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4 files changed, 0 insertions, 1126 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/seminar/2up.doc b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/seminar/2up.doc
deleted file mode 100644
index 082efec0201..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/seminar/2up.doc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,549 +0,0 @@
-%% BEGIN 2up.doc
-%% Documentation for 2up.tex/2up.sty.
-%% Run through LaTeX, with or without the NFSS.
-%% See below if you want to try out two-up printing.
-%% LaTeX version of this documentation courtesy of
-%% H. David Todd <>
-%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
-%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this license
-%% or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this
-%% license is in:
-%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
-%% 1999/12/01 or later.
-\def\FileDate{January 28, 1993}
-%% 1. Change \iffalse below to \iftrue.
-%% 2. Uncomment \special{landscape} if using Rokicki's dvips, or otherwise
-%% remember to print the document out in landscape mode.
-%% 3. Uncomment one of the booklet options, if desired.
- \input 2up.tex
- \targetlayout{twosided}
- \TwoupWrites
- % \special{landscape} %% This works with Rokicki's dvips
- % \targetlayout{Booklet} %% Booklet printing with 2-sided printer/copier.
- % \targetlayout{booklet} %% Booklet printing with 1-sided printer/copier.
-%% Adjust page numbering if using booklet layout option.
- \par\begin{center}
- \large\bf Contents
- \end{center}
- \begin{quote}\@starttoc{toc}\end{quote}}
-\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % paragraph indent
-\setlength{\parskip}{4pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}
-\setlength{\headheight}{12pt} % height of running head
-\setlength{\headsep}{30pt} % distance between header and text
-\setlength{\textheight}{8.2in} % height of text on page
- \begin{center}
- {\Large\bf \@title \par}
- \vskip 1.2em {\lineskip .5em
- \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\@author\end{tabular}\par}
- \vskip .8em {\@date}%
- \end{center}
- \par
- \vskip .5em}
-%% Page Style:
-\markboth{Two-Up Style Guide}{Version \FileVersion, \FileDate}
-%% Special list:
-\newcommand{\namelistlabel}[1]{\mbox{\bf #1}\hfil}
- {\begin{list}{}%
- {\let\makelabel\namelistlabel
- \settowidth{\labelwidth}{#1}
- \setlength{\leftmargin}{1.1\labelwidth}}}%
- {\end{list}}
- \catcode`\{=12 \catcode`\}=12
- \catcode`\(=1 \catcode`\)=2
- \catcode`\+=0 \catcode`\\=12
- +gdef+|(\) % \| = character \
- +gdef+{({) % \{ = character {
- +gdef+}(}) % \} = character }
-%% Define some functional font commands:
-\def\MainFont{\tt} % For macro definitions.
-\def\UsageFont{\tt} % For in-line macro names.
-\def\InlineFont{\tt} % For other in-line snipets of code.
-\def\MetaFont{\rm\it} % For meta arguments.
-%% Short-cuts for font commands:
-\def\t#1{{\InlineFont\string#1}} % For other in-line code.
-\def\m#1{{\MetaFont #1\/}} % For just putting things in italics
-\def\M#1{{\InlineFont\{\m{#1}\}}} % Arg is in italic, enclosed in tt braces.
-\let\N\t % For in-line macro names.
-\catcode`\<=13 \def<#1>{\m{#1}} % <meta>
-\catcode`\"=13\def"{\verb"} % Short verb
-%% This is for listing macro definitions in a quote-like environment.
- \catcode`\[=1 \catcode`\]=2
- \catcode`\{=13 \catcode`\}=12
- \gdef\@MD[%
- \catcode`\{=13 \catcode`\}=12
- \def{##1}[\{[\MetaFont ##1]\}]]
- \quote
- \begingroup
- \@MD
- \def\end{\endgroup\end}%
- \def\\{\@centercr\s}%
- \MainFont
- \s}
-%% End preamble.
-\title{Documentation for 2up.tex:\\
- Two-up printing for Generic TeX}
-\author{Timothy Van Zandt\thanks{The documentation was put into
- \LaTeX\ format by David Todd.}\\}
-\date{Version \FileVersion\\[3pt] \FileDate}
- "2up.tex"/"2up.sty" allows one to print a document two-up, with
-considerable flexibility as to paper size and layout. It produces a standard
-dvi file, and does not involve an additional dvi or PostScript filter. It
-should work with most \TeX\ macro packages.
- {\bf Usage:} Input "2up.tex", or include "2up" as a LaTeX style option.
