path: root/Master/texmf-doc/doc/chinese/lshort-chinese/src/lssym.tex
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1 files changed, 361 insertions, 0 deletions
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+% Contents: TeX and LaTeX and AMS symbols for Maths
+% $Id: lssym.tex,v 1.2 2003/03/19 20:57:46 oetiker Exp $
+% 中文~4.20~翻译:liwenjun@bbs.ctex
+%\section{List of Mathematical Symbols} \label{symbols}
+\section{数学符号表} \label{symbols}
+%The following tables demonstrate all the symbols normally accessible from \emph{math mode}.
+% Conditional Text in case the AMS Fonts are installed
+%To use the symbols listed in
+%Tables~\ref{AMSD}--\ref{AMSNBR},\footnote{These tables were derived
+% from \texttt{symbols.tex} by David~Carlisle and subsequently changed
+%extensively as suggested by Josef~Tkadlec.} the package
+%\pai{amssymb} must be loaded in the preamble of the document and the
+%AMS math fonts must be installed on the system. If the AMS package and
+%fonts are not installed on your system, have a look at\\
+%\CTANref|macros/latex/required/amslatex|. An even more comprehensive list of
+%symbols can be found at \CTANref|info/symbols/comprehensive|.
+要使用表 \ref{AMSD}--\ref{AMSNBR}\footnote{这些表格源自于 David Carlisle 的
+\texttt{symbols.tex}, 而后在 Josef Tkadlec 的建议下作了较大的改动。}。
+必须在导言区先载入 \pai{amssymb} 宏包而且
+系统中安装了 AMS 数学字体。如果系统中没有安装 AMS 宏包和字体,请查阅 \CTANref|macros/latex/required/amslatex|。
+更全面的列表可于 \CTANref|info/symbols/comprehensive| 处找到。
+\caption{数学模式重音符号。} \label{mathacc}
+\W{\hat}{a} & \W{\check}{a} & \W{\tilde}{a} \\
+\W{\grave}{a} & \W{\dot}{a} & \W{\ddot}{a} \\
+\W{\bar}{a} &\W{\vec}{a} &\W{\widehat}{A} \\
+\W{\acute}{a} & \W{\breve}{a} &\W{\widetilde}{A}
+ \X{\alpha} & \X{\theta} & \X{o} & \X{\upsilon} \\
+ \X{\beta} & \X{\vartheta} & \X{\pi} & \X{\phi} \\
+ \X{\gamma} & \X{\iota} & \X{\varpi} & \X{\varphi} \\
+ \X{\delta} & \X{\kappa} & \X{\rho} & \X{\chi} \\
+ \X{\epsilon} & \X{\lambda} & \X{\varrho} & \X{\psi} \\
+ \X{\varepsilon}& \X{\mu} & \X{\sigma} & \X{\omega} \\
+ \X{\zeta} & \X{\nu} & \X{\varsigma} & \\
+ \X{\eta} & \X{\xi} & \X{\tau} & \\
+ \X{\Gamma} & \X{\Lambda} & \X{\Sigma} & \X{\Psi} \\
+ \X{\Delta} & \X{\Xi} & \X{\Upsilon} & \X{\Omega} \\
+ \X{\Theta} & \X{\Pi} & \X{\Phi}
+%You can negate the following symbols by prefixing them with a \ci{not} command.
