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+<title>NTG: MAPS 10 (1993)</title>
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+<h1>NTG's MAPS 10 (1993)</h1>
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+Alle <a href="../maps.html">MAPS</a>-artikelen zijn verkrijgbaar in
+Adobe Acrobat formaat.
+Een Acrobat Reader is gratis verkrijgbaar bij
+<a href="">Adobe</a>.
+<dt class="BOOK" id="maps10"><strong>Gerard van Nes (editor)</strong></dt>
+<em>MAPS 93.1</em>, Dutch/English, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993 (NTG), pp. 1-218<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> NTG, MAPS, Minutes &amp; Appendices<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> NTG's magazine<br>
+<a href="pdf/maps10.pdf">maps10 in PDF</a> (3082 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-1"><strong>Gerard van Nes, Jos Winnink</strong></dt>
+<em>Verslag</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 1-4<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> verslag, ledenvergadering<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Opening;
+ Verslag bijeenkomst 4 juni 1992;
+ Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen;
+ NTG presentaties: `The future of TeX/LaTeX';
+ Rondvraag en Sluiting.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_1.pdf">10-1 in PDF</a> (49 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-2"><strong>anon.</strong></dt>
+<em>TeX kalender, Glossary &amp; Mededelingen</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 5-6<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> kalender, glossary, mededelingen<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_2.pdf">10-2 in PDF</a> (23 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-3"><strong>Gerard van Nes</strong></dt>
+<em>Van uw MAPS Editor; `5 jaar MAPS'</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 7-10<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> MAPS editor, 5 jaar MAPS<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> !!<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_3.pdf">10-3 in PDF</a> (60 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-4"><strong>Kees van der Laan</strong></dt>
+<em>Van de Voorzitter</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 11-14<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> voorzitter<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_4.pdf">10-4 in PDF</a> (55 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-5"><strong>Gerard van Nes</strong></dt>
+<em>Jaarverslag NTG 1992</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 15-17<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> jaarverslag<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> In 1992 ging de NTG zijn 5e jaar van bestaan in. Twee NTG
+ bijeenkomsten vonden plaats met vele goede lezingen, naast
+ een succesvolle en goed bezette 5-daagse Advanced TeX
+ cursus (low budget; met het cursusmateriaal als
+ MAPS-Special). Er verschenen wederom een tweetal MAPS
+ uitgaven (Minutes &amp; APpendiceS). Medewerking werd tevens
+ verleend aan het LaTeX3 projekt.<br>
+ En voor de rest is er het diverse door de leden gedaan
+ waaronder een Public Domain MS-DOS set (instap en
+ volledige versie), proeflezen van de MAPS, en de
+ hulpverlening bij vragen op de TEX-NL discussielijst.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_5.pdf">10-5 in PDF</a> (29 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-6"><strong>Johannes Braams</strong></dt>
+<em>Financieel verslag NTG 1992</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 18-19<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> financieel verslag<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_6.pdf">10-6 in PDF</a> (24 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-7"><strong>anon.</strong></dt>
+<em>NTG's Listserver TEX-NL</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 20-22<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> listserver, TEX-NL<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Overzicht gebruikers listserver.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_7.pdf">10-7 in PDF</a> (19 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-8"><strong>anon.</strong></dt>
+<em>NTG's Fileserver TEX-NL</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 23-30<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> fileserver<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Overzicht inhoud NTG fileserver.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_8.pdf">10-8 in PDF</a> (40 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-9"><strong>Frans Goddijn</strong></dt>
+<em>NTG's Bulletin Board FGBBS</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 31-36<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> BBS, bulletin board, FGBBS<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Nieuw voor de Nederlandstalige TeX Gebruikersgroep: een
+ TeX Bulletin Board speciaal voor diegenen die niet op
+ het Internet zijn aangesloten. De naam: FGBBS. Op FGBBS is
