path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex')
3 files changed, 2189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfwin/pdfwin.cfg b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfwin/pdfwin.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cbb5068dd80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfwin/pdfwin.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+% pdfwin.cfg
+% this file is read by pdfwin.sty
+% if you want to modify pdfwin's default behavior, you should do it here.
+% EOF
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfwin/pdfwin.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfwin/pdfwin.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..36a140b3f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfwin/pdfwin.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,2025 @@
+%% -*- TeX -*-
+%% (top line is for WinEdt: TeX file)
+%% This is file `pdfwin.sty'. It provides three widely
+%% customizable windows for screen output of TeX documents.
+%% Copyright (C) 2001,02,03 Matthias M\"{u}hlich
+%% NOTES:
+%% * I prefer readability to achieving maximum effectivity, i.e. I
+%% tried to avoid macros like \hb@xt@, \z@, \p@ or \xixt@@n and
+%% wrote \hbox to, 0, 1pt and 16 instead.
+%% * The package "pdfscreen.sty" by C.V. Radhakrishnan provided a
+%% nice inspiration of what is possible with pdf output - at least
+%% if you use default configuration and are content with the
+%% package and its many bugs.
+%% The pdfwin package was completely coded from scratch and its
+%% features and flexibility extend pdfscreen considerably. Only a
+%% bug fix in "pdfscreen.sty" (provided by D. P. Story) and
+%% some foreign language names were copied.
+%% This program may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 1999/12/01 or later.
+%% History:
+%% JAN-FEB 2001 1.0 MM first version
+%% JUL 2001 1.1 MM I added some macros for a upcoming
+%% presentation at a conference
+%% SEP-OCT 2001 1.2 MM some cosmetics; adapted to a lecture script;
+%% chapterpanel functionality
+%% MAR-APR 2003 1.3 MM some functionality removed (temporarily);
+%% first official release
+%% =====================================================================
+%% This program package contains the following files:
+%% * pdfwin.sty style file
+%% (to be included with \UsePackage{pdfwin})
+%% * pdfwin.cfg configuration file (empty)
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% * truncate.sty style file not included in all LaTeX
+%% distributions; needed for panel TOC
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% * Bucuresti2003.tex sample document, main file
+%% * Buc*.pdf graphics for sample document
+%% * marble.png background graphics for sample document
+%% * JWGU-Logo.png logo of my university
+%% * shortvec.tex abbreviations for vectors and matrices
+%% =====================================================================
+%% feel free to experiment with the code! But remember:
+%% modification means change of filename (and be fair and give reference
+%% to the original author :-). See LaTeX Project Public
+%% License for details.
+%% please report bugs to: Thanks!
+% ==============
+% identification
+% ==============
+ [2003/04/04 v1.3 This is package pdfwin. It provides widely %
+ customizable windows for screen output of TeX documents.]
+% =================
+% required packages
+% =================
+% NOTE: all packages listed here are standard packages.
+% However, if paneltoc is activated you have to get
+% truncate.sty from CTAN (e.g.
+\RequirePackage{amssymb} % black triangles
+\RequirePackage{keyval} % user interface
+% ========================
+% preliminary declarations
+% ========================
+\newif\if@nocfg \@nocfgfalse
+\newif\if@paneltoc \@paneltocfalse
+\newif\if@chapterpanel \@chapterpanelfalse
+\newif\if@coloremph \@coloremphfalse
+\newif\if@pdftexdriver \@pdftexdriverfalse
+ Sorry, language `#1' not supported\MessageBreak%
+ in this version. English strings are used instead.\MessageBreak%
+ However you can give all the strings in the pdfwin.cfg\MessageBreak%
+ file which will be read by the package. \MessageBreak\MessageBreak%
+ If you can suggest translations for this language,\MessageBreak%
+ please mail them to the author of this package}}
+% =================================
+% option declaration and processing
+% =================================
+ \let\org@section\section\def\section{\clearpage\org@section}%
+ \paneltitlepagename{Inici}
+ \panelabstractname{Resum}
+ \panelcontentsname{Contingut}
+ \panelindexname{Index} % ???
+ \panelfullscreenname{Full Screen}
+ \panelhomepagename{Plana personal}
+ \panelgobackname{Tornar}
+ \panelgoforwardname{->}
+ \panelclosename{Tancar}
+ \panelsearchname{???}
+ \panelquitname{Sortir}
+ \panelpagename{P\`agina}
+ \panelofname{de}
+ \paneltitlepagename{Tituln\'{\i} strana}
+ \panelabstractname{Abstrakt}
+ \panelcontentsname{Obsah}
+ \panelindexname{Index} % ???
+ \panelfullscreenname{Full Screen}
+ \panelhomepagename{\'Uvodn\'{\i} strana}
+ \panelgobackname{Zp\v{e}t}
+ \panelgoforwardname{->}
+ \panelclosename{Zav\v{r}\'{\i}t}
+ \panelsearchname{???}
+ \panelquitname{Konec}
+ \panelpagename{Strana}
+ \panelofname{z}
+ \paneltitlepagename{Forside}
+ \panelabstractname{Resum\'e}
+ \panelcontentsname{Indhold}
+ \panelindexname{Index} % ???
+ \panelfullscreenname{Full Screen}
+ \panelhomepagename{Hjemmeside}
+ \panelgobackname{G\aa\ tilbage}
+ \panelgoforwardname{->}
+ \panelclosename{Luk}
+ \panelsearchname{???}
+ \panelquitname{Afslut}
+ \panelpagename{Side}
+ \panelofname{af}
+ \paneltitlepagename{Titel Pagina}
+ \panelabstractname{Samenvatting}
+ \panelcontentsname{Inhoudsopgave}
+ \panelindexname{Index} % ???
+ \panelfullscreenname{Full Screen}
+ \panelhomepagename{Startpagina}
+ \panelgobackname{Ga terug}
+ \panelgoforwardname{->}
+ \panelclosename{Sluiten}
+ \panelsearchname{???}
+ \panelquitname{Be\"eindigen}
+ \panelpagename{Pagina}
+ \panelofname{van}
+ \paneltitlepagename{Title Page}
+ \panelabstractname{Abstract}
+ \panelcontentsname{Contents}
+ \panelindexname{Index} % ???
+ \panelfullscreenname{Full Screen}
+ \panelhomepagename{Home Page}
+ \panelgobackname{Go Back}
+ \panelgoforwardname{Go Forward}
+ \panelclosename{Close}
+ \panelsearchname{Search}
+ \panelquitname{Quit}
+ \panelpagename{Page}
+ \panelofname{of}
+ \paneltitlepagename{Page de Titre}
+ \panelabstractname{R\'esum\'e}
+ \panelcontentsname{Sommaire}
+ \panelindexname{Index} % ???
+ \panelfullscreenname{Full Screen}
+ \panelhomepagename{Page d\'accueil}
+ \panelgobackname{Retour}
+ \panelgoforwardname{->}
+ \panelclosename{Fermer}
+ \panelsearchname{???}
+ \panelquitname{Quitter}
+ \panelpagename{Page}
+ \panelofname{de}
+ \paneltitlepagename{Titelseite}
+ \panelabstractname{Zusammenfassung}
+ \panelcontentsname{Inhalt}
+ \panelindexname{Index}
+ \panelfullscreenname{Vollbild}
+ \panelhomepagename{WWW-Startseite}
+ \panelgobackname{Zur\"uck}
+ \panelgoforwardname{Vor}
+ \panelclosename{Schlie\ss en}
+ \panelsearchname{Suchen}
+ \panelquitname{Beenden}
+ \panelpagename{Seite}
+ \panelofname{von}
+ \paneltitlepagename{Forside}
+ \panelabstractname{Sammendrag}
+ \panelcontentsname{Innhold}
+ \panelindexname{Index} % ???
+ \panelfullscreenname{Full Screen}
+ \panelhomepagename{Hjemmeside}
+ \panelgobackname{G\aa\ tilbake}
+ \panelgoforwardname{->}
+ \panelclosename{Lukk}
+ \panelsearchname{???}
+ \panelquitname{Avslutt}
+ \panelpagename{Side}
+ \panelofname{av}
+ \paneltitlepagename{Forside}
+ \panelabstractname{Samandrag}
+ \panelcontentsname{Innhald}
+ \panelindexname{Index} % ???
+ \panelfullscreenname{Full Screen}
+ \panelhomepagename{Heimeside}
+ \panelgobackname{G\aa\ tilbake}
+ \panelgoforwardname{->}
+ \panelclosename{Lat att}
+ \panelsearchname{???}
+ \panelquitname{Avslutt}
+ \panelpagename{Side}
+ \panelofname{av}
+ \paneltitlepagename{Strona tytu\l owa}
+ \panelabstractname{Streszczenie}
+ \panelcontentsname{Spis tre\'sci}
+ \panelindexname{Index} % ???
