path: root/Master/tlpkg/archive/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/archive/')
1 files changed, 1532 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/archive/ b/Master/tlpkg/archive/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1e683d8f255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/archive/
@@ -0,0 +1,1532 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# $Id: 15823 2009-10-18 01:41:28Z preining $
+# Copyright 2009 Norbert Preining
+# This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
+# or any later version.
+# GUI for tlmgr
+# version 2, completely rewritten GUI
+# TODO: move the check for critical updates from old create_update_list
+# to here!!
+# TODO: center checkbuttons vertically
+# TODO: double click on one line should pop up a window with tlmgr show info
+$^W = 1;
+use strict;
+use Tk;
+use Tk::Dialog;
+use Tk::BrowseEntry;
+use Tk::ROText;
+use Tk::TixGrid;
+use TeXLive::Splashscreen;
+use TeXLive::TLUtils qw(setup_programs platform_desc win32 debug);
+use TeXLive::TLConfig;
+our $Master;
+our $tlmediatlpdb;
+our $tlmediasrc;
+our $localtlpdb;
+# defined in
+our $location;
+my $tlpdb_location;
+my $cmdline_location;
+our %opts;
+# the list of packages as shown by TixGrid
+my %Packages;
+our $mw;
+sub update_status_box {
+ update_status(join(" ", @_));
+ $mw->update;
+sub init_hooks {
+ push @::info_hook, \&update_status_box;
+ push @::warn_hook, \&update_status_box;
+ push @::debug_hook, \&update_status_box;
+ push @::ddebug_hook, \&update_status_box;
+ push @::dddebug_hook, \&update_status_box;
+sub update_status {
+ my ($p) = @_;
+ $::progressw->insert("end", "$p");
+ $::progressw->see("end");
+# prepare for loading of which expects $::lang and $::opt_lang
+$::opt_lang = $opts{"gui-lang"} if (defined($opts{"gui-lang"}));
+our @update_function_list;
+$mw = MainWindow->new;
+$mw->title("TeX Live Manager $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear");
+# default layout definitions
+# priority 20 = widgetDefault
+# see Mastering Perl/Tk, 16.2. Using the Option Database
+$mw->optionAdd("*Button.Relief", "ridge", 20);
+# does not work, makes all buttons exactely 10, which is not a good idea
+# I would like to have something like MinWidth 10...
+#$mw->optionAdd("*Button.Width", "10", 20);
+# shortcuts for padding, expand/fill, and pack sides, anchors
+my @p_ii = qw/-padx 2m -pady 2m/;
+my @p_iii= qw/-padx 3m -pady 3m/;
+my @x_x = qw/-expand 1 -fill x/;
+my @x_y = qw/-expand 1 -fill y/;
+my @x_xy= qw/-expand 1 -fill both/;
+my @left = qw/-side left/;
+my @right= qw/-side right/;
+my @bot = qw/-side bottom/;
+my @a_w = qw/-anchor w/;
+my @a_c = qw/-anchor c/;
+# create a progress bar window
+$::progressw = $mw->Scrolled("ROText", -scrollbars => "e", -height => 4);
+$::progressw->pack(-fill => "x", @bot);
+my $critical_updates_present = 0;
+info(__("Loading local TeX Live Database\nThis may take some time, please wait!") . "\n");
+our $localtlmedia = TeXLive::TLMedia->new ( $Master );
+die("cannot setup TLMedia in $Master") unless (defined($localtlmedia));
+$localtlpdb = $localtlmedia->tlpdb;
+die("cannot find tlpdb!") unless (defined($localtlpdb));
+our @main_list;
+$tlpdb_location = $localtlpdb->option("location");
+if (defined($opts{"location"})) {
+ $cmdline_location = $opts{"location"};
+push @update_function_list, \&check_location_on_ctan;
+push @update_function_list, \&init_install_media;
+# check that we can actually save the database
+if (check_on_writable()) {
+ $::we_can_save = 1;
+} else {
+ $::we_can_save = 0;
+ # here we should pop up a warning window!!!
+$::action_button_state = ($::we_can_save ? "normal" : "disabled");
+my $tlmgrrev = give_version();
+our $top = $mw->Frame;
+my $menu = $mw->Menu();
+my $menu_file = $menu->Menu();
+my $menu_options = $menu->Menu();
+my $menu_actions = $menu->Menu();
+my $menu_help = $menu->Menu();
+$menu->add('cascade', -label => "File", -menu => $menu_file);
+$menu->add('cascade', -label => "Options", -menu => $menu_options);
+$menu->add('cascade', -label => "Actions", -menu => $menu_actions);
+$menu->add('cascade', -label => "Help", -menu => $menu_help);
+$menu->add('command', -label => "Loaded repository: none",
+ -command => sub { $location = $tlpdb_location;
+ update_loaded_location_string();
+ run_update_functions();
+ });
+# -activebackground => $menu->cget(-background));
+$menu_file->add('command', -label => "Load default repository: $tlpdb_location",
+ -command => sub {
+ $location = $tlpdb_location;
+ update_loaded_location_string();
+ run_update_functions();
+ });
+if (defined($cmdline_location)) {
+ $menu_file->add('command', -label => "Load cmd line repository: $cmdline_location",
+ -command => sub {
+ $location = $cmdline_location;
+ update_loaded_location_string();
+ run_update_functions();
+ });
+$menu_file->add('command', -label => "Load default net repository: $TeXLiveURL",
+ -command => sub {
+ $location = $TeXLiveURL;
+ update_loaded_location_string();
+ run_update_functions();
+ });
+$menu_file->add('command', -label => "Load other repository",
+ -command => sub { menu_edit_location(); });
+$menu_file->add('command', -label => __("Quit"),
+ -command => sub { $mw->destroy; exit(0); });
+$menu_options->add('command', -label => __("General settings"),
+ -command => sub { do_general_settings(); });
+$menu_options->add('command', -label => __("Paper settings"),
+ -command => sub { do_paper_settings(); });
+$menu_options->add('command', -label => __("Arch settings"),
+ -command => sub { do_arch_settings(); });
+$menu_options->add('checkbutton', -label => __("Debug"),
+ -onvalue => ($::opt_verbosity == 0 ? 1 : $::opt_verbosity),
+ -variable => \$::opt_verbosity);
+# Actions menu
+$menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Re-initialize file database"),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub {
+ $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1);
+ info("Running mktexlsr, this may take some time ...\n");
+ info(`mktexlsr 2>&1`);
+ $mw->Unbusy;
+ });