+ \X{<} & \X{>} & \X{=} \\
+ \X{\leq}or \verb|\le| & \X{\geq}or \verb|\ge| & \X{\equiv} \\
+ \X{\ll} & \X{\gg} & \X{\doteq} \\
+ \X{\prec} & \X{\succ} & \X{\sim} \\
+ \X{\preceq} & \X{\succeq} & \X{\simeq} \\
+ \X{\subset} & \X{\supset} & \X{\approx} \\
+ \X{\subseteq} & \X{\supseteq} & \X{\cong} \\
+ \X{\sqsubset}$^a$ & \X{\sqsupset}$^a$ & \X{\Join}$^a$ \\
+ \X{\sqsubseteq} & \X{\sqsupseteq} & \X{\bowtie} \\
+ \X{\in} & \X{\ni}, \verb|\owns| & \X{\propto} \\
+ \X{\vdash} & \X{\dashv} & \X{\models} \\
+ \X{\mid} & \X{\parallel} & \X{\perp} \\
+ \X{\smile} & \X{\frown} & \X{\asymp} \\
+ \X{:} & \X{\notin} & \X{\neq}or \verb|\ne|
+%\centerline{\footnotesize $^a$Use the \textsf{latexsym} package to access this symbol}
+ \X{+} & \X{-} & & \\
+ \X{\pm} & \X{\mp} & \X{\triangleleft} \\
+ \X{\cdot} & \X{\div} & \X{\triangleright}\\
+ \X{\times} & \X{\setminus} & \X{\star} \\
+ \X{\cup} & \X{\cap} & \X{\ast} \\
+ \X{\sqcup} & \X{\sqcap} & \X{\circ} \\
+ \X{\vee}, \verb|\lor| & \X{\wedge}, \verb|\land| & \X{\bullet} \\
+ \X{\oplus} & \X{\ominus} & \X{\diamond} \\
+ \X{\odot} & \X{\oslash} & \X{\uplus} \\
+ \X{\otimes} & \X{\bigcirc} & \X{\amalg} \\
+ \X{\bigtriangleup} &\X{\bigtriangledown}& \X{\dagger} \\
+ \X{\lhd}$^a$ & \X{\rhd}$^a$ & \X{\ddagger} \\
+ \X{\unlhd}$^a$ & \X{\unrhd}$^a$ & \X{\wr}
+ \X{\sum} & \X{\bigcup} & \X{\bigvee} \\
+ \X{\prod} & \X{\bigcap} & \X{\bigwedge} \\
+ \X{\coprod} & \X{\bigsqcup} & \X{\biguplus} \\
+ \X{\int} & \X{\oint} & \X{\bigodot} \\
+ \X{\bigoplus} & &\X{\bigotimes} & \\
+ \X{\leftarrow}or \verb|\gets|& \X{\longleftarrow} \\
+ \X{\rightarrow}or \verb|\to|& \X{\longrightarrow} \\
+ \X{\leftrightarrow} & \X{\longleftrightarrow} \\
+ \X{\Leftarrow} & \X{\Longleftarrow} \\
+ \X{\Rightarrow} & \X{\Longrightarrow} \\
+ \X{\Leftrightarrow} & \X{\Longleftrightarrow}\\
+ \X{\mapsto} & \X{\longmapsto} \\
+ \X{\hookleftarrow} & \X{\hookrightarrow} \\
+ \X{\leftharpoonup} & \X{\rightharpoonup} \\
+ \X{\leftharpoondown} & \X{\rightharpoondown} \\
+ \X{\rightleftharpoons} & \X{\iff}(bigger spaces) \\
+ \X{\uparrow} & \X{\downarrow} \\
+ \X{\updownarrow} & \X{\Uparrow} \\
+ \X{\Downarrow} & \X{\Updownarrow} \\
+ \X{\nearrow} & \X{\searrow} \\
+ \X{\swarrow} & \X{\nwarrow} \\
+ \X{\leadsto}$^a$
+\centerline{\footnotesize $^a$使用~\textsf{latexsym}~宏包才能得到这个符号}
+ \X{(} & \X{)} & \X{\uparrow} \\
+ \X{[}or \verb|\lbrack| & \X{]}or \verb|\rbrack| & \X{\downarrow} \\
+ \X{\{}or \verb|\lbrace| & \X{\}}or \verb|\rbrace| & \X{\updownarrow} \\
+ \X{\langle} & \X{\rangle} & \X{|}or \verb|\vert| \\
+ \X{\lfloor} & \X{\rfloor} & \X{\lceil} \\
+ \X{/} & \X{\backslash} & \X{\Updownarrow}\\
+ \X{\Uparrow} & \X{\Downarrow} & \X{\|}or \verb|\Vert| \\
+ \X{\rceil}
+ \Y{\lgroup} & \Y{\rgroup} & \Y{\lmoustache} \\
+ \Y{\arrowvert} & \Y{\Arrowvert} & \Y{\bracevert} \\
+ \Y{\rmoustache} \\
+ \X{\dots} & \X{\cdots} & \X{\vdots} & \X{\ddots} \\
+ \X{\hbar} & \X{\imath} & \X{\jmath} & \X{\ell} \\
+ \X{\Re} & \X{\Im} & \X{\aleph} & \X{\wp} \\
+ \X{\forall} & \X{\exists} & \X{\mho}$^a$ & \X{\partial} \\
+ \X{'} & \X{\prime} & \X{\emptyset} & \X{\infty} \\
+ \X{\nabla} & \X{\triangle} & \X{\Box}$^a$ & \X{\Diamond}$^a$ \\
+ \X{\bot} & \X{\top} & \X{\angle} & \X{\surd} \\
+\X{\diamondsuit} & \X{\heartsuit} & \X{\clubsuit} & \X{\spadesuit} \\
+ \X{\neg}or \verb|\lnot| & \X{\flat} & \X{\natural} & \X{\sharp}
+\centerline{\footnotesize $^a$使用~\textsf{latexsym}~宏包才能得到这个符号}
+%These symbols can also be used in text mode.
