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index baed48d22e0..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uowthesistitlepage/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-This is the README for uowthesistitlepage.sty Version 2.0, 2014-01-07
-This Package redefines the \maketitle command for LaTeX documents and generates a title page for a UOW thesis in accordance with the uow branding guidelines. Use this package with the book class to typeset your thesis (it will work with report though if you do so desire). The package also provides the \declaration command. This typesets the declaration (below) that this thesis/dissertation/report is your own work, required in the front of each PhD Thesis.
-This package is not a complete thesis template or document class, it only typesets the title page and declaration. The default when the package is loaded is an undergraduate honours thesis.
-Copyright (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 AU) 2013 by T. M. Griffiths under the creative commons licence(attribution, non-comercial, share alike): This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c:
-- setspace
-- etoolbox
-- graphicx
-- geometry
-% Standard fields of \maketitle
- \title{A Pretty Swish Title}
- \author{Average J. Blow}
- \date{Month Year}
-% The new fields from the \maketitle renewal (see code below).
- \degree{That Degree You've Been Studying}
- % Write it in full: e.g. Bachelor of Science Honours
- \school{Your School}
- % e.g Chemistry
- \supervisor[x]{Supervisor 1, Supervisor 2,... \& Supervisor x}
- % A list of your supervisors, can be turned off with the nosupervisor package option in the preamble or switched to multiple (more than one) with the package option multiplesupervisors
-% And the optional field
- \cosupervisor[number of co-supervisors]{Co-supervisors 1, Co-supervisor 2,... \& Co-supervisor x}
-% Your Thesis...
-Wording of the Declaration (example option phd)
-I, <Student’s Full Name>, declare that this thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the conferral of the degree Doctor of Philosophy, from the University of Wollongong, is wholly my own work unless otherwise referenced or acknowledged. This document has not been submitted for qualifications at any other academic institution.
-<Student’s Full Name>
-January 9, 2014
-Default Margins for UOW theses.
-The UOW default dimensions can be implemented with:
- \geometry{a4paper,inner=4.0cm, outer=2cm, top=3cm, bottom=2cm}
-Created by Thomas M. Griffiths (tmg994[at]uowmail[dot]edu[dot]au) 2014-01-07
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uowthesistitlepage/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uowthesistitlepage/
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index 00000000000..bb09a16bdc6
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+This is the README for uowthesistitlepage.sty Version 3.0, 2017-07-18
+This Package redefines the `\maketitle` command for LaTeX documents and generates a title page for a UOW thesis in accordance with the uow branding guidelines. Use this package with the book class to typeset your thesis (it will work with report though if you do so desire). A copyright declaration is printed on the page immediately following the title page, including the required acknowledgement of the Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship. The package also provides the `\declaration` command. This typesets the declaration (see below) that your thesis/dissertation/report is your own work, required in the front of each PhD Thesis.
+This package *is not* a complete thesis template or document class, it *only* typesets the title page and declaration. This package is designed to do as little to your document as possible. It won't set the margins, spacing, or typeface used in your document. This version is a major redesign of the title page to coincide the re-branding of UOW during 2016. It also adds the copyright statement and acknowledgement of the Australian Government Research Training Partnership Scholarships. Be sure to use the new version of the UOW crest (below). A copy is distributed with the uow thesis template on UOW website. It follows the UOW thesis guidelines and is has a basic setup ready to get you started with your thesis. For those starting off on their own, the following code will give you a document that satisfies the UOW thesis guidelines.
+ \geometry{a4paper,inner=4.0cm, outer=2cm, top=3cm, bottom=2cm}
+% or
+% \doublespacing
+% to use in Times New Roman instead of the LaTeX default, latin modern.
+Required Packages
+- setspace
+- etoolbox
+- graphicx
+- geometry
+Basic Usage
+ \usepackage[]{uowthesistitlepage}`
+ % Standard fields of \maketitle
+ \title{A Pretty Swish Title}
+ \author{Average J. Blow}
+ \date{Month Year}
+ % The new fields from the \maketitle renewal (see code below).
+ \degree{That Degree You've Been Studying}
+ % Write in full: e.g. Bachelor of Science Honours
+ \school{Your School}
+ % e.g Chemistry
+ \supervisor[x]{Supervisor 1, Supervisor 2,... \& Supervisor x}
+ % A list of your supervisors, can be turned off with the
+ % nosupervisor package option in the preamble or switched
+ % to multiple (more than one) with the package option
+ % multiplesupervisors
+ % And the optional field
+ \cosupervisor[number of co-supervisors]{Co-supervisors 1, Co-supervisor 2,... \& Co-supervisor x}
+ \begin{document}
+ \maketitle
+ \declaration
+ % Your Thesis...
+ \end{document}
+Wording of the Declaration (example option 'phd')
+> **Declaration**
+> I, *Student’s Full Name*, declare that this thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the conferral of the degree *Doctor of Philosophy*, from the University of Wollongong, is wholly my own work unless otherwise referenced or acknowledged. This document has not been submitted for qualifications at any other academic institution.
