path: root/Master/tlpkg/doc/articles/bachotex08/tlinst-BT08.tex
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+% A new installer for TeX Live
+% Norbert Preining, Reinhard Kotucha, Siep Kroonenberg
+% Article presented on the 16th BachoTeX meeting, Bachotek ?? May 2008
+% Copyright 2007 Norbert Preining at al.
+% You can redistribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the
+% GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+% either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+\usepackage{hyperref} % should be loaded last because it patches other
+ % packages.
+% from l2tabuen:
+\tolerance 1414
+\hbadness 1414
+\emergencystretch 1.5em
+\hfuzz 0.3pt
+%\widowpenalty -10000
+\vfuzz \hfuzz
+\hypersetup{pdftitle={A new installer for \tl},
+ pdfauthor={R. Kotucha, S. Kroonenberg, N. Preining},
+ pdfsubject={A new installer for \tl},
+ pdfkeywords={TeX Live, installer, ...}}
+\title{A new installer for \tl}%%%\thanks{%
+% Article presented on the 16th Bacho\TeX meeting, Bachotek ?? May 2008}}
+\author{Reinhard Kotucha}
+ 30167~Hannover, Germany}
+\author{Siep Kroonenberg}
+\address{Rijksuniversiteit Groningen\\
+ Department of Economics\\
+ P.O.~Box~800\\
+ 9700~AV~Groningen, the Netherlands}
+\author{Norbert Preining}
+\address{Vienna University of Technology\\
+ Wiedner Hauptstr.\ 10\\
+ 1040 Wien, Austria}
+ \tl\ has a new package infrastructure, primarily developed by
+ Norbert Preining, and inspired by the Debian GNU/Linux packaging
+ system.
+ We shall present a new \tl\ installer, based on the new package
+ infrastructure. It includes a text based as well a graphical user
+ interface. Among other new features, installing \tl\ from the
+ Internet is now possible. It should work on all platforms
+ supported by \tl.
+% does not work in normal arstexnika mode, needs standalone, I leave
+% this up to the editors
+In this paper we introduce the new \tl\ installer. Its creation was
+necessitated by the new package infrastructure, which is described
+elsewhere in these proceedings.
+However, there is more news, also from a user's point of view. In
+\item It will be possible to install \tl\ from the Internet.
+\item The Windows version is much more in line with Unix versions.
+\item There is just one installer, which can run either in text
+ mode, emulating the former shell script,
+ or in GUI mode, emulating the former tlpmgui.
+ \centering
+ \resizebox{\columnwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{install08text}}
+ \caption{Main menu of the text mode installer}
+ \label{fig:text_main_menu}
+Nowadays \TeX{} contains a customized copy of Lua as embedded
+scripting language. When called as \tlu, it acts as a standalone Lua
+interpreter, customized for a \TeX{} environment. This is a very
+attractive scripting solution:
+\item no version worries: \tlu{} scripts should simply match the
+ \TeX{} version they are part of.
+\item \tlu{} has \kpse\ compiled in. In a \tlu{} script \kpse{}
+ file searching happens within the same process, which can speed
+ things up a lot.
+\item An embedded scripting language is immune from the kind of
+ bloat suffered by popular scripting languages such as \pl{} and
+ Ruby.
+Under Windows, the |.texlua| extension is made an executable file
+\section{Install \tl\ from the Internet}
+It is now possible to install \tl\ from a remote server. Thanks to
+the new infrastructure, the package database which tells the
+installer which packages have to be downloaded and how to install
+them, is a single file.
+Two installers for network downloads are provided.
+|install-tl-unx.tar.gz.| supports Unix only. ||
+additionally contains a small subset of \pl\ for Windows which is
+required to bootstrap the system. The latter works on all platforms
+supported by \tl. The sole reason for providing a separate package
+for Unix is its significantly smaller size.
+\section{A new compression Algorithm}
+Using |.tar.lzma| compression instead of |.zip| reduces the size of the
+compressed packages by 20\%. It cannot be assumed that |lzma|
+decompressors are available on any platform, hence they have to be
+provided for all platforms supported by \tl. Fortunately there is a
+program `|lzmadec|' available for all platforms. The size of the
+executable file is only 12\,kB.
+\section{Bringing Windows in line with Unix}
+\tl\ 2008 supports Windows 2000 and later. By dropping older Windows
+versions, there is much less need to treat Windows specially.
+\subsection{\texttt{\$HOME} and multi-user support}
+Under Windows 2000 and later, users have a real home directory,
+viz. \verb+%USERPROFILE%+, usually
+\verb+C:\Documents and Settings\+\textit{username}.
+This is now reflected in tilde expansion by \kpse, thanks to Karl
+Berry: \verb+~/texmf+ is expanded to \verb+%USERPROFILE%\texmf+
+under Windows and to \verb+$HOME/texmf+ under Unix.
+It is also possible to differentiate between system settings and
+user settings. Now there is no reason any more to have a different
+set of \texttt{texmf} trees or to leave out scripts such as
+\texttt{fmtutil-sys} and \texttt{updmap-sys}. It also shares the
+Unix \texttt{texmf.cnf}.
+We cannot count on the presence of the usual Unix scripting
+languages. We deal with this by including a limited subset of \pl{}
+for Windows, which contains just enough modules to run the installer
+and the \pl{} scripts which are part of \tl.
+To prevent interference with any pre-existing \pl, we make it
+invisible to the system by not placing it on the searchpath and by
+not creating or changing any \pl-related settings. Instead, the
+\tl\ \pl\ scripts are called via wrapper scripts that know how to
+find Perl and that create the environment variables it needs for the
+duration of the job. In the case of the installer itself, the
+wrapper is a simple batchfile (but not so simple that it would have
+worked under earlier Windows versions). But in most cases, the
+wrapper is written in \tlu; see section \ref{sec:texlua}.
+Most likely, there won't be a Bourne-compatible shell either. But in
+the new \tl, most shell scripts have been replaced by \pl- and
+\tlu{} scripts, which also work under Windows. So we just about got
+rid of \texttt{.exe} files replacing Unix scripts.
+\tl{} for Windows also includes a hidden copy of \gs, another
+fixture of Unix systems that is usually absent from Windows. The
+most important batch files provided by \gs\ have been ported to
+\tlu{}, see \ref{sec:texlua}.
+ \centering
+ \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{install08gui}}
+ \caption{The main menu of the GUI installer}
+ \label{fig:gui_main_menu}
+\section{Testing with virtual machines}
+We do much of our testing with virtual machines. With programs such
+as VirtualBox or VMware you can run a guest operating system as a
+program inside a host operating system.
+Even if host and guest are the same operating system, it is a huge
+advantage that the host will be unaffected, and that the guest is
+free from the idiosyncrasies of the host.
+Normally, the filesystem of the guest is on a virtual disk, which is
+a very large file on the host system. An installation can simply be
+reverted by making a fresh copy from backup of this very large file.
+The guest can access the \tl{} files via e.g. a shared folder or
+Samba, using a virtual network interface. An Internet install can be
+simulated with a webserver or ftp server on the host, also via a
+virtual network interface. These server programs can simply use the
+\tl{} working copy.
+\bibitem{PreiBT08} Norbert \textsc{Preining}
+\newblock \emph{The new \TeX~Live Infrastructure and Installer}
+Talk held at Bacho\TeX\,2008.