path: root/Master/texmf/asymptote/feynman.asy
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf/asymptote/feynman.asy')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 622 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf/asymptote/feynman.asy b/Master/texmf/asymptote/feynman.asy
deleted file mode 100644
index 4360ee9f524..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf/asymptote/feynman.asy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,622 +0,0 @@
- * feynman.asy -- An Asymptote library for drawing Feynman diagrams. *
- * *
- * by: Martin Wiebusch <> *
- * last change: 2007/04/13 *
- *****************************************************************************/
-/* default parameters ********************************************************/
-// default ratio of width (distance between two loops) to amplitude for a gluon
-// line. The gluon function uses this ratio, if the width parameter is
-// negative.
-real gluonratio;
-// default ratio of width (distance between two crests) to amplitude for a
-// photon line. The photon function uses this ratio, if the width parameter is
-// negative.
-real photonratio;
-// default gluon amplitude
-real gluonamplitude;
-// default photon amplitude
-real photonamplitude;
-// default pen for drawing the background. Usually white.
-pen backgroundpen;
-// default pen for drawing gluon lines
-pen gluonpen;
-// default pen for drawing photon lines
-pen photonpen;
-// default pen for drawing fermion lines
-pen fermionpen;
-// default pen for drawing scalar lines
-pen scalarpen;
-// default pen for drawing ghost lines
-pen ghostpen;
-// default pen for drawing double lines
-pen doublelinepen;
-// default pen for drawing vertices
-pen vertexpen;
-// default pen for drawing big vertices (drawVertexOX and drawVertexBoxX)
-pen bigvertexpen;
-// inner spacing of a double line
-real doublelinespacing;
-// default arrow for propagators
-arrowbar currentarrow;
-// if true, each of the drawSomething commands blots out the background
-// (with pen backgroundpen) before drawing.
-bool overpaint;
-// margin around lines. If one line is drawn over anoter, a white margin
-// of size linemargin is kept around the top one.
-real linemargin;
-// at vertices, where many lines join, the last line drawn should not blot
-// out the others. By not erasing the background near the ends of lines,
-// this is prevented for lines with an angle greater than minvertexangle to
-// each other. Note, that small values for minvertexangle mean that the
-// background is only erased behind a small segment of every line. Setting
-// minvertexangle = 0 effectively disables background erasing for lines.
-real minvertexangle;
-// size (radius) of vertices
-real vertexsize;
-// size (radius) of big vertices (drawVertexOX and drawVertexBoxX)
-real bigvertexsize;
-/* defaults for momentum arrows **********************************************/
-// (momentum arrows are small arrows parallel to particle lines indicating the
-// direction of momentum)
-// default size of the arrowhead of momentum arrows
-arrowbar currentmomarrow;
-// default length of momentum arrows
-real momarrowlength;
-// default pen for momentum arrows
-pen momarrowpen;
-// default offset between momentum arrow and related particle line
-real momarrowoffset;
-// default margin for momentum arrows
-real momarrowmargin;
-// factor for determining the size of momentum arrowheads. After changing it,
-// you still have to update currentmomarrow manually.
-real momarrowfactor;
-// size function for momentum arrowheads
-real momarrowsize(pen p=momarrowpen) { return momarrowfactor*linewidth(p); }
-/* defaults for texshipout ***************************************************/
-// tex command for including graphics. It takes one argument, which is the
-// name of the graphics (eps or pdf) file.
-string includegraphicscommand;
-// Determines whether the suffix (.eps or .pdf) should be appended to the stem
-// of the file name in the \includegraphics command.