+ \SC{\dag} & \SC{\S} & \SC{\copyright} & \SC{\textregistered} \\
+ \SC{\ddag} & \SC{\P} & \SC{\pounds} & \SC{\%} \\
+% If the AMS Stuff is not available, we drop out right here :-)
+\X{\digamma} &\X{\varkappa} & \X{\beth} &\X{\gimel} & \X{\daleth}
+ \X{\lessdot} & \X{\gtrdot} & \X{\doteqdot} \\
+ \X{\leqslant} & \X{\geqslant} & \X{\risingdotseq} \\
+ \X{\eqslantless} & \X{\eqslantgtr} & \X{\fallingdotseq} \\
+ \X{\leqq} & \X{\geqq} & \X{\eqcirc} \\
+ \X{\lll}or \verb|\llless| & \X{\ggg} & \X{\circeq} \\
+ \X{\lesssim} & \X{\gtrsim} & \X{\triangleq} \\
+ \X{\lessapprox} & \X{\gtrapprox} & \X{\bumpeq} \\
+ \X{\lessgtr} & \X{\gtrless} & \X{\Bumpeq} \\
+ \X{\lesseqgtr} & \X{\gtreqless} & \X{\thicksim} \\
+ \X{\lesseqqgtr} & \X{\gtreqqless} & \X{\thickapprox} \\
+ \X{\preccurlyeq} & \X{\succcurlyeq} & \X{\approxeq} \\
+ \X{\curlyeqprec} & \X{\curlyeqsucc} & \X{\backsim} \\
+ \X{\precsim} & \X{\succsim} & \X{\backsimeq} \\
+ \X{\precapprox} & \X{\succapprox} & \X{\vDash} \\
+ \X{\subseteqq} & \X{\supseteqq} & \X{\Vdash} \\
+ \X{\shortparallel} & \X{\Supset} & \X{\Vvdash} \\
+ \X{\blacktriangleleft} & \X{\sqsupset} & \X{\backepsilon} \\
+ \X{\vartriangleright} & \X{\because} & \X{\varpropto} \\
+ \X{\blacktriangleright}& \X{\Subset} & \X{\between} \\
+ \X{\trianglerighteq} & \X{\smallfrown} & \X{\pitchfork} \\
+ \X{\vartriangleleft} & \X{\shortmid} & \X{\smallsmile} \\
+ \X{\trianglelefteq} & \X{\therefore} & \X{\sqsubset}
+ \X{\dashleftarrow} & \X{\dashrightarrow} \\
+ \X{\leftleftarrows} & \X{\rightrightarrows} \\
+ \X{\leftrightarrows} & \X{\rightleftarrows} \\
+ \X{\Lleftarrow} & \X{\Rrightarrow} \\
+ \X{\twoheadleftarrow} & \X{\twoheadrightarrow} \\
+ \X{\leftarrowtail} & \X{\rightarrowtail} \\
+ \X{\leftrightharpoons} & \X{\rightleftharpoons} \\
+ \X{\Lsh} & \X{\Rsh} \\
+ \X{\looparrowleft} & \X{\looparrowright} \\
+ \X{\curvearrowleft} & \X{\curvearrowright} \\
+ \X{\circlearrowleft} & \X{\circlearrowright} \\
+ \X{\multimap} & \X{\upuparrows} \\
+ \X{\downdownarrows} & \X{\upharpoonleft} \\
+ \X{\upharpoonright} & \X{\downharpoonright} \\
+ \X{\rightsquigarrow} & \X{\leftrightsquigarrow} \\
+ \X{\nless} & \X{\ngtr} & \X{\varsubsetneqq} \\
+ \X{\lneq} & \X{\gneq} & \X{\varsupsetneqq} \\
+ \X{\nleq} & \X{\ngeq} & \X{\nsubseteqq} \\
+ \X{\nleqslant} & \X{\ngeqslant} & \X{\nsupseteqq} \\
+ \X{\lneqq} & \X{\gneqq} & \X{\nmid} \\
