path: root/Master/texmf-dist
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index 3d090d23271..0c59f0cce7c 100644
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Binary files differ
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index a9db03e4d93..a62446b65a5 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/bodeplot/bodeplot.dtx
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/bodeplot/bodeplot.dtx
@@ -29,7 +29,30 @@
+ \iftutex % LuaTeX, XeTeX
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+ \else % old engines
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@@ -46,22 +69,332 @@
% \changes{v1.0}{2021/10/25}{Initial release}
% \changes{v1.0.4}{2021/11/05}{Fixed unintended optional argument macro expansion}
% \changes{v1.0.6}{2021/11/18}{Fixed issue \#3}
+% \changes{v1.0.7}{2021/12/02}{Removed unnecessary semicolons}
+% \changes{v1.0.7}{2022/01/18}{Updated documentation}
% \GetFileInfo{bodeplot.sty}
% \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\xdef,\gdef,\def,\edef,\addplot,\approx,\arabic,\opt,\typ,\obj,\else,\if@pgfarg,\fi,\begin,\end,\feature,\footnotesize,\draw,\detokenize,\DeclareOption,\foreach,\ifdim,\ifodd,\Im,\Re,\let,\newif,\nextgroupplot,\noexpand,\expandafter,\unexpanded,\PackageError,\PackageWarning,\relax,\RequirePackage,\tikzset,\pgfmathsetmacro,\pgfmathtruncatemacro,\ProcessOptions}
% \title{The \textsf{bodeplot} package\thanks{This document
-% corresponds to \textsf{bodeplot}~v1.0.6,
-% dated November 18, 2021.}}
+% corresponds to \textsf{bodeplot}~v1.0.7,
+% dated January 18, 2021.}}
% \author{Rushikesh Kamalapurkar \\ \texttt{}}
% \maketitle
% \tableofcontents
+% \clearpage
% \section{Introduction}
-% Generate Bode, Nyquist, and Nichols plots for transfer functions in the canonical (TF) form \begin{equation}G(s) = e^{-Ts}\frac{b_ms^m+\cdots+b_1s+b_0}{a_ns^n+\cdots+a_1s+a_0}\label{eq:TF}\end{equation} and the zero-pole-gain (ZPK) form \begin{equation}G(s) = Ke^{-Ts}\frac{(s-z_1)(s-z_2)\cdots(s-z_m)}{(s-p_1)(s-p_2)\cdots(s-p_n)}.\label{eq:ZPK}\end{equation} In the equations above, $b_m,\cdots,b_0$ and $a_n,\cdots,a_0$ are real coefficients, $T\geq 0$ is the loop delay, $z_1,\cdots,z_m$ and $p_1,\cdots,p_n$ are complex zeros and poles of the transfer function, respectively, and $K\in \Re$ is the loop gain. For transfer functions in the ZPK format in (\ref{eq:ZPK}) with zero delay, this package also supports linear and asymptotic approximation of Bode plots. \textbf{Limitation:} in TF form, the phase angles are always between 0 and 360$^\circ$, As such, the Bode phase plots and the Nyquist and Nichols plots will have phase wrapping discontinuities. I do not know how this can be rectified, pull requests are welcome!
+% Generate Bode, Nyquist, and Nichols plots for transfer functions in the canonical (TF) form \begin{equation}G(s) = e^{-Ts}\frac{b_ms^m+\cdots+b_1s+b_0}{a_ns^n+\cdots+a_1s+a_0}\label{eq:TF}\end{equation} and the zero-pole-gain (ZPK) form \begin{equation}G(s) = Ke^{-Ts}\frac{(s-z_1)(s-z_2)\cdots(s-z_m)}{(s-p_1)(s-p_2)\cdots(s-p_n)}.\label{eq:ZPK}\end{equation} In the equations above, $b_m,\cdots,b_0$ and $a_n,\cdots,a_0$ are real coefficients, $T\geq 0$ is the loop delay, $z_1,\cdots,z_m$ and $p_1,\cdots,p_n$ are complex zeros and poles of the transfer function, respectively, and $K\in \Re$ is the loop gain. For transfer functions in the ZPK format in (\ref{eq:ZPK}) \emph{with zero delay}, this package also supports linear and asymptotic approximation of Bode plots.
