path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex')
1 files changed, 752 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ndsu-thesis-2022/ndsu-thesis-2022.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ndsu-thesis-2022/ndsu-thesis-2022.cls
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cf1e61c1117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ndsu-thesis-2022/ndsu-thesis-2022.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,752 @@
+% --- README file contents of the ndsu-thesis-2022 LaTeX document class
+% This is the ndsu-thesis-2022 document class. This is an upgraded version of
+% ndsu-thesis document class. Copyright 2022, Aaron Feickert, Jonathan Totushek,
+% and Igathinathane Cannayen.
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX
+% Project Public License; LPPL Version 1.3c 2008-05-04 or (at your option) any
+% later version.
+% Copyright 1999 2002-2008 LaTeX3 Project
+% Everyone is allowed to distribute verbatim copies of this
+% license document, but modification of it is not allowed.
+% The latest version of this license is in:
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The current maintainer of this work is Igathinathane Cannayen.
+% Contact: i.cannayen@ndsu for bug reports and enquires.
+% This new class or the old can be used independently, and these classes are
+% appropriately invoked through the documentclass command with required options.
+% It can be used to produce disquisitions (MS and PhD) for submission to the NDSU
+% Graduate School and the final acceptance rests with the University Dissertation
+% and Thesis Coordinator, and the Graduate Committee.
+% Files included are:
+% README - this information file
+% ndsu-thesis-2022.cls - class file
+% ndsu-thesis-2022-documentation.tex - class file documentation (source)
+% ndsu-thesis-2022-documentation.pdf - class file documentation
+% ndsu-example.tex - simple thesis example file (source)
+% ndsu-example.pdf - simple thesis example file
+% NDSU-Thesis-Extended.tex - extended thesis example illustrating several
+% features (source)
+% NDSU-Thesis-Extended.pdf - extended thesis example illustrating several
+% features
+% mybib.bib - sample bibliography database file used in theses examples
+% frog.jpg - free sample image file used in extended thesis example
+% figures - subfolder holding the images of documentation
+% --- End README content ---
+% Several upgrades as commands and options were performed by
+% C. Igathinathane ABEN, NDSU. Bug reports/Enquiries:
+% Numbered and non-numbered versions
+% Justification (full and raggedright)
+% Whole document point sizes
+% Fonts options
+% SI units
+% Show frame using geometry package
+% URL breaking and URL font same as text
+% Long tables
+% Landscape figures and tables
+% Subfigures and multi-page figures
+% Captions small centered long left justified
+% URL same font as text
+% Chapter styles nonumber, chapternumber, and default numbered
+% Major heading (chapter) font, linespacing, above and below skips
+% Subfiles capability - standalone chapter compilation
+% Programs and algorithm listing with listings package
+% BibTeX , BibLaTeX plus subfiles compilation
+% Friendly natbib style citations
+% Clever reference with cleveref package
+% Figures shortcuts with optional caption vertical placement
+% Full-width tables with tabu package
+% Figure & table caption (#>9) horizontal space adjustment
+% Last updated: 2022-07-10
+\ProvidesClass{ndsu-thesis-2022}[2022/07/10 NDSU Thesis Class]
+% RequirePackage command and other essential packages used
+\RequirePackage{siunitx} % [binary-units = true]
+\RequirePackage[american]{babel} % english
+\RequirePackage[nameinlink]{cleveref} %capitalise, noabbrev
+% Url better breaking + defining characters (alphabets and others) to break
+\Urlmuskip=0mu plus 1mu\relax
+ \do\)\do\,\do\?\do\'\do\+\do\=\do\#%
+ \do\/\do\a\do\b\do\c\do\d\do\e\do\f%
+ \do\g\do\h\do\i\do\j\do\k\do\l\do\m%f
+ \do\n\do\o\do\p\do\q\do\r\do\s\do\t%
+ \do\u\do\v\do\w\do\x\do\y\do\z%
+ \do\A\do\B\do\C\do\D\do\E\do\F\do\G%g
+ \do\H\do\I\do\J\do\K\do\L\do\M\do\N%
+ \do\O\do\P\do\Q\do\R\do\S\do\T\do\U%
+ \do\V\do\W\do\X\do\Y\do\Z}%
+% Overall
+\urlstyle{same} % same font used for url than the regular tt font
+\captionsetup[figure]{singlelinecheck=true} % for figures (centered and left)
+\setlist{nosep, leftmargin=0.5in} % enumerate setup (no extra line spacing and let margin at 0.5in like other indent
+\newbool{whole} % to be used with main and subfiles
+\setbool{whole}{true} % false produces refs individual subfiles - default
+\newbool{biblatexused} % to be used with main and subfiles
+\setbool{biblatexused}{false} % false produces refs individual subfiles - default
+\newbool{subcomp} % to be used with main and subfiles
+\setbool{subcomp}{false} % false produces refs individual subfiles - default
+% Spacing between number and captions (table and figures)
+\setlength{\cfttabnumwidth}{2.5em} % table - tocloft package
+\setlength{\cftfignumwidth}{2.5em} % figure - tocloft package
+% Basic spacing
+% Degree options
+% Nonumber and chapter number (only chapters numbered) options - two types of NDSU templates (Now offering 3 types)
+% Justification option for the whole document - default is justified nojustify is ragged-right format. NDSU default is "ragged-right" but allows "justified" format as well
+% Font options: Any one can be used bookman, charter, gentium, kpfonts, libertine, lmodern, mathdesign, mathptmx, newcent, palatino, tgtermes, times, tgbonum, tgpagella, tgschola, utopia, zlmtt. Note: all will not support the math characters - in such cases, only the math font falls back to the default computer modern. SI units also will be influenced.
