path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/libertinust1math/libertinust1math.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/libertinust1math/libertinust1math.sty
index 1b5a46861e6..38d00514e97 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/libertinust1math/libertinust1math.sty
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/libertinust1math/libertinust1math.sty
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
[\filedate\space v\fileversion---latex support for LibertinusT1Math (msharpe)]
\newif\iflibus@upint %\libus@upintfalse
\newif\iflibus@ams % amsfonts
@@ -15,7 +15,16 @@
\newif\iflibus@mathsfit %
+\newcommand{\enablesbcorrection}{\libus@sbctrue\AtBeginDocument{\mathcode`\_=\string"8000 \catcode`\_=12\relax}}
\DeclareOptionX{upint} {\libus@upinttrue}
\DeclareOptionX{frenchmath} {\libus@frenchmtrue}
@@ -28,8 +37,10 @@
\DeclareOptionX{mathsfit} {\libus@mathsfittrue}
\DeclareOptionX{scale} {\def\libus@scale{#1}}
\DeclareOptionX{scaled} {\def\libus@scale{#1}}
@@ -45,6 +56,12 @@
+ \RequirePackage{amsthm}
+ \typeout{amsthm loaded}
+ \typeout{amsthm NOT loaded}
@@ -132,7 +149,101 @@
\DeclareMathAlphabet{\mathbcal} {U}{stixcal}{b}{n}
\DeclareSymbolFontAlphabet{\mathbb} {symbolsbb}
+% Should test for which math italic font and customize these numbers.
+\def\tx@sb@dflt{% default subscript kerns, usually negative
+ \if\next f\mkern-2mu\else
+ \if\next j\mkern-3mu\else
+ \if\next p\mkern-2mu\else
+ \if\next y\mkern-\@ne mu\else
+ \if\next A\mkern-3mu\else
+ \if\next B\mkern-\@ne mu\else
+ \if\next D\mkern-\@ne mu\else
+ \if\next H\mkern-\@ne mu\else
+ \if\next I\mkern-\@ne mu\else
+ \if\next K\mkern-\@ne mu\else
+ \if\next L\mkern-\@ne mu\else
+ \if\next M\mkern-\@ne mu\else
+ \if\next N\mkern-0.5mu\else
+ \if\next P\mkern-\@ne mu\else
+ \if\next X\mkern-\@ne mu\else
+ \if\next \rho\mkern-2mu\else
+ \if\next \beta\mkern-\@ne mu\else
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \fi}
+\newcommand*{\loadsubfile}[1]{\readsufile{#1}%creates toks tx@tA. tx@tB
+ \tx@tA={}
+ \tx@tB={}
+ \openin\tx@su=#1
+ \loop\unless\ifeof\tx@su
+ \read\tx@su to \tx@line
+ \if\tx@line\par\else
+ \expandafter\tx@addrec\tx@line
+ \fi
+ \repeat
+\tx@tA\expandafter{\the\tx@tA\next #1\mkern #2 mu\else}
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname xyversion\endcsname\relax \else
+ \PackageError{newtxmath}{xy package is not compatible with the subscriptcorrection macros}{Either remove xy or disable
+ subscriptcorrection by means of package option nosubscriptcorrection}
+ \fi
+ \IfFileExists{\tx@subs}{\loadsubfile{\tx@subs}}%
+ {\def\tx@sb{\tx@sb@dflt}\message{File \tx@subs\space not found. Using internal defaults for subscript correction.^^J}}
+% Subscript correction code
+% next 2 macros borrowed from TeX by Topic
+ \edef\tx@act{\noexpand\tx@SplitOff\the#1%
+ (tx@head:)\noexpand#2(tx@tail:)\noexpand#1}%
+ \tx@act}
+\def\tx@SplitOff#1#2(tx@head:)#3(tx@tail:)#4{\def#3{\noexpand #1}#4={#2}}
+\AtBeginDocument{% first check if _ has been redefined
+ \mathcode`\_=\string"8000 \catcode`\_=12\relax} \begingroup
+ \catcode`\_=13
+ \gdef_{\expandafter\s@@b@}
+\tx@Pop\tx@sbptoks(into:)\next% first token is \next
+\sb{\tx@sb \tx@next@}} % \tx@sb provides mkern to insert before first tok
\libus@MathSymbol{\upGamma} {\mathalpha}{operators}{"00}
@@ -223,47 +334,90 @@
@@ -1047,6 +1201,7 @@
%\libus@MathSymbol{\smallintsl} {\mathop}{symbols}{"08}
\libus@MathSymbol{\smallprod} {\mathop}{symbols}{"11}
\libus@MathSymbol{\smallcoprod} {\mathop}{symbols}{"12}
\libus@MathSymbol{\backsimeq} {\mathrel}{symbols}{"13}
\libus@MathSymbol{\curlyvee} {\mathbin}{symbols}{"14}
\libus@MathSymbol{\curlywedge} {\mathbin}{symbols}{"15}
@@ -1243,8 +1398,8 @@
