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- <div class="chapter">
- <div class="titlepage">
- <div>
- <h2 class="title"><a id="chap.commercialtex"
- name="chap.commercialtex"></a>Chapter&#160;14.&#160;Commercial
- Environments</h2>
- </div>
- <div>
- <p class="releaseinfo">$Revision: 1.1 $</p>
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- <div>
- <p class="pubdate">$Date: 2002/08/23 14:31:13 $</p>
- </div>
- <hr class="component-separator" />
- </div>
- <p>There are several commercial versions<a id="id2924356"
- class="indexterm" name="id2924356"></a> of TeX on the market.
- The advantage of commercial programs over free ones is that
- they provide an automated installation procedure and some
- level of technical support. There's no reason to believe that
- a commercial implementation of TeX is necessarily better than
- a free one (or vice versa, for that matter) because the
- source code for TeX is in the public domain.</p>
- <p>The following sections highlight several commercial
- implementations of TeX.</p>
- <div class="section">
- <div class="titlepage">
- <div>
- <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a
- id="" name=""></a>µTeX by
- ArborText</h2>
- </div>
- </div>
- <p>ArborText<a id="id2924394" class="indexterm"
- name="id2924394"></a> sells µTeX<a id="id2924249"
- class="indexterm" name="id2924249"></a> for MS-DOS<a
- id="id2924260" class="indexterm" name="id2924260"></a>
- systems as well as an implementation of TeX for unix
- workstations. The ArborText previewer and DVI driver
- software are also available for both unix and MS-DOS
- systems. The following discussion is based on experiences
- with µTeX version 3.14B, the MS-DOS implementation of
- ArborText's TeX package.</p>
- <p>The µTeX package is a complete TeX implementation for
- MS-DOS. The additional utilities, <b>PLtoTF</b><a
- id="id2924296" class="indexterm" name="id2924296"></a>,
- <b>TFtoPL</b><a id="id2924310" class="indexterm"
- name="id2924310"></a>, and BibTeX<a id="id2924318"
- class="indexterm" name="id2924318"></a>, are also included.
- Neither MetaFont nor <b>MakeIndex</b> is provided.</p>
- <p>The default installation of µTeX creates format files
- for Plain TeX and LaTeX. To be as fast as possible, µTeX
- creates executable versions of TeX for each of these
- formats; these versions have the appropriate macro packages
- preloaded into the executable. You can use the standard
- notation to load alternate macro packages if you wish to
- save disk space.</p>
- <p>ArborText includes a lot of support for using TeX for
- non-English documents<a id="id2931362" class="indexterm"
- name="id2931362"></a>. Several files of international
- hyphenation patterns (English, French<a id="id2931375"
- class="indexterm" name="id2931375"></a>, German<a
- id="id2931383" class="indexterm" name="id2931383"></a>,
- Dutch<a id="id2931392" class="indexterm"
- name="id2931392"></a>, and Portuguese<a id="id2931400"
- class="indexterm" name="id2931400"></a>) are provided, as
- well as reprints of the TUGboat articles describing new
- features of TeX version 3.0 and virtual fonts.</p>
- <p>Designed for an MS-DOS environment having only limited
- memory, µTeX uses a swap file (potentially located in EMS<a
- id="id2931415" class="indexterm" name="id2931415"></a> or
- XMS memory<a id="id2931426" class="indexterm"
- name="id2931426"></a>) to process large files. Several
- environment variables can be used to alter the size of
- internal TeX data structures when a new format is being
- produced. In terms of big and small versions, µTeX can be
- configured either way. These choices are made when you
- create the format file however, so you will need to use
- iniTeX<a id="id2931434" class="indexterm"
- name="id2931434"></a> (included with µTeX) to make a
- &#8220;bigger&#8221; TeX.</p>
- <p>One of the most interesting features of µTeX is a
- quick-and-dirty preview mode provided by the TeX
- executable. After at least one page of your document has
- been processed, you can switch to a preview mode and see
- what the page looks like while TeX continues processing
- your document. This previewer is not particularly
- attractive, but it's quick and easy to use. No other
- previewer is provided. ArborText sells a fully functional
- previewer as a separate package.</p>
- <p>To print your documents, you must purchase or obtain a
- DVI driver separately. ArborText sells two drivers, one for
- HP LaserJet printers and another for PostScript printers.
