path: root/Master/tlpkg/archive/lua/texlive/tlpdb.tlu
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/archive/lua/texlive/tlpdb.tlu')
1 files changed, 259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/archive/lua/texlive/tlpdb.tlu b/Master/tlpkg/archive/lua/texlive/tlpdb.tlu
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4977431bd56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/archive/lua/texlive/tlpdb.tlu
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env texlua
+-- texlive/tlpdb.tlu
+-- $Id$
+-- Copyright (C) 2008 Norbert Preining
+-- This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
+-- or any later version.
+-- TODO: tag evaluation of docfiles lines ...
+-- providing the tlpdb as a lua table
+-- format
+-- tlpobj = tlpdb[packagename]
+-- string
+-- tlpobj.revision string
+-- tlpobj.category string
+-- tlpobj.shortdesc string
+-- tlpobj.longdesc string
+-- tlpobj.catalogue string
+-- tlpobj.cataloguedata table indexed by various catalogue values
+-- tlpobj.containersize string
+-- tlpobj.srccontainersize string
+-- tlpobj.doccontainersize string
+-- tlpobj.containerchecksum string
+-- tlpobj.srccontainerchecksum string
+-- tlpobj.doccontainerchecksum string
+-- tlpobj.binfiles table indexed by archs giving table indexed by numbers
+-- tlpobj.binsize table indexed by archs giving strings
+-- tlpobj.docfiles = table indexed by numbers
+-- tlpobj.docfiledata[docfile][tag] = value
+-- tlpobj.docsize string
+-- tlpobj.srcfiles = table indexed by numbers
+-- tlpobj.srcsize string
+-- tlpobj.runfiles = table indexed by numbers
+-- tlpobj.runsize string
+-- tlpobj.depend = table indexed by numbers
+-- tlpobj.execute = table of strings indexed by numbers
+-- tlpobj.postaction = table of strings indexed by numbers
+-- tlpobj.relocated = boolean
+function read_tlpdb(root)
+ local fn = root..'/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb'
+ if (lfs.isfile(fn)) then -- tlpdb exists
+ local lineno = 0 -- current line number
+ local errline = '' -- current line
+ local function die(msg)
+ io.stderr:write(msg..' in '..fn..' at line '..tostring(lineno)
+ ..'\n>>'..errline..'<<\n')
+ -- for now, exit, but this is bad behaviour if we want to be used
+ -- as a library. FIXME.
+ os.exit(1)
+ end
+ local started = false
+ local lastcmd = ""
+ local arch
+ local size
+ local tlpobj = {}
+ local name
+ local tlpdb = {}
+ for line in io.lines(fn) do
+ lineno = lineno + 1
+ errline = line
+ if string.match(line, '^%s*$') then
+ if started then
+ -- we have encountered an empty line while creating a tlpobj, so
+ -- stop that tlpobj, add it to the tlpdb, and restart
+ --tlpdb[name] = tlpobj
+ tlpdb[name] = tlpobj
+ tlpobj = {}
+ --print ("adding "" to tlpdb")
+ started = false
+ end
+ else
+ if string.match(line, '^ ') then
+ if lastcmd == 'runfiles' or
+ lastcmd == 'binfiles' or
+ lastcmd == 'docfiles' or
+ lastcmd == 'srcfiles' or
+ lastcmd == 'execute' or
+ lastcmd == 'depend' then
+ line = string.gsub(line, '^ ', lastcmd.."continued ")
+ else
+ die('Continuation of '..lastcmd..' not allowed')
+ end
+ end
+ local first
+ local rest
+ first, rest = string.match(line,'^(%S+)%s*(.*)%s*$')
+ --print ("DEBUG: line = "..line)
+ --print ("DEBUG: first = "..first)
+ lastcmd = first
+ if first == "name" then
+ = rest
+ name = rest
+ started = true
+ elseif first == "revision" then
+ tlpobj.revision = rest
+ elseif first == "category" then
+ tlpobj.category = rest
+ elseif first == "shortdesc" then
+ tlpobj.shortdesc = rest
+ elseif first == "catalogue" then
+ tlpobj.catalogue = rest
+ elseif string.match(first,'^catalogue%-') then
+ --local data = string.match(first,'^catalogue-(.*)$')
+ local cdata = string.gsub(first,'^catalogue%-', '')
+ --print("DEBUG: cdata = "..cdata..", first = "..first)
