path: root/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 405 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e38e79a065..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/Tk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-package Tk::Trace;
-use vars qw($VERSION);
-$VERSION = sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #7 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
-use Carp;
-use Tie::Watch;
-use strict;
-# The %TRACE hash is indexed by stringified variable reference. Each hash
-# bucket contains an array reference having two elements:
-# ->[0] = a reference to the variable's Tie::Watch object
-# ->[1] = a hash reference with these keys: -fetch, -store, -destroy
-# ->{key} = [ active flag, [ callback list ] ]
-# where each callback is a normalized callback array reference
-# Thus, each trace type (r w u ) may have multiple traces.
-my %TRACE; # watchpoints indexed by stringified ref
-my %OP = ( # trace to Tie::Watch operation map
- r => '-fetch',
- w => '-store',
- u => '-destroy',
-sub fetch {
- # fetch() wraps the user's callback with necessary tie() bookkeeping
- # and invokes the callback with the proper arguments. It expects:
- #
- # $_[0] = Tie::Watch object
- # $_[1] = undef for a scalar, an index/key for an array/hash
- #
- # The user's callback is passed these arguments:
- #
- # $_[0] = undef for a scalar, index/key for array/hash
- # $_[1] = current value
- # $_[2] = operation 'r'
- # $_[3 .. $#_] = optional user callback arguments
- #
- # The user callback returns the final value to assign the variable.
- my $self = shift; # Tie::Watch object
- my $val = $self->Fetch(@_); # get variable's current value
- my $aref = $self->Args('-fetch'); # argument reference
- my $call = $TRACE{$aref->[0]}->[1]->{-fetch}; # active flag/callbacks
- return $val unless $call->[0]; # if fetch inactive
- my $final_val;
- foreach my $aref (reverse @$call[ 1 .. $#{@$call} ] ) {
- my ( @args_copy ) = @$aref;
- my $sub = shift @args_copy; # user's callback
- unshift @_, undef if scalar @_ == 0; # undef "index" for a scalar
- my @args = @_; # save for post-callback work
- $args[1] = &$sub(@_, $val, 'r', @args_copy); # invoke user callback
- shift @args unless defined $args[0]; # drop scalar "index"
- $final_val = $self->Store(@args); # update variable's value
- }
- $final_val;
-} # end fetch
-sub store {
- # store() wraps the user's callback with necessary tie() bookkeeping
- # and invokes the callback with the proper arguments. It expects:
- #
- # $_[0] = Tie::Watch object
- # $_[1] = new value for a scalar, index/key for an array/hash
- # $_[2] = undef for a scalar, new value for an array/hash
- #
- # The user's callback is passed these arguments:
- #
- # $_[0] = undef for a scalar, index/key for array/hash
- # $_[1] = new value
- # $_[2] = operation 'w'
- # $_[3 .. $#_] = optional user callback arguments
- #
- # The user callback returns the final value to assign the variable.
- my $self = shift; # Tie::Watch object
- my $val = $self->Store(@_); # store variable's new value
- my $aref = $self->Args('-store'); # argument reference
- my $call = $TRACE{$aref->[0]}->[1]->{-store}; # active flag/callbacks
- return $val unless $call->[0]; # if store inactive
- foreach my $aref ( reverse @$call[ 1 .. $#{@$call} ] ) {
- my ( @args_copy ) = @$aref;
- my $sub = shift @args_copy; # user's callback
- unshift @_, undef if scalar @_ == 1; # undef "index" for a scalar
- my @args = @_; # save for post-callback work
- $args[1] = &$sub(@_, 'w', @args_copy); # invoke user callback
- shift @args unless defined $args[0]; # drop scalar "index"
- $self->Store(@args); # update variable's value
- }
-} # end store
-sub destroy {
- # destroy() wraps the user's callback with necessary tie() bookkeeping
- # and invokes the callback with the proper arguments. It expects:
- #
- # $_[0] = Tie::Watch object
- #
- # The user's callback is passed these arguments:
- #
- # $_[0] = undef for a scalar, index/key for array/hash
- # $_[1] = final value
- # $_[2] = operation 'u'
- # $_[3 .. $#_] = optional user callback arguments
- my $self = shift; # Tie::Watch object
- my $val = $self->Fetch(@_); # variable's final value
- my $aref = $self->Args('-destroy'); # argument reference
- my $call = $TRACE{$aref->[0]}->[1]->{-destroy}; # active flag/callbacks
- return $val unless $call->[0]; # if destroy inactive
- foreach my $aref ( reverse @$call[ 1 .. $#{@$call} ] ) {
- my ( @args_copy ) = @$aref;
- my $sub = shift @args_copy; # user's callback
- my $val = $self->Fetch(@_); # get final value
- &$sub(undef, $val, 'u', @args_copy); # invoke user callback
- $self->Destroy(@_); # destroy variable
- }
-} # end destroy
-sub Tk::Widget::traceVariable {
- my( $parent, $vref, $op, $callback ) = @_;
- {
- $^W = 0;
- croak "Illegal parent '$parent', not a widget" unless ref $parent;
- croak "Illegal variable '$vref', not a reference" unless ref $vref;
- croak "Illegal trace operation '$op'" unless $op;
- croak "Illegal trace operation '$op'" if $op =~ /[^rwu]/;
- croak "Illegal callback ($callback)" unless $callback;
- }
- # Need to add our internal callback to user's callback arg list
- # so we can call ours first, followed by the user's callback and
- # any user arguments. Trace callbacks are activated as requied.