+$menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Re-create all formats"),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub {
+ $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1);
+ info("Running fmtutil-sys --all, this may take some time ...\n");
+ info(`fmtutil-sys --all 2>&1`);
+ $mw->Unbusy;
+ });
+$menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Update font map database"),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub {
+ $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1);
+ info("Running updmap-sys, this may take some time ...\n");
+ info(`updmap-sys 2>&1`);
+ $mw->Unbusy;
+ });
+if (!win32()) {
+ $menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Update symbolic links"),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub {
+ $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1);
+ info("Updating symlinks ...\n");
+ execute_action_gui("path", "add");
+ $mw->Unbusy;
+ });
+ $menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Remove symbolic links"),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub {
+ $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1);
+ info("Removing symlinks ...\n");
+ execute_action_gui("path", "remove");
+ $mw->Unbusy;
+ });
+if (!win32()) {
+ $menu_actions->add('separator');
+ $menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Remove TeX Live %s", $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub {
+ my $sw = $mw->DialogBox(-title => __("Remove TeX Live %s", $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear),
+ -buttons => [ __("Ok"), __("Cancel") ],
+ -cancel_button => __("Cancel"),
+ -command => sub {
+ my $b = shift;
+ if ($b eq __("Ok")) {
+ system("tlmgr", "uninstall", "--force");
+ $mw->Dialog(-text => __("Complete removal completed"), -buttons => [ __("Ok") ])->Show;
+ $mw->destroy;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ });
+ $sw->add("Label", -text => __("Really remove the complete TeX Live %s installation?\nYour last chance to change your mind!", $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear))->pack(@p_iii);
+ $sw->Show;
+ });
+$menu_help->add('command', -label => __("About"),
+ -command => sub {
+ my $sw = $mw->DialogBox(-title => __("About"),
+ -buttons => [ __("Ok") ]);
+ $sw->add("Label", -text => "TeX Live Manager (GUIv2)
+Copyright 2009 Norbert Preining
+Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or higher
+In case of problems, please contact: texlive\"
+ )->pack(@p_iii);
+ $sw->Show;
+ });
+$mw->configure(-menu => $menu);
+our $back_f1 = $mw->Frame();
+# pack .top .back -side top -fill both -expand 1
+$top->pack(-fill => 'x', @p_ii);
+#require ("");
+######### SHOULD GO INTO A SEPARTE FILE ########################
+# install screen
+my $top_frame = $back_f1->Labelframe(-text => "Display configuration");
+$top_frame->pack(@x_x, @p_ii);
+my $filter_frame = $top_frame->Frame();
+my $filter_status = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => "Status");
+$filter_status->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+my $status_all = 0;
+my $status_only_installed = 1;
+my $status_only_not_installed = 2;
+my $status_only_updated = 3;
+my $status_value = 0;
+$filter_status->Radiobutton(-text => "all",
+ -variable => \$status_value, -value => $status_all)->pack(@a_w);
+$filter_status->Radiobutton(-text => "only installed",
+ -variable => \$status_value, -value => $status_only_installed)->pack(@a_w);
+$filter_status->Radiobutton(-text => "only uninstalled",
+ -variable => \$status_value, -value => $status_only_not_installed)->pack(@a_w);
+$filter_status->Radiobutton(-text => "only updated",
+ -variable => \$status_value, -value => $status_only_updated)->pack(@a_w);
+my $filter_category = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => "Category");
+$filter_category->pack(@left, @x_y, @p_ii);
+my $show_packages = 1;
+my $show_collections = 1;
+my $show_schemes = 1;
+$filter_category->Checkbutton(-text => "packages",
+ -variable => \$show_packages)->pack(@a_w);
+$filter_category->Checkbutton(-text => "collections",
+ -variable => \$show_collections)->pack(@a_w);
+$filter_category->Checkbutton(-text => "schemes",
+ -variable => \$show_schemes)->pack(@a_w);
+my $filter_match = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => "Match");
+$filter_match->pack(@left, @x_y, @p_ii);
+my $match_all = 1;
+$filter_match->Radiobutton(-text => "all",
+ -variable => \$match_all, -value => 1)->pack(@a_w);
+$filter_match->Radiobutton(-text => "matching:",
+ -variable => \$match_all, -value => 0)->pack(@a_w);
+my $match_entry =
+ $filter_match->Entry(-width => 15)->pack(@a_w, -padx => '2m', @x_x);
+my $filter_selection = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => "Selection");
+$filter_selection->pack(@left, @x_y, @p_ii);
+my $selection_value = 0;
+$filter_selection->Radiobutton(-text => "all",
+ -variable => \$selection_value, -value => 0)->pack(@a_w);
+$filter_selection->Radiobutton(-text => "only selected",
+ -variable => \$selection_value, -value => 1)->pack(@a_w);
+$filter_selection->Radiobutton(-text => "only not selected",
+ -variable => \$selection_value, -value => 2)->pack(@a_w);
+my $filter_button = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => "Action");
+$filter_button->pack(@left, @x_y, @p_ii);
+$filter_button->Button(-text => "Apply filters",
+ -command => sub { update_grid(); })->pack(@a_c, @p_ii);
+$filter_button->Button(-text => "Reset filters",
+ -command => sub { $status_value = $status_all;
+ $show_packages = 1; $show_collections = 1;
+ $show_schemes = 1;
+ $selection_value = 0;
+ $match_all = 1;
+ update_grid();
+ })->pack(@a_c, @p_ii);
+########## Packages #######################
+my $list_frame = $back_f1->Labelframe(-text => "Packages");
+$list_frame->pack(@x_xy, @p_ii);
+my $g = $list_frame->Scrolled('TixGrid', -scrollbars => "se", -bd => 0,
+ -floatingrows => 0, -floatingcols => 0,
+ -leftmargin => 2, # selection and label
+ -topmargin => 1, # top labels
+ -command => \&show_extended_info, # does not work, double click!