%\libus@MathSymbol{\parallelogram} {\mathord}{symbols}{"C8}
\libus@MathSymbol{\bigblacktriangleup} {\mathord}{symbols}{"C9}
\libus@MathSymbol{\bigtriangleup} {\mathbin}{symbols}{"CA} \let\varbigtriangleup=\bigtriangleup \let\triangle=\bigtriangleup
-%\libus@MathSymbol{\blacktriangle} {\mathord}{symbols}{"CB}
-%\libus@MathSymbol{\vartriangle} {\mathrel}{symbols}{"CC}
+\libus@MathSymbol{\Perp} {\mathrel}{symbols}{"CB}
+\libus@MathSymbol{\nPerp} {\mathrel}{symbols}{"CC}
\libus@MathSymbol{\blacktriangleright} {\mathord}{symbols}{"CD}
\libus@MathSymbol{\vartriangleright} {\mathrel}{symbols}{"CE} \libus@MathSymbol{\rhd}{\mathbin}{symbols}{"CE}
%\libus@MathSymbol{\smallblacktriangleright} {\mathord}{symbols}{"CF}
@@ -1369,5 +1524,92 @@
+% Code from Murray Eisenberg for a macro \widebar to complement \widehat and \widetilde
+% Original by Hendrik Vogt
+% Modified at
+ \setbox0\hbox{${\mathaccent"0\hexnumber@\symletters 9A{#1}}^H$}%
+ \setbox2\hbox{${\mathaccent"0\hexnumber@\symletters 9A{\kern0pt#1}}^H$}%
+ \ifdim\ht0=\ht2 #3\else #2\fi
+ }
+%The bar will be moved to the right by a half of \macc@kerna, which is computed by amsmath:
+%If there's a superscript following the bar, then no negative kern may follow the bar;
+%an additional {} makes sure that the superscript is high enough in this case:
+%Use a separate algorithm for single symbols:
+ \begingroup
+ \def\mathaccent##1##2{%
+%If there's more than a single symbol, use the first character instead (see below):
+ \if#32 \let\macc@nucleus\first@char \fi
+%Determine the italic correction:
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{$\macc@style{\macc@nucleus}_{}$}%
+ \setbox\tw@\hbox{$\macc@style{\macc@nucleus}{}_{}$}%
+ \dimen@\wd\tw@
+ \advance\dimen@-\wd\z@
+%Now \dimen@ is the italic correction of the symbol.
+ \divide\dimen@ 3
+ \@tempdima\wd\tw@
+ \advance\@tempdima-\scriptspace
+%Now \@tempdima is the width of the symbol.
+ \divide\@tempdima 10
+ \advance\dimen@-\@tempdima
+%Now \dimen@ = (italic correction / 3) - (Breite / 10)
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\z@ \dimen@0pt\fi
+%The bar will be shortened in the case \dimen@<0 !
+ \rel@kern{0.6}\kern-\dimen@
+ \if#31
+ \overline{\rel@kern{-0.6}\kern\dimen@\macc@nucleus\rel@kern{0.4}\kern\dimen@}%
+ \advance\dimen@0.4\dimexpr\macc@kerna
+%Place the combined final kern (-\dimen@) if it is >0 or if a superscript follows:
+ \let\final@kern#2%
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\z@ \let\final@kern1\fi
+ \if\final@kern1 \kern-\dimen@\fi
+ \else
+ \overline{\rel@kern{-0.6}\kern\dimen@#1}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \macc@depth\@ne
+ \let\math@bgroup\@empty \let\math@egroup\macc@set@skewchar
+ \mathsurround\z@ \frozen@everymath{\mathgroup\macc@group\relax}%
+ \macc@set@skewchar\relax
+ \let\mathaccentV\macc@nested@a
+%The following initialises \macc@kerna and calls \mathaccent:
+ \if#31
+ \macc@nested@a\relax111{#1}%
+ \else
+%If the argument consists of more than one symbol, and if the first token is
+%a letter, use that letter for the computations:
+ \def\gobble@till@marker##1\endmarker{}%
+ \futurelet\first@char\gobble@till@marker#1\endmarker
+ \ifcat\noexpand\first@char A\else
+ \def\first@char{}%
+ \fi
+ \macc@nested@a\relax111{\first@char}%
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+%%%%%%% Begin txvec code 2019-07-31 (adaptive vec)
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\rVec@h}{\mathrel}{symbols}{199}% vector head
+\DeclareMathSymbol{\rVec@x}{\mathrel}{symbols}{200}% vector extension
+%% borrow interfacefrom esvect
+#1#2\crcr\noalign{\kern\ntxmath@vecsep\nointerlineskip}% kern controls sep to arrow
+$\m@th\hfil #2#3\hfil$\crcr}}}}
+%%%%%%%% End txvec code