path: root/Master/texmf-dist
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-rw-r--r--Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/gmdocDoc.pdfbin0 -> 2256761 bytes
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6c3d638d171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/README
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+The package
+is a work of Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski,
+<natror at o2 dot pl>
+1. Copyright 2006 by Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski
+This program is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.
+for the details of that license.
+2. Introduction
+This package provides a tool for documenting of (La)TeX
+packages, classes etc., i.e., the .sty, .cls
+etc. The author just writes the code and adds the commentary
+preceded with % sign (or another sign properly declared). No special
+environments are necessary.
+The package tends to be compatible with the standard doc.sty
+package, i.e., the .dtx files are also compilable with
+gmdoc (they may need very little adjustment, in some rather
+special cases).
+The tools are integrated with hyperref.sty's advantages such as
+hyperlinking of index entries, of contents entries and
+of cross-references.
+3. Installation
+Just put the gmdoc.sty and gmdocc.cls somewhere in the texmf/tex/latex
+branch and also the gmiflink.sty, gmverb.sty and gmiflink.sty files
+(available on CTAN in separate packages). Creating a
+/texmf/tex/latex/gm directory may be advisable if you consider using
+other packages written by me.
+Moreover, you should put the file, a MakeIndex style for the
+changes' history, into some texmf/makeindex directory.
+Then you should refresh your TeX distribution's files'
+database most probably.
+4. Contents
+The distribution of this package consists of the following six files.
+5. Documentation
+The last of the above files (the .pdf) is a documentation compiled
+from the .sty file by running LaTeX on the gmdocDoc.tex file twice,
+then MakeIndex on the gmdoc.idx and gmdoc.glo files, and then LaTeX
+on gmdocDoc.tex twice again.
+MakeIndex shell commands:
+ makeindex -r gmdocDoc
+ makeindex -r -s -o gmdocDoc.gls gmdocDoc.glo
+The -r switch is to forbid MakeIndex make implicit ranges since the
+(code line) numbers will be hyperlinks.
+The -s switch makes MakeIndex use the style file instead of the
+default settings and the -o switch declares the not-default name of
+the output file
+Compiling of the documentation requires the packages gmdoc.sty
+(with the gmdocc.cls class), gmverb.sty, gmutils.sty and also some
+standard packages: hyperref.sty, color.sty, geometry.sty,
+multicol.sty, lmodern.sty, fontenc.sty that should be installed
+on your computer by default.
+The file, a MakeIndex style for the changes' history, is
+provided on CTAN in the gmdoc .zip archive and should
+be put into some texmf/makeindex directory.
+If you have not installed the mwcls classes (available on CTAN and
+present in TeX Lives e.g.), the result of your compilation may differ
+a bit from the .pdf provided in this .zip archive in formattings: If
+you have not installed mwcls, the standard article.cls will be
+BONUS: Base drivers
+As a bonus and example of doc-compatibility
+there are driver files included
+(cf. Palestrina, Missa papae Marceli ;-):
+These drivers typeset the respective files from the
+directory of TeXLive2005 distribution.
+Probably you should redefine the \BasePath macro in them
+so that it points that directory on your computer.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/basedrivers/doc_gmdoc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/basedrivers/doc_gmdoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34c5457e78a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/basedrivers/doc_gmdoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+%^^A%%%&--translate-file=cp1250pl -*- coding: cp1250 -*-
+\PassOptionsToPackage{hyperindex=false}{hyperref}% Because FM writes some almost
+% explicit indexing commands where he uses `encapsulating' i.e.,
+% a~command to encapsulate the page number, which would interfere with
+% \pk{hyperref}'s default \verb+|hyperpage+.
+\def\BasePath{c:/TeXLive2005/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/}% Probably
+% you should write the respective path on your computer.
+\olddocIncludes% This is the crucial declaration.
+\author{Frank Mittelbach \and David Carlisle}
+\title{The \pk{doc} and \pk{shortvrb} Packages\\ and\\
+ the \pk{ltxdoc} Class}
+\date{Typeset with the \pk{gmdoc} package by Natror\\\today}
+\addtocontents{toc}{% to discard |\begin{multicols}{2}| of one
+ % included document. (Table of contents is declared twocolumn with
+ % |\twocoltoc| above.)
+ \let\protect\begin\protect\@gobbletwo
+ \protect\StoreMacro\protect\end
+ \def\protect\end{\protect\RestoreMacro\protect\end\protect\@gobble}%
+}% Because one document has a~\env{multicols} twocolumn table of
+% contents and the other has usual one column, this will put entire
+% toc in(to) \env{multicols}.
+%^^A TODO Old comments i.e. authomatic verbatimization of all the cs's
+%^^A met in the comment layer.
+\AfterMacrocode{161}{% it's for a~tiny little typo in line 3299: They
+ % forgot to wrap |\@tempb| and |\@tempc| in shortverbs.
+ \def\@tempb{\cs{@tempb} }\def\@tempc{\cs{@tempc} }}
+ \chschange{v2.1b}{2006/10/20}{2126}%
+ \let\CheckSum\gobble
+ % \par Of course, none of the documents is not loaded, so we give the
+ % fileinfo explicitly.
+ \def\filedate{2004/02/09}\def\fileversion{v2.1b}%
+ % \label{explicit fileinfo}
+ \let\GetFileInfo\relax
+ \addtomacro\IndexParms{\arraybackslash}}% because |\IndexParms| use
+% |\raggedright| and FM executes |\IndexParms| inside a~\env{tabular}.
+ \chschange{v2.0u}{2006/10/20}{410}%
+ \let\CheckSum\gobble
+ \def\filedate{1999/08/08} \def\fileversion{v2.0u}% see line
+ % \ref{explicit fileinfo}.
+ \let\GetFileInfo\relax
+ % The rest of this |\AtBegInputOnce|'s contents is necessary since
+ % DC wrote it not commented out, which with \pk{doc} results with
+ % printing it both to the package (class) and the documentation, but
+ % with \pk{gmdoc} it puts this stuff in the code layer that'll be
+ % only printed verbatim.
+ \providecommand\dst{\expandafter{\normalfont\scshape docstrip}}
+ \title{The file \texttt{ltxdoc.dtx} for use with
+ \LaTeXe.\thanks{This file has version
+ number \fileversion, dated \filedate.}\\[2pt]
+ It contains the code for \texttt{ltxdoc.cls}}
+ \date{\filedate}
+ \author{David Carlisle}
+ \maketitle}
+ \title{\pk{doc_by_gmdoc.tex} The Driver\thanks{As mentioned in the
+ title, I~typeset these package and class with the \pk{gmdoc}
+ package, for which are they a~great inspiration and the base.
+ The typesetting needed only a~few tricks, so here i~give the
+ code of the `driver': a~snake eats its tail ;-) .}}
+ \author{Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski}%
+ \date{\today}%
+ \maketitle}
+ Produce change log with^^J%
+ makeindex -r -s -o \jobnamewoe.gls \jobnamewoe.glo^^J
+ ( should be put into some texmf/makeindex directory.)^^J}
+ Produce index with^^J%
+ makeindex -r \jobnamewoe^^J}
+ \PrintIndex
+% MakeIndex shell commands:
+makeindex -r doc_gmdoc
+makeindex -r -s -o doc_gmdoc.gls doc_gmdoc.glo
+% \NoEOF
+% \_ {\bf bf: \_} {\bfseries bfseries \_}
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End: \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/basedrivers/docstrip_gmdoc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/basedrivers/docstrip_gmdoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6866649c2d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/basedrivers/docstrip_gmdoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+% A~driver file to typeset \pk{dostrip.dtx} with the \pk{gmdoc}
+% package.
+% GM 2006/12/1
+\if1 1
+ \documentclass[debug]{gmdocc}%
+ \mcdiagOn
+ \documentclass{gmdocc}%
+\twocoltoc% For towocolumn table of contents.
+\OldMakeShortVerb*\|% To define shortverb \verb+|+ such that it
+% remains shortverb in math mode (by default I~define it to be $\vert$ in
+% math mode.
+ \def\BasePath{C:/TeXLive2005/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/}
+%^^A \tableofcontents
+ \addtomacro\endabstract{\aftergroup\tableofcontents}
+ \AtBegInputOnce{\date{Printed \today\\ with \pk{gmdoc} package by
+ Natror}\let\date\gobble
+ \let\renewenvironment\gobbletwo}% the only renewed env.\ in
+ % \file{docstrip.dtx} is \env{theglossary}. I~prefer it to be twocolumn.
+ \OldDocInput{\BasePath docstrip.dtx}
+ \typeout{%
+ ^^JProduce change log with^^J%
+ makeindex -r -s -o \jobnamewoe.gls \jobnamewoe.glo^^J}
+ \typeout{%
+ ^^JProduce index with^^J%
+ makeindex -r \jobnamewoe.idx^^J}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/basedrivers/gmeometric.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/basedrivers/gmeometric.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bf9d573c66e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/basedrivers/gmeometric.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+% \GetFileInfo{gmeometric.sty}
+% \title{The \pk{gmeometric} Package\thfileinfo}
+% \author{Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski}
+% \maketitle
+% \begin{copyrnote}
+%%Written by Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski,
+%% natror at o2 dot pl
+%% \copyright\,2006 by Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski.
+%% This program is subject to the \LaTeX\ Project Public License.
+%% See \url{}^^A
+%% for the details of that license.
+%% LPPL status: "author-maintained".\par
+% \CheckSum{61}
+ [2006/10/11 v0.67 to allow geometry macro in the document (GM)]
+%% \division{Introduction, usage}
+%% This package allows you to use the |\geometry| macro provided by
+%% the \pk{geometry} v3.2 by Hideo Umeki anywhere in a~document:
+%% originally it's claused |\@onlypreamble| and the main work of
+%% \pk{gmeometric} is to change that.
+%% Note it's rather queer to change the page layout \emph{inside}
+%% a~document and it should be considered as drugs or alcohol: it's
+%% O.K.\ only if you \emph{really} know what you're doing.
+%% In order to work properly, the macro should launch the |\clearpage|
+%% or the |\cleardoublepage| to `commit' the changes. So, the
+%% unstarred version trigges the first while the starred the
+%% latter. If that doesn't work quite as expected, try to precede or
+%% succede it with |\onecolumn| or |\twocolumn|.
+%% It's important that |\clear(double)page| launched by |\geometry|
+%% not to be a~no-op, i.e., |\clear(double)page| immediately
+%% preceding |\geometry| (nothing is printed in between) discards the
+%% `commitment'.
+%% \stanza
+%% You may use \pk{gmeometric} just like \pk{geometry} i.e., to specify
+%% the layout as the package options: they shall be passed to
+%% \pk{geometry}.
+% \begin{gmlonely}
+% \subdivision{Installation}
+% Just put the \pk{gmeometric.sty} somewhere in the \file{texmf/\:tex/\:latex}
+% branch. Creating a~\file{texmf/\:tex/\:latex/\:gm} directory may be advisable
+% if you consider using other packages written by me.
+% Then you should refresh your \TeX\ distribution's files' database
+% most probably.
+% \end{gmlonely}
+% \subdivision{Contents of the \pk{} archive}
+% The distribution of the \pk{gmeometric} package consists of the
+% following four files.
+% \begin{verse}
+% \pk{gmeometric.sty}\\
+% \pk{README}\\
+% \pk{gmeometricDoc.tex}\\
+% \pk{gmeometricDoc.pdf}
+% \end{verse}
+% \begin{gmlonely}
+% \subdivision{Compiling of the Documentation}
+% The last of the above files (the \pk{.pdf}, i.e., \emph{this
+% file}) is a~documentation compiled from the \pk{.sty} file by
+% running \LaTeX\ (twice) on the \pk{gmeometricDoc.tex} file.
+% Compiling of the documentation requires the packages: \pk{gmdoc}
+% (\pk{gmdoc.sty} and \pk{gmdocc.cls}), \pk{gmverb.sty},
+% \pk{gmutils.sty}, \pk{gmiflink.sty} and also some standard
+% packages: \pk{hyperref.sty}, \pk{color.sty}, \pk{geometry.sty},
+% \pk{multicol.sty}, \pk{lmodern.sty}, \pk{fontenc.sty} that should
+% be installed on your computer by default.
+% If you have not installed the \pk{mwart.cls} class (available on
+% CTAN in \pk{mwcls} package), the result of your compilation may
+% differ a bit from the \pk{.pdf} provided in this \pk{.zip} archive
+% in formattings: If you have not installed \pk{mwart.cls}, the
+% standard \pk{article.cls} class will be used.
+% \end{gmlonely}
+% \division{Usage}
+% The only use of this package is to allow the |\geometry| command
+% also inside the \env{document} (originally it's
+% |\@onlypreamble|). To make |\geometry| work properly it may be
+% advisable to `commit' the layout changes with (|\clearpage|,
+% |\cleardoublepage| or |\newpage|) and maybe |\one/twocolumn|.
+% Some layout commands should be put before |\one/twocolumn| and other
+% after it. An example:
+% \thispagestyle{empty}
+% \advance\textheight 3.4cm\relax
+% \onecolumn
+% \newpage
+% \advance\footskip-1.7cm
+% \geometry{hmargin=1.2cm,vmargin=1cm}
+% And another:
+% \geometry{bottom=3.6cm}
+% \clearpage
+% \division{The Code}
+\RequirePackage{gmutils}% this package defines the storing and
+% restoring commands.
+% redefine |\@onlypreamble|, add storing to BeginDocument.
+ \Gm@cnth \Gm@cntv \c@Gm@tempcnt \Gm@bindingoffset \Gm@wd@mp
+ \Gm@odd@mp \Gm@even@mp \Gm@orgw \Gm@orgh \Gm@dimlist}}
+% Restore |\@onlypreamble|:
+% Add restore to BeginDocument:
+% Redefine |\geometry|
+% \CodeDefine\geometry
+ \@ifstar{\gm@geometry{double}}{\gm@geometry{}}}
+% \CodeDefine\gm@geometry
+ \Gm@clean
+ \setkeys{Gm}{#2}%
+ \Gm@process
+ \csname clear#1page\endcsname}%
+% \NoEOF
+% (For my GNU Emacs:)
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: "e:/LaTeX/TeXGuru/gmeometric/gmeometricDoc"
+%%% End:
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/basedrivers/oldcomm.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/basedrivers/oldcomm.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a278a1bfd22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/basedrivers/oldcomm.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+% This is a~fragment of the \pk{ltxdoc} class by David Carlisle
+% for handling the old comments in \LaTeXe\ Source Files.
+% \section{Old Comments}
+% The \LaTeXe\ sources contain a lot of code inherited from
+% \LaTeX2.09. The comments in this code were not designed to be
+% typeset, and do not contain the necessary \LaTeX\ markup. The
+% \texttt{oldcomments} environment typesets these comments,
+% automatically sensing when any control sequence appears, and
+% implicitly adding the |\verb|. This procedure does not produce
+% particularly beautiful pages, but it allows us to fully document new
+% sections, and have some form of typeset comments on all the old
+% code.
+% \changes{v2.0e}{1994/03/18}{Use a fixed font.}
+% Scan control names and put them in tt.
+% will actually (incorrectly) scan past |\\| but this does not matter as
+% this is almost never followed by a letter in practice.
+% (ie |\\foo|) would put |foo| in |\ttfamily|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\oc@bslash#1%
+ \egroup\let\next\oc@bslash\else
+ \ifcat a\noexpand#1%
+ #1\let\next\oc@scan\else
+ \ifx\oc@percent#1%
+ \def\next{\char`\%\egroup}%
+ \else
+ #1\let\next\egroup
+ \fi\fi\fi\next}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \catcode`#1\active
+ \uccode`\~`#1%
+ \uppercase{\def~{{\oc@ttf\char`#1}}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \obeyspaces%
+ \catcode`\/=\catcode`\\
+% \CodeEscapeChar\/
+ /catcode`/\/active
+ /catcode`<=/catcode`{%
+ /catcode`>=/catcode`}%
+ /catcode`/{/active%
+ /catcode`/}/active%
+ /gdef/oldc< \end{oldcomments}>%
+ /gdef/begmac< \begin{macrocode}>%
+ /gdef/obs</def <</oc@ttf/ >>>%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \catcode`\/=\catcode`\\
+ \catcode`\\=13
+% \CodeEscapeChar\/
+ /catcode`/|=/catcode`/%
+ /catcode`/%=13
+ /gdef/oldcomments{|
+ /makeatletter
+ /let/do/oc@verb/dospecials
+ /frenchspacing/@vobeyspaces/obs
+ /raggedright
+ /oc@verb/>|
+ /oc@verb/<|
+ /let\/oc@bslash
+ /let%/oc@percent
+ /obeylines
+ /parindent/z@
+ /ttfamily/expandafter/let/expandafter/oc@ttf/the/font
+ /rmfamily
+ /hfuzz/maxdimen
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \sloppy%
+ \obeylines%
+ \gdef\oc@percent#1^^M{%
+ \ifvmode%
+ \def\commentline{#1}%
+ \ifx\commentline\oldc%
+ \end{oldcomments}%
+ \else%
+ \ifx\commentline\begmac%
+ \begin{macrocode}%
+ \else%
+ \leavevmode%
+ #1^^M%
+ \fi\fi%
+ \else%
+ {\oc@ttf\char`\%}#1^^M%
+ \fi}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+\def\task#1#2{} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/basedrivers/source2e_gmdoc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/basedrivers/source2e_gmdoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c74380c813e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/basedrivers/source2e_gmdoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% Copyright 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2006
+% The LaTeX3 Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere
+% in this file.
+% This I~hope would be part of the LaTeX base system.
+% -------------------------------------------
+% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 1999/12/01 or later.
+% The list of all files belonging to the LaTeX base distribution is
+% given in the file `manifest.txt'. See also `legal.txt' for additional
+% information.
+% \fi
+% \division{Some Typesetting Remarks}
+% This driver typesets The Source $2_\varepsilon$ included in the
+% \TeX Live 2005 distribution. Some tricks here are done just for
+% fixing typos in the Source Files. The Source Files themselves are
+% intact.
+% Most probably you should redefine the |\BasePath| macro so that it
+% was the path of the \file{\dots/source/latex/base} directory on your
+% system. The path levels should be separated with slashes (even on
+% Windows) and should also end with a~slash (to concatenate well with
+% the file name).
+% \stanza
+% While \TeX ing The Source again after a~fatally erroneous pass there
+% happened the `\TeX\ capacity exceded error' sometimes. \TeX ing once
+% again was the right thing to do.
+% The \pk{hyperref} package usually issues some warnings about non
+% existence of some hypertargets. I~consider it rather a~feature of
+% \pk{hyperref} (a~bug?) than a~bug in the typeset file(s).
+% \stanza
+% One more thing you shouldn't bother of is the differences of the
+% checksums, I~mean the usual \pk{gmdoc} message that the checksum
+% stated in the file differs from \pk{gmdoc}'s own count. That is
+% O.K.\ since the checksum stated in a~traditional \file{.dtx}
+% is the number of backslashes in the macrocodes while the checksum
+% handled and expected by \pk{gmdoc} is the number of \emph{the escape ^^B
+% chars}. Don't get the difference? Assume the declared code escape
+% char is |\| (as usual) and consider |\\| in the code. Due to
+% the traditional counting this CS increases the checksum by 2 while
+% due to mine by 1: the second bslash is \emph{not} escape char: it's
+% the CS name.
+% Moreover, when you declare |\CodeEscapeChar\!| e.g., the code
+%\[\hbox{|!Alice !\!has !an !aligator|}\]
+% increases the `new way' checksum by 5 not by 1 as it would do the
+% traditional one.
+% \stanza
+% This driver uses an unofficial little package \pk{gmeometric} to
+% allow the |\geometry| command also inside \env{document}. This
+% package is included in the drivers' directory.
+% \division{The Body}
+% ``This document will typeset the \LaTeX\ sources as a single document.
+% This will produce quite a large file (roughly 555 pages) and may
+% take a long time.
+% Some notes on processing this document are contained at the end
+% of this document's source file, after |\end{document}| (not typeset).''
+% GM 2006/12/1
+% First a special index style for makeindex.
+"\n \\begin{theindex} \n"
+"\n\n \\end{theindex}\n"
+% The next lines will produce some warnings when
+% running Makeindex as they try to cover two different
+% versions of the program:
+lethead_prefix "{\\bfseries\\hfill "
+lethead_suffix "\\hfill}\\nopagebreak\n"
+lethead_flag 1
+heading_prefix "{\\bfseries\\hfill "
+heading_suffix "\\hfill}\\nopagebreak\n"
+headings_flag 1
+% and just for source2e:\\
+% Remove R so I is treated in sequence I J K not I II III
+page_precedence "rnaA"
+\if1 1
+ \documentclass[debug,gmeometric]{gmdocc}%
+ \mcdiagOn
+ \documentclass[gmeometric]{gmdocc}%
+ \if1 1\includeonly{source2e_by_gmdoc}\fi}
+%^^A\usepackage[margin=2cm,b5paper]{geometry}% and this
+\usepackage{oldcomm}% Definitions of \env{oldcomments} and |\task|
+% copied from \file{ltxdoc.dtx}.
+\olddocIncludes% This is the crucial declaration to drive \pk{gmdoc} into
+% the traditional settings.
+\twocoltoc% For towocolumn table of contents.
+\OldMakeShortVerb*\|% To define shortverb \verb+|+ such that it
+% remains shortverb in math mode (by default I~define it to be $\vert$ in
+% math mode.
+% Do not index some TeX primitives, and some common plain TeX commands.
+ \iftrue,\iffalse,\ifvoid,\ifx,\ifeof,\ifcase,\else,\or,\fi}
+ \vbox,\vtop,\vcenter}
+ \closein,\closeout}
+% Set up the Index and Change History to use |\part|.
+ \markboth{Index}{Index}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Index}}{}%
+\GlossaryPrologue{\part*{Change History}%
+ % Allow control names to be hyphenated here\dots
+ {\GlossaryParms\ttfamily\hyphenchar\font=`\-}%
+ \@ifnotmw{%
+ \markboth{Change History}{Change History}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Change History}}{}%
+% ``The standard |\changes| command modified slightly to better cope with
+% this multiple file document.''--- Not quite:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% % \def\changes@#1#2#3{%
+% % \let\protect\@unexpandable@protect
+% % \edef\@tempa{\noexpand\glossary{#2\space\currentfile\space#1\levelchar
+% % \ifx\saved@macroname\@empty
+% % \space
+% % \actualchar
+% % \generalname
+% % \else
+% % \expandafter\@gobble
+% % \saved@macroname
+% % \actualchar
+% % \string\verb\quotechar*%
+% % \verbatimchar\saved@macroname
+% % \verbatimchar
+% % \fi
+% % :\levelchar #3}}%
+% % \@tempa\endgroup\@esphack}
+% Produce a Change Log and (2 column) Index.
+% Needed for documentation in \file{ltoutenc.dtx}.
+ \title{The \LaTeXe\ Sources\thanks{Typeset with \pk{gmdoc} by Natror
+ on \today.}}
+ \author{%
+ Johannes Braams\\
+ David Carlisle\\
+ Alan Jeffrey\\
+ Leslie Lamport\\
+ Frank Mittelbach\\
+ Chris Rowley\\
+ Rainer Sch\"opf}
+% This command will be used to input the patch file
+% if that file exists.
+ \def\currentfile{ltpatch.ltx}
+ \part{ltpatch}
+ {\let\ttfamily\relax
+ \xdef\filekey{\filekey, \thepart={\ttfamily\currentfile}}}%
+ Things we did wrong\ldots
+ \IndexInput{ltpatch.ltx}}
+% Get the date from \file{ltvers.dtx}
+ \def\ProvidesFile#1\fmtversion#2{\date{#2}\endinput}
+ \input{\BasePath ltvers.dtx}
+% Add the patch version if available.
+ \long\def\Xdef#1#2#3\def#4#5{%
+ \xdef\X@date{#2}%
+ \xdef\patchdate{#5}%
+ \endinput}%
+ \InputIfFileExists{ltpatch.ltx}
+ {\let\def\Xdef}{\global\let\includeltpatch\relax}
+ \def\Xpatch{0}
+ \ifx\patchdate\Xpatch\else
+ \edef\@date{\@date\space Patch level \patchdate}
+ \fi
+ \@warning{ltpatch.ltx does not match ltvers.dtx!}
+ \let\includeltpatch\relax
+ \pagenumbering{roman}
+ \thispagestyle{empty}
+ \maketitle
+ \emptify\maketitle
+ \tableofcontents
+ \clearpage
+ \pagenumbering{arabic}
+%``Each of the following |\DocInclude| lines includes a file with extension
+% \file{.dtx}. Each of these files may be typeset separately. For instance
+%\[\hbox{|latex ltboxes.dtx|}\]
+% will typeset the source of the \LaTeX\ box commands.''
+% (Well, I~(Natror) prepared only this common driver.)
+% If this file is processed, each of these separate \file{.dtx} files will be
+% contained as a part of a single document. Using \file{ltxdoc.cfg} you can
+% then optionally produce a combined index and/or change history for
+% the entire source of the format file. Note that such a document will
+% be quite large (about 555 pages).
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltdirchk} % System dependent initialisation
+\AfterMacrocode{53}{\def\do{\cs{do}}}% A~bare |\do| in narration on
+% line 161.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltplain} % LaTeX version of Knuth's \file{plain.tex}.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltvers} % Current version date.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltdefns} % Initial definitions.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltalloc} % Allocation of counters and others.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltcntrl} % Program control macros.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{lterror} % Error handling.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltpar} % Paragraphs.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltspace} % Spacing, line and page breaking.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltlogos} % Logos.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltfiles} % |\input| files and related commands.
+\AtBegInputOnce{\let\task\gobble}% In general |\task| gobbles two, but
+% in this file it's used with one argument and next to it is
+% |\changes| (which in \pk{gmdoc} is |\outer| so gobbling it raises an
+% error).
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltoutenc} % Output encoding interface.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltcounts} % Counters.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltlength} % Lengths.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltfssbas} % NFSS Base macros.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltfsstrc} % NFSS Tracing (and \file{tracefnt.sty}).
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltfsscmp} % NFSS1 Compatibility.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltfssdcl} % NFSS Declarative interface.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltfssini} % NFSS Initialisation.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{fontdef} % \file{fonttext.ltx/fontmath.ltx}
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{preload} % \file{preload.ltx}
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltfntcmd} % |\textrm| etc.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltpageno} % Page numbering.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltxref} % Cross referencing.
+ \AfterMacrocode{1137}{\let\GMDebugCS\cs
+ \def\cs##1{\expandafter\GMDebugCS\expandafter{\string##1}}}
+ % |\cs{\@defaultsubs}| on line 257, |\cs{\@refundefined}| on line
+ % 263. It's the first step. The next is done before |\PrintChanges|.
+ \AfterMacrocode{1139}{\let\cs\GMDebugCS}
+ \AfterMacrocode{1183}{% The last |\changes| have second argument
+ % |{1994/05/26/16}|.
+ \csname changes\endcsname{v0.9i}{1993/12/16}{\cs{literal} added}%
+ \csname changes\endcsname{v1.0r}{1994/05/26}{\cs{literal} removed}%
+ \gdef\GMdebugChanges{\expandafter\def\csname
+ changes\endcsname####1####2####3{}}%
+ \aftergroup\GMdebugChanges}% A~trick with |\aftergroup| 'cause
+ % that \env{macrocode} is inside \env{macro}.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltmiscen} % Miscellaneous environment definitions.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltmath} % Mathematics set up.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltlists} % List and related environments.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltboxes} % Parbox and friends.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{lttab} % \env{tabbing}, \env{ tabular} and \env{array}.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltpictur} % Picture mode.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltthm} % Theorem environments.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltsect} % Sectioning.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltfloat} % Floats.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltidxglo} % Index and Glossary.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltbibl} % Bibliography.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltpage} % |\pagestyle|, |\raggedbottom|, |\sloppy|.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltoutput} % Output routine.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltclass} % Package \& Class interface.
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{lthyphen} % Hyphenation (\file{hyphen.ltx}).
+ \DocInclude[\BasePath]{ltfinal} % Last minute initialisations and dump.
+ \includeltpatch % Corrections distributed after the full release.
+% Stop here if \file{ltxdoc.cfg} says |\AtEndOfClass{\OnlyDescription}|
+% Make \TeX\ shut up.
+ ^^JProduce change log with^^J%
+ makeindex -r -s -o \jobnamewoe.gls \jobnamewoe.glo^^J}
+{%^^A\def\.{\cs{.}}% 'cause there's |\cs {\.}| in change log on l.4314
+ % The next step of debug of \file{ltmiscen.dtx}'s
+ % |\changes...{...\cs{\@defaultsubs...}}| etc.\\ How does it work?
+ % Remember |\cs| is robust. The typo lies in giving it a~CS argument
+ % instead of expected CS name without backslash. So, in the step 1
+ % we only |\string| the argument CS to let it be written outto the
+ % \file{.glo} file. Then, in step 2, we redefine |\cs| to first
+ % |\string| its argument inside an |\if|. Remember that |\if|
+ % expands two tokens next to it until it finds sth.\ unexpandable,
+ % so it'll execute |\string|. Then, if the first char of the
+ % |\stringed| argument is |\|\catother, the condition is satisfied
+ % and |\if...\fi| expands to what follows that backslash and
+ % precedes |\else|. So if the argument was a~CS, its backslash will
+ % be gobbled by |\if|. Otherwise |\if...\fi| expands to what is
+ % between |\else| and |\fi|, to the unchanged argument that is. Then
+ % to that expanded list of tokens the original |\cs| is applied.
+ \let\GMDebugCS\cs
+ \def\cs#1{\edef\AtTempa{\if\bslash\string#1\else#1\fi}%
+ \GMDebugCS{\AtTempa}}
+ ^^JProduce index with^^J%
+ makeindex -r -s \jobnamewoe.idx^^J}
+% ``Makeindex needs a symbol between the parts of composite page numbers
+% but we dont want one, so:''---I~skip that.
+%% \begingroup
+%% \def\endash{--}
+%% \catcode`\-\active
+%% \def-{\futurelet\temp\indexdash}
+%% \def\indexdash{\ifx\temp-\endash\fi}
+%^^A~\clearpage is contained in |\geometry|.
+% Make sure that the index is not printed twice
+% (ltxdoc.cfg might have a second \PrintIndex command)
+\csname @ifnotmw\endcsname{\pagestyle{headings}}{\pagestyle{outer}}
+ % ^^A\label{SelfIncludeUsg}
+ \csname gag@index\endcsname% we tur writing outto the \file{.idx}
+ % out for the driver since it's \emph{not} a~part of The Source.
+%^^A \filediv[The New Driver?]{How I~did It or \gmhypertarget{The Driver} File}%
+To use this file to produce a fully indexed source code
+you need to execute the following (or equivalent) commands:
+ latex source2e_by_gmdoc.tex
+ makeindex -s source2e_by_gmdoc.idx
+ makeindex -s -o source2e_by_gmdoc.gls source2e_by_gmdoc.glo
+ latex source2e_by_gmdoc.tex
+ latex source2e_by_gmdoc.tex
+The makeindex style is used in place of the usual
+doc to ensure that I is used in the sequence I J K
+not I II II, which would be the default makeindex behaviour.
+The third run with latex is only required to get the table of
+contents entries for the change log and index. You may speed things up
+by using the \includeonly mechanism so as not to typeset the source
+files on the second run. This involves changing the file
+between the latex runs.
+The following unix script automates this.
+ (It could easily be ported to scripts for DOS or VMS,
+ rm is ReMove a file, and echo "..." > file writes ... to "file".)
+After this script (after the second ==============) is a similar script
+that will produce the documentation for all the files in the base
+distribution that are *not* included in source2e.dvi. This second script
+was requested, but before using it, beware it will take a long time!
+It may however be modified as required, eg to not typeset the fdd files
+or whatever...
+Natror (GM): I~didn't touch the following so it's probably not quite suitable
+for gmdoc-ing.
+rm -f source2e_by_gmdoc.gls source2e_by_gmdoc.ind source2e_by_gmdoc.toc
+# First run:
+# Create new standard ltxdoc.cfg file
+# Pass the (possibly empty) list of arguments supplied on the
+# command line to article class.
+# If you use A4 paper, running this script with argument
+# a4paper
+# may save about 30 pages.
+echo "\PassOptionsToClass{$*}{article}" > ltxdoc.cfg
+# Now LaTeX the file with this cfg file.
+latex source2e.tex
+# Make the Change log and Glossary.
+makeindex -s source2e.idx
+makeindex -s -o source2e.gls source2e.glo
+# Second run: append \includeonly{} to ltxdoc.cfg to speed up things
+# (this run needed only to get changes and index listed in .toc file)
+# Note that the index will not be made incorrect by the insertion
+# of the table of contents as the front matter uses a diferent page
+# numbering scheme.
+echo "\includeonly{}" >> ltxdoc.cfg
+latex source2e.tex
+# Third and final run, to put everything together.
+# First restore the cfg file:
+echo "\PassOptionsToClass{$*}{article}" > ltxdoc.cfg
+latex source2e.tex
+# Running this script will process all the dtx fdd and *guide.tex
+# and ltnews*.tex files in the LaTeX distribution, except the dtx
+# files included in source2e.tex.
+# (The shell first script in the comments of source2e.tex will
+# process those.)
+# Any command line arguments (eg a4paper) are taken as options to the
+# article class.
+# This script is likely to take ages!
+echo "\PassOptionsToClass{$*}{article}" > ltxdoc.cfg
+echo "\batchmode" >> ltxdoc.cfg
+# The next four lines produce full indexes and change logs
+# you may not want those.
+echo "\AtBeginDocument{\RecordChanges}" >> ltxdoc.cfg
+echo "\AtEndDocument{\PrintChanges}" >> ltxdoc.cfg
+echo "\AtBeginDocument{\CodelineIndex\EnableCrossrefs}" >> ltxdoc.cfg
+echo "\AtEndDocument{\PrintIndex}" >> ltxdoc.cfg
+# If you do not want any code listings, just documentation, then instead
+# of the above four lines, uncomment the following:
+# echo "\AtBeginDocument{\OnlyDescription}" >> ltxdoc.cfg
+echo "\PassOptionsToClass{$*}{article}" > ltxguide.cfg
+echo "\batchmode" >> ltxguide.cfg
+cp ltxguide.cfg ltnews.cfg
+for i in *dtx *fdd *guide.tex ltnews*.tex
+B=`basename $i .dtx`
+if (grep "Include{$B}" source2e.tex >/dev/null ; )
+echo In source2e: $i
+echo latex $i
+ if (latex $i > /dev/null)
+ then
+ echo latex $i
+ latex $i > /dev/null
+ echo makeindex -s $B.idx
+ makeindex -s $B.idx > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+ echo makeindex -s -o $B.gls $B.glo
+ makeindex -s -o $B.gls $B.glo > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
+ echo latex $i
+ latex $i > /dev/null
+ else
+ echo "!!! LaTeX ERROR: $i. (See $B.log.)"
+ fi
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/gmdocDoc.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/gmdocDoc.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c1752c65b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/gmdocDoc.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/gmdocDoc.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/gmdocDoc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..01909867964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/gmdoc/gmdocDoc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+%^^A This file is just a~driver. To learn how to use it, read the README
+%^^A or the documentation in .pdf
+% \ChangesStart{vNo}{1000/0/0}
+% \chschange{vNo}{06/9/30}{27}
+% \chschange{vNo}{06/10/12}{28}
+% \chschange{vNo}{06/10/27}{35}
+% \chschange{?}{06/12/1}{40}
+% \CodeUsgIndex*{outeroff} \CodeUsgIndex*{mwrep}
+\title{The \pk{gmdoc} Package\\ i.e., \pk{gmdoc.sty} and
+ \pk{gmdocc.cls}}
+\author{Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski}
+\date{Warszawa, 2006}
+\setcounter{page}{2}% \pk{hyperref} cries if it sees two pages
+% numbered~1.
+ % \label{SelfIncludeUsg}
+ \filediv[\file{gmdocDoc.tex}, The Driver
+ File]{\file{gmdocDoc.tex}, \gmhypertarget{The Driver} File}%
+ \label{Driver}}
+% For your convenience I~decided to add the documentations of the
+% three auxiliary packages:
+\skipgmlonely[\stanza The remarks about installation and compiling
+ of the documentation are analogous to those in the chapter
+ \pk{gmdoc.sty} and therefore ommitted.\stanza]
+ Produce change log with^^J%
+ makeindex -r -s -o \jobnamewoe.gls \jobnamewoe.glo^^J
+ ( should be put into some texmf/makeindex directory.)^^J}
+ Produce index with^^J%
+ makeindex -r \jobnamewoe^^J}
+ \PrintIndex
+% MakeIndex shell commands:
+ makeindex -r gmdocDoc
+ makeindex -r -s -o gmdocDoc.gls gmdocDoc.glo
+% (\pk{} should be put into some \pk{texmf/makeindex}
+% directory.)
+% And ``That's all, folks'' ;-)\,.
+% \NoEOF
+% The following is just my GNU Emacs stuff.
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End: \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/makeindex/gmdoc/ b/Master/texmf-dist/makeindex/gmdoc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7b5c229e7a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/makeindex/gmdoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+"\n \\begin{theglossary} \n
+ \\makeatletter\n"
+"\n\n \\end{theglossary}\n"
+keyword "\\glossaryentry"
+actual '='
+quote '!'
+level '>' \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/gmdoc/gmdoc.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/gmdoc/gmdoc.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cee0aa6b911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/gmdoc/gmdoc.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,6265 @@
+% \GetFileInfo{gmdoc.sty}
+% \title{The \pk{gmdoc.sty} Package\thfileinfo}
+% \author{Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski}
+% \date{\today}
+% \maketitle
+% \label{gmd}
+%% This is (a~documentation of) file \pk{gmdoc.sty},
+%% intended to be used with \LaTeXe\ as a~package for
+%% documenting \LaTeXpar\ files and to be documented with itself.
+%% \stanza
+% \begin{copyrnote}
+%% Written by Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski,
+%% natror at o2 dot pl
+%% \copyright\,2006 by Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski.
+%% This program is subject to the \LaTeX\ Project Public License.
+%% See \url{} ^^A
+%% for the details of that license.
+%% LPPL status: "author-maintained".\par
+%% Many thanks to my \TeX\ Guru Marcin Woli\'nski for his \TeX nical ^^A
+%% support.
+% \ChangesStart{v0.98c}{1000/0/0}
+% \chschange{v0.96}{2006/08/22}{2395}
+% \chschange{v0.97}{06/09/04}{3636}
+% \chschange{v0.98}{06/09/04}{3636}
+% \chschange{v0.98a}{06/09/06}{4092}
+% \chschange{v0.98b}{06/9/7}{4119}
+% \chschange{v0.98c}{06/9/10}{4299}
+% \chschange{v0.98d}{06/9/15}{4409}
+% \chschange{v0.98e}{06/9/23}{4420}
+% \chschange{v0.98f}{06/9/30}{4430}
+% \chschange{v0.98g}{06/10/5}{4294}
+% \chschange{v0.98i}{06/10/14}{4352}
+% \chschange{v0.98j}{06/10/17}{4372}
+% \chschange{v0.98k}{06/10/21}{4416}
+% \chschange{v0.98l}{06/10/27}{4401}
+% \chschange{v0.98m}{06/11/14}{4349}
+% \chschange{v0.99}{06/11/29}{4462}
+% \chschange{v0.99a}{2006/12/1}{4479}
+%^^A \docstrip
+ [2006/12/30 v0.99a a documenting package (GM)]
+% \CharacterTable {In my \TeX\ Guru's opinion the idea of
+% checking of the correctness of chars is a~bit obsolete
+% nowadays. Therefore I~define the \CharacterTable<#1>
+% macro to gobble its argument and to typeout a~request
+% for request.}
+% \newcommand*\docfm{\pk{doc}}
+% \newcommand*\gmdoc{\pk{gmdoc}}
+% \tableofcontents
+% \division{Readme}
+% This package is a~tool for documenting of \LaTeXpar\
+% packages, classes etc., i.e., the \file{.sty}, \file{.cls} files
+% etc. The author just writes the code and adds the commentary
+% preceded with |%| sign (or another properly declared). No special
+% environments are necessary.
+% The package tends to be (optionally) compatible with the standard
+% \pk{doc.sty} package,
+% i.e., the \file{.dtx} files are also compilable with \pk{gmdoc}
+% (they may need very little adjustment, in some rather special
+% cases).
+% The tools are integrated with \pk{hyperref}'s advantages such as
+% hyperlinking of index entries, contents entries and
+% cross-references.
