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index 00000000000..3c12d0dce37
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# actuarialsymbol
+Package `actuarialsymbol` provides commands to compose
+actuarial symbols of life contingencies and financial mathematics
+characterized by subscripts and superscripts on both sides of a
+principal symbol. The package also features commands to easily and
+consistently position precedence numbers above or below statuses
+in symbols for multiple lives contracts.
+Since the actuarial notation can get quite involved. the package
+defines a number of shortcut macros to ease entry of the most common
+elements. Appendix A of the package documentation lists the commands
+to typeset a large selection of symbols of life contingencies.
+## Licence
+LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c or (at your option) any
+later version.
+## Version
+1.0 (2017-04-11)
+## Authors
+David Beauchemin <>, Vincent Goulet
+## Dependency
+This package requires `actuarialangle` (version v2.0 dated 2017/04/10
+or above is needed to typeset the documentation).
+## Installation
+The package is part of TeX Live and MiKTeX. If it is not already
+installed on your system, run `actuarialsymbol.dtx` through LaTeX with,
+for example,
+ pdflatex actuarialsymbol.dtx
+and copy `actuarialsymbol.sty` where LaTeX can find it.
+## Documentation
+File `actuarialsymbol.pdf` contains the complete documentation of the
+package. If needed, the documentation can be generated from the
+sources using the following commands:
+ pdflatex actuarialsymbol.dtx
+ makeindex -s -o actuarialsymbol.gls actuarialsymbol.glo
+ pdflatex actuarialsymbol.dtx
+## Version history
+See the documentation.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/actuarialsymbol/actuarialsymbol.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/actuarialsymbol/actuarialsymbol.pdf
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Binary files differ
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index 00000000000..04839c085a2
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index 00000000000..46b58bd2ce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/actuarialsymbol/actuarialsymbol.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,1928 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% Copyright (C) 2017 David Beauchemin, Vincent Goulet
+% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
+% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
+% license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version
+% of this license is in:
+% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2006/05/20 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Vincent Goulet
+% <>.
+% This work consists of the files actuarialsymbol.dtx and the derived
+% files.
+% \fi
+% \iffalse
+ \ProvidesFile{actuarialsymbol.dtx}
+%<package>\ProvidesPackage{actuarialsymbol}[2017/04/11 v1.0 Actuarial symbols]
+\input docstrip.tex
+This is a generated file.
+Copyright (C) 2017 David Beauchemin, Vincent Goulet
+This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
+of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
+license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version
+of this license is in:
+and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+version 2006/05/20 or later.
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+The Current Maintainer of this work is Vincent Goulet
+This work consists of actuarialsymbol.dtx and the derived files.
+ \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
+ \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
+ \usepackage{natbib}
+ \usepackage{microtype}
+ \usepackage[scaled=0.90]{helvet}
+ \usepackage[scaled=1.02]{inconsolata}
+ \usepackage[sc]{mathpazo}
+ \usepackage{rsfso}
+ \usepackage{actuarialsymbol}[2017/04/10]
+ \usepackage{graphicx,framed}
+ \usepackage{longtable,booktabs}
+ \DisableCrossrefs
+ \CodelineNumbered
+ \RecordChanges
+ \GlossaryPrologue{\section*{Version history}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Version history}}
+ %% colors
+ \usepackage{xcolor}
+ \definecolor{link}{rgb}{0,0.4,0.6} % ~dvips RoyalBlue
+ \definecolor{url}{rgb}{0.6,0,0} % dark red
+ \definecolor{citation}{rgb}{0,0.5,0} % dark green
+ \colorlet{shadecolor}{LightYellow1}
+ %% left aligned description list
+ \usepackage{enumitem}
+ \setlist[description]{leftmargin=*,align=left}
+ %% environment for remarks
+ \usepackage{amsthm}
+ \theoremstyle{definition}
+ \newtheorem*{rem}{Remark}
+ %% single entry for symbol and shortcut lists
+ %%
+ \usepackage{xparse}
+ \ExplSyntaxOn
+ \NewDocumentCommand{\showcase}{v} { \tl_rescan:nn { } { $#1$ } & \texttt{#1} }
+ \NewDocumentCommand{\rshowcase}{v} { \texttt{#1} & \tl_rescan:nn { } { $#1$ } }
+ \ExplSyntaxOff
+ %% environments for demo code; 'texample' mostly lifted from
+ %% documentation of amsmath
+ \newenvironment{demo}{\begin{trivlist}\item}{\end{trivlist}}
+ \newenvironment{texample}[1][0.5]{%
+ \noindent\begin{minipage}{#1\linewidth}\begin{snugshade*}%
+ \def\producing{\end{snugshade*}\end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}{\dimexpr0.97\linewidth-#1\linewidth}%
+ \hbox\bgroup\kern-.2pt%
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+ % The 3pt is to cancel the -\lineskip from \displ@y
+ \abovedisplayskip3pt \abovedisplayshortskip\abovedisplayskip
+ \belowdisplayskip0pt \belowdisplayshortskip\belowdisplayskip
+ \noindent}
+ }{%
+ \par
+ % Ensure that a lonely \[\] structure doesn't take up width less than
+ % \hsize.
+ \hrule height0pt width\hsize
+ \egroup\kern-.2pt\egroup
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \par
+ }
+ %% utility macro
+ \newcommand{\pkg}[1]{\textsf{#1}}
+ %% increase row height in tables
+ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2}
+ %% hyperlinks
+ \usepackage{hyperref}
+ \hypersetup{colorlinks, linktocpage,
+ urlcolor=url, linkcolor=link, citecolor=citation,
+ bookmarksopen, bookmarksnumbered, bookmarksdepth=subsection,
+ pdftitle={actuarialsymbol User Guide},
+ pdfauthor={David Beauchemin, Vincent Goulet}}
+ %% autoref labels
+ \let\subsectionautorefname\sectionautorefname
+ \let\subsubsectionautorefname\sectionautorefname
+ \DocInput{actuarialsymbol.dtx}
+% \fi
+% \CheckSum{535}
+% \changes{1.0}{2017-04-11}{Initial release.}
+% \GetFileInfo{actuarialsymbol.sty}
+% \title{Actuarial symbols of life contingencies \\
+% and financial mathematics%
+% \thanks{This document corresponds to
+% \pkg{actuarialsymbol}~\fileversion, dated~\filedate.}}
+% \author{David Beauchemin \\
+% \url{}
+% \and
+% Vincent Goulet\thanks{%
+% École d'actuariat, Université Laval} \\
+% \url{}}
+% \maketitle
+% \begin{abstract}
+% Package \pkg{actuarialsymbol} provides facilities to compose
+% actuarial symbols of life contingencies and financial mathematics
+% characterized by subscripts and superscripts on both sides of a
+% principal symbol. The package also features commands to easily and
+% consistently position precedence numbers above or below statuses
+% in symbols for multiple lives contracts.
+% Since the actuarial notation can get quite involved. the package
+% defines a number of shortcut macros to ease entry of the most
+% common elements. \autoref{sec:comprehensive} lists the commands to
+% typeset a large selection of symbols of life contingencies.
+% \end{abstract}
+% \tableofcontents
+% \section{Introduction}
+% \label{sec:introduction}
+% Actuaries denote various quantities of life contingencies like
+% present values of life insurances and life annuities, annual
+% premiums, or reserves using a whole array of symbols. The highly
+% descriptive, yet compact, notation was standardized as far back as
+% in 1898 \citep{Wolthuis:notation:2004}. \autoref{fig:mosaic} shows a
+% creative use of the notation by the graduating class of 1972 in
+% Actuarial Science at Université Laval.
+% \begin{figure}[t]
+% \centering
+% \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{mosaic}
+% \caption{``Actuariat'' (French for Actuarial Science) written
+% using actuarial symbols on the 1972 graduating class mosaic at
+% Université Laval}
+% \label{fig:mosaic}
+% \end{figure}
+% \citet[Appendix~4]{Bowers:2e:1997} offer an excellent overview of
+% the composition rules for symbols of actuarial functions. In a
+% nutshell, a principal symbol, say $S$, is combined with auxiliary
+% symbols positioned in subscript or in superscript, to the left or to
+% the right. Schematically, we thus have:
+% \begin{equation}
+% \label{schema1}
+% \actsymb[\fbox{\scriptsize I}\!\;][\fbox{\scriptsize II}\!\;]%
+% {\framebox[5ex]{$S$}}{\,\fbox{\scriptsize III}}%
+% [\,\fbox{\scriptsize IV}]
+% \end{equation}
+% The principal symbol is in general a single letter. The letter may
+% be ``accented'' with a bar ($\bar{A}$), double dots ($\ddot{a}$) or
+% a circle ($\mathring{e}$). When the principal symbol consists of two
+% letters, they are grouped between parentheses, as in $\IA$ or
+% $\DA*$. Most commonly, there are alphanumeric statuses in the
+% lower-right position \fbox{\small III}. Numerals can be placed above
+% or below the individual statuses to show the order of failure; we
+% will refer to these numerals as \emph{precedence numbers}. Otherwise,
+% auxiliary symbols appear lower-left \fbox{\small I}, upper-left
+% \fbox{\small II} and upper-right \fbox{\small IV}, in that order of
+% frequency.
+% Principle symbols for benefit premiums, reserves and amount of
+% reduced paid-up insurance, $P$, $V$ and $W$, are combined with
+% benefit symbols unless the benefit is a level unit insurance payable
+% at the end of the year of death. In such cases, we have the
+% following symbol structure (replace $P$ by $V$ or $W$ as needed):
+% \begin{equation}
+% \label{schema2}
+% \actsymb[\fbox{\scriptsize I}\!\;][\fbox{\scriptsize II}\!\;]%
+% {\framebox[5ex]{$P$}}{}[\,\fbox{\scriptsize IV}]%
+% \bigl(\actsymb{\framebox[5ex]{$S$}}{\,\fbox{\scriptsize III}}\bigr)%
+% \end{equation}
+% Perhaps the most commonly used auxiliary symbol not readily
+% available in {\LaTeX} is the ``angle'' denoting a duration $n$, as
+% in $\angln$. Package \pkg{actuarialangle} \citep{actuarialangle}
+% provides commands to create this symbol, as well as an overhead
+% angle bracket\footnote{Starting with version 2.0 dated 2017/04/10.}
+% (or ``roof'') used to emphasize joint status when ambiguity is
+% possible: $\group{xy}$. This package is imported at load time by
+% \pkg{actuarialsymbol}.