+> Student’s Full Name
+> January 9, 2014
+Default Margins for UOW Theses
+The UOW default dimensions (as done by the style file) can be implemented with:
+ \usepackage{geometry}
+ \geometry{a4paper,inner=4.0cm, outer=2cm, top=3cm, bottom=2cm}
+Created by Thomas M. Griffiths (tmg994[at]uowmail[dot]edu[dot]au) 2017-07-19
+Copyright (CC-BY-SA 4.0 AU) 2017 by T. M. Griffiths under the creative commons licence ([attribution, non-comercial, share alike]( This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the [LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c](
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uowthesistitlepage/uowthesistitlepage_doc.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uowthesistitlepage/uowthesistitlepage_doc.pdf
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uowthesistitlepage/uowthesistitlepage_doc.pdf
Binary files differ
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uowthesistitlepage/uowthesistitlepage_doc.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/uowthesistitlepage/uowthesistitlepage_doc.tex
@@ -1,72 +1,128 @@
+%!TEX TS-program = lualatex
+%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
- \geometry{a4paper,bottom=4.5cm}
+ \geometry{a4paper,bottom=5cm}
- % "Base16" color palette definitions
- \definecolor{Blue}{HTML}{6A9FB5}
- \definecolor{Red}{HTML}{AC4142}
- \definecolor{Yellow}{HTML}{F4BF75}
- \definecolor{Green}{HTML}{90A959}
- \definecolor{Teal}{HTML}{75B5AA}
- \definecolor{Purple}{HTML}{AA759F}
- \definecolor{Brown}{HTML}{885F36}
- \definecolor{Orange}{HTML}{D28445}
- \definecolor{Gray1}{HTML}{151515}
- \definecolor{Gray2}{HTML}{202020}
- \definecolor{Gray3}{HTML}{303030}
- \definecolor{Gray4}{HTML}{404040}
- \definecolor{Gray5}{HTML}{505050}
- \definecolor{Gray6}{HTML}{606060}
- \definecolor{Gray7}{HTML}{707070}
- \definecolor{GrayB}{HTML}{B0B0B0}
- \definecolor{GrayD}{HTML}{D0D0D0}
- \definecolor{GrayE}{HTML}{E0E0E0}
- \definecolor{GrayF}{HTML}{F5F5F5}
+ \definecolor{UOWred}{RGB}{245, 15, 20}%
+ \definecolor{UOWblue}{RGB}{0, 51, 204}% {cmyk}{90, 68, 0, 0} %
+ \definecolor{UOWdarkblue}{RGB}{12, 35, 64}% {cmyk}{100, 76, 12, 70} %
- {\color{Blue}\thesection}{1em}{}
+ {\color{Blue}\thesection}{1em}{\allcaps{#1}}
- {\thesection}{1em}{}
+ {\thesection}{1em}{#1}
-\setromanfont[Numbers=OldStyle]{Adobe Garamond Pro}
-\setsansfont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Gill Sans}
+ \setromanfont[Numbers=OldStyle]{Times LT Std}
+ \setsansfont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Montserrat}
+ \setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Menlo}
+ \DeclareMicrotypeSet*[tracking]{my}{%
+ encoding = *,%
+ % size = {-small,Large-},%
+ size = {,Large-},%
+ font = */*/*/sc/*,%
+ }
+ \SetTracking{ encoding = *, size = -small }{ 20 }
+ \SetTracking{ encoding = *, size = Large- }{ -20 }
+ \SetTracking[ no ligatures = {f,t} ]{ encoding = *, shape = {sc*},}{60}
+ \newcommand{\allcapsspacing}[1]{\textls*[40]{#1}}%
+ \newcommand{\allcaps}[1]{\allcapsspacing{\MakeTextUppercase{#1}}}%
+ \lstset{%
+ % language=[LaTeX]TeX,%
+ basicstyle=\footnotesize\ttfamily,%
+ breakatwhitespace=false,%
+ keepspaces=true,%
+ % keywordstyle=\color{UOWred},%
+ % texcsstyle=\color{UOWred},%
+ % morekeywords={%
+ % \,%
+ % \{,%
+ % \},%
+ % \[,%
+ % \],%
+ % begin,%
+ % textcopyright,%
+ % vspace,%
+ % smallgap,%
+ % RTPacknowledgement,%
+ % ifdomestic%
+ % },%
+ numbers=left,%
+ numbersep=5pt,%
+ numberstyle=\tiny,%
+ }
\renewcommand*\l@section{\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}} % dots in the table of contents
-\newcommand{\option}[1]{\texttt{\color{Green}#1}} % simplified the highlighting of options and commands in text
-\newcommand{\command}[1]{\texttt{\color{Red}#1}} % simplified the highlighting of options and commands in text
-\newcommand{\comoptions}[1]{\texttt{\color{Blue}#1}} % simplified the highlighting of options and commands in text
+% simplified the highlighting of options and commands in text
+% simplified the highlighting of options and commands in text
+% simplified the highlighting of options and commands in text
-\title{\color{Gray2}{\textsf{The \texttt{uowthesistitlepage} Package}}}
-\author{Thomas M. Griffiths}
-\date{Released \today, Version 2.0}
+\author{\small Thomas M. Griffiths}
+\date{Released \today, Version 3.0}
-This package should be redefines the \command{\textbackslash{}maketitle} command for LaTeX documents and generates a title page compliant with the UOW branding guidelines. Also in this package is a new command \command{\textbackslash{}declaration} which typesets a declaration page, required in the front matter of each PhD thesis. The package has a number of options that change the wording of the title page according to: whether your thesis is part of, or the entire component of assessable work for your degree; the number of supervisors you have, if any. This package \emph{is not} a complete thesis template or document class, it only typesets the title page and declaration. The default when the package is loaded is an \option{honours} thesis.
+This package redefines the \command{\textbackslash{}maketitle} command to generate a title page compliant with the University of Wollongong (\textsc{uow}) branding guidelines. A copyright declaration is printed on the page immediately following the title page, including the required acknowledgement of the Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship. This package also defines a command, \command{\textbackslash{}declaration}, which typesets a declaration page, required in the front matter of each PhD thesis.
+The package has a number of options that change the wording of the title page according to whether your thesis is only one part of, or comprises the entire of assessable component for your degree and the number of supervisors you have (if any). The default when the package is loaded is an \option{honours} thesis.
+This package \emph{is not} a complete thesis template or document class, it \emph{only} typesets the title page and declaration. This package is designed to do as little to your document as possible. It won't set the margins, spacing, or typeface used in your document. There is a template document online that you can download. It follows the \textsc{uow} thesis guidelines and is has a basic setup ready to get you started with your thesis. For those starting off on their own, the following code will give you a document that satisfies the \textsc{uow} thesis guidelines.\\
+\command{\textbackslash{}geometry}\comoptions{\{a4paper,inner=4.0cm, outer=2cm, top=3cm, bottom=2cm\}}
+\texttt{\% or}
+\texttt{\%} \command{\textbackslash{}doublespacing}
+\texttt{\% to use in Times New Roman instead of the LaTeX default, latin modern.}
-If you are familiar with LaTeX using this package is very simple, place the package in your document's preamble:\\
+If you are familiar with \LaTeX{} using this package is very simple, place the package in your document's preamble:\\
@@ -86,11 +142,13 @@ The new fields from the uowthesistitlepage package are\command{\textbackslash{}d
\command{\textbackslash{}supervisor}\option{[x]}\comoptions{\{Supervisor 1, Supervisor 2,\ldots{} \textbackslash{}\& Supervisor x\}}\\
-You need to ensure a copy of the logo named \texttt{uow\textunderscore{}logo} is in the working directory where you're compiling your thesis.\footnote{Unless you're using the \option{report}, \option{fullsubject} or \option{partialsubject} options, their title pages have have no logo.} If you downloaded this style from the UOW website there will be one in the zipped package. When you want to typeset the title page simply use \command{\textbackslash{}maketitle} after \command{\textbackslash{}begin}\comoptions{\{document\}} as you usually would.
+You need to ensure a copy of the logo named \texttt{uow\textunderscore{}logo} is in the working directory where you're compiling your thesis.\footnote{Unless you're using the \option{report}, \option{fullsubject} or \option{partialsubject} options. These title pages have have no logo.} If you downloaded this style from the \textsc{uow} website there will be one in the zipped package. When you want to typeset the title page simply use \command{\textbackslash{}maketitle} after \command{\textbackslash{}begin}\comoptions{\{document\}} as you usually would.
The declaration page is intended for PhD theses, but will work fine for each document type. Using the \command{\textbackslash{}declaration} command is simple, just place it in your document where you want it typeset.
