path: root/Master/tlpkg/doc/articles/cstug08/talk-bacho08.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/doc/articles/cstug08/talk-bacho08.tex')
1 files changed, 493 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/doc/articles/cstug08/talk-bacho08.tex b/Master/tlpkg/doc/articles/cstug08/talk-bacho08.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8ff80e1e270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/doc/articles/cstug08/talk-bacho08.tex
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+\setbeamercolor*{black on white}{bg=white,fg=black}
+%\setbeamerfont*{black on white}{series=\scshape}
+\addfootbox{black on white}{\hbox{\vbox to 10pt{\hspace{3em}Norbert
+Preining, \tl's new infrastructure -- {\normalfont Bachotek~2008}
+ \hfill \insertframenumber\hspace{3em}~~\vfill}}}
+\addheadbox{black on white}{\hbox{\vbox to 10pt{~~~\hfill\leavevmode\vfill}}}
+\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
+% here begins the stuff
+\title{\tl's new infrastructure}
+\author{Norbert Preining}
+\institute{Vienna University of Technology, Austria}
+Bachotek, Poland \hspace{\bigskipamount} 30~April 2008}
+ \frametitle{The \tl\ distribution}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item includes all the free stuff from \textsc{ctan}
+ \item available for a wide range of platform--operating system
+ combinations
+ \item currently is replacing te\TeX\ in many (Unix) distributions as
+ default \TeX\ system
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Upstream organization}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \textsc{svn} repository where many people have write permissions
+ \item loads of supporting scripts doing a variety of jobs:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item preparing the installation for mastering
+ \item installation from various media
+ \item installation of packages from \textsc{ctan} into the
+ \textsc{svn} repository
+ \item performing various checks on the whole archive (coverage,
+ double inclusion, etc.)
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \pause
+ \begin{block}{Problems}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item hand-crafted, hard to read
+ \item not easily extensible
+ \item no documentation
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{block}
+ \frametitle{Previous infrastructure: tpms}
+ \TeX\ Package Manage[r/ment] files collected a variety of
+ information into on \textsc{xml} file:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item file patterns and file lists
+ \item title, description, license, versions
+ \item activation of map files, formats, hyphenation patterns
+ \end{itemize}
+ \pause
+ \begin{block}{Problems with tpms}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item mixture of generated and static information
+ \item duplicated information (version, license, descriptions,
+ \ldots) which were outdated
+ \item hard to parse, thus the necessity to generate another set of
+ files for the installer
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{block}
+ \frametitle{Aims of the new infrastructure}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Separation of static from generated content\\
+ Going from a `source' to the `object' should include automatically
+ data from various other sources (mainly the Catalogue and the
+ repository) \pause
+ \item Getting rid of any `additional' files (list files)\\
+ any additional files tend to be outdated, all the necessary
+ information should be present in \emph{one} place and be easily
+ parseable. \pause
+ \item Single package updates via the web\\
+ updates to single packages (e.g., a new beamer release)\pause
+ \item Better documentation\\
+ since \tl\ is replacing te\TeX\ we want to give people
+ incorporating \tl\ into distributions a better documented and
+ easier to handle system
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{The central \texttt{texlive.tlpdb}}
+ One installation or media is now completely described by one file,
+ the \TeX~Live Database:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item simple text file -- easily parseable
+ \item revision number for the single packages
+ \item generated from static content (the tlpsrc files)
+ \item enriched with information from the \TeX~Catalogue
+ \item format documented in detail (\textsc{pod} documentation in the
+ respective perl module)
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{How does \texttt{texlive.tlpdb} look like}
+ \begin{lstlisting}[title={texlive.tlpdb}]
+name abbr
+name memoir
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item sequence of \texttt{key value} pairs
+ \item separated by an empty line (or more)
+ \item one group per package
+ \item some `meta'-packages for configuration options and special
+ purpose packages
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{The single package: \tlpobj\ by example I}
+ \begin{lstlisting}[basicstyle=\ttfamily\tiny,title={a0poster.tlpobj},label=a0poster]
+name a0poster
+category Package
+revision 7340
+shortdesc Support for designing posters on large paper.
+longdesc Provides fonts in sizes of 12pt up to 107pt and also makes sure
+longdesc that in math formulas the symbols appear in the right size. Can
+longdesc also create a PostScript header file for dvips which ensures
+longdesc that the poster will be printed in the right size. Supported
+longdesc sizes are DIN A0, DIN A1, DIN A2 and DIN A3.