+% \begin{gmlonely}
+% \subdivision{Installation}
+% Just put the \pk{gmdoc.sty} and \pk{gmdocc.cls} somewhere in the
+% \file{texmf/\:tex/\:latex} branch. Creating
+% a~\file{texmf/\:tex/\:latex/\:gm} directory may be advisable if
+% you consider using other packages written by me.
+% You should also install \pk{gmverb.sty}, \pk{gmutils.sty}
+% and \pk{gmiflink.sty} (e.g., put them into the same \file{gm}
+% directory). These packages are available on CTAN as separate
+% \file{.zip} archives.
+% Moreover, you should put the \file{} file, a MakeIndex
+% style for the changes' history, into some \file{texmf/\:makeindex}
+% (sub)directory.
+% Then you should refresh your \TeX\ distribution's files' database
+% most probably.
+% \end{gmlonely}
+% \subdivision{Contents of the \pk{} Archive}
+% The distribution of the \pk{gmdoc} package consists of the
+% following six files.
+% \begin{verse}
+% \pk{gmdoc.sty}\\
+% \pk{gmdocc.cls}\\
+% \pk{}\\
+% \pk{README}\\
+% \pk{gmdocDoc.tex}\\
+% \pk{gmdocDoc.pdf}
+% \end{verse}
+% \begin{gmlonely}
+% \subdivision{Compiling the Documentation}
+% The last of the above files (the \pk{.pdf}, i.e., \emph{this
+% file}) is a~documentation compiled from the \pk{.sty} and
+% \pk{.cls} files by running \LaTeX\ on the \file{gmdocDoc.tex}
+% twice, then MakeIndex on the \file{gmdocDoc.idx} and
+% \file{gmdocDoc.glo} files, and then \LaTeX\ on \file{gmdocDoc.tex}
+% once more.
+% MakeIndex shell commands:
+%makeindex -r gmdocDoc
+%makeindex -r -s -o gmdocDoc.gls gmdocDoc.glo
+% The |-r| switch is to forbid MakeIndex to make implicit ranges since
+% the (code line) numbers will be hyperlinks.
+% Compiling the documentation requires the packages:
+% \pk{gmdoc} (\pk{gmdoc.sty} and \pk{gmdocc.cls}), \pk{gmutils.sty},
+% \pk{gmverb.sty}, \pk{gmiflink.sty} and also some standard packages:
+% \pk{hyperref.sty}, \pk{color.sty}, \pk{geometry.sty},
+% \pk{multicol.sty}, \pk{lmodern.sty}, \pk{fontenc.sty} that should
+% be installed on your computer by default.
+% If you had not installed the \pk{mwcls} classes (available on
+% CTAN and present in \TeX\ Live e.g.), the result of your
+% compilation might differ a~bit from the \pk{.pdf} provided in this
+% \pk{.zip} archive in formatting: If you had not installed
+% \pk{mwcls}, the standard \pk{article.cls} class would be used.
+% \end{gmlonely}
+% % \subdivision{Bonus: \file{base} Drivers}
+% As a~bonus and example of \docfm-compatibility
+% there are driver files included
+% (cf.\ Palestrina, \textit{Missa papae Marceli} ;-):
+% \begin{verse}
+% \pk{source2e_gmdoc.tex}\\
+% \pk{docstrip_gmdoc.tex}\\
+% \pk{doc_gmdoc.tex}
+% \pk{oldcomm.sty}\\
+% \pk{gmeometric.sty}
+% \end{verse}
+% These drivers typeset the respective files from the
+%\[\hbox{\file{ .../texmf-dist/source/latex/base}}\]
+% directory of the \TeX Live2005 distribution.
+% Probably you should redefine the |\BasePath| macro in them
+% so that it points that directory on your computer.
+% There are very sophisticated and effective tools for documenting
+% \LaTeX\ macro packages, namely the \pk{doc} package and the
+% \pk{ltxdoc} class.
+% Why did I~write another documenting package then?
+% I~like comfort and \pk{doc} is not comfortable enough for me. It
+% requires special marking of the macro code to be properly typeset
+% when documented. I~want \TeX\ to know `itself' where the code begins
+% and ends, without additional marks.
+% That's the difference. One more difference, more important for the
+% people for whom the \docfm's conventions are acceptable, is that
+% \gmdoc\ makes use of \pk{hyperref} advantages and makes
+% a~hyperlinking index and toc entries and the
+% cross-references, too. (The CSs in the code maybe in the future.)
+% The rest is striving to level the very high \pk{doc/ltxdoc}'s
+% standard, such as (optional) numbering of the codelines and
+% authomatic indexing the control sequences e.g.
+% The \docfm\ package was and still is a~great inspiration for me and
+% I~would like this humble package to be considered as a~sort of
+% hommage to it\footnote{As Grieg's Piano Concerto is a~hommage to ^^B
+% the Schumann's.}. If I~mention copying some code or narrative but do
+% not state the source explicitly, I~mean the \docfm\ package's
+% documentation (I~have v2.1b dated 2004/02/09).
+% \division{The User Interface}
+% \subdivision{Used Terms}
+% When I~write of a~\textbf{macro}, I~mean a~macro in \TeXbook's
+% meaning, i.e., a~control sequence whose meaning is
+% |\(e/g/x)def|ined. By a~\textbf{macro's parameter} I~mean each of
+% |#|\<digit>s in its definition. When I~write about ^^A\)
+% a~\textbf{macro's argument}, I~mean the value (list of tokens)
+% subsituting the corresponding parameter of this macro.
+% (These understandings are according ^^A(
+% to \TeXbook, I~hope: \TeX\ is a~religion of Book ;-)\,.)
+% I'll use a~shorthand for `control sequence', \textbf{CS}.
+% When I~talk of a~\textbf{declaration}, I~mean a~macro that expands
+% to a~certain assignment, such as |\itshape| or
+% |\@onlypreamble{|\<CS>|}|.
+% Talking of declarations, I'll use the \textbf{OCSR} acronym as
+% a~shorthand for 'observes/ing common \TeX\ scoping rules'.
+% By a~\textbf{command} I~mean a~certain abstract visible to the end
+% user as a~CS but consisting possibly of more than one macro. I'll
+% talk of a~\textbf{command's argument} also in
+% the `sense\:-for\:-the\:-end\:-user', e.g., I'll talk of the
+% |\verb| \emph{command's} argument although \emph{the macro}
+% |\verb| has no |#|\<digit> in its definition.
+% The \textbf{code} to be typeset verbatim (and with all the bells
+% and whistles) is everything that's not commented out in the source
+% file and what is not a~leading space(s).
+% The \textbf{commentary} or \textbf{narrative} is everything after
+% the comment char till the end of a~line. The \textbf{comment char}
+% is a~character the |\catcode| of which is 14 usually i.e., when the
+% file works; if you don't play with
+% the |\catcode|s, it's just the |%|. When the file is documented with
+% \gmdoc, such a~char is re|\catcode|d and its r\^ole is else: it
+% becomes the \textbf{code delimiter}.
+% A~line containing any \TeX\ code (not commented out) will be called
+% a~\textbf{codeline}. A~line that begins with (some leading spaces
+% and) a~code delimiter will be called a~\textbf{comment line} or
+% \textbf{narration line}.
+% The \textbf{user} of this package will also be addressed
+% as \textbf{you}.\stanza
+% Not to favour any particular gender (of the amazingly rich variety,
+% I~mean, not of the vulgarly simplified two-element set), in this
+% documentation I~use alternating pronouns of third person ^^A(
+% (\TextUsage\heshe\ etc. commands provided by \pk{gmutils}), so let
+% one be not surprised if `\heshe' sees `\himher self' altered in the
+% same sentence :-)\,.
+% \subdivision{Preparing the Source File}
+% When \LaTeXpar\ with \pk{gmdoc.sty} package loaded typesets the
+% comment lines, the code delimiter is ommitted. If the comment
+% continues a~codeline, the code delimiter is printed. It's done so
+% because ending a~\TeX\ code line with a~|%| is often very important
+% and significant. Comments longer than one line are typeset
+% continuously with the code delimiters ommitted.
+% The user should just write \hisher\ splendid code and brilliant
+% commentary. In the latter \heshe\ may use usual \LaTeXpar\ commands.
+% The only requirement is, if an argument is divided in two
+% lines, to end such a~dividing line with \TextUsage*{^^B} sequence
+% that'll enter the (active) \<char2> which shall gobble the line end.
+% ^^A~and the leading code delimiter of the next line---obsoleted by
+% ^^A~making % ignored in the commentary.
+% Moreover, if \heshe\ wants to add a~meta-comment i.e., a~text that
+% doesn't appear in the code layer nor in the narrative, \heshe\ may
+% use the \TextUsage*{^^A} sequence that'll be read by \TeX\ as
+% \<char1>, which
+% is in \gmdoc\ active and defined to gobble the stuff between itself
+% and the next line end.
+% Note, however, that both |^^A| and |^^B| are usually macros in
+% \gmdoc\ and the text being gobbled is their argument so it has to be
+% balanced of braces and, if it occures inside an |\if...|, it has to
+% have all |\if...|s coupled with |\else|s and |\fi|s.
+% However, it may be a~bit confusing
+% for someone acquainted with the \docfm\ conventions. If you don't
+% fancy the |^^B| special sequence, instead you may restore the
+% standard meaning of the line end with the \TextUsage\StraightEOL\
+% declaration which
+% OCSR. As almost all the control
+% sequences, it may be used also as an environment, i.e.,
+% |\begin{StraightEOL}|\ \dots\ |\end{StraightEOL}|. However, if for any
+% reason you don't want to make an environment (a~group), there's
+% a~|\StraightEOL|'s counterpart, the \TextUsage\QueerEOL\ declaration that
+% restores again the
+% \StraightEOL
+% queer\footnote{In my understanding
+% `queer' and `straight' are not the opposites excluding each
+% other but the counterparts that may cooperate in harmony for
+% people's good. And, as I~try to show with the \cs{QueerEOL} and
+% \cs{StraightEOL} declarations, `queer' may be very useful and
+% recommended while `straight' is the standard but not necessarily
+% normative. (Remember also Alice's in the Wonderland exclamations
+% ``What a~queer day is today''.)}^^A
+% \QueerEOL
+% \gmdoc's meaning of the line end. It OCSR, too. One more point to use
+% |\StraightEOL| is where you wish some code lines to be executed
+% both while loading the file and during the documentation pass
+% (it's analogous to \docfm's not embracing some code lines in
+% a~\env{macrocode} environment).
+% \stanza
+% As in standard \TeX ing, one gets a~paragraph by a~blank line.
+% Such a~line should be |%|ed of course. A~fully blank line is
+% considered a~blank \emph{code line} and hence results in
+% a~vertical space in the documentation. As in the environments for
+% poetry known to me, subsequent blank lines do not increase such
+% a~space.
+% Then \heshe\ should prepare a~main document file,
+% a~\textbf{driver} henceforth, to set all the
+% required formattings such as |\documentclass|, paper size
+% etc., and load this package with a~standard command
+% i.e., |\usepackage{gmdoc}|, just as \docfm's documentation says:
+% \begin{quotation}
+% If one is going to document a set of macros with the \pk{[gm]doc}
+% package one has to prepare a special driver file which produces
+% the formatted document. This driver file has the following
+% characteristics: \par\leftskip\CodeIndent
+% \stanza
+% \noindent|\documentclass[|\<options>|]{|\<document-class>|}|\par
+% \noindent|\usepackage[|\<options, probably none>|]{gmdoc}|\par
+% \<preamble>\par
+% \noindent|\begin{document}|\par
+% \<special input commands>\par
+% \noindent|\end{document}|\par
+% \end{quotation}
+% \subdivision{The Main Input Commands}
+% To typeset a~source file you may use the \TextUsage\DocInput\
+% macro that takes the (path and) name of the file \emph{with ^^B
+% the extension} as the only argument, e.g.,
+% |\DocInput{mybrilliantpackage.sty}|.
+% (Note that an \emph{installed} package or class file is findable to
+% \TeX\ even if you don't specify the path.)
+% If a~source file is written with rather \docfm\ than \gmdoc\ in
+% mind, then the \TextUsage\OldDocInput\ command may be more
+% appropriate (e.g., if you break the arguments of commands in the
+% commentary in lines). It also takes the file (path and) name as the
+% argument.
+% When using |\OldDocInput|, you have to wrap all the code in
+% \TextUsage*{macrocode} environments, which is not necessary when you
+% use |\DocInput|. Moreover, with |\OldDocInput| the
+% \env{macrocode(*)} environments require to be ended with
+% |% \end{macrocode(*)}|.
+% \stanza
+% If you wish to document many files in one document, you are
+% provided \TextUsage\DocInclude\ command, analogous to \LaTeX's
+% |\include| and very likely to \pk{ltxdoc}'s command of the same
+% name. In \gmdoc\ it has one mandatory argument that should be the
+% file name \emph{without extension}, just like for |\include|.
+% The file extensions supported by |\DocInclude| are \pk{.fdd},
+% \pk{.dtx}, \pk{.cls}, \pk{.sty}, \pk{.tex} and \pk{.fd}. The macro
+% looks for
+% one of those
+% extensions in the order just given. If you need to document files
+% of other extensions, please let me know and most probably we'll make
+% it possible.
+% |\DocInclude| has also an optional first argument that is intended
+% to be the path of the included file with the levels separated by |/|
+% (slash) and also ended with a~slash. The path given to |\DocInclude| as
+% the first and optional argument will not appear in the headings nor
+% in the footers.
+% |\DocInclude| redefines \TextUsage\maketitle\ so
+% that it makes a~chapter heading or, in the classes that don't
+% support |\chapter|, a~part heading, in both cases with
+% respective toc entries. The default assumption is that all the
+% files have the same author(s) so there's no need to print them in
+% the file heading. If you wish the authors names to be printed, you
+% should write \TextUsage\PrintFilesAuthors\ in the preamble or before
+% the relevant |\DocInclude|s. If you wish to undeclare printing the
+% authors names, there is \TextUsage\SkipFilesAuthors\ declaration.
+% Like in \pk{ltxdoc}, the name of an included file appears in the
+% footer of each page with date and version info (if they are
+% provided).
+% The |\DocInclude|d files are numbered with the letters, the
+% lowercase first, as in \pk{ltxdoc}. Such a~filemarker also precedes
+% the index entries, if the (default) codeline index option is in force.
+% As with |\include|, you may declare
+% \TextUsage\includeonly|{|\<filenames separated by commas>|}| for
+% the draft versions.
+% \stanza
+% If you wish to include the driver file into your documentation, you
+% may write |\DocInput{\jobname.tex}|, but a~try of
+% |\DocInclude{\jobname}| would result with input stack overflow
+% caused by infinite |\input{|\<jobname>|.aux}| recursion.
+% But there's \TextUsage\SelfInclude\ at your service that creates and
+% uses \pk{\<jobname>.auxx} file instead of the usual
+% \pk{\<jobname>.aux}. Its effect is analogous to the |\DocInclude|'s, but
+% \emph{the arguments it takes are totally different}: Since the
+% filename is known, there's no need to state it. The extension is
+% assumed to be \file{.tex}, but if it's different, you may state it in
+% the first and optional argument. The second argument is mandatory and
+% it's the stuff to be put at begin of file input, this one and no
+% else (with \TextCommonIndex\AtBegInputOnce|\AtBegInputOnce| hook).
+% For the example of usage see line \ref{SelfIncludeUsg} of
+% chapter~\ref*{Driver}.
+% \stanza
+% At the default settings, the |\Doc/SelfInclude|d files constitute
+% chapters if |\chapter| is known and parts otherwise. The
+% |\maketitle|s of those files result in the respective headings.
+% If you prefer more \pk{ltxdoc}ish look, in which the files always
+% constitute the parts and those parts have a~part's title
+% pages with the file name and the files' |\maketitle|s result in
+% (article-like) titles not division headings, then you are provided
+% the \TextUsage\ltxLookSetup\ declaration (allowed only in the
+% preamble). However, even after this declaration the files will be
+% included according to \gmdoc's rules not necessarily to the \docfm's
+% ones (i.e., with minimal marking necessary at the price of active
+% line ends (therefore not allowed between a~command and its argument
+% nor inside an argument)).
+% On the other hand, if you like the look offered by me but you have
+% the files prepared for \docfm\ not for \gmdoc, then you
+% should declare \TextUsage\olddocIncludes. Unlike the previous one,
+% this may be used anywhere, because I~have the account of including both
+% \docfm-like and \gmdoc-like files into one document. This
+% declaration just changes the internal input command and doesn't
+% change the sectioning settings.
+% It seems possible that you wish to document the `old-doc' files
+% first and the `new-doc' ones after, so the above declaration has its
+% counterpart, \TextUsage\gmdocIncludes, that may be used anywhere,
+% too. Before the respective |\DocInclude|(s), of course.
+% Both these declarations OCSR.
+% If you wish to document your files as with \pk{ltxdoc} \emph{and}
+% as with \docfm, you should declare
+% |\ltxLookSetup| in the preamble \emph{and} |\olddocIncludes|.
+% \stanza
+% Talking of analogies with \pk{ltxdoc}, if you like only the page
+% layout provided by that class, there is the
+% \TextUsage\ltxPageLayout\ declaration (allowed only in preamble)
+% that only changes the margins and the text width (it's intended to
+% be used with the default paper size). This declaration is
+% contained in the |\ltxLookSetup| declaration.
+% \stanza
+% If you need to add something at the beginning of the input of file,
+% there's the \TextUsage\AtBegInput\ declaration that takes one and
+% mandatory argument which is the stuff to be added. This declaration
+% is global. It may be used more than one time and the arguments of
+% each occurrence of it add up and are put at the beginning of input
+% of every subsequent files.
+% Simili modo, for the end of input, there's the
+% \TextUsage\AtEndInput\ declaration, also one-argument, global and
+% cumulative.
+% If you need to add something at the beginning of input of only one
+% file, put before the respective input command an
+% \TextUsage\AtBegInputOnce|{|\<the stuff to be added>|}|
+% declaration. It's also global which means that the groups do not
+% limit its scope but it adds its argument only at the first input
+% succeding it (the argument gets wrapped in a~macro that's |\relax|ed
+% at the first use). |\AtBegInputOnce|s add up, too.
+% \stanza
+% One more input command is \TextUsage\IndexInput\ (the name and idea
+% of effect comes from \docfm). It takes the same argument as
+% |\DocInput|, the file's (path and) name with extension. (It
+% \emph{has} |\DocInput| inside). It works properly if the input file
+% doesn't contain explicit \<char1> (|^^A| is OK).
+% The effect of this command is typesetting of all the input file
+% verbatim, with the code lines numbered and the CSs automatically
+% indexed (\pk{gmdoc.sty} options are in force).
+% \subdivision{Package Options}
+% As many good packages, this also provides some options:
+% \stanza
+% Due to best \TeX\ documenting traditions the codelines will be
+% numbered. But if the user doesn't wish that, \heshe\ may turn it off
+% with the \TextUsage*{linesnotnum} option.
+% However, if \heshe\ agrees to have the lines numbered, \heshe\ may wish
+% to reset the counter of lines \himher self, e.g., when \heshe\
+% documents many source files in one document. Then \heshe\ may wish
+% the line numbers to be reset with every |{section}|'s turn for
+% instance. This is the r\^ole of the \TextUsage*{uresetlinecount}
+% option, which seems to be a~bit obsolete however, since the
+% \TextCommonIndex\DocInclude|\DocInclude| command takes care of
+% a~proper reset.
+% Talking of line numbering further, a~tradition seems to exist to
+% number only the codelines and not to number the lines of
+% commentary. That's the default behaviour of \pk{gmdoc} but, if
+% someone wants the comment lines to be numbered too, \heshe\ is
+% provided the \TextUsage*{countalllines} option. ^^A(
+% {\LineNumFont 441}\,Then the narration acquires a~bit biblical look ;-),
+% {\LineNumFont 442}\,as shown in this short example. This option is intended
+% {\LineNumFont 443}\,for the draft versions and it is not perfect (as if anything
+% {\LineNumFont 444}\,in this package was). As you see, the lines
+% {\LineNumFont 445}\,are typeset continuously with the numbers printed.
+% \stanza
+% By default the \pk{makeidx} package is loaded and initialized and
+% the CSs occurring in the code are automatically
+% (hyper)indexed thanks to the \pk{hyperref} package. If the user
+% doesn't wish to index anything, she should use the
+% \TextUsage*{noindex} option.
+% The index comes two possible ways: with the line numbers (if the
+% lines are numbered) and that's the default, or with the page numbers, if
+% the \TextUsage*{pageindex}\label{indexoptions} option is set.
+% \stanza
+% By default, \gmdoc\ excludes some 300 CSs from being indexed.
+% They are the most common CSs, \LaTeX\ internal
+% macros and \TeX\ primitives. To learn what CSs are
+% excluded actually, see lines \ref{DIE1}--\ref{DIE2}.
+% If you don't want all those exclusions, you may turn them off with
+% the \TextUsage*{indexallmacros} option.
+% If you have ambiguous feelings about whether to let the default
+% exclusions or forbid them, see p.\,\pageref{IEIDeclarations} to
+% feed this ambiguity with a~couple of declarations.
+% \stanza
+% In \docfm\ package there's a~default behaviour of putting marked
+% macro's or environment's name to a~marginpar. In the standard
+% classes it's allright but not all the classes support marginpars.
+% That is the reason why this package enables marginparing when in
+% standard classes, enables or disables it due to the respective option
+% when with Marcin Woli\'nski's classes and in any case provides the
+% options \TextUsage*{withmarginpar} and \TextUsage*{nomarginpar}. So, in
+% non-standard classes the default behaviour is to disable marginpars.
+% If the marginpars are enabled in \pk{gmdoc}, it will put marked
+% control sequences and environments into marginpars (see
+% \gmiflink[textUsage]{\cs{TextUsage} etc.}). These options do
+% not affect common using marginpars, which depends on the
+% documentclass.
+% \stanza
+% My suggestion is to make the spaces in the code visible except the
+% leading ones and that's the default. But if you wish all the code
+% spaces to be blank, I~give the option \TextUsage*{codespacesblank}
+% reluctantly. Moreover, if you wish the code spaces to be blank only
+% in some areas, then there's \TextUsage\CodeSpacesBlank\ declaration
+% (OCSR).
+% \subdivision{The Packages Required}
+% \pk{gmdoc} requires (loads if they're not loaded yet) some other
+% packages of mine, namely \pk{gmutils}, \pk{gmverb}, analogous to
+% Frank Mittelbach's \pk{shortvrb}, and \pk{gmiflink} for conditional
+% making of hyperlinks. It also requires \pk{hyperref},
+% \pk{multicol}, \pk{color} and \pk{makeidx}.
+% The \pk{gmverb}\gmdmarginpar{\pk{gmverb}} package redefines the
+% |\verb| command and the \env{verbatim} environment in such a~way that
+% | |, |{| and |\| are breakable, the first with no `hyphen' and the
+% other two with the comment char as a~hyphen, i.e.,
+% |{|\<subsequent text>|}| breaks into
+% |{%|\\ \<subsequent text>|}| ^^A] bal. braces for Emacs
+% and \<text>|\mylittlemacro| breaks into \<text>|%|\\
+% |\mylittlemacro|.
+% As the standard \LaTeX\ one, my |\verb| issues an error when a~line
+% end occures in its scope. But, if you'd like to allow line ends in
+% short verbatims, there's the \TextUsage\verbeolOK\ declaration. The
+% plain |\verb| typesets spaces blank and |\verb*| makes them visible,
+% as in the standard version(s).
+% Moreover, \pk{gmverb} provides the \TextUsage\MakeShortVerb\
+% declaration
+% that takes a~one-char control sequence as the only argument and
+% turns the char used into a~short verbatim delimiter, e.g., after
+% \[\hbox{\verb+\MakeShortVerb*\|+}\]
+% (as you see, the declaration has the starred version, which is for
+% visible spaces, and non-starred for blank spaces) to get
+% |\mylittlemacro| you may type \verb+|\mylittlemacro|+ instead of
+% |\verb+\mylittlemacro+|. Because the char used in the last example
+% is my favourite and is used this way by DEK in \TeXbook's
+% format, \pk{gmverb} provides a~macro \TextUsage\dekclubs\ that
+% expands to the example displayed above.
+% Be careful because such active chars may interfere with other
+% things, e.g., the \verb+|+ with the vertical line marker in \env{tabular}s and
+% with the \pk{tikz} package. If this happens, you can declare e.g.,
+% \TextUsage\DeleteShortVerb\verb+\|+ and the previous meaning of the
+% char used shall be restored.
+% One more difference between \pk{gmverb} and \pk{shortvrb} is that
+% the chars |\active|ated by |\MakeShortVerb|, behave as if they were
+% `other' in math mode, so you may type e.g., \verb+$k|n$+ to get
+% $k|n$ etc.
+% \stanza
+% The \pk{gmutils}\gmdmarginpar{\pk{gmutils}} package provides a~couple of
+% macros similar to some basic \LaTeXpar\ ones, rather strictly
+% technical and (I~hope) tricky, such as |\afterfi|, |\ifnextcat|,
+% |\addtomacro| etc. It's this package that provides the macros for
+% formatting of names of macros and files, such as |\cs|, |\marg|, |\pk|
+% etc. \stanza
+% The \gmdoc\ package uses a~lot of hyperlinking possibilities
+% provided by \pk{hyperref}\gmdmarginpar{\pk{hyperref}} which is therefore
+% probably the most important package required. The recommended
+% situation is that the user loads \pk{hyperref} package with \hisher\
+% favourite options \emph{before} loading \pk{gmdoc}.
+% If \heshe\ does not, \pk{gmdoc} shall load it with \emph{my}
+% favourite options.
+% To avoid an error if a~(hyper)referenced label does not exist,
+% \pk{gmdoc} uses the \pk{gmiflink}\gmdmarginpar{\pk{gmiflink}}
+% package. It works e.g., in the index when the codeline numbers have
+% been changed: then they are still typeset, only not as hyperlinks
+% but as a~common text.
+% \stanza
+% To typeset the index and the change history in balanced columns
+% \gmdoc\ uses the \gmdmarginpar{\pk{multicol}}\pk{multicol} package
+% that seems to be standard these days.
+% Also the \gmdmarginpar{\pk{color}}\pk{multicol} package, required to
+% define the default colour of the hyperlinks, seems to be standard
+% already, and \pk{makeidx}.
+% \subdivision[Macros for Marking the Macros]{^^B
+% \gmhypertarget{Macros for Marking the Macros}}
+% The concept (taken from \docfm ) is to index virtually all the
+% control sequences occurring in the code. \gmdoc\ does that by
+% default and needs no special command. (See below about exluding some
+% macros from being indexed.)
+% The next concept (also taken from \docfm) is to ditinguish some
+% occurrences of some control sequences by putting such a~sequence
+% into a~marginpar and by special formatting of its index entry. That
+% is what I~call marking the macros. \gmdoc\ provides also
+% a~possibility of analogous marking for the environments' names and
+% other sequences such as |^^A|.
+% This package provides two kinds of special formatting of the
+% index entries: `usage', with the reference number italic by default,
+% and `def' (in \docfm\ called `main'), with the reference number
+% roman (upright) and underlined by default. All the reference
+% numbers, also those with no special formatting, are made hyperlinks
+% to the page or the codeline according to the respective indexing
+% option (see p.\,\pageref{indexoptions}).
+% The macros and environments to be marked appear either in the code
+% or in the commentary. But all the definitions appear in the code,
+% I~suppose. Therefore the `def' marking macro is provided only for
+% the code case. So we have\gmhypertarget[textUsage]{} the
+% \TextUsage\CodeDefine, \TextUsage\CodeUsage\ and
+% \TextUsage\TextUsage\ commands.
+% All three take one argument and all three may be starred. The
+% non-starred versions are intended to take a~control sequence as the
+% argument and the starred to take whatever (an
+% environment name or a~|^^A|-like and also a~CS).
+% You don't have to bother whether |@| is a~letter while documenting
+% because even if not, these commands do make it a~letter, or more
+% precisely, they execute \TextUsage\MakePrivateLetters\ whatever
+% it does: At the default settings this command makes |*|
+% a~letter, too, so a~starred version of a~command is a~proper argument
+% to any of the three `|\...Define/Usage| commands unstarred.
+% The two |\Code...| commands, if unstarred, mark the next scanned
+% occurrence of their argument in the code. (By `scanned occurrence'
+% I~mean a~situation of the CS having been scanned in the
+% code which happens iff its name was preceded by the char declared as
+% |\CodeEscapeChar|). The starred versions of those commands
+% mark just the next codeline and don't make \TeX\ looks for the
+% scanned occurrence of their argument (which would never happen if
+% the argument is not a~CS). Therefore, if you want to mark
+% a~definition of an environment \env{foo}, you should put
+% \[ \hbox{|%\CodeDefine*{foo}|} \]
+% right before the code line
+% \[\hbox{|\newenvironment{foo}{%|}\]^^A]
+% i.e., not separated by any code line. The starred versions of
+% the |\Code...| commands are also intended to mark implicit
+% definitions of macros, e.g., |\CodeDefine*\@foofalse| before
+% the line
+% \[\hbox{|\newif\if@foo|.}\]
+% They both are |\outer|.
+% The |\TextUsage| (one-argument) command is intended to mark usage of
+% a~verbatim occurrence of a~\TeX\ object in the commentary. Unlike
+% the two |\Code...|s, it typesets its argument which means among others\ that
+% the marginpar appears usually at the same line as the text you
+% wanted to mark. This command also has the starred version primarily
+% intended for the environments names, and secondarily for
+% |^^A|-likes and CSs, too. Currently, the most important difference
+% is that the unstarred version executes |\MakePrivateLetters| while
+% the starred does both |\MakePrivateLetters| and |\MakePrivateOthers|
+% before reading the argument.
+% If you consider the marginpars a~sort of sub(sub\dots)section
+% marks, then you may wish to have a~command that makes a~marginpar of
+% the desired CS (or whatever) at the beginning of its description,
+% which may be fairly far from the first occurrence of its
+% object. Then you have the \TextUsage\Describe\ command which
+% puts its argument in a~marginpar and indexes it as a~`usage' entry
+% but doesn't print it in the text. It's |\outer|.
+% All four commands just described put their (|\string|ed) argument
+% into a~marginpar (if the marginpars are enabled) and create an index
+% entry (if indexing is enabled).
+% But what if you want just to make a~marginpar with macro's or
+% environment's name? Then you have \TextUsage\CodeMarginize\
+% to declare what to put into a~marginpar in the \TeX\ code (it's
+% |\outer|) and
+% \TextUsage\TextMarginize\ to do so in the commentary. According to
+% the spirit of this part of the interface, these commands also take one
+% argument and have their starred versions for strings other than
+% control sequences.
+% The marginpars (if enabled) are `reverse' i.e., at the left margin, and
+% their contents is flush right and typeset in a~font declared with
+% \TextUsage\marginpartt. By default, this declaration is |\let| to
+% |\tt| but it may be advisable to choose a~condensed font if there is
+% any. Such a~choice is made by \pk{gmdocc.cls} if the Latin Modern
+% fonts are available: in this case \pk{gmdocc.cls} uses Latin Modern
+% Typewriter Light Condensed.
+% If you need to put something in a~marginpar without making it typewriter
+% font, there's the \TextUsage\gmdmarginpar\ macro (that takes one
+% and mandatory argument) that only flushes its contents right.
+% \stanza
+% On the other hand, if you don't want to put a~CS (or another
+% verbatim text) in a~marginpar but only to index it, then there are
+% \TextUsage\CodeDefIndex\ and \TextUsage\CodeUsgIndex\ to declare
+% special formatting of an entry. The unstarred versions of these
+% commands look for their argument's scanned occurrence in the code
+% (the argument should be a~CS), and the starred ones just take the
+% next code line as the reference point. Both these commands are
+% |\outer|.
+% In the code all the control sequences (except the excluded ones, see
+% below) are indexed by default so no explicit command is needed for
+% that. But the environments and other special sequences are not and
+% the two commands described above in their |*|ed versions contain the
+% command for indexing their argument. But what if you wish to index
+% a~not scanned stuff as a~usual entry? The \TextUsage\CodeCommonIndex*\
+% comes in rescue, starred for the symmetry with the two previous commands
+% (without |*| it just gobbles
+% it's argument). It's |\outer|.
+% Similarly, to index a~\TeX\ object occurring verbatim in the narrative, you
+% have \TextUsage\TextUsgIndex\ and \TextUsage\TextCommonIndex\
+% commands with
+% their starless versions for a~CS argument and the starred for all
+% kinds of the argument.
+% \stanza
+% Moreover, as in \docfm, the \TextUsage*{macro} and
+% \TextUsage*{environment} environments are provided. Both take one
+% argument that should be a~CS for \env{macro} and `whatever' for
+% \env{environment}. Both add the |\MacroTopsep| glue before and after
+% their contents, and put their argument in a~marginpar at the first
+% line of their contents (since it's done with |\strut|, you should
+% not put any blank line (|%|ed or not) between
+% |\begin{macro/environment}| and the first line of the
+% contents). Then \env{macro} commands the first scanned occurrence of
+% its argument to be indexed as `def' entry and \env{environment}
+% commands \TeX\ to index the argument as if it occurred in the next
+% code line (also as `def' entry).
+% Since it's possible that you define a~CS implicitly i.e., in such a~way that it
+% cannot be scanned in the definition (with |\csname...\endcsname|
+% e.g.) and wrapping such a~definition (and description) in an
+% \env{environment} environment would look misguidedly ugly, there's
+% the \env{macro*} environment which \TeX nically is just an alias for
+% \env{environment}.
+% (To be honest, if you give a~\env{macro} environment a~non-CS
+% argument, it will accept it and then it'll work as
+% \env{evironment}.)
+% \subdivision{Index Ex/Inclusions}
+% It's\label{IEIDeclarations} understandable\footnote{After reading ^^B(
+% \docfm's documentation ;-)\,.} that you don't
+% want some control sequences to be indexed in your documentation. The
+% \docfm\ package gives a~brilliant solution: the
+% \TextUsage\DoNotIndex\ declaration. So do I
+% (although here, \TeX nically it's done another
+% way). It OCSR. This declaration takes one
+% argument consisting of a~list of control sequences not to be
+% indexed. The items of this list may be separated with commas, as in
+% \docfm , but it's not obligatory. The whole list should come in
+% curly braces (except when it's one-element), e.g.,
+% \[\hbox{\verb+\DoNotIndex{\some@macros,\are* \too\auxiliary\?}+}\]
+% (The spaces after the control sequences are ignored.)
+% You may use as many |\DoNotIndex|es as you wish (about half as many as
+% many CSs may be declared, because for each CS excluded from indexing
+% a~special CS is declared that stores the ban sentence).
+% Excluding the same CS more than once makes no problem.
+% I~assume you wish most of \LaTeX\ macros, \TeX\ primitives etc.\ to
+% be excluded from your index (as I~do). Therefore \pk{gmdoc} excludes
+% some 300 CSs by default. If you don't like it, just set the
+% |indexallmacros| package option.
+% On the third hand, if you like the default exclusions in general but
+% wish to undo just a~couple of them, you are given \TextUsage\DoIndex\
+% declaration (OCSR) that removes a~ban on all the CSs given in the
+% argument, e.g.,
+% \[\hbox{\verb+\DoIndex{\par \@@par \endgraf}+}\]
+% Moreover, you are provided the \TextUsage\DefaultIndexExclusions\
+% and \Describe\UndoDefaultIndexExclusions^^A
+% \cs{Un\-do\-Def\-ault\-Ind\-ex\-Ex\-cl\-us\-ions} declarations that
+% act according to their names. You may use them in any configuration
+% with the |indexallmacros| option. Both of these declarations OCSR.
+% \subdivision{The \ds\ Directives}
+% \gmdoc\ typesets the \ds\ directives and it does it quite likely as
+% \docfm, i.e., with math sans serif font. It does it automatically
+% whether you use the traditional settings or the new.
+% Advised by my \TeX\ Guru, I~didn't implement the module nesting
+% recognition (MW told it's not that important.)
+% So far \gmhypertarget{verbatim mode directive} is only
+% half-handled. That is, a~line beginning with |%<<|\<END-TAG> will be
+% typeset as a~\ds\ directive, but
+% the closing line |%|\<END-TAG> will be not. It doesn't hard to
+% implement, I~only receive some message it's really useful for
+% someone.
+%^^A If you use the \TextUsage*{macrocode} environment, you don't have to
+%^^A add any CS to get \ds\ directive typeset properly: within
+%^^A \env{macrocode} a~|<| sign in a~line commented out is read as
+%^^A a~beginning of a~\ds\ directive, which means that \TeX\ looks
+%^^A for the closing |>| or the very next |<| as the beginning of the
+%^^A special directive |<<|\<any text till the end of line>. In the
+%^^A standard case of |<|\<directive>|>| \TeX\ typesets any further text
+%^^A in its line as the code.
+%^^A If you want the \ds\ directives to be typeset without
+%^^A \env{macrocode}, you shoud declare \TextUsage\docstrips\ to make
+%^^A \TeX\ read the |<| in the comment layer as the beginning of
+%^^A a~\ds\ directive. In |\docstrips|'s scope the |<| signs
+%^^A occurring in math mode remain just inequality signs.
+%^^A If you wish only the first |<| met to start a~\ds\ directive
+%^^A typesetting, then there's \TextUsage\docstrip\ declaration that
+%^^A restores the previous meaning of |<| after the first using it as
+%^^A a~\ds\ directive opener.
+%^^A Both |\docstrips| and |\docstrip| OCSR and, of course you may use
+%^^A them as environments (which doesn't make much sense with the
+%^^A latter, though).
+% \subdivision{The Changes History}
+% The \docfm's documentation reads:
+% \begin{quotation}
+% To maintain a change history within the file, the |\changes| command may
+% be placed amongst the description part of the changed code. It takes three
+% arguments, thus:
+% \[\hbox{|\changes{|\<version>|}{|\<YYYY/MM/DD date>|}{|\<text>|}|}\]
+% The changes may be used to produce an auxiliary file (\LaTeX's
+% |\glossary| mechanism is used for this) which may be printed after
+% suitable formatting. The |\changes| [command] encloses the \<date> in
+% parentheses and appends the \<text> to form the printed entry in
+% such a change history [\dots\ obsolete remark ommitted].
+% To cause the change information to be written out, include
+% \TextUsage\RecordChanges\ in the driver['s preamble or just in the
+% source file (\pk{gmdocc.cls} does it for you)]. To read in and print
+% the sorted change history (in two
+% columns), just put the \TextUsage\PrintChanges\ command as the last
+% (commented-out, and thus executed during the documentation pass
+% through the file) command in your package file [or in the driver].
+% Alternatively, this command may form one of the arguments of the
+% |\StopEventually| command, although a change history is probably not
+% required if only the description is being printed. The command
+% assumes that MakeIndex or some other program has processed the
+% \pk{.glo} file to generate a~sorted \pk{.gls} file. You need
+% a~special MakeIndex style file; a suitable one is supplied with
+% \docfm\ [and \gmdoc], called \iffalse\pk{}\fi^^A
+% [\dots\ \textbf{\pk{}} for \gmdoc]. The \TextUsage\GlossaryMin,
+% \TextUsage\GlossaryPrologue\ and \TextUsage\GlossaryParms\ macros are
+% analagous to the |\Index...| versions [see
+% sec.~\gmiflink[IndexParams]{The Parameters}
+% p.\,\pageref*{IndexParams}]. (The \LaTeX\ `glossary'
+% mechanism is used for the change entries.)
+% \end{quotation}
+% In \gmdoc\ |\changes| is |\outer|.
+% \stanza
+% As mentioned in the introduction, the glossary, the changes history
+% that is, uses a~special MakeIndex style, \pk{}. This style
+% declares another set of the control chars but you don't have to
+% worry: |\changes| takes care of setting them properly. To be
+% precise, |\changes| executes \TextUsage\MakeGlossaryControls\ that
+% is defined as
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \def\actualchar{=} \def\quotechar{!}%
+% \def\levelchar{>} \edef\encapchar{\twelveclub}
+% Only if you
+% want to add a~control character yourself in a~changes entry, to quote
+% some char, that is (using level or encapsulation chars is not
+% recommended since |\changes| uses them itself), use rather
+% |\quotechar|.
+% \stanza
+% Before writing an entry to the \pk{.glo} file, |\changes|
+% checks if the date (the second mandatory\equals the third argument)
+% is later than the date stored in the counter
+% \TextUsage*{ChangesStartDate}. You may set this counter with a
+% \Describe\ChangesStart^^B
+% \[\hbox{|\ChangesStart{|\<version>|}{|\<year>|/|\<month>|/|\<day>|}|}\]
+% declaration.
