path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex')
43 files changed, 3329 insertions, 254 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/amsmath/amsmath-2018-12-01.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/amsmath/amsmath-2018-12-01.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f684834649e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/amsmath/amsmath-2018-12-01.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,2848 @@
+%% This is file `amsmath.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% amsmath.dtx
+%% Copyright 1995, 1999, 2000, 2013 American Mathematical Society.
+%% Copyright 2016 LaTeX3 Project and American Mathematical Society.
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is the LaTeX3 project.
+\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}% LaTeX 2.09 can't be used (nor non-LaTeX)
+[1994/12/01]% LaTeX date must be December 1994 or later
+\ProvidesPackage{amsmath}[2018/12/01 v2.17b AMS math features]
+\edef\@temp{\catcode 96=\number\catcode 96 }
+\catcode\string `\`=12
+ \noexpand\AtEndOfPackage{%
+ \@temp
+ \do\"\do\'\do\(\do\)\do\*\do\+\do\,\do\-\do\.%
+ \do\/\do\<\do\=\do\>\do\[\do\]\do\^\do\_\relax
+ }%
+\def\do#1{\catcode\number`#1=12 }
+\catcode`\^=7 \catcode`\_=8
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{nonamelimits}{amsopn}}
+ \ifnum\cmex@opt=\@ne \def\cmex@opt{0}%
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+ \AtBeginDocument{%
+ \ifdim\@mathmargin= -1sp
+ \@mathmargin\leftmargini minus\leftmargini
+ \fi
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+ \if-\@tempa\null\,%
+ \else
+ \edef\@tempa{\expandafter\@car\the\lastkern\@nil}%
+ \if-\@tempa\null\,%
+ \else\null
+ \fi
+ \fi}%
+ nointlimits,sumlimits,namelimits,centertags,alignedleftspaceyesifneg}
+ \typeout{^^J%
+Documentation for the amsmath package is found in amsldoc.dvi^^J%
+(or .pdf or .tex).^^J%
+See also^^J%
+Note: Using the first edition of The LaTeX Companion (1994) without^^J%
+errata as a guide for amsmath use is not recommended.^^J%
+ }%
+ \typeout{%
+For additional information on amsmath, use the \lq ?\rq\space option.%
+ }%
+\ifnum\cmex@opt=7 \relax
+ \DeclareFontShape{OMX}{cmex}{m}{n}{%
+ <-8>cmex7<8>cmex8<9>cmex9%
+ <10><10.95><12><14.4><17.28><20.74><24.88>cmex10%
+ }{}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname OMX/cmex/m/n/10\endcsname\relax
+ \ifnum\cmex@opt=\z@ % need to override cmex7 fontdef from amsfonts
+ \begingroup
+ \fontencoding{OMX}\fontfamily{cmex}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname OMX+cmex\endcsname\relax
+ \try@load@fontshape
+ \endgroup
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+ \def\cmex@opt{10}%
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+ \let\ams@renewcommand\providecommand
+ \let\ams@def\providecommand
+ \let\ams@DeclareRobustCommand\providecommand
+ \let\ams@newcommand\newcommand
+ \let\ams@renewcommand\renewcommand
+ \let\ams@def\def
+ \let\ams@DeclareRobustCommand\DeclareRobustCommand
+ A\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{M}\kern-.125emS}}
+ \usefont{OMS}{cmsy}{\if\@xp\@car\f@series\@nil bb\else m\fi}{n}}
+\ifx\leavevmode@ifvmode\@undefined % kernel is < 2018/12
+ \m@th$#2#3$}}
+ \m@th$#2#3$}}
+ \newcount\inf@bad \inf@bad=1000000 \relax
+ \ifmmode\mskip#1#2\else\kern#1#3\fi\relax}
+ \ifmmode\mskip#1#2\else\leavevmode@ifvmode\kern#1#3\fi\relax}
+ \ifx\delimiter#1\@tempcnta#2\relax\else\@tempcnta\z@\fi
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+ \xdef\lvert{\delimiter\number\@tempcnta\space }
+ \advance\@tempcnta "1000000
+ \xdef\rvert{\delimiter\number\@tempcnta\space }
+ \ifx\@@undefined\lvert
+ % Fall back to cmex encoding since we don't know what else to do.
+ \DeclareMathDelimiter{\lvert}
+ {\mathopen}{symbols}{"6A}{largesymbols}{"0C}
+ \DeclareMathDelimiter{\rvert}
+ {\mathclose}{symbols}{"6A}{largesymbols}{"0C}
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+ \advance\@tempcnta "1000000
+ \xdef\rVert{\delimiter\number\@tempcnta\space }
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+ {\mathopen}{symbols}{"6B}{largesymbols}{"0D}
+ \DeclareMathDelimiter{\rVert}
+ {\mathclose}{symbols}{"6B}{largesymbols}{"0D}
+ \fi
+ \PackageWarning{amsmath}{%
+Foreign command \@backslashchar#1;\MessageBreak
+\protect\frac\space or \protect\genfrac\space should be used instead%
+ }
+ \global\@xp\let\csname#1\@xp\endcsname\csname @@#1\endcsname
+ \csname#1\endcsname
+ \def\@tempa{#1#2}%
+ \edef\@tempb{\@nx\@genfrac\@mathstyle{#4}%
+ \csname @@\ifx @#3@over\else above\fi
+ \ifx\@tempa\@empty \else withdelims\fi\endcsname}
+ \@tempb{#1#2#3}}
+\hbox{$\left#1\vcenter{\hrule \@width\z@
+ \@height
+ \ifdim\fontdimen#2#3\tw@=\z@
+ #4\fontdimen6#3\tw@
+ \else
+ \fontdimen#2#3\tw@
+ \fi
+ }\right.$}}
+\ifx @#2@\else
+\ifx c#1\kern-\nulldelimiterspace\fi
+ \mathsurround\z@\nulldelimiterspace\z@
+\ifx o#1\kern-\nulldelimiterspace\fi
+\genfrac@choice o{#1}%
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+\genfrac@choice c{#2}%
+\hbox{$\left#1\vcenter{\hrule \@width\z@
+ \@height
+ \ifdim\Umathfractiondelsize#2=\z@
+ #3\fontdimen6#3\tw@
+ \else
+ \Umathfractiondelsize#2%
+ \fi
+ }\right.$}}
+\ifx @#2@\else
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+ \mathsurround\z@\nulldelimiterspace\z@
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+\genfrac@choice c{#2}%
+ \ifx\@empty#1\@empty\relax
+ \else\ifcase#1\displaystyle % case 0
+ \or\textstyle\or\scriptstyle\else\scriptscriptstyle\fi\fi}
+\edef\@tempc{\expandafter\@tempb\meaning\coprod "\@nil}
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+ \global\let\bigoplus@\bigoplus
+ \gdef\bigoplus{\DOTSB\bigoplus@\slimits@}
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+ \DN@.{\FN@\nextv@}\fi\next@.}%
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+ \def\nextiii@\leftroot##1{\leftroot@##1\relax\FN@\nextvii@}%
+ \def\nextvii@{\ifx\@let@token\@sptoken
+ \DN@. {\FN@\nextviii@}\else
+ \DN@.{\FN@\nextviii@}\fi\next@.}%
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+ \let\next@\plainroot@\fi\next@}%
+ \def\nextix@\uproot##1{\uproot@##1\relax\plainroot@}%
+ \bgroup\uproot@\z@\leftroot@\z@\FN@\next@}
+ $\m@th\scriptscriptstyle{#1}$}%
+ \mathchoice{\r@@t\displaystyle{#2}}{\r@@t\textstyle{#2}}
+ {\r@@t\scriptstyle{#2}}{\r@@t\scriptscriptstyle{#2}}\egroup}
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+ \else\setboxz@h{\the\toks@\nobreak}\unhbox\z@\fi}%
+ \FN@\next@
+ \mkern-\thinmuskip{:}\mskip6muplus1mu\relax}
+\let\ifgtest@\iffalse % initial value
+{\uccode`7=`\\ \uccode`8=`m \uccode`9=`a \uccode`0=`t \uccode`!=`h
+ \uppercase{%
+ \gdef\math@#1#2#3#4#5#6\math@{\gtest@false\ifx 7#1\ifx 8#2%
+ \ifx 9#3\ifx 0#4\ifx !#5\xdef\meaning@{#6}\gtest@true
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}}}
+{\uccode`7=`c \uccode`8=`h \uccode`9=`\"
+ \uppercase{\gdef\mathch@#1#2#3#4#5#6\mathch@{\gtest@false
+ \ifx 7#1\ifx 8#2\ifx 9#5\gtest@true\xdef\meaning@{9#6}\fi\fi\fi}}}
+{\uccode`(=`U \uccode`)=`m
+ \uppercase{\gdef\Umathch@#1#2#3#4"#5"#6\Umathch@{\gtest@false
+ \ifx(#2\ifx)#3\gtest@true
+ \ifcase"#5 \or\or\gdef\thedots@{\dotsb@}\or\gdef\thedots@{\dotsb@}\fi
+ \fi\fi
+ }}}
+{\uccode`(=`t \uccode`)=`c
+ \uppercase{\gdef\thecharacter@#1#2#3#4#5\thecharacter@{%
+ \ifx(#1\ifx)#4%
+ \@xp\getmathcode@\meaning@\getmathcode@
+ \fi\fi
+\def\getmathcode@#1 #2 #3#4\getmathcode@{%
+ \Umathcharnumdef\@tempa\Umathcodenum`#3\relax
+ \edef\meaning@{\meaning\@tempa}%
+ \@xp\Umathch@\meaning@\Umathch@
+\def\getmathch@#1.#2\getmathch@{\classnum@#1 \divide\classnum@4096
+ \ifcase\number\classnum@\or\or\gdef\thedots@{\dotsb@}\or
+ \gdef\thedots@{\dotsb@}\fi}
+{\uccode`4=`b \uccode`5=`i \uccode`6=`n
+ \uppercase{\gdef\mathbin@#1#2#3{\relaxnext@
+ \def\nextii@##1\mathbin@{\ifx\@sptoken\@let@token\gtest@true\fi}%
+ \gtest@false\DN@##1\mathbin@{}%
+ \ifx 4#1\ifx 5#2\ifx 6#3\DN@{\FN@\nextii@}\fi\fi\fi\next@}}}
+{\uccode`4=`r \uccode`5=`e \uccode`6=`l
+ \uppercase{\gdef\mathrel@#1#2#3{\relaxnext@
+ \def\nextii@##1\mathrel@{\ifx\@sptoken\@let@token\gtest@true\fi}%
+ \gtest@false\DN@##1\mathrel@{}%
+ \ifx 4#1\ifx 5#2\ifx 6#3\DN@{\FN@\nextii@}\fi\fi\fi\next@}}}
+{\uccode`5=`m \uccode`6=`a \uccode`7=`c
+ \uppercase{\gdef\macro@#1#2#3#4\macro@{\gtest@false
+ \ifx 5#1\ifx 6#2\ifx 7#3\gtest@true
+ \xdef\meaning@{\macro@@#4\macro@@}\fi\fi\fi}}}
+{\uccode`6=`\\ \uccode`7=`D \uccode`8=`O \uccode`9=`T \uccode`0=`S
+ \uppercase{\gdef\DOTS@#1#2#3#4#5{\gtest@false\DN@##1\DOTS@{}%
+ \ifx 6#1\ifx 7#2\ifx 8#3\ifx 9#4\ifx 0#5\let\next@\DOTS@@
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \next@}}}
+{\uccode`3=`B \uccode`4=`I \uccode`5=`X
+ \uppercase{\gdef\DOTS@@#1{\relaxnext@
+ \def\nextii@##1\DOTS@{\ifx\@sptoken\@let@token\gtest@true\fi}%
+ \DN@{\FN@\nextii@}%
+ \ifx 3#1\global\DOTSCASE@\z@\else
+ \ifx 4#1\global\DOTSCASE@\@ne\else
+ \ifx 5#1\global\DOTSCASE@\tw@\else\DN@##1\DOTS@{}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\next@}}}
+{\uccode`5=`\\ \uccode`6=`n \uccode`7=`o \uccode`8=`t
+ \uppercase{\gdef\not@#1#2#3#4{\relaxnext@
+ \def\nextii@##1\not@{\ifx\@sptoken\@let@token\gtest@true\fi}%
+ \gtest@false\DN@##1\not@{}%
+ \ifx 5#1\ifx 6#2\ifx 7#3\ifx 8#4\DN@{\FN@\nextii@}\fi\fi\fi
+ \fi\next@}}}
+{\uccode`9=`\l %
+ \uppercase{\gdef\striplong@#1#2#3\relax{%
+ \ifx9#2 \@xp\@xp\@xp\zap@to@space\fi}}}
+\def\zap@to@space#1 {}
+ \ifx\@let@token+\else\ifx\@let@token=\else
+ \ifx\@let@token<\else\ifx\@let@token>\else
+ \ifx\@let@token-\else\ifx\@let@token*\else\ifx\@let@token:\else
+ \gtest@false\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ \ifmmode \mathellipsis \else \textellipsis \fi
+ \ifmmode \@xp\mdots@\else \@xp\textellipsis \fi
+ \DN@{$\m@th\@ldots\,
+ \ifx\@let@token,\,$\else\ifx\@let@token.\,$\else
+ \ifx\@let@token;\,$\else\ifx\@let@token:\,$\else
+ \ifx\@let@token?\,$\else\ifx\@let@token!\,$\else
+ $ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}%
+ \ \FN@\next@}
+ \ifx\@let@token\boldsymbol
+ \gdef\thedots@\boldsymbol{\boldsymboldots@}%
+ \else
+ \ifx,\@let@token \gdef\thedots@{\dotsc}%
+ \else
+ \ifx\not\@let@token
+ \gdef\thedots@{\dotsb@}%
+ \else
+ \keybin@
+ \ifgtest@ % if \keybin@ test
+ \gdef\thedots@{\dotsb@}%
+ \else
+ \xdef\meaning@{\meaning\@let@token. .........}%
+ \xdef\meaning@@{\@xp\striplong@\meaning@\relax\meaning@}%
+ \@xp\math@\meaning@\math@
+ \ifgtest@ % if \mathxxx test
+ \@xp\mathch@\meaning@\mathch@
+ \ifgtest@ % if \mathchar
+ \@xp\getmathch@\meaning@\getmathch@
+ \fi % end if \mathchar
+ \else % \not \mathxxx
+ \@xp\Umathch@\meaning@"0"\Umathch@
+ \ifgtest@ % if \Umathchar
+ \else % else not \Umathcar
+ \@xp\macro@\meaning@@\macro@
+ \ifgtest@ % if macro test
+ \@xp\not@\meaning@\not@
+ \ifgtest@ % if macro starts \not test
+ \gdef\thedots@{\dotsb@}%
+ \else% else not \not
+ \@xp\DOTS@\meaning@\DOTS@
+ \ifgtest@ % \if DOTS
+ \ifcase\number\DOTSCASE@ %ifcase dots
