path: root/Master/tlpkg/TeXLive
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/TeXLive')
2 files changed, 34 insertions, 1296 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/TeXLive/ b/Master/tlpkg/TeXLive/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e8cb4c9fac..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/TeXLive/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1274 +0,0 @@
-# -*-cperl-*-
-# TeXLive::GPG - An Object Oriented Interface to GnuPG.
-# Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Ashish Gulhati <crypt-gpg at>
-# This is a 1-1 copy of Crypt::GPG with Crypt replaced by TeXLive
-# for distribution within TeX Live.
-# All rights reserved. This code is free software; you can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
-# itself.
-# $Id:,v 1.52 2005/02/23 09:12:54 cvs Exp $
-package TeXLive::GPG;
-use Carp;
-use Fcntl;
-use strict;
-use English;
-use File::Path;
-use Date::Parse;
-use File::Temp qw( tempfile tempdir );
-use IPC::Run qw( start pump finish timeout );
-use vars qw( $VERSION $AUTOLOAD );
-File::Temp->safe_level( File::Temp::STANDARD );
-( $VERSION ) = '$Revision: 1.52 $' =~ /\s+([\d\.]+)/;
-sub new {
- bless { GPGBIN => 'gpg',
- FORCEDOPTS => '--no-secmem-warning',
- GPGOPTS => '--lock-multiple --compress-algo 1 ' .
- '--cipher-algo cast5 --force-v3-sigs',
- DELAY => 0,
- ARMOR => 1,
- DETACH => 1,
- TEXT => 1,
- SECRETKEY => '',
- DEBUG => 0,
- TMPDIR => '/tmp',
- TMPSUFFIX => '.dat',
- VKEYID => '^.+$',
- VRCPT => '^.*$',
- VPASSPHRASE => '^.*$',
- VNAME => '^[a-zA-Z][\w\.\s\-\_]+$',
- VEXPIRE => '^\d+$',
- VKEYSZ => '^\d+$',
- VKEYTYPE => '^ELG-E$',
- VTRUSTLEVEL => '^[1-5]$',
- VEMAIL => '^[\w\.\-]+\@[\w\.\-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,3}$'
- }, shift;
-sub sign {
- my $self = shift;
- return unless $self->{SECRETKEY} =~ /$self->{VKEYID}/
- and $self->{PASSPHRASE} =~ /$self->{VPASSPHRASE}/;
- my $detach = '-b' if $self->{DETACH};
- my $armor = '-a' if $self->{ARMOR};
- my @extras = grep { $_ } ($detach, $armor);
- my @secretkey = ('--default-key', ref($self->{SECRETKEY})?$self->{SECRETKEY}->{ID}:$self->{SECRETKEY});
- my ($tmpfh, $tmpnam) =
- tempfile( $self->{TMPFILES}, DIR => $self->{TMPDIR},
- SUFFIX => $self->{TMPSUFFIX}, UNLINK => 1);
- my $message = join ('', @_);
- $message .= "\n" unless $message =~ /\n$/s;
- $message =~ s/\n/\r\n/sg;
- print $tmpfh $message; close $tmpfh;
- my @opts = (split (/\s+/, "$self->{FORCEDOPTS} $self->{GPGOPTS}"));
- local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE';
- my ($in, $out, $err, $in_q, $out_q, $err_q);
- my $h = start ([$self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, @secretkey,'--no-tty', '--status-fd', '1', '--command-fd',
- 0, '-o-', '--sign', @extras, $tmpnam], \$in, \$out, \$err, timeout( 30 ));
- my $skip = 1; my $i = 0;
- local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
- while ($skip) {
- pump $h until ($out =~ /NEED_PASSPHRASE (.{16}) (.{16}).*\n/g or
- $out =~ /GOOD_PASSPHRASE/g);
- if ($2) {
- $in .= "$self->{PASSPHRASE}\n";
- pump $h until $out =~ /(GOOD|BAD)_PASSPHRASE/g;
- if ($1 eq 'GOOD') {
- $skip = 0;
- }
- else {
- $skip = 0 if $i++ == 2;
- }
- }
- else {
- finish $h;
- last;
- }
- }
- finish $h;
- my $info;
- if ($detach) {
- $out =~ /(-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----.*-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----)/s;
- $info = $1;
- }
- else {
- $out =~ /(-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----.*-----END PGP MESSAGE-----)/s;
- $info = $1;
- }
- unlink $tmpnam;
- return $info;
-sub decrypt { shift->verify(@_); }
-sub verify {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($tmpfh3, $tmpnam3);
- return unless $self->{SECRETKEY} || $_[1];
- return unless $self->{PASSPHRASE} =~ /$self->{VPASSPHRASE}/;
- my ($tf, $ts, $td) = ($self->{TMPFILES}, $self->{TMPSUFFIX}, $self->{TMPDIR});
- my ($tmpfh, $tmpnam) = tempfile ($tf, DIR => $td, SUFFIX => $ts, UNLINK => 1);
- my ($tmpfh2, $tmpnam2) = tempfile ($tf, DIR => $td, SUFFIX => $ts, UNLINK => 1);
- my $ciphertext = ref($_[0]) ? join '', @{$_[0]} : $_[0];
- $ciphertext .= "\n" unless $ciphertext =~ /\n$/s;
- print $tmpfh $ciphertext; close $tmpfh;
- my @opts = (split (/\s+/, "$self->{FORCEDOPTS} $self->{GPGOPTS}"));
- backtick ($self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '--marginals-needed', $self->{MARGINALS}, '--check-trustdb');