+% Package \pkg{actuarialsymbol} provides a generic command to position
+% all subscripts and superscripts easily and consistently around a
+% principal symbol, a command to create two-letter symbols and two
+% commands to position precedence numbers above and below statuses.
+% Since entering actuarial symbols can get quite involved, the package
+% also defines a number of shortcuts to create the most common
+% actuarial functions of financial mathematics and life contingencies.
+% \section{For the impatient}
+% \label{sec:actuarialsymbol:quickstart}
+% The hurried reader may jump to \autoref{sec:shortcuts} for the
+% shortcut macros defined by the package, and to
+% \autoref{sec:comprehensive} for a comprehensive list of symbols of
+% life contingencies along with the {\LaTeX} code to compose them with
+% \pkg{actuarialsymbol} loaded. That said, in our highly biased view,
+% it remains worth reading along the fine documentation below.
+% \section{Package features}
+% \label{sec:features}
+% This section describes the generic commands provided by the package
+% to compose actuarial symbols. On a daily basis, one should use the
+% shortcuts of \autoref{sec:shortcuts} to ease entry of symbols.
+% \subsection{Actuarial symbol}
+% \label{sec:features:actsymb}
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\actsymb}
+% The generic command \cmd{\actsymb} typesets a principal symbol with
+% surrounding subscripts and superscripts. Its syntax is somewhat
+% unusual for {\LaTeX}, but it serves well the natural order of the
+% building blocks of a symbol and their relative prevalence:
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cmd{\actsymb}\oarg{ll}\oarg{ul}\marg{symbol}\marg{lr}\oarg{ur}
+% \end{quote}
+% Above, \meta{ll} identifies the auxiliary symbol in the lower left
+% subscript position \fbox{\small I} (following the notation in the
+% schematic representation \eqref{schema1}); \meta{ul} is the upper
+% left superscript \fbox{\small II}; \meta{symbol} is the principal
+% symbol $S$; \meta{lr} is the lower right subscript \fbox{\small
+% III}; \meta{ur} is the upper right superscript $\fbox{\small IV}$.
+% The principal symbol and the right subscript are required, the
+% other arguments are optional.
+% \begin{demo}
+% \begin{texample}
+% |\actsymb{A}{x}|
+% \producing
+% $\actsymb{A}{x}$
+% \end{texample}
+% \begin{texample}
+% |\actsymb[n]{A}{x}|
+% \producing
+% $\actsymb[n]{A}{x}$
+% \end{texample}
+% \begin{texample}
+% |\actsymb[n][2]{A}{x}|
+% \producing
+% $\actsymb[n][2]{A}{x}$
+% \end{texample}
+% \begin{texample}
+% |\actsymb[n][2]{A}{x}[(m)]|
+% \producing
+% $\actsymb[n][2]{A}{x}[(m)]$
+% \end{texample}
+% \end{demo}
+% The command actually admits one more optional argument to compose
+% symbols for premiums, reserves and paid-up insurance. The extended
+% command
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cmd{\actsymb}\oarg{ll}\oarg{ul}\oarg{principle}\marg{symbol}\marg{lr}\oarg{ur}
+% \end{quote}
+% puts symbol \meta{principle} outside the parentheses in the
+% schematic representation \eqref{schema2}.
+% \begin{demo}
+% \begin{texample}[0.7]
+% |\actsymb[][][P]{\bar{A}}{x:\angln}|
+% \producing
+% $\actsymb[][][P]{\bar{A}}{x:\angln}$
+% \end{texample}
+% \begin{texample}[0.7]
+% |\actsymb[k][][V]{\bar{A}}{x}[\{1\}]|
+% \producing
+% $\actsymb[k][][V]{\bar{A}}{x}[\{1\}]$
+% \end{texample}
+% \begin{texample}[0.7]
+% |\actsymb[k][][\bar{W}]{\bar{A}}{x}|
+% \producing
+% $\actsymb[k][][\bar{W}]{\bar{A}}{x}$
+% \end{texample}
+% \end{demo}
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \begin{rem}
+% {\TeX} adjusts the position of a subscript downward when a
+% superscript is present:
+% \begin{displaymath}
+% A_x \quad A_x^2.
+% \end{displaymath}
+% The package maintains this behaviour. Therefore, entering the
+% symbols above using the standard operators |^| and |_| or with
+% \cmd{\actsymb} yields the same result.
+% \begin{demo}
+% \begin{texample}[0.7]
+% |A_x \quad A_x^2|
+% \producing
+% $A_x \quad A_x^2$
+% \end{texample}
+% \begin{texample}[0.7]
+% |\actsymb{A}{x} \quad \actsymb{A}{x}[2]|
+% \producing
+% $\actsymb{A}{x} \quad \actsymb{A}{x}[2]$
+% \end{texample}
+% \end{demo}
+% Furthermore, the package also ensures that the left and right
+% subscripts, when both present, are at the same level, something
+% popular ad~hoc constructions do not provide.
+% \begin{demo}
+% \begin{texample}[0.7]
+% |{}_tA_x \quad {}_tA_x^2|
+% \producing
+% ${}_tA_x \quad {}_tA_x^2$
+% \end{texample}
+% \begin{texample}[0.7]
+% |\actsymb[t]{A}{x} \quad \actsymb[t]{A}{x}[2]|
+% \producing
+% $\actsymb[t]{A}{x} \quad \actsymb[t]{A}{x}[2]$
+% \end{texample}
+% \end{demo}
+% In symbols for premiums, reserves and paid-up insurance,
+% subscripts and superscripts are aligned only around the principle
+% symbol. Authors who would prefer a uniform subscript position
+% \emph{throughout their document} should load package
+% \pkg{subdepth} \citep{subdepth}.
+% \end{rem}
+% \subsection{Two-letter principal symbols}
+% \label{sec:features:twoletsymb}
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\twoletsymb}
+% Entering two-letter principal symbols like $\DA$ as |$(DA)$| results in
+% letters that are too distant from one another: $(DA)$. To unify
+% presentation, the package provides the command
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cmd{\twoletsymb}\oarg{length}\marg{symbol\_1}\marg{symbol\_2}
+% \end{quote}
+% to group \meta{symbol\_1} and \meta{symbol\_2} between parentheses
+% with kerning\footnote{Spacing adjustment between the characters}
+% reduced by length \cmd{\twoletkern} (see below). One can also
+% reduce spacing by \meta{length} for a specific symbol.
+% \begin{demo}
+% \begin{texample}
+% |\twoletsymb{\bar{D}}{\bar{A}}|
+% \producing
+% $\twoletsymb{\bar{D}}{\bar{A}}$
+% \end{texample}
+% \begin{texample}
+% |\twoletsymb{I}{\ddot{a}}|
+% \producing
+% $\twoletsymb{I}{\ddot{a}}$
+% \end{texample}
+% \begin{texample}
+% |\twoletsymb[0.8pt]{I}{\ddot{a}}|
+% \producing
+% $\twoletsymb[0.8pt]{I}{\ddot{a}}$
+% \end{texample}
+% \end{demo}
+% We expect authors to use \cmd{\twoletsymb} to define commands, not
+% directly in equations. The package already defines a number of
+% shortcuts for the main two-letter actuarial symbols; see
+% \autoref{sec:shortcuts}.
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\twoletkern}
+% The standard kerning between mathematical symbols defined with
+% \cmd{\twoletsymb} is \emph{reduced} by the length
+% \cmd{\twoletkern}, by default \the\twoletkern. This value can be
+% changed as usual using \cmd{\setlength}.
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \subsection{Precedence numbers}
+% \label{sec:features:precedence}
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\nthtop}
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\nthtop*}
+% Precedence numbers appear above or below individual statuses in
+% the right subscript \fbox{\small III} of a symbol. Commands
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cmd{\nthtop}\oarg{length}\marg{number}\marg{status} \\
+% \cmd{\nthtop*}\oarg{length}\marg{number}\marg{status}
+% \end{quote}
+% put a precedence \meta{number} above a \meta{status}, smashed so
+% that the apparent height of the status is its normal height. This is
+% normally used in the right subscript \fbox{\small III} of a symbol. With
+% \cmd{\nthtop}, the spacing between the precedence number and the
+% status is a constant \cmd{\nthtopsep} (see below). This can result
+% in precedence numbers placed at different heights if one status
+% contains an horizontal rule.
+% \begin{demo}
+% \begin{texample}[0.85]
+% |\actsymb{A}{\nthtop{1}{x}:\angln}|
+% \producing
+% \rule{0pt}{12pt}$\actsymb{A}{\nthtop{1}{x}:\angln}$
+% \end{texample}
+% \begin{texample}[0.85]
+% |\actsymb{A}{x:\nthtop{1}{\angln}}|
+% \producing
+% \rule{0pt}{12pt}$\actsymb{A}{x:\nthtop{1}{\angln}}$
+% \end{texample}
+% \begin{texample}[0.85]
+% |\actsymb{A}{\nthtop{1}{x}y:\nthtop{2}{\angln}}|
+% \producing
+% \rule{0pt}{12pt}$\actsymb{A}{\nthtop{1}{x}y:\nthtop{2}{\angln}}$
+% \end{texample}
+% \end{demo}
+% Conversely, \cmd{\nthtop*} always leaves enough space
+% \cmd{\nthtopskip} for intervening horizontal rules, resulting
+% in vertically aligned precedence numbers.
+% \begin{demo}
+% \begin{texample}[0.85]
+% |\actsymb{A}{\nthtop*{1}{x}:\angln}|
+% \producing
+% \rule{0pt}{12pt}$\actsymb{A}{\nthtop*{1}{x}:\angln}$
+% \end{texample}
+% \begin{texample}[0.85]
+% |\actsymb{A}{x:\nthtop*{1}{\angln}}|
+% \producing
+% \rule{0pt}{12pt}$\actsymb{A}{x:\nthtop*{1}{\angln}}$
+% \end{texample}
+% \begin{texample}[0.85]
+% |\actsymb{A}{\nthtop*{1}{x}y:\nthtop*{2}{\angln}}|
+% \producing
+% \rule{0pt}{12pt}$\actsymb{A}{\nthtop*{1}{x}y:\nthtop*{2}{\angln}}$
+% \end{texample}
+% \end{demo}
+% The optional argument \meta{length} changes the default spacing
+% for one symbol. The package also defines shortcuts for first,
+% second and third top precedence; see \autoref{sec:shortcuts}.