+ \gdef\thedots@{\dotsb@}%
+ \or\gdef\thedots@{\dotsi}\else
+ \fi % endifcase dots
+ \else % not macro starts \DOTS
+ \@xp\math@\meaning@\math@
+ \ifgtest@ % \if macro starts \mathxxxx
+ \@xp\mathbin@\meaning@\mathbin@
+ \ifgtest@ % if macro starts \mathbin
+ \gdef\thedots@{\dotsb@}%
+ \else % not macro starting \mathbin
+ \@xp\mathrel@\meaning@\mathrel@
+ \ifgtest@ % if macro starts \mathrel
+ \gdef\thedots@{\dotsb@}%
+ \fi % endif macro starts \mathrel (no else)
+ \fi % endif macro starts \mathbin
+ \fi % endif macro starts with \mathxxx (no else)
+ \fi % endif macro starts \DOTS else
+ \fi % end macro starting \not \ifgtest@ test (no else)
+ \else
+ \@xp\thecharacter@\meaning@\thecharacter@
+ \fi % end macro \ifgtest@ test (no else)
+ \fi % end if \Umathchar test
+ \fi % end \math@ \ifgtest@
+ \fi % end \keybin@ \ifgtest@ test (no else)
+ \fi % end if \not (no else)
+ \fi % end if comma (no else)
+ \fi % end if boldsymbol (no else)
+ \thedots@}
+ \bold@true\let\@let@token=#1\let\delayed@=#1\mdots@@
+ \boldsymbol#1\bold@false}
+ \ifx\@let@token)\else
+ \ifx\@let@token]\else
+ \ifx\@let@token\rbrack\else
+ \ifx\@let@token\}\else
+ \ifx\@let@token\rbrace\else
+ \ifx\@let@token\rangle\else
+ \ifx\@let@token\rceil\else
+ \ifx\@let@token\rfloor\else
+ \ifx\@let@token\rgroup\else
+ \ifx\@let@token\rmoustache\else
+ \ifx\@let@token\right\else
+ \ifx\@let@token\bigr\else
+ \ifx\@let@token\biggr\else
+ \ifx\@let@token\Bigr\else
+ \ifx\@let@token\Biggr\else\gtest@false
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ \rightdelim@\ifgtest@
+ \else\ifx\@let@token$\gtest@true
+ \else\xdef\meaning@{\meaning\@let@token..........}%
+ \@xp\macro@\meaning@\macro@\ifgtest@
+ \@xp\DOTS@\meaning@\DOTS@
+ \ifgtest@
+ \ifnum\DOTSCASE@=\tw@\gtest@true\else\gtest@false
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+ \ifbold@
+ \let\@let@token\delayed@
+ \def\nextii@{\extra@\@ldots\ifgtest@\,\fi}%
+ \else
+ \def\nextii@{\DN@{\extra@\@ldots\ifgtest@\,\fi}\FN@\next@}%
+ \fi
+ \nextii@}
+ \DN@{#1\,}%
+ \ifx\@let@token,\else
+ \ifx\@let@token;\else
+ \ifx\@let@token.\else\extra@
+ \ifgtest@\else
+ \let\next@#1\fi\fi\fi\fi\next@}
+ \ifmmode \DN@{\extrap@\@ldots}%
+ \else \let\next@\tdots@\fi
+ \FN@\next@}
+ \DN@{\ifx\@let@token;\@ldots\,%
+ \else \ifx\@let@token.\@ldots\,%
+ \else \extra@\@ldots \ifgtest@\,\fi
+ \fi\fi}%
+ \FN@\next@}
+ \DOTSB\protect\relbar\protect\joinrel\rightarrow}
+ \DOTSB\protect\Relbar\protect\joinrel\Rightarrow}
+ \DOTSB\leftarrow\protect\joinrel\protect\relbar}
+ \DOTSB\Leftarrow\protect\joinrel\protect\Relbar}
+ \DOTSB\mathrel{\mathop{\kern0pt =}\limits^{\textstyle.}}}
+\everydisplay\@xp{\the\everydisplay \@displaytrue}
+ {{\cdotp}\mkern1.5mu{\cdotp}\mkern1.5mu{\cdotp}}%
+ {{\cdotp}\mkern1mu{\cdotp}\mkern1mu{\cdotp}}%
+ {{\cdotp}\mkern1mu{\cdotp}\mkern1mu{\cdotp}}}
+ \edef\ints@c{\noexpand\intop
+ \ifnum#1=\z@\noexpand\intdots@\else\noexpand\intkern@\fi
+ \ifnum#1>\tw@\noexpand\intop\noexpand\intkern@\fi
+ \ifnum#1>\thr@@\noexpand\intop\noexpand\intkern@\fi
+ \noexpand\intop
+ \noexpand\ilimits@
+ }%
+ \futurelet\@let@token\ints@a
+ \ifx\limits\@let@token \ints@b
+ \else \ifx\displaylimits\@let@token \ints@b
+ \else\ifx\ilimits@\displaylimits \ints@b
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \ints@c
+ \mkern-7mu\mathchoice{\mkern-2mu}{}{}{}%
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+ \let\ilimits@\egroup
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+ \def\@tempb##1"##2##3{\the\textfont"##3\char"}%
+ \expandafter\@tempb\meaning\@tempa \relax
+ }%
+ \edef\@tempa{%
+ \ht\Mathstrutbox@\the\ht\z@\relax
+ \dp\Mathstrutbox@\the\dp\z@\relax}%
+ \expandafter\endgroup\@tempa
+ \begingroup
+ \Umathcharnumdef\@tempa\Umathcodenum`\(\relax
+ \def\@tempb##1"##2"##3"##4\relax{%
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+ \vbox{\kern-\normallineskiplimit\copy\strutbox}}}
+ {\@mathmeasure\z@{\nulldelimiterspace\z@}%
+ {\left#2\vcenter to#1\big@size{}\right.}%
+ \box\z@}}
+ {\@mathmeasure\z@{\nulldelimiterspace\z@}%
+ {\left#2\vcenter to#1\big@size{}\right.}%
+ \box\z@}}
+ \global\big@size 1.2\ht\Mathstrutbox@
+ \global\advance\big@size 1.2\dp\Mathstrutbox@ }
+ {\mathop{#1}\limits^{\vbox to-1.4\ex@{\kern-\tw@\ex@
+ \hbox{\normalfont ...}\vss}}}}
+ {\mathop{#1}\limits^{\vbox to-1.4\ex@{\kern-\tw@\ex@
+ \hbox{\normalfont....}\vss}}}}
+ \xdef#2{\@nx\protect\@nx\mathaccentV
+ {\@xp\@gobble\string#2}\hexnumber@#1#4}%
+\def\@tempb#1>#2#3 #4\@nil#5{%
+ \@xp\ifx\csname#3\endcsname\mathaccent
+ \@tempc#4?"7777\@nil#5%
+ \else
+ \@xp\ifx\csname#3\endcsname\Umathaccent
+ \@tempd#4\@nil#5%
+ \else
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{amsmath}{%
+ Unable to redefine math accent \string#5}%
+ \fi\fi}
+ \chardef\@tempd="#3\relax\set@mathaccent\@tempd{#7}{#2}{#4#5}}
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{amsmath}{%
+ Unable to redefine \string\Umathaccent\space\string#2}%
+ \DeclareMathAccent{\mathring}{\mathalpha}{operators}{"17}
+ \@tempa{\mathring}
+ \@amsmath@err{%
+ Improper argument for math accent:\MessageBreak
+ Extra braces must be added to prevent wrong output%
+ }\@ehc
+ \ifmmode
+ \gdef\macc@tmp{\macc@depth\@ne}%
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{%
+ \let\mathaccentV\macc@test
+ \let\use@mathgroup\@gobbletwo \let\select@group\@gobblethree
+ \frozen@everymath{}$#5$%
+ }%
+ \macc@tmp
+ \ifnum\macc@depth=\@ne
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+ \mathaccent"\accentclass@
+ \else
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+ \fi
+ #2#3#4{#5}%
+ \macc@nucleus
+ \else
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+ \fi
+ \begingroup
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+ \mathsurround\z@ \frozen@everymath{\mathgroup\macc@group\relax}%
+ \macc@set@skewchar\relax
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+ \endgroup
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+ \else \macc@set@skewchar\relax \edef\macc@group{\the\mathgroup}%
+ \fi
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+ \begingroup
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+ \else
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+ \advance\count@"7100
+ \edef\@tempa{\endgroup
+ \mathchardef\noexpand\macc@skewchar=\number\count@\relax}%
+ \@tempa
+ #1%
+ \begingroup
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+ \advance\macc@depth\m@ne
+ \ifnum\macc@depth=\z@
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+ \setbox\z@\hbox{$#1#2\@empty{}\macc@skewchar$}%
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox{$#1#2\@empty\macc@skewchar$}%
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+ \setbox4\hbox{$#1#2\acc@check\@empty$}%
+ \global\setbox\@ne\hbox to\wd4{}%
+ \ht\@ne\ht4 \dp\@ne\dp4
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+ \mathaccent\macc@code{\box\@ne\kern\macc@kerna}%
+ \else
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+ \macc@adjust
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \dimen@\macc@kerna\advance\dimen@\macc@kernb
+ \kern-\dimen@
+ #1 allowed only in math mode}\@ehd}
+ {\operator@font mod}\penalty900
+ \mkern5mu\nonscript\mskip-\medmuskip}
+ \if@display\mkern18mu\else\mkern8mu\fi(#1)}
+\renewcommand{\pmod}[1]{\pod{{\operator@font mod}\mkern6mu#1}}
+ \else\mkern12mu\fi{\operator@font mod}\,\,#1}
+ \strut\ifx r#1\hfill\fi#2\ifx l#1\hfill\fi}{#3}}%
+ \kern-\nulldelimiterspace}
+ \binrel@@{\mathop{\kern\z@#2}\limits^{#1}}}
+ \binrel@@{\mathop{\kern\z@#2}\limits_{#1}}}
+ \@mathmeasure\z@\displaystyle{#3}%
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+ \dimen@-\wd6 \advance\dimen@\wd4 \advance\dimen@\wd\z@
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+ \ifmmode \@xp\mathpalette\@xp\mathsm@sh
+ \else \@xp\makesm@sh
+ \fi
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+ \edef\finsm@sh{\csname mb@#1\endcsname\z@\z@ \leavevmode@ifvmode\box\z@}%
+ \ifmmode \@xp\mathpalette\@xp\mathsm@sh
+ \else \@xp\makesm@sh
+ \fi
+ \mathchardef\std@minus\mathcode`\-\relax
+ \mathchardef\std@equal\mathcode`\=\relax
+ $\m@th\thickmuskip0mu\medmuskip\thickmuskip\thinmuskip\thickmuskip
+ \relax#4#1\mkern-7mu%
+ \cleaders\hbox{$#4\mkern-2mu#2\mkern-2mu$}\hfill
+ \mkern-7mu#3$%
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip}$\m@th\hfil#2#3\hfil$\crcr}}}
+ \mathpalette{\overarrow@\rightarrowfill@}}
+ \mathpalette{\overarrow@\leftarrowfill@}}
+ \mathpalette{\overarrow@\leftrightarrowfill@}}
+ \vtop{\ialign{##\crcr$\m@th\hfil#2#3\hfil$\crcr
+ \noalign{\nointerlineskip\kern1.3\ex@}#1#2\crcr}}}
+ \mathpalette{\underarrow@\rightarrowfill@}}
+ \mathpalette{\underarrow@\leftarrowfill@}}
+ \mathpalette{\underarrow@\leftrightarrowfill@}}
+ \mathrel{\mathop{%
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{#5\displaystyle}%
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+ \hbox{$\scriptstyle\mkern#3mu{#6}\mkern#4mu$}%
+ \hbox{$\scriptstyle\mkern#3mu{#7}\mkern#4mu$}%
+ \copy\z@
+ }%
+ \hbox to\wd\tw@{\unhbox\z@}}%
+ \limits
+ \@ifnotempty{#7}{^{\if0#1\else\mkern#1mu\fi
+ #7\if0#2\else\mkern#2mu\fi}}%
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+ #6\if0#2\else\mkern#2mu\fi}}}%
+\newcommand{\xrightarrow}[2][]{\ext@arrow 0359\rightarrowfill@{#1}{#2}}
+\newcommand{\xleftarrow}[2][]{\ext@arrow 3095\leftarrowfill@{#1}{#2}}
+ \vcenter\bgroup
+ \Let@ \restore@math@cr \default@tag
+ \baselineskip\fontdimen10 \scriptfont\tw@
+ \advance\baselineskip\fontdimen12 \scriptfont\tw@
+ \lineskip\thr@@\fontdimen8 \scriptfont\thr@@
+ \lineskiplimit\lineskip
+ \ialign\bgroup\ifx c#1\hfil\fi
+ $\m@th\scriptstyle##$\hfil\crcr
+ \crcr\egroup\egroup
+ \Let@\restore@math@cr\default@tag
+ \baselineskip6\ex@ \lineskip1.5\ex@ \lineskiplimit\lineskip
+ \ialign\bgroup\hfil$\m@th\scriptstyle##$\hfil&&\thickspace\hfil
+ $\m@th\scriptstyle##$\hfil\crcr
+ \crcr\egroup\egroup\,%
+ \matrix@check\matrix\env@matrix
+ \endarray \hskip -\arraycolsep
+\def\env@matrix{\hskip -\arraycolsep
+ \let\@ifnextchar\new@ifnextchar
+ \array{*\c@MaxMatrixCols c}}
+\newcount\c@MaxMatrixCols \c@MaxMatrixCols=10
+ \@xp\ifx\csname\@currenvir\endcsname#1%
+ \else\matrix@error#1%
+ \@xp\@gobble
+ \fi
+ \@amsmath@err{%
+Old form `\string#1' should be \string\begin{\@xp\@gobble\string#1}%
+ }{%
+`\string#1{...}' is old Plain-TeX syntax whose use is
+ill-advised in LaTeX.%
+ }%
+ \left(%
+ \matrix@check\pmatrix\env@matrix
+ \endmatrix\right)%
+ \left\lbrace\env@matrix
+ \endmatrix\right\rbrace
+ \ifx[#1\@xp\shdots@for\else\hdots@for\@ne{#1}\fi}
+ {\m@th\dotsspace@1.5mu\mkern-#1\dotsspace@
+ \xleaders\hbox{$\m@th\mkern#1\dotsspace@.\mkern#1\dotsspace@$}%
+ \hfill
+ \mkern-#1\dotsspace@}%
+ }
+ \matrix@check\cases\env@cases
+ \endarray\right.%
+ \let\@ifnextchar\new@ifnextchar
+ \left\lbrace
+ \def\arraystretch{1.2}%
+ \array{@{}l@{\quad}l@{}}%
+\newcounter{parentequation}% Counter for ``parent equation''.