- local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
- my $x;
- if ($_[1]) {
- my $signature = ref($_[1]) ? join '', @{$_[1]} : $_[1];
- ($tmpfh3, $tmpnam3) = tempfile ($tf, DIR => $td, SUFFIX => $ts, UNLINK => 1);
- print $tmpfh3 $signature; close $tmpfh3;
- my $y = "$self->{GPGBIN} @opts --marginals-needed $self->{MARGINALS} --status-fd 1 --command-fd 0 --no-tty --verify $tmpnam $tmpnam3";
- $x = `$y`;
- }
- else {
- my ($in, $out, $err, $in_q, $out_q, $err_q);
- my $h = start ([$self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '--marginals-needed', $self->{MARGINALS},
- '--status-fd', '1', '--command-fd', 0, '--yes', '--no-tty',
- '--decrypt', '-o', $tmpnam2, $tmpnam],
- \$in, \$out, \$err, timeout( 30 ));
- my $success = 0;
- while (1) {
- pump $h until ($out =~ /NEED_PASSPHRASE (.{16}) (.{16}).*\n/g
- or $out =~ /(GOOD_PASSPHRASE)/g
- or $out =~ /(D)(E)(C)RYPTION_FAILED/g or $out =~ /(N)(O)(D)ATA/g
- or $out =~ /(SIG_ID)/g
- or $out =~ /detached_signature.filename/g
- );
- if ($3) {
- finish $h;
- last;
- }
- elsif ($2) {
- if ($2 eq ($self->keydb($self->{SECRETKEY}))[0]->{ID}) {
- $in .= "$self->{PASSPHRASE}\n";
- pump $h until $out =~ /(GOOD|BAD)_PASSPHRASE/g;
- if ($1 eq 'GOOD') {
- $success = 1;
- pump $h;
- finish $h; $x = $out; last;
- }
- next;
- }
- else {
- $out = ''; $in .= "\n";
- }
- }
- elsif ($1) {
- $success = 1;
- pump $h;
- finish $h; $x = $out; last;
- }
- }
- unless ($success || $_[1]) {
- close $tmpfh2; unlink ($tmpnam2);
- return undef;
- }
- }
- # Format of $out for signatures:
- #
- # [GNUPG:] SIG_ID DPkOkpATuFPWl2yUR9bw7G6SULk 2005-02-05 1107574559
- # [GNUPG:] GOODSIG 48196CF147A781BD A 768 ELG-E <>
- # [GNUPG:] VALIDSIG 186D893EFEC3AF2F660CA2F548196CF147A781BD 2005-02-05 1107574559 0 3 0 17 2 00 186D893EFEC3AF2F660CA2F548196CF147A781BD
- my $plaintext = join ('',<$tmpfh2>) || '';
- close $tmpfh2; unlink ($tmpnam2);
- return ($plaintext)
- unless $x =~ /SIG_ID/s;
- my @signatures;
- $x =~ /SIG_ID \S+ (\S+ \S+).*(GOOD|BAD)SIG (\S{16}).*(?:TRUST_(\S+))?/sg;
- my $signature = {'Validity' => $2, 'KeyID' => $3,
- 'Time' => $1, 'Trusted' => $4};
- $signature->{Time} = str2time ($signature->{Time});
- bless $signature, 'TeXLive::GPG::Signature';
- return ($plaintext, $signature);
-sub msginfo {
- my $self = shift;
- my @return;
- my ($tmpfh, $tmpnam) =
- tempfile( $self->{TMPFILES}, DIR => $self->{TMPDIR},
- SUFFIX => $self->{TMPSUFFIX}, UNLINK => 1);
- warn join '',@{$_[0]};
- print $tmpfh join '',@{$_[0]}; close $tmpfh;
- my @opts = (split (/\s+/, "$self->{FORCEDOPTS} $self->{GPGOPTS}"));
- my ($info) = backtick ($self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '--status-fd', 1, '--no-tty', '--batch', $tmpnam);
- $info =~ s/ENC_TO (.{16})/{push @return, $1}/sge;
- unlink $tmpnam;
- return @return;
-sub encrypt {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($message, $rcpts) = @_;
- my $info;
- my $sign = $_[2] && $_[2] eq '-sign' ? '--sign' : '';
- my $armor = $self->{ARMOR} ? '-a' : '';
- if ($sign) {
- return unless $self->{SECRETKEY} =~ /$self->{VKEYID}/
- and $self->{PASSPHRASE} =~ /$self->{VPASSPHRASE}/;
- }
- my @rcpts;
- if (ref($rcpts) eq 'ARRAY') {
- @rcpts = map {
- return unless /$self->{VRCPT}/;
- ('-r', $_) } @$rcpts;
- }
- else {
- return unless $rcpts =~ /$self->{VRCPT}/;
- @rcpts = ('-r', $rcpts);
- }
- my ($tmpfh, $tmpnam) =
- tempfile( $self->{TMPFILES}, DIR => $self->{TMPDIR},
- SUFFIX => $self->{TMPSUFFIX}, UNLINK => 1);
- my ($tmpfh2, $tmpnam2) =
- tempfile( $self->{TMPFILES}, DIR => $self->{TMPDIR},
- SUFFIX => $self->{TMPSUFFIX}, UNLINK => 1);
- $message = join ('', @$message) if ref($message) eq 'ARRAY';
- print $tmpfh $message; close $tmpfh;
- my @opts = (split (/\s+/, "$self->{FORCEDOPTS} $self->{GPGOPTS}"));
- push (@opts, '--default-key', ref($self->{SECRETKEY})?$self->{SECRETKEY}->{ID}:$self->{SECRETKEY}) if $sign;
- push (@opts, $sign) if $sign; push (@opts, $armor) if $armor;
- my ($in, $out, $err, $in_q, $out_q, $err_q);
- my $h = start ([$self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '--no-tty', '--status-fd', '1', '--command-fd', 0,
- '-o', $tmpnam2, @rcpts, '--encrypt', $tmpnam], \$in, \$out, \$err, timeout( 30 ));
- local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
- my $pos;
- eval {