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\nthbottom}
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\nthbottom*}
+% In the same vein as the above two commands,
+% \begin{quote}
+% \cmd{\nthbottom}\oarg{length}\marg{number}\marg{status} \\
+% \cmd{\nthbottom*}\oarg{length}\marg{number}\marg{status}
+% \end{quote}
+% put a precedence \meta{number} below a \meta{status}. With
+% \cmd{\nthbottom} the spacing between the status and the number is
+% a constant \cmd{\nthbottomsep}, whereas with \cmd{\nthbottom*}
+% enough spacing \cmd{\nthbottomskip} is left to bottom align the
+% precedence numbers. The |*| variant is most useful in cases
+% involving more than one bottom precedence numbers and statuses
+% with descenders.
+% \begin{demo}
+% \begin{texample}[0.85]
+% |\actsymb{A}{\nthtop{3}{x}%| \\
+% | \nthbottom{1}{y}\nthbottom{2}{z}}|
+% \producing
+% \rule{0pt}{12pt}$\actsymb{A}{\nthtop{3}{x}\nthbottom{1}{y}\nthbottom{2}{z}}$
+% \end{texample}
+% \begin{texample}[0.85]
+% |\actsymb{A}{\nthtop{3}{x}%| \\
+% | \nthbottom*{1}{y}\nthbottom*{2}{z}}|
+% \producing
+% \rule{0pt}{12pt}$\actsymb{A}{\nthtop{3}{x}\nthbottom*{1}{y}\nthbottom*{2}{z}}$
+% \end{texample}
+% \end{demo}
+% The optional argument \meta{length} changes the default spacing
+% for one symbol. The package also defines shortcuts for first,
+% second and third bottom precedence; see \autoref{sec:shortcuts}.
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \begin{rem}
+% The fact that top precedence numbers have zero height means they
+% will clash with a right superscript \fbox{\small IV}:
+% \begin{demo}
+% \begin{texample}[0.7]
+% |\actsymb{A}{\nthtop{1}{x}:\angln}[(m)]|
+% \producing
+% $\actsymb{A}{\nthtop{1}{x}:\angln}[(m)]$
+% \end{texample}
+% \end{demo}
+% In such rare circumstances, one needs to insert a \emph{strut} (an
+% invisible vertical rule) in the subscript to push it downward as
+% needed:
+% \begin{demo}
+% \begin{texample}[0.7]
+% |\actsymb{A}{\rule{0pt}{2.3ex}%| \\
+% | \nthtop{1}{x}:\angln}[(m)]|
+% \producing
+% $\actsymb{A}{\rule{0pt}{2.3ex}\nthtop{1}{x}:\angln}[(m)]$
+% \end{texample}
+% \end{demo}
+% This remark also applies to bottom precedence numbers in inline
+% formulas or multiline equations.
+% \end{rem}
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\nthtopsep}
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\nthtopskip}
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\nthbottomsep}
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\nthbottomskip}
+% The constant spacing between a top precedence number and the status
+% underneath when using \cmd{\nthtop} is \cmd{\nthtopsep}, by
+% default \the\nthtopsep. The constant height of top precedence
+% numbers when using \cmd{\nthtop*} is achieved by setting the
+% baseline skip to \cmd{\nthtopskip}, by default
+% \the\nthtopskip.
+% Similarly, the constant spacing between a bottom precedence number
+% and the status above when using \cmd{\nthbottom} is
+% \cmd{\nthbottomsep}, by default \the\nthbottomsep, and the
+% constant height of bottom precedence numbers when using
+% \cmd{\nthbottom*} is achieved by setting the baseline skip to
+% \cmd{\nthbottomskip}, by default \the\nthbottomskip.
+% These values can be changed as usual using \cmd{\setlength}.
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \section{Shortcuts}
+% \label{sec:shortcuts}
+% Composing actuarial symbols from scratch using \cmd{\actsymb} can
+% easily get quite involved. For this reason, the package defines a
+% large number of shortcut macros to ease entry of the most common
+% symbols. We encourage authors to define their own shortcuts for
+% cases we did not consider. The package provides powerful facilities
+% to define shortcuts.
+% \subsection{Basic symbols of life tables, insurance and annuities}
+% \label{sec:shortcuts:principal}
+% \autoref{tab:principal} lists shortcuts to compose complete symbols
+% of life tables and benefits of insurance and annuities. For space
+% considerations only the mandatory arguments are given, but it should
+% be noted that all commands of \autoref*{tab:principal} accept the
+% optional arguments \meta{ll}, \meta{ul} and \meta{ur} of
+% \cmd{\actsymb}.
+% \begin{table}[t]
+% \centering
+% \caption{Shortcuts for life table, insurance and annuity
+% symbols. All commands accept the optional arguments
+% \meta{ll}, \meta{ul} and \meta{ur} of \cmd{\actsymb}.}
+% \label{tab:principal}
+% \begin{tabular}{lll}
+% \toprule
+% Definition & Example & Output \\
+% \midrule
+% \cmd{\lx}\marg{age} & \rshowcase{\lx{x}} \\
+% \cmd{\Lx}\marg{age} & \rshowcase{\Lx{x}}$^\dagger$ \\
+% \cmd{\dx}\marg{age} & \rshowcase{\dx[n]{x}} \\
+% \cmd{\Dx}\marg{age} & \rshowcase{\Dx[n]{x}}$^\dagger$ \\
+% \cmd{\px}\marg{age} & \rshowcase{\px[t]{x}} \\
+% \cmd{\qx}\marg{age} & \rshowcase{\qx[t]{x}} \\
+% \cmd{\eringx}\marg{lr} & \rshowcase{\eringx{x:\angln}} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \cmd{\Ax}\marg{lr} & \rshowcase{\Ax{x:\angln}} \\
+% \cmd{\Ax*}\marg{lr} & \rshowcase{\Ax*{x:\angln}} \\
+% \cmd{\Ex}\marg{lr} & \rshowcase{\Ex[n]{x}} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \cmd{\ax}\marg{lr} & \rshowcase{\ax{x:\angln}} \\
+% \cmd{\ax*}\marg{lr} & \rshowcase{\ax*{x:\angln}} \\
+% \cmd{\ax**}\marg{lr} & \rshowcase{\ax**{x:\angln}} \\
+% \cmd{\sx}\marg{lr} & \rshowcase{\sx{x:\angln}} \\
+% \cmd{\sx*}\marg{lr} & \rshowcase{\sx*{x:\angln}} \\
+% \cmd{\sx**}\marg{lr} & \rshowcase{\sx**{x:\angln}} \\
+% \cmd{\aringx}\marg{lr} & \rshowcase{\aringx{x:\angln}} \\
+% \bottomrule
+% \end{tabular} \\
+% \raggedright
+% \hspace*{1em}{\footnotesize $^\dagger$ Calligraphic letters
+% obtained using \cmd{\mathcal}. These specific versions of
+% $\mathcal{L}$ and $\mathcal{D}$ require package \pkg{rsfso}
+% \citep{rsfso}. Standard versions are
+% $\text{\usefont{OMS}{zplm}{m}{n} L}$ and
+% $\text{\usefont{OMS}{zplm}{m}{n} D}$.}
+% \end{table}
+% One will note that shortcuts for insurance benefits come in two
+% variants: one for the benefit payable at the end of the year of
+% death (standard shortcut) and one for the benefit payable at the
+% time of death (|*| variant). Shortcuts for annuity benefits have
+% three variants: payable at the end of the period (standard),
+% continuously (|*| variant) and at the beginning of the period (|**|
+% variant).
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\@actinssc}
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\@actannsc}
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\@actothersc}
+% One may define additional shortcut macros similar to those of
+% \autoref{tab:principal} using the internal commands
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\@actinssc|\marg{symbol} \\
+% |\@actannsc|\marg{symbol} \\
+% |\@actothersc|\marg{symbol}
+% \end{quote}
+% Command |\@actinssc| automatically provides the two shortcuts for
+% insurance benefits, command |\@actannsc| provides the three
+% shortcuts for annuity benefits and command |\@actothersc|
+% provides a single shortcut for \meta{symbol}.
+% For example, the package defines the shortcut \cmd{\px} with the
+% equivalent of %
+% ^^A below we abuse the texample environment to avoid defining
+% ^^A another environment just for this purpose
+% \begin{demo}
+% \begin{texample}[1]
+% |\newcommand{\px}{\@actothersc{p}}| \producing
+% \end{texample}
+% \end{demo}
+% shortcuts \cmd{\Ax} and \cmd{\Ax*} with
+% \begin{demo}
+% \begin{texample}[1]
+% |\newcommand{\Ax}{\@actinssc{A}}| \producing
+% \end{texample}
+% \end{demo}
+% and shortcuts \cmd{\ax}, \cmd{\ax*} and \cmd{\ax**} with
+% \begin{demo}
+% \begin{texample}[1]
+% |\newcommand{\ax}{\@actannsc{a}}| \producing
+% \end{texample}
+% \end{demo}
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \begin{rem}
+% When used in the preamble of a document, the above commands need
+% to be protected by a |\makeatletter| \dots\ |\makeatother| pair
+% since they make use of the reserved character |@|. Therefore, to
+% define shortcuts, say, \cmd{\Bx} and \cmd{\Bx*} to the imaginary
+% benefits $B$ and $\bar{B}$, one would write in the preamble
+% \begin{demo}
+% \begin{texample}[1]
+% |\makatletter| \\
+% |\newcommand{\Bx}{\@actinssc{B}}| \\
+% |\makeatother| \producing
+% \end{texample}
+% \end{demo}
+% \end{rem}
+% \subsection{Symbols for premiums, reserves and paid-up insurance}
+% \label{sec:shortcuts:premres}
+% Symbols for premiums, reserves and paid-up insurance come in two
+% main variants: without an explicit benefit between parentheses for
+% insurances payable at the end of the year of death, and with the
+% type of benefit specified for all other insurances and annuities.
+% \autoref{tab:premres} lists two sets of shortcuts to compose symbols
+% for premiums, reserves and paid-up insurance. Shortcuts from the
+% first set take in mandatory argument the content of the \meta{lr}
+% subscript of actuarial symbols. Those from the second set require a
+% complete benefit symbol in argument. One may use the shortcuts of
+% \autoref{tab:principal} to this effect. Again, only the mandatory
+% arguments are given in the table, but all commands accept the
+% optional arguments \meta{ll}, \meta{ul} and \meta{ur} of
+% \cmd{\actsymb}.
