path: root/Master/texmf/asymptote/plain_prethree.asy
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf/asymptote/plain_prethree.asy')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf/asymptote/plain_prethree.asy b/Master/texmf/asymptote/plain_prethree.asy
deleted file mode 100644
index 595bac2fad4..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf/asymptote/plain_prethree.asy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-// Critical definitions for transform3 needed by projection and picture.
-typedef real[][] transform3;
-restricted transform3 identity4=identity(4);
-// A uniform 3D scaling.
-transform3 scale3(real s)
- transform3 t=identity(4);
- t[0][0]=t[1][1]=t[2][2]=s;
- return t;
-// Simultaneous 3D scalings in the x, y, and z directions.
-transform3 scale(real x, real y, real z)
- transform3 t=identity(4);
- t[0][0]=x;
- t[1][1]=y;
- t[2][2]=z;
- return t;
-transform3 shiftless(transform3 t)
- transform3 T=copy(t);
- T[0][3]=T[1][3]=T[2][3]=0;
- return T;
-real camerafactor=2; // Factor used for camera adjustment.
-struct transformation {
- transform3 modelview; // For orientation and positioning
- transform3 projection; // For 3D to 2D projection
- bool infinity;
- void operator init(transform3 modelview) {
- this.modelview=modelview;
- this.projection=identity4;
- infinity=true;
- }
- void operator init(transform3 modelview, transform3 projection) {
- this.modelview=modelview;
- this.projection=projection;
- infinity=false;
- }
- transform3 compute() {
- return infinity ? modelview : projection*modelview;
- }
- transformation copy() {
- transformation T=new transformation;
- T.modelview=copy(modelview);
- T.projection=copy(projection);
- T.infinity=infinity;
- return T;
- }
-struct projection {
- transform3 t; // projection*modelview (cached)
- bool infinity;
- bool absolute=false;
- triple camera; // Position of camera.
- triple up; // A vector that should be projected to direction (0,1).
- triple target; // Point where camera is looking at.
- triple normal; // Normal vector from target to projection plane.
- pair viewportshift; // Fractional viewport shift.
- real zoom=1; // Zoom factor.
- real angle; // Lens angle (for perspective projection).
- bool showtarget=true; // Expand bounding volume to include target?
- typedef transformation projector(triple camera, triple up, triple target);
- projector projector;
- bool autoadjust=true; // Adjust camera to lie outside bounding volume?
- bool center=false; // Center target within bounding volume?
- int ninterpolate; // Used for projecting nurbs to 2D Bezier curves.
- bool bboxonly=true; // Typeset label bounding box only.
- transformation T;
- void calculate() {
- T=projector(camera,up,target);
- t=T.compute();
- infinity=T.infinity;
- ninterpolate=infinity ? 1 : 16;
- }
- triple vector() {
- return camera-target;
- }
- void operator init(triple camera, triple up=(0,0,1), triple target=(0,0,0),
- triple normal=camera-target,
- real zoom=1, real angle=0, pair viewportshift=0,
- bool showtarget=true, bool autoadjust=true,
- bool center=false, projector projector) {
- this.up=up;
- this.normal=normal;
- this.zoom=zoom;
- this.angle=angle;
- this.viewportshift=viewportshift;
- this.showtarget=showtarget;
- this.autoadjust=autoadjust;
- this.projector=projector;
- calculate();
- }
- projection copy() {
- projection P=new projection;
- P.t=t;
- P.infinity=infinity;
- P.absolute=absolute;
- P.up=up;
- P.normal=normal;
- P.zoom=zoom;
- P.angle=angle;
- P.viewportshift=viewportshift;
- P.showtarget=showtarget;
- P.autoadjust=autoadjust;
- P.projector=projector;
- P.ninterpolate=ninterpolate;
- P.bboxonly=bboxonly;
- P.T=T.copy();
- return P;
- }
- // Return the maximum distance of box(m,M) from target.
- real distance(triple m, triple M) {
- triple[] c={m,(m.x,m.y,M.z),(m.x,M.y,m.z),(m.x,M.y,M.z),
- (M.x,m.y,m.z),(M.x,m.y,M.z),(M.x,M.y,m.z),M};
- return max(abs(c-target));
- }
- // This is redefined here to make projection as self-contained as possible.
- static private real sqrtEpsilon = sqrt(realEpsilon);
- // Move the camera so that the box(m,M) rotated about target will always
- // lie in front of the clipping plane.
- bool adjust(triple m, triple M) {
- triple v=camera-target;
- real d=distance(m,M);
- static real lambda=camerafactor*(1-sqrtEpsilon);
- if(lambda*d >= abs(v)) {
- camera=target+camerafactor*d*unit(v);
- calculate();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
-projection currentprojection;
-struct light {
- real[][] diffuse;
- real[][] ambient;
- real[][] specular;
- pen background=nullpen; // Background color of the 3D canvas.
- real specularfactor;
- bool viewport; // Are the lights specified (and fixed) in the viewport frame?
- triple[] position; // Only directional lights are currently implemented.
- transform3 T=identity(4); // Transform to apply to normal vectors.
- bool on() {return position.length > 0;}
- void operator init(pen[] diffuse,
- pen[] ambient=array(diffuse.length,black),
- pen[] specular=diffuse, pen background=nullpen,
- real specularfactor=1,
- bool viewport=false, triple[] position) {
- int n=diffuse.length;
- assert(ambient.length == n && specular.length == n && position.length == n);
- this.diffuse=new real[n][];
- this.ambient=new real[n][];
- this.specular=new real[n][];
- this.background=background;
- this.position=new triple[n];
- for(int i=0; i < position.length; ++i) {
- this.diffuse[i]=rgba(diffuse[i]);
- this.ambient[i]=rgba(ambient[i]);
- this.specular[i]=rgba(specular[i]);
- this.position[i]=unit(position[i]);
- }
- this.specularfactor=specularfactor;
- this.viewport=viewport;
- }
- void operator init(pen diffuse=white, pen ambient=black, pen specular=diffuse,
- pen background=nullpen, real specularfactor=1,
- bool viewport=false...triple[] position) {
- int n=position.length;
- operator init(array(n,diffuse),array(n,ambient),array(n,specular),
- background,specularfactor,viewport,position);
- }
- void operator init(pen diffuse=white, pen ambient=black, pen specular=diffuse,
- pen background=nullpen, bool viewport=false,
- real x, real y, real z) {
- operator init(diffuse,ambient,specular,background,viewport,(x,y,z));
- }
- void operator init(explicit light light) {
- diffuse=copy(light.diffuse);
- ambient=copy(light.ambient);
- specular=copy(light.specular);
- background=light.background;
- specularfactor=light.specularfactor;
- viewport=light.viewport;
- position=copy(light.position);
- }
- real[] background() {return rgba(background == nullpen ? white : background);}
-light currentlight;