- pump $h until ($out =~ /(o)penfile.overwrite.okay/g
- or $out =~ /(u)(n)trusted_key.override/g #! Test
- or $out =~ /(k)(e)(y) not found/g #! Test
- or $out =~ /(p)(a)(s)(s)phrase.enter/g);
- $pos = 1 if $1; $pos = 2 if $2; $pos = 3 if $3; $pos = 4 if $4;
- };
- return if $@;
- if ($pos == 4) {
- undef $pos; $out = '';
- $in .= "$self->{PASSPHRASE}\n";
- pump $h until ($out =~ /(o)penfile.overwrite.okay/g
- or $out =~ /(u)(n)trusted_key.override/g #! Test
- or $out =~ /(I)(N)(V)_RECP/g #! Test
- or $out =~ /(p)(a)(s)(s)phrase.enter/g); #! Test
- $pos = 1 if $1; $pos = 2 if $2; $pos = 3 if $3; $pos = 4 if $4;
- finish $h, return undef if $pos == 4; #! Test
- }
-# while (1) {
-# unless ($pos) {
-# ($pos, $err, $matched, $before, $after) = $expect->expect
-# (undef, 'Overwrite', # '-re', '-----BEGIN PGP',
-# 'Use this key anyway?', 'key not found');
-# }
-# return if $err;
- if ($pos == 2) {
- if ($self->{ENCRYPTSAFE}) {
- $in .= "N\n";
- finish $h;
- unlink $tmpnam;
- return;
- }
- else {
- $in .= "Y\n";
-# finish $h;
- pump $h until ($out =~ /(o)penfile.overwrite.okay/g
- or $out =~ /(o)(p)enfile.askoutname/g); #! Test
-# or $out =~ /(I)(N)(V)_RECP/g #! Test
-# or $out =~ /(p)(a)(s)(s)phrase.enter/g); #! Test
- $pos = 1 if $1; $pos = 2 if $2;
- }
- }
- elsif ($pos == 3) {
- finish $h;
- unlink $tmpnam;
- return;
- }
-# else {
-# last;
-# }
-# }
- if ($pos == 1) {
- $in .= "Y\n";
- finish $h;
- }
- my @info = <$tmpfh2>;
- close $tmpfh2;
- unlink $tmpnam2;
- $info = join '', @info;
- unlink $tmpnam;
- return $info;
-sub addkey {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($key, $pretend, @keyids) = @_;
- $key = join ('', @$key) if ref($key) eq 'ARRAY';
- return if grep { $_ !~ /^[a-f0-9]+$/i } @keyids;
- my $tmpdir = tempdir( $self->{TMPDIRS},
- DIR => $self->{TMPDIR}, CLEANUP => 1);
- my ($tmpfh, $tmpnam) =
- tempfile( $self->{TMPFILES}, DIR => $self->{TMPDIR},
- SUFFIX => $self->{TMPSUFFIX}, UNLINK => 1);
- print $tmpfh $key;
- my @pret1 = ('--options', '/dev/null', '--homedir', $tmpdir);
- my @pret2 = ('--keyring', "$tmpdir/pubring.gpg",
- '--secret-keyring', "$tmpdir/secring.gpg");
- my @opts = (split (/\s+/, "$self->{FORCEDOPTS} $self->{GPGOPTS}"));
- my @listopts = qw(--fingerprint --fingerprint --with-colons);
- backtick($self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, @pret1, '-v', '--import', $tmpnam);
- backtick ($self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '--marginals-needed', $self->{MARGINALS}, '--check-trustdb');
- my ($keylist) = backtick($self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, @pret1, '--marginals-needed',
- $self->{MARGINALS}, '--check-sigs', @listopts, @keyids);
- my ($seclist) = backtick($self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, @pret1,
- '--list-secret-keys', @listopts);
- my @seckeys = grep { my $id = $_->{ID};
- (grep { $id eq $_ } @keyids) ? $_ : '' }
- $self->parsekeys(split /\n/,$seclist);
- my @ret = ($self->parsekeys(split /\n/,$keylist), @seckeys);
- if ($pretend) {
-#! This hack needed to get real calc trusts for to-import keys. Test!
- backtick ($self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '--marginals-needed', $self->{MARGINALS}, '--check-trustdb');
- ($keylist) = backtick($self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, @pret2, '--marginals-needed',
- $self->{MARGINALS}, '--check-sigs', @listopts);
- my @realkeylist = grep { my $id = $_->{ID} if $_;
- $id and grep { $id eq $_->{ID} } @ret }
-# map { ($_->{Keyring} eq "$tmpdir/secring.gpg"
-# or $_->{Keyring} eq "$tmpdir/pubring.gpg") ? $_ : 0 }
- $self->parsekeys(split /\n/,$keylist);
- @ret = (@realkeylist, @seckeys);
- }
- else {
- if (@keyids) {
- my ($out) = backtick($self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, @pret1, "--export", '-a', @keyids);
- print $tmpfh $out; close $tmpfh;
- }
- backtick($self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '-v', '--import', $tmpnam);
- }
- rmtree($tmpdir, 0, 1);
- unlink($tmpnam);
- return @ret;
-sub export {
- my $self = shift;
- my $key = shift;
- my $id = $key->{ID};
- return unless $id =~ /$self->{VKEYID}/;
- my $armor = $self->{ARMOR} ? '-a' : '';
- my $secret = $key->{Type} eq 'sec' ? '-secret-keys' : '';
- my @opts = (split (/\s+/, "$self->{FORCEDOPTS} $self->{GPGOPTS}"));
- push (@opts, '--status-fd', '1');
