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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/jfmutil/LICENSE b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/jfmutil/LICENSE
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index 00000000000..8ada757fbc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/jfmutil/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+The MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2017 Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR")
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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index 00000000000..0d05f3568ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/jfmutil/
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+Perl: pTeX の TFM/VF を操作するユーティリティ
+(u)pTeX の論理フォントに関するデータファイル(JFM および VF)を操作する
+ - 和文の仮想フォント(VF・JFM の組)に対応する独自仕様のテキスト形式で
+ ある「ZVP 形式」と仮想フォントとの間の相互変換。今まで、和文 VF の
+ 生成・編集はそれに対応するテキスト形式がなかったため非常に面倒で
+ あった。ZVP 形式を使うことで、和文 VF の新規作成や編集が容易になる
+ ことが期待できる。
+ - ZVP 中の VF に直接対応する部分を抜き出した「ZVP0 形式」と VF (和文/
+ 欧文)との間の相互変換。
+### 前提環境
+ - Perl 処理系: v5.8.1 以降
+ - pTeX の配布に含まれる以下のコマンド
+ - kpsewhich
+ - pltotf, tftopl
+### pxutil との関係
+jfmutil の機能は pxutil と等価である。pxutil の動作のためには ZRTeXtor
+モジュールを別途インストールする必要があった。CTAN に登録するにあたって
+単体で動作するプログラムの方がよいと考え、pxutil に ZRTeXtor のコードの
+一部を併合したものがこの jfmutil である。
+jfmutil と pxutil の相違点は次のとおりである:
+ - jfmutil は ZRTeXtor の設定ファイル(`ZRTeXtor.cfg`)を参照しない。
+ 設定対象の値は全て既定値が使われる。
+ - ただし、漢字コードは外部・内部ともに“無効”(`none`)を指定している。
+ このため、`-E` オプション指定が既定の状態となる。
+ - なお、ZRTeXtor の 1.4.0 版より、設定項目 `tftopl`/`pltotf` の既定値は
+ `ptftopl`/`ppltotf` となっている。
+### ライセンス
+MIT ライセンス
+### TeX のフォントファイルの形式
+ 使用法について述べる前に、このソフトウェアが扱うファイル形式について
+ 説明しておく。
+ ・バイナリ形式
+ TeX、および dvipdfmx 等の DVI ウェアが実際に使用するファイルの形式
+ である。
+ TFM (欧文 TFM; 拡張子 .tfm)
+ フォントのメトリックデータが記載されている。
+ JFM (和文 TFM; 拡張子 .tfm)
+ 和文フォントの為の TFM 形式。
+ VF (拡張子 .vf)
+ TeX システムが用いる仮想フォントの形式。実際には、VF には必ず対応
+ する TFM (ベース名が一致する)があり、この 2 つが仮想フォントを
+ 構成している。VF 形式は欧文と和文の両方で用いられる。
+ ・テキスト形式
+ 上記のバイナリ形式のデータを人間が読めるようにテキストで表したもの。
+ テキスト形式とバイナリ形式の間の相互変換をするソフトウェアが TeX
+ システムには用意されている。(*) 印は作者(ZR)が提唱する独自の形式で
+ これを扱うのに pxutil が必要である。
+ PL (拡張子 .pl)
+ (欧文) TFM に対応する形式。
+ JPL (和文 PL; 拡張子 .pl)
+ JFM に対応する形式。
+ VPL (拡張子 .vpl)
+ 欧文仮想フォント(欧文 TFM と VF の組)に対応する形式。形式の相互
+ 変換は必ず TFM と VF との組の間で行う。
+ ZPL (拡張子 .zpl) (*)
+ JPL を少し拡張した形式。やはり JFM と対応する。
+ ZVP0 (拡張子 .zvp0) (*)
+ VF と直接対応する形式。VPL と異なり、TFM に相当するデータを持って
+ いない。だから欧文と和文で共通して用いられる。
+ ZVP (拡張子 .zvp)
+ 和文仮想フォント(JFM と VF の組)に対応する形式。ZPL と ZVP0 を
+ 統合した形をもつ。
+### 使用法
+ pxutil vf2zvp [<オプション>] <入力.vf> [<入力.tfm> <出力.zvp>]
+ VF と JFM から ZVP へ変換。
+ pxutil zvp2vf [<オプション>] <入力.zvp> [<出力.vf> <出力.tfm>]
+ ZVP から VF と JFM へ変換。
+ pxutil vf2zvp0 [<オプション>] <入力.vf> [<出力.zvp0>]
+ VF から ZVP0 へ変換。
+ pxutil zvp02vf [<オプション>] <入力.zvp0> [<出力.vf>]
+ ZVP0 から VF へ変換。
+ pxutil zpl2tfm [<オプション>] <入力.zpl> [<出力.tfm>]
+ ZPL から TFM へ変換。
+ pxutil tfm2zpl [<オプション>] <入力.tfm> [<出力.zpl>]
+ TFM から ZPL へ変換。
+ - TFM と VF 形式のファイルは、kpathsearch の探索の対象となる。
+ - 出力ファイル名を省略した場合は、入力ファイルの拡張子を変更したもの
+ が使われる。tftopl のように標準出力に書き出すことはない。
+### オプション
+ ・出力整数値形式の選択
+ テキスト形式のファイルを出力する時に、整数値の形式として 'H' (16進)
+ と 'O' (8進) が選択できる箇所がある(主に文字コードを表す数値。)
+ ここでどちらの形式を用いるかを指定する。
+ --hex (既定値)
+ 'H'(16進) 形式を指定する。
+ --octal / -o
+ 'O'(8進) 形式を指定する。
+ 注意事項:
+ - 形式が 'H' か 'O' の一方に固定された箇所もある。例えば CHECKSUM
+ は必ず 'O' 形式を用いる。
+ - 入力の際には、論理的に可能な全ての形式が受理される。'D'(10 進)で
+ 256 以上の値を指定することも可能。ただし、内部で pltotf を呼び出し
+ ている関係で形式が制限されることもある。
+ ・漢字コード指定
+ --kanji=<値>
+ 外部漢字コードを指定する。<値>は以下のとおり。
+ jis ISO-2022-JP (既定値)
+ sjis Shift_JIS
+ euc EUC-JP
+ utf8 UTF-8
+ none 無効(詳細は後述)
+ --kanji-internal=<値>
+ 内部漢字コードを指定する。<値>は以下のとおり。
+ jis JIS X 0208 (既定値)
+ unicode Unicode
+ none 無効(詳細は後述)
+ --unicode / -u
+ --kanji=utf8 --kanji-internal=unicode と等価。Unicode 和文
+ フォントを扱う場合の設定。
+ --no-encoding / -E
+ --kanji=none --kanji-internal=none と等価。
+ テキスト形式のファイルで「文字コード値の指定を文字を直接書いて行う
+ 場合」が存在する。例えば、整数値の 'K' 形式や、JPL の CHARSINTYPE
+ の指定等である。「外部漢字コード」はテキストファイルの文字を読む
+ のに使われる漢字コードであり、「内部漢字コード」は文字をバイナリ
+ 形式で用いるコード値に変換する時に使われる漢字コードである。
+ 例えば、--kanji=sjis --kanji-internal=unicode と設定されている場合
+ を考える。この場合、'K' 形式を含むテキスト形式の入力を扱うには、
+ そのファイルの漢字コードを Shift_JIS にする必要がある。そして、
+ 'K あ' という整数値があった場合、<あ> の Unicode 値である 0x3042
+ が指定された(つまり 'H 3042' と等価)とみなされる。
+ このように、漢字コードの指定が意味をもつのは、「文字の直接指定」
+ を入力のテキスト形式用いる場合に限られる。(pxutil は出力中で文字
+ の直接指定を用いることはない。) --kanji おとび --kanji-internal
+ の値 none は「文字の直接指定」を無効にする設定であり、片方が none
+ に設定している場合、自動的に他方も none になる(つまり --no-encoding
+ と同じ)。この指定の場合に「文字の直接指定」を使おうとするとエラー
+ になる。
+ 注意事項:
+ - 当然ながら、'K' 以外の整数値形式は文字コード指定の影響を受けない。
+ 例えば、'H 3042' は常に数値 0x3042 を表す。
+ - JIS X 0208 と Unicode の間の文字の対応は JIS X 0221 の規定に従う。
+ ただ、TeX 関係のソフトウェアで別の方式を用いるものもあるので、
+ 両者の間のコード変換は避けた方が無難である。
+### ZPL 形式の仕様
+ ・概要
+ ZPL 形式は JPL 形式を少しだけ拡張したもので、元の JPL 形式と同じく
+ JFM 形式に対応する。開発経緯の上では、ZVP 形式の JFM に相当する部分
+ を抜き出したものに相当する。以下では、JPL 形式との相違点のみを説明
+ する。
+ (CHARSINTYPE <整数t> <文字リスト>)
+ CHARSINTYPE は上記の書式をもち、TYPE t に属する文字コードの集合を
+ 規定する要素である。<文字リスト> は 1 つ以上の「文字」を空白で
+ 区切って連ねたもので、「文字」は以下の形式で指定できる。
+ 文字を直接書く: ASCII 以外の文字を書くと、整数値の 'K' 形式と同様
+ にその文字の内部漢字コード値を指定したことになる。外部および内部
+ 漢字コードの設定に依存する。
+ Jxxxx 形式: 'J' の後に 4 桁の 16 進数字を書いた文字列は、その数字が
+ 表す数値を JIS コード値とする文字の内部漢字コード値を表す。
+ Uxxxx 形式: 'U' の後に 4 桁の 16 進数字を書いた文字列は、その数字が
+ 表す数値を Unicode 値とする文字の内部漢字コード値を表す。
+ Xxxxx 形式: 'X' の後に 4 桁の 16 進数字を書いた文字列は、その数字が
+ 表す数値そのものを表す。(内部漢字コードの設定と無関係。)
+ PL の整数値指定の形式: PL の他の場所で使われる 'H 1234' 等の書式が
+ 使え、表す数値も同じである。
+ CTRANGE 要素: 次の書式をもち、a 以上 b 以下の全ての整数を表す。
+ (CTRANGE <整数a> <整数b>)
+ 例: --kanji-internal=unicode の下で、
+ (CHARSINTYPE D 2 あ J3021 D 200 U1234 X5678
+ (CTRANGE H FF11 H FF13))
+ という指定で Type 2 に指定される文字コードは
+ 0x3042 (<あ> = Unicode 0x3042),
+ 0x4E9C (JIS 0x3021 = <亜> = Unicode 0x4E9C), 0xC8 (= 200),
+ 0x1234 ('U' はそのまま), 0x5678, 0xFF11, 0xFF12, 0xFF13
+ である。
+ 参考までに、JPL 形式と比較すると以下のようになる。「~の JPL」は
+ 「~付属の pltotf (実際のコマンド名は異なる可能性あり)で処理できる
+ JPL 形式」を指す。upTeX において JFM 形式は拡張されておらず pTeX
+ のそれと同じ仕様であることに注意。
+ ファイル形式 直接 Jxxxx Uxxxx ほか
+ pTeX の JPL ○ ○ × ×
+ upTeX の JPL ○ ○ ○ ×
+ ZPL ○ ○ ○ ○
+### ZVP0 形式の仕様
+ ・概要
+ ZVP0 形式は、バイナリの VF 形式に直接対応するテキスト形式で、VPL
+ 形式のうちの VF に記述されている項目だけを抜き出した格好をしている。
+ 具体的には、VPL で現れる要素のうち次のものからなる。
+ このうち、CHARACTER の中の MAP に若干の拡張を含んでいるので、それ
+ について以下で説明する。残りの要素の仕様は VPL と同じである。
+ ・MAP 中の文字出力命令に対する拡張
+ MAP 要素は、仮想フォントの 1 つの文字に対して、それを表現する DVI
+ 命令の列を指定するものである。この中で使われる SETCHAR 要素(DVI
+ の setchar/set1~4 命令と対応する)は次の書式をもち、「文字コード
+ c の文字を出力する」ことを意味する。
+ (SETCHAR <整数 c>)
+ ZVP0 形式では以下のような引数のない形式が許される。
+ この場合、出力する文字は、「当該の SETCHAR を含む CHARACTER 要素
+ の対象の文字」になる。
+ 例えば、以下の記述で、"(SETCHAR)" は "(SETCHAR H 2122)" と同値と
+ 解釈される。
+ (CHARWD R 0.5)
+ (MAP
+ )
+ )
+### ZVP 形式の仕様
+ ・概要
+ ZVP 形式は和文の仮想フォントに対応するテキスト形式で、
+ 要素 JFM VF
+ VTITLE - ○
+ FAMILY ○ -
+ FACE ○ -
+ HEADER ○ -
+ CODESPACE - ○ 新設
+ TYPE ○ ○ 拡張
+ SUBTYPE - ○ 新設
+ CHARACTER ○ ○ 新設
+ 以下で、新設または拡張された要素の説明を行うが、その前に新たに導入
+ された概念について説明する。
+ ・Subtype
+ ZVP0 形式のところで説明した SETFONT の拡張書式を使うと、全く同一の
+ MAP 指定をもつ文字が多く出ることになる。例えば、最も頻繁に発生する
+ 「既定のフォントについて要求された文字を出す」というのは
+ と表すことができる。そこで、1 つの Type の中で同一の MAP 指定をもつ
+ 文字を Subtype としてまとめることにする。すなわち、Type が同じで
+ Subtype が異なる文字は、JFM では全く同じ振る舞いをする(つまり同じ
+ メトリックを持ち GLUEKERN での扱いも同じ)が、MAP 指定だけが異なる。
+ こうすることで、VPL での CHARACTER の指定を Subtype 毎にまとめて
+ 行うことができるようになる。
+ なお、Subtype は ZVP の中だけに存在する概念で、その値は JFM や VF
+ の中のどの情報とも対応しない。MAP 指定が同じものは同じ Subtype 値
+ を持つという点だけに意味がある。Subtype の有効な値は 0~255 である。
+ ・コード空間
+ JPL (JFM でも同様)では、Type が 0 以外の文字を列挙して、それ以外の
+ 文字を Type 0 の文字と扱っている。従って、そのフォントにおいてどの
+ コードが有効かということは明示されていない。これに対して、VPL (VF)
+ では仮想フォントで有効な文字の全てについて CHARACTER 要素が必要と
+ される。従って、上で述べたように Type と Subtype を用いて CHARACTER
+ を一括指定しようとすると、有効な文字の集合(コード空間)の情報が必要
+ となる。
+ 引き続いて、新設または拡張された要素の説明を行う。
+ ・(CODESPACE <文字リスト>)
+ (CODESPACE <コード空間識別子>)
+ コード空間を指定する。<文字リスト> の書式は ZPL の CHARSINTYPE と
+ 同じ。特定のコード空間の設定に対しては下記の <コード空間識別子>
+ による指定も可能である。
+ - GL94DB: 上位バイト、下位バイトともに 0x21~0x7E の 2 バイト値
+ 全体。pTeX の和文フォントで通常使われる設定。(CODESPACE の
+ 既定値はこれである)
+ - UNICODE-BMP: 0~0xFFFF。Unicode の BMP の全体。
+ ・(CHARSINTYPE <整数t> <文字リスト>)
+ Type t の文字の集合を指定する。t は 1~255 の整数。
+ ・(CHARSINSUBTYPE <整数t> <整数s> <文字リスト>)
+ Type t、Subtype s の文字の集合を指定する。t は 0~255 の整数。
+ s は 1~255 の整数。
+ ・(TYPE <整数t> <要素>...)
+ Type t の文字に対する情報を記述する。t は 0~255 の整数。
+ 要素として以下のものが指定できる。
+ - CHARWD, CHARHT, CHARDP, CHARIC : これは Type t の文字全体に
+ 対して適用される。
+ - MAP : これは Type t、Subtype 0 の文字に適用される。
+ ・(SUBTYPE <整数t> <整数s> <MAP要素>)
+ Type t、Subtype の文字に対する MAP を記述する。t は 0~255 の整数。
+ s は 1~255 の整数。
+ ・(CHARACTER <整数c> <MAP要素>)
+ コード値 c の文字に対する MAP を記述する。文字 c の Type はこの
+ 要素の記述に影響しない。(つまり、CHARSINTYPE で指定した値、どこに
+ もない場合は 0。)文字 c だけからなる Subtype を仮想的に作ったの
+ と同じである。
+ 各 Subtype の文字の情報がどこにあるかをまとめた。以下の表で、t は
+ 0 以外の Type、s は 0 以外の Subtype を表す。煩雑なように見えるが、
+ 「本則を Type/Subtype 0 に書き、例外をそれ以外に書く」という設計
+ 上このような結果になっている。これにより、文字リストを書くときに
+ CTRANGE が最大限活用できるようになり、また従来の JPL からの変更点
+ が最小限になると考えている。
+ Type Subtype 文字集合 メトリック MAP指定
+ 0 0 (CODESPACE)から (TYPE 0) (TYPE 0)
+ を除いたもの
+ t 0 (CHARSINTYPE t)から (TYPE t) (TYPE t)
+ を除いたもの。
+ * Version 1.0.0 〈2017/07/17〉
+ - (jfmutil として)最初の公開版。
+ - ZRTeXtor は v1.4.0 相当。
+Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR")
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/jfmutil/ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/jfmutil/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a4594fe7c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/jfmutil/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Perl: Utility to process pTeX-extended TFM and VF
+This program provides functionality to process data files (JFM and VF)
+that form logical fonts used in (u)pTeX. The functions currently
+available include:
+ - The mutual conversion between Japanese virtual fonts (pairs of VF
+ and JFM) and files in the “ZVP format”, which is an original text
+ format representing data in virtual fonts. This function can be seen
+ as counterpart to vftovp/vptovf programs.
+ - The mutual conversion between VF files alone and files in the “ZVP0
+ format”, which is a subset of the ZVP format.
+ - Perl interpreter: v5.8.1 or later.
+ - The following commands from pTeX distribution:
+ - kpsewhich
+ - pltotf, tftopl
+This package is distributed under the MIT License.
+### USAGE
+ This is jfmutil v1.x.x <2017/xx/xx> by 'ZR'.
+ [ZRTeXtor library v1.x.x <2017/xx/xx> by 'ZR']
+ Usage: jfmutil vf2zvp0 [<options>] <in.vf> [<out.zvp0>]
+ jfmutil zvp02vf [<options>] <in.zvp0> [<out.vf>]
+ jfmutil vf2zvp [<options>] <in.vf> [<in.tfm> <out.zvp>]
+ jfmutil zvp2vf [<options>] <in.zvp> [<out.vf> <out.tfm>]
+ jfmutil zpl2tfm [<options>] <in.zvp0> [<out.vf>]
+ jfmutil tfm2zpl [<options>] <in.zvp0> [<out.vf>]
+ VF and TFM files are searched by kpsewhich.
+ --hex output charcode in 'H' form [default]
+ -o / --octal output charcode in 'O' form
+ --uptool use upTeX tools (uppltotf etc.)
+ The following options affect interpretation of 'K' form.
+ --kanji=ENC set source encoding: ENC=jis/sjis/euc/utf8/none
+ --kanji-internal=ENC set internal encoding: ENC=jis/unicode/none
+ -j / --jis == --kanji=jis --kanji-internal=jis
+ -u / --unicode == --kanji=utf8 --kanji-internal=unicode
+ -E / --no-encoding == --kanji=none --kanji-internal=none
+Please refer to (in Japanese) for detail.
+Revision History
+ * Version 1.0.0 〈2017/07/17〉
+ - The first public version (as jfmutil).
+ - ZRTeXtor is of v1.4.0.
+Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR")
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/jfmutil/ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/jfmutil/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..f7fd5c49247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/jfmutil/
@@ -0,0 +1,2985 @@
+# This is file ''.
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR")
+# GitHub:
+# Twitter: @zr_tex8r
+# This software is distributed under the MIT License.
+use strict;
+#------------------------------------------------- ZRTeXtor module
+package ZRTeXtor;
+our $VERSION = 1.004_00;
+our $mod_date = "2017/07/17";
+use Encode qw(encode decode);
+# Here follows excerpt from
+#================================================= BEGIN
+######## general ########
+our $binmode = 0; # always read/write in binary mode
+our $errmsg; # last error message
+use constant { HUGE => 1e20, EPS => 1e-7 };
+ # TU = TFM factor, DU = DVI factor
+use constant { TU => 1 << 20, DU => 1 << 16, B31 => 1 << 31 };
+use constant { M32 => 0xFFFFFFFF, M31 => 0x7FFFFFFF };
+use constant { # kanji encoding names
+ K_JIS => 'iso-2022-jp', K_EUC => 'euc-jp',
+ K_SJIS => 'shiftjis', K_UTF8 => 'UTF-8',
+ KI_JIS => 'jis0208-raw', KI_UNI => 'UTF-16BE',
+ KI_XJIS => '*xjis*', K_XJIS => '*xjis*',
+# for get_temp_name
+our $get_temp_base = '__zrtx';
+our (@get_temp_id);
+## error($msg, ...)
+# Sets the error message and returns nothing (undef in scalar).
+# Usually a defined value is returned in success.
+sub error
+ $errmsg = join('', map { (ref $_) ? '[obj]' : $_ } (@_));
+ return;
+## fatal($msg, ...)
+# Intended for internal errors....
+sub fatal
+ return error("!!FATAL(", @_, ")");
+##<*> textool_error()
+# Obtains the error message of the last error. This string
+# can be used in error handling of your own style.
+sub textool_error
+ return $errmsg;
+##<*> textool_version()
+# Returns the version information on this library.
+sub textool_version
+ my ($t, @fs);
+ $t = sprintf("%.5f", $VERSION);
+ (@fs = $t =~ m|^(\d+)\.(\d\d\d)(\d\d)$|)
+ or return fatal("textool_version");
+ $t = sprintf("%d.%d.%d", @fs);
+ return ("$t", $mod_date);
+## get_temp_name()
+# Returns a temporary file name which is unique in the process.
+# Note: Trailing digits in font names can have special meaning
+# in some TeX tools.
+sub get_temp_name
+ ++$get_temp_id[0];
+ return join('', $get_temp_base, $$, @get_temp_id[1, 0, 2]);
+## get_temp_anme_init()
+# Initializer for get_temp_name.
+sub get_temp_name_init
+ my ($t); $get_temp_id[0] = 0;
+ $t = join('', map { ('a' .. 'z')[int(rand() * 26)] } (0 .. 5));
+ @get_temp_id[1, 2] = map { substr($t, $_, 3) } (0, 3);
+##<*> read_whole_file($fnam, $swbin)
+# Reads in file $fnam and returns its content as a string.
+# If $swbin or the global flag $binmode is true the file is read
+# in binary mode.
+sub read_whole_file
+ my ($fnam, $swbin) = @_; my ($hf, $txt); local ($/);
+ (defined $fnam) or return;
+ open($hf, '<', $fnam)
+ or return error("cannot open for read: $fnam");
+ if ($binmode || $swbin) { binmode($hf); }
+ $txt = readline($hf);
+ close($hf);
+ return $txt;
+##<*> write_whole_file($fnam, $txt, $swbin)
+# Creates (or crobbers) the file $fnam and write $txt to it.
+# If $swbin or the global flag $binmode is true it writes in
+# binary mode.
+sub write_whole_file
+ my ($fnam, $txt, $swbin) = @_; my ($hf);
+ open($hf, '>', $fnam)
+ or return error("cannot open for write: $fnam");
+ if ($binmode || $swbin) { binmode($hf); }
+ print $hf ($txt);
+ close($hf);
+ return 1;
+## unpack_num($s)
+# Decodes a unsigned number in big-endian string.
+sub unpack_num
+ my ($s) = @_;
+ return unpack("N", substr("\0\0\0\0$s", length($s)));
+## unpack_snum($s)
+# Decodes a signed number in big-endian string.
+my @snum_bound = (0, 0x80, 0x8000, 0x800000, B31);
+sub unpack_snum
+ my ($s) = @_; my ($b, $v);
+ $b = $snum_bound[length($s)];
+ $v = unpack("N", substr("\0\0\0\0$s", length($s)));
+ return ($v >= $b) ? ($v - $b - $b) : $v;
+## pack_num($v)
+# Encodes a unsigned number in big-endian string, with the length
+# prefix. In scalar context the returned values are concatenated.
+sub pack_num
+ my ($v) = @_; my ($t, $l);
+ ($t = pack('N', $v)) =~ s/^\0{1,3}//; $l = length($t);
+ return (wantarray) ? ($l, $t) : (chr($l) . $t);
+## pack_snum($v)
+# Signed version of pack_num.
+sub pack_snum
+ my ($v) = @_; my ($t, $l);
+ ($t = pack('N', $v)) =~
+ s/^\0{1,3}([\x00-\x7f])|^\xff{1,3}([\x80-\xff])/$+/;
+ $l = length($t);
+ return (wantarray) ? ($l, $t) : (chr($l) . $t);
+## signed($v)
+# Converts 'unsigned long' to 'signed long'.
+sub signed
+ my ($v) = @_; $v &= M32;
+ return ($v >= B31) ? ($v - B31 - B31) : $v;
+## round($v)
+# Rounds a real value to an integer.
+sub round
+ my ($v) = @_;
+ return int($v + (($v < 0) ? -0.5 : +0.5));
+##<*> arraymap($map, $swmm)
+# Converts a code map in hash form into array form.
+sub arraymap
+ my ($map, $swmm) = @_; my ($sc, $dc, @u, @amap);
+ if (ref $map eq 'HASH') {
+ @u = sort { $a <=> $b } (keys %$map);
+ foreach $sc (@u) {
+ $dc = $map->{$sc};
+ if (ref $dc eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if ($swmm) {
+ foreach (@$dc) { push(@amap, [$sc, $_]); }
+ } else { push(@amap, [$sc, $dc->[0]]); }
+ } elsif (defined $dc) { push(@amap, [$sc, $dc]); }
+ }
+ return \@amap;
+ } elsif (ref $map eq 'ARRAY') { return $map; }
+ else { return; }
+## squote($str)
+# S-quotes a string.
+sub squote
+ my ($str) = @_; $str =~ s/([\\\'])/\\$1/g;
+ return "'$str'";
+## zdquote($str)
+# ZD-quotes a string.
+sub zdquote
+ my ($str) = @_; $str =~ s/([\\\"])/\\$1/g;
+ $str =~ s/([^\x20-\x7e])/sprintf("\\%02X",$1)/ge;
+ return "\"$str\"";
+######## 'x' section ########
+use IPC::Open3; # for open3()
+our %cmd_name = (
+ kpsewhich => 'kpsewhich',
+ tftopl => 'ptftopl',
+ pltotf => 'ppltotf',
+ uptftopl => 'uptftopl',
+ uppltotf => 'uppltotf',
+ vftovp => 'vftovp',
+ vptovf => 'vptovf',
+ opl2ofm => 'opl2ofm',
+##<*> x_captured_exec(@cmd);
+# Spawns the command @cmd, captures its stdout and stderr into
+# strings, and returns them.
+# --- Am I doing right?
+sub x_captured_exec
+ my (@cmd) = @_; my ($pid, @fs, @ds);
+ local(*CHIN, *CHOUT, *CHERR, $/);
+ L1:{
+ @fs = (get_temp_name(), get_temp_name());
+ open(CHOUT, '+>', $fs[0]) or last;
+ open(CHERR, '+>', $fs[1]) or last;
+ ($pid = open3(\*CHIN, '>&CHOUT', '>&CHERR', @cmd)) or last;
+ waitpid($pid, 0);
+ seek(CHOUT, 0, 0); $ds[0] = <CHOUT>;
+ seek(CHERR, 0, 0); $ds[1] = <CHERR>;
+ }
+ close(CHIN); close(CHOUT); close(CHERR);
+ unlink(@fs);
+ return (@ds);
+##<*> x_tftopl
+# Wrapper for 'tftopl' command.
+sub x_tftopl
+ my ($tfm, $cmd) = @_; my ($ftmp, $ftfm, $cout, $cerr);
+ if (!defined $cmd) { $cmd = $cmd_name{tftopl}; }
+ if ($tfm =~ m/\.tfm$/i && $tfm !~ /\0/) { $ftfm = $tfm; }
+ else {
+ $ftfm = $ftmp = get_temp_name() . ".tfm";
+ (write_whole_file($ftmp, $tfm, 1)) or return;
+ }
+ ($cout, $cerr) = x_captured_exec("$cmd $ftfm");
+ if (defined $ftmp) { unlink($ftmp); }
+ if ($cout eq '' || $cout =~ /CHANGED!\)\s*$/) {
+ return error("tftopl failed: $ftfm");
+ }
+ return pl_parse($cout);
+##<*> x_uptftopl
+# Wrapper for 'uptftopl' command.
+# Use of x_tftopl($tfm, "uptftopl") does not seem to work right.
+# Perhaps getting uptftopl to 'output to terminal' confuses
+# uptftopl as to handling UTF-8 strings....
+sub x_uptftopl
+ my ($tfm, $cmd) = @_; my ($ftmp, $ftfm, $fpl, $cout, $cerr);
+ if (!defined $cmd) { $cmd = $cmd_name{uptftopl}; }
+ if ($tfm =~ m/\.tfm$/i && $tfm !~ /\0/) { $ftfm = $tfm; }
+ else {
+ $ftfm = $ftmp = get_temp_name() . ".tfm";
+ (write_whole_file($ftmp, $tfm, 1)) or return;
+ }
+ $fpl = get_temp_name() . ".pl";
+ ($cout, $cerr) = x_captured_exec("$cmd $ftfm $fpl");
+ if (defined $ftmp) { unlink($ftmp); }
+ $cout = read_whole_file($fpl); unlink($fpl);
+ if ($cout eq '' || $cout =~ /CHANGED!\)\s*$/) {
+ return error("tftopl failed: $ftfm");
+ }
+ if ($cout =~ m/CHARSINTYPE/) { $cout = pl_adjust_lit_paren($cout); }
+ return pl_parse($cout);
+##<*> x_pltotf
+# Wrapper for 'pltotf' command.
+sub x_pltotf
+ my ($pl, $cmd) = @_;
+ my ($ftmp, $fpl, $cout, $ftfm, $tfm, $tn);
+ if (!defined $cmd) { $cmd = $cmd_name{pltotf}; }
+ $tn = get_temp_name(); $ftfm = "$tn.tfm";
+ if (ref $pl eq 'ARRAY') { $pl = pl_form($pl); }
+ if ($pl =~ m/\.pl$/i) { $fpl = $pl; }
+ else {
+ $fpl = $ftmp = "$";
+ (write_whole_file($ftmp, $pl)) or return;
+ }
+ $cout = `$cmd $fpl $ftfm`; # no output to stderr
+ if (defined $ftmp) { unlink($ftmp); }
+ (-f $ftfm) or return error("pltotf failed: $fpl");
+ $tfm = read_whole_file($ftfm, 1); unlink($ftfm);
+ foreach (split(/\n/, $cout)) {
+ if (m/^\s*$/ || m/^I had to round some / ||
+ m/Input file is in kanji /) { next; }
+ return error("pltotf failed: $fpl");
+ }
+ return $tfm;
+##<*> x_vptovf
+# Wrapper for 'vptovf' command.
+sub x_vptovf
+ my ($pl, $cmd) = @_;
+ my ($ftmp, $fpl, $cout, $ftfm, $tfm, $fvf, $vf, $tn);
+ if (!defined $cmd) { $cmd = $cmd_name{vptovf}; }
+ $tn = get_temp_name(); $ftfm = "$tn.tfm"; $fvf = "$tn.vf";
+ if (ref $pl eq 'ARRAY') { $pl = pl_form($pl); }
+ if ($pl =~ m/\.vpl$/i) { $fpl = $pl; }
+ else {
+ $fpl = $ftmp = "$tn.vpl";
+ (write_whole_file($ftmp, $pl)) or return;
+ }
+ $cout = `$cmd $fpl $fvf $ftfm`; # no output to stderr
+ if (defined $ftmp) { unlink($ftmp); }
+ (-f $ftfm && -f $fvf) or return error("vptovf failed: $fpl");
+ $tfm = read_whole_file($ftfm, 1); unlink($ftfm);
+ $vf = read_whole_file($fvf, 1); unlink($fvf);
+ foreach (split(/\n/, $cout)) {
+ if (m/^\s*$/ || m/^I had to round some / ||
+ m/Input file is in kanji / || m/LIG/) { next; }
+ return error("vptovf failed: $fpl");
+ }
+ return ($vf, $tfm);
+##<*> x_opl2ofm
+# Wrapper for 'opl2ofm' command.
+sub x_opl2ofm
+ my ($pl) = @_; my ($cmd, $ftmp, $fpl, $cout, $ftfm, $tfm, $tn);
+ $tn = get_temp_name(); $ftfm = "$tn.ofm";
+ if (ref $pl eq 'ARRAY') { $pl = pl_form($pl); }
+ if ($pl =~ m/\.opl$/i) { $fpl = $pl; }
+ else {
+ $fpl = $ftmp = "$tn.opl";
+ (write_whole_file($ftmp, $pl)) or return;
+ }
+ $cmd = $cmd_name{opl2ofm};
+ $cout = `$cmd $fpl $ftfm`; # no output to stderr
+ if (defined $ftmp) { unlink($ftmp); }
+ (-f $ftfm) or return error("opl2ofm failed: $fpl");
+ $tfm = read_whole_file($ftfm, 1); unlink($ftfm);
+ foreach (split(m/\n/, $cout)) {
+ if (m/^\s*$/ || m/^I had to round some / ||
+ m/Input file is in kanji /) { next; }
+ return error("opl2ofm failed: $fpl");
+ }
+ return $tfm;
+######## 'pl' section ########
+####---- Handling General Property Lists
+# * Data structure: pl-list, pl-struct
+# A PL Text consists of a sequence of Lispish lists (without the
+# outermost parentheses). In 'raw' structures, Lispish lists are
+# represented by Perl arrays with straightforward conversion
+# (all atomic elements are strings). Such an array is called
+# 'pl-list' here. The entire PL is represented as an array of
+# pl-lists, called 'pl-struct' here.
+# However, in 'cooked' structures, some numerical data are
+# interpreted. For example, raw data
+# 'D', '0100' (a part of a pl-list)
+# are cooked they change to
+# [ CNUM, 100, 'D' ], '0100'
+# and moreover the assignment of 500 to this part results in
+# [ CNUM, 500, 'D' ], undef
+# And its conversion back into text is 'O 764', because 500 cannot
+# be expressed in 'D' notation.
+use constant CNUM => ' '; # flag signifying a cooked number
+our $freenum = 0;
+my %pl_facecode = ( # 'F' notation
+ MRR => 0, MIR => 1, BRR => 2, BIR => 3, LRR => 4, LIR => 5,
+ MRC => 6, MIC => 7, BRC => 8, BIC => 9, LRC => 10, LIC => 11,
+ MRE => 12, MIE => 13, BRE => 14, BIE => 15, LRE => 16, LIE => 17
+my %pl_facecode_rev = (reverse %pl_facecode);
+##<*> pl_parse($txt)
+# Converts a PL text $txt to a 'cooked' pl-struct.
+sub pl_parse
+ my ($txt) = @_; my ($pl, $ent);
+ (defined($pl = pl_parse_list("($txt)"))) or return;
+ (pl_cook_list($pl)) or return;
+ foreach $ent (@$pl) {
+ if (!ref $ent) { return error("bareword found: ", $ent); }
+ }
+ return $pl;
+##<*> pl_parse_list($txt)
+# Converts a text $txt of a Lispish list to a 'raw' pl-list.
+sub pl_parse_list
+ my ($txt) = @_; my (@toks, $pp, $t, $swjis);
+ if (($swjis = $txt =~ m/\x1B\x24/)) { $txt = pl_conv_jis_out($txt); }
+ @toks = grep { $_ ne "" } (split(/(\()|(\))|\s+/, $txt));
+ if ($swjis) {
+ foreach (@toks) {
+ if (m/[\x80-\xff]/) { $_ = pl_conv_jis_in($_); }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($toks[0] ne '(') { return error("missing paren at top"); }
+ $pp = pl_corres_paren(\@toks, 0);
+ if ($pp == $#toks) {
+ return pl_parse_sub(\@toks, 1, $pp - 1);
+ } elsif ($pp < 0) {
+ return error("unmatched parens (end at level ", -$pp, ")");
+ } else {
+ return error("unmatched parens (extra tokens)");
+ }
+sub pl_conv_jis_out {
+ my ($txt) = @_; my ($t, $pos, @cnks);
+ $pos = pos($txt) = 0;
+ while ($txt =~
+ m/(\x1B\x24[\x42\x40]([\x21-\x7E]+)\x1B\x28[\x42\x4A])/g) {
+ ($t = $2) =~ tr/\x21-\x7E/\xA1-\xFE/;
+ push(@cnks, substr($txt, $pos, pos($txt) - length($1) - $pos), $t);
+ $pos = pos($txt);
+ }
+ return join('', @cnks, substr($txt, $pos));
+sub pl_conv_jis_in {
+ my ($txt) = @_; my ($t, $pos, @cnks);
+ $pos = pos($txt) = 0;
+ while ($txt =~ m/([\xA1-\xFE]+)/g) {
+ ($t = $1) =~ tr/\xA1-\xFE/\x21-\x7E/;
+ push(@cnks, substr($txt, $pos, pos($txt) - length($1) - $pos),
+ "\x1B\x24\x42$t\x1B\x28\x42");
+ $pos = pos($txt);
+ }
+ return join('', @cnks, substr($txt, $pos));
+## pl_adjust_lit_paren($pl)
+sub pl_adjust_lit_paren
+ my ($pl) = @_; my ($mod, $repl, $lin, @lins);
+ @lins = split(m/\n/, $pl);
+ foreach (0 .. $#lins) {
+ $lin = $lins[$_];
+ if ($mod == 2) {
+ if ($lin =~ m/^\s*\)\s*$/) {
+ $lins[$_ - 1] =~ s/\)/X0029/; $repl = 1;
+ }
+ $mod = 0;
+ } elsif ($mod == 1) {
+ if ($lin =~ m/^\s*\)\s*$/) { $mod = 2; }
+ else {
+ if ($lin =~ m/\(/) { $lins[$_] =~ s/\(/X0028/g; $repl = 1; }
+ if ($lin =~ m/\)/) { $lins[$_] =~ s/\)/X0029/g; $repl = 1; }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($lin =~ m/^\(CHARSINTYPE /) { $mod = 1; }
+ }
+ return ($repl) ? join("\n", @lins) : $pl;
+## pl_parse_sub(...)
+# Subcontractor of pl_parse_list.
+sub pl_parse_sub
+ my ($toks, $sp, $ep) = @_; my (@pl, $tok, $p, $pp, $pl2);
+ for ($p = $sp; $p <= $ep; $p++) {
+ $tok = $toks->[$p];
+ if ($tok eq '(') {
+ $pp = pl_corres_paren($toks, $p);
+ ($p < $pp && $pp <= $ep) or return fatal(0);
+ (defined($pl2 = pl_parse_sub($toks, $p + 1, $pp - 1))) or return;
+ push(@pl, $pl2); $p = $pp;
+ } else {
+ push(@pl, $tok);
+ }
+ }
+ return \@pl;
+## pl_corres_paren($toks, $p)
+# Returns the index of the ')' token which corresponds with the
+# '(' token at index $p in an array $toks.
+sub pl_corres_paren
+ my ($toks, $p) = @_; my ($tok, $lv);
+ for ($lv = 1, ++$p; $p <= $#$toks; $p++) {
+ $tok = $toks->[$p];
+ if ($tok eq '(') { ++$lv; }
+ elsif ($tok eq ')') { --$lv; }
+ if ($lv == 0) { last; }
+ }
+ return ($lv > 0) ? -$lv : $p;
+##<*> pl_cook_list($pl)
+# Makes a raw pl-list $pl cooked.
+sub pl_cook_list
+ my ($pl) = @_; my ($k, $ent, $res);
+ for ($k = 0; $k <= $#$pl; $k++) {
+ $ent = $pl->[$k];
+ if (ref $ent) {
+ if ($ent->[0] eq 'COMMENT') {
+ splice(@$pl, $k, 1); redo;
+ } elsif ($ent->[0] ne CNUM) {
+ (pl_cook_list($ent)) or return;
+ }
+ } elsif ($ent =~ /^[CKDFOHR]$/ && $k < $#$pl) {
+ (defined pl_proc_num($pl, $k)) or return;
+ ++$k;
+ }
+ }
+ return $pl;
+##<*> pl_form($pl, $ind)
+# Converts a pl-struct $pl into a PL text. Here $ind is the amount
+# of indent: if negative the result is in in-line form.
+sub pl_form
+ my ($pl, $ind) = @_; my (@cnks, $ent, $txt);
+ foreach $ent (@$pl) {
+ (defined($txt = pl_form_list($ent, $ind))) or return;
+ push(@cnks, $txt);
+ }
+ if ($ind >= 0) { return join("\n", @cnks, ''); }
+ else { return join(' ', @cnks); }
+# for pl_form_list
+my $pl_rx_kent = qr/^[^\x20-\x7e]|^[JUX][0-9A-Fa-f]{4,6}$/;
+##<*> pl_form_list($pl, $ind)
+# Converts a pl-list $pl into a Lispish list.
+sub pl_form_list
+ my ($pl, $ind) = @_; my (@cnks, @lins, @toks);
+ my ($k, $t, $lsepp, $lsep, $ent, $tok, $txt);
+ if ($ind >= 0) {
+ push(@cnks, '('); $ind += 3;
+ $lsepp = $lsep = "\n" . ' ' x $ind;
+ } else { push(@cnks, '('); $lsepp = $lsep = ' '; }
+ for ($k = 0; $k <= $#$pl; $k++) {
+ $ent = $pl->[$k];
+ if (ref $ent) {
+ if ($ent->[0] eq CNUM) {
+ $tok = $pl->[$k + 1]; ++$k;
+ if (defined $tok) { push(@lins, $ent->[2], $tok); }
+ else {
+ (@toks = pl_form_num($ent->[2], $ent->[1])) or return;
+ push(@lins, @toks);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (@lins) { push(@cnks, join(' ', @lins), $lsepp); }
+ (defined($txt = pl_form_list($ent, $ind))) or return;
+ @lins = (); push(@cnks, $txt, $lsep);
+ }
+ } elsif ($k > 0 && $ind >= 0 && $ent =~ m/$pl_rx_kent/) {
+ if (@lins) { push(@cnks, join(' ', @lins), $lsepp); }
+ $t = '';
+ while ($pl->[$k] =~ m/$pl_rx_kent/) {
+ if (length($t) + length($pl->[$k]) + $ind > 72) { last; }
+ $t .= $pl->[$k] . ' '; ++$k;
+ }
+ --$k; chop($t); @lins = (); push(@cnks, $t, $lsep);
+ } else { push(@lins, $ent); }
+ }
+ push(@cnks, join(' ', @lins), ')');
+ if ($ind < 0 && $cnks[-3] eq $lsep) { $cnks[-3] = ''; }
+ return join('', @cnks);
+##<*> pl_value($pl, $k, $sw)
+# Reads the number at position $k in pl-list $pl. Note that
+# $k is the position of form prefix and not the string represeting
+# the nubmer itself.
+# The value will be rounded to integers unless $sw is true.
+sub pl_value
+ my ($pl, $k, $sw) = @_; my ($ent);
+ $ent = $pl->[$k];
+ if (ref $ent && $ent->[0] eq CNUM) {
+ return ($sw) ? $ent->[1] : round($ent->[1]);
+ }
+ return pl_proc_num($pl, $k);
+## pl_proc_num($pl, $k)
+# Converts the number token at position $k in pl-list $pl to
+# cooked form.
+sub pl_proc_num
+ my ($pl, $k) = @_; my ($v, $fl, $tok);
+ ($fl, $tok) = ($pl->[$k], $pl->[$k + 1]);
+ if (defined($v = pl_parse_num($fl, $tok))) {
+ $pl->[$k] = [ CNUM, $v, $fl ]; return $v;
+ } else {
+ return error("malformed number (", $fl, " ", $tok, ")");
+ }
+##<*> pl_set_value($pl, $k, $v)
+# Changes the number at position $k in pl-list $pl to $v.
+sub pl_set_value
+ my ($pl, $k, $v) = @_; my ($ent);
+ $ent = $pl->[$k];
+ (ref $ent && $ent->[0] eq CNUM)
+ or return error("illegal assignment", $ent);
+ $pl->[$k + 1] = undef; $ent->[1] = $v;
+ return 1;
+##<*> pl_set_real($pl, $k)
+# Changes the 'R'-form number at position $k in pl-list $pl to
+# $v, which is a non-scaled value.
+sub pl_set_real
+ my ($pl, $k, $v) = @_; my ($ent);
+ $ent = $pl->[$k];
+ (ref $ent && $ent->[0] eq CNUM && $ent->[2] eq 'R')
+ or return error("illegal assignment", $ent);
+ $pl->[$k + 1] = undef; $ent->[1] = $v * TU;
+ return 1;
+##<*> pl_set_value($pl, $k, $v)
+# Changes the form prefix of the number at position $k in
+# pl-list $pl to $v.
+sub pl_set_numtype
+ my ($pl, $k, $v) = @_; my ($ent);
+ $ent = $pl->[$k];
+ (ref $ent && $ent->[0] eq CNUM)
+ or return error("illegal assignment", $ent);
+ $pl->[$k + 1] = undef; $ent->[2] = $v;
+ return 1;
+##<*> pl_prefer_hex($sw)
+# Sets the value of the global flag $pl_prefer_hex. If its value is
+# true, then 'H' (instead of 'O') is used as a fallback of 'D'/'C'.
+our $pl_prefer_hex = 0;
+sub pl_prefer_hex { $pl_prefer_hex = $_[0]; }
+## pl_parse_num($fl, $tok)
+# Converts a number token to the number it expresses. Here $fl is
+# a form prefix and $tok is a token,
+sub pl_parse_num
+ my ($fl, $tok) = @_; my ($ll, $ul, $v);
+ $ll = 0; $ul = M32;
+ if (ref $tok) { return; }
+ if ($fl eq 'C') {
+ $v = ($tok =~ /^[\x21-\x7e]$/ && ord($tok));
+ } elsif ($fl eq 'K') {
+ $v = jcode_ord($tok);
+ } elsif ($fl eq 'D') {
+ $v = ($tok =~ /^-?\d+$/ && $tok); $ul = 255;
+ } elsif ($fl eq 'F') {
+ $v = (exists $pl_facecode{$tok} && $pl_facecode{$tok});
+ } elsif ($fl eq 'O') {
+ $v = ($tok =~ /^[0-7]+$/ && oct($tok)); $ul = M32;
+ } elsif ($fl eq 'H' || $fl eq 'I') {
+ $v = ($tok =~ /^[\da-f]+$/i && hex($tok)); $ul = M32;
+ } elsif ($fl eq 'R') {
+ $v = ($tok =~ /^[\+\-]?(\d*\.)?\d+$/ && pl_scale_real($tok));
+ $ll = - B31; $ul = M31;
+ }
+ if ($freenum && $fl ne 'R') { $ul = M32; $ll = -$ul; }
+ if (!($ll <= $v && $v <= $ul)) { $v = undef; }
+ return $v;
+## pl_form_num($fl, $v)
+# Expresses the number $v in form $fl. If the number cannot (or
+# should not) be expressed in form $fl, then $fl is fallen back
+# to another suitable value. It returns ($fl, $tok) where $tok
+# is the resulted expression and $fl is the possibly adapted
+# value of form prefix.
+sub pl_form_num
+ my ($fl, $v) = @_; my ($tok);
+ $tok = $fl;
+ if ($fl eq 'F' && $v > 17) { $fl = 'D'; }
+ if ($fl eq 'C' && !pl_isprint($v)) { $fl = 'I'; }
+ if ($fl eq 'K' && (!pl_isjprint($v))) { $fl = 'H'; }
+ if ($fl eq 'D' && $v > 255) { $fl = 'I'; }
+ if ($fl eq 'I') { $fl = ($pl_prefer_hex) ? 'H' : 'O'; }
+ if (($fl eq 'R' && !(- B31 <= $v && $v <= M31))
+ || ($fl ne 'R' && !(0 <= $v && $v <= M32))) {
+ return error("number is out of range ($v for $tok)");
+ }
+ if ($fl eq 'C') { $tok = chr($v); }
+ elsif ($fl eq 'K') { $tok = jcode_chr($v); }
+ elsif ($fl eq 'D') { $tok = $v; }
+ elsif ($fl eq 'F') { $tok = $pl_facecode_rev{$v}; }
+ elsif ($fl eq 'O') { $tok = sprintf("%o", $v); }
+ elsif ($fl eq 'H') { $tok = sprintf("%X", $v); }
+ elsif ($fl eq 'R') { $tok = pl_form_real($v / TU); }
+ return ($fl, $tok);
+# Note: In PL, big numbers (>255) in decimal are not allowed,
+# whereas they are allowed in VPL.
+## pl_form_real($a)
+# Expresses a real number in the same way as in PL.
+sub pl_form_real
+ my ($a) = @_; my ($d, @t);
+ if ($a < -0.5 / TU) { $a = -$a; @t = ("-"); }
+ $a = int($a * TU + 0.5);
+ { use integer;
+ push(@t, $a / TU, "."); $a %= TU;
+ $a = $a * 10 + 5; $d = 10;
+ do {
+ if ($d > 0x100000) { $a = $a + 0x80000 - $d / 2; }
+ push(@t, $a / 0x100000); $a = $a % 0x100000 * 10; $d *= 10;
+ } until ($a <= $d);
+ }
+ return join('', @t);
+## pl_scale_real($a)
+# Returns a real value scaled to tfm-unit, rounded to integer.
+sub pl_scale_real
+ my ($a) = @_;
+ return int($a * TU + (($a < 0) ? -0.5 : +0.5));
+## pl_isprint($c)
+# Tests if the number $c is to output really in 'C' form.
+sub pl_isprint
+ my ($c) = @_;
+ return (0 <= $c && $c <= 255 && chr($c) =~ /^\w/);
+## pl_isjprint($c)
+# Tests if the number $c is to output in 'K' form.
+sub pl_isjprint
+ my ($c) = @_;
+ return defined(jcode_chr($c));
+####---- Rearranging pl-structs
+##<*> pl_rearrange($pl)
+# Sorts the pl-lists in a pl-struct $pl so that they are in
+# 'usual' order.
+sub pl_rearrange
+ my ($pl) = @_;
+ @$pl = sort { pl_prop_pos($a) <=> pl_prop_pos($b) } (@$pl);
+ return $pl;
+# for pl_prop_pos
+my %pl_prop_pos_base = (
+# 0xZ0001 --> 0xZXXXXXX
+# 0xZ0002 --> 0xZXX0000
+# 0xZ0003 --> 0xZXXYYYY
+ DIRECTION => 0x0000010,
+ VTITLE => 0x0000011,
+ FAMILY => 0x0000012,
+ FACE => 0x0000013,
+ HEADER => 0x1000001,
+ CODINGSCHEME => 0x2000010,
+ DESIGNUNITS => 0x2000011,
+ DESIGNSIZE => 0x2000012,
+ CHECKSUM => 0x2000013,
+ SEVENBITSAFEFLAG => 0x2000014,
+ FONTDIMEN => 0x2000015,
+ BOUNDARYCHAR => 0x2000016,
+ MAPFONT => 0x3000001,
+ LIGTABLE => 0x4000010,
+ GLUEKERN => 0x4000010,
+ CODESPACE => 0x5000000,
+ CHARSINTYPE => 0x5000002,
+ CHARSINSUBTYPE => 0x5000003,
+ TYPE => 0x6000002,
+ SUBTYPE => 0x6000003,
+ CHARACTER => 0x7000001,
+## pl_prop_pos($pl)
+# Subcontractor for pl_rearrange.
+sub pl_prop_pos
+ my ($pl) = @_; my ($v, $u);
+ $v = $pl_prop_pos_base{$pl->[0]};
+ if (!defined $v) { return 0xFFFFFFF; }
+ $u = ($v & 0xffffff);
+ if ($u == 1) {
+ return ($v & 0xf000000) | pl_value($pl, 1);
+ } elsif ($u == 2) {
+ return ($v & 0xf000000) | (pl_value($pl, 1) << 16);
+ } elsif ($u == 3) {
+ return ($v & 0xf000000) | (pl_value($pl, 1) << 16) | pl_value($pl, 3);
+ } else { return $v; }
+####---- Rearranging pl-lists
+##<*> pl_clone($pl)
+# Returns a deep clone of a pl-list, where the original and the
+# clone share no reference.
+sub pl_clone
+ my ($pl) = @_;
+ if (ref $pl eq "ARRAY") {
+ return [ map { pl_clone($_) } (@$pl) ];
+ } else { return $pl; }
+##<*> pl_sclone($pl)
+# Returns a one-level clone of a pl-list, considering cooked
+# number forms which should be uniquified.
+sub pl_sclone
+ my ($pl) = @_;;
+ if (ref $pl eq "ARRAY") {
+ return [ map {
+ (ref $_ eq "ARRAY" && $_->[0] eq CNUM) ? [ @$_ ] : $_
+ } (@$pl) ];
+ } else { return $pl; }
+####---- Handling PL/JPL/OPL/VPL Structs
+# The three functions below generate a header part (stuffs before
+# FONTDIMEN and optionally FONTDIMEN). Here $in is a hash ref with
+# the following effective keys:
+# direction, family, vtitle, face, codingscheme, designunits,
+# designsize, checksum, sevenbitsafeflag, boundarychar
+# they each correspond with the property of the same name. Of them
+# 'designsize' has the default value 10, but it can be cancelled
+# by 'designsize' key with the explicit undef value.
+# If $fd is not undef, it specifies FONTDIMEN list: if $fd is an
+# array ref it is seen as pl-list of FONTDIMEN and placed inside
+# the output pl-list; if $fd is a hash ref then pl_fontdimen($fd)
+# is placed instead.
+# Note: currently these three functions give the same result.
+##<*> pl_header($in, $fd)
+sub pl_header
+{ return pl_header_gen($_[0], $_[1], 0); }
+##<*> pl_header_vpl($in, $fd)
+sub pl_header_vpl
+{ return pl_header_gen($_[0], $_[1], 8); }
+##<*> pl_header_opl($in, $fd, $swl1)
+sub pl_header_opl
+{ return pl_header_gen($_[0], $_[1], ($_[2]) ? 2 : 1); }
+## pl_header_gen($in, $fd, $sw)
+# Subcontractor for the above three pl_header_* functions.
+sub pl_header_gen
+ my ($in, $fd, $sw) = @_; my ($t, $pe, $dsiz, $ol, @pl);
+ if (exists $in->{ofmlevel}) { $ol = $in->{ofmlevel}; }
+ elsif ($sw == 1 || $sw == 2) { $ol = $sw - 1; }
+ $dsiz = (exists $in->{designsize}) ? $in->{designsize} : 10;
+ if (defined $ol) {
+ $pe = pl_cook(['OFMLEVEL', 'H', $ol]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $ol); push(@pl, $pe);
+ }
+ if (defined $in->{direction}) {
+ push(@pl, ['DIRECTION', $in->{direction}]);
+ }
+ if (defined $in->{family}) {
+ push(@pl, ['FAMILY', $in->{family}]);
+ }
+ if (defined $in->{vtitle}) {
+ push(@pl, ['VTITLE', $in->{vtitle}]);
+ }
+ if (defined $in->{face}) {
+ $pe = pl_cook(['FACE', 'F', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $in->{face}); push(@pl, $pe);
+ }
+ if (defined $in->{codingscheme}) {
+ push(@pl, ['CODINGSCHEME', $in->{codingscheme}]);
+ }
+ if (defined $in->{designunits}) {
+ $pe = pl_cook(['DESIGNUNITS', 'R', 0]);
+ pl_set_real($pe, 1, $in->{designunits}); push(@pl, $pe);
+ }
+ if (defined $dsiz) {
+ $pe = pl_cook(['DESIGNSIZE', 'R', 0]);
+ pl_set_real($pe, 1, $dsiz); push(@pl, $pe);
+ }
+ if (defined $in->{checksum}) {
+ $pe = pl_cook(['CHECKSUM', 'O', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $in->{checksum}); push(@pl, $pe);
+ }
+ if (defined $in->{sevenbitsafeflag}) {
+ push(@pl, ['SEVENBITSAFEFLAG', $in->{sevenbitsafeflag}]);
+ }
+ if (ref $fd eq 'ARRAY') {
+ push(@pl, $fd);
+ }
+ if (ref $fd eq 'HASH') {
+ push(@pl, pl_fontdimen($fd));
+ }
+ if (defined $in->{boundarychar}) {
+ $pe = pl_cook(['BOUNDARYCHAR', 'C', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $in->{boundarychar}); push(@pl, $pe);
+ }
+ return \@pl;
+##<*> pl_fontdimen($in)
+# Generates a FONTDIMEN list. $in is a hash ref with the following
+# effective keys:
+# slant, space, stretch, shrink, xheight, quad, extraspace;
+# they each correspond with the property of the same name. All
+# of them have a default value.
+sub pl_fontdimen
+ my ($in) = @_; my ($q, $t, $pl);
+ (defined $in) or $in = { };
+ $pl = pl_cook(['FONTDIMEN',
+ ['SLANT', 'R', 0], ['SPACE', 'R', 0],
+ ['STRETCH', 'R', 0], ['SHRINK', 'R', 0],
+ ['XHEIGHT', 'R', 0], ['QUAD', 'R', 0],
+ ['EXTRASPACE', 'R', 0]]);
+ $q = $in->{quad}; (defined $q) or $q = 1;
+ pl_set_real($pl->[6], 1, $q);
+ $t = $in->{slant}; (defined $t) or $t = 0;
+ pl_set_real($pl->[1], 1, $t);
+ $t = $in->{space}; (defined $t) or $t = $q / 3;
+ pl_set_real($pl->[2], 1, $t);
+ $t = $in->{stretch}; (defined $t) or $t = $q / 6;
+ pl_set_real($pl->[3], 1, $t);
+ $t = $in->{shrink}; (defined $t) or $t = $q / 9;
+ pl_set_real($pl->[4], 1, $t);
+ $t = $in->{xheight}; (defined $t) or $t = $q / 2;
+ pl_set_real($pl->[5], 1, $t);
+ $t = $in->{extraspace}; (defined $t) or $t = $q / 9;
+ pl_set_real($pl->[7], 1, $t);
+ return $pl;
+##<*> pl_fontdimen_jpl($in)
+# Generates a FONTDIMEN list of JPL. Here $in is the same as in
+# pl_fontdimen, except that two additional keys 'extrastretch'
+# and 'extrashrink' are used and default setting is different.
+sub pl_fontdimen_jpl
+ my ($in) = @_; my ($q, $t, $pl);
+ (defined $in) or $in = { };
+ $pl = pl_cook(['FONTDIMEN',
+ ['SLANT', 'R', 0], ['SPACE', 'R', 0],
+ ['STRETCH', 'R', 0], ['SHRINK', 'R', 0],
+ ['XHEIGHT', 'R', 0], ['QUAD', 'R', 0],
+ ['EXTRASPACE', 'R', 0], ['EXTRASTRETCH', 'R', 0],
+ ['EXTRASHRINK', 'R', 0]]);
+ $q = $in->{quad}; (defined $q) or $q = 1;
+ pl_set_real($pl->[6], 1, $q);
+ $t = $in->{slant}; (defined $t) or $t = 0;
+ pl_set_real($pl->[1], 1, $t);
+ $t = $in->{space}; (defined $t) or $t = 0;
+ pl_set_real($pl->[2], 1, $t);
+ $t = $in->{stretch}; (defined $t) or $t = $q / 10;
+ pl_set_real($pl->[3], 1, $t);
+ $t = $in->{shrink}; (defined $t) or $t = 0;
+ pl_set_real($pl->[4], 1, $t);
+ $t = $in->{xheight}; (defined $t) or $t = $q;
+ pl_set_real($pl->[5], 1, $t);
+ $t = $in->{extraspace}; (defined $t) or $t = $q / 4;
+ pl_set_real($pl->[7], 1, $t);
+ $t = $in->{extrastretch}; (defined $t) or $t = $q / 5;
+ pl_set_real($pl->[8], 1, $t);
+ $t = $in->{extrashrink}; (defined $t) or $t = $q / 8;
+ pl_set_real($pl->[9], 1, $t);
+ return $pl;
+# for pl_fonrdimen_?pl_rmt
+our @pl_keys_quad_u_jpl = (
+ 0x4E00, 0x3042, 0x306E, 0xFF2D, 0x004D, 0x2014
+our @pl_keys_quad_u_opl = (
+ 0x2001, 0x2003, 0x004D, 0x2014
+our @pl_keys_space_u_opl = (
+ 0x0020, 0x00A0
+##<*> pl_fontdimen_opl_rmt($rmt)
+# Generates a FONTDIMEN list of OPL with values estimated from
+# the glyph metric $rmt.
+sub pl_fontdimen_opl_rmt
+ my ($rmt) = @_; my ($t, $in);
+ $in = { };
+ (defined($t = pl_key_width($rmt, \@pl_keys_quad_u_opl)))
+ and $in->{quad} = $t;
+ (defined($t = pl_key_width($rmt, \@pl_keys_space_u_opl)))
+ and $in->{space} = $t;
+ return pl_fontdimen($in);
+##<*> pl_fontdimen_jpl_rmt($rmt)
+# Generates a FONTDIMEN list of JPL with values estimated from
+# the glyph metric $rmt.
+sub pl_fontdimen_jpl_rmt
+ my ($rmt) = @_; my ($t, $in);
+ $in = { };
+ (defined($t = pl_key_width($rmt, \@pl_keys_quad_u_jpl)))
+ and $in->{quad} = $t;
+ return pl_fontdimen($in);
+## pl_key_width($rmt)
+# Subcontractor of pl_fontdimen_?pl_rmt.
+sub pl_key_width
+ my ($rmt, $keys) = @_; my ($t, %hsh);
+ foreach (@$rmt) { $hsh{$_->[0]} = $_; }
+ foreach (@$keys) {
+ (defined($t = $hsh{$_})) or next;
+ return $t->[1];
+ }
+ return;
+## pl_cook($pl)
+# Cooks a pl-list $pl and returns it. (Sometimes more convenient
+# than pl_cook_list.)
+*pl_cook = \&pl_cook_list;
+# for pl_get_metric
+my %pl_char_part_pos = (
+ CHARWD => 1, CHARHT => 2, CHARDP => 3, CHARIC => 4
+##<*> pl_get_metric($pl)
+# Reads the metric data from the CHARACTER set of pl-struct $pl
+# and converts them to a raw metric array.
+sub pl_get_metric
+ my ($pl) = @_; my ($t, $p, $pe, $pe2, $ent, @rmt);
+ foreach $pe (@$pl) {
+ if ($pe->[0] eq 'CHARACTER') {
+ (defined($t = pl_value($pe, 1))) or return;
+ $ent = [ $t ];
+ foreach $pe2 (@{$pe}[3 .. $#$pe]) {
+ if (defined($p = $pl_char_part_pos{$pe2->[0]})) {
+ (defined($t = pl_value($pe2, 1))) or return;
+ $ent->[$p] = $t / TU;
+ }
+ }
+ push(@rmt, $ent);
+ }
+ }
+ return \@rmt;
+# for pl_char_part
+my @pl_char_part_name = qw( * CHARWD CHARHT CHARDP CHARIC );
+##<*> pl_char_part
+# Converts a raw metric array to an array of CHARACTER lists.
+# Partial inverse of pl_get_metric
+sub pl_char_part
+ my ($rmt) = @_; my ($ent, $pe, $pe2, $pl);
+ $pl = [ ];
+ foreach $ent (@$rmt) {
+ $pe = pl_cook(['CHARACTER', 'C', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $ent->[0]);
+ foreach (1 .. 4) {
+ if (defined($ent->[$_])) {
+ $pe2 = pl_cook([$pl_char_part_name[$_], 'R', 0]);
+ pl_set_real($pe2, 1, $ent->[$_]); push(@$pe, $pe2);
+ }
+ }
+ push(@$pl, $pe);
+ }
+ return $pl;
+##<*> pl_char_part_jpl($imt, $vmt, $swu)
+# ...
+sub pl_char_part_jpl
+ my ($imt, $vmt, $swu) = @_; my ($t, $cc, $ti, $jp);
+ my (@cit, $pl, $pe, @u);
+ $jp = ($swu) ? 'U' : 'J';
+ foreach $cc (keys %$imt) {
+ push(@{$cit[$imt->{$cc}]}, $cc);
+ }
+ foreach $ti (1 .. $#cit) {
+ @u = map { sprintf("%s%04X", $jp, $_) }
+ (sort { $a <=> $b } (@{$cit[$ti]}));
+ $pe = pl_cook(['CHARSINTYPE', 'D', 0, @u]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $ti); push(@$pl, $pe);
+ }
+ foreach $ti (0 .. $#$vmt) {
+ $pe = pl_cook(['TYPE', 'D', 0, ['CHARWD', 'R', 0],
+ ['CHARHT', 'R', 0], ['CHARDP', 'R', 0]]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $ti);
+ pl_set_real($pe->[3], 1, $vmt->[$ti][0]);
+ pl_set_real($pe->[4], 1, $vmt->[$ti][1]);
+ pl_set_real($pe->[5], 1, $vmt->[$ti][2]);
+ push(@$pl, $pe);
+ }
+ return $pl;
+######## 'jcode' section ########
+our $jcode_ex = K_JIS;
+our $jcode_in = KI_JIS;
+our $jfm_forced_prefix;
+my %jcode_ex_sym = ( jis => K_JIS, euc => K_EUC,
+ sjis => K_SJIS, utf8 => K_UTF8,
+ none => undef, xjis => K_XJIS );
+my %jcode_in_sym = ( jis => KI_JIS, unicode => KI_UNI,
+ none => undef, xjis => KI_XJIS );
+ # 'xjis' is for internal use
+##<*> jcode_set($xjc, $ijc)
+# Declares external [internal] Japanese code to be $xjc [$ijc],
+# which is a key of %jcode_ex_sym [%jcode_in_sym].
+sub jcode_set
+ my ($xjc, $ijc) = @_; my ($t);
+ if (defined $xjc) {
+ (exists $jcode_ex_sym{$xjc}) or return;
+ $jcode_ex = $jcode_ex_sym{$xjc};
+ }
+ if (defined $ijc) {
+ (exists $jcode_in_sym{$ijc}) or return;
+ $jcode_in = $jcode_in_sym{$ijc};
+ }
+ #if (!defined $jcode_ex || !defined $jcode_in) {
+ # $jcode_ex = $jcode_in = undef;
+ #}
+ return 1;
+##<*> jcode_chr($cod)
+# Converts a code value of the internal code to a string containing
+# the character encoded in the external code.
+sub jcode_chr
+ my ($cod) = @_; my ($xs, $is);
+ (defined $jcode_in && defined $jcode_ex) or return;
+ (0 <= $cod && $cod <= 0xFFFF) or return;
+ $xs = chr($cod >> 8) . chr($cod & 0xFF);
+ eval {
+ $is = decode($jcode_in, $xs, Encode::FB_CROAK);
+ $xs = encode($jcode_ex, $is, Encode::FB_CROAK);
+ };
+ ($@ eq '' && length($is) == 1) or return;
+ return $xs;
+##<*> jcode_ord($xs)
+# Inverse of jcode_chr.
+sub jcode_ord
+ my ($xs) = @_; my ($is, $cod, $f);
+ (defined $jcode_in && defined $jcode_ex) or return;
+ if ($jcode_in eq KI_XJIS && $jcode_ex eq K_XJIS) {
+ $xs =~ m/\x1B\x24\x42(..)\x1B\x28\x42/ or return;
+ return unpack('n', $1);
+ }
+ eval {
+ $is = decode($jcode_ex, $xs, Encode::FB_CROAK);
+ (length($is) == 1) or die;
+ };
+ ($@ eq '') or return;
+ if ($jcode_in eq KI_UNI) { return ord($is); }
+ eval {
+ $xs = encode($jcode_in, $is, Encode::FB_CROAK);
+ };
+ ($@ eq '' && $xs =~ m/^(.)(.)$/s) or return;
+ return (ord($1) << 8 | ord($2));
+######## 'kpse' section ########
+our $kpse_init_done;
+our $kpse_delim;
+our %kpse_format_alias = (
+ cmap => 'cmap files',
+##<*> kpse($fnam, $opt)
+# Executes 'kpsewhich' for filename $fnam with option $opt.
+# If $opt is a scalar, it means the value for 'format' option.
+# If $opt is a hash ref, then the value for keys 'dpi', 'engine',
+# 'mode', 'progname' and 'format' corresponds with the value of the
+# option with same name and the boolean value for key 'mustexist'
+# corresponds with existence of 'must-exist' option. For 'option'
+# value, aliasing specified with %kpse_format_alias is done.
+sub kpse
+ my ($fnam, $opt) = @_; my ($cmd, $res);
+ ($kpse_init_done || kpse_init()) or return undef;
+ $opt = kpse_parse_option($opt, $fnam); $cmd = $cmd_name{kpsewhich};
+ if (ref $opt eq 'ARRAY') { return kpse_manual($fnam, $opt); }
+ $res = `$cmd $opt "$fnam"`; chomp($res);
+ if (-f $res) { return $res; }
+ else { # returns undef, not nothing
+ error("kpse failed to find a file: $fnam"); return undef;
+ }
+##<*> kpse_init()
+# Initializes the kpse section of this module.
+sub kpse_init
+ my ($res, $cmd);
+ (!defined $kpse_init_done)
+ or return error("kpsewhich failure");
+ $cmd = $cmd_name{kpsewhich};
+ if (($res = `$cmd -show-path=tex`) eq '') {
+ $kpse_init_done = 0;
+ return error("kpsewhich failure");
+ }
+ if ($res =~ m/^\.\:/) { $kpse_delim = ':'; }
+ elsif ($res =~ m/;/) { $kpse_delim = ';'; }
+ else { $kpse_delim = ':'; }
+ $kpse_init_done = 1;
+ return 1;
+## kpse_parse_option($opt)
+# Subcontractor of kpse.
+sub kpse_parse_option
+ my ($opt, $fnam) = @_; my ($o, $t, @copts);
+ if (ref $opt eq 'ARRAY') { return $opt; } # for future extension
+ elsif (ref $opt eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach $o (qw(dpi engine mode progname)) {
+ if (exists $opt->{$o}) {
+ push(@copts, "-$o=" . $opt->{$o});
+ }
+ }
+ if ($opt->{mustexist}) { push(@copts, '-must-exist'); }
+ $opt = $opt->{format};
+ }
+ if ($opt eq '' && $fnam =~ m/\.vf$/i) { $opt = "vf"; }
+ if ($opt ne '') {
+ if (defined($t = $kpse_format_alias{$opt})) { $opt = $t; }
+ push(@copts, "-format=\"$opt\"");
+ }
+ return join(' ', @copts);
+######## 'vf' section ########
+##<*> vf_strict($sw)
+# Sets strict mode in parsing or forming VF.
+our $vf_strict = 1;
+sub vf_strict { $vf_strict = $_[0]; }
+## vf_simple_move_code($sw)
+# Sets the value of $vf_simple_move_code. If it is true, then
+# vf_form does not exploit w, x, y, z registers in compiling
+# move operations in DVI code.
+our $vf_simple_move_code = 0;
+sub vf_simple_move_code { $vf_simple_move_code = $_[0]; }
+##-------- Procedures on ZVP0 format
+##<*> vf_parse($dat, $swdh)
+# Converts a (binary) VF data $dat to a pl-struct describing
+# ZPL0 data. If something invalid is found in DVI code and $swdh
+# is true, then DVI is written with a DIRECTHEX entry.
+sub vf_parse
+ my ($dat, $swdh) = @_;
+ my ($t, $u, @fs, $pos, $pl, $pe, $stg);
+ (defined $swdh) or $swdh = !$vf_strict;
+ (length($dat) >= 3) or return vf_synerror("in preamble");
+ @fs = unpack("CCC/a*NN", $dat); $pos = length($fs[2]) + 11;
+ ($#fs == 4 && $fs[0] == 247 && $fs[1] == 202)
+ or return vf_synerror("in preamble");
+ $pl = pl_header_vpl({ vtitle => $fs[2], checksum => $fs[3],
+ designsize => $fs[4] / TU });
+ for (;;) {
+ $t = ord(substr($dat, $pos, 1));
+ if ($stg <= 2 && 0 <= $t && $t <= 241) { # short_charN
+ @fs = unpack("CCa3a$t", substr($dat, $pos, $t + 5)); $pos += $t + 5;
+ ($#fs == 3 && length($fs[3]) == $t)
+ or return vf_synerror("premature end");
+ $pe = pl_cook(['CHARACTER', 'C', 0,
+ ['CHARWD', 'R', 0], undef]);
+ if (defined($t = vf_dvi_parse($fs[3]))) { $pe->[4] = $t; }
+ elsif (!$swdh) {
+ return vf_synerror("illegal dvi code (char $fs[1])");
+ } else { $pe->[4] = vf_dvi_dumb_parse($u); }
+ pl_set_value($pe->[3], 1, unpack_num($fs[2])); # (unsigned)
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $fs[1]);
+ $stg = 2; push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif ($stg <= 2 && $t == 242) { # long_char
+ @fs = unpack("CNNN", substr($dat, $pos, 13)); $pos += 13;
+ $u = substr($dat, $pos, $fs[1]); $pos += $fs[1];
+ #-- give a cooked list for efficiency
+ #$pe = pl_cook(['CHARACTER', 'C', 0,
+ # ['CHARWD', 'R', 0], undef]);
+ $pe = (['CHARACTER', [CNUM, 'C', 0], 0,
+ ['CHARWD', [CNUM, 'R', 0], 0], undef]);
+ if (defined($t = vf_dvi_parse($u))) { $pe->[4] = $t; }
+ elsif (!$swdh) {
+ return vf_synerror("illegal dvi code (char $fs[2])");
+ } else { $pe->[4] = vf_dvi_dumb_parse($u); }
+ pl_set_value($pe->[3], 1, signed($fs[3]));
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $fs[2]);
+ $stg = 2; push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif ($stg <= 1 && 243 <= $t && $t <= 246) { # fnt_defN
+ $t -= 242;
+ @fs = unpack("Ca${t}NNNCC", substr($dat, $pos, $t + 15)); $pos += $t + 15;
+ ($#fs == 6) or return vf_synerror("premature end");;
+ $t = $fs[5] + $fs[6]; $u = substr($dat, $pos, $t); $pos += $t;
+ (length($u) == $t) or return vf_synerror("premature end");;
+ $fs[6] = substr($u, $fs[5]); $fs[5] = substr($u, 0, $fs[5]);
+ $pe = pl_cook(['MAPFONT', 'D', 0, ['FONTAREA', 0],
+ ['FONTNAME', 0],, ['FONTCHECKSUM', 'O', 0],
+ ['FONTAT', 'R', 0], ['FONTDSIZE', 'R', 0]]);
+ $pe->[3][1] = $fs[5]; $pe->[4][1] = $fs[6];
+ pl_set_value($pe->[5], 1, $fs[2]);
+ pl_set_value($pe->[6], 1, $fs[3]);
+ pl_set_value($pe->[7], 1, $fs[4]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, unpack_num($fs[1]));
+ if ($fs[5] eq '') { splice(@$pe, 3, 1); }
+ $stg = 1; push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif ($stg == 2 && $t == 248) { # post
+ (($u = substr($dat, $pos, $t)) =~ /^\xf8+$/)
+ or return vf_synerror("in postamble");
+ last;
+ } else { return vf_synerror("unexpected byte $t"); }
+ }
+ return $pl;
+## vf_dvi_parse($dat)
+# Subcontractor of vf_parse.
+sub vf_dvi_parse
+ my ($dat) = @_;
+ my ($t, $u, @fs, $pos, $pl, $pe, $stk, $stg);
+ $pl = ['MAP']; $stk = [{}];
+ for ($pos = 0; $pos < length($dat); ) {
+ $t = ord(substr($dat, $pos, 1));
+ if (0 <= $t && $t <= 127) { # set_charN
+ $pe = pl_cook(['SETCHAR', 'C', 0]); $pos += 1;
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $t); push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif (128 <= $t && $t <= 131) { # setN
+ $t -= 127; @fs = unpack("Ca$t", substr($dat, $pos));
+ $pos += $t + 1; ($#fs == 1) or return;
+ $pe = pl_cook(['SETCHAR', 'C', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, unpack_num($fs[1])); push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif ($t == 132) { # setrule
+ @fs = unpack("CNN", substr($dat, $pos));
+ $pos += 9; ($#fs == 2) or return;
+ $pe = pl_cook(['SETRULE', 'R', 0, 'R', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, signed($fs[1]));
+ pl_set_value($pe, 3, signed($fs[2])); push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif ($t == 141) { # push
+ $pos += 1; push(@$pl, ['PUSH']); push(@$stk, {});
+ } elsif ($t == 142) { # pop
+ $pos += 1; push(@$pl, ['POP']); pop(@$stk);
+ (@$stk) or return;
+ } elsif (143 <= $t && $t <= 146) { # rightN
+ ($pe, $pos) = vf_dvi_move1($dat, $pos, $stk, 'r', $t - 142);
+ (defined $pe) or return; push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif ($t == 147) { # w0
+ ($pe, $pos) = vf_dvi_move0($dat, $pos, $stk, 'w');
+ (defined $pe) or return; push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif (148 <= $t && $t <= 151) { # wN
+ ($pe, $pos) = vf_dvi_move1($dat, $pos, $stk, 'w', $t - 147);
+ (defined $pe) or return; push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif ($t == 152) { # x0
+ ($pe, $pos) = vf_dvi_move0($dat, $pos, $stk, 'x');
+ (defined $pe) or return; push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif (153 <= $t && $t <= 156) { # xN
+ ($pe, $pos) = vf_dvi_move1($dat, $pos, $stk, 'x', $t - 152);
+ (defined $pe) or return; push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif (157 <= $t && $t <= 160) { # downN
+ ($pe, $pos) = vf_dvi_move1($dat, $pos, $stk, 'd', $t - 156);
+ (defined $pe) or return; push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif ($t == 161) { # y0
+ ($pe, $pos) = vf_dvi_move0($dat, $pos, $stk, 'y');
+ (defined $pe) or return; push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif (162 <= $t && $t <= 165) { # yN
+ ($pe, $pos) = vf_dvi_move1($dat, $pos, $stk, 'y', $t - 161);
+ (defined $pe) or return; push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif ($t == 166) { # z0
+ ($pe, $pos) = vf_dvi_move0($dat, $pos, $stk, 'z');
+ (defined $pe) or return; push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif (167 <= $t && $t <= 170) { # zN
+ ($pe, $pos) = vf_dvi_move1($dat, $pos, $stk, 'z', $t - 166);
+ (defined $pe) or return; push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif (171 <= $t && $t <= 234) { # fnt_numN
+ $t -= 171; $pe = pl_cook(['SELECTFONT', 'D', 0]); $pos += 1;
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $t); push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif (235 <= $t && $t <= 238) { # fntN
+ $t -= 234; @fs = unpack("Ca$t", substr($dat, $pos));
+ $pos += $t + 1; ($#fs == 1) or return;
+ $pe = pl_cook(['SELECTFONT', 'D', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, unpack_num($fs[1])); push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif (239 <= $t && $t <= 242) { # xxxN
+ $t -= 238; @fs = unpack("Ca$t", substr($dat, $pos));
+ $pos += $t + 1; ($#fs == 1) or return;
+ $t = unpack_num($fs[1]); $u = substr($dat, $pos, $t);
+ $pos += $t; ($t == length($u)) or return;
+ $pe = vf_dvi_special($u); push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } elsif ($t == 255) { # dir (JVF)
+ @fs = unpack("CC", substr($dat, $pos));
+ $pos += 2; ($#fs == 1) or return;
+ $pe = pl_cook(['DIR', 'D', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $fs[1]); push(@$pl, $pe);
+ } else { return; }
+ }
+ return $pl;
+## vf_synerror($msg)
+# Error messages in vf_parse.
+sub vf_synerror
+ return error("VF syntax error: $_[0]");
+# for vf_dvi_move1 / vf_dvi_move0
+my %vf_dvi_move = (
+ r => 'MOVERIGHT', w => 'MOVERIGHT', x => 'MOVERIGHT',
+ d => 'MOVEDOWN', y => 'MOVEDOWN', z => 'MOVEDOWN',
+## vf_dvi_move1(...)
+# Subcontractor of vf_dvi_parse.
+sub vf_dvi_move1
+ my ($dat, $pos, $stk, $r, $l) = @_; my ($t, $pe, @fs);
+ @fs = unpack("Ca$l", substr($dat, $pos));
+ $pos += $l + 1; ($#fs == 1) or return;
+ $stk->[-1]{$r} = $t = unpack_snum($fs[1]);
+ $pe = pl_cook([$vf_dvi_move{$r}, 'R', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $t);
+ return ($pe, $pos);
+## vf_dvi_move0(...)
+# Subcontractor of vf_dvi_parse.
+sub vf_dvi_move0
+ my ($dat, $pos, $stk, $r) = @_; my ($t, $pe);
+ (defined($t = $stk->[-1]{$r})) or return;
+ $pe = pl_cook([$vf_dvi_move{$r}, 'R', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $t);
+ return ($pe, $pos + 1);
+## vf_dvi_special($dat)
+# Subcontractor of vf_dvi_parse.
+sub vf_dvi_special
+ my ($dat) = @_; my ($t, $u, $pl); local ($errmsg);
+ L1:{
+ $t = "($dat)"; ($t !~ m/[^\x20-\x7e]/) or last;
+ (defined($pl = pl_parse_list($t))) or last;
+ (vf_issafe_list($pl)) or last;
+ $u = pl_form_list($pl, -1);
+ return ['SPECIAL', $dat];
+ }
+ return ['SPEICALHEX', uc(unpack('H*', $dat))];
+## vf_issafe_list($pl)
+# Subcontractor of vf_dvi_special.
+sub vf_issafe_list
+ my ($pl) = @_; my ($ent);
+ foreach $ent (@$pl) {
+ if (ref $ent) {
+ (vf_issafe_list($ent)) or return 0;
+ } elsif ($ent =~ /^[CKDFOHR]$/ || $ent eq 'COMMENT') {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+## vf_dvi_dumb_parse($dat)
+# Subcontractor of dvi_parse.
+sub vf_dvi_dumb_parse
+ my ($dat) = @_;
+ my ($t);
+ $t = uc(unpack("H*", $dat));
+ return ['MAP', ['DIRECTHEX', $t]];
+##<*> vf_form($pl)
+# Inverse of vf_parse.
+sub vf_form
+ my ($pl) = @_;
+ my ($t, $u, $v, $pe, @fs, @chds, @cfds, @ccps);
+ @chds = (247, 202, "", 0, 10 * TU);
+ foreach $pe (@$pl) {
+ if ($pe->[0] eq 'VTITLE') {
+ ($#$pe <= 1) or return vf_fsynerror("bad argument", $pe);
+ (length($pe->[1]) <= 255)
+ or return vf_fsynerror("VTITLE string too long", $pe->[1]);
+ $chds[2] = $pe->[1];
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'CHECKSUM') {
+ ($#$pe == 2 && defined($t = pl_value($pe, 1)))
+ or return vf_fsynerror("bad argument", $pe);
+ $chds[3] = $t;
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'DESIGNSIZE') {
+ ($#$pe == 2 && defined($t = pl_value($pe, 1)))
+ or return vf_fsynerror("bad argument", $pe);
+ $chds[4] = $t;
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'MAPFONT') {
+ ($#$pe >= 2 && defined($t = pl_value($pe, 1)))
+ or return vf_fsynerror("bad argument", $pe);
+ ($u, $t) = pack_num($t);
+ @fs = ($u + 242, $t, 0, TU, 10 * TU, 0, 0, '', '');
+ foreach $pe (@{$pe}[3 .. $#$pe]) {
+ if (!ref $pe) {
+ return vf_fsynerror("unexpected bareword", $pe);
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'FONTCHECKSUM') {
+ ($#$pe == 2 && defined($fs[2] = pl_value($pe, 1)))
+ or return vf_fsynerror("bad argument", $pe);
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'FONTAT') {
+ ($#$pe == 2 && defined($fs[3] = pl_value($pe, 1)))
+ or return vf_fsynerror("bad argument", $pe);
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'FONTDSIZE') {
+ ($#$pe == 2 && defined($fs[4] = pl_value($pe, 1)))
+ or return vf_fsynerror("bad argument", $pe);
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'FONTAREA') {
+ ($#$pe == 1 && length($pe->[1]) <= 255)
+ or return vf_fsynerror("bad argument", $pe);
+ $fs[7] = $pe->[1]; $fs[5] = length($pe->[1]);
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'FONTNAME') {
+ ($#$pe == 1 && length($pe->[1]) <= 255)
+ or return vf_fsynerror("bad argument", $pe);
+ $fs[8] = $pe->[1]; $fs[6] = length($pe->[1]);
+ } elsif (!$vf_strict) {
+ return vf_fsynerror("unknown property", $pe);
+ }
+ }
+ push(@cfds, pack("Ca*NNNCCa*a*", @fs));
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'CHARACTER') {
+ ($#$pe >= 2 && defined($t = pl_value($pe, 1)))
+ or return vf_fsynerror("bad argument", $pe);
+ $v = 0; $u = undef;
+ foreach $pe (@{$pe}[3 .. $#$pe]) {
+ if (!ref $pe) {
+ return vf_fsynerror("unexpected bareword", $pe);
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'CHARWD') {
+ ($#$pe == 2 && defined($v = pl_value($pe, 1)))
+ or return vf_fsynerror("bad argument", $pe);
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'MAP') {
+ (defined($u = vf_dvi_form($pe, $t))) or return;
+ } elsif (!$vf_strict) {
+ return vf_fsynerror("unknown property", $pe);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined $u) {
+ $u = pl_cook(['MAP', ['SETCHAR']]);
+ (defined($u = vf_dvi_form($u, $t))) or return;
+ }
+ if (0 <= $t && $t <= 255 && 0 <= $v && $v <= 0xFFFFFF &&
+ length($u) <= 241) { # short form
+ @fs = (length($u), $t, substr(pack('N', $v), 1), $u);
+ push(@ccps, pack("CCa3a*", @fs));
+ } else {
+ @fs = (242, length($u), $t, $v, $u);
+ push(@ccps, pack("CNNNa*", @fs));
+ }
+ } elsif ($vf_strict) {
+ return vf_fsynerror("unknown property", $pe);
+ }
+ }
+ $t = pack("CCC/a*NN", @chds);
+ $t = join('', $t, @cfds, @ccps);
+ $t .= "\xf8" x (4 - length($t) % 4);
+ return $t;
+## vf_dvi_form($pl, $cc)
+# Subcontractor of vf_form
+sub vf_dvi_form
+ my ($pl, $cc) = @_;
+ my ($t, $u, $v, $l, $pe, $stk, @cnks);
+ $stk = [{}];
+ foreach $pe (@{$pl}[1 .. $#$pl]) {
+ if ($pe->[0] eq 'SETCHAR') {
+ if ($#$pe == 0) { $t = $cc; }
+ elsif ($#$pe == 2 && defined($t = pl_value($pe, 1))) {
+ } else { return vf_fsynerror("bad argument", $pe); }
+ if (0 <= $t && $t <= 127) {
+ push(@cnks, chr($t));
+ } else {
+ ($l, $t) = pack_num($t);
+ push(@cnks, pack("Ca*", $l + 127, $t));
+ }
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'SETRULE') {
+ ($#$pe == 4 && defined($t = pl_value($pe, 1)) &&
+ defined($u = pl_value($pe, 3)))
+ or return vf_fsynerror("bad argument", $pe);
+ push(@cnks, pack("CNN", 132, $t, $u));
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'PUSH') {
+ push(@$stk, {}); push(@cnks, chr(141));
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'POP') {
+ pop(@$stk); (@$stk) or vf_fsynerror("cannot POP (char $cc)");
+ push(@cnks, chr(142));
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'MOVERIGHT') {
+ (defined($t = vf_dvi_f_move($pe, $stk->[-1], 'r',+1))) or return;
+ push(@cnks, $t);
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'MOVELEFT') {
+ (defined($t = vf_dvi_f_move($pe, $stk->[-1], 'r',-1))) or return;
+ push(@cnks, $t);
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'MOVEDOWN') {
+ (defined($t = vf_dvi_f_move($pe, $stk->[-1], 'd',+1))) or return;
+ push(@cnks, $t);
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'MOVEUP') {
+ (defined($t = vf_dvi_f_move($pe, $stk->[-1], 'd',-1))) or return;
+ push(@cnks, $t);
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'SELECTFONT') {
+ ($#$pe == 2 && defined($t = pl_value($pe, 1)))
+ or return vf_fsynerror("bad argument", $pe);
+ if (0 <= $t && $t <= 63) {
+ push(@cnks, chr($t + 171));
+ } else {
+ ($l, $t) = pack_num($t);
+ push(@cnks, pack("Ca*", $l + 234, $t));
+ }
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'SPECIAL') {
+ $t = pl_form_list($pe, -1);
+ ($t =~ m|^\(SPECIAL\s?(.*)\)$|) or return fatal("vf_dvi_form");
+ $u = $1; ($l, $t) = pack_num(length($u));
+ push(@cnks, pack("Ca*a*", 238 + $l, $t, $u));
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'SPECIALHEX') {
+ ($u = join('', @{$pe}[1 .. $#$pl])) =~ s/\s+//g;
+ ($u =~ m/^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})+$/)
+ or return vf_fsynerror("bad arguments", $pe);
+ $u = pack("H*", $u); ($l, $t) = pack_num(length($u));
+ push(@cnks, pack("Ca*a*", 238 + $l, $t, $u));
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'DIR') {
+ ($#$pe == 2 && defined($t = pl_value($pe, 1)) && $t <= 1)
+ or return vf_fsynerror("bad argument", $pe);
+ push(@cnks, pack("CC", 255, $t));
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'DIRECTHEX') {
+ ($u = join('', @{$pe}[1 .. $#$pl])) =~ s/\s+//g;
+ ($u =~ m/^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})+$/)
+ or return vf_fsynerror("bad arguments", $pe);
+ $u = pack("H*", $u); push(@cnks, $u);
+ } else {
+ return vf_fsynerror("unknown DVI operator: ", $pe);
+ }
+ }
+ return join('', @cnks);
+## vf_dvi_f_move($pe, $stk, $r, $sgn)
+# Subcontractor of vf_dvi_form.
+sub vf_dvi_f_move
+ my ($pe, $stk, $r, $sgn) = @_; my ($v, $l, $t, $w, $x, $b);
+ ($#$pe == 2 && defined($v = pl_value($pe, 1)))
+ or return vf_fsynerror("bad argument", $pe);
+ if ($sgn < 0) { $v = -$v; }
+ ($l, $t) = pack_snum($v);
+ ($w, $x, $b) = ($r eq 'r') ? ('w', 'x', 142) : ('y', 'z', 156);
+ if ($vf_simple_move_code) { $t = pack("Ca*", $b + $l, $t); }
+ elsif (!exists $stk->{$w}) {
+ $stk->{$w} = $v; $t = pack("Ca*", $b + $l + 5, $t);
+ } elsif ($stk->{$w} == $v) { $t = chr($b + 5); }
+ elsif (!exists $stk->{$x}) {
+ $stk->{$x} = $v; $t = pack("Ca*", $b + $l + 10, $t);
+ } elsif ($stk->{$x} == $v) { $t = chr($b + 10); }
+ else { $t = pack("Ca*", $b + $l, $t); }
+ return $t;
+## vf_fsynerror($msg)
+# Error messages in vf_form.
+sub vf_fsynerror
+ my ($msg, $pl) = @_;
+ if (ref $pl) { $pl = pl_form_list($pl, -1); }
+ return error("VPL syntax error: $msg: $pl");
+##<*> vf_for_mapping($map, $fn, $rmt)
+sub vf_for_mapping
+ my ($map, $fn, $rmt) = @_; my ($e, $pe, $pe2, $pl, %hrmt);
+ if (defined $rmt) {
+ foreach (@$rmt) { $hrmt{$_->[0]} = $_; }
+ }
+ (defined($map = arraymap($map))) or return;
+ $pl = pl_header_vpl({});
+ push(@$pl, pl_cook(['MAPFONT', 'D', 0, ['FONTNAME', $fn]]));
+ foreach $e (@$map) {
+ if (defined $rmt && !defined $hrmt{$e->[0]}) { next; }
+ $pe = pl_cook(['CHARACTER', 'C', 0,
+ ['MAP', ['SETCHAR', 'C', 0]]]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $e->[0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe->[3][1], 1, $e->[1]);
+ if (defined $rmt) {
+ $pe2 = pl_cook(['CHARWD', 'R', 0]);
+ pl_set_real($pe2, 1, $hrmt{$e->[0]}[1]);
+ splice(@$pe, 3, 0, $pe2);
+ }
+ push(@$pl, $pe);
+ }
+ return $pl;
+##<*> vf_mapfont($pl, $fn)
+# Returns the FONTNAME value of MAPFONT id $fn in VPL $pl.
+# If $fn is undef then it returns ref to the hash that maps
+# id to fontmame.
+sub vf_mapfont
+ my ($pl, $fn) = @_; my ($t, $pe, $pe2, %hsh);
+ foreach $pe (@$pl) {
+ if ($pe->[0] eq 'MAPFONT') {
+ ($pe2) = grep { $_->[0] eq 'FONTNAME' } (@{$pe}[3 .. $#$pe]);
+ (defined $pe2) or next;
+ if (!defined $fn) {
+ $hsh{pl_value($pe, 1)} = $pe2->[1];
+ } elsif (defined($t = pl_value($pe, 1)) && $t == $fn) {
+ return $pe2->[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (defined $fn) ? () : \%hsh;
+##<*> vf_set_mapfont($pl, $fn, $fnam)
+# Sets the FONTNAME value of MAPFONT id $fn to $fname
+# in VPL $pl.
+sub vf_set_mapfont
+ my ($pl, $fn, $fnam) = @_; my ($t, $pe, $pe2, %hsh);
+ foreach $pe (@$pl) {
+ if ($pe->[0] eq 'MAPFONT' &&
+ defined($t = pl_value($pe, 1)) && $t == $fn) {
+ ($pe2) = grep { $_->[0] eq 'FONTNAME' } (@{$pe}[3 .. $#$pe]);
+ (defined $pe2) or return 0;
+ $pe2->[1] = $fnam; return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+##-------- Procedures on ZVP format
+my %vf_zvp_category = (
+# 1: to JPL, 2: to ZVP0, 3: both, 0: special
+ VTITLE => 2,
+ FAMILY => 1,
+ FACE => 1,
+ HEADER => 1,
+ CHECKSUM => 3,
+ MAPFONT => 2,
+ LIGTABLE => 1,
+ GLUEKERN => 0,
+ TYPE => 0,
+ SUBTYPE => 0,
+my %vf_zvp_category_char = (
+ CHARWD => 0,
+ CHARHT => 2,
+ CHARDP => 3,
+ CHARIC => 4,
+##<*> debug_vf_form($val)
+our ($debug_vf_form);
+sub debug_vf_form { $debug_vf_form = $_[0]; }
+##<*> vf_form_ex($pl)
+# Converts ZPL $pl to VF $vf and TFM $tfm and returns pair
+# ($vf, $tfm).
+sub vf_form_ex
+ my ($pl) = @_; my ($plv, $plt, $vf, $tfm);
+ (($plv, $plt) = vf_divide_zvp($pl)) or return;
+ if ($debug_vf_form) {
+ return (pl_form($plv), pl_form($plt));
+ }
+ (defined($vf = vf_form($plv))) or return;
+ (defined($tfm = jfm_form($plt))) or return;
+ return ($vf, $tfm);
+## vf_divide_zvp($pl)
+# Subcontractor of vf_form_ex. Divides $pl into ZVP0 part
+# $plv and ZPL part $plt and returns ($plv, $plt).
+sub vf_divide_zvp
+ my ($pl) = @_; my ($t, $u, $k, $pe, $pe2, @v);
+ my ($tyd1, $zcat, $rpe, $cspc, @cit, @cist, $glkrn);
+ my (@plv, @plt, @tydsc, @stydsc, %char, %type, %stype);
+ # First I classify each enry in $pl into @plv (ZVP0 part)
+ # and @plt (ZPL part) and extract necessary information
+ # to @cit, @tydsc, etc.
+ # $cspc is charlist describing codespace
+ # $cit[$t] is charlist of type $t
+ # $cist[$t][$u] is charlist of subtype $t $u
+ # $tydsc[$t] is 'description' of type $t
+ # $stydsc[$t][$u] is 'description' of subtype $t $u
+ # $char{$cc} is 'description' of char $cc
+ # Here 'description' is the pair of CHARWD and MAP.
+ # Currenetly CHARWD specified for subtypes and characters
+ # are ignored (values set for corresponding types are
+ # used), thus CHARWD entry of descriptions of subtypes
+ # and chars are unused.
+ foreach $pe (@$pl) {
+ (defined($zcat = $vf_zvp_category{$pe->[0]})) or next;
+ if ($zcat & 2) { push(@plv, $pe); }
+ if ($zcat & 1) { push(@plt, $pe); }
+ if ($zcat == 0) {
+ if ($pe->[0] eq 'GLUEKERN') {
+ $glkrn = $pe;
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'CODESPACE') {
+ if ($#$pe == 1 && !ref $pe->[1]
+ && $pe->[1] =~ m/^[\w\-]{6,}$/) {
+ $t = uc($pe->[1]);
+ (defined($cspc = jfm_charlist($t)))
+ or return error("unknown charlist name '$t'");
+ } else {
+ $cspc = jfm_grab_charlist($pe, 1);
+ }
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'CHARSINTYPE') {
+ (defined($t = pl_value($pe ,1))) or return;
+ (0 < $t && $t < 256)
+ or return error("CIT with invalid type number ($t)");
+ $cit[$t] = jfm_grab_charlist($pe, 3);
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'CHARSINSUBTYPE') {
+ (defined($t = pl_value($pe, 1))) or return;
+ (0 <= $t && $t < 256)
+ or return error("CIST with invalid type number ($t)");
+ (defined($u = pl_value($pe, 3))) or return;
+ (0 < $u && $u < 0x10000)
+ or return error("CIST with invalid subtype number ($u)");
+ $cist[$t][$u] = jfm_grab_charlist($pe, 5);
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'TYPE') {
+ (defined($t = pl_value($pe, 1))) or return;
+ (0 <= $t && $t < 256)
+ or return error("TYPE with invalid type number ($t)");
+ $tyd1 = $tydsc[$t] = [ ];
+ for ($k = 3; $k <= $#$pe; $k++) {
+ $pe2 = $pe->[$k];
+ if (defined($u = $vf_zvp_category_char{$pe2->[0]})) {
+ $tyd1->[$u] = $pe2;
+ } elsif ($pe2->[0] eq 'MAP') { $tyd1->[1] = $pe2; }
+ }
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'SUBTYPE') {
+ (defined($t = pl_value($pe, 1))) or return;
+ (0 <= $t && $t < 256)
+ or return error("SUBTYPE with invalid type number ($t)");
+ (defined($u = pl_value($pe, 3))) or return;
+ (0 < $u && $u < 0x10000)
+ or return error("SUBTYPE with invalid subtype number ($u)");
+ $tyd1 = $stydsc[$t][$u] = [ ];
+ for ($k = 5; $k <= $#$pe; $k++) {
+ $pe2 = $pe->[$k];
+ if (defined($u = $vf_zvp_category_char{$pe2->[0]})) {
+ $tyd1->[$u] = $pe2;
+ } elsif ($pe2->[0] eq 'MAP') { $tyd1->[1] = $pe2; }
+ }
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'CHARACTER') {
+ (defined($t = pl_value($pe ,1))) or return;
+ (0 <= $t && $t <= 0xFFFFFF)
+ or return error("char code out of range ($t)");
+ $tyd1 = $char{$t} = [ ];
+ for ($k = 3; $k <= $#$pe; $k++) {
+ $pe2 = $pe->[$k];
+ # only MAP is significant
+ if ($pe2->[0] eq 'MAP') { $tyd1->[1] = $pe2; }
+ # tyd1->[0] is currently unused
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # default codespace is GL94DB
+ (defined $cspc) or $cspc = jfm_charlist('GL94DB');
+ # Next I check consistency about existence of entries
+ # (e.g. CIT 4 should exist iff TYPE 4 exists).
+ (defined $tydsc[0])
+ or return error("no TYPE for type 0");
+ (vf_check_match("TYPE", \@tydsc, "CIT", \@cit, 1, "type"))
+ or return;
+ foreach (0 .. $#tydsc) {
+ (vf_check_match("SUBTYPE", $stydsc[$_], "CIST", $cist[$_],
+ 1, "subtype $_")) or return;
+ }
+ # Next I recompile JFM properties for support of subtypes with different
+ # CHARWD values; then I output the resulted GLUEKERN, CHARSIN... lists,
+ # and TYPE lists.
+ vf_recompile_gluekern($glkrn, \@cit, \@cist, \@tydsc, \@stydsc);
+ if (defined $glkrn) { push(@plt, $glkrn); }
+ foreach $t (0 .. $#cit) {
+ (defined $cit[$t]) or next;
+ local $jfm_forced_prefix = 'X';
+ push(@plt, jfm_form_cit($t, $cit[$t]));
+ }
+ @v = sort { $a <=> $b } (values %vf_zvp_category_char);
+ foreach $t (0 .. $#tydsc) {
+ (defined($tyd1 = $tydsc[$t])) or next;
+ $rpe = pl_cook(['TYPE', 'D', 0]); pl_set_value($rpe, 1, $t);
+ push(@$rpe, grep { defined $_ } (@{$tyd1}[@v]));
+ push(@plt, $rpe); #qq
+ }
+ # Next I make hash %type from charcode to type and %stype
+ # from charcode to subtype, converting from $cspc, @cit,
+ # and @cist. The key set of %type is equal to codespace.
+ # $type{$cc} is type of char $cc (can be 0)
+ # $stype{$cc} is subtype of char $cc (cannot be 0)
+ (vf_assign_type($cspc, \%type, \%stype, 0)) or return;
+ foreach $t (1 .. $#cit) {
+ (vf_assign_type($cit[$t], \%type, \%stype, $t)) or return;
+ }
+ foreach $t (0 .. $#cit) {
+ foreach $u (1 .. $#{$cist[$t]}) {
+ (vf_assign_type($cist[$t][$u], \%type, \%stype, $t, $u))
+ or return;
+ }
+ }
+ # Last I generate the char packet part of ZVP0, using
+ # information gathered so far.
+ $t = vf_generate_char_packet(\@tydsc, \@stydsc,
+ \%char, \%type, \%stype);
+ push(@plv, @$t);
+#print(pl_form(\@plv), ('-') x 60, "\n", pl_form(\@plt));exit;
+ return (\@plv, \@plt);
+## vf_generate_char_packet(...)
+# Subcontractor of vf_divide_zvp. Generates the char packet
+# part of ZVP0.
+sub vf_generate_char_packet
+ my ($tydsc, $stydsc, $char, $type, $stype) = @_;
+ my ($t, $pe, $ty, $cc, @ccs, @pl);
+ @ccs = sort { $a <=> $b } (keys %$type);
+ foreach $cc (@ccs) {
+ $pe = pl_cook(['CHARACTER', 'C', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $cc);
+ $ty = $type->{$cc};
+ push(@$pe, $tydsc->[$ty][0]); # CHARWD entry
+ # add MAP entry
+ if (defined($t = $char->{$cc})) {
+ push(@$pe, $t->[1]);
+ } elsif (defined($t = $stype->{$cc})) {
+ push(@$pe, $stydsc->[$ty][$t][1]);
+ } else {
+ push(@$pe, $tydsc->[$ty][1]);
+ }
+ push(@pl, $pe);
+ }
+ return \@pl;
+sub vf_recompile_gluekern
+ my ($glkrn, $cit, $cist, $tydsc, $stydsc) = @_;
+ my ($t, $u, $tyd0, $tyd, $ty, $nty, $sty, $nsty);
+ my (@tyrel, @tygrp, $orgnty, @glkrn1);
+ $orgnty = $#$tydsc;
+ # type migration
+ for ($ty = 0; $ty <= $#$tydsc; $ty++) {
+ (defined $tydsc->[$ty]) or next;
+ undef $nty; $tyd0 = $tydsc->[$ty];
+ foreach $sty (1 .. $#{$stydsc->[$ty]}) {
+ (defined $stydsc->[$ty][$sty]) or next;
+ $tyd = $stydsc->[$ty][$sty];
+ (defined $tyd->[1]) or $tyd->[1] = pl_clone($tyd0->[1]);
+ if (vf_resolve_metric($tyd0, $tyd)) { next; }
+ if (defined $nty) {
+ $nsty = ($#{$stydsc->[$nty]} + 1 || 1);
+ $stydsc->[$nty][$nsty] = $stydsc->[$ty][$sty];
+#print("move $ty/$sty to $nty/$nsty\n");
+#print("CIT/$nty ", dumpp($cit->[$nty]), " -> ");
+ vf_clist_add($cit->[$nty], $cist->[$ty][$sty]);
+ $cist->[$nty][$nsty] = $cist->[$ty][$sty];
+#print(dumpp($cit->[$nty]), "\n");
+ } else {
+ $nty = $#$tydsc + 1; $tyrel[$ty] = $nty;
+ $tydsc->[$nty] = $stydsc->[$ty][$sty];
+#print("move $ty/$sty to $nty\n");
+ $cit->[$nty] = $cist->[$ty][$sty];
+ }
+#print("CIT/$ty ", dumpp($cit->[$ty]), " -> ");
+ vf_clist_remove($cit->[$ty], $cist->[$ty][$sty]);
+#print(dumpp($cit->[$ty]), "\n");
+ undef $stydsc->[$ty][$sty]; undef $cist->[$ty][$sty];
+ }
+ }
+ # compile @tygrp from @tyrel
+ foreach $ty (0 .. $orgnty) {
+ $tygrp[$ty] = $u = [$ty]; $t = $ty;
+ while (defined $tyrel[$t]) { $t = $tyrel[$t]; push(@$u, $t); }
+ }
+ # create new GLUEKERN list
+ foreach $u (@$glkrn) {
+ if (ref $u &&
+ ($u->[0] eq 'KRN' || $u->[0] eq 'GLUE' || $u->[0] eq 'LABEL')) {
+ foreach $ty (@{$tygrp[pl_value($u, 1)]}) {
+ $t = pl_sclone($u); pl_set_value($t, 1, $ty);
+ push(@glkrn1, $t);
+ }
+ } else { push(@glkrn1, $u); }
+ }
+ @$glkrn = @glkrn1;
+## vf_clise_remove(...)
+# Subcontractor of vf_recompile_gluekern.
+sub vf_clist_remove {
+ my ($lst1, $lst2) = @_; my (%hs);
+ vf_clist_check(\%hs, $lst1, 1); vf_clist_check(\%hs, $lst2);
+ @$lst1 = sort { $a <=> $b } (keys %hs);
+## vf_clise_add(...)
+# Subcontractor of vf_recompile_gluekern.
+sub vf_clist_add {
+ my ($lst1, $lst2) = @_; my (%hs);
+ vf_clist_check(\%hs, $lst1, 1); vf_clist_check(\%hs, $lst2, 1);
+ @$lst1 = sort { $a <=> $b } (keys %hs);
+## vf_clist_check(...)
+# Subcontractor of vf_recompile_gluekern.
+sub vf_clist_check {
+ my ($hs, $clst, $val) = @_; my ($e, $sc, $ec);
+ foreach $e (@$clst) {
+ ($sc, $ec) = (ref $e) ? @$e : ($e, $e);
+ foreach ($sc .. $ec) {
+ if (defined $val) { $hs->{$_} = $val; } else { delete $hs->{$_}; }
+ }
+ }
+## vf_resolve_metric(...)
+# Subcontractor of vf_recompile_gluekern.
+sub vf_resolve_metric {
+ my ($tyd1, $tyd2) = @_; my ($wd1, $nam, $idx, $same);
+ $same = 1;
+ foreach $nam (keys %vf_zvp_category_char) {
+ $idx = $vf_zvp_category_char{$nam};
+ $wd1 = (defined $tyd1->[$idx]) ? pl_value($tyd1->[$idx], 1) : 0;
+ if (defined $tyd2->[$idx]) {
+ if ($wd1 != pl_value($tyd2->[$idx], 1)) { undef $same; }
+ } else {
+ $tyd2->[$idx] = pl_cook([$nam, 'R', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($tyd2->[$idx], 1, $wd1);
+ }
+ }
+ return $same;
+## vf_assign_type($cl, $type, $stype, $ty, $sty)
+# Subcontractor of vf_divide_zvp. If $sty is defined, it maps
+# chars in $cl to $sty in hash $stype->[$ty]; otherwise it maps
+# chars in$cl to $ty in hash $type.
+sub vf_assign_type
+ my ($cl, $type, $stype, $ty, $sty) = @_;
+ my ($t, $c, $s, $e);
+ foreach $c (@$cl) {
+ ($s, $e) = (ref $c) ? @$c : ($c, $c);
+ foreach ($s .. $e) {
+ if (defined $sty) { # set subtype
+ ($type->{$_} == $ty) or return error(
+ sprintf("inconsistent subtype assignment to char %04X" .
+ " (subtype %s %s vs type %s)",
+ $_, $ty, $sty, $type->{$_}));
+ (!defined $stype->{$_}) or return error(
+ sprintf("subtype reassignment to char %04X" .
+ " (subtype %s vs %s)",
+ $_, $sty, $stype->{$_}));
+ $stype->{$_} = $sty;
+ } elsif ($ty != 0) { # set type >0
+ ($_ <= 0xFFFF) or return error(
+ sprintf("code value out of range: char %04X", $_));
+ (defined $type->{$_}) or return error(
+ sprintf("type assignment (%s) to char out of codespace:" .
+ "char %04X",
+ $ty, $_));
+ ($type->{$_} == 0) or return error(
+ sprintf("type reassignment to char %04X" .
+ " (type %s vs %s)",
+ $_, $ty, $type->{$_}));
+ $type->{$_} = $ty;
+ } else { # set type 0
+ $type->{$_} = $ty;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+## vf_check_match($lbla, $lsta, $lblb, $lstb, $pos, $srt)
+# Subcontractor of vf_divide_zvp.
+sub vf_check_match
+ my ($lbla, $lsta, $lblb, $lstb, $pos, $srt) = @_; my ($mpos);
+ $mpos = ($#$lsta > $#$lstb) ? $#$lsta : $#$lstb;
+ foreach ($pos .. $mpos) {
+ if (defined $lsta->[$_] && !defined $lstb->[$_]) {
+ return error("$lbla entry without matching $lblb ($srt $_)");
+ } elsif (defined $lstb->[$_] && !defined $lsta->[$_]) {
+ return error("$lblb entry without matching $lbla ($srt $_)");
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+##<*> vf_parse_ex($vf, $jfm)
+sub vf_parse_ex
+ my ($vf, $jfm) = @_; my ($plv, $plt, $cit, $typ);
+ my ($pl, $tydsc, $chdsc, $cspc, $cist, $stydsc, $chdsc);
+ $plv = vf_parse($vf) or return;
+ ($plt, $cit, $typ) = jfm_half_parse($jfm) or return;
+ ($pl, $tydsc, $chdsc) = vf_restructure($plv, $plt) or return;
+ ($cspc, $cist, $stydsc, $chdsc) =
+ vf_analyze_dimap($chdsc, $tydsc, $typ, $cit) or return;
+ $pl = vf_compose_zvp($pl, $cspc, $cist, $stydsc, $chdsc);
+ return $pl;
+sub vf_restructure
+ my ($plv, $plt) = @_; my ($t, $u, $pe, $zcat, %chk);
+ my (@pl, @tydsc, %chdsc);
+ # ZPL
+ foreach $pe (@$plt) {
+ $zcat = $vf_zvp_category{$pe->[0]};
+ if ($zcat == 1) {
+ push(@pl, $pe);
+ } elsif ($zcat == 3) {
+ push(@pl, $pe); $chk{$pe->[0]} = pl_value($pe, 1);
+ } elsif ($zcat == 0) {
+ if ($pe->[0] eq 'CHARSINTYPE' || $pe->[0] eq 'GLUEKERN') {
+ push(@pl, $pe);
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'TYPE') {
+ push(@pl, $pe); $t = pl_value($pe, 1);
+ $u = pl_cook(['MAP']); push(@$pe, $u);
+ $tydsc[$t] = [$pe->[3], $u];
+ }
+ } elsif (!defined $zcat) {
+ return fatal("vf_restructure");
+ }
+ }
+ # ZVP0
+ foreach $pe (@$plv) {
+ $zcat = $vf_zvp_category{$pe->[0]};
+ if ($zcat == 2) {
+ push(@pl, $pe);
+ } elsif ($zcat == 3 && $vf_strict) {
+ $t = pl_value($pe, 1); $u = $chk{$pe->[0]};
+ ($t == $u ||
+ ($pe->[0] eq 'CHECKSUM' && ($t == 0 || $u == 0)))
+ or return error("inconsistent value: ", $pe->[0]);
+ } elsif ($zcat == 0) {
+ if ($pe->[0] eq 'CHARACTER') {
+ $t = pl_value($pe, 1);
+ $chdsc{$t} = [$pe->[3], $pe->[4]];
+ }
+ } elsif (!defined $zcat) {
+ return fatal("vf_restructure");
+ }
+ }
+ return (\@pl, \@tydsc, \%chdsc);
+## vf_analyze_dimap
+sub vf_analyze_dimap
+ my ($chdsc, $tydsc, $typ, $citpe) = @_;
+ my ($t, $u, $k, $cc, @ccs, $pe, @fs, $ty, $chd, @dmaps, %cnt);
+ my ($cspc, @cit, @cist, @stydsc, %chdsc2);
+ #@dmaps = ({}) x scalar(@$tydsc);
+ # coderange consistency
+ @fs = sort { $a <=> $b } (keys %$typ);
+ foreach $cc (@fs) {
+ (defined $chdsc->{$cc}) or return error(
+ sprintf("charpacket missing in VF: code %04X", $cc));
+ }
+ #
+ @ccs = sort { $a <=> $b } (keys %$chdsc);
+ foreach $cc (@ccs) {
+ $ty = $typ->{$cc}; $chd = $chdsc->{$cc};
+ push(@{$cit[$ty]}, $cc);
+ if ($vf_strict) {
+ (pl_value($tydsc->[$ty][0], 1) == pl_value($chd->[0], 1))
+ or return error(
+ sprintf("CHARWD value mismatch: code %04X", $cc));
+ }
+ $pe = vf_contract_selfcode($chd->[1], $cc);
+ $t = pl_form_list($pe, -1);
+ push(@{$dmaps[$ty]{$t}}, $cc);
+ }
+ #
+ if (defined($t = jfm_charlist_name(\@ccs))) {
+ $cspc = [ $t ];
+ } else { $cspc = jfm_form_charlist(\@ccs); }
+ foreach $ty (0 .. $#dmaps) {
+ (defined($u = $dmaps[$ty])) or next;
+ foreach (keys %$u) { $cnt{$_} = scalar(@{$u->{$_}}); }
+ @fs = sort {
+ $cnt{$b} <=> $cnt{$a} || $u->{$a}[0] <=> $u->{$b}[0]
+ } (keys %$u);
+ foreach $k (0 .. $#fs) {
+ $u = $dmaps[$ty]{$fs[$k]};
+ if ($k == 0 || ($cnt{$fs[$k]} > 1 && $k < 256)) {
+ $cist[$ty][$k] = jfm_form_charlist($u);
+ $stydsc[$ty][$k][1] =
+ vf_contract_selfcode($chdsc->{$u->[0]}[1], $u->[0]);
+ } else {
+ foreach (@$u) {
+ $chdsc2{$_}[1] = $chdsc->{$_}[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @{$tydsc->[$ty][1]} = @{$stydsc[$ty][0][1]};
+ undef $cist[$ty][0]; undef $stydsc[$ty][0];
+ if ($ty > 0) {
+ $t = jfm_form_charlist($cit[$ty]);
+ push(@{$citpe->[$ty]}, @$t);
+ }
+ }
+ return ($cspc, \@cist, \@stydsc, \%chdsc2);
+sub vf_compose_zvp
+ my ($pl, $cspc, $cist, $stydsc, $chdsc) = @_;
+ my ($t, $u, $ty, $sty, $cc, $pe);
+ $pe = pl_cook(['CODESPACE']); push(@$pl, $pe);
+ push(@$pe, @$cspc);
+ foreach $ty (0 .. $#$stydsc) {
+ foreach $sty (0 .. $#{$stydsc->[$ty]}) {
+ if (defined($t = $cist->[$ty][$sty])) {
+ $pe = pl_cook(['CHARSINSUBTYPE', 'D', 0, 'D', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $ty); pl_set_value($pe, 3, $sty);
+ push(@$pe, @$t); push(@$pl, $pe);
+ }
+ if (defined($t = $stydsc->[$ty][$sty])) {
+ $pe = pl_cook(['SUBTYPE', 'D', 0, 'D', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $ty); pl_set_value($pe, 3, $sty);
+ push(@$pe, $t->[1]); push(@$pl, $pe);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach $cc (keys %$chdsc) {
+ $pe = pl_cook(['CHARACTER', 'C', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $cc);
+ push(@$pe, $chdsc->{$cc}[1]); push(@$pl, $pe);
+ }
+ pl_rearrange($pl);
+ return $pl;
+## vf_contract_selfcode
+sub vf_contract_selfcode
+ my ($pl, $cc) = @_; my ($k, $pe, $pl2);
+ $pl2 = pl_sclone($pl);
+ foreach $k (1 .. $#$pl2) {
+ $pe = $pl2->[$k];
+ if ($pe->[0] eq 'SETCHAR' &&
+ $#$pe > 0 && pl_value($pe, 1) == $cc) {
+ $pl2->[$k] = pl_cook(['SETCHAR']);
+ }
+ }
+ return $pl2;
+##<*> vf_expand_named_charlist
+sub vf_expand_named_charlist {
+ my ($pl) = @_; my ($t);
+ ($pl->[0] eq 'CODESPACE') or return;
+ (defined($t = jfm_charlist($pl->[1]))) or return;
+ $t = jfm_form_charlist($t, 0);
+ splice(@$pl, 1, 1, @$t);
+######## 'jfm' section ########
+# jfm_form (ZPL -> JFM)
+# Jx --[jc(x)=Ic(i)]-> i (!uptex?)--> Ji --[ppltotf]--> (JFM)
+# Ux --[uc(x)=Ic(i)]-> (uptex?)---> Ui --[uppltotf]->
+# Xx --[x=i]--------->
+# K $ --[Ee($)=Ic(i)]->
+# jfm_parse (JFM -> ZPL)
+# (JFM) (!uptex?)--[ptftopl]-> $ --[je($)=Ic(x)]-> Jx/Ux/Xx
+# (uptex?)--[uptftopl]-> $ --[ue($)=Ic(x)]->
+# for jfm_injcode
+my %jfm_pfx_ijc = ( J => KI_JIS, U => KI_UNI, X => undef );
+my %jfm_ijc_pfx = ( reverse %jfm_pfx_ijc );
+##<*> jfm_use_uptex_tool($sw)
+# Decides if upTeX tools are used to do jfm_parse. Here truth
+# value of $sw means upTeX-pltotf should/shouldn't be used.
+our $jfm_use_uptex_tool = 0;
+sub jfm_use_uptex_tool
+ my ($sw) = @_; my ($t);
+ $t = ($cmd_name{uptftopl} eq '' || $cmd_name{uppltotf} eq '');
+ if ($sw && $t) { return error("upTeX tools disabled"); }
+ $jfm_use_uptex_tool = $sw;
+ return 1;
+##<*> jfm_parse($jfm)
+# Converts JFM data $jfm to a pl-struct describing ZPL.
+sub jfm_parse
+ my ($jfm) = @_; my ($pl, $cit, $typ);
+ ($pl, $cit, $typ) = jfm_half_parse($jfm) or return;
+ return jfm_record_cit($pl, $cit, $typ);
+## jfm_half_parse($jfm)
+# Converts JFM data $jfm to a 'half-parsed' form.
+sub jfm_half_parse
+ my ($jfm) = @_; my ($cmd, $pl, $map, $cit, $typ);
+ if ($jfm_use_uptex_tool) {
+ $pl = x_uptftopl($jfm) or return;
+ jfm_interprocess($pl) or return;
+ return jfm_grab_cit($pl, 'utf8', 'unicode');
+ } else {
+ $cmd = $cmd_name{tftopl} . ' -kanji=jis';
+ (($jfm, $map) = jfm_parse_preprocess($jfm)) or return;
+ $pl = x_tftopl($jfm, $cmd) or return;
+ jfm_interprocess($pl) or return;
+ return jfm_parse_postprocess($pl, $map);
+ }
+##<*> jfm_form($pl)
+# Converts a pl-struct $pl describing a JPLZ to JFM data.
+sub jfm_form
+ my ($pl) = @_; my ($cmd, $map, $jfm);
+ if ($jfm_use_uptex_tool) {
+ local $jfm_forced_prefix = 'U';
+ (defined($pl = jfm_normalize($pl))) or return;
+ return x_pltotf($pl, $cmd_name{uppltotf});
+ } else {
+ $cmd = $cmd_name{pltotf} . ' -kanji=jis';
+ ((($pl, $map) = jfm_form_preprocess($pl))) or return;
+ $jfm = x_pltotf($pl, $cmd) or return;
+ return jfm_form_postprocess($jfm, $map);
+ }
+## jfm_grab_cit($pl)
+sub jfm_grab_cit
+ my ($pl, $xjc, $ijc) = @_; my ($t, $cl, $ty, $pe);
+ my (@pl2, %typ, @cit, @ccs);
+ local ($jcode_ex) =
+ (defined $xjc) ? $jcode_ex_sym{$xjc} : $jcode_ex;
+ local ($jcode_in) =
+ (defined $ijc) ? $jcode_in_sym{$ijc} : $jcode_in;
+ foreach $pe (@$pl) {
+ if ($pe->[0] eq 'CHARSINTYPE') {
+ pl_cook_list($pe);
+ (defined($ty = pl_value($pe, 1))) or return;
+ $cl = jfm_grab_charlist($pe, 3) or return;
+ foreach $t (@$cl) {
+ if (ref $t) {
+ foreach ($t->[0] .. $t->[1]) { $typ{$_} = $ty; }
+ } else { $typ{$t} = $ty; }
+ }
+ $cit[$ty] = $t = pl_cook(['CHARSINTYPE', 'D', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($t, 1, $ty); push(@pl2, $t);
+ } else { push(@pl2, $pe); }
+ }
+ return (\@pl2, \@cit, \%typ);
+## jfm_normalize($pl, $xjc, $ijc)
+# Normalizes pl-struct $pl, i.e., converts ZPL to ordinary PL.
+# Here $xjc and $ijc mean source and internal kanji codes that
+# are effective in this process (unchanged if undef).
+sub jfm_normalize
+ my ($pl, $xjc, $ijc) = @_; my ($citpe, $typ);
+ (($pl, $citpe, $typ) = jfm_grab_cit($pl, $xjc, $ijc)) or return;
+ (defined($pl = jfm_record_cit($pl, $citpe, $typ))) or return;
+ return $pl;
+## jfm_record_cit($pl, $citpe, $typ)
+# Assembles a half-parsed form to get a complete ZPL.
+sub jfm_record_cit
+ my ($pl, $citpe, $typ) = @_; my ($t, $u, $cc, @ccs, @cit);
+ @ccs = sort { $a <=> $b } (keys %$typ);
+ foreach $cc (@ccs) {
+ push(@{$cit[$typ->{$cc}]}, $cc);
+ }
+ foreach $t (1 .. $#cit) {
+ (defined $cit[$t]) or next;
+ $u = jfm_form_charlist($cit[$t]);
+ push(@{$citpe->[$t]}, @$u);
+ }
+ return $pl;
+## jfm_form_preprocess
+# Subcontactor of jfm_form.
+sub jfm_form_preprocess
+ my ($pl) = @_; my ($pl2, $cit, $typ, $jc, $cc, @ccs, %map);
+ ((($pl2, $cit, $typ) = jfm_grab_cit($pl))) or return;
+ @ccs = sort { $a <=> $b } (keys %$typ);
+ $jc = 0x2121;
+ foreach $cc (@ccs) {
+ push(@{$cit->[$typ->{$cc}]}, sprintf("J%04X", $jc));
+ $map{$jc} = $cc; $jc = jfm_nextcode($jc) or return;
+ }
+ return ($pl2, \%map);
+ # Valid codespace in pltotf: [21-28|30-74][21-7F] (7238 chars)
+## jfm_form_postprocess
+# Subcontactor of jfm_form.
+sub jfm_form_postprocess
+ my ($jfm, $map) = @_; my ($k, $pct, $lct, $ct, @fs);
+ @fs = unpack('nnnn', $jfm);
+ ($#fs == 3 && $fs[2] * 4 == length($jfm) &&
+ ($fs[0] == 9 || $fs[0] == 11)) or return;
+ $pct = $fs[3] * 4 + 28; $lct = $fs[1] * 4;
+ $ct = substr($jfm, $pct, $lct); @fs = unpack('n*', $ct);
+ for ($k = 2; $k <= $#fs; $k += 2) { $fs[$k] = $map->{$fs[$k]}; }
+ $ct = pack('n*', @fs);
+ return substr($jfm, 0, $pct) . $ct . substr($jfm, $pct + $lct);
+## jfm_parse_preprocess
+# Subcontactor of jfm_half_parse.
+sub jfm_parse_preprocess
+ my ($jfm) = @_; my ($k, $pct, $lct, $ct, @fs, $jc, %map);
+ @fs = unpack('nnnn', $jfm);
+ ($#fs == 3 && $fs[2] * 4 == length($jfm) &&
+ ($fs[0] == 9 || $fs[0] == 11)) or return;
+ $pct = $fs[3] * 4 + 28; $lct = $fs[1] * 4;
+ $ct = substr($jfm, $pct, $lct); @fs = unpack('n*', $ct);
+ for ($jc = 0x2121, $k = 2; $k <= $#fs; $k += 2) {
+ $map{$jc} = $fs[$k]; $fs[$k] = $jc;
+ $jc = jfm_nextcode($jc) or return;
+ }
+ $ct = pack('n*', @fs);
+ $jfm = substr($jfm, 0, $pct) . $ct . substr($jfm, $pct + $lct);
+ return ($jfm, \%map);
+## jfm_parse_postprocess
+# Subcontactor of jfm_half_parse.
+sub jfm_parse_postprocess
+ my ($pl, $map, $pfx) = @_; my ($cit, $typ, %typ2, $cc);
+ ($pl, $cit, $typ) = jfm_grab_cit($pl, 'xjis', 'xjis') or return;
+ foreach $cc (keys %$typ) {
+ $typ2{$map->{$cc}} = $typ->{$cc};
+ }
+ return ($pl, $cit, \%typ2);
+## jfm_nextcode($jc)
+# Subcontactor of jfm_form_preprocess and jfm_parse_preprocess.
+sub jfm_nextcode
+ my ($jc) = @_;
+ if ((++$jc & 0xFF) < 0x7F) { return $jc; }
+ if ($jc == 0x747F) {
+ return error("too many chars have non-zero type");
+ } elsif ($jc == 0x287F) { $jc = 0x3021; }
+ else { $jc += 162; }
+ return $jc;
+## jfm_injcode($f, $xc)
+# Subcontactor of jfm_form_preprocess.
+sub jfm_injcode
+ my ($pfx, $xc) = @_; local ($jcode_ex);
+ # Note: here encodings meant for 'internal' use are
+ # used as 'external' excoding.
+ (defined($jcode_ex = $jfm_pfx_ijc{$pfx})) or return;
+ if ($jcode_ex eq $jcode_in) { return $xc; }
+ return jcode_ord(chr($xc >> 8) . chr($xc & 0xff));
+## jfm_interprocess($pl)
+sub jfm_interprocess
+ my ($pl) = @_; my ($pe, $pe2, $ok);
+ foreach $pe (@$pl) {
+ if ($pe->[0] eq 'TYPE') {
+ $ok = 1; pl_set_numtype($pe, 1, 'D') or return;
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'CHARSINTYPE') {
+ $ok = 1; pl_set_numtype($pe, 1, 'D') or return;
+ } elsif ($pe->[0] eq 'GLUEKERN') {
+ foreach $pe2 (@$pe) {
+ (ref $pe2) or next;
+ ($pe2->[0] eq 'LABEL' ||
+ $pe2->[0] eq 'GLUE' || $pe2->[0] eq 'KRN') or next;
+ pl_set_numtype($pe2, 1, 'D') or return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ($ok) or return error("input TFM is not JFM");
+ return 1;
+##-------- Procedures on charlist
+# A charlist is an array, each entry of which is either a code
+# value or a array-ref consisting of two values, which means
+# a code range. For example,
+# [ 0x50, [ 0x100, 0x1FF ], 0x234 ]
+# is a charlist consisting of 258 code values.
+our %jfm_charlist_registry = (
+ 'UNICODE-BMP' => [ [0x0000, 0xFFFF] ],
+ 'GL94DB' => [ map { [ ($_ << 8) | 0x21, ($_ << 8) | 0x7E ] }
+ (0x21 .. 0x7E) ],
+##<*> jfm_use_charlist_name()
+our $jfm_use_charlist_name = 1;
+sub jfm_use_charlist_name { $jfm_use_charlist_name = $_[0]; }
+## jfm_charlist($name)
+sub jfm_charlist
+ return $jfm_charlist_registry{$_[0]};
+## jfm_charlist_name($cl)
+sub jfm_charlist_name
+ my ($cl) = @_;
+ my ($k, $f1, $f2, $l1, $l2, $cl2, $nam, @nams, $res);
+ (@$cl && $jfm_use_charlist_name) or return;
+ $f1 = (ref $cl->[0]) ? $cl->[0][0] : $cl->[0];
+ @nams = sort { $a cmp $b } (keys %jfm_charlist_registry);
+ L1:foreach $nam (@nams) {
+ $cl2 = $jfm_charlist_registry{$nam};
+ $f2 = (ref $cl2->[0]) ? $cl2->[0][0] : $cl2->[0];
+ ($f1 == $f2) or next;
+ if (!defined $l1) { $l1 = jfm_length_charlist($cl); }
+ $l2 = jfm_length_charlist($cl2);
+ ($l1 == $l2) or next;
+ $cl = jfm_rangify_charlist($cl);
+ ($#$cl == $#$cl2) or next;
+ foreach $k (0 .. $#$cl) {
+ if (ref $cl->[$k] && ref $cl2->[$k]) {
+ ($cl->[$k][0] == $cl2->[$k][0] &&
+ $cl->[$k][1] == $cl2->[$k][1]) or next L1;
+ } elsif (!ref $cl->[$k] && !ref $cl2->[$k]) {
+ ($cl->[$k] == $cl2->[$k]) or next L1;
+ } else { next L1; }
+ }
+ $res = $nam; last L1;
+ }
+ return $res;
+sub jfm_length_charlist
+ my ($cl) = @_; my ($s);
+ $s = 0;
+ foreach (@$cl) {
+ if (ref $_) { $s += $_->[1] - $_->[0] + 1; }
+ else { $s += 1; }
+ }
+ return $s;
+## for jfm_rangify_charlist()
+our $jfm_rangify_threshold = 8;
+## jfm_rangify_charlist($cl)
+sub jfm_rangify_charlist
+ my ($cl) = @_; my ($cc, $scc, $ecc,@cl2);
+ foreach $cc (@$cl, []) {
+ if (defined $scc && !ref $cc && $cc == $ecc + 1) {
+ $ecc = $cc;
+ } else {
+ if (!defined $scc) { # do nothing
+ } elsif ($ecc - $scc < $jfm_rangify_threshold) {
+ push(@cl2, $scc .. $ecc);
+ } else {
+ push(@cl2, [$scc, $ecc]);
+ }
+ if (ref $cc) {
+ push(@cl2, $cc); $scc = $ecc = undef;
+ } else {
+ $scc = $ecc = $cc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pop(@cl2);
+ return \@cl2;
+## jfm_form_cit($ty, $cl, $sym)
+sub jfm_form_cit
+ my ($ty, $cl) = @_; my ($t, $pe);
+ $pe = pl_cook(['CHARSINTYPE', 'D', 0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $ty);
+ $t = jfm_form_charlist($cl, 0); push(@$pe, @$t);
+ return $pe;
+## jfm_form_charlist($cl, $swrng)
+sub jfm_form_charlist
+ my ($cl, $swrng) = @_; my ($cc, $pe, @cl2, $nf, $pfx);
+ $pfx = $jfm_ijc_pfx{$jcode_in};
+ $nf = ($pl_prefer_hex) ? 'H' : 'O';
+ if (defined $jfm_forced_prefix) { $pfx = $jfm_forced_prefix; }
+ (defined $swrng)
+ or $swrng = (!defined $jcode_in && !defined $jfm_forced_prefix);
+ if ($swrng) { $cl = jfm_rangify_charlist($cl); }
+ foreach $cc (@$cl) {
+ if (ref $cc) {
+ $pe = pl_cook(['CTRANGE', $nf, 0, $nf, 0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 1, $cc->[0]);
+ pl_set_value($pe, 3, $cc->[1]);
+ push(@cl2, $pe);
+ } else {
+ push(@cl2, sprintf("%s%04X", $pfx, $cc));
+ }
+ }
+ return \@cl2;
+## jfm_grab_charlist($pe, $pos)
+sub jfm_grab_charlist
+ my ($pe, $pos) = @_; my ($k, $e, $t, $u, $cc, @cl);
+ for ($k = $pos; $k <= $#$pe; $k++) {
+ $e = $pe->[$k];
+ if (ref $e && $e->[0] eq CNUM) {
+ (defined($cc = pl_value($pe, $k))) or return;
+ push(@cl, $cc); ++$k;
+ } elsif ($e =~ m/^([JUX])([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,6})$/) {
+ if (!defined $jcode_in || $1 eq 'X') {
+ push(@cl, hex($2));
+ } else {
+ (defined($cc = jfm_injcode($1, hex($2)))) or return;
+ push(@cl, $cc);
+ }
+ } elsif ($e =~ m/^[^\x21-\x7e]/) {
+ (defined($cc = jcode_ord($e)))
+ or return error("malformed $cc kanji character: ",
+ unpack('H*', $e));
+ push(@cl, $cc);
+ } elsif (ref $e && $e->[0] eq 'CTRANGE') {
+ (defined($t = pl_value($e, 1)) &&
+ defined($u = pl_value($e, 3))) or return;
+ push(@cl, [$t, $u]);
+ } else {
+ return error("illegal element in CHARSINTYPE: ", $e);
+ }
+ }
+ return \@cl;
+#================================================= END
+($jcode_in, $jcode_ex) = (undef, undef);
+if (defined $errmsg) { error("initialization failed"); }
+#------------------------------------------------- dumb importer
+package main;
+ no strict;
+ foreach (qw(
+ textool_error textool_version
+ read_whole_file write_whole_file
+ pl_parse pl_form pl_prefer_hex
+ jcode_set
+ kpse
+ vf_parse vf_form vf_parse_ex vf_form_ex
+ jfm_use_uptex_tool jfm_parse jfm_form
+ )) {
+ *{$_} = *{"ZRTeXtor::".$_};
+ }
+#------------------------------------------------- jfmutil stuffs
+# Here follows excerpt from
+#================================================= BEGIN
+use Encode qw(encode decode);
+my $prog_name = 'jfmutil';
+my $version = '1.0.0';
+my $mod_date = '2017/07/17';
+#use Data::Dump 'dump';
+my ($sw_hex, $sw_uptool, $sw_noencout, $inenc, $exenc);
+my ($proc_name, $infile, $in2file ,$outfile, $out2file);
+#### main procedure
+my %procs = (
+ vf2zvp0 => \&main_vf2zvp0,
+ zvp02vf => \&main_zvp02vf,
+ vf2zvp => \&main_vf2zvp,
+ zvp2vf => \&main_zvp2vf,
+ tfm2zpl => \&main_tfm2zpl,
+ zpl2tfm => \&main_zpl2tfm,
+sub main {
+ my ($proc);
+ if (defined textool_error()) { error(); }
+ if ((($proc_name) = $ARGV[0] =~ m/^:?(\w+)$/)
+ && defined($proc = $procs{$proc_name})) {
+ shift(@ARGV); $proc->();
+ } else {
+ show_usage();
+ }
+sub main_vf2zvp0 {
+ my ($t);
+ read_option();
+ $t = read_whole_file(kpse($infile), 1) or error();
+ $t = vf_parse($t) or error();
+ $t = pl_form($t) or error();
+ write_whole_file($outfile, $t) or error();
+sub main_zvp02vf {
+ my ($t);
+ read_option();
+ $t = read_whole_file(kpse($infile)) or error();
+ $t = pl_parse($t) or error();
+ $t = vf_form($t) or error();
+ write_whole_file($outfile, $t, 1) or error();
+sub main_zvp2vf {
+ my ($t, $u);
+ read_option();
+ if ($sw_uptool) { jfm_use_uptex_tool(1); }
+ $t = read_whole_file(kpse($infile)) or error();
+ $t = pl_parse($t) or error();
+ ($t, $u) = vf_form_ex($t) or error();
+ write_whole_file($outfile, $t, 1) or error();
+ write_whole_file($out2file, $u, 1) or error();
+sub main_vf2zvp {
+ my ($t, $vf, $tfm);
+ read_option();
+ if ($sw_uptool) { jfm_use_uptex_tool(1); }
+ $vf = read_whole_file(kpse($infile), 1) or error();
+ $tfm = read_whole_file(kpse($in2file), 1) or error();
+ $t = vf_parse_ex($vf, $tfm) or error();
+ $t = pl_form($t) or error();
+ write_whole_file($outfile, $t) or error();
+sub main_tfm2zpl {
+ my ($t);
+ read_option();
+ if ($sw_uptool) { jfm_use_uptex_tool(1); }
+ $t = read_whole_file(kpse($infile), 1) or error();
+ $t = jfm_parse($t) or error();
+ $t = pl_form($t) or error();
+ write_whole_file($outfile, $t) or error();
+sub main_zpl2tfm {
+ my ($t);
+ read_option();
+ if ($sw_uptool) { jfm_use_uptex_tool(1); }
+ $t = read_whole_file(kpse($infile)) or error();
+ $t = pl_parse($t) or error();
+ $t = jfm_form($t) or error();
+ write_whole_file($outfile, $t, 1) or error();
+sub show_usage {
+ my ($v, $m) = @_;
+ ($v, $m) = textool_version() or error();
+ print <<"END"; exit;
+This is $prog_name v$version <$mod_date> by 'ZR'.
+[ZRTeXtor library v$v <$m> by 'ZR']
+Usage: $prog_name vf2zvp0 [<options>] <in.vf> [<out.zvp0>]
+ $prog_name zvp02vf [<options>] <in.zvp0> [<out.vf>]
+ $prog_name vf2zvp [<options>] <in.vf> [<in.tfm> <out.zvp>]
+ $prog_name zvp2vf [<options>] <in.zvp> [<out.vf> <out.tfm>]
+ $prog_name zpl2tfm [<options>] <in.zvp0> [<out.vf>]
+ $prog_name tfm2zpl [<options>] <in.zvp0> [<out.vf>]
+ VF and TFM files are searched by kpsewhich.
+ --hex output charcode in 'H' form [default]
+ -o / --octal output charcode in 'O' form
+ --uptool use upTeX tools (uppltotf etc.)
+ The following options affect interpretation of 'K' form.
+ --kanji=ENC set source encoding: ENC=jis/sjis/euc/utf8/none
+ --kanji-internal=ENC set internal encoding: ENC=jis/unicode/none
+ -j / --jis == --kanji=jis --kanji-internal=jis
+ -u / --unicode == --kanji=utf8 --kanji-internal=unicode
+ -E / --no-encoding == --kanji=none --kanji-internal=none
+#### command-line options
+sub read_option {
+ my ($opt, $arg);
+ $sw_hex = 1; $sw_uptool = 0;
+ while ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/) {
+ $opt = shift(@ARGV);
+ if ($opt =~ m/--?h(elp)?/) {
+ show_usage();
+ } elsif ($opt eq '--hex') {
+ $sw_hex = 1;
+ } elsif ($opt eq '--octal' || $opt eq '-o') {
+ $sw_hex = 0;
+ } elsif ($opt eq '--uptool') {
+ $sw_uptool = 1;
+ } elsif ($opt eq '--no-encoding' || $opt eq '-E') {
+ ($exenc, $inenc) = ('none', 'none');
+ } elsif ($opt eq '--jis' || $opt eq '-j') {
+ ($exenc, $inenc) = ('jis', 'jis');
+ } elsif ($opt eq '--unicode' || $opt eq '-u') {
+ ($exenc, $inenc) = ('utf8', 'unicode');
+ } elsif (($arg) = $opt =~ m/^--kanji[=:](.*)$/) {
+ $exenc = $arg;
+ } elsif (($arg) = $opt =~ m/^--kanji-internal[=:](.*)$/) {
+ $inenc = $arg;
+ } else {
+ error("invalid option", $opt);
+ }
+ }
+ jcode_set($exenc)
+ or error("unknown source kanji code: $exenc");
+ jcode_set(undef, $inenc)
+ or error("unknown internal kanji code: $inenc");
+ #if ($inenc eq 'unicode') { $sw_uptool = 1; }
+ if ($sw_hex) { pl_prefer_hex(1); }
+ (0 <= $#ARGV && $#ARGV <= 1)
+ or error("wrong number of arguments");
+ if ($proc_name eq 'vf2zvp0') {
+ ($infile, $outfile) = fix_pathname(".vf", ".zvp0");
+ } elsif ($proc_name eq 'zvp02vf') {
+ ($infile, $outfile) = fix_pathname(".zvp0", ".vf");
+ } elsif ($proc_name eq 'vf2zvp') {
+ ($infile, $in2file, $outfile) =
+ fix_pathname(".vf", ".tfm", ".zvp");
+ } elsif ($proc_name eq 'zvp2vf') {
+ ($infile, $outfile, $out2file) =
+ fix_pathname(".zvp", ".vf", ".tfm");
+ } elsif ($proc_name eq 'tfm2zpl') {
+ ($infile, $outfile) = fix_pathname(".tfm", ".zpl");
+ } elsif ($proc_name eq 'zpl2tfm') {
+ ($infile, $outfile) = fix_pathname(".zpl", ".tfm");
+ }
+ ($infile ne $outfile)
+ or error("input and output file have same name", $infile);
+sub fix_pathname {
+ my (@ext) = @_; my (@path);
+ @{$path[0]} = split_path($ARGV[0]);
+ (defined $path[0][2]) or $path[0][2] = $ext[0];
+ foreach (1 .. $#ext) {
+ if (defined $ARGV[$_]) {
+ @{$path[$_]} = split_path($ARGV[$_]);
+ (defined $path[$_][2]) or $path[$_][2] = $ext[$_];
+ } else {
+ @{$path[$_]} = (undef, $path[0][1], $ext[$_]);
+ }
+ }
+ return map { join('', @{$path[$_]}) } (0 .. $#_);
+sub split_path {
+ my ($pnam) = @_; my ($dnam, $fbas, $ext);
+ ($dnam, $fbas) = ($pnam =~ m|^(.*/)(.*)$|) ? ($1, $2) :
+ (undef, $pnam);
+ ($fbas, $ext) = ($fbas =~ m|^(.+)(\..*)$|) ? ($1, $2) :
+ ($fbas, undef);
+ return ($dnam, $fbas, $ext);
+#### user interface
+sub show_info {
+ print STDERR (join(": ", $prog_name, @_), "\n");
+sub alert {
+ show_info("warning", @_);
+sub error {
+ show_info((@_) ? (@_) : textool_error());
+ exit(-1);
+#================================================= END
+#------------------------------------------------- go to main
+## EOF