path: root/Master/texmf-dist
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index 00000000000..3ff6d5004fc
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# fancyhandout
+## A LaTeX class for producing nice-looking handouts
+Many students conducting a presentation are asked to provide a handout containing the essential information of their report.
+However, LaTeX has never been designed for typesetting such documents mostly consisting out of bullet points.
+`fancyhandout` breaks up with some of LaTeX's principles and redefines basic LaTeX commands with the aim of producing well-designed and clear structured handouts:
+A \textsf{sans-serif} font is used by default, sections are not numbered and highlighted by underlining them, head- and footline display document information and for avoiding too large whitespace around the text, the margin sizes are adjusted to a proper value.
+All together, `fancyhandout` provides a way of typesetting documents not exclusively consisting of running text in a beautiful way.
+### Dependencies
+`fancyhandout` depends on these other LaTeX packages:
+`csquotes`, `enumitem`, `etoolbox`, `fancyhdr`, `geometry` and `xcolor`
+### License
+This work is licensed under the LPPL 1.3c or any later version.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/fancyhandout/fancyhandout-doc.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/fancyhandout/fancyhandout-doc.pdf
new file mode 100644
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/fancyhandout/fancyhandout-doc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/fancyhandout/fancyhandout-doc.tex
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index 00000000000..8b720f0a14e
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/fancyhandout/fancyhandout-doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+%% This is file 'fancyhandout-doc.tex', Version 2018-01-20
+%% Copyright 2017-18 Sebastian Friedl <>
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project
+%% Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is available at
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2008-05-04 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'maintained'.
+%% Author: Sebastian Friedl
+%% Current maintainer of this work is Sebastian Friedl
+%% This work consists of the files fancyhandout.cls and fancyhandout-doc.tex
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% A LaTeX class for producing nice-looking handouts.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Please report bugs and other problems as well as suggestions for improvements to the following email address:
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\usepackage[unicode, pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}
+\setsansfont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Source Sans Pro}
+\title{The \texttt{fancyhandout} class \\ {\large\url{}}}
+\author{Sebastian Friedl \\ \href{}{\ttfamily}}
+\hypersetup{pdftitle={The fancyhandout class},pdfauthor={Sebastian Friedl}}
+ \maketitle
+ \begin{abstract}\parindent0pt%
+ \noindent%
+ \textbf{A \LaTeX\ class for producing nice-looking handouts.}
+ \smallskip
+ Many students conducting a presentation are asked to provide a handout containing the essential information of their report.
+ However, \LaTeX\ has never been designed for typesetting such documents mostly consisting out of bullet points.
+ \smallskip
+ "fancyhandout" breaks up with some of \LaTeX's principles and redefines basic \LaTeX\ commands with the aim of producing well-designed and clear structured handouts: \\
+ A \textsf{sans-serif} font is used by default, sections are not numbered and highlighted by underlining them, head- and footline display document information and for avoiding too large whitespace around the text, the margin sizes are adjusted to a proper value.
+ \smallskip
+ All together, "fancyhandout" provides a way of typesetting documents not exclusively consisting of running text in a beautiful way.
+ \end{abstract}
+ \tableofcontents
+ \clearpage
+ \subsection*{Dependencies on other packages}
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Dependencies on other packages}
+ The "fancyhandout" class requires \LaTeXe\ and the following packages:
+ \begin{multicols}{3}\ttfamily\centering
+ csquotes \\ enumitem \\ etoolbox \\ fancyhdr \\ geometry \\ xcolor
+ \end{multicols}
+ \subsection*{License}
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{License}
+ \textcopyright\ 2017-18 Sebastian Friedl
+ \smallskip
+ This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the \LaTeX\ Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+ \smallskip
+ The latest version of this license is available at \url{} and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of \LaTeX\ version 2008-05-04 or later.
+ \smallskip
+ This work has the LPPL maintenance status \enquote*{maintained}. The current maintainer of this work is Sebastian Friedl. \\
+ This work consists of the following files:
+ \begin{itemize} \itemsep 0pt
+ \item "fancyhandout.cls" and
+ \item "fancyhandout-doc.tex"
+ \end{itemize}
+ \subsection*{Call for cooperation}
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Call for cooperation}
+ Please report bugs and other problems as well as suggestions for improvements by using the \href{}{issue tracker on GitHub} or sending an email to \href{}{\texttt{}}.
+ \clearpage
+ % DOCUMENTATION PART ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ \section{Creating a handout}
+ \subsection{Loading \texttt{fancyhandout}}
+ Load "fancyhandout" by using the "\documentclass" command.
+ \bigskip
+ By default, "fancyhandout" typesets documents using two side page layout on DIN/ISO A4 paper and an 11pt \textsf{sans serif} font. This can be changed by using these class options:
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{10pt}\DescribeMacro{12pt}
+ These options change the font size to 10 or 12 points. \\
+ Please do \emph{not} use both options simultaneously.
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{rmfont}
+ This option changes the used font to the roman (=\,serif) one.
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{letter}
+ This option changes the page size to letter format.
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{oneside}
+ This option leads to using one side page layout.
+ \subsection{Providing document information}\label{docinfo}
+ Basic \LaTeX\ defines the commands "\title", "\author" and "\date" for providing document information.
+ When using "fancyhandout" the following ones are available:
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\title}
+ Sets the handout's title. \\[\smallskipamount]
+ \textit{Example:}\quad "\title{An introduction on \texttt{fancyhandout}}"
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\subtitle}
+ When required, a subtitle may be also provided. \\[\smallskipamount]
+ \textit{Example:}\quad "\subtitle{With some notes on \LaTeX\ itself}"
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\author}
+ Useful for specifying the author(s). \\
+ Multiple authors should be separated using the "\and" command inside "\author" (e.~g. "\author{J. Doe \and M. Mustermann}"). \\
+ "\and" will expand to "\qquad" in the title and to ",~" in the headline. \\[\smallskipamount]
+ \textit{Example:}\quad "\author{Sebastian Friedl}"
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\institute}
+ Additional to or instead of the author(s), it is also possible to specify the institute name(s). \\
+ You may also use the "\and" command to separate different names. \\
+ However, information about the institute won't be shown in the headline. \\[\smallskipamount]
+ \textit{Example:}\quad "\institute{University of Foo Bar City}"
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\date}
+ This command changes the date shown in the title and footline.
+ "\date"'s value is "\today" until another value for "\date" is given. \\[\smallskipamount]
+ \textit{Example:}\quad "\date{20. January 2018}"
+ \subsubsection*{Short version}
+ It is also possible to provide short versions of the command's values as an optional argument in squared braces.
+ These are only used inside the head- or footline. \\[\smallskipamount]
+ \textit{Example:}\quad "\author[S. Friedl]{Sebastian Friedl}"
+ \subsection{The handout title}
+ \DescribeMacro{\maketitle}
+ Using the "\maketitle" command, a colored title box displaying the document information listed in section \ref{docinfo} gets typeset.
+ \medskip
+ The colors of the box can be changed by "\colorlet"ting …
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item "fancyhandouttboxlinecolor" \\
+ to change the color used for drawing the line around the title box \\[\smallskipamount]
+ \textit{Example:}\quad "\colorlet{fancyhandouttboxlinecolor}{red!80!black}"
+ \item "fancyhandouttboxfillcolor" \\
+ to change the color used for filling the title box \\[\smallskipamount]
+ \textit{Example:}\quad "\colorlet{fancyhandouttboxfillcolor}{red!10}"
+ \end{itemize}
+ \subsection{Sectioning}
+ \DescribeMacro{\section}\DescribeMacro{\subsection}\DescribeMacro{\subsubsection}
+ "fancyhandout" supports the three basic sectioning commands "\section", "\subsection" and "\subsubsection". These commands produce sections, subsections and subsubsections visible in the table of contents (TOC). \\
+ \DescribeMacro{\section*}\DescribeMacro{\subsection*}\DescribeMacro{\subsubsection*}
+ The starred versions "\section*", "\subsection*" and "\subsubsection*" are also provided to produce sections, subsections and subsubsections not visible in the table of contents.
+ \medskip
+ All sections, subsections and subsubsections are \emph{not} numbered. \\
+ Section and subsection headings are underlined to stand out. The colors of these lines can be changed by "\colorlet"ting …
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item "fancyhandoutsectlinecolor" \\
+ to change the color used for underlining section headings \\[\smallskipamount]
+ \textit{Example:}\quad "\colorlet{fancyhandoutsectlinecolor}{red!80!black}"
+ \item "fancyhandoutsubsectlinecolor" \\
+ to change the color used for underlining subsection headings \\[\smallskipamount]
+ \textit{Example:}\quad "\colorlet{fancyhandoutsubsectlinecolor}{red!70!black!70}"
+ \end{itemize}
+ \medskip
+ \textbf{Important note:} \\
+ Unlike "article"'s sectioning commands, "fancyhandout"'s sectioning commands do \emph{not} accept optional arguments in squared braces.
+ \subsection{The main content}
+ The main content may be any arbitrary \LaTeX\ code.
+ \medskip
+ \textbf{Note:} \\
+ Neither the sectioning commands, nor the table of contents print section, subsection and subsubsection numbers in front of section headings. \\
+ Therefore, relying on section numbers when numbering things like figures and equations is usually a very, \emph{very} bad idea. Rely on page numbers instead.
+ \section{Advanced settings}
+ \subsection{Lists}
+ By default, "fancyhandout" loads "enumitem" for setting "itemsep" to~"0ex" and reducing "topsep" to~".75ex". \\
+ \DescribeMacro{\setlist}
+ These settings can be reverted or modified using the "\setlist" command (see "enumitem"'s package documentation for further details).
+ \subsection{Page margins}
+ "fancyhandout" uses the "geometry" package for setting the page margins to 2.25\,cm each, including page head and foot. \\
+ \DescribeMacro{\geometry}
+ These margins (and the page geometry) can be modified using the "\geometry" command (see "geometry"'s package documentation for further details).
+ \smallskip
+ \DescribeMacro{typearea}
+ Also, it is possible to construct the page area by loading the "typearea" package.
+ \subsection{Paragraph indent}
+ \DescribeMacro{\parindent}
+ The length of "\parindent" is set to "0pt" when loading "fancyhandout". If you want to change it, simply use a command like "\parindent1em" after the class has been loaded to set "\parindent"'s length to it's initial value.
+ \clearpage
+ \section{Upcoming features}
+ The following features are planned to be finished with the next versions of "fancyhandout":
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item
+ Provide different styles for "\maketitle" \\
+ \textit{e.~g. centered text above a separation line}
+ \item
+ Provide "beamer"-like block environments
+ \item
+ Provide color themes \\
+ \textit{e.~g. red, green, …}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ You may add other feature requests of public interest to the \href{}{issue tracker on GitHub}.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fancyhandout/fancyhandout.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fancyhandout/fancyhandout.cls
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b3ae40861b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fancyhandout/fancyhandout.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+%% This is file 'fancyhandout.cls', Version 2018-01-20
+%% Copyright 2017-18 Sebastian Friedl <>
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project
+%% Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is available at
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2008-05-04 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'maintained'.
+%% Author: Sebastian Friedl
+%% Current maintainer of this work is Sebastian Friedl
+%% This work consists of the files fancyhandout.cls and fancyhandout-doc.tex
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% A LaTeX class for producing nice-looking handouts.
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Please report bugs and other problems as well as suggestions for improvements to the following email address:
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\ProvidesClass{fancyhandout}[2018/01/20 fancyhandout: A LaTeX class for producing nice-looking handouts]
+% DEFINE OPTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Option for using letter paper
+% Option for one-sided layout
+% Option for 10pt or 12pt font size
+% Option for using the roman font as text font
+% LOAD "article" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Pass font size to article
+\if@tenpt \PassOptionsToClass{10pt}{article}
+\else\if@twelvept \PassOptionsToClass{12pt}{article}
+\else \PassOptionsToClass{11pt}{article}
+% If not specified otherwise, use twoside layout
+\if@twoside \PassOptionsToClass{twoside}{article}
+% All options specified. Load article.
+% Set \parindent to zero
+\parindent 0pt
+% REQUIRE "geometry" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% If not specified otherwise, use twoside layout
+\if@twoside \PassOptionsToPackage{twoside}{geometry}
+% Page size
+\if@letter \PassOptionsToPackage{letterpaper}{geometry}
+\else \PassOptionsToPackage{a4paper}{geometry}
+% Default page margins
+\PassOptionsToPackage{left=2.25cm, right=2.25cm, top=2.25cm, bottom=2.25cm, includehead, includefoot}{geometry}
+% All options specified. Load geometry.