- my $trace = $TRACE{$vref};
- if ( not defined $trace ) {
- my $watch = Tie::Watch->new(
- -variable => $vref,
- -fetch => [ \&fetch, $vref ],
- -store => [ \&store, $vref ],
- -destroy => [ \&destroy, $vref ],
- );
- $trace = $TRACE{$vref} =
- [$watch,
- {
- -fetch => [ 0 ],
- -store => [ 0 ],
- -destroy => [ 0 ],
- }
- ];
- }
- $callback = [ $callback ] if ref $callback eq 'CODE';
- foreach my $o (split '', $op) {
- push @{$trace->[1]->{$OP{$o}}}, $callback;
- $trace->[1]->{$OP{$o}}->[0] = 1; # activate
- }
- return $trace; # for peeking
-} # end traceVariable
-sub Tk::Widget::traceVdelete {
- my ( $parent, $vref, $op_not_honored, $callabck_not_honored ) = @_;
- if ( defined $TRACE{$vref}->[0] ) {
- $$vref = $TRACE{$vref}->[0]->Fetch;
- $TRACE{$vref}->[0]->Unwatch;
- delete $TRACE{$vref};
- }
-} # end traceVdelete
-sub Tk::Widget::traceVinfo {
- my ( $parent, $vref ) = @_;
- return ( defined $TRACE{$vref}->[0] ) ? $TRACE{$vref}->[0]->Info : undef;
-} # end traceVinfo
-=head1 NAME
-Tk::Trace - emulate Tcl/Tk B<trace> functions.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Tk::Trace
- $mw->traceVariable(\$v, 'wru' => [\&update_meter, $scale]);
- %vinfo = $mw->traceVinfo(\$v);
- print "Trace info :\n ", join("\n ", @{$vinfo{-legible}}), "\n";
- $mw->traceVdelete(\$v);
-This class module emulates the Tcl/Tk B<trace> family of commands by
-binding subroutines of your devising to Perl variables using simple
-B<Tie::Watch> features.
-Callback format is patterned after the Perl/Tk scheme: supply either a
-code reference, or, supply an array reference and pass the callback
-code reference in the first element of the array, followed by callback
-User callbacks are passed these arguments:
- $_[0] = undef for a scalar, index/key for array/hash
- $_[1] = variable's current (read), new (write), final (undef) value
- $_[2] = operation (r, w, or u)
- $_[3 .. $#_] = optional user callback arguments
-As a Trace user, you have an important responsibility when writing your
-callback, since you control the final value assigned to the variable.
-A typical callback might look like:
- sub callback {
- my($index, $value, $op, @args) = @_;
- return if $op eq 'u';
- # .... code which uses $value ...
- return $value; # variable's final value
- }
-Note that the callback's return value becomes the variable's final value,
-for either read or write traces.
-For write operations, the variable is updated with its new value before
-the callback is invoked.
-Multiple read, write and undef callbacks can be attached to a variable,
-which are invoked in reverse order of creation.
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item $mw->traceVariable(varRef, op => callback);
-B<varRef> is a reference to the scalar, array or hash variable you
-wish to trace. B<op> is the trace operation, and can be any combination
-of B<r> for read, B<w> for write, and B<u> for undef. B<callback> is a
-standard Perl/Tk callback, and is invoked, depending upon the value of
-B<op>, whenever the variable is read, written, or destroyed.
