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index 00000000000..90e5e3ab797
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+The LaTeX Project Public License
+LPPL Version 1.3c 2006-05-20
+Copyright 1999 2002-2006 LaTeX3 Project
+ Everyone is allowed to distribute verbatim copies of this
+ license document, but modification of it is not allowed.
+The LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) is the primary license under
+which the the LaTeX kernel and the base LaTeX packages are distributed.
+You may use this license for any work of which you hold the copyright
+and which you wish to distribute. This license may be particularly
+suitable if your work is TeX-related (such as a LaTeX package), but
+it is written in such a way that you can use it even if your work is
+unrelated to TeX.
+below, gives instructions, examples, and recommendations for authors
+who are considering distributing their works under this license.
+This license gives conditions under which a work may be distributed
+and modified, as well as conditions under which modified versions of
+that work may be distributed.
+We, the LaTeX3 Project, believe that the conditions below give you
+the freedom to make and distribute modified versions of your work
+that conform with whatever technical specifications you wish while
+maintaining the availability, integrity, and reliability of
+that work. If you do not see how to achieve your goal while
+meeting these conditions, then read the document `cfgguide.tex'
+and `modguide.tex' in the base LaTeX distribution for suggestions.
+In this license document the following terms are used:
+ `Work'
+ Any work being distributed under this License.
+ `Derived Work'
+ Any work that under any applicable law is derived from the Work.
+ `Modification'
+ Any procedure that produces a Derived Work under any applicable
+ law -- for example, the production of a file containing an
+ original file associated with the Work or a significant portion of
+ such a file, either verbatim or with modifications and/or
+ translated into another language.
+ `Modify'
+ To apply any procedure that produces a Derived Work under any
+ applicable law.
+ `Distribution'
+ Making copies of the Work available from one person to another, in
+ whole or in part. Distribution includes (but is not limited to)
+ making any electronic components of the Work accessible by
+ file transfer protocols such as FTP or HTTP or by shared file
+ systems such as Sun's Network File System (NFS).
+ `Compiled Work'
+ A version of the Work that has been processed into a form where it
+ is directly usable on a computer system. This processing may
+ include using installation facilities provided by the Work,
+ transformations of the Work, copying of components of the Work, or
+ other activities. Note that modification of any installation
+ facilities provided by the Work constitutes modification of the Work.
+ `Current Maintainer'
+ A person or persons nominated as such within the Work. If there is
+ no such explicit nomination then it is the `Copyright Holder' under
+ any applicable law.
+ `Base Interpreter'
+ A program or process that is normally needed for running or
+ interpreting a part or the whole of the Work.
+ A Base Interpreter may depend on external components but these
+ are not considered part of the Base Interpreter provided that each
+ external component clearly identifies itself whenever it is used
+ interactively. Unless explicitly specified when applying the
+ license to the Work, the only applicable Base Interpreter is a
+ `LaTeX-Format' or in the case of files belonging to the
+ `LaTeX-format' a program implementing the `TeX language'.
+1. Activities other than distribution and/or modification of the Work
+are not covered by this license; they are outside its scope. In
+particular, the act of running the Work is not restricted and no
+requirements are made concerning any offers of support for the Work.
+2. You may distribute a complete, unmodified copy of the Work as you
+received it. Distribution of only part of the Work is considered
+modification of the Work, and no right to distribute such a Derived
+Work may be assumed under the terms of this clause.
+3. You may distribute a Compiled Work that has been generated from a
+complete, unmodified copy of the Work as distributed under Clause 2
+above, as long as that Compiled Work is distributed in such a way that
+the recipients may install the Compiled Work on their system exactly
+as it would have been installed if they generated a Compiled Work
+directly from the Work.
+4. If you are the Current Maintainer of the Work, you may, without
+restriction, modify the Work, thus creating a Derived Work. You may
+also distribute the Derived Work without restriction, including
+Compiled Works generated from the Derived Work. Derived Works
+distributed in this manner by the Current Maintainer are considered to
+be updated versions of the Work.
+5. If you are not the Current Maintainer of the Work, you may modify
+your copy of the Work, thus creating a Derived Work based on the Work,
+and compile this Derived Work, thus creating a Compiled Work based on
+the Derived Work.