- my ($out) = backtick($self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, "--export$secret", $armor, $id);
- $out;
-sub keygen {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($name, $email, $keytype, $keysize, $expire, $pass) = @_;
- return unless $keysize =~ /$self->{VKEYSZ}/
- and $keysize > 767 and $keysize < 4097
- and $pass =~ /$self->{VPASSPHRASE}/
- and $keytype =~ /$self->{VKEYTYPE}/
- and $expire =~ /$self->{VEXPIRE}/
- and $email =~ /$self->{VEMAIL}/
- and $name =~ /$self->{VNAME}/
- and length ($name) > 4;
- my $bigkey = ($keysize > 1536);
- my @opts = (split (/\s+/, "$self->{FORCEDOPTS} $self->{GPGOPTS}"));
- for (0..1) {
- backtick ($self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '--status-fd', '1', '--no-tty', '--gen-random', 0, 1);
- }
- my $pid = open(GPG, "-|");
- return undef unless (defined $pid);
- if ($pid) {
- return \*GPG;
- }
- else {
- my ($in, $out, $err, $in_q, $out_q, $err_q);
- my $h = start ([$self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '--no-tty', '--status-fd', '1', '--command-fd', 0,
- '--gen-key'], \$in, \$out, \$err);
- local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
- pump $h until $out =~ /keygen\.algo/g; $in .= "1\n";
- pump $h until $out =~ /keygen\.size/g; $in .= "$keysize\n";
- pump $h until $out =~ /keygen\.valid/g; $in .= "$expire\n";
- pump $h until $out =~ /keygen\.name/g; $in .= "$name\n";
- pump $h until $out =~ /keygen\.email/g; $in .= "$email\n";
- pump $h until $out =~ /keygen.comment/g; $in .= "\n";
- pump $h until $out =~ /passphrase\.enter/g; $out = ''; $in .= "$pass\n";
- pump $h until $out =~ /(PROGRESS primegen [\+\.\>\<\^]|KEY_CREATED)/g;
- $out = ''; my $x = ''; my $y = $1;
- while ($y !~ /KEY_CREATED/g) {
- print "$x\n";
- pump $h until $out =~ /(PROGRESS primegen [\+\.\>\<\^]|KEY_CREATED)/g;
- my $o = $out; $out = ''; $y .= $o;
- my @progress = ($o =~ /[\+\.\>\<\^]/g);
- $x = join "\n",@progress;
- }
- print "|\n";
- finish $h;
- exit();
- }
-sub keydb {
- my $self = shift;
- my @ids = map { return unless /$self->{VKEYID}/; $_ } @_;
- my @moreopts = qw(--fingerprint --fingerprint --with-colons);
- my @opts = (split (/\s+/, "$self->{FORCEDOPTS} $self->{GPGOPTS}"));
- backtick ($self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '--marginals-needed', $self->{MARGINALS}, '--check-trustdb');
- my ($keylist) = backtick($self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '--marginals-needed', $self->{MARGINALS},
- '--no-tty', '--check-sigs', @moreopts, @ids);
- my ($seclist) = backtick($self->{GPGBIN}, @opts,
- '--no-tty', '--list-secret-keys', @moreopts, @ids);
- my @keylist = split /\n(\s*\n)?/, $keylist;
- my @seclist = split /\n(\s*\n)?/, $seclist;
- $self->parsekeys (@keylist, @seclist);
-sub keyinfo {
- shift->keydb(@_);
-sub parsekeys {
- my $self=shift; my @keylist = @_;
- my @keys; my ($i, $subkey, $subnum, $uidnum) = (-1);
- my $keyring = '';
- $^W = 0;
- foreach (@keylist) {
- next if /^\-/;
- next if /^(gpg|tru):/;
- if (/^\//) {
- $keyring = $_; chomp $keyring;
- next;
- }
- if (/^(pub|sec)/) {
- $uidnum=-1; $subnum=-1; $subkey=0;
- my ($type, $trust, $size, $algorithm, $id, $created,
- $expires, $u2, $ownertrust, $uid) = split (':');
- $keys[++$i] = {
- Keyring => $keyring,
- Type => $type,
- Ownertrust => $ownertrust,
- Bits => $size,
- ID => $id,
- Created => $created,
- Expires => $expires,
- Algorithm => $algorithm,
- Use => ''
- };
- push (@{$keys[$i]->{UIDs}}, { 'UID' => $uid, 'Calctrust' => $trust }),
- $uidnum++ if $uid;
- }
- else {
- if (/^fpr:::::::::([^:]+):/) {
- my $fingerprint = $1; my $l = length $fingerprint;
- if ($l == 32) {
- my @f = $fingerprint =~ /(..)/g;
- $fingerprint = (join ' ', @f[0..7]) . ' ' .
- (join ' ', @f[8..15]);
- }
- elsif ($l == 40) {
- my @f = $fingerprint =~ /(....)/g;
- $fingerprint = (join ' ', @f[0..4]) . ' ' .
- (join ' ', @f[5..9]);
- }
- $subkey ?
- $keys[$i]->{Subkeys}->[$subnum]->{Fingerprint} :
- $keys[$i]->{Fingerprint} = $fingerprint;
- }
- elsif (/^sub/) {
- $subnum++; $subkey = 1;
- my ($type, $u1, $size, $algorithm, $id,
- $created, $expires) = split (':');
- $keys[$i]->{Subkeys}->[$subnum] =
- {
- Bits => $size,
- ID => $id,
- Created => $created,
- Expires => $expires,
- Algorithm => $algorithm
- };
- }
- elsif (/^sig/) {
- my ($sig, $valid, $u2, $u3, $id, $date,
- $u4, $u5, $u6, $uid) = split (':');
- my ($pushto, $pushnum) = $subkey ?