+ \panelfullscreenname{Full Screen}
+ \panelhomepagename{Strona g\l \'owna}
+ \panelgobackname{Powr\'ot}
+ \panelgoforwardname{->}
+ \panelclosename{Zamknij}
+ \panelsearchname{???}
+ \panelquitname{Koniec}
+ \panelpagename{Strona}
+ \panelofname{z}
+ \paneltitlepagename{P\'agina de Rosto}
+ \panelabstractname{Sum\'ario}
+ \panelcontentsname{\'Indice Geral}
+ \panelindexname{Index} % ???
+ \panelfullscreenname{Full Screen}
+ \panelhomepagename{Homepage}
+ \panelgobackname{Voltar}
+ \panelgoforwardname{->}
+ \panelclosename{Fechar}
+ \panelsearchname{???}
+ \panelquitname{Desistir}
+ \panelpagename{P\'agina}
+ \panelofname{de}
+ \paneltitlepagename{\cyr\CYRT\cyri\cyrt\cyru\cyrl\cyrsftsn\cyrn\cyra\cyrya{}
+ \cyrs\cyrt\cyrr\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrc\cyra}
+ \panelabstractname{\cyr\CYRA\cyrn\cyrn\cyro\cyrt\cyra\cyrc\cyri\cyrya}
+ \panelcontentsname{\cyr\CYRS\cyro\cyrd\cyre\cyrr\cyrzh\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyre}
+ \panelindexname{Index} % ???
+ \panelfullscreenname{Full Screen}
+ \panelhomepagename{Home Page}
+ \panelgobackname{\cyr\CYRN\cyra\cyrz\cyra\cyrd}
+ \panelgoforwardname{->}
+ \panelclosename{\cyr\CYRZ\cyra\cyrk\cyrr\cyrery\cyrt\cyrsftsn}
+ \panelsearchname{???}
+ \panelquitname{\cyr\CYRV\cyrery\cyrh\cyro\cyrd}
+ \panelpagename{\cyr\CYRS\cyrt\cyrr\cyra\cyrn\cyri\cyrc\cyra}
+ \panelofname{\cyr\cyri\cyrz}
+ \paneltitlepagename{Tituln\'a strana}
+ \panelabstractname{Abstrakt}
+ \panelcontentsname{Obsah}
+ \panelindexname{Index} % ???
+ \panelfullscreenname{Full Screen}
+ \panelhomepagename{Domovsk\'a str\'anka}
+ \panelgobackname{Sp\"a\v t}
+ \panelgoforwardname{->}
+ \panelclosename{Zatvori\v t}
+ \panelsearchname{???}
+ \panelquitname{Koniec}
+ \panelpagename{Strana}
+ \panelofname{z}
+ \paneltitlepagename{Naslovnica}
+ \panelabstractname{Povzetek}
+ \panelcontentsname{Kazalo}
+ \panelindexname{Index} % ???
+ \panelfullscreenname{Full Screen}
+ \panelhomepagename{Spletna stran}
+ \panelgobackname{Nazaj}
+ \panelgoforwardname{->}
+ \panelclosename{Zapri}
+ \panelsearchname{???}
+ \panelquitname{Kon\v{c}aj}
+ \panelpagename{Stran}
+ \panelofname{od}
+ \paneltitlepagename{P\'agina de Abertura}
+ \panelabstractname{Resumen}
+ \panelcontentsname{Contenido}
+ \panelindexname{Index} % ???
+ \panelfullscreenname{Full Screen}
+ \panelhomepagename{P\'agina www}
+ \panelgobackname{Regresar}
+ \panelgoforwardname{->}
+ \panelclosename{Cerrar}
+ \panelsearchname{???}
+ \panelquitname{Abandonar}
+ \panelpagename{P\'agina}
+ \panelofname{de}
+ \paneltitlepagename{F\"ors\"attsblad}
+ \panelabstractname{Sammanfattning}
+ \panelcontentsname{Inneh\aa{}ll}
+ \panelindexname{Index} % ???
+ \panelfullscreenname{Full Screen}
+ \panelhomepagename{Hemsida}
+ \panelgobackname{Tillbaka}
+ \panelgoforwardname{->}
+ \panelclosename{St\"ang}
+ \panelsearchname{???}
+ \panelquitname{Avsluta}
+ \panelpagename{Sida}
+ \panelofname{av}
+% define all other languages of babel package as non existent
+% some replacements
+\DeclareOption{ngerman}{\typeout{****** Igitt! Neue Beliebigkeits-Rechtschreibung!%
+ Na, meinetwegen... ;-) ******}\ExecuteOptions{german}}
+\DeclareOption{naustrian}{\typeout{****** Igitt! Neue Beliebigkeits-Rechtschreibung!%
+ Na, meinetwegen... ;-) ******}\ExecuteOptions{german}}
+% =======================
+% =======================
+% NOTE: all identifiers containing an '@' symbol are internal
+% identifiers. Please do not write code that relies on these
+% functions because they might change in future versions.
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+ \if@pdftexdriver%
+ \RequirePackage[pdftex,backref,pagebackref,colorlinks,plainpages=false,%
+ menucolor=menucolor,%
+% pdfpagemode=FullScreen,%
+ pdfmenubar=false,pdftoolbar=false,%
+ pdffitwindow=true,pdfcenterwindow=true,pdfwindowui=false,pdfview=Fit,%
+ pdfstartview=Fit]{hyperref}%
+ \else% (no pdftex => try to setup hyperref now)
+ \hypersetup{%
+ backref,pagebackref,colorlinks,plainpages=false,menucolor=menucolor,%
+ pdfpagemode=none,pdfmenubar=false,pdftoolbar=false,pdffitwindow=true,%
+ pdfcenterwindow=true,pdfwindowui=false,pdfview=Fit,pdfstartview=Fit%
+ }
+ \fi%
+}{ % (else hyperref undefined)
+ \PDFWIN@Error{Please load hyperref package first}{hyperref must be loaded before pdfwin}%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+% window types
+% 0: disabled
+% 1: transparent
+% 2: colored background
+% 3: graphics
+% 4: colored background + graphics
+\newcount\@Screen@Type \@Screen@Type=2
+\newcount\@Text@WinType \@Text@WinType=2
+\newcount\@Panel@WinType \@Panel@WinType=2
+\newcount\@User@WinType \@User@WinType=0
+% define chapter counter for small classes (!!!)
+% RealPage is necessary to allow different page numberings,
+% e.g. roman for titlepage, abstract, contents and foreword
+% and arabic numbering (starting with 1!) for the rest
+% Three windows are predefined - text, panel, user. Additional windows
+% can be defined by the user if he/she needs them.
+% PanelTocLine is a counter for the lines in the panel TOC
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+\newif\if@PanelTocHighlight \@PanelTocHighlightfalse
+\newif\if@PTocNTransparent \@PTocNTransparentfalse
+\newif\if@PTocHTransparent \@PTocHTransparentfalse
+\newif\if@InPreamble \@InPreambletrue
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+% COLORS --- these colors can be modified (i.e. redefined) by the user
+% screen and window colors
+% button colors
+% logo colors
+% panel toc colors
+% text colors
+% section headings
+% chapter panel colors: 0 - title, contents, index, ...
+% 1 - normal chapters
+% a/b/c/d: background/text/upper shadow/lower shadow
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+% NOTE:
+% We will use the \put command for displaying graphics. Therefore,%
+% the origin is in the LOWER left corner at (0pt/0pt).