-There is a good chance you will get the desired layout. (But you will probably
-need to generate new font bitmaps to get high quality output.) See the rest of
-this documentation for detailed information on controlling 2up.tex.
-\section{Comparison with other methods}
-There are other tools for two-up printing:
-\item[PostScript filters]
-These work well as long as you only use PostScript fonts (as opposed to the
-usual Metafont fonts). Otherwise, the PostScript filter scales bitmapped
-fonts, and the quality is lower than with "2up.tex".
-\item[Rokicki's dvidvi]
-"dvidvi" is a versatil tool that does much more than
-2up printing. However, if only rearranges the pages, and does not adjust the
-magnification to ensure that the pages fit properly in a two-up format. It
-also adds one more step to the \TeX-dvi-printer cycle. "2up.tex", on the other
-hand, combines the changes to \TeX's magnification and page layout with the
-rearranging of the pages, all with an easy-to-use interface and from within
-your \TeX\ document. (See Section \ref{dvidvi} on using both "2up.tex" and
-"dvidvi" together.)
-\section{A warning about fonts}
-Two-up printing generally involves reducing a document, and thus using fonts
-sizes that are not typically found on your system. If you are using bitmapped
-fonts (standard for \TeX\ users), and you do not have and cannot generate the
-extra fonts bitmaps, you will find 2up.sty (and any other method of two-up
-printing) to give very poor quality output.
-If you are using a program like Rokicki's "dvips" that can generate extra font
-bitmaps as needed, you will find that it takes a long time to print your 2up
-document the first few times, as "dvips" is busy making the extra fonts. This
-problem will go away. Be thankful you have such an easy way to get extra font
-Input "2up.tex". \LaTeX\ users can include "2up" as a style option.
-Then set the target and source layout:
- \source{mag}{width}{height}\\
- \target{mag}{width}{height}
-\item The ``source'' layout is the layout of your document
-the way it is usually printed. The ``target'' layout is the layout when it
-is printed two-up.
-\item <width> and <height> are the true width and height of the paper,
-when looking at the output right-side-up.
-\item <mag> refers to the source and target magnification. It should be an
-integer, equal to 1000 times the magnification factor. There are also some
-magic magnification numbers:
-\item[$\setminus$magstep<n>] for a magnification of 1.2$^n$ (n=0,...,5), or
-\item[$\setminus$magstepminus<n>] for a magnification of 1.2$^{-n}$
-Using these magnification values will make best use of the available fonts on
-your system.
-"2up.tex" takes each source page, and centers in half a target page. To get
-the pages to fit, the magnification of the document typically has to be
-reduced. If you find that the pages are too crowded, try reducing the target
-magnification. If they are too lonely, try increasing the target
-If you want to adjust the positioning of the scaled pages, try changing the
-values of "\hoffset" or "\voffset" with "\advance" or \LaTeX's "\addtolength".
-Don't change the magnification of your document after using the "\target"
-command, as you will override the settings made by 2up.tex.
-You can also specify some options:
- \targetlayout{options}
-where <options> is a comma separated list with no spaces. Valid
-options are:
-\item [topbottom] The two source pages are printed one on top of the other.
-\item [twosided] Odd pages are always printed on the right or the bottom.
-\item [booklet] Pages are printed like a booklet. See Section \ref{booklet}.
-\item [Booklet] Like "booklet", but for two-sided printers/copiers.
-\item [dvidvi] For arranging in two-up layout with "dvidvi". See Section
-The only other changes you might want to make to your document are the
-\item You have to see to it that the target output is printed with the
-correct orientation (landscape or portrait). See the documentation for your
-dvi driver for details.
-\item "2up.tex" will inserts a line between pages if you change the following
-\item [$\setminus$pagesepwidth] Thickness of line. (Default 0pt)
-\item [$\setminus$pageseplength] Length of line. (Default 6.5in)
-\item [$\setminus$pagesepoffset] Distance from bottom of page to bottom of
-line, or (with "topbottom" layout) from side of page to beginning of line.
-(Default 1in)
-\item You can, but do not need to, use the following commands:
-\item [$\setminus$twoupemptypage] inserts a completely blank half page
-in the target.
-\item [$\setminus$twoupclearpage] \LaTeX\ users: ejects a complete target
-\item [$\setminus$twoupeject] Plain \TeX users: ejects a complete target
- The following commands set the parameters for some common sources and
-targets. The definitions of these commands are also useful examples.
- For A4 paper, just replace "8.5in" and "11in" in the definitions below by
-the width and height of A4 paper.
