path: root/Master/texmf-doc/doc/english/help/usergrps.html
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-<!-- $Id: usergroups.html,v 1.121 2003/08/25 10:17:19 kaja Exp $ -->
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<title>All TeX User Groups</title>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="/tugstyle.css">
-<h2>All TeX User Groups</h2>
-<p>The TeX Users Group itself (contact info below) serves as the local
-user group (LUG) of TeX users in North America and any other area not
-appearing in the following list. TUG is always interested in fostering
-the formation of local TeX users groups; please contact the <a
-href="">TUG board</a> for assistance: forwarding
-information about others who might be interested, publicity, and of
-course moral support.
-<p><b>Please send additions or corrections by email to
-<a href=""><tt></tt></a>.</b>
-<p>See also the <a href="">Electronic LUG
-database</a> for more information, and the TeX calendar
-(<a href="">month view</a>,
-<a href="">year view</a>) for user
-group activities.
-<dt><a href="">
- <b>AsTEX </b></a> (French-speaking)<br>
- <dd>Michel Lavaud, President<br>
- Association pour la diffusion de logiciels scientifiques li&eacute;s TeX<br>
- Association AsTEX<br>
- BP 6532<br>
- 45066 ORLEANS cedex 2<br>
- FRANCE<br>
- Tel: 33 2 38 64 09 94<br>
- Email: <A href=""><tt></tt></A><br>
- Mailing list: <a href=""><tt></tt></a>
-<dt><a href="">
- <b>CervanTeX</b></a> (Spanish-speaking).<br>
- <DD>Javier Bezos, President: <br>
- Grupo de Usuarios de TeX Hispanohablantes<br>
- Email: <a href="">
- Mailing list:
- <a href=""></a>.<p></dd>
-<dt><a href="">
- <B> Chinese TeX Users Group</B></a><br>
- <DD>Hong Feng, Chairman<br>
- RON's Datacom Co., Ltd. <br>
- Suite 3-3, 200 WuZhong Street,<br>
- Wuhan, Hubei Province<br>
- 430040 China P.R.<br>
- Phone/Fax: +86 27 83222108<br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt> </a><p></dd>
-<dt><a href="">
- <b>CsTUG</b></a> (Czech and Slovak Republics) <br>
- <dd>Petr Sojka, President<br>
- Ceskoslovensk&eacute; sdruzen&iacute; uzivatelu TeXu <br>
- CsTUG, c/o FI MU <br>
- Botanick&aacute; 68a <br>
- CZ-602 00 Brno <br>
- Tel: +420-5-41212352<br>
- FAX: +420-5-41212568<br>
- Email: <a href=""><tt></tt></a><br>
- FTP: <tt><a href=""></a></tt><p> </dd>
-<dt><a href="">
- <b>CyrTUG</b></a> (Russia)
- <dd>Eugenii V. Pankratiev, President<br>
- CyrTUG, c/o Mir Publishers<br>
- 2 Pervyi Rizhskii Pereulok<br>
- Moscow, 129820, Russia<br>
- Phone: (095) 286 0622<br>
- Fax: (095) 288 9522<br>
- Email: <a href=""></a>
- or <a href=""></a>
- <p></dd>
-<dt><a href="">
- <b>DANTE</b></a> (German-speaking)
- <dd>Volker Schaa, President <br>
- Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V. <br>
- Postfach 101840 <br>
- D-69008 Heidelberg, Germany <br>
- Tel: +49 6221 29766 <br>
- FAX: +49 6221 167906 <br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><p></dd>
-<dt><a href="">
- <b>DK-TUG</b></a> (Danish TeX Users Group)
- <dd>Kaja Christiansen, President<br>
- DK-TUG, Department of Mathematical Sciences<br>
- University of Aarhus, Ny Munkegade, Bldg 530<br>
- DK-8000 Århus C., Denmark<br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><br>