+As of 2017, the package also typesets the copyright declaration for your thesis on the page immediately following the title page. This is the next page in one-sided documents, While in two-sided documents this will be the reverse of the title page. The copyright statement also contains the required acknowledgement of the Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship as specified by the graduate research school. This is \emph{required} for domestic students. International students can use the \option{international} option to the package to print the copyright statement without the scholarship acknowledgement. There is also a macro to define your own copyright text should you require. And if you desire no copyright text at all then you can use the \option{nocopyright} option.
\section{Package Options and Macros}
@@ -98,7 +156,7 @@ The declaration page is intended for PhD theses, but will work fine for each doc
\item[\command{\textbackslash{}author}\comoptions{\{Your Name\}}]
The author of the work, in this case you. For the your thesis you should use your full name and any previous degrees, for example: Average Joe Blogs BSc Hon.
- \item[\command{\textbackslash{}class}\comoptions{\{Your Class\}}] If this is a dissertation submitted for an individual subject instead of a whole degree this is where you tell the package what it is. You can write the subject code, e.g. CHEM364, or the full subject name: `CHEM364, Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy'. If you're using this command you need to have the \option{report}, \option{fullsubject} or \option{partialsubject} option loaded in the preamble. If you don't load one of these three options this macro will do a disappointing nothing.
+ \item[\command{\textbackslash{}subject}\comoptions{\{Your Subject\}}] If this is a dissertation submitted for an individual subject instead of a whole degree this is where you tell the package what it is. You can write the subject code, e.g. CHEM364, or the full subject name: `CHEM364, Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy'. If you're using this command you need to have the \option{report}, \option{fullsubject} or \option{partialsubject} option loaded in the preamble. If you don't load one of these three options this macro will do a disappointing nothing.
\item[\command{\textbackslash{}cosupervisor}\option{[number of co-supervisors]}\comoptions{\{Your Co-supervisors\}}] This field is optional for your title page. It prints your co-super\-visor(s) to the title page. List all your co-supervisors and their titles in the one set of enclosing braces (\comoptions{\{~\}}), separated by commas and `and' or an ampersand (\textbackslash{}\&) before the final co-supervisor if you have multiple supervisors. Use the optional argument `\option{[x]}' to specify how many co-supervisors you have.
@@ -110,16 +168,16 @@ The declaration page is intended for PhD theses, but will work fine for each doc
\noindent{\large \textbf{Declaration}}\\
-{\itshape\noindent I, \textless{}Student's Full Name\textgreater, declare that this thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the conferral of the degree Doctor of Philosophy, from the University of Wollongong, is wholly my own work unless otherwise referenced or acknowledged. This document has not been submitted for qualifications at any other academic institution.\par
+{\noindent I, \emph{Student's Full Name}, declare that this thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the conferral of the degree \emph{Doctor of Philosophy}, from the University of Wollongong, is wholly my own work unless otherwise referenced or acknowledged. This document has not been submitted for qualifications at any other academic institution.\par
-\textbf{\textless{}Student's Full Name\textgreater}\\
+\textbf{Student's Full Name}\\
\item[\command{\textbackslash{}degree}\comoptions{\{Your Degree\}}] The degree for which you are submitting this work. Write the degree out in full; Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Science, Bachelor of Arts Honours etc.
- \item[\command{\textbackslash{}graphic}] This macro is used internally to load the UOW Graphic. It has no immediate use in the body of your document and can be ignored unless you feel like cracking open the style file and tinkering. For the graphic to load properly in the title page there must be an image file in the working directory named \texttt{uow\textunderscore{}logo}. It can be used in the body of the document to load an alternative graphic if that is desired, be warned that determining the size in this case is up to you.
+ \item[\command{\textbackslash{}graphic}] This macro is used internally to load the \textsc{uow} Graphic. It has no immediate use in the body of your document and can be ignored unless you feel like cracking open the style file and tinkering. For the graphic to load properly in the title page there must be an image file in the working directory named \texttt{uow\textunderscore{}logo}. It can be used in the body of the document to load an alternative graphic if that is desired, be warned that determining the size in this case is up to you.
The usage is a bit odd note the nested \command{\textbackslash{}includegraphics} command:
@@ -131,6 +189,39 @@ The declaration page is intended for PhD theses, but will work fine for each doc
\item[\command{\textbackslash{}supervisor}\option{[number of supervisors]}\comoptions{\{Your Supervisors\}}] Prints your supervisor(s) to the title page. List all your supervisors and their titles in the one set of enclosing braces (\comoptions{\{~\}}), separated by commas and `and' or an ampersand (\textbackslash{}\&) before the final supervisor if you have multiple supervisors. Use the optional argument `\option{[x]}' to specify how many supervisors you have. The default number of supervisors is one. If you have no supervisors or you don't want to typeset them on the title page set the optional argument to zero, or use the \option{nosupervisor} option in the preamble.
\item[\command{\textbackslash{}title}\comoptions{\{Your Thesis Title\}}] Self explanatory. It's the title of your thesis.
+ \item[\command{\textbackslash{}copyrighttext}\comoptions{\{Custom copyright statement\}}] This is used to set any custom copyright text you may require. For example, your work may be of commercial interest, or involve an outside industry partner that needs acknowledgment. Either way, you can typeset whatever you need in here.
+ The command is capable of taking multiple paragraphs, and should cope fine with any (legitimate) \TeX code you put inside the braces.\footnote{\emph{Caveat emptor}! any legitimate \TeX code \emph{should} work. That said I can't test everything you could possibly come up with.} For reference, the code used for the default is:
+ \newlength{\smallgap}
+ \setlength{\smallgap}{0.024\paperheight}
+ % for A4 paper this is approximately 7 mm.
+ \newcommand{\RTPacknowledgement}{%
+ This research has been conducted with the support of the Australian %
+ Government Research Training Program Scholarship.%
+ }
+ \begin{raggedright}
+ \begin{singlespace}
+ This work \textcopyright{} copyright by \author, \the\year. All Rights %
+ Reserved.
+ \vspace{\smallgap}%
+ No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, %
+ transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, %
+ photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of %
+ the author or the University of Wollongong.%
+ \ifdomestic{%
+ \vspace{\smallgap}%
+ \RTPacknowledgement%
+ }%
+ \else{}%
+ \fi%
+ \end{singlespace}
+ \end{raggedright}
@@ -139,7 +230,7 @@ The declaration page is intended for PhD theses, but will work fine for each doc
Turns on the optional co-superviser field on the title page. The positioning can be modified with the \option{horizontal} option. If you use the \command{\textbackslash{}cosupervisor}\option{[number of co-supervisors]}\comoptions{\{Your Co-supervisors\}} command you will get the same result. The package will see that you've got one or more co-supervisors and include the co-supervisor field anyway.