-bool appendsuffix;
-/* helper functions **********************************************************/
-// internal function for overpainting
-private void do_overpaint(picture pic, path p, pen bgpen,
- real halfwidth, real vertexangle)
- real tanvertexangle = tan(vertexangle*pi/180);
- if(tanvertexangle != 0) {
- real t1 = arctime(p, halfwidth/tanvertexangle+halfwidth);
- real t2 = arctime(p, arclength(p)-halfwidth/tanvertexangle-halfwidth);
- draw(pic, subpath(p, t1, t2),
- bgpen+linewidth(2*halfwidth));
- }
-// returns the path of a gluon line along path p, with amplitude amp and width
-// width (distance between two loops). If width is negative, the width is
-// set to amp*gluonratio
-path gluon(path p, real amp = gluonamplitude, real width=-1)
- if(width < 0) width = abs(gluonratio*amp);
- real pathlen = arclength(p);
- int ncurls = floor(pathlen/width);
- real firstlen = (pathlen - width*(ncurls-1))/2;
- real firstt = arctime(p, firstlen);
- pair firstv = dir(p, firstt);
- guide g = point(p, 0)..{firstv}( point(p, firstt)
- +amp*unit(rotate(90)*firstv));
- real t1;
- pair v1;
- real t2;
- pair v2;
- pathlen -= firstlen;
- for(real len = firstlen+width/2; len < pathlen; len += width) {
- t1 = arctime(p, len);
- v1 = dir(p, t1);
- t2 = arctime(p, len + width/2);
- v2 = dir(p, t2);
- g=g..{-v1}(point(p, t1)+amp*unit(rotate(-90)*v1))
- ..{+v2}(point(p, t2)+amp*unit(rotate(+90)*v2));
- }
- g = g..point(p, size(p));
- return g;
-// returns the path of a photon line along path p, with amplitude amp and width
-// width (distance between two crests). If width is negative, the width is
-// set to amp*photonratio
-path photon(path p, real amp = photonamplitude, real width=-1)
- if(width < 0)
- width = abs(photonratio*amp)/2;
- else
- width = width/2;
- real pathlen = arclength(p);
- int ncurls = floor(pathlen/width);
- real firstlen = (pathlen - width*ncurls)/2;
- real firstt = arctime(p, firstlen+width);
- guide g = point(p, 0){unit(point(p, firstt)-point(p, 0))};
- real t;
- pair v;
- pathlen -= firstlen;
- for(real len = firstlen+width; len < pathlen; len += width) {
- t = arctime(p, len);
- v = dir(p, t);
- g=g..{v}(point(p, t)+amp*unit(rotate(90)*v));
- amp = -amp;
- }
- g = g..{unit(point(p, size(p))-point(p, t))}point(p, size(p));
- return g;
-// returns the path of a momentum arrow along path p, with length length,
-// an offset offset from the path p and at position position. position will
-// usually be one of the predefined pairs left or right. Making adjust
-// nonzero shifts the momentum arrow along the path.
-path momArrowPath(path p,
- align align,
- position pos,
- real offset = momarrowoffset,
- real length = momarrowlength)
- real pathlen = arclength(p);
- real t1, t2;
- if(pos.relative) {
- t1 = arctime(p, (pathlen-length)*pos.position.x);
- t2 = arctime(p, (pathlen-length)*pos.position.x+length);
- } else {
- t1 = arctime(p, (pathlen-length)/2 + pos.position.x);
- t2 = arctime(p, (pathlen+length)/2+ pos.position.x);
- }
- pair v1 = dir(p, t1);
- pair v2 = dir(p, t2);
- pair p1, p2;
- if(align.relative) {
- p1 = point(p, t1) + offset*abs(align.dir)
- *unit(rotate(degrees(align.dir)-90)*v1);
- p2 = point(p, t2) + offset*abs(align.dir)
- *unit(rotate(degrees(align.dir)-90)*v2);
- } else {
- p1 = point(p, t1) + offset*align.dir;
- p2 = point(p, t2) + offset*align.dir;
- }
- return p1{v1}..{v2}p2;
-/* drawing functions *********************************************************/
-// draw a gluon line on picture pic, along path p, with amplitude amp, width
-// width (distance between loops) and with pen fgpen. If erasebg is true,
-// bgpen is used to erase the background behind the line and at a margin
-// margin around it. The background is not erased at a certain distance to
-// the endpoints, which is determined by vertexangle (see comments to the
-// default parameter minvertexangle). For negative values of width, the width
-// is set to gluonratio*amp.
-void drawGluon(picture pic = currentpicture,
- path p,
- real amp = gluonamplitude,
- real width = -1,
- pen fgpen = gluonpen,
- bool erasebg = overpaint,
- pen bgpen = backgroundpen,
- real vertexangle = minvertexangle,
- real margin = linemargin)
- if(width < 0) width = abs(2*amp);
- if(erasebg) do_overpaint(pic, p, bgpen, amp+margin, vertexangle);
- draw(pic, gluon(p, amp, width), fgpen);
-// draw a photon line on picture pic, along path p, with amplitude amp, width
-// width (distance between loops) and with pen fgpen. If erasebg is true,
-// bgpen is used to erase the background behind the line and at a margin
-// margin around it. The background is not erased at a certain distance to
-// the endpoints, which is determined by vertexangle (see comments to the
-// default parameter minvertexangle). For negative values of width, the width
-// is set to photonratio*amp.
-void drawPhoton(picture pic = currentpicture,
- path p,
- real amp = photonamplitude,
- real width = -1,
- pen fgpen = currentpen,
- bool erasebg = overpaint,
- pen bgpen = backgroundpen,
- real vertexangle = minvertexangle,
- real margin = linemargin)
- if(width < 0) width = abs(4*amp);
- if(erasebg) do_overpaint(pic, p, bgpen, amp+margin, vertexangle);
- draw(pic, photon(p, amp, width), fgpen);
-// draw a fermion line on picture pic, along path p with pen fgpen and an
-// arrowhead arrow. If erasebg is true, bgpen is used to erase the background
-// at a margin margin around the line. The background is not erased at a
-// certain distance to the endpoints, which is determined by vertexangle
-// (see comments to the default parameter minvertexangle).
-void drawFermion(picture pic = currentpicture,
- path p,
- pen fgpen = currentpen,
- arrowbar arrow = currentarrow,
- bool erasebg = overpaint,
- pen bgpen = backgroundpen,
- real vertexangle = minvertexangle,
- real margin = linemargin)
- if(erasebg) do_overpaint(pic, p, bgpen,
- linewidth(fgpen)+margin, vertexangle);
- draw(pic, p, fgpen, arrow);
-// draw a scalar line on picture pic, along path p with pen fgpen and an
-// arrowhead arrow. If erasebg is true, bgpen is used to erase the background
-// at a margin margin around the line. The background is not erased at a
-// certain distance to the endpoints, which is determined by vertexangle
-// (see comments to the default parameter minvertexangle).
-void drawScalar(picture pic = currentpicture,
- path p,
- pen fgpen = scalarpen,
- arrowbar arrow = currentarrow,
- bool erasebg = overpaint,
- pen bgpen = backgroundpen,
- real vertexangle = minvertexangle,
- real margin = linemargin)
- if(erasebg) do_overpaint(pic, p, bgpen,
- linewidth(fgpen)+margin, vertexangle);
- draw(pic, p, fgpen, arrow);
-// draw a ghost line on picture pic, along path p with pen fgpen and an
-// arrowhead arrow. If erasebg is true, bgpen is used to erase the background
-// at a margin margin around the line. The background is not erased at a
-// certain distance to the endpoints, which is determined by vertexangle
-// (see comments to the default parameter minvertexangle).
-void drawGhost(picture pic = currentpicture,
- path p,
- pen fgpen = ghostpen,
- arrowbar arrow = currentarrow,
- bool erasebg = overpaint,
- pen bgpen = backgroundpen,
- real vertexangle = minvertexangle,
- real margin = linemargin)
- if(erasebg) do_overpaint(pic, p, bgpen,
- linewidth(fgpen)+margin, vertexangle);
- draw(pic, p, fgpen, arrow);
-// draw a double line on picture pic, along path p with pen fgpen, an inner
-// spacing of dlspacint and an arrowhead arrow. If erasebg is true, bgpen is
-// used to erase the background at a margin margin around the line. The
-// background is not erased at a certain distance to the endpoints, which is
-// determined by vertexangle (see comments to the default parameter
-// minvertexangle).
-void drawDoubleLine(picture pic = currentpicture,
- path p,
- pen fgpen = doublelinepen,
- real dlspacing = doublelinespacing,
- arrowbar arrow = currentarrow,
- bool erasebg = overpaint,
- pen bgpen = backgroundpen,
- real vertexangle = minvertexangle,
- real margin = linemargin)
- if(erasebg) do_overpaint(pic, p, bgpen,
- linewidth(fgpen)+margin, vertexangle);
- real htw = linewidth(fgpen)+dlspacing/2;
- draw(pic, p, fgpen+2*htw);
- draw(pic, p, bgpen+(linewidth(dlspacing)));
- path rect = (-htw,-htw)--(-htw,htw)--(0,htw)--(0,-htw)--cycle;
- fill(shift(point(p,0))*rotate(degrees(dir(p,0)))*rect, bgpen);
- fill(shift(point(p,size(p)))*scale(-1)*rotate(degrees(dir(p,size(p))))*
- rect,bgpen);
- draw(pic, p, invisible, arrow);
-// draw a vertex dot on picture pic, at position xy with radius r and pen
-// fgpen
-void drawVertex(picture pic = currentpicture,
- pair xy,
- real r = vertexsize,
- pen fgpen = vertexpen)
- fill(pic, circle(xy, r), fgpen);
-// draw an empty vertex dot on picture pic, at position xy with radius r
-// and pen fgpen. If erasebg is true, the background is erased in the inside
-// of the circle.