+% If the \env{ChangesStartDate} is set to a~date contemporary to \TeX\
+% i.e., not earlier than September 1982\footnote{DEK in \textit{\TeX\ ^^B
+% The Program} mentions that month as of \TeX\ Version 0 release.},
+% then a~note shall appear at the beginning of the changes history
+% that informs the reader of ommitting the earlier changes entries.
+% If the date stored in \env{ChangesStartDate} is earlier than \TeX,
+% no notification of ommitting shall be printed. This is intended for
+% a~rather tricky usage of the changes start date feature: you may
+% establish two threads of the changes history: the one for the users,
+% dated with four digit year, and the other for yourself only, dated
+% with two or three digit year. If you declare
+% \[\hbox{|\ChangesStart{|\<version?>|}{1000/00/00}|}\]
+% or so, the changes entries dated with less-than-four digit year
+% shall be ommitted and no notification shall be issued of that.
+% \stanza
+% While scanning the CSs in the code, \gmdoc\ counts them and prints
+% the information about their number on the terminal and in
+% \pk{.log}. Moreover, you may declare
+% \TextUsage\CheckSum|{|\<number>|}| before the code and \TeX\ will
+% inform you whether the number stated by you is
+% correct or not, and what it is. As you guess, it's not my original idea
+% but I~took it from \docfm.
+% There it is provided as a~tool for
+% testing whether the file is corrupted.
+% My \TeX\ Guru says it's a~bit old-fashioned nowadays but I~like the
+% idea and use it to document the file's growth. For this purpose
+% \gmdoc\ types out lines like
+% \begin{verbatim}
+%% \chschange{v0.98j}{2006/10/19}{4372}
+%% \chschange{v0.98j}{06/10/19}{4372}
+% and you may place them at the beginning of the source file. Such
+% a~line results in setting the check sum to the number contained in
+% the last pair of braces and in making a~`general' changes entry that
+% states the check sum for version \<first brace> dated \<second ^^B
+% brace> was \<third brace>.
+% \subdivision{The Parameters}
+% The \pk{gmdoc} package provides some parameters specific to
+% typesetting the \TeX\ code:
+% \stanza
+% \TextUsage\stanzaskip\ is a~vertical space inserted when a~blank
+% (code) line is met. It's equal |0.75\medskipamount| by default
+% (with the \emph{entire} |\medskipamount|'s stretch- and
+% shrinkability). Subsequent blank code lines do not increase this
+% space.
+% At the points where narration begins a~new line after the code or an
+% inline comment and where a~new code line begins after the narration
+% (that is not an inline comment), a~\TextUsage\CodeTopsep\ glue is
+% added. At the beginning and the end of a~\env{macro} or
+% \env{environment} environment a~|\MacroTopsep| glue is added. By
+% default, these two skips are set equal |\stanzaskip|.
+% The |\stanzaskip|'s value is assigned also to the display skips and
+% to |\topsep|. This is done with the \TextUsage\UniformSkips\
+% declaration executed by default. If you want to change some of those
+% values, you should declare \TextUsage\NonUniformSkips\ in the
+% preamble to discard the default declaration. (To be more precise, by
+% default |\UniformSkips| is executed twice: when loading \gmdoc\ and
+% again |\AtBeginDocument| to allow you to change |\stanzaskip| and
+% have the other glues set due to it. |\NonUniformSkips| relaxes the
+% |\UniformSkips|'s occurrence at |\begin{document}|.)
+% If you want to add a~vertical space of |\CodeTopsep| (equal by
+% default |\stanzaskip|), you are provided the \TextUsage\stanza\
+% command. Similarly, if you want to add a~vertical space of the
+% |\MacroTopsep| amount (by default also equal |\stanzaskip|), you are
+% given the \TextUsage\chunkskip\ command. They both act analogously
+% to |\addvspace| i.e., don't add two consecutive glues but put the
+% bigger of them.
+% Since |\CodeTopsep| glue is inserted automatically at each
+% transition from the code (or code with an inline comment) to the
+% narration and reverse, it may happen that you want not to add such
+% a~glue exceptionally. Then there's the \TextUsage\nostanza\
+% command.
+% \stanza
+% The \TeX\ code is indented with the \TextUsage\CodeIndent\ glue
+% and a~leading space increases indentation of the line by its
+% (space's) width. The default value of |\CodeIndent| is 1.5\,em.
+% There's also a~parameter for the indent of the narration,
+% \TextUsage\TextIndent, but you should use it only in emergency
+% (otherwise what would be the margins for?). It's 0\,sp by default.
+% \stanza
+% By default, typesetting a~|\DocInput/Include|d file is ended with
+% a~codeline containing the text `\EOFMark' given by the
+% \TextUsage\EOFMark\ macro. If you don't like such an ending, you
+% should end the source file with the \TextUsage\NoEOF\ macro in
+% a~comment, i.e.,
+% \[\hbox{|%|\<some text, why not>|\NoEOF|}\]
+% This macro redefines |\EOFMark| and suppresses the End
+% Of File token to close the input properly. It also has the
+% |\endinput| effect so you may put some text you don't want to
+% document after it.
+% \stanza
+% The crucial concept of \gmdoc\ is to use the line end character
+% as a~verbatim group opener and the comment char, usually the |%|, as
+% its delimiter. Therefore the `knowledge' what char starts
+% a~commentary is for this package crucial and utterly
+% important. The default assumption is that you use |%| as we
+% all do. So, if you use another character, then you should declare it
+% with \TextUsage\CodeDelim\ typing the desired char
+% preceded by a~backslash, e.g., |\CodeDelim\&|\,. (As just
+% mentioned implicitly, \possfil|\CodeDelim\%| is declared by
+% deafult.)
+% This declaration is always global so when- and wherever you change
+% your mind you should express it with a~new |\CodeDelim|
+% declaration.
+% The plain (unstarred) version of |\CodeDelim| changes also the verb
+% `hyphen', the char appearing at the verbatim line breaks that is. If
+% you don't want to change the verb `hyphen', use |\CodeDelim*|.
+% \stanza
+% Talking of special chars, the escape char, |\| by default, is also
+% very important for this package as it marks control sequences and
+% allows automatic indexing them for instance. Therefore, if you for
+% any reason choose another than |\| character to be the escape char,
+% you should tell \pk{gmdoc} about it with the
+% \TextUsage\CodeEscapeChar\ declaration. As the previous one, this too
+% takes its argument preceded by a~backslash,
+% e.g., |\CodeEscapeChar\!|. (As you may deduct from the above,
+% |\CodeEscapeChar\\| is declared by default.)
+% The tradition is that in the packages |@| char is a~letter
+% i.e., of catcode \catletter. Frank Mittelbach in \docfm\ takes into account
+% a~possibility that a~user wishes some other chars to be letters,
+% too, and therefore he (F.M.) provides the
+% \TextUsage\MakePrivateLetters\ macro.
+% So do I~and like in \docfm, this macro makes |@| sign a~letter. It
+% also makes |*| a~letter in order to cover the starred versions
+% of commands.
+% Analogously but for a~slightly different purpose, the
+% \TextUsage\AddtoPrivateOthers\ macro is provided here. It adds its
+% argument, which is supposed to be a~one-char CS, to the
+% |\doprivateothers| list, whose r\^ole is to allow some special chars
+% to appear in the marking commands' arguments (the commands described
+% in section \gmiflink{Macros for Marking the Macros}). The default
+% contents of this list is | | (the space) and |^| so you may mark the
+% environments names and special sequences like |^^A| safely. This
+% list is also extended with every char that is |\MakeShortVerb|ed.
+% (I~don't see a~need of removing chars from this list, but if
+% you do, please let me know.)
+% \stanza
+% The line numbers (if enabled) are typeset in the
+% \TextUsage\LineNumFont\ declaration's scope, which
+% is defined as |{\normalfont\tiny}| by default. Let us also remember, that for
+% each counter there is a~|\the|\<counter> macro available. The
+% counter for the line numbers is called \TextUsage*{codelinenum} so
+% the macro printing it is |\thecodelinenum|. By default we don't
+% change its \LaTeX's definition which is equivalent
+% |\arabic{codelinenum}|.
+% Three more parameter macros, are \TextUsage\IndexPrefix,
+% \TextUsage\EntryPrefix\ and \TextUsage\HLPrefix. All three are
+% provided with the account of including multiple files in one
+% document.
+% They are equal (almost) |\@empty| by default. The first may store
+% main level index entry of which all indexed macros and environments
+% would be subentries, e.g., the name of the package. The third may or
+% even should store a~text to distinguish equal codeline numbers of
+% distinct source files. It may be the file name too, of course. The
+% second macro is intended for another concept, namely the one from
+% \pk{ltxdoc} class, to distinguish the codeline numbers from
+% different files \emph{in the index} by the file marker. Anyway, if
+% you document just one file per document, there's no need of
+% redefining those macros, nor when you input multiple files with
+% |\DocInclude|.
+% \pk{gmdoc} automatically indexes the control sequences
+% occurring in the code. Their index entries may be `common' or
+% distinguished in two (more) ways. The concept is to distinguish the
+% entries indicating the \emph{usage} of the CS and the entries
+% indicating the \emph{definition} of the CS.
+% The special formattings of `usage' and `def' index entries are
+% determined by \TextUsage\UsgEntry\ and \TextUsage\DefEntry\
+% one-parameter macros (the parameter shall be substituted with the
+% reference number) and by default are defined as |\textit| and
+% |\underline| respectively (as in \docfm).
+% There's one more parameter macro, \TextUsage\CommonEntryCmd\ that
+% stores the name of the encapsulation for the `common' index
+% entries (not special) i.e., a~word that'll become a~CS that will
+% be put before an entry in the \file{.ind} file. By default it's defined
+% as |{relax}| and a~nontrivial use of it you may see in line
+% \ref{UsgHack} of the driver file of this documentation, where it
+% makes all the index entries of the driver's code are formatted as `usage'.
+% \stanza
+% ^^A~Index Parameters
+% \gmhypertarget[IndexParams]{The index} comes in a~\env{multicols}
+% environment whose columns number is determined by the
+% \TextUsage*{IndexColumns} counter set by default to~3. To save space,
+% the index begins at the same page as the previous text provided
+% there is at least \TextUsage\IndexMin\ of the page height free. By
+% default, |\IndexMin|\equals\the\IndexMin.
+% The text put at the beginning of the index is declared with
+% a~one-argument \TextUsage\IndexPrologue. Its default text at current
+% index option you may \gmiflink[DIPrologue]{admire} on page
+% \pageref*{DIPrologue}.^^A
+% \AtDIPrologue{\raisebox{4cm}[0sp][0sp]{\gmhypertarget[DIPrologue]}}
+% Of course,
+% you may write your own |\IndexPrologue{|\<brand new index ^^B
+% prologue>|}|, but if you like the default and want only to add
+% something to it, you are provided \TextUsage\AtDIPrologue\
+% one-argument declaration that adds the stuff after the default
+% text. For instance, I~used it to add a~label and hypertarget that is
+% referred to two sentences earlier.
+% By default the colour of the index entry hyperlinks is set black to
+% let Adobe Reader work faster. If you don't want this,
+% \Describe\IndexLinksBlack|\let\IndexLinksBlack\relax|. That leaves
+% the index links colour alone and hides
+% the text about black links from the default index prologue.
+% Other index parameters are set with the \TextUsage\IndexParms\ macro
+% defined in line \gmifref[IndexParms]{sixty-odd} of the code. If you
+% want to change some of them, you don't have to use
+% |\renewcommand*\IndexParms| and set all of the parameters: you may
+% \Describe\gaddtomacro^^A
+% |\gaddtomacro\IndexParms{|\<only the desired changes>|}|.
+% (|\gaddtomacro| is an alias for \LaTeX's |\g@addto@macro| provided
+% by \pk{gmutils}.)
+% At the default \gmdoc\ settings the \file{.idx} file is prepared for
+% the default settings of MakeIndex (no special style). Therefore the
+% index control chars are as usual. But if you need to use other
+% chars as MakeIndex controls, know that they are stored in the four
+% macros: \TextUsage\actualchar, \TextUsage\quotechar,
+% \TextUsage\levelchar\ and \TextUsage\encapchar\ whose meaning you
+% infer from their names. Any redefinition of them \emph{should be ^^B
+% done in the preamble} because the first usage of them takes place at
+% |\begin{document}| and on it depends further tests telling \TeX\
+% what characters of a~scanned CS name it should quote before
+% writing it to the \pk{.idx} file.
+% \stanza
+% Frank Mittelbach in \docfm\ provides the |\verbatimchar| macro to
+% (re)define the |\verb|'s delimiter for the index entries of the
+% scanned CS names etc. \gmdoc\ also uses \TextUsage\verbatimchar\ but
+% defines it as |{&}|. Moreover, a~macro that wraps a~CS name in |\verb|
+% checks whether the wrapped CS isn't |\&| and if it is, |$| is taken
+% as the delimiter. So there's hardly chance that you'll need to
+% redefine |\verbatimchar|.
+% So strange delimiters are chosen deliberately to allow any `other'
+% chars in the environments names.
+% \stanza
+% There's a~quadratus of commands taken from \docfm:
+% \TextUsage\StopEventually, \TextUsage\Finale,
+% \TextUsage\AlsoImplementation\ and \TextUsage\OnlyDescription\ that
+% should be
+% explained simultaneously (in a~polyphonic song
+% e.g.).
+% The |\OnlyDescription| and |\AlsoImplementation|
+% declarations are intended to exclude or include the code part from
+% the documentation. The point between the description and the
+% implementation part should be marked with |\StopEventually{|\<the ^^B
+% stuff to be executed anyway>|}| and |\Finale| should be typed
+% at the end of file. Then |\OnlyDescription| defines
+% |\StopEventually| to expand to its argument followed by |\endinput|
+% and |\AlsoImplementation| defines |\StopEventually| to do nothing
+% but pass its argument to |\Finale|.
+% \subdivision{The Narration Macros}
+% To print the control sequences' names you have the \TextUsage\verb\ macro and
+% its `shortverb' version whatever you define. But they won't work if
+% you put them in an argument of another macro. For such a~situation,
+% or if you just prefer, \gmdoc\ (\pk{gmutils}) provides a~robust command
+% \TextUsage\cs, which takes one obligatory argument, the macro's name
+% without the backslash, e.g., |\cs{mymacro}| produces
+% \cs{mymacro}. I~take account of a~need of printing some other text
+% verbatim, too, and therefore |\cs| has the first argument
+% optional, which is the text to be typeset before the mandatory
+% argument. It's the backslash by default, but if you wish to typeset
+% something without the |\|, you may write {\verbeolOK |\cs[]{not
+% a~macro}|}. Moreover, for typesetting the environments' names,
+% \gmdoc\ (\pk{gmutils})
+% provides the \TextUsage\env\ macro, that prints its argument
+% verbatim and without a~backslash, e.g., |\env{an environment}|
+% produces \env{an environment}.
+% To print packages' names sans serif there is a~\TextUsage\pk\
+% one-argument command, and the \TextUsage\file\ command intended for
+% the filenames.
+% Because we play a~lot with the |\catcode|s here and want to talk
+% about it, there are \TextUsage\catletter, \TextUsage\catother\ and
+% \TextUsage\catactive\ macros that print \catletter, \catother\ and
+% \catactive\ respectively to concisely mark the most used char
+% categories.
+% I~wish my self-documenting code to be able to be typeset each
+% package separately or several in one document. Therefore I~need some
+% `flexible' sectioning commands and here they are:
+% \TextUsage\division\ and \TextUsage\subdivision\ so far, that by
+% default are |\let| to be |\section| and |\subsection| if such
+% commands are defined in the documentclass. (If not, |\division| and
+% |\subdivision| are |\let| to be |\relax|.)
+% \stanza
+% One more kind of flexibility is to allow using \pk{mwcls} or the
+% standard classes for the same file. There was a~trouble with the
+% number and order of the optional arguments of the original
+% \pk{mwcls}'s sectioning commands.
+% It's resolved in \pk{gmutils} so you are free at this point, and
+% even more free than in the standard classes: if you give
+% a~sectioning command just one optional argument, it will be the
+% title to toc and to the running head (that's standard in
+% scls\footnote{See \pk{gmutils} for some subtle details.}). If you give
+% \emph{two} optionals, the first will go to the running head and the
+% other to toc. (In both cases the mandatory argument goes only to the
+% page).
+% \stanza
+% If you wish the |\DocInclude|d files make other sectionings than the
+% default, you may declare \TextUsage\SetFileDiv|{|\<sec name without ^^B
+% backslash>|}|.
+% \stanza
+% \pk{gmdoc.sty} provides also an environment \TextUsage*{gmlonely}
+% to wrap some text you think you may want to skip some day. When
+% that day comes, you write \TextUsage\skipgmlonely\ before the
+% instances of \env{gmlonely} you want to skip. This declaration has
+% an optional argument which is for a~text that'll appear in(stead of) the
+% first \env{gmlonely}'s instance in every |\DocInput| or
+% |\DocInclude|d file within |\skipgmlonely|'s scope.
+% An example of use you may see in this documentation: the repeated
+% passages about the installation and compiling the documentation are
+% skipped in further chapters thanks to it.
+% \stanza
+% \gmdoc\ provides some \TeX-related logos:\\
+% \Describe\AmSTeX typesets \AmSTeX,\\
+% \Describe\BibTeX\BibTeX,\\
+% \Describe\SliTeX\SliTeX,\\
+% \Describe\PlainTeX\PlainTeX,\\
+% \Describe\Web\Web,\\
+% \Describe\TeXbook\TeXbook,\par^^A~without par there raised error
+% ^^A `too many unprocessed floats'.
+% \noindent\Describe\eTeX\eTeX,\\
+% \Describe\pdfeTeX\pdfeTeX\\
+% \Describe\pdfTeX\pdfTeX\\
+% \Describe\XeTeX\XeTeX\ (the first |E| will be reversed if the
+% \pk{graphics} package is loaded) and\\
+% \Describe\LaTeXpar\LaTeXpar.\par
+% (The last logo is defined in \pk{gmutils}.)
+% \noindent\Describe\ds\ds\ not quite a~logo, but still convenient.
+% \stanza
+% The \TextUsage*{copyrnote} environment is provided to format the
+% copyright note flush left in |\obeylines|' scope.
+% \stanza
+% To put an arbitrary text into a~marginpar and have it flushed right
+% just like the macros' names, you are provided the
+% \TextUsage\gmdmarginpar\ macro that takes one and mandatory argument
+% which is the contents of the marginpar.
+% \stanza
+% To make a~vertical space to separate some piece of text you are
+% given two macros: \TextUsage\stanza\ and \TextUsage\chunkskip. The
+% first adds |\stanzaskip| while the latter |\MacroTopsep|. Both of
+% them take care of not cumulating the vspaces.
+% The \TextUsage*{quotation} environment is redefined just to enclose
+% its contents in double quotes.
+% \stanza
+% The \TextUsage\GetFileInfo|{|\<file name with extension>|}| command
+% defines \TextUsage\filedate, \Describe\fileversion\cs{fil\-e\-vers\-ion} and
+% \TextUsage\fileinfo\ as the respective pieces of the info (the
+% optional argument) provided
+% by \cs{Pro\-vid\-es\-Class/Pack\-age/Fi\-le} declarations. The
+% information of the file you process with \gmdoc\
+% is provided (and therefore getable) if the file is also loaded (or
+% the |\Provide...| line occures in a~|\StraightEOL| scope).
+% Since you may wish to process also files that you don't load,
+% there are commands \TextUsage\ProvideFileInfo|{|\<file name with ^^B
+% extension>|}[|\<info>|]| and
+% \TextUsage\ProvideSelfInfo|[|\<info>|]|. (\<info> should consist of:
+% \<year>|/|\<month>|/|\<day>| |\<version number>| |\<a~short note>.)
+% A~macro for the standard note is provided, \TextUsage\filenote, that
+% expands to ``This file has version number \<version number> dated
+% \<date>.'' To place such a~note in the document's title (or heading,
+% with |\DocInclude| at the default settings), there's
+% \TextUsage\thfileinfo\ macro that puts |\fileinfo| in |\thanks|.
+% \stanza
+% Since |\noindent| didn't want to cooperate with my code and
+% narration layers sometimes, I~provide \TextUsage\gmdnoindent\ that
+% forces a~not indented paragraph if |\noindent| could not.
+% \stanza
+% If you declare the code delimiter other than |%| and then want |%|
+% back, you may write \TextUsage\CDPerc\ instead of |\CodeDelim\%|.
+% If you like |&| as the code delimiter (as I~did twice), you may write
+% \TextUsage\CDAnd\ instead of |\CodeDelim\&|.
+%^^A \stanza
+%^^A For an example driver file see chapter \gmiflink{The Driver}.
+% \subdivision{A~Queerness of \cs{label}}
+% You should be loyally informed that |\label| in \gmdoc\
+% behaves slightly
+% non-standard in the \cs{Doc\-In\-put/\:Inc\-lud\-e}d files:
+% the automatic redefinitions of |\ref| at each code line
+% are \emph{global} (since the code is typeset in groups and the
+% |\ref|s will be out of those groups), so
+% a~|\ref|erence in the narrative will point at the last code line not
+% the last section, \emph{unlike} in the standard \LaTeX.
+% \subdivision{\docfm-Compatibility}
+% One of my goals while writing \gmdoc\ was to make compilation of
+% \docfm-like files with \gmdoc\ possible. I~cannot guarantee the goal
+% has been reached but I~\emph{did} compile \pk{doc.dtx} with not
+% a~smallest change of that file (actually, there was a~tiny little buggie in
+% line 3299 which I~fixed remotely with |\AfterMacrocode| tool written
+% specially for that). So,
+% if you wish to compile a~\docfm-like file with my humble package,
+% just try.
+% The \docfm\ commands most important in my opinion are supported by
+% \gmdoc. Some commands, mostly the obsolete in my opinion, are not
+% supported but give an info on the terminal and in \pk{.log}.
+% I~assume that if one wishes to use \docfm's interface then \heshe\
+% won't use \gmdoc's options but just the default. (Some \gmdoc\
+% options may interfere with some \docfm\ commands, they may cancel
+% them e.g.)
+% \stanza
+% The main input commands compatible with \docfm\ are
+% \TextUsage\OldDocInput\ and \TextUsage\DocInclude, the latter
+% however only in the \TextUsage\olddocIncludes\ declaration's scope.
+% Within their scope/argument the \TextUsage*{macrocode} environments
+% behave as in \docfm, i.e.\ they are a~kind of verbatim and require to be
+% ended with |% \end{macrocode(*)}|.
+% The default behaviour of \env{macrocode(*)} with the `new' input
+% commands is different however. Remember at te `new' fashion the code
+% and narration layers philosophy is in force and that is sustained
+% within \env{macrocode(*)}. Which means basically that with `new'
+% settings when you write
+%% \begin{macrocode}
+% \alittlemacro % change it to \blaargh
+% and |\blaargh|'s definition is |{foo}|, you'll get
+%\[\hbox{|\alittlemacro %| change it to foo}\]
+% (Note that `my' \env{macrocode} doesn't require
+% the magical |% \end|.)
+% If you are used to the traditional (\docfm's) \env{macrocode} and still wish to
+% use \gmdoc\ new way, you have at least two options: there is the
+% \TextUsage*{oldmc} environment analogous to the traditional (\docfm's)
+% \env{macrocode} (it also has the starred version), that's the first
+% option (I~needed the traditional behaviour once in this
+% documentation, find out where \& why). The other is to write
+% \TextUsage\VerbMacrocodes. That declaration (OCSR) redefines
+% \env{macrocode} and \env{macrocode*} to behave the traditional way.
+% (It's always executed by |\OldDocInput| and |\olddocIncludes|.)
+% \stanza
+% For a~more detailed discussion of what is \docfm-compatible and how,
+% see the code section \gmiflink[doccompa]{\docfm-Compatibiliy}.
+% \StopEventually{\NoEOF}
+% \division{The Code}
+%\iffalse For debug
+% \fi
+% \catcode`\^^C\active
+% \changes[^^C]{v0.98g}{06/10/10}{recatcoded for debug: in the working
+% pass it's made ignored and in the documenting pass it's made active}
+% \DoIndex{\par \@@par}
+% The basic idea of this package is to re|\catcode| |^^M| (the line
+% end char) and |%| (or any other comment char) so that they start and
+% finish typesetting of what's between them as the \TeX\ code i.e.,
+% verbatim and with the bells and whistles.
+% The bells and whistles are (optional) numbering of the codelines,
+% and automatic indexing the CSs, possibly with
+% special format for the `def' and `usage' entries.
+% As mentioned in the preface, this package aims at a~minimal markup
+% of the working code. A~package author writes \hisher\ splendid code
+% and adds a~brilliant comment in |%|ed lines and that's all. Of
+% course, if \heshe\ wants tomake a~|\section| or |\emph|asise,
+% \heshe\ has to type respective CSs.
+% I~see the feature described above to be quite a~convenience,
+% however it has some price. See section
+% \gmiflink[afc]{Life Among Queer EOLs} for details,
+% here I~state only that in my opinion the price is not very high.
+% \stanza
+% More detailedly, the idea is to make |^^M| (end of line char) active
+% and to define it to check if the next char i.e., the beginnig of the
+% next line is a~|%| and if so
+% to gobble it and just continue usual typesetting or else to start
+% a~verbatim scope. In fact, every such a~line end starts a~verbatim
+% scope which is immediately closed, if the next line begins with
+% (leading spaces and) the code delimiter.
+% Further details are typographical parameters of verbatim scope and
+% how to restore normal settings after such a~scope so that a~code
+% line could be commented and still displayed, how to deal with
+% leading spaces, how to allow breaking a~moving argument in two lines
+% in the comment layer, how to index and marginpar macros etc.
+%\subdivision{The Package Options}
+% Maybe someone wants the code lines not to be numbered.
+% \CodeDefIndex\if@linesnotnum
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@linesnotnumtrue
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@linesnotnumalse
+% \CodeDefine*{linesnotnum}
+% And maybe he or she wishes to declare resetting the line counter
+% along with some sectioning counter him/herself.
+% \CodeDefIndex\if@uresetlinecount
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@uresetlinecounttrue
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@uresetlinecountfalse
+% \CodeDefine*{uresetlinecount}
+% And let the user be given a~possibility to count the comment
+% lines.
+% \CodeDefIndex\if@countalllines
+% \CodeDefine*{countalllines}
+% Unlike in \docfm , indexing the macros is the default and the
+% default reference is the code line number.
+% \CodeDefIndex\if@noindex
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@noindextrue
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@noindexfalse
+% \CodeDefine*{noindex}
+% \CodeDefIndex\if@pageindex
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@pageindextrue
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@pageindexfalse
+% \CodeDefine*{pageindex}
+% It would be a~great honour to me if someone would like to document
+% \LaTeX\ source with this humble package but I~don't think it's
+% really probable so let's make an option that'll switch index exclude
+% list properly (see sec.\ \gmiflink{Index Exclude List}).
+% \CodeDefIndex\if@indexallmacros
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@indexallmacrostrue
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@indexallmacrosfalse
+% \CodeDefine*{indexallmacros}
+% Some document classes don't support marginpars or disable them by
+% default (as my favourite Marcin Woli\'nski's classes).
+% \CodeDefIndex\if@marginparsused
+% \changes{v0.98e}{06/09/23}{wrapped in \cs{@ifundefined} (a~bug fix:
+% before the bare \cs{newif} falsified the \cs{if@marginparsused}
+% switch when it had been defined and set True by the \pk{mwart}
+% class.)}
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@marginparsusedtrue
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@marginparsusedfalse
+% This switch is copied from \pk{mwbk.cls} for compatibility with
+% it. Thanks to it loading an \pk{mwcls} with |[withmarginpar]| option
+% shall switch marginpars on in this package, too.
+% To be compatible with the standard classes, let's |\let|:
+% \label{mparclause2} And if you don't use \pk{mwcls} nor standard
+% classes, then you have the options:\CodeDefine*{withmarginpar}
+% The order of the above conditional switches and options is significant.
+% Thanks to it the options are available also in the
+% standard classes and in \pk{mwcls}.
+% \stanza
+% To make the code spaces blank (they are visible by default except
+% the leading ones).
+% \CodeDefIndex\if@codespacesblank
+% \CodeDefine*{codespacesblank}
+% \subdivision{The Dependencies and Preliminaries}
+% We require another package of mine that provides some tricky macros
+% analogous to the \LaTeX\ standard ones, such as |\newgif| and
+% |\@ifnextcat|.
+% A~standard package for defining colours,
+% and a~colour definition for the hyperlinks not to be too bright
+% And the standard package probably most important for \gmdoc:
+% If the user doesn't load \pk{hyperref} with \hisher\ favourite
+% options, we do, with \emph{ours}. If \heshe\ has
+% done it, we change only the links' colour.
+% \changes{v0.97}{06/09/04}{linkcolor made deep blue}
+ linkcolor=deepblue, urlcolor=blue, filecolor=blue}}{%
+ \RequirePackage[colorlinks=true, linkcolor=deepblue, urlcolor=blue,
+ filecolor=blue, pdfstartview=FitH, pdfview=FitBH,
+ pdfpagemode=None]{hyperref}}
+% Now a~little addition to \pk{hyperref}, a~conditional hyperlinking
+% possibility with the |\gmhypertarget| and |\gmiflink| macros. It
+% \emph{has} to be loaded \emph{after} \pk{hyperref}.
+% And a~slight redefinition of \env{verbatim}, |\verb(*)| and
+% providing of |\MakeShortVerb(*)|.
+ \AtBeginDocument{\gag@index}% for the latter macro see line
+ % \ref{gag@index}.
+ \RequirePackage{makeidx}\makeindex
+% Now, a~crucial statement about the code delimiter in the input file.
+% Providing a~special declaration for the assignment is intended for
+% documenting the packages that play with |%|'s
+% |\catcode|. Some macros for such plays are defined
+% \gmiflink[CDAnd]{further}.
+% The declaration comes in the starred and unstarred version. The
+% unstarred version besides declaring the code delimiter declares
+% the same char as the verb(atim) `hyphen'. The starred version
+% doesn't change the verb 'hyphen'. That is intended for the special
+% tricks e.g.\ for the \env{oldmc} environment.
+% If you want to change the verb `hyphen', there is the
+% |\VerbHyphen\|\<char>
+% declaration provided by \pk{gmverb}.
+% \changes{v0.98c}{06/9/8}{\cs{CodeDelim} renamed from a~rather confusing
+% \cs{NewCommentChar}; also the internal \cs{code@delim} is renamed
+% from as much confusing \cs{commentchar} and a~\cs{glet} for
+% \cs{verb}s \cs{verbhyphen} is added; similarly
+% \cs{[Un]CodeDelimAnd} renamed from \cs{[un]commentand}}
+% \changes{v0.98m}{06/11/10}{\cs{CDAnd} and \cs{CDPerc} renamed from
+% \cs{CodeDelimAnd} and \cs{UnCodeDelimAnd} and both those commands
+% simplified to just declaring the code delimiter}
+% \changes{v0.99a}{06/12/1}{split into the starred and unstarred
+% versions}
+% \CodeDefine\CodeDelim \CodeDefine\code@delim
+ {\escapechar\m@ne
+ \expandafter\gdef\expandafter\code@delim\expandafter{\string#1}}}
+% It is an invariant of \gmdoc ing that |\code@delim| stores the
+% current code delimiter (of catcode 12).
+% The |\code@delim| should be \catother\ so a~space is not allowed as
+% a~code delimiter. I~don't think it \emph{really} to be a~limitation.
+% And let's assume you do as we all do:
+% We'll play with |\everypar|, a~bit, and if you use such things as
+% the |{itemize}| environment, an error would occure if we didn't
+% store the previous value of |\everypar| and didn't restore it at
+% return to the narration. So let's assign a~|\toks| list to store the
+% original |\everypar|
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@preverypar
+% \CodeDefIndex\settexcodehangi
+ \hangindent=\verbatimhangindent \hangafter=\@ne}% we'll use
+% it in the inline comment case. |\verbatimhangindent| is provided by the
+% \pk{gmverb} package and\equals3\,em by default.
+% \CodeDefIndex\@@settexcodehangi
+% We'll play a~bit with |\leftskip|, so let the user have a~parameter
+% instead. For normal text (i.e.\ the comment):
+% \CodeDefine\TextIndent
+% I~assume it's originally equal |\leftskip|, i.e.\ |\z@|. And for
+% the \TeX\ code:
+% \CodeDefine\CodeIndent
+% And the vertical space to be inserted where there are blank lines in the
+% source code:
+% I~use |\stanzaskip| in \pk{gmverse} package and
+% derivates for typesetting poetry. A~computer program code \emph{is}
+% poetry.
+% \CodeDefine\stanzaskip
+\advance\stanzaskip by-.25\medskipamount% to preserve the stretch- and
+% shrinkability.\par
+% A~vertical space between the commentary and the code seems
+% to enhance readability so declare
+% And let's set them. For the \ae sthetical
+% minimality\StraightEOL\footnote{The terms `minimal' and `minimalist'
+% used in \gmdoc\ are among others\ inspired by the \emph{South Park}
+% cartoon's episode \emph{Mr.\ Hankey The~Christmas (\dots)}\/ in
+% which `Philip Glass, a~Minimalist New York composer' appears in
+% a~`non-denominational non-offensive Christmas play' ^^A(
+% ;-)\,. (Philip Glass composed the music to the \emph{Qatsi}
+% trilogy among others)}\QueerEOL\ let's unify them and other most important
+% vertical spaces used in \gmdoc. I~think a~macro that gathers all
+% these assignments may be handy.
+% \CodeDefine\MacroTopsep
+% \CodeDefine\CodeTopsep
+% \CodeDefine\UniformSkips
+ % \CodeDefine\CodeTopsep \CodeDefine\MacroTopsep
+ \CodeTopsep=\stanzaskip
+ \MacroTopsep=\stanzaskip
+ \abovedisplayskip=\stanzaskip
+ %\nostanza
+ % \leftskip0sp \noindent |%\abovedisplayshortskip|
+ % remains untouched as it is 0.0\,pt plus 3.0\,pt by default.\par
+ %
+ % \nostanza
+ \belowdisplayskip=\stanzaskip
+ \belowdisplayshortskip=.5\stanzaskip% due to DEK's idea of making the
+ % short below display skip half of the normal.
+ \advance\belowdisplayshortskip by\smallskipamount
+ \advance\belowdisplayshortskip by-1\smallskipamount% We advance
+ % \nlpercent\cs{be\+low\+dis\+play\+short\+skip} forth and back to
+ % give it the \nlpercent\cs{small\+skip\+am\+ount}'s shrink- and
+ % stretchability components.
+ \topsep=\stanzaskip
+ \partopsep=\z@
+% We make it the default,
+% \gmdnoindent but we allow you to change the benchmark glue
+% i.e., |\stanzaskip| in the preamble and still have the other glues
+% set due to it: we launch |\UniformSkips| again after the
+% preamble.
+% So, if you don't want them at all i.e., you don't want to set other
+% glues due to |\stanzaskip|, you should use the following
+% declaration. That shall discard the unwanted setting already placed
+% in the |\begin{document}| hook.
+% \CodeDefine\NonUniformSkips
+% Why do we launch |\UniformSkips| twice then? The first time is
+% to set all the \gmdoc-specific glues \emph{somehow}, which allows
+% you to set not all of them, and the second
+% time to set them due to a~possible change of |\stanzaskip|.
+% \stanza
+% And let's define a~macro to insert a~space
+% for a~chunk of documentation, e.g., to mark the beginning of new
+% macro's explanation and code.
+% \CodeDefine\chunkskip
+ \skip0=\MacroTopsep
+ \if@codeskipput\advance\skip0 by-\CodeTopsep\fi
+ \par\addvspace{\skip0}\@codeskipputgtrue}
+% And, for a~smaller part of text,
+% \CodeDefine\stanza
+ \skip0=\stanzaskip
+ \if@codeskipput\advance\skip0 by-\CodeTopsep\fi
+ \par\addvspace{\skip0}\@codeskipputgtrue}
+% Since the stanza skips are inserted automatically most often (cf.\ lines
+% \ref{codeskip}, \ref{codeskip2}, \ref{codeskip3}, \ref{codeskip4},
+% \ref{codeskip5}), sometimes you may need to forbid them.
+% \CodeDefine\nostanza
+ \@codeskipputgtrue\@afternarrgfalse\@aftercodegtrue}% In the `code
+% to narration' case the first switch is enough but in the countercase
+% `narration to code' both the second and third are necessary while
+% the first is not.
+% To count the lines where they have begun not before them
+% \CodeDefine\if@newline \CodeDefine*\@newlinegtrue
+% \CodeDefine*\@newlinegfalse
+% |\newgif| is |\newif| with global effect i.e., it defines |\...gtrue|
+% and |\...gfalse| switchers that switch respective Boolean switch
+% \emph{globally}. See \pk{gmutils} package for details.
+% \stanza
+% To handle the \ds\ directives not \emph{any} |%<...|.
+% \CodeDefine*\if@dsdir
+% This switch will be falsified at the first char of a~code line. (We
+% need a~switch independent of the one indicationg whether the line
+% has or has not been counted because of two reasons: 1.\ line
+% numbering is optional, 2.\ counting the line falsifies that switch
+% \emph{before} the first char.)
+% \subdivision{The Core}
+% Now we define main |\input|ing command that'll change catcodes.
+% The macros used by it are defined later.
+% \CodeDefine\DocInput \CodeDefine\Doc@Input
+% \changes{v0.98}{06/09/05}{\cs{@makeother\protect\bslash_} added}
+ \newcommand*{\Doc@Input}[1]{\egroup\begingroup%
+ % \CodeDefIndex\gmd@inputname
+ \edef\gmd@inputname{#1}% we'll use it in some notifications.
+ % \CodeDefIndex\gmd@currentlabel@before
+ \let\gmd@currentlabel@before=\@currentlabel% we store it 'cause
+ % we'll do |\xdef|s of |\@currentlabel| to make proper references
+ % to the line numbers so we want to restore current
+ % |\@currentlabel| after our group.
+ % \CodeUsgIndex\clubpenalty \CodeUsgIndex\widowpenalty
+ \gmd@setclubpenalty% we wrapped the assignment of |\clubpenalty|
+ % in a~macro because we'll repeat it twice more.
+ \@clubpenalty\clubpenalty \widowpenalty=3333 % Most paragraphs of the code will be
+ % one-line most probably and many of the narration, too.\par
+ %\vskip-\stanzaskip
+ % \changes[\DocInput]{v0.95}{06/08/15}{\cs{club-}
+ % and \cs{widowpenalty} set both to 3333}
+ %\CodeUsgIndex\tolerance
+ \tolerance=1000 % as in \docfm.
+ % \CodeUsgIndex\CodeSpacesBlank
+ \if@codespacesblank\CodeSpacesBlank\fi% \label{cspb}The default is
+ % that the code spaces are visible but here this may be cancelled
+ % due to the \cs{co\+de\+spa\+ces\+blank} option.
+ \catcode`\^^M=\active%
+ % \CodeUsgIndex\code@delim
+ \expandafter\@makeother\code@delim%
+ % \CodeUsgIndex\gmd@resetlinecount
+ \gmd@resetlinecount% due to the option |uresetlinecount|
+ % we reset the linenumber counter or do nothing.
+ % \CodeUsgIndex\@beginputhook
+ \@beginputhook% my first use of it is to redefine |\maketitle|
+ % just at this point not globally. \CodeUsgIndex\everypar
+ \everypar=\expandafter{\expandafter\@codetonarrskip\the\everypar}%
+ % \CodeDefine*{^^M}
+ \let^^M=\gmd@textEOL%
+ % \CodeDefIndex\gmd@guardedinput
+ \edef\gmd@guardedinput{%
+ \noexpand\@@input #1\relax% it's true \TeX's
+ % |\input|. \CodeUsgIndex\EOFMark
+ \noexpand\EOFMark% to pretty finish the input, see
+ % line~\ref{eofMark}.\CodeUsgIndex\code@delim
+ \noexpand^^M\code@delim%
+ % \label{guardians}
+ }% we add guardians after
+ % |\input|ing a~file; somehow an error occurred without them.
+ \catcode`\%=9 % for \docfm -compatibility.\label{ignorePercent}
+ \setcounter{CheckSum}{0}% we initialize the counter for the number
+ % of the escape chars (the assignment is |\global|).