+ sinds kort een zo volledig en actueel mogelijke TeX,
+ emTeX, LaTeX en MusicTeX collectie beschikbaar voor
+ alle bezitters van een modem. Het BBS is kosteloos
+ toegankelijk voor iedereen en er zijn geen beperkingen aan
+ de hoeveelheid bestanden die kunnen worden opgevraagd. Het
+ systeem is aangesloten op een High Speed modem, vergeleken
+ met de transmissiesnelheid die een directe Internet link
+ biedt misschien niet geweldig, maar veel beter kan het
+ niet over de gewone huis- tuin- en keukenPTTlijn. FGBBS is
+ te bellen op 085-217041. Noot 31-jan-1997: nieuw nummer is
+ 026-3217 041.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_9.pdf">10-9 in PDF</a> (58 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-10"><strong>David Jones</strong></dt>
+<em>A Catalogue of TeX Macros</em>, English, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 37-40<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> TeX, LaTeX, AMS-TeX, AMS-LaTeX, macros, index<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> This is a catalogue of TeX macros. Its scope includes
+ all macros that are available via anonymous ftp or
+ mail-server or some similar mechanism. Commercial packages
+ will be included only if a full Catalogue entry is
+ supplied to me by the vendor.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_10.pdf">10-10 in PDF</a> (39 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-11"><strong>Michel Lavaud</strong></dt>
+<em>A way to ensure the future of TeX: make its use easier on low-cost machines</em>, English, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 41-52<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> back-end, front-end, scientific word-processor, hypertext,
+ tree, link, multi-author document, file manager, numerical
+ computation, formal computation, worksheet, database, e-mail,
+ PC, notebook, OS/2<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> The PC is the cheapest computer and the most widespread
+ one in the scientific community. Faced with commercial
+ scientific word-processors that are improving steadily in
+ wrong directions, it is urgent to make the use of TeX
+ easier on the PC, to ensure its future and avoid costly
+ dead-ends to researchers. We have designed a program,
+ AsTeX, that allows to create easily multi-author
+ scientific documents in TeX or LaTeX on PCs. It
+ provides an on-line hypertext help and a multi-level
+ assistance in typing LaTeX code. It allows to display
+ and modify very easily the structure of a document, to
+ archive and retrieve files related to it, to perform
+ numerical and formal computations from the document and
+ include automatically the results, to create LaTeX
+ tables from worksheets or databases of formulas. It
+ processes electronic mail and files sent by list servers
+ for a better use of information and eases considerably the
+ use of anonymous ftp and archie servers by local archiving
+ of selected informations.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_11.pdf">10-11 in PDF</a> (436 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-12"><strong>Wietse Dol, Erik Frambach, Maarten van der Vlerk</strong></dt>
+<em>4TeX: a TeX Workbench for MS-DOS PC's</em>, English, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 53-56<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> 4TeX, workbench, PC, MS-DOS, freeware, shareware<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> TeX and all its companions offer an enormous amount of
+ possibilities. This is both an advantage and a
+ disadvantage. The advantage is that almost anything is
+ possible; the disadvantage is that you need detailed
+ knowledge of all related programs to fully exploit the
+ possibilities. The MS-DOS program 4TeX is an attempt to
+ integrate all major TeX related programs in a shell that
+ shields you from the tedious and frustrating job of
+ setting environment variables and program parameters.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_12.pdf">10-12 in PDF</a> (58 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-13"><strong>Robert Best</strong></dt>
+<em>TeX zonder omhaal; voor Atari ST en andere PC's</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 57-68<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> Atari, PD-TeX<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Deze cursus is bedoeld als eerste kennismaking met TeX
+ op een eenvoudige PC. Een harde schijf is niet nodig. De
+ cursus is gebaseerd op de PD-TeX van Christoph Strunk
+ voor Atari ST. De installatie en de functie van de basis
+ bestanden van TeX worden behandeld. Deze cursus is een
+ gecorrigeerde herdruk van een serie artikelen in het blad
+ ST uitgegeven door: Stichting ST. Daar zijn de in de tekst
+ genoemde schijfjes te verkrijgen.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_13.pdf">10-13 in PDF</a> (196 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-14"><strong>Philippe Vanoverbeke</strong></dt>
+<em>Gezeefd uit de TEX-NL discussielijst</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 69-72<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> TEX-NL, discussielijst<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Gezeefd uit de NTG TEX-NL discussielijst van 1992 en