- This option typesets the title page of the document in a manner appropriate for a single subject based report, where the dissertation is worth 100\% of the total mark of the subject. The name of the subject is loaded with the \command{\textbackslash{}class} macro in the document body. By default this option also loads the \option{nosupervisor} option, if you have any supervisors you'll need to add the correct supervisor option in the preamble. This option and its corresponding partial option do not typeset the logo on the title page.
+ This option typesets the title page of the document in a manner appropriate for a single subject based report, where the dissertation is worth 100\% of the total mark of the subject. The name of the subject is loaded with the \command{\textbackslash{}subject} macro in the document body. By default this option also loads the \option{nosupervisor} option, if you have any supervisors you'll need to add the correct supervisor option in the preamble. This option and its corresponding partial option do not typeset the logo on the title page.
\item[\option{honours} \emph{Default}]
One of the degree options, and the default. This option modifies the wording of the thesis requirement so that it is reflective of an honours degree: `This thesis is presented as part of the requirement for the conferral of the degree:'.
@@ -149,25 +240,31 @@ The declaration page is intended for PhD theses, but will work fine for each doc
\item [\option{horizontal}]
This option modifies the positioning of the co-supervisor field. By default this option is \emph{off} and the two fields are typeset one above the other:
- \begin{center}
- Supervisors:\\
- \textless{}Your Supervisor(s)\textgreater\\
- Co-supervisors:\\
- \textless{}Your Co-supervisor(s)\textgreater\\
- \end{center}
+ \begin{quote}
+ \begin{raggedright}
+ Supervisors:\\
+ Your Supervisor(s)\\
+ Co-supervisors:\\
+ Your Co-supervisor(s)\\
+ \end{raggedright}
+ \end{quote}
When active it uses a tabular environment to place your supervisor and co-supervisor on the same line next to each other as below:
- \begin{center}
- \begin{tabular}{cc}
+ \begin{quote}
+ \begin{raggedright}
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}}
Supervisors: & Co-supervisors:\\
- \textless{}Your Supervisor(s)\textgreater & \textless{}Your Co-supervisor(s)\textgreater\\
+ Your Supervisor(s) & Your Co-supervisor(s)\\
- \end{center}
+ \end{raggedright}
+ \end{quote}
Currently the lists of supervisors and co-supervisors do not wrap. So if you have a long list of supervisors, or they are blessed with a long name I recommend using the default, one above the other, format. This option is linked to the \option{cosupervisor} option. If you don't have \command{\textbackslash{}cosupervisor}\option{[number of co-supervisors]}\comoptions{\{Your Co-supervisors\}} specified in your document or the \option{cosupervisor} specified in the preamble \option{horizontal} won't do anything.
- This option typesets the title page of the document in a manner appropriate for a subject based report, where the report is worth part of the total mark of the subject. The name of the subject is loaded with the \command{\textbackslash{}class} macro in the document body. By default this option also loads the \option{nosupervisor} option, if you have any supervisors you'll need to add the correct supervisor option in the preamble. This option and the corresponding \option{fullsubject} option do not typeset the logo on the title page.
+ This option typesets the title page of the document in a manner appropriate for a subject based report, where the report is worth part of the total mark of the subject. The name of the subject is loaded with the \command{\textbackslash{}subject} macro in the document body. By default this option also loads the \option{nosupervisor} option, if you have any supervisors you'll need to add the correct supervisor option in the preamble. This option and the corresponding \option{fullsubject} option do not typeset the logo on the title page.
One of the degree options. This option modifies the wording of the thesis requirement so that it is reflective of a Doctoral degree: `This thesis is presented as required for the'. The field \command{\textbackslash{}degree} is also automatically set to `Doctor of Philosophy'.
@@ -194,30 +291,58 @@ The declaration page is intended for PhD theses, but will work fine for each doc
Makes the supervisor field singular, printing `Supervisor' This option is the default. Still implemented but obsolete. Use the optional argument to the \command{\textbackslash{}supervisor}\option{[number of supervisors]}\comoptions{\{Your Supervisors\}} command.
- Typesets a fairly minimal but nice looking title page for lab reports or other in class assessments. No logo is printed and the name of the subject is loaded with the \command{\textbackslash{}class} macro in the document body. The same as the \option{fullsubject} and \option{partialsubject} options.
+ Typesets a fairly minimal but nice looking title page for lab reports or other in class assessments. No logo is printed and the name of the subject is loaded with the \command{\textbackslash{}subject} macro in the document body. The same as the \option{fullsubject} and \option{partialsubject} options.
+ \item[\option{international}]
+ This simply turns off the acknowledgement of the Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship in the copyright text.
+ \item[\option{nocopyright}]
+ Removes the copyright text completely.
-This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c which can be found at: \url{}.
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the \LaTeX{} Project Public License version 1.3c.\footnote{\url{}} The crest of the University of Wollongong is copyright and the property of the University of Wollongong. As the core identifier of the university its use is governed by the university's brand and visual identity guidelines.\footnote{\url{}}
-The crest of the University of Wollongong is copyright and the property of the University of Wollongong. As the core identifier of the university its use is governed by the university's brand and visual identity guidelines
-which can be found at: \url{}
+This work is copyright (\textsc{cc by-sa 4.0}) 2017 by T. M. Griffiths under the creative commons licence (attribution, non-commercial, share alike).\footnote{\url{}}
-This work is copyright (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 AU) 2014 by T. M. Griffiths under the creative commons licence (attribution, non-commercial, share alike). More information can be found here: \url{}.
\section{Change Log}
If you spot any errors or bugs, or alternately you have any requests for an addition let me know.
+\subsection*{Version 3.0, 2017-07-18, tmgriffiths}
+This version is a major redesign of the title page to coincide the re-branding of \textsc{uow} during 2016. It also adds the copyright statement and acknowledgement of the Australian Government Research Training Partnership Scholarships. Be sure to use the new version of the \textsc{uow} crest (below). A copy is distributed with the uow thesis template on \textsc{uow} website.
+ \includegraphics[height=20mm]{uow_logo.png}
+ \item Redesigned title page to be more in line with \textsc{uow} branding guidelines and discussions with \textsc{uow} administration.
+ \item Added the copyright text on the page immediately following the title page.
+ \item Included the acknowledgement of the Australian Government Research Training Partnership Scholarships in the copy right text.
+ \item Added \command{\textbackslash{}copyrighttext} command to allow for custom copyright, in case of industry partners or other situations. If you want to release your work under a creative commons licence I suggest you look at the \texttt{ccicons} package for typesetting all the symbols you need.
+ \item Added the \option{nocopyright} package option to remove the copyright statement completely.
+ \item Added the \option{international} package option to print the copyright text, but to omit the acknowledgment of scholarship, which is only required for \emph{domestic} students.
+ \item Changed the \command{\textbackslash{}class} macro to \command{\textbackslash{}subject}.