+% - text window position (lower left corner) and size
+\newlength{\@Text@LLX} \setlength{\@Text@LLX}{.02\paperwidth}
+\newlength{\@Text@LLY} \setlength{\@Text@LLY}{.02\paperheight}
+\newlength{\@Text@DimX} \setlength{\@Text@DimX}{.79\paperwidth}
+\newlength{\@Text@DimY} \setlength{\@Text@DimY}{.96\paperheight}
+% - panel position (lower left corner) and size
+\newlength{\@Panel@LLX} \setlength{\@Panel@LLX}{.83\paperwidth}
+\newlength{\@Panel@LLY} \setlength{\@Panel@LLY}{.02\paperheight}
+\newlength{\@Panel@DimX} \setlength{\@Panel@DimX}{.15\paperwidth}
+\newlength{\@Panel@DimY} \setlength{\@Panel@DimY}{.96\paperheight}
+% - user window position (lower left corner) and size
+\newlength{\@User@LLX} \setlength{\@User@LLX}{.02\paperwidth}
+\newlength{\@User@LLY} \setlength{\@User@LLY}{.92\paperheight}
+\newlength{\@User@DimX} \setlength{\@User@DimX}{.79\paperwidth}
+\newlength{\@User@DimY} \setlength{\@User@DimY}{.06\paperheight}
+% - window borders
+\newlength{\@Text@BorderThickness} \setlength{\@Text@BorderThickness}{2.0pt}
+\newlength{\@Text@BorderArcRadius} \setlength{\@Text@BorderArcRadius}{12pt}
+\newlength{\@Panel@BorderThickness} \setlength{\@Panel@BorderThickness}{2.0pt}
+\newlength{\@Panel@BorderArcRadius} \setlength{\@Panel@BorderArcRadius}{12pt}
+\newlength{\@User@BorderThickness} \setlength{\@User@BorderThickness}{2.0pt}
+\newlength{\@User@BorderArcRadius} \setlength{\@User@BorderArcRadius}{12pt}
+% - margins (apply for text window)
+\newlength{\@LeftMargin} \setlength{\@LeftMargin}{1cm}
+\newlength{\@RightMargin} \setlength{\@RightMargin}{1cm}
+\newlength{\@TopMargin} \setlength{\@TopMargin}{1cm}
+\newlength{\@BottomMargin} \setlength{\@BottomMargin}{1cm}
+% - button shape
+\newlength{\@ButtonWidth} \setlength{\@ButtonWidth}{.8\@Panel@DimX}
+\newlength{\@SmallButtonWidth} \setlength{\@SmallButtonWidth}{.4\@Panel@DimX}
+% - logo shape
+\newlength{\@LogoWidth} \setlength{\@LogoWidth}{.7\@Panel@DimX}
+\newlength{\@LogoShadowDepth} \setlength{\@LogoShadowDepth}{3.0pt}
+% - panel toc height (usually automatic; fixed only if >0)
+\newlength{\@PanelTOCHeight} \setlength{\@PanelTOCHeight}{0cm}
+% temporary help registers
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+ % NOTE: both \oddsidemargin and \evensidemargin define
+ % LEFT margins (on odd/even pages). In one-sided
+ % documents only \oddsidemargin is used.
+ \if@InPreamble%
+ \else%
+ \PDFWIN@Warning{***** Page Layout changed outside of %
+ Preamble - this might not work as expected! *****}
+ \fi%
+ \global\setlength{\textwidth}{\@Text@DimX}%
+ \global\addtolength{\textwidth}{-\@LeftMargin}%
+ \global\addtolength{\textwidth}{-\@RightMargin}%
+ \global\setlength{\textheight}{\@Text@DimY}%
+ \global\addtolength{\textheight}{-\@TopMargin}%
+ \global\addtolength{\textheight}{-\@BottomMargin}%
+ \global\addtolength{\textheight}{-\headheight}%
+ \global\addtolength{\textheight}{-\headsep}%
+ \global\addtolength{\textheight}{-\footskip}%
+ \global\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{\@LeftMargin}%
+ \global\addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{\@Text@LLX}%
+ \global\addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-1in}%
+ \global\setlength{\evensidemargin}{\@LeftMargin}%
+ \global\addtolength{\evensidemargin}{\@Text@LLX}%
+ \global\addtolength{\evensidemargin}{-1in}%
+ \global\setlength{\topmargin}{\@TopMargin}%
+ \global\addtolength{\topmargin}{\paperheight}%
+ \global\addtolength{\topmargin}{-\@Text@DimY}%
+ \global\addtolength{\topmargin}{-\@Text@LLY}%
+ \global\addtolength{\topmargin}{-1in}%
+\InitLayout % initialize with default values
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+% Overwrite page styles. Can be modified by user to make use of
+% explicit or implicit (e.g. "empty" for title page or "plain" for
+% first page of chapters) page style modifications
+ \global\setlength{\@LeftMargin}{#1}%
+ \global\setlength{\@RightMargin}{#2}%
+ \global\setlength{\@TopMargin}{#3}%
+ \global\setlength{\@BottomMargin}{#4}%
+ \InitLayout%
+\expandafter\def\csname WindowName1\endcsname{Text}
+\expandafter\def\csname WindowName2\endcsname{Panel}
+\expandafter\def\csname WindowName3\endcsname{User}
+\expandafter\def\csname WindowRef1\endcsname{text}
+\expandafter\def\csname WindowRef2\endcsname{panel}
+\expandafter\def\csname WindowRef3\endcsname{user}
+ \def\@WinName{error}%
+ \@tempcnta=\c@WindowCount%
+ \loop%
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta>0%
+ \def\tempa{#1}%
+ \edef\tempb{\csname WindowRef\number\@tempcnta\endcsname}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb%
+ \xdef\@WinName{\csname WindowName\number\@tempcnta\endcsname}%
+ \fi%
+ \advance\@tempcnta by -1%
+ \repeat%
+ \def\tempb{error}%
+ \ifx\@WinName\tempb%
+ \PDFWIN@Error{SetWindow called with wrong window name specifier '#1'}%
+ {you can only use 'text', 'panel' or 'user' (or your user-created%
+ additional specifiers) as window identifiers %
+ (first argument of SetWindow command)}%
+ \fi%
+ \setkeys{pdfwin}{#2}%
+ {\definecolor{ScreenBackgroundColor}{rgb}{#1}}
+ \def\tempa{#1}%
+ \def\tempb{disabled}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb\PDFWIN@Error{Disabling screen?! NO!}{\PDFWIN@ScreenErr}%
+ \else\def\tempb{transparent}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb\PDFWIN@Error{transparent screen?! NO!}{\PDFWIN@ScreenErr}%
+ \else\def\tempb{colored}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb\global\@Screen@Type=2%
+ \else\def\tempb{graphics}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb\global\@Screen@Type=3%
+ \else\def\tempb{extended}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb\global\@Screen@Type=4%
+ \else\def\tempb{wallpaper}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb\global\@Screen@Type=5%
+ \else\PDFWIN@Error{SetScreen called with wrong type specifier '#1'}{\PDFWIN@ScreenErr}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi%
+\def\PDFWin@ScreenErr{Only 'colored', 'graphics', 'extended' and 'wallpaper' are %
+ allowed for the screen type. In contrast to windows, 'disabled' and %
+ 'transparent' are forbidden.}
+ {\definecolor{LogoShadowColor}{rgb}{#1}}
+ {\definecolor{LogoUpperShadowColor}{rgb}{#1}}
+ \global\setlength{\@SmallButtonWidth}{.5\@ButtonWidth}%
+ \global\addtolength{\@SmallButtonWidth}{-\@ButtonShadowDepth}}
+ {\global\@ButtonShadowDepth=#1\Init@Buttons}
+ {\definecolor{ButtonBackgroundColor}{rgb}{#1}}
+ {\definecolor{ButtonTextColor}{rgb}{#1}}
+ {\definecolor{ButtonHighlightedTextColor}{rgb}{#1}}
+ {\definecolor{ButtonDisabledTextColor}{rgb}{#1}}
+ {\definecolor{ButtonShadowColor}{rgb}{#1}}
+ {\definecolor{ButtonUpperShadowColor}{rgb}{#1}}
+ {\definecolor{PanelTocNormalTextColor}{rgb}{#1}}
+ {\definecolor{PanelTocNormalBackgroundColor}{rgb}{#1}}
+ {\definecolor{PanelTocHighlightedTextColor}{rgb}{#1}}
+ {\definecolor{PanelTocHighlightedBackgroundColor}{rgb}{#1}}
+ {\global\@PanelTOCHeight=#1}
+ \def\tempa{#1}%
+ \def\tempb{none}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb\@PTocNTransparentfalse\@PTocHTransparentfalse%
+ \else\def\tempb{normal}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb\@PTocNTransparenttrue\@PTocHTransparentfalse%
+ \else\def\tempb{highlighted}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb\@PTocNTransparentfalse\@PTocHTransparenttrue%
+ \else\def\tempb{both}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb\@PTocNTransparenttrue\@PTocHTransparenttrue%
+ \else\PDFWIN@Error{wrong specifier '#1' for panel TOC transparency mode}%
+ {Only the transparency modes 'none', 'normal', 'highlighted' and%
+ 'both' are possible}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi%
+\define@key{pdfwin}{basex}{\global\csname @\@WinName @LLX\endcsname=#1%
+ \csname Adjust@\@WinName @Win\endcsname}
+\define@key{pdfwin}{basey}{\global\csname @\@WinName @LLY\endcsname=#1%
+ \csname Adjust@\@WinName @Win\endcsname}
+\define@key{pdfwin}{width}{\global\csname @\@WinName @DimX\endcsname=#1%
+ \csname Adjust@\@WinName @Win\endcsname}
+\define@key{pdfwin}{height}{\global\csname @\@WinName @DimY\endcsname=#1%
+ \csname Adjust@\@WinName @Win\endcsname}
+ {\global\csname @\@WinName @BorderThickness\endcsname=#1}
+ {\global\csname @\@WinName @BorderArcRadius\endcsname=#1}
+ {\expandafter\xdef\csname @\@WinName @Overlay\endcsname{#1}}
+ {\definecolor{\@WinName BackgroundColor}{rgb}{#1}}
+ {\definecolor{\@WinName BorderColor}{rgb}{#1}}
+ \def\tempa{#1}%
+ \def\tempb{disabled}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb\global\csname @\@WinName @WinType\endcsname=0%
+ \else\def\tempb{transparent}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb\global\csname @\@WinName @WinType\endcsname=1%
+ \else\def\tempb{colored}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb\global\csname @\@WinName @WinType\endcsname=2%
+ \else\def\tempb{graphics}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb\global\csname @\@WinName @WinType\endcsname=3%
+ \else\def\tempb{extended}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb\global\csname @\@WinName @WinType\endcsname=4%
+ \else\PDFWIN@Error{SetWindow called with wrong window type specifier '#1'}%
+ {Only the window types 'disabled', 'transparent', 'colored',%
+ 'graphics' and 'extended' are allowed.}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi%
+% --- user interface finished ---
+% --- internal realization part starts here ---
+% NOTE: the following commands will be written to aux-file;
+% the initial value defined here is overwritten when aux-file is read.
