path: root/Master/tlpkg/dev
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/dev')
3 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/dev/keyword-search/parse-texcatalogue-keywords b/Master/tlpkg/dev/keyword-search/parse-texcatalogue-keywords
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..281542022cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/dev/keyword-search/parse-texcatalogue-keywords
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# $Id$
+# parse a TeXCatalogue v2 .xml dump containing keywords and
+# characterizations
+# Copyright 2010 Norbert Preining
+# This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
+# or any later version.
+$^W = 1;
+use strict;
+use XML::Parser;
+use XML::XPath;
+use XML::XPath::XMLParser;
+use Text::Unidecode;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $tcfile;
+if (@ARGV) {
+ $tcfile = shift @ARGV;
+} else {
+ $tcfile = "texcatalogue.xml";
+my %seikaku;
+my %kw_pkg;
+my %cz_pkg;
+$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
+print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%seikaku, \%kw_pkg, \%cz_pkg],
+ ["seikaku", "kw_pkg", "cz_pkg"]), $/;
+# how to read in!!!
+#my $seikaku;
+#my $kw_pkg;
+#my $cz_pkg;
+#my $foo = `cat tc-dump`;
+# the no strict "vars" is *ABSOLUT* necessary otherwise the file is not
+# evaluated, no idea why!
+#no strict "vars";
+#eval "$foo";
+#use strict "vars";
+#print "\n===================\nprimary characterizations\n";
+#walk_cz_tree($cz_pkg->{'primary'}, "PRIM");
+#print "\n===================\nsecondary characterizations\n";
+#walk_cz_tree($cz_pkg->{'secondary'}, "SEC");
+#print "\n===================\nby-function characterizations\n";
+#walk_cz_tree($cz_pkg->{'by-function'}, "BFUNC");
+##### only subs from here ##########
+sub parse_texcatalogue {
+ my $tcfile = shift;
+ my $_parser = XML::Parser->new(
+ ErrorContext => 2,
+ ParseParamEnt => 1,
+ NoLWP => 1
+ );
+ my $io;
+ open($io, "<", $tcfile) or die "Cannot open texcatalogue.xml: $!";
+ my $parser = new XML::XPath->new(ioref => $io, parser => $_parser) ||
+ die "Failed to parse texcatalogue.xml: $!";
+ # format of the data
+ # $seikaku{'keyword'}{$package} = [ $kwi, $kwii,...];
+ # $seikaku{'primary'}{$package} = $primchar;
+ # $seikaku{'secondary'}{$package'} = $secchar;
+ # $seikaku{'by-function'}{$package} = [ $bfi, $bfii, ...];
+ #
+ # post processing gives
+ # $kw_pkg{$keyword} = [ $pkg1, $pkg2, ...];
+ # $cz_pkg{'primary'}{$level1}{$level2}...{'_packages_'} = [ $pkg1, $pkg2, ...];
+ # $cz_pkg{'secondary'}{$level1}{$level2}...{'_packages_'} = [ $pkg1, $pkg2, ...];
+ # $cz_pkg{'by-function'}{$level1}{$level2}...{'_packages_'} = [ $pkg1, $pkg2, ...];
+ foreach my $e ($parser->find('/fullcat/catalogue/entry')->get_nodelist) {
+ my $pkg = $parser->findvalue('./name',$e)->value();
+ #print "FOUND: $pkg\n";
+ my $n = $parser->find('./keyword',$e);
+ for my $kw ($n->get_nodelist) {
+ my $kwval = $parser->find('./@keyword',$kw)->string_value();
+ push @{$seikaku{'keyword'}{$pkg}}, $kwval;
+ #print "keyword = $kwval\n";
+ }
+ $n = $parser->find('./characterization',$e);
+ for my $cz ($n->get_nodelist) {
+ my $czdimnl = $parser->find('./@dimension',$cz);
+ my $czdim = $czdimnl->string_value();
+ my $czvalnl = $parser->findvalue('.',$cz);
+ my $czval = $czvalnl->value();
+ if (($czdim eq "primary") || ($czdim eq "secondary")) {
+ # assume only one primary and one secondary function
+ $seikaku{$czdim}{$pkg} = $czval;
+ } else {
+ # assume that it is always "by-function"
+ push @{$seikaku{'by-function'}{$pkg}}, $czval;
+ }
+ #print "char dim = $czdim val=$czval\n";
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # do the keyword reshuffling
+ for my $pkg (keys %{$seikaku{'keyword'}}) {
+ for my $kw (@{$seikaku{'keyword'}{$pkg}}) {
+ push @{$kw_pkg{$kw}}, $pkg;
+ }
+ }
+ parse_characterizations('primary');
+ parse_characterizations('secondary');
+ parse_characterizations('by-function');
+sub parse_characterizations {
+ my $what = shift;
+ $cz_pkg{$what} = {};