- The µTeX distribution includes a complete set of
- <tt>TFM</tt> files, but it does not include any <tt>PK</tt>
- files.</p>
- <p>The ArborText previewer is summarized in the section
- called &#8220;<a href="ch09.html#sec.arb.preview"
- title="TeX Preview">the section called &#8220;TeX
- Preview&#8221;</a>&#8221; in Chapter&#160;<a
- href="ch09.html"
- title="Chapter&#160;9.&#160;Previewing">Chapter&#160;9</a>,
- <span class="emphasis"><em><a href="ch09.html"
- title="Chapter&#160;9.&#160;Previewing">Chapter&#160;9</a></em></span>.
- The ArborText printer drivers, <b>DVILASER/HP</b><a
- id="id2931542" class="indexterm" name="id2931542"></a> and
- <b>DVILASER/PS</b><a id="id2931556" class="indexterm"
- name="id2931556"></a>, are described in Chapter&#160;<a
- href="ch08.html"
- title="Chapter&#160;8.&#160;Printing">Chapter&#160;8</a>,
- <span class="emphasis"><em><a href="ch08.html"
- title="Chapter&#160;8.&#160;Printing">Chapter&#160;8</a></em></span>.</p>
- </div>
- <div class="section">
- <div class="titlepage">
- <div>
- <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="id2931589"
- name="id2931589"></a>\yyTeX</h2>
- </div>
- </div>
- <p>\yyTeX<a id="id2931596" class="indexterm"
- name="id2931596"></a> is an MS-DOS<a id="id2931608"
- class="indexterm" name="id2931608"></a> implementation of
- TeX by Y&amp;Y Inc.<a id="id2931622" class="indexterm"
- name="id2931622"></a> (a 386 or higher processor is
- required). \yyTeX is sold as a bundled package with
- <b>DVIWindo</b><a id="id2931641" class="indexterm"
- name="id2931641"></a>, <b>dvipsone</b><a id="id2931655"
- class="indexterm" name="id2931655"></a>,<sup>[<a
- id="id2931663" name="id2931663"
- href="#ftn.id2931663">126</a>]</sup> and a set of
- PostScript fonts (either the Computer Modern fonts, the
- Lucida Bright and Lucida New Math fonts, or the MathTime
- fonts). The installation provides format files for Plain
- TeX and LaTeX.</p>
- <p>\yyTeX stands out among TeX systems because of its
- memory management. Unlike other TeX systems, which exist in
- big and small versions, all of \yyTeX's memory management
- is dynamic. All of the buffers that TeX uses (main memory,
- font memory, string memory, etc.) will expand to meet the
- needs of the most complex documents you create. The memory
- required for hyphenation patterns is dynamically allocated
- as well, which means that you can construct multilingual
- formats with as many sets of hyphenation patterns as you
- need (multilingual formats are discussed in more detail in
- Chapter&#160;<a href="ch07.html"
- title="Chapter&#160;7.&#160;International Considerations">Chapter&#160;7</a>,
- <span class="emphasis"><em><a href="ch07.html"
- title="Chapter&#160;7.&#160;International Considerations">Chapter&#160;7</a></em></span>).