+ \item Spaced out the declaration text and signature line more with a \command{\textbackslash{}vspace}\{\command{\textbackslash{}fill}\}. The signature line and date now sit at the bottom of the page irrespective of paper size.
+ \item Fixed up the code in \texttt{uowthesistitlepage.sty}. Indenting and some stray uncommented return line adding errant spaces in the finished title page.
+ \item updated this document to use Times New Roman, \textsf{Monserrat}, and the three \textsc{uow} branding coluors \textcolor{UOWred}{\textbf{red}}, \textcolor{UOWblue}{\textbf{blue}}, and \textcolor{UOWdarkblue}{\textbf{dark blue}}.
+ \item Removed most examples from documentation. I felt the options were fairly self explanatory. I've left in the \option{report}, \option{default} and \option{phd} options so that people can see what they look like.
\subsection*{Version 2.0, 2014–01–07, tmgriffiths}
\item Added \command{\textbackslash{}cosupervisor} field. The field works the same as supervisor field, but is off by default. The co-supervisor field is turned on by the \option{cosupervisor} option in the preamble. The field can either be below the supervisor field or next to it. When next to it the whole block of supervisors is centred as a single unit. The default position is below the supervisor field, but the adjacent style can be tuned on with the \option{horizontal} option in the preamble.
\item Added the \option{horizontal} option. This uses a tabular environment to put two centred columns in a centred table to place the new \command{\textbackslash{}cosupervisor} adjacent to the supervisor field. It is off by default but if you want it on just give \option{horizontal} as a option to the package in the preamble.
\item Added the \option{report} option. Prints a nice little title page for lab reports and the like. Adjusted the declaration and dummy text accordingly.
\item Added \option{PhD} option. Just for capitalisation.
- \item Fixed up the declaration page, reworded it to make it, in my opinion, a bit neater sounding. Also fixed the declaration for \option{fullsubject}, \option{report} and \option{partialsubject} so that it is for the completion of the assessment criteria of \command{\textbackslash{}class}.
+ \item Fixed up the declaration page, reworded it to make it, in my opinion, a bit neater sounding. Also fixed the declaration for \option{fullsubject}, \option{report} and \option{partialsubject} so that it is for the completion of the assessment criteria of \command{\textbackslash{}subject}.
\item Moved the \texttt{\textbackslash{}vspace\{biggap\}} and \texttt{\textbackslash{}vspace*\{fill\}} so that the University
and School are at the bottom near the date.
- \item Removed some LaTeX crimes: \texttt{\textbackslash{}begin \textbackslash{}end\{centering\}\texttt{}} to \texttt{\textbackslash{}centering}, excess return lines.
+ \item Removed some \LaTeX{} crimes: \texttt{\textbackslash{}begin \textbackslash{}end\{centering\}\texttt{}} to \texttt{\textbackslash{}centering}, excess return lines.
\item Italicised the requirements.
\item Removed the bold from all but the title.
\item Changed the wording — The degree is now conferred not awarded.
@@ -238,7 +363,7 @@ PhD) is given to the package.
\subsection*{Version 1.2, 2013–07–12, tmgriffiths}
\item Added the \option{fullsubject} and \option{partialsubject} options. These are for individual subject based documents e.g. a report.
- \item Fixed spacing in the School \textless{}Your School\textgreater field. Previously there was no whitespace between School and the name of your school
+ \item Fixed spacing in the School Your School field. Previously there was no whitespace between School and the name of your school
\subsection*{Version 1.1, 2013–07–01, tmgriffiths}
@@ -254,53 +379,21 @@ PhD) is given to the package.
\item Wrote documentation.
\section{Example Title Pages}
On the following pages there are example title pages and four example declaration pages. The package options and document settings if anything non standard for the examples on the following pages (in order) are:
\item \option{report}
- \item \option{partialsubject}
- \item \option{fullsubject}
\item \option{honours} \emph{Default}.
- \item \option{mastersbycoursework}
- \item \option{mastersbyresearch}
\item \option{phd}
- \item \option{phd}, page size set to A5 paper.
- \item \option{phd,cosupervisor}
- \item \option{phd,cosupervisor,horizontal}
- \item \option{phd,noschool}
- \item \option{phd,noschool} and \command{\textbackslash{}school}\comoptions{\{AIIM\}}
- \item \option{phd,nosupervisor}
- \item \option{phd,nosupervisor,noschool}
- \item \option{other}
- \item Microsoft Word 2010 template for comparison
- \item \command{\textbackslash{}declaration} \option{report}
- \item \command{\textbackslash{}declaration} \option{fullsubject}
- \item \command{\textbackslash{}declaration} \option{honours}
- \item \command{\textbackslash{}declaration} \option{phd}
+ \item Copyright text
+ \item \command{\textbackslash{}declaration}
%Redefinition of \texttt{\textbackslash{}maketitle} to Create a Title Page for a Thesis at the University of Wollongong}} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/uowthesistitlepage/uowthesistitlepage.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/uowthesistitlepage/uowthesistitlepage.sty
index 5bb47f00492..49ea3aca3cc 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/uowthesistitlepage/uowthesistitlepage.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/uowthesistitlepage/uowthesistitlepage.sty
@@ -1,27 +1,32 @@
-%% This is file `uowthesistitlepage.sty',
-%% 2014-01-07 (cc) tmgriffiths Version 2.0
-%% Copyright (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 AU) 2013 by T. M. Griffiths
-%% under the creative commons licence, attribution, non-comercial, share alike
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c
-%% This Package redefines the \maketitle Command for LaTeX documents and generates
-%% a title page as close as possible to the current UOW HDR word thesis-template.
-%% Use this package with the book class to typeset your thesis.
-%% The UOW default dimensions can be implimented with:
-%% \usepackage{geometry}
-%% \geometry{a4paper,inner=4.0cm, outer=2cm, top=3cm, bottom=2cm}
-%% Created by Thomas M. Griffiths (tmg994[at]uowmail[dot]edu[dot]au) 2013-06-17
-%% Version 2.0 2014-01-07 tmgriffiths
-%% Basic usage overview
+% This is file `uowthesistitlepage.sty',
+% 2014-01-07 (cc) tmgriffiths Version 3.0
+% Copyright (CC BY-SA 4.0 AU) 2017 by T. M. Griffiths under the creative
+% commons licence, attribution, non-comercial, share alike
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
+% LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c
+% This Package redefines the \maketitle Command for LaTeX documents and
+% generates a title page as close as possible to the current UOW HDR word
+% thesis-template. Use this package with the book class to typeset your thesis.
+% The UOW default dimensions can be implimented with:
+% \usepackage{geometry}
+% \geometry{a4paper,inner=4.0cm, outer=2cm, top=3cm, bottom=2cm}
+% These aren't especially pleasing to look at. Without changing the dimensions
+% of the textblock you can use:
+% \usepackage{geometry}
+% \geometry{a4paper,inner=3cm, outer=3cm, top=2cm, bottom=3m}
+% for more visually appealing margins.