+ for my $pkg (keys %{$seikaku{$what}}) {
+ my $value = $seikaku{$what}{$pkg};
+ my @charlist;
+ if (!ref($value)) {
+ @charlist = ($value);
+ } else {
+ @charlist = @$value;
+ }
+ for my $prim (@charlist) {
+ # split the primary into levels sep by >
+ my @levels = split(' > ', $prim);
+ my $currentpointer;
+ $currentpointer = $cz_pkg{$what};
+ for my $l (@levels) {
+ if (!defined($currentpointer->{$l})) {
+ $currentpointer->{$l} = {};
+ }
+ $currentpointer = $currentpointer->{$l}
+ }
+ push @{$currentpointer->{'_packages_'}}, $pkg;
+ }
+ }
+sub print_keywords {
+ my $kw_pkg = shift;
+ for my $k (keys %$kw_pkg) {
+ my @pkgl = @{$kw_pkg->{$k}};
+ if (defined(@pkgl)) {
+ print "keyword = $k\n package = @pkgl\n";
+ } else {
+ print "keyword = $k\n package = NO PACKAGE FOUND!\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub walk_cz_tree {
+ my $cp = shift;
+ my $prestring = shift;
+ if (defined($cp->{'_packages_'})) {
+ my @pkgs = sort @{$cp->{'_packages_'}};
+ print "$prestring\n";
+ print "--> @pkgs\n";
+ }
+ for my $cz (keys %$cp) {
+ if ($cz ne '_packages_') {
+ my $nextstring = "$prestring > $cz";
+ my $np = $cp->{$cz};
+ &walk_cz_tree($np,$nextstring);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/dev/keyword-search/ b/Master/tlpkg/dev/keyword-search/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ca5a7ba7d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/dev/keyword-search/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+$^W = 1;
+use strict;
+# how to read in!!!
+my $seikaku;
+my $kw_pkg;
+my $cz_pkg;
+my $foo = `cat tc-dump`;
+# the no strict "vars" is *ABSOLUT* necessary otherwise the file is not
+# evaluated, no idea why!
+no strict "vars";
+eval "$foo";
+use strict "vars";
+print "\n===================\nprimary characterizations\n";
+walk_cz_tree($cz_pkg->{'primary'}, "PRIM");
+print "\n===================\nsecondary characterizations\n";
+walk_cz_tree($cz_pkg->{'secondary'}, "SEC");
+print "\n===================\nby-function characterizations\n";
+walk_cz_tree($cz_pkg->{'by-function'}, "BFUNC");
+sub print_keywords {
+ my $kw_pkg = shift;
+ for my $k (keys %$kw_pkg) {
+ my @pkgl = @{$kw_pkg->{$k}};
+ if (defined(@pkgl)) {
+ print "keyword = $k\n package = @pkgl\n";
+ } else {
+ print "keyword = $k\n package = NO PACKAGE FOUND!\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub walk_cz_tree {
+ my $cp = shift;
+ my $prestring = shift;
+ if (defined($cp->{'_packages_'})) {
+ my @pkgs = sort @{$cp->{'_packages_'}};
+ print "$prestring\n";
+ print "--> @pkgs\n";
+ }
+ for my $cz (keys %$cp) {
+ if ($cz ne '_packages_') {
+ my $nextstring = "$prestring > $cz";
+ my $np = $cp->{$cz};
+ &walk_cz_tree($np,$nextstring);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/dev/keyword-search/tlmgr-interface.txt b/Master/tlpkg/dev/keyword-search/tlmgr-interface.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c6405c490d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/dev/keyword-search/tlmgr-interface.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+How to interface tlmgr search with keywords
+new search interface:
+tlmgr search <options> <terms>
+<options> ::= --global | --word | --list [keywords|functions|characterizations]
+<terms> ::= <term> | <term> <terms>
+<term> ::= AND | OR | LEFT | RIGHT
+ keyword=<literal> | function=<levels> |
+ characterization=<levels> |
+ package-name=<literal> | title=<literal> |
+ description=<literal> | file=<literal>
+<levels> ::= <level> | <level> " > " <levels>
+<level> ::= <literal>
+defaults = package-names=ARG OR titles=ARG OR descriptions=ARG
+AND -> conjunction
+OR -> disjunction
+LEFT|RIGHT -> parenthesis for grouping of and and or
+<literal> may contain wildcards and it is matched in a glob style (no re!!)
+ tlmgr search keyword=paragraph AND description=dropped
+should give back the lettrine package
+ tlmgr search characterization=bibliography
+searches for all packages with characterization containing anywhere the string
+"bibliography" (case insensitive).