+% \begin{table}[t]
+% \centering
+% \caption{Shortcuts for premiums, reserves and paid-up insurance. All
+% commands accept the optional arguments \meta{ll},
+% \meta{ul} and \meta{ur} of \cmd{\actsymb}.}
+% \label{tab:premres}
+% \begin{tabular*}{1.0\linewidth}{lll}
+% \toprule
+% Definition & Example & Output \\
+% \midrule
+% \cmd{\Px}\marg{lr} & \rshowcase{\Px[h]{x}} \\
+% \cmd{\Vx}\marg{lr} & \rshowcase{\Vx[k]{x}} \\
+% \cmd{\Wx}\marg{lr} & \rshowcase{\Wx[k]{x}} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \cmd{\premium}\marg{benefit} & \rshowcase{\premium[t]{\Ax*{x}}} \\
+% \cmd{\premium*}\marg{benefit} & \rshowcase{\premium*[t]{\Ax*{x:\angln}}} \\
+% \cmd{\reserve}\marg{benefit} & \rshowcase{\reserve[t]{\ax**{x}}} \\
+% \cmd{\reserve*}\marg{benefit} & \rshowcase{\reserve*[t]{\ax*{x}}} \\
+% \cmd{\paidup}\marg{benefit} & \rshowcase{\paidup[k]{\Ax*{x}}} \\
+% \cmd{\paidup*}\marg{benefit} & \rshowcase{\paidup*[k][h]{\Ax*{x}}} \\
+% \bottomrule
+% \end{tabular*}
+% \end{table}
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\@actpremres}
+% The package eases definition of additional shortcut macros similar
+% to the second set of \autoref{tab:premres} using the internal
+% command
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\@actpremres|\marg{principle}
+% \end{quote}
+% It defines shortcuts for discrete (default) or continuous (|*|
+% variant) premiums, reserves and paid-up insurance. For example,
+% the package defines shortcuts \cmd{\premium} and \cmd{\premium*}
+% with
+% \begin{demo}
+% \begin{texample}[1]
+% |\newcommand{\premium}{\@actpremres{P}}| \producing
+% \end{texample}
+% \end{demo}
+% The remark at the end of \autoref{sec:shortcuts:principal} also
+% applies here.
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \subsection{Auxiliary symbols}
+% \label{sec:shortcuts:aux}
+% \autoref{tab:aux} lists shortcuts for a few common auxiliary symbols
+% used in the lower right subscript \fbox{\small III}.
+% \begin{table}
+% \centering
+% \caption{Shortcuts for auxiliary symbols}
+% \label{tab:aux}
+% \begin{tabular*}{1.0\linewidth}{lll}
+% \toprule
+% Definition & Example & Output \\
+% \midrule
+% \cmd{\term}\marg{age}\marg{duration} & \rshowcase{\Ax{\term{x}{n}}} \\
+% \cmd{\termxn} & \rshowcase{\Ax{\termxn}} \\
+% \cmd{\pureendow}\marg{age}\marg{duration} & \rshowcase{\Ax{\pureendow{x}{n}}} \\
+% \cmd{\pureendowxn} & \rshowcase{\Ax{\pureendowxn}} \\
+% \cmd{\endow}\marg{age}\marg{duration} & \rshowcase{\ax**{\endow{x}{n}}} \\
+% \cmd{\endowxn} & \rshowcase{\ax**{\endowxn}} \\
+% \cmd{\joint}\marg{ages}$^\dagger$ & \rshowcase{\Ax*{\joint{xy}z}} \\
+% \bottomrule
+% \end{tabular*} \\
+% \raggedright
+% \hspace*{1em}{\footnotesize $^\dagger$ alias for \cmd{\overline}}
+% \end{table}
+% \subsection{Symbols for varying benefit insurance and annuities}
+% \label{sec:shortcuts:twoletsymb}
+% \autoref{tab:twoletsymb} lists shortcuts for common two-letter
+% symbols of varying benefit insurance and annuities. These shortcuts
+% can be used as principal symbol in \cmd{\actsymb} or in the commands
+% of \autoref{tab:principal}.
+% \begin{table}
+% \centering
+% \caption{Shortcuts for varying benefit insurance and annuities}
+% \label{tab:twoletsymb}
+% \begin{tabular}{ll@{\hspace{15mm}}ll}
+% \toprule
+% Definition & Output & Definition & Output \\
+% \midrule
+% \cmd{\IA} & $\IA$ & \cmd{\DA} & $\DA$ \\
+% \cmd{\IA*} & $\IA*$ & \cmd{\DA*} & $\DA*$ \\
+% \addlinespace[6pt]
+% \cmd{\IbA} & $\IbA$ & \cmd{\DbA} & $\DbA$ \\
+% \cmd{\IbA*} & $\IbA*$ & \cmd{\DbA*} & $\DbA*$ \\
+% \addlinespace[6pt]
+% \cmd{\ImA} & $\ImA$ & \cmd{\DmA} & $\DmA$ \\
+% \cmd{\ImA*} & $\ImA*$ & \cmd{\DmA*} & $\DmA*$ \\
+% \addlinespace[6pt]
+% \cmd{\Ia} & $\Ia$ & \cmd{\Da} & $\Da$ \\
+% \cmd{\Ia*} & $\Ia*$ & \cmd{\Da*} & $\Da*$ \\
+% \cmd{\Ia**} & $\Ia**$ & \cmd{\Da**} & $\Da**$ \\
+% \addlinespace[6pt]
+% \cmd{\Is} & $\Is$ & \cmd{\Ds} & $\Ds$ \\
+% \cmd{\Is*} & $\Is*$ & \cmd{\Ds*} & $\Ds*$ \\
+% \cmd{\Is**} & $\Is**$ & \cmd{\Ds**} & $\Ds**$ \\
+% \bottomrule
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{table}
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\@twoletinssc}
+% \begin{DescribeMacro}{\@twoletannsc}
+% One may define additional shortcuts for two-letter insurance and
+% annuity benefit symbols using the internal commands
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\@twoletinssc|\oarg{length}\marg{symbol\_1}\marg{symbol\_2} \\
+% |\@twoletannsc|\oarg{length}\marg{symbol\_1}\marg{symbol\_2}
+% \end{quote}
+% These commands are similar to those of
+% \autoref{sec:shortcuts:principal}: |\@twoletinssc| provides two
+% shortcuts (standard and |*| variant), whereas |\@twoletannsc|
+% provides three (standard, |*| and |**| variants).
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \end{DescribeMacro}
+% \subsection{First, second and third precedence}
+% \label{sec:shortcuts:preced}
+% \autoref{tab:preced} lists shortcuts and aliases for the first,
+% second and third precedence numbers, top and bottom. These shortcuts
+% can be used in auxiliary symbols in \cmd{\actsymb} or in the
+% commands of \autoref{tab:principal}.
+% \begin{table}[t]
+% \centering
+% \caption{Shortcuts and aliases for precedence numbers}
+% \label{tab:preced}
+% \begin{tabular}{lll}
+% \toprule
+% Definition & Alias & Output \\
+% \midrule
+% \cmd{\firsttop}\marg{status} & \cmd{\itop}\marg{status} & $\Ax{\itop{x}:\angln}$ \\
+% \cmd{\secondtop}\marg{status} & \cmd{\iitop}\marg{status} & $\Ax{x\iitop{y}z}$ \\
+% \cmd{\thirdtop}\marg{status} & \cmd{\iiitop}\marg{status} & $\Ax{xy\iiitop{z}}$ \\
+% \addlinespace[6pt]
+% \cmd{\firsttop*}\marg{status} & \cmd{\itop*}\marg{status} & $\Ax{\itop*{x}:\angln}$ \\
+% \cmd{\secondtop*}\marg{status} & \cmd{\iitop*}\marg{status} & $\Ax{x\iitop*{y}z}$ \\
+% \cmd{\thirdtop*}\marg{status} & \cmd{\iiitop*}\marg{status} & $\Ax{xy\iiitop*{z}}$ \\
+% \addlinespace[6pt]
+% \cmd{\firstbottom}\marg{status} & \cmd{\ibottom}\marg{status} & $\Ax{\ibottom{x}yz}$ \\
+% \addlinespace[3pt]
+% \cmd{\secondbottom}\marg{status} & \cmd{\iibottom}\marg{status} & $\Ax{\iibottom{x}yz}$ \\
+% \addlinespace[3pt]
+% \cmd{\thirdbottom}\marg{status} & \cmd{\iiibottom}\marg{status} & $\Ax{xy\iiibottom{z}}$ \\
+% \addlinespace[6pt]
+% \cmd{\firstbottom*}\marg{status} & \cmd{\ibottom*}\marg{status} & $\Ax{\ibottom*{x}yz}$ \\
+% \addlinespace[3pt]
+% \cmd{\secondbottom*}\marg{status} & \cmd{\iibottom*}\marg{status} & $\Ax{\iibottom*{x}yz}$ \\
+% \addlinespace[3pt]
+% \cmd{\thirdbottom*}\marg{status} & \cmd{\iiibottom*}\marg{status} & $\Ax{xy\iiibottom*{z}}$ \\
+% \addlinespace[6pt]
+% \bottomrule
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{table}
+% \section{Package options}
+% \label{sec:options}
+% The package offers two options to control the placement of
+% precedence numbers:
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\mdseries\ttfamily alignpreced] always align top and bottom
+% precedence numbers; makes \cmd{\nthtop} and \cmd{\nthbottom}
+% equivalent to \cmd{\nthtop*} and \cmd{\nthbottom*},
+% respectively;
+% \item[\mdseries\ttfamily compactpreced] always put precedence
+% numbers close to the corresponding status; makes \cmd{\nthtop*}
+% and \cmd{\nthbottom*} equivalent to \cmd{\nthtop} and
+% \cmd{\nthbottom}, respectively.
+% \end{description}
+% Option |alignpreced| can be useful to simplify entry of uniformly
+% positioned precedence numbers. On the other hand, option
+% |compactpreced| is merely included as a complement to |alignpreced|.
+% We do not recommended --- nor see a reason --- to use it as it
+% basically renders inoperative commands \cmd{\nthtop*} and
+% \cmd{\nthbottom*}.
+% \appendix
+% \newpage
+% \section{Comprehensive life contingencies symbol list}
+% \label{sec:comprehensive}
+% This appendix was inspired by \citet{Trivedi:lifecon:2004}. The
+% title is a nod to the immensely useful \emph{Comprehensive
+% {\LaTeX} Symbol List} of \citet{comprehensive}.