-\item [$\setminus$twouparticle]
-This is the default for \LaTeX.
-\item [Source:] A portrait document on 8.5x11 inch paper with wide margins as
-used in \LaTeX's article style, and without marginal notes.
-\item [Target:] A landscape document on the same size paper, with the source
-pages printed side by side.
-\item [Definition:]\hspace{1pt}
-If you use narrower side margins, or if you use marginal notes, then you
-will need to use "\twoupplain" or \\ "\twouplegaltarget", defined below.
-\item [$\setminus$twoupplain]
-This is the default for non-\LaTeX.
-It is the same as "\twouparticle", but for source documents with narrower
-\item [Definition:]\hspace{1pt}
-\item [$\setminus$twouplegaltarget]
-\item [Source:] A portrait document on 8.5x11 inch paper with just about any
-margins and perhaps with marginal notes.
-\item [Target:] A landscape document on legal size paper (8.5x14 inches),
-with the source pages printed side by side.
-\item [Definition:]\hspace{1pt}
-\item [$\setminus$twouplandscape]\hspace{1pt}
-\item [Source:] A landscape document on 8.5x11 inch paper with just about any
-\item [Target:] A portrait document on the same size paper, with the
-source pages stacked vertically.
-\item [Definition:]\hspace{1pt}
-\section{True Dimensions}
-\TeX\ lets you use `true' dimensions, as in
- \topmargin 1truein
- \setlength{\topmargin}{1truein}
-This sets the length to 1 inch
-as it appears on the page, no matter what the magnification.
-Once you use `true' dimensions, it is impossible to change the
-magnification of your document, and hence it is almost impossible
-to use 2up.tex. You will get an error like:
- ! Incompatible magnification (833);
- the previous value will be retained (2000).
-The use of `true' dimensions might be hiding in macros or style files
-you are using. For example, Plain \TeX's "\magnification" command uses
-true dimensions; use "\mag" instead, and then set "\hsize" and
-"\vsize" appropriately scaled. If you can't find the culprit `true'
-dimension in your document or input files, try putting this on the
-(very) first line of your document:
- \mag 143 \voffset 1truein \mag 1000
-You will get the error listed above wherever true dimensions are used
-(and in some other places as well).
-\section{Page Cross-References}
- Page cross-references (e.g., in an index or table of contents) will not be
-accurate with "2up.tex", because finished pages are not immediately shipped
-out. This can also cause problems with some special \LaTeX\ styles that have
-multiple ".aux" files (e.g., for each chapter).
- To get better, but not perfect, page cross-references, try putting the
- \TwoupWrites
-at the beginning of your document, after inputting "2up.tex". This is good for
-drafts, and may fix problems with \LaTeX\ styles that have multiple ".aux"
-files. "\TwoupWrites" makes "\write" and "\read" "\immediate", if you know
-what that means. It might cause problems of its own, but try it and see.
- To get accurate page cross-references:
-\item Run the job without "2up.tex", until all cross-references
-are properly resolved. Run any index utility at this point.
-\item Run the job ONE MORE TIME with "2up.tex"; it will use the
-correct cross-references from the previous runs. (In \LaTeX\ documents,
-it is useful at this point to include the "\nofiles" command, so that
-the correct cross-references are preserved.)
-Here are some special considerations for making booklets:
-\item Use the "booklet" target layout if your printer or copier cannot print
-sides directly. "2up.tex" prints out the ``tops'' of the pages, and then the
-``bottoms'', so that you can copy or print on both sides by doing one side,
-flipping the output over, and doing the other side.
-\item Use "Booklet" if your printer or copier can print directly on two sides.
-\item You must have enough memory and box registers to hold all the pages in
-the document. A Big\TeX\ should be able to handle at least a 32-page booklet.
-\item Sometimes booklet printing is part of the design of a document, rather
-than an afterthought. In this case, you should set up the margins for the
-target half-page rather than using "2up.tex" to scale the document. For
-example, if using \LaTeX, 8.5x11 inch paper, \LaTeX's twoside style option,
-and headings, try the following page parameter changes:
- \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.2in}
- \setlength{\evensidemargin}{-0.5in}
- \setlength{\textwidth}{4.2in}
- \setlength{\textheight}{6.5in}
- \setlength{\topmargin}{-.4in}
-If you do this, "2up.tex" isn't adjusting margins or scaling the
-document. You coould therefore get by without "2up.tex" by using "dvidvi".