+ if not(tlpobj.cataloguedata) then
+ tlpobj.cataloguedata = {}
+ end
+ tlpobj.cataloguedata[cdata] = rest
+ elseif first == "containersize" then
+ tlpobj.containersize = rest
+ elseif first == "srccontainersize" then
+ tlpobj.srccontainersize = rest
+ elseif first == "doccontainersize" then
+ tlpobj.doccontainersize = rest
+ elseif first == "containerchecksum" then
+ tlpobj.containerchecksum = rest
+ elseif first == "srccontainerchecksum" then
+ tlpobj.srccontainerchecksum = rest
+ elseif first == "doccontainerchecksum" then
+ tlpobj.doccontainerchecksum = rest
+ elseif first == "runfiles" then
+ local rsize = string.match(rest,'size=([0-9]*)')
+ if (rsize) then
+ tlpobj.runsize = rsize
+ else
+ if #rest > 0 then
+ die('Unknown tag')
+ end
+ end
+ elseif first == "docfiles" then
+ local dsize = string.match(rest,'size=([0-9]*)')
+ if (dsize) then
+ tlpobj.docsize = dsize
+ else
+ if #rest > 0 then
+ die('Unknown tag')
+ end
+ end
+ elseif first == "srcfiles" then
+ local ssize = string.match(rest,'size=([0-9]*)')
+ if (ssize) then
+ tlpobj.srcsize = ssize
+ else
+ if #rest > 0 then
+ die('Unknown tag')
+ end
+ end
+ elseif first == "binfiles" then
+ arch = ""
+ local barch
+ local bsize
+ for aaa in string.gmatch(rest,'%S+') do
+ if string.match(aaa,'^arch=(%S*)$') then
+ barch = string.match(aaa,'^arch=(%S*)$')
+ elseif string.match(aaa,'^size=(%S*)$') then
+ bsize = string.match(aaa,'^size=(%S*)$')
+ else
+ die('Unknown tag')
+ end
+ end
+ if barch and bsize then
+ if not(tlpobj.binsize) then
+ tlpobj.binsize = {}
+ end
+ tlpobj.binsize[barch] = bsize
+ arch = barch
+ else
+ die('Incomplete binfile tags ')
+ end
+ elseif first == "runfilescontinued" then
+ if not(tlpobj.runfiles) then
+ tlpobj.runfiles = {}
+ end
+ table.insert(tlpobj.runfiles,rest)
+ lastcmd = "runfiles"
+ elseif first == "docfilescontinued" then
+ local dfile,tags = string.match(rest,'^(%S+)%s*(.*)%s*$')
+ if not(tlpobj.docfiles) then
+ tlpobj.docfiles = {}
+ end
+ table.insert(tlpobj.docfiles,dfile)
+ for aaa,bbb in string.gmatch(tags,'(%S+)=(%b"")') do
+ if not(tlpobj.docfiledata) then
+ tlpobj.docfiledata = {}
+ end
+ if aaa == "details" or aaa == "language" then
+ if not(tlpobj.docfiledata[dfile]) then
+ tlpobj.docfiledata[dfile] = {}
+ end
+ tlpobj.docfiledata[dfile][aaa] = bbb
+ else
+ die('Unknown docfile tag')
+ end
+ end
+ lastcmd = "docfiles"
+ elseif first == "srcfilescontinued" then
+ if not(tlpobj.srcfiles) then
+ tlpobj.srcfiles = {}
+ end
+ table.insert(tlpobj.srcfiles,rest)
+ lastcmd = "srcfiles"
+ elseif first == "binfilescontinued" then
+ if not(tlpobj.binfiles) then
+ tlpobj.binfiles = {}
+ end
+ if not(tlpobj.binfiles[arch]) then
+ tlpobj.binfiles[arch] = {}
+ end
+ table.insert(tlpobj.binfiles[arch],rest)
+ lastcmd = "binfiles"
+ elseif first == "depend" then
+ if not(tlpobj.depend) then
+ tlpobj.depend = {}
+ end
+ table.insert(tlpobj.depend,rest)
+ elseif first == "longdesc" then
+ if tlpobj.longdesc then
+ tlpobj.longdesc = tlpobj.longdesc.." "
+ else
+ tlpobj.longdesc = rest
+ end
+ elseif first == "execute" then
+ if not(tlpobj.execute) then
+ tlpobj.execute = {}
+ end
+ table.insert(tlpobj.execute,rest)
+ elseif first == 'postaction' then
+ tlpobj.postaction = tlpobj.postaction or {}
+ table.insert(tlpobj.postaction, rest)
+ elseif first == 'relocated' then
+ -- don't even try to validate the value
+ tlpobj.relocated = (rest == '1')
+ else
+ die('Unknown directive')
+ end
+ if not(first) then
+ die('Missing directive')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return tlpdb
+ else
+ print (fn..' not found.')
+ end
+-- Local Variables:
+-- lua-indent-level: 2
+-- tab-width: 2
+-- indent-tabs-mode: nil
+-- End:
+-- vim:set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab: #