+ begin 1993: een zestiental vragen en antwoorden. Niet
+ alleen voor de niet-netwerkers doch ook voor de TEX-NL
+ subscribers die de berichten te snel langs hun heen zagen
+ gaan. Keuze is gemaakt op persoonlijke titel, veel is dus
+ ongetwijfeld missende. Echter de onderwerpen welke in deze
+ bijdrage worden behandeld zijn zeker van algemeen belang.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_14.pdf">10-14 in PDF</a> (37 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-15"><strong>Mark Sinke</strong></dt>
+<em>armTeX, een port van TeX voor de Archimedes</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 73<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> armTeX, Acorn, Archimedes, port<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> In dit artikeltje zal ik vertellen wat armTeX is en
+ welke voor- en nadelen het systeem heeft. Het is geen
+ uitvoerige opsomming van wat TeX kan, omdat de lezer
+ geacht wordt daarvan (enigszins) op de hoogte te zijn. Ik
+ zal me meer richten op de technische kanten van het werken
+ met TeX op de Archimedes.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_15.pdf">10-15 in PDF</a> (16 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-16"><strong>Piet Tutelaers</strong></dt>
+<em>Het gebruik van MathTime in LaTeX</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 74-76<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> MathTime, LaTeX<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> !!<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_16.pdf">10-16 in PDF</a> (106 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-17"><strong>Philip Taylor</strong></dt>
+<em>The Future of TeX</em>, English, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 77-85<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> extended TeX, NTS, New Typesetting System<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> TeX and the other members of Knuth's Computers &amp;
+ Typesetting family are arguably amongst the most
+ successful examples of computer software in the world,
+ having been ported to almost every conceivable operating
+ system and attracting an allegiance that verges on the
+ fanatical. Development work on this family has now ceased,
+ and many members of the computer typesetting community are
+ concerned that some action should be taken to ensure that
+ the ideas and philosophy enshrined in TeX are not
+ allowed simply to fade away. In this paper, we discuss
+ some of the options available for perpetuating the TeX
+ philosophy, and examine the strengths and weaknesses of
+ the present TeX system. We conclude by postulating a
+ development strategy for the future which will honour both
+ the letter and the spirit of Knuth's wish that TeX,
+ METAFONT and the Computer Modern typefaces remain his sole
+ responsibility, and at the same time ensure that the
+ philosophy and paradigms which are the strengths of TeX
+ are not lost for ever by having artificial constraints
+ placed on their evolution.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_17.pdf">10-17 in PDF</a> (126 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-18"><strong>Frank Mittelbach</strong></dt>
+<em>E-TeX: Guidelines for Future TeX extensions</em>, English, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 86-94<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> E-TeX, guidelines, extensions<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> With the announcement of TeX 3.0, Don Knuth
+ acknowledged the need of the (ever growing) TeX
+ community for an even better system. But at the same time,
+ he made it clear, that he will not get involved in any
+ further enhancements that would change the TeXbook.
+ TeX started out originally as a system designed to
+ typeset its author's own publications. In the meantime it
+ serves hundreds of thousands of users. Now it is time,
+ after ten years' experience, to step back and consider
+ whether or not TeX 3.0 is an adequate answer to the
+ typesetting requirements of the nineties. Output produced
+ by TeX has higher standards than output generated
+ automatically by most other typesetting systems.
+ Therefore, in this paper we will focus on the quality
+ standards set by typographers for hand-typeset documents
+ and ask to what extent they are achieved by TeX.
+ Limitations of TeX's algorithms are analyzed; and missing
+ features as well as new concepts are outlined.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_18.pdf">10-18 in PDF</a> (256 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-19"><strong>Frank Mittelbach, Chris Rowley</strong></dt>
+<em>The LaTeX3 Project</em>, English, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 95-100<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> LaTeX3<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> This is a brief sketch of the LaTeX3 Project:
+ background, history, principles, aims and functionality.