- ('Subkeys',$subnum) : ('UIDs',$uidnum);
- push (@{$keys[$i]->{$pushto}->[$pushnum]->{Signatures}},
- { ID => $id,
- Date => $date,
- UID => $uid,
- Valid => $valid
- } );
- }
- elsif (/^uid:(.?):.*:([^:]+):$/) {
- $subkey = 0; $uidnum++;
- push (@{$keys[$i]->{UIDs}}, { UID => $2, Calctrust => $1 });
- }
- }
- }
- $^W = 1;
- return map {bless $_, 'TeXLive::GPG::Key'} @keys;
-sub keypass {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($key, $oldpass, $newpass) = @_;
- return unless $oldpass =~ /$self->{VPASSPHRASE}/
- and $newpass =~ /$self->{VPASSPHRASE}/
- and $key->{Type} eq 'sec';
- my @opts = (split (/\s+/, "$self->{FORCEDOPTS} $self->{GPGOPTS}"));
- my ($in, $out, $err, $in_q, $out_q, $err_q);
- my $h = start ([$self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '--no-tty', '--status-fd', '1', '--command-fd', 0,
- '--edit-key', $key->{ID}], \$in, \$out, \$err, timeout( 30 ));
- local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
- pump $h until $out =~ /keyedit\.prompt/g; $in .= "passwd\n";
- pump $h until ($out =~ /GOOD_PASSPHRASE/g
- or $out =~ /(passphrase\.enter)/g);
- unless ($1) {
- finish $h, return if $oldpass;
- }
- else {
- $^W = 0; /()/; $^W = 1; $out = '';
- $in .= "$oldpass\n";
- pump $h until ($out =~ /BAD_PASSPHRASE/g #! Test
- or $out =~ /(passphrase\.enter)/g);
- unless ($1) {
- finish $h;
- return;
- }
- }
- $^W = 0; /()/; $^W = 1; $out = '';
- $in .= "$newpass\n";
- pump $h until ($out =~ /change_passwd\.empty\.okay/g
- or $out =~ /(keyedit\.prompt)/g);
- unless ($1) {
- $in .= "Y\n";
- pump $h until $out =~ /keyedit\.prompt/g;
- }
- $in .= "quit\n";
- pump $h until $out =~ /keyedit\.save\.okay/g;
- $in .= "Y\n";
- finish $h;
- return 1;
-sub keytrust {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($key, $trustlevel) = @_;
- return unless $trustlevel =~ /$self->{VTRUSTLEVEL}/;
- my @opts = (split (/\s+/, "$self->{FORCEDOPTS} $self->{GPGOPTS}"));
- my ($in, $out, $err, $in_q, $out_q, $err_q);
- my $h = start ([$self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '--no-tty',
- '--status-fd', '1', '--command-fd', 0,
- '--edit-key', $key->{ID}],
- \$in, \$out, \$err, timeout( 30 ));
- local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
- pump $h until $out =~ /keyedit\.prompt/g; $in .= "trust\n";
- pump $h until $out =~ /edit_ownertrust\.value/g; $in .= "$trustlevel\n";
- if ($trustlevel == 5) {
- pump $h until $out =~ /edit_ownertrust\.set_ultimate\.okay/g; $in .= "Y\n";
- }
- pump $h until $out =~ /keyedit\.prompt/g; $in .= "quit\n";
- finish $h;
- return 1;
-sub keyprimary {
-sub certify {
- my $self = shift;
- my ($key, $local, $class, @uids) = @_;
- return unless $self->{SECRETKEY} =~ /$self->{VKEYID}/
- and $self->{PASSPHRASE} =~ /$self->{VPASSPHRASE}/;
- return unless @uids and !grep { $_ =~ /\D/; } @uids;
- my $i = 0; my $ret = 0;
- ($key) = $self->keydb($key);
- my $signingkey = ($self->keydb($self->{SECRETKEY}))[0]->{ID};
- # Check if already signed.
- return 1 unless grep { !grep { $signingkey eq $_->{ID} }
- @{$_->{Signatures}} }
- (@{$key->{UIDs}})[@uids];
- my @opts = (split (/\s+/, "$self->{FORCEDOPTS} $self->{GPGOPTS}"));
- push (@opts, '--default-key', $self->{SECRETKEY});
- my ($in, $out, $err, $in_q, $out_q, $err_q);
- my $h = start ([$self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '--status-fd', '1', '--command-fd', 0, '--no-tty',
- '--edit-key', $key->{ID}], \$in, \$out, \$err, timeout( 30 ));
- local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
- for (@uids) {
- my $uid = $_+1;
- pump $h until ($out =~ /keyedit\.prompt/g);
-# Old hack to make UID numbers correspond correctly.
-# my $info = $out; $out = '';
-# $info =~ /\((\d+)\)\./; my $primary = $1;
-# unless ($primary == 1) {
-# if ($uid == 1) {
-# $uid = $primary;
-# }
-# elsif ($uid <= $primary) {
-# $uid--;
-# }
-# }
- $in .= "uid $uid\n";
- }
- pump $h until ($out =~ /keyedit\.prompt/g);
- $out = '';
- $in .= $local ? "lsign\n" : "sign\n";
- pump $h until ($out =~ /(s)ign_uid\.class/g
- or $out =~ /keyedit\.prompt/g);
- my $fix = $1;
- unless ($1) {
- $out = ''; $in .= "\n";
- pump $h until ($out =~ /(s)ign_uid\.class/g
- or $out =~ /keyedit\.prompt/g);
- $fix = $1;
- }
- if ($fix) {
- $in .= "$class\n";
- pump $h until ($out =~ /sign_uid\.okay/g);
- $^W = 0; /()/; $^W = 1; $out = ''; $in .= "Y\n";
- pump $h until ($out =~ /passphrase\.enter/g
- or $out =~ /(keyedit.prompt)/g);
- $ret=1;
- unless ($1) {
- $out = ''; $^W = 0; /()/; $^W = 1; $in .= "$self->{PASSPHRASE}\n";
- pump $h until ($out =~ /keyedit\.prompt/g
- or $out =~ /(BAD_PASSPHRASE)/g);
- $ret=0 if $1;
- }
- }
- $in .= "quit\n";
- if ($ret) {
- pump $h until ($out =~ /save\.okay/g or $out =~ /(k)eyedit\.prompt/g);
- $in .= "Y\n" unless $1;
- }
- finish $h;
- $ret;
-sub delkey {
- my $self = shift;
- my $key = shift;
- return unless $key->{ID} =~ /$self->{VKEYID}/;
- my $del = $key->{Type} eq 'sec' ?
- '--delete-secret-and-public-key':'--delete-key';
- my @opts = (split (/\s+/, "$self->{FORCEDOPTS} $self->{GPGOPTS}"));
- my ($in, $out, $err, $in_q, $out_q, $err_q);
- my $h = start ([$self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '--no-tty', '--status-fd', '1', '--command-fd', 0,
- $del, $key->{ID}], \$in, \$out, \$err, timeout( 30 ));
- local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
- pump $h until ($out =~ /delete it first\./g or $out =~ /(delete_key)(.secret)?.okay/g);
- #! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ to-fix.