+ \def\ignorespacesafterend{\global\@ignoretrue}%
+ \refstepcounter{equation}%
+ \protected@edef\theparentequation{\theequation}%
+ \setcounter{parentequation}{\value{equation}}%
+ \setcounter{equation}{0}%
+ \def\theequation{\theparentequation\alph{equation}}%
+ \ignorespaces
+ \setcounter{equation}{\value{parentequation}}%
+ \ignorespacesafterend
+ \@ifundefined{c@#2}{\@nocounterr{#2}}{%
+ \@ifundefined{c@#3}{\@nocnterr{#3}}{%
+ \@addtoreset{#2}{#3}%
+ \@xp\xdef\csname the#2\endcsname{%
+ \@xp\@nx\csname the#3\endcsname .\@nx#1{#2}}}}%
+ \interdisplaylinepenalty\getdsp@pen{#1}\relax
+ \ifcase #1\@M \or 9999 \or 6999 \or 2999 \or \z@\fi
+ \ifmeasuring@
+ \else
+ \ifcase\dspbrk@context % case 0 --- OK
+ \global\dspbrk@lvl #1\relax
+ \or % case 1 --- inside a box
+ \nogood@displaybreak
+ \else % other cases --- outside of a display
+ \@amsmath@err{\Invalid@@\displaybreak}\@eha
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \@amsmath@err{\protect
+\displaybreak\space cannot be applied here}%
+{One of the enclosing environments creates an
+ unbreakable box\MessageBreak
+(e.g., split, aligned, gathered, ...).}%
+ \@ifstar{\global\@eqpen\@M\math@cr@}%
+ {\global\@eqpen
+ \ifnum\dspbrk@lvl <\z@ \interdisplaylinepenalty
+ \else -\@getpen\dspbrk@lvl \fi
+ \math@cr@}}
+\def\math@cr@@[#1]{\ifnum0=`{\fi \iffalse}\fi\math@cr@@@
+ \noalign{\vskip#1\relax}}
+ \def\intertext##1{%
+ \ifvmode\else\\\@empty\fi
+ \noalign{%
+ \penalty\postdisplaypenalty\vskip\belowdisplayskip
+ \vbox{\normalbaselines
+ \ifdim\linewidth=\columnwidth
+ \else \parshape\@ne \@totalleftmargin \linewidth
+ \fi
+ \noindent\ignorespaces##1\par}%
+ \penalty\predisplaypenalty\vskip\abovedisplayskip%
+ }%
+ {tag cannot be used at this point.\space
+ If you don't understand why^^Jyou should consult
+ the documentation.^^JBut don't worry: just continue, and I'll
+ forget what happened.}
+\def\dft@tag{\invalid@tag{\string\tag\space not allowed here}}
+ \def\@eqnnum{\hbox to1sp{}\rlap{\normalfont\normalcolor
+ \hskip -\displaywidth\tagform@\theequation}}
+ \def\@eqnnum{{\normalfont\normalcolor \tagform@\theequation}}
+ \gdef\df@tag{\maketag@@@{#1}\def\@currentlabel{#1}}}
+ \toks@\@xp{\p@equation{#1}}\edef\@currentlabel{\the\toks@}}}
+ \ifx\df@label\@empty\else
+ \@amsmath@err{Multiple \string\label's:
+ label '\df@label' will be lost}\@eha
+ \fi
+ \gdef\df@label
+\toks@\@xp{\@arrayparboxrestore \let\label\ltx@label}%
+ \if@eqnsw \incr@eqnum \print@eqnum
+ \else \iftag@ \df@tag \global\let\df@tag\@empty \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifmeasuring@
+ \else
+ \ifx\df@label\@empty
+ \else
+ \@xp\ltx@label\@xp{\df@label}%
+ \global\let\df@label\@empty
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \relax
+ \iftag@
+ \DN@{\invalid@tag{Multiple \string\tag}}%
+ \else
+ \global\tag@true
+ \nonumber
+ \let\next@\make@df@tag
+ \fi
+ \next@
+ \xdef\raise@tag{\vskip\iftagsleft@\else-\fi\the\skip@\relax}%
+ \if@eqnsw
+ \ifx\incr@eqnum\@empty \addtocounter{equation}\m@ne \fi
+ \fi
+ \let\print@eqnum\@empty \let\incr@eqnum\@empty
+ \global\@eqnswfalse
+ \ingather@false\inalign@false \default@tag
+ \let\spread@equation\@spread@equation
+ \let\reset@equation\@empty
+ \def\print@eqnum{\tagform@\theequation}%
+ \def\incr@eqnum{\refstepcounter{equation}\let\incr@eqnum\@empty}%
+ \global\advance\column@\@ne
+\def\add@amp#1{\if m#1&\@xp\add@amp\fi}
+ \begingroup
+ \count@#1\advance\count@-\column@
+ \edef\@tempa{\endgroup
+ \@xp\add@amp\romannumeral\number\count@ 000q}%
+ \@tempa
+{An extra & here is so disastrous that you should probably exit^^J
+and fix things up.}
+ \ifcase\@xp#1\tag@lengths\fi
+ \begingroup
+ \let\or\relax
+ \xdef\tag@lengths{\tag@lengths\or \the\wdz@}%
+ \endgroup
+ \ifcase\@xp#1\tag@shifts\fi\relax
+ \begingroup
+ \let\or\relax
+ \xdef\tag@shifts{\or#1\tag@shifts}%
+ \endgroup
+ \openup\jot \let\spread@equation\@empty}
+ \global\dt@ptrue \spread@equation
+ \everycr{%
+ \noalign{%
+ #1%
+ \ifdt@p
+ \global\dt@pfalse
+ \vskip-\lineskiplimit
+ \vskip\normallineskiplimit
+ \else
+ \penalty\@eqpen \global\dspbrk@lvl\m@ne
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+ \global\column@\z@ \global\dspbrk@lvl\m@ne
+ \global\tag@false \global\let\raise@tag\@empty
+ \noalign{%
+ \ifdim#1>\displaywidth
+ \dimen@\prevdepth
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \vskip-\ht\strutbox@
+ \vskip-\dp\strutbox@
+ \vbox{\noindent\hbox to\displaywidth{\hbox to#1{\strut@\hfill}}}%
+ \prevdepth\dimen@
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \begingroup
+ \def\@elt##1{%
+ \global\csname c@##1\endcsname\the\csname c@##1\endcsname}%
+ \xdef\@gtempa{%
+ \cl@@ckpt
+ \let\@nx\restorecounters@\@nx\@empty
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \let\restorecounters@\@gtempa
+ \begingroup
+ \let\or\relax
+ \xdef\@gtempa{%
+ \global\totwidth@\the\totwidth@
+ \global\row@\the\row@
+ \gdef\@nx\tag@lengths{\tag@lengths}%
+ \let\@nx\restorealignstate@\@nx\@empty
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \let\restorealignstate@\@gtempa
+ \edef\restorecolumn@{%
+ \global\column@\number\column@
+ \let\@nx\restorecolumn@\@nx\@empty
+ }%
+ \@envbody{\@xp#1\@xp{\the\@envbody}}%
+ \edef\process@envbody{\the\@envbody\@nx\end{\@currenvir}}%
+ \@envbody\@emptytoks \def\begin@stack{b}%
+ \begingroup
+ \@xp\let\csname\@currenvir\endcsname\collect@@body
+ \edef\process@envbody{\@xp\@nx\csname\@currenvir\endcsname}%
+ \process@envbody
+ \ifx\end#2\else b\@xp\push@begins\fi
+ \edef\begin@stack{\push@begins#1\begin\end \@xp\@gobble\begin@stack}%
+ \ifx\@empty\begin@stack
+ \endgroup
+ \@checkend{#2}%
+ \addto@envbody{#1}%
+ \else
+ \addto@envbody{#1\end{#2}}%
+ \fi
+ \process@envbody % A little tricky! Note the grouping
+ \ifodd\column@ \let\next@\@empty
+ \else \def\next@{&\kern-\alignsep@}%
+ \fi
+ \next@ \cr
+ \RIfM@\else
+ \nonmatherr@{\begin{\@currenvir}}%
+ \fi
+ \savecolumn@ % Assumption: called inside a group
+ \alignedspace@left
+ \if #1t\vtop \else \if#1b \vbox \else \vcenter \fi \fi \bgroup
+ \maxfields@#2\relax
+ \ifnum\maxfields@>\m@ne
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+ \let\math@cr@@@\math@cr@@@alignedat
+ \alignsep@\z@skip
+ \else
+ \let\math@cr@@@\math@cr@@@aligned
+ \alignsep@\minalignsep
+ \fi
+ \Let@ \chardef\dspbrk@context\@ne
+ \default@tag
+ \spread@equation % no-op if already called
+ \global\column@\z@
+ \ialign\bgroup
+ &\column@plus
+ \hfil
+ \strut@
+ $\m@th\displaystyle{##}$%
+ \tabskip\z@skip
+ &\column@plus
+ $\m@th\displaystyle{{}##}$%
+ \hfil
+ \tabskip\alignsep@
+ \crcr
+ \ifnum\column@>\maxfields@
+ \begingroup
+ \measuring@false
+ \@amsmath@err{Extra & on this line}%
+ {\the\andhelp@}% "An extra & here is disastrous"
+ \endgroup
+ \fi
+ \global\column@\z@
+ \cr
+ \relax\iffalse{\fi\ifnum`}=0\fi
+ \@ifnextchar[%
+ {\let\@let@token\relax \ifnum`{=\z@\fi\iffalse}\fi#1}%
+ {\let\@let@token\relax \ifnum`{=\z@\fi\iffalse}\fi#1[#2]}%
+ \let\@testopt\alignsafe@testopt
+ \aligned@a
+ \crcr\egroup
+ \restorecolumn@
+ \egroup
+ \let\@testopt\alignsafe@testopt
+ \alignedat@a
+ \endaligned
+ \RIfM@\else
+ \nonmatherr@{\begin{gathered}}%
+ \fi
+ \alignedspace@left
+ \if #1t\vtop \else \if#1b\vbox \else \vcenter \fi\fi \bgroup
+ \Let@ \chardef\dspbrk@context\@ne \restore@math@cr
+ \spread@equation
+ \ialign\bgroup
+ \hfil\strut@$\m@th\displaystyle##$\hfil
+ \crcr
+ \endaligned
+ \RIfM@
+ \nomath@env
+ \DN@{\@namedef{end\@currenvir}{}\@gobble}%
+ \else
+ $$%
+ #1%
+ \ifst@rred \else \global\@eqnswtrue \fi
+ \let\next@\gather@
+ \fi
+ \collect@body\next@
+ \start@gather\st@rredfalse
+ \math@cr \black@\totwidth@ \egroup
+ $$\ignorespacesafterend
+ \start@gather\st@rredtrue
+ \endgather
+ \ingather@true \let\split\insplit@
+ \let\tag\tag@in@align \let\label\label@in@display
+ \chardef\dspbrk@context\z@
+ \intertext@ \displ@y@ \Let@
+ \let\math@cr@@@\math@cr@@@gather
+ \gmeasure@{#1}%
+ \global\shifttag@false
+ \tabskip\z@skip
+ \global\row@\@ne
+ \halign to\displaywidth\bgroup
+ \strut@
+ \setboxz@h{$\m@th\displaystyle{##}$}%
+ \calc@shift@gather
+ \set@gather@field
+ \tabskip\@centering
+ &\setboxz@h{\strut@{##}}%
+ \place@tag@gather
+ \tabskip \iftagsleft@ \gdisplaywidth@ \else \z@skip \span\fi
+ \crcr
+ #1%
+ \begingroup
+ \measuring@true
+ \totwidth@\z@
+ \global\let\tag@lengths\@empty
+ \savecounters@
+ \setbox\@ne\vbox{%
+ \everycr{\noalign{\global\tag@false
+ \global\let\raise@tag\@empty \global\column@\z@}}%
+ \let\label\@gobble
+ \halign{%
+ \setboxz@h{$\m@th\displaystyle{##}$}%
+ \ifdim\wdz@>\totwidth@
+ \global\totwidth@\wdz@
+ \fi
+ &\setboxz@h{\strut@{##}}%
+ \savetaglength@
+ \crcr
+ #1%
+ \math@cr@@@
+ }%
+ }%
+ \restorecounters@
+ \if@fleqn
+ \global\advance\totwidth@\@mathmargin
+ \fi
+ \iftagsleft@
+ \ifdim\totwidth@>\displaywidth
+ \global\let\gdisplaywidth@\totwidth@
+ \else
+ \global\let\gdisplaywidth@\displaywidth
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \ifst@rred\nonumber\fi
+ &\relax
+ \make@display@tag
+ \ifst@rred\else\global\@eqnswtrue\fi
+ \global\advance\row@\@ne
+ \cr
+ \dimen@\mintagsep\relax
+ \tagwidth@\tag@width\row@\relax
+ \if@fleqn
+ \global\eqnshift@\@mathmargin
+ \ifdim\tagwidth@>\z@
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+ \iftagsleft@
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\@mathmargin
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+ \fi
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+ \fi
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+ \ifdim\dimen@>\displaywidth
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+ \else
+ \ifdim\eqnshift@<4\tagwidth@
+ \global\advance\eqnshift@-\tagwidth@
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
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+ \iftagsleft@
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+ \fi
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+ \global\eqnshift@\z@
+ \fi
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+ \kern-\gdisplaywidth@
+ \ifshifttag@
+ \rlap{\vbox{%
+ \normalbaselines
+ \boxz@
+ \vbox to\lineht@{}%
+ \raise@tag
+ }}%
+ \global\shifttag@false
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+ \normalbaselines
+ \setbox\@ne\null
+ \dp\@ne\lineht@
+ \box\@ne
+ \boxz@
+ }}%
+ \global\shifttag@false
+ \else
+ \llap{\boxz@}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \iftagsleft@
+ \global\lineht@\ht\z@
+ \else
+ \global\lineht@\dp\z@
+ \fi
+ \kern\eqnshift@
+ \boxz@
+ \hfil
+ \let\xatlevel@#1% always \z@, \@ne, or \tw@
+ \maxfields@#3\relax
+ \ifnum\maxfields@>\m@ne
+ \checkat@true
+ \ifnum\xatlevel@=\tw@
+ \xxat@true
+ \fi
+ \multiply\maxfields@\tw@
+ \else
+ \checkat@false
+ \fi
+ \ifingather@
+ \iffalse{\fi\ifnum0=`}\fi
+ \DN@{\vcenter\bgroup\savealignstate@\align@#2}%
+ \else
+ \ifmmode
+ \if@display
+ \DN@{\align@recover}%
+ \else
+ \nomath@env
+ \DN@{\@namedef{end\@currenvir}{}\@gobble}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ $$%
+ \let\split\insplit@
+ \DN@{\align@#2}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \collect@body\next@
+ \endgroup
+ \@amsmath@err{%
+Erroneous nesting of equation structures;\MessageBreak
+trying to recover with `aligned'%
+ }\@ehc
+ \begin{aligned}\relax#1\end{aligned}%
+ \start@align\z@\st@rredfalse
+ \endalign
+ \start@align\z@\st@rredtrue
+ \endalign
+ \start@align\@ne\st@rredfalse
+ \endalign
+ \start@align\@ne\st@rredtrue
+ \endalign
+ \start@align\tw@\st@rredtrue
+ \endalign
+ \start@align\@ne\st@rredfalse\m@ne