- Mailing list:
- <a href=""><tt></tt></a><p></dd>
-<dt><b>Estonian User Group</b>
- <dd>Astrophysical Observatory, Toravere <br>
- Enn Saar, Tartu <br>
- EE 2444 Estonia <br>
- Email: <a href="mailto:">
- <tt></tt></a><p></dd>
-<dt><a href="">
-<img src="greek-img.jpg" alt="Greek TeX Friends"
- align="left" hspace="5">The Greek TeX Friends Group</a>
- <dd>Apostolos Syropoulos, President <br>
- 366, 28th October Str.<br>
- GR-671 00 Xanthi<br>
- GREECE<br>
- Telephone: Tel.:+30 541 28704<br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><p></dd>
-<dt><a href="">
-<b>GUTpt</b></a> (Portugal)
- <dd>Pedro Quaresma de Almeida, President <br>
- Grupo de Utilizadores de TeX<br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><p></dd>
-<dt><a href="">
-<b>GuIT</b></a> (Italy)
- <dd>Gruppo Utilizzatori Italiani TeX<br>
- For information, contact <br>
- Maurizio Himmelmann <br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><p></dd>
-<dt><a href="">
-<b>GUST</b></a> (Poland)
- <dd>Andrzej Borzyszkowski, President<br>
- Polska Grupa Uzytkownik&oacute;w Systemu TeX <br>
- Uczelniane Centrum Informatyczne<br>
- Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika<br>
- ul. Gagarina 7<br>
- 87 - 100 Torun, Poland <br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><br>
- <a href="">
- Mailing list: <a href="">
-<dt><a href="">
-<b>GUTenberg</b> </a> (French-speaking)
- <dd>Maurice Laugier, President <br>
- Group francophone des Utilisateurs de TeX <br>
- Association GUTenberg <br>
- c/o Irisa, Campus universitaire de Beaulieu<br>
- F-35042 Rennes cedex, France<br>
- Tel: +33 1 30 87 06 25<br>
- FAX: +33 1 30 87 06 25<br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><p></dd>
-<dt><b>ITALIC</b> (Irish)
- <dd>No formal user group yet.<br>
- Public mailing list:
- <a href="">
- <tt></tt> </a><br>
- (send subscription requests
- to <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a>).<br>
- Peter Flynn<br>
- Computer Centre<br>
- University College<br>
- Cork, Ireland<br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><p></dd>
-<dt><a href="" target="_top">
-<b>KTUG</b></a> (Korean TeX Users Group)<br>
-<dd><a href="">Kim Kangsu, Director</a><br>
-Email: <a href="">
-<dt><a href="">
- <b>Lietovos TeX'o Vartotoj&oslash; Grup&euml;</b></a>
- (Lithuanian TeX Users Group)
- <dd>Vytas Statulevicius, Chair<br>
- Akademijos 4<br>
- LT-2600 Vilnius, Lithuania<br>
- Tel: +370 2 359 609<br>
- FAX: +370 2 359 804<br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><p></dd>
-<dt><a href="">
- <b>Magyar TeX Egyes&uuml;let</b></a> (Hungarian TeX Users Group)
- <dd>Antal J&aacute;rai, President<br>
- <dd>Contact address:<br>
- <dd>Gy&ouml;ngyi Bujdos&oacute;<br>
- <dd>University of Debrecen<br>
- <dd>H-4010 Debrecen, P.O.B. 12<br>
- <dd>Hungary<br>
-Email: <a href=""><tt></tt></a>
-<dt> <a href="">
- <b>Nordic TeX Group</b></a> (Scandinavian Countries)
- <dd>Dag Langmyhr, Chair <br>
- Department of Informatics<br>
- PO Box 1080 Blindern<br>
- University of Oslo<br>
- N-0316 Oslo, Norway<br>
- Tel: +47 22 85 24 50<br>
- FAX: +47 22 85 24 01<br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><p></dd>