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter^^M\gmd@guardedinput%\label{eeeEOL}
+ \par%
+ % \CodeUsgIndex\@endinputhook
+ \@endinputhook% It's a~hook to let postpone
+ % some stuff till the end of input. We use it e.g.\ for the
+ % \docfm-(not)likeliness notifications.
+ \glet\@currentlabel=\gmd@currentlabel@before% we restore
+ % value from before this group. In a~very special case this could
+ % cause unexpected behaviour of crossrefs, but anyway we acted
+ % globally and so acts \pk{hyperref}.
+ \endgroup%
+ }% end of |\Doc@Input|'s definition.
+}% end of |\firstofone|'s argument.
+% So, having the main macro outlined, let's fill in the details.
+% First, define the queer EOL. We define a~macro that |^^M| will be
+% let to. |\gmd@textEOL|
+% will be used also for checking the |%^^M| case (|\@ifnextchar|
+% does |\ifx|).
+% \CodeDefine\gmd@textEOL
+\def\gmd@textEOL{ % a~space just like in normal \TeX. We put it first to
+ % cooperate with \nlpercent|\^^M|'s |\expandafter\ignorespaces|. It's no
+ % problem since a~space | |${}_{10}$ doesn't drive \TeX\ out of
+ % the vmode.
+ \ifhmode\@afternarrgtrue\@codeskipputgfalse\fi% being in
+ % the horizontal mode means we've just typeset some narration so we
+ % turn the respective switches: the one bringing the message `we are
+ % after narration' to True (|@afternarr|) and the `we have put the
+ % code-narration glue' to False (|@codeskipput|). Since we are in
+ % a~verbatim group and the information should be brought outside it,
+ % we switch the switches globally (the letter |g| in both).
+ \@newlinegtrue% to |\refstep| the lines' counter at the proper
+ % point.
+ \@dsdirgtrue% to handle the \ds\ directives.
+ \expandafter\@trimandstore\the\everypar\@trimandstore%we store the
+ % previous value of |\everypar| register to restore it at
+ % a~proper point. See line \ref{@trimandstore} for the details.
+ \begingroup%^^A ##### maybe we prefer to restore the genuine |\par|
+ % ^^A~before the group?
+% ^^A \let\gmd@narrpar\par% we store the possibly redefined |\par| to
+% ^^A~typeset the previous narration appropriately.
+% ^^A \def\par{\gmd@narrpar\let\par\@@par}% the first |\par| will be
+% ^^A~the one brought from the narration but then,
+ \gmd@setclubpenalty% Most paragraphs will be
+ % one-line most probably. Since some sectioning commands may change
+ % \nlpercent|\clubpenalty|, we set it again here and also after this
+ % group.
+ \aftergroup\gmd@setclubpenalty%
+ \let\par\@@par% inside the verbatim group we wish |\par| to be genuine.
+ % \CodeUsgIndex\ttverbatim
+ \ttverbatim% it does |\tt| and makes specials
+ % other or |\active|-and-breakable.
+ \gmd@DoTeXCodeSpace%
+ \@makeother\|% 'cause |\ttverbatim| doesn't do that.
+ \MakePrivateLetters% see line \ref{MPL}.\par
+ \expandafter\@makeother\code@delim% we are
+ % almost sure the code comment char is among the chars having
+ % been \catother ed already. For `almost' see the
+ % \gmiflink[IndexInput]{\cs{IndexInput}} macro's definition.\par
+ % So, we've opened a~verbatim group and want to peek at the next
+ % character. If it's |%|, then we just continue narration, else we
+ % process the leading spaces supposed there are any and, if after
+ % them is a~|%|, we just continue the commentary as in the
+ % previous case or else we typeset the \TeX\ code.
+ \expandafter\@ifnextchar\expandafter{\code@delim}{%\label{ifContNarr}
+ % \CodeUsgIndex\gmd@continuenarration
+ \gmd@continuenarration}{% \CodeUsgIndex\gmd@dolspaces
+ \gmd@dolspaces% it will launch |\gmd@typesettexcode|.
+ }% end of |\@ifnextchar|'s else.
+}% end of |\gmd@textEOL|'s definition.
+\def\gmd@setclubpenalty{\clubpenalty=3333 }
+% \stanza
+% For convenient adding things to the begin- and endinput hooks:
+% \CodeDefine\AtEndInput \CodeDefine\@endinputhook
+% Simili modo
+% \CodeDefine\AtBegInput \CodeDefine\@beginputhook
+% And let's use it instantly to avoid a~disaster while reading in the
+% table of contents.
+% \CodeDefine\tableofcontents
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@@toc
+ \def\tableofcontents{% \label{straighttoc}
+ \@ifQueerEOL{\StraightEOL\gmd@@toc\QueerEOL}{\gmd@@toc}}}
+% As you'll learn from lines \ref{QueerEOL} and \ref{StraightEOL}, we
+% use those two strange declarations to change and restore the very
+% special meaning of the line end. Without such changes
+% |\tableofcontents| would cause a~disaster (it did indeed). And to
+% check the catcode of |^^M| is the r\^ole of |\@ifQueerEOL|:
+% \changes{v0.98a}{06/09/06}{\cs{tableofcontents}, \cs{PrintIndex}
+% and \cs{PrintChanges} modified to work properly in the `queer line
+% ends' environment.}
+% \CodeDefine\@ifQueerEOL
+% \changes{v0.98a}{06/09/06}{added}
+ \ifnum\the\catcode`\^^M=\active \afterelsefi#1\else\afterfi#2\fi}
+% \CodeDefine\AtBegInputOnce The declaration below is useful if you
+% wish to put sth.\ just in the nearest input/included file and no
+% else: at the moment of putting the stuff it will erase it from the
+% hook. You may declare several |\AtBegInputOnce|s, they add up.
+% \changes{v0.98a}{06/09/05}{The counter \cs[]{hook@oncecnt} added
+% to number the self-destructing cs's (thence the hooks add up) and
+% the prefix changed to \cs[]{gmd/AtBI/NeuroOncer}}
+% \changes{v0.98l}{06/10/26}{After the Tiger's suggestion, defining
+% a~unique macro for each use of \* substituted with just one macro in
+% the begin input hook and adding to this macro.}
+%^^A CodeDefine*{hook@oncecnt}
+%^^A CodeDefIndex*\c@hook@oncecnt
+% \CodeDefine\gmd@ABIOnce
+%^^A \stepcounter{hook@oncecnt}%
+%^^A \expandafter\long\expandafter\edef% \CodeUsgIndex*{NeuroOncer}
+%^^A \csname gmd/AtBI/NeuroOncer\the\c@hook@oncecnt\endcsname{%
+%^^A \noexpand\glet\csname gmd/AtBI/NeuroOncer\the\c@hook@oncecnt\endcsname\relax}%
+%^^A \expandafter\addtomacro\csname gmd/AtBI/NeuroOncer\the\c@hook@oncecnt\endcsname{#1}%
+%^^A \expandafter\AtBegInput\csname gmd/AtBI/NeuroOncer\the\c@hook@oncecnt\endcsname
+ \gaddtomacro\gmd@ABIOnce{\g@emptify\gmd@ABIOnce#1}}
+% Many tries of finishing the input cleanly led me to setting the
+% guardians as in line \ref{guardians} and to
+% \CodeDefine\EOFMark
+% \label{eofMark}Other solutions did print the last code delimiter or
+% would require managing a~special case for the macros typesetting
+% \TeX\ code to suppress the last line's numbering etc.
+% If you don't like it, see line \ref{NoEOF}.
+% \stanza
+% Due to the |codespacesblank| option in the line \ref{cspb} we launch
+% the macro defined below to change the meaning of a~\pk{gmdoc}-kernel
+% macro.
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@DoTeXCodeSpace
+\obeyspaces\let =\breakabletwelvespace}%
+% \stanza
+% \CodeDefine\CodeSpacesBlank
+% \changes{v0.98a}{06/09/06}{a~kernel \cs{gmd@verbatimspace} renamed
+% to \cs{gmd@texcodespace} and a~bug fixed.}
+% \CodeUsgIndex\gmobeyspaces
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@texcodespace
+\let\gmd@texcodespace=\ }% the latter |\let| is for the |\if...|s.
+% \CodeDefine\CodeSpacesSmall
+\obeyspaces\def {\,\hskip\z@}}%
+% How the continuing of the narration should look like?
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@continuenarration
+ \endgroup
+ \gmd@countnarrationline% see \gmiflink[countnarr]{below}.
+ \expandafter\@trimandstore\the\everypar\@trimandstore
+ \everypar=\expandafter{\expandafter\@codetonarrskip\the\everypar}%
+ \expandafter\gmd@checkifEOL\@gobble}
+% Simple, isn't it? (We gobble the `other' code delimiter. Despite of
+% |\egroup| it's \catother\ because it was touched by |\futurelet|
+% contained in |\@ifnextchar| in line \ref{ifContNarr}. And in line
+% \ref{ContNarr2} it's been read as \catother. That's why it
+% works in spite of that |%| is of category `ignored'.)
+%\gmhypertarget[countnarr]{Whether} we count the narration lines
+% depends on the option |countalllines| which is off by default.
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@countnarrationline
+ \def\gmd@countnarrationline{%
+ \if@newline
+ \grefstepcounter{codelinenum}\@newlinegfalse% the
+ % |\grefstepcounter| macro, defined in \pk{gmverb}, is a~global
+ % version of |\refstepcounter|, observing the redefinition made
+ % to |\refstepcounter| by \pk{hyperref}.
+ \everypar=\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\@codetonarrskip\the\gmd@preverypar}%^^A
+ % the \cs{hy\+p\+er\+lab\+el\+@\+li\+ne} macro puts
+ % a~hypertarget in a~|\raise| i.e., drives \TeX\ into the
+ % horizontal mode so |\everypar| shall be issued. Therefore we
+ % should restore it.
+ \hyperlabel@line
+ {\LineNumFont\thecodelinenum}\,\ignorespaces
+ \fi}% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@countnarrationline
+ \@emptify\gmd@countnarrationline%
+% And typesetting the \TeX\ code?
+\firstofone{\endgroup% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@typesettexcode
+ \def\gmd@typesettexcode{%
+ \gmd@parfixclosingspace% it's to eat a~space closing the
+ % paragraph, see \gmiflink[closingspace]{below}. It contains
+ % |\par|.
+ %
+ % A~verbatim group has already been opened by \cs{ttverb\+at\+im} and
+ % additional |\catcode|.
+ \everypar={\@@settexcodehangi}% At first attempt we thought
+ % of giving the user a~|\toks| list to insert at the beginning of
+ % every code line, but what for?
+ % \CodeDefine*{^^M}^^A
+ \def^^M{%
+ \@newlinegtrue% to |\refstep| the counter in proper place.
+ \@dsdirgtrue% to handle the \ds\ directives.
+ \global\gmd@closingspacewd=\z@% \label{noclosingspace}we
+ % don't wish to eat a~closing space after a~codeline, 'cause
+ % there isn't any and a~negative rigid |\hskip| added to
+ % |\parfillskip| would produce a~blank line.
+ \ifhmode\par\@codeskipputgfalse\else%
+ \if@codeskipput%
+ \else\addvspace{\stanzaskip}\@codeskipputgtrue%
+ \fi% if we've just met a~blank (code) line, we insert
+ % a~|\stanzaskip| glue.
+ % \label{codeskip}
+ \fi%
+ \prevhmodegfalse% we want to know later that now we are in the
+ % vmode.
+ \@ifnextchar{\gmd@texcodespace}{%
+ \@dsdirgfalse\gmd@dolspaces}{\gmd@charbychar}%
+ }% end of |^^M|'s definition.\label{debug!2}
+ % \CodeDefIndex\gmd@texcodeEOL
+ \let\gmd@texcodeEOL=^^M% for further checks inside |\gmd@charbychar|.
+ \raggedright\leftskip=\CodeIndent%
+ \if@aftercode\gmd@nocodeskip1{iaC}\else\if@afternarr%
+ % ^^A~\def^^C{\showthe\hyphenpenalty\showthe\rightskip}
+ \if@codeskipput\else\gmd@codeskip1\@codeskipputgtrue\@aftercodegfalse\fi%
+ % \label{codeskip3}
+ \else\gmd@nocodeskip1{naN}\fi\fi% if now we are
+ % switching from the narration into the code, we insert a~proper
+ % vertical space.
+ \@aftercodegtrue\@afternarrgfalse%
+ \ifdim\gmd@ldspaceswd>\z@% and here the leading spaces.
+ \leavevmode\@dsdirgfalse%
+ \if@newline\grefstepcounter{codelinenum}\@newlinegfalse%
+ \fi%
+ \printlinenumber% if we don't want the lines to be numbered,
+ % the respective option \nlpercent|\let|s this CS to |\relax|.
+ \hyperlabel@line%
+ \mark@envir% index and/or marginize an environment if there is
+ % some to be done so, see line \ref{mark@envir}.
+ \hskip\gmd@ldspaceswd%
+ \advance\hangindent by\gmd@ldspaceswd%
+ \xdef\settexcodehangi{%
+ \noexpand\hangindent=\the\hangindent% and also set the
+ % hanging indent setting for the same line comment case. BTW.,
+ % this |%| or rather lack of it costed me five hours of
+ % debugging and rewriting. Active lineends require extreme
+ % caution.
+ \noexpand\hangafter=1\space}%^^A~\noexpand\relax
+ \else%
+ \glet\settexcodehangi=\@@settexcodehangi%\\
+ %|%| |\printlinenumber| here produced line numbers for blank lines
+ % which is what we don't want.
+ \fi% of |\ifdim|
+ \gmd@ldspaceswd=\z@%
+ \prevhmodegfalse% we have done |\par| so we are not in the
+ % hmode.
+ \@aftercodegtrue% we want to know later that now we are
+ % typesetting a~codeline.
+ \gmd@charbychar% we'll eat the code char by char to scan all the
+ % macros and thus to deal properly with the case |\%| in which the
+ % |%| will be scanned and won't
+ % launch closing of the verbatim group.
+ }%
+}% end of |\gmd@typesettexcode|'s definitions's group's |\firstofone|.
+% \stanza
+% Now let's deal with the leading spaces once forever. We wish not to
+% typeset | |s but to add the width of every leading space to the
+% paragraph's indent and to the hanging indent, but only if there'll
+% be any code character not being |%| in this line (e.g., the end of
+% line). If there'll be only |%|, we want just to continue the comment
+% or start a~new one. (We don't have to worry about whether we should
+% |\par| or not.)
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@spacewd
+\newlength\gmd@spacewd% to store the width of a~(leading)
+% | |\catother.
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@ldspaceswd
+\newlength\gmd@ldspaceswd% to store total length of gobbled leading
+ %spaces.
+% It costed me some time to reach that in my verbatim scope a~space
+% isn't \catother\ but \catactive, namely |\let| to
+% |\breakabletwelvespace|.
+% So let us |\let| for future:
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@texcodespace
+% And now let's try to deal with those spaces.
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@dolspaces
+ \ifx\gmd@texcodespace\@let@token
+ \@dsdirgfalse
+ \afterelsefi\settowidth{\gmd@spacewd}{\twelvespace}%
+ \gmd@ldspaceswd=\z@
+ \gmd@eatlspace%
+ \else\afterfi% about this smart macro and other of its family see
+ % \pk{gmutils} sec.\,3.
+ \par\gmd@typesettexcode
+ \fi}
+% And now, the iterating inner macro that'll eat the leading spaces.
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@eatlspace
+ \ifx\gmd@texcodespace#1%
+ \advance\gmd@ldspaceswd by\gmd@spacewd% we don't
+ % |\advance| it |\global|ly 'cause the current group may be closed
+ % iff we meet |%| and then we'll won't indent the line anyway.
+ \afterelseiffifi\gmd@eatlspace
+ \else
+ \if\code@delim\noexpand#1%
+ \gmd@ldspaceswd=\z@
+ \gmd@continuenarration#1%\label{ContNarr2}
+ \else \afterfifi\gmd@typesettexcode#1%
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+% We want to know whether we were in hmode before reading current
+% |\code@delim|. We'll need to switch the switch globally.
+% \CodeDefine\ifprevhmode \CodeDefine*\prevhmodegtrue
+% \CodeDefine*\prevhmodegfalse
+% \addvspace\medskipamount
+% And the main iterating inner macro which eats every single char of
+% verbatim text to check the end. The case |\%| should be excluded
+% and it is indeed.
+% \CodeDefine*\gmd@charbychar
+ \ifhmode\prevhmodegtrue
+ \else\prevhmodegfalse\fi
+ \if\code@delim\noexpand#1%
+ \afterelseiffifi\gmd@percenthack% to typeset |%| if a~comment
+ % continues the~codeline.
+ \endgroup%
+ \gmd@checkifEOLmixd% to see if next is |^^M| and then do |\par|.
+ \else% i.e., we've not met the code delimiter
+ \if\code@escape@char\noexpand#1%
+ \@dsdirgfalse% yes, just here not before the whole |\if| because
+ % then we would discard checking for \ds\ directives doable by
+ % the active |%| at the `old macrocode' setting.
+ \afterelsefifi\gmd@counttheline#1\scan@macro
+ \else
+ \afterfifi\gmd@EOLorcharbychar#1%
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% One more inner macro because |^^M| in \TeX\ code wants to peek at the
+% next char and possibly launch |\gmd@charbychar|. We deal with
+% counting the lines thorougly. Increasing the counter is divided into
+% cases and it's very low level in one case because |\refstepcounter| and
+% |\stepcounter| added some stuff that caused blank lines, at
+% least with \pk {hyperref} package loaded.
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@EOLorcharbychar
+ \ifx\gmd@texcodeEOL#1%
+ \if@newline
+ \if@countalllines\global\advance\c@codelinenum by\@ne
+ \@newlinegfalse\fi
+ \fi
+ \afterelsefi#1%\label{printhashone1}here we print |#1|.
+ \else% i.e., |#1| is \emph{not} a~(very active) line end,
+ \afterfi
+ \gmd@counttheline#1\gmd@charbychar% \label{printhashone2}or here
+ % we print |#1|. Here we would also possibly mark an environment
+ % but there's no need of it because declaring an environment to
+ % be marked requires a~bit of commentary and here we are after
+ % a~code |^^M| with no commentary.
+ \fi}
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@counttheline
+ \ifvmode
+ \if@newline
+ \grefstepcounter{codelinenum}\@newlinegfalse
+ \hyperlabel@line
+ \fi
+ \printlinenumber
+ \mark@envir
+ \else
+ \if@newline
+ \grefstepcounter{codelinenum}\@newlinegfalse
+ \hyperlabel@line
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% If before reading current |%| char we were in horizontal mode, then
+% we wish to print |%| (or another code delimiter).
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@percenthack
+ \ifprevhmode\code@delim\aftergroup\space% We add a~space after |%|,
+ % 'cause I~think it looks better. It's done |\aftergroup| to make
+ % the spaces possible after the |%| not to be
+ % typeset.
+ \else\aftergroup\gmd@narrcheckifds@ne% remember that
+ % \cs{gmd\-@\-pre\-cent\-hack} is only called when we've the code
+ % delimiter and soon we'll close the verbatim group and right after
+ % |\endgroup| there waits |\gmd@checkifEOLmixd|.
+ \fi}
+\def\gmd@narrcheckifds@ne#1{%^^A\typeout{narr@ne if ds \on@line}%
+ \@dsdirgfalse\@ifnextchar<{%
+ \expandafter\gmd@docstripdirective\@gobble}{#1}}
+% The macro below is used to look for the |%^^M| case to make
+% a~commented blank line make a~new paragraph.
+% Long searched and very simple at last.
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@checkifEOL
+ \gmd@countnarrationline
+ \everypar=\expandafter{\expandafter\@codetonarrskip% we add the
+ % macro that'll insert a~vertical space if we leave the code and
+ % enter the narration.
+ \the\gmd@preverypar}%
+ \@ifnextchar{\gmd@textEOL}{%
+ \@dsdirgfalse\par\ignorespaces}{\gmd@narrcheckifds}}%
+% We check if it's |%<|, a~\ds\ directive that is.
+\def\gmd@narrcheckifds{%^^A\typeout{narr if ds \on@line}%
+ \@dsdirgfalse\@ifnextchar<{%
+ \expandafter\gmd@docstripdirective\@gobble}{\ignorespaces}}
+% In the `mixed' line case it should be a~bit more complex, though. On
+% the other hand, there's no need to checking for \ds\ directives.
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@checkifEOLmixd
+ \gmd@countnarrationline
+ \everypar=\expandafter{\expandafter\@codetonarrskip\the\gmd@preverypar}%
+ %
+ % \label{longlinethatshouldbebroken}
+ \@afternarrgfalse\@aftercodegtrue
+ \ifhmode\@codeskipputgfalse\fi
+ \@ifnextchar{\gmd@textEOL}{%
+ {\raggedright\gmd@endpe\par}% without |\raggedright| this |\par|
+ % would be justified which is not appropriate for a~long codeline
+ % that should be broken, e.g., \ref{longlinethatshouldbebroken}.
+ \prevhmodegfalse
+ \gmd@endpe\ignorespaces}{%
+ % If a~codeline ends with |%|
+ % (|prevhmode|${}=={}$True) first |\gmd@endpe| sets the parameters
+ % at the \TeX\ code values and |\par| closes a~paragraph and the
+ % latter |\gmd@endpe| sets the parameters at the narration values.
+ % In the other case both |\gmd@endpe|s do the same
+ % and |\par| between them does nothing.
+ % \CodeDefIndex\par
+ \def\par{%
+ \ifhmode% (I~added this |\ifhmode| as a~result of a~heavy
+ % debug.)
+%^^A \typeout{par of 1766 in hmode \on@line}%
+ \@@par
+ \if@afternarr
+ \if@aftercode
+ \if@codeskipput\else\gmd@codeskip2\@aftercodegfalse\@codeskipputgtrue\fi
+ %\label{codeskip4}
+ \else\gmd@nocodeskip2{naC}%
+ \fi
+ \else\gmd@nocodeskip2{naN}%
+ \fi
+ \prevhmodegfalse\gmd@endpe% when taken out of |\ifhmode|, this
+ % line caused some codeline numbers were typeset with
+ % |\leftskip|${}=0$.
+ \everypar=\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\@codetonarrskip\the\gmd@preverypar}%
+ \let\par\@@par%
+%^^A else
+%^^A \typeout{par of 1766 in NOT hmode \on@line}%
+ \fi}%
+ \gmd@endpe\ignorespaces}}
+% As we announced, we play with |\leftskip| inside the verbatim
+% group and therefore we wish to restore normal |\leftskip| when back to
+% normal text i.e.\ the commentary. But, if normal text starts in the
+% same line as the code, then we still wish to indent such a~line.
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@endpe
+ \ifprevhmode
+ \settexcodehangi%\unskip ndent
+ \leftskip=\CodeIndent
+%^^A \typeout{gmd@endpe in prevhmode \on@line}%
+ \else
+ \leftskip=\TextIndent
+ \hangindent=\z@
+ \everypar=\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\@codetonarrskip\the\gmd@preverypar}%
+%^^A \typeout{gmd@endpe in not prevhmode \on@line}%
+ \fi}
+% \subdivision{Numbering (or Not) of the Lines}
+% Maybe you want codelines to be numbered and maybe you want to
+% reset the counter within sections.
+\if@uresetlinecount% with |uresetlinecount| option\dots
+ \@relaxen\gmd@resetlinecount% \dots\ we turn
+ % resetting the counter by \cs{Doc\+In\+put} off\dots
+ \newcommand*\resetlinecountwith[1]{%
+ % \CodeDefIndex*\c@codelinenum
+ \newcounter{codelinenum}[#1]}% \dots\ and provide a~new
+ % declaration of the counter.
+\else% With the option turned off\dots \CodeDefine*{DocInputsCount}
+ \newcounter{DocInputsCount}% \CodeDefine*{codelinenum}
+ \newcounter{codelinenum}[DocInputsCount]% \dots\ we declare the
+ % |\DocInput|s' number counter andthe codeline counter
+ % to be reset with stepping of it.
+ % \changes[\c@DocInputsCount]{v0.98c}{06/9/8}{added for fixing
+ % duplication of \pk{hyperref} labels in the case of a~multiple
+ % \cs{DocInput}}
+ % \CodeDefine\gmd@resetlinecount
+ \newcommand*\gmd@resetlinecount{\stepcounter{DocInputsCount}}% \dots
+ % and let the |\DocInput| increment the |\DocInput|s number count
+ % and thus reset the codeline count. It's for unique naming of the
+ % \pk{hyperref} labels.
+% Let's define printing the line number as we did in \pk{gmvb}
+% package.
+% \CodeDefIndex\printlinenumber
+ \leavevmode\llap{\rlap{\LineNumFont$\phantom{999}$\llap{\thecodelinenum}}%
+ \hskip\leftskip}}
+% \CodeDefine\LineNumFont
+% \CodeDefIndex\hyperlabel@line
+ \if@pageindex% It's good to be able to switch it any time not just
+ % define it once according to the value of the switch set by the
+ % option.
+ \else
+ \raisebox{2ex}[1ex][\z@]{\gmhypertarget[clnum.%
+ \HLPrefix\arabic{codelinenum}]{}}%
+ \fi}
+% \subdivision{Spacing with \cs{everypar}}
+% Last but not least, let's define the macro inserting a~vertical space
+% between the code and the narration. Its parameter is
+% a~\gmhypertarget[relic parameter]{relic} of a~very heavy debug of
+% the automatic vspacing mechanism. Let it remain at least until this
+% package is 2.0 version. \CodeDefIndex\gmd@codeskip
+% Sometimes we add the |\CodeTopsep| vertical space in
+% |\everypar|. When this happens, first we remove the |\parindent|
+% empty box, but this doesn't reverse putting |\parskip| to the main
+% vertical list. And if |\parskip| is put, |\addvspace| shall see it
+% not the `true' last skip. \Describe*{@codeskipput}Therefore we need
+% a~Boolean switch to keep the knowledge of putting similar vskip
+% before |\parskip|.
+% \CodeDefine\if@codeskipput \CodeDefIndex*\@codeskipputgtrue
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@codeskipputgfalse \CodeDefIndex*{@codeskipput}
+% The below is another relic of the heavy debug of the automatic
+% vspacing. Let's give it the same removal clause as
+% \gmiflink[relic parameter]{above}.
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@nocodeskip
+% And here is how the two relic macros looked like during the
+% debug. As you see, they are disabled by a~false |\if| (look at it
+% closely ;-).
+\if1 1
+ \renewcommand*\gmd@codeskip[1]{%
+ \hbox{\rule{1cm}{3pt} #1!!!}}
+ \renewcommand*\gmd@nocodeskip[2]{%
+ \hbox{\rule{1cm}{0.5pt} #1: #2 }}
+% We'll wish to execute |\gmd@codeskip| wherever a~codeline (possibly with
+% an inline comment) is followed by a~homogenic comment line or
+% reverse. Let us dedicate a~Boolean switch to this then.
+% \CodeDefine\if@aftercode \CodeDefine*\@aftercodegtrue
+% \CodeDefine*\@aftercodegfalse
+% This switch will be set true in the moments when we are able to
+% switch from the \TeX\ code into the narration and the below one when
+% we are able to switch reversely.
+% \CodeDefine\if@afternarr \CodeDefine*\@afternarrgtrue
+% \CodeDefine*\@afternarrgfalse
+% To insert vertical glue between the \TeX\ code and the narration
+% we'll be playing with |\everypar|. More precisely, we'll add a~macro
+% that the |\parindent| box shall move and the glue shall put.
+% \CodeDefine\@codetonarrskip
+ \if@codeskipput\else
+ \if@afternarr\gmd@nocodeskip4{iaN}\else
+ \if@aftercode
+% We are at the beginning of |\everypar|, i.e., \TeX\ has just entered
+% the hmode and put the |\parindent| box. Let's remove it then.
+ {\setbox0=\lastbox}%
+% Now we can put the vertical space and state we are not `aftercode'.
+ \gmd@codeskip4\@codeskipputgtrue
+ %\label{codeskip5}
+ \leftskip\TextIndent% this line is a~patch against
+ % a~bug-or-feature that in certain cases the narration |\leftskip|
+ % is left equal the code leftskip. (It happens when there're
+ % subsequent code lines after an inline comment not ended with
+ % an explicit |\par|.)
+ \else\gmd@nocodeskip4{naC}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi
+ \fi\@aftercodegfalse}
+% But we play with |\everypar| for other reasons too, and while restoring it,
+% we don't want to add the |\@codetonarrskip| macro infinitely many
+% times. So let us define a~macro that'll check if |\everypar| begins
+% with |\@codetonarrskip| and trim it if so. We'll use this macro with
+% proper |\expandafter|ing in order to give it the contents of
+% |\everypar|. The work should be done in two steps first of which
+% will be checking whether |\everypar| is nonempty (we can't have two
+% delimited parameters for a~macro: if we define a~two-parameter
+% macro, the first is undelimited so it has to be nonempty; it costed
+% me some one hour to understand it).
+% \CodeDefine\@trimandstore
+% \CodeDefIndex\@trimandstore@hash
+ \def\@trimandstore@hash{#1}%
+ \ifx\@trimandstore@hash\@empty% we check if |#1| is
+ % nonempty. The |\if|\nlpercent*|\relax#1\relax| trick is not
+ % recommended here because using it we couldn't avoid expanding |#1|
+ % if it'd be expandable.
+ \gmd@preverypar={}%
+ \else
+ \afterfi\expandafter\@trimandstore@ne\the\everypar\@trimandstore
+ \fi}
+% \CodeDefIndex\@trimandstore@ne
+ \def\trimmed@everypar{#2}%
+ \ifx\@codetonarrskip#1%
+ \gmd@preverypar=\expandafter{\trimmed@everypar}%
+ \else
+ \gmd@preverypar=\expandafter{\the\everypar}%
+ \fi}
+% We prefer not to repeat |#1| and |#2| within the |\if|s and we even
+% define an auxiliary macro because |\everypar| may contain some
+% |\if|s or |\fi|s.
+% \subdivision[Life Among Queer EOLs]{Life Among Queer \gmhypertarget[afc]{EOLs}}
+% When I~showed this package to my \TeX\ Guru he commended it and
+% immediately pointed some disadvantages in the comparison with the
+% \docfm\ package.
+% One of them was an expected difficulty of breaking a~moving argument
+% (e.g., of a~sectioning macro) in two lines. To work it around let's
+% define a~line-end eater:
+\catcode`\^^B=\active% note we re|\catcode| \<char2> globally, for the
+% entire document.
+\firstofone{\egroup% \CodeDefIndex\QueerCharTwo \CodeDefine*{^^B}
+ \def\QueerCharTwo{\long\def^^B##1^^M{\ignorespaces}}}
+\AtBegInput{\@ifQueerEOL{\catcode`\^^B\active}{}\QueerCharTwo}% \label{QCh2}
+% We repeat redefinition of \<char2> at begin of the documenting
+% input, because \pk{doc.dtx} suggests that some packages (namely
+% \pk{inputenc}) may re|\catcode| such unusual characters.
+% \changes{v0.98d}{06/9/11}{re\cs{catcode}ing and defining
+% \cs{char1} and \cs{char2} added atto begin doc input}
+% \stanza
+% As you see the |^^B| active char is defined to gobble everything
+% since itself till the end of line and the very end of line. This is
+% intended for harmless continuing a~line. The price is affecting the
+% line numbering when |countalllines| option is enabled.
+% I~also liked the \docfm's idea of comment${}^2$ i.e., the
+% possibility of marking some text so that it doesn't appear nor in the
+% working version neither in the documentation, got by making
+% |^^A| (i.e., \<char1>) a~comment char.
+% However, in this package such a~trick would work another way: here
+% the line ends are active, a~comment char would disable them and that
+% would cause disasters. So let's do it an |\active| way.
+\catcode`\^^A=\active% note we re|\catcode| \<char1> globally, for the
+% entire document.
+\firstofone{\egroup% \CodeDefIndex\QueerCharOne \CodeDefine*{^^A}
+ \def\QueerCharOne{\long\def^^A##1^^M{\ignorespaces^^M}}}
+\AtBegInput{\@ifQueerEOL{\catcode`\^^A\active}\QueerCharOne}% see note
+% after line \ref{QCh2}.
+% As I~suggested in the users' guide, |\StraightEOL| and |\QueerEOL| are
+% intended to cooperate in harmony for the user's good. They take care
+% not only of redefining the line end but also these little things
+% related to it.
+% One usefulness of |\StraightEOL| is allowing linebreaking of the
+% command arguments. Another making possible executing some code lines
+% during the documentation pass.
+% \changes{v0.98b}{06/09/07}{\cs{QueerM} and \cs{StraightM} renamed
+% to \cs{QueerEOL} and \cs{StraightEOL} and other (internal) macros
+% ending with \cs[]{M}}
+% \CodeDefine\StraightEOL
+ \catcode`\^^M=5\relax
+ \catcode`\^^A=14\relax
+ \catcode`\^^B=14\relax
+ \def\^^M{\ }}
+% \CodeDefine\QueerEOL
+ \catcode`\^^M=\active
+ \catcode`\^^A=\active
+ \catcode`\^^B=\active% I~only re|\catcode| \<char1> and \<char2>
+ % hoping no one but me is \emph{that} perverse to make them
+ % |\active| and (re)define. (Let me know if I'm wrong at this point.)
+ \let\^^M=\gmd@bslashEOL}
+% \iffalse
+% They won't work in \verb+|verbatim|+ scopes but the clubs redefine
+% the active lineend to be a~breakable (and visible) space, so
+% breaking a~`clubbed' text in two lines will not cause a~disaster but
+% you get e.g., |...^^B %...|.
+% \fi
+% \gmhypertarget[closingspace]{To make} |^^M| behave more like a~`normal'
+% lineend I~command it to add a~| |${}\subs{10}$ at first. It works
+% but has one uwelcome feature: if the line has nearly |\textwidth|,
+% this closing space may cause line breaking and setting a~blank line.
+% To fix this I~|\advance| the |\parfillskip|:
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@parfixclosingspace
+ \advance\parfillskip by-\gmd@closingspacewd\par}}
+% We'll put it in a~group surrounding |\par| but we need to check if
+% this |\par| is executed after narration or after the code,
+% i.e., whether the closing space was added or not.
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@closingspacewd
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@setclosingspacewd
+ \global\gmd@closingspacewd=\fontdimen2\font%
+ plus\fontdimen3\font minus\fontdimen4\font\relax}
+% See also line \ref{noclosingspace} to see what we do in the codeline
+% case when no closing space is added.
+% And one more detail:
+\firstofone{\egroup% \CodeDefIndex*{\^^M}
+ \def\^^M{\ \expandafter\ignorespaces^^M}}
+% To make |\^^M| behave properly. If this definition was ommitted, it
+% would just expand to |\ | and thus not gobble the leading |%| of the
+% next line leave alone typesetting the \TeX\ code. I~type |\ | etc.
+% instead of just |^^M| which adds a~space itself because I~take
+% account of a~possibility of redefining the |\ | CS by the user, just
+% like in normal \TeX.
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@bslashEOL
+% We'll need it for restoring queer definitions for \docfm-compatibility.
+% \subdivision{Adjustment of \env{verbatim} and \cs{verb}}
+% To make \env{verbatim(*)} typeset its contents with the \TeX\ code's
+% indentation:
+% \CodeDefIndex\@verbatim
+% And a~one more little definition to accomodate |\verb| and pals for the
+% lines commented out.
+% \CodeDefIndex\check@percent
+ \expandafter\ifx\code@delim#1\else\afterfi#1\fi}}
+% We also redefine \pk{gmverb}'s |\AddtoPrivateOthers| that has been
+% provided just with \pk{gmdoc}'s need in mind.
+% \CodeDefine\AddtoPrivateOthers
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\doprivateothers\expandafter{%
+ \doprivateothers\do#1}}%
+% We also redefine an internal |\verb|'s macro |\gm@verb@eol| to put a~proper
+% line end if a~line end char is met in a~short verbatim: we have to
+% check if we are in `queer' or `straight' EOLs area.
+\obeylines% \CodeDefIndex\gm@verb@eol
+ \def^^M{\verb@egroup\@latex@error{%
+ \noexpand\verb ended by end of line}%
+ \@ifQueerEOL{\gmd@textEOL}{\@ehc}}}}%
+% \subdivision{Macros for Marking The Macros}
+% A~great inspiration for this part was the \docfm\ package again.
+% I~take some macros from it, and some tasks I~solve a~different way,
+% e.g., the |\| (or another escapechar) is not active, because anyway
+% all the chars of code are scanned one by one. And exclusions from
+% indexing are supported not with a~list stored as |\toks| register
+% but with separate control sequences for each excluded CS.
+% \stanza
+% The \docfm\ package shows a~very general approach to the indexing
+% issue. It assumes using a~special MakeIndex style and doesn't use
+% explicit MakeIndex controls but provides specific macros to hide
+% them. But here in \pk{gmdoc} we prefer no special style for the
+% index.
+% \CodeDefine\actualchar \CodeDefine\quotechar \CodeDefine\encapchar
+% \CodeDefine\levelchar
+% \changes[\actualchar]{v0.98e}{06/09/23}{a~bug fix: making the
+% \cs[]{@} \protect\catother\space again}
+\edef\actualchar{\string @}
+% However, for the glossary, i.e., the change history, a~special style
+% is required, e.g., \pk{}, and the above macros are
+% redefined by the |\changes| command due to \pk{} and
+% \pk{} settings.
+% Moreover, if you insist on using a~special MakeIndex style, you may
+% redefine the above four macros in the preamble. The |\edef|s that
+% process them further are postponed till |\begin{document}|.
+% \CodeDefine\CodeEscapeChar \CodeDefine\code@escape@char
+ \begingroup
+ \escapechar\m@ne
+ \xdef\code@escape@char{\string#1}%
+ \endgroup}
+% As you see, to make a~proper use of this macro you should give it
+% the~|\|\<char> CS as an argument. It's an invariant assertion that
+% |\code@escape@char| stores `other' version of the code layer
+% escape char.
+% \CodeUsgIndex\CodeEscapeChar
+% As mentioned in \docfm, someone may have some chars \catletter ed.
+ % \CodeDefine\MakePrivateLetters
+ \def\MakePrivateLetters{\makeatletter\catcode`\*=11 }}{}
+% A~tradition seems to exist to write about e.g., `command |\section| and
+% command |\section*|' and such an uderstanding also of `macro' is
+% noticeable in \docfm. Making the |*| a~letter solves the problem of
+% scanning starred commands.
+% \stanza
+% And you may wish some special chars to be \catother.
+% \CodeDefine\MakePrivateOthers
+\def\MakePrivateOthers{\let\do=\@makeother \doprivateothers}
+% This macro we use to re|\catcode| the space for marking the
+% environments' names and the caret for marking chars such as |^^M|, see
+% line \ref{TextUsage}. So let's define the list:
+% \CodeDefine\doprivateothers
+\def\doprivateothers{\do\ \do\^}
+% Two chars for the beginning, and also the |\MakeShortVerb| command
+% shall this list enlarge with the char(s) declared.
+% (There's no need to add the backslash to this list since all the
+% relevant commands |\string| their argument whatever it is.)
+% \changes{v0.98c}{06/9/9}{\cs{} removed from \cs{doprivateothers}
+% list and \cs{string} added instead to commands that process the
+% `environments' names;}
+% Now the main macro indexing a~macro's name. It would be a~verbatim
+% :-) copy of the \docfm 's one if I~didn't ommit some lines
+% irrelevant with my approach.
+% \CodeDefine\scan@macro
+\def\scan@macro#1{% we are sure to scan at least one token and
+ % therefore we define this macro as one-parameter.\par
+% Unlike in \docfm , here we have the escape char \catother\ so we
+% may just have it printed during main scan char by char, i.e., in the
+% lines \ref{printhashone1} and \ref{printhashone2}.\par
+% So, we step the checksum counter first,
+ \step@checksum% \label{checksumUse}(see line \ref{checksum} for
+ % details),\par
+ % Then, unlike in \docfm , we do \emph{not} check if the scanning is
+ % allowed, because here it's always allowed and required.\par
+ % Of course, I~can imagine horrible perversities, but I~don't think
+ % they should really be taken into account. Giving the letter |a|
+ % |\catcode| other than \catletter\ surely would be one of those
+ % perversities. Therefore I~feel safe to take the character |a| as
+ % a~benchmark letter.
+ \ifcat a\noexpand#1%
+ \quote@char#1%
+ \xdef\macro@iname{\maybe@quote#1}% global for symmetry with
+ % line \ref{x123}.
+ \xdef\macro@pname{\string#1}%\label{stringing0} we'll print entire
+ % name of the macro later.\par
+ % We |\string| it here and in the lines \ref{stringing1} and
+ % \ref{stringing2} to be sure it is whole \catother\ for easy
+ % testing for special indexentry formats, see line
+ % \ref{pnametestDef} etc.
+ \afterelsefi\@ifnextcat{a}{\continue@macroscan}{\finish@macroscan}%
+ \else% |#1| is not a~letter, so we have just scanned a~one-char
+ % CS.\par
+ % Another reasonable |\catcode|s assumption seems to be that the
+ % digits are \catother. Then we don't have to
+ % type (|%|)|\expandafter\@gobble\string\a|. We do the |\uccode|
+ % trick to be sure that the char we write as the macro's name is
+ % \catother.
+ {\uccode`9=`#1%
+ \uppercase{\xdef\macro@iname{9}}%
+ }%\label{x123}
+ \quote@char#1%
+ \xdef\macro@iname{\maybe@quote\macro@iname}%
+ \xdef\macro@pname{\xiistring#1}%\label{stringing1}
+ \afterfi \finish@macroscan
+ \fi}
+% This is the end\dots\ beautiful friend, the end\dots\ of
+% |\scan@macro|'s |\def| the end\dots\
+% The |\xiistring| macro, provided by \pk{gmutils}, is used instead of
+% original |\string| because we wish to get the space \catother.
+% \stanza
+% Now, let's explain some details, i.e., let's define them. We call
+% the following macro having known |#1| to be \catletter.
+% \CodeDefIndex\continue@macroscan
+ \quote@char#1%
+ \xdef\macro@iname{\macro@iname \maybe@quote#1}%
+ \xdef\macro@pname{\macro@pname \string#1}%\label{stringing2}
+ \@ifnextcat{a}{\continue@macroscan}{\finish@macroscan}%
+% The |\@ifnextcat| macro is defined analogously to |\@ifnextchar| but
+% the test done by it is not |\ifx| but |\ifcat|.
+% \CodeDefIndex\quote@char
+\def\quote@char#1{{\uccode`9=`#1% at first I~took digit 1 for this
+ % |\uccode|ing but then |#1| meant |#|\<\#1> in |\uppercase|'s
+ % argument, of course.
+ \uppercase{%
+ \@ifismember 9\of \indexcontrols\glet\maybe@quote\quotechar%
+ \else\g@emptify\maybe@quote%
+ \fi}%
+ }}
+% And now let's take care of the MakeIndex control characters. We'll
+% define a~list of them to check whether we should quote a~char or
+% not. But we'll do it at |\begin{document}| to allow the user to use
+% some special MakeIndex style and in such a~case to redefine the four
+% MakeIndex controls' macros. We enrich this list with the backslash
+% because sometimes MakeIndex didn't like it unquoted.
+% \CodeDefine\indexcontrols
+% \changes{v0.98d}{06/9/15}{relativized to the index control macros:
+% previously the controls were given explicitly as the standard ones.}
+ \bslash\levelchar\encapchar\actualchar\quotechar}}
+ % \CodeDefine\@ifismember
+ \long\def \@ifismember#1\of#2{%
+ \long\def\in@@##1#1##2\in@@{%
+ \if\noexpand^^A##2\noexpand^^A\afterelsefi\gmd@@iffalse
+ \else\afterfi\gmd@@iftrue
+ \fi}%
+ \expandafter\in@@#2#1\in@@}%
+% To hide the Booleans from \TeX\ in some contexts define
+% \CodeDefine\gmd@@iftrue \CodeDefine\gmd@@iffalse
+% A~try to |\let| instead of |\def| resulted with the `incomplete if'
+% error: \TeX\ looks at the meanings not the names while counting
+% |\if|s.
+% A~word of commentary. \docfm\ in another situation solves the
+% problem of checking similar way, but a~little more complexely. On
+% the other hand, \docfm 's solution is more general: here a~trouble
+% may arise if the list begins with |^^A|. It seems little possible to
+% me, though. Btw., this macro is used only for catching chars that are
+% MakeIndex's controls so far. How does it work?
+% |\quote@char| sort of re|\catcode|s its argument through the
+% |\uccode| trick: assigns the argument as the uppercase code of the
+% digit 9 and does further work in the |\uppercase|'s scope so the
+% digit 9 (a~benchmark `other') is substituted by |#1| but the
+% |\catcode| remains so thus the |\@ifismember| macro gets
+% |\quote@char|'s |#1| `other'ed as the first argument.
+% |\@ifismember| is defined to take two parameters separated by |\of|.
+% In |\quote@char| the second argument for it is |\indexcontrols|
+% defined as the (expanded) sequence of the MakeIndex controls.
+% |\@ifismember| defines its inner macro |\in@@| to take two
+% parameters separated by the first and the second |\@ifismember|'s
+% parameter, which are here the char investigated by |\quote@char| and
+% the |\indexcontrols| list. The inner macro's parameter string is
+% delimited by the macro itself, why not. |\in@@| is put before
+% a~string consisting of |\@ifismember|'s second and first parameters
+% (in such a~reversed order) and |\in@@| itself. In such a~sequence it
+% looks for something fitting its parameter pattern. |\in@@| is sure
+% to find the parameters delimiter (|\in@@| itself) and the separator,
+% |\ifismember|'s |#1| i.e., the investigated char, because they are
+% just there. But the investigated char may be found not near the end,
+% where we put it, but among the MakeIndex controls' list. Then the
+% rest of this list and |\ifismember|'s |#1| put by us become the
+% secong argument of |\in@@|. What |\in@@| does with its arguments, is
+% just a~check whether the second one is empty. This may happen \emph{iff}
+% the investigated char hasn't been found among the MakeIndex controls'
+% list and then |\in@@| shall expand to |\iffalse|, otherwise it'll
+% expand to |\iftrue|. (The |\after...| macros are employed not to
+% (mis)match just got |\if...| with the test's |\fi|.) ``(Deep
+% breath.) You got that?'' If not, try \docfm 's explanation of
+% |\ifnot@excluded|, pp.\,36--37 of the v2.1b dated 2004/02/09
+% documentation, where a~similar construction is attributed to Michael
+% Spivak.
+% \CodeDefIndex\finish@macroscan
+ % We have the macro's name for indexing in |\macro@iname| and
+ % for print in |\macro@pname|. So we index it. We do it a~bit
+ % countercrank way because we wish to use more general indexing
+ % macro.
+ \if\verbatimchar\macro@pname% it's important that |\verbatimchar| comes before the macro's
+ % name: when it was reverse, the |\tt| CS turned this test true
+ % and left the |\verbatimchar| what resulted with `|\+tt|'
+ % typeset. Note that this test should turn true iff the scanned
+ % macro name shows to be the default |\verb|'s delimiter. In such
+ % a~case we give |\verb| another delimiter, namely |$|:
+ \def\im@firstpar{[$]}%^^A$
+ \else\def\im@firstpar{}\fi
+ \expandafter \index@macro\im@firstpar\macro@iname\macro@pname
+ \maybe@marginpar\macro@pname
+ \macro@pname
+ \gmd@charbychar
+% Now, the~macro that checks whether the just scanned macro should be
+% put into a~marginpar: it checks the meaning of a~very special CS:
+% whose name consists of |gmd/2marpar/| and of the examined macro's
+% name.
+% \CodeDefIndex\maybe@marginpar
+ %^^A\ifx#1\mname@tomarginpar
+ \@ifundefined{gmd/2marpar/#1}{}{%
+ \expandafter\Text@Marginize\expandafter{\bslash#1}% |\expandafter|s
+ % \possfil'cause the |\Text@Marginize| command applies |\string| to its
+ % argument. \nlpercent |\macro@pname|, which will be the only possible
+ % argument to
+ % \cs{may\+be\+@mar\+g\+in\+par},
+ % contains the macro's name
+ % without the escapechar so we added it here.
+ % ^^A\gdef\mname@tomarginpar{}
+ \expandafter\g@relaxen\csname gmd/2marpar/#1\endcsname% we reset the switch.
+ }}
+% The inner macro indexing macro. |#1| is the |\verb|'s delimiter;
+% |#2| is assumed to be the macro's name with MakeIndex-control chars
+% quoted. |#3| is a~macro storing the \catother\ macro's name, usually
+% |\macro@pname|, built with |\string|ing every char in lines ^^A
+% \ref{stringing0}, \ref{stringing1} and \ref{stringing2}. |#3| is
+% used only to test if the entry should be specially formatted.
+% \changes{v0.98}{06/09/05}{Indexing the codelines improved to sort
+% with account of the \cs{filesep} (\cs{HLPrefix})}
+% \CodeDefine\index@macro
+ \@ifundefined{gmd/iexcl/#3}%\label{iexcltest}
+ {% |#3| is not excluded from index
+ \@ifundefined{gmd/defentry/#3}% \label{pnametestDef}
+ {% |#3| is not def entry
+ \@ifundefined{gmd/usgentry/#3}%\label{pnametestUsg}
+ {% |#3| is not usg entry
+ \edef\kind@fentry{\CommonEntryCmd}}%\label{CECmd}
+ {% |#3| is usg entry
+ \def\kind@fentry{UsgEntry}%
+ \un@usgentryze{#3}}%\label{usgentryrs}
+ }%
+ {% |#3| is def entry
+ \def\kind@fentry{DefEntry}%
+ \un@defentryze{#3}%\label{defentryrs}
+ }% of |gmd/defentry/| test's `else'
+ \if@pageindex\@pageinclindexfalse\fi% should it be here or
+ % there? Definitely here because we'll wish to switch the switch
+ % with a~declaration.
+ \if@pageinclindex
+ \edef\IndexRefCs{gmdindexpagecs{\HLPrefix}{\kind@fentry}{\EntryPrefix}}%
+ \else
+ \edef\IndexRefCs{gmdindexrefcs{\HLPrefix}{\kind@fentry}{\EntryPrefix}}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\@tempa{\IndexPrefix#2\actualchar%
+ \quotechar\bslash verb*#1\quoted@eschar#2#1% The last macro in
+ % this line usually means the first two, but in some cases
+ % it's redefined to be empty (when we use |\index@macro| to
+ % index not a~CS).
+ \encapchar\IndexRefCs}%
+ \expandafter\special@index\expandafter{\@tempa}% We give the
+ % indexing macro the argument expanded so that \pk{hyperref} may
+ % see the explicit encapchar in order not to add its own
+ % encapsulation of \verb+|hyperpage+ when the (default)
+ % |hyperindex=true|\TextCommonIndex*{hyperindex} option is in
+ % force. (After this setting the |\edef|s in the above may be
+ % changed to |\def|s.)
+ % \changes[\index@macro]{v0.98f}{06/9/30}{explicit MakeIndex
+ % controls changed to corresponding macros. Therefore
+ % \cs[]{hyperindex} option of \pk{hyperref} didn't see the
+ % encapsulation and added its own. So I~expanded the
+ % argument of the very indexing macro}
+ }{}% closing of |gmd/iexcl/| test.
+ }}
+%\CodeDefine\un@defentryze \CodeDefine\un@usgentryze
+ \expandafter\g@relaxen\csname gmd/defentry/#1\endcsname
+ \g@relaxen\last@defmark}% we care to clear the last definition
+% marker checked by |\changes|.
+ \expandafter\g@relaxen\csname gmd/usgentry/#1\endcsname}
+\@emptify\EntryPrefix% this macro seems to be obsolete now
+% (v0.98d).
+% For the case of page-indexing a~macro in the commentary when
+% codeline index option is on:
+% \CodeDefine\if@pageinclindex \CodeDefine*\@pageinclindextrue
+% \CodeDefine*\@pageinclindexfalse
+% \CodeDefine\quoted@eschar
+\newcommand*\quoted@eschar{\quotechar\bslash}% we'll redefine it when
+% indexing an environment.
+% Let's initialize |\IndexPrefix|
+% The |\IndexPrefix| and |\HLPrefix| (`HyperLabel Prefix') macros are
+% given with account of a~possibility of documenting several files
+% in(to) one document. In such case the user may for each file
+% |\def\IndexPrefix{|\<package name>|!}| for instance and it will work
+% as main level index entry and |\def\HLPrefix{|\<package name>|}|
+% as a~prefix in hypertargets in the codelines. They are redefined by
+% |\DocInclude| e.g.
+ \if@pageindex
+ \def\gmdindexrefcs#1#2#3#4{\csname#2\endcsname{\hyperpage{#4}}}%^^A
+ % in the page case we gobble the third argument that is supposed
+ % to be the entry prefix.
+ \let\gmdindexpagecs=\gmdindexrefcs
+ \else
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmdindexrefcs
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmdindexpagecs
+ \def \gmdindexrefcs#1#2#3#4{\gmiflink[clnum.#4]{%
+ \csname#2\endcsname{#4}}}%
+ \def \gmdindexpagecs#1#2#3#4{\hyperlink{page.#4}{%
+ \csname#2\endcsname{\gmd@revprefix{#3}#4}}}%
+ % \stanza \CodeDefIndex\gmd@revprefix
+ \def\gmd@revprefix#1{%
+ \def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty p.\,\fi}
+ \providecommand*\HLPrefix{}% it'll be the hypertargets names' prefix
+ % in mul\-ti-docs. Moreover, it showed that if it was empty,
+ % \pk{hyperref} saw duplicates of the hyper destinations, which
+ % was perfectly understandable (|codelinenum.123| made by
+ % |\refstepcounter| and |codelinenum.123| made by
+ % |\gmhypertarget|). But since v0.98 it is not a~problem anymore
+ % 'cause during the authomatic |\hypertarget|ing the lines are labeled
+ % |clnum.|\<number>. When |\HLPrefix| was defined as dot,
+ % MakeIndex rejected the
+ % entries as `illegal page number'.
+ % \changes[\HLPrefix]{v0.98a}{06/09/05}{again \cs{@empty}fied
+ % since \cs{hypertarget}ing the codelines names them \cs[]{clnum}
+ % (since v0.98).}
+ \fi}
+% The definition is postponed till |\begin{document}| because of the
+% |\PageIndex| declaration (added for \docfm-compatibility), see
+% line \ref{PageIndex}.
+% I~design the index to contain hyperlinking numbers whether they are
+% the line numbers or page numbers. In both cases the last parameter
+% is the number, the one before the last is the name of a~formatting macro
+% and in linenumber case the first parameter is a~prefix for proper
+% reference in multi-doc.
+% I~take account of three kinds of formatting the numbers: 1.~the
+% `def' entry, 2.~a~`usage' entry, 3.~a~common entry. As in \docfm , let
+% them be underlined, italic and upright respectively.
+% \CodeDefine\DefEntry \CodeDefine\UsgEntry
+% The third option will be just |\relax| by default:
+% \CodeDefine\CommonEntryCmd
+% In line \ref{CECmd} it's |\edef|ed to allow an `unm\"oglich'
+% situation that the user wants to have the common index entries
+% specially formatted. I~use this to make \emph{all} the index entries
+% of the (|\SelfInclude|d) driver file to be `usage', see codeline
+% \ref{UsgHack} of \file{gmdocDoc.tex}.
+% Now let's |\def| the macros declaring a~CS to be indexed
+% special way. Each declaration puts the \catother ed name of the
+% macro given it as the argument into proper macro to be |\ifx|ed in
+% lines \ref{pnametestDef} and \ref{pnametestUsg} respectively.
+% But first let's make a~version of |\@ifstar| that would work with
+% |*|\catletter. It's analogous to |\@ifstar|.
+% \CodeDefine\@ifstarl
+\bgroup\catcode`\*=11 %
+ \def\@ifstarl#1{\@ifnextchar *{\@firstoftwo{#1}}}}
+% Now we are ready to define a~couple of commands. % The |*| versions of
+% them are for marking environments and \emph{implicit} CSs.
+% \CodeDefine\CodeDefIndex
+% \CodeDefine*\CodeDefIndex*
+ \MakePrivateLetters
+ \@ifstarl{\MakePrivateOthers\Code@DefIndexStar}{\Code@DefIndex}}
+% \changes{v0.98d}{06/9/11}{The macros indexing and marginizing
+% macros (and other sequences) made \cs{long}}
+ \escapechar\m@ne% because we will compare the macro's name with
+ % a~string without the backslash.
+ \global\@defentryze{#1}}}
+% \label{stringamacro}
+% \CodeDefIndex\Code@DefIndexStar
+ \endgroup
+ \addto@estoindex{#1}%
+ \@defentryze{#1}}
+% \CodeDefine\gmd@justadot
+%\CodeDefine\@defentryze \CodeDefine\@usgentryze
+ \expandafter\let\csname gmd/defentry/\string#1\endcsname\gmd@justadot% The
+ % \LaTeX\ |\@namedef| macro could not be used since it's not `long'.
+ % \CodeDefine\last@defmark
+ \xdef\last@defmark{\string#1}}% we |\string| the argument 'cause it's
+% a~control sequence most probably.
+ \expandafter\let\csname gmd/usgentry/\string#1\endcsname\gmd@justadot}
+% Initialize |\envirs@toindex|
+% Now we'll do the same for the `usage' entries:
+ \MakePrivateLetters
+ \@ifstarl{\MakePrivateOthers\Code@UsgIndexStar}{\Code@UsgIndex}}
+% The |*| possibility is for marking environments etc.
+% \CodeDefIndex\Code@UsgIndex
+ \escapechar\m@ne
+ \global\@usgentryze{#1}}}
+% \CodeDefIndex\Code@UsgIndexStar
+ \endgroup
+ \addto@estoindex{#1}%
+ \@usgentryze{#1}}
+% For the symmetry, if we want to mark a~control sequence or an
+% environment's name to be indexed as a~`normal' entry, let's have:
+% \CodeDefine\CodeCommonIndex
+% \CodeDefine\CodeCommonIndex*
+ \MakePrivateLetters
+ \@ifstarl{\MakePrivateOthers\Code@CommonIndexStar}{\Code@CommonIndex}}
+% \CodeDefIndex\Code@CommonIndex
+% \CodeDefIndex\Code@CommonIndexStar
+ \endgroup\addto@estoindex{#1}}
+% And now let's define commands to index the control sequences and
+% environments occurring in the narrative.
+% \CodeDefine\text@indexmacro
+ {\escapechar\m@ne \xdef\macro@pname{\xiistring#1}}%
+ \expandafter\quote@mname\macro@pname\relax% we process the CS's
+ % name char by char and quote MakeIndex controls. |\relax| is the
+ % iterating macro's stopper. The scanned CS's quoted name shall be the
+ % expansion of |\macro@iname|.
+ \if\verbatimchar\macro@pname
+ \def\im@firstpar{[$]}%^^A$
+ \else\def\im@firstpar{}%
+ \fi
+ {\do@properindex% see line \ref{do@properindex}.
+ \expandafter \index@macro\im@firstpar\macro@iname\macro@pname}}
+% The macro defined below (and the next one) are executed only before
+% a~\catother\ macro's name i.e.\ a~nonempty sequence of \catother\
+% character(s). This sequence is delimited (guarded) by |\relax|.
+% \CodeDefine\quote@mname
+ \def\macro@iname{}%
+ \quote@charbychar}
+% \CodeDefIndex\quote@charbychar
+ \if\relax#1% finish quoting when you meet |\relax| or:
+ \else
+ \quote@char#1%
+ \xdef\macro@iname{\macro@iname \maybe@quote#1}%
+ \afterfi\quote@charbychar
+ \fi}
+% The next command will take one argument,
+% which in plain version should be a~control sequence and in the
+% starred version also a~sequence of chars allowed in environment names or
+% made other by |\MakePrivateOthers| macro, taken in the curly braces.
+% \CodeDefine\TextUsgIndex
+% \CodeDefine*\TextUsgIndex*
+ \MakePrivateLetters
+ \@ifstarl{\MakePrivateOthers\Text@UsgIndexStar}{\Text@UsgIndex}}
+% \CodeDefIndex\Text@UsgIndex
+ \endgroup\@usgentryze#1%
+ \text@indexmacro#1}
+% \CodeDefIndex\Text@UsgIndexStar
+ \text@indexenvir{#1}}
+% \CodeDefine\text@indexenvir
+\long\def \text@indexenvir#1{%
+ \edef\macro@pname{\xiistring#1}%
+ \if\bslash\expandafter\@firstofmany\macro@pname\@@nil% if
+ % |\string|ed |#1| begins with a~backslash, we will gobble it
+ % to make MakeIndex not see it.
+ \edef\@tempa{\expandafter\@gobble\macro@pname}%
+ \@tempswatrue
+ \else
+ \let\@tempa\macro@pname
+ \@tempswafalse
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\quote@mname\@tempa\relax% \label{quote@mname comm}we
+ % process |\sting|ed |#1| char by char and quote MakeIndex
+ % controls. |\relax| is the iterating macro's stopper. The quoted
+ % |\string|ed |#1| shall be the expansion of |\macro@iname|.
+ {\if@tempswa
+ \def\quoted@eschar{\quotechar\bslash}%
+ \else\@emptify\quoted@eschar\fi% we won't print any backslash before
+ % an environment's name, but we will before a~CS's name.
+ \do@properindex% see line \ref{do@properindex}.
+ \index@macro\macro@iname\macro@pname}}
+% \CodeDefine\TextCommonIndex
+% \CodeDefine*\TextCommonIndex*
+ \MakePrivateLetters
+ \@ifstarl{\MakePrivateOthers\Text@CommonIndexStar}{\Text@CommonIndex}}
+ \text@indexmacro#1}
+% \CodeDefIndex\Text@CommonIndexStar
+ \text@indexenvir{#1}}
+% As you see in the lines \ref{defentryrs} and \ref{usgentryrs}, the
+% markers of special formatting are reset after first use.
+% But we wish the CSs not only to be indexed special way but also
+% to be put in marginpars. So:
+% \CodeDefine\CodeMarginize
+% \CodeDefine*\CodeMarginize*
+ \MakePrivateLetters
+ \@ifstarl{\MakePrivateOthers\egCode@MarginizeEnvir}{\egCode@MarginizeMacro}}
+% One more expansion level because we wish |\Code@MarginizeMacro| not
+% to begin with |\endgroup| because in the subsequent macros it's used
+% \emph{after} ending the re|\catcode|ing group.
+% \CodeDefIndex\egCode@MarginizeMacro
+ \Code@MarginizeMacro#1}
+% \CodeDefIndex\Code@MarginizeMacro
+ \expandafter\glet\csname gmd/2marpar/\string#1\endcsname\gmd@justadot
+%^^A \xdef\mname@tomarginpar{\xiistring#1}
+ }}
+% \CodeDefIndex\egCode@MarginizeEnvir
+ \Code@MarginizeEnvir{#1}}
+% \CodeDefIndex\Code@MarginizeEnvir
+% And a~macro really putting the environment's name in a~marginpar
+% shall be trigged at the beginning of the nearest codeline.
+% Here it is:
+% \CodeDefine\mark@envir
+ \ifx\envirs@tomarginpar\@empty
+ \else
+ \let\do\Text@Marginize
+ \envirs@tomarginpar%
+ \g@emptify\envirs@tomarginpar%
+ \fi
+ \ifx\envirs@toindex\@empty
+ \else
+ \def\do##1{% the |\envirs@toindex| list contains |\string|ed
+ % macros or environments' names in braces and each preceded
+ % with |\do|.
+ \if\bslash\@firstofmany##1\@@nil% if
+ % |##1| begins with a~backslash, we will gobble it for
+ % MakeIndex not see it.
+ \edef\@tempa{\@gobble##1}%
+ \@tempswatrue
+ \else
+ \edef\@tempa{##1}\@tempswafalse
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\quote@mname\@tempa\relax% see line
+ % \ref{quote@mname comm} \& subs. for commentary.
+ {\if@tempswa
+ \def\quoted@eschar{\quotechar\bslash}%
+ \else\@emptify\quoted@eschar\fi
+ \index@macro\macro@iname{##1}}}%
+ \envirs@toindex
+ \g@emptify\envirs@toindex%
+ \fi}
+% One very important thing: initialisation of the list macros:
+% For convenience we'll make the `private letters' first not to bother
+% ourselves with |\makeatletter| for instance when we want mark some
+% CS. And |\MakePrivateOthers| for the environment and other string
+% case.
+% \CodeDefine\CodeDefine
+% \CodeDefine*\CodeDefine*
+ \MakePrivateLetters
+% We do |\MakePrivateLetters| before |\@ifstarl| in order to avoid
+% a~situation that \TeX\ sees a~control sequence with improper name
+% (another CS than we wished)
+% (because |\@ifstarl| establishes the |\catcode|s for the next token):
+ \@ifstarl{\MakePrivateOthers\Code@DefEnvir}{\Code@DefMacro}}
+% \CodeDefine\CodeUsage
+% \CodeDefine*\CodeUsage*
+ \MakePrivateLetters
+ \@ifstarl{\MakePrivateOthers\Code@UsgEnvir}{\Code@UsgMacro}}
+% And then we launch the macros that close the group and do the work.
+% \CodeDefIndex\Code@DefMacro
+ \Code@DefIndex#1% we use the internal macro; it'll close the group.
+ \Code@MarginizeMacro#1}
+% \CodeDefIndex\Code@UsgMacro
+ \Code@UsgIndex#1% here also the internal macro; it'll close the group
+ \Code@MarginizeMacro#1}
+% The next macro is taken verbatim ;-) from \docfm\ and the subsequent
+% |\let|s, too.
+% \CodeDefIndex\codeline@wrindex
+ \immediate\write\@indexfile
+ {\string\indexentry{#1}%
+ {\HLPrefix\number\c@codelinenum}}\fi}
+% We initialize it due to the option (or lack of the option):
+ \if@pageindex
+ \let\special@index=\index
+ \else
+ % \CodeDefIndex\special@index
+ \let\special@index=\codeline@wrindex
+ % \label{codeline indexnumber declaration}
+ \fi}% postponed till |\begin{document}| with respect of \docfm-like
+% declarations.
+% And in case we don't want to index:
+% \CodeDefine\gag@index
+ %\label{gag@index}
+ \let\codeline@wrindex=\@gobble}
+% We'll use it in one more place or two. And we'll wish to be able to
+% undo it so
+% let's copy the original meanings:
+% \CodeDefIndex\@@index \CodeDefIndex\@@codeline@wrindex
+% \CodeDefine\ungag@index
+ %\label{ungag@index}
+% Our next task is to define macros that'll mark and index an
+% environment or other string in the code. Because of lack of
+% a~backslash, no environment's name is scanned so we have to proceed
+% different way. But we wish the user to have symmetric tools, i.e.,
+% the `def' or `usage' use of an environment should be declared before
+% the line where the environment occurs. Note the slight difference
+% between these and the commands to declare a~CS marking: the latter
+% do not require to be used \emph{immediately} before the line containig the
+% CS to be marked. We separate indexing from marginizing to leave
+% a~possibility of doing only one of those things.
+% \CodeDefIndex\Code@DefEnvir
+ \endgroup
+ \addto@estomarginpar{#1}%
+ \addto@estoindex{#1}%
+ \@defentryze{#1}}
+% \CodeDefIndex\Code@UsgEnvir
+ \endgroup
+ \addto@estomarginpar{#1}%
+ \addto@estoindex{#1}%
+ \@usgentryze{#1}}
+% \CodeDefIndex\addto@estomarginpar
+ \edef\@tempa{\noexpand\do{\xiistring#1}}% we |\string| the argument to
+ % allow it to be a~control sequence.
+ \expandafter\addtomacro\expandafter\envirs@tomarginpar\expandafter{\@tempa}}
+% \CodeDefIndex\addto@estoindex
+ \edef\@tempa{\noexpand\do{\xiistring#1}}
+ \expandafter\addtomacro\expandafter\envirs@toindex\expandafter{\@tempa}}
+% And now a~command to mark a~`usage' occurrence of a~CS, environment
+% or another string in the commentary. As the `code' commands this also
+% has plain and starred version, first for CSs appearing explicitly and the
+% latter for the strings and CSs appearing implicitly.
+% \CodeDefine\TextUsage
+% \CodeDefine*\TextUsage*
+ %\label{TextUsage}
+ \MakePrivateLetters
+ \@ifstarl{\MakePrivateOthers\Text@UsgEnvir}{\Text@UsgMacro}}
+% \CodeDefIndex\Text@UsgMacro
+ \endgroup{\tt\xiistring#1}%
+ \Text@Marginize#1%
+ \begingroup\Code@UsgIndex#1% we declare the kind of formatting of the entry.
+ \text@indexmacro#1}
+% \CodeDefIndex\Text@UsgEnvir
+ \endgroup{\tt\xiistring#1}%
+ \Text@Marginize{#1}%
+ \@usgentryze{#1}% we declare the `usage' kind of formatting of the
+ % entry and index the sequence |#1|.
+ \text@indexenvir{#1}}
+% We don't provide commands to mark a~macro's or environment's
+% definition present within the narrative because we think there won't
+% be any: one defines macros and environments in the code not in
+% the commentary.
+% \CodeDefine\TextMarginize
+% \CodeDefine*\TextMarginize*
+ \MakePrivateLetters
+ \@ifstarl{\MakePrivateOthers\egText@Marginize}{\egText@Marginize}}
+% \CodeDefIndex\egText@Marginize
+ \Text@Marginize#1}
+% We check whether the margin pars are enabled and proceed
+% respectively in either case.
+ \reversemarginpar
+ \marginparpush\z@
+ \marginparwidth8pc\relax
+ % ^^A \settowidth{\marginparsep}{\ \ }%
+ %
+ % You may wish to put not only macros and environments to
+ % a~marginpar.
+ % \CodeDefine\gmdmarginpar
+ \long\def\gmdmarginpar#1{%
+ \marginpar{\raggedleft\strut
+ \hskip0ptplus100ptminus100pt%
+ #1}}%\stanza
+ %
+ \long\def\gmdmarginpar#1{}%
+% \CodeDefine\Text@Marginize
+ \gmdmarginpar{\marginpartt\xiistring#1}}
+% Note that the above macro will just gobble its argument if the
+% marginpars are disabled.^^A\NoEOF so far O.K.
+% It may be advisable to choose a~condensed typewriter font for the
+% marginpars, if there is any. (The Latin Modern font family provides
+% a~light condensed typewriter font, it's set in \pk{gmdocc} class.)
+% If we count all lines then the index entries for CSs and
+% environments marked in the commentary should have codeline numbers
+% not page numbers and that is |\let| in line
+% \ref{codeline indexnumber declaration}. On the other hand, if we
+% count only the codelines, then a~macro or an environment marked in
+% the commentary should have page number not codeline number. This we
+% declare here, among others\ we add the letter |p| before the page number.
+% \CodeDefIndex\do@properindex
+ \if@countalllines\else
+ \@pageinclindextrue
+ \let\special@index=\index
+ \fi}
+% \stanza
+% In \docfm\ all the `working' \TeX\ code should be braced in(to) the
+% \env{macrocode} environments. Here another solutions are taken so to
+% be \docfm-compatible we only should
+% nearly-ignore \env{macrocode(*)}s
+% with their Percent and The Four Spaces Preceding ;-)\,. I.e., to ensure
+% the line ends are `queer'. And that the \ds\ directives will be
+% typeset as the \ds\ directives. And that the usual code escape
+% char will be restored at |\end{macrocode}|. And to add the vertical
+% spaces.
+% ^^A~\NoEOF so far OK
+% If you know \docfm\ conventions, note that \gmdoc\ \emph{does not}
+% require |\end{macrocode}| to be preceded ^^A(
+% with any particular number of any char :-)\,.
+% \changes{v0.98b}{06/09/07}{To \env{macrocode(*)} default
+% definitions \cs{QueerEOL} added}
+ \if@codeskipput\else\par\addvspace\CodeTopsep\@codeskipputgtrue\fi
+ \QueerEOL}%^^A\docstrips
+ {\par\addvspace\CodeTopsep\CodeEscapeChar\\}
+ % Let's remind that the starred version makes | |
+% visible, which is the default in \pk{gmdoc} outside
+% \env{macrocode}.
+% So we should make the spaces \emph{invisible} for the unstarred
+% version.
+ \if@codeskipput\else\par\addvspace\CodeTopsep\@codeskipputgtrue\fi
+ \CodeSpacesBlank\QueerEOL}%^^A\docstrips
+ {\par\addvspace\CodeTopsep\CodeEscapeChar\\}
+% Note that at the end of both the above environments the |\|'s r\^ole
+% as the code escape char is restored. This is crafted for the
+% |\SpecialEscapechar| macro's compatibility: this macro influences
+% only the first \env{macrocode} environment. The situation that the
+% user wants some queer escape char in general and in a~particular
+% \env{macrocode} yet another seems to me ``unm\"oglich,
+% Prinzessin''\footnote{Richard Strauss after Oscar Wilde, ^^B
+% \textit{Salome}.}.
+% \stanza
+% Since the first \file{.dtx} I~tried to compile after the first
+% published version of \gmdoc\ uses a~lot of commented out code in
+% \env{macrocode}s, it seems to me necessary to add a~possibility to
+% typeset \env{macrocode}s as if they were a~kind of \env{verbatim},
+% that is to leave the code layer and narration layer philosophy.
+% Now we arm \env{oldmc} and \env{olmc*} with the
+% the macro looking for |% \end|\arg{envir name}.
+\expandafter\addtomacro\csname oldmc*\endcsname{%
+ \@oldmacrocode@launch}
+% \CodeDefIndex\@oldmacrocode@launch
+ \emptify\gmd@textEOL% to disable it in |\gmd@docstripdirective|
+ % launched within the code.
+ \glet\stored@code@delim\code@delim
+ \@makeother\^^B\CodeDelim*\^^B%
+ \ttverbatim \gmd@DoTeXCodeSpace%
+ \@makeother\|% 'cause |\ttverbatim| doesn't do that.
+ \MakePrivateLetters% see line \ref{MPL}.\par
+ % ^^A \expandafter\@makeother\code@delim
+ \docstrips@percent \@makeother\>%
+ % sine qua non of the automatic delimiting is replacing possible
+ % |*|\catother in the environment's name with |*|\catletter.
+ % Not to complicate assume |*| may occure at most once and only at
+ % the end. We also assume the environment's name consists only of
+ % character tokens whose catcodes (except of |*|) will be the same
+ % in the verbatim text.
+ \expandafter\gmd@currenvxistar\@currenvir*\relax
+ \@oldmacrocode}
+ \def\gm@xistar{*}}
+ \edef\@currenvir{#1\if*#2\gm@xistar\fi}}
+% The trick is that |#2| may be either |*|\catother\ or empty. If it's
+% |*|, the test is satisfied and |\if...\fi| expands to
+% |\gm@xistar|. If |#2| is empty, the test is also satisfied since
+% |\gm@xistar| expands to |*| but there's nothing to expand to. So, if
+% the environment's name ends with |*|\catother, it'll be substituted
+% with |*|\catletter or else nothing will be added. (Note that a~|*|
+% not at the end of env.\ name would cause a~disaster.)
+% \CodeDefine\@oldmacrocode
+\catcode`[=1 \catcode`]=2
+\catcode`\{=\active \@makeother\}
+\catcode`!=0 \catcode`\\=\active
+% \CodeEscapeChar\! \CDAnd
+!catcode`&=14 !catcode`*=11
+!catcode`!%=!active !obeyspaces&
+!bgroup!let =!relax&% to avoid writing |!noexpand | four times.
+!def!noexpand!oldmc@end####1!noexpand% !noexpand\end&
+!egroup&% now |\oldmc@edef| is defined to have one parameter delimited
+&% with |\end|\arg{current env.'s name}
+!oldmc@end]&% \CDPerc
+ \expandafter\CodeDelim\stored@code@delim
+ \gmd@mchook}% see line \ref{gmd@mchook}
+% \CodeDefine\VerbMacrocodes
+ \let\macrocode\oldmc
+ \@namelet{macrocode*}{oldmc*}}
+% To handle \ds\ directives in the code (in the old macrocodes
+% case that is).
+% \begin{oldmc}
+ \let%\gmd@codecheckifds}}
+% \end{oldmc}
+% The point is, the active |%| will be expanded when just after it is
+% the |\gmd@charbychar| cs token and next is some char, the |^^B| code
+% delimiter at least. So, if that char is |<|, we wish to launch
+% \ds\ directive typesetting. (Thanks to |\ttverbatim| all the |<|
+% are `other'.)
+\def\gmd@codecheckifds#1#2{% note that |#1| is just to gobble
+ % \nlpercent|\gmd@charbychar| token.
+% ^^A \typeout{code if ds \on@line}%
+ \if@dsdir\@dsdirgfalse
+ \if\noexpand<\noexpand#2\afterelsefifi\gmd@docstripdirective
+ \else\afterfifi\twelvepercent#1#2%
+ \fi
+ \else\afterfi\twelvepercent#1#2%
+ \fi}
+% \begin{environment}{macro}
+% Almost the same we do with the \env{macro(*)} environments, stating
+% only their argument to be processed as the `def' entry. Of course,
+% we should re|\catcode| it first.
+% \CodeDefIndex*\macro
+ \@tempskipa=\MacroTopsep
+ \if@codeskipput\advance\@tempskipa by-\CodeTopsep\fi
+ \par\addvspace{\@tempskipa}\@codeskipputgtrue
+ \begingroup\MakePrivateLetters\MakePrivateOthers% we make also the
+ % `private others' to cover the case of other sequence in the
+ % argument. (We'll use the |\macro| macro also in the environment
+ % for describing and defining environments.)
+ \gmd@ifonetoken\Hybrid@DefMacro\Hybrid@DefEnvir}%
+% \CodeDefIndex*\endmacro
+ {\par\addvspace\MacroTopsep\@codeskipputgtrue}
+ % It came out that the \docfm's author(s) give the \env{macro}
+ % environment also starred versions of commands as argument. It's OK
+ % since (the default version of) |\MakePrivateLetters| makes |*|
+ % a~letter and therefore such a~starred version is just one CS.
+ % However, in \pk{doc.dtx} occure \env{macro}s that mark
+ % \emph{implicit} definitions i.e., such that the defined CS is not
+ % scanned in the subsequent code.
+% \begin{macro*}{macro*}
+% And for those who want to to use this environment
+% for marking implicit definitions, define the star
+% version:
+% \CodeDefIndex*\endmacro*
+\expandafter\let\csname endmacro*\endcsname\endmacro
+% Note that \env{macro} and \env{macro*} have the same effect for
+% more-than-one-token arguments thanks to |\gmd@ifonetoken|'s meaning
+% inside unstarred \env{macro} (it checks whether the argument is
+% one-token and if it isn't, |\gmd@ifonetoken| switches execution to
+% `other sequence' path).
+% The two environments behave different only with a~one-token
+% argument: \env{macro} postpones indexing it till the first scanned
+% occurrence while \env{macro*} till the first code line met.
+% \end{macro*}
+% \end{environment}
+% \stanza
+% Now, let's complete the details.
+% First define an |\if|-like macro that turns true when the string
+% given to it consists of just one token (or one |{|\<text>|}|, to
+% tell the whole truth).
+% \CodeDefine\gmd@ifsingle
+ \def\@tempa{#2}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty}
+% Note it expands to an open |\if...| test (unbalanced with |\fi|) so it
+% has to be used as all the |\if|s, with optional |\else| and
+% obligatory |\fi|. And cannot be used in the possibly skipped
+% branches of other |\if...|s (then it would result with `extra
+% |\fi|/extra |\else|' errors). But the below usage is safe since both
+% |\gmd@ifsingle| and its |\else| and |\fi| are hidden in a~macro
+% (that will not be |\expandafter|ed).
+% Note also that giving |\gmd@ifsingle| an |\if...| or so as the first
+% token of the argument will not confuse \TeX\ since the first token
+% is just gobbled. The possibility of occurrence of |\if...| or so as
+% a~not-first token seems to be negligible.
+% \CodeDefine\gmd@ifonetoken
+ \def\@tempb{#3}% We hide |#3| from \TeX\ in case it's |\if...| or
+ % so. \nlpercent|\@tempa| is used in \nlpercent|\gmd@ifsingle|.
+ \gmd@ifsingle#3\@@nil
+ \afterelsefi\expandafter#1\@tempb%
+ \else
+ \edef\@tempa{\expandafter\string\@tempb}%
+ \afterfi\expandafter#2\expandafter{\@tempa}%
+ \fi}
+% Now, define the mysterious |\Hybrid@DefMacro| and |\Hybrid@DefEnvir|
+% macros. They mark their argument with a~certain subtlety: they put
+% it in a~marginpar at the point where they are and postpone indexing
+% it till the first scanned occurrence or just the first code line met.
+% \CodeDefine\Hybrid@DefMacro \CodeDefine\Hybrid@DefEnvir
+ \Code@DefIndex{#1}% this macro closes the group opened by |\macro|.
+ \Text@MarginizeNext{#1}}
+ \Code@DefIndexStar{#1}% this macro also closes the group begun by
+ % |\macro|.
+ \Text@MarginizeNext{#1}}
+ \gmd@evpaddonce{\Text@Marginize{#1}\ignorespaces}}
+%^^A~\strut from before Text@Marginize deleted as unnecessary in everypar.
+% The following macro adds its argument to |\everypar| using an auxiliary
+% macro to wrap the stuff in. The auxiliary macro has
+% a~self-destructor built in so it |\relax|es itself after first use.
+ \stepnummacro\gmd@oncenum
+ \expandafter\long\expandafter\edef% \CodeUsgIndex*{NeuroOncer}
+ \csname gmd/evp/NeuroOncer\gmd@oncenum\endcsname{%
+ \noexpand\g@relaxen
+ \csname gmd/evp/NeuroOncer\gmd@oncenum\endcsname}% Why does it
+ % work despite it shouldn't? Because when the CS got with
+ % \nlpercent|\csname...\endcsname| is undefined, it's equivalent
+ % |\relax| and therefore unexpandable. That's why it passes
+ % \nlpercent|\edef| and is able to be assigned.
+ \expandafter\addtomacro\csname gmd/evp/NeuroOncer\gmd@oncenum\endcsname{#1}%
+ \expandafter\addto@hook\expandafter\everypar\expandafter{%
+ \csname gmd/evp/NeuroOncer\gmd@oncenum\endcsname}%
+\nummacro\gmd@oncenum% We store the number uniquifying the auxiliary
+% macro in a~macro to save count registers (cf.\ \pk{gmutils}
+% sec.\ \gmiflink{To Save Precious Count Registers}).
+% \begin{environment}{environment}
+% Wrapping a~description and definition of an environment in
+% a~\env{macro} environment would look inappropriate (`zgrzyta\l o by'
+% in Polish) although there's no \TeX nical obstacle to do
+% so. Therefore we define the \env{environment}, because of \ae^^B
+% sthetic and psychological reasons.
+\expandafter\let\expandafter\environment\csname macro*\endcsname
+\expandafter\let\expandafter\endenvironment\csname endmacro*\endcsname
+% \end{environment}
+%\subdivision[Index Exclude List]{\gmhypertarget{Index Exclude List}}
+% We want some CSs not to be indexed, e.g., the \LaTeX\
+% internals and \TeX\ primitives.
+% \docfm\ takes |\index@excludelist| to be a~|\toks| register to store
+% the list of expelled CSs. Here we'll deal another way. For each CS
+% to be excluded we'll make (|\let|, to be precise) a~control sequence
+% and then we'll be checking if it's undefined (|\ifx|-equivalent
+% |\relax|).\footnote{This idea comes from Marcin Woli\'nski.}
+% \CodeDefine\DoNotIndex
+% \changes{v0.97}{06/09/04}{\cs{MakePrivateLetters} added}
+% \changes{v0.98}{06/09/05}{Removed since it had not worked. The
+% macros in the argument should be separated with commas. I~understood
+% why it didn't work: 'cause 't was iside a~command. So I~put it back}
+% \changes{v0.98d}{06/9/11}{Unmade \cs{global}}
+% \CodeDefIndex\DoNot@Index
+\long\def\DoNot@Index#1{\egroup% we close the group,
+ \let\gmd@iedir\gmd@justadot% we declare the direction of the cluding
+ % to be \emph{ex}cluding. We act this way to be able to reverse the
+ % exclusions easily later.
+ \dont@index#1.}
+% \CodeDefIndex\dont@index
+ \def\@tempa{\noexpand#1}% My \TeX\ Guru's trick to deal with |\fi|
+ % and such, i.e., to hide from \TeX\ when it is processing a~test's
+ % branch without expanding.
+ \if\@tempa.% a~dot finishes expelling
+ \else
+ \if\@tempa,% The list this macro is put before may
+ % contain commas and that's O.K., we just continue the work.
+ \afterelsefifi\dont@index
+ \else% what is else shall off the Index be expelled.
+ {\escapechar\m@ne
+ \xdef\@tempa{\string#1}}%
+ \expandafter\let%
+ \csname gmd/iexcl/\@tempa\endcsname=\gmd@iedir% In the default
+ % case explained e.g.\ by the macro's name, the last macro's
+ % meaning is such that the test in line \ref{iexcltest} will
+ % turn false and the subject CS shall not be indexed.
+ % We |\let| not |\def| to spare \TeX's memory.
+ \afterfifi\dont@index
+ \fi
+ \fi}
+% Let's now give the exclude list copied \*verbatim ;-) from
+% \pk{doc.dtx}. I~give it in the code layer 'cause I~suppose one will
+% document not \LaTeX\ source but normal packages.
+% \begin{CodeSpacesSmall}
+% \DoNotIndex\DoNotIndex \CodeDefine\DefaultIndexExclusions
+\DoNotIndex\{ \DoNotIndex\}% \label{DNIbraces}the index entries of
+% these two CSs would be rejected by MakeIndex anyway.
+\begin{MakePrivateLetters}% Yes, |\DoNotIndex| does
+ % |\MakePrivateLetters| on its own but No, it won't have any effect
+ % if it's given in another macro's |\def|.
+ \gdef\DefaultIndexExclusions{%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@ \@@par \@beginparpenalty \@empty}%\label{DIE1}
+ \DoNotIndex{\@flushglue \@gobble \@input}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@makefnmark \@makeother \@maketitle}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@namedef \@ne \@spaces \@tempa}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@tempb \@tempswafalse \@tempswatrue}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@thanks \@thefnmark \@topnum}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@@ \@elt \@forloop \@fortmp \@gtempa \@totalleftmargin}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\" \/ \@ifundefined \@nil \@verbatim \@vobeyspaces}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\| \~ \ \active \advance \aftergroup \begingroup \bgroup}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\mathcal \csname \def \documentstyle \dospecials \edef}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\egroup}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\else \endcsname \endgroup \endinput \endtrivlist}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\expandafter \fi \fnsymbol \futurelet \gdef \global}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\hbox \hss \if \if@inlabel \if@tempswa \if@twocolumn}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\ifcase}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\ifcat \iffalse \ifx \ignorespaces \index \input \item}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\jobname \kern \leavevmode \leftskip \let \llap \lower}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\m@ne \next \newpage \nobreak \noexpand \nonfrenchspacing}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\obeylines \or \protect \raggedleft \rightskip \rm \sc}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\setbox \setcounter \small \space \string \strut}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\strutbox}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\thefootnote \thispagestyle \topmargin \trivlist \tt}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\twocolumn \typeout \vss \vtop \xdef \z@}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\, \@bsphack \@esphack \@noligs \@vobeyspaces \@xverbatim}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\` \catcode \end \escapechar \frenchspacing \glossary}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\hangindent \hfil \hfill \hskip \hspace \ht \it \langle}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\leaders \long \makelabel \marginpar \markboth \mathcode}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\mathsurround \mbox}%\verb+% \newcount \newdimen \newskip+
+ \DoNotIndex{\nopagebreak}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\parfillskip \parindent \parskip \penalty \raise \rangle}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\section \setlength \TeX \topsep \underline \unskip}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\vskip \vspace \widetilde \\ \% \@date \@defpar}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\[ \]}% see line \ref{DNIbraces}.
+ \DoNotIndex{\count@ \ifnum \loop \today \uppercase \uccode}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\baselineskip \begin \tw@}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\a \b \c \d \e \f \g \h \i \j \k \l \m \n \o \p \q}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\r \s \t \u \v \w \x \y \z \A \B \C \D \E \F \G \H}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\I \J \K \L \M \N \O \P \Q \R \S \T \U \V \W \X \Y \Z}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\1 \2 \3 \4 \5 \6 \7 \8 \9 \0}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\! \# \$ \& \' \( \) \. \: \; \< \= \> \? \_}% |\+|
+ % seems to be so rarely used that it may be advisable to index it.
+ \DoNotIndex{\discretionary \immediate \makeatletter \makeatother}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\meaning \newenvironment \par \relax \renewenvironment}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\repeat \scriptsize \selectfont \the \undefined}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\arabic \do \makeindex \null \number \show \write \@ehc}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@author \@ehc \@ifstar \@sanitize \@title}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\if@minipage \if@restonecol \ifeof \ifmmode}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\lccode %|%\newtoks|
+ \onecolumn \openin \p@ \SelfDocumenting}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\settowidth \@resetonecoltrue \@resetonecolfalse \bf}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\clearpage \closein \lowercase \@inlabelfalse}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\selectfont \mathcode \newmathalphabet \rmdefault}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\bfdefault}%
+ % From the above list I~removed some |\new...| declarations 'cause
+ % I~think it may be useful to see gathered the special |\new...|s of
+ % each kind. For the same reason I~would not recommend excluding
+ % from the index such declarations as |\AtBeginDocument|,
+ % |\AtEndDocument|, |\AtEndOfPackage|, |\DeclareOption|,
+ % |\DeclareRobustCommand| etc. But the
+ % common definitions, such as |\new/providecommand| and
+ % |\(e/g/x)def|s, as the most common, in my opinion excluded should
+ % be.^^A\)
+ %
+ % \stanza
+ % And some my exclusions:
+ \DoNotIndex{\@@input \@auxout \@currentlabel \@dblarg}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@ifdefinable \@ifnextchar \@ifpackageloaded}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@indexfile \@let@token \@sptoken \^}% the latter comes
+ % from CSs like |\^^M|, see sec. \ref{Tasks}.
+ \DoNotIndex{\addto@hook \addvspace}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\CurrentOption}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\emph \empty \firstofone}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\font \fontdimen \hangindent \hangafter}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\hyperpage \hyperlink \hypertarget}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\ifdim \ifhmode \iftrue \ifvmode \medskipamount}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\message}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\NeedsTeXFormat \newcommand \newif}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\newlabel}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\of}%
+ % ^^A\PassOptionsToClass\PassOptionsToPackage
+ \DoNotIndex{\phantom \ProcessOptions \protected@edef}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\protected@xdef \protected@write}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\ProvidesPackage \providecommand}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\raggedright}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\raisebox \refstepcounter \ref \rlap}% ^^A\RequirePackage
+ \DoNotIndex{\reserved@a \reserved@b \reserved@c \reserved@d}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\stepcounter \subsection \textit \textsf \thepage \tiny}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\copyright \footnote \label \LaTeX}%
+ % \changes[\DefaultIndexExclusions]{v0.98a}{06/09/06}{more
+ % macros added to the `exclude list'}
+ \DoNotIndex{\@eha \@endparenv \if@endpe \@endpefalse \@endpetrue}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@evenfoot \@oddfoot \@firstoftwo \@secondoftwo}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@for \@gobbletwo \@idxitem \@ifclassloaded}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@ignorefalse \@ignoretrue \if@ignore}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@input@ \@input}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@latex@error \@mainaux \@nameuse}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@nomath \@oddfoot}%|%\@onlypreamble| should be indexed
+ % IMO.
+ \DoNotIndex{\@outerparskip \@partaux \@partlist \@plus}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@sverb \@sxverbatim}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\@tempcnta \@tempcntb \@tempskipa \@tempskipb}%\\
+ % I~think the layout parameters even the kernel, should not be
+ % excluded: \nlpercent|\@topsep| \nlpercent|\@topsepadd|^^B
+ % \ \nlpercent|\abovedisplayskip| \nlpercent|\clubpenalty| etc.
+ \DoNotIndex{\@writeckpt}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\bfseries \chapter \part \section \subsection}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\subsubsection}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\char \check@mathfonts \closeout}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\fontsize \footnotemark \footnotetext \footnotesize}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\g@addto@macro \hfilneg \Huge \huge}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\hyphenchar \if@partsw \IfFileExists \in@@}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\include \includeonly \indexspace}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\itshape \language \LARGE \Large \large}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\lastbox \lastskip \m@th \makeglossary}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\maketitle \math@fontsfalse \math@fontstrue \mathsf}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\MessageBreak \noindent \normalfont \normalsize}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\on@line \openout \outer}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\parbox \part \rmfamily \rule \sbox}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\sf@size \sffamily \skip}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\textsc \textup \toks@ \ttfamily \vbox}%
+ % \changes[\DoNotIndex]{v0.97}{06/09/04}{Excluding some star-versions of
+ % commands}
+ % \nostanza
+ % |%%\DoNotIndex{\begin*}| maybe in the future, if the idea gets
+ % popular\dots \nostanza
+ \DoNotIndex{\hspace* \newcommand* \newenvironment* \providecommand*}%
+ \DoNotIndex{\renewenvironment* \section* \chapter*}%\label{DIE2}
+ }% of |\DefaultIndexExclusions|.\par
+ % I~put all the expellings into a~macro because I~want them
+ % to be optional.
+% \end{CodeSpacesSmall}
+% And we execute it due to the (lack of) counter-corresponding option:
+ \DefaultIndexExclusions
+% If we expelled so many CSs, someone may like it in general but
+% he/she may need one or two expelled to be indexed back. So
+% \CodeDefine\DoIndex
+% \changes{v0.97}{06/09/04}{\cs{MakePrivateLetters} added.}
+% \changes{v0.98}{06/09/05}{\cs{MakePrivateLetters} removed since it
+% hadn't worked. I~understood why it didn't work: 'cause
+% 't was iside a~command and I~put it back}
+% \changes{v0.98d}{06/9/11}{Unmade \cs{global}}
+% \CodeDefIndex\Do@Index
+\long\def\Do@Index#1{\egroup\@relaxen\gmd@iedir\dont@index#1.}% note
+% we only redefine an auxiliary CS and launch also |\dont@index| inner
+% macro.
+% And if a~user wants here make default exclusions and there do not
+% make them, \heshe\ may use the |\DefaultIndexExclusions| declaration
+% \himher self. This declaration OCSR, but anyway let's provide the
+% counterpart. It OCSR, too.
+% \CodeDefine\UndoDefaultIndexExclusions
+% \changes{v0.98d}{06/9/11}{Unmade \cs{global}}
+ \StoreMacro\DoNotIndex
+ % ^^A\dont@index
+ \let\DoNotIndex\DoIndex
+ % ^^A \let\dont@index=\do@index
+ \DefaultIndexExclusions
+ % ^^A \RestoreMacro\dont@index
+ \RestoreMacro\DoNotIndex}
+% \subdivision{Index Parameters}
+% \begin{quotation}The |\IndexPrologue| macro is used to place a short
+% message into the document above the index. It is implemented by
+% redefining |\index@prologue|, a macro which holds the default
+% text. We'd better make it a |\long| macro to allow |\par| commands
+% in its argument.\end{quotation} \CodeDefine\IndexPrologue
+% \label{IndexPrologue}
+% \CodeDefine\indexdiv
+% \changes{v0.98a}{06/09/06}{modified to contain the star so that
+% it may be redefined for tests.}
+% \CodeDefine\index@prologue
+\@ifundefined{index@prologue} {\def\index@prologue{\indexdiv{Index}%
+ \markboth{Index}{Index}%
+ Numbers written in italic refer to the \if@pageindex pages \else
+ code lines \fi where the
+ corresponding entry is described; numbers underlined refer to the
+ \if@pageindex\else code line of the \fi definition; numbers in
+ roman refer to the \if@pageindex pages\else code lines \fi where
+ the entry is used.
+ \if@pageindex\else
+ \ifx\HLPrefix\@empty
+ The numbers preceded with `p.' are page numbers.
+ \else The numbers with no prefix are page numbers.
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifx\IndexLinksBlack\relax\else
+ All the numbers are hyperlinks.
+ % ^^A, they are made black just to let Adobe Reader work
+ % ^^A~faster.
+ \fi
+ \gmd@dip@hook% this hook is intended to let a~user add
+ % something without redefining the entire prologue, see below.
+ }}{}
+% During the preparation of this package for publishing I~needed
+% only to add something at the end of the default index prologue. So
+% \CodeDefine\AtDIPrologue
+% \changes{v0.98c}{06/9/8}{added 'cause of need}
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@dip@hook \CodeDefine\AtDIPrologue
+% The Author(s) of \docfm\ assume \pk{multicol} is known not to
+% everybody. My assumption is the other so
+% \begin{quotation}If \pk{multicol} is in use, when the index is
+% started we compute
+% the remaining space on the current page; if it is greater than
+% |\IndexMin|, the first part of the index will then be placed in the
+% available space. The number of columns set is controlled by the
+% counter |\c@IndexColumns| which can be changed with a
+% |\setcounter| declaration.\end{quotation}
+% \CodeDefine\IndexMin
+\newdimen\IndexMin \IndexMin = 133pt\relax% originally it was set
+% 80\,pt, but with my default prologue there's at least 4.7\,cm needed
+% to place the prologue and some index entries on the same page.
+% \CodeDefine*{IndexColumns}
+% \CodeDefIndex*{\c@IndexColumns}
+\newcount\c@IndexColumns \c@IndexColumns = 3
+% \CodeDefine*{theindex}
+ {\begin{multicols}\c@IndexColumns[\index@prologue][\IndexMin]%
+ \IndexLinksBlack
+ \IndexParms \let\item\@idxitem \ignorespaces}%
+ {\end{multicols}}
+\def\IndexLinksBlack{\hypersetup{linkcolor=black}}% To make Adobe
+% Reader work faster.
+% \CodeDefine\IndexParms
+ {\def\IndexParms{%
+ % \label{IndexParms}
+ \parindent \z@
+ \columnsep 15pt
+ \parskip 0pt plus 1pt
+ \rightskip 15pt
+ \mathsurround \z@
+ \parfillskip=-15pt plus 1 fil % \docfm\ defines this parameter
+ % rigid but that's because of the stretchable space (more
+ % precisely, a~|\dotfill|) between the item and the entries. But
+ % in \pk{gmdoc} we define no such special delimiters, so we add
+ % an ifinite stretch.
+ \small
+ \def\@idxitem{\par\hangindent 30pt}%
+ \def\subitem{\@idxitem\hspace*{15pt}}%
+ \def\subsubitem{\@idxitem\hspace*{25pt}}%
+ \def\indexspace{\par\vspace{10pt plus 2pt minus 3pt}}%
+ \ifx\EntryPrefix\@empty\else\raggedright\fi% long (actually,
+ % a~quite \emph{short but nonempty} entry prefix) made space
+ % stretches so terribly large in the justified paragraphs that
+ % we should make |\raggedright| rather.
+ \ifnum\c@IndexColumns>\tw@\raggedright\fi% the numbers in narrow
+ % col\-umns look better when they are |\raggedright| in my opinion.
+ }}{}
+ % \CodeDefine\PrintIndex
+\def\PrintIndex{% we ensure the standard meaning of the line end
+ % character not to cause a~disaster.
+ \@ifQueerEOL{\StraightEOL\printindex\QueerEOL}{\printindex}}
+% Remember that if you want to change not all the parameters, you
+% don't have to redefine the entire |\IndexParms| macro but you may
+% use a~very nice \LaTeX\ command |\g@addto@macro| (it has |\global|
+% effect, also with an apeless name (|\gaddtomacro|) provided by
+% \pk{gmutils}. (It adds its second argument at the end of definition
+% of its first argument provided the first argument is a~no-argument
+% macro.) Moreover, \pk{gmutils} provides also
+% |\addtomacro| that has the same effect except it's not |\global|.
+% \subdivision{The \ds\ Directives}
+% \StraightEOL
+% \iffalse
+% This passage is obsoleted on 2006/11/30.
+% In the \gmdoc\ thinking, the \ds\ directives belong to the
+% narration layer since they all begin with |%|. For now I~don't
+% have a~more minimal idea than to define a~pair of macros the first of
+% which would |\active|ate the |<| and the other, assigned to the
+% active |<|, would do the work and re`other' the |<| back.
+% We provide two versions of the seargant-activating macro: the first
+% makes only the first subsequent seargant typeset a~\ds\
+% directive (and the previous meaning of the |<| will be restored, the
+% latter doesn't restore the previous meaning of |<| after (by) the
+% first occurrence and the latter obeys usual scoping rules while the
+% scoping rules of the first (|\docstrip|) are more strict: the scope
+% is delimited by the first occurrence of the subject~|<|.
+% Let us remeber that, just as all the control sequences except
+% |\relax|, you can use |\docstrips| as an environment, i.e., in the
+% |\begin{docstrips}|\dots |\end{docstrips}| syntax. And, that
+% \env{macrocode} environment declares it.
+% \bgroup\catcode`\<=\active
+% \firstofone{\egroup
+% % \stanza
+% % \CodeDefine\docstrip
+% \newcommand*\docstrip{%
+% \gmd@storesearg
+% \catcode`\<=\active
+% \gmd@setdocstrips
+% \let\gmd@docstripshook=\gmd@restoresearg}%
+% % \stanza
+% % \CodeDefine\docstrips
+% \newcommand*\docstrips{%
+% \catcode`\<=\active
+% \gmd@setdocstrips
+% \@emptify\gmd@docstripshook}%
+% % \stanza
+% % \CodeDefIndex\gmd@setdocstrips
+% \def\gmd@setdocstrips{%
+% \def<{\ifmmode\sgtleftxii\else\afterfi\gmd@docstripdirective\fi}}
+% %\stanza
+% % \CodeDefIndex\gmd@storesearg
+% \def\gmd@storesearg{%
+% \edef\gmd@SeargantCat{\the\catcode`\<}%
+% \ifnum\gmd@SeargantCat=\active
+% \let\gmd@SeargantMng=<%
+% \fi}
+% % \CodeDefIndex\gmd@restoresearg
+% \def\gmd@restoresearg{%
+% \catcode`\<=\gmd@SeargantCat\relax
+% \ifnum\gmd@SeargantCat=\active
+% \let<=\gmd@SeargantMng
+% \fi}%
+% % \stanza
+% }% of |\active| |<|'s |\firstofone|
+% \fi ^^A~of the obsoletion iffalse
+% \QueerEOL
+% \CodeDefine\gmd@docstripdirective
+ \glet\sgtleftxii=<
+ \begingroup\let\do=\@makeother
+ \do\*\do\/\do\+\do\-\do\,\do\&\do\|\do\!\do\(\do\)\do\>\do\<% ^^Ayes, we
+ % ^^A make \nlpercent|<|\catother\ since a~directive |<<|\<any text till ^^B
+ % ^^A~the end of line> theoretically may occure.
+ \@ifnextchar{<}{%
+ \let\do=\@makeother \dospecials
+ \gmd@docstripverb}
+ {\gmd@docstripinner}}%
+\if1 1%^^A~as the other debugs, let them rest in peace alt least till
+%^^A the v2.0.
+\gdef\Debug@dstron{\ifnum\c@codelinenum>1178 \ifdtraceon\fi
+ \ifnum\c@codelinenum>1184 \ifdtraceoff\@emptify\Debug@dstron\fi}%
+ \global\@emptify\Debug@dstron
+ % \CodeDefIndex\gmd@docstripinner
+ \gdef\gmd@docstripinner#1>{%
+ \endgroup
+ \def\gmd@modulehashone{%
+ \Module{#1}\space
+ \@afternarrgfalse\@aftercodegtrue\@codeskipputgfalse}%
+ % ^^A \gmd@docstripshook
+ \gmd@textEOL\gmd@modulehashone\Debug@dstron}
+ % A~word of explanation: first of all, we
+ % close the group for changed |\catcode|s; the directive's text has its
+ % |\catcode|s fixed. Then we put the directive's text wrapped with the
+ % formatting macro into one macro in order to give just one token
+ % the \gmdoc's \TeX\ code scanner.
+ % ^^A But before we launch the \TeX\ code
+ % ^^A scanning with all the b\&w, we virtually restore the meaning of
+ % ^^A further |<|s to let them start further \ds\ directives,
+ % ^^A and after this possible restore (if it \emph{actually} takes place
+ % ^^A depends on the declaration used: |\docstrip| or |\docstrips|) we
+ % Then launch this big \TeX\ code scanning machinery by calling
+ % |\gmd@textEOL| which is an alias for the `narrative' meaning of the
+ % line end. This macro opens the verbatim group and launches the
+ % char-by-char scanner. That is this scanner because of what we
+ % encapsulated the directive's text with the formatting into one
+ % macro: to let it pass the scanner.
+ %
+ % That's why in the `old' macrocodes case the active |%| closes the
+ % group before launching |\gmd@docstripdirective|.
+ %
+ % \stanza
+ % The `verbatim' directive macro works very similarly.
+ % \CodeDefIndex\gmd@docstripverb
+ \catcode`\^^M=\active%
+ \gdef\gmd@docstripverb<#1^^M{%
+ \endgroup%
+ \def\gmd@modulehashone{%
+ \ModuleVerb{#1}\@afternarrgfalse\@aftercodegtrue%
+ \@codeskipputgfalse}%
+ \gmd@docstripshook%
+ \gmd@textEOL\gmd@modulehashone^^M}%
+% (\*Verbatim ;-) from \docfm:)
+% \CodeDefine\Module \CodeDefine\ModuleVerb
+% \CodeDefIndex\mod@math@codes
+\def\mod@math@codes{\mathcode`\|="226A \mathcode`\&="2026 }
+% \subdivision{The Changes History}
+% The contents of this section was copied \*verbatim from the
+% \docfm's documentation, with only smallest necessary changes. Then ^^A((
+% my additions were added :-))\,.
+% \begin{quotation}To provide a change history log, the |\changes|
+% command has been
+% introduced. This takes [one optional and] three [mandatory]
+% arguments, respectively, [the macro that'll become the entry's
+% second level,] the version
+% number of the file, the date of the change, and some detail
+% regarding what change has been made [i.e., the description of the
+% change]. The [second] of these arguments
+% is otherwise ignored, but the others are written out and may be
+% used to generate a history of changes, to be printed at the end of
+% the document. [\dots\ I~ommit an obsolete remark about then-older
+% MakeIndex's versions.]
+% The output of the |\changes| command goes into the
+% \<Glossary_File> and therefore uses the normal |\glossaryentry|
+% commands. Thus MakeIndex or a~similar program can be used to
+% process the output into a sorted ``glossary''. The |\changes|
+% command commences by taking the usual measures to hide its
+% spacing, and then redefines |\protect| for use within the argument
+% of the generated |\indexentry| command. We re-code nearly all
+% chars found in |\@sanitize| to letter since the use of special
+% package which make some characters active might upset the
+% |\changes| command when writing its entries to the file. However
+% we have to leave |%| as
+% comment and | | as \<space> otherwise chaos will happen. And, of
+% course the |\| should be available as escape character.\end{quotation}
+% We put the definition inside a~macro that will be
+% executed by (the first use of) |\RecordChanges|. And we provide
+% the default definition of |\changes| as a~macro just gobbling its
+% arguments. We do this to provide no changes' writing out if
+% |\RecordChanges| is not used.
+% \CodeDefine\gmd@DefineChanges
+% \CodeDefine\changes
+% \changes{v0.98e}{06/09/23}{definition put into a~macro that shall
+% launch it when \cs{RecordChanges} is executed and the default
+% defining it as a~gobbling macro}
+ \outer\long\def\changes{\@bsphack\begingroup\@sanitize
+ \catcode`\\\z@ \catcode`\ 10 \MakePercentIgnore
+ \MakePrivateLetters \StraightEOL
+ \MakeGlossaryControls
+ \changes@}}
+ ^^JThe \bslash changes command used \on@line
+ ^^Jwith no \string\RecordChanges\space declared.
+ ^^JI shall not warn you again about it}%
+ \renewcommand\changes[4][]{}}
+ \def\actualchar{=}\def\quotechar{!}%
+ \def\levelchar{>}\edef\encapchar{\twelveclub}}%for the glossary the
+ % `actual', the `quote' and the `level' chars are respectively |=|,
+ % |!| and |>|, the `encap' char remains untouched. I~decided to
+ % preserve the \docfm's settings for the compatibility.
+% \CodeDefine\changes@
+% \changes[\changes]{v0.97}{06/09/04}{The optional pseudo-argument
+% added intended to be the macro-entry.}
+ \if@RecentChange{#3}% if the date is later than the one stored in
+ % \cs{c@Chang\+es\+Start\+Date},
+ \@tempswafalse
+ \ifx\generalname#1% then we check whether a~CS-entry is given
+ % in the optional first argument or is it unchanged.
+ \ifx\last@defmark\relax\else% if no particular CS is
+ % specified in |#1|, we check whether |\last@defmark| contains
+ % something and if so, we put it into |\@tempb| scratch macro.
+ \@tempswatrue
+ \edef\@tempb{% it's a~bug fix: while typesetting traditional
+ % \file{.dtx}es, |\last@defmark| came out with |\| at the
+ % beginning (which resulted with |\\|\<name> in the change
+ % log) but while typesetting the `new' way, it occured
+ % without the bslash. So we gobble the bslash if it's
+ % present and two lines below we handle the exception of
+ % |\last@defmark|\equals|{\}| (what would happen if
+ % a~definition of |\\| was marked in new way \gmdoc ing).%^^A]
+ \if\bslash\last@defmark\else\last@defmark\fi}%
+ \ifx\last@defmark\bslash\let\@tempb\last@defmark\fi%
+%^^A \typeout{last dm @tempb: \@tempb}% (debugging)
+ % ^^A~\expandafter\quote@mname\macro@pname\relax
+ \fi
+ \else%the first argument isx not |\generalname| i.e.,
+ %a~particular CS is specified by it (if some day one
+ % wishes to |\changes| |\generalname|, \heshe\ should type
+ % |\changes[generalname]|\dots)
+ \@tempswatrue
+ {\escapechar\m@ne
+ \xdef\@tempb{\string#1}}
+ % ^^A~\expandafter\quote@mname\@tempb\relax
+ \fi
+ \protected@edef\@tempa{\noexpand\glossary{%
+ \if\relax\GeneralName\relax\else
+ \GeneralName% it's for the |\DocInclude| case to precede
+ % every |\changes| of the same file with the file name, cf.\ line
+ % \ref{GeneralName}.
+ \fi
+ #2\levelchar%
+ \if@tempswa% If the macro |\last@defmark|
+ % doesn't contain any CS name (i.e., is empty) nor |#1|
+ % specifies a~CS, the current
+ % changes entry was done at top-level. In this case we preceed
+ % it by |\generalname|.
+ \@tempb
+ \actualchar\bslash verb*%
+ \if\verbatimchar\@tempb$\else\verbatimchar\fi
+ \quotechar\bslash \@tempb
+ \if\verbatimchar\@tempb$\else\verbatimchar\fi
+ \else
+ \space\actualchar\generalname
+ \fi
+ :\levelchar#4\encapchar hyperpage}}%
+ \@tempa
+ \fi\endgroup\@esphack}
+% Let's initialize |\last@defmark| and |\GeneralName|.
+% Let's explain |\if@RecentChange|. We wish to check whether the
+% change's date is later than date declared (if any limit date
+% \emph{was} declared). First of all, let's establish a~counter to store
+% the declared date. The untouched counters are equal 0 so if no date
+% is declared there'll be no problem. The date will have the
+% \<YYYYMMDD> shape both to be easily compared and readable.
+% \CodeDefine\c@ChangesStartDate
+% \CodeDefine\if@RecentChange
+ \gmd@setChDate#1\@@nil\@tempcnta
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta>\c@ChangesStartDate}
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@setChDate
+\def\gmd@setChDate#1/#2/#3\@@nil#4{% the last parameter will be a~|\count|
+ % register.
+ #4=#1\relax
+ \multiply#4 by\@M
+ \count8=#2\relax% I~know it's a~bit messy not to check whether the
+ % |#4| |\count| is |\count8| but I~know this macro will only be used
+ % with |\count0 | \nlpercent(\cs{@\+te\+m\+p\+cn\+ta}) and some
+ % higher (not a~scratch) one.
+ \multiply\count8 by100 %
+ \advance#4 by\count8 \count8=\z@
+ \advance#4 by#3\relax}
+% Having the test defined, let's define the command setting the date
+% counter. |#1| is to be the version and |#2| the date
+% \cs[]{\{\<year>/\<month>/\<day>\}}.
+% \CodeDefine\ChangesStart
+% \changes{v0.98e}{06/09/23}{\cs{string}s added before the seargants
+% in the message with account of \cs{docstrip(s)}}
+ \gmd@setChDate#2\@@nil\c@ChangesStartDate
+ \typeout{^^JPackage gmdoc info: ^^JChanges' start date #1 memorized
+ as \string<\the\c@ChangesStartDate\string> \on@line.^^J}
+ \advance\c@ChangesStartDate\m@ne% we shall show the changes \emph{at ^^B
+ % the specified day} and later.
+ \ifnum\c@ChangesStartDate>19820900 %\unskip\StraightEOL\footnote{^^A
+ % DEK writes in \textit{\TeX, The Program} of September 1982 as the
+ % date of \TeX\ Version 0.}\QueerEOL\label{TeXVer0}
+ % see \gmiflink[personalchanges]{below}.
+ \edef\@tempa{%
+ \noexpand\g@addto@macro\noexpand\glossary@prologue{%
+ The changes
+ \if\relax\GeneralName\relax\else of \GeneralName\space\fi
+ earlier than
+ #1 \if\relax#1\relax #2\else(#2)\fi\space are not shown.}}%
+ \@tempa
+ \fi}
+% (Explanation to line \ref{TeXVer0}.)
+% \gmhypertarget[personalchanges]{My} \TeX\ Guru has remarked that the
+% change history tool should be used for documenting the changes that
+% may be significant for the users not only for the author and talking
+% of what may be significant to the user, no changes should be hidden
+% since the first published version. However, the changes' start date
+% may be used to provide hiding the author's `personal' notes: \heshe\
+% should only date the `public' changes with the four digit year and
+% the `personal' ones with two digit year and set
+% |\ChangesStart{}{1000/0/0}| or so.
+% In line \ref{TeXVer0} I~establish a~test value that corresponds to
+% a~date earlier than any \TeX\ stuff and is not too small (early) to
+% ensure that hiding the two digit year changes shall not be mentioned
+% in the changes prologue.
+% \changes{v0.98d}{2006/9/15}{An entry to show the change history
+% works: watch and admire. Some sixty \cs{changes} entries irrelevant
+% for the users-other-than-myself are hidden due to the trick
+% described on
+% p.\protect\,\protect\pageref{personalchanges}.%
+% \protect\StoreMacro\protect\hyperpage
+% \protect\def\protect\hyperpage#1{\protect\RestoreMacro\protect\hyperpage}%
+% \protect\gobble}
+% \stanza
+% \begin{quotation}The entries [of a~given version number] are sorted
+% for convenience by the name of [the macro explicitly specified as
+% the first argument or] the most recently introduced macroname
+% (i.e., that in the most recent |\begin{macro}| command [or
+% |\CodeDefine|]). We therefore provide [|\last@defmark|] to
+% record that argument, and provide a default definition in case
+% |\changes| is used outside a \env{macro} environment. (This is a
+% wicked hack to get such entries at the beginning of the sorted
+% list! It works providing no macro names start with |!| or |"|.)
+% This macro holds the string placed before changes entries on
+% top-level.\end{quotation}
+% \CodeDefine\generalname
+% \CodeDefine\chschange
+% \changes{v0.98a}{06/09/06}{added.}
+% \stanza
+% \begin{quotation}To cause the changes to be written (to a \pk{.glo})
+% file, we define |\RecordChanges|
+% to invoke \LaTeX's usual |\makeglossary| command.\end{quotation}
+% I~add to it also the |\write|ing definition of the |\changes| macro
+% to ensure no changes are written out without |\RecordChanges|.
+% \CodeDefine\RecordChanges
+% \changes{v0.98c}{06/09/08}{made self-\cs{relax}ing}
+% \changes{v0.98e}{06/09/23}{made it defining \cs{changes}}
+ \@relaxen\RecordChanges}
+% \begin{quotation}The remaining macros are all analogues of those used
+% for the \env{theindex} environment.
+% When the glossary is started we compute the space which remains at
+% the bottom of the current page; if this is greater than |\GlossaryMin| then the
+% first part of the glossary will be placed in the available space. The number of
+% columns set [is] controlled by the counter |\c@GlossaryColumns| which can be
+% changed with a |\setcounter| declaration.\end{quotation}
+% \begin{CodeSpacesBlank}
+\newdimen\GlossaryMin \GlossaryMin = 80pt
+% \CodeDefIndex*\c@GlossaryColumns
+\newcount\c@GlossaryColumns \c@GlossaryColumns = 2
+% \end{CodeSpacesBlank}
+%\begin{quotation}The environment \env{theglossary} is defined in the
+%same manner as the \env{theindex}
+% environment.\end{quotation}
+% \CodeDefine*{theglossary}
+% \CodeDefIndex*\theglossary
+ \begin{multicols}\c@GlossaryColumns
+ [\glossary@prologue][\GlossaryMin]%
+ \GlossaryParms \let\item\@idxitem \ignorespaces}%
+ {\end{multicols}}
+% Here is the MakeIndex style definition:
+% \index{\file{}}
+%^^A \begin{docstrips}
+%<+gmglo>"\n \\begin{theglossary} \n
+%<+gmglo>"\n\n \\end{theglossary}\n"
+%<+gmglo>keyword "\\glossaryentry"
+%<+gmglo>actual '='
+%<+gmglo>quote '!'
+%<+gmglo>level '>'
+%^^A \end{docstrips}
+% The MakeIndex shell command for the glossary should look as
+% follows:
+% \[\hbox{|makeindex -r -s -o |\<myfile>|.gls |\<myfile>|.glo|}\]
+% ^^B
+% ^^B makeindex -r -s -o <myfile>.gls <myfile>.glo
+% ^^B
+% where |-r| commands MakeIndex not to make implicit page ranges,
+% |-s| commands MakeIndex to use the style stated next not the
+% default settings and the |-o| option with the subsequent filename
+% defines the name of the output.
+% \begin{quotation}The |\GlossaryPrologue| macro is used to place a
+% short message above the
+% glossary into the document. It is implemented by redefining |\glossary@prologue|,
+% a macro which holds the default text. We better make it a long macro to allow
+% |\par| commands in its argument.\end{quotation}
+% \CodeDefine\GlossaryPrologue
+ \def\glossary@prologue{#1}%
+ \@esphack}
+% \begin{quotation}Now we test whether the default is already defined
+% by another package file. If not we define it.\end{quotation}
+% \changes{v0.98a}{06/09/06}{a~bug fixed: \cs{filediv} replaced with
+% \cs{indexdiv} in the default prologue.}
+% \CodeDefine\glossary@prologue
+ {\def\glossary@prologue{\indexdiv{{Change History}}%
+ \markboth{{Change History}}{{Change History}}%
+ }}{}
+%\begin{quotation}Unless the user specifies otherwise, we set the
+%change history using the same parameters as for the index.\end{quotation}
+% \CodeDefine\GlossaryParms
+ \@ifundefined{GlossaryParms}{\let\GlossaryParms\IndexParms}{}}
+% To read in and print the sorted change history, just put the
+% |\PrintChanges| command as the last (commented-out, and thus
+% executed during the documentation pass through the file) command in
+% your package file. Alternatively, this command may form one of the
+% arguments of the |\StopEventually| command, although a change history
+% is probably not required if only the description is being printed.
+% The command assumes that MakeIndex or some other program has
+% processed the \pk{.glo} file to generate a sorted \pk{.gls}
+% file.\end{quotation} \CodeDefine\PrintChanges
+\def\PrintChanges{% to avoid a~disaster among queer EOLs:
+ \@ifQueerEOL
+ {\StraightEOL\@input@{\jobname.gls}\QueerEOL}%
+ {\@input@{\jobname.gls}}%
+ \g@emptify\PrintChanges}
+% % \iffalse
+% % \begin{quotation}
+% % The following definitions provide the |\pfill| command; if this is
+% % specified in the index style file to MakeIndex as the delimiter to
+% % appear after index items, then the intervening space before the
+% % referenced page numbers will be filled with dots, with a little
+% % white space interpolated at each end of the dots. If the line is
+% % broken the dots will show up on both lines.\end{quotation}
+% \def\dotfill{\leaders\hbox to.6em{\hss .\hss}\hskip\z@ plus 1fill}%
+% \def\dotfil{\leaders\hbox to.6em{\hss .\hss}\hfil}%
+% \def\pfill{\unskip~\dotfill\penalty500\strut\nobreak
+% \dotfil~\ignorespaces}%
+%%<+ist>delim_0 "\\pfill "
+%%<+ist>delim_1 "\\pfill "2
+%%<+ist>delim_2 "\\pfill "
+% % skipped definitions of dotted fills\fi
+% \subdivision{The Checksum}
+% \docfm\ provides a~checksum mechanism that counts the backslashes
+% in the scanned code. Let's do almost the same.
+% At the beginning of the source file you may put the |\CheckSum|
+% macro with a~number (in one of \TeX's formats) as its argument and
+% \TeX\ with \pk{gmdoc} shall count the number of the \emph{escape ^^B
+% chars} in the source file and tell you in the \file{.log} file (and
+% on the terminal)
+% whether you have typed the right number. If you don't type |\CheckSum|,
+% \TeX\ anyway will tell you how much it is.
+% \CodeDefine\check@sum \CodeDefine\CheckSum
+% \CodeDefine*{CheckSum} \CodeDefIndex*\c@CheckSum
+% \label{checksum}
+% \CodeDefIndex\step@checksum
+% And we'll use it in the line \ref{checksumUse} (|\stepcounter| is
+% |\global|). See also the |\chschange| declaration,
+% l.\,\ref{chschange}.
+% However, the check sum mechanism in \gmdoc\ behaves slightly
+% different than in \docfm\ which
+% is nicely visible while \pk{gmdoc}ing \docfm: \docfm\ states its
+% check sum to be 2171 and our count counts 2126. The mystery lies in
+% the fact that \docfm's CheckSum mechanism counts the code's
+% backslashes no matter what they mean and the \gmdoc's the escape
+% chars so, among others, |\\| at the default settings increases \docfm's
+% CheckSum by 2 while the \gmdoc's by 1. (There are 38 occurrences of |\\|
+% in \pk{doc.dtx} \env{macrocode}s, I~counted
+% myself.)\begin{StraightEOL}\footnote{My opinion is that nowadays
+% a~check sum
+% is not necessary for checking the completness of a~file but
+% I~like it as a~marker of file development and this more than
+% that is its r\^ole in \gmdoc.}
+% \end{StraightEOL}
+% \begin{quotation}But |\Finale| will be called at the very end of a
+% file. This is exactly the point were we want to know if the file
+% is uncorrupted. Therefore we also call |\check@checksum| at this
+% point.\end{quotation}
+% In \pk{gmdoc} we have the |\AtEndInput| hook.
+% Based on the lines 723--741 of \pk{doc.dtx}.
+% \CodeDefine\check@checksum
+ \ifnum\check@sum=\z@
+ \typeout{**********************************}%
+ \typeout{* The input file \gmd@inputname\space has no Checksum
+ stated.}%
+ \typeout{* The current checksum is \the\c@CheckSum.}%
+ \gmd@chschangeline% a~check sum changes history entry, see below.
+ \typeout{* (package gmdoc info.)}
+ \typeout{**********************************}%
+ \else
+ \ifnum\check@sum=\c@CheckSum
+ \typeout{*****+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+}%
+ \typeout{* The input file \gmd@inputname: Checksum passed.}%
+ \gmd@chschangeline
+ \typeout{* (package gmdoc info.)}
+ \typeout{*****+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+}%
+ \else
+ \typeout{********!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!}%
+ \typeout{*! The input file \gmd@inputname:}
+ \typeout{*! The CheckSum stated: \the\check@sum\space<> my
+ count: \the\c@CheckSum.}
+ \gmd@chschangeline
+ \typeout{*! (package gmdoc info.)}
+ \typeout{********!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \global\check@sum\z@}
+% As I~mentioned above, I~use the check sum mechanism to mark the file
+% growth. Therefore I~provide a~macro that produces a~line on the
+% terminal to be put somewhere at the
+% beginning of the source file's commentary for instance.
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@chschangeline
+ \typeout{\twelvepercent\space\string\chschange{%
+ \fileversion}{\the\year/\the\month/\the\day}{\the\c@CheckSum}}
+ \typeout{\twelvepercent\space\string\chschange{\fileversion}{%
+ \expandafter\@gobbletwo\the\year/\the\month/\the\day}{%\relax
+ % with two di\-g\-it year in case you use |\ChangesStart|.
+ \the\c@CheckSum}}}
+% And here the meaning of such a~line is defined:
+ \csname changes\endcsname{#1}{#2}{CheckSum #3}% |\csname...| 'cause
+ % \nlpercent\cs{cha\+n\+g\+es} is \nlpercent|\outer|.
+ \CheckSum{#3}}
+% It will make a~`General' entry in the change history unless
+% used in some |\CodeDefine|'s scope or inside a~\env{macro}
+% environment. It's intended to be put
+% somewhere at the beginning of the documented file.
+% \changes[\CheckSum]{v0.98a}{06/09/06}{`package gmdoc info'
+% statement moved to the end of the checksum messages.}
+% \changes[\CheckSum]{v0.98b}{06/09/07}{typing out the
+% \cs{chschange} line added}
+% \subdivision{Macros from \pk{ltxdoc}}
+% I'm not sure whether this package still remains `minimal' but
+% I~liked the macros provided by \pk{ltxdoc.cls} so much\dots
+% \stanza
+% The next page setup declaration is intended to be used
+% with the \pk{article}'s default Letter paper size. But since
+% \CodeDefine\ltxPageLayout
+%\begin{quotation}Increase the text width slightly so that width the standard fonts
+% 72 columns of code may appear in a |macrocode| environment.\end{quotation}
+ \setlength{\textwidth}{355pt}%
+% \begin{quotation}Increase the marginpar width slightly, for long
+% command names. And increase the left margin by a similar
+% amount.\end{quotation}
+% To make these settings independent from the defaults (changed e.g.\
+% in \pk{gmdocc.cls}) we replace the original |\addtolength|s with
+% |\setlength|s.
+%^^A \addtolength\marginparwidth{30pt}%
+%^^A \addtolength\oddsidemargin{20pt}%
+%^^A \addtolength\evensidemargin{20pt}
+ \setlength\marginparwidth{95pt}%
+ \setlength\oddsidemargin{82pt}%
+ \setlength\evensidemargin{82pt}}
+% %\iffalse
+% \def\task#1#2{}
+% % What is this for? Probably to turn an obsolete command off. Or maybe
+% % a~TODO?
+% % \fi
+%\subdivision{\cs{DocInclude} and the \pk{ltxdoc}-Like Setup}
+% Let's provide a~command for including
+% multiple files into one document. In the \pk{ltxdoc} class such
+% a~command is defined to include files as parts. But we prefer to
+% include them as chapters in the classes that provide
+% |\chapter|. We'll redefine |\maketitle| so that it make a~chapter or
+% a~part heading \emph{unlike} in \pk{ltxdoc} where the file parts
+% have their titlepages with only the filename and \pk{article}-like titles
+% made by |\maketitle|.
+% But we will also provide a~possibility of typesetting multiple files
+% exactly like with the \pk{ltxdoc} class.
+% \begin{macro}{\DocInclude}
+% So, define the |\DocInclude| command, that acts
+% \begin{quotation}more or less exactly the same as |\include|, but
+% uses |\DocInput| on a \pk{dtx} [or \pk{.fdd}] file, not |\input| on
+% a \pk{tex} file.\end{quotation}
+% Our version will accept also \pk{.sty}, \pk{.cls}, and \pk{.tex}
+% files.
+% \changes{v0.98}{06/09/05}{\cs{@makeother\protect\bslash_} added}
+\newcommand*\DocInclude{\bgroup\@makeother\_\Doc@Include}% First, we
+% make \nlpercent|_| `other' in order to allow it in the filenames.
+% \CodeDefine\Doc@Include
+\newcommand*{\Doc@Include}[2][]{% originally it took just one
+ % argument. Here we make it take two, first of which is intended to
+ % be the path (with the closing \nlpercent |/|). This is intended not to print
+ % the path in the page footers only the filename.\par
+ % \CodeUsage\HLPrefix \CodeDefine\EntryPrefix
+ \egroup% having the arguments read, we close the group opened by the
+ % previous macro for |_|\catother.
+ \gdef\HLPrefix{\filesep}%
+ \gdef\EntryPrefix{\filesep}% we define two rather kernel parameters
+ % to expand to the file marker. The first will bring the information
+ % to one of the default \nlpercent|\IndexPrologue|'s
+ % |\if|s. Therefore the
+ % definition is global. The latter is such for symmetry.
+ % \CodeDefine\GeneralName
+ \def\GeneralName{#2\actualchar\pk{#2} }% \label{GeneralName} for the
+ % changes'history main level entry.
+ \relax
+ %^^A\if@ltxDocInclude
+ \clearpage
+ % ^^A\fi
+ \docincludeaux
+ \def\currentfile{gmdoc-IncludeFileNotFound.000}%
+ \let\fullcurrentfile\currentfile
+ \IfFileExists{#1#2.fdd}{\edef\currentfile{#2.fdd}}{% it's not \pk{.fdd},
+ \IfFileExists{#1#2.dtx}{\edef\currentfile{#2.dtx}}{% it's not \pk{.dtx}
+ % either,
+ \IfFileExists{#1#2.sty}{\edef\currentfile{#2.sty}}{% it's not
+ % \pk{.sty},
+ \IfFileExists{#1#2.cls}{\edef\currentfile{#2.cls}}{% it's
+ % not \pk{.cls},
+ \IfFileExists{#1#2.tex}{\edef\currentfile{#2.tex}}{% it's
+ % not \pk{.tex},
+ \IfFileExists{#1#2.fd}{\edef\currentfile{#2.fd}}{% so it
+ % must be \pk{.fd} or error.
+ \PackageError{gmdoc}{\string\DocInclude\space file
+ #1#2.fdd/dtx/sty/cls/tex/fd not found.}}}}}}}%
+ % \changes{v0.98j}{06/10/16}{\pk{.fdd} added in \cs{DocInclude}'s
+ % search for the extension.}
+ \edef\fullcurrentfile{#1\currentfile}%
+ \ifnum\@auxout=\@partaux
+ \@latexerr{\string\DocInclude\space cannot be nested}\@eha
+ \else \@docinclude{#1}#2 \fi}% Why is |#2| delimited with | | not
+% braced as we are used to, one may ask.
+% \CodeDefine\@docinclude
+% \changes[\DocInclude]{v0.97}{06/09/03}{\cs{@docinclude} gets 2 params
+% in order to \cs{includeonly} work as expected, with only the names
+% (w.o. the paths)}
+\def\@docinclude#1#2 {% To match the macro's parameter string, is an
+ % answer. But why is |\@docinclude| defined so? Originally, in
+ % \pk{ltxdoc} it takes one argument and it's delimited with a~space
+ % probably in resemblance to the true |\input| \nlpercent(|\@@input| in
+ % \LaTeX). ^^A\if@ltxDocInclude
+ \clearpage
+ %^^A\fi
+ \if@filesw \gmd@writemauxinpaux{#2.aux}\fi% this strange macro with
+ % a~long name is another thing to allow |_| in the filenames (see
+ % line \ref{gmd@writemauxinpaux}).
+ \@tempswatrue
+ \if@partsw \@tempswafalse\edef\@tempb{#2}%
+ \@for \@tempa:=\@partlist\do{\ifx\@tempa\@tempb\@tempswatrue\fi}%
+ \fi
+ \if@tempswa \let\@auxout\@partaux
+ \if@filesw
+ \immediate\openout\@partaux #2.aux\relax% Yes, only |#2|. It's to
+ % create and process the partial \pk{.aux} files always in the main
+ % document's (driver's) directory.
+ % \changes[\DocInclude]{v0.97}{06/09/04}{\protect\TeX forced to
+ % process the partial \pk{.aux}es in the main document directory}
+ \immediate\write\@partaux{\relax}%
+ \fi
+ % \begin{quotation}We need to save (and later restore) various
+ % index-related commands which might be changed by the included
+ % file.\end{quotation}
+ % \changes{v0.98a}{06/09/06}{\cs{MacroStoringDo} renamed (in
+ % \pk{gmutils}) to \cs{StoringAndRelaxingDo}, and
+ % \cs{MacroRestoringDo} to \cs{RestoringDo}.}
+ \StoringAndRelaxingDo\gmd@doIndexRelated
+ \if@ltxDocInclude\part{\currentfile}% In the \pk{ltxdoc}-like setup
+ % we make a~part title page with only the filename and the file's
+ % |\maketitle| will typeset an \pk{article}-like title.
+ \else\let\maketitle=\InclMaketitle
+ \fi% In the default setup we
+ % redefine |\maketitle| to typeset a~common chapter or part heading.
+ \if@ltxDocInclude\xdef@filekey\fi
+ \GetFileInfo{\currentfile}% it's my (GM) addition with the account
+ % of using file info in the included files' title/\:heading etc.
+ \incl@DocInput{\fullcurrentfile}% originally just |\currentfile|.
+ \if@ltxDocInclude\else\xdef@filekey\fi% in the default case we add
+ % new file to the file key \emph{after} the input because in this
+ % case it's the files own |\maketitle| what launches the
+ % sectioning command that increases the counter.
+ % \par And here is the moment to restore the index-related
+ % commands.
+ \RestoringDo\gmd@doIndexRelated
+ % ^^A\if@ltxDocInclude
+ \clearpage
+ % ^^A\fi
+ \gmd@writeckpt{#1#2}%
+ \if@filesw \immediate\closeout\@partaux \fi
+ \else\@nameuse{cp@#1#2}%
+ \fi
+ \let\@auxout\@mainaux}% end of |\@docinclude|.
+% \end{macro}
+% (Two is a~sufficient number of iterations to define a~macro for.)
+% \CodeDefine\xdef@filekey
+\def\xdef@filekey{{\@relaxen\ttfamily% \label{LetTTFRelax}This
+ % assignment is very trickly crafted: it makes \emph{all}
+ % |\ttfamily|s present in the |\filekey|'s expansion unexpandable
+ % not only the one added in this step.
+ \xdef\filekey{\filekey, \thefilediv={\ttfamily\currentfile}}}}
+% To allow |_| in the filenames we must assure |_| will be \catother\
+% while reading the filename. Therefore define
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@writemauxinpaux
+\def\gmd@writemauxinpaux#1{% \label{gmd@writemauxinpaux}
+ % this name comes from `\emph{write} outto \emph main
+ % \emph{\pk{.aux}} to \emph{in}put \emph partial
+ % \emph{\pk{.aux}}'.\par
+ % We wrap |\@input{|\<partial \pk{.aux}>|}| in a~|_|\catother\
+ % hacked scope. This hack is especially recommended here since the
+ % \pk{.aux} file may contain a~non-|\global| stuff that should not
+ % be localized by a~group that we would have to establish if we
+ % didn't use the hack. (Hope you understand it. If not, notify me
+ % and for now I'll only give a~hint: ``Look at it with the \TeX's
+ % eyes''. More uses of this hack are to be seen in \pk{gmutils}
+ % where they are a~bit more explained.)
+ \immediate\write\@mainaux{%
+ \bgroup\string\@makeother\string\_%
+ \string\firstofone{\egroup
+ \string\@input{#1}}}}
+% We also slightly modify a~\LaTeX\ kernel macro |\@writeckpt| to
+% allow |_| in the file name.
+% \changes[\DocInclude]{v0.98a}{06/09/06}{\cs{@writeckpt} wrapped
+% with \cs{firstofone} hack to allow \cs[]{_} in the file names.}
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmd@writeckpt
+ \immediate\write\@partaux{%
+ \string\bgroup\string\@makeother\string\_%
+ \string\firstofone\@charlb\string\egroup}
+ \@writeckpt{#1}%
+ \immediate\write\@partaux{\@charrb}}
+ \do\tableofcontents \do\makeindex \do\EnableCrossrefs
+ \do\PrintIndex \do\printindex \do\RecordChanges \do\PrintChanges
+ \do\theglossary \do\endtheglossary}
+% The \pk{ltxdoc} class establishes a~special number format for
+% multiple file documentation numbering needed to document the \LaTeX\
+% sources. I~like it too, so\CodeDefine\aalph \CodeDefine\@aalph
+\def\aalph#1{\@aalph{\csname c@#1\endcsname}}
+ \ifcase#1\or a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or f\or g\or h\or i\or
+ j\or k\or l\or m\or n\or o\or p\or q\or r\or s\or
+ t\or u\or v\or w\or x\or y\or z\or A\or B\or C\or
+ D\or E\or F\or G\or H\or I\or J\or K\or L\or M\or
+ N\or O\or P\or Q\or R\or S\or T\or U\or V\or W\or
+ X\or Y\or Z\else\@ctrerr\fi}
+% A~macro that initialises things for |\DocInclude|.
+% \CodeDefine\docincludeaux
+ % We set the things for including the files only once.
+ \global\@relaxen\docincludeaux
+ % By default, we will include multiple files into one document
+ % as chapters in the classes that provide |\chapter| and as parts
+ % elsewhere.
+ \ifx\filediv\relax
+ \ifx\filedivname\relax% (nor |\filediv| neither
+ % |\filedivname| is defined by the user)
+ % \changes[\filediv]{v0.98a}{06/09/06}{definition moved into
+ % \cs{DocInclude} and let \cs{relax} by default ($\quotechar=$a~bug fix).}
+ \@ifundefined{chapter}{%
+ \SetFileDiv{part}}%\changes[\DocInclude]{v0.98f}{06/9/29}{\cs{filediv(name)}
+ % defined as \cs[]{(\protect\bslash)part} for the classes that
+ % don't know \cs{chapter}}
+ {\SetFileDiv{chapter}}%
+ \else% (|\filedivname| is defined by the user, |\filediv| is not)
+ \SetFileDiv{\filedivname}% why not? Inside is |\edef| so it'll work.
+ \fi
+ \else% (|\filediv| is defined by the user
+ \ifx\filedivname\relax% and |\filedivname| is not)
+ %^^A~I~deleted a~six level test which one sectioning command
+ %^^A~|\filedivname| isx.
+ \PackageError{gmdoc}{You've redefined \string\filediv\space
+ without redefining \string\filedivname.}{Please redefine the
+ two macros accordingly. You may use \string\SetFileDiv{name
+ without bslash}.}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \@addtoreset{codelinenum}{\filedivname}% remember it has
+ % a~|\global| effect in fact. For each file we'll reset
+ % \env{codelinenum}.
+ \def\thefilediv{\aalph{\filedivname}}% The files will be numbered
+ % with letters, lowercase first.
+ \expandafter\let\csname the\filedivname\endcsname=\thefilediv% This
+ % li\-ne lets |\the|\<chapter> etc.\ equal |\thefilediv|.
+ \def\filesep{\thefilediv-}% File separator (identifier) for the index.
+ \let\filekey=\@gobble
+ \g@addto@macro\index@prologue{%
+ \gdef\@oddfoot{\parbox{\textwidth}{\strut\footnotesize
+ \raggedright{\bfseries File Key:} \filekey}}% The footer for
+ % the pages of index.
+ \glet\@evenfoot\@oddfoot}% \label{oneside}anyway, it's intended to
+ % be oneside.
+ \g@addto@macro\glossary@prologue{%
+ \gdef\@oddfoot{\strut Change History\hfill\thepage}% The footer
+ % for the changes history.
+ \glet\@evenfoot\@oddfoot}%
+ % \changes[\DocInclude]{v0.98c}{06/9/10}{Change History footer
+ % defined}
+ \gdef\@oddfoot{% The footer of the file pages will be its name and,
+ % if there is a~file info, also the date and version.
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname ver@\currentfile\endcsname\relax
+ File \thefilediv: {\ttfamily\currentfile} %
+ \else
+ \GetFileInfo{\currentfile}%
+ File \thefilediv: {\ttfamily\filename} %
+ Date: \filedate\ %
+ Version \fileversion
+ \fi
+ \hfill\thepage}%
+ \glet\@evenfoot\@oddfoot% see line \ref{oneside}.
+ % ^^A \show\filedivname% for debug
+ \expandafter\def\csname\filedivname name\endcsname{File}% we
+ % redefine the name of the proper division to `File'.
+ \ifx\filediv\section
+ \let\division=\subsection
+ \let\subdivision=\subsubsection% If |\filediv| is higher than
+ % |\section| we don't change the two divisions (they are
+ % |\section| and |\subsection| by default). |\section| seems
+ % to me the lowest reasonable sectioning command for the file. If
+ % |\filediv| is lower you should rather rethink the level of
+ % a~file in your documentation not redefine the two divisions.
+ \fi}% end of |\docincludeaux|.
+% The |\filediv| and |\filedivname| macros should always be set
+% together. Therefore provide a~macro that takes care of both at
+% once. Its |#1| should be a~sectioning name without the backslash.
+% \CodeDefine\SetFileDiv
+% \changes{v0.98c}{06/9/10}{added and a~bug fixed in \cs{docincludeaux}}
+ \edef\filedivname{#1}%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\filediv\csname#1\endcsname}
+% \subdivision{\cs{SelfInclude}}
+% I~needed to include the driver file into
+% a~documentation so I~wrote
+% a~macro in case I'll need it again or you'll need it.
+% We define it immediately i.e.,
+% without the |\catcode|s trick because it uses |\jobname| inside so
+% the filename will be all \catother\ anyway.
+% \CodeDefine\SelfInclude
+% \changes{v0.98a}{06/09/06}{added in response to the needs}
+\newcommand*{\SelfInclude}[2][.tex]{% As you guess, the optional |#1|
+ % is the jobname's extension. The second parameter is \emph{not} for
+ % the filename (note \emph{it's known:} as |\jobname|!), but
+ % \emph{for the stuff to be put at begin input.}
+ \AtBegInputOnce{#2}%
+ \gdef\HLPrefix{\filesep}%
+ \gdef\EntryPrefix{\filesep}% we define two rather kernel parameters
+ % etc.\ as in \nlpercent|\DocInclude|.
+ \relax
+ %^^A\if@ltxDocInclude
+ \clearpage
+ % ^^A\fi
+ \docincludeaux
+ \edef\currentfile{\jobname#1}%
+ \let\fullcurrentfile\currentfile
+ \def\GeneralName{\jobname\actualchar\pk{\jobname} }% for the
+ % changes history main level entry.
+ \ifnum\@auxout=\@partaux
+ \@latexerr{\string\DocInclude\space cannot be nested}\@eha
+ \else
+ \if@filesw
+ \gmd@writemauxinpaux{\jobname.auxx}% ^^A
+ % this queer macro allows |_| in the file names. In this
+ % particular case |\string\jobname| would do, but anyway we
+ % provide a~more general solution. Note the \pk{.auxx} extension
+ % used instead of \pk{.aux}. This is done to avoid an infinite
+ % recurrence of \nlpercent|\input|s.
+ \fi
+ \@tempswatrue
+ \if@partsw \@tempswafalse\edef\@tempb{\jobname}%
+ \@for
+ \@tempa:=\@partlist\do{\ifx\@tempa\@tempb\@tempswatrue\fi}%
+ \fi
+ \if@tempswa \let\@auxout\@partaux
+ \if@filesw
+ \immediate\openout\@partaux \jobname.auxx\relax
+ \immediate\write\@partaux{\relax}
+ \fi
+ % \begin{quotation}We need to save (and later
+ % restore)\dots\end{quotation}
+ \StoringAndRelaxingDo% provided by \pk{gmutils}
+ \gmd@doIndexRelated
+ \if@ltxDocInclude\part{\currentfile}%
+ \else\let\maketitle=\InclMaketitle
+ \fi
+ \if@ltxDocInclude\xdef@filekey\fi
+ \GetFileInfo{\currentfile}% it's my (GM) addition with the account
+ % of using file info in the included files' title etc.
+ \incl@DocInput{\fullcurrentfile}% originally just |\currentfile|, no
+ % difference in |\SelfInclude|.
+ \if@ltxDocInclude\else\xdef@filekey\fi% in
+ % the default case we add new file to the file key \emph{after} the
+ % input because in this case it's files own |\maketitle| what
+ % launches the sectioning command that increases the counter.
+ % \par And here is the moment to restore the index-related commands.
+ \RestoringDo
+ \gmd@doIndexRelated
+ %^^A\if@ltxDocInclude
+ \clearpage% among others, causes the |\writes| to be executed which is
+ % crucial for proper toc-ing e.g.
+ %^^A\fi
+ \gmd@writeckpt{\jobname.x}% note the |.x| in the checkpoint
+ % used to distinguish this instance (input) of the driver file
+ % from its main instance.
+ \if@filesw \immediate\closeout\@partaux \fi
+ \else\@nameuse{cp@\jobname.x}% note |.x|: it's used for the same
+ % reason as above.
+ \fi
+ \let\@auxout\@mainaux
+ \fi}% end of |\SelfInclude|.
+% The \pk{ltxdoc} class makes some preparations for inputting multiple
+% files. We are not sure if the user wishes to use \pk{ltxdoc}-like
+% way of documenting (maybe \heshe\ will prefer what I~offer,
+% \pk{gmdocc.cls} e.g.), so we put
+% those preparations into a~declaration.
+% \CodeDefine\ltxLookSetup
+% \CodeDefIndex\if@ltxDocInclude \CodeDefIndex*\@ltxDocIncludetrue
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@ltxDocIncludefalse
+ \SetFileDiv{part}%
+ \ltxPageLayout
+ \@ltxDocIncludetrue
+% The default is that we |\DocInclude| the files due to the original
+% \gmdoc\ input settings.
+\@emptify\currentfile% for the pages outside the
+% |\DocInclude|'s scope. In force for all includes.
+% \iffalse
+% % \stanza
+% % But it may be not a~usual situation to include the source files
+% % as with \pk{ltxdoc} but with the \emph{new} |\DocInput| macro. So
+% % let's |\def|
+% % \CodeDefine\ltxMultidocOldSetup
+% \newcommand*\ltxMultidocOldSetup{%
+% \ltxMultidocSetup
+% \let\incl@DocInput=\OldDocInput}
+% \@onlypreamble\ltxMultidocOldSetup
+% And, for the symmetry, if you prefer the look offered by
+% me, but
+% \fi
+% If you want to |\Doc/SelfInclude| \docfm-likes:
+% \CodeDefine\olddocIncludes
+ \let\incl@DocInput=\OldDocInput}
+% And, if you have set the previous and want to set it back:
+% \CodeDefine\gmdocIncludes
+ \let\incl@DocInput=\DocInput
+ \AtBegInput{\QueerEOL}}% to move back the |\StraightEOL| declaration put
+% at begin input by |\olddocIncludes|.
+% \subdivision{Redefinition of \cs{maketitle}}
+% A~not-so-slight alteration of the \TextUsage\maketitle\ command in
+% order it allow multiple titles in one document seems to me very
+% clever. So let's copy again (\pk{ltxdoc.dtx} the lines 643--656):
+% \begin{quotation}The macro to generate titles is easily altered in
+% order that it can be used more than once (an article with many
+% titles). In the original, diverse macros were concealed
+% after use with |\relax|. We must cancel anything that may have been
+% put into |\@thanks|, etc., otherwise all titles will carry forward
+% any earlier such setting!\end{quotation}
+% But here in \pk{gmdoc} we'll do it locally for (each) input
+% not to change the main title settings if there are any.
+% \CodeDefine\maketitle
+ \providecommand*\maketitle{\par
+ \begingroup \def \thefootnote {\fnsymbol {footnote}}%
+ \setcounter {footnote}\z@
+ \def\@makefnmark{\hbox to\z@{$\m@th^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}}%
+ \long\def\@makefntext##1{\parindent 1em\noindent
+ \hbox to1.8em{\hss$\m@th^{\@thefnmark}$}##1}%
+ \if@twocolumn \twocolumn [\@maketitle ]%
+ \else \newpage \global \@topnum \z@ \@maketitle \fi
+% \begin{quotation}For special formatting requirements (such as in
+% TUGboat), we use pagestyle |titlepage| for this; this is later defined
+% to be |plain|, unless already defined, as, for example, by
+% \pk{ltugboat.sty}.\end{quotation}
+ \thispagestyle{titlepage}\@thanks \endgroup
+%\begin{quotation}If the driver file
+% documents many files, we don't want parts of a title of one to
+% propagate to the next, so we have to cancel these:\end{quotation}
+ \setcounter {footnote}\z@
+ \gdef\@date{\today}\g@emptify\@thanks%
+ \g@emptify\@author\g@emptify\@title%
+ }%\par
+ % \begin{quotation}When a number of articles are concatenated into
+ % a~journal, for example, it is not usual for the title pages of
+ % such documents to be formatted differently. Therefore, a class
+ % such as \pk{ltugboat} can define this macro in advance. However,
+ % if no such definition exists, we use pagestyle plain for title
+ % pages.\end{quotation}
+ \@ifundefined{ps@titlepage}{\let\ps@titlepage=\ps@plain}{}%
+ % \par And let's provide |\@maketitle| just in case: an error occurred
+ % without it at \TeX ing with \pk{mwbk.cls} because this class with the
+ % default options does not define |\@maketitle|. The below definitions
+ % are taken from \pk{report.cls} and \pk{mwrep.cls}.
+ % \CodeDefine\@maketitle
+ \providecommand*\@maketitle{%
+ \newpage\null \vskip 2em\relax%
+ \begin{center}%
+ \titlesetup
+ \let \footnote \thanks
+ {\LARGE \@title \par}%
+ \vskip 1.5em%
+ {\large \lineskip .5em%
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{c}%
+ \strut \@author
+ \end{tabular}\par}%
+ \vskip 1em%
+ {\large \@date}%
+ \end{center}%
+ \par \vskip 1.5em\relax}%\par
+ % We'd better restore the primary meanings of the macros making
+ % a~title. (\LaTeXe\ source, File F: ltsect.dtx Date: 1996/12/20 Version
+ % v1.0z, lines
+ % \CodeDefine\title \CodeDefine\author \CodeDefine\date
+ % \CodeDefine\thanks
+ \providecommand*\title[1]{\gdef\@title{#1}}
+ \providecommand*\author[1]{\gdef\@author{#1}}
+ \providecommand*\date[1]{\gdef\@date{#1}}
+ \providecommand*\thanks[1]{\footnotemark
+ \protected@xdef\@thanks{\@thanks
+ \protect\footnotetext[\the\c@footnote]{#1}}%
+ }%\CodeDefIndex\and
+ \providecommand*\and{%| % \begin{tabular}|
+ \end{tabular}%
+ \hskip 1em \@plus.17fil%
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{c}}%| % \end{tabular}|
+ % And finally, let's initialize \cs{tit\+le\+set\+up} if it is not yet.
+ % \CodeDefine\titlesetup
+ \providecommand*\titlesetup{}%
+}% end of |\AtBegInput|.
+% \changes[\titlesetup]{v0.98c}{06/09/08}{\cs{provide}d \cs[]{\{\}}}
+% The \pk{ltxdoc} class redefines the |\maketitle| command to allow
+% multiple titles in one document. We'll do the same and something
+% more: our |\Doc/SelfInclude| will turn the file's |\maketitle| into
+% a~part or chapter heading. But, if hte |\ltxLookSetup| declaration
+% is in force, |\Doc/SelfInclude| will make for an included file
+% a~part's title page and an \pk{article}-like title.
+% \stanza
+% Let's initialize the file division macros.
+% If we don't include files the \pk{ltxdoc}-like way, we wish to
+% redefine |\maketitle| so that it typesets a~division's heading.
+% Now, we redefine |\maketitle| and its relatives.
+% \CodeDefine\InclMaketitle
+% \changes{v0.98a}{06/09/05}{renamed from \cs{incl@maketitle} 'cause
+% I~needed it in self-input hacks.}
+ {\def\and{, }% we make |\and| just a~comma.
+ {\let\thanks=\@gobble% for the toc version of the heading we
+ % discard |\thanks|.\tOnLine
+ \protected@xdef\incl@titletotoc{\@title\if@fshda\protect\space
+ (\@author)\fi}% we add the author iff the `files have
+ % different authors' \nlpercent(|@fshda|)
+ }% \CodeDefine\thanks
+ \def\thanks##1{\footnotemark
+ \protected@xdef\@thanks{\@thanks% to keep the previous |\thanks|
+ % if there were any.
+ \protect\footnotetext[\the\c@footnote]{##1}}}% for some
+ % mysterious reasons so defined |\thanks| do typeset the footnote
+ % mark and text but they don't hyperlink it
+ % properly. A~\pk{hyperref} bug?
+ \@emptify\@thanks
+ \protected@xdef\incl@filedivtitle{%
+ [{\incl@titletotoc}]% braces to allow |[| and
+ % |]| in the title to toc.
+ {\protect\@title
+ {\smallerr% this macro is provided by the \pk{gmutils}
+ % package after the \pk{relsize} package.
+ \if@fshda\\[0.15em]\protect\@author
+ \if\relax\@date\relax\else, \fi
+ \else
+ \if\relax\@date\relax\else\\[0.15em]\fi
+ \fi
+ % The default is that all the included files have the same
+ % author(s). In this case we won't print the author(s) in
+ % the headings. Otherwise we wish to print them. The
+ % information which case are we in is brought by the
+ % |\if@fshda| switch defined in line \ref{@fshda}.
+% If we wish to print the author's name
+% (|\if@fshda|), then we'll print the date after the author, separated
+% with a~comma. If we don't print the author, there still may be
+% a~date to be printed. In such a~case we break the line, too, and
+% print the date with no comma.
+ \protect\@date}}% end of |\incl@filedivtitle|'s brace (2nd
+ % or 3rd argument).
+ }% end of |\incl@filedivtitle|'s |\protected@xdef|.\par
+ % We |\protect| all the title components to avoid expanding
+ % |\footnotemark| hidden in |\thanks| during |\protected@xdef|
+ % (and to let it be executed during the typesetting, of course).
+ }% end of the comma-|\and|'s group.
+ \expandafter\filediv\incl@filedivtitle
+ \@thanks
+ \g@relaxen\@author \g@relaxen\@title \g@relaxen\@date
+ \g@emptify\@thanks
+}% end of |\InclMaketitle|.
+% What I~make the default, is an assumption that all the
+% multi-documented files have the same author(s).
+% And with the account of the other possibility I~provide
+% the below switch and declaration.
+% \CodeDefIndex\if@fshda
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@fshdatrue
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@fshdafalse
+% \CodeDefine\PrintFilesAuthors
+% \label{@fshda} (its name comes from \textit file\textit s
+% \textit have \textit different \textit authors).
+% And the counterpart, if you change your mind:
+% \subdivision{Miscellanea}
+% The main inputting macro, |\DocInput| has been provided. But there's
+% another one in \docfm\ and it looks very reasonably:
+% \gmhypertarget[IndexInput]{\cs{IndexInput}}. Let's make analogous one
+% here:
+% \CodeDefine\IndexInput
+% \changes{v0.98b}{06/09/07}{\cs{StoreMacro}ing and \cs{RestoreMacro}ing
+% \cs{code@delim} added}
+ \StoreMacro\code@delim
+ \CodeDelim*\^^A%
+ \DocInput{#1}\RestoreMacro\code@delim}
+% How does it work? We assume in the input file is no explicit
+% \<char1>. This char is chosen as the code delimiter and will be put
+% at the end of input. So, entire file contents will be scanned char
+% by char as the code.
+% \stanza
+% \iffalse First I~tried to use \specialcomment{gmlonely} provided by
+% the \pk{comment} package, but it caused errors.\fi
+% The below environment I~designed to be able to skip some repeating
+% texts while documenting several packages of mine into one
+% document. At the default settings it's just a~|\StraightEOL| group
+% and in the |\skipgmlonely| declaration's scope it gobbles its
+% contents.
+% \CodeDefine*{gmlonely}
+% \CodeDefine\skipgmlonely
+ \def\@tempa{%\CodeDefIndex\gmd@skipgmltext
+ \def\gmd@skipgmltext{\g@emptify\gmd@skipgmltext#1}}%
+ \@tempa
+ \expandafter\AtBegInput\expandafter{\@tempa}%
+ \renewenvironment{gmlonely}{%
+ \StraightEOL
+ \@fileswfalse% to forbid writing to \pk{.toc}, \pk{.idx} etc.
+ \setbox0=\vbox\bgroup}{\egroup\gmd@skipgmltext}}
+% Sometimes in the commentary of this package, so maybe also others,
+% I~need to say some char is of category 12 (`other sign'). This I'll
+% mark just as \catother\ got by |\catother|.
+% \CodeDefine\catother
+\bgroup\catcode`\_=8 % we ensure the standard |\catcode| of |_|.
+ \newcommand*\catother{${}_{12}$}%\par
+% Similarly, if we need to say some char is of category 13 (`active'),
+% we'll write \catactive, got by |\catactive|
+% \CodeDefine\catactive
+ \newcommand*\catactive{${}_{13}$}%\par
+% and a~letter, \catletter
+% \CodeDefine\catletter
+ \newcommand*\catletter{${}_{11}$}%.
+% For the copyright note first I~used just \env{verse} but it requires
+% marking the line ends with |\\| and indents its contents while
+% I~prefer the copyright note to be flushed left. So
+% \CodeDefine*{copyrnote}
+ \StraightEOL\everypar{\hangindent3em\relax\hangafter1 }%
+ \par\addvspace\medskipamount\parindent\z@\obeylines}{%
+ \@codeskipputgfalse\stanza}
+% I~renew the \env{quotation} environment to make the fact of quoting
+% visible
+% \CodeDefine*{quotation}
+% \chunkskip
+% For some mysterious reasons |\noindent| doesn't work with the first
+% (narrative) paragraph after the code so let's work it around:
+% \CodeDefine\gmdnoindent
+% When a~verbatim text occurres in an inline comment, it's advisable to
+% precede it with |%| if it begins a~not first line of such a~comment
+% not to mistake it for a~part of code. For this purpose provide
+% \CodeDefine\nlpercent
+ \@ifstar{\def\@tempa{{\tt\twelvepercent}}%
+ \@emptify\@tempb\nl@percent}%
+ {\@emptify\@tempa
+ \def\@tempb{\gmboxedspace}\nl@percent}}
+\newcommand*\gmboxedspace{\hbox{\normalfont{ }}}
+ \unskip
+ \discretionary{\@tempa}{{\tt\twelvepercent\gmboxedspace}}{\@tempb}%
+ \penalty10000\hskip0sp\relax}
+% As you see, |\nlpercent| inserts a~discretionary that breaks to |%|
+% at the beginning of the lower line. Without the break it's a~space
+% (alas at its natural width i.e., not flexible) or, with the starred
+% version, nothing. The starred version puts |%| also at the end of
+% the upper line.
+% TODO: make the space flexible (most probably it requires using sth.\
+% else than |\discretionary|).
+% An optional hyphen for CSs in the inline comment:
+% \CodeDefine\+
+\@ifundefined{+}{}{\typeout{^^Jgmdoc.sty: redefining \bslash+.}}
+% And finally, some logos:
+% \begin{quotation} Here are a few definitions which can usefully be
+% employed when documenting
+% package files: now we can readily refer to \AmSTeX, \BibTeX\ and \SliTeX, as well
+% as the usual \TeX\ and \LaTeX. There's even a \PlainTeX\ and
+% a~\Web.\end{quotation}
+% \CodeDefine\AmSTeX \CodeDefine\BibTeX \CodeDefine\SliTeX
+% \CodeDefine\PlainTeX \CodeDefine\Web \CodeDefine\TeXbook
+% \CodeDefine\eTeX \CodeDefine\pdfeTeX \CodeDefine\pdfTeX
+% \CodeDefine\XeTeX \CodeDefine\ds
+ {\def\AmSTeX{\leavevmode\hbox{$\mathcal A\kern-.2em\lower.376ex%
+ \hbox{$\mathcal M$}\kern-.2em\mathcal S$-\TeX}}}{}
+ {\def\BibTeX{{\rmfamily B\kern-.05em%
+ \textsc{i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em%
+ \TeX}}}{}
+ {\def\SliTeX{{\rmfamily S\kern-.06emL\kern-.18em\raise.32ex\hbox
+ {\scshape i}\kern -.03em\TeX}}}{}
+% There's also the \LaTeXpar\ logo got with the |\LaTeXpar| macro
+% provided by \pk{gmutils}. And here \TeXbook's logo:
+\def\TeXbook{The \TeX book}
+\@ifundefined{eTeX}{\def\eTeX{$\varepsilon$\TeX}}{}% The \eTeX\ manual
+% uses `$\varepsilon$-\TeX' but that would look strange in \pdfeTeX.
+ \@ifundefined{reflectbox}{%
+ \lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.1667em\relax}{%
+ \lower.5ex\hbox{\reflectbox{E}}\kern-.1667em\relax}%
+ \TeX}}{}% As you see, if
+% \TeX\ doesn't recognize \nlpercent\cs{re\+flect\+box} (\pk{graphics}
+% isn't loaded), the first |E| will not be reversed. This version of
+% the command is intended for non-\XeTeX\ usage. With \XeTeX, the
+% reversed |E| you get as the Unicode Latin Letter Reversed E.
+% Define |\filedate| and friends from info in the
+% |\ProvidesPackage| etc.\ commands.
+% \CodeDefine\GetFileInfo
+ \def\filename{#1}%
+ \def\@tempb##1 ##2 ##3\relax##4\relax{%
+ \def\filedate{##1}%
+ \def\fileversion{##2}%
+ \def\fileinfo{##3}}%
+ \edef\@tempa{\csname ver@#1\endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\@tempb\@tempa\relax? ? \relax\relax}
+% Since we may documentally input files that we don't load, as \docfm\
+% e.g., let's define a~macro for explicit providing the file
+% info. It's written in analogy to |\ProvidesFile|, \pk{source ^^B
+% 2${}_\epsilon$}, file L v1.1g, l.\,102.
+% \CodeDefine\ProvideFileInfo
+% \changes{v0.98a}{06/09/06}{added}
+ \begingroup
+ \catcode`\ 10 \catcode\endlinechar 10 %
+ \@makeother\/\@makeother\&%
+ \kernel@ifnextchar[{\gmd@providefii{#1}}{\gmd@providefii{#1}[]}%^^A]
+ }
+ % \CodeDefIndex\gmd@providefii
+ % (we \emph{don't} write the file info to \pk{.log})
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname ver@#1\endcsname{#2}%
+ \endgroup}
+% And a~self-reference abbreviation (intended for providing file info
+% for the driver):
+% \CodeDefine\ProvideSelfInfo
+% A~neat conventional statement used in \docfm's documentation e.g.,
+% to be put in |\thanks| to the title or in a~footnote:
+% \CodeDefine\filenote
+\newcommand*\filenote{This file has version number \fileversion{} dated \filedate{}.}
+% And exactly as |\thanks|:
+% \CodeDefine\thfileinfo
+% \gmhypertarget[CDAnd]{Finally,} a~couple of macros for documenting
+% files playing with |%|'s
+% catcode(s). Instead of |%| I~used |&|. They may be at the end
+% because they're used in the commented thread i.e.\ after package's
+% |\usepackage|. \CodeDefine\CDAnd
+% \CodeDefine\CDPerc
+% And for documenting in general:
+% A~general sectioning command because I~foresee a~possibility of
+% typesetting the same file once as independent document and another
+% time as a~part of bigger whole.
+\@ifdefinable\division{}% just to test (this \LaTeX\ check issues an
+% error if the first argument is already defined). \CodeDefine\division
+ \@relaxen\division}{% \CodeDefine\division
+ \let\division=\section}
+\@ifdefinable\subdivision{}% just to test (see above). \CodeDefine\subdivision
+ \@relaxen\subdivision}{% \CodeDefine\subdivision
+ \let\subdivision=\subsection}
+% The |\let|s are inside |\@ifundefined|s because I'm not sure
+% whether you will typeset a~documentation with usual classes. Maybe
+% too much care.
+% \stanza
+% To kill a~tiny little bug in \file{doc.dtx} (in line 3299 |\@tempb| and
+% |\@tempc| are written plain not verbatim):
+% \CodeDefIndex*{gmd@mc} \CodeDefine\AfterMacrocode
+\def\gmd@mchook{\stepcounter{gmd@mc}% \label{gmd@mchook}
+ \gmd@mcdiag
+ \csname gmd@mchook\the\c@gmd@mc\endcsname}
+% What have I~done? I~declare a~new counter and employ it to count the
+% \env{macrocode(*)}s (and \env{oldmc(*)}s too, in fact) and attach
+% a~hook to (after) the end of every such environment. That lets us to
+% put some stuff pretty far inside the compiled file (for the buggie
+% in \file{doc.dtx}, to redefine |\@tempb/c|).
+% One more detail to expalin and define: the |\gmd@mcdiag| macro may
+% be defined to type out a~diagnostic message (the
+% \env{macrocode(*)}'s number, code line number and input line number).
+% \CodeDefine\gmd@mcdiag \CodeDefine\mcdiagOn \CodeDefine\mcdiagOff
+ \typeout{^^J\bslash end{macrocode(*)} No.\the\c@gmd@mc
+ \space\on@line, cln.\the\c@codelinenum.}}}
+% \subdivision[\docfm-Compatibility]{\gmhypertarget[doccompa]{\docfm-Compatibility}}
+% \gmhypertarget[doc-likeness]{My} \TeX\ Guru recommended me to write
+% hyperlinking for \docfm. The suggestion came out when writing of
+% \gmdoc\ was at such a~stage that I~thought it to be much easier to write
+% a~couple of |\let|s to make \gmdoc\ able to typeset
+% sources written for \docfm\ than to write a~new package that adds
+% hyperlinking to \docfm. So\dots
+% \stanza
+% The \docfm\ package makes |%| an ignored char. Here the |%| delimits
+% the code and therefore has to be `other'. But only the first one
+% after the code. The others we may re|\catcode| to be ignored and we
+% do it indeed in line \ref{ignorePercent}.
+% \stanza
+% At the very beginning of a~\docfm-prepared file we meet a~nice
+% command \cs{Char\-act\-er\-Tab\-le}. My \TeX\ Guru says it's a~bit old
+% fashioned these days so let's just make it notify the user:
+% \CodeDefine\CharacterTable
+% \CodeDefIndex\Character@Table
+ \@makeother\{\@makeother\}%
+ \Character@Table}
+\catcode`\<=1 \catcode`\>=2 %
+ \def\Character@Table#1{#2}<\endgroup
+ \message<^^J^^J gmdoc.sty package:^^J
+ ==== The input file contains the \bslash CharacterTable.^^J
+ ==== If you really need to check the correctness of the chars,^^J
+ ==== please notify the author of gmdoc.sty at the email address^^J
+ ==== given in the legal notice in gmdoc.sty.^^J^^J>>>
+% Similarly as \docfm, \gmdoc\ provides \env{macrocode}, \env{macro}
+% and \env{environment} environments. Unlike in \docfm,
+% |\end{macrocode}| \emph{does not} require to be preceded with any
+% particular number of spaces. Unlike in \docfm, it \emph{is not}
+% a~kind of \env{verbatim}, however, which means the code and
+% narration layers remains in force inside it which means that any
+% text after the first |%| in a~line will be processed as narration
+% (and its control sequences will be executed). For a~discussion of
+% a~possible workaround see line \ref{AVerySpecialMacro}.
+% \stanza
+% Let us now look over other original \docfm's control sequences and
+% let's `domesticate' them if they are not yet.
+% \gmdmarginpar{kici kici}
+% The \TextUsage\DescribeMacro\ and \TextUsage\DescribeEnv\ commands
+% seem to correspond with my |\TextUsage| macro in its plain and starred
+% version respectively except they don't typeset their arguments in the text
+% i.e., they do two things of the three. So let's |\def| them to do these
+% two things in this package, too:
+% \CodeDefine\DescribeMacro
+ \begingroup\MakePrivateLetters
+ \gmd@ifonetoken\Describe@Macro\Describe@Env}
+% Note that if the argument to |\DescribeMacro| is not
+% a~(possibly starred) control sequence, then as an environment's name
+% shall it be processed \emph{except} the \cs{Mak\-ePriv\-at\-e\-Oth\-ers}
+% re|\catcode|ing shall not be done to it.
+% \CodeDefine\DescribeEnv
+ \begingroup\MakePrivateOthers\Describe@Env}
+% Actually, I've used the |\Describe...| commands myself a~few times, so
+% let's |\def| a~common command with a~starred
+% version:\CodeDefine\Describe
+ \begingroup\MakePrivateLetters
+ \@ifstarl{\MakePrivateOthers\Describe@Env}{\Describe@Macro}}
+% The below two definitions are adjusted \*s of |\Text@UsgMacro| and
+% |\Text@UsgEnvir|.
+% \CodeDefIndex\Describe@Macro
+ \endgroup
+ \strut\Text@Marginize#1%
+ \@usgentryze#1% we declare kind of formatting the entry
+ \text@indexmacro#1\ignorespaces}
+% \CodeDefIndex\Describe@Env
+ \endgroup
+ \strut\Text@Marginize{#1}%
+ \@usgentryze{#1}% we declare the `usage' kind of
+ % formatting the entry and index the sequence |#1|.
+ \text@indexenvir{#1}\ignorespaces}
+% Note that here the environments' names are typeset in |\tt| font
+% just like the macros', \emph{unlike} in \docfm.
+% \stanza
+% My understanding of `minimality' includes avoiding too much freedom
+% as causing chaos not beauty. That's the philosophical and \ae^^B
+% sthetic reason why I~don't provide \TextUsage\MacroFont. In
+% my opinion there's a~noble tradition of typesetting the \TeX\ code
+% in |\tt| font nad this tradition sustained should be. If one wants
+% to change the tradition, let \himher\ redefine |\tt|, in \TeX\ it's
+% no problem. I~suppose |\MacroFont| is not used explicitly, and that
+% it's (re)defined at most, but just in case let's |\let|:
+% \stanza
+% We have provided \TextUsage\CodeIndent\ in line
+% \ref{CodeIndent}. And it corresponds with \docfm's
+% \Describe\MacroIndent\cs{Mac\-ro\-In\-dent} so
+% \CodeDefine\MacroIndent
+% And similarly the other skips: \CodeDefine\MacrocodeTopsep
+% Note that \TextUsage\MacroTopsep\ is defined in \gmdoc\ and has
+% the same r\^ole as in \docfm.
+% \TextUsage\theCodelineNo\ is not used in
+% \pk{gmdoc}. Instead of it there is \TextUsage\LineNumFont\
+% declaration and a~possibility to redefine |\thecodelinenum| as for
+% all the counters. Here the |\LineNumFont| is used two different
+% ways, to set the benchmark width for a~linenumber among others, so it's not
+% appropriate to put two things into one macro. Thus let's give the
+% user a~notice if \heshe\ defined this macro:
+% Because of possible localness of the definitions it seems to be
+% better to add a~check at the end of each |\DocInput| or
+% |\IndexInput|.
+ \string\theCodelineNo\space macro has no effect here, please use
+ \string\LineNumFont\space for setting the font and/or
+ \string\thecodelinenum\space to set the number format.}}}
+% I~hope this lack will not cause big trouble.
+% \stanza
+% For further notifications let's define a~shorthand:
+% \CodeDefine\noeffect@info
+ The \bslash#1 macro is not supported by this package^^J
+ and therefore has no effect but this notification.^^J
+ If you think it should have, please contact the maintainer^^J
+ indicated in the package's legal note.^^J}}}
+% The four macros formatting the macro and environment names, namely
+% \possfil\TextUsage\PrintDescribeMacro,
+% \possfil\TextUsage\PrintMacroName,
+% \possfil\TextUsage\PrintDescribeEnv\ and
+% \possfil\TextUsage\PrintEnvName\ are not
+% supported by \pk{gmdoc}. They seem to me to be too internal to take
+% care of them. Note that in the name of (\ae sthetical) minimality
+% and (my) convenience I~deprive you of easy knobs to set strange
+% formats for verbatim bits: I~think they are not advisable.
+% Let us just notify the user.
+ \noeffect@info{PrintDescribeMacro}%
+ \noeffect@info{PrintMacroName}%
+ \noeffect@info{PrintDescribeEnv}%
+ \noeffect@info{PrintEnvName}}
+% The \TextUsage\CodelineNumbered\ declaration of \docfm\ seems to be
+% equivalent to our |noindex| option with the |linesnotnum| option set
+% off so let's define it such a~way.
+% Note that if the |linesnotnum| option is in force, this declaration
+% shall not revert its effect.
+% I~assume that if one wishes to use \docfm's interface then \heshe'll
+% not use \gmdoc's options but just the default.
+% \stanza
+% The |\CodelineIndex| and |\PageIndex| declarations
+% correspond with the \pk{gmdoc}'s default and the |pageindex| option
+% respectively.
+% Therefore let's |\let|
+% \CodeDefine\CodelineIndex
+% \CodeDefine\PageIndex
+% \label{PageIndex}
+% The next two declarations I~find useful and
+% smart:\CodeDefine\DisableCrossrefs
+% \CodeDefine\EnableCrossrefs
+ \def\DisableCrossrefs{\@bsphack\@esphack}\@esphack}
+% The latter definition is made due to the footnote 6 on p.\,8 of the
+% Frank Mittelbach's \docfm's documentation and both of them are
+% copies of lines 302--304 of it modulo |\|(|un|)|gag@index|.
+% \stanza
+% The subsequent few lines I~copy almost verbatim ;-) from the lines
+% 611--620.\CodeDefine\AlsoImplementation
+ \long\def\StopEventually##1{\gdef\Finale{##1}}% we define
+ % \cs{Fi\+n\+a\+le} just to expand to the argument of |\StopEventually| not
+ % to to add anything to the end input hook because |\Finale| should
+ % only be executed if entire document is typeset.\nostanza\par
+ %
+ % \hangindent\verbatimhangindent \hangafter1\relax
+ % \gmdnoindent \leftskip\CodeIndent
+ % |%\init@checksum| is obsolete in
+ % \pk{gmdoc} at this point: the \env{CheckSum} counter is reset just at
+ % the beginning of (each of virtually numerous) input(s).
+ % \nostanza\par
+ \@esphack}
+% \begin{quotation} When the user places an |\OnlyDescription|
+% declaration in the driver file the document should only be typeset
+% up to |\StopEventually|. We therefore have to redefine this
+% macro.\end{quotation} \CodeDefine\OnlyDescription
+ % \begin{quotation} In this case the argument of |\StopEventually|
+ % should be set and afterwards \TeX\ should stop reading from
+ % this file. Therefore we finish this macro with\end{quotation}
+ ##1\endinput}\@esphack}
+% \begin{quotation} If no |\StopEventually| command is given we
+% silently ignore a~|\Finale| issued.\end{quotation}
+% The \TextUsage\meta\ macro is so beautifully crafted in \docfm\ that
+% I~couldn't resist copying it into \pk{gmutils}. It's also available
+% in Knuthian (\TeXbook\ format's) disguise
+% \Describe*{\<...>}|\<|\<the argument>|>|.
+% \stanza
+% The checksum mechanism is provided and developed for a~slightly
+% different purpose.
+% \stanza
+% Most of \docfm's indexing commands have already been `almost
+% defined' in \pk{gmdoc}:
+% \CodeDefine\SpecialMainIndex
+% \DoNotIndex\endcsname*
+% \CodeDefine\SpecialMainEnvIndex
+\def\SpecialMainEnvIndex{\csname CodeDefIndex\endcsname*}% we don't
+% type |\CodeDefIndex| explicitly here 'cause it's |\outer|, remember?
+% \CodeDefine\SpecialIndex \CodeDefine\SpecialUsageIndex
+% \CodeDefine\SpecialEnvIndex \CodeDefine\SortIndex
+\def\SpecialEnvIndex{\csname TextUsgIndex\endcsname*}
+% \begin{quotation}All these macros are usually used by other macros;
+% you will need them only in an emergency.\end{quotation}
+% Therefore I~made the assumption(s) that `Main' indexing macros are
+% used in my `Code' context and the 'Usage' ones in my `Text' context.
+% \stanza
+% Frank Mittelbach in \docfm\ provides the \TextUsage\verbatimchar\
+% macro to (re)define the |\verb(*)|'s delimiter for the index
+% entries. The \gmdoc\ package uses the same macro and its default definition
+% is |{&}|. When you use \docfm\ you
+% may have to redefine |\verbatimchar| if you use (and index) the |\+|
+% control sequence. \pk{gmdoc} does a~check for the analogous situation
+% (i.e., for processing |\&|) and
+% if it occures it takes |$| as the |\verb*|'s delimiter. So strange
+% delimiters are chosen deliberately to allow any `other' chars in the
+% environments' names. If this would cause problems, please
+% notify me and we'll think of adjustments.
+% \CodeDefine\verbatimchar
+% \changes{v0.98c}{06/9/10}{put into all indexing macros for the
+% accordance of the `macro' and the `environment' index entries; the
+% \cs[]{\$} sign set as its alternative}
+% One more a~very neat macro provided by \docfm. I~copy it
+% verbatim and put into \pk{gmutils}, too. (|\DeclareRobustCommand|
+% doesn't issue an error if its argument has been defined, it only
+% informs about redefining.)
+% \CodeDefine\*\changes{v0.98}{06/09/05}{made robust.}
+\DeclareRobustCommand*\*{\leavevmode\lower.8ex\hbox{$\,\widetilde{\ }\,$}}
+% \TextUsage\IndexPrologue\ is defined in line
+% \ref{IndexPrologue}. And other \docfm\ index commands too.
+% \CodeDefine\main \CodeDefine\usage
+% About how the \ds\ directives are supported by \pk{gmdoc},
+% see section \gmiflink[docstrip]{The \ds\dots}.
+% This support is not \emph{that} sophisticated as in \docfm, among others, it
+% doesn't count the modules' nesting. Therefore if we dont want an
+% error while \pk{gmdoc}umenting \docfm-prepared files, better let's
+% define \docfm's counter for the modules' depths.
+% \CodeDefine*{StandardModuleDepth}
+% \stanza
+% For now let's just mark the macro for further development
+% \CodeDefine*\DocstyleParms
+% For possible further development or to notify the user once and
+% forever:
+% \CodeDefine\DontCheckModules \CodeDefine\CheckModules
+\@emptify\DontCheckModules \noeffect@info{DontCheckModules}
+\@emptify\CheckModules \noeffect@info{CheckModules}
+% The \TextMarginize\Module|\Module| macro \emph{is} provided exactly
+% as in \docfm.
+% \CodeDefine\AltMacroFont
+\@emptify\AltMacroFont \noeffect@info{AltMacroFont}
+% \begin{quotation} And finally the most important bit: we change the
+% |\catcode| of |%| so that it is ignored (which is how we are able to
+% produce this \pk{doc}ument!). We provide two commands to do the
+% actual switching.\end{quotation}
+% \CodeDefine\MakePercentIgnore \CodeDefine\MakePercentComment
+% \subdivision{\gmdoc ing \file{doc.dtx}}
+% The author(s) of \docfm\ suggest(s): \begin{quotation}For examples
+% of the use of most---if not all---of the features described above
+% consult the \file{doc.dtx} source itself.\end{quotation}
+% Therefore I~hope that after \file{doc.dtx} has been \gmdoc-ed, one
+% can say \gmdoc\ is \docfm-compatible ``at most---if not at all''.
+% \TeX ing the original \docfm\ with my humble\footnote{What ^^B(
+% a~\emph{false} modesty! ;-)} package was a~challenge and
+% a~milestone experience in my \TeX\ life.
+% \stanza
+% One of minor errors was caused by my understanding of a~`shortverb'
+% char: due to \pk{gmverb}, in the math mode an active `shortverb' char
+% expands to itself's `other' version thanks to |\string| (It's done
+% with \verb+|+ in mind). \docfm's
+% concept is different, there a~`shortverb' char should in the math
+% mode work as shortverb. So let it be as they wish: \pk{gmverb}
+% provides |\OldMakeShortVerb| and the oldstyle input commands change
+% the inner macros so that also |\MakeShortVerb| works as in \docfm
+% (cf.\ line \ref{oldmkshvrrb}).
+% We also redefine the \env{macro} environment to make it mark the
+% first code line as the point of defining of its argument, because
+% \pk{doc.dtx} uses this environment also for implicit definitions.
+% \changes[\OldMakeShortVerb]{v0.98a}{06/09/05}{and pals moved to
+% \pk{gmverb}.}
+% \changes{v0.98}{06/09/05}{\cs{@makeother\protect\bslash_} added}
+% \changes{v0.98a}{06/09/05}{\cs{AtBegInput} changed into
+% \cs{AtBegInputOnce}.}
+% \changes{v0.98b}{06/09/07}{enrichments of the \env{macrocode(*)}
+% definitions moved to the default definitions of these envs.}
+ \AtBegInputOnce{\StraightEOL
+ \let\@MakeShortVerb=\old@MakeShortVerb
+ %\label{oldmkshvrrb}\CodeDefIndex\gmd@@macro
+ \let\gmd@@macro\macro
+ \def\macro{\let\gmd@ifonetoken\@secondoftwo\gmd@@macro}% (Of course,
+ % na\-\"\i{}\-ve
+ % \nlpercent|\exp...\let\exp...\macro\cs...\macro*\endcs...| caused
+ % an infinite loop since in the definition of \env{macro*} the
+ % |\macro| macro occures.)
+ \VerbMacrocodes}%
+ \bgroup\@makeother\_% it's to allow |_| in the filenames. The next
+ % macro will close the group.
+ \Doc@Input}
+% We don't swith the |@codeskipput| switch neither we check it because
+% in `old' world there's nothing to switch this switch in the
+% narration layer.
+% \stanza
+% I~had a~hot and wild \TeX\ all the night nad what a~bliss when
+% the `Succesfully formated 67 page(s)' message appeared.
+% My package needed fixing some bugs and adding some compatibility
+% adjustments (listed in the previous section) and the original
+% \pk{doc.dtx} source file needed a~few adjustments too because some
+% crucial differences came out. I'd like to write a~word about them now.
+% \stanza
+% The first but not least is that the author(s) of \docfm\ give the
+% CS marking commands non-macro arguments sometimes, e.g.,
+% |\DescribeMacro{StandardModuleDepth}|. Therefore we should launch
+% the \emph{starred} versions of corresponding \gmdoc\ commands. This
+% means the \docfm-like commands will not look for the CS's occurrence
+% in the code but will mark the first codeline met.
+% \stanza
+% Another crucial difference is that in \gmdoc\ the narrative and the
+% code layers are separated with only the code delimiter and
+% therefore may be much more mixed than in \docfm. among others, the \env{macro}
+% environment is \emph{not} a~typical \env{verbatim} like: the texts
+% commented out within \env{macrocode} are considered a~normal
+% commentary i.e., not verbatim. Therefore some macros `commented out'
+% to be shown verbatim as an example source must have been `additionally'
+% verbatimized for \gmdoc\ with the shortverb chars e.g. You may also
+% change the code delimiter for a~while, e.g., the line
+% \CodeDelim*\.
+% \AVerySpecialMacro % delete the first % when.\unskip|..|\par\CDPerc
+% \gmdnoindent\label{AVerySpecialMacro}
+% was got with
+% \begin{verbatim}
+%% \AVerySpecialMacro % delete the first % when.\unskip|..|\CDPerc
+% \leftskip0sp\relax
+% One more difference is that my shortverb chars expand to their
+% \catother\ versions in the math mode while in \docfm\ remain
+% shortverb, so I~added a~declaration |\OldMakeShortVerb| etc.
+% \stanza
+% Moreover, it's \TeX ing \docfm\ what inspired adding the
+% |\StraightEOL| and |\QueerEOL| declarations.
+% \division{Polishing, Development and Bugs}
+% \begin*{bulletpars}
+% \everypar{$\bullet$ }
+% \label{Tasks}|\MakePrivateLetters| theoretically may interfere
+% with |\active|ating some chars to allow linebreaks. But making
+% a~space or an opening brace a~letter seems so perverse that we may
+% feel safe not to take account of such a~possibility.
+% When |countalllines| option is enabled, the comment lines
+% that don't produce any printed output result with a~(blank) line too
+% because there's put a~hypertarget at the beginning of them. But for
+% now let's assume this option is for draft versions so hasn't be
+% perfect.
+% Marcin Woli\'nski suggests to add the marginpar clauses for the
+% AMS classes as we did for the standard ones in the lines
+% \ref{mparclause1}--\ref{mparclause2}. Most probably I~can do it on
+% request when I~only know the classes' names and their `marginpar
+% status'.
+% When the |countalllines| option is in force, some |\list|
+% environments shall raise the `missing |\item|' error if you don't
+% put the first |\item| in the same line as
+% |\begin{|\<environment>|}| because the (comment-) line number is
+% printed.^^A~\end{}
+% I'm prone to make the control sequences hyperlinks to the(ir)
+% `definition' occurrences. It doesn't seem to be a~big work compared
+% with what has been done so far.
+% Is |\RecordChanges| really necessary these days? Shouldn't be the
+% |\makeglossary| command rather executed by default?\footnote{It's ^^B
+% understandable that ten years earlier writing things out to the files ^^B
+% remarkably decelerated \TeX, but nowadays it does not in most ^^B
+% cases. That's why \cs{makeindex} is launched by default in \gmdoc.}
+% Do you use |\listoftables| and/or |\listoffigures| in your
+% documentations? If so, I~should `EOL-straighten' them like
+% |\tableofcontents|, I~suppose (cf.\ line \ref{straighttoc}).
+% Some lines of non-printing stuff such as |\CodeDefine...| and
+% |\changes| connecting the narration with the code resulted with
+% unexpected large vertical space. Adding a~fully blank line between
+% the printed narration text and not printed stuff helped.
+% My \TeX\ Guru remarked that |\jobname| expands to the main file name
+% without extension iff that extension is \file{.tex}. Should
+% I~replace |\jobname| with |\jobnamewoe| then? (The latter always
+% expands to the file name without extension.)
+% About the \ds\ \gmiflink{verbatim mode directive} see above.
+% \end{bulletpars}
+% \def\EOFMark{\<eof>}
+% \division{(No) \EOFMark} If the user doesn't wish the
+% documentation to be ended by \EOFMark, \heshe\
+% should end the file with a~comment ending with |\NoEOF| macro
+% defined below\footnote{Thanks to Bernd Raichle at Bacho\TeX\ 2006 ^^B
+% Pearl Session where he presented \cs{input}ing a~file inside ^^B
+% \cs{edef}.}:
+% \CodeDefine\NoEOF
+% \changes{v0.98}{06/09/05}{extended to add it the \cs{endinput} effect}
+% \changes{v0.98l}{06/10/27}{divided in two macros first of which
+% makes queer EOL and the latter gobbles the stuff till the EOL to
+% suppress possible \cs{endinput} when used in \cs{StopEventually}}
+\bgroup\catcode`\^^M\active \firstofone{\egroup%
+ \def\@NoEOF#1^^M{%
+ \@relaxen\EOFMark\expandafter\noexpand\endinput^^M}}
+% \label{NoEOF} As you probably see, |\NoEOF| has also the
+% |\endinput| effect.
+%\PrintChanges \PrintIndex
+%^^A~place for general changes:
+% \changes{v0.98a}{06/09/06}{\cs{AtBeginput}, \cs{AtEndinput},
+% \cs{AtBeginputOnce} renamed to \cs{AtBegInput}, \cs{AtEndInput}
+% \cs{AtBegInputOnce} respect.}
+% \changes{v0.98c}{06/9/9}{making \cs{CodeDefine} and \cs{CodeUsage}
+% markers to add up; bug fixes in indexing macros and change of
+% concept of \cs{Code(Define$\quotechar|$Usage)*}: hence they serve not only for
+% environments but also for implicit def/use of macros}
+% \changes{v0.98d}{06/9/11}{mostly editing the narrative, marking
+% special index entries etc.; queering \cs{char1} and \cs{char2}
+% repeated \cs{AtBegInput}}
+% \changes{v0.98e}{06/09/24}{Some macros moved to \pk{gmutils}:
+% \cs{cs} and pals and one-chars with queer \cs{catcode}s}
+% \changes{v0.98f}{06/09/27}{A~bug fixed: \cs{Code@MarginizeMacro} set
+% to define a~CS and the corresponding test set to check if it's
+% undefined. In all three such definitions and resets after the use,
+% \cs{def} is changed to \cs{(g)let}}
+% \changes{v0.98g}{06/10/10}{among others, \cs{discretionary}s for breaking
+% a~CS to percent at the beginning of the lower line. Moreover, fixing
+% a~bug/feature that leaves the code leftskip in the narration when an
+% inline comment is followed by another codeline (w.o.\ explicit
+% \cs{par}). And lots of finishing touches to the text. A~special font
+% for the marginpar CSs among others}
+% \changes{v0.98l}{06/10/26}{in \cs{AtBegInputOnce} an auxiliary macro
+% for each use substituted with one macro added at begin input. In
+% \cs{gmd@evpaddonce} a~counter substituted with a~numeric
+% macro. \cs{@ifQueerEOL} made polite i.e., a~two-argument not
+% expanding to an open \cs{if...}}
+% \changes{v0.99}{06/11/24}{\env{oldmc(*)} implemented that's
+% (hope)fully compatible with \docfm's \env{macrocode(*)}. Moreover,
+% a~declaration letting \gmdoc's \env{macrocode} to \env{oldmc(*)}}
+% \changes{v0.99a}{06/11/30}{The \ds\ directives implemented fully
+% automatic (no more need of \cs{doctrip(s)} declarations). Moreover,
+% some minor changes due to \TeX ing The Source.}
+% \Finale
+% (For my GNU Emacs:)
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: "e:/LaTeX/TeXGuru/gmdoc/gmdocDoc"
+%%% End:
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/gmdoc/gmdocc.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/gmdoc/gmdocc.cls
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a03d4c4aa43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/gmdoc/gmdocc.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+% \GetFileInfo{gmdocc.cls}
+% \title{The \pk{gmdocc} Class For \pk{gmdoc} Driver Files\thfileinfo}
+% \author{Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski}
+% \maketitle
+% \begin{copyrnote}
+%%Written by Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski,
+%% natror at o2 dot pl
+%% \copyright\,2006 by Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski.
+%% This program is subject to the \LaTeX\ Project Public License.
+%% See ^^A
+%% \url{} ^^A
+%% for the details of that license.
+%% LPPL status: "author-maintained".\par
+% \RecordChanges
+% \ChangesStart{v0.677}{1000/00/00}
+% \chschange{v0.69}{06/10/1}{81}
+% \chschange{v0.70}{06/10/10}{98}
+% \chschange{v0.71}{06/10/21}{114}
+% \chschange{v0.72}{06/11/14}{122}
+% \chschange{v0.73}{06/12/1}{128}
+ [2006/12/01 v0.73 a class for gmdoc driver files (GM)]
+% \division{Intro}
+%% This file is a~part of \pk{gmdoc} bundle and provides a~document
+%% class for the driver files documenting \LaTeXpar\ packages \&a.\
+%% with my \pk{gmdoc.sty} package. It's not necessary, of course: most
+%% probably you may use another document class you like.
+%% By default this class loads \pk{mwart} class with a4paper (default)
+%% option and \pk{lmodern} package with QX fontencoding. It loads also
+%% my \pk{gmdoc} documenting package which loads some auxiliary
+%% packages of mine and the standard ones.
+%% If the \pk{mwart} class is not found, the standard \pk{article}
+%% class is loaded instead. Similarly, if the \pk{lmodern} is not
+%% found, the standard Computer Modern font family is used in the
+%% default font encoding.
+% \division{Usage}
+% For the ideas and details of \pk{gmdoc}ing of the \LaTeXpar\ files
+% see the \pk{gmdoc.sty} file's documentation (chapter \ref{gmd}). The
+% r\^ole of the \pk{gmdocc} document class is rather auxiliary and
+% exemplary. Most probably, you may use your favourite document class
+% with the settings you wish. This class I~wrote to meet my needs of
+% fine formatting, such as not numbered sections and sans serif demi
+% bold headings.
+% However, with the users other than myself in mind, I~added some
+% conditional clauses that make this class works also if an \pk{mwcls}
+% class or the \pk{lmodern} package are unknown. \dekmedskip
+% Of rather many options supported by \pk{gmdoc.sty}, this class
+% chooses my favourite, i.e., the default. An exception is made for
+% the \TextUsage*{noindex} option, which is provided by this class and
+% passed to \pk{gmdoc.sty}. This is intended for the case you don't
+% want to make an index.
+% Simili modo, the \TextUsage*{nochanges} option is provided to turn
+% creating the change history off.
+% Both of the above options turn the \emph{writing out to the files}
+% off. They don't turn off |\PrintIndex| nor |\PrintChanges|. (Those
+% two commands are no-ops by themselves if there's no \file{.ind}
+% (n)or \file{.gls} file respectively.)
+% \dekmedskip
+% One more option is \TextUsage*{outeroff}. It's intended for
+% compiling the documentation of macros defined with the |\outer|
+% prefix. It |\relax|es this prefix so the `|\outer|' macros' names can
+% appear in the arguments of other macros, which is necessary to
+% pretty mark and index them.
+% I~decided not to make discarding |\outer| the default because
+% it seems that \LaTeX\ writers don't use it in general and
+% \pk{gmdoc.sty} \emph{does} make some use of it.
+% \dekmedskip
+% This class provides also the \TextUsage*{debug} option. It turns the
+% |\if@debug| Boolean switch True and loads the \pk{trace} package that
+% was a~great help to me while debugging \pk{gmdoc.sty}.
+% \dekmedskip
+% The default base document class loaded by \pk{gmdocc.cls} is Marcin
+% Woli\'nski's \pk{mwart}. If you have not installed it on your
+% computer, the standard \pk{article} will be used.
+% Moreover, if you like MW's classes (as I~do) and need |\chapter|
+% (for multiple files' input e.g.), you may declare another \pk{mwcls}
+% with the option homonimic with the class'es name: \TextUsage*{mwrep}
+% for \pk{mwrep} and \TextUsage*{mwbk} for \pk{mwbk}. For the symmetry
+% there's also \TextUsage*{mwart} option (equivalent to the default
+% setting).
+% The existence test is done for any MW class option as it is in the
+% default case.
+% \stanza
+% The \TextUsage\EOFMark\ is in this class typesets like this (of
+% course, you can redefine it as you wish):\par\EOFMark
+% \StopEventually\NoEOF
+% \division{The Code}
+% \CodeDefIndex\gmcc@baseclass
+\def\gmcc@baseclass{mwart}% the default is Marcin Woli\'nski's class (\pk{mwcls})
+% analogous to \pk{article}.
+% Since you can choose the standard \pk{article} class, we'd better
+% provide a~Boolean switch to keep the score of what was chosen. It's
+% to avoid unused options if \pk{article} is chosen.
+% \CodeDefine*{mwart}
+\DeclareOption{mwart}{\def\gmcc@baseclass{mwart}}% The \pk{mwart} class may also
+% be declared explicitly.
+% \CodeDefine*{mwrep}
+\DeclareOption{mwrep}{\def\gmcc@baseclass{mwrep}}% If you need
+% chapters, this option chooses an MW's class that corresponds to
+% \pk{report},
+% \CodeDefine*{mwbk}
+\DeclareOption{mwbk}{\def\gmcc@baseclass{mwbk}}% and this MW's class
+% corresponds to \pk{book}.
+% \CodeDefine*{article}
+\DeclareOption{article}{\gmcc@mwclsfalse}% you can also
+% \emph{choose} \pk{article}.
+% \CodeDefine*{outeroff}
+\DeclareOption{outeroff}{\let\outer\relax}% This option allows
+% |\outer|-prefixed macros to be \pk{gmdoc}-processed with all the
+% bells and whistles.
+% \CodeDefine\if@debug
+% \CodeDefine*{debug}
+\DeclareOption{debug}{\@debugtrue}% This option causes \pk{trace} to
+% be loaded and the Boolean switch of this option may be used to hide
+% some things needed only while debugging.
+% \CodeDefine*{noindex}
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{gmdoc}}% This
+% option turns the writing outto \file{.idx} file off.
+% \CodeDefIndex\if@gmccnochanges
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@gmccnochangestrue
+% \CodeDefIndex*\@gmccnochangesfalse
+% \CodeDefine*{nochanges}
+\DeclareOption{nochanges}{\@gmccnochangestrue}% This option turns the
+% writing outto \file{.glo} file off.
+% \CodeDefine*{gmeometric}
+ \IfFileExists{gmeometric.sty}{%
+ \def\gmTheGeometry{gmeometric}}{}}% It's an experimental option
+% that causes the |\geometry| macro provided by \pk{geometry} package
+% is not restricted to the preamble. This option causes the
+% \pk{gmeometric} package is loaded (if available) that works the
+% limitation around.
+% \newif\ifSecondClass^^A~to assure \TeX knows ifSecondClass
+% ^^A switch and therefore it counts the fis properly.
+% \iffalse It's for cooperation with my another class. (Feature under
+% construction.)
+ \newif\ifSecondClass}{}
+ \IfFileExists{\gmcc@baseclass.cls}{}{\gmcc@mwclsfalse}% As
+ % announced, we do the ontological test to any \pk{mwcls}.
+ \LoadClass[fleqn, oneside, noindentfirst, 11pt, withmarginpar,
+ sfheadings]{\gmcc@baseclass}%
+ \LoadClass[fleqn, 11pt]{article}% Otherwise the standard \pk{article} is
+ % loaded.
+% The |fleqn| option makes displayed formuals be flushed left and
+% |\mathindent| is their indentation. Therefore we ensure it is always
+% equal |\CodeIndent| just like |\leftskip| in \env{verbatim}. Thanks
+% to that you may display single verbatim lines with |\[...\]|:
+% \[\hbox{\verb+\[\hbox{|\verbatim\stuff|}\]+\,.}\]
+\IfFileExists{lmodern.sty}{% We also examine the ontological status of
+ % this package
+ \RequirePackage{lmodern}% and if it shows to be satisfactory (the
+ % package shows \emph{to be}), we load it and set the proper
+ % font encoding.
+ \RequirePackage[QX]{fontenc}%
+% of ifSecondClass (a~feature under construction).\fi
+\RequirePackage[margin=2.7cm, left=4cm,
+ right=2.2cm]{\gmTheGeometry}% Now we set the
+% page layout.
+ \geometry{margin=2.7cm, left=4cm, right=2.2cm}}
+\if@debug% For debugging we load also the \pk{trace} package that was
+% very helpful to me.
+ \RequirePackage{trace}%
+ \errorcontextlines=100 % And we set an error info parameter.
+% We load the core package:
+\@ifpackageloaded{lmodern}{% The Latin Modern font family provides
+ % a~light condensed typewriter font that seems to be the most
+ % suitable for the marginpar CS marking.
+ \def\marginpartt{\normalfont\fontseries{lc}\ttfamily}}%
+% ^^A\setcounter{IndexColumns}{2} narrow columns do spare space and
+% ^^A~look better
+\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}% We wish only the parts and chapters to be
+% numbered.
+\renewcommand*\thesection{\arabic{section}}% isn't it redundant at the
+% above setting?
+ \@ifclassloaded{mwart}{% We set the indentation of Contents:
+ \SetTOCIndents{{}{\quad}{\quad}{\quad}{\quad}{\quad}{\quad}}}{% for \pk{mwart}
+ \SetTOCIndents{{}{\bf9.\enspace}{\quad}{\quad}{\quad}{\quad}{\quad}}}% and for the two other \pk{mwcls}s.
+ \pagestyle{outer}}% We set the page numbers to be printed in the
+ % outer and bottom corner of the page.
+\def\titlesetup{\bfseries\sffamily}% We set the title(s) to be
+% boldface and sans serif.
+\if@gmccnochanges\let\RecordChanges\relax\fi% If the |nochanges|
+% option is on, we discard writing outto the \file{.glo} file.
+\RecordChanges% We turn the writing the |\changes| outto the
+% \file{.glo} file if not the above.
+% \CodeUsgIndex\dekclubs \CodeUsgIndex\smartunder
+\dekclubs% We declare the club sign \verb+|+ to be a~shorthand for |\verb*|
+\smartunder% and we declare the |_| char to behave as usual in the
+% math mode and outside math to be just an uderscore.
+\exhyphenpenalty\hyphenpenalty% 'cause \pk{mwcls} set it |=10000| due
+% to Polish customs.
+% \changes{v0.677}{06/9/23}{Added checkings if \pk{mwart.cls} and
+% \pk{lmodern.sty} are available and more standard behaviour if they
+% are not}
+% \changes{v0.70}{06/10/10}{Added some options and Latin Modern Light
+% Condensed to the marginpar CSs.}
+% \Finale
+% (For my GNU Emacs:)
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: "e:/LaTeX/TeXGuru/gmdoc/gmdocDoc"
+%%% End:
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tpm/gmdoc.tpm b/Master/texmf-dist/tpm/gmdoc.tpm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..253d87beb92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tpm/gmdoc.tpm
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF SYSTEM "../../support/tpm.dtd">
+<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:TPM="">
+ <rdf:Description about="">
+ <TPM:Name>gmdoc</TPM:Name>
+ <TPM:Type>Package</TPM:Type>
+ <TPM:Date>2006/12/01 16:30:00</TPM:Date>
+ <TPM:Version></TPM:Version>
+ <TPM:Creator>karl</TPM:Creator>
+ <TPM:Title>The gmdoc package.</TPM:Title>
+ <TPM:Description></TPM:Description>
+ <TPM:Author></TPM:Author>
+ <TPM:Size>2571470</TPM:Size>
+ <TPM:License></TPM:License>
+ <TPM:Build/>
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