+ The new version of LaTeX is, like the current version, a
+ freely available system for automated processing of
+ structured documents, formatting them to the highest
+ typographic standards by use of the TeX typesetting
+ software. Although its uses include a very large range of
+ published documents, the importance of its unsurpassed
+ ability to format mathematical formulas will not be
+ forgotten in producing the new version. It is being
+ produced by an international group of volunteers under the
+ technical direction of Frank Mittelbach.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_19.pdf">10-19 in PDF</a> (61 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-20"><strong>Michel Goossens</strong></dt>
+<em>PostScript en LaTeX, de komplementariteit in praktijk</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 101-113<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> PostScript, LaTeX, epsfig, NFSS<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> In dit artikel toon ik aan hoe PostScript en LaTeX een
+ hoge graad van samenhorigheid bezitten, die het mogelijk
+ maakt om de voordelen van beide systemen te kombineren om
+ dokumenten elektronisch te publiceren. Allereerst vertel
+ ik hoe, samen met de dvi-vertaler dvips en het
+ stijlbestand epsfig, het invoegen van PostScript materiaal
+ in een (La)TeX bestand heel eenvoudig wordt. Samen met
+ de stijl rotating kan men bijna elk gewenst globaal
+ grafisch effekt verkrijgen zonder per-se een PostScript
+ guru te zijn. In het tweede gedeelte van het artikel geef
+ ik een kort overzicht van enkele op PostScript gebaseerde
+ stijlbestanden, die bepaalde nuttige visuele effekten
+ genereren, zoals grijze raampjes, kleurentypografie en het
+ overdrukken van tekst. In het laatste gedeelte toon ik hoe
+ eenvoudig het is om PostScript fonts te gebruiken in
+ LaTeX met het nieuwe fontselektie systeem (NFSS) van
+ Frank Mittelbach.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_20.pdf">10-20 in PDF</a> (225 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-21"><strong>Yannis Haralambous</strong></dt>
+<em>Virtual Fonts: Great Fun, Not for Wizards Only</em>, English, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 114-119<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> virtual fonts<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> This paper deals with virtual fonts. I would like to
+ present some examples of their astonishing possibilities,
+ taken from everyday typesetting (or almost).<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_21.pdf">10-21 in PDF</a> (122 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-22"><strong>Yannis Haralambous</strong></dt>
+<em>The Birth of a Virtual Font; The AdjKerns Utility</em>, English, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 120-123<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> virtual fonts, AdjKerns<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> !!<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_22.pdf">10-22 in PDF</a> (41 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-23"><strong>Alan Hoenig</strong></dt>
+<em>When TeX and METAFONT Work Together</em>, English, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 124-139<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> METAFONT, labelling figures, figures with labels,
+ curvilinear<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> When TeX and METAFONT communicate to each other, they
+ can do more together than they can alone. This
+ presentation concentrates on two illustrations of this
+ principal, and urges readers to come up with more. When
+ TeX becomes sensitive to information passed to it from
+ METAFONT, it is possible to prepare diagrams and figures
+ using METAFONT and then to have TeX prepare labels which
+ can be precisely positioned within the figure. When
+ communication goes the other way, TeX and METAFONT can
+ prepare special purpose fonts which (among other things)
+ can be set along curved baselines. Illustrations of both
+ techniques are presented.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_23.pdf">10-23 in PDF</a> (279 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-24"><strong>David van Leeuwen</strong></dt>
+<em>Getallen</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 140-141<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> getallen, macro's<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> !!<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_24.pdf">10-24 in PDF</a> (25 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-25"><strong>Johannes Braams</strong></dt>
+<em>International quotations</em>, English, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 142-144<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> quotation marks<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> In this article some relatively simple macros are presented
+ for people who need an occasional quotation mark that is
+ different from the default quotation marks provided by TeX.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_25.pdf">10-25 in PDF</a> (28 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-26"><strong>Kees van der Laan</strong></dt>
+<em>Typesetting number sequences; FIFO and some more</em>, English, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 145-148<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> typesetting sequences, citation lists, lists of references,
+ linear sorting, FIFO, plain TeX, macro writing, education<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Typesetting sequences of numerical values, represented
+ via symbolic names which get their values on the fly, is
+ dealt with. The sorting of the sequence is done by a
+ linear sorting algorithm, of complexity O(n2). Three or
+ more consecutive numbers are typeset as a range. The
+ objective was to encode typesetting sequences of numbers
+ as simple, concise, general, compatible, modular,
+ orthogonal, and ..., as possible in TeX.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_26.pdf">10-26 in PDF</a> (68 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-27"><strong>Kees van der Laan</strong></dt>
+<em>Sorting in BLUe</em>, English, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 149-170<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> sorting, index preparation, database handling, multiple
+ sorting keys, macro writing, education<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Macros for number and lexicographic sorting are supplied.