-\section{Using dvidvi\label{dvidvi}}
- With the "dvidvi" layout option, "2up.tex" takes care of adjusting the
-margins, and you then use "dvidvi" to arrange the pages in a two-up
-format. The advantage is that cross referencing comes out right.
-The disadvantage is that it involves one more step.
-Start by \TeX ing your document with "2up.tex" and the "dvidvi" layout option.
-Then run the dvi file through "dvidvi". Specify the offsets for "dvidvi" at
-the middle of the page. E.g., for
-a side-by-side layout on 8.5x11in paper, use
- dvidvi '2:0,1(5.5in,0in)' foo bar
-For other paper sizes, replace "5.5in" by half the target paper width. For the
-"topbottom" layout, reverse the dimensions, e.g.,
-(0in,5.5in). For booklet printing, see the
-the documentation for "dvidvi".
- These macros should work with most \TeX\ macro packages, except for
-the following possible but unlikely compatibility problems:
-\item If you use a macro package other than \LaTeX\ that does unusual things
-to end a document and/or that modifies the definition of "\end", you may
-find that the last page is nor printed or that an extra page with headings
-is inserted at the end of the document. This is fixable on a case-by-case
-basis. See the redefinition of "\end" in "2up.tex".
-\item "2up.tex" might not work if you meddle with \TeX's "\shipout" primitive
-after loading "2up.tex".
-\item If the first page of the source document is not on the first two-up
-page (possible, for example, with two-sided printing and the "booklet"
-option, but generally unlikely), "\special"'s that come at the beginning
-of the document also do not get onto the first page of output. This can mess
-up "\special"'s for landscape printing or
-including a PostScript header file. In this case, you have to specify
-these things as command line options when using your dvi driver.
-\item [V0.9a] Everything redone. Too many differences to point out.
-\item [V0.9b] Interface redone again. "booklet" option added.
-\item [V0.9c] Pages ship out a little earlier. A few bugs fixed.
- Parameters "\pageseplength" and "\pagesepthickness" added.
-\item [V0.9d] Fixed bug with "\twoupclearpage" and "\twoupeject".
-\item [V0.9e] Made pages be counted (from dvi driver's viewpoint) by the
-physical page number.
-\item [V0.9f] Parameter "\pagesepoffset" added, and "\pagesepthickness"
-changed to "\pagesepwidth".
-\item [V1.0] None. Just seemed seemed like it was time to call it 1.0
-\item [V1.1] Added "Booklet" and "dvidvi" target layouts.
- "\hoffset" and "\voffset" in source document now have expected effect.
-\item[V1.2] Fixed incompatibility problem with AmS-\TeX/AmS-\LaTeX.
- Added "\TwoupWrites" command.
-%% END 2up.doc
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/seminar/2up.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/seminar/2up.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index ec109716932..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/seminar/2up.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-\ProvidesPackage{2up}[1998/03/13 package wrapper for 2up.tex]
-\input 2up.tex
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/seminar/2up.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/seminar/2up.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index a6dd259c47c..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/seminar/2up.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-%% BEGIN 2up.tex/2up.sty
-%% COPYRIGHT 1992, 1993 by Timothy Van Zandt,
-%% 2up.tex/2up.sty provides two-up printing for Generic TeX (e.g.,
-%% Plain, LaTeX, AmSTeX and AmS-LaTeX). It produces a standard dvi file,
-%% and does not involve an additional dvi or PostScript filter. It has a
-%% flexible interface for specifying paper size and layout.
-%% Put this file where your TeX looks for inputs, under the name 2up.tex.
-%% Name a copy 2up.sty to use as a LaTeX style option, or create a file
-%% 2up.sty with the lines:
-%% \input 2up.tex
-%% \endinput
-%% Input 2up.tex, or include 2up as a LaTeX style option. There is a
-%% good chance you will get the desired layout. (But you will probably
-%% need to generate new font bitmaps to get high quality output.) See
-%% 2up.doc, which might be appended to this file, for detailed
-%% documentation.
-%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
-%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this license
-%% or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this
-%% license is in:
-%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
-%% 1999/12/01 or later.
-%% CODE:
-\csname TwoUpLoaded\endcsname
-\message{\space\space v\fileversion\space\space \filedate\space\space <tvz>}
-% Parameter registers:
-% Registers used by output routine.
-% Since pages are shipped out half as often:
-\multiply\maxdeadcycles by 2
-% Registers used only for booklet layout:
- \let\newcount\relax
- \gdef\booklet@registers{%
- \newcount\bookletpage
- \bookletpage=0
- \newcount\leftpagenumber
- \newcount\rightpagenumber
- \multiply\maxdeadcycles by 20}
-% A useful extension of the \magstep macro.