-void drawVertexO(picture pic = currentpicture,
- pair xy,
- real r = vertexsize,
- pen fgpen = vertexpen,
- bool erasebg = overpaint,
- pen bgpen = backgroundpen)
- if(erasebg)
- filldraw(pic, circle(xy, r), bgpen, fgpen);
- else
- draw(pic, circle(xy, r), fgpen);
-// draw a vertex triangle on picture pic, at position xy with radius r and pen
-// fgpen
-void drawVertexTriangle(picture pic = currentpicture,
- pair xy,
- real r = vertexsize,
- pen fgpen = vertexpen)
- real cospi6 = cos(pi/6);
- real sinpi6 = sin(pi/6);
- path triangle = (cospi6,-sinpi6)--(0,1)--(-cospi6,-sinpi6)--cycle;
- fill(pic, shift(xy)*scale(r)*triangle, fgpen);
-// draw an empty vertex triangle on picture pic, at position xy with size r
-// and pen fgpen. If erasebg is true, the background is erased in the inside
-// of the triangle.
-void drawVertexTriangleO(picture pic = currentpicture,
- pair xy,
- real r = vertexsize,
- pen fgpen = vertexpen,
- bool erasebg = overpaint,
- pen bgpen = backgroundpen)
- real cospi6 = cos(pi/6);
- real sinpi6 = sin(pi/6);
- path triangle = (cospi6,-sinpi6)--(0,1)--(-cospi6,-sinpi6)--cycle;
- if(erasebg)
- filldraw(pic, shift(xy)*scale(r)*triangle, bgpen, fgpen);
- else
- draw(pic, shift(xy)*scale(r)*triangle, fgpen);
-// draw a vertex box on picture pic, at position xy with radius r and pen
-// fgpen
-void drawVertexBox(picture pic = currentpicture,
- pair xy,
- real r = vertexsize,
- pen fgpen = vertexpen)
- path box = (1,1)--(-1,1)--(-1,-1)--(1,-1)--cycle;
- fill(pic, shift(xy)*scale(r)*box, fgpen);
-// draw an empty vertex box on picture pic, at position xy with size r
-// and pen fgpen. If erasebg is true, the background is erased in the inside
-// of the box.
-void drawVertexBoxO(picture pic = currentpicture,
- pair xy,
- real r = vertexsize,
- pen fgpen = vertexpen,
- bool erasebg = overpaint,
- pen bgpen = backgroundpen)
- path box = (1,1)--(-1,1)--(-1,-1)--(1,-1)--cycle;
- if(erasebg)
- filldraw(pic, shift(xy)*scale(r)*box, bgpen, fgpen);
- else
- draw(pic, shift(xy)*scale(r)*box, fgpen);
-// draw an X on picture pic, at position xy with size r and pen
-// fgpen
-void drawVertexX(picture pic = currentpicture,
- pair xy,
- real r = vertexsize,
- pen fgpen = vertexpen)
- draw(pic, shift(xy)*scale(r)*((-1,-1)--(1,1)), fgpen);
- draw(pic, shift(xy)*scale(r)*((1,-1)--(-1,1)), fgpen);
-// draw a circle with an X in the middle on picture pic, at position xy with
-// size r and pen fgpen. If erasebg is true, the background is erased in the
-// inside of the circle.
-void drawVertexOX(picture pic = currentpicture,
- pair xy,
- real r = bigvertexsize,
- pen fgpen = vertexpen,
- bool erasebg = overpaint,
- pen bgpen = backgroundpen)
- if(erasebg)
- filldraw(pic, circle(xy, r), bgpen, fgpen);
- else
- draw(pic, circle(xy, r), fgpen);
- draw(pic, shift(xy)*scale(r)*(NW--SE), fgpen);
- draw(pic, shift(xy)*scale(r)*(SW--NE), fgpen);
-// draw a box with an X in the middle on picture pic, at position xy with
-// size r and pen fgpen. If erasebg is true, the background is erased in the
-// inside of the box.
