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-biblatex-dw 2011/11/20 v1.4 Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Dominik Waßenhoven <domwass(at)> Version history --------------- v1.4 [2011/11/20] This version of biblatex-dw was tested with biblatex 1.7 and requires at least version 1.6 of biblatex. - BUGFIX: With @review entries cited by \fullcite or \footfullcite the reviewed work was not printed in full. This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: With "shorthandinbib=true" and "terselos=false", the shorthand was printed twice in the list of shorthands. This is now fixed. - The \smartcite commands introduced by biblatex 1.2 are now supported. - The \textcite and \textcites commands are now also supported by footnote-dw. - New command \textcitesdelim: delimiter between author names when using \textcites. The default is: \addspace\bibstring{and}\space - New option "seriesformat" which can take the values "standard" and "parens". If set to "parens", the series of a book etc. will be printed in parentheses, otherwise without (as is the biblatex standard behaviour). The default value for this option is "parens" (as was the behaviour in earlier biblatex-dw versions). - New option "editorstringfont" which can take the values "normal" and "namefont". With "normal", the normal font is used, with "namefont", the setting for the option "namefont" is also used for the editor string (and translator string etc.). The default value for this option is "normal". - New option "editionstring": If set to "true", the bibliography string "edition" will be added to the "edition" field, even if it is not an integer. Thus, you can type, e.g., edition = {2., aktualisierte} in your bib file and you will get "2., aktualisierte Aufl." (or, with option abbreviate=false: "2., aktualisierte Auflage"). "editionstring=false" will give biblatex’s default behaviour. The default for this option is "false". - New entry option "oldbookauthor" which is equivalent to "oldauthor" but for the bookauthor (this is useful for @inbook entries representing, e.g., an introduction to an edition of a work by an author that should not be typeset in the usual font for last names). This option can be set on a per entry basis and can be disabled with the global option "oldauthor=false". - Improved options "namefont", "firstnamefont", "idemfont" and "ibidemfont" which are now aware of the setting of the biblatex option "punctfont". - Small bugfix for the xref functionality. v1.3c [2011/02/06] This version of biblatex-dw needs biblatex 1.1a. Please note that you have to update biblatex as well if you would like to use biblatex-dw 1.3c! - BUGFIX: Under some circumstances, an error occurred (command \cbx@tempa could not be found). This should be fixed now. - BUGFIX: Some of the German translations were broken due to a change of internal commands in biblatex. This is now fixed. - The entry type @review is now supported. You can specify a reviewed work via the xref field. See the documentation for details. - Some internal changes concerning \DeclareFieldFormat directives. v1.3b [2010/11/21] This version of biblatex-dw was tested against biblatex 1.0, but it should also work with versions from biblatex 0.9d. The following changes were made to biblatex-dw: - BUGFIX: Using pagetotal=false and citepages=separate, the herename was printed as soon as the pagetotal field was present (although the pagetotal field itself was not printed). This is now fixed, and the citepages option pays attention to the pagetotal option. - In order to match as closely as possible to biblatex itself, the \citenamepunct command was renamed to \nametitledelim. For compatibility reasons with earlier versions of biblatex-dw, the \citenamepunct was kept. Thus, it does not matter if you redefine \nametitledelim or \citenamepunct, the effect will be the same; but note that the \citenamepunct may be dropped in later versions of biblatex-dw. - In full citations \nametitledelim is used instead of \labelnamepunct. - Improvements regarding idem functionality in combination with xref=true. - Improved the documentation. v1.3a [2010/09/21] This version of biblatex-dw supports biblatex 0.9d. Please note that you have to update biblatex at least to version 0.9b if you would like to use biblatex-dw 1.3a! You will also need to install the package logreq which is a new requirement since biblatex 0.9b. Users might also need to update their data due to some changes in biblatex 0.9a and biblatex 0.9b. Please follow the hints for users given in biblatex’s RELEASE notes for both of these versions. The following changes were made to biblatex-dw: - Option "omitpages" was renamed to "citepages" and enhanced. As in the verbose standard styles, you can now choose between "permit", "omit", "suppress" and "separate". Other as in the biblatex styles, the standard for this option in biblatex-dw is "separate". - Option "herename" dropped. The same functionality can now be achieved by using "citepages=separate". Note that the bibliography string "herename" was also dropped, "thiscite" is used instead. - New option "shorthandinbib": if set to "true", the shorthand of each entry will be typeset in the bibliography before each item. The shorthand will be set in brackets, separated by a space. You can customize this behaviour by adjusting the following commands: \DeclareFieldFormat{shorthandinbib}{\mkbibbrackets{#1}} \newcommand*{\shorthandinbibpunct}{\addspace} The default for "shorthandinbib" is "false". - BUGFIX: The shorthandpunct could not be redefined by a simple \renewcommand, but only as an argument of \AtBeginDocument. This is now fixed, and a simple \renewcommand is sufficient. - BUGFIX: The shorthandpunct was also printed, when the option "shorthandwidth" was not in use (this had only effect, when the shorthandpunct was redefined). This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: When using authortitle-dw with "firstfull=true", a \parencite had an erroneous space for the first citation without a postnote. This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: The new editorial roles introduced in biblatex 0.9 were not fully supported. This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: The option "firstfullname" did not work with biblatex’s option "uniquename". This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: When using hyperref, some links to the bibliography were broken. This should now be fixed. - BUGFIX: In @inbook entries the punctuation after a book author was not the \labelnamepunct. This is now fixed. v1.3 [2010/03/11] This version of biblatex-dw supports biblatex 0.9. Please note that you have to update biblatex as well if you would like to use biblatex-dw 1.3! Users might need to update their data due to some changes in biblatex, especially concerned with date specifications. Please follow the hints for users given in biblatex’s RELEASE notes. Further changes in this release: - The options "isrn" and "issn" were dropped. Their functionality can be achieved by the biblatex option "isbn". - BUGFIX: When using "idembibformat=dash", the @inreference entries had a wrong punctuation inside the title. This is now fixed. - Option "pseudoauthor" changed: if set to true (and the entry option "pseudoauthor" is used), the author of this entry is printed. The new commands \bibleftpseudo and \bibrightpseudo are used to enclose the author. These commands are empty by default. If the global option "pseudoauthor" is set to "false", the author of entries with the entry option "pseudoauthor" are not printed at all. The default value for the global option is "true" (i.e. the behaviour is the same regardless of the entry option "pseudoauthor"). - New command \locationdatepunct for the punctuation between location and year/date. The default is \addspace. - New command \locationpublisherpunct for the punctuation between location and publisher. The default is \addcolon\space. - New command \publisherdatepunct for the punctuation between publisher and year/date. The default is \addcomma\space. v1.2o [2010/02/14] - BUGFIX: When using the options "xref=true" and "useeditor=false", the editor was not printed in the bibliography. This is now fixed. Also, some bugs regarding the xref functionality in citations could be fixed. - BUGFIX: The editors in @incollection, @inproceedings and @inreference entries were printed using the name format "sortname" ("Lastname, Firstname") where it should have been the name format "byeditor" ("Firstname Lastname"). This is now fixed. - New option "omiteditor": If one uses "useeditor=false" and "omiteditor=true", the editor in citations will be omitted. The same applies to the xref functionality in the bibliography. With "useeditor=true", this option has no effect. The standard for this option is "false". - The limitation regarding the combination of "xref=true", "edbyidem=true" and "useeditor=false" is no longer valid. That means, it is not necessary to have the editor in the child entry as well in order to get an "idem" string. - Extended the documentation. v1.2n [2010/01/24] - The option "edbeforetitle" was discarded. The same functionality can be obtained by the option "useeditor". In this context, some bugs could be resolved. - New option "omitpages": if set to "true", the page range of @article, @inbook, @incollection or @inproceedings entries will be suppressed in full citations. The standard value is "false". - Extended the documentation regarding the xref functionality. v1.2m [2010/01/18] - BUGFIX: Changed the default of \citerevsdnamedelim which used to be a \slash. Now it is empty, because otherwise it produced two slashes in some circumstances. - BUGFIX: In footnote-dw with "xref=true", the reference to the first entry did not work if the first citation of a parent was cited via a child. This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: In footnote-dw the punctuation of @collection entries was wrong when using a prenote in conjunction with "useeditor=false" or when there was no editor. This is now fixed. - The biblatex option "singletitle" can now be used both with authortitle-dw and footnote-dw. Using this option, a work"s title is only printed if there is not more than one work by the author or editor. - New entry option "pseudoauthor". If set to true, the author is put in brackets. This is useful for e.g. editions of works whose authors are not named, but are known. See the documentation for details. The entry option does only have effect if the global option "pseudoauthor" is set to "true". The default value is "false". v1.2l [2009/10/19] - BUGFIX: With footnote-dw, the references to the first citations did not work, when refsections were used. This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: With xref=true, when no volume was present in an @inreference entry as well as in its corresponding @reference entry, the bibstring "vol." was printed. This is now fixed. - New option "shortjournal". If set to "true", the field "shortjournal" is used instead of "journaltitle". This is useful for journal abbreviations. The default is "false". - New option "acronyms". If set to "true", shorthands (and with "shortjournal=true" also the abbreviated journal titles) are set with the command \mkbibacro, but only if the entry option "acronym" is set to "true". The default is "false". - New option "pageref" (in footnote-dw only). If set to "true", it adds the page to the footnote number pointing to the full citation if it is located on a different page. This option is the same as in the standard styles "verbose-note" and "verbose-inote". The default is false. - In footnote-dw, the pointer to the earlier citation is suppressed if a shorthand exists and the option "citedas" is true. Note that you can override the global option "citedas" by setting the entry option "citedas". v1.2k [2009/08/22] Adjustments to biblatex version 0.8e. Note that from this version on biblatex 0.8e is required, so you have to update biblatex as well if you would like to use biblatex-dw 1.2k! - Compound abbreviations (introduced in biblatex-dw 1.2i) are now separated by the new biblatex command "\addabthinspace"; this affects only the German localization in strings like "hg. v." - The improved concatenation of roles is used. See biblatex’s release notes for details. - The new auxiliary macros for ordinals are used. See biblatex’s release notes for details. BUGFIXES - BUGFIX: The option "ibidpage" did not work with footnote-dw. This is now fixed. Changed Entry Types - @inreference Up to now, this entry type was an alias for @incollection. From now on, this entry type can be used for articles in encyclopedias or dictionaries. For details on how @inreference entries differ from @ incollection entries, please consult the documentation. The @reference type remains an alias for @collection. New Options - "isrn" and "pagetotal" These options can take the values "true" and "false". With these options you can decide whether you want to have printed the corresponding fields or not. The default for these options is "false". - "edstringincitations" If set to "true", the editor and translator strings are shown in the citations (not only in the full citations). The default is "true". - "series=standard|afteryear" If set to "afteryear", the series is printed after the year. This affects the entry