+ -selectmode => "none",
+ -selectunit => "row");
+# that does not work, I have no idea what has to be done
+#$g->ItemStyle('window', -anchor => "c");
+$g->pack(qw/-expand 1 -fill both -padx 3 -pady 3/);
+$g->configure(-formatcmd=>[\&AlternatingLineColoring, $g]);
+$g->size(qw/col 4 -size 10char/);
+$g->size(qw/col 5 -size 10char/);
+$g->size(qw/col default -size auto/);
+$g->size(qw/row default -size 1.1char -pad0 3/);
+sub show_extended_info {
+ my ($x, $y) = @_;
+ print "double click on $x - $y\n";
+sub update_grid {
+ # fill the header
+ #$g->set(0,0, -itemtype => 'window', -widget => $g->Checkbutton());
+ $g->set(1,0, -itemtype => 'text', -text => "Package");
+ $g->set(2,0, -itemtype => 'text', -text => "Local Rev");
+ $g->set(3,0, -itemtype => 'text', -text => "Remote Rev");
+ $g->set(4,0, -itemtype => 'text', -text => "Local Ver");
+ $g->set(5,0, -itemtype => 'text', -text => "Remote Ver");
+ $g->set(6,0, -itemtype => 'text', -text => "Short Desc");
+ my @schemes;
+ my @colls;
+ my @packs;
+ for my $p (sort keys %Packages) {
+ if ($Packages{$p}{'category'} eq "Scheme") {
+ push @schemes, $p;
+ } elsif ($Packages{$p}{'category'} eq "Collection") {
+ push @colls, $p;
+ } else {
+ push @packs, $p;
+ }
+ }
+ my $i = 1;
+ # the number of current lines:
+ my (undef, $curlines) = $g->index(0, 'max');
+ for my $p (@schemes, @colls, @packs) {
+ if (MatchesFilters($p)) {
+ # unset first so that the checkbutton is unmapped, otherwise crashes
+ $g->unset(0,$i) if $g->infoExists(0,$i);
+ $g->set(0,$i, -itemtype => 'window',
+ -widget => $Packages{$p}{'cb'});
+ #
+ $g->set(1,$i, -itemtype => 'text', -text => $Packages{$p}{'displayname'});
+ if (defined($Packages{$p}{'localrevision'})) {
+ $g->set(2,$i, -itemtype => 'text', -text => $Packages{$p}{'localrevision'});
+ } else {
+ $g->unset(2,$i);
+ }
+ if (defined($Packages{$p}{'remoterevision'})) {
+ $g->set(3,$i, -itemtype => 'text', -text => $Packages{$p}{'remoterevision'})
+ } else {
+ $g->unset(3,$i);
+ }
+ if (defined($Packages{$p}{'localcatalogueversion'})) {
+ $g->set(4,$i, -itemtype => 'text', -text => $Packages{$p}{'localcatalogueversion'})
+ } else {
+ $g->unset(4,$i);
+ }
+ if (defined($Packages{$p}{'remotecatalogueversion'})) {
+ $g->set(5,$i, -itemtype => 'text', -text => $Packages{$p}{'remotecatalogueversion'})
+ } else {
+ $g->unset(5,$i);
+ }
+ $g->set(6,$i, -itemtype => 'text', -text => $Packages{$p}{'shortdesc'});
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($i <= $curlines) {
+ # remove the rest of the lines
+ $g->deleteRow($i, $curlines);
+ }
+sub MatchesFilters {
+ my $p = shift;
+ # status
+ if (( ($status_value == $status_all) ) ||
+ ( ($status_value == $status_only_installed) &&
+ (defined($Packages{$p}{'installed'})) &&
+ ($Packages{$p}{'installed'} == 1) ) ||
+ ( ($status_value == $status_only_not_installed) &&
+ ( !defined($Packages{$p}{'installed'}) ||
+ ($Packages{$p}{'installed'} == 0)) ) ||
+ ( ($status_value == $status_only_updated) &&
+ (defined($Packages{$p}{'localrevision'})) &&
+ (defined($Packages{$p}{'remoterevision'})) &&
+ ($Packages{$p}{'localrevision'} < $Packages{$p}{'remoterevision'}))) {
+ # do nothing, more checks have to be done
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # category
+ if (($show_packages && ($Packages{$p}{'category'} eq 'Other')) ||
+ ($show_collections && ($Packages{$p}{'category'} eq 'Collection')) ||
+ ($show_schemes && ($Packages{$p}{'category'} eq 'Scheme')) ) {
+ # do nothing, more checks have to be done
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # match
+ if (!$match_all) {
+ my $r = $match_entry->get;
+ # check for match on string
+ my $t = $Packages{$p}{'shortdesc'};
+ $t |= "";
+ my $lt = $Packages{$p}{'longdesc'};
+ $lt |= "";
+ if (($p =~ m/$r/) || ($t =~ m/$r/) || ($lt =~ m/$r/)) {
+ # do nothing, more checks have to be done
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ # selection
+ if ($selection_value == 0) {
+ # all -> maybe more checks
+ } elsif ($selection_value == 1) {
+ # only selected
+ if ($Packages{$p}{'selected'}) {
+ # do nothing, maybe more checks
+ } else {
+ # not selected package and only selected packages shown
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # only not selected
+ if ($Packages{$p}{'selected'}) {
+ # selected, but only not selected should be shown
+ return 0;
+ } # else do nothing
+ }
+ #
+ # if we come down to here the package matches
+ return 1;
+sub AlternatingLineColoring {
+ my ($w, $area, @entbox) = @_;
+ if ($area eq 'main') {
+ # first format all cells
+ # no select background -selectbackground => 'lightblue',
+ $w->formatGrid( @entbox, -selectbackground => 'gray70',
+ -xon => 1, -xoff => 0, -yon => 1, -yoff => 0,
+ -relief => 'raised', -bd => 0, -filled => 1, -bg => 'gray70');
+ # format odd lines 1,3,5,7, ... (counting starts at 0!!!)
+ $w->formatGrid( @entbox, -selectbackground => 'gray90',
+ -xon => 1, -xoff => 0, -yon => 1, -yoff => 1,
+ -relief => 'raised', -bd => 0, -filled => 1, -bg => 'gray90');
+ }
+ if ($area eq 'y_margin') {
+ my ($ulx, $uly, $lrx, $lry) = @entbox;
+ # format the checkbuttons backgrounds
+ for my $i ($uly..$lry) {
+ if ($w->infoExists(0,$i)) {
+ my $cb = $w->entrycget(0, $i, "-window");
+ $cb->configure(-background => (($i-$uly)%2 ? 'gray70' : 'gray90'));
+ }
+ }
+ # first format all cells
+ # no select background -selectbackground => 'lightblue',
+ $w->formatBorder( @entbox, -selectbackground => 'gray70',
+ -xon => 1, -xoff => 0, -yon => 1, -yoff => 0,
+ -relief => 'raised', -bd => 0, -filled => 1, -bg => 'gray70');
+ # format odd lines 1,3,5,7, ... (counting starts at 0!!!)