-void drawVertexBoxX(picture pic = currentpicture,
- pair xy,
- real r = bigvertexsize,
- pen fgpen = vertexpen,
- bool erasebg = overpaint,
- pen bgpen = backgroundpen)
- path box = (1,1)--(-1,1)--(-1,-1)--(1,-1)--cycle;
- box = shift(xy)*scale(r)*box;
- if(erasebg)
- filldraw(pic, box, bgpen, fgpen);
- else
- draw(pic, box, fgpen);
- draw(pic, shift(xy)*scale(r)*((-1,-1)--(1,1)), fgpen);
- draw(pic, shift(xy)*scale(r)*((1,-1)--(-1,1)), fgpen);
-// draw a momentum arrow on picture pic, along path p, at position position
-// (use one of the predefined pairs left or right), with an offset offset
-// from the path, a length length, a pen fgpen and an arrowhead arrow. Making
-// adjust nonzero shifts the momentum arrow along the path. If erasebg is true,
-// the background is erased inside a margin margin around the momentum arrow.
-// Make sure that offset and margin are chosen in such a way that the momentum
-// arrow does not overdraw the particle line.
-void drawMomArrow(picture pic = currentpicture,
- path p,
- align align,
- position pos = MidPoint,
- real offset = momarrowoffset,
- real length = momarrowlength,
- pen fgpen = momarrowpen,
- arrowbar arrow = currentmomarrow,
- bool erasebg = overpaint,
- pen bgpen = backgroundpen,
- real margin = momarrowmargin)
- path momarrow = momArrowPath(p, align, pos, offset, length);
- if(erasebg) do_overpaint(pic, momarrow, bgpen,
- linewidth(fgpen)+margin, 90);
- draw(pic, momarrow, fgpen, arrow);
-/* initialisation ************************************************************/
-// The function fmdefaults() tries to guess reasonable values for the
-// default parameters above by looking at the default parameters of plain.asy
-// (essentially, currentpen, arrowfactor and dotfactor). After customising the
-// default parameters of plain.asy, you may call fmdefaults to adjust the
-// parameters of feynman.asy.
-void fmdefaults()
- real arrowsize=arrowsize(currentpen);
- real linewidth=linewidth(currentpen);
- gluonratio = 2;
- photonratio = 4;
- gluonamplitude = arrowsize/3;
- photonamplitude = arrowsize/4;
- backgroundpen = white;
- gluonpen = currentpen;
- photonpen = currentpen;
- fermionpen = currentpen;
- scalarpen = dashed+linewidth;
- ghostpen = dotted+linewidth;
- doublelinepen = currentpen;
- vertexpen = currentpen;
- bigvertexpen = currentpen;
- currentarrow = MidArrow;
- doublelinespacing = 2*linewidth;
- linemargin = 0.5*arrowsize;
- minvertexangle = 30;
- overpaint = true;
- vertexsize = 0.5*dotfactor*linewidth;
- bigvertexsize = 0.4*arrowsize;
- momarrowfactor = 1.5*arrowfactor;
- momarrowlength = 2.5*arrowsize;
- momarrowpen = currentpen+0.5*linewidth;
- momarrowoffset = 0.8*arrowsize;
- momarrowmargin = 0.25*arrowsize;
- currentmomarrow = EndArrow(momarrowsize());
- includegraphicscommand = "\includegraphics";
- appendsuffix = false;
-// We call fmdefaults once, when the module is loaded.
-/* shipout *******************************************************************/
-bool YAlign = false;
-bool XYAlign = true;
-// texshipout("filename", pic) creates two files: filename.eps holding the
-// picture pic and filename.tex holding some LaTeX code that includes the
-// picture from filename.eps and shifts it vertically in such a way that the
-// point (0,0) lies on the baseline.
-void texshipout(string stem,
- picture pic = currentpicture,
- bool xalign = YAlign)
- file tf = output(stem + ".tex");
- pair min=pic.min();
- real depth = min.y;
- real xoffset = min.x;
- if(xalign) {
- write(tf, "\makebox[0pt][l]{\kern");
- write(tf, xoffset);
- write(tf, "bp\relax");
- }
- write(tf, "\raisebox{");
- write(tf, depth);
- write(tf, "bp}{"+includegraphicscommand+"{");
- write(tf, stem);
- string suffix="."+nativeformat();
- if(appendsuffix)
- write(tf, suffix);
- write(tf, "}}");
- if(xalign)
- write(tf, "}");
- close(tf);
- shipout(stem+suffix, pic);