+% Showframe
+% ChapterBibliography
+% Subfile compilation
+% Table of contents tweaks
+\addto\captionsamerican{\renewcommand{\contentsname}{TABLE OF CONTENTS}}
+\addto\captionsamerican{\renewcommand{\listtablename}{LIST OF TABLES}}
+\addto\captionsamerican{\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{LIST OF FIGURES}}
+\DeclareFloatingEnvironment[fileext=loaf,placement={ht},listname={LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES},name=Figure]{appendixfigure}
+\DeclareFloatingEnvironment[fileext=loat,placement={ht},listname={LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES},name=Table]{appendixtable}
+% Fix table captions and row spacing
+\captionsetup[table]{position=top,skip=\baselineskip, singlelinecheck=false} % left-aligned
+\captionsetup[appendixtable]{position=top,skip=0.75\baselineskip,singlelinecheck=false} % left-aligned
+% Defines custom paper information
+\ifthenelse{\equal{\thesistype}{phd}}{\degree{DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY}}{
+\ifthenelse{\equal{\thesistype}{ms-thesis}}{\degree{MASTER OF SCIENCE}}{
+\ifthenelse{\equal{\thesistype}{ms-paper}}{\degree{MASTER OF SCIENCE}}{
+\ifthenelse{\equal{\thesistype}{ma-thesis}}{\degree{MASTER OF ARTS}}{
+\ifthenelse{\equal{\thesistype}{ma-paper}}{\degree{MASTER OF ARTS}}}}}}{}
+% to produce Major Program or Major Department
+% Committee information
+ {\tiny Chair}\\}\vspace{.2 in}}
+ {\tiny Co-Chair}\\}\vspace{.2 in}}
+ {\tiny Co-Chair}\\}\vspace{.2 in}}
+ \hrule\vspace{.2in}}}
+ \hrule\vspace{.2in}}}
+ \hrule\vspace{.2in}}}
+ \hrule\vspace{.2in}}}
+% Other frontmatter sections
+% A 2-col tabular environment; Usage: SI & System International - flowing over multipage
+\def\@listofabbreviations{\clearpage\chapter*{\vspace{-1ex}LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS}\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS}
+% A 2-col tabular environment; Usage: $\alpha$ & The angle ($\dg$)
+\def\@listofsymbols{\clearpage\chapter*{\vspace{-1ex}LIST OF SYMBOLS}\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{LIST OF SYMBOLS}
+% Title page
+\pretitle{\doublespacing \vfill \begin{center}}
+\posttitle{\vfill \singlespacing A \@papertype \\ Submitted to the Graduate Faculty \\ of the \\ North Dakota State University \\ of Agriculture and Applied Science \end{center}}
+\preauthor{\vfill \begin{center} By \\ \vspace{\baselineskip}}
+\postauthor{\vfill \singlespacing In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements \\ for the Degree of \\ \@degree \vfill Major~\@progdeptchoice: \\ \@department \end{center}}
+\predate{\vfill \begin{center}}
+\postdate{\vfill Fargo, North Dakota \end{center}}
+% These control the frontmatter sections
+ \centering {\Large \textbf{NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY}} \\
+ {\large Graduate School} \\
+ \vspace{.1in}
+ \hrule height 1pt
+ \begin{center}
+ \parbox{5.5in}{
+ \begin{center}
+ \textbf{Title} \\
+ \@title
+ \vspace{.2in}
+ \hrule
+ \vspace{.2in}
+ \textbf{By} \\
+ \@author
+ \vspace{.2in}
+ \hrule
+ \end{center}
+ }
+ \end{center}
+{\noindent The Supervisory Committee certifies that this \MakeLowercase{\@papertype} complies with North Dakota State University's regulations and meets the accepted standards for the degree of}\\
+ \hspace{-0.35in}SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE: \\[0.06in]
+ \@cchair
+ \@cochaira
+ \@cochairb
+ \@cmembera
+ \@cmemberb
+ \@cmemberc
+ \@cmemberd
+ \vspace{0.2in}\hspace{-0.35in}Approved: \\[0.1in]
+ \noindent \parbox{1.5in}{\centering\@approvaldate\vspace{.05in}\hrule\vspace{.05in}{\tiny Date}} \hfill
+ \parbox{3in}{\centering\@approver\vspace{.05in}\hrule\vspace{.05in}{\tiny Department Chair}}
+\AtBeginDocument{\frontmatter \maketitle\thispagestyle{empty} \makeapproval \@abstract \@acknowledgements \@dedication \@preface
+ \renewcommand*{\addvspace}[1]{}
+ \begin{singlespace}\listoftables\end{singlespace}
+ \renewcommand*{\addvspace}[1]{}
+ \begin{singlespace}\listoffigures\end{singlespace}
+\addtocontents{lot}{\noindent\underline{Table}\hfill \underline{Page}\par}
+\addtocontents{lof}{\noindent\underline{Figure}\hfill \underline{Page}\par}
+\addtocontents{loat}{\noindent\underline{Table}\hfill \underline{Page}\par}
+\addtocontents{loaf}{\noindent\underline{Figure}\hfill \underline{Page}\par}
+\addtocontents{loa}{\noindent\underline{Figure}\hfill \underline{Page}\par}
+% Labels chapters correctly
+% Format headings correctly
+% Chapter title centered properly - Use \myheading{} command
+ {\centering\normalfont\bfseries\setstretch{1.6}}
+ {{\large\MakeUppercase{{\chaptertitlename}}\ }}{0em}{\large\MakeUppercase}
+ \titlespacing*{\chapter}{0pt}{-0.6\baselineskip}{0.4\baselineskip}
+% Two versions based on "nonumber" option other two carry chapter numbers
+ \begingroup
+ \renewcommand\thefootnote{}\footnote{#1}%
+ \addtocounter{footnote}{-1}%
+ \endgroup
+% Usage: \mypaperheading{Title}{footnote mark}{footnote text} - 3 arguments
+% NDSU - MAJOR HEADING - Centered, bold, All Caps, e.g., 1. MAJOR HEADING
+ {\centering\normalfont\bfseries}{\thesection.}{0.3em}{}
+ \titlespacing*{\section}{0pt}{*0}{0pt}
+% NDSU - First Level Subheading - Centered, bold, Title Case,
+% e.g., 1.1. First Level Subheading
+\titleformat{\subsection} % Igathi
+ {\normalfont\bfseries}{\thesubsection.}{0.3em}{}
+ \titlespacing*{\subsection}{0pt}{*0}{0pt}
+% NDSU - Second Level Subheading - Left aligned, bold, Title Case,
+% e.g., 1.1.1.Second Level Subheading
+\titleformat{\subsubsection} % Igathi
+ {\normalfont\bfseries\itshape}{\thesubsubsection.}{0.3em}{}
+ \titlespacing*{\subsubsection}{0pt}{*0}{0pt}
+% NDSU - Third level subheading - Left aligned, bold, italics, Sentence case,
+% e.g., Third level subheading
+ {\normalfont\itshape}{\theparagraph.}{0.3em}{}
+ \titlespacing*{\paragraph}{0pt}{*0}{0pt}
+% Not in NDSU - Fourth level subheading - Left aligned, italics, Sentence case,
+%e.g., Fourth level subheading
+\newcommand\bibtocsubstart{ % used in latter command
+% Usage: \biblio{reference-styleFile}{reference-bibFile} - Command to have references
+\bibliographystyle{#1} % *.bst file
+\bibliography{#2} % *.bib file
+% Usage: \tempend{reference-styleFile}{reference-bibFile} - Command to end temporarily
+\bibliographystyle{#1} % *.bst file
+\bibliography{#2} % *.bib file
+% Generate appendices with the correct numbering - modified
+ \chapter*{APPENDIX}
+ \setcounter{appendixfigure}{0}
+ \renewcommand{\appendixfigurename}{Figure}
+ \renewcommand{\theappendixfigure}{A\arabic{appendixfigure}}
+ \setcounter{appendixtable}{0}
+ \renewcommand{\appendixtablename}{Table}
+ \renewcommand{\theappendixtable}{A\arabic{appendixtable}}
+ \addtocontents{toc}{\setlength{\protect\cftchapnumwidth}{0pt}}
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{APPENDIX}
+ \renewcommand{\thesection}{A.\arabic{section}}
+ \setcounter{section}{0}
+ \renewcommand{\theequation}{A.\arabic{equation}}
+ \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}}% toc up to subsection
+% Usage: \namedappendices{A}{Appendix title}
+\newcommand{\namedappendices}[2]{ % for multiple appendices
+ \chapter*{APPENDIX #1. #2}
+ \setcounter{appendixfigure}{0}
+ \renewcommand{\appendixfigurename}{Figure}
+ \renewcommand{\theappendixfigure}{#1\arabic{appendixfigure}}
+ \setcounter{appendixtable}{0}
+ \renewcommand{\appendixtablename}{Table}
+ \renewcommand{\theappendixtable}{#1\arabic{appendixtable}}
+ \addtocontents{toc}{\setlength{\protect\cftchapnumwidth}{0pt}}
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{APPENDIX #1.{\hspace{1.5ex}}\uppercase{#2}}
+ \renewcommand{\thesection}{#1.\arabic{section}}
+% \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#1.\arabic{section}}
+ \setcounter{section}{0}
+ \renewcommand{\theequation}{#1.\arabic{equation}}
+ \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}}% toc up to subsection
+% New(er) commands
+% suppressing Chapter labels and leaving only the number
+% Command to ensure list of both appendix tables and figures
+% Usage: \closeappendices on the last named appendix at the end or separately before the \end{document}
+\newcommand{\closeappendices}{ % Igathi
+% the thesis had only appendix tables
+\newcommand{\closeappendixtables}{ % Igathi
+% the thesis had only appendix figures
+\newcommand{\closeappendixfigures}{ % Igathi
+% Example usage:
+% \myfig[aboveskip=3ex]{placement=ht}{width=0.8}{file=fig1.pdf}{caption=My caption goes here}{label=fig1}
+% \myfig[aboveskip]{ht}{0.8}{fig1.pdf}{My caption goes here}{fig1}
+% Regular figure command with placement (htpbH as first argument)
+\newcommand{\myfig}[6][0ex]{%3.5 earlier
+\captionsetup{aboveskip = #1 plus 2pt minus 2pt, belowskip = 0pt} %, singlelinecheck=true for centering; 14 pt
+ \includegraphics[width=#3\textwidth]{#4}
+ \vspace{5pt}
+ \caption{#5}
+ \label{#6}
+% Example usage:
+% \myfigls[aboveskip]{ht}{0.8}{fig1.pdf}{My caption goes here}{fig1}
+% Landscape figure command with placement (htpbH as first argument)
+\captionsetup{aboveskip = #1 plus 2pt minus 2pt, belowskip = 0pt} %, singlelinecheck=true for centering
+ \includegraphics[width=#3\textwidth]{#4}
+ \vspace{5pt}
+ \caption{#5}
+ \label{#6}
+% Example usage:
+% \myfigap[aboveskip]{ht}{0.5}{appenddfig1.pdf}{My appendix caption goes here}{figA1}
+% Appendix figure command - with placement (htpbH as first argument)
+\captionsetup{belowskip = 0pt, aboveskip = #1 plus 2pt minus 2pt} %, singlelinecheck=true for centering
+ \includegraphics[width=#3\textwidth]{#4}
+ \vspace{5pt}
+ \caption[#5]{#5}
+ \label{#6}
+% Example usage:
+% \myfigapls{ht}{0.5}{appenddfig1.pdf}{My appendix caption goes here}{figA1}
+% Appendix landscape figure command - with placement (htpbH as first argument)
+\captionsetup{belowskip = 0pt, aboveskip = #1 plus 2pt minus 2pt} %, singlelinecheck=true for centering
+ \includegraphics[width=#3\textwidth]{#4}
+ \vspace{5pt}
+ \caption[#5]{#5}
+ \label{#6}
+\newcommand\notes[1]{\vspace{2ex}\todo[color=green!35, inline]{#1}}
+\newcommand\mt[1]{\text{#1}} % math text
+\newcommand\pt[1]{\qty[mode = text]{#1}{\percent}\xspace} % \qty{}{} new SI command
+\newcommand\pr[1]{\qty[mode = text]{#1}{\percent}\xspace}
+\newcommand\dg[1]{\qty[mode = text]{#1}{\degreeCelsius}\xspace}
+\newcommand\SU[2]{\qty[mode = text]{#1}{#2}\xspace} % redefined using qty
+\newcommand\su[1]{\unit[mode = text]{#1}\xspace} % redefined using qty
+\newcommand\no[1]{\num[mode = text]{#1}\xspace} % redefined using qty
+\setlength\abovedisplayskip{6pt plus 3pt minus 3pt}
+\setlength\abovedisplayshortskip{0pt plus 3pt minus 3pt}
+\setlength\belowdisplayskip{6pt plus 3pt minus 3pt}
+\setlength\belowdisplayshortskip{3pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}
+\RequirePackage{subfiles} % Best loaded last in the preamble