+% The table below contains all the life contingencies symbols listed
+% in Appendix~3 of \citet{Bowers:2e:1997} along with the code to
+% compose them with \pkg{actuarialsymbol} (and therefore
+% \pkg{actuarialangle}) loaded. Often times there are various ways to
+% obtain a symbol; we tried to always present the most compact and
+% legible option. Not all symbols require features of
+% \pkg{actuarialsymbol}.
+% Calligraphic letters are typeset using \cmd{\mathcal}. The specific
+% versions of $\mathcal{L}$ and $\mathcal{D}$ that appear in this
+% table require package \pkg{rsfso} \citep{rsfso}, which is \emph{not}
+% loaded by \pkg{actuarialsymbol}. Standard versions of the
+% calligraphic letters are $\text{\usefont{OMS}{zplm}{m}{n} L}$ and
+% $\text{\usefont{OMS}{zplm}{m}{n} D}$. See Table~299 of
+% \citet{comprehensive} for other options.
+% %
+% \begingroup
+% \catcode`\|=12 ^^A to use | in math, disable as verbatim delimiter
+% \begin{longtable}{ll}
+% \toprule
+% Symbol & Code to compose the symbol \\
+% \midrule
+% \endfirsthead
+% \toprule
+% Symbol & Code to compose the symbol \\
+% \midrule
+% \endhead
+% \midrule
+% \endfoot
+% \bottomrule
+% \endlastfoot
+% \showcase{a} \\
+% \showcase{a(x)} \\
+% \showcase{a_x} \\
+% \showcase{\ax{\angl{K}}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax*{\angln}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax*{P_t}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax*{\angl{T}}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax*{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax*{r}[h]} \\
+% \showcase{\ax*{x + t}[i]} \\
+% \showcase{\ax*{x + t}[r]} \\
+% \showcase{\ax**{\angl{K + 1}}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax**{x}[(m)]} \\
+% \showcase{\aringx{x}[(m)]} \\
+% \showcase{\ax**{x}[\{m\}]} \\
+% \showcase{\ax**[j]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax**[*]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax{\endowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax*{\endowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax**{\endowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax**{\endowxn}[(m)]} \\
+% \showcase{\aringx{\endowxn}[(m)]} \\
+% \showcase{\ax**{\endowxn}[\{m\}]} \\
+% \showcase{\ax*{\joint\endowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax*[][2]{\endowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax[n|]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax*[n|]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax**[n|]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax**[n|]{x}[(m)]} \\
+% \showcase{\ax*{xy|z}[1]} \\
+% \showcase{\ax**{xy}[(m)]} \\
+% \showcase{\ax**{xy:\angln}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax**[][2]{xy:\angln}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax*{x|y}} \\
+% \showcase{\ax*{\joint{x_1 x_2 x_3}}} \\
+% \showcase{\twoletsymb[0.6pt]{a}{A}(x)} \\
+% \showcase{\twoletsymb[0.6pt]{a}{A}_t} \\
+% \showcase{\twoletsymb[0.3pt]{a}{C}_t} \\
+% \showcase{\twoletsymb[0.6pt]{a}{F}_t} \\
+% \showcase{\twoletsymb[0.6pt]{a}{U}_t} \\
+% \showcase{\twoletsymb[0.6pt]{a}{V}(x)} \\
+% \showcase{\twoletsymb[0.6pt]{a}{V}_t} \\
+% \showcase{A(h)} \\
+% \showcase{A_t} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax*{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax{x}[(m)]} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax*{x}[\text{PR}]} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax{\termxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax{\endowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax*{\endowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax{\pureendowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax[j]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax[*]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax*{\termxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb{\tilde{A}}{\termxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax[][2]{\pureendowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax[][2]{\termxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax*[m|]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax*[m|n]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax{xy}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax{\joint{xy}}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax{xy}[(m)]} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax*{x\iitop{y}}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax*{\itop{x}y}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax{xy:\angln}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax*{\itop{\joint{xy}}:\angln}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax[][2]{xy:\angln}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax*{wx\iitop{y}}} \\
+% \showcase{\Ax*{\joint{x_1 x_2 x_3}}} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb[k]{\mathit{AS}}{}} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb[k]{\widehat{\mathit{AS}}}{}} \\
+% \showcase{\twoletsymb[0pt]{A}{S}_{x + h}} \\
+% \showcase{(\mathit{AAI})} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\beta} \\
+% \showcase{\bar{\beta}} \\
+% \showcase{\Gamma(\alpha)} \\
+% \showcase{b(u)} \\
+% \showcase{b_j} \\
+% \showcase{b_t} \\
+% \showcase{b_f(t)} \\
+% \showcase{B_t} \\
+% \showcase{\hat{B}_{x + k}} \\
+% \showcase{\hat{B}_{x + t}^{(3)}} \\
+% \showcase{\hat{B}_{x + t}^{(j)}} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb[h]{\mathit{BP}}{}} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{c} \\
+% \showcase{c_k} \\
+% \showcase{\hat{c}_k} \\
+% \showcase{c(t)} \\
+% \showcase{C_1} \\
+% \showcase{C_2} \\
+% \showcase{C_3} \\
+% \showcase{C_h} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb[k]{\mathit{CV}}{}} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\dx{x}[(j)]} \\
+% \showcase{\dx[n]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\dx[n]{x}[(j)]} \\
+% \showcase{\dx[n]{x}[(\tau)]} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb[t]{D}{j}} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb[k + 1]{D}{}} \\
+% \showcase{\DA_{\termxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\DA*_{\termxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\Dx[n]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\Dx[n]{x}[(j)]} \\
+% \showcase{\Dx[n]{x}[(\tau)]} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{e} \\
+% \showcase{e_{h - 1}} \\
+% \showcase{e_x} \\
+% \showcase{\eringx{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\hat{e}_k} \\
+% \showcase{\eringx{\endowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{e_{xy}} \\
+% \showcase{e_{\joint{xy}}} \\
+% \showcase{\mathrm{E}} \\
+% \showcase{E} \\
+% \showcase{E_0} \\
+% \showcase{\Ex[n]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\twoletsymb[0.6pt]{E}{S}_{x + h + t}} \\
+% \showcase{\mathit{ELRA}} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{f} \\
+% \showcase{f(u, t)} \\
+% \showcase{f_S(s)} \\
+% \showcase{F_X(x)} \\
+% \showcase{F_t} \\
+% \showcase{F^{(k)}} \\
+% \showcase{F_S(s)} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb[k]{F}{}} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{G} \\
+% \showcase{\hat{G}} \\
+% \showcase{G(b)} \\
+% \showcase{G(b)} \\
+% \showcase{G(x; \alpha, \beta)} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{h(x)} \\
+% \showcase{H(r)} \\
+% \showcase{H(x; \alpha, \beta, x_0)} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb[u]{\twoletsymb{h}{p}}{x + t}[(\tau)]} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb{\twoletsymb{h}{\mu}}{x + t}[(j)](u)} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{i'_{k + 1}} \\
+% \showcase{\hat{\imath}_{k + 1}} \\
+% \showcase{i(s, s + t)} \\
+% \showcase{I_k} \\
+% \showcase{I_d} \\
+% \showcase{I_d(x)} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb[j]{i}{k}} \\
+% \showcase{\IA_x} \\
+% \showcase{\IA*_x} \\
+% \showcase{\IbA*_x} \\
+% \showcase{\ImA*_x} \\
+% \showcase{\IA_{\termxn}} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{J} \\
+% \showcase{j(s, s + t, s + u)} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\actsymb[t]{\bar{k}}{x}} \\
+% \showcase{K} \\
+% \showcase{K(x)} \\
+% \showcase{K(xy)} \\
+% \showcase{K(\joint{xy})} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\lx{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\lx{[x] + k}} \\
+% \showcase{\lx{x}[(\tau)]} \\
+% \showcase{l(x, u)} \\
+% \showcase{l_f(x, u)} \\
+% \showcase{L} \\
+% \showcase{L_1} \\
+% \showcase{L_x} \\
+% \showcase{L(h)} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb[t]{L}{}} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb[t]{L}{}[\underline{2}]} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb[t]{L}{e}} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb[t]{L}{e}[\underline{2}]} \\
+% \showcase{\mathcal{L}(x)} \\
+% \showcase{\Lx{x}[(\tau)]} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{m(x)} \\
+% \showcase{m_x} \\
+% \showcase{m_x^{(j)}} \\
+% \showcase{m_x^{(\tau)}} \\
+% \showcase{m_x^{\prime (j)}} \\
+% \showcase{\mathrm{M}_X(t)} \\
+% \showcase{M(x)} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{n(u)} \\
+% \showcase{N} \\
+% \showcase{N(t)} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{p(j)} \\
+% \showcase{p(x)} \\
+% \showcase{p_k} \\
+% \showcase{\px{[x] + r}} \\
+% \showcase{p^{*n}(x)} \\
+% \showcase{\px[t]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\px[t]{x}[(\tau)]} \\