+% \textbf{Limitation:} in TF form, the phase angles are always between 0 and 360$^\circ$, As such, the Bode phase plots and the Nyquist and Nichols plots will have phase wrapping discontinuities. I do not know how this can be rectified, pull requests are welcome!
+% \section{TL;DR}
+% All Bode plots in this section are for the transfer function (with and without a transport delay)
+% \begin{equation}
+% G(s) = 10\frac{s(s+0.1+0.5\mathrm{i})(s+0.1-0.5\mathrm{i})}{(s+0.5+10\mathrm{i})(s+0.5-10\mathrm{i})} = \frac{s(10s^2+2s+2.6)}{(s^2+s+100.25)}.
+% \end{equation}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+{\centering Bode plot in ZPK format
+ z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},
+ p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},
+ k/10
+Bode plot in TF format with arrow decoration, transport delay, and color customization
+ plot/mag/{blue,thick},
+ plot/ph/{green,thick},
+ tikz/{>=latex},
+ commands/mag/{
+ \draw[->](axis cs:1,40) -- (axis cs:10,60);
+ \node at (axis cs: 0.8,30) {\tiny Resonant Peak};
+ }%
+Linear approximation with customization
+ plot/mag/{red,thick},
+ plot/ph/{blue,thick},
+ axes/mag/{ytick distance=40},
+ axes/ph/{ytick distance=90},
+ approx/linear%
+ z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},
+ p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},
+ k/10
+Plot with delay and customization
+ plot/mag/{blue,thick},
+ plot/ph/{green,thick},
+ axes/mag/ytick distance=40,
+ axes/ph/ytick distance=90
+ z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},
+ p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},
+ k/10,
+ d/0.01
+Individual gain and phase plots with more customization
+ axes/{ylabel={Gain (dB)},
+ ytick distance=40,
+ height=2cm,
+ width=4cm}
+ \addBodeZPKPlots[%
+ true/{black,thick},
+ linear/{red,dashed,thick},
+ asymptotic/{blue,dotted,thick}%
+ ]
+ {magnitude}
+ {%
+ z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},
+ p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},
+ k/10
+ }
+ ylabel={Phase ($^{\circ}$)},
+ height=2cm,
+ width=4cm,
+ ytick distance=90
+ \addBodeZPKPlots[%
+ true/{black,thick},
+ linear/{red,dashed,thick},
+ asymptotic/{blue,dotted,thick}%
+ ]
+ {phase}
+ {%
+ z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},
+ p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},
+ k/10
+ }
+Nichols chart
+ z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},
+ p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},
+ k/10
+Nichols chart in TF format
+Multiple Nichols charts with customization
+ ytick distance=20,
+ xtick distance=30
+ \addNicholsZPKChart [red,samples=1000] {%
+ z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},
+ p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},
+ k/10
+ };
+ \addNicholsZPKChart [blue,samples=1000] {%
+ z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},
+ p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},
+ k/5
+ };
+Nyquist plot
+ z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},
+ p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},
+ k/10
+Nyquist plot in TF format with arrows
+ plot/{%
+ samples=1000,
+ postaction=decorate,
+ decoration={%
+ markings,
+ mark=between positions 0.1 and 0.9 step 5em with {%
+ \arrow{Stealth [length=2mm, blue]}
+ }
+ }
+ }%
+Multiple Nyquist plots with customization
+ \addNyquistZPKPlot [red,samples=1000] {%
+ z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},
+ p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},
+ k/10
+ };
+ \addNyquistZPKPlot [blue,samples=1000] {%
+ z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},
+ p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},
+ k/5
+ };
+Nyquist plots with additional commands, using two different macros
+ tikz/{%
+ spy using outlines={%
+ circle,
+ magnification=3,
+ connect spies,
+ size=2cm
+ }%
+ }%
+ \addNyquistZPKPlot [blue,samples=1000] {%
+ z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},
+ p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},
+ k/0.5
+ };
+ \coordinate (spyon) at (axis cs:0,0);
+ \coordinate (spyat) at (axis cs:-22,5);
+ \spy [green] on (spyon) in
+ node [fill=white] at (spyat);
+ plot/{blue,samples=1000},
+ tikz/{%
+ spy using outlines={%
+ circle,
+ magnification=3,
+ connect spies,
+ size=2cm
+ }%
+ },
+ commands/{%
+ \coordinate (spyon) at (axis cs:0,0);
+ \coordinate (spyat) at (axis cs:-22,5);
+ \spy [green] on (spyon) in
+ node [fill=white] at (spyat);
+ }%
+ z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},
+ p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},
+ k/0.5
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
% \section{Usage}
% \subsection{Bode plots}
% \DescribeMacro{\BodeZPK}
@@ -69,7 +402,7 @@
% \hspace*{2em}\marg{z/\marg{zeros},p/\marg{poles},k/\marg{gain},d/\marg{delay}}\\
% \hspace*{2em}\marg{min-freq}\marg{max-freq}
-% \noindent Plots the Bode plot of a transfer function given in ZPK format using the |groupplot| environment. The three mandatory arguments include: (1) a list of tuples, comprised of the zeros, the poles, the gain, and the transport delay of the transfer function, (2) the lower end of the frequency range for the $x-$ axis, and (3) the higher end of the frequency range for the $x-$axis. The zeros and the poles are complex numbers, entered as a comma-separated list of comma-separated lists, of the form |{{real part 1,imaginary part 1},| |{real part 2,imaginary part 2},...}|. If the imaginary part is not provided, it is assumed to be zero.
+% \noindent Plots the Bode plot of a transfer function given in ZPK format using the |groupplot| environment. The three mandatory arguments include: (1) a list of tuples, comprised of the zeros, the poles, the gain, and the transport delay of the transfer function, (2) the lower end of the frequency range for the $x-$axis, and (3) the higher end of the frequency range for the $x-$axis. The zeros and the poles are complex numbers, entered as a comma-separated list of comma-separated lists, of the form |{{real part 1,imaginary part 1},| |{real part 2,imaginary part 2},...}|. If the imaginary part is not provided, it is assumed to be zero.
% The optional argument is comprised of a comma separated list of tuples, either |obj/typ/{opt}|, or |obj/{opt}|, or just |{opt}|. Each tuple passes options to different |pgfplots| macros that generate the group, the axes, and the plots according to:
% \begin{itemize}
@@ -77,7 +410,7 @@
% \begin{itemize}
% \item |plot/typ/{opt}|: modify plot properties by adding options |{opt}| to the |\addplot| macro for the magnitude plot if |typ| is |mag| and the phase plot if |typ| is |ph|.
% \item |axes/typ/{opt}|: modify axis properties by adding options |{opt}| to the |\nextgroupplot| macro for the magnitude plot if |typ| is |mag| and the phase plot if |typ| is |ph|.
-% \item |commands/typ/{opt}|: add any valid TikZ commands (including the the parametric function generator macros in this package, such as |\addBodeZPKPlots|, |\addBodeTFPlot|, and |\addBodeComponentPlot|) to the magnitude axes plot if |typ| is |mag| and the phase plot if |typ| is |ph|. The commands passed to |opt| need to be valid TikZ commands, separated by semicolons as usual. For example, a TikZ command is used in the description of the |\BodeTF| macro below to mark the gain crossover frequency on the Bode Magnitude plot.
+% \item |commands/typ/{opt}|: add any valid TikZ commands (including the the parametric function generator macros in this package, such as |\addBodeZPKPlots|, |\addBodeTFPlot|, and |\addBodeComponentPlot|) to the magnitude plot if |typ| is |mag| and the phase plot if |typ| is |ph|. The commands passed to |opt| need to be valid TikZ commands, separated by semicolons as usual. For example, a TikZ command is used in the description of the |\BodeTF| macro below to mark the gain crossover frequency on the Bode Magnitude plot.
% \end{itemize}
% \item Tuples of the form |obj/{opt}|:
% \begin{itemize}
@@ -88,9 +421,9 @@
% \item |approx/linear|: plots linear approximation.
% \item |approx/asymptotic|: plots asymptotic approximation.
% \end{itemize}
-% \item Tuples of the form |{opts}| add all of the supplied options to |\addplot| macros for both the magnitude and the phase plots.
+% \item Tuples of the form |{opt}| add all of the supplied options to |\addplot| macros for both the magnitude and the phase plots.
% \end{itemize}
-% The options |{opt}| can be any |key=value| options that are supported by the |pgfplots| macros they are added to. \textit{Linear or asymptotic approximation of transfer functions that include a transport delay is not supported.}
+% The options |{opt}| can be any |key=value| options that are supported by the |pgfplots| macros they are added to.
% For example, given a transfer function \begin{equation}G(s) = 10\frac{s(s+0.1+0.5\mathrm{i})(s+0.1-0.5\mathrm{i})}{(s+0.5+10\mathrm{i})(s+0.5-10\mathrm{i})},\label{eq:ZPKExample}\end{equation} its Bode plot over the frequency range $[0.01,100]$ can be generated using\\
% |\BodeZPK [blue,thick]|\\
@@ -133,7 +466,7 @@
% For example, given the same transfer function as (\ref{eq:ZPKExample}) in TF form and with a small transport delay, \begin{equation}G(s) = e^{-0.01s}\frac{s(10s^2+2s+2.6)}{(s^2+s+100.25)},\label{eq:TFExample}\end{equation} its Bode plot over the frequency range $[0.01,100]$ can be generated using\\
% |\BodeTF[commands/mag/{\node at (axis cs: 2.1,0) |\\
% | [circle,fill,inner sep=0.05cm,label=below:{$\omega_{gc}$}]{};}]|\\
-% | {num/{10,2,2.6,0},den/{1,0.2,100},d/0.01}|\\
+% | {num/{10,2,2.6,0},den/{1,1,100.25},d/0.01}|\\
% | {0.01}{100}|\\
% which generates the plot in Figure \ref{simpleBodeTF}. Note the $0$ added to the numerator coefficients to account for the fact that the numerator does not have a constant term in it. Note the semicolon after the TikZ command passed to the |\commands| option.
@@ -177,7 +510,7 @@
% linear/{red,dashed,thick},
% asymptotic/{blue,dotted,thick}]
% {magnitude}
-% {z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},p/{{-0.1,-10},{-0.1,10}},k/10}
+% {z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},k/10}
%\begin{BodePlot}[ylabel={Phase ($^{\circ}$)},
@@ -187,7 +520,7 @@
% linear/{red,dashed,thick},
% asymptotic/{blue,dotted,thick}]
% {phase}
-% {z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},p/{{-0.1,-10},{-0.1,10}},k/10}
+% {z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},k/10}
% \begin{figure}
@@ -200,7 +533,7 @@
% linear/{red,dashed,thick},
% asymptotic/{blue,dotted,thick}]
% {magnitude}
-% {z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},p/{{-0.1,-10},{-0.1,10}},k/10}
+% {z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},k/10}
% \end{BodePlot}
% \begin{BodePlot}[ylabel={Phase ($^{\circ}$)},
% height=2cm, width=4cm, ytick distance=90] {0.01} {100}
@@ -210,7 +543,7 @@
% linear/{red,dashed,thick},
% asymptotic/{blue,dotted,thick}]
% {phase}
-% {z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},p/{{-0.1,-10},{-0.1,10}},k/10}
+% {z/{0,{-0.1,-0.5},{-0.1,0.5}},p/{{-0.5,-10},{-0.5,10}},k/10}
% \end{BodePlot}
% \end{center}
% \caption{\label{multiBodeZPK}Superimposed approximate and true Bode plots using the \texttt{BodePlot} environment and the \texttt{\textbackslash addBodeZPKPlots} macro.}
@@ -444,7 +777,7 @@
% \noindent Similar to |\addNicholsZPKChart|, with a transfer function input in the TF form.
% \StopEventually{\PrintIndex}
+% \clearpage
% \section{Implementation}
% \subsection{Initialization}
% \begin{macro}{\pdfstrcmp}
@@ -814,12 +1147,12 @@
ylabel={Gain (dB)},xmajorticks=false,\optmag@axes]
\temp@cmd {\func@mag};
- \optmag@commands;
+ \optmag@commands
\expandafter\nextgroupplot\expandafter[ytick distance=45,
ylabel={Phase ($^{\circ}$)},xlabel={Frequency (rad/s)},\optph@axes]
\temp@cmd {\func@ph};
- \optph@commands;
+ \optph@commands
% \end{macrocode}
% In |gnuplot| mode, we increment the |gnuplot@id| counter before every plot to make sure that new and reusable |.gnuplot| and |.table| files are generated for every plot.
@@ -829,13 +1162,13 @@
ylabel={Gain (dB)},xmajorticks=false,\optmag@axes]
\temp@cmd gnuplot[gnuplot@degrees,gnuplot@prefix] {\func@mag};
- \optmag@commands;
+ \optmag@commands
\expandafter\nextgroupplot\expandafter[ytick distance=45,
ylabel={Phase ($^{\circ}$)},xlabel={Frequency (rad/s)},\optph@axes]
\temp@cmd gnuplot[gnuplot@degrees,gnuplot@prefix] {\func@ph};
- \optph@commands;
+ \optph@commands
@@ -868,25 +1201,25 @@
ylabel={Gain (dB)},xmajorticks=false,\optmag@axes]
\temp@cmd {\func@mag};
- \optmag@commands;
+ \optmag@commands
\expandafter\nextgroupplot\expandafter[ytick distance=45,
ylabel={Phase ($^{\circ}$)},xlabel={Frequency (rad/s)},\optph@axes]
\temp@cmd {\func@ph};
- \optph@commands;
+ \optph@commands
\expandafter\nextgroupplot\expandafter[ytick distance=20,
ylabel={Gain (dB)},xmajorticks=false,\optmag@axes]
\temp@cmd gnuplot[gnuplot@degrees,gnuplot@prefix] {\func@mag};
- \optmag@commands;
+ \optmag@commands
\expandafter\nextgroupplot\expandafter[ytick distance=45,
ylabel={Phase ($^{\circ}$)},xlabel={Frequency (rad/s)},\optph@axes]
\temp@cmd gnuplot[gnuplot@degrees,gnuplot@prefix] {\func@ph};
- \optph@commands;
+ \optph@commands
@@ -1240,13 +1573,13 @@
\temp@cmd ( {\n@pow{10}{((\func@mag)/20)}*cos(\func@ph)},
{\n@pow{10}{((\func@mag)/20)}*sin(\func@ph)} );
- \opt@commands;
+ \opt@commands
\temp@cmd gnuplot[parametric,gnuplot@degrees,gnuplot@prefix] {%
- \opt@commands;
+ \opt@commands
@@ -1278,13 +1611,13 @@
\temp@cmd ( {\n@pow{10}{((\func@mag)/20)}*cos(\func@ph)},
{\n@pow{10}{((\func@mag)/20)}*sin(\func@ph)} );
- \opt@commands;
+ \opt@commands
\temp@cmd gnuplot[parametric,gnuplot@degrees,gnuplot@prefix]{%
- \opt@commands;
+ \opt@commands
@@ -1415,12 +1748,12 @@
\temp@cmd ( {\func@ph} , {\func@mag} );
- \opt@commands;
+ \opt@commands
\temp@cmd gnuplot[parametric, gnuplot@degrees, gnuplot@prefix]
{ \func@ph , \func@mag };
- \opt@commands;
+ \opt@commands
@@ -1445,12 +1778,12 @@
\temp@cmd ( {\func@ph} , {\func@mag} );
- \opt@commands;
+ \opt@commands
\temp@cmd gnuplot[parametric, gnuplot@degrees, gnuplot@prefix]
{ \func@ph , \func@mag };
- \opt@commands;
+ \opt@commands
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/bodeplot/bodeplot.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/bodeplot/bodeplot.sty
index cb715d8a47b..49e2223ca92 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/bodeplot/bodeplot.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/bodeplot/bodeplot.sty
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
@@ -190,25 +191,25 @@
ylabel={Gain (dB)},xmajorticks=false,\optmag@axes]
\temp@cmd {\func@mag};
- \optmag@commands;
+ \optmag@commands
\expandafter\nextgroupplot\expandafter[ytick distance=45,
ylabel={Phase ($^{\circ}$)},xlabel={Frequency (rad/s)},\optph@axes]
\temp@cmd {\func@ph};
- \optph@commands;
+ \optph@commands
\expandafter\nextgroupplot\expandafter[ytick distance=20,
ylabel={Gain (dB)},xmajorticks=false,\optmag@axes]
\temp@cmd gnuplot[gnuplot@degrees,gnuplot@prefix] {\func@mag};
- \optmag@commands;
+ \optmag@commands
\expandafter\nextgroupplot\expandafter[ytick distance=45,
ylabel={Phase ($^{\circ}$)},xlabel={Frequency (rad/s)},\optph@axes]
\temp@cmd gnuplot[gnuplot@degrees,gnuplot@prefix] {\func@ph};
- \optph@commands;
+ \optph@commands
@@ -236,25 +237,25 @@
ylabel={Gain (dB)},xmajorticks=false,\optmag@axes]
\temp@cmd {\func@mag};
- \optmag@commands;
+ \optmag@commands
\expandafter\nextgroupplot\expandafter[ytick distance=45,
ylabel={Phase ($^{\circ}$)},xlabel={Frequency (rad/s)},\optph@axes]
\temp@cmd {\func@ph};
- \optph@commands;
+ \optph@commands
\expandafter\nextgroupplot\expandafter[ytick distance=20,
ylabel={Gain (dB)},xmajorticks=false,\optmag@axes]
\temp@cmd gnuplot[gnuplot@degrees,gnuplot@prefix] {\func@mag};
- \optmag@commands;
+ \optmag@commands
\expandafter\nextgroupplot\expandafter[ytick distance=45,
ylabel={Phase ($^{\circ}$)},xlabel={Frequency (rad/s)},\optph@axes]
\temp@cmd gnuplot[gnuplot@degrees,gnuplot@prefix] {\func@ph};
- \optph@commands;
+ \optph@commands
@@ -555,13 +556,13 @@
\temp@cmd ( {\n@pow{10}{((\func@mag)/20)}*cos(\func@ph)},
{\n@pow{10}{((\func@mag)/20)}*sin(\func@ph)} );
- \opt@commands;
+ \opt@commands
\temp@cmd gnuplot[parametric,gnuplot@degrees,gnuplot@prefix] {%
- \opt@commands;
+ \opt@commands
@@ -588,13 +589,13 @@
\temp@cmd ( {\n@pow{10}{((\func@mag)/20)}*cos(\func@ph)},
{\n@pow{10}{((\func@mag)/20)}*sin(\func@ph)} );
- \opt@commands;
+ \opt@commands
\temp@cmd gnuplot[parametric,gnuplot@degrees,gnuplot@prefix]{%
- \opt@commands;
+ \opt@commands
@@ -691,12 +692,12 @@
\temp@cmd ( {\func@ph} , {\func@mag} );
- \opt@commands;
+ \opt@commands
\temp@cmd gnuplot[parametric, gnuplot@degrees, gnuplot@prefix]
{ \func@ph , \func@mag };
- \opt@commands;
+ \opt@commands
@@ -721,12 +722,12 @@
\temp@cmd ( {\func@ph} , {\func@mag} );
- \opt@commands;
+ \opt@commands
\temp@cmd gnuplot[parametric, gnuplot@degrees, gnuplot@prefix]
{ \func@ph , \func@mag };
- \opt@commands;
+ \opt@commands