types @book, @inbook, @collection, @incollection, @proceedings, @inproceedings and @manual. New Commands - "seriespunct" punctuation before the series (of a book etc.). This punctuation is set inside the parentheses. You can set it e.g. to "=\addspace" which is common in some fields. The default is empty, i.e. the series is printed right after the opening round bracket. - "sernumstring" punctuation between series (of a book etc.) and number. The default is "\addspace". You can easily redefine it, e.g.: \renewcommand*{\sernumstring}{% \addcomma\space\bibstring{volume}\addspace} This would give "(Name of Series, vol. N)". - "herenamepunct" If the "herename" is used, the punctuation before the herename is determined by "herenamepunct". The default is \addcomma\space. Localization Changes - In German localization, the strings "withcommentator", "withannotator" and "withintroduction" are shortened as follows: -> withcommentator: komm. v. -> withannotator: erläut. v. -> withintroduction: eingel. v. The long versions stay the same as in standard biblatex. v1.2j [2009/08/16] - This is just a bugfix release. The only files changed are footnote-dw.cbx, CHANGES, README and LIESMICH. - BUGFIX: Since biblatex version 0.8e, footnote-dw gave an error (Undefined control sequence: \blx@addperiod). This is now fixed; thus, biblatex-dw (or rather footnote-dw) should work with the biblatex versions 0.8e, 0.8f, 0.8g and 0.8h, but it will not work with earlier versions. v1.2i [2009/05/10] - BUGFIX: When using option "usetranslator=true", the translator string was not aware of the option "editorstring". This is now fixed. - Improved bibmacro "journal+issuetitle" which is now aware of the option "edbeforetitle". - The "typeeditor" field is now supported. It can take the values "editor" and "compiler". This field determines the editor string after the name of the editor(s). The abbreviated forms are "ed." for "editor" and "comp." for "compiler". In German, both strings are the same ("Herausgeber" or "Hrsg."). - In English, the "idem" string is now declined (idem, eadem, idem in singular; eidem, eaedem, eadem in plural) and no longer abbreviated, even if abbreviate=true is used. - Improved the handling of "origfields=true". - In German, the string "reprint" (Nachdruck) is now abbreviated as "Ndr.", not as "Nachdr." - Compound abbreviations are now separated by a thin space rather than a normal one. At the moment, this affects only the German localization in strings like "hg. v." v1.2h [2009/03/29] - BUGFIX: The "idem" functionality is now also aware of page breaks. If the citation is the first on a page (or double page in twoside mode), the "idem" is suppressed. If you don’t want this behaviour, you can set the option "pagetracker=false". v1.2g [2009/03/20] - Option "journalnumber" replaces "journumafteryear". The option was enhanced and can now take the values "standard", "afteryear" and "date". The value "standard" is the same as the old journumafteryear=false, "afteryear" is the same as the old journumafteryear=true. The new value "date" assures that the date is printed, even if the field issue is given (this is not the case in the standard styles). Additionally, "journalnumber=date" prints the number before the date, if the date (at least year and month) is given, but it prints the number after the year, if only the year is given (i.e. if the date is not further specified). See the documentation for details. The default is "journalnumber=standard". - Improved german-dw.lbx. - Adjusted the documentation for screen reading. A printer friendly version can still be compiled from the source. v1.2f [2009/02/15] - Adjustments to biblatex version 0.8c. Note that from this version on biblatex 0.8c is required, so you have to update biblatex as well if you would like to use biblatex-dw 1.2f! -> The biblatex-dw option "idem" was replaced by the new biblatex option "idemtracker". The standard setting is "idemtracker=constrict". If you would like to switch off the idem functionality, you can use "idemtracker=false". For more information on the "idemtracker" option see the biblatex manual. - New options "doi", "eprint", "isbn" and "issn" which can take the values "true" and "false". With these options you can decide whether you want to have printed the corresponding fields or not. The default for these options is "false" (as was the standard before). - New option "idemfont" which can take the values "smallcaps", "italic", "bold" and "normal". The default is none which means that the "idem" string is printed in the font shape of "namefont". - New option "ibidemfont" which can take the values "smallcaps", "italic" and "bold". The default is none which means that the "ibidem" string is printed in normal font shape. - New macro "jourvolstring" which introduces the volume of an article entry. The default is a space (as it was the case before), but you can adjust it to your needs, e.g.: \renewcommand*{\jourvolstring}{\addspace vol\adddot\space} - New macro "journumstring" which introduces the number in article entries, if the option "journumafteryear" is set to "true". The default for this macro is a comma, followed by the bibstring "number" and a non-breakable space. You can redefine it to your needs, e.g.: \renewcommand*{\journumstring}{\addspace} - If there is no volume in an article entry, but the month field is set, the date is separated from the journal title by a comma and a space, not only a space. - Fixed some BUGS concerning the xref functionality. - Reorganized some bibliography drivers. - Enhanced the documentation. v1.2e [2008/12/19] - Adjustments to biblatex version 0.8b. Note that from this version on biblatex 0.8b is required, so you have to update biblatex as well if you would like to use biblatex-dw 1.2e! -> The new biblatex option "usetranslator" is supported. - BUGFIX: The option "firstfullname" introduced in version 1.2d had a bug which is now fixed. - BUGFIX: The "idem" functionality did not work with the multicite commands. This is now fixed. - New option "journumafteryear": If set to "true", the "number" in article entries is printed after the year and introduced by the bibstring "number". If set to "false", the default behaviour is used, i.e. "Journaltitle volume.number (year)". The default is "true". -> If "journumafteryear" is set "false", the separator between volume and number in @article entries is now configurable with the new command "\jourvolnumsep". The default is a dot (which is also the default in biblatex). - When the "volume" is missing, the parenthesis around the year in @article entries is omitted. - The multicite command \cites is now also always printed as footnote in "footnote-dw". - Some changes in the internal code. - Extended the documentation and examples. v1.2d [2008/12/07] - BUGFIX: In footnote-dw, the punctuation after the author/ editor in all citations but the first one was always a comma and not configurable by \citenamepunct. This is now fixed. - New option "firstfullname": when set to "true", the commands \citeauthor and \textcite (with footnote-dw: \citeauthor only) give the full name of authors/editors when they have not been cited before, not only the last name. The default is "false". - Support for biblatex version 0.8a including \MakeSentenceCase. - Added lbx files with alternative strings for German and additional strings for both German and English (these strings were already included, but are now stored in the language mapping files). v1.2c [2008/11/15] - New option "idembibformat": When using "idembib=true", you can choose whether you want to have an "idem" string in the bibliography (idembibformat=idem) or a dash (idembibformat=dash), as is the standard setting in biblatex. The standard is "idembibformat=idem". - Option "idembib" changed: Now "false" means that subsequent entries of the same author are given with full names, not a dash (as was the behaviour up to now). The standard is "idembib=true". - Improved xref support: The child entry does not only scan for the "volume" field of the parent entry, but prints also "location" and "year", if they differ from the parent entry. v1.2b [2008/11/09] - BUGFIX: With "xref=true", the first (full) citation did not show the overall pages of @INBOOK, @INCOLLECTION and @INPROCEEDINGS entries. This is now fixed. - New option "nolocation". If set to "true", the location and the publisher are omitted (even if you set "nopublisher=false"). The default is "false", i.e. the location is printed. - The option "shorthandibid" can now also be used on a per-entry basis. - Improved xref support: If the "volume" field of a child entry is set and the "volume" field of the corresponding parent entry is not set, the volume of the child entry will be printed immediately before the pages. v1.2a [2008/10/19] - Improved option "edsuper" which also outputs non-integer editions (though not as superscript, but rather similar to a note.) - The field "origpublisher" (new in biblatex 0.8) is now also supported. - New option "origfields" which can take the values "true" (standard) and "false". With this option, you can now decide, whether you want to have the fields "origlocation", "origpublisher" and "origyear" to be printed or not. -> New option "origfieldsformat=parens|brackets|punct". The default is "punct" which means that the new punctuation mark "\origfieldspunct" (default: \addcomma\space) is used to introduce the reprint phrase. If you choose "parens" or "brackets", the reprint phrase is put in parentheses or brackets, respectively, and the \origfieldspunct is ignored. - New option "shorthandwidth". With this option you can set the width of the label in the list of shorthands to any length (e.g. "3em" or "40pt"). This is useful if you have very long shorthands. -> New punctuation command "\shorthandpunct" which is only exerted when you use the option "shorthandwidth". Then it is set to a colon. You can redefine this punctuation command with \renewcommand. -> New length "\shorthandsep" which is only exerted if you use the option "shorthandwidth". The length "\shorthandsep" defines the spacing after the label in the list of shorthands. - Improved package warnings. v1.2 [2008/10/09] - Adjustments to biblatex version 0.8. Note that from version 1.2 on, biblatex-dw needs at least biblatex 0.8, so you have to update biblatex as well if you would like to use biblatex-dw 1.2! -> The new biblatex option "firstinits" is supported. -> The new macro \bibpagespunct is also supported. - Added option "xref" which can be set to "true" or "false". If you want to use the crossref functionality (introduced in biblatex-dw version 1.1f), you now have to set "xref=true". See the documentation for details. - As biblatex 0.8 has changed the handling of the field "edition", the option "edsuper" had to be adjusted. See the documentation of biblatex-dw for details. - Updated the documentation. v1.1h [2008/09/24] - BUGFIX: When using the options "edbeforetitle" and "edbyidem", the idem funcionality did not work. This is now fixed. - Updated documentation (see especially, if you are using the crossref functionality) and examples. v1.1g [2008/09/05] - The biblatex package option "mincrossrefs" is set to "1" (instead of "2"). The reason is that otherwise entries that are using the crossref functionality introduced in biblatex-dw version 1.1f could be incomplete. - If both "volumes" and "volume" are present, "volumes" is now set before "volume". v1.1f [2008/08/10] - BUGFIX: Corrected wrong punctuation when using "idembib= false" in conjunction with an editor. - Added crossref functionality (using biblatex’s field "xref"). This works for authortitle-dw as well as footnote-dw. For further information please have a look into the package documentation. v1.1e [2008/06/13] - BUGFIX: The option "edbeforetitle" caused a problem when used together with the "idem" functionality (which is the default). This is now fixed. - Enhanced the "idem" functionality: If a citation with shorthand precedes a citation of the same author or editor without shorthand, the string "idem" is now replaced by the author’s or editor’s name, since this information cannot be gathered from the shorthand citation and thus could mislead the reader. v1.1d [2008/06/05] - BUGFIX: The global option "oldauthor" which was introduced in version 1.1c caused an erroneous behaviour when used together with "idembib=true" (which is the default). This is now fixed. - New option "editorstring" which can take the values "parens", "brackets" and "normal"; the default is "parens". This option sets the string "editor" (abbreviated "ed.") in parentheses or in brackets, or just puts the string (with a preceding comma) after the editor name. - New option "edbeforetitle" which can take the values "true" and "false"; the default is "false". When set to "true", the editor in @INCOLLECTION and @INPROCEEDINGS entries will be typeset before the booktitle ("... in: Editor (ed.): Booktitle ...") rather than afterwards ("... in: Booktitle, ed. by Editor ..."). - Small correction in the terse version of the List of Shorthands concerning the punctuation after authors/ editors. - Added missing bibliography drivers for option "edbyidem". v1.1c [2008/05/29] - BUGFIX: With the option "idem=false", the author of a first citation who was cited immediately before with another work lacked the forename. - BUGFIX: The option "edbyidem=false" produced a superfluous "ed. by" string. - BUGFIX: Small punctuation issue with repeated citations and "herename". - New option "namefont" which can take the values "smallcaps", "italic" and "bold". The default is none, i.e. authors and editors are set in normal font shape. With "useprefix=true", this option also affects the name prefix. - New option "firstnamefont" which can take the values "smallcaps", "italic" and "bold". This also affects the name prefix (with "useprefix=false") and the name affix. - The option "oldauthor" is now also available as global option in order to disable the feature. If you set "oldauthor=false" globally, every entry option "oldauthor=true" is ignored. Thus, you can set the fontname for every author with global options, independent of entry options. v1.1b [2008/04/13] - BUGFIX: When using \parencite with "footnote-dw", additional parentheses (e.g. enclosing the string "editor") were lost; they are now replaced by brackets. - BUGFIX: In "footnote-dw", the normal \cite command always produced a capital letter at the beginning. This is fixed now. - Fixed a small punctuation error in connection with "herename". - New command \titleaddonpunct for the punctuation before titleaddon, booktitleaddon and maintitleaddon. The default is a period now (not a comma, as before). v1.1a [2008/02/09] - BUGFIX: When using the commands "mancite" or "citereset", the "idem" functionality was not reset. This is now fixed. - New option "edsuper". If set to "true", the edition is printed as superscript number (not as ordinal number) straight ahead of the year. The default is "false". - New option "firstfull" (only in "authortitle-dw"). If set to "true", the first citation is a fullcite. The default is "false". - Option "citedas" is now also available for "authortitle-dw" and used when "firstfull" is set to "true". v1.1 [2008/02/01] - BUGFIX: The "citedas" functionality did not work if the first citation of an entry was introduced by "idem". - New option "terselos" introduced for a terse version of the list of shorthands (default is "true"). - New option "herename" introduced to specify if the term \enquote{here} should prelude the pages of a fullcite (or, with "footnote-dw", also the first citation of an entry) which has a non-empty \texttt{pages}-field. - New option "nopublisher" introduced to suppress the publisher. The default value is "true", but if you want to have the publisher printed, you now can set the option "nopublisher=false". - If the field "origlocation" is given, it will be set together with "origyear", whereas "location" and "year" are appended in parentheses, preluded by the bibstring "reprint". - The options "annotation" and "library" are now also usable with the style "footnote-dw". The annotations and library information are only printed in the bibliography (if there is one), not in the citations or in the list of shorthands. - Updated documentation. v1.01 [2008/01/20] - BUGFIX: The "pagetracker" functionality did not work properly with the style "footnote-dw" - Excluded ISBN/ISSN and DOI also from entry types booklet, inproceedings, manual, misc, periodical, proceedings, and report - Punctuation corrections for the same entry types concerning the series+number v1.0 [2008/01/14] - Initial release \ No newline at end of file
+biblatex-dw 2012/06/28 v1.5 Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Dominik Waßenhoven <domwass(at)> Version history --------------- v1.5 [2012/06/28] This version of biblatex-dw was tested with biblatex 1.7. - BUGFIX: The functionality of ibidpage=true was broken. This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: With edbyidem=true (and xref=false), the first citation of an @inbook entry where author and editor are the same, but the bookauthor differs resulted in "ed. by idem", which is wrong. This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: With edbyidem=false, the book author of @inbook entries was not typeset in the appropriate format. This could lead to a wrong output (e.g. "Lastname, Firstname" instead of "Firstname Lastname"). This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: With @inreference entries, the output could be inconsistent with regard to the volume(s). This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: Changes in font size for \annotationfont and \libraryfont led to a wrong baselineskip. This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: There was a small bug in @collection entries concerning the punctuation after the labelname. This should be fixed now. - BUGFIX: With shorthandinbib=true the \labelnamepunct was printed when there was no author or editor present. This lead to superfluous punctuation and is now fixed. - BUGFIX: In some circumstances the final period of the bibliography items (\finentry) was not printed. This is now fixed. - In authortitle-dw, the \textcite command now also considers the value of the firstfull option. That means, if a work is cited for the first time via a \textcite command, the result would be "<Name> (<full citation>)". - New option "citeauthor" which can take the values "namefont", "namefontfoot" and "normalfont". This option controls the name format for the \citeauthor command. With "citeauthor=namefont" the same format as set by the option "namefont" is used. This is the default behaviour. With "citeauthor=normalfont" the normal font is always used for \citeauthor, regardless of the "namefont" option. With "citeauthor=namefontfoot" the "namefont" format is used if the \citeauthor command is inside a footnote, otherwise the normal font is used. - The list of shorthands with option terselos=true is now even more terse: the [main]subtitle and [main]titleaddon fields are now also omitted. v1.4 [2011/11/20] This version of biblatex-dw was tested with biblatex 1.7 and requires at least version 1.6 of biblatex. - BUGFIX: With @review entries cited by \fullcite or \footfullcite the reviewed work was not printed in full. This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: With "shorthandinbib=true" and "terselos=false", the shorthand was printed twice in the list of shorthands. This is now fixed. - The \smartcite commands introduced by biblatex 1.2 are now supported. - The \textcite and \textcites commands are now also supported by footnote-dw. - New command \textcitesdelim: delimiter between author names when using \textcites. The default is: \addspace\bibstring{and}\space - New option "seriesformat" which can take the values "standard" and "parens". If set to "parens", the series of a book etc. will be printed in parentheses, otherwise without (as is the biblatex standard behaviour). The default value for this option is "parens" (as was the behaviour in earlier biblatex-dw versions). - New option "editorstringfont" which can take the values "normal" and "namefont". With "normal", the normal font is used, with "namefont", the setting for the option "namefont" is also used for the editor string (and translator string etc.). The default value for this option is "normal". - New option "editionstring": If set to "true", the bibliography string "edition" will be added to the "edition" field, even if it is not an integer. Thus, you can type, e.g., edition = {2., aktualisierte} in your bib file and you will get "2., aktualisierte Aufl." (or, with option abbreviate=false: "2., aktualisierte Auflage"). "editionstring=false" will give biblatex’s default behaviour. The default for this option is "false". - New entry option "oldbookauthor" which is equivalent to "oldauthor" but for the bookauthor (this is useful for @inbook entries representing, e.g., an introduction to an edition of a work by an author that should not be typeset in the usual font for last names). This option can be set on a per entry basis and can be disabled with the global option "oldauthor=false". - Improved options "namefont", "firstnamefont", "idemfont" and "ibidemfont" which are now aware of the setting of the biblatex option "punctfont". - Small bugfix for the xref functionality. v1.3c [2011/02/06] This version of biblatex-dw needs biblatex 1.1a. Please note that you have to update biblatex as well if you would like to use biblatex-dw 1.3c! - BUGFIX: Under some circumstances, an error occurred (command \cbx@tempa could not be found). This should be fixed now. - BUGFIX: Some of the German translations were broken due to a change of internal commands in biblatex. This is now fixed. - The entry type @review is now supported. You can specify a reviewed work via the xref field. See the documentation for details. - Some internal changes concerning \DeclareFieldFormat directives. v1.3b [2010/11/21] This version of biblatex-dw was tested against biblatex 1.0, but it should also work with versions from biblatex 0.9d. The following changes were made to biblatex-dw: - BUGFIX: Using pagetotal=false and citepages=separate, the herename was printed as soon as the pagetotal field was present (although the pagetotal field itself was not printed). This is now fixed, and the citepages option pays attention to the pagetotal option. - In order to match as closely as possible to biblatex itself, the \citenamepunct command was renamed to \nametitledelim. For compatibility reasons with earlier versions of biblatex-dw, the \citenamepunct was kept. Thus, it does not matter if you redefine \nametitledelim or \citenamepunct, the effect will be the same; but note that the \citenamepunct may be dropped in later versions of biblatex-dw. - In full citations \nametitledelim is used instead of \labelnamepunct. - Improvements regarding idem functionality in combination with xref=true. - Improved the documentation. v1.3a [2010/09/21] This version of biblatex-dw supports biblatex 0.9d. Please note that you have to update biblatex at least to version 0.9b if you would like to use biblatex-dw 1.3a! You will also need to install the package logreq which is a new requirement since biblatex 0.9b. Users might also need to update their data due to some changes in biblatex 0.9a and biblatex 0.9b. Please follow the hints for users given in biblatex’s RELEASE notes for both of these versions. The following changes were made to biblatex-dw: - Option "omitpages" was renamed to "citepages" and enhanced. As in the verbose standard styles, you can now choose between "permit", "omit", "suppress" and "separate". Other as in the biblatex styles, the standard for this option in biblatex-dw is "separate". - Option "herename" dropped. The same functionality can now be achieved by using "citepages=separate". Note that the bibliography string "herename" was also dropped, "thiscite" is used instead. - New option "shorthandinbib": if set to "true", the shorthand of each entry will be typeset in the bibliography before each item. The shorthand will be set in brackets, separated by a space. You can customize this behaviour by adjusting the following commands: \DeclareFieldFormat{shorthandinbib}{\mkbibbrackets{#1}} \newcommand*{\shorthandinbibpunct}{\addspace} The default for "shorthandinbib" is "false". - BUGFIX: The shorthandpunct could not be redefined by a simple \renewcommand, but only as an argument of \AtBeginDocument. This is now fixed, and a simple \renewcommand is sufficient. - BUGFIX: The shorthandpunct was also printed, when the option "shorthandwidth" was not in use (this had only effect, when the shorthandpunct was redefined). This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: When using authortitle-dw with "firstfull=true", a \parencite had an erroneous space for the first citation without a postnote. This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: The new editorial roles introduced in biblatex 0.9 were not fully supported. This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: The option "firstfullname" did not work with biblatex’s option "uniquename". This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: When using hyperref, some links to the bibliography were broken. This should now be fixed. - BUGFIX: In @inbook entries the punctuation after a book author was not the \labelnamepunct. This is now fixed. v1.3 [2010/03/11] This version of biblatex-dw supports biblatex 0.9. Please note that you have to update biblatex as well if you would like to use biblatex-dw 1.3! Users might need to update their data due to some changes in biblatex, especially concerned with date specifications. Please follow the hints for users given in biblatex’s RELEASE notes. Further changes in this release: - The options "isrn" and "issn" were dropped. Their functionality can be achieved by the biblatex option "isbn". - BUGFIX: When using "idembibformat=dash", the @inreference entries had a wrong punctuation inside the title. This is now fixed. - Option "pseudoauthor" changed: if set to true (and the entry option "pseudoauthor" is used), the author of this entry is printed. The new commands \bibleftpseudo and \bibrightpseudo are used to enclose the author. These commands are empty by default. If the global option "pseudoauthor" is set to "false", the author of entries with the entry option "pseudoauthor" are not printed at all. The default value for the global option is "true" (i.e. the behaviour is the same regardless of the entry option "pseudoauthor"). - New command \locationdatepunct for the punctuation between location and