+% \showcase{\px[t]{x}[\prime (j)]} \\
+% \showcase{\px[t]{xy}} \\
+% \showcase{\px[t]{\joint{xy}}} \\
+% \showcase{\px[u]{\joint{xy} + t}} \\
+% \showcase{\px[t]{\joint{x_1 x_2}\nthtop{k}{\joint{x_3}}}} \\
+% \showcase{P(x)} \\
+% \showcase{P(s, t)} \\
+% \showcase{P_t} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb[][T]{P}{t}} \\
+% \showcase{P^a} \\
+% \showcase{P_x} \\
+% \showcase{\Px[j]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\Px[*]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\Px{\endowxn}[A]} \\
+% \showcase{\Px{\endowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\Px{\joint{xy}}} \\
+% \showcase{\Px{\:\termxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\Px{\pureendowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{P^{*n}(x)} \\
+% \showcase{\Px[h]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\Px[h]{\endowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\twoletsymb[0.6pt]{P}{a}(x)} \\
+% \showcase{\twoletsymb[0.6pt]{P}{a}_t} \\
+% \showcase{\premium{\Ax*{\endowxn}}} \\
+% \showcase{\premium{\ax**[n|]{x}}} \\
+% \showcase{\premium{\ax*[n|]{x}}} \\
+% \showcase{\premium{\Ax*{x}}[(m)]} \\
+% \showcase{\premium{\Ax*{x}}[\{m\}]} \\
+% \showcase{\premium{\Ax*{x}[\text{PR}]}} \\
+% \showcase{\premium*{\Ax*{\endowxn}}} \\
+% \showcase{\premium*{\Ax*{\termxn}}} \\
+% \showcase{\premium*{\Ax*{\pureendowxn}}} \\
+% \showcase{\premium{\Ax*{\endowxn}}[(m)]} \\
+% \showcase{\premium{\Ax*{\termxn}}[(m)]} \\
+% \showcase{\premium*[h]{\Ax*{x}}} \\
+% \showcase{\premium*[h]{\Ax*{\endowxn}}} \\
+% \showcase{\premium[h]{\Ax*{x}}[(m)]} \\
+% \showcase{\premium[h]{\Ax*{\endowxn}}[(m)]} \\
+% \showcase{\premium[h]{\Ax*{\endowxn}}[\{m\}]} \\
+% \addlinespace[3pt]
+% \showcase{\premium{\Ax*{\joint{xy}\iitop{\joint{z}}}}} \\
+% \showcase{\premium{\Ax*{\ibottom{x}\iitop{y}z}}} \\
+% \addlinespace[3pt]
+% \showcase{\tilde{P}_{\:\termxn}} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\qx{[x] + r}} \\
+% \showcase{\qx{x}[(d)]} \\
+% \showcase{\qx{x}[(i)]} \\
+% \showcase{\qx{x}[(r)]} \\
+% \showcase{\qx{x}[(w)]} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb{\hat{q}}{x + k}[(j)]} \\
+% \showcase{\qx{xy}} \\
+% \showcase{\qx[k|]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\qx[t]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\qx[t]{x}[(j)]} \\
+% \showcase{\qx[t]{x}[(\tau)]} \\
+% \showcase{\qx[t]{x}[\prime (j)]} \\
+% \showcase{\qx[t|u]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\qx[n]{\itop{x}y}} \\
+% \showcase{\qx[n]{x\iitop{y}}} \\
+% \showcase{\qx[k|]{xy}} \\
+% \addlinespace[3pt]
+% \showcase{\qx[n]{\ibottom{x}\iitop{y}z}} \\
+% \addlinespace[3pt]
+% \showcase{\qx[\infty]{\ibottom*{x}\iibottom*{y}\iiitop{z}}} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{r} \\
+% \showcase{r_C} \\
+% \showcase{r_F} \\
+% \showcase{r_N} \\
+% \showcase{\twoletsymb[0.6pt]{r}{A}_t} \\
+% \showcase{\twoletsymb[0.6pt]{r}{F}_t} \\
+% \showcase{\twoletsymb[0.6pt]{r}{V}_t} \\
+% \showcase{R} \\
+% \showcase{\tilde{R}} \\
+% \showcase{R(x, h, y)} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{s(x)} \\
+% \showcase{\sx**{\angln}} \\
+% \showcase{s(x,u)} \\
+% \showcase{\sx*{\endowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\sx**{\endowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{S} \\
+% \showcase{S(t)} \\
+% \showcase{S_y} \\
+% \showcase{\actsymb[k]{\mathit{SC}}{}} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{T} \\
+% \showcase{\tilde{T}} \\
+% \showcase{T_x} \\
+% \showcase{T_{xy}} \\
+% \showcase{T_{\joint{xy}}} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{U(t)} \\
+% \showcase{U_t} \\
+% \showcase{\hat{U}{t}} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{v_t} \\
+% \showcase{\tilde{v}_n} \\
+% \showcase{V_i} \\
+% \showcase{V_t} \\
+% \showcase{\Vx[k]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\Vx[k]{\endowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\Vx[k]{\:\termxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\Vx[k]{\pureendowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\Vx[k]{x}[\text{FPT}]} \\
+% \showcase{\Vx[t]{\itop{\group{xy}}:\angln}} \\
+% \showcase{\Vx[k][h]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\Vx[k][h]{\endowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\Vx[k][h]{\endowxn}[(m)]} \\
+% \showcase{\Vx[k][h]{\endowxn}[\text{Mod}]} \\
+% \showcase{\reserve[k]{\ax**[n|]{x}}} \\
+% \showcase{\reserve*[t]{\ax*[n|]{x}}} \\
+% \showcase{\reserve*[t]{\Ax*{x}}} \\
+% \showcase{\reserve*[t]{\Ax*{\endowxn}}} \\
+% \showcase{\reserve*[t]{\Ax*{\termxn}}} \\
+% \showcase{\reserve*[t]{\Ax*{\pureendowxn}}} \\
+% \showcase{\reserve*[t]{\Ax*{x}}^{\text{Mod}}} \\
+% \showcase{\reserve[t]{\Ax*{\joint{xy}}}} \\
+% \showcase{\reserve[t]{\Ax*{x}}[\{1\}]} \\
+% \showcase{\reserve[k]{\Ax*{x}[\text{PR}]}} \\
+% \showcase{\reserve[k][h]{\Ax{\termxn}}} \\
+% \showcase{\reserve*[t][h]{\Ax*{x}}} \\
+% \showcase{\reserve*[t][h]{\Ax*{\endowxn}}} \\
+% \showcase{\reserve*[t][h]{\Ax*{\endowxn}}[(m)]} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{w(x)} \\
+% \showcase{W_i} \\
+% \showcase{W_t} \\
+% \showcase{\Wx[k]{}} \\
+% \showcase{\Wx[k]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\Wx[k]{\endowxn}} \\
+% \showcase{\Wx[k][h]{x}} \\
+% \showcase{\twoletsymb{W}{a}_t} \\
+% \showcase{\paidup*[k]{\Ax{x}}} \\
+% \showcase{\paidup*[k]{\Ax{\endowxn}}} \\
+% \showcase{\paidup*[k][h]{\Ax{x}}} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{(x)} \\
+% \showcase{(x_1 x_2 \dotsm x_m)} \\
+% \showcase{(\joint{x_1 x_2 \dotsm x_m})} \\
+% \addlinespace[9pt]
+% \showcase{\joint{x_1x_2 \dotsm}\nthtop{k}{\joint{x_m}}} \\
+% \addlinespace[9pt]
+% \showcase{\joint{x_1x_2 \dotsm}\nthtop{[k]}{\joint{x_m}}} \\
+% \showcase{X_i} \\
+% \showcase{X(\theta)} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{Y} \\
+% \showcase{y(s, s + m)} \\
+% \showcase{Y(t, n)} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{z_t}\\
+% \showcase{Z}\\
+% \showcase{\actsymb[m]{Z}{t}}\\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\alpha} \\
+% \showcase{\alpha(m)} \\
+% \showcase{\bar{\alpha}} \\
+% \showcase{\alpha^{\text{CRVM}}} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\beta} \\
+% \showcase{\beta(m)} \\
+% \showcase{\bar{\beta}} \\
+% \showcase{\beta^{\text{CRVM}}} \\
+% \showcase{\beta(x, u)} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\Gamma(\alpha)} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\delta} \\
+% \showcase{\delta_t} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\theta} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\lambda(t)} \\
+% \showcase{\lambda(t, n)} \\
+% \showcase{\Lambda} \\
+% \showcase{\Lambda_h} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\mu(x)} \\
+% \showcase{\mu_x(t)} \\
+% \showcase{\mu_x^{(d)}}\\
+% \showcase{\mu_x^{(i)}}\\
+% \showcase{\mu_x^{(w)}}\\
+% \showcase{\mu_x^{(j)}(t)}\\
+% \showcase{\mu_x^{(\tau)}(t)}\\
+% \showcase{\mu_{xy}(t)}\\
+% \showcase{\mu_{\joint{xy}}(t)} \\
+% \showcase{\mu(x, u)} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\pi_h} \\
+% \showcase{\pi_t} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\rho} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\tau} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\phi(x)} \\
+% \showcase{\phi(x, u)} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\Psi(u)} \\
+% \showcase{\tilde{\Psi}(u)} \\
+% \showcase{\Psi(u, t)} \\
+% \showcase{\Psi(u; w)} \\
+% \showcase{\tilde{\Psi}(u; w)} \\
+% \addlinespace
+% \showcase{\omega}\\
+% \end{longtable}
+% \endgroup
+% \StopEventually{
+% \newpage
+% \begin{thebibliography}{9}
+% \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{References}
+% \bibitem[{A}merican~{M}athematical {S}ociety(2002)]{amsmath}
+% {A}merican~{M}athematical {S}ociety.
+% \newblock \emph{User’s Guide for the amsmath Package}, 2002.
+% \newblock URL \url{}.
+% \bibitem[Bowers et~al.(1997)Bowers, Gerber, Hickman, Jones, and
+% Nesbitt]{Bowers:2e:1997}
+% N.~L. Bowers, H.~U. Gerber, J.~C. Hickman, D.~A. Jones, and C.~J. Nesbitt.
+% \newblock \emph{Actuarial Mathematics}.
+% \newblock Society of Actuaries, Shaumburg, IL, second edition, 1997.
+% \newblock ISBN 0-9389594-6-8.
+% \bibitem[Goulet(2017)]{actuarialangle}
+% V. Goulet.
+% \newblock \emph{Actuarial angle symbol for life contingencies and financial
+% mathematics}, 2017.
+% \newblock URL \url{}.
+% \bibitem[Høgholm and Madsen(2015)]{mathtools}
+% M. Høgholm and L. Madsen.
+% \newblock \emph{The mathtools package}, 2015.
+% \newblock URL \url{}.
+% \bibitem[Pakin(2015)]{comprehensive}
+% S. Pakin.
+% \newblock \emph{The Comprehensive {\LaTeX} Symbol List}, 2015.
+% \newblock URL \url{}.
+% \bibitem[Robertson(2007)]{subdepth}
+% W. Robertson.
+% \newblock \emph{Unify subscript depths}, 2007.
+% \newblock URL \url{}.
+% \bibitem[Sharpe(2015)]{rsfso}
+% M. Sharpe.
+% \newblock \emph{An acute script font based on {rsfs}}, 2015.
+% \newblock URL \url{}.
+% \bibitem[Trivedi(2004)]{Trivedi:lifecon:2004}
+% E. Trivedi.
+% \newblock \emph{Life Contingencies' Symbols}, 2004.
+% \newblock \texttt{lifecon} 2.1 User Guide.
+% \bibitem[Wolthuis(2004)]{Wolthuis:notation:2004}
+% H. Wolthuis.
+% \newblock International actuarial notation.
+% \newblock In Jozef Teugels and Bj{\o}rn Sundt, editors, \emph{Encyclopedia of
+% Actuarial Science}. Wiley, 2004.
+% \newblock ISBN 978-0-47001250-5.
+% \newblock URL \url{}.
