push @out, sprintf( "\n" );
+ } # forend callback arguments
+ } # ifend callback
+ } # forend all bindings for one tag
+ } # ifend have bindings
+ } # forend all tags
+ push @out, sprintf( "\n" );
+ return @out;
+} # end bindDump
+sub ASkludge
+ my ($hash,$sense) = @_;
+ foreach my $key (%$hash)
+ {
+ if ($key =~ /-.*variable/ && ref($hash->{$key}) eq 'SCALAR')
+ {
+ if ($sense)
+ {
+ my $val = ${$hash->{$key}};
+ require Tie::Scalar;
+ tie ${$hash->{$key}},'Tie::StdScalar';
+ ${$hash->{$key}} = $val;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ untie ${$hash->{$key}};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# clipboardKeysyms --
+# This procedure is invoked to identify the keys that correspond to
+# the "copy", "cut", and "paste" functions for the clipboard.
+# Arguments:
+# copy - Name of the key (keysym name plus modifiers, if any,
+# such as "Meta-y") used for the copy operation.
+# cut - Name of the key used for the cut operation.
+# paste - Name of the key used for the paste operation.
+# This method is obsolete use clipboardOperations and abstract
+# event types instead. See and
+sub clipboardKeysyms
+ my @class = ();
+ my $mw = shift;
+ if (ref $mw)
+ {
+ $mw = $mw->DelegateFor('bind');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push(@class,$mw);
+ $mw = shift;
+ }
+ if (@_)
+ {
+ my $copy = shift;
+ $mw->Tk::bind(@class,"<$copy>",'clipboardCopy') if (defined $copy);
+ }
+ if (@_)
+ {
+ my $cut = shift;
+ $mw->Tk::bind(@class,"<$cut>",'clipboardCut') if (defined $cut);
+ }
+ if (@_)
+ {
+ my $paste = shift;
+ $mw->Tk::bind(@class,"<$paste>",'clipboardPaste') if (defined $paste);
+ }
+sub pathname
+ my ($w,$id) = @_;
+ my $x = $w->winfo('pathname',-displayof => oct($id));
+ return $x->PathName;
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ffbe4877857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+package Tk::Wm;
+use AutoLoader;
+require Tk::Widget;
+*AUTOLOAD = \&Tk::Widget::AUTOLOAD;
+use strict qw(vars);
+# There are issues with this stuff now we have Tix's wm release/capture
+# as toplevel-ness is now dynamic.
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #14 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
+use Tk::Submethods;
+*{Tk::Wm::wmGrid} = sub { shift->wm("grid", @_) };
+*{Tk::Wm::wmTracing} = sub { shift->wm("tracing", @_) };
+Direct Tk::Submethods ('wm' => [qw(aspect attributes client colormapwindows command
+ deiconify focusmodel frame geometry group
+ iconbitmap iconify iconimage iconmask iconname
+ iconwindow maxsize minsize overrideredirect positionfrom
+ protocol resizable sizefrom state title transient
+ withdraw wrapper)]);
+sub SetBindtags
+ my ($obj) = @_;
+ $obj->bindtags([ref($obj),$obj,'all']);
+sub Populate
+ my ($cw,$args) = @_;
+ $cw->ConfigSpecs('-overanchor' => ['PASSIVE',undef,undef,undef],
+ '-popanchor' => ['PASSIVE',undef,undef,undef],
+ '-popover' => ['PASSIVE',undef,undef,undef]
+ );
+sub MoveResizeWindow
+ my ($w,$x,$y,$width,$height) = @_;
+ $w->withdraw;
+ $w->geometry($width.'x'.$height);
+ $w->MoveToplevelWindow($x,$y);
+ $w->deiconify;
+sub WmDeleteWindow
+ my ($w) = @_;
+ my $cb = $w->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW');
+ if (defined $cb)
+ {
+ $cb->Call;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $w->destroy;
+ }
+sub Post
+ my ($w,$X,$Y) = @_;
+ $X = int($X);
+ $Y = int($Y);
+ $w->positionfrom('user');
+ $w->geometry("+$X+$Y");
+ # $w->MoveToplevelWindow($X,$Y);
+ $w->deiconify;
+ $w->raise;
+sub AnchorAdjust
+ my ($anchor,$X,$Y,$w,$h) = @_;
+ $anchor = 'c' unless (defined $anchor);
+ $Y += ($anchor =~ /s/) ? $h : ($anchor =~ /n/) ? 0 : $h/2;
+ $X += ($anchor =~ /e/) ? $w : ($anchor =~ /w/) ? 0 : $w/2;
+ return ($X,$Y);
+sub Popup
+ my $w = shift;
+ $w->configure(@_) if @_;
+ $w->idletasks;
+ my ($mw,$mh) = ($w->reqwidth,$w->reqheight);
+ my ($rx,$ry,$rw,$rh) = (0,0,0,0);
+ my $base = $w->cget('-popover');
+ my $outside = 0;
+ if (defined $base)
+ {
+ if ($base eq 'cursor')
+ {
+ ($rx,$ry) = $w->pointerxy;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $rx = $base->rootx;
+ $ry = $base->rooty;
+ $rw = $base->Width;
+ $rh = $base->Height;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $sc = ($w->parent) ? $w->parent->toplevel : $w;
+ $rx = -$sc->vrootx;
+ $ry = -$sc->vrooty;
+ $rw = $w->screenwidth;
+ $rh = $w->screenheight;
+ }
+ my ($X,$Y) = AnchorAdjust($w->cget('-overanchor'),$rx,$ry,$rw,$rh);
+ ($X,$Y) = AnchorAdjust($w->cget('-popanchor'),$X,$Y,-$mw,-$mh);
+ # adjust to not cross screen borders
+ if ($X < 0) { $X = 0 }
+ if ($Y < 0) { $Y = 0 }
+ if ($mw > $w->screenwidth) { $X = 0 }
+ if ($mh > $w->screenheight) { $Y = 0 }
+ $w->Post($X,$Y);
+ $w->waitVisibility;
+sub FullScreen
+ my $w = shift;
+ my $over = (@_) ? shift : 0;
+ my $width = $w->screenwidth;
+ my $height = $w->screenheight;
+ $w->GeometryRequest($width,$height);
+ $w->overrideredirect($over & 1);
+ $w->Post(0,0);
+ $w->update;
+ if ($over & 2)
+ {
+ my $x = $w->rootx;
+ my $y = $w->rooty;
+ $width -= 2*$x;
+ $height -= $x + $y;
+ $w->GeometryRequest($width,$height);
+ $w->update;
+ }
+sub iconposition
+ my $w = shift;
+ if (@_ == 1)
+ {
+ return $w->wm('iconposition',$1,$2) if $_[0] =~ /^(\d+),(\d+)$/;
+ if ($_[0] =~ /^([+-])(\d+)([+-])(\d+)$/)
+ {
+ my $x = ($1 eq '-') ? $w->screenwidth-$2 : $2;
+ my $y = ($3 eq '-') ? $w->screenheight-$4 : $4;
+ return $w->wm('iconposition',$x,$y);
+ }
+ }
+ $w->wm('iconposition',@_);