- finish $h, return undef unless $1;
- $in .= "Y\n";
- if ($key->{Type} eq 'sec') {
- pump $h until $out =~ /delete_key.okay/g; $in .= "Y\n";
- }
- finish $h;
- return 1;
-sub disablekey {
- my $self = shift;
- my $key = shift;
- return unless $key->{ID} =~ /$self->{VKEYID}/;
- my @opts = (split (/\s+/, "$self->{FORCEDOPTS} $self->{GPGOPTS}"));
- my ($in, $out, $err, $in_q, $out_q, $err_q);
- my $h = start ([$self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '--no-tty', '--status-fd', '1', '--command-fd', 0,
- '--edit-key', $key->{ID}], \$in, \$out, \$err, timeout( 30 ));
- local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
- pump $h until ($out =~ /been disabled/g or $out =~ /(keyedit\.prompt)/g);
- #! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ to-fix.
- finish $h, return undef unless $1;
- $in .= "disable\n";
- pump $h until $out =~ /keyedit\.prompt/g; $in .= "quit\n";
- finish $h;
- return 1;
-sub enablekey {
- my $self = shift;
- my $key = shift;
- return unless $key->{ID} =~ /$self->{VKEYID}/;
- my @opts = (split (/\s+/, "$self->{FORCEDOPTS} $self->{GPGOPTS}"));
- my ($in, $out, $err, $in_q, $out_q, $err_q);
- my $h = start ([$self->{GPGBIN}, @opts, '--no-tty', '--status-fd', '1', '--command-fd', 0,
- '--edit-key', $key->{ID}], \$in, \$out, \$err, timeout( 30 ));
- local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
- pump $h until ($out =~ /been disabled/g or $out =~ /(keyedit\.prompt)/g);
- #! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ to-fix.
- finish $h, return undef unless $1;
- $in .= "enable\n";
- pump $h until $out =~ /keyedit\.prompt/g; $in .= "quit\n";
- finish $h;
- return 1;
-sub backtick {
- my ($in, $out, $err, $in_q, $out_q, $err_q);
- my $h = start ([@_], \$in, \$out, \$err, timeout( 10 ));
- local $SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
- finish $h;
- return ($out, $err);
- my $self = shift; (my $auto = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
-# warn "FOO $auto $_[0]\n";
- if ($auto =~ /^(passphrase|secretkey|armor|gpgbin|gpgopts|delay|marginals|
- detach|encryptsafe|debug|tmpdir)$/x) {
- return $self->{"\U$auto"} unless defined $_[0];
- $self->{"\U$auto"} = shift;
- }
- elsif ($auto eq 'DESTROY') {
- }
- else {
- croak "Could not AUTOLOAD method $auto.";
- }
-package TeXLive::GPG::Signature;
-use vars qw( $AUTOLOAD );
-use Carp;
- my $self = shift; (my $auto = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
- if ($auto =~ /^(validity|keyid|time|trusted)$/) {
- return $self->{"KeyID"} if ( $auto eq "keyid" );
- return $self->{"\u$auto"};
- }
- elsif ($auto eq 'DESTROY') {
- }
- else {
- croak "Could not AUTOLOAD method $auto.";
- }
-'True Value';
-=head1 NAME
-TeXLive::GPG - An Object Oriented Interface to GnuPG.
-=head1 VERSION
- $Revision: 1.52 $
- $Date: 2005/02/23 09:12:54 $
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use TeXLive::GPG;
- my $gpg = new TeXLive::GPG;
- $gpg->gpgbin('/usr/bin/gpg'); # The GnuPG executable.
- $gpg->secretkey('0x2B59D29E'); # Set ID of default secret key.
- $gpg->passphrase('just testing'); # Set passphrase.
- # Sign a message:
- my $sign = $gpg->sign('testing again');
- # Encrypt a message:
- my @encrypted = $gpg->encrypt ('top secret', '');
- # Get message info:
- my @recipients = $gpg->msginfo($encrypted);
- # Decrypt a message.
- my ($plaintext, $signature) = $gpg->verify($encrypted);
- # Key generation:
- $status = $gpg->keygen
- ('Test', '', 'ELG-E', 2048, 0, 'test passphrase');
- print while (<$status>); close $status;
- # Key database manipulation:
- $gpg->addkey($key, @ids);
- @keys = $gpg->keydb(@ids);
- # Key manipulation:
- $key = $keys[0];
- $gpg->delkey($key);
- $gpg->disablekey($key);
- $gpg->enablekey($key);
- $gpg->keypass($key, $oldpassphrase, $newpassphrase);
- $keystring = $gpg->export($key);
-The TeXLive::GPG module provides access to the functionality of the
-GnuPG ( encryption tool through an object oriented
-It provides methods for encryption, decryption, signing, signature
-verification, key generation, key certification, export and
-import. Key-server access is on the todo list.
-This release of the module may create compatibility issues with
-previous versions. If you find any such problems, or any bugs or
-documentation errors, please do report them to
-crypt-gpg at
-=over 2
-=item B<new()>
-Creates and returns a new TeXLive::GPG object.
-=over 2
-=item B<gpgbin($path)>
-Sets the B<GPGBIN> instance variable which gives the path to the GnuPG
-=item B<gpgopts($opts)>
-Sets the B<GPGOPTS> instance variable which may be used to pass
-additional options to the GnuPG binary. For proper functioning of this
-module, it is advisable to always include '--lock-multiple' in the
-GPGOPTS string.
-=item B<delay($seconds)>
-Sets the B<DELAY> instance variable. This is no longer necessary (nor
-used) in the current version of the module, but remains so existing
-scripts don't break.
-=item B<secretkey($keyid)>
-Sets the B<SECRETKEY> instance variable which may be a KeyID or a
-username. This is the ID of the default key to use for signing.
-=item B<passphrase($passphrase)>
-Sets the B<PASSPHRASE> instance variable, required for signing and
-=item B<text($boolean)>
-Sets the B<TEXT> instance variable. If set true, GnuPG will use
-network-compatible line endings for proper cross-platform
-compatibility and the plaintext will gain a newline at the end, if it
-does not already have one.
-=item B<armor($boolean)>
-Sets the B<ARMOR> instance variable, controlling the ASCII armoring of
-output. The default is to use ascii-armoring. The module has not been
-tested with this option turned off, and most likely will not work if
-you switch this off.
-=item B<detach($boolean)>
-Sets the B<DETACH> instance variable. If set true, the sign method
-will produce detached signature certificates, else it won't. The
-default is to produce detached signatures.