+ $w->formatBorder( @entbox, -selectbackground => 'gray90',
+ -xon => 1, -xoff => 0, -yon => 1, -yoff => 1,
+ -relief => 'raised', -bd => 0, -filled => 1, -bg => 'gray90');
+ }
+####### actions frame
+my $bot_frame = $back_f1->Labelframe(-text => "Actions");
+$bot_frame->pack(@x_x, @p_ii);
+my $actions_frame = $bot_frame->Frame;
+my $with_sel_frame = $actions_frame->Labelframe(-text => "with selected");
+$with_sel_frame->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+my $action_apply_filter = 1;
+$with_sel_frame->Label(-text => "with filters")->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+$with_sel_frame->Radiobutton(-text => "applied",
+ -variable => \$action_apply_filter, -value => 1)->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+$with_sel_frame->Radiobutton(-text => "not applied",
+ -variable => \$action_apply_filter, -value => 0)->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+$with_sel_frame->Button(-text => 'Install',
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub { install_selected_packages(); }
+ )->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+$with_sel_frame->Button(-text => 'Upgrade',
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub { update_selected_packages(); }
+ )->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+$with_sel_frame->Button(-text => 'Remove',
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub { remove_selected_packages(); }
+ )->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+$with_sel_frame->Button(-text => 'Backup',
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub { backup_selected_packages(); }
+ )->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+my $with_all_frame = $actions_frame->Labelframe(-text => "with all");
+$with_all_frame->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+$with_all_frame->Button(-text => 'Update all',
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub { update_all_packages(); }
+ )->pack(@a_c,@left,@p_ii);
+######################## ARCH ###########################
+my @archsavail;
+my @archsinstalled;
+my %archs;
+my $currentarch;
+sub init_archs {
+ if (!defined($tlmediatlpdb)) {
+ @archsavail = $localtlpdb->available_architectures;
+ } else {
+ @archsavail = $tlmediatlpdb->available_architectures;
+ }
+ $currentarch = $localtlmedia->platform();
+ @archsinstalled = $localtlpdb->available_architectures;
+ foreach my $a (@archsavail) {
+ $archs{$a} = 0;
+ if (grep(/^$a$/,@archsinstalled)) {
+ $archs{$a} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+sub do_arch_settings {
+ my $sw = $mw->Toplevel(-title => __("Select architectures to support"));
+ my %archsbuttons;
+ init_archs();
+ $sw->transient($mw);
+ $sw->grab();
+ my $subframe = $sw->Labelframe(-text => __("Select architectures to support"));
+ $subframe->pack(-fill => "both", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ foreach my $a (@archsavail) {
+ $archsbuttons{$a} =
+ $subframe->Checkbutton(-command => sub { check_on_removal($sw, $a); },
+ -variable => \$archs{$a},
+ -text => platform_desc($a)
+ )->pack(-anchor => 'w');
+ }
+ my $arch_frame = $sw->Frame;
+ $arch_frame->pack(-padx => "10m", -pady => "5m");
+ $arch_frame->Button(-text => __("Apply changes"),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub { apply_arch_changes(); $sw->destroy; })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => "3m");
+ $arch_frame->Button(-text => __("Cancel"),
+ -command => sub { $sw->destroy; })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => "3m");
+sub check_on_removal {
+ my $arch_frame = shift;
+ my $a = shift;
+ if (!$archs{$a} && $a eq $currentarch) {
+ # removal not supported
+ $archs{$a} = 1;
+ $arch_frame->Dialog(-title => "info",
+ -text => __("Removals of the main architecture not possible!"),
+ -buttons => [ __("Ok") ])->Show;
+ }
+sub apply_arch_changes {
+ my @todo_add;
+ my @todo_remove;
+ foreach my $a (@archsavail) {
+ if (!$archs{$a} && grep(/^$a$/,@archsinstalled)) {
+ push @todo_remove, $a;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($archs{$a} && !grep(/^$a$/,@archsinstalled)) {
+ push @todo_add, $a;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (@todo_add) {
+ execute_action_gui ( "arch", "add", @todo_add );
+ }
+ if (@todo_remove) {
+ execute_action_gui ( "arch", "remove", @todo_remove );
+ }
+ if (@todo_add || @todo_remove) {
+ reinit_local_tlpdb();
+ init_archs();
+ }
+########## CONFIG ###################
+my @fileassocdesc;
+$fileassocdesc[0] = __("None");
+$fileassocdesc[1] = __("Only new");
+$fileassocdesc[2] = __("All");
+my %defaults;
+my %changeddefaults;
+sub init_defaults_setting {
+ for my $key (keys %TeXLive::TLConfig::TLPDBOptions) {
+ if ($TeXLive::TLConfig::TLPDBOptions{$key}->[0] eq "b") {
+ $defaults{$key} = ($localtlpdb->option($key) ? 1 : 0);
+ } else {
+ $defaults{$key} = $localtlpdb->option($key);
+ }
+ }
+sub do_general_settings {
+ my $sw = $mw->Toplevel(-title => __("Default settings"));
+ $sw->transient($mw);
+ $sw->grab();
+ init_defaults_setting();
+ %changeddefaults = ();
+ for my $k (keys %defaults) {
+ $changeddefaults{$k}{'value'} = $defaults{$k};
+ if ($TeXLive::TLConfig::TLPDBOptions{$k}->[0] eq "b") {
+ $changeddefaults{$k}{'display'} = ($defaults{$k} ? __("Yes") : __("No"));
+ } else {
+ if ($k eq "file_assocs") {
+ $changeddefaults{$k}{'display'} = $fileassocdesc[$defaults{$k}];
+ } else {
+ $changeddefaults{$k}{'display'} = $defaults{$k};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @config_set_l;
+ my @config_set_m;
+ my @config_set_r;
+ my $back_config_set = $sw->Labelframe(-text => __("Default settings"));
+ my $back_config_buttons = $sw->Frame();
+ $back_config_set->pack(-fill => "both", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ push @config_set_l,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Default package repository"), -anchor => "w");
+ push @config_set_m,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"location"}{'display'});
+ push @config_set_r,
+ $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Change"),
+ -command => sub { menu_default_location($sw); });
+ push @config_set_l,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Create formats on installation"), -anchor => "w");
+ push @config_set_m,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"create_formats"}{'display'});
+ push @config_set_r,
+ $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Toggle"),
+ -command => sub { toggle_setting("create_formats"); });
+ push @config_set_l,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Install macro/font sources"), -anchor => "w");
+ push @config_set_m,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"install_srcfiles"}{'display'});
+ push @config_set_r,
+ $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Toggle"),
+ -command => sub { toggle_setting("install_srcfiles"); });
+ push @config_set_l,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Install macro/font docs"), -anchor => "w");
+ push @config_set_m,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"install_docfiles"}{'display'});
+ push @config_set_r,
+ $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Toggle"),
+ -command => sub { toggle_setting("install_docfiles"); });
+ push @config_set_l,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Default backup directory"), -anchor => "w");
+ push @config_set_m,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"backupdir"}{'display'});
+ push @config_set_r,
+ $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Change"),
+ -command => sub {
+ my $dir = $sw->chooseDirectory();
+ if (defined($dir) && ($defaults{"backupdir"} ne $dir)) {
+ # see warning concerning UTF8 or other encoded dir names!!