-<dt><a href="">
-<b>NTG</b> </a> (Dutch-speaking)
- <dd>Hans Hagen, Chair <br>
- Nederlandstalige TeX Gebruikersgroep <br>
- Utrechtsestraatweg 64<br>
- NL-3445 AV Woerden<br>
- The Netherlands, <br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><p></dd>
-<dt> <a href="">
-<b>TeXCeH</b> </a> (Slovenian TeX User Group)
- <dd>Vladimir Batagelj<br>
- Jadranska 19<br>
- SI-61111 Ljubljana, Slovenia<br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><p></dd>
-<dt><a href="">
- <b>TeX M&eacute;xico</b></a> (Mexican TeX User Group)
- <dd> Cuauht&eacute;moc Pacheco D&iacute;az (TeX Mexico coordinator)<br>
- Rayon No. 523, Centro CP 58000<br>
- Morelia, Michoac&#225;n, Mexico<br>
- Tel: +52 443 312-8724 / Fax: +52 443 317-3945<br>
- Email: <a href="">
- URL: <a href="" target="_top"></a><p>
-<dt> <a href="">
- <b>Tirant lo TeX</b> </a> (Catalan TeX Users Group)
- <dd> Gabriel Valiente Feruglio<br>
- Technical University of Catalonia<br>
- Department of Software<br>
- M&ograve;dul C6, Campus Nord<br>
- Jordi Girona Salgado, 1-3<br>
- E-08034 Barcelona, Catalonia<br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><br>
- discussion list:
- <a href="">
- <tt></tt> </a><br>
- (send subscription requests
- to <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a>).<p></dd>
-<dt> <a href="">
- <b>TUG</b></a> (International TeX users group, LUG for TeX users not
- covered by some other group)
- <dd>Mimi Jett, President <br>
- TeX Users Group <br>
- 1466 NW Naito Parkway, Suite 3141<br>
- Portland, OR 97209, U.S.A.<br>
- Tel: +1-503-223-9994<br>
- FAX: +1-503-223-3960<br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><p></dd>
-<dt><a href="" target="_top">
- <b>TUGIndia</b></a> (Indian TeX Users Group)
-<dd> Prof. (Dr.) K. S. S. Nambooripad, Chairman<br>
- Floor III, SJP Buildings<br>
- Cotton Hills, Trivandrum 695014, India<br>
- Tel: +91 471 33 7501<br>
- Fax. +91 471 33 3186<br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><p></dd>
-<DT><B>TUG-Philippines</B> (Philippines TeX Users Group)
-<dd>Dr. Felix P. Muga II, President<br>
- Mathematics Department<br>
- Ateneo de Manila University<br>
- Loyola Heights, Quezon City<br>
- Tel: (63-2) 426 6001 local 2515<br>
- Fax: (63-2) 426 6008<br>
- Email: <a href=""><tt></tt></a><br>
- <a href=""><tt></tt></a><br>
-<dt><A HREF="">
- <b>UK TUG</b></a> (United Kingdom)
-<dd>R.W.D. Nickalls, Chairman<br>
- For information:<br>
- Simon Dales<br>
- c/o 196 Eccles Old Road,<br>
- Salford<br>
- Manchester<br>
- M6 8AL UK<br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><p>
-<dt><a href="" target="_top">
- <b>Vi&ecirc;tTUG</b></a> (Vietnamese TeX Users Group)
-<dd>Nguy&ecirc;n-&ETH;ai Qu&yacute;<br>
- LTAS-University of Li&egrave;ge<br>
- Rue des Chevreuils, 1, B&acirc;t B52, Local 522B<br>
- B4000, Li&egrave;ge, Belgium<br>
- Tel: +32-4-366.9098 Fax: +32-4-366.9311<br>
- Email: <a href="">
- <tt></tt></a><br>
-<hr><small>$Date: 2003/08/25 10:17:19 $;</small>
-<!-- $Id: footer.html,v 1.7 2003/01/30 16:19:38 karl Exp $ (generic footer) -->
-<a href="">contact webmaster</a>;
-<a href="/contact.html">contact TUG</a>;
-<a href="/index.html">TUG home page</a>.