+6. If you are not the Current Maintainer of the Work, you may
+distribute a Derived Work provided the following conditions are met
+for every component of the Work unless that component clearly states
+in the copyright notice that it is exempt from that condition. Only
+the Current Maintainer is allowed to add such statements of exemption
+to a component of the Work.
+ a. If a component of this Derived Work can be a direct replacement
+ for a component of the Work when that component is used with the
+ Base Interpreter, then, wherever this component of the Work
+ identifies itself to the user when used interactively with that
+ Base Interpreter, the replacement component of this Derived Work
+ clearly and unambiguously identifies itself as a modified version
+ of this component to the user when used interactively with that
+ Base Interpreter.
+ b. Every component of the Derived Work contains prominent notices
+ detailing the nature of the changes to that component, or a
+ prominent reference to another file that is distributed as part
+ of the Derived Work and that contains a complete and accurate log
+ of the changes.
+ c. No information in the Derived Work implies that any persons,
+ including (but not limited to) the authors of the original version
+ of the Work, provide any support, including (but not limited to)
+ the reporting and handling of errors, to recipients of the
+ Derived Work unless those persons have stated explicitly that
+ they do provide such support for the Derived Work.
+ d. You distribute at least one of the following with the Derived Work:
+ 1. A complete, unmodified copy of the Work;
+ if your distribution of a modified component is made by
+ offering access to copy the modified component from a
+ designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy
+ the Work from the same or some similar place meets this
+ condition, even though third parties are not compelled to
+ copy the Work along with the modified component;
+ 2. Information that is sufficient to obtain a complete,
+ unmodified copy of the Work.
+7. If you are not the Current Maintainer of the Work, you may
+distribute a Compiled Work generated from a Derived Work, as long as
+the Derived Work is distributed to all recipients of the Compiled
+Work, and as long as the conditions of Clause 6, above, are met with
+regard to the Derived Work.
+8. The conditions above are not intended to prohibit, and hence do not
+apply to, the modification, by any method, of any component so that it
+becomes identical to an updated version of that component of the Work as
+it is distributed by the Current Maintainer under Clause 4, above.
+9. Distribution of the Work or any Derived Work in an alternative
+format, where the Work or that Derived Work (in whole or in part) is
+then produced by applying some process to that format, does not relax or
+nullify any sections of this license as they pertain to the results of
+applying that process.
+10. a. A Derived Work may be distributed under a different license
+ provided that license itself honors the conditions listed in
+ Clause 6 above, in regard to the Work, though it does not have
+ to honor the rest of the conditions in this license.
+ b. If a Derived Work is distributed under a different license, that
+ Derived Work must provide sufficient documentation as part of
+ itself to allow each recipient of that Derived Work to honor the
+ restrictions in Clause 6 above, concerning changes from the Work.
+11. This license places no restrictions on works that are unrelated to
+the Work, nor does this license place any restrictions on aggregating
+such works with the Work by any means.
+12. Nothing in this license is intended to, or may be used to, prevent
+complete compliance by all parties with all applicable laws.
+There is no warranty for the Work. Except when otherwise stated in
+writing, the Copyright Holder provides the Work `as is', without
+warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not
+limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
+particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance
+of the Work is with you. Should the Work prove defective, you assume
+the cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction.
+In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing
+will The Copyright Holder, or any author named in the components of the
+Work, or any other party who may distribute and/or modify the Work as
+permitted above, be liable to you for damages, including any general,
+special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of any use of
+the Work or out of inability to use the Work (including, but not limited
+to, loss of data, data being rendered inaccurate, or losses sustained by
+anyone as a result of any failure of the Work to operate with any other
+programs), even if the Copyright Holder or said author or said other
+party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+The Work has the status `author-maintained' if the Copyright Holder
+explicitly and prominently states near the primary copyright notice in
+the Work that the Work can only be maintained by the Copyright Holder
+or simply that it is `author-maintained'.
+The Work has the status `maintained' if there is a Current Maintainer
+who has indicated in the Work that they are willing to receive error
+reports for the Work (for example, by supplying a valid e-mail
+address). It is not required for the Current Maintainer to acknowledge
+or act upon these error reports.
+The Work changes from status `maintained' to `unmaintained' if there
+is no Current Maintainer, or the person stated to be Current
+Maintainer of the work cannot be reached through the indicated means
+of communication for a period of six months, and there are no other
+significant signs of active maintenance.