+ $changeddefaults{"backupdir"}{'value'} = $dir;
+ $changeddefaults{"backupdir"}{'display'} = $dir;
+ }
+ });
+ push @config_set_l,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Auto backup setting"), -anchor => "w");
+ push @config_set_m,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"autobackup"}{'display'});
+ push @config_set_r,
+ $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Change"),
+ -command => sub { select_autobackup($sw); }, -anchor => "w");
+ if (!win32()) {
+ push @config_set_l,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Link destination for programs"), -anchor => "w");
+ push @config_set_m,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"sys_bin"}{'display'});
+ push @config_set_r,
+ $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Change"),
+ -command => sub {
+ my $dir = $sw->chooseDirectory();
+ if (defined($dir) && ($defaults{"sys_bin"} ne $dir)) {
+ # see warning concerning UTF8 or other encoded dir names!!
+ $changeddefaults{"sys_bin"}{'value'} = $dir;
+ $changeddefaults{"sys_bin"}{'display'} = $dir;
+ }
+ });
+ push @config_set_l,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Link destination for info docs"), -anchor => "w");
+ push @config_set_m,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"sys_info"}{'display'});
+ push @config_set_r,
+ $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Change"),
+ -command => sub {
+ my $dir = $sw->chooseDirectory();
+ if (defined($dir) && ($defaults{"sys_info"} ne $dir)) {
+ # see warning concerning UTF8 or other encoded dir names!!
+ $changeddefaults{"sys_info"}{'value'} = $dir;
+ $changeddefaults{"sys_info"}{'display'} = $dir;
+ }
+ });
+ push @config_set_l,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Link destination for man pages"), -anchor => "w");
+ push @config_set_m,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"sys_man"}{'display'});
+ push @config_set_r,
+ $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Change"),
+ -command => sub {
+ my $dir = $sw->chooseDirectory();
+ if (defined($dir) && ($defaults{"sys_man"} ne $dir)) {
+ # see warning concerning UTF8 or other encoded dir names!!
+ $changeddefaults{"sys_man"}{'value'} = $dir;
+ $changeddefaults{"sys_man"}{'display'} = $dir;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (win32()) {
+ push @config_set_l,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Create shortcuts in menu and on desktop"), -anchor => "w");
+ push @config_set_m,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"desktop_integration"}{'display'});
+ push @config_set_r,
+ $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Toggle"),
+ -command => sub { toggle_setting("desktop_integration"); });
+ if (admin()) {
+ push @config_set_l,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Install for all users"), -anchor => "w");
+ push @config_set_m,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"w32_multi_user"}{'display'});
+ push @config_set_r,
+ $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Toggle"),
+ -command => sub { toggle_setting("w32_multi_user"); });
+ }
+ push @config_set_l,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Change file associations"), -anchor => "w");
+ push @config_set_m,
+ $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{'file_assocs'}{'display'});
+ push @config_set_r,
+ $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Change"),
+ -command => sub { select_file_assocs($sw); }, -anchor => "w");
+ }
+ for my $i (0..$#config_set_l) {
+ $config_set_l[$i]->grid( $config_set_m[$i], $config_set_r[$i],
+ -padx => "1m", -pady => "1m", -sticky => "nwe");
+ }
+ $back_config_buttons->pack(-padx => "10m", -pady => "5m");
+ $back_config_buttons->Button(-text => __("Apply changes"),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub { apply_settings_changes(); $sw->destroy; })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => "3m");
+ $back_config_buttons->Button(-text => __("Cancel"),
+ -command => sub { $sw->destroy; })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => "3m");
+sub apply_settings_changes {
+ for my $k (keys %defaults) {
+ if ($defaults{$k} ne $changeddefaults{$k}{'value'}) {
+ $localtlpdb->option($k, $changeddefaults{$k}{'value'});
+ }
+ }
+ $localtlpdb->save;
+######## PAPER #########
+my %papers;
+my %currentpaper;
+my %changedpaper;
+sub init_paper_xdvi {
+ if (!win32()) {
+ @{$papers{"xdvi"}} = TeXLive::TLPaper::get_paper_list("xdvi");
+ $currentpaper{"xdvi"} = ${$papers{"xdvi"}}[0];
+ }
+sub init_paper_pdftex {
+ @{$papers{"pdftex"}} = TeXLive::TLPaper::get_paper_list("pdftex");
+ $currentpaper{"pdftex"} = ${$papers{"pdftex"}}[0];
+sub init_paper_dvips {
+ @{$papers{"dvips"}} = TeXLive::TLPaper::get_paper_list("dvips");
+ $currentpaper{"dvips"} = ${$papers{"dvips"}}[0];
+sub init_paper_dvipdfm {
+ @{$papers{"dvipdfm"}} = TeXLive::TLPaper::get_paper_list("dvipdfm");
+ $currentpaper{"dvipdfm"} = ${$papers{"dvipdfm"}}[0];
+sub init_paper_context {
+ if (defined($localtlpdb->get_package("bin-context"))) {
+ @{$papers{"context"}} = TeXLive::TLPaper::get_paper_list("context");
+ $currentpaper{"context"} = ${$papers{"context"}}[0];
+ }
+sub init_paper_dvipdfmx {
+ @{$papers{"dvipdfmx"}} = TeXLive::TLPaper::get_paper_list("dvipdfmx");
+ $currentpaper{"dvipdfmx"} = ${$papers{"dvipdfmx"}}[0];
+my %init_paper_subs;
+$init_paper_subs{"xdvi"} = \&init_paper_xdvi;
+$init_paper_subs{"pdftex"} = \&init_paper_pdftex;
+$init_paper_subs{"dvips"} = \&init_paper_dvips;
+$init_paper_subs{"context"} = \&init_paper_context;
+$init_paper_subs{"dvipdfm"} = \&init_paper_dvipdfm;
+$init_paper_subs{"dvipdfmx"} = \&init_paper_dvipdfmx;
+sub init_all_papers {
+ for my $p (keys %init_paper_subs) {
+ &{$init_paper_subs{$p}}();
+ }
+sub do_paper_settings {
+ init_all_papers();
+ my $sw = $mw->Toplevel(-title => __("Paper settings"));
+ $sw->transient($mw);
+ $sw->grab();
+ %changedpaper = %currentpaper;
+ my $lower = $sw->Frame;
+ $lower->pack(-fill => "both");
+ my $back_config_pap = $lower->Labelframe(-text => __("Paper settings"));
+ my $back_config_buttons = $sw->Frame();
+ my $back_config_pap_l1 = $back_config_pap->Label(-text => __("Default paper for all"), -anchor => "w");
+ my $back_config_pap_m1 = $back_config_pap->Button(-text => "A4",
+ -command => sub { change_paper("all", "a4"); });
+ my $back_config_pap_r1 = $back_config_pap->Button(-text => "letter",
+ -command => sub { change_paper("all", "letter"); });
+ $back_config_pap_l1->grid( $back_config_pap_m1, $back_config_pap_r1,
+ -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m", -sticky => "nswe");
+ my (%l,%m,%r);
+ foreach my $p (sort keys %papers) {
+ if (($p eq "context") && !defined($localtlpdb->get_package("bin-context"))) {
+ next;
+ }
+ $l{$p} = $back_config_pap->Label(-text => __("Default paper for") . " $p", -anchor => "w");
+ $m{$p} = $back_config_pap->Label(-textvariable => \$changedpaper{$p}, -anchor => "w");
+ $r{$p} = $back_config_pap->Button(-text => __("Change"),
+ -command => sub { select_paper($sw,$p); }, -anchor => "w");
+ $l{$p}->grid( $m{$p}, $r{$p},
+ -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m", -sticky => "nsw");