-=item B<encryptsafe($boolean)>
-Sets the B<ENCRYPTSAFE> instance variable. If set true, encryption
-will fail if trying to encrypt to a key which is not trusted. This is
-the default. Turn this off if you want to encrypt to untrusted keys.
-=item B<debug($boolean)>
-Sets the B<DEBUG> instance variable which causes the raw output of
-TeXLive::GPG's interaction with the GnuPG binary to be dumped to
-STDOUT. By default, debugging is off.
-=over 2
-=item B<sign(@message)>
-Signs B<@message> with the secret key specified with B<secretkey()>
-and returns the result as a string.
-=item B<decrypt(\@message, [\@signature])>
-This is just an alias for B<verify()>
-=item B<verify(\@message, [\@signature])>
-Decrypts and/or verifies the message in B<@message>, optionally using
-the detached signature in B<@signature>, and returns a list whose
-first element is plaintext message as a string. If the message was
-signed, a TeXLive::GPG::Signature object is returned as the second
-element of the list.
-The TeXLive::GPG::Signature object can be queried with the following
- $sig->validity(); # 'GOOD', 'BAD', or 'UNKNOWN'
- $sig->keyid(); # ID of signing key
- $sig->time(); # Time the signature was made
- $sig->trusted(); # Signature trust level
-=item B<msginfo(@ciphertext)>
-Returns a list of the recipient key IDs that B<@ciphertext> is
-encrypted to.
-=item B<encrypt($plaintext, $keylist, [-sign] )>
-Encrypts B<$plaintext> with the public keys of the recipients listed
-in B<$keylist> and returns the result in a string, or B<undef> if
-there was an error while processing. Returns undef if any of the keys
-are not found.
-Either $plaintext or $keylist may be specified as either an arrayref
-or a simple scalar.
-If $plaintext is a an arrayref, it will be join()ed without
-If you want to encrypt to multiple recipients, you must use the
-arrayref version of $keylist. A scalar $keylist works for only a
-single key ID.
-If the -sign option is provided, the message will be signed before
-encryption. The secret key and passphrase must be set for signing to
-work. They can be set with the secretkey() and passphrase() methods.
-=item B<addkey($key, $pretend, @keyids)>
-Adds the keys given in B<$key> to the user's key ring and returns a
-list of TeXLive::GPG::Key objects corresponding to the keys that were
-added. $key may be a string or an array reference.
-If B<$pretend> is true, it pretends to add the key and creates the key
-object, but doesn't actually perform the key addition.
-Optionally, a list of key IDs may be specified. If a list of key IDs
-is specified, only keys that match those IDs will be imported. The
-rest will be ignored.
-=item B<export($key)>
-Exports the key specified by the TeXLive::GPG::Key object B<$key> and
-returns the result as a string.
-=item B<keygen($name, $email, $keytype, $keysize, $expire, $passphrase)>
-Creates a new keypair with the parameters specified. The only
-supported B<$keytype> currently is 'ELG-E'. B<$keysize> can be any of
-1024, 2048, 3072 or 4096. Returns undef if there was an error,
-otherwise returns a filehandle that reports the progress of the key
-generation process similar to the way GnuPG does. The key generation
-is not complete till you read an EOF from the returned filehandle.
-=item B<certify($keyid, $local, @uids)>
-Certifies to the authenticity of UIDs of the key with ID $keyid. If
-$local is true, the certification will be non-exportable. The @uids
-parameter should contain the list of UIDs to certify (the first UID of
-a key is 0).
-=item B<keydb(@keyids)>
-Returns an array of TeXLive::GPG::Key objects corresponding to the Key
-IDs listed in B<@keyids>. This method used to be called B<keyinfo> and
-that is still an alias to this method.
-=item B<parsekeys(@keylist)>
-Parses a raw GnuPG formatted key listing in B<@keylist> and returns an
-array of TeXLive::GPG::Key objects.
-=item B<keypass($key, $oldpass, $newpass)>
-Change the passphrase for a key. Returns true if the passphrase change
-succeeded, false if not, or undef if there was an error.
-=item B<delkey($keyid)>
-Deletes the key specified by the TeXLive::GPG::Key object B<$key> from
-the user's key ring. Returns undef if there was an error, or 1 if the
-key was successfully deleted.
-=item B<disablekey($keyid)>
-Disables the key specified by the TeXLive::GPG::Key object B<$key>.
-=item B<enablekey($keyid)>
-Enables the key specified by the TeXLive::GPG::Key object B<$key>.
-=head1 TeXLive::GPG::Signature
-=over 2
- Documentation coming soon.
-=head1 TeXLive::GPG::Key
-=over 2
- Documentation coming soon.
-=head1 TODO
-=over 2
-=item *
-Key server access.
-=item *
-More complete key manipulation interface.
-=item *
-Filehandle interface to handle large messages.
-=head1 BUGS
-=over 2
-=item *
-Error checking needs work.
-=item *
-Some key manipulation functions are missing.
-=item *
-The method call interface is subject to change in future versions.
-=item *
-The current implementation will probably eat up all your RAM if you
-try to operate on huge messages. In future versions, this will be
-addressed by reading from and returning filehandles, rather than using
-in-core data.
-=item *
-Methods may break if you don't use ASCII armoring.
-=over 2
-$Log:,v $
-Revision 1.52 2005/02/23 09:12:54 cvs
- - Overhauled to use IPC::Run instead of Expect.
- - Test suite split up into multiple scripts.
-Revision 1.42 2002/12/11 03:33:19 cvs
- - Fixed bug in certify() when trying to certify revoked a key.
- - Applied dharris\'s patch to allow for varying date formats
- between gpg versions, and fix time parsing and the
- TeXLive::GPG::Signature autoloaded accessor functions.
-Revision 1.40 2002/09/23 23:01:53 cvs
- - Fixed a bug in keypass()
- - Documentation fixes.
-Revision 1.37 2002/09/21 02:37:49 cvs
- - Fixed signing option in encrypt.
-Revision 1.36 2002/09/21 00:03:29 cvs
- - Added many tests and fixed a bunch of bugs.