+% \end{thebibliography}
+% \PrintChanges
+% }
+% \newpage
+% \section{Implementation}
+% \label{sec:implementation}
+% This appendix contains the annotated source code of the package.
+% Most readers can stop reading here.
+% \subsection{Required packages}
+% \label{sec:implementation:packages}
+% \begin{macro}{RequirePackage}
+% The package depends on packages \pkg{amsmath} \citep{amsmath} and
+% \pkg{actuarialangle} \citep{actuarialangle}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Package options}
+% \label{sec:implementation:options}
+% \begin{macro}{\ifacts@alignpreced}
+% \begin{macro}{\ifacts@acompactpreced}
+% We define two flags to keep track of the type of alignment for
+% precedence numbers. Both are false by default.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newif\ifacts@alignpreced \acts@alignprecedfalse
+\newif\ifacts@compactpreced \acts@compactprecedfalse
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareOption}
+% Declaration of the package options and processing.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Actuarial symbol}
+% \label{sec:implementation:actsymb}
+% We face three main challenges when trying to compose actuarial
+% symbols: position a subscript and a superscipt to the left of a main
+% symbol; ensure that the left and right subscripts and superscripts
+% are vertically aligned; maintain consistency with the placement of
+% subscripts and superscripts elsewhere in the document.
+% \subsubsection{User level and parsing commands}
+% \label{sec:implementation:actsymb:user}
+% \begin{macro}{actsymb}
+% We first define the user level command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\acts@actsymb}
+% \begin{macro}{\acts@@actsymb}
+% \begin{macro}{\acts@@@actsymb}
+% \begin{macro}{\acts@@@@actsymb}
+% With its unusual syntax, \cmd{\actsymb} requires four parsing
+% macros to pass the arguments to the actual workhorse
+% \cmd{\@actsymbol}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\acts@@actsymb}%
+ {\acts@@actsymb[]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\acts@@@actsymb[#1]}%
+ {\acts@@@actsymb[#1][]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\acts@@@@actsymb[#1][#2]}%
+ {\acts@@@@actsymb[#1][#2][]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@actsymbol[#1][#2][#3]{#4}{#5}}%
+ {\@actsymbol[#1][#2][#3]{#4}{#5}[]}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Symbol construction}
+% \label{sec:implementation:actsymb:workhorse}
+% \begin{macro}{\@actsymbol}
+% We now define the workhorse to compose an actuarial symbol
+% allowing for auxiliary symbols on all four corners around a
+% principal symbol. The macro \cmd{\@actsymbol} has the following
+% six arguments, using the notation from of the schematics
+% representations \eqref{schema1} and \eqref{schema2}:
+% \begin{enumerate}[nosep]
+% \item lower left subscript \fbox{\small I}; may be empty;
+% \item upper left superscript \fbox{\small II}; may be empty;
+% \item principle symbol $P$; when empty a standard symbol is
+% typeset;
+% \item principal symbol $S$; assumed present;
+% \item lower right subscript \fbox{\small III}; assumed present;
+% \item upper right superscript \fbox{\small IV}; may be empty.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% The definition below is heavily inspired by the code of
+% \cmd{\prescript} from package \pkg{mathtools} \citep{mathtools}
+% which, as reported by the author, is itself based on a posting to
+% |comp.text.tex| by Michael J.~Downes. Some of the comments below
+% are still his.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We put the principle symbol and all subscripts and superscript into
+% horizontal boxes using \cmd{\@mathmeasure} of package \pkg{amsmath}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@mathmeasure\z@\displaystyle{#3}
+ \@mathmeasure\@ne\scriptstyle{#1}
+ \@mathmeasure\tw@\scriptstyle{#2}
+ \@mathmeasure\thr@@\scriptstyle{#5}
+ \@mathmeasure4\scriptstyle{#6}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Do not let a preceding mathord symbol approach without any
+% intervening space.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \mathord{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Right align the left subscript and superscript (if there is a
+% superscript) by adjusting the width of their horizontal boxes.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifdim \wd\tw@>\z@ \ifdim \wd\tw@>\wd\@ne
+ \setbox\@ne\hbox to\wd\tw@{\hfil\unhbox\@ne}
+ \else
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox to\wd\@ne{\hfil\unhbox\tw@}
+ \fi\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Bottom align the left and right subscripts by making their heights
+% equal.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifdim \ht\@ne>\ht\thr@@
+ \ht\thr@@=\ht\@ne
+ \else
+ \ht\@ne=\ht\thr@@
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Actual symbol construction. First the case where there is at least
+% one superscript (the nested conditionals emulate an OR condition).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\ifdim \wd\tw@>\z@ 1\else\ifdim \wd4>\z@ 1\else 0\fi\fi
+ =1
+% \end{macrocode}
+% To ensure equal spacing with the subscripts on both sides of the
+% principal symbol, make the depths of the left and right
+% supercripts equal.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifdim \dp\tw@>\dp4 \dp4=\dp\tw@\else \dp\tw@=\dp4\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Typesetting of the left subscript and superscript. Use
+% \cmd{\mathopen} to suppress space between those and the principal
+% symbol even when the latter is not of type ord.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \mathopen{\vphantom{#4}^{\box\tw@}\sb{\box\@ne}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Typesetting of the principal symbol and the right subscript and
+% superscript. The principal symbol is either a principal symbol alone
+% or a principle symbol and a benefit symbol between parentheses. In
+% the latter case, we make sure to align the subscripts and
+% superscripts only around de principle symbol.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifdim\wd\z@=\z@
+ #4^{\box4}\sb{\box\thr@@}%
+ \else
+ #3^{\box4}\sb{\vphantom{\copy\thr@@}}(#4\sb{\box\thr@@})%
+ \fi
+ \else
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Same ideas as above in the simpler case without superscripts. That
+% way, {\TeX}'s default placement of subscripts and superscripts is
+% maintained.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \mathopen{\vphantom{#4}\sb{\box\@ne}}%
+ \ifdim\wd\z@=\z@
+ #4\sb{\box\thr@@}%
+ \else
+ #3(#4\sb{\box\thr@@})%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Shortcuts for basic symbols of life tables, insurance and annuities}
+% \label{sec:implementation:actsymb:principalsc}
+% \begin{macro}{\@actinssc}
+% \begin{macro}{\@actannsc}
+% \begin{macro}{\@actothersc}
+% We first define the internal macros and parsing macros used to
+% define shortcuts for insurance benefits (\cmd{\@actinssc}),
+% annuity benefits (\cmd{\@actannsc}) and simple symbols
+% (\cmd{\@actothersc}).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifstar{\acts@actsc{\bar{#1}}}%
+ {\acts@actsc{#1}}}
+ \@ifstar{\@ifstar{\acts@actsc{\ddot{#1}}}%
+ {\acts@actsc{\bar{#1}}}}
+ {\acts@actsc{#1}}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\acts@@actsc{#1}}%
+ {\acts@@actsc{#1}[]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\acts@@@actsc{#1}[#2]}%
+ {\acts@@@actsc{#1}[#2][]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@actsymbol[#2][#3][]{#1}{#4}}%
+ {\@actsymbol[#2][#3][]{#1}{#4}[]}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareRobustCommand}
+% We can now define all the shortcuts of \autoref{tab:principal}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\lx}{\@actothersc {\ell}}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\Lx}{\@actothersc {\mathcal{L}}}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\dx}{\@actothersc d}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\px}{\@actothersc p}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\qx}{\@actothersc q}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\Ax}{\@actinssc A}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\Ex}{\@actinssc E}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\ax}{\@actannsc a}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\sx}{\@actannsc s}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Shortcuts for premiums, reserves and paid-up insurance}
+% \label{sec:implementation:actsymb:premressc}
+% \begin{macro}{\@actpremres}
+% Not unlike above, we first define the internal and parsing macros
+% used to create shortcut for premiums, reserves and paid-up insurance
+% symbols.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifstar{\acts@actpremres{\bar{#1}}}%
+ {\acts@actpremres{#1}}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\acts@@actpremres{#1}}%
+ {\acts@@actpremres{#1}[]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\acts@@@actpremres{#1}[#2]}%
+ {\acts@@@actpremres{#1}[#2][]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@actsymbol[#2][#3][#1]{{#4}}{}}%
+ {\@actsymbol[#2][#3][#1]{{#4}}{}[]}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareRobustCommand}
+% Then we can define the shortcuts of \autoref{tab:premres}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\Px}{\@actothersc P}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\Vx}{\@actothersc V}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\Wx}{\@actothersc W}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\premium}{\@actpremres P}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\reserve}{\@actpremres V}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\paidup}{\@actpremres W}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Shortcuts for auxiliary symbols}
+% \label{sec:implementation:actsymb:auxsc}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareRobustCommand}
+% Here we define the shortcuts for common auxiliary symbols listed in
+% \autoref{tab:aux}. Command \cmd{\joint} is simply defined as an
+% alias of \cmd{\overline}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Two-letter symbols}
+% \label{sec:implementation:twoletsymb}
+% \begin{macro}{\twoletkern}
+% \begin{macro}{\twoletsymb}
+% The definition of the user level command \cmd{\twoletsymb} is
+% pretty straighforward.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@twoletinssc}
+% \begin{macro}{\@twoletannsc}
+% Following the same lines as above, we define two internal macros
+% to create shortcuts for two-letter insurance and annuity benefit
+% symbols.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifstar{\twoletsymb[#1]{#2}{\bar{#3}}}%
+ {\twoletsymb[#1]{#2}{#3}}}
+ \@ifstar{\@ifstar{\twoletsymb[#1]{#2}{\ddot{#3}}}%
+ {\twoletsymb[#1]{#2}{\bar{#3}}}}%
+ {\twoletsymb[#1]{#2}{#3}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\newcommand}
+% Follow the shortcuts of \autoref{tab:twoletsymb}. Note that we
+% used a smaller negative kerning adjustment for symbols annuity
+% symbols.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newcommand{\IA}{\@twoletinssc IA}
+\newcommand{\DA}{\@twoletinssc DA}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Precedence numbers}
+% \label{sec:implementation:preced}
+% The system of precedence numbers builds on a backbone that used to
+% be part of package \pkg{actuarialangle}. The author of the code is
+% unknown. Some of the comments on \cmd{\@precendence}, below, are his
+% or hers.