year/date. The default is \addspace. - New command \locationpublisherpunct for the punctuation between location and publisher. The default is \addcolon\space. - New command \publisherdatepunct for the punctuation between publisher and year/date. The default is \addcomma\space. v1.2o [2010/02/14] - BUGFIX: When using the options "xref=true" and "useeditor=false", the editor was not printed in the bibliography. This is now fixed. Also, some bugs regarding the xref functionality in citations could be fixed. - BUGFIX: The editors in @incollection, @inproceedings and @inreference entries were printed using the name format "sortname" ("Lastname, Firstname") where it should have been the name format "byeditor" ("Firstname Lastname"). This is now fixed. - New option "omiteditor": If one uses "useeditor=false" and "omiteditor=true", the editor in citations will be omitted. The same applies to the xref functionality in the bibliography. With "useeditor=true", this option has no effect. The standard for this option is "false". - The limitation regarding the combination of "xref=true", "edbyidem=true" and "useeditor=false" is no longer valid. That means, it is not necessary to have the editor in the child entry as well in order to get an "idem" string. - Extended the documentation. v1.2n [2010/01/24] - The option "edbeforetitle" was discarded. The same functionality can be obtained by the option "useeditor". In this context, some bugs could be resolved. - New option "omitpages": if set to "true", the page range of @article, @inbook, @incollection or @inproceedings entries will be suppressed in full citations. The standard value is "false". - Extended the documentation regarding the xref functionality. v1.2m [2010/01/18] - BUGFIX: Changed the default of \citerevsdnamedelim which used to be a \slash. Now it is empty, because otherwise it produced two slashes in some circumstances. - BUGFIX: In footnote-dw with "xref=true", the reference to the first entry did not work if the first citation of a parent was cited via a child. This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: In footnote-dw the punctuation of @collection entries was wrong when using a prenote in conjunction with "useeditor=false" or when there was no editor. This is now fixed. - The biblatex option "singletitle" can now be used both with authortitle-dw and footnote-dw. Using this option, a work"s title is only printed if there is not more than one work by the author or editor. - New entry option "pseudoauthor". If set to true, the author is put in brackets. This is useful for e.g. editions of works whose authors are not named, but are known. See the documentation for details. The entry option does only have effect if the global option "pseudoauthor" is set to "true". The default value is "false". v1.2l [2009/10/19] - BUGFIX: With footnote-dw, the references to the first citations did not work, when refsections were used. This is now fixed. - BUGFIX: With xref=true, when no volume was present in an @inreference entry as well as in its corresponding @reference entry, the bibstring "vol." was printed. This is now fixed. - New option "shortjournal". If set to "true", the field "shortjournal" is used instead of "journaltitle". This is useful for journal abbreviations. The default is "false". - New option "acronyms". If set to "true", shorthands (and with "shortjournal=true" also the abbreviated journal titles) are set with the command \mkbibacro, but only if the entry option "acronym" is set to "true". The default is "false". - New option "pageref" (in footnote-dw only). If set to "true", it adds the page to the footnote number pointing to the full citation if it is located on a different page. This option is the same as in the standard styles "verbose-note" and "verbose-inote". The default is false. - In footnote-dw, the pointer to the earlier citation is suppressed if a shorthand exists and the option "citedas" is true. Note that you can override the global option "citedas" by setting the entry option "citedas". v1.2k [2009/08/22] Adjustments to biblatex version 0.8e. Note that from this version on biblatex 0.8e is required, so you have to update biblatex as well if you would like to use biblatex-dw 1.2k! - Compound abbreviations (introduced in biblatex-dw 1.2i) are now separated by the new biblatex command "\addabthinspace"; this affects only the German localization in strings like "hg. v." - The improved concatenation of roles is used. See biblatex’s release notes for details. - The new auxiliary macros for ordinals are used. See biblatex’s release notes for details. BUGFIXES - BUGFIX: The option "ibidpage" did not work with footnote-dw. This is now fixed. Changed Entry Types - @inreference Up to now, this entry type was an alias for @incollection. From now on, this entry type can be used for articles in encyclopedias or dictionaries. For details on how @inreference entries differ from @ incollection entries, please consult the documentation. The @reference type remains an alias for @collection. New Options - "isrn" and "pagetotal" These options can take the values "true" and "false". With these options you can decide whether you want to have printed the corresponding fields or not. The default for these options is "false". - "edstringincitations" If set to "true", the editor and translator strings are shown in the citations (not only in the full citations). The default is "true". - "series=standard|afteryear" If set to "afteryear", the series is printed after the year. This affects the entry types @book, @inbook, @collection, @incollection, @proceedings, @inproceedings and @manual. New Commands - "seriespunct" punctuation before the series (of a book etc.). This punctuation is set inside the parentheses. You can set it e.g. to "=\addspace" which is common in some fields. The default is empty, i.e. the series is printed right after the opening round bracket. - "sernumstring" punctuation between series (of a book etc.) and number. The default is "\addspace". You can easily redefine it, e.g.: \renewcommand*{\sernumstring}{% \addcomma\space\bibstring{volume}\addspace} This would give "(Name of Series, vol. N)". - "herenamepunct" If the "herename" is used, the punctuation before the herename is determined by "herenamepunct". The default is \addcomma\space. Localization Changes - In German localization, the strings "withcommentator", "withannotator" and "withintroduction" are shortened as follows: -> withcommentator: komm. v. -> withannotator: erläut. v. -> withintroduction: eingel. v. The long versions stay the same as in standard biblatex. v1.2j [2009/08/16] - This is just a bugfix release. The only files changed are footnote-dw.cbx, CHANGES, README and LIESMICH. - BUGFIX: Since biblatex version 0.8e, footnote-dw gave an error (Undefined control sequence: \blx@addperiod). This is now fixed; thus, biblatex-dw (or rather footnote-dw) should work with the biblatex versions 0.8e, 0.8f, 0.8g and 0.8h, but it will not work with earlier versions. v1.2i [2009/05/10] - BUGFIX: When using option "usetranslator=true", the translator string was not aware of the option "editorstring". This is now fixed. - Improved bibmacro "journal+issuetitle" which is now aware of the option "edbeforetitle". - The "typeeditor" field is now supported. It can take the values "editor" and "compiler". This field determines the editor string after the name of the editor(s). The abbreviated forms are "ed." for "editor" and "comp." for "compiler". In German, both strings are the same ("Herausgeber" or "Hrsg."). - In English, the "idem" string is now declined (idem, eadem, idem in singular; eidem, eaedem, eadem in plural) and no longer abbreviated, even if abbreviate=true is used. - Improved the handling of "origfields=true". - In German, the string "reprint" (Nachdruck) is now abbreviated as "Ndr.", not as "Nachdr." - Compound abbreviations are now separated by a thin space rather than a normal one. At the moment, this affects only the German localization in strings like "hg. v." v1.2h [2009/03/29] - BUGFIX: The "idem" functionality is now also aware of page breaks. If the citation is the first on a page (or double page in twoside mode), the "idem" is suppressed. If you don’t want this behaviour, you can set the option "pagetracker=false". v1.2g [2009/03/20] - Option "journalnumber" replaces "journumafteryear". The option was enhanced and can now take the values "standard", "afteryear" and "date". The value "standard" is the same as the old journumafteryear=false, "afteryear" is the same as the old journumafteryear=true. The new value "date" assures that the date is printed, even if the field issue is given (this is not the case in the standard styles). Additionally, "journalnumber=date" prints the number before the date, if the date (at least year and month) is given, but it prints the number after the year, if only the year is given (i.e. if the date is not further specified). See the documentation for details. The default is "journalnumber=standard". - Improved german-dw.lbx. - Adjusted the documentation for screen reading. A printer friendly version can still be compiled from the source. v1.2f [2009/02/15] - Adjustments to biblatex version 0.8c. Note that from this version on biblatex 0.8c is required, so you have to update biblatex as well if you would like to use biblatex-dw 1.2f! -> The biblatex-dw option "idem" was replaced by the new biblatex option "idemtracker". The standard setting is "idemtracker=constrict". If you would like to switch off the idem functionality, you can use "idemtracker=false". For more information on the "idemtracker" option see the biblatex manual. - New options "doi", "eprint", "isbn" and "issn" which can take the values "true" and "false". With these options you can decide whether you want to have printed the corresponding fields or not. The default for these options is "false" (as was the standard before). - New option "idemfont" which can take the values "smallcaps", "italic", "bold" and "normal". The default is none which means that the "idem" string is printed in the font shape of "namefont". - New option "ibidemfont" which can take the values "smallcaps", "italic" and "bold". The default is none which means that the "ibidem" string is printed in normal font shape. - New macro "jourvolstring" which introduces the volume of an article entry. The default is a space (as it was the case before), but you can adjust it to your needs, e.g.: \renewcommand*{\jourvolstring}{\addspace vol\adddot\space} - New macro "journumstring" which introduces the number in article entries, if the option "journumafteryear" is set to "true". The default for this macro is a comma, followed by the bibstring "number" and a non-breakable space. You can redefine it to your needs, e.g.: \renewcommand*{\journumstring}{\addspace} - If there is no volume in an article entry, but the month field is set, the date is separated from the journal title by a comma and a space, not only a space. - Fixed some BUGS concerning the xref functionality. - Reorganized some bibliography drivers. - Enhanced the documentation. v1.2e [2008/12/19] - Adjustments to biblatex version 0.8b. Note that from this version on biblatex 0.8b is required, so you have to update biblatex as well if you would like to use biblatex-dw 1.2e! -> The new biblatex option "usetranslator" is supported. - BUGFIX: The option "firstfullname" introduced in version 1.2d had a bug which is now fixed. - BUGFIX: The "idem" functionality did not work with the multicite commands. This is now fixed. - New option "journumafteryear": If set to "true", the "number" in article entries is printed after the year and introduced by the bibstring "number". If set to "false", the default behaviour is used, i.e. "Journaltitle volume.number (year)". The default is "true". -> If "journumafteryear" is set "false", the separator between volume and number in @article entries is now configurable with the new command "\jourvolnumsep". The default is a dot (which is also the default in biblatex). - When the "volume" is missing, the parenthesis around the year in @article entries is omitted. - The multicite command \cites is now also always printed as footnote in "footnote-dw". - Some changes in the internal code. - Extended the documentation and examples. v1.2d [2008/12/07] - BUGFIX: In footnote-dw, the punctuation after the author/ editor in all citations but the first one was always a comma and not configurable by \citenamepunct. This is now fixed. - New option "firstfullname": when set to "true", the commands \citeauthor and \textcite (with footnote-dw: \citeauthor only) give the full name of authors/editors when they have not been cited before, not only the last name. The default is "false". - Support for biblatex version 0.8a including \MakeSentenceCase. - Added lbx files with alternative strings for German and additional strings for both German and English (these strings were already included, but are now stored in the language mapping files). v1.2c [2008/11/15] - New option "idembibformat": When using "idembib=true", you can choose whether you want to have an "idem" string in the bibliography (idembibformat=idem) or a dash (idembibformat=dash), as is the standard setting in biblatex. The standard is "idembibformat=idem". - Option "idembib" changed: Now "false" means that subsequent entries of the same author are given with full names, not a dash (as was the behaviour up to now). The standard is "idembib=true". - Improved xref support: The child entry does not only scan for the "volume" field of the parent entry, but prints also "location" and "year", if they differ from the parent entry. v1.2b [2008/11/09] - BUGFIX: With "xref=true", the first (full) citation did not show the overall pages of @INBOOK, @INCOLLECTION and @INPROCEEDINGS entries. This is now fixed. - New option "nolocation". If set to "true", the location and the publisher are omitted (even if you set "nopublisher=false"). The default is "false", i.e. the location is printed. - The option "shorthandibid" can now also be used on a per-entry basis. - Improved xref support: If the "volume" field of a child entry is set and the "volume" field of the corresponding parent entry is not set, the volume of the child entry will be printed immediately before the pages. v1.2a [2008/10/19] - Improved option "edsuper" which also outputs non-integer editions (though not as superscript, but rather similar to a note.) - The field "origpublisher" (new in biblatex 0.8) is now also supported. - New option "origfields" which can take the values "true" (standard) and "false". With this option, you can now decide, whether you want to have the fields "origlocation", "origpublisher" and "origyear" to be printed or not. -> New option "origfieldsformat=parens|brackets|punct". The default is "punct" which means that the new punctuation mark "\origfieldspunct" (default: \addcomma\space) is used to introduce the reprint phrase. If you choose "parens" or "brackets", the reprint phrase is put in parentheses or brackets, respectively, and the \origfieldspunct is ignored. - New option "shorthandwidth". With this option you can set the width of the label in the list of shorthands to any length (e.g. "3em" or "40pt"). This is useful if you have very long shorthands. -> New punctuation command "\shorthandpunct" which is only exerted when you use the option "shorthandwidth". Then it is set to a colon. You can redefine this punctuation command with \renewcommand. -> New length "\shorthandsep" which is only exerted if you use the option "shorthandwidth". The length "\shorthandsep" defines the spacing after the label in the list of shorthands. - Improved package warnings. v1.2 [2008/10/09] - Adjustments to biblatex version 0.8. Note that from version 1.2 on, biblatex-dw needs at least biblatex 0.8, so you have to update biblatex as well if you would like to use biblatex-dw 1.2! -> The new biblatex option "firstinits" is supported. -> The new macro \bibpagespunct is also supported. - Added option "xref" which can be set to "true" or "false". If you want to use the crossref functionality (introduced in biblatex-dw version 1.1f), you now have to set "xref=true". See the documentation for details. - As biblatex 0.8 has changed the handling of the field "edition", the option "edsuper" had to be adjusted. See the documentation of biblatex-dw for details. - Updated the documentation. v1.1h [2008/09/24] - BUGFIX: When using the options "edbeforetitle" and "edbyidem", the idem funcionality did not work. This is now fixed. - Updated documentation (see especially, if you are using the crossref functionality) and examples. v1.1g [2008/09/05] - The biblatex package option "mincrossrefs" is set to "1" (instead of "2"). The reason is that otherwise entries that are using the crossref functionality introduced in biblatex-dw version 1.1f could be incomplete. - If both "volumes" and "volume" are present, "volumes" is now set before "volume". v1.1f [2008/08/10] - BUGFIX: Corrected wrong punctuation when using "idembib= false" in conjunction with an editor. - Added crossref functionality (using biblatex’s field "xref"). This works for authortitle-dw as well as footnote-dw. For further information please have a look into the package documentation. v1.1e [2008/06/13] - BUGFIX: The option "edbeforetitle" caused a problem when used together with the "idem" functionality (which is the default). This is now fixed. - Enhanced the "idem" functionality: If a citation with shorthand precedes a citation of the same author or editor without shorthand, the string "idem" is now replaced by the author’s or editor’s name, since this information cannot be gathered from the shorthand citation and thus could mislead the reader. v1.1d [2008/06/05] - BUGFIX: The global option "oldauthor" which was introduced in version 1.1c caused an erroneous behaviour when used together with "idembib=true" (which is the default). This is now fixed. - New option "editorstring" which can take the values "parens", "brackets" and "normal"; the default is "parens". This option sets the string "editor" (abbreviated "ed.") in parentheses or in brackets, or just puts the string (with a preceding comma) after the editor name. - New option "edbeforetitle" which can take the values "true" and "false"; the default is "false". When set to "true", the editor in @INCOLLECTION and @INPROCEEDINGS entries will be typeset before the booktitle ("... in: Editor (ed.): Booktitle ...") rather than afterwards ("... in: Booktitle, ed. by Editor ..."). - Small correction in the terse version of the List of Shorthands concerning the punctuation after authors/ editors. - Added missing bibliography drivers for option "edbyidem". v1.1c [2008/05/29] - BUGFIX: With the option "idem=false", the author of a first citation who was cited immediately before with another work lacked the forename. - BUGFIX: The option "edbyidem=false" produced a superfluous "ed. by" string. - BUGFIX: Small punctuation issue with repeated citations and "herename". - New option "namefont" which can take the values "smallcaps", "italic" and "bold". The default is none, i.e. authors and editors are set in normal font shape. With "useprefix=true", this option also affects the name prefix. - New option "firstnamefont" which can take the values "smallcaps", "italic" and "bold". This also affects the name prefix (with "useprefix=false") and the name affix. - The option "oldauthor" is now also available as global option in order to disable the feature. If you set "oldauthor=false" globally, every entry option "oldauthor=true" is ignored. Thus, you can set the fontname for every author with global options, independent of entry options. v1.1b [2008/04/13] - BUGFIX: When using \parencite with "footnote-dw", additional parentheses (e.g. enclosing the string "editor") were lost; they are now replaced by brackets. - BUGFIX: In "footnote-dw", the normal \cite command always produced a capital letter at the beginning. This is fixed now. - Fixed a small punctuation error in connection with "herename". - New command \titleaddonpunct for the punctuation before titleaddon, booktitleaddon and maintitleaddon. The default is a period now (not a comma, as before). v1.1a [2008/02/09] - BUGFIX: When using the commands "mancite" or "citereset", the "idem" functionality was not reset. This is now fixed. - New option "edsuper". If set to "true", the edition is printed as superscript number (not as ordinal number) straight ahead of the year. The default is "false". - New option "firstfull" (only in "authortitle-dw"). If set to "true", the first citation is a fullcite. The default is "false". - Option "citedas" is now also available for "authortitle-dw" and used when "firstfull" is set to "true". v1.1 [2008/02/01] - BUGFIX: The "citedas" functionality did not work if the first citation of an entry was introduced by "idem". - New option "terselos" introduced for a terse version of the list of shorthands (default is "true"). - New option "herename" introduced to specify if the term \enquote{here} should prelude the pages of a fullcite (or, with "footnote-dw", also the first citation of an entry) which has a non-empty \texttt{pages}-field. - New option "nopublisher" introduced to suppress the publisher. The default value is "true", but if you want to have the publisher printed, you now can set the option "nopublisher=false". - If the field "origlocation" is given, it will be set together with "origyear", whereas "location" and "year" are appended in parentheses, preluded by the bibstring "reprint". - The options "annotation" and "library" are now also usable with the style "footnote-dw". The annotations and library information are only printed in the bibliography (if there is one), not in the citations or in the list of shorthands. - Updated documentation. v1.01 [2008/01/20] - BUGFIX: The "pagetracker" functionality did not work properly with the style "footnote-dw" - Excluded ISBN/ISSN and DOI also from entry types booklet, inproceedings, manual, misc, periodical, proceedings, and report - Punctuation corrections for the same entry types concerning the series+number v1.0 [2008/01/14] - Initial release \ No newline at end of file
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/LIESMICH
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/LIESMICH
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-biblatex-dw 2011/11/20 v1.4
-Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Dominik Waßenhoven <domwass(at)>
+biblatex-dw 2012/06/28 v1.5
+Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Dominik Waßenhoven <domwass(at)>
@@ -25,7 +25,11 @@ Inhalt der Datei LIESMICH
biblatex auf und kann nicht ohne biblatex benutzt werden!
Anregungen und Verbesserungsvorschläge sind jederzeit
- willkommen.
+ willkommen. Wenn Sie einen Fehler finden, erstellen Sie
+ bitte einen Bug-Report (am besten inklusive Minimalbeispiel)
+ auf
+ FÜr Verbesserungsvorschläge verwenden Sie ein Feature-Request unter
2. Installationshinweise
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/README
index 4b724e45f95..b7c56109d19 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/README
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/README
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-biblatex-dw 2011/11/20 v1.4
-Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Dominik Waßenhoven <domwass(at)>
+biblatex-dw 2012/06/28 v1.5
+Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Dominik Waßenhoven <domwass(at)>
@@ -24,7 +24,12 @@ Contents of README
on biblatex and cannot be used without it!
Any suggestions concerning this package are highly
- appreciated.
+ appreciated. If you should find an error, please file a
+ bug report at:
+ If you think that a feature is missing, please file a feature
+ request at:
2. Installation
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/biblatex-dw-preamble.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/biblatex-dw-preamble.tex
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@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
+% !TEX encoding = IsoLatin
% biblatex-dw
-% Copyright (c) Dominik Waßenhoven <domwass(at)>, 2011
+% Copyright (c) Dominik Waßenhoven <domwass(at)>, 2012
% This file is the preamble for the documentation of
% biblatex-dw (both the English and the German version)
%%%%% biblatex-dw Version %%%%% version of biblatex-dw %%%%%
-\newcommand{\mindestanforderung}{1.6}% minimum biblatex version
+\newcommand{\mindestanforderung}{1.7}% minimum biblatex version
\newcommand{\testversion}{1.7}% tested biblatex version
+\newcommand{\biberversion}{0.9.9}% tested biber version
@@ -162,6 +164,21 @@
+ \bgroup
+ \def\tmp@beschreibungcmd{#1}%
+ \ifx\tmp@beschreibungcmd\@empty
+ % leerer Fall
+ \label{#2}%
+ \marginpar{\footnotesize\sffamily\textcolor{dkblue}{\textbackslash #2}}%
+ \else
+ % unleerer Fall
+ \label{#1}%
+ \marginpar{\footnotesize\sffamily\textcolor{dkblue}{\textbackslash #2}}%
+ \fi
+ \egroup
@@ -181,6 +198,8 @@
+ {\footnotesize\sffamily\seite{\pageref{#1}}}\\{#2}}
@@ -204,8 +223,8 @@
- {~and was tested with version~\testversion{} of \bl{}}%
- {~und wurde mit Version~\testversion{} von \bl{} getestet}}
+ {~and was tested with \bl{} version~\testversion{} and \paket{biber} version~\biberversion{}}%
+ {~und wurde mit Version~\testversion{} von \bl{} sowie Version~\biberversion{} von \paket{biber} getestet}}
%%%%% Titelei %%%%% title page %%%%%
\author{Dominik Waßenhoven}
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+% !TEX encoding = IsoLatin
% biblatex-dw
% Copyright (c) Dominik Waßenhoven <domwass(at)>, 2011
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+% !TEX encoding = IsoLatin
% biblatex-dw
% Copyright (c) Dominik Waßenhoven <domwass(at)>, 2011
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/biblatex-dw.pdf
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/biblatex-dw.pdf
Binary files differ
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+% !TEX encoding = IsoLatin
% biblatex-dw
-% Copyright (c) Dominik Waßenhoven <domwass(at)>, 2011
+% Copyright (c) Dominik Waßenhoven <domwass(at)>, 2012
\input{biblatex-dw-preamble}% preamble
@@ -76,6 +77,9 @@ I answered some frequently asked questions concerning \bl{} and \bldw{} and made
available online:\\
+\bldw{} is an open source project hosted at \href{}{}. The code (also of the latest, not released version) can be downloaded.\footnote{\url{}.} At you have also the possibility to file bug reports (if possible, including a minimal example)\footnote{\url{}.} and feature requests.\footnote{\url{}.}
\section{The \xbx{authortitle-dw} style}
This style is based on the standard \xbx{authortitle} style.
Besides some changes in punctuation, there are the following differences:
@@ -302,9 +306,11 @@ edition = {2., revised}
In this case there will only be a space between shorthand and bibliography entry,
so that you should redefine the punctuation as well which is printed by the
- command \cmd{shorthandinbibpunct}. You could alter it to print a colon, e.g.:
+ command \cmd{shorthandinbibpunct}. You could alter it to print, for example, an equal
+ sign, but you should use \cmd{nopunct} in order to avoid superfluous punctuation:
+ \addspace=\nopunct\addspace}
\item The\beschreibung{annotation} option \option{annotation} is introduced. If it is set to
\wert{true}, the field \texttt{annotation} will be printed in
@@ -361,9 +367,6 @@ edition = {2., revised}
\subsection{Appearance in citations}
- \item Immediately repeated citations are replaced by the string
- \enquote{ibidem} unless the citation is the first one on
- the current page.
\item In citations of the same author\slash editor as the
immediately preceding citation the name is replaced by
the string \enquote{idem} unless the citation is the first
@@ -372,9 +375,11 @@ edition = {2., revised}
you would like to switch off the idem functionality, you can use
\option{idemtracker=false}. For more information on the
\option{idemtracker} option see the \bl{} manual.
- \item If you set the option \option{ibidtracker=false}, immediately
- repeated citations are no longer replaced by the string
- \enquote{ibidem}, but the \enquote{idem} functionality
+ \item Immediately repeated citations are replaced by the string
+ \enquote{ibidem} unless the citation is the first one on
+ the current page. This behaviour can be suppressed with
+ the \bl{} option \option{ibidtracker=false}. In this case,
+ the \enquote{idem} functionality
is still active as long as you do not set the option
\item The\beschreibung{shorthandibid} option \option{shorthandibid} controls whether
@@ -474,6 +479,13 @@ edition = {2., revised}
first citation. It does not matter, if you only use \cmd{citeauthor}
or {textcite} or both. The standard for this option is \wert{false}
(i.e. only the last names are printed).
+ \item The\beschreibung{citeauthor} \option{citeauthor} option controls the name format for the
+ \cmd{citeauthor} command; it can take the values \wert{namefont}, \wert{namefontfoot} and
+ \wert{normalfont}. With \option{citeauthor=namefont} the same format as set by the option
+ \option{namefont} is used. This is the default behaviour. With \option{citeauthor=normalfont}
+ the normal font is always used for \cmd{citeauthor}, regardless of the \option{namefont} option.
+ With \option{citeauthor=namefontfoot} the \option{namefont} format is used if the
+ \cmd{citeauthor} command is inside a footnote, otherwise the normal font is used.
\item If\beschreibung{singletitle} you use the \bl{} option \option{singletitle=true}, the title of
a cited work is only printed if there is more than one work of the same
author. See the biblatex documentation for details.
@@ -640,6 +652,10 @@ file (\texttt{biblatex.cfg}). The value in parentheses shows the default.
The field \texttt{annotation} is printed at the end of the bibliography
+ \optlist{citeauthor}{namefont}
+ Specifies the font shape of the authors' names when the \cmd{citeauthor}
+ command is used. Possible values are \wert{namefont}, \wert{normalfont} and
+ \wert{namefontfoot}.
The first citation (in \xbx{authortitle-dw} only if the option
\option{firstfull} is used) is followed by the string
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/de-biblatex-dw.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/de-biblatex-dw.pdf
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/de-biblatex-dw.pdf
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+% !TEX encoding = IsoLatin
% biblatex-dw
-% Copyright (c) Dominik Waßenhoven <domwass(at)>, 2011
+% Copyright (c) Dominik Waßenhoven <domwass(at)>, 2012
% Diese Datei enthält die deutschsprachige Dokumentation von biblatex-dw
@@ -86,6 +87,9 @@ zum Herunterladen anbiete:\\
+\bldw{} wird quelloffen entwickelt und bei \href{}{} gehostet. Der Code (auch der jeweils aktuellen, noch nicht veröffentlichten Version) steht zum Download zur Verfügung.\footnote{\url{}.} Auf gibt es auch die Möglichkeit, Fehler zu melden und Verbesserungsvorschläge zu machen. Wenn Sie einen Fehler finden, erstellen Sie bitte einen Bug-Report (am besten inklusive Minimalbeispiel).\footnote{\url{}.} Für Verbesserungsvorschläge verwenden Sie ein Feature-Request.\footnote{\url{}.}
\section{Der Stil \xbx{authortitle-dw}}
Dieser Stil basiert auf dem Standardstil \xbx{authortitle}.
@@ -365,10 +369,12 @@ edition = {2., aktualisierte}
Da in diesem Fall nur ein Leerzeichen zwischen Sigle und Literatureintrag
steht, sollte man auch die Zeichensetzung nach der Sigle umdefinieren. Dafür
- ist der Befehl \cmd{shorthandinbibpunct} zuständig, dem man etwa einen
- Doppelpunkt zuweisen könnte:
+ ist der Befehl \cmd{shorthandinbibpunct} zuständig, dem man etwa ein
+ Gleichheitszeichen zuweisen könnte; dabei sollte man aber \cmd{nopunct}
+ verwenden, um überflüssige Zeichen nach der Sigle zu vermeiden:
+ \addspace=\nopunct\addspace}
\item Setzt\beschreibung{annotation}
man die Option \option{annotation} auf
@@ -428,10 +434,8 @@ edition = {2., aktualisierte}
\subsection{Zitate im Text}
- \item Direkt aufeinanderfolgende Zitate werden durch \enquote{ebd.} ersetzt,
- sofern das Zitat nicht das erste der aktuellen Seite ist.
\item Folgen zwei unterschiedliche Zitate desselben Autors\slash
- Herausgebers direkt aufeinander, wird der Name im zweiten Zitat durch
+ Heraus\-gebers direkt aufeinander, wird der Name im zweiten Zitat durch
\enquote{Ders.} oder \enquote{Dies.} ersetzt, sofern das Zitat nicht
das erste der aktuellen Seite ist. Das Geschlecht wird im Feld
\texttt{gender} festgelegt (siehe dazu die \bl"=Dokumentation).
@@ -439,9 +443,10 @@ edition = {2., aktualisierte}
kontrolliert, die auf \wert{constrict} gesetzt ist. Wer sie abschalten
möchte, verwendet \option{idemtracker=false}. Für weitere Informationen
zu dieser Option wird auf die \bl"=Dokumentation verwiesen.
- \item Wenn die \bl{}"=Option \option{ibidtracker} auf \wert{false} gesetzt
- wird, werden direkt aufeinanderfolgende Zitate nicht durch
- \enquote{ebd.} ersetzt; die \enquote{idem}-Funktionalität bleibt aber
+ \item Direkt aufeinanderfolgende Zitate werden durch \enquote{ebd.} ersetzt,
+ sofern das Zitat nicht das erste der aktuellen Seite ist.
+ Dieses Verhalten lässt sich mit der \bl{}"=Option \option{ibidtracker}
+ unterdrücken. In diesem Fall bleibt die \enquote{idem}-Funktionalität
erhalten, solange nicht die Option \option{idemtracker} auf \wert{false}
gesetzt wird.
\item Die\beschreibung{shorthandibid}
@@ -553,6 +558,14 @@ edition = {2., aktualisierte}
ausgegeben wird. Dabei ist es egal, ob man nur \cmd{citeauthor}, nur \cmd{textcite}
oder beide Befehle gemischt einsetzt. Der Standard für diese Option ist
\wert{false} (d.\,h., es wird immer nur der Nachname ausgegeben).
+ \item Die\beschreibung{citeauthor} Option \option{citeauthor} bestimmt das Format für den
+ Befehl \cmd{citeauthor}; sie kann die Werte \wert{namefont}, \wert{namefontfoot} und
+ \wert{normalfont} annehmen. Mit \option{citeauthor=namefont} wird das Format benutzt,
+ das mit der Option \option{namefont} eingestellt wurde. Dies ist die Standardeinstellung.
+ Mit \option{citeauthor=normalfont} wird immer die normale Schrift für \cmd{citeauthor}
+ benutzt, unabhängig von der Einstellung der Option \option{namefont}. Mit
+ \option{citeauthor=namefontfoot} wird das \option{namefont}"=Format benutzt, wenn der
+ \cmd{citeauthor}"=Befehl in einer Fußnote steht, ansonsten wird die normale Schrift benutzt.
\item Mit\beschreibung{singletitle}
der \bl"=Option \option{singletitle=true} wird der Titel eines Werkes
nur dann ausgegeben, wenn mehr als ein Werk desselben Autors vorhanden ist.
@@ -734,6 +747,10 @@ gesetzt. Der Wert in Klammern gibt den Standard an.
Das Feld \texttt{annotation} wird am Ende des Eintrags in der
Bibliographie ausgegeben.
+ \optlist{citeauthor}{namefont}
+ Legt den Schriftschnitt der Autorennamen bei Verwendung des Befehls \cmd{citeauthor}
+ fest. Mögliche Werte sind \wert{namefont}, \wert{normalfont} und
+ \wert{namefontfoot}.
Bei Einträgen mit \texttt{shorthand} wird dem Erstzitat (bei
\xbx{authortitle-dw} nur mit der Option \option{firstfull}) ein
@@ -1243,6 +1260,7 @@ von Bernhard Tempel zusammengestellt.
Im Folgenden werden die von \bldw{} zur Verfügung gestellten Befehle mit ihrer Standarddefinition aufgelistet. Diese Befehle können mit \cmd{renewcommand*} angepasst werden.
% \befehl{}{}{}
+% \befehlleer{}{}
\befehl{annotationfont}{\cmd{small}\cmd{itshape}}{Schrift des Feldes
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Binary files differ
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-% v 1.4
+% v 1.5
% This file presents the `authortitle-dw' style
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
%% biblatex-dw-Optionen %%%
+ %citeauthor=normalfont,%namefontfoot,%namefont,
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-% v 1.4
+% v 1.5
% This file presents the `footnote-dw' style
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
%% biblatex-dw-Optionen %%%
+ %citeauthor=normalfont,%namefontfoot,%namefont,
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-% v 1.4
+% v 1.5
% This file presents the `authortitle-dw' style
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
%%% biblatex-dw options %%%
+ %citeauthor=normalfont,%namefontfoot,%namefont,
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/examples/en-footnote-dw.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/examples/en-footnote-dw.pdf
index dabd012a427..04e5d42ecf6 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/examples/en-footnote-dw.pdf
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/examples/en-footnote-dw.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/examples/en-footnote-dw.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/examples/en-footnote-dw.tex
index bc481731fa2..442ee374023 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/examples/en-footnote-dw.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-dw/examples/en-footnote-dw.tex
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-% v 1.4
+% v 1.5
% This file presents the `footnote-dw' style
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
%%% biblatex-dw options %%%
+ %citeauthor=normalfont,%namefontfoot,%namefont,
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/bbx/authortitle-dw.bbx b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/bbx/authortitle-dw.bbx
index e5400e4e648..c2bac9f4831 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/bbx/authortitle-dw.bbx
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/bbx/authortitle-dw.bbx
@@ -1,16 +1,6 @@
-% authortitle-dw.bbx, Dominik Waßenhoven 2011
-\ProvidesFile{authortitle-dw.bbx}[2011/11/20 v1.4 biblatex bibliography style]
- {}
- {\PackageError{biblatex}
- {Outdated 'biblatex' package}
- {The version of the 'authortitle-dw' style you are using\MessageBreak
- requires biblatex v1.6 or later.\MessageBreak
- You are using: '\csuse{ver@biblatex.sty}'.\MessageBreak
- This is a fatal error. I'm aborting now.}%
- \endinput}
+% authortitle-dw.bbx, Dominik Waßenhoven 2012
+\ProvidesFile{authortitle-dw.bbx}[2012/06/28 v1.5 biblatex bibliography style]
@@ -178,7 +168,7 @@
@@ -243,7 +233,7 @@
%% Formate in der Bibliographie
- \annotationfont #1\addperiod}
+ \annotationfont #1\addperiod\par}
@@ -263,7 +253,7 @@
- \libraryfont #1\addperiod}
+ \libraryfont #1\addperiod\par}
@@ -301,19 +291,6 @@
%% Umdefinierung von finentry für 'annotation' und 'library'
- \iffieldundef{annotation}
- {\finentry}%
- {\setunit{\addperiod\par}
- \printfield{annotation}}%
- \iffieldundef{library}
- {\finentry}
- {\setunit{\addperiod\par}
- \printfield{library}%
- \finentry}
test {\iffieldundef{annotation}}
@@ -322,7 +299,9 @@
- {}
+ {\iffieldundef{annotation}
+ {\finentry}
+ {}}%
@@ -330,7 +309,9 @@
- {\setunit{\addperiod\par}
+ {\iffieldundef{library}% wenn library ebenfalls ausgegeben wird, keinen Punkt und Absatz machen (ist dann von library schon gesetzt)
+ {\setunit{\addperiod\par}}
+ {}
@@ -351,7 +332,7 @@
% Formatierung der Nachnamen entsprechend der Option 'namefont'
- bool {bbx:oldauthor}
+ ( bool {bbx:oldauthor}
( ( bool {oldauthor}
@@ -363,7 +344,15 @@
( bool {oldbookauthor}
- test {\ifcurrentname{bookauthor}} ) )
+ test {\ifcurrentname{bookauthor}} ) ) )
+ or
+ ( bool{cbx:citeauthor}
+ and
+ ( bool{cbx:citeauthornormalfont}
+ or
+ ( bool{cbx:citeauthorfoot}
+ and
+ not test {\iffootnote} ) ) )
@@ -371,7 +360,7 @@
% Formatierung der Vornamen entsprechend der Option 'firstnamefont'
- bool {bbx:oldauthor}
+ ( bool {bbx:oldauthor}
( ( bool {oldauthor}
@@ -383,7 +372,15 @@
( bool {oldbookauthor}
- test {\ifcurrentname{bookauthor}} ) )
+ test {\ifcurrentname{bookauthor}} ) ) )
+ or
+ ( bool{cbx:citeauthor}
+ and
+ ( bool{cbx:citeauthornormalfont}
+ or
+ ( bool{cbx:citeauthorfoot}
+ and
+ not test {\iffootnote} ) ) )
@@ -392,7 +389,7 @@
% oder 'firstnamefont' (useprefix=false)
- bool {bbx:oldauthor}
+ ( bool {bbx:oldauthor}
( ( bool {oldauthor}
@@ -404,7 +401,15 @@
( bool {oldbookauthor}
- test {\ifcurrentname{bookauthor}} ) )
+ test {\ifcurrentname{bookauthor}} ) ) )
+ or
+ ( bool{cbx:citeauthor}
+ and
+ ( bool{cbx:citeauthornormalfont}
+ or
+ ( bool{cbx:citeauthorfoot}
+ and
+ not test {\iffootnote} ) ) )
@@ -414,7 +419,7 @@
% suffix richtet sich nach 'firstnamefont'
- bool {bbx:oldauthor}
+ ( bool {bbx:oldauthor}
( ( bool {oldauthor}
@@ -426,7 +431,15 @@
( bool {oldbookauthor}
- test {\ifcurrentname{bookauthor}} ) )
+ test {\ifcurrentname{bookauthor}} ) ) )
+ or
+ ( bool{cbx:citeauthor}
+ and
+ ( bool{cbx:citeauthornormalfont}
+ or
+ ( bool{cbx:citeauthorfoot}
+ and
+ not test {\iffootnote} ) ) )
@@ -784,9 +797,9 @@
- {\printnames{bookauthor}%
+ {\printnames[byauthor]{bookauthor}%
- {\printnames{bookauthor}%
+ {\printnames[byauthor]{bookauthor}%
%% Wenn Autor und Hrsg. gleich --> hg. v. dems./ders./dens.:
@@ -796,7 +809,19 @@
- ( test {\ifnamesequal{editor}{author}}
+ ( ( ( not test {\ifentrytype{inbook}}% alle außer inbook: author und editor gleich?
+ and
+ test {\ifnamesequal{editor}{author}} )
+ or
+ ( test {\ifentrytype{inbook}}
+ and
+ ( test {\ifnameundef{bookauthor}}% inbook ohne bookauthor: author und editor gleich?
+ and
+ test {\ifnamesequal{editor}{author}} )
+ or
+ ( not test {\ifnameundef{bookauthor}}% inbook mit bookauthor: author und bookauthor gleich?
+ and
+ test {\ifnamesequal{editor}{bookauthor}} ) ) )
( bool {xrefidem}
and not
@@ -838,6 +863,8 @@
( test \ifusetranslator
not test {\ifnameundef{translator}} )
+ or
+ bool {xref:inbook}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/bbx/footnote-dw.bbx b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/bbx/footnote-dw.bbx
index 16f962ff196..f05a070a024 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/bbx/footnote-dw.bbx
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/bbx/footnote-dw.bbx
@@ -1,16 +1,6 @@
-% footnote-dw.bbx, Dominik Waßenhoven 2011
+% footnote-dw.bbx, Dominik Waßenhoven 2012
-\ProvidesFile{footnote-dw.bbx}[2011/11/20 v1.4 biblatex bibliography style]
- {}
- {\PackageError{biblatex}
- {Outdated 'biblatex' package}
- {The version of the 'footnote-dw' style you are using\MessageBreak
- requires biblatex v1.6 or later.\MessageBreak
- You are using: '\csuse{ver@biblatex.sty}'.\MessageBreak
- This is a fatal error. I'm aborting now.}%
- \endinput}
+\ProvidesFile{footnote-dw.bbx}[2012/06/28 v1.5 biblatex bibliography style]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/bbx/standard-dw.bbx b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/bbx/standard-dw.bbx
index 462231a704f..36d8e3966b4 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/bbx/standard-dw.bbx
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/bbx/standard-dw.bbx
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
-% standard-dw.bbx, Dominik Waßenhoven 2011
+% standard-dw.bbx, Dominik Waßenhoven 2012
-\ProvidesFile{standard-dw.bbx}[2011/11/20 v1.4 biblatex bibliography style]
+\ProvidesFile{standard-dw.bbx}[2012/06/28 v1.5 biblatex bibliography style]
+ {}
+ {\PackageError{biblatex-dw}
+ {Outdated 'biblatex' package\MessageBreak
+ Upgrade to biblatex v1.7 (2011/11/13) or later.\MessageBreak
+ I found: '\csuse{ver@biblatex.sty}'.\MessageBreak
+ This is a fatal error. I'm aborting now}%
+ \endinput}
@@ -152,17 +161,51 @@
- {\usebibmacro{maintitle+title}}
- {\usebibmacro{title}%
+ {\usebibmacro{maintitle+title-terselos}}
+ {\printfield{title}%
- \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}}%
+ \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle-terselos}}%
+ \iffieldsequal{maintitle}{title}
+ {\clearfield{maintitle}%
+ \clearfield{mainsubtitle}%
+ \clearfield{maintitleaddon}}
+ {\iffieldundef{maintitle}
+ {}
+ {\printfield{maintitle}%
+ \newunit\newblock
+ \iffieldundef{volume}
+ {}
+ {\iffieldundef{volumes}
+ {}
+ {\printfield{volumes}%
+ \setunit{\addcomma\space}}%
+ \printfield{volume}%
+ \printfield{part}%
+ \setunit{\addcolon\space}}}}%
+ \printfield{title}%
+ \newunit}
+ \iffieldundef{maintitle}
+ {}
+ {\printfield{maintitle}%
+ \newunit\newblock
+ \iffieldundef{volume}
+ {}
+ {\printfield{volume}%
+ \printfield{part}%
+ \setunit{\addcolon\space}}}%
+ \printfield{booktitle}%
+ \newunit}
@@ -208,17 +251,17 @@
- test {\ifcitation}
- or
- togl {listofshorthands}
+ bool {bbx:shorthandinbib}
+ and not
+ ( test {\ifcitation}
+ or
+ togl {listofshorthands} )
- {}% im Zitat und der langen List of Shorthands sollen shorthands nicht ausgegeben werden
- {\ifbool{bbx:shorthandinbib}
- {\iffieldundef{shorthand}
- {}
- {\printfield[shorthandinbib]{shorthand}%
- \shorthandinbibpunct}}% ohne \setunit, damit das auf jeden Fall ausgegeben wird
- {}}}
+ {\iffieldundef{shorthand}
+ {}
+ {\printfield[shorthandinbib]{shorthand}%
+ \nopunct\shorthandinbibpunct}}
+ {}}
%% bei useeditor=true oder usetranslator=true
@@ -252,7 +295,7 @@
- {\ifnamesequal{author}{translator}
+ \ifnamesequal{author}{translator}
@@ -265,7 +308,6 @@
- {}}
%% Wenn 'volumes' und 'volume' angegeben sind,
%% 'volumes' immer vor 'volume' ausgeben
@@ -363,13 +405,15 @@
- {\xifinlistcs{\strfield{xref}}{citedas@xrefparent}
- {\ifbool{cbx:xrefparent:firstcite}
+ {\ifbibliography
+ {\setunit{\addspace}}
+ {\xifinlistcs{\strfield{xref}}{citedas@xrefparent}
+ {\ifbool{cbx:xrefparent:firstcite}
+ {\newunit
+ \printtext{\bibstring{volume}\addspace}}
+ {\setunit{\addspace}}}
- \printtext{\bibstring{volume}\addspace}}
- {\setunit{\addspace}}}
- {\newunit
- \printtext{\bibstring{volume}\addspace}}%
+ \printtext{\bibstring{volume}\addspace}}}%
\iffieldxref{year}% wenn 'year' bei child und parent gleich
@@ -862,9 +906,7 @@
- \ifnameundef{labelname}
- {}
- {\setunit{\labelnamepunct}}}%
+ \setunit*{\labelnamepunct}}%
@@ -903,7 +945,9 @@
+ \booltrue{xref:inbook}% the child is an inbook
@@ -919,20 +963,11 @@
- \ifboolexpr{
- test \ifuseeditor
- or
- test \ifusetranslator
- }
- {\ifnamexref{labelname}%
- {\booltrue{xrefidem}}%
- {\boolfalse{xrefidem}}}
- {\usebibmacro{authedxrefcheck}%
- \usebibmacro{authauthxrefcheck}%
- \ifbool{cbx:authedxref}
- {\booltrue{xrefidem}}
- {\boolfalse{xrefidem}}}%
- \ifbool{bbx:xref}
+ \usebibmacro{authauthxrefcheck}%
+ \ifbool{cbx:authauthxref}
+ {\booltrue{xrefidem}}
+ {\boolfalse{xrefidem}}%
+ \ifbool{bbx:xref}
{% Code, wenn kein xref vorhanden
@@ -962,7 +997,7 @@
- \ifbool{bbx:xref}
+ \ifbool{bbx:xref}
{% Code, wenn kein xref vorhanden
@@ -1462,7 +1497,9 @@
- \usebibmacro{ifuse:byeditor+others}%
+ \ifbool{xref:inbook}% child is an @inbook entry
+ {\usebibmacro{byeditor+others}}
+ {\usebibmacro{ifuse:byeditor+others}}%
@@ -1610,7 +1647,9 @@
- \usebibmacro{ifuse:byeditor+others}%
+ \ifbool{xref:inbook}% child is an @inbook entry
+ {\usebibmacro{byeditor+others}}
+ {\usebibmacro{ifuse:byeditor+others}}%
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/cbx/authortitle-dw.cbx b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/cbx/authortitle-dw.cbx
index 2147945d171..e93d792ed3b 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/cbx/authortitle-dw.cbx
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/cbx/authortitle-dw.cbx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-% authortitle-dw.cbx, Dominik Waßenhoven 2011
+% authortitle-dw.cbx, Dominik Waßenhoven 2012
-\ProvidesFile{authortitle-dw.cbx}[2011/11/20 v1.4 biblatex citation style]
+\ProvidesFile{authortitle-dw.cbx}[2012/06/28 v1.5 biblatex citation style]
@@ -83,6 +83,27 @@
+ \ifbool{cbx:firstfull}
+ {\ifciteseen
+ {\usebibmacro{textcite:normal}}
+ {\usebibmacro{textcite:firstfull}}}
+ {\usebibmacro{textcite:normal}}}
+ \ifnameundef{labelname}
+ {}
+ {\ifnamesequal{labelname}{author}
+ {\clearname{author}}
+ {}%
+ \ifnamesequal{labelname}{editor}
+ {\clearname{editor}}
+ {}%
+ \ifnamesequal{labelname}{translator}
+ {\clearname{translator}}
+ {}}%
+ \printtext[bibhyperref]{\usebibmacro{cite:full}}}
@@ -268,18 +289,12 @@
%%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%%
%%%%% Unverändert übernommen aus authortitle-ibid.cbx %%%%%
%%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%%
- \ifstrequal{#1}{true}
- {\ExecuteBibliographyOptions{loccittracker=constrict}}
- {\ExecuteBibliographyOptions{loccittracker=false}}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/cbx/footnote-dw.cbx b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/cbx/footnote-dw.cbx
index cd6cd7c6b8d..eab1c03dd5f 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/cbx/footnote-dw.cbx
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/cbx/footnote-dw.cbx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-% footnote-dw.cbx, Dominik Waßenhoven 2011
+% footnote-dw.cbx, Dominik Waßenhoven 2012
-\ProvidesFile{footnote-dw.cbx}[2011/11/20 v1.4 biblatex citation style]
+\ProvidesFile{footnote-dw.cbx}[2012/06/28 v1.5 biblatex citation style]
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
- loccittracker=true,% für die Option 'ibidpage'
uniquename=false, % damit bei idem=false Vor- und Nachname gesetzt werden!
@@ -60,13 +59,9 @@
- {\usebibmacro{cite:title}}
- {\usebibmacro{cite:name}%
- \ifopcit
- {\ifloccit
- {\usebibmacro{cite:loccit}}
- {\usebibmacro{cite:opcit}}}
- {\usebibmacro{cite:title}}}}%
+ {}
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:name}}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite:title}}%
@@ -123,14 +118,15 @@
- {\ifbool{xrefidem}%
- {\ifbool{bbx:edbyidem}
- {\newunit
- \bibstring{byeditor}%
- \setunit{\addspace}%
- \bibstring[\mkidem]{idemdat\thefield{gender}}}
- {\newunit
- \usebibmacro{cite:byeditor}}}%
+ {\ifboolexpr{
+ bool {xrefidem}
+ and
+ bool {bbx:edbyidem}
+ }
+ {\newunit
+ \bibstring{byeditor}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
+ \bibstring[\mkidem]{idemdat\thefield{gender}}}
@@ -172,20 +168,24 @@
- {\ifbool{xrefidem}
+ {\ifboolexpr{
+ bool {xrefidem}
+ and
+ bool {bbx:edbyidem}
+ }
- {\usebibmacro{cite:editor}%
+ {\ifbool{xref:inbook}
+ {\usebibmacro{author}}
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:editor}}%
bool {xrefidem}
- or
- bool {cbx:authauthxref}
+ and
+ bool {bbx:edbyidem}
- {\ifbool{bbx:edbyidem}
- {\usebibmacro{cite:fullxrefidem}}%
- {\usebibmacro{cite:fullxref}}}%
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:fullxrefidem}}
@@ -254,8 +254,7 @@
- {\bibsentence
- \usebibmacro{prenote}}
+ {\usebibmacro{prenote}}
@@ -272,8 +271,7 @@
- {\bibsentence
- \usebibmacro{prenote}%
+ {\usebibmacro{prenote}%
@@ -282,6 +280,13 @@
+ {\usebibmacro{prenote}}
+ {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
+ \usebibmacro{cite}}
+ {\multicitedelim}
+ {\usebibmacro{cite:postnote}}
@@ -294,7 +299,12 @@
- \def\cbx@savedcites{#1}\ifbool{cbx:parencitefoot}{#2\addspace{\mkbibparens{\cbx@savedcites}}}{#2\cbx@savedcites}}
+ \def\cbx@savedcites{#1}%
+ \ifbool{cbx:parencitefoot}
+ {#2%
+ \addspace\mkbibparens{\cbx@savedcites}}
+ {#2%
+ \cbx@savedcites}}
@@ -302,40 +312,13 @@
%%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%%
-%%%%% Unverändert aus verbose-trad1 übernommen %%%%%
+%%%%% Unverändert aus verbose-inote übernommen %%%%%
%%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%% %%%%%
- \ifstrequal{#1}{true}
- {\renewbibmacro*{cite:ibid:page}{\global\booltrue{cbx:loccit}}}
- {\renewbibmacro*{cite:ibid:page}{}}}
- \printtext[bibhyperlink]{\bibstring[\mkibid]{opcit}}}
- \printtext{%
- \bibhyperlink{cite\@nameuse{cbx:lastcite@\thefield{entrykey}}}{%
- \bibstring[\mkibid]{loccit}}}%
- \global\booltrue{cbx:loccit}}
- \printtext{%
- \bibhyperlink{cite\@nameuse{cbx:lastcite@\thefield{entrykey}}}{%
- \bibstring[\mkibid]{ibidem}}}%
+ \printtext[bibhyperlink]{\bibstring[\mkibid]{ibidem}}%
- {\usebibmacro{cite:ibid:page}}
+ {\global\booltrue{cbx:loccit}}
- {\usebibmacro{prenote}}
- {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
- \usebibmacro{cite}}
- {\multicitedelim}
- {\usebibmacro{cite:postnote}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/cbx/standard-dw.cbx b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/cbx/standard-dw.cbx
index b0375079178..2e9269cec62 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/cbx/standard-dw.cbx
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/cbx/standard-dw.cbx
@@ -1,9 +1,21 @@
-% standard-dw.cbx, Dominik Waßenhoven 2011
+% standard-dw.cbx, Dominik Waßenhoven 2012
-\ProvidesFile{standard-dw.cbx}[2011/11/20 v1.4 biblatex citation style]
+\ProvidesFile{standard-dw.cbx}[2012/06/28 v1.5 biblatex citation style]
+ {}
+ {\PackageError{biblatex-dw}
+ {Outdated 'biblatex' package\MessageBreak
+ Upgrade to biblatex v1.7 (2011/11/13) or later.\MessageBreak
+ I found: '\csuse{ver@biblatex.sty}'.\MessageBreak
+ This is a fatal error. I'm aborting now}%
+ \endinput}
@@ -14,6 +26,7 @@
\newbool{cbx:rpcited}% wurde der parent des @review schon zitiert?
@@ -35,15 +48,36 @@
+ \ifcsdef{cbx@opt@citeauthor@#1}
+ {\csuse{cbx@opt@citeauthor@#1}}
+ {\blxdw@error{%
+ Invalid option 'citeauthor=#1'\MessageBreak
+ Valid values are 'namefont', 'namefontfoot', 'normalfont'}}}
+ \boolfalse{cbx:citeauthornormalfont}%
+ \boolfalse{cbx:citeauthorfoot}}
+ \boolfalse{cbx:citeauthornormalfont}%
+ \booltrue{cbx:citeauthorfoot}}
+ \booltrue{cbx:citeauthornormalfont}%
+ \boolfalse{cbx:citeauthorfoot}}
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{true}
+ {\ExecuteBibliographyOptions{loccittracker=context}}% Standard: constrict
+ {\ExecuteBibliographyOptions{loccittracker=false}}}
- {\PackageError{biblatex}
- {Invalid option 'citepages=#1'}
- {Valid values are 'permit', 'suppress', 'omit', 'separate'.}}}
+ {\blxdw@error
+ {Invalid option 'citepages=#1'\MessageBreak
+ Valid values are 'permit', 'suppress', 'omit', 'separate'}}}
@@ -111,7 +145,6 @@
- loccittracker=false,
@@ -240,14 +273,23 @@
- {\boolfalse{citetracker}%
+ {\booltrue{cbx:citeauthor}%
+ \boolfalse{citetracker}%
- {}}
+ {\DeclareCiteCommand{\citeauthor}
+ {\booltrue{cbx:citeauthor}%
+ \boolfalse{citetracker}%
+ \boolfalse{pagetracker}%
+ \usebibmacro{prenote}}
+ {\indexnames{labelname}%
+ \printnames{labelname}}
+ {\multicitedelim}
+ {\usebibmacro{postnote}}}}
%% Formatierung von 'ibidem' entsprechend der Option 'ibidemfont'
@@ -340,6 +382,7 @@
%% Test, ob author des @inbook und author des @book bei xref
%% identisch sind (für xref=true, edbyidem=true); nötig,
%% damit der Herausgeber nicht durch idem ersetzt wird
+%\newbool{cbx:autheddiff}% auther of @inbook and editor of @book differ
@@ -351,7 +394,7 @@
%% für @review
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/lbx/english-dw.lbx b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/lbx/english-dw.lbx
index 4e26c9c1578..d147e65c164 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/lbx/english-dw.lbx
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/lbx/english-dw.lbx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-% english-dw.lbx, Dominik Waßenhoven 2011
+% english-dw.lbx, Dominik Waßenhoven 2012
-\ProvidesFile{english-dw.lbx}[2011/11/20 v1.4 biblatex localization file]
+\ProvidesFile{english-dw.lbx}[2012/06/28 v1.5 biblatex localization file]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/lbx/german-dw.lbx b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/lbx/german-dw.lbx
index 106eea7ac72..34ff8d83625 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/lbx/german-dw.lbx
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-dw/lbx/german-dw.lbx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-% german-dw.lbx, Dominik Waßenhoven 2011
+% german-dw.lbx, Dominik Waßenhoven 2012
-\ProvidesFile{german-dw.lbx}[2011/11/20 v1.4 biblatex localization file]
+\ProvidesFile{german-dw.lbx}[2012/06/28 v1.5 biblatex localization file]