- \ifcase#1 \@m\or 833\or 694\or 579\or 482\or 401\fi\relax}
-% \@targetwidth and \@targetheight are set to the *unmagnified* dimensions
-% of the target page. \inv@targetmag is the inverse of the target
-% magnification.
- \mag #1\relax
- \@targetwidth=1000pt
- \divide\@targetwidth by #1\relax
- \expandafter\@@inv@@mag\the\@targetwidth\inv@targetmag
- \@targetwidth=#2\relax
- \@targetwidth=\inv@targetmag\@targetwidth
- \@targetheight=#3\relax
- \@targetheight=\inv@targetmag\@targetheight}
-% Like \target, but for the source:
- \@sourcewidth=1000pt
- \divide\@sourcewidth by #1\relax
- \expandafter\@@inv@@mag\the\@sourcewidth\inv@sourcemag
- \@sourcewidth=#2\relax
- \@sourcewidth=\inv@sourcemag\@sourcewidth
- \@sourceheight=#3\relax
- \@sourceheight=\inv@sourcemag\@sourceheight}
-% \targetlayout does a loop that reads the comma separated arguments.
-% There can be no extraneous spaces.
- \expandafter\let\expandafter\next\csname target@#1\endcsname
- \ifx\next\relax
- \begingroup
- \errhelp{Valid target layouts are "topbottom", "twosided",
- "booklet", "Booklet" and "dvidvi".}%
- \errmessage{`#1' is invalid 2up target layout - ignored.}%
- \endgroup
- \expandafter\process@targetlayout
- \else
- \next
- \fi}
- \booklet@registers
- \def\ship@@@leftpage{\save@booklet\@leftpage}%
- \def\ship@@@rightpage{\save@booklet\@rightpage}%
- \@leftpagefalse
- \def\twoup@eject{\twoup@eject@booklet}%
- \expandafter\process@targetlayout}
- \def\booklet@@loop{\Booklet@@loop}%
- \target@booklet}
- \@twosidedtrue
- \expandafter\process@targetlayout}
- \def\make@@halfpage{\make@@halftopbottom}%
- \def\make@fullpage{\make@fulltopbottom}%
- \@sidebysidefalse
- \expandafter\process@targetlayout}
- \def\ship@@@leftpage{\ship@dvidvi\@leftpage}%
- \def\ship@@@rightpage{\ship@dvidvi\@rightpage}%
- \expandafter\process@targetlayout}
-% TeX's \shipout primitive is saved as \&normal@shipout, and then \shipout
-% is defined to save each page to \@leftpage or \@rightpage and to print out
-% every two. With the twosided layout, filler pages are added when needed.
-\expandafter\let\csname &normal@shipout\endcsname\shipout
- \if@leftpage
- \global\@leftpagefalse
- \def\next{\afterassignment\ship@leftpage\global\setbox\@leftpage=}%
- \if@twosided
- \ifodd\count\z@
- \global\setbox\@leftpage=\hbox{}%
- \make@@halfpage\@leftpage\ship@@@leftpage
- \def\next{\shipout}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \else
- \global\@leftpagetrue
- \def\next{\afterassignment\ship@rightpage\global\setbox\@rightpage=}%
- \if@twosided
- \ifodd\count\z@
- \else
- \global\setbox\@rightpage=\hbox{}%
- \make@@halfpage\@rightpage\ship@@@rightpage
- \def\next{\shipout}%
- \fi
- \fi
- \fi
- \next}
-% The job of \ship@leftpage and \ship@rightpage is to invoke \ship@@leftpage
-% or \ship@@rightpage at the right time. \shipout is followed either
-% (i) by an \hbox, \vbox or \vtop, in which case \ship@leftpage is invoked
-% after the opening {. \@leftpage is void, and \ship@leftpage invokes
-% \ship@@leftpage after the closing }, or
-% (ii) by a \box or \copy, in which case \ship@leftpage is invoked after
-% the full assignment. \@leftpage is not voide, and \ship@leftpage invokes
-% \ship@@leftpage immediately.
- \ifvoid\@leftpage\aftergroup\ship@@leftpage\else\ship@@leftpage\fi}
- \ifvoid\@rightpage\aftergroup\ship@@rightpage\else\ship@@rightpage\fi}
-% \ship@@leftpage/\ship@@rightpage take the output box, and first make it
-% into a fully-size source page (with \make@halfpage) and then this is
-% centered horizontally and vertically in half of a target page (with
-% \make@@halfpage). Then they are shipped individually or together.
- \dp#1=\z@
- \setbox#1=\vbox to\@sourceheight{%
- \vskip \inv@sourcemag in
- \vskip \voffset
- \hbox to\@sourcewidth{\hskip\inv@sourcemag in\hskip\hoffset\box#1\hss}%
- \vss}%
- \make@@halfpage#1}
-% The definition of \make@@halfpage depends on the target layout.
- \global\setbox#1=\vbox to\@targetheight{\vss
- \hbox to.5\@targetwidth{\hss\box#1\hss}\vss}}
- \global\setbox#1=\vbox to.5\@targetheight{\vss
- \hbox to\@targetwidth{\hss\box#1\hss}\vss}}
-% The pages are generaly shipped in pairs:
- \begingroup
- \voffset=-\inv@targetmag in
- \hoffset=\voffset
- \global\advance\@physicalpage by 1
- \count\z@=\@physicalpage
- \csname &normal@shipout\endcsname\make@fullpage
- \endgroup}
-% The definition of \make@fullpage depends on the layout:
- \hbox{\box\@leftpage\pagesep@sidebyside\box\@rightpage}}
- \vbox{\offinterlineskip\box\@leftpage\pagesep@topbottom\box\@rightpage}}
-% A vertical or horizontal rule can be inserted. These can be redefined
-% for other tricks:
- \begingroup
- \advance\pageseplength by \pagesepoffset
- \pagesepwidth=\inv@targetmag\pagesepwidth
- \kern -.5\pagesepwidth
- \vrule height \inv@targetmag\pageseplength
- depth -\inv@targetmag\pagesepoffset
- width \pagesepwidth
- \kern -.5\pagesepwidth
- \endgroup}
- \begingroup
- \pagesepwidth=\inv@targetmag\pagesepwidth
- \vskip -.5\pagesepwidth
- \moveright\inv@targetmag\pagesepoffset\hbox{%
- \vrule height\pagesepwidth width\inv@targetmag\pageseplength}%
- \vskip -.5\pagesepwidth
- \endgroup}
-% With the dvidvi layout, the pages are shipped individually:
- \begingroup
- \voffset=-\inv@targetmag in
- \hoffset=\voffset
- \csname &normal@shipout\endcsname\box#1%
- \endgroup}
-% With the booklet or Booklet layout, the pages are saved rather than
-% shipped.
- \begingroup
- \globaldefs=1
- \advance\bookletpage by 1
- \expandafter\newbox\csname bookletbox\the\bookletpage\endcsname
- \expandafter\setbox\csname bookletbox\the\bookletpage\endcsname\box#1%
- \endgroup}
-% The pages are then printed at the end with the following macros:
- \setbox\ifodd#1\@rightpage\else\@leftpage\fi=%
- \expandafter\box\csname bookletbox\the#1\endcsname}
- \count\z@\rightpagenumber
- \make@bookletpage\leftpagenumber
- \make@bookletpage\rightpagenumber
- \ship@twoup
- \booklet@@loop}
- \advance\rightpagenumber by 2
- \advance\leftpagenumber by -2
- \ifnum\leftpagenumber<1\else\expandafter\booklet@loop\fi}
- \advance\rightpagenumber by 1
- \advance\leftpagenumber by -1
- \ifnum\leftpagenumber<\rightpagenumber\else\expandafter\booklet@loop\fi}
-% This one is easy:
-% This clears a whole target page if there is a saved left page. Note that
-% this does not invoke the output routine; i.e., it is not like \clearpage
-% or \supereject. See \twoupclearpage and \twoupeject below.
- \if@leftpage\else
- \global\setbox\@rightpage\hbox{}%
- \make@@halfpage\@rightpage\ship@@@rightpage
- \global\@leftpagetrue
- \fi}
-% This is the definition of \twoup@eject with the booklet option:
- \leftpagenumber\bookletpage
- \advance\leftpagenumber by 3
- \divide\leftpagenumber by 4
- \multiply\leftpagenumber by 4
- \rightpagenumber=1
- \ifnum\leftpagenumber>\bookletpage
- \setbox\@leftpage\hbox{}%
- \make@@halfpage\@leftpage
- \loop
- \setbox\@rightpage\copy\@leftpage
- \save@booklet\@rightpage
- \ifnum\leftpagenumber>\bookletpage
- \repeat
- \fi
- \booklet@loop}
-% This modification is needed for \LaTeX in order to get the last page
-% printed out if the final page is a left page (the catcode business is
-% because \enddocument is \let to \bye in amstex):
-\expandafter\ifx\csname @latexerr\endcsname\relax
- \catcode`\>=14\else\catcode`\>=9\fi\relax
-% For most other macro packages we could just leave be and all pages would
-% always be printed because of the way the \end primitive works (except that
-% TeX will go bonkers with the booklet layout). However,
-% sometimes a blank filler page would be printed *with* headings. We prefer
-% the filler page to be truly blank. To achieve this, we hack the definition
-% of \end. This may cause problems with some macros.
-\expandafter\ifx\csname @latexerr\endcsname\relax
- \let\twoup@@@end\end
- \def\end{\twoup@eject\twoup@@@end}
- \def\twoupeject{\par\vfil\supereject\twoup@eject}
-% This is one workaround for the page cross-references problem
- \let\TwoupSaved@write\write
- \let\TwoupSaved@read\read
- \let\TwoupSaved@openout\openout
- \let\TwoupSaved@closeout\closeout
- \def\write{\TwoupSaved@write-1{}\immediate\TwoupSaved@write}%
- \def\read{\TwoupSaved@write-1{}\immediate\TwoupSaved@read}%
- \def\openout{\TwoupSaved@write-1{}\immediate\TwoupSaved@openout}%
- \def\closeout{\TwoupSaved@write-1{}\immediate\TwoupSaved@closeout}%
- \let\TwoupWrites\relax}
-% Defaults:
- \target{\magstepminus1}{11in}{8.5in}%
- \source{\magstep0}{8.5in}{11in}}
- \target{\magstepminus2}{11in}{8.5in}%
- \source{\magstep0}{8.5in}{11in}}
- \target{\magstepminus1}{14in}{8.5in}%
- \source{\magstep0}{8.5in}{11in}}%
- \target{\magstepminus2}{8.5in}{11in}%
- \source{\magstep0}{11in}{8.5in}%
- \targetlayout{topbottom}}
-\expandafter\ifx\csname @latexerr\endcsname\relax
- \twoupplain\else\twouparticle\fi
-\pagesepwidth 0pt
-\pageseplength 6.5in
-\pagesepoffset 1in
-%% END 2up.tex/2up.sty
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/seminar/xcomment.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/seminar/xcomment.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index a85231d2c00..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/seminar/xcomment.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `xcomment.sty', generated
-%% on <1993/2/17> with the docstrip utility (2.0r).
-%% The original source files were:
-%% xcomment.doc
-%% Style option `xcomment' for use with LaTeX v2.09.
-%% This is a style for comment and "inverse" comment environments.
-%% COPYRIGHT 1992, 1993 by Timothy Van Zandt,
-%% Input file: xcomment.sty.
-%% Documented code: xcomment.doc.
-%% For printing documentation: xcomment.tex.
-%% You may find xcomment.doc and xcomment.tex appended to xcomment.sty.
-%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
-%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this license
-%% or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this
-%% license is in:
-%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
-%% 1999/12/01 or later.
-\typeout{Style-Option: `xcomment' v\fileversion \space <\filedate> (tvz) }
-\def\newxcomment{\@ifnextchar [{\@newxcommentwitharg}%
- {\@newxcomment}}
- \expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname##1{\@xcomment{#1}{##1}}}%
- \expandafter\def\csname #2\endcsname{\@xcomment{#2}{#1}}}
-\def\@nofloat#1{\hrule height\z@\nobreak\vfill\vbox\bgroup\def\@captype{#1}}
-\def\end@nofloat{\egroup\nobreak\vfill\nobreak\hrule height\z@\medbreak}
- \@namedef{end#1}{\end@nofloat}}}
- \ifnum\the\catcode`#1=0\catcode`#112%
- \else \ifnum\the\catcode`#1=1\catcode`#112%
- \else \ifnum\the\catcode`#1=2\catcode`#112%
- \else \ifnum\the\catcode`#1=6\catcode`#112%
- \fi\fi\fi\fi\relax}
- \ifx\@rescanfile\relax\else
- \ifx\@rescanfile\@empty #1{}\else
- \immediate\openout\tokout=\@rescanfile
- \immediate\write\tokout{{\the#1}\relax}%