+ \X{\lvertneqq} & \X{\gvertneqq} & \X{\nparallel} \\
+ \X{\nleqq} & \X{\ngeqq} & \X{\nshortmid} \\
+ \X{\lnsim} & \X{\gnsim} & \X{\nshortparallel} \\
+ \X{\lnapprox} & \X{\gnapprox} & \X{\nsim} \\
+ \X{\nprec} & \X{\nsucc} & \X{\ncong} \\
+ \X{\npreceq} & \X{\nsucceq} & \X{\nvdash} \\
+ \X{\precneqq} & \X{\succneqq} & \X{\nvDash} \\
+ \X{\precnsim} & \X{\succnsim} & \X{\nVdash} \\
+ \X{\precnapprox} & \X{\succnapprox} & \X{\nVDash} \\
+ \X{\subsetneq} & \X{\supsetneq} & \X{\ntriangleleft} \\
+ \X{\varsubsetneq} & \X{\varsupsetneq} & \X{\ntriangleright} \\
+ \X{\nsubseteq} & \X{\nsupseteq} & \X{\ntrianglelefteq}\\
+ \X{\subsetneqq} & \X{\supsetneqq} &\X{\ntrianglerighteq}\\[0.5ex]
+ \X{\nleftarrow} & \X{\nrightarrow} & \X{\nleftrightarrow}\\
+ \X{\nLeftarrow} & \X{\nRightarrow} & \X{\nLeftrightarrow}
+ \X{\dotplus} & \X{\centerdot} & \\
+ \X{\ltimes} & \X{\rtimes} & \X{\divideontimes} \\
+ \X{\doublecup} & \X{\doublecap} & \X{\smallsetminus} \\
+ \X{\veebar} & \X{\barwedge} & \X{\doublebarwedge}\\
+ \X{\boxplus} & \X{\boxminus} & \X{\circleddash} \\
+ \X{\boxtimes} & \X{\boxdot} & \X{\circledcirc} \\
+ \X{\intercal} & \X{\circledast} & \X{\rightthreetimes} \\
+ \X{\curlyvee} & \X{\curlywedge} & \X{\leftthreetimes}
+ \X{\hbar} & \X{\hslash} & \X{\Bbbk} \\
+ \X{\square} & \X{\blacksquare} & \X{\circledS} \\
+ \X{\vartriangle} & \X{\blacktriangle} & \X{\complement} \\
+ \X{\triangledown} &\X{\blacktriangledown} & \X{\Game} \\
+ \X{\lozenge} & \X{\blacklozenge} & \X{\bigstar} \\
+ \X{\angle} & \X{\measuredangle} & \\
+ \X{\diagup} & \X{\diagdown} & \X{\backprime} \\
+ \X{\nexists} & \X{\Finv} & \X{\varnothing} \\
+ \X{\eth} & \X{\sphericalangle} & \X{\mho}
+实例& 命令 &所需宏包\\
+\rule{0pt}{1.05em}$\mathrm{ABCDE abcde 1234}$
+ & \verb|\mathrm{ABCDE abcde 1234}|
+ & \\
+$\mathit{ABCDE abcde 1234}$
+ & \verb|\mathit{ABCDE abcde 1234}|
+ & \\
+$\mathnormal{ABCDE abcde 1234}$
+ & \verb|\mathnormal{ABCDE abcde 1234}|
+ & \\
+$\mathcal{ABCDE abcde 1234}$
+ & \verb|\mathcal{ABCDE abcde 1234}|
+ & \\
+$\mathscr{ABCDE abcde 1234}$
+ &\verb|\mathscr{ABCDE abcde 1234}|
+ &\pai{mathrsfs}\\
+$\mathfrak{ABCDE abcde 1234}$
+ & \verb|\mathfrak{ABCDE abcde 1234}|
+ &\pai{amsfonts} or \textsf{amssymb} \\
+$\mathbb{ABCDE abcde 1234}$
+ & \verb|\mathbb{ABCDE abcde 1234}|
+ &\pai{amsfonts} or \textsf{amssymb} \\
+% Local Variables:
+% TeX-master: "lshort2e"
+% mode: latex
+% mode: flyspell
+% End: