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+New biblatex types for old books edited in other type. \ No newline at end of file
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+\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{DejaVu Sans Mono}
+% Usefull commands
+\newcommand{\reff}[1]{\ref{#1} p.~\pageref{#1}}
+% Meta-datas
+ title={Book edited in other other type with biblatex},
+ subtitle={New data types},
+ email={maieul <at> maieul <dot> net},
+ author={Maïeul Rouquette},
+ revision={2.0.0},
+ date={06/04/2016},
+ url={}}
+% biblatex
+The default \biblatex's styles provide an entry type called \bibtype{bookinbook}.
+However, it can happen, especially in classical philology, that a book is edited in other entry type.
+For example a book can be edited in article, in proceedings, in a thesis etc.
+This package provides new bibliographic entry types.
+Originally, the package was called \pkg{biblatex-bookinarticle}, because it provided only a new \bibtype{bookinarticle} entry type.
+However, many new types were added.
+Changing the name was required, and when the loading's way has changed, a good occasion happened.
+This package was created for Maïeul Rouquette's phd dissertation\footnote{\url{}.} in 2014. It is licensed on the \emph{\LaTeX\ Project Public License}\footnote{\url{}.}.
+All issues can be submitted, in French or English, in the GitHub issues page\footnote{\url{}.}.
+\section{What does the package provide?}
+The package provides:
+ \item New entry types.
+ \item Inheritance's mechanism for these entry types.
+ \item Integration of the entry types following the standard bibliography's styles of biblatex.
+ \item Integration of the new fields of the \pkg{biblatex-morenames} package.
+\section{Loading package}
+As the package defines new fields, you must load it as a \verb+bibstyle+ option of \biblatex package.
+ \usepackage[citestyle=yourcitationstyle,bibstyle=bookinother]{biblatex}
+Notes that the \bibstyle{bookinother} bibliography's style automatically loads \bibstyle{verbose} bibliography's style, which means it is compatible with all the \emph{verbose-xxx} and \bibstyle{authortitle-xxx} bibliography's styles of \biblatex, because all of them are identical to the \bibstyle{verbose} \textbf{bibliography style}.
+Hoewever, if you want to use an other bibliography's style, you can use the \pkg{biblatex-multiple-dm} package, but the uniformity can't be assured.
+In any case, you can choose your own \textbf{citation style}.
+\label{morenames}If you need to use this package with package which also requires loading \emph{via} the \verb+bibstyle+ option, as for example \pkg{biblatex-morenames}, just use the \pkg{biblatex-multiple-dm} package, in the following way:
+ \usepackage[tools={bookinother,morenames},bibstyle=verbose]{biblatex-multiple-dm}
+ \usepackage[citestyle=verbose,bibstyle=multiple-dm]{biblatex}
+If you want to use this package with \bibstyle{alphabetic-xxx} or \bibstyle{numeric-xx} bibliography style, also use the \pkg{biblatex-multiple-dm} package, changing the \verb+bibstyle+ option.
+ \usepackage[tools={bookinother},bibstyle=numeric]{biblatex-multiple-dm}
+ \usepackage[citestyle=numeric,bibstyle=multiple-dm]{biblatex}
+\section{The new entry types}
+\subsection{Using crossref mechanisme}
+The package provides new entry types in the form of \bibtype{bookin\meta{othertype}}.
+ The best way to manage these entry types is to use the crossref mechanism of biber.
+ So the \bibfield{crossref} field of a \bibtype{bookin\meta{othertype}} entry should refers to the main \bibtype{\meta{othertype}} entry.
+ The package also provides new \bibtype{in\meta{othertype}} entry types.
+ The only differences with the \bibtype{bookin\meta{othertype}} entry types is that the \bibfield{title} is, with standard styles, printed in roman font and wrapped in quotation marks.
+In the following parts of this handbook, we will describe, for each entry type, the fields inheritance mechanism.
+Here is a list of fields which are NOT inherited :
+ \item \bibfield{author} means the author of the edited (ancient) book.
+ \item \bibfield{bookineditor} means the editor of the edited (ancient) book.
+ \item \bibfield{title} means the title of the edited (ancient) book.
+ \item \bibfield{subtitle} means the subtitle of the edited (ancient) book.
+If you use the \bibfield{ineditor} field of the \pkg{biblatex-morenames} package, it will be inherited as \bibfield{bookeditor} field.
+Notes that the package take account of the \bibfield{maineditor} field of the \pkg{biblatex-morenames} package, if loaded.
+% Here, a loop on the entry type, to automatically generate the handbook
+ \edef\entrytype{\firstofthree#1}%
+ \edef\entrykey{\secondofthree#1}%
+ \edef\entrymore{\thirdofthree#1}%
+ \subsection{\bibtype{bookin\entrytype}}
+ \subsubsection{Meaning}
+ For book edited in a \bibtype{\entrytype} entry.
+ \subsubsection{.bib example}
+ \inputminted[breaklines]{latex}{example-bookin\entrytype.bib}
+ \subsubsection{Fields inheritance}
+ The graph~\ref{example-bookin\entrytype} shows the fields inheritance.
+ \begin{figure}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[height=0.9\textheight]{example-bookin\entrytype.pdf}
+ \label{example-bookin\entrytype}
+ \caption{Inheritance related to the \bibtype{bookin\entrytype} entry type}
+ \end{figure}
+ \subsubsection{Output example}
+ \begin{quotation}
+ \cite{\entrykey}
+ \end{quotation}
+ \entrymore
+% For each entry of the csvlist:
+% 1) The main type
+% 2) The name of the entry for demonstration
+% 3) More texts to add…
+ {{article}{BHG226e}{}},%
+ {{collection}{Aristotle2016}{%
+ \unexpanded{\subsubsection{About \bibtype{bookinreference}}
+ The package also provides a \bibtype{bookinreference} entry type for book edited in a \bibtype{reference}.
+ This is a more specific variant of \bibtype{bookincollection}.
+ The standard styles will treat this entry type as an alias for \bibtype{bookincollection}.
+ }}},%
+ {{incollection}{AcTiteLatin}{%
+ \unexpanded{\subsubsection{About \bibtype{bookininreference}}
+ The package also provides a \bibtype{bookininreference} entry type for book edited in a \bibtype{inreference}.
+ This is a more specific variant of \bibtype{bookinincollection}.
+ The standard styles will treat this entry type as an alias for \bibtype{bookinincollection}.
+ }}},%
+ {{inproceedings}{Aristotle2012}{}},%
+ {{journal}{Alexander_Aphrodisias}{}},%
+ {{proceedings}{Aristotle2015}{}},%
+ {{thesis}{GuilielmusdeBoldensele}{%
+ \unexpanded{\subsubsection{About the type of thesis}
+ As for the standard \bibtype{thesis} entry type, a \bibtype{bookinthesis} can contain a \bibfield{type} field containing one the following key:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[mathesis] For a master's thesis.
+ \item[phdthesis] For a phd's thesis.
+ \item[candthesis] For a candidate's thesis.
+ \end{description}
+ The value of this field is automatically inherited from the main entry.
+ The package also provides two entry types:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \bibtype{bookinmathesis} for book edited in a \bibtype{mathesis};
+ \item \bibtype{bookinphdthesis} for book edited in a \bibtype{phdthesis}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ }}}%
+The ways new entry types are printed are derived from the \verb+standard.bbx+ bibliography's style. You can customize it by overriding bibliographic macros or bibliographic drivers. Look at the \verb+bookinother.bbx+file.
+\section{Change history}
+\item Change name to \pkg{biblatex-bookinother}.
+\item Loading as a \biblatex bibliographic style and not more as a \LaTeX\ package.
+\item Add \bibtype{bookincollection}, \bibtype{bookininproceedings}, \bibtype{bookininreference}, \bibtype{bookinproceedings}, \bibtype{bookinreference} and related.
+\item Prevent inheritance of \bibfield{shorttitle}, \bibfield{sorttitle}, \bibfield{indextitle}, \bibfield{indexsorttitle} fields.
+\item Add field \bibfield{bookeditor} and \bibfield{bookineditor}.
+\item Compatibility with the \pkg{biblatex-morenames} package.
+\item Fix bug added in v.1.3.0 which made some fields disappeared, even in for standard types.
+\item Add \bibtype{bookinthesis} and \bibtype{inthesis} and related.
+\item Fix handbook.
+\item Formate \bibfield{series}, \bibfield{volume} and \bibfield{number} fields of \bibtype{inarticle} and \bibtype{bookinarticle} entries as \bibfield{series}, \bibfield{volume} and \bibfield{number} fields of \bibtype{article} entries.
+\item Use the \bibfield{shortauthor} field to define the \bibfield{labelname} field (useful for some citation style, like authortitle).
+\item Delete a false and not need test in the driver.
+\item Compatibility with biblatex-dw family's styles.
+\item Add \bibtype{bookinincollection} and \bibtype{inincollection}.
+\item First public release.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/example-bookinarticle.bib b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/example-bookinarticle.bib
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index 00000000000..36e9cc38548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/example-bookinarticle.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ Author = {Van Deun, Peter},
+ Ineditor = {Article Editor},
+ Journaltitle = {Analecta Bollandiana},
+ Number = {108},
+ Pages = {323-335},
+ Subtitle = {Édition et traduction},
+ Title = {Un mémoire anonyme sur saint Barnabé (BHG 226e)},
+ Year = {1990}}
+ bookineditor = {Book Editor},
+ Crossref = {VanDeun1990},
+ Pages = {326-335},
+ Title = {Mémoire sur le saint apôtre Barnabé}}
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index 00000000000..a4b2e4de5ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+digraph Biberdata {
+ compound = true;
+ edge [ arrowhead=open ];
+ graph [ style=filled, rankdir=LR ];
+ node [
+ fontsize=10,
+ fillcolor=white,
+ style=filled,
+ shape=box ];
+ subgraph "cluster_section0/VanDeun1990" {
+ fontsize="10";
+ label="VanDeun1990 (ARTICLE)";
+ tooltip="VanDeun1990 (ARTICLE)";
+ fillcolor="#a0d0ff";
+ "section0/VanDeun1990/author" [ label="AUTHOR" ]
+ "section0/VanDeun1990/ineditor" [ label="INEDITOR" ]
+ "section0/VanDeun1990/journaltitle" [ label="JOURNALTITLE" ]
+ "section0/VanDeun1990/number" [ label="NUMBER" ]
+ "section0/VanDeun1990/pages" [ label="PAGES" ]
+ "section0/VanDeun1990/subtitle" [ label="SUBTITLE" ]
+ "section0/VanDeun1990/title" [ label="TITLE" ]
+ "section0/VanDeun1990/year" [ label="YEAR" ]
+ }
+ subgraph "cluster_section0/BHG226e" {
+ fontsize="10";
+ label="BHG226e (BOOKINARTICLE)";
+ tooltip="BHG226e (BOOKINARTICLE)";
+ fillcolor="#a0d0ff";
+ "section0/BHG226e/bookauthor" [ label="BOOKAUTHOR" ]
+ "section0/BHG226e/bookeditor" [ label="BOOKEDITOR" ]
+ "section0/BHG226e/bookineditor" [ label="BOOKINEDITOR" ]
+ "section0/BHG226e/crossref" [ label="CROSSREF" ]
+ "section0/BHG226e/journaltitle" [ label="JOURNALTITLE" ]
+ "section0/BHG226e/mainsubtitle" [ label="MAINSUBTITLE" ]
+ "section0/BHG226e/maintitle" [ label="MAINTITLE" ]
+ "section0/BHG226e/number" [ label="NUMBER" ]
+ "section0/BHG226e/pages" [ label="PAGES" ]
+ "section0/BHG226e/title" [ label="TITLE" ]
+ "section0/BHG226e/year" [ label="YEAR" ]
+ }
+ "section0/VanDeun1990/author" -> "section0/BHG226e/bookauthor" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="BHG226e/BOOKAUTHOR inherited via CROSSREF from VanDeun1990/AUTHOR" ]
+ "section0/VanDeun1990/number" -> "section0/BHG226e/number" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="BHG226e/NUMBER inherited via CROSSREF from VanDeun1990/NUMBER" ]
+ "section0/VanDeun1990/year" -> "section0/BHG226e/year" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="BHG226e/YEAR inherited via CROSSREF from VanDeun1990/YEAR" ]
+ "section0/VanDeun1990/journaltitle" -> "section0/BHG226e/journaltitle" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="BHG226e/JOURNALTITLE inherited via CROSSREF from VanDeun1990/JOURNALTITLE" ]
+ "section0/VanDeun1990/subtitle" -> "section0/BHG226e/mainsubtitle" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="BHG226e/MAINSUBTITLE inherited via CROSSREF from VanDeun1990/SUBTITLE" ]
+ "section0/VanDeun1990/title" -> "section0/BHG226e/maintitle" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="BHG226e/MAINTITLE inherited via CROSSREF from VanDeun1990/TITLE" ]
+ "section0/VanDeun1990/ineditor" -> "section0/BHG226e/bookeditor" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="BHG226e/BOOKEDITOR inherited via CROSSREF from VanDeun1990/INEDITOR" ]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/example-bookinarticle.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/example-bookinarticle.pdf
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/example-bookinarticle.pdf
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dcdff5cf6f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/example-bookincollection.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ Editor = {John Doe},
+ Eventdate = {2010-01-01/2010-01-05},
+ Location = {Paris},
+ Publisher = {Publisher},
+ Title = {A Collection of Contribution},
+ Year = {2016}}
+ Author = {Aristotle},
+ Bookineditor = {Book editor},
+ Title = {The Ancient Text},
+ Crossref = {Doe2016},
+ Pages = {20-50},
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..64c9574287b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+digraph Biberdata {
+ compound = true;
+ edge [ arrowhead=open ];
+ graph [ style=filled, rankdir=LR ];
+ node [
+ fontsize=10,
+ fillcolor=white,
+ style=filled,
+ shape=box ];
+ subgraph "cluster_section0/Aristotle2016" {
+ fontsize="10";
+ label="Aristotle2016 (BOOKINCOLLECTION)";
+ tooltip="Aristotle2016 (BOOKINCOLLECTION)";
+ fillcolor="#a0d0ff";
+ "section0/Aristotle2016/author" [ label="AUTHOR" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2016/bookineditor" [ label="BOOKINEDITOR" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2016/booktitle" [ label="BOOKTITLE" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2016/crossref" [ label="CROSSREF" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2016/editor" [ label="EDITOR" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2016/eventday" [ label="EVENTDAY" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2016/eventendday" [ label="EVENTENDDAY" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2016/eventendmonth" [ label="EVENTENDMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2016/eventendyear" [ label="EVENTENDYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2016/eventmonth" [ label="EVENTMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2016/eventyear" [ label="EVENTYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2016/location" [ label="LOCATION" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2016/pages" [ label="PAGES" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2016/publisher" [ label="PUBLISHER" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2016/title" [ label="TITLE" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2016/year" [ label="YEAR" ]
+ }
+ subgraph "cluster_section0/Doe2016" {
+ fontsize="10";
+ label="Doe2016 (COLLECTION)";
+ tooltip="Doe2016 (COLLECTION)";
+ fillcolor="#a0d0ff";
+ "section0/Doe2016/editor" [ label="EDITOR" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/eventday" [ label="EVENTDAY" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/eventendday" [ label="EVENTENDDAY" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/eventendmonth" [ label="EVENTENDMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/eventendyear" [ label="EVENTENDYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/eventmonth" [ label="EVENTMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/eventyear" [ label="EVENTYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/location" [ label="LOCATION" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/publisher" [ label="PUBLISHER" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/title" [ label="TITLE" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/year" [ label="YEAR" ]
+ }
+ "section0/Doe2016/eventmonth" -> "section0/Aristotle2016/eventmonth" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2016/EVENTMONTH inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2016/EVENTMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/editor" -> "section0/Aristotle2016/editor" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2016/EDITOR inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2016/EDITOR" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/year" -> "section0/Aristotle2016/year" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2016/YEAR inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2016/YEAR" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/location" -> "section0/Aristotle2016/location" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2016/LOCATION inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2016/LOCATION" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/eventendmonth" -> "section0/Aristotle2016/eventendmonth" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2016/EVENTENDMONTH inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2016/EVENTENDMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/publisher" -> "section0/Aristotle2016/publisher" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2016/PUBLISHER inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2016/PUBLISHER" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/eventendday" -> "section0/Aristotle2016/eventendday" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2016/EVENTENDDAY inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2016/EVENTENDDAY" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/eventyear" -> "section0/Aristotle2016/eventyear" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2016/EVENTYEAR inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2016/EVENTYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/title" -> "section0/Aristotle2016/booktitle" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2016/BOOKTITLE inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2016/TITLE" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/eventendyear" -> "section0/Aristotle2016/eventendyear" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2016/EVENTENDYEAR inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2016/EVENTENDYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Doe2016/eventday" -> "section0/Aristotle2016/eventday" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2016/EVENTDAY inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2016/EVENTDAY" ]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/example-bookincollection.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/example-bookincollection.pdf
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3dfc8b2817c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/example-bookinincollection.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ Location = {Udine},
+ Editor = {Claudio Griggio and Fabio Vendruscolo},
+ Publisher = {Forum Edizione},
+ Subtitle = {studi offerti dai colleghi udinesi a Ernesto Berti},
+ Title = {Suave mari magno\ldots},
+ Year = {2008}}
+ Author = {Paolo Chiesa},
+ Crossref = {Griggio2008},
+ Pages = {41-54},
+ Title = {\enquote{Non tibi proderit hec eruditio}. La versione latina degli \emph{Acta} greci del discepolo Tito}}
+ Crossref = {Chiesa2008},
+ Bookineditor = {Book editor},
+ Pages = {51-54},
+ Title = {Passio Sancti Titi Apostoli, Mense Ianurii die Quarto}}
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index 00000000000..fa0d464d29a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+digraph Biberdata {
+ compound = true;
+ edge [ arrowhead=open ];
+ graph [ style=filled, rankdir=LR ];
+ node [
+ fontsize=10,
+ fillcolor=white,
+ style=filled,
+ shape=box ];
+ subgraph "cluster_section0/AcTiteLatin" {
+ fontsize="10";
+ label="AcTiteLatin (BOOKININCOLLECTION)";
+ tooltip="AcTiteLatin (BOOKININCOLLECTION)";
+ fillcolor="#a0d0ff";
+ "section0/AcTiteLatin/bookauthor" [ label="BOOKAUTHOR" ]
+ "section0/AcTiteLatin/bookineditor" [ label="BOOKINEDITOR" ]
+ "section0/AcTiteLatin/booktitle" [ label="BOOKTITLE" ]
+ "section0/AcTiteLatin/crossref" [ label="CROSSREF" ]
+ "section0/AcTiteLatin/editor" [ label="EDITOR" ]
+ "section0/AcTiteLatin/location" [ label="LOCATION" ]
+ "section0/AcTiteLatin/mainsubtitle" [ label="MAINSUBTITLE" ]
+ "section0/AcTiteLatin/maintitle" [ label="MAINTITLE" ]
+ "section0/AcTiteLatin/pages" [ label="PAGES" ]
+ "section0/AcTiteLatin/publisher" [ label="PUBLISHER" ]
+ "section0/AcTiteLatin/title" [ label="TITLE" ]
+ "section0/AcTiteLatin/year" [ label="YEAR" ]
+ }
+ subgraph "cluster_section0/Chiesa2008" {
+ fontsize="10";
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+ tooltip="Chiesa2008 (INCOLLECTION)";
+ fillcolor="#a0d0ff";
+ "section0/Chiesa2008/author" [ label="AUTHOR" ]
+ "section0/Chiesa2008/booksubtitle" [ label="BOOKSUBTITLE" ]
+ "section0/Chiesa2008/booktitle" [ label="BOOKTITLE" ]
+ "section0/Chiesa2008/crossref" [ label="CROSSREF" ]
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+ "section0/Chiesa2008/title" [ label="TITLE" ]
+ "section0/Chiesa2008/year" [ label="YEAR" ]
+ }
+ subgraph "cluster_section0/Griggio2008" {
+ fontsize="10";
+ label="Griggio2008 (COLLECTION)";
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+ fillcolor="#a0d0ff";
+ "section0/Griggio2008/editor" [ label="EDITOR" ]
+ "section0/Griggio2008/location" [ label="LOCATION" ]
+ "section0/Griggio2008/publisher" [ label="PUBLISHER" ]
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+ "section0/Griggio2008/title" [ label="TITLE" ]
+ "section0/Griggio2008/year" [ label="YEAR" ]
+ }
+ "section0/Griggio2008/subtitle" -> "section0/Chiesa2008/booksubtitle" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Chiesa2008/BOOKSUBTITLE inherited via CROSSREF from Griggio2008/SUBTITLE" ]
+ "section0/Griggio2008/title" -> "section0/Chiesa2008/booktitle" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Chiesa2008/BOOKTITLE inherited via CROSSREF from Griggio2008/TITLE" ]
+ "section0/Griggio2008/year" -> "section0/Chiesa2008/year" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Chiesa2008/YEAR inherited via CROSSREF from Griggio2008/YEAR" ]
+ "section0/Griggio2008/editor" -> "section0/Chiesa2008/editor" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Chiesa2008/EDITOR inherited via CROSSREF from Griggio2008/EDITOR" ]
+ "section0/Griggio2008/location" -> "section0/Chiesa2008/location" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Chiesa2008/LOCATION inherited via CROSSREF from Griggio2008/LOCATION" ]
+ "section0/Griggio2008/publisher" -> "section0/Chiesa2008/publisher" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Chiesa2008/PUBLISHER inherited via CROSSREF from Griggio2008/PUBLISHER" ]
+ "section0/Chiesa2008/year" -> "section0/AcTiteLatin/year" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="AcTiteLatin/YEAR inherited via CROSSREF from Chiesa2008/YEAR" ]
+ "section0/Chiesa2008/location" -> "section0/AcTiteLatin/location" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="AcTiteLatin/LOCATION inherited via CROSSREF from Chiesa2008/LOCATION" ]
+ "section0/Chiesa2008/title" -> "section0/AcTiteLatin/booktitle" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="AcTiteLatin/BOOKTITLE inherited via CROSSREF from Chiesa2008/TITLE" ]
+ "section0/Chiesa2008/publisher" -> "section0/AcTiteLatin/publisher" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="AcTiteLatin/PUBLISHER inherited via CROSSREF from Chiesa2008/PUBLISHER" ]
+ "section0/Chiesa2008/booksubtitle" -> "section0/AcTiteLatin/mainsubtitle" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="AcTiteLatin/MAINSUBTITLE inherited via CROSSREF from Chiesa2008/BOOKSUBTITLE" ]
+ "section0/Chiesa2008/booktitle" -> "section0/AcTiteLatin/maintitle" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="AcTiteLatin/MAINTITLE inherited via CROSSREF from Chiesa2008/BOOKTITLE" ]
+ "section0/Chiesa2008/author" -> "section0/AcTiteLatin/bookauthor" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="AcTiteLatin/BOOKAUTHOR inherited via CROSSREF from Chiesa2008/AUTHOR" ]
+ "section0/Chiesa2008/editor" -> "section0/AcTiteLatin/editor" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="AcTiteLatin/EDITOR inherited via CROSSREF from Chiesa2008/EDITOR" ]
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+ Editor = {John Doe},
+ Eventdate = {2010-01-01/2010-01-05},
+ Location = {Paris},
+ Publisher = {Publisher},
+ Series = {Name of a Series},
+ Number = {13},
+ Subtitle = {A Nice Collection of Papers},
+ Title = {A Very Nice Collection},
+ Titleaddon = {Proceedings of a Very Nice Conference},
+ Venue = {Conference Hall at the Sorbonne},
+ Year = {2012}}
+ Author = {Anne Onyme},
+ Title = {A nice contribution},
+ Crossref = {Doe2012},
+ Pages = {75-200}
+ Author = {Aristotle},
+ Bookineditor = {Book Editor},
+ Title = {The Ancient Text},
+ Crossref = {Onyme2012},
+ Pages = {100-155},
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+digraph Biberdata {
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+ graph [ style=filled, rankdir=LR ];
+ node [
+ fontsize=10,
+ fillcolor=white,
+ style=filled,
+ shape=box ];
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+ fontsize="10";
+ label="Aristotle2012 (BOOKININPROCEEDINGS)";
+ tooltip="Aristotle2012 (BOOKININPROCEEDINGS)";
+ fillcolor="#a0d0ff";
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/author" [ label="AUTHOR" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/bookauthor" [ label="BOOKAUTHOR" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/bookineditor" [ label="BOOKINEDITOR" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/booktitle" [ label="BOOKTITLE" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/crossref" [ label="CROSSREF" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/editor" [ label="EDITOR" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/eventday" [ label="EVENTDAY" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/eventendday" [ label="EVENTENDDAY" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/eventendmonth" [ label="EVENTENDMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/eventendyear" [ label="EVENTENDYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/eventmonth" [ label="EVENTMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/eventyear" [ label="EVENTYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/location" [ label="LOCATION" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/mainsubtitle" [ label="MAINSUBTITLE" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/maintitle" [ label="MAINTITLE" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/maintitleaddon" [ label="MAINTITLEADDON" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/number" [ label="NUMBER" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/pages" [ label="PAGES" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/publisher" [ label="PUBLISHER" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/series" [ label="SERIES" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/title" [ label="TITLE" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/venue" [ label="VENUE" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2012/year" [ label="YEAR" ]
+ }
+ subgraph "cluster_section0/Onyme2012" {
+ fontsize="10";
+ label="Onyme2012 (INPROCEEDINGS)";
+ tooltip="Onyme2012 (INPROCEEDINGS)";
+ fillcolor="#a0d0ff";
+ "section0/Onyme2012/author" [ label="AUTHOR" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/booksubtitle" [ label="BOOKSUBTITLE" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/booktitle" [ label="BOOKTITLE" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/booktitleaddon" [ label="BOOKTITLEADDON" ]
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+ "section0/Onyme2012/editor" [ label="EDITOR" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/eventday" [ label="EVENTDAY" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/eventendday" [ label="EVENTENDDAY" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/eventendmonth" [ label="EVENTENDMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/eventendyear" [ label="EVENTENDYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/eventmonth" [ label="EVENTMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/eventyear" [ label="EVENTYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/location" [ label="LOCATION" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/number" [ label="NUMBER" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/pages" [ label="PAGES" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/publisher" [ label="PUBLISHER" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/series" [ label="SERIES" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/title" [ label="TITLE" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/venue" [ label="VENUE" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/year" [ label="YEAR" ]
+ }
+ subgraph "cluster_section0/Doe2012" {
+ fontsize="10";
+ label="Doe2012 (PROCEEDINGS)";
+ tooltip="Doe2012 (PROCEEDINGS)";
+ fillcolor="#a0d0ff";
+ "section0/Doe2012/editor" [ label="EDITOR" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/eventday" [ label="EVENTDAY" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/eventendday" [ label="EVENTENDDAY" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/eventendmonth" [ label="EVENTENDMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/eventendyear" [ label="EVENTENDYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/eventmonth" [ label="EVENTMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/eventyear" [ label="EVENTYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/location" [ label="LOCATION" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/number" [ label="NUMBER" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/publisher" [ label="PUBLISHER" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/series" [ label="SERIES" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/subtitle" [ label="SUBTITLE" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/title" [ label="TITLE" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/titleaddon" [ label="TITLEADDON" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/venue" [ label="VENUE" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/year" [ label="YEAR" ]
+ }
+ "section0/Doe2012/eventendyear" -> "section0/Onyme2012/eventendyear" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Onyme2012/EVENTENDYEAR inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2012/EVENTENDYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/eventmonth" -> "section0/Onyme2012/eventmonth" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Onyme2012/EVENTMONTH inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2012/EVENTMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/eventendday" -> "section0/Onyme2012/eventendday" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Onyme2012/EVENTENDDAY inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2012/EVENTENDDAY" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/venue" -> "section0/Onyme2012/venue" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Onyme2012/VENUE inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2012/VENUE" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/subtitle" -> "section0/Onyme2012/booksubtitle" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Onyme2012/BOOKSUBTITLE inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2012/SUBTITLE" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/title" -> "section0/Onyme2012/booktitle" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Onyme2012/BOOKTITLE inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2012/TITLE" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/number" -> "section0/Onyme2012/number" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Onyme2012/NUMBER inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2012/NUMBER" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/eventyear" -> "section0/Onyme2012/eventyear" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Onyme2012/EVENTYEAR inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2012/EVENTYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/titleaddon" -> "section0/Onyme2012/booktitleaddon" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Onyme2012/BOOKTITLEADDON inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2012/TITLEADDON" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/series" -> "section0/Onyme2012/series" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Onyme2012/SERIES inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2012/SERIES" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/year" -> "section0/Onyme2012/year" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Onyme2012/YEAR inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2012/YEAR" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/eventendmonth" -> "section0/Onyme2012/eventendmonth" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Onyme2012/EVENTENDMONTH inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2012/EVENTENDMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/eventday" -> "section0/Onyme2012/eventday" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Onyme2012/EVENTDAY inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2012/EVENTDAY" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/publisher" -> "section0/Onyme2012/publisher" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Onyme2012/PUBLISHER inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2012/PUBLISHER" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/location" -> "section0/Onyme2012/location" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Onyme2012/LOCATION inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2012/LOCATION" ]
+ "section0/Doe2012/editor" -> "section0/Onyme2012/editor" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Onyme2012/EDITOR inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2012/EDITOR" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/editor" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/editor" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/EDITOR inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/EDITOR" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/location" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/location" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/LOCATION inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/LOCATION" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/booksubtitle" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/mainsubtitle" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/MAINSUBTITLE inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/BOOKSUBTITLE" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/publisher" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/publisher" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/PUBLISHER inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/PUBLISHER" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/booktitle" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/maintitle" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/MAINTITLE inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/BOOKTITLE" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/series" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/series" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/SERIES inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/SERIES" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/year" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/year" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/YEAR inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/YEAR" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/eventendmonth" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/eventendmonth" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/EVENTENDMONTH inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/EVENTENDMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/eventday" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/eventday" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/EVENTDAY inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/EVENTDAY" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/booktitleaddon" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/maintitleaddon" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/MAINTITLEADDON inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/BOOKTITLEADDON" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/title" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/booktitle" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/BOOKTITLE inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/TITLE" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/number" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/number" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/NUMBER inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/NUMBER" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/eventyear" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/eventyear" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/EVENTYEAR inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/EVENTYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/venue" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/venue" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/VENUE inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/VENUE" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/author" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/bookauthor" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/BOOKAUTHOR inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/AUTHOR" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/eventendyear" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/eventendyear" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/EVENTENDYEAR inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/EVENTENDYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/eventendday" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/eventendday" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/EVENTENDDAY inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/EVENTENDDAY" ]
