path: root/Master/texmf-doc/doc/english/FAQ-en/CHANGES-3.16b
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-doc/doc/english/FAQ-en/CHANGES-3.16b')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-doc/doc/english/FAQ-en/CHANGES-3.16b b/Master/texmf-doc/doc/english/FAQ-en/CHANGES-3.16b
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--- a/Master/texmf-doc/doc/english/FAQ-en/CHANGES-3.16b
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-Changes in version 3.16c
-This file incorporates the changes from version 3.16 that previously
-appeared in file CHANGES-3.16a and -3.16b; new changes for this
-release (3.16c) are marked with a plus ("+") sign.
-New answer:
- +Label isdef: "is this command defined?" tests
- Label optionclash: clashing package options error in LaTeX
-Revised answers:
- +Label bibprefixsort: two new examples
- +Label citeURL: provide a list (rather than a bunch) of alternative
- styles, mention babelbib
- Label ECfonts: reword discussion of mathematics and EC fonts (i.e.,
- emphasise that there's no direct relation)
- Label filename: extend macro definitions, hopefully expanding the
- usefulness and usability of the answer
- Label hyperdupdest: other sources of the error than repeated pages
- Label minitoc: corrected error in q-minitoc code, tidy comments
- Label minxampl: include the word "minimal", since it's a common search term
- +Label multirow: mention the case of multicolumn-multirow
- Label music: mention Lilypond as a source of TeX-compatible music
- +Label music: correct Web output of package list at end of answer
- +Label oarglikesect: mention kernel command \@dblarg
- Label poster: mention Nicola Talbot's experimental flowfram layout package
- +Label secthead: rewritten accounts of sectsty & titlesec
- Label texinfo: rewritten in parts, following a reader comment
- Label texsystems: miktex installation has changed with v2.5
- Label tutbitslatex: added pointers to TUG-maintained material on fonts
- +Label tutbitslatex: added pointer to Fauske's page on PGF/TikZ
- Label virtualfonts: re-thought through
- +Label watermark: noted that package draftcopy doesn't work with pdflatex,
- +Label watermark: mention draftwatermark
- +Label whatbst: correct link
- Label cmdstar: part of the example code was just wrong
- Label enumerate: unclarity in text caused by a typo
- Bug in "introduction=yes" HTML code corrected
- Label atsigns: mark-up error caused curious HTML output (editorial
- improvement too)
- +Release dates are now represented in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd) --
- previously we used the LaTeX format, using solidus instead of hyphen
-Future releases:
- Despite missing the nominal "end August 2006" delivery (through an
- unfortunate combination of events), I'm aiming to maintain the
- stream of (approximately) monthly "bugfix" releases. There are no
- current plans for a major release, though work on the new web-based
- version continues.
-Robin Fairbairns