+% Created by Thomas M. Griffiths (tmg994[at]uowmail[dot]edu[dot]au) 2013-06-17
+% Version 3.0 2017-07-18 tmgriffiths
+% Basic usage overview
% \usepackage{uowthesistitlepage}
@@ -32,46 +37,52 @@
% Standard fields of \maketitle
% \title{A Pretty Swish Title}
% \author{Average J. Blow}
-% % If you use the hyperref package you can add a mailto link, so that clicking on your name opens an email to you.
-% The new fields from the \maketitle renewal (see code below).
-% \degree{That Degree You've Been Studying}
-% % Write it in full: e.g. Bachelor of Science Medicinal Chemistry Advanced Honours
-% \school{Your School}
+% % If you use the hyperref package you can add a mailto link, so that
+% % clicking on your name opens an email to you.
+% The new fields from the \maketitle renewal (see code below)
+% \degree{That Degree You've Been Studying}
+% % Write it in full: e.g. Bachelor of Science Medicinal Chemistry Advanced
+% % Honours
+% \school{Your School}
% % e.g Chemistry
% \supervisor{supervisor 1, supervisor 2 \& supervisor 3}
-% % A list of your supervisors, can be turned off with the nosupervisor package option in the preamble
-% % or switched to multiple (more thn one) with the package option multiplesupervisors
+% % A list of your supervisors, can be turned off with the nosupervisor
+% % package option in the preamble
+% % or switched to multiple (more thn one) with the package option
+% % multiplesupervisors
-% Implimented in version 1.1 is the \declaration Command.
-% This typesets the declaration (below) that this thesis is your own work, required in the front of each PhD Thesis.
+% Implimented in version 1.1 is the \declaration Command.
+% This typesets the declaration (below) that this thesis is your own work,
+% required in the front of each PhD Thesis.
% Declaration
-% I, <Student’s Full Name>, declare that this thesis, submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of
-% <Your Degree>, of the School of <Your School>, University of Wollongong, is wholly my own work unless otherwise referenced
-% or acknowledged. The document has not been submitted for qualifications at any other academic institution.
+% I, \emph{Student’s Full Name}, declare that this thesis, submitted in
+% partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of \emph{Your Degree}, of
+% the School of Your School, University of Wollongong, is wholly my own work
+% unless otherwise referenced or acknowledged. The document has not been
+% submitted for qualifications at any other academic institution.
% ------------------------------------
-% <Student’s Full Name>, July 1, 2013
+% Student’s Full Name, July 1, 2013
-% Package code %
+% Package code %
-\ProvidesPackage{uowthesistitlepage}[2014/01/07 V 2.0 (cc) tmgriffiths]
+\ProvidesPackage{uowthesistitlepage}[2014/01/07 V 3.0 (cc) tmgriffiths]
-\RequirePackage{setspace} % for the doublespacing
-\RequirePackage{etoolbox} % for the supervisor counting trickery
- \DeclareGraphicsRule{.tif}{png}{.png}{`convert #1 `dirname #1`/`basename #1 .tif`.png}
-%% If statements
+% If statements
@@ -83,512 +94,607 @@
+ \schooltrue
-%% Declareing the package options
+ \logotrue
+ \copyrighttrue
+ \domestictrue
+% For my memory
+% true
+% false
+% Declareing the package options.
% The default wording for the thesis requirements for an honours thesis.
-\DeclareOption{honors} % for those less honourable of you who've shunned the u.
-% The default wording for the thesis requirements for a masters by coursework thesis.
-% The default wording for the thesis requirements for a masters by research dissertaion.
+ \phdfalse
+ \mastersfalse
+ \honourstrue
+ \partialtrue
+ \subjectfalse
+\DeclareOption{honors}{% for those less honourable of you who've shunned the u.
+ \phdfalse
+ \mastersfalse
+ \honourstrue
+ \partialtrue
+ \subjectfalse
+% The default wording for the thesis requirements for a masters by coursework
+% thesis.
+ \phdfalse
+ \masterstrue
+ \honoursfalse
+ \partialtrue
+ \subjectfalse
+% The default wording for the thesis requirements for a masters by research
+% dissertation.
+ \phdfalse
+ \masterstrue
+ \honoursfalse
+ \partialfalse
+ \subjectfalse
% The default wording for the thesis requirements for a PhD thesis.
-\def\@degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
-% The default wording for the thesis requirements for a PhD thesis, with option capitalisation.
-\def\@degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
-%for theses or reports that are for an individual subject, not for the award of a degree
+ \phdtrue
+ \mastersfalse
+ \honoursfalse
+ \partialfalse
+ \subjectfalse
+ \degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
+% The default wording for the thesis requirements for a PhD thesis, with option
+% capitalisation.
+ \phdtrue
+ \mastersfalse
+ \honoursfalse
+ \partialfalse
+ \subjectfalse
+ \reportfalse
+ \degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
+% For theses or reports that are for an individual subject, not for the award of
+% a degree.
+ \copyrightfalse
+ \phdfalse
+ \mastersfalse
+ \honoursfalse
+ \reportfalse
+ \partialtrue
+ \subjecttrue
+ \copyrightfalse
+ \phdfalse
+ \mastersfalse
+ \honoursfalse
+ \subjecttrue
+ \reportfalse
+ \partialfalse
+ \copyrightfalse
+ \phdfalse
+ \mastersfalse
+ \honoursfalse
+ \subjecttrue
+ \reporttrue
+ \partialtrue
+ \nosupervisortrue
% For all other thesis types.
+ \phdfalse
+ \mastersfalse
+ \honoursfalse
+ \partialtrue
+ \subjectfalse
+ \reportfalse
+ \nosupervisortrue
+% In case you belong to an institute or some other affiliation (such as AIIM)
+% instead of a school.
+ \newcommand\@schooltitle{}
+ \newcommand\@school{}
-% In case you belong to an institute or some other affiliation (such as AIIM) instead of a school
+% Determining the pluralisation (or absence) of 'supervisor' acording to the
+% number of supervisors.
+\DeclareOption{nosupervisor}{% also achievable by using \supervisor[0]{}
+ \nosupervisortrue
+ \cosupervisorfalse
+ \multiplesupervisorsfalse
-% Determining the pluralisation (or absence) of 'supervisor' acording to the number of supervisors
-\DeclareOption{nosupervisor} % also achievable by using \supervisor[0]{}
+ \nocosupervisorfalse
+ \cosupervisortrue
+ \horizontaltrue
+ \logofalse
-% These two options have been left in for legacy purposes, but are no longer needed as the \supervisor Command has been modifed to have an optional field that specifies the number of supervisors
+% These two options have been left in for legacy purposes, but are no longer
+% needed as the \supervisor Command has been modifed to have an optional field
+% that specifies the number of supervisors.