+% NOTE: \LastPageString is not necessarily an arabic number
+\newcommand*{\LastPageString}{?} % for page <x> of <y>
+\newcommand*{\ChapterNumber}{10} % for chapter panel
+\newcommand*{\LastPage}{999} % for disabling this button
+\newcommand*{\AbstractPage}{0} % for disabling this button
+\newcommand*{\ContentsPage}{0} % for disabling this button
+\newcommand*{\IndexPage}{0} % for disabling this button
+% chapter-specific version of \LastPageString:
+\expandafter\def\csname LastPageC0String\endcsname{???}
+\expandafter\def\csname LastPageC1String\endcsname{???}
+\expandafter\def\csname LastPageC2String\endcsname{???}
+\expandafter\def\csname LastPageC3String\endcsname{???}
+\expandafter\def\csname LastPageC4String\endcsname{???}
+\expandafter\def\csname LastPageC5String\endcsname{???}
+\expandafter\def\csname LastPageC6String\endcsname{???}
+\expandafter\def\csname LastPageC7String\endcsname{???}
+\expandafter\def\csname LastPageC8String\endcsname{???}
+\expandafter\def\csname LastPageC9String\endcsname{???}
+\expandafter\def\csname LastPageC10String\endcsname{???}
+\expandafter\def\csname LastPageC11String\endcsname{???}
+\expandafter\def\csname LastPageC12String\endcsname{???}
+\expandafter\def\csname LastPageC13String\endcsname{???}
+\expandafter\def\csname LastPageC14String\endcsname{???}
+\expandafter\def\csname LastPageC15String\endcsname{???}
+% we have to fight a fierce battle against the babel package here:
+% babel writes a \select@language command at the begin of the aux-file
+% (and toc, lof, lot files, if they exist). This command overwrites
+% \contentsname and \abstractname. Thus, a simple definition would
+% not work.
+% We have to change it \emph{at the beginning of the document}.
+% And additionally, we have to modify \select@language (this is
+% executed at the beginning of every toc, lof, lot or aux file!).
+ \renewcommand*{\contentsname}{%
+ \protect\hypertarget{contents}{\@Panelcontentsname}%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\gdef\string\ContentsPage{\number\c@RealPage}}%
+ }%
+ \renewcommand*{\abstractname}{%
+ \protect\hypertarget{abstract}{\@Panelabstractname}%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\gdef\string\AbstractPage{\number\c@RealPage}}%
+ }%
+ \renewcommand*{\indexname}{%
+ \protect\hypertarget{index}{\@Panelindexname}%
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\gdef\string\IndexPage{\number\c@RealPage}}%
+ }%
+ \PDFWinFightsBabelSuccessfully%
+ \let\org@select@language\select@language%
+ \def\select@language#1{%
+ \org@select@language{#1}\PDFWinFightsBabelSuccessfully}%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+ % increase window counter
+ \global\advance\c@WindowCount by 1\relax%
+ %
+ % window name and reference
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname WindowName\number\c@WindowCount\endcsname{#1}%
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname WindowRef\number\c@WindowCount\endcsname{#2}%
+ %
+ % append to \Draw@PDFWinWindows
+ \g@addto@macro\Draw@PDFWinWindows{\@ShowWindow{#1}}%
+ %
+ % new colors and variables
+ \definecolor{#1BackgroundColor}{rgb}{1.0,1.0,1.0}%
+ \definecolor{#1BorderColor}{rgb}{.0,.0,.0}%
+ \expandafter\newcount\csname @#1@WinType\endcsname%
+ \csname @#1@WinType\endcsname=0%
+ \expandafter\newlength\csname @#1@LLX\endcsname%
+ \csname @#1@LLX\endcsname=.02\paperwidth%
+ \expandafter\newlength\csname @#1@LLY\endcsname%
+ \csname @#1@LLY\endcsname=.92\paperheight%
+ \expandafter\newlength\csname @#1@DimX\endcsname%
+ \csname @#1@DimX\endcsname=.79\paperwidth%
+ \expandafter\newlength\csname @#1@DimY\endcsname%
+ \csname @#1@DimY\endcsname=.06\paperheight%
+ \expandafter\newlength\csname @#1@BorderThickness\endcsname%
+ \csname @#1@BorderThickness\endcsname=2.0pt%
+ \expandafter\newlength\csname @#1@BorderArcRadius\endcsname%
+ \csname @#1@BorderArcRadius\endcsname=12pt%
+ %
+ % misc
+ \expandafter\def\csname Adjust@#1@Win\endcsname{}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname @#1@\endcsname{\relax}%
+ \long\expandafter\def\csname Set#1Contents\endcsname##1{%
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname @#1@\endcsname{##1}%
+ }%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+% INCREMENTAL PAGE NUMBERING (e.g. 10 - 11a - 11b - 11c - 12)
+% mechanism: in order to avoid changes on internal functions as far
+% as possible, two new counters are introduced. The first one
+% memorizes the basic page number (i.e. 11 in the example given
+% above) and the second one is computed as the difference between
+% the normal page counter (not touched!) and the first counter,
+% plus offset of one.
+% NOTE: no \stepcounter or \addtocounter before/after page break
+% necessary for new counters; normal page counter does the job!
+% define new counters for incremental page counting
+% redefine (i.e. patch) \pagenumbering:
+% \pagenumbering{incremental} starts incremental numbering
+% \pagenumbering{restore} restores old setting
+% else: old \pagenumbering definition from latex.ltx
+ \def\tempa{#1}%
+ \def\tempb{incremental}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb
+ \global\c@incpagea=\c@page%
+ \let\org@thepage\thepage%
+ % NOTE: \thepage can be modified by user after \pagenumbering{incremental}
+ \gdef\thepage{\arabic{incpagea}\alph{incpageb}}%
+ \let\org@newpage\newpage%
+ \def\newpage{\org@newpage\computeincpage}%
+ \computeincpage
+ \else
+ \def\tempb{restore}%
+ \ifx\tempa\tempb
+ \let\newpage\org@newpage%
+ \let\thepage\org@thepage%
+ \global\c@page=\c@incpagea%
+ \stepcounter{page}
+ \else
+ \global\c@page \@ne \gdef\thepage{\csname @#1\endcsname\c@page}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \c@incpageb=\c@page%
+ \advance\c@incpageb\@ne%
+ \advance\c@incpageb -\c@incpagea%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+% FONTS (can be redefined by user)
+% setting button text font and style (button height)
+% \footnotesize\sffamily\itshape\mdseries}
+ \scriptsize\sffamily\itshape\mdseries}
+% setting page info ("page x of y") font and style
+% (usually the same as button text)
+% \footnotesize\sffamily\itshape\mdseries}
+ \scriptsize\sffamily\itshape\mdseries}
+% setting panel toc text font and style (button height)
+% \scriptsize\sffamily\itshape\mdseries}
+% \scriptsize\sffamily\itshape\bfseries}
+ \tiny\sffamily\itshape\mdseries}
+ \tiny\sffamily\itshape\bfseries}
+% setting font and style of the chapter panel
+ \sffamily\bfseries\scriptsize}
+ \sffamily\bfseries\tiny}
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+ \org@startsection{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6\color{Section#2Color}}}
+% normally redefining \@startsection should be sufficient.