+% \subsubsection{User level lengths and commands}
+% \label{sec:implementation:preced:user}
+% \begin{macro}{\nthtopsep}
+% \begin{macro}{\nthtopskip}
+% \begin{macro}{\nthbottomsep}
+% \begin{macro}{\nthbottomskip}
+% Let us start by defining the lengths needed to position the
+% precedence numbers above or below the statuses.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\nthtop}
+% \begin{macro}{\nthbottom}
+% Next up are the two user level commands and the internal commands
+% that call the workhorse \cmd{\@precedence}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \mathpalette{\@precedence t\z@{#1}{#2}}{#3}}
+ \mathpalette{\@precedence t{#1}\z@{#2}}{#3}}
+ \mathpalette{\@precedence b\z@{#1}{#2}}{#3}}
+ \mathpalette{\@precedence b{#1}\z@{#2}}{#3}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@nthtop}
+% \begin{macro}{\@nthbottom}
+% With the internal commands defined we can now process the package
+% options. Option |alignpreced| makes the internal macros
+% \cmd{\@nthtop} and \cmd{\@nthbottom} equivalent to
+% \cmd{\@varnthtop} and \cmd{\@varnthbottom}, respectively.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\@nthtop\@varnthtop
+ \let\@nthbottom\@varnthbottom
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@varnthtop}
+% \begin{macro}{\@varnthbottom}
+% Option |compactpreced| does the opposite.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\@varnthtop\nthtop
+ \let\@varnthbottom\nthbottom
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Number and status positioning}
+% \label{sec:implementation:preced:workhorse}
+% \begin{macro}{\@precedence}
+% We now define the workhorse to position precedence numbers above
+% or below statuses, smashed so that the height of the auxiliary
+% symbol containing the call remains unaffected. The macro
+% \cmd{\@precedence} has the following six arguments:
+% \begin{enumerate}[nosep]
+% \item |t| for top or |b| for bottom;
+% \item baseline skip between the top and bottom symbols;
+% \item spacing between the top and bottom symbols;
+% \item first argument from the user;
+% \item one of math style selecting commands (\cmd{\displaystyle},
+% \cmd{\textstyle}, \cmd{\scriptstyle}, \cmd{\scriptscriptstyle})
+% from \cmd{\mathpalette};
+% \item second argument given by the user.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% This peculiar ordering of the arguments is done to work around the
+% restriction of \cmd{\mathpalette} that it only reads two
+% arguments.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox{$\m@th#5#4$}%
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{$\m@th#5#6$}
+ \dimen@\wd\z@
+ \vbox to\ht\z@{%
+ \baselineskip=#2
+ \lineskip=#3
+ \lineskiplimit\lineskip
+ \if b#1\relax\box\z@\else\vss\fi
+ \hbox to\dimen@{\hss\unhbox\tw@\hss}%
+ \if t#1\relax\box\z@\else\vss\fi
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Shortcuts and aliases}
+% \label{sec:implementation:preced:shortcuts}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareRobustCommand}
+% We finish off by defining the shortcuts and aliases of
+% \autoref{tab:preced}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifstar{\@varnthtop{1}}{\@nthtop{1}}}
+ \@ifstar{\@varnthtop{2}}{\@nthtop{2}}}
+ \@ifstar{\@varnthtop{3}}{\@nthtop{3}}}
+ \@ifstar{\@varnthbottom{1}}{\@nthbottom{1}}}
+ \@ifstar{\@varnthbottom{2}}{\@nthbottom{2}}}
+ \@ifstar{\@varnthbottom{3}}{\@nthbottom{3}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \iffalse
+% \Finale
+% \obeyspaces
+% \typeout{*************************************************************}
+% \typeout{* *}
+% \typeout{* To finish the installation you have to move the following *}
+% \typeout{* file into a directory searched by TeX: *}
+% \typeout{* *}
+% \typeout{* actuarialsymbol.sty *}
+% \typeout{* *}
+% \typeout{* To produce the documentation, run actuarialsymbol.dtx *}
+% \typeout{* through LaTeX. *}
+% \typeout{* *}
+% \typeout{* Happy actuarial TeXing! *}
+% \typeout{* *}
+% \typeout{*************************************************************}
+% ^^A Local Variables:
+% ^^A mode: doctex
+% ^^A TeX-master: t
+% ^^A End:
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/actuarialsymbol/actuarialsymbol.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/actuarialsymbol/actuarialsymbol.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..99b5136be2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/actuarialsymbol/actuarialsymbol.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+%% This is file `actuarialsymbol.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% actuarialsymbol.dtx (with options: `package')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright (C) 2017 David Beauchemin, Vincent Goulet
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
+%% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
+%% license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version
+%% of this license is in:
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2006/05/20 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Vincent Goulet
+%% <>.
+%% This work consists of actuarialsymbol.dtx and the derived files.
+\ProvidesPackage{actuarialsymbol}[2017/04/11 v1.0 Actuarial symbols]
+\newif\ifacts@alignpreced \acts@alignprecedfalse
+\newif\ifacts@compactpreced \acts@compactprecedfalse
+ \@ifnextchar[{\acts@@actsymb}%
+ {\acts@@actsymb[]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\acts@@@actsymb[#1]}%
+ {\acts@@@actsymb[#1][]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\acts@@@@actsymb[#1][#2]}%
+ {\acts@@@@actsymb[#1][#2][]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@actsymbol[#1][#2][#3]{#4}{#5}}%
+ {\@actsymbol[#1][#2][#3]{#4}{#5}[]}}
+ \@mathmeasure\z@\displaystyle{#3}
+ \@mathmeasure\@ne\scriptstyle{#1}
+ \@mathmeasure\tw@\scriptstyle{#2}
+ \@mathmeasure\thr@@\scriptstyle{#5}
+ \@mathmeasure4\scriptstyle{#6}
+ \mathord{}
+ \ifdim \wd\tw@>\z@ \ifdim \wd\tw@>\wd\@ne
+ \setbox\@ne\hbox to\wd\tw@{\hfil\unhbox\@ne}
+ \else
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox to\wd\@ne{\hfil\unhbox\tw@}
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifdim \ht\@ne>\ht\thr@@
+ \ht\thr@@=\ht\@ne
+ \else
+ \ht\@ne=\ht\thr@@
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\ifdim \wd\tw@>\z@ 1\else\ifdim \wd4>\z@ 1\else 0\fi\fi
+ =1
+ \ifdim \dp\tw@>\dp4 \dp4=\dp\tw@\else \dp\tw@=\dp4\fi
+ \mathopen{\vphantom{#4}^{\box\tw@}\sb{\box\@ne}}%
+ \ifdim\wd\z@=\z@
+ #4^{\box4}\sb{\box\thr@@}%
+ \else
+ #3^{\box4}\sb{\vphantom{\copy\thr@@}}(#4\sb{\box\thr@@})%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \mathopen{\vphantom{#4}\sb{\box\@ne}}%
+ \ifdim\wd\z@=\z@
+ #4\sb{\box\thr@@}%
+ \else
+ #3(#4\sb{\box\thr@@})%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \@ifstar{\acts@actsc{\bar{#1}}}%
+ {\acts@actsc{#1}}}
+ \@ifstar{\@ifstar{\acts@actsc{\ddot{#1}}}%
+ {\acts@actsc{\bar{#1}}}}
+ {\acts@actsc{#1}}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\acts@@actsc{#1}}%
+ {\acts@@actsc{#1}[]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\acts@@@actsc{#1}[#2]}%
+ {\acts@@@actsc{#1}[#2][]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@actsymbol[#2][#3][]{#1}{#4}}%
+ {\@actsymbol[#2][#3][]{#1}{#4}[]}}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\lx}{\@actothersc {\ell}}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\Lx}{\@actothersc {\mathcal{L}}}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\dx}{\@actothersc d}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\px}{\@actothersc p}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\qx}{\@actothersc q}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\Ax}{\@actinssc A}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\Ex}{\@actinssc E}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\ax}{\@actannsc a}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\sx}{\@actannsc s}
+ \@ifstar{\acts@actpremres{\bar{#1}}}%
+ {\acts@actpremres{#1}}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\acts@@actpremres{#1}}%
+ {\acts@@actpremres{#1}[]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\acts@@@actpremres{#1}[#2]}%
+ {\acts@@@actpremres{#1}[#2][]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@actsymbol[#2][#3][#1]{{#4}}{}}%
+ {\@actsymbol[#2][#3][#1]{{#4}}{}[]}}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\Px}{\@actothersc P}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\Vx}{\@actothersc V}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\Wx}{\@actothersc W}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\premium}{\@actpremres P}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\reserve}{\@actpremres V}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\paidup}{\@actpremres W}
+ \@ifstar{\twoletsymb[#1]{#2}{\bar{#3}}}%
+ {\twoletsymb[#1]{#2}{#3}}}
+ \@ifstar{\@ifstar{\twoletsymb[#1]{#2}{\ddot{#3}}}%
+ {\twoletsymb[#1]{#2}{\bar{#3}}}}%
+ {\twoletsymb[#1]{#2}{#3}}}
+\newcommand{\IA}{\@twoletinssc IA}
+\newcommand{\DA}{\@twoletinssc DA}
+ \mathpalette{\@precedence t\z@{#1}{#2}}{#3}}
+ \mathpalette{\@precedence t{#1}\z@{#2}}{#3}}
+ \mathpalette{\@precedence b\z@{#1}{#2}}{#3}}
+ \mathpalette{\@precedence b{#1}\z@{#2}}{#3}}
+ \let\@nthtop\@varnthtop
+ \let\@nthbottom\@varnthbottom
+ \let\@varnthtop\nthtop
+ \let\@varnthbottom\nthbottom
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox{$\m@th#5#4$}%
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{$\m@th#5#6$}
+ \dimen@\wd\z@
+ \vbox to\ht\z@{%
+ \baselineskip=#2
+ \lineskip=#3
+ \lineskiplimit\lineskip
+ \if b#1\relax\box\z@\else\vss\fi
+ \hbox to\dimen@{\hss\unhbox\tw@\hss}%
+ \if t#1\relax\box\z@\else\vss\fi
+ }
+ \@ifstar{\@varnthtop{1}}{\@nthtop{1}}}
+ \@ifstar{\@varnthtop{2}}{\@nthtop{2}}}
+ \@ifstar{\@varnthtop{3}}{\@nthtop{3}}}
+ \@ifstar{\@varnthbottom{1}}{\@nthbottom{1}}}
+ \@ifstar{\@varnthbottom{2}}{\@nthbottom{2}}}
+ \@ifstar{\@varnthbottom{3}}{\@nthbottom{3}}}
+%% End of file `actuarialsymbol.sty'.