+You can become the Current Maintainer of the Work by agreement with
+any existing Current Maintainer to take over this role.
+If the Work is unmaintained, you can become the Current Maintainer of
+the Work through the following steps:
+ 1. Make a reasonable attempt to trace the Current Maintainer (and
+ the Copyright Holder, if the two differ) through the means of
+ an Internet or similar search.
+ 2. If this search is successful, then enquire whether the Work
+ is still maintained.
+ a. If it is being maintained, then ask the Current Maintainer
+ to update their communication data within one month.
+ b. If the search is unsuccessful or no action to resume active
+ maintenance is taken by the Current Maintainer, then announce
+ within the pertinent community your intention to take over
+ maintenance. (If the Work is a LaTeX work, this could be
+ done, for example, by posting to comp.text.tex.)
+ 3a. If the Current Maintainer is reachable and agrees to pass
+ maintenance of the Work to you, then this takes effect
+ immediately upon announcement.
+ b. If the Current Maintainer is not reachable and the Copyright
+ Holder agrees that maintenance of the Work be passed to you,
+ then this takes effect immediately upon announcement.
+ 4. If you make an `intention announcement' as described in 2b. above
+ and after three months your intention is challenged neither by
+ the Current Maintainer nor by the Copyright Holder nor by other
+ people, then you may arrange for the Work to be changed so as
+ to name you as the (new) Current Maintainer.
+ 5. If the previously unreachable Current Maintainer becomes
+ reachable once more within three months of a change completed
+ under the terms of 3b) or 4), then that Current Maintainer must
+ become or remain the Current Maintainer upon request provided
+ they then update their communication data within one month.
+A change in the Current Maintainer does not, of itself, alter the fact
+that the Work is distributed under the LPPL license.
+If you become the Current Maintainer of the Work, you should
+immediately provide, within the Work, a prominent and unambiguous
+statement of your status as Current Maintainer. You should also
+announce your new status to the same pertinent community as
+in 2b) above.
+This section contains important instructions, examples, and
+recommendations for authors who are considering distributing their
+works under this license. These authors are addressed as `you' in
+this section.
+Choosing This License or Another License
+If for any part of your work you want or need to use *distribution*
+conditions that differ significantly from those in this license, then
+do not refer to this license anywhere in your work but, instead,
+distribute your work under a different license. You may use the text
+of this license as a model for your own license, but your license
+should not refer to the LPPL or otherwise give the impression that
+your work is distributed under the LPPL.
+The document `modguide.tex' in the base LaTeX distribution explains
+the motivation behind the conditions of this license. It explains,
+for example, why distributing LaTeX under the GNU General Public
+License (GPL) was considered inappropriate. Even if your work is
+unrelated to LaTeX, the discussion in `modguide.tex' may still be
+relevant, and authors intending to distribute their works under any
+license are encouraged to read it.
+A Recommendation on Modification Without Distribution
+It is wise never to modify a component of the Work, even for your own
+personal use, without also meeting the above conditions for
+distributing the modified component. While you might intend that such
+modifications will never be distributed, often this will happen by
+accident -- you may forget that you have modified that component; or
+it may not occur to you when allowing others to access the modified
+version that you are thus distributing it and violating the conditions
+of this license in ways that could have legal implications and, worse,
+cause problems for the community. It is therefore usually in your
+best interest to keep your copy of the Work identical with the public
+one. Many works provide ways to control the behavior of that work
+without altering any of its licensed components.
+How to Use This License
+To use this license, place in each of the components of your work both
+an explicit copyright notice including your name and the year the work
+was authored and/or last substantially modified. Include also a
+statement that the distribution and/or modification of that
+component is constrained by the conditions in this license.
+Here is an example of such a notice and statement:
+ %% pig.dtx
+ %% Copyright 2005 M. Y. Name
+ %
+ % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+ % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+ % of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+ % The latest version of this license is in
+ %
+ % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+ % version 2005/12/01 or later.
+ %
+ % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+ %
+ % The Current Maintainer of this work is M. Y. Name.
+ %
+ % This work consists of the files pig.dtx and pig.ins
+ % and the derived file pig.sty.
+Given such a notice and statement in a file, the conditions
+given in this license document would apply, with the `Work' referring
+to the three files `pig.dtx', `pig.ins', and `pig.sty' (the last being
+generated from `pig.dtx' using `pig.ins'), the `Base Interpreter'
+referring to any `LaTeX-Format', and both `Copyright Holder' and
+`Current Maintainer' referring to the person `M. Y. Name'.
+If you do not want the Maintenance section of LPPL to apply to your
+Work, change `maintained' above into `author-maintained'.
+However, we recommend that you use `maintained', as the Maintenance
+section was added in order to ensure that your Work remains useful to
+the community even when you can no longer maintain and support it
+Derived Works That Are Not Replacements
+Several clauses of the LPPL specify means to provide reliability and
+stability for the user community. They therefore concern themselves
+with the case that a Derived Work is intended to be used as a
+(compatible or incompatible) replacement of the original Work. If
+this is not the case (e.g., if a few lines of code are reused for a
+completely different task), then clauses 6b and 6d shall not apply.
+Important Recommendations
+ Defining What Constitutes the Work
+ The LPPL requires that distributions of the Work contain all the
+ files of the Work. It is therefore important that you provide a
+ way for the licensee to determine which files constitute the Work.
+ This could, for example, be achieved by explicitly listing all the
+ files of the Work near the copyright notice of each file or by
+ using a line such as:
+ % This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt.
+ in that place. In the absence of an unequivocal list it might be
+ impossible for the licensee to determine what is considered by you
+ to comprise the Work and, in such a case, the licensee would be
+ entitled to make reasonable conjectures as to which files comprise
+ the Work.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/csbulletin/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/csbulletin/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..95df743e2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/csbulletin/README
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Package: csbulletin Version 1.0 5 August 2008
+The package provides the class for articles for the CSTUG Bulletin
+(Zpravodaj Ceskoslovenskeho sdruzeni uzivatelu TeXu). You can see the
+structure of a document by looking to the source file of this manual. The
+package can be used and distributed according to the LaTeX Project Public
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/csbulletin/csbulletin.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/csbulletin/csbulletin.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cfd157d3b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/csbulletin/csbulletin.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/csbulletin/csbulletin.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/csbulletin/csbulletin.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2350f4829fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/csbulletin/csbulletin.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+%% $Id: csbulletin.tex 30 2008-08-05 20:03:02Z zw $
+\input utf8-t1 % text is in UTF8, requires encTeX
+% for ISO-8859-2: %& --translate-file=il2-t1.tcx
+% for CP-1250: %& --translate-file=cp1250t1.tcx
+% for CP-852: %& --translate-file=cp852t1.tcx
+% No optional packages needed
+% Macros
+% Hack for hyperref
+\mubytein 0
+\usepackage[pdftitle=LaTeX\ Class\ for\ CSTUG\ Bulletin, pdfauthor=Zdenek\ Wagner,
+ pdfkeywords=CSTUG\ Bulletin,bookmarks=false]{hyperref}
+% section numbering
+\title{Styl pro Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů \TeX{}u,\version}
+\EnglishTitle{\LaTeX\ Class for \CSTUG\ Bulletin,\version}
+\author{Zdeněk Wagner}
+\podpis{Zdeněk Wagner\\\url{}}
+Tento dokument popisuje třídu pro psaní článků do Zpravodaje Československého sdružení uživatelů
+\TeX{}u. Dokument je určen zejména pro české a slovenské autory, proto je psán česky. Je psán
+ve stylu pro Zpravodaj, autoři se tedy mohou podívat přímo do zdrojového kódu tohoto manuálu a
+napsat svůj článek obdobně.
+\section{English introduction}
+This manual describes the \LaTeX\ class used for articles for the Bulletin of the Czechoslovak
+\TeX\ Users Group (\cstug). Since it is asumed that its audience will will be mainly the Czech and
+Slovak users, the manual is written in Czech. We do publish articles in other languages
+occasionally. In such a case you can prepare the article just in the standard \pkg{article} class.
+The \pkg{csbulletin} class is modelled after it with just a few modifications. You can also look
+into the source text of this manual. It is written intentionally using the \pkg{csbulletin} class.
+You can therefore write your article according to it.
+Od roku 2008 je styl pro Zpravodaj Československého sdružení uživatelů \TeX{}u implementován jako
+třída (class). Makra jsou psána tak, aby hlavní soubor dokázal načíst celý článek včetně příkazů
+\cmd{documentclass} a případných \cmd{usepackage}. Třída \pkg{csbulletin} je odvozena ze standardní
+třídy \pkg{article}. Je přidáno pouze několik maker. Tento manuál tedy lze spíše chápat jako
+instrukce pro autory.
+\section{Použité balíčky}
+Prosím, uvědomte si, že celý Zpravodaj se zpracovává pdflatexem jako jeden dokument. Používejte
+proto pouze balíčky, které skutečně v dokumentu potřebujete. Dávejte přednost vlastnímu
+jednoduchému makru před komplikovaným balíčkem, který může způsobit kolizi s balíčky potřebnými pro
+jiné články. Tím nechceme autory odrazovat od používání balíčků v nezbytných případech, jen je
+vhodné, aby autoři uvážili, zda nelze problém řešit jednoduššími prostředky.
+Třída \pkg{csbulletin} nějaké balíčky načítá automaticky. Jejich seznam je uveden v následujících
+\subsection{Povinné balíčky}
+Balíčky, uvedené v následujícím seznamu, se načítají vždy. Musíte je tedy mít instalovány.
+\item Balíček \pkg{csbulacronym} definuje běžné akronymy robustním způsobem pomocí \cmd{DeclareRobustCommand} a
+některé speciální akronymy, jako je např. makro \cmd{cstug} pro \cstug. Soubor je dodáván společně s
+třídou \pkg{csbulletin}. Definice se používají i mimo Zpravodaj, proto jsou v samostatném souboru.
+\item \pkg{fontenc} s parametrem T1
+\item \pkg{lmodern}
+\item \pkg{ifpdf}
+\item \pkg{mflogo}
+\item \pkg{babel}, viz kapitola~\ref{babel}.
+\subsection{Nepovinné balíčky}
+Některé balíčky jsou využívány v redakci při sazbě finální verze Zpravodaje, ale pro pracovní verzi
+článku nejsou nezbytné. Jejich instalace na počítači autorů tedy není vyžadována. Třída jejich
+přítomnost detekuje a načte je, pokud jsou v počítači přítomny.
+\item \pkg{microtype}
+\item \pkg{array}
+\item \pkg{fancyvrb}
+\item \pkg{verbatim}
+\item \pkg{encxvlna} je program \pkg{vlna} implementovaný v enc\TeX u. Jeho účelem je doplnění
+vlnek za neslabičné předložky přímo při \TeX ování. Balíček bude načten pouze v případě, že máte
+enc\TeX\ aktivován.
+Třída \pkg{csbulletin} vyžaduje \pkg{babel} s moduly pro češtinu a slovenštinu ve verzi~3.2 nebo
+novější. Tato verze je distribuována na \TeX Live~2008, ale dělení slov funguje pouze v
+kódování~T1. Pokud máte starší verzi těchto modulů, bude \LaTeX\ hlásit chybu na dvou příkazech
+\cmd{languageattribute}. Chyby odstraníte použitím parametru \texttt{oldcsbabel} v hranatých
+závorkách v příkazu \cmd{documentclass}.
+\section{Začátek souboru}
+Prvním příkazem souboru, kde lze (viz sekce~\ref{babel}) použít nepovinný parametr, je:
+Pak můžete načíst nezbytné balíčky, definovat vlastní makra a prostředí. Všechny definice budou
+lokální pro váš článek, nemusíte se proto obávat kolizí s články jiných autorů.
+Implicitním jazykem pro Zpravodaj je čeština. Pokud je článek psán v jiném jazyce, vložte hned za
+\cmd{begin\{document\}} přepínač \cmd{selectlanguage} se správným jazykem.
+Název článku zapište do makra \cmd{title}, jména autorů do makra \cmd{author} a anglický název do
+makra \cmd{EnglishTitle}. Nepovinně můžete použít makro \cmd{podpis}, jehož parametr se objeví
+kurzívou na konci článku. Poté použijte makro \cmd{maketitle}.
+Abstrakt článku v jazyce článku zapište v prostředí \texttt{abstract}. Ve výjimečných případech lze
+abstrakt vynechat.
+Na konci článku uveďte anglický souhrn v prostředí \texttt{summary}. Anglický název bude vzat z
+příkazu \cmd{EnglishTitle}, přepnutí jazyka se též provede automaticky. Anglický souhrn nemusí být
+přesným překladem abstraktu.
+Redakce se postará o jazykovou korekturu anglického souhrnu. V případě, že jej autor nedodá,
+postará se o překlad redakce.
+\section{Číslování kapitol}
+Implicitně nejsou kapitoly ve Zpravodaji číslovány. Složitější články jsou však bez číslování
+nepřehledné. Číslování zapnete vložením kladné hodnoty do čítače \texttt{secnumdepth}. V tomto
+manuálu je před \verb;\begin{document}; použit příkaz \verb;\setcounter{secnumdepth}{2};.
+V třídě \pkg{csbulletin} jsou předefinována makra \cmd{label}, \cmd{ref} a \cmd{pageref} tak, aby
+jejich názvy byly pro každý článek unikátní. Nemusíte se proto bát kolize s články jiných autorů.
+\section{Tabulky a obrázky}
+Článek ve Zpravodaji nezačíná vždy na nové stránce. Nekoncipujte tudíž stránky absolutně. Všechny
+tabulky a obrázky musí být v plovoucích prostředích. Musí mít název v makru \cmd{caption} a
+případně symbolický název definovaný v makru \cmd{label}.
+Styl pro Zpravodaj zatím není připraven pro použití \BibTeX{}u, ale v budoucích verzích se s tím
+počítá. Pravděpodobně bude pro potřeby Zpravodaje upraven balíček \pkg{chapterbib}.
+Třída \pkg{csbulletin} nemá žádné známé zjevné chyby. Jisté konflikty i se způsobem řešení jsou
+zmíněny v dokumentaci balíčku \pkg{encxvlna} a nejsou zcela dořešeny kolize při použití v OS/2. V
+každém případě je třeba si uvědomit, že třída samotná pracuje na hranicích možností \LaTeX{}u.
+Použití různých balíčků může vést k dalším problémům. Redakce se bude snažit o vyřešení všech
+nahlášených potíží.
+Balíček může být používán a šířen podle \LaTeX\ Project Public License verze~1.3 nebo novější, jejíž
+text najdete v souboru \texttt{LICENSE.txt} v adresáři \texttt{doc}, nebo na
+The package provides the class for articles for the \cstug\ Bulletin (Zpravodaj Československého
+sdružení uživatelů \TeX u). You can see the structure of a document by looking to the source file
+of this manual. The package can be used and distributed according to the \LaTeX\ Project Public
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/csbulletin/csbulacronym.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/csbulletin/csbulacronym.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0273848e940
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+\ProvidesPackage{csbulacronym}[2008/04/27 Acronyms for CSTUG bulletin]
+\PackageInfo{csbulacronym}{$Id: csbulacronym.sty 16 2008-04-27 18:17:54Z zw $}
+%==================================================== TeX logos
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+ reflectbox\endcsname{E}}\LaTeX}
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+\def\bul#1(#2)#3(#4){Zpravodaj \v Ceskoslovensk\'eho sdru\v zen\'i u\v zivatel\r{u} \TeX u,
+\textbf{#1}\,(#2), \hbox{#3}~(#4)}
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+\ProvidesClass{csbulletin}[2008/08/05 CSTUG Bulletin class]
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+% Language attributes
+% Ignore size options (even without warning)
+% Ignore one-/twoside
+% Ignore paper sizes
+% Pass all global options to the "article" class
+% To be deleted soon
+ [protrusion=false,expansion=true,stretch=8,shrink=24,step=4]{microtype}}{}
+ \def\macdef{\@latexerr{Package verbatim not loaded}\verbatim}%
+ \let\endmacdef\endverbatim}
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+%=========================================== My stuff
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+ \begin{otherlanguage*}{english}
+ \setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1}\section{Summary:
+ \zw@englishtitle}}{\ifhmode \par \fi\end{otherlanguage*}}
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+%============================================= heading structure
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+ \ClanekToc
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+% Index
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+%============================================= TUGboat -- obsah
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+}}\def\sm{``{\small small}''}}{} \newcommand\ti{\hspace*{1.5cc}}
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+% Inclusion into TOC, numbering
+% Minulá čísla příliš často obsahují špatně rozdělené slovo PostScript ...
+\def\deleni{post-script post-scriptu post-scrip-tem post-scrip-tov\'y post-scrip-tov\'a
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+% Podobně JavaScript
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+java-scrip-to-vou java-scrip-to-v\'ych java-scrip-to-v\'ymi}
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