+ $back_config_pap->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => "both", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ $back_config_buttons->pack(-padx => "10m", -pady => "5m");
+ $back_config_buttons->Button(-text => __("Apply changes"),
+ -state => $::action_button_state,
+ -command => sub { apply_paper_changes(); $sw->destroy; })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => "3m");
+ $back_config_buttons->Button(-text => __("Cancel"),
+ -command => sub { $sw->destroy; })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => "3m");
+sub menu_default_location {
+ my $mw = shift;
+ my $val;
+ my $sw = $mw->Toplevel(-title => __("Change default package repository"));
+ $sw->transient($mw);
+ $sw->grab();
+ $sw->Label(-text => __("New default package repository"))->pack(-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ my $f1 = $sw->Frame;
+ my $entry = $f1->Entry(-text => $val, -width => 50);
+ $entry->pack(-side => "left",-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ my $f2 = $sw->Frame;
+ $f2->Button(-text => __("Choose Directory"),
+ -command => sub {
+ my $var = $sw->chooseDirectory;
+ if (defined($var)) {
+ $entry->delete(0,"end");
+ $entry->insert(0,$var);
+ }
+ })->pack(-side => "left",-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ $f2->Button(-text => __("Default net package repository"),
+ -command => sub {
+ $entry->delete(0,"end");
+ $entry->insert(0,$TeXLiveURL);
+ })->pack(-side => "left",-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ $f1->pack;
+ $f2->pack;
+ my $f = $sw->Frame;
+ my $okbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Ok"),
+ -command => sub { $changeddefaults{'location'}{'value'} =
+ $changeddefaults{'location'}{'display'} =
+ $entry->get;
+ $sw->destroy })->pack(-side => 'left',-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ my $cancelbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Cancel"),
+ -command => sub { $sw->destroy })->pack(-side => 'right',-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ $f->pack(-expand => 'x');
+ $sw->bind('<Return>', [ $okbutton, 'Invoke' ]);
+ $sw->bind('<Escape>', [ $cancelbutton, 'Invoke' ]);
+sub toggle_setting() {
+ my ($key) = @_;
+ my $old = $changeddefaults{$key}{'value'};
+ my $new = ($old ? 0 : 1);
+ $changeddefaults{$key}{'display'} = ($new ? __("Yes") : __("No"));
+ $changeddefaults{$key}{'value'} = $new;
+sub apply_paper_changes {
+ $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1);
+ for my $k (keys %changedpaper) {
+ if ($currentpaper{$k} ne $changedpaper{$k}) {
+ execute_action_gui ( "paper", $k, "paper", $changedpaper{$k});
+ &{$init_paper_subs{$k}}();
+ }
+ }
+ $mw->Unbusy;
+sub change_paper {
+ my ($prog, $pap) = @_;
+ if ($prog eq "all") {
+ for my $k (keys %changedpaper) {
+ $changedpaper{$k} = $pap;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $changedpaper{$prog} = $pap;
+ }
+sub select_paper {
+ my $back_config = shift;
+ my $prog = shift;
+ my $foo = $back_config->Toplevel(-title => __("Select paper format for") . " $prog");
+ $foo->transient($back_config);
+ $foo->grab();
+ my $var = $changedpaper{$prog};
+ my $opt = $foo->BrowseEntry(-label => __("Default paper for") . " $prog", -variable => \$var);
+ foreach my $p (sort @{$papers{$prog}}) {
+ $opt->insert("end",$p);
+ }
+ $opt->pack(-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ my $f = $foo->Frame;
+ my $okbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Ok"), -command => sub { change_paper($prog,$var); $foo->destroy; })->pack(-side => "left", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ my $cancelbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Cancel"), -command => sub { $foo->destroy; })->pack(-side => "left", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ $f->pack;
+ $foo->bind('<Return>', [ $okbutton, 'Invoke' ]);
+ $foo->bind('<Escape>', [ $cancelbutton, 'Invoke' ]);
+sub select_autobackup {
+ my $mw = shift;
+ my $foo = $mw->Toplevel(-title => __("Auto backup setting"));
+ $foo->transient($mw);
+ $foo->grab();
+ my $var = $defaults{"autobackup"};
+ my $opt = $foo->BrowseEntry(-label => __("Auto backup setting"),
+ -variable => \$var);
+ my @al;
+ push @al, "-1 (" . __("keep arbitrarily many") . ")";
+ push @al, "0 (" . __("disable") . ")";
+ for my $i (1..100) {
+ push @al, $i;
+ }
+ foreach my $p (@al) {
+ $opt->insert("end",$p);
+ }
+ $opt->pack(-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ my $f = $foo->Frame;
+ my $okbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Ok"),
+ -command => sub {
+ $var =~ s/ .*$//;
+ $changeddefaults{"autobackup"}{'value'} = $var;
+ $changeddefaults{"autobackup"}{'display'} = $var;
+ $foo->destroy;
+ }
+ )->pack(-side => "left", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ my $cancelbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Cancel"), -command => sub { $foo->destroy; })->pack(-side => "left", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ $f->pack;
+ $foo->bind('<Return>', [ $okbutton, 'Invoke' ]);
+ $foo->bind('<Escape>', [ $cancelbutton, 'Invoke' ]);
+sub select_file_assocs {
+ my $sw = shift;
+ my $foo = $sw->Toplevel(-title => __("Change file associations"));
+ $foo->transient($mw);
+ $foo->grab();
+ my $var = $defaults{"file_assocs"};
+ my $opt = $foo->BrowseEntry(-label => __("Change file associations"),
+ -variable => \$var);
+ my @al;
+ for my $i (0..2) {
+ push @al, "$i $fileassocdesc[$i]";
+ }
+ foreach my $p (@al) {
+ $opt->insert("end",$p);
+ }
+ $opt->pack(-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ my $f = $foo->Frame;
+ my $okbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Ok"),
+ -command => sub {
+ $var = substr($var,0,1);
+ $changeddefaults{"file_assocs"}{'display'} = $fileassocdesc[$var];
+ $changeddefaults{"file_assocs"}{'value'} = $var;
+ $foo->destroy;
+ }
+ )->pack(-side => "left", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ my $cancelbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Cancel"), -command => sub { $foo->destroy; })->pack(-side => "left", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m");
+ $f->pack;
+ $foo->bind('<Return>', [ $okbutton, 'Invoke' ]);
+ $foo->bind('<Escape>', [ $cancelbutton, 'Invoke' ]);
+################ END FUNCTIONS
+if ($opts{"load"}) {
+ run_update_functions();
+info(__("Completed") . "\n");
+if (!$::we_can_save) {
+ my $no_write_warn = $mw->Dialog(-title => "warning",
+ -text => __("You don't have permissions to change the installation in any way,\nspecifically, the directory %s is not writable.\nPlease run this program as administrator, or contact your local admin.\n\nMost buttons will be disabled.", "$Master/tlpkg/"),
+ -buttons => [ __("Ok") ])->Show();
+sub init_install_media {
+ my $newroot = $location;
+ if (defined($tlmediatlpdb) && ($tlmediatlpdb->root eq $newroot)) {
+ # nothing to be done
+ } else {
+ $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1);
+ info(__("Loading remote TeX Live Database\nThis may take some time, please wait!") . "\n");
+ $tlmediasrc = TeXLive::TLMedia->new($newroot);
+ info(__("Completed") . "\n");
+ $mw->Unbusy;
+ if (!defined($tlmediasrc)) {
+ # something went badly wrong, maybe the newroot is wrong?