+% But unfortunately, it's not. Sometimes, the internal color stack
+% gets mixed up and the beginning of a new page is written in a
+% wrong color. The color is fixed once a differently colored text
+% is printed. A work-around for section headings (which are likely to
+% be affected by this bug) is printing the section number in the
+% correct color.
+\def\@seccntformat#1{\protect\textcolor{Section\thesection@level Color}%
+ {\org@seccntformat{#1}}\quad}%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+% NOTE: if you are looking at this section in order to define new
+% dynamic environments and you don't really understand what's
+% going on here, then I have to apologize, but some things I need
+% are only possible in plain TeX and not in LaTeX, e.g. global
+% (and not local) counter settings. Notice that the LaTeX counter
+% abc is equivalent to the TeX counter \c@abc.
+\newcounter{dynamicpage} \setcounter{dynamicpage}{0}
+\newcounter{maxdynamicpages} \setcounter{maxdynamicpages}{5}
+\newcommand*{\copycolor}[2]{\expandafter\let\csname\string\color @#2%
+ \expandafter\endcsname\csname\string\color @#1\endcsname}
+ \newpage%
+ \global\advance\c@dynamicpage by 1%
+ \relax% %% otherwise the FIRST color would not be changed. Mysterious...
+ \copycolor{TextRevealedColor}{color\number\c@dynamicpage}%
+ \recall%
+ \@tempcnta=\c@maxdynamicpages%
+ \loop \ifnum\@tempcnta>0%
+ \copycolor{TextBackgroundColor}{color\number\@tempcnta}%
+ \advance\@tempcnta by -1%
+ \repeat%
+ \store{#1}%
+ \newpage%
+ \@tempcnta=\c@maxdynamicpages%
+ \loop \ifnum\@tempcnta>0%
+ \copycolor{TextGrayedOutColor}{color\number\@tempcnta}%
+ \advance\@tempcnta by -1%
+ \repeat%
+ \global\advance\c@dynamicpage by 1%
+ \relax%
+ \copycolor{TextHighlightedColor}{color\number\c@dynamicpage}%
+ \recall%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+% setting button color
+ \color{ButtonDisabledTextColor}\else\NormalButtonCol\fi}
+ \color{ButtonDisabledTextColor}\else\NormalButtonCol\fi}
+ \color{ButtonDisabledTextColor}\else\NormalButtonCol\fi}
+ \color{ButtonDisabledTextColor}\else\NormalButtonCol\fi}
+ \color{ButtonDisabledTextColor}\else\NormalButtonCol\fi}
+% #1: box contents #2,#3 : upper/lower border colors
+% \fboxrule determines the thickness of the shadow
+ \fboxsep0pt%
+ \color{#2}%
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\fbox{#1}}%
+ \copy\@tempboxa%
+ \@tempcnta=10%
+ \@tempdimc=\fboxrule% %% increment
+ \divide\@tempdimc by \@tempcnta%
+ \color{#3}%
+ \@tempdima=0pt% %% width
+ \@tempdimb=\ht\@tempboxa% %% height
+ \loop%
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta>0%
+ \advance\@tempcnta by -1%
+ \advance\@tempdimb by -\@tempdimc%
+ \advance\@tempdima by \@tempdimc%
+ \hbox to 0pt{\hss\vrule \@width\@tempdima \@height\@tempdimb \@depth\dp\@tempboxa}%
+ \repeat%
+ \@tempcnta=10%
+ \@tempdima=\wd\@tempboxa% %% width
+ \@tempdimb=-\dp\@tempboxa% %% -depth -> height
+ \loop%
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta>0%
+ \advance\@tempcnta by -1%
+ \advance\@tempdimb by \@tempdimc%
+ \advance\@tempdima by -\@tempdimc%
+ \hbox to 0pt{\hss\vrule \@width\@tempdima \@height\@tempdimb \@depth\dp\@tempboxa}%
+ \repeat%
+% [#1]: width (optional; default: \@ButtonWidth) #2: button text
+ \fboxrule=\@ButtonShadowDepth%
+ \ThreeDimBox{\colorbox{ButtonBackgroundColor}%
+ {\hbox to #1{\hfil\NormalButtonCol\SetButtonTextStyle#2\hfil}}}%
+ {ButtonUpperShadowColor}{ButtonShadowColor}%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+% The default panel consists of four parts:
+% [graphical logo]
+% [panel TOC]
+% navigation buttons
+% [some text]
+% parts in square brackets are optional.
+% The panel contents are composed vertically to build a minipage
+% NOTE: background color is set later
+ \begin{minipage}[t][\@Panel@DimY][c]{\@Panel@DimX}%
+ \normalcolor%
+ \normalfont%
+ \PanelContents%
+ \end{minipage}%
+% \PanelContents can be modified by user. The user does not need
+% to know anything about the internal realization of \@Panel@
+% or \Draw<Something>. The \PanelContents level is encapsulated.
+% NOTE: all \Draw<Something> commands should end with \vfill
+ \centering%
+ \vspace*{5pt}\vfill%
+ \DrawLogo%
+ \DrawPanelTOC%
+ \DrawNavigationPanel%
+ \DrawPanelText%
+ \vspace*{5pt}%
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\bgroup%
+ \fboxrule=\@LogoShadowDepth%
+ \ThreeDimBox{\includegraphics[width=\@LogoWidth]%
+ {\@LogoFile}}{LogoUpperShadowColor}{LogoShadowColor}%
+ \egroup}%
+ \ifx\emptystring\@LogoURL\mbox{\box0}\else\href{\@LogoURL}{\box0}\fi%
+ \par\vfill\fi%
+ \if@paneltoc%
+ \ifdim\@PanelTOCHeight>0cm% fixed size?
+ \begin{minipage}[t][1.5cm][t]{\@Panel@DimX}%
+ \@panel@toc%
+ \end{minipage}%
+ \else%
+ \@panel@toc%
+ \fi%
+ \vfill%
+ \else%
+ \relax%
+ \fi%
+ \parbox{.98\@Panel@DimX}{\centering \@paneltext}\par\vfill\fi}
+% You can change \DrawNavigationPanel with \renewcommand.
+% Just copy this definition here and (un)comment and reorder
+% the items in the way you like.
+% \ShowPageInfo\par\vfill
+ \GoToPageButton\par\vfill
+% \HomePageButton\par\vfill
+% \TitlePageButton\par\vfill
+% \AbstractPageButton\par\vfill
+% \IndexPageButton\par\vfill
+% \ContentsPageButton\par\vfill
+ \FirstLastButton\par\vfill
+ \PrevNextButton\par\vfill
+ \BackForwardButton\par\vfill
+% \BackButton\par\vfill
+% \ForwardButton\par\vfill
+ \FullScreenButton\par\vfill
+ \SearchButton\par\vfill
+ \CloseButton\par\vfill
+% \QuitButton\par\vfill
+% \ShowEmptyPageInfo needs exactly the same space as \ShowPageInfo. Use this
+% if you want to turn off page info for certain pages without changing the
+% positions of the other panel elements
+ \bgroup%
+ \SetPageInfoStyle%
+ \egroup%
+ \bgroup%
+ \SetPageInfoStyle%
+ \textcolor{ButtonTextColor}{\@Panelpagename}\space%
+ \textcolor{ButtonHighlightedTextColor}{\thepage}%
+ \space\textcolor{ButtonTextColor}{\@Panelofname}\space%
+ \if@chapterpanel%
+ \textcolor{ButtonHighlightedTextColor}%
+ {\csname LastPageC\arabic{chapter}String\endcsname}%
+ \else%
+ \textcolor{ButtonHighlightedTextColor}{\LastPageString}%
+ \fi%
+ \egroup%
+ \Acrobatmenu{GoToPage}{\AddButton%
+ {\textcolor{ButtonTextColor}{\@Panelpagename}\space%
+ \textcolor{ButtonHighlightedTextColor}{\thepage}\space%
+ \textcolor{ButtonTextColor}{\@Panelofname}\space%
+ \if@chapterpanel%
+ \textcolor{ButtonHighlightedTextColor}%
+ {\csname LastPageC\arabic{chapter}String\endcsname}%
+ \else%
+ \textcolor{ButtonHighlightedTextColor}{\LastPageString}%
+ \fi%
+ }}%
+ \href{\@HomepageURL}{\AddButton{\@Panelhomepagename}}
+ \Acrobatmenu{FirstPage}{\AddButton{\FirstButtonCol\@Paneltitlepagename}}%
+ \ifnum\number\AbstractPage=0%
+ \PDFWIN@Warning{no abstract! abstract page button not possible}%
+ \else%
+ \hyperlink{abstract}{\AddButton{\AbstractButtonCol\@Panelabstractname}}%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum\number\ContentsPage=0%
+ \PDFWIN@Warning{no TOC found! contents page button not possible}%
+ \else%
+ \hyperlink{contents}{\AddButton{\ContentsButtonCol\@Panelcontentsname}}%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum\number\IndexPage=0%
+ \PDFWIN@Warning{no index found! index button not possible}%
+ \else%
+ \hyperlink{index}{\AddButton{\ContentsButtonCol\@Panelindexname}}%
+ \fi%
+ \Acrobatmenu{FirstPage}{\AddButton[\@SmallButtonWidth]%
+ {\FirstButtonCol\scalebox{.8}[1.4]{\btl\btl}}}%
+ \Acrobatmenu{LastPage}{\AddButton[\@SmallButtonWidth]%
+ {\LastButtonCol\scalebox{.8}[1.4]{\btr\btr}}}%
+ \Acrobatmenu{PrevPage}{\AddButton[\@SmallButtonWidth]%
+ {\FirstButtonCol\scalebox{.8}[1.4]{\btl}}}%
+ \Acrobatmenu{NextPage}{\AddButton[\@SmallButtonWidth]%
+ {\LastButtonCol\scalebox{.8}[1.4]{\btr}}}%
+ \Acrobatmenu{GoBack}{\AddButton[\@SmallButtonWidth]%
+ {\raisebox{-2pt}{\scalebox{2}{$\hookleftarrow$}}}}%
+ \Acrobatmenu{GoForward}{\AddButton[\@SmallButtonWidth]%
+ {\raisebox{-2pt}{\scalebox{2}{$\hookrightarrow$}}}}%
+ \Acrobatmenu{GoBack}{\AddButton{\@Panelgobackname}}%
+ \Acrobatmenu{GoForward}{\AddButton{\@Panelgoforwardname}}%
+ \Acrobatmenu{FullScreen}{\AddButton{\@Panelfullscreenname}}%
+ \Acrobatmenu{Find}{\AddButton{\@Panelsearchname}}%
+ \Acrobatmenu{Close}{\AddButton{\@Panelclosename}}%
+ \Acrobatmenu{Quit}{\AddButton{\@Panelquitname}}%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+ \stepcounter{ptocsection}%
+ \hypertarget{ptoctarget\number\c@ptocsection}{}%
+ \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\PTocEntry{#1}{ptoctarget\number\c@ptocsection}}%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+% for a panel TOC we have to modify:
+% * the input of the *.toc file
+% * the generation of the *.toc file
+% the last thing is necessary because usually the \tableofcontents
+% command does BOTH jobs: the display and the generation. And
+% therefore, it must only be called once in a normal LaTeX
+% document.
+% But for a panel TOC (i.e. a TOC an EVERY page) we have to separate
+% both tasks.
+% The original \tableofcontents is (in article class):
+% \newcommand\tableofcontents{%
+% \section*{\contentsname\@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\contentsname}%
+% {\MakeUppercase\contentsname}}\@starttoc{toc}%
+% }
+% and \@starttoc does (latex base):
+% \def\@starttoc#1{%
+% \begingroup
+% \makeatletter
+% \@input{\jobname.#1}%
+% \if@filesw
+% \expandafter\newwrite\csname tf@#1\endcsname
+% \immediate\openout \csname tf@#1\endcsname \jobname.#1\relax
+% \fi
+% \@nobreakfalse
+% \endgroup}
+% We separate this in two parts: \tableofcontents is redefined to
+% only SHOW the toc and the WRITE command is given at the end of
+% the document.
+% NOTE: \makeatletter is necessary if e.g. the babel package is used:
+% this package writes a \select@language command via the *.aux file
+% of the last LaTeX run. Without \makeatletter, a "undefined command"
+% would result because '@' is no letter anymore.
+ \section*{\contentsname\@mkboth{\MakeUppercase\contentsname}%
+ {\MakeUppercase\contentsname}}%
+ \begingroup%
+ \makeatletter%
+ \@input{\jobname.toc}%
+ \endgroup%
+ \if@filesw%
+ \clearpage% <-- otherwise the panel toc on the last page would be lost
+ \newwrite\tf@toc%
+ \immediate\openout\tf@toc\jobname.toc\relax%
+ \fi
+% On reading the *.toc file for the panel TOC, we must modify the
+% display (locally, of course!):
+% - disable \numberline which would produce a dotted line with
+% the page number at the end.
+% - count the sections in order to switch between normal and
+% highlighted display
+ \IfFileExists{\jobname.toc}{\vbox%
+ \bgroup%
+ \rightskip0pt plus 1fill%
+ \hbadness=10000%
+ \let\numberline\@gobble%
+ \let\contentsline\PanelTOC@ContentsLine%
+ \let\PTocEntry\PanelTOC@PTocEntry%
+ \makeatletter%
+ \@input{\jobname.toc}%
+ \PDFWIN@Info{TOC file read}%
+ \egroup}%
+ % ELSE (file does not exist)
+ {\PDFWIN@Warning{TOC file not available}}%
+ \edef\temp{#1}%
+ \ifx\temp\chapterstring%
+ \stepcounter{TocChapterCount}%
+ \fi%
+ \ifnum\c@TocChapterCount=\c@chapter%
+ \ifx\temp\sectionstring%
+ \stepcounter{PanelTocLine}%
+ \@tempcnta=\c@section%
+ \advance\@tempcnta by \c@ptocsection%
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta=\c@PanelTocLine%
+ \global\@PanelTocHighlighttrue%
+ \else%
+ \global\@PanelTocHighlightfalse%
+ \fi%
+ \hyperlink{#4}{\makebox[\@Panel@DimX]%
+ {\TOC@Button{.97\@Panel@DimX}{\truncate{.96\@Panel@DimX}{#2}}}}%
+ \par%
+ \fi% section entry detected
+ \fi% in actual chapter
+ \stepcounter{PanelTocLine}%
+ \@tempcnta=\c@section%
+ \advance\@tempcnta by \c@ptocsection%
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta=\c@PanelTocLine%
+ \global\@PanelTocHighlighttrue%
+ \else%
+ \global\@PanelTocHighlightfalse%
+ \fi%
+ \hyperlink{#2}{\makebox[\@Panel@DimX]%
+ {\TOC@Button{.97\@Panel@DimX}{\truncate{.96\@Panel@DimX}{#1}}}}%
+ \par%
+% displaying the panel TOC buttons
+ \fboxsep0pt
+ \fboxrule0pt%
+ \if@PanelTocHighlight%
+ \if@PTocHTransparent%
+ {\hbox to #1{\color{PanelTocHighlightedTextColor}%
+ \SetTocHTextStyle\hfill#2\hfill}}%
+ \else%
+ {\colorbox{PanelTocHighlightedBackgroundColor}{\hbox to #1%
+ {\color{PanelTocHighlightedTextColor}\SetTocHTextStyle\hfill#2\hfill}}}%
+ \fi%
+ \else%
+ \if@PTocNTransparent%
+ {\hbox to #1{\color{PanelTocNormalTextColor}%
+ \SetTocNTextStyle\hfill#2\hfill}}%
+ \else%
+ {\colorbox{PanelTocNormalBackgroundColor}{\hbox to #1%
+ {\color{PanelTocNormalTextColor}\SetTocNTextStyle\hfill#2\hfill}}}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+% (!!!) einige Sachen noch fest verdrahtet!
+ \normalfont\normalsize%
+ \bgroup%
+ \fboxrule1pt%
+ \@tempcnta=0%
+ \@tempcntb=\number\ChapterNumber%
+ \advance\@tempcntb by 1%
+ \loop%
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta<\@tempcntb%
+ \ifnum\c@chapter=\@tempcnta%
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta=0%
+ \Acrobatmenu{FirstPage}{\Big@NoChapterButton{\@Paneltitlepagename}}
+ \else \ifnum\@tempcnta=16%
+ \hyperlink{index}{\Big@NoChapterButton{\@Panelindexname}}
+ \else%
+ \hyperlink{chapter.\number\@tempcnta}{\Big@ChapterButton{\chaptertitle}}
+ \fi\fi%
+ \else % chapter not selected
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta=0%
+ \Acrobatmenu{FirstPage}{\Small@NoChapterButton{T}}
+ \else\ifnum\@tempcnta=16%
+ \hyperlink{index}{\Small@NoChapterButton{I}}
+ \else%
+ \hyperlink{chapter.\number\@tempcnta}{\Small@ChapterButton}
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi % chapter selected?
+ \advance\@tempcnta by 1%
+ \repeat
+ \egroup
+ \ThreeDimBox{\colorbox{ChapterPanelColor0a}{%
+ \begin{minipage}[c][5mm]{22mm}%
+ \centering\SetChapterTextStyle\color{ChapterPanelColor0b}#1%
+ \end{minipage}%
+ }}{ChapterPanelColor0c}{ChapterPanelColor0d}%
+ \ThreeDimBox{\colorbox{ChapterPanelColor1a}{%
+ \begin{minipage}[c][5mm]{22mm}%
+ \offinterlineskip\centering\SetChapterTextStyle\color{ChapterPanelColor1b}%
+ \@chapapp\space\@Roman\@tempcnta\\ \SetChapterTitelStyle #1\\ %
+ \end{minipage}%
+ }}{ChapterPanelColor1c}{ChapterPanelColor1d}%
+ \ThreeDimBox{\colorbox{ChapterPanelColor0a}{%
+ \begin{minipage}[c][3mm]{3mm}%
+ \centering\SetChapterTextStyle\color{ChapterPanelColor0b}#1%
+ \end{minipage}%
+ }}{ChapterPanelColor0c}{ChapterPanelColor0d}%
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+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+% TeX assembles a page and calls \shipout{...} then.
+% Therefore, we have to interrupt \shipout
+ \let\org@shipout\shipout
+ \let\shipout\my@shipout
+% now we have to steal shipout's argument in order
+% to modify it as we like
+ \afterassignment\Test@OutBox%
+ \global\setbox\@cclv= %
+ \ifvoid\@cclv%
+ \relax\aftergroup\My@Output%
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+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+% (original page is in box 255 [or \box\@cclv])
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+ % draw background
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+ % draw other windows
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+ {\bgroup%
+ \setlength{\unitlength}{1pt}
+ \Draw@TopTextWindow%
+ \egroup}%
+ \endpicture%
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+% --------------------------------------------------------------
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+ \@ShowWindow{Panel}%
+ \@ShowWindow{User}%
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+ \or%
+ \or%
+ % 2 = colored
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+ height\paperheight depth0pt width\paperwidth\egroup}%
+ \or%
+ % 3 = graphics
+ \put(0,0){\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight]%
+ {\@Screen@Overlay}}%
+ \or%
+ % 4 = extended
+ \put(0,0){\bgroup\color{ScreenBackgroundColor}\vrule%
+ height\paperheight depth0pt width\paperwidth\egroup}%
+ \put(0,0){\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight]%
+ {\@Screen@Overlay}}%
+ \or%
+ % 5 = wallpaper
+ \bgroup%
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\includegraphics{\@Screen@Overlay}}%
+ \setlength{\unitlength}{1sp}%
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+ \count255=\wd0%
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+ \setbox2=\hbox{\count255=-1%
+ \loop\ifnum\count255<\@tempcnta\advance\count255 by 1\copy0\repeat\hss}
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+ \count255=\ht0%
+ \divide\@tempcntb by \count255%
+ \advance\@tempcntb by 1%
+ \multiput(0,0)(0,\count255){\@tempcntb}{\copy2}%
+ \egroup%
+ \fi%
+% show window procedure
+ \expandafter\Win@DimX\csname @#1@DimX\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\Win@DimY\csname @#1@DimY\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\Win@LLX\csname @#1@LLX\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\Win@LLY\csname @#1@LLY\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\Win@BT\csname @#1@BorderThickness\endcsname%
+ \expandafter\Win@BR\csname @#1@BorderArcRadius\endcsname%
+ \ifcase\csname @#1@WinType\endcsname%
+ % 0 = disabled
+ \relax%
+ \or%
+ % 1 = transparent => frame+contents
+ \ShowWindow@Frame{#1}%
+ \ShowWindow@Contents{#1}%
+ \or%
+ % 2 = colored => frame+box+contents
+ \ShowWindow@FrameBox{#1}%
+ \ShowWindow@Contents{#1}%
+ \or%
+ % 3 = graphics => graphics+contents
+ \ShowWindow@Frame{#1}%
+ \ShowWindow@Graphics{#1}%
+ \ShowWindow@Contents{#1}%
+ \or%
+ % 4 = extended => frame+box+graphics+contents
+ \ShowWindow@FrameBox{#1}%
+ \ShowWindow@Graphics{#1}%
+ \ShowWindow@Contents{#1}%
+ \fi%
+ \bgroup
+ \color{#1BorderColor}%
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+ {\vrule width\Win@DimX height\@tempdimb depth-\Win@DimY}%
+ \put(\strip@pt\Win@LLX,\strip@pt\Win@LLY)%
+ {\vrule width\Win@DimX height0pt depth\Win@BT}%
+ \@tempdima=\Win@LLX \advance\@tempdima by -\Win@BT%
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+ \put(\strip@pt\@tempdima,\strip@pt\Win@LLY)%
+ {\vrule width\Win@BT height\@tempdimb depth\Win@BT}%
+ \put(\strip@pt\@tempdimc,\strip@pt\Win@LLY)%
+ {\vrule width\Win@BT height\@tempdimb depth\Win@BT}%
+ \egroup
+ \ifdim\Win@BR=0pt%
+ \ShowWindow@Frame{#1}%
+ \put(\strip@pt\Win@LLX,\strip@pt\Win@LLY)%
+ {\color{#1BackgroundColor}\vrule height\Win@DimY%
+ depth0pt width\Win@DimX}%
+ \else
+ \@tempdima=\Win@LLX \advance\@tempdima by -\Win@BT%
+ \@tempdimb=\Win@LLY \advance\@tempdimb by \Win@BR%
+ \@tempdimc=\Win@DimX \advance\@tempdimc by -2.0\Win@BR%
+ % bottom line: corners and bottom border
+ \dimen0\Win@BR \advance\dimen0\Win@BT % big radius
+ \put(\strip@pt\@tempdima,\strip@pt\@tempdimb){%
+ \color{#1BorderColor}%
+ \Left@Corner{\@height}{\@depth}%
+ \vrule width\@tempdimc height0pt depth\dimen0%
+ \Right@Corner{\@height}{\@depth}%
+ }%
+ \dimen0\Win@BR \advance\dimen0 by -0.3pt%
+ \put(\strip@pt\Win@LLX,\strip@pt\@tempdimb){%
+ \color{#1BackgroundColor}%
+ \Left@Corner{\@height}{\@depth}%
+ \vrule width\@tempdimc height0pt depth\dimen0%
+ \Right@Corner{\@height}{\@depth}%
+ }%
+ % top line: corners and top border
+ \@tempdimb=\Win@LLY \advance\@tempdimb by -\Win@BR%
+ \advance\@tempdimb by \Win@DimY%
+ \dimen0\Win@BR \advance\dimen0\Win@BT % big radius
+ \put(\strip@pt\@tempdima,\strip@pt\@tempdimb){%
+ \color{#1BorderColor}%
+ \Left@Corner{\@depth}{\@height}%
+ \vrule width\@tempdimc height\dimen0 depth0pt%
+ \Right@Corner{\@depth}{\@height}%
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+ \dimen0\Win@BR%
+ \dimen0\Win@BR \advance\dimen0 by -0.3pt%
+ \put(\strip@pt\Win@LLX,\strip@pt\@tempdimb){%
+ \color{#1BackgroundColor}%
+ \Left@Corner{\@depth}{\@height}%
+ \vrule width\@tempdimc height\dimen0 depth0pt%
+ \Right@Corner{\@depth}{\@height}%
+ }%
+ % middle line: side borders and center
+ \@tempdimb=\Win@LLY \advance\@tempdimb by .93\Win@BR%
+ \@tempdimc=\Win@DimY \advance\@tempdimc by -1.86\Win@BR%
+ \put(\strip@pt\@tempdima,\strip@pt\@tempdimb){%
+ \color{#1BorderColor}%
+ \vrule width\Win@BT height\@tempdimc depth0pt%
+ \color{#1BackgroundColor}%
+ \vrule width\Win@DimX height\@tempdimc depth0pt%
+ \color{#1BorderColor}%
+ \vrule width\Win@BT height\@tempdimc depth0pt%
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+ \fi%
+ \edef\tempFileName{\csname @#1@Overlay\endcsname}%
+ \put(\strip@pt\Win@LLX,\strip@pt\Win@LLY)%
+ {\includegraphics[width=\Win@DimX,height=\Win@DimY]{\tempFileName}}%
+ \put(\strip@pt\Win@LLX,\strip@pt\Win@LLY)%
+ {\makebox(\strip@pt\Win@DimX,\strip@pt\Win@DimY)%
+ {\csname @#1@\endcsname}}%
+ \put(\strip@pt\@Text@LLX,\strip@pt\@Text@LLY)%
+ {\makebox(\strip@pt\@Text@DimX,\strip@pt\@Text@DimY)%
+ {\Top@Text@}}%
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+% CORNER DRAWING: drawing a few black rectangles, because
+% (La)TeX's graphical features are very limited...
+% NOTE: overlap of bars is necessary to avoid white
+% lines due to alialising effects.
+% The straight forward method, namely putting together simple
+% adjacent bars, does not work properly.
+% NOTE: \p@ means 0pt. \@width, \@height, \@depth are macros for
+% the strings width, height, depth. 120 calls save enough memory
+% space to justify that in this section.
+ \vrule \@width.070\dimen0 #1 \p@ #2 1.0\dimen0 \kern-.070\dimen0%
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+ %
+ \vrule #2 .070\dimen0 #1 \p@ \@width1.0\dimen0 \kern-1.0\dimen0%
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+ \vrule #2 .619\dimen0 #1 \p@ \@width.79\dimen0 \kern-.78\dimen0%
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+ \vrule #2 .709\dimen0 #1 \p@ \@width.71\dimen0 \kern-.709\dimen0%
+ %
+ \vrule \@width.709\dimen0 #1 \p@ #2 .71\dimen0 \kern-.699\dimen0%
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+%-------------- Verbatim fix -------------
+% This code is provided by DP Story
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+ \fi
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+ \endgroup}
+ \def\@verb{\@vobeyspaces \frenchspacing\@sverb}
+% end of DPS' code
+%-------------- end of Verbatim fix -------------
+% --------------------------------------------------------------
+% FINAL STUFF: \AtEndDocument settings and config file input
+ \clearpage%
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+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EOF
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfwin/truncate.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfwin/truncate.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a4f0ed840cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pdfwin/truncate.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+% truncate.sty ver 3.6 20-Aug-2001 Donald Arseneau
+% This LaTeX program is released to the public domain.
+% Truncate text to a specified width: \truncate [marker]{width}{text}
+% If the text is too wide to fit in the specified width, then it is
+% truncated, and a continuation marker is shown at the end. The default
+% marker, used when the optional "[marker]" parameter is omitted, is
+% "\,\dots". You can change this default by redefining "\TruncateMarker"
+% ("\renewcommand{\TruncateMarker}{}").
+% Normally, the text (whether truncated or not) is printed flush-left
+% in a box with exactly the width specified. The package option "[fit]"
+% ("\usepackage[fit]{truncate}") causes the output text to have its
+% natural width, up to a maximum of the specified width.
+% The text will not normally be truncated in the middle of a word,
+% nor at a space specified by the tie "~". For example:
+% "\truncate{122pt}{This text has been~truncated}"
+% gives
+% "This text has... "
+% You can give one of the package options "[hyphenate]", "[breakwords]",
+% or "[breakall]" to allow breaking in the middle of words. The first
+% two only truncate at hyphenation points; with the difference being that
+% "breakwords" suppresses the hyphen character. On the other hand,
+% "breakall" allows truncation at any character. For example:
+% "\truncate{122pt}{This text has been~truncated}"
+% gives
+% "This text has been trun-..." (hyphenate)
+% "This text has been trun... " (breakwords)
+% "This text has been trunc..." (breakall)
+% (All of these options work through TeX's hyphenation mechanism.)
+\ProvidesPackage{truncate}[2001/08/20 \space ver 3.6]
+% [breakwords] allows hyphenation but with invisible hyphen characters
+ \let\@Trunc@DoSelect\relax
+ \expandafter\chardef\csname \string\@TruncHyph T1\endcsname 23
+ \expandafter\chardef\csname \string\@TruncHyph OT1\endcsname 223
+ \expandafter\chardef\csname \string\@TruncHyph LY1\endcsname 0
+ \def\@Trunc@Post{\hyphenpenalty\tw@ \exhyphenpenalty\tw@
+ \doublehyphendemerits\z@ \finalhyphendemerits\z@
+ \the\@Trunc@RestHyph % set invisible hyphenchars for all fonts used
+ }}
+% [breakall] is like breakwords, but all characters are treated like
+% the letter "c"; the default language 0 patterns allow hyphenation
+% c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c. This means we don't need special patterns!
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\@Trunc@Post\expandafter{\@Trunc@Post
+ \@tempcnta\z@ \chardef\c`\c % in knuth patterns, c allows hyphens
+ \loop \lccode\@tempcnta\c \advance\@tempcnta\@ne
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta<\@cclvi \repeat}%
+ \def\@Trunc@Pre{% force US english
+ \lefthyphenmin\@ne \righthyphenmin\@ne
+ \doublehyphendemerits\language
+ \language\z@ % default English language
+ \let\language\doublehyphendemerits
+ \uchyph\@ne
+ }}
+% [hyphenate] ordinary hyphenation for breakpoints
+\DeclareOption{hyphenate}{% takes precedence over breakwords
+ \def\@Trunc@Post{\hyphenpenalty\sixt@@n}\let\@Trunc@Pre\relax}
+% [fit] use true size of truncated text, not requested size.
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{\unhbox\z@\unskip\unskip\@tempa}%
+ \ifdim\wd\z@>\hsize \hbox to\hsize{\unhbox\z@}\else \box\z@ \fi}}
+% Defaults:
+\def\@Trunc@Rebox{\hbox to\hsize{\unhbox\z@\unskip\unskip\@tempa\hfil}}
+\newcommand{\truncate}[3][\TruncateMarker]{% #1=marker #2=width #3=text
+ \parbox[b]{#2}{\tolerance9999 \emergencystretch .216\hsize
+ \vbadness\maxdimen \vfuzz\vsize % no overfull warnings
+ \hbadness\maxdimen \hfuzz\vsize
+ % set up hyphenchar switching for all fonts used.
+ \edef\@tempb{\the\@Trunc@RestHyph}% save whole stack
+ \global\@Trunc@RestHyph{}%
+ \ifx\@Trunc@DoSelect\relax
+ \let\@Trunc@DoSelect\selectfont
+ \def\selectfont{\@Trunc@DoSelect\@Trunc@SaveHChar}%
+ \fi
+ \@Trunc@SaveHChar % do it for current font
+ \setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup
+ % First set text in a hbox to see if it fits.
+ \setbox\z@\@@line{\ignorespaces #3\unskip\hfil}%
+ \ifnum\badness>\@M % text does not fit
+ \settowidth\rightskip{#1}%
+ \advance\rightskip \z@\@plus\p@
+ \parfillskip-\@ne\rightskip \@plus\@ne fil
+ \parshape \tw@ \z@\hsize \z@\maxdimen \linepenalty60
+ \tracinglostchars\z@
+ %% \let\par\relax -- don't do this because \vskip causes infinite loop
+ \@Trunc@Pre % must set language before paragraph
+ \noindent \vadjust{\penalty-\@MM}% for splitting off first line
+ \nobreak\hskip\z@skip % allow first word hyphenation
+ \ignorespaces #3% the text
+ \pretolerance\hyphenpenalty \@Trunc@Post % set up `hyphenation'
+ \@@par
+ \ifnum\prevgraf>\@ne
+ \egroup \def\@tempa{#1}% use truncation marker
+ \else
+ \egroup \let\@tempa\@empty% no linebreak, so all text fits; no marker
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \box\z@ \egroup \let\@tempa\@empty
+ \fi
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\vsplit\z@ to\z@ \unvbox\@tempboxa
+ \unskip\unpenalty\unpenalty
+ \setbox\z@\lastbox
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \hfuzz\p@
+ \@Trunc@Rebox
+ \let\@Trunc@HC\@firstofone \the\@Trunc@RestHyph % restore hyphenchars
+ \global\@Trunc@RestHyph\expandafter{\@tempb}% restore the stack itself
+ }}
+% (Note that the text may be proessed twice. I could avoid that
+% if there are problems with global counters etc.)
+% we save (implicit global) hyphenchar settings for each font on a
+% manual stack -- the token register \@Trunc@RestHyph -- before changing
+% them. We execute \@Trunc@RestHyph to set them to the invisible
+% characters and then again to restore them. (I can't imagine this
+% will ever be required.)
+ \edef\@tempa{%
+ \hyphenchar\the\font=\noexpand\@Trunc@HC{\the\hyphenchar\font}\relax
+ \the\@Trunc@RestHyph}%
+ \global\@Trunc@RestHyph\expandafter{\@tempa}%
+% \hyphenchar\font\z@
+ \endgroup}
+% select an invisible character for hyphenation. Use \textcompwordmark, if
+% any; use selected numbers for certain encodings (OT1 uses a *missing*
+% character); use a space otherwise.
+ \@ifundefined{\f@encoding\string\textcompwordmark}{%
+ \@ifundefined{\string\@TruncHyph\f@encoding}%
+ {32}% If no appropriate character, guess space character may be blank
+ {\csname \string\@TruncHyph\f@encoding\endcsname}%
+ }{\csname\f@encoding\string\textcompwordmark\endcsname}}%