- The advantage of dynamic memory management over a fast and
- big TeX is that \yyTeX starts out small (big TeXs reserve a
- large fixed amount of memory even when processing simple
- jobs that don't require very much). In a multitasking
- environment where several programs are competing for
- memory, one large program can slow the progress of the
- entire system. \yyTeX's memory manager supports XMS<a
- id="id2931742" class="indexterm" name="id2931742"></a>,
- VCPI<a id="id2931757" class="indexterm"
- name="id2931757"></a>, and DPMI<a id="id2931765"
- class="indexterm" name="id2931765"></a>. This means that it
- can run under MS-DOS with any of the common memory managers
- and under Windows, Windows NT, and DOS sessions in OS/2<a
- id="id2931776" class="indexterm" name="id2931776"></a><a
- id="id2931789" class="indexterm" name="id2931789"></a><a
- id="id2931802" class="indexterm" name="id2931802"></a>.</p>
- <p>\yyTeX has a couple of additional strengths for
- multilingual use: it supports customizable input character
- translation and more than 255 internal font numbers. Most
- versions of TeX only support a maximum of 255 fonts in any
- single document.</p>
- </div>
- <div class="section">
- <div class="titlepage">
- <div>
- <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="id2931820"
- name="id2931820"></a>Textures</h2>
- </div>
- </div>
- <p><b>Textures</b><a id="id2931838" class="indexterm"
- name="id2931838"></a> is a commercial implementation of TeX
- for the Macintosh<a id="id2931846" class="indexterm"
- name="id2931846"></a> distributed by Blue Sky Research<a
- id="id2931862" class="indexterm" name="id2931862"></a>. It
- is described fully in Chapter&#160;<a href="ch15.html"
- title="Chapter&#160;15.&#160;TeX on the Macintosh">Chapter&#160;15</a>,
- <span class="emphasis"><em><a href="ch15.html"
- title="Chapter&#160;15.&#160;TeX on the Macintosh">Chapter&#160;15</a></em></span>.</p>
- </div>
- <div class="section">
- <div class="titlepage">
- <div>
- <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="id2931894"
- name="id2931894"></a>TurboTeX</h2>
- </div>
- </div>
- <p>TurboTeX<a id="id2931902" class="indexterm"
- name="id2931902"></a> is a complete TeX system for MS-DOS<a
- id="id2931914" class="indexterm" name="id2931914"></a><a
- id="id2931927" class="indexterm" name="id2931927"></a> with
- full support for Microsoft Windows. It is distributed by
- the Kinch Computer Company<a id="id2931943"
- class="indexterm" name="id2931943"></a>. The programs
- included in TurboTeX version 3.0 are shown in Table&#160;<a
- href="ch14.html#tab.turbotex"
- title="Table&#160;14.1.&#160;TurboTeX Programs">Table&#160;14.1</a>.
- The <b>dvideo</b> and <b>wdviwin</b> previewers are
- described in Chapter&#160;<a href="ch09.html"
- title="Chapter&#160;9.&#160;Previewing">Chapter&#160;9</a>.</p>
- <div class="table">
- <a id="tab.turbotex" name="tab.turbotex"></a>
- <p class="title"><b>Table&#160;14.1.&#160;TurboTeX
- Programs</b></p>
- <table summary="TurboTeX Programs" border="1">
- <colgroup>
- <col />
- <col />
- </colgroup>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>Program</th>
- <th>Description</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>dvialw</tt><sup>[<a id="tab.turbotex.ftn"
- name="tab.turbotex.ftn"
- href="">a</a>]</sup></td>
- <td>A PostScript DVI driver</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>dvideo</tt></td>
- <td>An EGA (non-Windows) previewer</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>wdviwin</tt></td>
- <td>A Windows previewer</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>dvielq</tt><sup>[<a
- href="">a</a>]</sup></td>
- <td>An Epson LQ driver</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>dvieps</tt><sup>[<a
- href="">a</a>]</sup></td>
- <td>An Epson/IBM graphics printer driver</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>dvijep</tt><sup>[<a
- href="">a</a>]</sup></td>
- <td>An HP LaserJet PLus/Series II driver</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>dvijet</tt><sup>[<a
- href="">a</a>]</sup></td>
- <td>An HP LaserJet/DeskJet driver</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>dvilj4</tt><sup>[<a