-=item %vinfo = $mw->traceVinfo(varRef);
-Returns a hash detailing the internals of the Trace object, with these
- %vinfo = (
- -variable => varRef
- -debug => '0'
- -shadow => '1'
- -value => 'HELLO SCALAR'
- -destroy => callback
- -fetch => callback
- -store => callback
- -legible => above data formatted as a list of string, for printing
- );
-For array and hash Trace objects, the B<-value> key is replaced with a
-B<-ptr> key which is a reference to the parallel array or hash.
-Additionally, for an array or hash, there are key/value pairs for
-all the variable specific callbacks.
-=item $mw->traceVdelete(\$v);
-Stop tracing the variable.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
- # Trace a Scale's variable and move a meter in unison.
- use Tk;
- use Tk::widgets qw/Trace/;
- $pi = 3.1415926;
- $mw = MainWindow->new;
- $c = $mw->Canvas( qw/-width 200 -height 110 -bd 2 -relief sunken/ )->grid;
- $c->createLine( qw/100 100 10 100 -tag meter -arrow last -width 5/ );
- $s = $mw->Scale( qw/-orient h -from 0 -to 100 -variable/ => \$v )->grid;
- $mw->Label( -text => 'Slide Me for 5 Seconds' )->grid;
- $mw->traceVariable( \$v, 'w' => [ \&update_meter, $s ] );
- $mw->after( 5000 => sub {
- print "Untrace time ...\n";
- %vinfo = $s->traceVinfo( \$v );
- print "Watch info :\n ", join("\n ", @{$vinfo{-legible}}), "\n";
- $c->traceVdelete( \$v );
- });
- MainLoop;
- sub update_meter {
- my( $index, $value, $op, @args ) = @_;
- return if $op eq 'u';
- $min = $s->cget( -from );
- $max = $s->cget( -to );
- $pos = $value / abs( $max - $min );
- $x = 100.0 - 90.0 * ( cos( $pos * $pi ) );
- $y = 100.0 - 90.0 * ( sin( $pos * $pi ) );
- $c->coords( qw/meter 100 100/, $x, $y );
- return $value;
- }
- # Predictive text entry.
- use Tk;
- use Tk::widgets qw/ LabEntry Trace /;
- use strict;
- my @words = qw/radio television telephone turntable microphone/;
- my $mw = MainWindow->new;
- my $e = $mw->LabEntry(
- qw/ -label Thing -width 40 /,
- -labelPack => [ qw/ -side left / ],
- -textvariable => \my $thing,
- );
- my $t = $mw->Text( qw/ -height 10 -width 50 / );;
- $t->pack( $e, qw/ -side top / );
- $e->focus;
- $e->traceVariable( \$thing, 'w', [ \&trace_thing, $e, $t ] );
- foreach my $k ( 1 .. 12 ) {
- $e->bind( "<F${k}>" => [ \&ins, $t, Ev('K') ] );
- }
- $e->bind( '<Return>' =>
- sub {
- print "$thing\n";
- $_[0]->delete( 0, 'end' );
- }
- );
- MainLoop;
- sub trace_thing {
- my( $index, $value, $op, $e, $t ) = @_;
- return unless $value;
- $t->delete( qw/ 1.0 end / );
- foreach my $w ( @words ) {
- if ( $w =~ /^$value/ ) {
- $t->insert( 'end', "$w\n" );
- }
- }
- return $value;
- } # end trace_thing
- sub ins {
- my( $e, $t, $K ) = @_;
- my( $index ) = $K =~ /^F(\d+)$/;
- $e->delete( 0, 'end' );
- $e->insert( 'end', $t->get( "$index.0", "$index.0 lineend" ) );
- $t->delete( qw/ 1.0 end / );
- } # end ins
-=head1 HISTORY
- Stephen.O.Lidie@Lehigh.EDU, Lehigh University Computing Center, 2000/08/01
- . Version 1.0, for Tk800.022.
- sol0@Lehigh.EDU, Lehigh University Computing Center, 2003/09/22
- . Version 1.1, for Tk804.025, add support for multiple traces of the same
- type on the same variable.
-Copyright (C) 2000 - 2003 Stephen O. Lidie. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as Perl itself.