+ \nosupervisorfalse
+ \multiplesupervisorsfalse
+ \nosupervisorfalse
+ \multiplesupervisorstrue
-%% Defining the defualt values of the macros within \maketitle
-% His \makeatother friend is at the end of the document, using multiple "make-ats" I got all sorts of errors
+ \copyrightfalse
+ \domesticfalse
+ \domesticfalse
+% Definitely not another page layout that is more aesthetically pleasing.
+% No-sir-ee. Not here.
+ \altpagetrue
+% Defining the default values of the macros within \maketitle
% Fields already in the \maketitle Command
-\textless{}Title of Your \ifreport Report\else \ifsubject Dissertation\else Thesis\fi\fi\textgreater
+ Title of Your \ifreport Report\else \ifsubject Dissertation\else Thesis\fi\fi%
+ \@latex@warning@no@line{No \noexpand\title specified!}
-\textless{}Student's Full Name\textgreater
+ Student's Full Name%
+ \@latex@warning@no@line{No \noexpand\author specified!}%
-\textless{}Month Year\textgreater
+ \ifcase \month%
+ \or January%
+ \or February%
+ \or March%
+ \or April%
+ \or May%
+ \or June%
+ \or July%
+ \or August%
+ \or September%
+ \or October%
+ \or November%
+ \or December%
+ \fi, \number \the\year%
% These are the new fields not currently in the standard \maketitle macro.
% \supervisor[]{}
% Dummy text
-\textless{}Your Supervisor(s)\textgreater
+ Your Supervisor(s)%
+ \@latex@warning@no@line{No \noexpand\supervisor specified!}
% Command
- {% true
+ \gdef\@supervisor{#2}%
+ \ifnumless{#1}{1}{% true
- }
- {% false
- }
- {% true
+ }
+ {}% false
+ \ifnumequal{#1}{1}{% true
- }
- {% false
- }
- {% true
+ }
+ {}% false
+ \ifnumgreater{#1}{1}{% true
- }
- {% false
- }
+ }%
+ {}% false
% \cosupervisor[]{}
% Dummy text
-\textless{}Your Co-supervisor(s)\textgreater
+ {Your Co-supervisor(s)}%
% Command
- {% true
+ \gdef\@cosupervisor{#2}
+ \ifnumless{#1}{1}{% true
- }
- {% false
- }
- {% true
+ }
+ {}% false
+ \ifnumequal{#1}{1}{% true
- }
- {% false
- }
- {% true
+ }
+ {}% false
+ \ifnumgreater{#1}{1}{% true
- }
- {% false
- }
+ }
+ {}% false
% \degree{}
% Dummy text
-\textless{}Your Degree\textgreater
+ Your Degree%
+ \ifsubject{}%
+ \else{%
+ \@latex@warning@no@line{No \noexpand\degree specified!}%
+ }%
+ \fi
% Command
-% \class{}
-% Dummy text
-\def\@class{\textless{}Your Class\textgreater}
-% Command
+ \gdef\@degree{#1}%
+% \subject{}
+% Dummy text
+ Your Class%
+ \@latex@warning@no@line{No \noexpand\subject specified!}%
+% Command
+ \gdef\@subject{#1}%
-% Dummy text
-\textless{}Your School\textgreater
+% \school{}
+% Dummy text
+ Your School%
+ \@latex@warning@no@line{No \noexpand\school specified!}%
-% Command
+% Command
+ \gdef\@school{#1}%
+% Internal command for the wording of the title page.
+ \includegraphics[height=\crestheight]{uow_logo}%
-% Internal command for the wording of the title page.
% Command
% Image must be in the working directory for this Command to work
+ \gdef\@graphic{#1}%
-% Internal command for the wording of the title page.
-\ifreport This report submitted as part of the assessment schedule for: \else This \ifsubject dissertation \else thesis \fi is presented as \ifpartial part of the requirements \else required \fi \ifsubject for completion of: \else for the conferral of the degree:\fi
+% Internal command for the wording of the title page.
+ \ifreport This report submitted as part of the assessment schedule for: %
+ \else This \ifsubject dissertation \else thesis \fi is presented as %
+ \ifpartial part of the requirements \else required \fi \ifsubject for %
+ completion of: \else for the conferral of the degree:\fi%
-% Internal command for the wording of the title page.
-School of
+% Internal command for the wording of the title page.
+ School of%
-%% Lengths
-%% Calculate the size of the gaps between fields relative to the paper height incase A4 is not used.
-%% The title page should cope with up to A5, but document fontsize does need to be taken down to 10 pt.
-%% In the future I hope to implement something that changes the font size according to paper size.
+% Research Training Program requirement for research students to acknowledge
+% the Australian Government RTP Scholarship in all research publications.
+ This research has been conducted with the support of the Australian %
+ Government Research Training Program Scholarship.%
+% \newcommand{\director}[1]{\gdef\@director{#1}}%
+% \newcommand{\@director}{\@latex@warning@no@line{No \noexpand\director specified!}}
+% Command
+ \gdef\@copyrighttext{#1}%
+ \begin{raggedright}
+ \begin{singlespace}
+ This work \textcopyright{} copyright by \@author, \the\year. All Rights %
+ Reserved.
+ \vspace{\smallgap}%
+ No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, %
+ transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, %
+ photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of %
+ the author or the University of Wollongong.%
+ \ifdomestic{%
+ \vspace{\smallgap}%
+ \RTPacknowledgement%
+ }%
+ \else{}%
+ \fi%
+ \end{singlespace}
+ \end{raggedright}
+% Declaration page
+% This is a new Command (\declaration) that if you desire you can use to print
+% the standard thesis submission declaration.
+ \thispagestyle{empty}
+ \section*{Declaration}
+ \begin{singlespacing}
+ I, \emph{\@author}, declare that this \ifreport report \else \ifsubject %
+ dissertation \else thesis \fi \fi is submitted in \ifpartial partial \fi %
+ fulfilment of the requirements for \ifsubject the completion of %
+ \emph{\@subject{}}, \else the conferral of the degree \emph{\@degree{}}, %
+ from the University of Wollongong, \fi is wholly my own work unless %
+ otherwise referenced or acknowledged. This document has not been submitted %
+ for qualifications at any other academic institution.%
+ \par
+ \vspace{\fill}%
+ \noindent\rule{0.4\linewidth}{0.5pt}%
+ \vspace{1em}%
+ \par
+ \noindent\textbf{\@author}\vspace{1em}%
+ \par
+ \noindent\today
+ \end{singlespacing}
+ \clearpage{\pagestyle{empty}\cleardoublepage}
+% Lengths
+% Calculate the size of the gaps between fields relative to the paper height.