- href="">a</a>]</sup></td>
- <td>An HP LaserJet 4 driver</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>initex</tt><sup>[<a
- href="">a</a>]</sup></td>
- <td>iniTeX for building new format files</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>latex</tt><sup>[<a
- href="">a</a>]</sup></td>
- <td>TeX with the LaTeX format preloaded</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>tex</tt><sup>[<a
- href="">a</a>]</sup></td>
- <td>TeX with the Plain format preloaded</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>texidx</tt></td>
- <td>The GNU TeX indexing program</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>tif2hp</tt></td>
- <td>Converts TIFF bitmapped graphics to HP LaserJet
- bitmaps</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><tt>virtex</tt><sup>[<a
- href="">a</a>]</sup></td>
- <td>TeX with no format preloaded</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- <tbody class="footnotes">
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- <div class="footnote">
- <p><sup>[<a id=""
- name=""
- href="#tab.turbotex.ftn">a</a>]</sup> Windows
- version included.</p>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </div>
- <p>The Microsoft Windows version of TurboTeX is a superset
- of the DOS version (you must install both, but you can
- delete the non-Windows executable programs that have
- Windows versions, if you wish).</p>
- <p>TurboTeX includes a complete MetaFont distribution. In
- addition to the programs shown in Table&#160;<a
- href="ch14.html#tab.turbomf"
- title="Table&#160;14.2.&#160;Turbo\protect\TeX \protect\MF Programs">
- Table&#160;14.2</a>, the complete sources for the Computer
- Modern, LaTeX, and \AmS-fonts are also provided.</p>
- <div class="table">
- <a id="tab.turbomf" name="tab.turbomf"></a>
- <p class="title">
- <b>Table&#160;14.2.&#160;Turbo\protect\TeX \protect\MF
- Programs</b></p>
- <table summary="Turbo\protect\TeX \protect\MF Programs"
- border="1">
- <colgroup>
- <col align="left" />
- <col align="left" />
- </colgroup>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th align="left">\bf Program</th>
- <th align="left">\bf Description</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td align="left">\it gftodvi\x</td>
- <td align="left">Creates proof sheets of MetaFont
- characters</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="left">\it inimf</td>
- <td align="left">MetaFont with no base file
- preloaded</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="left">\it mfscript</td>
- <td align="left">A script generator (for building
- multiple fonts)</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="left">\it mfcga</td>
- <td align="left">MetaFont for CGA displays</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="left">\it mfhga</td>
- <td align="left">MetaFont for Hercules
- displays</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="left">\it gftopk\x</td>
- <td align="left">Converts <tt>GF</tt> files to
- <tt>PK</tt> files</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </div>
- <p>At the time of this writing, a new version of TurboTeX
- is actively being developed. Unfortunately, it was not
- available for review in time for this edition of <span
- class="emphasis"><em>Making TeX Work</em></span>. The Kinch
- Computer Company claims that the next release will include
- a big TeX running under Windows 3.1/Win32s and Windows NT
- as a native, protected-mode 32-bit application. A new
- Windows previewer will also be available, and it takes
- advantage of Windows &#8220;multiple document
- interface&#8221; to preview multiple documents in the same
- session. Kinch will also provide a set of the standard
- Computer Modern Fonts in TrueType and Type 1 formats.</p>
- </div>
- <div class="section">
- <div class="titlepage">
- <div>
- <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="sec.pctex"
- name="sec.pctex"></a>PCTeX</h2>
- </div>
- </div>
- <p>PCTeX<a id="id2932539" class="indexterm"
- name="id2932539"></a> is a complete TeX system for MS-DOS<a
- id="id2932551" class="indexterm" name="id2932551"></a>