-Revision 1.34 2002/09/20 19:07:11 cvs
- - Extensively modified formatting to make the code easier to
- read. All lines are now < 80 chars.
- - Removed all instances of invoking a shell.
- - Misc. other stuff.
-Revision 1.31 2002/09/20 16:38:45 cvs
- - Cleaned up export and addkey. Fixed(?) addkey clobbering trustdb
- problem (thanks to jrray\ for the patch). Added
- support for signature verification on addkey pretend.
- - No calls to POSIX::tmpnam remain (thanks to radek\ and
- jrray\ for suggesting File::Temp).
-Revision 1.30 2002/09/20 15:25:47 cvs
- - Fixed up tempfile handling and eliminated calls to the shell in
- encrypt(), sign() and msginfo(). Passing all currently defined
- tests.
- - Hopefully also fixed signing during encryption and verification of
- detached signatures. Not tested this yet.
-Revision 1.29 2002/09/20 11:19:02 cvs
- - Removed hack to Version: string. Only the Comment: string in GPG
- output is now modified by TeXLive::GPG. (Thanks to
- eisen\ for pointing out the bug here)
- - Removed code that incorrectly replaced 'PGP MESSAGE' with 'PGP
- SIGNATURE' on detached signatures. (Thanks to ddcc\ for
- pointing this out).
- - Fixed up addkey() to properly handle pretend mode and to
- selectively import only requested key IDs from a key block.
- - parsekeys() now also figures out which keyring a key belongs to.
- - Added certify() method, to enable certifying keys.
- - Added TeXLive::GPG::Signature methods - validity(), keyid(), time()
- and trusted().
-=head1 AUTHOR
-TeXLive::GPG is Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Ashish Gulhati
-<crypt-gpg at>. All Rights Reserved.
-Thanks to Barkha, my sunshine. And to the GnuPG team and everyone
-who writes free software.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the same terms as Perl itself.
-Are very welcome. Email crypt-gpg at
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/TeXLive/ b/Master/tlpkg/TeXLive/
index 689662a93c1..4300bb486ea 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/TeXLive/
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/TeXLive/
@@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ use Getopt::Long;
use File::Temp;
use TeXLive::TLConfig;
-use TeXLive::GPG;
$::opt_verbosity = 0; # see process_logging_options
@@ -3596,6 +3595,9 @@ sub tlmd5 {
sub tldigest {
return (Digest::SHA::sha512_hex(shift));
+sub tl_short_digest {
+ return (Digest::MD5::md5_hex(shift));
sub tlchecksum {
my ($file) = @_;
@@ -3673,7 +3675,7 @@ sub verify_checksum {
=item C<< setup_gpg() >>
-Tries to set up the global TeXLive::GPG instance C<$::gpg> used for
+Tries to set up gpg command line C<$::gpg> used for
verification of downloads.
Returns 1/0 on success/failure.
@@ -3685,16 +3687,20 @@ sub setup_gpg {
# first search for a gpg binary
return 0 if (!setup_unix_one( 'gpg' , '/no/such/path', '--version', 1));
# ok, we found one
- $::gpg = new TeXLive::GPG;
- $::gpg->gpgbin($::progs{'gpg'});
- # now we need to set up GNUPGHOME to make sure that gpg uses the
- # right codes
+ # Set up the gpg invocation:
+ $::gpg = "$::progs{'gpg'} ";
# the user wants us to use this directory, sure, do it
+ $::gpg .= "--homedir $ENV{'TL_GNUPGHOME'} ";
+ } else {
+ $::gpg .= "--homedir $master/tlpkg/gpg ";
+ }
+ if ($ENV{'TL_GNUPGARGS'}) {
+ $::gpg .= $ENV{'TL_GNUPGARGS'};
} else {
- $ENV{'GNUPGHOME'} = "$master/tlpkg/gpg";
+ $::gpg .= "--no-secmem-warning --no-permission-warning ";
+ debug("gpg command line: $::gpg\n");
return 1;
@@ -3730,25 +3736,22 @@ sub verify_download {
$ret = 1; # default for gpg download
if ($::gpg) {
my $urlgpg = "$url.asc";
- my ($gpg_fh, $gpg_file);
+ my ($signature_fh, $signature_file);
if ($urlgpg =~ m,^(http|ftp|file)://,) {
- ($gpg_fh, $gpg_file) = File::Temp::tempfile();
+ ($signature_fh, $signature_file) = File::Temp::tempfile(UNLINK => 1);
# now $gpg_fh filehandle is open, the file created
# TLUtils::download_file will just overwrite what is there
# on windows that doesn't work, so we close the fh immediately
# this creates a short loophole, but much better than before anyway
- close($gpg_fh);
- $ret = download_file($urlgpg, $gpg_file);
+ close($signature_fh);
+ $ret = download_file($urlgpg, $signature_file);
} else {
- $gpg_file = $urlgpg;
+ $signature_file = $urlgpg;
- if ($ret && (-r "$gpg_file")) {
- my $signdata = slurp_file($gpg_file);
- # the documentation of Crypt::GPG is wrong!!! The first argument
- # needs to be the signature, the second the content!!!
- my ($plaintext, $signature) = $::gpg->verify($signdata, $file_data);
- if ($signature->validity ne "GOOD") {
+ if ($ret && (-r "$signature_file")) {
+ if (TeXLive::TLUtils::gpg_verify_signature($file, $signature_file)) {
+ info("cryptographic signature of $url verified\n");
+ } else {
Verification of downloaded file
@@ -3756,8 +3759,6 @@ against
did not succeed. Please report to texlive\
- } else {
- info("cryptographic signature of $file verified\n");
} else {
debug("no access to cryptographic signature $urlgpg\n");
@@ -3769,6 +3770,17 @@ GPGERROR
+sub gpg_verify_signature {
+ my ($file, $sig) = @_;
+ my ($out, $ret) = run_cmd("$::gpg --verify $sig $file 2>&1");
+ if ($ret == 0) {
+ debug("verification succeeded, output:\n$out\n");
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ tlwarn("verification failed, output:\n$out\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
# compare_tlpobjs