+% REQUIRE OTHER PACKAGES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ \setlist{itemsep=0ex,topsep=.75ex}
+ \pagestyle{fancy}
+ \fancyhead{}
+ \fancyfoot{}
+ \if@twoside%
+ \fancyhead[ro,le]{%
+ \def\and{\unskip,~}%
+ \insertshortauthor%
+ \ifx\@title\@empty\else \ifx\@author\empty\else :~\fi \fi%
+ \insertshorttitle}
+ \fancyfoot[ro,le]{\thepage}
+ \fancyfoot[re,lo]{\insertshortdate}
+ \else
+ \fancyhead[r]{%
+ \def\and{\unskip,~}
+ \insertshortauthor%
+ \ifx\@title\@empty\else \ifx\@author\empty\else :~\fi \fi%
+ \insertshorttitle}
+ \fancyfoot[l]{\insertshortdate}
+ \fancyfoot[r]{\thepage}
+ \fi
+ \def\footrulewidth{0.4pt}
+ \headheight=14pt
+% Required when hyperref is not loaded by the user
+% This "fake command" gets redefined when hyperref is loaded
+\ifx\phantomsection\@undefined \let\phantomsection\@empty \fi
+% Also, write the document information to hyperref when loaded
+ \ifx\hypersetup\@undefined\else%
+ \hypersetup{pdftitle=\inserttitle,pdfauthor=\insertauthor,pdfcreator={LaTeX with fancyhandout class}}%
+ \fi}
+% COLOR SETTINGS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Basic color
+% Initial definition of a primary and a secondary color
+% Line colors
+% Title box colors
+% FONT SETTINGS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% As long as not specified otherwise, use the sans-serif font by default
+\if@sffont \def\familydefault{\sfdefault}
+% TITLE COMMANDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Redefine the provided commands and define beamer-like commands inserting their values
+% Set the according variable when a command is used
+ \def\inserttitle{#2}%
+ \def\insertshorttitle{#1}}
+ \def\insertsubtitle{#2}%
+ \def\insertshortsubtitle{#1}}
+ \def\insertauthor{#2}%
+ \def\insertshortauthor{#1}}
+ \def\insertinstitute{#2}
+ \def\insertshortinstitute{#1}}
+ \def\insertdate{#2}%
+ \def\insertshortdate{#1}}
+% Typesets a title box
+ \def\and{\qquad}%
+ \thispagestyle{empty}
+ \begin{center}
+ \fcolorbox{fancyhandouttboxlinecolor}{fancyhandouttboxlinecolor}{%
+ \fcolorbox{fancyhandouttboxlinecolor}{fancyhandouttboxfillcolor}{%
+ \parbox{.95\textwidth}{\centering\vspace{\medskipamount}%
+ \ifx\inserttitle\@empty\else {\LARGE\bfseries\inserttitle} \\[\smallskipamount] \fi
+ \ifx\insertsubtitle\@empty\else {\large\insertsubtitle} \\ \fi
+ \vspace{\medskipamount}\small
+ \ifx\insertauthor\@empty\else \insertauthor \ifx\insertinstitute\@empty \\[\medskipamount] \else \\ \fi
+ \ifx\insertinstitute\@empty\else \insertinstitute \\[\medskipamount] \fi
+ \insertdate
+ \vspace{\medskipamount}}}}%
+ \end{center}\smallskip}
+% SECTION COMMANDS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% TOC (Pt. I): Add some space below
+ \origtableofcontents%
+ \vskip 1.5\bigskipamount}
+% TOC (Pt. II): No numbering of sections and subsections
+% Own \section command
+ \vskip 2\bigskipamount% \vskip, not \vspace; starts a new paragraph
+ \noindent%
+ \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}%
+ {\Large\bfseries%
+ #1}\vskip -1ex%
+ {\color{fancyhandoutsectlinecolor}\rule{\textwidth}{3pt}}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \vskip \bigskipamount%
+% Own \subsection command
+ \vskip 1.25\bigskipamount%
+ \noindent%
+ \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}%
+ {\large\bfseries%
+ #1}\vskip -1.25ex%
+ {\color{fancyhandoutsubsectlinecolor}\rule{\textwidth}{1.5pt}}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \vskip \medskipamount%
+% Own \subsubsection command
+ \vskip .75\bigskipamount% \vskip, not \vspace; starts a new paragraph
+ \noindent%
+ \begin{minipage}{\textwidth}%
+ {\bfseries%
+ #1}%
+ \end{minipage}
+ \vskip .75\smallskipamount%
+% Redefine article's sectioning commands
+ \phantomsection%
+ \refstepcounter{section}%
+ \def\@currentlabel{\enquote{#1}}% Manipulate LaTeX's internal mechanisms to print the section name when using \ref >:)
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#1}%
+ \@@section{#1}}
+ \phantomsection%
+ \refstepcounter{subsection}%
+ \def\@currentlabel{\enquote{#1}}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{#1}%
+ \@@subsection{#1}}
+ \phantomsection%
+ \refstepcounter{subsubsection}%
+ \def\@currentlabel{\enquote{#1}}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{#1}%
+ \@@subsubsection{#1}}
+% OTHER TODOS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% TODO: Beamer styled boxes!! \ No newline at end of file