+ "section0/Onyme2012/eventmonth" -> "section0/Aristotle2012/eventmonth" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2012/EVENTMONTH inherited via CROSSREF from Onyme2012/EVENTMONTH" ]
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Author = {{Alexander of Aphrodisias}},
+Title = {On Time},
+Journaltitle = {Phronesis},
+Number = {1},
+Pages = {58-81},
+Bookineditor = {Robert W. Sharples},
+Volume = {27},
+Year = {1982}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/
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+digraph Biberdata {
+ compound = true;
+ edge [ arrowhead=open ];
+ graph [ style=filled, rankdir=LR ];
+ node [
+ fontsize=10,
+ fillcolor=white,
+ style=filled,
+ shape=box ];
+ subgraph "cluster_section0/Alexander_Aphrodisias" {
+ fontsize="10";
+ label="Alexander_Aphrodisias (BOOKINJOURNAL)";
+ tooltip="Alexander_Aphrodisias (BOOKINJOURNAL)";
+ fillcolor="#a0d0ff";
+ "section0/Alexander_Aphrodisias/author" [ label="AUTHOR" ]
+ "section0/Alexander_Aphrodisias/bookineditor" [ label="BOOKINEDITOR" ]
+ "section0/Alexander_Aphrodisias/journaltitle" [ label="JOURNALTITLE" ]
+ "section0/Alexander_Aphrodisias/number" [ label="NUMBER" ]
+ "section0/Alexander_Aphrodisias/pages" [ label="PAGES" ]
+ "section0/Alexander_Aphrodisias/title" [ label="TITLE" ]
+ "section0/Alexander_Aphrodisias/volume" [ label="VOLUME" ]
+ "section0/Alexander_Aphrodisias/year" [ label="YEAR" ]
+ }
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/example-bookinjournal.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/example-bookinjournal.pdf
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ Editor = {John Doe},
+ Eventdate = {2014-01-01/2014-01-05},
+ Location = {Paris},
+ Publisher = {Publisher},
+ Series = {Name of a Series},
+ Number = {15},
+ Subtitle = {A Other Nice Collection of Papers},
+ Title = {A Very Other Nice Collection},
+ Titleaddon = {Proceedings of a Other Very Nice Conference},
+ Venue = {Conference Hall at the Sorbonne},
+ Year = {2015}}
+ Author = {Aristotle},
+ Bookineditor = {Book Editor},
+ Title = {The Ancient Text},
+ Crossref = {Doe2015},
+ Pages = {200-212},
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/
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+digraph Biberdata {
+ compound = true;
+ edge [ arrowhead=open ];
+ graph [ style=filled, rankdir=LR ];
+ node [
+ fontsize=10,
+ fillcolor=white,
+ style=filled,
+ shape=box ];
+ subgraph "cluster_section0/Aristotle2015" {
+ fontsize="10";
+ label="Aristotle2015 (BOOKINPROCEEDINGS)";
+ tooltip="Aristotle2015 (BOOKINPROCEEDINGS)";
+ fillcolor="#a0d0ff";
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+ "section0/Aristotle2015/booktitle" [ label="BOOKTITLE" ]
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+ "section0/Aristotle2015/eventendday" [ label="EVENTENDDAY" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2015/eventendmonth" [ label="EVENTENDMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2015/eventendyear" [ label="EVENTENDYEAR" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2015/eventmonth" [ label="EVENTMONTH" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2015/eventyear" [ label="EVENTYEAR" ]
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+ "section0/Aristotle2015/number" [ label="NUMBER" ]
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+ "section0/Aristotle2015/publisher" [ label="PUBLISHER" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2015/series" [ label="SERIES" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2015/title" [ label="TITLE" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2015/venue" [ label="VENUE" ]
+ "section0/Aristotle2015/year" [ label="YEAR" ]
+ }
+ subgraph "cluster_section0/Doe2015" {
+ fontsize="10";
+ label="Doe2015 (PROCEEDINGS)";
+ tooltip="Doe2015 (PROCEEDINGS)";
+ fillcolor="#a0d0ff";
+ "section0/Doe2015/editor" [ label="EDITOR" ]
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+ }
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+ "section0/Doe2015/title" -> "section0/Aristotle2015/booktitle" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="Aristotle2015/BOOKTITLE inherited via CROSSREF from Doe2015/TITLE" ]
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Binary files differ
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+ Author = {Christiane Deluz},
+ Editor = {Mollat du Jourdin, Michel},
+ School = {Paris-IV},
+ Title = {\emph{Liber de quibusdam ultramarinis partibus et praecipue de Terra sancta} de Guillaume de Boldensele (1336) ; suivi de la traduction de Frère Jean Le Long (1351)},
+ Type = {phdthesis},
+ Volumes = {2},
+ Year = {1972}}
+ Author = {{Guilielmus de Boldensele}},
+ Crossref = {Deluz1972},
+ Pages = {195-291},
+ Title = {Liber de quibusdam ultramarinis partibus et praecipue de Terra sancta},
+ Volume = {2}}
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+digraph Biberdata {
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+ subgraph "cluster_section0/Deluz1972" {
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+ }
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+ "section0/GuilielmusdeBoldensele/volumes" [ label="VOLUMES" ]
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+ "section0/Deluz1972/author" -> "section0/GuilielmusdeBoldensele/bookauthor" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="GuilielmusdeBoldensele/BOOKAUTHOR inherited via CROSSREF from Deluz1972/AUTHOR" ]
+ "section0/Deluz1972/type" -> "section0/GuilielmusdeBoldensele/type" [ penwidth="2.0", color="#7d7879", tooltip="GuilielmusdeBoldensele/TYPE inherited via CROSSREF from Deluz1972/TYPE" ]
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Binary files differ
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file generate the inheritance graphs (.dot and .pdf file) from the .bib file examples.
+# To do it, its create temporary .tex file, calling a specific .bib file (as was rejected).
+# It is licensed on GPL 3 licenses.
+# Copyright : Maïeul Rouquette 2016-…
+import os
+#List all the files on the current directory
+directory_files = os.listdir(".")