- distributed by Personal TeX, Inc.<a id="id2932565"
- class="indexterm" name="id2932565"></a> It is one of two
- offerings from PTI. The version for Windows is described
- later in this chapter.</p>
- <p>PCTeX is sold in two configurations. The PCTeX Starter
- System includes the latest releases of PCTeX and
- PCTeX/386<a id="id2932582" class="indexterm"
- name="id2932582"></a>, <b>PTI View</b><a id="id2932607"
- class="indexterm" name="id2932607"></a> (for previewing),
- one printer driver with the appropriate Computer Modern
- fonts in <tt>PK</tt> format, <span
- class="emphasis"><em>LaTeX For
- Everyone</em></span>&#160;[<a
- href="bi01.html#jh:latexforeveryone">jh:latexforeveryone</a>],
- and the sources for Plain TeX, LaTeX, and AMSTeX. The PCTeX
- Laser System includes Big PCTeX/386, LaserJet, LaserJet 4,
- PostScript and DeskJet printer drivers (along with a
- complete set of Computer Modern fonts in <tt>PK</tt> format
- at 300dpi and 600dpi), and the <span
- class="emphasis"><em>PC TeX Manual</em></span>, in addition
- to everything contained in the Starter System.</p>
- <p>The discussion that follows is based on experiences with
- the PCTeX Starter System with PCTeX version 3.14 and the
- <b>PTI Laser/HP</b> DVI driver.</p>
- <p>In addition to the TeX executables and macro packages
- mentioned above, PCTeX includes these standard TeX
- utilities: BibTeX<a id="id2932675" class="indexterm"
- name="id2932675"></a>, <b>PLtoTF</b><a id="id2932694"
- class="indexterm" name="id2932694"></a>, <b>TFtoPL</b><a
- id="id2932708" class="indexterm" name="id2932708"></a>,
- <b>PXtoPK</b><a id="id2932722" class="indexterm"
- name="id2932722"></a>, and <b>PKtoPX</b><a id="id2932735"
- class="indexterm" name="id2932735"></a>. It does not
- include any of the other standard utilities or the
- <b>MakeIndex</b> processor. MetaFont is available as a
- separate package (although it is being discontinued, so it
- may not be available for long).</p>
- <p>Several additional features make PCTeX an attractive
- commercial alternative:</p>
- <div class="itemizedlist">
- <ul type="disc">
- <li>
- <p>It uses a text-based &#8220;menu system&#8221; for
- processing documents. This program makes the
- edit/format/preview cycle a simple matter of
- selecting the appropriate menu item. Figure&#160;<a
- href="ch14.html#fig.pcmenu"
- title="Figure&#160;14.1.&#160;The PCTeX menu system">Figure&#160;14.1</a>
- shows this system in use.</p>
- <div class="figure">
- <a id="fig.pcmenu" name="fig.pcmenu"></a>
- <p class="title"><b>Figure&#160;14.1.&#160;The
- PCTeX menu system</b></p>
-<pre class="screen">
- </div>
- </li>
- <li>
- <p>Support is provided for Bitstream fonts<a
- id="id2932819" class="indexterm"
- name="id2932819"></a>. Bitstream<a id="id2932830"
- class="indexterm" name="id2932830"></a> is a vendor
- of high-quality scalable typefaces. The utilities
- included with PCTeX allow you to create <tt>TFM</tt>
- and <tt>PK</tt> files from Bitstream compressed
- outline fonts.</p>
- </li>
- <li>
- <p>If you prepare multilingual documents, you'll
- appreciate the attention they receive in the PCTeX
- documentation. Although the ability to compose
- multilingual documents is really a feature of TeX
- version 3, not PCTeX in particular, PTI provides
- step-by-step instructions for building a multilingual
- format file. Support files for English, French<a
- id="id2932869" class="indexterm"
- name="id2932869"></a>, and Spanish<a id="id2932885"
- class="indexterm" name="id2932885"></a> are
- included.</p>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <p>PTI's previewer, <b>PTI View</b>, is described in
- Chapter&#160;<a href="ch09.html"
- title="Chapter&#160;9.&#160;Previewing">Chapter&#160;9</a>,
- <span class="emphasis"><em><a href="ch09.html"
- title="Chapter&#160;9.&#160;Previewing">Chapter&#160;9</a></em></span>.
- The <b>PTI Laser/HP</b> and <b>PTI Laser/PS</b> printer
- drivers are discussed in Chapter&#160;<a href="ch08.html"
- title="Chapter&#160;8.&#160;Printing">Chapter&#160;8</a>,
- <span class="emphasis"><em><a href="ch08.html"
- title="Chapter&#160;8.&#160;Printing">Chapter&#160;8</a></em></span>.
- Drivers for DeskJet and Epson printers are also
- available.</p>
- </div>
- <div class="section">
- <div class="titlepage">
- <div>
- <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a
- id="sec.pctexforwin" name="sec.pctexforwin"></a>PCTeX
- For Windows</h2>
- </div>
- </div>
- <p>PCTeX For Windows<a id="id2932979" class="indexterm"
- name="id2932979"></a><a id="id2932991" class="indexterm"
- name="id2932991"></a> is a new offering from Personal TeX,
- Inc.<a id="id2933006" class="indexterm"
- name="id2933006"></a> PCTeX For Windows is a superset of
- Personal TeX's MS-DOS version of PCTeX.</p>
- <p>This version of PCTeX is an integrated system with a
- built-in editor (with complete on-line help), previewer,
- and push-button access to PCTeX for composing your
- documents. Figure&#160;<a href="ch14.html#fig.wpctex"
- title="Figure&#160;14.2.&#160;PCTeX For Windows editing and previewing a LaTeX document">
- Figure&#160;14.2</a> shows PCTeX For Windows in action.</p>
- <div class="figure">
- <a id="fig.wpctex" name="fig.wpctex"></a>
- <p class="title"><b>Figure&#160;14.2.&#160;PCTeX For
- Windows editing and previewing a LaTeX document</b></p>
-<pre class="screen">
- </div>
- <p><b>PCTeX For Windows</b> includes a complete set of
- Computer Modern and \AmS fonts in scalable TrueType format.
- This allows PCTeX to print directly to any printer (or
- other device) supported by Microsoft Windows. To provide
- better access to other TrueType fonts that you may have
- installed, PCTeX includes a <tt>TFM</tt> generator for
- TrueType fonts. This generator is shown in Figure&#160;<a
- href="ch14.html#fig.wpctextttotf"
- title="Figure&#160;14.3.&#160;PCTeX For Windows TrueType font metric builder">
- Figure&#160;14.3</a>.</p>
- <div class="figure">
- <a id="fig.wpctextttotf" name="fig.wpctextttotf"></a>
- <p class="title"><b>Figure&#160;14.3.&#160;PCTeX For
- Windows TrueType font metric builder</b></p>
-<pre class="screen">
- </div>
- <p>Except for the <b>PXtoPK</b> and <b>PKtoPX</b>
- utilities, <b>PCTeX For Windows</b> has all of the features
- of the MS-DOS version of PCTeX.</p>
- </div>
- <div class="section">
- <div class="titlepage">
- <div>
- <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="id2933148"
- name="id2933148"></a>Scientific Word</h2>
- </div>
- </div>
- <p><b>Scientific Word</b><a id="id2933161"
- class="indexterm" name="id2933161"></a>, a commercial
- package from TCI Software Research<a id="id2933174"
- class="indexterm" name="id2933174"></a>, bridges the gap
- between TeX and word processing by providing a more or less
- WYSIWYG interface on top of TeX. <b>Scientific Word</b>
- requires Microsoft Windows<a id="id2933192"
- class="indexterm" name="id2933192"></a>. Figure&#160;<a
- href="ch14.html#fig.sciword"
- title="Figure&#160;14.4.&#160;Editing a document with Scientific Word ">
- Figure&#160;14.4</a> shows a sample document being edited
- by <b>Scientific Word</b>.</p>
- <div class="figure">
- <a id="fig.sciword" name="fig.sciword"></a>
- <p class="title"><b>Figure&#160;14.4.&#160;Editing a
- document with Scientific Word</b></p>
-<pre class="screen">
- </div>
- <p><b>Scientific Word</b> is a powerful program that might
- prove to be invaluable in some circumstances. An ideal
- candidate for <b>Scientific Word</b> is someone with little
- or no desire to learn TeX, but who wants professional
- quality output for documents containing a lot of
- mathematics. <b>Scientific Word</b> is not simply a fast,
- interactive previewer; it really is a visual editor that
- produces TeX code behind the scenes. You enter document
- elements (even complex elements like mathematics) in an
- interactive push-button fashion, and <b>Scientific Word</b>
- translates it into the appropriate LaTeX input. This is
- very different from Blue Sky Research's <b>Textures</b>
- where the user types in TeX but has nearly instantaneous
- feedback.</p>
- <p>Unfortunately, the complexity of TeX vastly exceeds
- <b>Scientific Word's</b> ability to act as a visual editor,
- and this leads to a number of potentially confusing
- discrepancies. For example, in a TeX document, the
- \parindent and \parskip control sequences control the
- indentation of the first line of a paragraph and the
- distance between paragraphs. In <b>Scientific Word</b>, the
- on-screen appearance of the document is controlled
- separately. This difference is apparent in Figure&#160;<a
- href="ch14.html#fig.sciword"
- title="Figure&#160;14.4.&#160;Editing a document with Scientific Word ">
- Figure&#160;14.4</a>, where the paragraphs appear to be
- indented with no additional space between them, and
- Figure&#160;<a href="ch14.html#fig.commercial.swpreview"
- title="Figure&#160;14.5.&#160;Preview of the Scientific Word document shown in Figure ">
- Figure&#160;14.5</a> (the same document shown in the
- previewer) where the paragraphs are not indented but have
- additional space between them.</p>
- <p>These discrepancies arise because <b>Scientific Word</b>
- was designed with the same philosophy as LaTeX: separation
- of content and form. The purpose of the <b>Scientific
- Word</b> editor is to allow you to organize your thoughts
- and perfect the content of your document. It is the job of
- LaTeX, in conjunction with the document style options that
- you select, to perfect the appearance of your document. The
- display shown in Figure&#160;<a
- href="ch14.html#fig.sciword"
- title="Figure&#160;14.4.&#160;Editing a document with Scientific Word ">
- Figure&#160;14.4</a> is not incorrect in any way, it just
- isn't WYSIWYG. TCI Research claims that &#8220;by going
- beyond WYSIWYG, <b>Scientific Word</b> allows you to focus
- on the creative process&#160;$&#8230;$ and not the layout
- commands necessary to typeset [your document].&#8221;</p>
- <div class="figure">
- <a id="fig.commercial.swpreview"
- name="fig.commercial.swpreview"></a>
- <p class="title"><b>Figure&#160;14.5.&#160;Preview of the
- Scientific Word document shown in Figure <a
- href="ch14.html#fig.sciword"
- title="Figure&#160;14.4.&#160;Editing a document with Scientific Word ">
- Figure&#160;14.4</a></b></p>
-<pre class="screen">
- </div>
- <p>When <b>Scientific Word</b> encounters TeX code that it
- does not understand, it leaves a labelled grey box in the
- display (you can see two such boxes above the chapter title
- &#8220;Unsolved Problems&#8221; in Figure&#160;<a
- href="ch14.html#fig.sciword"
- title="Figure&#160;14.4.&#160;Editing a document with Scientific Word ">
- Figure&#160;14.4</a>).<sup>[<a id="id2933466"
- name="id2933466" href="#ftn.id2933466">127</a>]</sup> This
- means that you can edit all of the TeX code in your
- document from within <b>Scientific Word</b>, and small
- amounts of customization do not require abandoning the
- program. The <b>Scientific Word</b> technical reference,
- included online with the program, describes how you can
- tailor <b>Scientific Word</b> to recognize many of your
- customizations.</p>
- <p>Behind the scenes, <b>Scientific Word</b> documents are
- processed by a full-fledged TeX processor (TurboTeX<a
- id="id2933511" class="indexterm" name="id2933511"></a> by
- the Kinch Computer Company<a id="id2933524"
- class="indexterm" name="id2933524"></a>). This includes
- integrated document formatting and previewing under
- Windows. Starting with version 1.1 of <b>Scientific
- Word</b>, instructions are included to switch to a
- different version of TeX, or different previewers and DVI
- drivers, if you prefer.</p>
- </div>
- <div class="footnotes">
- <br />
- <hr width="100" align="left" />
- <div class="footnote">
- <p><sup>[<a id="ftn.id2931663" name="ftn.id2931663"
- href="#id2931663">126</a>]</sup> {<b>DVIWindo</b> is
- described in Chapter&#160;<a href="ch09.html"
- title="Chapter&#160;9.&#160;Previewing">Chapter&#160;9</a>,
- and <b>dvipsone</b> is described in Chapter&#160;<a
- href="ch08.html"
- title="Chapter&#160;8.&#160;Printing">Chapter&#160;8</a>.}</p>
- </div>
- <div class="footnote">
- <p><sup>[<a id="ftn.id2933466" name="ftn.id2933466"
- href="#id2933466">127</a>]</sup> {I forced the issue of
- unrecognized control sequences by inserting \parskip and
- \parindent control sequences into the body of the
- document. They really belong in a document style
- option.}</p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
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