+ \math@cr \black@\totwidth@
+ \egroup
+ \ifingather@
+ \restorealignstate@
+ \egroup
+ \nonumber
+ \ifnum0=`{\fi\iffalse}\fi
+ \else
+ $$%
+ \fi
+ \ignorespacesafterend
+ \start@align\@ne\st@rredtrue\m@ne
+ \endalign
+ \start@align\tw@\st@rredfalse\m@ne
+ \endalign
+ \start@align\tw@\st@rredtrue\m@ne
+ \endalign
+ \inalign@true \intertext@ \Let@ \chardef\dspbrk@context\z@
+ \ifingather@\else\displ@y@\fi
+ \let\math@cr@@@\math@cr@@@align
+ \ifxxat@\else \let\tag\tag@in@align \fi
+ \let\label\label@in@display
+ #1% set st@r
+ \ifst@rred\else \global\@eqnswtrue \fi
+ \measure@{#2}%
+ \global\row@\z@
+ \tabskip\eqnshift@
+ \halign\bgroup
+ \span\align@preamble\crcr
+ #2%
+ \ifst@rred\nonumber\fi
+ \if@eqnsw \global\tag@true \fi
+ \global\advance\row@\@ne
+ \add@amps\maxfields@
+ \omit
+ \kern-\alignsep@
+ \iftag@
+ \setboxz@h{\@lign\strut@{\make@display@tag}}%
+ \place@tag
+ \fi
+ \ifst@rred\else\global\@eqnswtrue\fi
+ \global\lineht@\z@
+ \cr
+ &\omit
+ \global\advance\row@\@ne
+ \ifst@rred\nonumber\fi
+ \if@eqnsw \global\tag@true \fi
+ \ifnum\column@>\maxfields@
+ \ifcheckat@
+ \begingroup
+ \measuring@false
+ \@amsmath@err{Extra & on this line}%
+ {\the\andhelp@}% "An extra & here is disastrous"
+ \endgroup
+ \else
+ \global\maxfields@\column@
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \setboxz@h{\@lign\strut@{%
+ \if@eqnsw
+ \stepcounter{equation}%
+ \tagform@\theequation
+ \else
+ \iftag@\df@tag\fi
+ \fi
+ }}%
+ \savetaglength@
+ \ifst@rred\else\global\@eqnswtrue\fi
+ \cr
+ \begingroup
+ \let\or\relax
+ \xdef\field@lengths{%
+ \field@lengths
+ \ifnum\column@=0
+ \or
+ \else
+ ,%
+ \fi
+ \the\wdz@
+ }%
+ \endgroup
+ \ifcase\@xp#1\field@lengths\fi
+ \ifcase\@xp#1\maxcolumn@widths\fi\relax
+ \begingroup
+ \measuring@true
+ \global\eqnshift@\z@
+ \global\alignsep@\z@
+ \global\let\tag@lengths\@empty
+ \global\let\field@lengths\@empty
+ \savecounters@
+ \global\setbox0\vbox{%
+ \let\math@cr@@@\math@cr@@@align@measure
+ \everycr{\noalign{\global\tag@false
+ \global\let\raise@tag\@empty \global\column@\z@}}%
+ \let\label\@gobble
+ \global\row@\z@
+ \tabskip\z@
+ \halign{\span\align@preamble\crcr
+ #1%
+ \math@cr@@@
+ \global\column@\z@
+ \add@amps\maxfields@\cr
+ }%
+ }%
+ \restorecounters@
+ \ifodd\maxfields@
+ \global\advance\maxfields@\@ne
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\xatlevel@=\tw@
+ \ifnum\maxfields@<\thr@@
+ \let\xatlevel@\z@
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{%
+ \unvbox\z@ \unpenalty \global\setbox\@ne\lastbox
+ }%
+ \global\totwidth@\wd\@ne
+ \if@fleqn \global\advance\totwidth@\@mathmargin \fi
+ \global\let\maxcolumn@widths\@empty
+ \begingroup
+ \let\or\relax
+ \loop
+ \global\setbox\@ne\hbox{%
+ \unhbox\@ne \unskip \global\setbox\thr@@\lastbox
+ }%
+ \ifhbox\thr@@
+ \xdef\maxcolumn@widths{ \or \the\wd\thr@@ \maxcolumn@widths}%
+ \repeat
+ \endgroup
+ \dimen@\displaywidth
+ \advance\dimen@-\totwidth@
+ \ifcase\xatlevel@
+ \global\alignsep@\z@
+ \let\minalignsep\z@
+ \@tempcntb\z@
+ \if@fleqn
+ \@tempcnta\@ne
+ \global\eqnshift@\@mathmargin
+ \else
+ \@tempcnta\tw@
+ \global\eqnshift@\dimen@
+ \global\divide\eqnshift@\@tempcnta
+ \fi
+ \or
+ \@tempcntb\maxfields@
+ \divide\@tempcntb\tw@
+ \@tempcnta\@tempcntb
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+ \if@fleqn
+ \global\eqnshift@\@mathmargin
+ \global\alignsep@\dimen@
+ \global\divide\alignsep@\@tempcnta
+ \else
+ \global\advance\@tempcnta\@ne
+ \global\eqnshift@\dimen@
+ \global\divide\eqnshift@\@tempcnta
+ \global\alignsep@\eqnshift@
+ \fi
+ \or
+ \@tempcntb\maxfields@
+ \divide\@tempcntb\tw@
+ \global\advance\@tempcntb\m@ne
+ \global\@tempcnta\@tempcntb
+ \global\eqnshift@\z@
+ \global\alignsep@\dimen@
+ \if@fleqn
+ \global\advance\alignsep@\@mathmargin\relax
+ \fi
+ \global\divide\alignsep@\@tempcntb
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\alignsep@<\minalignsep\relax
+ \global\alignsep@\minalignsep\relax
+ \ifdim\eqnshift@>\z@
+ \if@fleqn\else
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+ \global\advance\eqnshift@-\totwidth@
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+ \global\divide\eqnshift@\tw@
+ \fi
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+ \fi
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+ \global\eqnshift@\z@
+ \fi
+ \calc@shift@align
+ \global\tagshift@\totwidth@
+ \global\advance\tagshift@\@tempcntb\alignsep@
+ \if@fleqn
+ \ifnum\xatlevel@=\tw@
+ \global\advance\tagshift@-\@mathmargin\relax
+ \fi
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+ \fi
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+ \fi
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+ \ifdim\totwidth@>\displaywidth
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+ \fi
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+ \global\let\tag@shifts\@empty
+ \begingroup
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+ \loop
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+ \ifdim\tag@width\row@>\z@
+ \x@calc@shift@lf
+ \else
+ \saveshift@0%
+ \fi
+ \advance\row@\m@ne
+ \repeat
+ \endgroup
+ }
+ \def\x@calc@shift@lf{%
+ \ifdim\eqnshift@=\z@
+ \global\eqnshift@\@mathmargin\relax
+ \alignsep@\displaywidth
+ \advance\alignsep@-\totwidth@
+ \global\divide\alignsep@\@tempcntb
+ \ifdim\alignsep@<\minalignsep\relax
+ \global\alignsep@\minalignsep\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\tag@width\row@>\@tempdima
+ \saveshift@1%
+ \else
+ \saveshift@0%
+ \fi
+ }
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+ \global\let\tag@shifts\@empty
+ \begingroup
+ \loop
+ \ifnum\row@>0
+ \ifdim\tag@width\row@>\z@
+ \x@calc@shift@rf
+ \else
+ \saveshift@0%
+ \fi
+ \advance\row@\m@ne
+ \repeat
+ \endgroup
+ }
+ \def\x@calc@shift@rf{%
+ \column@\z@
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+ \@tempdimc\z@
+ \edef\@tempb{\fieldlengths@\row@}%
+ \@for\@tempa:=\@tempb\do{%
+ \advance\column@\@ne
+ \x@rcalc@width
+ }%
+ \begingroup
+ \advance\column@\m@ne
+ \divide\column@\tw@
+ \ifnum\@tempcntb>\column@
+ \advance\@tempcnta-\@tempcntb
+ \advance\@tempcnta\column@
+ \@tempcntb\column@
+ \fi
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+ \advance\@tempdima\tagwidth@
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+ \advance\dimen@\mintagsep\relax
+ \advance\dimen@\@tempdima
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+ \else
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+ \dimen@\alignsep@\relax
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+ \advance\dimen@\tagwidth@
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+ \dimen@\displaywidth
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+ \ifnum\xatlevel@=\tw@
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+ \fi
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+ \ifdim\dimen@<\minalignsep\relax
+ \global\alignsep@\minalignsep\relax
+ \else
+ \global\alignsep@\dimen@
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ }
+ \def\calc@shift@align{%
+ \global\let\tag@shifts\@empty
+ \begingroup
+ \loop
+ \ifnum\row@>0
+ \ifdim\tag@width\row@>\z@
+ \x@calc@shift@rc
+ \else
+ \saveshift@0%
+ \fi
+ \advance\row@\m@ne
+ \repeat
+ \endgroup
+ }
+ \def\x@calc@shift@rc{%
+ \column@\z@
+ \@tempdimb\z@
+ \@tempdimc\z@
+ \edef\@tempb{\fieldlengths@\row@}%
+ \@for\@tempa:=\@tempb\do{%
+ \advance\column@\@ne
+ \x@rcalc@width
+ }%
+ \begingroup
+ \advance\column@\m@ne
+ \divide\column@\tw@
+ \ifnum\@tempcntb>\column@
+ \advance\@tempcnta-\@tempcntb
+ \advance\@tempcnta\column@
+ \@tempcntb\column@
+ \fi
+ \tagwidth@\tag@width\row@\relax
+ \@tempdima\@tempdimc
+ \advance\@tempdima\tagwidth@
+ \dimen@\minalignsep\relax
+ \multiply\dimen@\@tempcntb
+ \advance\dimen@\mintagsep\relax
+ \ifnum\xatlevel@=\tw@ \else
+ \advance\dimen@\mintagsep\relax
+ \fi
+ \advance\dimen@\@tempdima
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\displaywidth
+ \saveshift@1%
+ \else
+ \saveshift@0%
+ \dimen@\eqnshift@
+ \advance\dimen@\@tempdima
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+ \advance\dimen@\tagwidth@
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\displaywidth
+ \dimen@\displaywidth
+ \advance\dimen@-\@tempdima
+ \ifnum\xatlevel@=\tw@
+ \advance\dimen@-\mintagsep\relax
+ \fi
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+ \ifdim\dimen@<\minalignsep\relax
+ \global\alignsep@\minalignsep\relax
+ \eqnshift@\displaywidth
+ \advance\eqnshift@-\@tempdima
+ \advance\eqnshift@-\@tempcntb\alignsep@
+ \global\divide\eqnshift@\tw@
+ \else
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\eqnshift@
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\z@
+ \global\eqnshift@\z@
+ \else
+ \global\eqnshift@\dimen@
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\alignsep@
+ \global\alignsep@\dimen@
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ }
+ \def\x@rcalc@width{%
+ \ifdim\@tempa > \z@
+ \advance\@tempdimc\@tempdimb
+ \ifodd\column@
+ \advance\@tempdimc\maxcol@width\column@
+ \@tempdimb\z@
+ \else
+ \advance\@tempdimc\@tempa\relax
+ \@tempdimb\maxcol@width\column@
+ \advance\@tempdimb-\@tempa\relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \advance\@tempdimb\maxcol@width\column@\relax
+ \fi
+ }
+ \def\calc@shift@align{%
+ \global\let\tag@shifts\@empty
+ \begingroup
+ \loop
+ \ifnum\row@>\z@
+ \ifdim\tag@width\row@>\z@
+ \x@calc@shift@lc
+ \else
+ \saveshift@0%
+ \fi
+ \advance\row@\m@ne
+ \repeat
+ \endgroup
+ }
+ \def\x@calc@shift@lc{%
+ \column@\z@
+ \@tempdima\z@ % ``width of equation''
+ \@tempdimb\z@ % ``indent of equation''
+ \edef\@tempb{\fieldlengths@\row@}%
+ \@for\@tempa:=\@tempb\do{%
+ \advance\column@\@ne
+ \x@lcalc@width
+ }%
+ \begingroup
+ \tagwidth@\tag@width\row@\relax
+ \@tempdima\totwidth@
+ \advance\@tempdima-\@tempdimb
+ \advance\@tempdima\tagwidth@
+ \dimen@\minalignsep\relax
+ \multiply\dimen@\@tempcntb
+ \advance\dimen@\mintagsep\relax
+ \ifnum\xatlevel@=\tw@ \else
+ \advance\dimen@\mintagsep\relax
+ \fi
+ \advance\dimen@\@tempdima
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\displaywidth
+ \saveshift@1%
+ \else
+ \saveshift@0%
+ \dimen@\alignsep@
+ \multiply\dimen@\count@
+ \advance\dimen@\eqnshift@
+ \advance\dimen@\@tempdimb
+ \ifdim\dimen@<2\tagwidth@
+ \dimen@\displaywidth
+ \advance\dimen@-\@tempdima
+ \ifnum\xatlevel@=\tw@
+ \advance\dimen@-\mintagsep\relax
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta>\z@
+ \divide\dimen@\@tempcnta
+ \else \dimen@\z@
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\minalignsep\relax
+ \global\alignsep@\minalignsep\relax
+ \dimen@\displaywidth
+ \advance\dimen@-\@tempdima
+ \advance\dimen@-\@tempcntb\alignsep@
+ \global\divide\dimen@\tw@
+ \else
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\alignsep@
+ \global\alignsep@\dimen@
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\xatlevel@=\tw@
+ \dimen@\mintagsep\relax
+ \fi
+ \advance\dimen@\tagwidth@
+ \advance\dimen@-\@tempdimb
+ \advance\dimen@-\count@\alignsep@
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\eqnshift@
+ \global\eqnshift@\dimen@
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ }
+ \def\x@lcalc@width{%
+ \ifdim\@tempdima = \z@
+ \ifdim\@tempa > \z@
+ \@tempdima\p@
+ \ifodd\column@
+ \advance\@tempdimb \maxcol@width\column@
+ \advance\@tempdimb-\@tempa
+ \fi
+ \count@\column@
+ \advance\count@\m@ne
+ \divide\count@\tw@
+ \advance\@tempcnta-\count@
+ \advance\@tempcntb-\count@
+ \else
+ \advance\@tempdimb \maxcol@width\column@\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }
+ \iftagsleft@
+ \kern-\tagshift@
+ \if1\shift@tag\row@\relax
+ \rlap{\vbox{%
+ \normalbaselines
+ \boxz@
+ \vbox to\lineht@{}%
+ \raise@tag
+ }}%
+ \else
+ \rlap{\boxz@}%
+ \fi
+ \kern\displaywidth@
+ \else
+ \kern-\tagshift@
+ \if1\shift@tag\row@\relax
+ \llap{\vtop{%
+ \raise@tag
+ \normalbaselines
+ \setbox\@ne\null
+ \dp\@ne\lineht@
+ \box\@ne
+ \boxz@
+ }}%
+ \else
+ \llap{\boxz@}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ &\hfil
+ \strut@
+ \setboxz@h{\@lign$\m@th\displaystyle{##}$}%
+ \ifmeasuring@\savefieldlength@\fi
+ \set@field
+ \tabskip\z@skip
+ &\setboxz@h{\@lign$\m@th\displaystyle{{}##}$}%
+ \ifmeasuring@\savefieldlength@\fi
+ \set@field
+ \hfil
+ \tabskip\alignsep@
+ \column@plus
+ \iftagsleft@
+ \ifdim\ht\z@>\lineht@
+ \global\lineht@\ht\z@
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifdim\dp\z@>\lineht@
+ \global\lineht@\dp\z@
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \boxz@
+ \@nx\@amsmath@err{%
+ \string\begin{split} won't work here%
+ }{%
+ \@xp\@nx\csname
+ Did you forget a preceding \string\begin{equation}?^^J%
+ If not, perhaps the `aligned' environment is what
+ you want.\endcsname}%
+ \if@display
+ \ifinner
+ \@xp\@xp\@xp\split@aligned
+ \else
+ \ifst@rred \else \global\@eqnswtrue \fi
+ \fi
+ \else \let\endsplit\@empty \@xp\collect@body\@xp\split@err
+ \fi
+ \collect@body\gather@split
+ \crcr
+ \egroup
+ \egroup
+ \iftagsleft@ \@xp\lendsplit@ \else \@xp\rendsplit@ \fi
+\let\split@tag\relax % init
+ \@xp\endgroup \reset@equation % math@cr will handle equation numbering
+ \iftag@
+ \toks@\@xp{\df@tag}%
+ \edef\split@tag{%
+ \gdef\@nx\df@tag{\the\toks@}%
+ \global\@nx\tag@true \@nx\nonumber
+ }%
+ \else \let\split@tag\@empty
+ \fi
+ \spread@equation
+ \vcenter\bgroup
+ \gather@{\split@tag \begin{split}#1\end{split}}%
+ \def\endmathdisplay@a{%
+ \math@cr \black@ \totwidth@ \egroup
+ \egroup
+ }%
+ \global\setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup
+ \Let@ \chardef\dspbrk@context\@ne \restore@math@cr
+ \default@tag % disallow use of \tag here
+ \ialign\bgroup
+ \hfil
+ \strut@
+ $\m@th\displaystyle{##}$%
+ &$\m@th\displaystyle{{}##}$%
+ \hfill % Why not \hfil?---dmj, 1994/12/28
+ \crcr
+ \ifinalign@
+ \global\setbox9 \vtop{%
+ \unvcopy\z@
+ \global\setbox8 \lastbox
+ \unskip
+ }%
+ \setbox\@ne\hbox{%
+ \unhcopy8
+ \unskip
+ \global\setbox\tw@\lastbox
+ \unskip
+ \global\setbox\thr@@\lastbox
+ }%
+ \ifctagsplit@
+ \gdef\split@{%
+ \hbox to\wd\thr@@{}%
+ &\vcenter{\vbox{\moveleft\wd\thr@@\boxz@}}%
+ }%
+ \else
+ \global\setbox7 \hbox{\unhbox\tw@\unskip}%
+ \gdef\split@{%
+ \global\@tempcnta\column@
+ &\setboxz@h{}%
+ \savetaglength@
+ \global\advance\row@\@ne
+ \vbox{\moveleft\wd\thr@@\box9}%
+ \crcr
+ \noalign{\global\lineht@\z@}%
+ \add@amps\@tempcnta
+ \box\thr@@
+ &\box7
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifctagsplit@
+ \gdef\split@{\vcenter{\boxz@}}%
+ \else
+ \gdef\split@{%
+ \boxz@
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \aftergroup\split@
+ \global\setbox9\vtop{\unvcopy\z@}%
+ \ifinalign@
+ \setbox\@ne\vbox{%
+ \unvcopy\z@
+ \global\setbox8\lastbox
+ }%
+ \setbox\@ne\hbox{%
+ \unhcopy8%
+ \unskip
+ \setbox\tw@\lastbox
+ \unskip
+ \global\setbox\thr@@\lastbox
+ }%
+ \ifctagsplit@
+ \gdef\split@{%
+ \hbox to\wd\thr@@{}%
+ &\vcenter{\vbox{\moveleft\wd\thr@@\box9}}%
+ }%
+ \else
+ \gdef\split@{%
+ \hbox to\wd\thr@@{}%
+ &\vbox{\moveleft\wd\thr@@\box9}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifctagsplit@
+ \gdef\split@{\vcenter{\box9}}%
+ \else
+ \gdef\split@{\box9}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \aftergroup\split@
+ \iffalse{\fi\ifnum0=`}\fi
+ \collect@body\split@al@a}
+ \split@warning
+ \endgroup
+ \toks@{\begin{aligned}}%
+ \if@fleqn \split@al@tagcheck \fi
+ \the\toks@\relax#1\end{aligned}%
+ \ifnum0=`{\fi\iffalse}\fi
+ \ifctagsplit@
+ \else
+ \iftagsleft@ \toks@\@xp{\the\toks@ [t]}%
+ \else \toks@\@xp{\the\toks@ [b]}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \PackageWarning{amsmath}{%
+Cannot use `split' here;\MessageBreak trying to recover with `aligned'}%
+ \RIfM@
+ \nomath@env
+ \DN@{\@namedef{end\@currenvir}{}\@gobble}%
+ \else
+ $$%
+ #1%
+ \ifst@rred
+ \nonumber
+ \else
+ \global\@eqnswtrue
+ \fi
+ \let\next@\multline@
+ \fi
+ \collect@body\next@
+ \start@multline\st@rredfalse
+ \iftagsleft@ \@xp\lendmultline@ \else \@xp\rendmultline@ \fi
+ \ignorespacesafterend
+ \Let@
+ \@display@init{\global\advance\row@\@ne \global\dspbrk@lvl\m@ne}%
+ \chardef\dspbrk@context\z@
+ \restore@math@cr
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+ \fi
+ \strut@
+ $\m@th\displaystyle{}##\endmultline@math
+ \hfil
+ }%
+ \crcr
+ \if@fleqn
+ \hskip-\@mathmargin
+ \def\multline@indent{\hskip\@mathmargin}% put it back
+ \else
+ \hfilneg
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+ \iftag@
+ \begingroup
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+ \normalbaselines
+ \hbox{%
+ \strut@
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+ }%
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+ \dimen@\multlinetaggap
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+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \else
+ \multline@indent
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \multline@indent
+ \fi
+ #1%
+ \hfilneg
+ \hskip\multlinegap
+ \math@cr
+ \egroup
+ $$%
+ \iftag@
+ $\let\endmultline@math\relax
+ \ifshifttag@
+ \hskip\multlinegap
+ \llap{\vtop{%
+ \raise@tag
+ \normalbaselines
+ \setbox\@ne\null
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+ \box\@ne
+ \hbox{\strut@\make@display@tag}%
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+ \hskip\multlinetaggap
+ \make@display@tag
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \hskip\multlinegap
+ \fi
+ \hfilneg
+ \math@cr
+ \egroup$$%
+ \begingroup
+ \measuring@true
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+ \def\math@cr@@@{\cr}%
+ \let\shoveleft\@iden \let\shoveright\@iden
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+ \halign{%
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+ \fi
+ \crcr
+ #1%
+ \crcr
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifx\df@tag\@empty\else\global\tag@true\fi
+ \if@eqnsw\global\tag@true\fi
+ \iftag@
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+ \if@eqnsw
+ \stepcounter{equation}%
+ \tagform@\theequation
+ \else
+ \df@tag
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \global\tagwidth@\wdz@
+ \dimen@\totwidth@
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+ \advance\dimen@\multlinetaggap
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+ \fi
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+ \restorecounters@
+ \endgroup
+ \def\shoveright#1{%
+ #1%
+ \hfilneg
+ \hskip\multlinegap
+ }
+ \def\shoveright#1{%
+ #1%
+ \hfilneg
+ \iftag@
+ \ifshifttag@
+ \hskip\multlinegap
+ \else
+ \hskip\tagwidth@
+ \hskip\multlinetaggap
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \hskip\multlinegap
+ \fi
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+ \iftagsleft@
+ \def\shoveleft#1{%
+ \setboxz@h{$\m@th\displaystyle{}#1$}%
+ \setbox\@ne\hbox{$\m@th\displaystyle#1$}%
+ \hfilneg
+ \iftag@
+ \ifshifttag@
+ \hskip\multlinegap
+ \else
+ \hskip\tagwidth@
+ \hskip\multlinetaggap
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \hskip\multlinegap
+ \fi
+ \hskip.5\wd\@ne
+ \hskip-.5\wdz@
+ #1%
+ }
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+ \setboxz@h{$\m@th\displaystyle{}#1$}%
+ \setbox\@ne\hbox{$\m@th\displaystyle#1$}%
+ \hfilneg
+ \hskip\multlinegap
+ \hskip.5\wd\@ne
+ \hskip-.5\wdz@
+ #1%
+ }
+ \fi
+\iftagsleft@ \let\veqno=\@@leqno \fi
+ \let\SK@@label\relax \let\SK@equationtrue\relax
+ \iftag@
+ \invalid@tag{Multiple \string\tag}\relax
+ \else
+ \global\tag@true \nonumber \reset@equation \st@rredtrue
+ \if *\string#1%
+ \gdef\alt@tag{\def\SK@tagform@{#2\@gobble}%
+ \ifx\SK@@label\relax \let\tagform@\SK@tagform@ \fi
+ }%
+ \make@df@tag@@{#2}%
+ \else
+ \make@df@tag@@@{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifmmode \@badmath
+ \else
+ $$\def\@currenvir{#1}%
+ \let\dspbrk@context\z@
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+ \global\let\df@label\@empty \global\let\df@tag\@empty
+ \global\tag@false
+ \let\mathdisplay@push\mathdisplay@@push
+ \let\mathdisplay@pop\mathdisplay@@pop
+ \if@fleqn
+ \edef\restore@hfuzz{\hfuzz\the\hfuzz\relax}%
+ \hfuzz\maxdimen
+ \setbox\z@\hbox to\displaywidth\bgroup
+ \let\split@warning\relax \restore@hfuzz
+ \everymath\@emptytoks \m@th $\displaystyle
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifmmode \else \@badmath \fi
+ \endmathdisplay@a
+ $$%
+ \global\let\df@label\@empty \global\let\df@tag\@empty
+ \global\tag@false \global\let\alt@tag\@empty
+ \global\@eqnswfalse
+ \if@eqnsw \gdef\df@tag{\tagform@\theequation}\fi
+ \if@fleqn \@xp\endmathdisplay@fleqn
+ \else \ifx\df@tag\@empty \else \veqno \alt@tag \df@tag \fi
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+ \fi
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+ \global\dspbrk@lvl\m@ne
+ \fi
+ $\hfil\hskip\@mathmargin\egroup
+ \ifnum\badness<\inf@bad \let\too@wide\@ne \else \let\too@wide\z@ \fi
+ \ifx\@empty\df@tag
+ \else
+ \setbox4\hbox{\df@tag
+ \ifx\df@label\@empty \else \@xp\ltx@label\@xp{\df@label}\fi
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \csname emdf@%
+ \ifx\df@tag\@empty U\else \iftagsleft@ L\else R\fi\fi
+ \endcsname
+ \restore@hfuzz
+ \ifodd\too@wide % not too wide: just need to swap the glue around
+ \hbox to\displaywidth{\hskip\@mathmargin\unhbox\z@\unskip}%
+ \else % M+B > displaywidth
+ \emdf@Ua
+ \fi
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+ \fi
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+ \restore@hfuzz
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+ \skip@\displayindent minus\displayindent
+ \displayindent\z@ \displaywidth\columnwidth
+ \spread@equation \everycr{}\tabskip\z@skip
+ \halign{\hbox to\displaywidth{##}\cr
+ \relax
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+ \hskip\@mathmargin\unhbox\z@\unskip\hfil\cr
+ \noalign{\raise@tag}%
+ \hfil\box4 \cr}%
+ \@tempdima\@mathmargin
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+ \setbox\tw@\hbox to\displaywidth{%
+ \copy4\hskip\mintagsep
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+ \restore@hfuzz
+ \ifnum\badness<\inf@bad \box\tw@ \else \emdf@La \fi
+ \spread@equation \everycr{}\tabskip\z@skip
+ \halign{\hbox to\displaywidth{##}\cr
+ \box4 \hfil \cr
+ \noalign{\raise@tag}%
+ \hskip\@mathmargin\unhbox\z@\unskip\hfil\cr}%
+ \begingroup
+ \toks@\@xp{\df@label}\@temptokena\@xp{\df@tag}%
+ \toks8\@xp{\alt@tag}%
+ \edef\@tempa{%
+ \global\if@eqnsw\@nx\@eqnswtrue\else\@nx\@eqnswfalse\fi
+ \global\iftag@\@nx\tag@false\else\@nx\tag@true\fi
+ \gdef\@nx\df@label{\the\toks@}\gdef\@nx\df@tag{\the\@temptokena}%
+ \gdef\@nx\alt@tag{\the\toks8}%
+ \global\mathdisplay@stack{\the\mathdisplay@stack}%
+ }%
+ \global\mathdisplay@stack\@xp{\@tempa}
+ \endgroup
+ \incr@eqnum
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+ \st@rredfalse \global\@eqnswtrue
+ \mathdisplay{equation}%
+ \endmathdisplay{equation}%
+ \mathdisplay@pop
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+ \mathdisplay@push
+ \st@rredtrue \global\@eqnswfalse
+ \mathdisplay{equation*}%
+ \endmathdisplay{equation*}%
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+%% End of file `amsmath.sty'.
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/amsmath/amsmath.sty
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@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
-\ProvidesPackage{amsmath}[2019/04/01 v2.17c AMS math features]
+\ProvidesPackage{amsmath}[2019/11/16 v2.17d AMS math features]
\edef\@temp{\catcode 96=\number\catcode 96 }
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@@ -739,8 +739,10 @@ Foreign command \@backslashchar#1;\MessageBreak
{\mathop{#1}\limits^{\vbox to-1.4\ex@{\kern-\tw@\ex@
- \xdef#2{\@nx\protect\@nx\mathaccentV
+ \xdef#2{%
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+ \MakeRobust#2%
@@ -759,6 +761,7 @@ Foreign command \@backslashchar#1;\MessageBreak
Unable to redefine math accent \string#5}%
+ \@xp\let\csname\@xp\@gobble\string#7\space\endcsname\@undefined
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%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+ [2019/10/25 v1.4k
Standard LaTeX document class]
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%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+ [2019/10/25 v1.4k
Standard LaTeX file (size option)]
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@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+ [2019/10/25 v1.4k
Standard LaTeX file (size option)]
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%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+ [2019/10/25 v1.4k
Standard LaTeX file (size option)]
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@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+ [2019/10/25 v1.4k
Standard LaTeX document class]
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+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/doc.sty
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2018/09/25 v2.1i
+ [2019/11/10 v2.1k
Standard LaTeX documentation package (FMi)]
%% Package `doc' to use with LaTeX 2e
@@ -245,7 +245,8 @@
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+ \@setupverbvisiblespace
+ \MacroFont \@vobeyspaces \@sxverbatim}
\def\@verbatim{\trivlist \item[]\if@minipage\else\vskip\parskip\fi
@@ -274,12 +275,6 @@
Text for \noexpand\verb command ended by end of line}\@ehc}}%
- \catcode`#1\active \lccode`\~`#1%
- \gdef\verb@balance@group{\verb@egroup
- \@latex@error{Illegal use of \noexpand\verb command}\@ehc}%
- \aftergroup\verb@balance@group
- \lowercase{\let~\verb@egroup}}
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@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
%%% From File: fontdef.dtx
- [2019/08/27 v3.0c LaTeX Kernel
+ [2019/09/21 v3.0d LaTeX Kernel
(Uncustomised math
font setup)]
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@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
%%% From File: fontdef.dtx
- [2019/08/27 v3.0c LaTeX Kernel
+ [2019/09/21 v3.0d LaTeX Kernel
font setup)]
\typeout{=== Don't modify this file, use a .cfg file instead ===^^J}
@@ -311,7 +311,8 @@
-\DeclareRobustCommand\neq{\not=} \let\ne=\neq
@@ -463,7 +464,8 @@
+ {\mathord}{symbols}{"6B}{largesymbols}{"0D}
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-%% This is file `fonttext.cfg',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% fontdef.dtx (with options: `cfgtext')
-%% This is a generated file.
-%% Copyright (C) 1993-2019
-%% The LaTeX3 Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere
-%% in this file.
-%% This file was generated from file(s) of the LaTeX base system.
-%% --------------------------------------------------------------
-%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2008 or later.
-%% This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the LaTeX
-%% base system. You may however distribute the LaTeX base system without
-%% such generated files.
-%% The list of all files belonging to the LaTeX base distribution is
-%% given in the file `manifest.txt'. See also `legal.txt' for additional
-%% information.
-%% Details of how to use a configuration file to modify this part of
-%% the system are in the document `cfgguide.tex'.
-%%% From File: fontdef.dtx
- [2019/08/27 v3.0c LaTeX Kernel
-(Uncustomised text
- font setup)]
-%% Load the standard setup:
+\input {tuenc.def}
+\DeclareFontShape{TU}{cmr}{m}{n} {<->sub * lmr/m/n}{}
-%% Small changes could go here; see documentation in cfgguide.tex for
-%% allowed modifications.
-%% In particular it is not allowed to misuse this configuration file
-%% to modify internal LaTeX commands!
-%% If you use this file as the basis for configuration please change
-%% the \ProvidesFile lines to clearly identify your modification, e.g.,
-%% \ProvidesFile{fonttext.cfg}[2001/06/01
-%% Customised local font setup]
-%% End of file `fonttext.cfg'.
+% just so you can check this format is being used
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/fonttext.ltx b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/fonttext.ltx
index f613ef0a6e3..97171555634 100644
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@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
%%% From File: fontdef.dtx
- [2019/08/27 v3.0c LaTeX Kernel
+ [2019/09/21 v3.0d LaTeX Kernel
font setup)]
\typeout{=== Don't modify this file, use a .cfg file instead ===^^J}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/latex.ltx b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/latex.ltx
index 3a0686943a4..efc1b5de8e6 100644
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- \def\filename@simple#1.#2\\{%
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- \fi
- \edef\filename@base{#1}}
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+ \else
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+ \fi}
+ \ifx\\#3\\%
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+ \else
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+ \fi}
@@ -700,8 +707,8 @@
%%% From File: ltvers.dtx
- {2019-10-01}
+ {2020-02-01}
\edef\development@branch@name{development \the\year-\the\month-\the\day}
@@ -1488,14 +1495,13 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
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- \@xnewline}
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+ \@xnewline}
\def\@xnewline{\@ifnextchar[% ] bracket matching
@@ -1844,7 +1850,11 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
- \xdef\@curr@file{\expandafter\string\csname #1\endcsname}%
+ \xdef\@curr@file{%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\unquote@name
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\string
+ \csname\@firstofone#1\@empty\endcsname}}%
@@ -1852,10 +1862,9 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
- \edef\q@curr@file{\expandafter\quote@name\expandafter{\@curr@file}}%
- \expandafter\IfFileExists@\expandafter{\q@curr@file}}
+ \expandafter\IfFileExists@\expandafter{\@curr@file}}
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- \openin\@inputcheck#1 %
+ \openin\@inputcheck"#1" %
@@ -1864,7 +1873,7 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
- \edef\@filef@und{#1 }%
+ \edef\@filef@und{"#1" }%
@@ -1872,9 +1881,9 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
- \openin\@inputcheck\reserved@b#1 %
+ \openin\@inputcheck\expandafter\quote@name\expandafter{\reserved@b#1} %
- \edef\@filef@und{\reserved@b#1 }%
+ \edef\@filef@und{\expandafter\quote@name\expandafter{\reserved@b#1} }%
@@ -4334,14 +4343,18 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
\reserved@a \else \@tempswatrue \fi}
- {\ifx!#2!\@temptokena\expandafter{#1}\else
- \@temptokena\expandafter{#1%^^A
- }\fi}
+ {\expandafter\ifx\expandafter X\detokenize{#2}X\expandafter\dont@add@percent@to@temptokena\else
+ \expandafter\do@add@percent@to@temptokena\fi{#1}}
+ \@temptokena\expandafter{#1}}
+ }}
@@ -4389,7 +4402,7 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
\reserved@a\@currenvir \else\@badend{#1}\fi}
-\def\@centercr{\ifhmode \unskip\else \@nolnerr\fi
+\protected\def\@centercr{\ifhmode \unskip\else \@nolnerr\fi
@@ -5446,7 +5459,7 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
-\DeclareRobustCommand\extracolsep[1]{\tabskip #1\relax}
+\def\extracolsep#1{\tabskip #1\relax}
\def\array{\let\@acol\@arrayacol \let\@classz\@arrayclassz
@@ -8089,7 +8102,6 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
- \expandafter\let\csname\@currname.\@currext-h@@k\endcsname\@empty
@@ -8113,6 +8125,7 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
\let\csname ver@\@currname.\@currext\endcsname\@empty
+ \expandafter\let\csname\@currname.\@currext-h@@k\endcsname\@empty
@@ -8206,7 +8219,6 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
{The document may only declare one class.}\@gobble}
\def\two@digits#1{\ifnum#1<10 0\fi\number#1}
@@ -8357,7 +8369,6 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
@@ -8420,7 +8431,6 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
\ifnum\pkgcls@targetdate>\z@ % some sort of rollback request
@@ -8465,14 +8475,12 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
\@@input #1\relax
\pkgcls@debug{Result: use #1}%
@@ -8497,7 +8505,6 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
\@latex@error{Suspicious rollback date given}%
{The \@cls@pkg\space'\@currname' claims that it
@@ -8513,7 +8520,6 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
\ifnum\pkgcls@targetdate>\@ne % a date request
@@ -8534,7 +8540,6 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
\ifnum\pkgcls@innerdate <%
@@ -8996,12 +9001,18 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
+ \let\UTF@two@octets@noexpand\@empty
+ \let\UTF@three@octets@noexpand\@empty
+ \let\UTF@four@octets@noexpand\@empty
+ \let\UTF@two@octets@noexpand\@empty
+ \let\UTF@three@octets@noexpand\@empty
+ \let\UTF@four@octets@noexpand\@empty
@@ -9009,6 +9020,7 @@ Type H <return> for immediate help.}%
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/latexrelease.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/latexrelease.sty
index 4a5ce2a8c48..b67a8d7a415 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/latexrelease.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/latexrelease.sty
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
%% ltxref.dtx (with options: `latexrelease')
%% ltmiscen.dtx (with options: `latexrelease')
%% ltluatex.dtx (with options: `latexrelease')
+%% ltexpl.dtx (with options: `latexrelease')
%% ltfinal.dtx (with options: `latexrelease')
%% This is a generated file.
@@ -94,7 +95,6 @@
@@ -157,7 +157,6 @@
\ifnum\pkgcls@targetdate>\z@ % some sort of rollback request
@@ -202,14 +201,12 @@
\@@input #1\relax
\pkgcls@debug{Result: use #1}%
@@ -234,7 +231,6 @@
\@latex@error{Suspicious rollback date given}%
{The \@cls@pkg\space'\@currname' claims that it
@@ -250,7 +246,6 @@
\ifnum\pkgcls@targetdate>\@ne % a date request
@@ -271,7 +266,6 @@
\ifnum\pkgcls@innerdate <%
@@ -284,7 +278,7 @@
%%% From File: ltvers.dtx
- {2019-10-01}
+ {2020-02-01}
@@ -419,6 +413,33 @@ of this package available from CTAN}
+ {Final dot for extension}%
+ \ifx\\#2\\%
+ \let\filename@ext\relax
+ \edef\filename@base{#1}%
+ \else
+ \filename@dots{#1}#2\\%
+ \fi}
+ \ifx\\#3\\%
+ \def\filename@ext{#2}%
+ \edef\filename@base{#1}%
+ \else
+ \filename@dots{#1.#2}#3\\%
+ \fi}
+ {Final dot for extension}%
+ \def\filename@simple#1.#2\\{%
+ \ifx\\#2\\%
+ \let\filename@ext\relax
+ \else
+ \edef\filename@ext{\filename@dot#2\\}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\filename@base{#1}}
%%% From File: ltdefns.dtx
@@ -1201,7 +1222,11 @@ of this package available from CTAN}
- \xdef\@curr@file{\expandafter\string\csname #1\endcsname}%
+ \xdef\@curr@file{%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\unquote@name
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\string
+ \csname\@firstofone#1\@empty\endcsname}}%
@@ -1209,10 +1234,9 @@ of this package available from CTAN}
- \edef\q@curr@file{\expandafter\quote@name\expandafter{\@curr@file}}%
- \expandafter\IfFileExists@\expandafter{\q@curr@file}}
+ \expandafter\IfFileExists@\expandafter{\@curr@file}}
\long\def \IfFileExists@#1#2#3{%
- \openin\@inputcheck#1 %
+ \openin\@inputcheck"#1" %
@@ -1221,10 +1245,22 @@ of this package available from CTAN}
- \edef\@filef@und{#1 }%
+ \edef\@filef@und{"#1" }%
+ \let\reserved@a\@secondoftwo
+ \expandafter\@tfor\expandafter\reserved@b\expandafter
+ :\expandafter=\input@path\do{%
+ \openin\@inputcheck\expandafter\quote@name\expandafter{\reserved@b#1} %
+ \ifeof\@inputcheck\else
+ \edef\@filef@und{\expandafter\quote@name\expandafter{\reserved@b#1} }%
+ \let\reserved@a\@firstoftwo%
+ \closein\@inputcheck
+ \@break@tfor
+ \fi}%
+ \reserved@a}
{\set@curr@file}{Quote file names}%
@@ -1251,6 +1287,19 @@ of this package available from CTAN}
+ \let\reserved@a\@secondoftwo
+ \expandafter\@tfor\expandafter\reserved@b\expandafter
+ :\expandafter=\input@path\do{%
+ \openin\@inputcheck\reserved@b#1 %
+ \ifeof\@inputcheck\else
+ \edef\@filef@und{\reserved@b#1 }%
+ \let\reserved@a\@firstoftwo%
+ \closein\@inputcheck
+ \@break@tfor
+ \fi}%
+ \reserved@a}
{\InputIfFileExists}{Don't lose the file name}%
@@ -2690,7 +2739,6 @@ of this package available from CTAN}
{\filec@ntents}{Spaces in file names + optional arg}%
@@ -2935,6 +2983,29 @@ of this package available from CTAN}
+ {\@normalcr}{Make robust}%
+ \let \reserved@e \relax
+ \let \reserved@f \relax
+ \@ifstar{\let \reserved@e \vadjust \let \reserved@f \nobreak
+ \@xnewline}%
+ \@xnewline}
+ {\@normalcr}{Make robust}%
+ \let \reserved@e \relax
+ \let \reserved@f \relax
+ \@ifstar{\let \reserved@e \vadjust \let \reserved@f \nobreak
+ \@xnewline}%
+ \@xnewline}
+ \csname\expandafter\@gobble\string\\ \endcsname
{\@esphack}{hyphenation and nobreak after space hack}%
@@ -4195,7 +4266,7 @@ of this package available from CTAN}
- {\csname p@#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+ {\csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
@@ -4206,14 +4277,18 @@ of this package available from CTAN}
{\protected@file@percent}{Mask line endings}%
- {\ifx!#2!\@temptokena\expandafter{#1}\else
- \@temptokena\expandafter{#1%^^A
- }\fi}
+ {\expandafter\ifx\expandafter X\detokenize{#2}X\expandafter\dont@add@percent@to@temptokena\else
+ \expandafter\do@add@percent@to@temptokena\fi{#1}}
+ \@temptokena\expandafter{#1}}
+ }}
@@ -4229,6 +4304,8 @@ of this package available from CTAN}
{\protected@file@percent}{Mask line endings}%
@@ -4275,6 +4352,18 @@ of this package available from CTAN}
+ {\@centercr}{Make robust}%
+\protected\def\@centercr{\ifhmode \unskip\else \@nolnerr\fi
+ \par\@ifstar{\nobreak\@xcentercr}\@xcentercr}
+ {\@centercr}{Make robust}%
+\def\@centercr{\ifhmode \unskip\else \@nolnerr\fi
+ \par\@ifstar{\nobreak\@xcentercr}\@xcentercr}
{\centering}{Make commands robust}%
@@ -4613,6 +4702,27 @@ of this package available from CTAN}
+%%% From File: ltexpl.dtx
+ {expl3}{Pre-load expl3}%
+ {%
+ \ifnum0%
+ \ifdefined\pdffilesize 1\fi
+ \ifdefined\filesize 1\fi
+ \ifdefined\luatexversion\ifnum\luatexversion>94 1\fi\fi
+ >0 %
+ \else
+ \message{Skipping expl3-dependent extensions}
+ \expandafter\@gobbletwo
+ \fi
+ }
+ {%
+ \message{Skipping expl3-dependent extensions}%
+ \@gobbletwo
+ }%
%%% From File: ltfinal.dtx
{\newmarks}{Extended Allocation}%
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/lcyenc.dfu b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/lcyenc.dfu
index 6b488c0fea0..08319e2051d 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/lcyenc.dfu
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/lcyenc.dfu
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/07/11 v1.2j UTF-8 support for inputenc]
+ [2019/11/14 v1.2k UTF-8 support for inputenc]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ltexpl.ltx b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ltexpl.ltx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..653d0bcbe03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ltexpl.ltx
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+%% This is file `ltexpl.ltx',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% ltexpl.dtx (with options: `2ekernel')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% The source is maintained by the LaTeX Project team and bug
+%% reports for it can be opened at
+%% (but please observe conditions on bug reports sent to that address!)
+%% Copyright (C) 1993-2019
+%% The LaTeX3 Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere
+%% in this file.
+%% This file was generated from file(s) of the LaTeX base system.
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2008 or later.
+%% This file has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+%% This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the LaTeX
+%% base system. You may however distribute the LaTeX base system without
+%% such generated files.
+%% The list of all files belonging to the LaTeX base distribution is
+%% given in the file `manifest.txt'. See also `legal.txt' for additional
+%% information.
+%% The list of derived (unpacked) files belonging to the distribution
+%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
+%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
+%%% From File: ltexpl.dtx
+ {%
+ \ifnum0%
+ \ifdefined\pdffilesize 1\fi
+ \ifdefined\filesize 1\fi
+ \ifdefined\luatexversion\ifnum\luatexversion>94 1\fi\fi
+ >0 %
+ \else
+ \message{Skipping expl3-dependent extensions}
+ \expandafter\endinput
+ \fi
+ }
+ {%
+ \message{Skipping expl3-dependent extensions}%
+ \endinput
+ }%
+%% End of file `ltexpl.ltx'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ltluatex.lua b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ltluatex.lua
index b1d31801d02..1730c72787f 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ltluatex.lua
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ltluatex.lua
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ local callbacktypes = callbacktypes or {
buildpage_filter = simple,
build_page_insert = exclusive,
pre_linebreak_filter = list,
- linebreak_filter = list,
+ linebreak_filter = exclusive,
append_to_vlist_filter = exclusive,
post_linebreak_filter = list,
hpack_filter = list,
@@ -289,12 +289,12 @@ local callbacktypes = callbacktypes or {
hpack_quality = list,
vpack_quality = list,
pre_output_filter = list,
- process_rule = list,
+ process_rule = exclusive,
hyphenate = simple,
ligaturing = simple,
kerning = simple,
insert_local_par = simple,
- mlist_to_hlist = list,
+ mlist_to_hlist = exclusive,
new_graf = simple,
pre_dump = simple,
start_run = simple,
@@ -312,8 +312,8 @@ local callbacktypes = callbacktypes or {
wrapup_run = simple,
finish_pdffile = data,
finish_pdfpage = data,
- page_objnum_provider = simple,
- process_pdf_image_content = simple,
+ page_objnum_provider = data,
+ process_pdf_image_content = data,
define_font = exclusive,
glyph_not_found = exclusive,
glyph_stream_provider = exclusive,
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ltluatex.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ltluatex.tex
index b34aca5d547..4adb38d71ff 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ltluatex.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ltluatex.tex
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
#1#2[#3]{\endgroup\immediate\write-1{File: #1 #3}}
-[2018/10/21 v1.1i
+[2019/10/22 v1.1j
LuaTeX support for plain TeX (core)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ltxdoc.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ltxdoc.cls
index b663704d4cf..c820fb599b6 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ltxdoc.cls
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ltxdoc.cls
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2018/03/15 v2.0x Standard LaTeX documentation class]
+ [2019/09/16 v2.0y Standard LaTeX documentation class]
\DeclareOption{a5paper}{\@latexerr{Option not supported}%
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@
+ /textit{Historical /LaTeX/,2.09 comments (not necessarily accurate any more):}
@@ -133,6 +134,7 @@
+ \textit{End of historical \LaTeX\,2.09 comments.}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ly1enc.dfu b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ly1enc.dfu
index 2855e2008d7..acc7e12463e 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ly1enc.dfu
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ly1enc.dfu
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/07/11 v1.2j UTF-8 support for inputenc]
+ [2019/11/14 v1.2k UTF-8 support for inputenc]
@@ -161,13 +161,13 @@
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB00}{ff} % ^^ef^^ac^^80
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB01}{fi} % ^^ef^^ac^^81
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB02}{fl} % ^^ef^^ac^^82
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB03}{ffi} % ^^ef^^ac^^83
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB04}{ffl} % ^^ef^^ac^^84
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB05}{ft} % ^^ef^^ac^^85
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB06}{st} % ^^ef^^ac^^86
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB00}{ff} % ff
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB01}{fi} % fi
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB02}{fl} % fl
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB03}{ffi} % ffi
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB04}{ffl} % ffl
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB05}{st} % ſt -- this is the long s (not f)
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB06}{st} % st
%% End of file `ly1enc.dfu'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/nfssfont.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/nfssfont.tex
index e7fe4587bf0..bca3f294633 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/nfssfont.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/nfssfont.tex
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
%% The list of derived (unpacked) files belonging to the distribution
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
@@ -145,6 +145,8 @@
\string\help\space for help [ \string\table\space\string\bye\space]:}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\action
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/omsenc.dfu b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/omsenc.dfu
index a1db9f3024b..05e6cf7d9ac 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/omsenc.dfu
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/omsenc.dfu
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/07/11 v1.2j UTF-8 support for inputenc]
+ [2019/11/14 v1.2k UTF-8 support for inputenc]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ot1enc.dfu b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ot1enc.dfu
index 361dced096e..f7921880e27 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ot1enc.dfu
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ot1enc.dfu
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/07/11 v1.2j UTF-8 support for inputenc]
+ [2019/11/14 v1.2k UTF-8 support for inputenc]
@@ -79,13 +79,13 @@
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB00}{ff} % ^^ef^^ac^^80
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB01}{fi} % ^^ef^^ac^^81
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB02}{fl} % ^^ef^^ac^^82
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB03}{ffi} % ^^ef^^ac^^83
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB04}{ffl} % ^^ef^^ac^^84
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB05}{ft} % ^^ef^^ac^^85
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB06}{st} % ^^ef^^ac^^86
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB00}{ff} % ff
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB01}{fi} % fi
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB02}{fl} % fl
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB03}{ffi} % ffi
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB04}{ffl} % ffl
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB05}{st} % ſt -- this is the long s (not f)
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB06}{st} % st
%% End of file `ot1enc.dfu'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ot2enc.dfu b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ot2enc.dfu
index 399ba079fcd..f643c408594 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ot2enc.dfu
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ot2enc.dfu
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/07/11 v1.2j UTF-8 support for inputenc]
+ [2019/11/14 v1.2k UTF-8 support for inputenc]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/preload.cfg b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/preload.cfg
index 511081b7372..466b61d98d3 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/preload.cfg
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/preload.cfg
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
%%% From File: fontdef.dtx
- [2019/08/27 v3.0c LaTeX Kernel
+ [2019/09/21 v3.0d LaTeX Kernel
(Uncustomised preload
font setup)]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/report.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/report.cls
index 1101f8fa919..87e1b9c1f47 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/report.cls
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/report.cls
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+ [2019/10/25 v1.4k
Standard LaTeX document class]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/shortvrb.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/shortvrb.sty
index fe2cd61977b..73f206bff8b 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/shortvrb.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/shortvrb.sty
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2018/09/25 v2.1i
+ [2019/11/10 v2.1k
Standard LaTeX documentation package (FMi)]
%% Package `doc' to use with LaTeX 2e
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/size10.clo b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/size10.clo
index 7b98ee411d5..1a387e60bfe 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/size10.clo
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/size10.clo
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+ [2019/10/25 v1.4k
Standard LaTeX file (size option)]
@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@
\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
+\ifx\MakeRobust\@undefined \else
+ \MakeRobust\normalsize
\abovedisplayskip 8.5\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus4\p@
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/size11.clo b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/size11.clo
index 7822a848ddd..4409f801021 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/size11.clo
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/size11.clo
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+ [2019/10/25 v1.4k
Standard LaTeX file (size option)]
@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@
\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
+\ifx\MakeRobust\@undefined \else
+ \MakeRobust\normalsize
\abovedisplayskip 10\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus5\p@
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/size12.clo b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/size12.clo
index e9c67bd1e63..6b3943f0b19 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/size12.clo
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/size12.clo
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+ [2019/10/25 v1.4k
Standard LaTeX file (size option)]
@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@
\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
+\ifx\MakeRobust\@undefined \else
+ \MakeRobust\normalsize
\abovedisplayskip 11\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus6\p@
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/t1enc.dfu b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/t1enc.dfu
index 038d356d0ed..46d12ea40f8 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/t1enc.dfu
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/t1enc.dfu
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/07/11 v1.2j UTF-8 support for inputenc]
+ [2019/11/14 v1.2k UTF-8 support for inputenc]
@@ -282,13 +282,13 @@
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB00}{ff} % ^^ef^^ac^^80
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB01}{fi} % ^^ef^^ac^^81
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB02}{fl} % ^^ef^^ac^^82
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB03}{ffi} % ^^ef^^ac^^83
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB04}{ffl} % ^^ef^^ac^^84
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB05}{ft} % ^^ef^^ac^^85
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB06}{st} % ^^ef^^ac^^86
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB00}{ff} % ff
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB01}{fi} % fi
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB02}{fl} % fl
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB03}{ffi} % ffi
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB04}{ffl} % ffl
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB05}{st} % ſt -- this is the long s (not f)
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB06}{st} % st
%% End of file `t1enc.dfu'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/t2aenc.dfu b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/t2aenc.dfu
index 13751e82538..52383b0c05f 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/t2aenc.dfu
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/t2aenc.dfu
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/07/11 v1.2j UTF-8 support for inputenc]
+ [2019/11/14 v1.2k UTF-8 support for inputenc]
@@ -232,13 +232,13 @@
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB00}{ff} % ^^ef^^ac^^80
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB01}{fi} % ^^ef^^ac^^81
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB02}{fl} % ^^ef^^ac^^82
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB03}{ffi} % ^^ef^^ac^^83
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB04}{ffl} % ^^ef^^ac^^84
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB05}{ft} % ^^ef^^ac^^85
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB06}{st} % ^^ef^^ac^^86
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB00}{ff} % ff
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB01}{fi} % fi
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB02}{fl} % fl
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB03}{ffi} % ffi
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB04}{ffl} % ffl
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB05}{st} % ſt -- this is the long s (not f)
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB06}{st} % st
%% End of file `t2aenc.dfu'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/t2benc.dfu b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/t2benc.dfu
index 20938396406..feebca86c20 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/t2benc.dfu
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/t2benc.dfu
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/07/11 v1.2j UTF-8 support for inputenc]
+ [2019/11/14 v1.2k UTF-8 support for inputenc]
@@ -226,13 +226,13 @@
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB00}{ff} % ^^ef^^ac^^80
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB01}{fi} % ^^ef^^ac^^81
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB02}{fl} % ^^ef^^ac^^82
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB03}{ffi} % ^^ef^^ac^^83
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB04}{ffl} % ^^ef^^ac^^84
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB05}{ft} % ^^ef^^ac^^85
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB06}{st} % ^^ef^^ac^^86
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB00}{ff} % ff
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB01}{fi} % fi
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB02}{fl} % fl
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB03}{ffi} % ffi
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB04}{ffl} % ffl
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB05}{st} % ſt -- this is the long s (not f)
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB06}{st} % st
%% End of file `t2benc.dfu'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/t2cenc.dfu b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/t2cenc.dfu
index 5e6e302a4b8..c9a87a9b091 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/t2cenc.dfu
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/t2cenc.dfu
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/07/11 v1.2j UTF-8 support for inputenc]
+ [2019/11/14 v1.2k UTF-8 support for inputenc]
@@ -222,13 +222,13 @@
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB00}{ff} % ^^ef^^ac^^80
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB01}{fi} % ^^ef^^ac^^81
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB02}{fl} % ^^ef^^ac^^82
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB03}{ffi} % ^^ef^^ac^^83
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB04}{ffl} % ^^ef^^ac^^84
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB05}{ft} % ^^ef^^ac^^85
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB06}{st} % ^^ef^^ac^^86
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB00}{ff} % ff
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB01}{fi} % fi
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB02}{fl} % fl
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB03}{ffi} % ffi
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB04}{ffl} % ffl
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB05}{st} % ſt -- this is the long s (not f)
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB06}{st} % st
%% End of file `t2cenc.dfu'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ts1enc.dfu b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ts1enc.dfu
index 5af0d790b93..c69446922ac 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ts1enc.dfu
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/ts1enc.dfu
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/07/11 v1.2j UTF-8 support for inputenc]
+ [2019/11/14 v1.2k UTF-8 support for inputenc]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/utf8.def b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/utf8.def
index ab04f853918..c1cdd7b21ba 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/utf8.def
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/utf8.def
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/07/11 v1.2j UTF-8 support for inputenc]
+ [2019/11/14 v1.2k UTF-8 support for inputenc]
\ifx\ifincsname\@undefined % old e-pTeX or e-upTeX engines
\input utf8-2018.def
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/utf8enc.dfu b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/utf8enc.dfu
index 51cf9a2fd9e..432afac113f 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/utf8enc.dfu
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/utf8enc.dfu
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/07/11 v1.2j UTF-8 support for inputenc]
+ [2019/11/14 v1.2k UTF-8 support for inputenc]
@@ -571,13 +571,13 @@
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB00}{ff} % ^^ef^^ac^^80
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB01}{fi} % ^^ef^^ac^^81
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB02}{fl} % ^^ef^^ac^^82
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB03}{ffi} % ^^ef^^ac^^83
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB04}{ffl} % ^^ef^^ac^^84
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB05}{ft} % ^^ef^^ac^^85
-\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB06}{st} % ^^ef^^ac^^86
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB00}{ff} % ff
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB01}{fi} % fi
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB02}{fl} % fl
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB03}{ffi} % ffi
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB04}{ffl} % ffl
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB05}{st} % ſt -- this is the long s (not f)
+\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{FB06}{st} % st
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/x2enc.dfu b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/x2enc.dfu
index b0cca99b5d4..84183ccd356 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/x2enc.dfu
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/base/x2enc.dfu
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
%% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
%% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
- [2019/07/11 v1.2j UTF-8 support for inputenc]
+ [2019/11/14 v1.2k UTF-8 support for inputenc]
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/graphics/graphics.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/graphics/graphics.sty
index 20187d9c297..e6bdc2f8669 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/graphics/graphics.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/graphics/graphics.sty
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
- [2019/07/20 v1.3b Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)]
+ [2019/11/01 v1.3d Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)]
@@ -168,6 +168,27 @@
+ \begingroup
+ \escapechar\m@ne
+ \xdef\@curr@file{\expandafter\string\csname #1\endcsname}%
+ \endgroup
+ \let\set@curr@file\@undefined
+ \begingroup
+ \escapechar\m@ne
+ \xdef\@curr@file{\expandafter\string\csname\@firstofone#1\@empty\endcsname}%
+ \endgroup
@@ -175,10 +196,15 @@
- \edef\uq@curr@file{\expandafter\unquote@name\expandafter{\@curr@file}}%
- \expandafter\filename@parse\expandafter{\uq@curr@file}%
- \edef\filename@area{\expandafter\quote@name\expandafter{\filename@area}}%
- \edef\filename@base{\expandafter\quote@name\expandafter{\filename@base}}%
+ \expandafter\filename@parse\expandafter{\@curr@file}%
+ \ifx\filename@ext\Gin@gzext
+ \expandafter\filename@parse\expandafter{\filename@base}%
+ \ifx\filename@ext\relax
+ \let\filename@ext\Gin@gzext
+ \else
+ \edef\Gin@ext{\Gin@ext\Gin@sepdefault\Gin@gzext}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
@@ -186,6 +212,20 @@
+ \edef\filename@base{\filename@base\Gin@sepdefault\filename@ext}%
+ \let\filename@ext\relax
+ \@for\Gin@temp:=\Gin@extensions\do{%
+ \ifx\Gin@ext\relax
+ \Gin@getbase\Gin@temp
+ \fi}%
+ \ifx\Gin@ext\relax
+ \let\filename@base\Gin@savedbase
+ \let\filename@ext\Gin@savedext
+ \fi
\@warning{File `#1' not found}%
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/tools/multicol.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/tools/multicol.sty
index 2dc3ea48b6a..6ffd3cf0a48 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/tools/multicol.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/tools/multicol.sty
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
- [2019/03/01 v1.8w multicolumn formatting (FMi)]
+ [2019/10/15 v1.8x multicolumn formatting (FMi)]
{\PackageWarning{multicol}{May not work
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
\def\vfilmaxdepth{\vskip \z@ \@plus .0001fil
- \@minus \maxdepth}
+ \@minus \@maxdepth}
\ifnum\outputpenalty <-\@M
\speci@ls \else
@@ -434,8 +434,8 @@
- \splitmaxdepth\maxdepth
- \boxmaxdepth\maxdepth
+ \splitmaxdepth\@maxdepth
+ \boxmaxdepth\@maxdepth
\ifvoid\footins \else
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@
- \boxmaxdepth\maxdepth
+ \boxmaxdepth\@maxdepth
@@ -637,8 +637,8 @@
- \splitmaxdepth\maxdepth
- \boxmaxdepth\maxdepth
+ \splitmaxdepth\@maxdepth
+ \boxmaxdepth\@maxdepth
\setbox\@tempboxa\vsplit\mult@box to\z@
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/tools/shellesc.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/tools/shellesc.sty
index d43eb9025ff..49b8970f685 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/tools/shellesc.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/tools/shellesc.sty
@@ -49,8 +49,12 @@
\ifx\PackageWarning\undefined\def\PackageWarning#1#2{\wlog{#1: #2}}\fi
- [2016/06/07 v0.02b unified shell escape interface for LaTeX]
+ [2019/11/08 v1.0c unified shell escape interface for LaTeX]
@@ -65,6 +69,7 @@
\PackageWarning{shellesc}{Shell escape disabled}
\PackageInfo {shellesc}{Unrestricted shell escape enabled}
@@ -74,16 +79,36 @@
\protected\def\ShellEscape{\immediate\write18 }
- \protected\def\ShellEscape#1{%
- \directlua{os.execute("\luaescapestring{#1}")}}
+ \protected\def\ShellEscape{\directlua\ShellEscape@Lua}
\protected\def\DelayedShellEscape{\relax\write18 }
- \protected\def\DelayedShellEscape#1{%
- \latelua{os.execute("\luaescapestring{#1}")}}
+ \protected\def\DelayedShellEscape{\latelua\ShellEscape@Lua}
+local status, msg = os.execute("\luaescapestring{#1}")%
+if status == nil then
+ texio.write_nl("log",%
+ "runsystem(" .. "\luaescapestring{#1}"%
+ .. ")...(" .. msg .. ")\string\n")
+ elseif status == 0 then
+ texio.write_nl("log",%
+ "runsystem(" .. "\luaescapestring{#1}"%
+ .. ")...executed\string\n")
+ else
+ texio.write_nl("log",%
+ "runsystem(" .. "\luaescapestring{#1}"%
+ .. ")...failed " .. (msg or "") .. "\string\n")
+ end
+ \catcode`\"\shellesc@quotecat
+ \catcode`\_\shellesc@underscorecat
+ \expandafter\endinput
shellesc = shellesc or {}
local function write_or_execute()
@@ -100,6 +125,8 @@ shellesc.write_or_execute=write_or_execute
%% End of file `shellesc.sty'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/tools/varioref.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/tools/varioref.sty
index 12b7d35cc33..cf5a7e7eccd 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/tools/varioref.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/tools/varioref.sty
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
- [2019/09/08 v1.6b package for extended references (FMi)]
+ [2019/11/05 v1.6c package for extended references (FMi)]
@@ -123,14 +123,14 @@
- \def\reftextfaceafter {^^d8^^a8^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d8^^b5^^d9^^81^^d8^^ad^^d8^^a9 \reftextvario{^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d9^^85^^d9^^82^^d8^^a7^^d8^^a8^^d9^^84^^d8^^a9}{^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d9^^84^^d8^^a7^^d8^^ad^^d9^^82^^d8^^a9}}%
- \def\reftextfacebefore{^^d8^^a8^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d8^^b5^^d9^^81^^d8^^ad^^d8^^a9 \reftextvario{^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d9^^85^^d9^^82^^d8^^a7^^d8^^a8^^d9^^84^^d8^^a9}{^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d9^^85^^d9^^8f^^d9^^86^^d9^^92^^d8^^b5^^d9^^8e^^d8^^b1^^d9^^90^^d9^^85^^d9^^8e^^d8^^a9^^d9^^8c}}%
- \def\reftextafter {^^d8^^a8^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d8^^b5^^d9^^81^^d8^^ad^^d8^^a9 \reftextvario{^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d9^^84^^d8^^a7^^d8^^ad^^d9^^82^^d8^^a9}{^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d8^^aa^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d9^^8a^^d8^^a9}}%
- \def\reftextbefore {^^d8^^a8^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d8^^b5^^d9^^81^^d8^^ad^^d8^^a9 \reftextvario{^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d8^^b3^^d8^^a7^^d8^^a8^^d9^^82^^d8^^a9}{^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d9^^85^^d9^^8f^^d9^^86^^d9^^92^^d8^^b5^^d9^^8e^^d8^^b1^^d9^^90^^d9^^85^^d9^^8e^^d8^^a9^^d9^^8c}}%
- \def\reftextcurrent {^^d8^^a8\reftextvario{^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d8^^b5^^d9^^81^^d8^^ad^^d8^^a9 ^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d8^^ad^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d9^^8a^^d8^^a9}{^^d9^^87^^d8^^b0^^d9^^87 ^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d8^^b5^^d9^^81^^d8^^ad^^d8^^a9}}%
- \def\reftextfaraway#1{^^d8^^a8^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d8^^b5^^d9^^81^^d8^^ad^^d8^^a9 ^^d8^^b1^^d9^^82^^d9^^85~\pageref{#1}}%
- \def\reftextpagerange#1#2{^^d8^^a8^^d8^^a7^^d9^^84^^d8^^b5^^d9^^81^^d8^^ad^^d8^^a7^^d8^^aa~\pageref{#1}--\pageref{#2}}%
- \def\reftextlabelrange#1#2{\ref{#1} ^^d8^^ad^^d8^^aa^^d9^^89~\ref{#2}}%
+ \def\reftextfaceafter {بالصفحة \reftextvario{المقابلة}{اللاحقة}}%
+ \def\reftextfacebefore{بالصفحة \reftextvario{المقابلة}{المُنْصَرِمَةٌ}}%
+ \def\reftextafter {بالصفحة \reftextvario{اللاحقة}{التالية}}%
+ \def\reftextbefore {بالصفحة \reftextvario{السابقة}{المُنْصَرِمَةٌ}}%
+ \def\reftextcurrent {ب\reftextvario{الصفحة الحالية}{هذه الصفحة}}%
+ \def\reftextfaraway#1{بالصفحة رقم~\pageref{#1}}%
+ \def\reftextpagerange#1#2{بالصفحات~\pageref{#1}--\pageref{#2}}%
+ \def\reftextlabelrange#1#2{\ref{#1} حتى~\ref{#2}}%
@@ -648,6 +648,7 @@
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/tools/verbatim.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/tools/verbatim.sty
index f7bca458976..24041850624 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/tools/verbatim.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex-dev/tools/verbatim.sty
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
%% Copyright (C) 1989--2003 by Rainer Sch\"opf. All rights reserved.
- [2014/10/28 v1.5q LaTeX2e package for verbatim enhancements]
+ [2019/11/10 v1.5r LaTeX2e package for verbatim enhancements]
@@ -80,7 +80,9 @@
\everypar \expandafter{\the\everypar \unpenalty}}
\def\verbatim{\begingroup\@verbatim \frenchspacing\@vobeyspaces
+ \@setupverbvisiblespace\@vobeyspaces
+ \verbatim@start}
\expandafter\let\csname endverbatim*\endcsname =\endverbatim