- \immediate\closeout\tokout
- \openin\tokin=\@rescanfile
- \read\tokin to\@tempd
- \closein\tokin
- \expandafter#1\@tempd%
- \fi\fi}
- \ifx\@preamblecmds\@notprerr
- \def\xc@csname{#1}%
- \edef\xc@envirlist{#2}%
- \ifx\xc@envirlist\@empty \@bsphack \else
- \begingroup
- \def\@envirsep{}%
- \@ifundefined{normal@begin}{\let\normal@begin\begin}{}%
- \@ifundefined{normal@end}{\let\normal@end\end}{}%
- \def\begin##1{\do@begin{##1}\normal@begin{##1}}%
- \def\end##1{\normal@end{##1}\do@end}%
- \def\do@begin##1{\@ifundefined{##1}{}{\def\do@end{}}}%
- \let\do@end\xc@begin
- \fi
- \let\next\xc@begin
- \else
- \expandafter\@temptokena\expandafter{\document\@xcomment{@@@}{#2}}%
- \edef\document{\the\@temptokena}%
- \let\next\relax
- \fi
- \next}
-\def\end@xcomment{\ifx\xc@envirlist\@empty \@esphack \else \endgroup \fi}%
- \begingroup
- \let\do\xc@makeother
- \dospecials
- \ifx\xcommentchar\@empty\else
- \expandafter\catcode\expandafter`\xcommentchar=14
- \fi
- \catcode`\^^M\active
- \xcomment@}
- \gdef\xcomment@#1~{\xcomment@@#1\@nnil!\@nil}
- \gdef\xcomment@@#1!{\xcomment@@@}
- \gdef\xcomment@@@#1\@nil{%
- \def\@tempa{#1}%
- \ifx\@tempa\@empty
- \let\next\xcomment@
- \else
- \def\next{\xcomment@@#1\@nil}%
- \@testtrue
- \xc@checkbegin#1\relax begin[]\relax\relax
- \if@test
- \xc@checkend#1\relax end[]\relax\relax
- \if@test
- \xc@checkinput#1\relax input[]\relax\relax
- \if@test
- \xc@checkinclude#1\relax include[]\relax\relax
- \if@test
- \xc@checkendinput#1\relax endinputss\relax\relax
- \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
- \next}
- \gdef\xc@checkbegin#1begin[#2]#3\relax#4\relax{%
- \def\@tempa{#1}%
- \ifx\@tempa\@empty
- \def\@tempa{#2}%
- \@for\@tempb:=\xc@envirlist\do{%
- \ifx\@tempa\@tempb\def\next{\xc@end{#2}#3\@nil}\fi}%
- \fi}
- \gdef\xc@checkend#1end[#2]#3\relax#4\relax{%
- \def\@tempa{#1}%
- \ifx\@tempa\@empty
- \@testfalse
- \def\@tempa{#2}\def\@tempb{document}%
- \ifx\@tempa\@tempb
- \def\next{\endgroup\end@xcomment\end{document}}%
- \else
- \ifx\@tempa\xc@csname
- \def\next{\end@@xcomment{#2}#3\@nil}%
- \fi\fi\fi}
- \gdef\xc@checkinput#1input[#2]#3\relax#4\relax{%
- \def\@tempa{#1}%
- \ifx\@tempa\@empty
- \def\next{\expandafter\xcomment@\@@input #2 \xcomment@@#3\@nil}%
- \@testfalse
- \fi}
- \gdef\xc@checkendinput#1endinput#2#3\relax#4\relax{%
- \def\@tempa{#1}%
- \ifx\@tempa\@empty\ifcat\noexpand#2a\relax\else
- \let\next\endinput
- \fi\fi}
- \gdef\xc@checkinclude#1include[#2]#3\relax#4\relax{%
- \def\@tempa{#1}%
- \ifx\@tempa\@empty
- \def\next{%
- \global\let\xc@savedinput\@@input
- \def\@@input{%
- \global\let\@@input\xc@savedinput
- \expandafter\xcomment@\@@input}%
- \include{#2}%
- \global\let\@@input\xc@savedinput
- \xcomment@@#3\@nil}%
- \@testfalse
- \fi}
- \gdef\end@@xcomment#1#2\@nnil!\@nil{%
- \endgroup
- \toks@{#2 }\rescan{\toks@}%
- \edef\next{\noexpand\end@xcomment\noexpand\end{#1}\the\toks@}%
- \next}%
- \gdef\xc@end#1#2\@nnil!\@nil{%
- \endgroup
- \@envirsep \let\@envirsep\envirsep
- \toks@{#2 }\rescan{\toks@}%
- \edef\next{\noexpand\normal@begin{#1}\the\toks@}%
- \next}%
-%% End of file `xcomment.sty'.