+ $mw->Dialog(-title => "warning",
+ -text => __("Could not load the TeX Live Database from %s\nIf you want to install or update packages, please try with a different package repository!\n\nFor configuration and removal you don\'t have to do anything.", $newroot),
+ -buttons => [ __("Ok") ])->Show;
+ $tlmediatlpdb = undef;
+ $tlmediasrc = undef;
+ update_list_remote();
+ update_grid();
+ update_loaded_location_string("none");
+ } else {
+ $tlmediatlpdb = $tlmediasrc->tlpdb;
+ update_list_remote();
+ update_grid();
+ }
+ }
+sub set_text_win {
+ my ($w, $t) = @_;
+ $w->delete("0.0", "end");
+ $w->insert("0.0", "$t");
+ $w->see("0.0");
+sub install_selected_packages {
+ my @foo = SelectedPackages();
+ if (@foo) {
+ my @args = qw/install/;
+ push @args, @foo;
+ execute_action_gui(@args);
+ reinit_local_tlpdb();
+ # now we check that the installation has succeeded by checking that
+ # all packages in @_ are installed. Otherwise we pop up a warning window
+ my $do_warn = 0;
+ for my $p (@_) {
+ if (!defined($localtlpdb->get_package($p))) {
+ $do_warn = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ give_warning_window(__("Installation"), @_) if $do_warn;
+ }
+sub SelectedPackages {
+ my @ret;
+ # first select those that are
+ for my $p (keys %Packages) {
+ next if !$Packages{$p}{'selected'};
+ if ($action_apply_filter) {
+ if (MatchesFilters($p)) {
+ push @ret, $p;
+ }
+ } else {
+ push @ret, $p;
+ }
+ }
+ return @ret;
+sub update_all_packages {
+ my @args = qw/update/;
+ if ($critical_updates_present) {
+ $opts{"self"} = 1;
+ } else {
+ $opts{"all"} = 1;
+ }
+ execute_action_gui(qw/update/);
+ if ($critical_updates_present) {
+ # terminate here immediately so that we are sure the auto-updater
+ # is run immediately
+ # make sure we exit in finish(0)
+ $::gui_mode = 0;
+ finish(0);
+ }
+ reinit_local_tlpdb();
+sub update_selected_packages {
+ my @foo = SelectedPackages();
+ if (@foo) {
+ my @args = qw/update/;
+ # argument processing
+ # in case we have critical updates present we do put the list of
+ # critical updates into the argument instead of --all
+ if ($critical_updates_present) {
+ $opts{"self"} = 1;
+ }
+ push @args, @foo;
+ execute_action_gui(@args);
+ if ($critical_updates_present) {
+ # terminate here immediately so that we are sure the auto-updater
+ # is run immediately
+ # make sure we exit in finish(0)
+ $::gui_mode = 0;
+ finish(0);
+ }
+ reinit_local_tlpdb();
+ }
+sub remove_selected_packages {
+ my @foo = SelectedPackages();
+ if (@foo) {
+ my @args = qw/remove/;
+ push @args, @foo;
+ execute_action_gui(@args);
+ reinit_local_tlpdb();
+ my $do_warn = 0;
+ for my $p (@_) {
+ if (defined($localtlpdb->get_package($p))) {
+ $do_warn = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ give_warning_window(__("Remove"), @_) if $do_warn;
+ }
+sub backup_selected_packages {
+ my @foo = SelectedPackages();
+ if (@foo) {
+ my @args = qw/backup/;
+ push @args, @foo;
+ execute_action_gui(@args);
+ }
+sub reinit_local_tlpdb {
+ $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1);
+ $localtlpdb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new ("root" => "$Master");
+ die("cannot find tlpdb!") unless (defined($localtlpdb));
+ setup_list();
+ update_grid();
+ $mw->Unbusy;
+# creates/updates the list of packages as shown in tix grid
+sub setup_list {
+ my @do_later;
+ for my $p ($localtlpdb->list_packages()) {
+ # collect packages containing a . for later
+ # we want to ignore them in most cases but those where there is
+ # no father package (without .)
