path: root/Master/texmf-doc/doc/english/FAQ-en/html/FAQ-fixnam.html
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+<title>UK TeX FAQ -- question label fixnam</title>
+<h3>How to change LaTeX's "fixed names"</h3>
+<p>LaTeX document classes define several typographic operations that
+need 'canned text' (text not supplied by the user). In the earliest
+days of LaTeX 2.09 these bits of text were built in to the body of
+LaTeX's macros and were rather difficult to change, but "fixed
+name" macros were introduced for the benefit of those wishing to use
+LaTeX in languages other than English.
+For example, the special section produced by the <code>\</code><code>tableofcontents</code>
+command is always called <code>\</code><code>contentsname</code> (or rather, what
+<code>\</code><code>contentsname</code> is defined to mean).
+Changing the canned text is now one of the easiest customisations a
+user can do to LaTeX.
+<p>The canned text macros are all of the form
+<code>\</code><code>&lt;<i>thing</i>&gt;name</code>, and changing them is simplicity
+itself. Put:
+<code>\</code><code>renewcommand{<code>\</code><code>&lt;<i>thing</i>&gt;name</code>}{Res minor}</code>
+in the preamble of your document, and the job is done.
+(However, beware of the <i>babel</i> package, which requires you to
+use a different mechanism: be sure to check
+<a href="FAQ-latexwords.html">changing <i>babel</i> names</a> if
+you're using it.)
+<p>The names that are defined in the standard LaTeX classes (and the
+<i>makeidex</i> package) are listed
+below. Some of the names are only defined in a subset of the classes
+(and the <i>letter</i> class has a set of names all of its own);
+the list shows the specialisation of each name, where appropriate.
+<p><table rules="groups" border="0" cellpadding="3"><tbody><tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>abstractname</code> <td> Abstract<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>alsoname</code> <td> see also (<i>makeidx</i> package)<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>appendixname</code> <td> Appendix<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>bibname</code> <td> Bibliography (<i>report</i>,<i>book</i>)<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>ccname</code> <td> cc (<i>letter</i>)<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>chaptername</code> <td> Chapter (<i>report</i>,<i>book</i>)<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>contentsname</code> <td> Contents<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>enclname</code> <td> encl (<i>letter</i>)<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>figurename</code> <td> Figure (for captions)<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>headtoname</code> <td> To (<i>letter</i>)<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>indexname</code> <td> Index<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>listfigurename</code> <td> List of Figures<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>listtablename</code> <td> List of Tables<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>pagename</code> <td> Page (<i>letter</i>)<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>partname</code> <td> Part<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>refname</code> <td> References (<i>article</i>)<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>seename</code> <td> see (<i>makeidx</i> package)<tr><td>
+<code>\</code><code>tablename</code> <td> Table (for caption)
+<p><p>This question on the Web: <a href=""></a>