+docfiles size=47
+ texmf-dist/doc/latex/a0poster/a0.pdf details="Package documentation (German)" language="de"
+ texmf-dist/doc/latex/a0poster/a0.tex
+ texmf-dist/doc/latex/a0poster/a0_eng.pdf details="Package documentation (English)" language="en"
+ texmf-dist/doc/latex/a0poster/a0_eng.tex
+runfiles size=4
+ texmf-dist/tex/latex/a0poster/a0poster.cls
+ texmf-dist/tex/latex/a0poster/a0size.sty
+catalogue-version 1.22b
+catalogue-date 2006-11-28 22:38:04 +0100
+catalogue-ctan /macros/latex/contrib/a0poster
+catalogue-license lppl
+ \frametitle{The origin of this \texttt{a0poster.tlpobj}}
+ \begin{lstlisting}[basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,title={a0poster.tlpsrc},label=a0poster.tlpsrc]
+name a0poster
+category Package
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item minimal input file with static data
+ \item rest is generated from actual svn repository (revision, size)
+ \item enriched with information from the \TeX\ Catalogue
+ (catalogue-*, specification of the documentation files)
+ \item tagged documentation files (details, language), information
+ again from the Catalogue
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{The single packages: \tlpobj\ by example II}
+ \begin{lstlisting}[basicstyle=\ttfamily\tiny,title={bin-bibtex8 and friends},label=bibtex8]
+name bin-bibtex8
+category TLCore
+revision 7340
+depend bin-bibtex8.ARCH
+docfiles size=15
+ texmf/doc/bibtex8/00readme.txt
+ texmf/doc/bibtex8/HISTORY
+ texmf/doc/bibtex8/csfile.txt
+ texmf/doc/bibtex8/file_id.diz
+runfiles size=10
+ texmf-dist/bibtex/csf/base/88592pl.csf
+ texmf-dist/bibtex/csf/base/cp1250pl.csf
+ texmf-dist/bibtex/csf/base/cp852pl.csf
+ texmf-dist/bibtex/csf/base/iso8859-7.csf
+name bin-bibtex8.alpha-linux
+category TLCore
+revision 7340
+shortdesc binary files of bin-bibtex8 for alpha-linux
+binfiles arch=alpha-linux size=62
+ bin/alpha-linux/bibtex8
+name bin-bibtex8.win32
+category TLCore
+revision 7340
+shortdesc binary files of bin-bibtex8 for win32
+binfiles arch=win32 size=25
+ bin/win32/bibtex8.exe
+ \frametitle{The origin of the above \texttt{bin-bibtex8}}
+ \begin{lstlisting}[basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,title={bin-bibtex8.tlpsrc},label=bin-dvipsk.tlpsrc]
+name bin-bibtex8
+category TLCore
+runpattern d texmf-dist/bibtex/csf/base
+docpattern f texmf/doc/bibtex8/*
+binpattern f bin/${ARCH}/bibtex8
+\end{lstlisting} % for stupid emacs: $
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item various patterns for capturing files
+ \item tricks to capture binaries on unix and windows
+ \item separate objects for the binary files of the package
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{The pattern language}
+ patterns are of the form
+ \begin{center}
+ \end{center}
+ where |PREFIX| can be |+|, |!+|, or |!|,\pause and |TYPE PAT| can be:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[f path]
+ includes all files which match |path| where \emph{only} the last
+ component of |path| can contain the usual glob characters * and ?
+ (but no others!).\pause
+ \item[d path]
+ includes all the files in and below the directory specified as
+ |path|. \pause
+ \item[t word1 ... wordN wordL]
+ includes all the files in and below all directories of the form
+ \begin{center}
+ \path{word1/word2/.../wordN/.../any/dirs/.../wordL/}
+ \end{center}\pause
+ \item[r regexp]
+ includes all files matching the Perl regexp \verb+/^regexp$/+
+ \end{description}
+ \frametitle{Example patterns}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item |runpattern f texmf/chktex/*|\\
+ includes all files \emph{in} Master/texmf/chktex/\pause
+ \item |binpattern f bin/${ARCH}/bibtex|\\ % for stupid emacs $
+ includes the bibtex binaries into the bin-bibtex package,
+ depending on the architecture\pause
+ \item |runpattern d texmf/tex/lambda/base|\\
+ includes all files in and under the above path\pause
+ \item |runpattern t texmf-dist omega uni2char|\\
+ includes all files in texmf-dist/omega/\ldots/uni2char/\pause
+ \item |runpattern r .*/foobar|\\
+ includes the files matching the regexp
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Autogenerated patterns}
+ To keep \tlpsrc\ files small, if a pattern section is empty or all
+ patterns are prefixed with |+|, the following patterns are
+ automatically generated:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item runpatterns in category Package:
+ \begin{center}
+ |t texmf-dist topdir name|
+ \end{center}
+ \item docpatterns in category Package:
+ \begin{center}
+ |t texmf-dist doc name|
+ \end{center}
+ \item docpatterns in category Documentation:
+ \begin{center}
+ |t texmf-doc doc name|
+ \end{center}
+ \item srcpatterns in category Package:
+ \begin{center}
+ |t texmf-dist source name|
+ \end{center}
+ \item srcpatterns in category Documentation:
+ \begin{center}
+ |t texmf-doc source name|
+ \end{center}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Additional tricks}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[arch expansion]
+ In case the string \verb+${ARCH}+ occurs in one |binpattern| it is
+ automatically expanded to the respective architecture.
+ \item[bat/exe/dll/texlua for win32]
+ For |binpatterns| of the form |f bin/win32/foobar| files
+ |foobar.bat|, |foobar.dll|, |foobar.exe|, and |foobar.texlua| are
+ also matched.
+ \end{description}
+ \pause
+ \begin{block}{Effects of auto generation and tricks}
+ total number of tlpsrc files: 1644\\
+ total number of tlpsrc files with patterns: 172\\
+ number of bin- and hyphen- tlpsrc files with patterns: 123\\
+ number of `normal' packages with patterns: 49
+ \end{block}
+ \frametitle{Allowed fields for \tlpobj}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item name: identifies the package
+ \item category: one of (currently) |Collection|, |Scheme|, |TLCore|,
+ |Documentation|, |Package|
+ \item shortdesc, longdesc: description of the package
+ \item depend: |Name| (multiple entries possible)
+ \item execute: activating maps, formats, hyphenation patterns
+ \item runfiles, docfiles, srcfiles, binfiles\\
+ every files section has a size attribute, and the
+ binfiles section can occur more then once with different
+ arch tags (see above)
+ \item revision: maximum svn revision number of the
+ contained files, since version numbers are not
+ parseable, trustworthy, or not even present
+ \item catalogue-* keys: stuff taken from the catalogue\\
+ for example catalogue-version, catalogue-authors,
+ catalogue-license
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Some special packages}
+ Some packages do not relate to actual files but are used to save
+ options and configurations into the database by putting them into a
+ depend line.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \texttt{00texlive.config} general configuration (release,
+ src/doc container split)
+ \item \texttt{00texlive-installation.config} only present in a final
+ installation and contains the choices the admin made when doing
+ the installation (paper a4/letter, pre-generate formats,
+ installation location, \ldots)
+ \item \texttt{00texlive.core} actually contains files, but those are
+ never installed and this package is only here to collect files
+ which are not contained in any package, thus making the coverage
+ check squeak
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Perl programming \textsc{api}}
+ Important for `users' or integrators
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[TeXLive::TLPOBJ] for \tlpobj\ files, basic
+ functionality like read, write, and member access and change
+ functions, etc.
+ \item[TeXLive::TLPDB] access to the \tl\ database.
+ \item[TeXLive::TLPostInstall] collects post installation actions
+ \end{description}
+ \pause
+ Important for `us' as developer:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[TeXLive::TLTREE] properties of the subversion
+ repository, in principle it is |svn status -v|
+ \item[TeXLive::TeXCatalogue] simple interface to the \TeX\
+ Catalogue
+ \item[TeXLive::TLPSRC] for \tlpsrc\ files, basic
+ functionality like reade, write, etc
+ \item[TeXLive::TLUtils] some handy functions
+ \item[TeXLive::TLMedia] abstracts an arbitrary installation media
+ \end{description}
+ \frametitle{Other (planned/wished) \textsc{api}s}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[texlua] next on the list to be done, would really help us a lot
+ \item[python] minimal code present (by Jim Hefferon)
+ \item[C] some code present, was a \textsc{GSoC} project, but no slot
+ available (code by Jjgod Jiang)
+ \item[bash] maybe, some code present (by the author)
+ \item[\ldots] no idea what else \ldots
+ \end{description}
+ \frametitle{Documentation}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item all modules contain a full documentation in pod format
+ \item additional text \textsc{api} document
+ \item article in Ars\TeX nica, 2007:4, 69--73, and in proceedings of
+ this conference (hopefully)
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{What to do with this stuff}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item installer: more or less done, see other talk
+ \item distribution inclusion: will hopefully work well
+ \item texdoctk++: tagged documentation files could be used to write
+ a better texdoctk, but depends on the information of the authors
+ in the \TeX~Catalogue
+ \item `\TeX\ Live Manager' \texttt{tlmgr}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{\TeX\ Live Manager \texttt{tlmgr}}
+ New program collection several scripts under one hood, currently
+ supports:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item installation of additional packages or collections, with or
+ without automatic dependency installation
+ \item same with removal
+ \item update all packages to the newest versions available
+ \item paper configuration like texconfig, but also for Windows
+ \item listing of available and installed architectures, and adding
+ new architectures to the installation
+ \item searching the installed and all available packages
+ \item list all schemes, collections, packages
+ \item setting some default values like the installation location
+ \item regenerate fmtutil.cnf, language.dat, and updmap.cfg from the
+ information stored in the database and local additions
+ \item uninstall the whole installation
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Resources}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \url{} -- main contact point
+ \item \path{} -- the main entry point, with
+ links to developers' resources, documentation
+\item \path{} -- web view onto the
+ subversion repository;
+\item \path{svn://} -- svn repository, anonymous
+ access
+\item \path{} -- an
+ explanation how updates from \ctan\ to \tl\ are done.
+ \end{itemize}