+ if ($p =~ m;\.;) {
+ push @do_later, $p;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($p);
+ # collect information about that package we will show
+ $Packages{$p}{'displayname'} = $p;
+ $Packages{$p}{'localrevision'} = $tlp->revision;
+ $Packages{$p}{'shortdesc'} = $tlp->shortdesc;
+ $Packages{$p}{'longdesc' } = $tlp->longdesc;
+ $Packages{$p}{'installed'} = 1;
+ $Packages{$p}{'selected'} = 0;
+ $Packages{$p}{'cb'} = $g->Checkbutton(-variable => \$Packages{$p}{'selected'});
+ if (($tlp->category eq "Collection") ||
+ ($tlp->category eq "Scheme")) {
+ $Packages{$p}{'category'} = $tlp->category;
+ } else {
+ $Packages{$p}{'category'} = "Other";
+ }
+ if (defined($tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'})) {
+ $Packages{$p}{'localcatalogueversion'} = $tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'};
+ }
+ }
+ for my $p (@do_later) {
+ my $s = $p;
+ $s =~ s!\.[^.]*$!!;
+ if (!defined($Packages{$s})) {
+ my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($p);
+ # collect information about that package we will show
+ $Packages{$p}{'displayname'} = $p;
+ $Packages{$p}{'localrevision'} = $tlp->revision;
+ $Packages{$p}{'shortdesc'} = $tlp->shortdesc;
+ $Packages{$p}{'longdesc' } = $tlp->longdesc;
+ $Packages{$p}{'installed'} = 1;
+ $Packages{$p}{'selected'} = 0;
+ $Packages{$p}{'cb'} = $g->Checkbutton(-variable => \$Packages{$p}{'selected'});
+ if (($tlp->category eq "Collection") ||
+ ($tlp->category eq "Scheme")) {
+ $Packages{$p}{'category'} = $tlp->category;
+ } else {
+ $Packages{$p}{'category'} = "Other";
+ }
+ if (defined($tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'})) {
+ $Packages{$p}{'localcatalogueversion'} = $tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ update_list_remote();
+sub update_list_remote {
+ my @do_later_media;
+ print "TODO move the check from critical_updates_present from the old sub create_update_list here!!!";
+ # clear old info from remote media
+ for my $p (keys %Packages) {
+ if (!$Packages{$p}{'installed'}) {
+ delete $Packages{$p};
+ next;
+ }
+ delete $Packages{$p}{'remoterevision'};
+ delete $Packages{$p}{'remotecatalogueversion'};
+ }
+ if (defined($tlmediatlpdb)) {
+ for my $p ($tlmediatlpdb->list_packages()) {
+ if ($p =~ m;\.;) {
+ push @do_later_media, $p;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $tlp = $tlmediatlpdb->get_package($p);
+ $Packages{$p}{'displayname'} = $p;
+ $Packages{$p}{'remoterevision'} = $tlp->revision;
+ # overwrite, we assume that the remove version is better ;-)
+ $Packages{$p}{'shortdesc'} = $tlp->shortdesc;
+ $Packages{$p}{'longdesc' } = $tlp->longdesc;
+ $Packages{$p}{'selected'} = 0
+ unless defined $Packages{$p}{'selected'};
+ $Packages{$p}{'cb'} = $g->Checkbutton(-variable => \$Packages{$p}{'selected'})
+ unless defined $Packages{$p}{'cb'};
+ if (($tlp->category eq "Collection") ||
+ ($tlp->category eq "Scheme")) {
+ $Packages{$p}{'category'} = $tlp->category;
+ } else {
+ $Packages{$p}{'category'} = "Other";
+ }
+ if (defined($tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'})) {
+ $Packages{$p}{'remotecatalogueversion'} = $tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for my $p (@do_later_media) {
+ my $s = $p;
+ $s =~ s!\.[^.]*$!!;
+ if (!defined($Packages{$s})) {
+ my $tlp = $tlmediatlpdb->get_package($p);
+ # collect information about that package we will show
+ $Packages{$p}{'displayname'} = $p;
+ $Packages{$p}{'remoterevision'} = $tlp->revision;
+ $Packages{$p}{'shortdesc'} = $tlp->shortdesc;
+ $Packages{$p}{'longdesc' } = $tlp->longdesc;
+ $Packages{$p}{'selected'} = 0
+ unless defined $Packages{$p}{'selected'};
+ $Packages{$p}{'cb'} = $g->Checkbutton(-variable => \$Packages{$p}{'selected'})
+ unless defined $Packages{$p}{'cb'};
+ if (($tlp->category eq "Collection") ||
+ ($tlp->category eq "Scheme")) {
+ $Packages{$p}{'category'} = $tlp->category;
+ } else {
+ $Packages{$p}{'category'} = "Other";
+ }
+ if (defined($tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'})) {
+ $Packages{$p}{'remotecatalogueversion'} = $tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # change display names
+ for my $p (keys %Packages) {
+ if ($p =~ m/^collection-documentation-(.*)$/) {
+ $Packages{$p}{'displayname'} = "collection-doc-$1";
+ }
+ }
+sub menu_edit_location {
+ my $key = shift;
+ my $val;
+ my $sw = $mw->Toplevel(-title => __("Load package repository"));
+ $sw->transient($mw);
+ $sw->grab();
+ $sw->Label(-text => __("Package repository:"))->pack(@p_ii);
+ my $entry = $sw->Entry(-text => $location, -width => 30);
+ $entry->pack();
+ my $f1 = $sw->Frame;
+ $f1->Button(-text => __("Choose Directory"),
+ -command => sub {
+ my $var = $sw->chooseDirectory;
+ if (defined($var)) {
+ $entry->delete(0,"end");
+ $entry->insert(0,$var);
+ }
+ })->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+ $f1->Button(-text => __("Default net package repository"),
+ -command => sub {
+ $entry->delete(0,"end");
+ $entry->insert(0,$TeXLiveURL);
+ })->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+ $f1->pack;
+ my $f = $sw->Frame;
+ my $okbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Ok"),
+ -command => sub { $location = $entry->get;
+ $sw->destroy;
+ update_loaded_location_string();
+ run_update_functions();
+ })->pack(@left, @p_ii);
+ my $cancelbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Cancel"),
+ -command => sub { $sw->destroy })->pack(@right, @p_ii);
+ $f->pack(-expand => 1);
+ $sw->bind('<Return>', [ $okbutton, 'Invoke' ]);
+ $sw->bind('<Escape>', [ $cancelbutton, 'Invoke' ]);
+sub update_loaded_location_string {
+ my $arg = shift;
+ $arg || ($arg = $location);
+ $menu->entryconfigure('end', -label => "Loaded repository: $arg");
+sub run_update_functions {
+ foreach my $f (@update_function_list) {
+ &{$f}();
+ }
+sub check_location_on_ctan {
+ # we want to check that if
+ # is used that we select a mirror once
+ if ($location =~ m/$TeXLive::TLConfig::TeXLiveServerURL/) {
+ $location = TeXLive::TLUtils::give_ctan_mirror();
+ }
+sub execute_action_gui {
+ $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1);
+ info ("Executing action @_\n");
+ execute_action(@_);
+ info(__("Completed") . "\n");
+ $mw->Unbusy;
+sub give_warning_window {
+ my ($act, @args) = @_;
+ my $sw = $mw->DialogBox(-title => __("Warning Window"), -buttons => [ __("Ok") ]);
+ $sw->add("Label", -text => __("Running %s failed.\nPlease consult the log window for details.", "$act @args")
+ )->pack(@p_iii);
+ $sw->Show;
+### Local Variables:
+### perl-indent-level: 2
+### tab-width: 2
+### indent-tabs-mode: nil
+### End:
+# vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #