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+% File: opteng.sty %
+% VERSION: 1.1 %
+% Date: June 01, 2006 %
+% %
+% %
+% LaTeX style file for %
+% length check and submission of SPIE %
+% Optical Engineering and OE Letters %
+% %
+% %
+% \documentclass[10pt,letterpaper,optengjnl]{article} %
+% or %
+% \documentclass[10pt,letterpaper,optenglett]{article} %
+% or %
+% \documentclass[12pt,letterpaper,optengsubmit]{article} %
+% %
+% \usepackage{opteng} %
+% Choose one of the following options:
+%%\documentclass[10pt,letterpaper,optengjnl]{article} % Activate for Optical Engineering
+\documentclass[10pt,letterpaper,optenglett,fleqn]{article} % Activate for OE Letters
+%%\documentclass[12pt,letterpaper,optengsubmit]{article} % Activate for Submission
+pdftitle={Manuscript submission and page length estimation for SPIE OE Letters and Optical Engineering journals},%
+pdfauthor={Patrick Egan},%
+pdfsubject={LaTeX document preparation.},%
+pdfkeywords={LaTeX, OE Letters, page length
+estimate, manuscript submission.},%
+final ]{hyperref}
+% SPIE journals are published with Times (not the LaTeX computer modern default)
+%%\usepackage[tablesfirst,notablist,nomarkers]{endfloat} % Submit with all figures at the back
+% Activate for OE Letters
+\fancyput(17.5cm,2.5cm){ \psframe[linestyle=none,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=MyGray](-\paperwidth,-1.6)(\paperwidth,0.1) \rput(-9.5,-0.75){\Large \bf \textsc{OE Letters}} \rput[l](-18.6,-27){\footnotesize \textsf{Optical Engineering}} \rput[r](-0.8,-27){\footnotesize \textsf{\today/Vol.~00(0)}}}%
+% Activate for Optical Engineering
+%%\fancyput(17.5cm,2.5cm){ \rput[l](-18.6,-1.25){\footnotesize \textsf{Optical Engineering 00(0), 000000 (\today)}} \rput(-17.3,-27){\footnotesize \textsf{Optical Engineering}} \rput(-2,-27){\footnotesize \textsf{\today/Vol.~00(0)}}}%
+%%\twocolumn[ % Activate for Optical Engineering
+\title{Manuscript submission \\ and page length \\ estimation for
+SPIE\\ \emph{OE Letters} and \emph{Optical \\ Engineering} journals}
+%%\begin{minipage}{7cm} % Activate for Optical Engineering
+\author{Patrick Egan}
+\address{University of Limerick\\ Castletroy\\ County Limerick\\ Ireland}
+\address{Research Group \\ Affiliation\\ Address}
+\subjterm{\LaTeX, \emph{OE Letters}, page length estimate,
+manuscript submission.}
+\loginfo{Manuscript compiled \today}
+% Activate next three lines for Optical Engineering
+With this template, and associated style and \LaTeX\ packages, it is
+possible to estimate the page length of manuscripts for submission
+to the SPIE journals \emph{Optical Engineering} and \emph{OE
+Letters}. With a strict three-page limit, this is particularly
+important for the latter. This template gives simple instructions on
+how to prepare the manuscript.
+% Activate next three lines for Optical Engineering
+%%\vskip 1cm
+The \texttt{opteng} style requires the following packages to be
+installed on the system:
+\item \texttt{overcite} for SPIE style citations
+\item \texttt{geometry} defines the page layout
+\item \texttt{amsmath} is useful for displaying maths
+\item \texttt{fancybox} is used to place the \textsc{OE Letters}
+\item \texttt{pstricks} is used to create the \textsc{OE Letters}
+\item \texttt{graphicx} is used for inserting eps figures
+Note SPIE journals are set in times font, thus the package
+\texttt{times} should be loaded in the preamble of the tex file.
+The preamble of the document is where differentiation between either
+the \emph{Optical Engineering} (\texttt{optengjnl}) or the \emph{OE
+Letters} (\texttt{optenglett}) format occurs. Furthermore there is
+possibility to choose a format suitable for submission
+(\texttt{optengsubmit}: 12pt, doubleline space, single column).
+\item Choose either \texttt{optengjnl}, \texttt{optenglett}, or \texttt{optengsubmit} option in the
+\verb+\documentclass+ definition.
+\item Choose either \texttt{\fancyput} instruction. One will print the
+gray background \textsc{OE Letters} heading. Both print rough
+footers. For manuscript submission \textbf{no} \texttt{\fancyput}
+command should be active.
+\item For \emph{OE Letters} everything is set. Only for
+\emph{Optical Engineering} should the \verb+\twocolumn+ and
+\texttt{minipage} commands be activated.
+The \emph{OE Letters} format does not use sections or subsections.
+Thus, the document should be started directly after the abstract and
+subject terms, and no \verb+\section+ or \verb+\subsection+
+environments should appear in the tex file.
+SPIE journal abstracts are set in serif font, so put mathematics in
+\verb+\mathsf+. The copyright is automatically generated, but the
+user can specify the digital object identifier \verb+\doi+, subject
+terms \verb+\subjterm+, and the submission/acceptance date
+\subsection{Displayed equations}
+Equations should fit into one column:
+ \begin{equation}
+ \label{eqn:app1-youngs_exp}%
+ d_2 - d_1 = \pm n \pi,
+ \end{equation}
+ \begin{equation}
+ \label{eqn:app1-light_fund}%
+ \begin{split}
+ E(z,t) & = E = \Re \bigl [ A \exp \left ( -j 2 \pi \nu t
+ \right ) \bigr ]
+ \\
+ & = \dfrac{1}{2} \bigl [ A \exp \left ( -j 2 \pi \nu t
+ \right ) + A^{\star} \exp \left ( j 2 \pi \nu t \right ) \bigr ],
+ \end{split}
+ \end{equation}
+or even
+ \begin{align}
+ {\dot{E}_{x,y}} &=\frac{1}{2}\left( 1+j\alpha \right) \left( G_{x,y}
+ - \gamma \right) E_{x,y} \label{Eq1} \nonumber
+ \\
+ & \quad + \kappa E_{x,y}\left( t-\tau \right) \exp \left( -j
+ \Omega_{x,y}\tau \right) \nonumber
+ \\
+ & \quad + (\beta _{sp}N)^{1/2} \xi _{x,y}.
+ \end{align}
+\caption{(Color online) Sample figure. Note \texttt{mathsf} should
+be used to keep mathematics ($\mathsf{1, 2, 3}$) in serif font
+style.} \label{fig:opteng-fig01}
+Use standard LaTeX or AMSTeX environments. For equations that
+\textit{must} span two columns, it is possible to use a float
+environment, for example, \verb+\begin{figure*}...\end{figure*}+.
+Such an environment will not interfere with figure or table
+numbering (which is controlled by the caption), but it \textit{will}
+cause equations to float, often with unwanted consequences.
+\label{tab:opteng-tab01} \centering
+ \caption{Sample Table}\begin{tabular}{ccccc} \\ \hline
+ % after \\: \hline or \cline{col1-col2} \cline{col3-col4} ...
+ TEST & TEST & TEST & TEST & TEST \\ \hline
+ TEST & TEST & TEST & TEST & TEST \\ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+\label{tab:opteng-tab02} \centering
+ \caption{Sample Table}\begin{tabular}{ccccccccc} \\ \hline
+ % after \\: \hline or \cline{col1-col2} \cline{col3-col4} ...
+ \end{tabular}
+\subsection{Figures and tables}
+\textbf{Figures} should be set to one-column size ($\approx 8.3\,
+\text{cm}$) whenever possible. This can be accomplished by setting
+the graphic width equal to \verb+\linewidth+, for example, Figures
+\ref{fig:opteng-fig01} and \ref{fig:opteng-fig02}. \textbf{Tables}
+should also be set to one column whenever possible, as shown in
+Table \ref{tab:opteng-tab01}. However, tables with more than five
+columns will probably need to be set to two columns, like Table
+\ref{tab:opteng-tab02}. For two-column layout, figures and tables
+can be set across both columns with the alternate figure and table
+environment commands \verb+\begin{figure*}...\end{figure*}+ instead
+of \verb+\begin{figure}...\end{figure}+. Note that tables are
+typeset and cannot be reduced in size like art, which may require
+more space than in the submitted paper.
+\subsection{\texttt{endfloat} package}
+The \texttt{endfloat} package allows easy submission format. By
+activating the package in the preamble, all figures and tables will
+be put to the back of the document, and a list of figures will be
+automatically generated.
+\section{References and acknowledgments}
+Reference callouts are formatted with the \texttt{overcite} package,
+which produces superscript numerical reference callouts, for
+example\cite{egan2006a}. Online callouts, for example, see
+Ref.~\citeonline{egan2006b}, can be produced with the command
+Before submitting, authors who use BibTeX should first run BibTeX,
+then paste the contents of the output bbl file into the tex
+manuscript file. Perhaps the \texttt{spiebib.bst} BibTeX style file
+is the most suitable for an SPIE submission---in any case \emph{OE
+Letters} references are significantly shortened by SPIE editors.
+Both \textbf{Reference} and \textbf{Acknowledgments} are handled
+with the \verb+\acksect+ environment. This gives the normal size
+nonnumbered italic font, which SPIE journal use for these two final
+The \emph{Optical Engineering} journal encourages short author
+biographies. The can be facilitated as follows\footnote{from
+\texttt{ieee.cls} by Gregory Plett and Istv\'{a}n Koll\'{a}r}
+\begin{biography}[]{Patrick Egan}
+received his BEng degree in electronic and computer engineering at
+the University of Limerick, Ireland in 2003. He is currently
+involved in doctoral research studies in a collaboration between the
+University of Limerick and the European Commission Joint Research
+Centre, Italy. In April 2006 he was awarded a postdoctoral research
+associateship at the National Institute of Standards and Technology,
+Gaithersburg, where he hope to commence research following
+completion of his PhD. His research interests include optical
+metrology, optoelectronics and signal processing.
+\section{Remaining tasks}
+\subsection{Figure captions and equations}
+The figure and table captions should be flushed left. The equations
+should also be flushed left and in serif font.
+\subsection{OE Letters header font}
+The \textsc{OE Letters} in the gray background header is not in the
+correct font.
+\subsection{Optical Engineering minipage}
+The two \verb+minipage+ environments of the \emph{Optical
+Engineering} option requires alignment. Currently the authors are
+vertical center on the left column, while the abstract is vertical
+top on the right. Both should be top vertical.
+\subsection{Cover page: Author information}
+The SPIE guidelines require a cover page with author information
+(name, affiliation, email, phone number, fax number). The best
+solution would be to automatically generate a table from the data
+supplied to the \verb+\author+ and other input.
+\section{Dummy section}
+Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy
+text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text.
+Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy
+text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text.
+Dummy text. Dummy text.
+\subsection{Dummy subsection}
+Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy
+text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text.
+Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy
+text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text.
+Dummy text. Dummy text.
+\subsubsection{Dummy subsubsection}
+Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy
+text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text.
+Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy
+text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text. Dummy text.
+Dummy text. Dummy text.
+The authors would like to acknowledge\ldots
+% The bibliography can be generated using the following two lines:
+P.~{Egan}, F.~{Lakestani}, M.~P. {Whelan}, and M.~J. {Connelly},
+``Full-field optical coherence tomography with a complimentary
+ metal-oxide semiconductor digital signal processor camera,'' \emph{Optical
+ Engineering}, vol.~45, no.~1, p. 015601, Jan. 2006, available:
+ \href{}{}.
+% Biographies do not exist for OE Letters
+\begin{biography}[fig_1]{Patrick Egan}
+received his BEng degree in electronic and computer engineering at
+the University of Limerick, Ireland in 2003. He is currently
+involved in doctoral research studies in a collaboration between the
+University of Limerick and the European Commission Joint Research
+Centre, Italy. In April 2006 he was awarded a postdoctoral research
+associateship at the National Institute of Standards and Technology,
+Gaithersburg, MD USA, where he hope to commence research following
+completion of his PhD. His research interests include optical
+metrology, optoelectronics and signal processing.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/opteng/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/opteng/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ae232c725bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/opteng/README
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+%% Abstract
+With this template, and associated style and \LaTeX\ packages, it is possible to estimate the page length of manuscripts for submission to the SPIE journals \emph{Optical Engineering} and \emph{Optical Engineering Letters}. With a strict three-page limit, this is particularly important for the latter. This template gives simple instructions on how to prepare the manuscript.
+%% Usage
+For layout according to the Optical Engineering Journal:
+For layout and page length estimate (note three-page maximum) of OE Letters:
+For document inaccordance with submission guidelines (12pt font, double-spacing, figures to back):
+And always:
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/opteng/opteng.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/opteng/opteng.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d4963f93ac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/opteng/opteng.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+% File: opteng.sty %
+% VERSION: 1.1 %
+% Date: June 01, 2006 %
+% %
+% %
+% LaTeX style file for %
+% length check and submission of SPIE %
+% Optical Engineering Letters %
+% %
+% %
+% \documentclass[10pt,letterpaper,optengjnl]{article} %
+% or %
+% \documentclass[10pt,letterpaper,optenglett]{article} %
+% or %
+% \documentclass[12pt,letterpaper,optengsubmit]{article} %
+% %
+% \usepackage{opteng} %
+\newif\ifo@lett \o@lettfalse % true if "OE Letters" mode.
+\newif\ifo@jnl \o@jnlfalse % true if "Optical Engineering Journal" mode.
+\ProvidesPackage{opteng}[2006/05/01 LaTeX package for length check
+and submission of SPIE Optical Engineering Manuscripts]
+\newcommand\@loginfo{Paper 000000R compiled \today.}
+\newcommand\@spiecopyright{\copyright\hskip6pt\number\year\hskip.05in Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers}%
+\newcommand\@issncopyright{0000 - 0000/\year/\$22.00 \copyright\ \year SPIE}%
+\newcommand\SPIEmember{, \sf\footnotesize{MEMBER SPIE}}
+%% Optical Engineering Letters
+%%Title page elements
+{\scriptsize\textit{\@spiecopyright. \\ \@doi}\footnotesize%
+\vskip0.5pc\noindent Subject terms:~\@subjterm%
+\vskip0.5pc\noindent \@loginfo \normalsize\vskip1pc}%
+%% Optical Engineering
+%%Title page elements
+{\vskip1pc\noindent\small\sf\textbf{Abstract.} } {
+\vskip1pc\noindent Subject terms:~\@subjterm%
+\vskip1pc\noindent \@loginfo}%
+%% Submittal
+%%Title page elements
+\vskip1pc\noindent Subject terms:~\@subjterm%
+\vskip1pc\noindent \@loginfo}%
+%% Various customizations
+\renewcommand\maketitle{} %%deactivates \maketitle in LaTeX
+%Fig. and Table Labels
+\renewcommand\tablename{\footnotesize \sf \textbf{Tab.}}
+\def\fnum@figure{\footnotesize\sf\textbf{\figurename\ \textbf{\thefigure}}}
+% Captions
+ \vskip\abovecaptionskip
+ \sbox\@tempboxa{#1~~#2}%
+ \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize
+ #1~~#2\par
+ \else
+ \global \@minipagefalse
+ \hb@xt@\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%
+ \fi
+ \vskip\belowcaptionskip}
+ {\acksect*{\refname
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\refname}{\MakeUppercase\refname}}%
+ \list{\@arabic\c@enumiv .}
+ {\settowidth\labelwidth{.25in}%
+ \leftmargin\labelwidth
+ \setlength{\parsep}{0pc}
+ \setlength{\labelsep}{0.5em}
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0.05pc}%{-0.06in}
+ \setlength{\listparindent}{0in}
+ \setlength{\itemindent}{0in}
+ \setlength{\leftmargin}{.2in}
+ \setlength{\rightmargin}{0in}
+ \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+ \@openbib@code
+ \usecounter{enumiv}%
+ \let\p@enumiv\@empty
+ \renewcommand\theenumiv{\@arabic\c@enumiv}}%
+ \footnotesize
+ \sloppy
+ \clubpenalty4000
+ \@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
+ \widowpenalty4000%
+ \sfcode`\.\@m }
+ {\def\@noitemerr
+ {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
+ \endlist \vskip.2in}
+%% Section parameters
+\renewcommand\@seccntformat[1]{\sf\textbf{\csname the#1\endcsname\quad} }
+ {-2.5ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}%
+ {1.3ex plus .2ex}%
+ {\sffamily\normalsize\bfseries}}
+ {-2.25ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}%
+ {1ex plus .2ex}%
+ {\sffamily\normalsize\itshape}}
+ {-2.25ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}%
+ {1ex plus .2ex}%
+ {\sffamily\small}}
+ {-2.5ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}%
+ {1.3ex plus .2ex}%
+ {\sffamily\normalsize\itshape}}
+%% Code for floating math suggested by David Carlisle on comp.text.tex.
+%\section{Floating Maths}
+% \begin{macro}{\fps@eqnfloat}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\ftype@eqnfloat}
+% |figure| and |table| are 1 and 2 respectively, so make this type 4.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{environment}{eqnfloat}
+% \begin{environment}{eqnfloat*}
+% Nothing special here, Just call |\@float| or |\@dblfloat| as
+% appropriate.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\@float{eqnfloat}}
+ {\end@float}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\@dblfloat{eqnfloat}}
+ {\end@dblfloat}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{environment}
+% \end{environment}
+% **************************************************************************
+% ***** Biography Definitions ******************************************
+% **************************************************************************
+% Taken from the ieee.cls by Gregory Plett and Istv\'{a}n Koll\'{a}r, Sept 1997
+% Counts
+\newcount\br \newcount\nb \newcount\tcdsav \newcount\tcl \newcount\tcd
+\newcount\tcn \newcount\cumtcl
+% Dimens
+\newdimen\rtside \newdimen\hpic \newdimen\vpic \newdimen\strutilg
+\newdimen\picwd \newdimen\topheight \newdimen\ilg \newdimen\lpic
+\newdimen\lwindowsep \newdimen\rwindowsep % VK 10 Feb 93
+\lwindowsep0.5\baselineskip % "
+\rwindowsep0.5\baselineskip % "
+% Tokens
+\newtoks\twa \newtoks\la \newtoks\ra \newtoks\ha \newtoks\pictoc
+% Boxes
+\newbox\rawtext \newbox\holder \newbox\windowbox \newbox\wartext
+\newbox\finaltext \newbox\aslice \newbox\bslice \newbox\wbox
+\newbox\wstrutbox \newbox\picbox \newbox\waslice \newbox\wbslice
+ % Another strut
+\newcount\tmpcta \tmpcta=\ht\@tempboxa%
+\newcount\tmpctb \tmpctb=\wd\@tempboxa%
+\divide\tmpctb by 100%
+\divide\tmpcta by\tmpctb%
+\typeout{opteng: Biography picture `#1' too tall.}%
+\frame{\hbox to 25mm{\hfil\resizebox{!}{32mm}{\usebox{\@tempboxa}}\hfil}}%
+\else \ifnum\tmpcta<123%
+\typeout{opteng: Biography picture `#1' too wide.}%
+\frame{\vbox to 32mm{\vss\hbox{\resizebox{25mm}{!}{\usebox{\@tempboxa}}}\vss}}%
+\resizebox{25mm}{32mm}{\usebox{\@tempboxa}} \fi\fi}
+\rule{0pt}{35mm}\vspace*{-35mm}\par% garantees correct page breaking
+\noindent{\bf \textsf{#2}}%
+\long\def\main@bio[#1]{% #1 is the material for setting a graphic box
+\vskip\parskip\everypar{} \global\cumpar=0pt \global\cumtcl=0
+ \tcd=0
+ \rtside=0pt
+% \hpic=\linewidth
+ \twa={} \la={} \ra={} \ha={}
+\setbox\wbox=\hbox{(} \computeilg \pictoc={#1}
+\setbox\windowbox=\vbox{\hbox{#1}} \picwd=\wd\windowbox \hpic=\picwd
+\setbox\picbox=\vbox{\hsize=\hpic\vbox to\vpic{\box\windowbox}}% \vfill}}%
+\ifdim\rtside>0pt\advance\rtside-\rwindowsep\fi % "
+\global\br=\rtside \ifnum\picwd=0 \ifdim\vpic>0pt\picwd=\hpic
+\else\vpic=\ht\picbox\advance\vpic\dp\picbox \fi \fi
+ \global\tcl=0 \lpic=0pt
+ \loop\global\advance\tcl by 1 \lpic=\tcl\baselineskip
+ \ifdim\lpic<\vpic\repeat
+ \vpic=\lpic
+ \global\cumtcl=\tcl
+% Here we know exactly the number of indented lines and
+% are able to generate the tokens for the \parshape list
+ \ifnum\br>0\ra={ 0pt \rtside}\fi
+ \ifnum\tcd>0\ha={ 0pt \linewidth}\fi
+ \ifnum\tcl<1\global\tcl=1\fi
+ \createparshapespec
+ \tcd=0 % restore the lintel
+ \global\tcdsav=0
+% This is a very tricky part of the package. Some day there
+% will exist a detailed documentation.
+% This is where we start to pick up the paragraph(s)
+ \setbox\rawtext=\vbox\bgroup\unvbox\rawtext\unskip
+ \clubpenalty=0\widowpenalty=0
+ \ifnum\brokenpenalty<\maxdimen\else\brokenpenalty=9999\fi
+ \tolerance=1000
+ \parshape=\tcn \the\twa }
+ %\par
+ \global\tcd=\tcdsav
+ \egroup\vskip\parskip\parshape=0 % reset parshape; end \box\rawtext
+ \vbadness=10000
+ \splittopskip=0pt
+% Now we build the boxes beside the window
+\ifnum\br>0\setbox\holder=\vsplit\rawtext to\topheight\fi \tcn=\tcl
+\nb=0 \ifnum\br>0\nb=\tcn\fi
+% text on the right side
+ \loop\advance\nb -1
+ \setbox\bslice=\vsplit\holder to\baselineskip
+ \prune\bslice\rtside
+ \setbox\wbslice=\vbox{\unvbox\wbslice\hbox
+ to\rtside{\box\bslice\hfil}}
+ \ifdim\ht\holder>0pt\repeat
+%GLP add fix to make sure bio starts at top of picture
+\setbox\wbslice=\vbox to\topheight{\unvbox\wbslice\vfill\vss}
+% fixing the dimensions of the window part
+% ship out the window material to the main vertical list
+\setbox\windowbox=\vbox{\hbox to\linewidth{%
+\vbox to\topheight{\hrule width\picwd height0pt depth0pt\vskip0pt%
+\loop% lines below picture....
+ \setbox\bslice=\vsplit\rawtext to\baselineskip
+ \prune\bslice\linewidth
+ \setbox\wbslice=\vbox{\hbox to\linewidth{\box\bslice\hfil}}
+ \unvbox\wbslice
+ \ifdim\ht\rawtext>0pt
+%\ifnum\nb>0\topheight=\nb\baselineskip %\advance\topheight by\ilg
+% What else do we need?
+% take a \vbox containing a single \hbox,
+% \unvbox it, and cancel the \lastskip
+% put in a \hbox of width #2
+ \unvbox#1 \setbox#1=\lastbox % \box#1 now is an \hbox
+ \ifdim\ht#1=\parskip
+ \setbox#1=\hbox to#2{\vrule height\parskip depth0pt width0pt\hfill}
+ \else\ifdim\ht#1=0pt\relax
+ \else\setbox#1=\hbox to#2{\wstrut\unhbox#1\unskip}\fi\fi}
+% Here the token \twa is generated.
+% It's not so difficult as it looks like.
+\global\tcn=0 \ifnum\br>0\global\tcn=\tcl\fi \nb=0
+\ifnum\br>0\nb=\tcn\fi \global\advance\tcn by\tcd
+\global\advance\tcn by1 \ifnum\tcd>0
+\loop\twa=\expandafter{\the\twa\the\ha}\advance\tcd -1
+\ifnum\tcd>0\repeat \fi \ifnum\nb>0
+\loop\twa=\expandafter{\the\twa\the\ra}\advance\nb -1
+\ifnum\nb>0\repeat \fi \global\twa=\expandafter{\the\twa 0pt
+\def\computeilg{% compute the interline glue
+ \tcl=0\ilg=0pt\strutilg=0pt
+ \loop\setbox\wbox=\hbox{\char\tcl}
+ \ifdim\ht\wbox>\ilg\ilg=\ht\wbox\fi
+ \ifdim\dp\wbox>\strutilg\strutilg=\dp\wbox\fi
+ \advance\tcl by 1
+ \ifnum\tcl<128\repeat
+ \ht\wbox=\ilg
+ \dp\wbox=\strutilg
+ \strutilg=\ht\wbox %\advance\strutilg by\ilg
+ \ifdim\strutilg>\baselineskip
+ \typeout{character with height greater baselineskip found in font}
+ \typeout{baselineskip changed to 1.5 of that height!}
+ \baselineskip=1.5\strutilg
+ \fi
+ \global\ilg=\baselineskip
+ \global\advance\ilg-\ht\wbox \global\advance\ilg-\dp\wbox
+ \strutilg=\ht\wbox \advance\strutilg by\ilg
+ \setbox\wstrutbox=\hbox{\vrule height\strutilg depth\dp\wbox width0pt}}
+% the following code from version.sty by Stephen Bellantoni 1990, loosely
+% based on "annotation.sty" by Tom Hofmann. Used to exclude "biography" from
+% anonymous mode.
+\catcode`(=1\relax \catcode`)=2\relax%
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname #1\endcsname%
+ ()%
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname end#1\endcsname%
+ ()%
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname #1\endcsname%
+ (\@bsphack\catcode`{=12\relax\catcode`}=12\relax\csname #1@NOTE\endcsname)%
+ \long\expandafter\gdef\csname #1@NOTE\endcsname ##1\end{#1}%
+ (\csname #1END@NOTE\endcsname)%
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname #1END@NOTE\endcsname%
+ (\@esphack\end(#1))%
+\hyphenation {ac-cord-ing
+ ach-iev-ed
+ ad-jus-ted
+ al-gor-ithm
+ allow
+ app-lic-ation
+ back-scat-ter
+ back-scat-te-ring
+ back-scat-tered
+ Based based
+ beam-splitt-er
+ beam-width
+ cases
+ cen-tered
+ changed
+ char-acter-istic char-acter-ization
+ co-effic-ient
+ co-incide
+ Co-llab-or-ation
+ comp-en-sate
+ con-cerning
+ con-ven-tional
+ con-volv-ed
+ de-creased
+ de-po-lar-iz-ation
+ de-tector de-tectors
+ de-vi-ation
+ diff-erence
+ dis-cussion
+ dis-tribu-tion
+ dis-tribu-tions
+ dis-trib-ute
+ dis-trib-uted
+ Ehhalt
+ extinc-tion
+ found
+ Found-at-ion
+ frin-ges
+ Geest-hacht
+ ground
+ Hink-ley
+ il-lus-trated
+ il-lus-trate
+ inexp-en-sive
+ Intro-ducing
+ inter-fero-meter inter-fero-metric inter-fero-metry
+ Klap-heck
+ lati-tude
+ meas-ure-ment meas-ure-ments
+ meas-ured
+ measuring
+ met-rol-ogy
+ micro-meter
+ mixing
+ mod-ul-ation
+ nano-meter
+ nano-scale
+ non-linear-ities
+ non-ideal
+ north-east
+ orig-inated
+ op-er-ating
+ Opt-ical opt-ical
+ out-flow
+ phos-phor
+ pres-ence
+ primary
+ prof-ilo-metry
+ resp-onse
+ rather
+ rela-tive
+ sat-ur-ation
+ scat-te-ring
+ semi-cond-uctor
+ sig-nal
+ sig-nals
+ solid
+ sur-face sur-faces
+ tem-pera-ture
+ Tem-pera-ture
+ trans-ported
+ tropo-pause
+ Tropo-pause
+ tropo-sphere
+ Tropo-sphere
+ tube
+ tubes
+ Values
+ varies
+ wave-length
+ Weather}
+%% end opteng.sty