+#Loop on them, and for the .bib file, generate the .tex, .dot and .pdf file
+for file_name in directory_files:
+ basename, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)
+ if ext != '.bib':#only the .bib file
+ continue
+ # write the .tex file content
+ tex_file_name = basename + ".tex"
+ tex_file_content = "\documentclass{article}\n\
+ \\usepackage[tools={bookinother,morenames},bibstyle=verbose]{biblatex-multiple-dm}\n\
+ \\usepackage[bibstyle=multiple-dm]{biblatex}\n\
+ \\bibliography{" + file_name + "}\n\
+ \\begin{document}\n\
+ \\nocite{*}\n\
+ \end{document}"
+ tex_file_file = open(tex_file_name, "w")
+ tex_file_file.write(tex_file_content)
+ tex_file_file.close()
+ # generate the .bcf, .dot and .pdf file
+ os.system("pdflatex " + basename)
+ os.system("biber -output-format=dot --dot-include=crossref,field " + basename)
+ os.system("dot -Tpdf " + basename + ".dot " + "-o " + basename + ".pdf")
+ # delete the temporary files, to avoid distributing it and to have cleaner folder
+ for ext in ["aux","bcf","blg","log","run.xml","tex"]:
+ os.remove(basename+"."+ext)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/latexmkrc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/latexmkrc
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+$pdflatex = "xelatex --shell-escape %S";
+$pdf_mode = "1";
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/makefile b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..573b1d1c6af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/documentation/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+all: *tex *bib
+ python3
+ latexmk biblatex-bookinother.tex
+ $(MAKE) -C documentation clean
+ @$(RM) *.pdf *.toc *.aux *.out *.fdb_latexmk *.log *.bbl *.bcf *.blg *run.xml *.synctex.gz*
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/makefile b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..63cefb65cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bookinother/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+FILES = *.sty documentation makefile README
+dist: all
+ rm -rf biblatex-bookinother
+ mkdir biblatex-bookinother
+ ln README *bbx *dbx *makefile biblatex-bookinother
+ mkdir biblatex-bookinother/documentation
+ ln documentation/*tex documentation/*bib documentation/*pdf documentation/*.dot documentation/*py documentation/makefile documentation/latexmkrc biblatex-bookinother/documentation
+ $(RM) ../
+ zip -r ../ biblatex-bookinother
+ $(MAKE) -C documentation clean
+ @$(RM) *.pdf *.toc *.aux *.out *.fdb_latexmk *.log *.bbl *.bcf *.blg *run.xml *.synctex.gz*
+all: documentation/biblatex-bookinother.tex documentation/example-bookinarticle.bib documentation/example-bookinincollection.bib documentation/example-bookinthesis.bib
+ $(MAKE) -C documentation all
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-bookinother/bookinother.bbx b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-bookinother/bookinother.bbx
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+%% Copyright 2014-… Maïeul Rouquette
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Maïeul Rouquette
+%0. Preamble
+[2016/04/06 v2.0.0 biblatex bibliography style to have entry type for book edited in other entry type (MR)]
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+% Inspired from biblatex.def
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+ \ifinteger{#1}
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+ {\ifbibstring{#1}{\bibstring{#1}}{#1}}}
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+ \inherit{subtitle}{booksubtitle}
+ \inherit{titleaddon}{booktitleaddon}
+ \noinherit{shorttitle}
+ \noinherit{sorttitle}
+ \noinherit{indextitle}
+ \noinherit{indexsorttitle}
+ \inherit{author}{bookauthor}%
+ \inherit{title}{booktitle}%
+ \inherit{subtitle}{booksubtitle}%
+ \inherit{booktitle}{maintitle}%
+ \inherit{booksubtitle}{mainsubtitle}%
+ \inherit{booktitleaddon}{maintitleaddon}%
+ \noinherit{shorttitle}
+ \noinherit{sorttitle}
+ \noinherit{indextitle}
+ \noinherit{indexsorttitle}
+ \inherit{title}{booktitle}
+ \inherit{subtitle}{booksubtitle}
+ \inherit{titleaddon}{booktitleaddon}
+ \noinherit{shorttitle}
+ \noinherit{sorttitle}
+ \noinherit{indextitle}
+ \noinherit{indexsorttitle}
+ \inherit{author}{bookauthor}%
+ \inherit{title}{booktitle}%
+ \inherit{titleaddon}{booktitleaddon}%
+ \inherit{subtitle}{booksubtitle}%
+ \noinherit{shorttitle}
+ \noinherit{sorttitle}
+ \noinherit{indextitle}
+ \noinherit{indexsorttitle}
+% 6. Label name
+ bookinarticle,%
+ bookincollection,%
+ bookinincollection,%
+ bookininproceedings,
+ bookininreference,%
+ bookinjournal,%
+ bookinproceedings,%
+ bookinreference,%
+ bookinthesis,%
+ bookinphdthesis,%
+ bookinmathesis
+ ]{%
+ \field{shortauthor}
+ \field{author}
+ \field{ineditor}
+ \field{bookineditor}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-bookinother/bookinother.dbx b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-bookinother/bookinother.dbx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..20bfc857a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-bookinother/bookinother.dbx
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+%% Copyright 2016-… Maïeul Rouquette
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Maïeul Rouquette
+% This work consists of the files realauthor.dbx, realauthor.bbx
+[2016/04/06 v2.0.0 biblatex bibliography style to have entry type for book edited in other entry type (MR)]
+%1. New fields
+ bookeditor,
+ bookineditor,
+%2. For bookinother entrytypes
+ bookinarticle,
+ inarticle,
+ bookinthesis,bookinmathesis,bookinphdthesis,
+ inthesis,inmathesis,inphdthesis,
+ bookincollection,bookinproceedings,bookinreference,%
+ bookinincollection,bookininproceedings,bookininreference,%
+ inincollection,ininproceedings,ininreference%
+ ]{%
+ bookeditor,
+ bookineditor
+ bookinarticle,
+ inarticle,
+ bookinincollection,bookininproceedings,bookininreference,%
+ inincollection,ininproceedings,ininreference,%
+ bookinjournal%
+ ]{%
+ bookineditor
+%3. For standard entry type
+ bookincollection,bookinproceedings,bookinreference
+ bookeditor,
+ bookineditor
+%4. Fields declared by morenames.dbx, for bookinother entrytypes
+ bookincollection,bookinproceedings,bookinreference,%
+ bookinincollection,bookininproceedings,bookininreference,%
+ inincollection,ininproceedings,ininreference%
+ ]{
+ maineditor
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file