+% Just in case A4 is not used. The title page should cope with up to A5, but
+% document fontsize does need to be taken down to 10 pt. In the future I
+% hope to implement something that changes the font size according to paper
+% size.
- \setlength{\biggap}{0.10\paperheight} %for A4 paper this is approximately 29 mm.
+% for A4 paper this is approximately 29 mm.
- \setlength{\midgap}{0.044\paperheight} %for A4 paper this is approximately 13 mm.
+% for A4 paper this is approximately 13 mm.
- \setlength{\smallgap}{0.024\paperheight} %for A4 paper this is approximately 7 mm.
+% for A4 paper this is approximately 7 mm.
- \setlength{\vsmallgap}{0.012\paperheight} %for A4 paper this is approximately 3.5 mm.
+% for A4 paper this is approximately 3.5 mm.
- \setlength{\crestheight}{0.068\paperheight} %for A4 paper this is approximately 20 mm.
+% for A4 paper this is approximately 20 mm.
- \setlength{\innersidemargin}{0.135\paperheight} %for A4 paper this is approximately 40 mm.
+% \setlength{\innersidemargin}{0.135\paperheight}
+% for A4 paper this is approximately 40 mm.
+% for A4 paper this is approximately 29 mm
- \setlength{\outersidemargin}{0.068\paperheight} %for A4 paper this is approximately 20 mm.
- \setlength{\topsidemargin}{\biggap} %for A4 paper this is approximately 29 mm.
- \setlength{\bottomsidemargin}{\outersidemargin} %for A4 paper this is approximately 20 mm.
-%% Title page
-%% Here we actually set up the title page.
- {
- }\\
- {
- \@graphic\\
- }
- {
- \vspace{\biggap}\\
- {\Large\@title}\\
- \vspace{\biggap}
- }
- {
- \ifcosupervisor
- {
- \begin{tabular}{cc}
- \ifmultiplesupervisors
- {
- Supervisors:
- }
- \else
- {
- Supervisor:
- }
- \fi
- &
- \ifmultiplecosupervisors
- {
- Co-supervisors:
- }
- \else
- {
- Co-supervisor:
- }\\
- \fi
- \@supervisor
- &
- \@cosupervisor
- \end{tabular}
- }\\
- \else
- {
- \ifnosupervisor
- {
- }
- \else
- {
- \ifmultiplesupervisors
- {
- Supervisors:\\ \@supervisor
- }\\
- \else
- {
- Supervisor:\\ \@supervisor
- }\\
- \fi
- }
- \fi
- }
- \fi
- }
- {
- \ifnosupervisor
- {
- }
- \else
- {
- \ifmultiplesupervisors
- {
- Supervisors:\\ \@supervisor\\
- }
- \else
- {
- Supervisor:\\ \@supervisor\\
- }
- \fi
- }
- \fi
- \ifcosupervisor
- {
- \ifmultiplecosupervisors
- {
- Co-supervisors:\\ \@cosupervisor\\
- }
- \else
- {
- Co-supervisor:\\ \@cosupervisor\\
- }
- \fi
- }
- \else
- {
- }
- \fi
- }
- {
- \vspace{\smallgap}
- \@class}\\
- \vspace*{\fill}
- {
- \vspace{\smallgap}
- \@degree\\
- \vspace*{\fill}
- }
-The University of Wollongong\par
- {
- \noindent\@schooltitle{}\@school\\
- }
- {
- }
-%% Declaration page
-%% This is a new Command (\declaration) that if you desire you can use to print the standard thesis submission declaration.
+% for A4 paper this is approximately 29 mm.
-\noindent {\large \textbf{Declaration}}\\
-{\itshape\noindent I, \@author, declare that this \ifreport report \else \ifsubject dissertation \else thesis \fi \fi submitted in \ifpartial partial \fi fulfilment of the requirements for \ifsubject the completion of \@class{}, \else the conferral of the degree \@degree{}, from the University of Wollongong, \fi is wholly my own work unless otherwise referenced or acknowledged. This document has not been submitted for qualifications at any other academic institution.\par
+% for A4 paper this is approximately 20 mm.
+% for A4 paper this is approximately 29 mm.
-%% Execute the default options, print supervisor field and requirements for an honours thesis.
+% Title page
+% Here we actually set up the title page.
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+ {\Large\@title}\\%
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+ \@author\\%
+ \vspace{\midgap}%
+ \textit{%
+ \@requirement%
+ }\\%
+ \ifsubject{%
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+ \@subject\\%
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+ }%
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+ \vspace{\smallgap}%
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+ \vspace*{\fill}%
+ }%
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+ \ifhorizontal{%
+ \ifcosupervisor{%
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}}
+ \ifmultiplesupervisors{%
+ Supervisors:%
+ }%
+ \else{%
+ Supervisor:%
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ &%
+ \ifmultiplecosupervisors{%
+ Co-supervisors:%
+ }%
+ \else{%
+ Co-supervisor:%
+ }\\%
+ \fi
+ \@supervisor%
+ &%
+ \@cosupervisor%
+ \end{tabular}
+ }\\%
+ \else{%
+ \ifnosupervisor{}%
+ \else{%
+ \ifmultiplesupervisors{%
+ Supervisors:\\%
+ \@supervisor%
+ }\\%
+ \else{%
+ Supervisor:\\%
+ \@supervisor%
+ }\\%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \else{%
+ \ifnosupervisor{}%
+ \else{%
+ \ifmultiplesupervisors{%
+ Supervisors:\\%
+ \@supervisor\\%
+ \vspace{1ex}%
+ }%
+ \else{%
+ Supervisor:\\%
+ \@supervisor\\%
+ \vspace{1ex}%
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ \ifcosupervisor{%
+ \ifmultiplecosupervisors{%
+ Co-supervisors:\\%
+ \@cosupervisor\\%
+ }%
+ \else{%
+ Co-supervisor:\\%
+ \@cosupervisor\\%
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \else{}%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ \vspace{\midgap}%
+ The University of Wollongong\\%
+ \ifschool{%
+ \noindent\@schooltitle{} \@school\\%
+ }%
+ \else{}%
+ \fi%
+ \vspace{\midgap}%
+ \@date\vspace{\smallgap}%
+ \end{singlespacing}
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+ \ifcopyright{%
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+ \else{}%
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+ \restoregeometry
+ \clearpage{\pagestyle{empty}\cleardoublepage}
+% Execute the default options, print supervisor field and requirements for an
+% honours thesis.
-% Quidquid latine dictum sit altum videtur.
-% Depreciated/old snippets that I might need someday
-%\def\@university{No university}
-% \newcommand{\university}[1]{\gdef\@university{#1}} % inactive with the new thesis theme (tmgriffiths 2013-05-29) \ No newline at end of file
+% Quidquid latine dictum sit altum videtur.