+ Data can originate from the copy, from file, or generated
+ automatically. Lexicographic sorting allows words with
+ ligatures and diacritical marks. Applications treated are:
+ sorting with respect to report generation with TeX as a
+ database tool, sorting and compressing index.tex, Knuth's
+ index reminders file, and sorting control sequences
+ separately. It is illustrated by various examples that a
+ set can be sorted within TeX once the ordering of the
+ set is defined and encoded in a comparison macro, in
+ compliance with the parameter macro <tt>\cmp</tt>.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_27.pdf">10-27 in PDF</a> (259 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-28"><strong>Kees van der Laan</strong></dt>
+<em>Manmac BLUes; or how to typeset a book via TeX</em>, English, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 171-191<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> computer-assisted typography, manmac, style/format,
+ customizing, index preparation, plain TeX, fonts, macro
+ writing, education<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> The manmac macros are enumerated. A user's guide is
+ provided, and the encodings are explained. As enhancements
+ the writing of index reminders to the file index.tex is
+ elaborated upon, and how to incorporate AMS fonts and
+ non-CM fonts is referred to. In the appendixes I provided
+ the source of manmac and my personalized report template.
+ With respect to the latter, I played with the idea of
+ formatting the MAPS specials series in this way.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_28.pdf">10-28 in PDF</a> (227 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-29"><strong>Kees van der Laan</strong></dt>
+<em>AMS BLUes; professionals at work</em>, English, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 192-212<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> computer-assisted typography, math, bibliography, mark up,
+ typesetting, AMS-(La)TeX, (math and cyrillic) fonts,
+ plain TeX, macro writing, education<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> The significance of the American Mathematical Society for
+ the TeX community at large, and more general the leading
+ role of the AMS in the area of professional
+ computer-assisted typesetting, is praised. AMS-TeX,
+ AMS-LaTeX, their accompanying styles amsppt.sty,
+ respectively amsart.sty, as well as AMS fonts are discussed.
+ AMS provides excellent user's and installation guides
+ along with the software and fonts, all in the public
+ domain. Despite the quality, an alternative approach -- and
+ in detail some alternative encodings -- are provided. A
+ publisher is strongly encouraged to take notice of the
+ computer-assisted publishing activities of this
+ pace-setting society. A new procedural idea with respect
+ to specifying and formatting bibliographies, given a
+ background file of all the references an author is
+ familiar with, is proposed to suit the author and the
+ publisher.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_29.pdf">10-29 in PDF</a> (234 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-30"><strong>Sebastian Rahtz</strong></dt>
+<em>The 14th Annual TeX Users Group Meeting</em>, English, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 213-216<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> TUG meeting, Aston<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> `A World-Wide Window on TeX'<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_30.pdf">10-30 in PDF</a> (53 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="10-31"><strong>anon.</strong></dt>
+<em>Table of Contents TUGboat</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>10</strong>, 1993, pp. 217-218<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> TUGboat, contents<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Table of contents of TUGboat Volume 13.4.<br>
+<a href="pdf/10_31.pdf">10-31 in PDF</a> (19 KB)
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+1740 AJ Schagen<br>
+The Netherlands<br>
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+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Fri Apr 3 15:31:44 MDT 1998
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+by: <a href="">Piet van Oostrum</a><p>